It's a step in the right direction but very concerning that there is not yet a recommendation against its use for females. There are reports of Spike accumulating in several organs but in the ovaries in particular and of ovarian cancer following mRNA vaccination. I would not recommend it to anyone apart from public health bureaucrats and other pushers who either did not research it sufficiently before approving it or who were wilfully blind about the dangers.
I wonder if the choice to make the recommendation about males under 40 the first one was strategic. Florida made the recommendation with regard to an adverse effect that the CDC has already acknowledged, whereas the CDC, ACOG, et al are still recommending (utterly insanely) that women get vaccinated, including pregnant and nursing ones.
(Even so, the Florida recommendation should have been to refrain from vaccinating any person under the age of 135 years old.)
Heard the man talking yesterday aboutthe jabs. He said when he went to Florida amid all the first call out of this "virus"(bioweapon) from wherever he's from, they flew. He sosaid that if readtravel restrictions had been in place and the jabs had been required to travel, he and his wife would have driven. That says a lot...about his intellect and about his eyes being open from the start. I think they'll come out with further comments against them.
Prior to the "COV!D" operation, my husband and I had planned to visit Florida. We would fly down and rent a car so we could explore. Those plans got moved up as the crime unfolded and Florida looked like it had not completely hit its head. Yet this was at a time when the losers in the airline industry obeyed orders to enforce snot pouches on all passengers. Like HELL I'll put one of those things on for anything, much less for getting into an aluminum tube to hurtle through space at 35,000 feet with six inches between me and the "chilly outdoors". A snot pouch for time spent in a machine that filters and recirculates some of the cleanest air in the world. Are people really, really, really that degraded in character and intellect???
So. We drove. From a location in NH about 40 miles from Canada to the Florida Panhandle. Down and back to explore this part of the Sunshine State. I used to fly a fair amount and loved it, but no way in HELL would I cooperate with a lie -- in this case, for convenience's sake.
Novavax is even worse, if that's possible to imagine. There were findings reported some months ago that it was associated with myocarditis at a higher rate than for the mRNA death jabs. Novavax pumps you full of spike protein. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is toxic. Spike has been found in the heart of dead vaccinees.
EU says Novavax COVID shot must carry heart side-effect warning
I routinely inquire of shills: Are you up to date with your boosters? If not, why not? You look like you could do with some more exercise. Why not go and get another booster and then start triathlon training? etc
Have a family reunion this weekend. I'm terrified I'm going to go off on an idiot "woke" cousin who supports all of the jabs as who as illegal immigration. He used to be one of my favorite, I think of him with pity. Any thoughts or prayers for a holding of my words this weekend would be appreciated.
The reason is Official Data shows males at risk of myo/pericarditis. Therefore, they can say, "Hey, we're just creating good policy based on YOUR data, CDC."
Good strategy. The game is to EXPOSE THE FRAUD. Protecting people is yesterday - that horse left the fucking barn around March of 22.
At the risk of being a PIA contrarian, the horse left the barn in mid-to-late Feb/early Mar of 2020 when the scum of the earth put into full swing the "COV!D" operation -- and virtually everyone cooperated with it.
Totally agree STL! That's when they closed schools in March! That's when I went into full on WTF mode and started doing my research. Don't own a computer or pay for internet. Just my lil' ol smart phone. But I keep up pretty good. My eyes are going crazy though 😳!
Thank you! Yes, it's when I first started to get nervous...talking to myself -- "They're not actually gonna do this?? This is a crime! They have no authority to shut the country down!!!" And then when it actually happened -- and the government scum actually had the AUDACITY to divide actual living and breathing and contributing members of this country into "essential" and "non-essential" workers. Are you freakin' kidding me???
A lot of arm waving and cussin' took place in our home by yours truly way back when in Mar 2020. Absolutely beside myself. And disgusted by the obviously unlawful and destructive.
Good for you to take on so much work/reading/researching armed with only a smart phone. I commend you.
Verrry thankful & proud to be labeled, “ANTI-VAXXXER”!!! (I now wonder how much better health I would have IF I had never had any vaxxx growing up. I chose not to vaxxx my son - he is in his 30’s now & has never had anything more than a common cold. We all had mild Covid & recovered with natural immunity benefits. Will NEVER trust the vaxxx “industry” as long as I have my wits about me & continue to research this topic.”)
May I suggest who would be in that room ? ... Fauucchhii, Gates, Bourla, all other CEO’s that forced mandated, scarf lady Birx, the current Occupier of the Oval Office & his fam, etc
Understand that this is what they have been trying to do!! Start with brown/black individuals and the trans/bi/etc all in the name of "equity." They are also encouraging more to come out of the woodwork so that they can also have their priority chance at the pricks (see @Dr Linda?). The idiots lining up do so smugly, thinking that they are going to be the ones left. It's all a game - but since there are so many to play, they don't mind prioritizing them.
I know someone who is trans f2m. When she got the jab her ovaries hurt so badly she had to lay in the tub until she finally had to get out. She said it was her hips, but, well you know. So that should actually be studied carefully. The hormone suppressors plus whatever else they have to take effects a lot of the same things in the body that spike goes to and God knows what else. I doubt they are even looking at that. Heck, they don't even look at the pregnant ladies!
DeSantis just signed something in Florida that allows jabs to be given to Floridians AGAINST THEIR WILL if the state deems it for the good of the state and they determine that there is a state of emergency.
To be fair, females would still report side effects after dying. They would haunt their spouse telling him that her meticulously detailed list of side effects is in the codicil under the floorboards, wrapped in all the old t shirts and flannel pants that mysteriously disappeared over the last 20 years.
This is very funny, and very needed. I am not jabbed, but I am getting steriously down of hearing all those people suffering from a bullshit therapy and seeing none of the pharma people and so called nurses and doctors go to jail.
So thank you
I am a woman too so it must say it is not true actually;-))
You ain't right, lol. My husband is 10x more of a whiney baby. If you guys (presuming here) would do whatever it was, it would be a request the first time. It's the waiting that makes it "nagging." Also, remember, it is usually the man begging the woman to marry him, not the other way around ;) Man up!
Actually, I am a woman. My husband rarely talks pain with anyone (except to me about mine) and I have thrown out more tshirts and flannels than I can count. But if I had floorboards and a codicil, I would have saved those goodies for him to find after I keeled over. But there would be no list of side effects since I didn't jab. I guess I got lucky hubby wise. No nagging. He eventually gets around to whatever I ask. Eventually ; )
Yay!!! Another person who knows their actual sex, lol. I like your "evil mind" there! I've left little notes around in case something happens and they go through my things ;)
Mine will get around to stuff - if we are in a crush. Then, he's all work!!
Oh, I'm not disregarding those effects at all. I think they're horrific, and I know a female who has had her reproductive system messed up via the vaxx.
Are you suggesting the data have been censored? Surely not. What next? At least you are not suggesting that the claims that the vaccine contents remain at the injection site and are swiftly removed by the lymphatic system and that Spike cannot accumulate in the organs were nothing but now discredited propaganda!
We read a lot about HCWs scoffing at the idea of vaccine injuries, however there is a category in the ICD-10 diagnosis codes known as "T88.1 Other complications following immunisation".
We only have Australian data to June 2021, and at this time the vaccine had been rolled out mostly to elderly people, but also to people in frontline care occupations (HCWs etc). There is likely some sex bias in the working aged people who were vaccinated, but not so much in the 60s-70s. And there is still a preponderance of hospitalisations in the females.
Any vaccine-related gynaecological cancers are going to negatively impact females to a far greater extent than males, over and above what the V-safe data show.
I have seen a lot of posts from people who did not take the jab, will not willingly take the jab, and are proud members of the de-facto 'control group'.
He can believe what he wants, but Gates and others have stated that we are over-populated and with vaccines and abortions it can be reduced by maybe 10-15%. He controls the CDC and NIH. Havari, top assistant to Schwab, says that reduction is happening but that there are still too many people who will not be needed. When asked what could be done for them, he replied that he suspected Youtube and video games would keep them occupied.
Radical population reduction to exterminate the useless eater demographic of enemies of the planet that you referred to specifically and planet saver's syndrome on the part of cult members in the doomsday cult of runaway global warming hysteria go hand in hand. But yeah there is a greed factor there as well.
I see those, but also with black/brown and LGBTQ whatever (they are just people to me). It's subtle. I have two of those white, smart, etc. males in the household - they ae simply the target of everything else (job obtaining as a last pick, being called racists for no reason, etc). They do NOT want smart ones surviving, that's for sure.
Yes. And I'm curious if it's bc females are more likely to be affected (or rather targeted?) Or bc males tend to keep a stiff upper lip and won't complain till they drop.
If females are disproportionately more likely to experience adverse health effects from the jabs than males are then mandating jabs discriminates indirectly against females and, indirect or not, is sexist. Mandating jabs is what one would expect from mysogynistic, femicidal dictatorships such as Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Maybe men don't complain to other men, men do complain to their mates and family. All the time. A minor cold becomes drama. People complain when they complain. We all do.
It's outrageous that they have finally admitted what women all over the country knew from the first month: these jabs disrupt menstrual cycles -- and yet, they still say it's safe. They haven't performed longer term studies on these jabs for women's health or for the impact on reproduction. And they still say it's safe. They don't know that. But they still say it's safe. They have destroyed their credibility. What a bunch of assholes.
Steph... I suggest you read Naomi's pre-2008 articles. These are feminist and elitist. One does not change position overnight. This is glaringly a recruitment to globalisation Plan B, wherein courageous citizens emerge to defeat and destroy the democidal maniacs like Fauci, Schwarb and Gates. You, the adoring, grateful and gullible public, then trust the New Leaders and, singing joyously and peacefully, follow them to a new series of death camps.
I have a growing list of suspects but you really need to do your own homework and identify which Leaders and Resistance Websites are faux.
If you do not, I am philosphical. I have long ago reconciled myself to the deaths of billions who are too lazy to think, too timid to question, and too spineless to challenge. But, so sad about their children.
Naomi has changed. I give her credit. She has been at the forefront of informing people about the reproductive harms by these shots, as well as about the removal of freedoms and autonomy masquerading as public health.
Why not appraise the merits of Naomi's current arguments rather than mount an ad hominem attack on her. If she defends past female supremacist or misandristic, gynocentric and elitist positions now, which I've not observed her doing, then address those arguments where warranted but why try to discredit good work that she has been doing lately which has nothing to do with female supremacism or misandry?
I bet you and I don't agree on everything, yet I bet we would lock arms to fight against medical tyranny. In some ways I think at least her feminist ideals mesh with not wanting to put the experimental jab in her body. It is about body autonomy. She just has it wrong about abortion since there are two bodies in that case.
If she is fake, then she has taken that position at great personal and reputational (with her group) expense. Plus her work and the work of people in her group has been stellar.
You can, of course, consider people who think she is doing good work on the jab spineless. But us poor old invertebrates will just merrily MARCH on. Be careful of the philosophy you hitch your wagon to.
They performed more rigorous studies on tampons before they started letting women use them.
In the trial they did tell women not to get pregnant or for anyone to touch the jab material. Of course they did and their babies died. But... overpopulation so - all is well is Dystopiaville.
Yeah - and it'll be worth what? Unless you take the pricks and go digital, you can get all of the money that you want but it'll only pile up in the mattress or in the closet. Maybe we can stuff our mattresses when we get too much and can't buy another?
Of course they are! But dear Anon, remember... how did the bunch of assholes behave? Did they act logically, protective to people or showed you ANY other acts of behaviour YOU should have shown when you were in their shoes? ANY behaviour proving they want to save people instead of killing them? EVER?
No they didn't! So do they now? Or tomorrow?
No they don't! I cannot say it enough, and it is really bad news to people who haven't really thought about this yet, but, is very important knowledge about the people who are destroying our society, our country, OUR lives, as if we are their property!
People who are capable of thinking that way, and not feel if they have to kill themselves because they act like satan itself, are not just one day like satan, and the next day they know how people must be respectfully represented en cared for....
No, the next day they are still like satan! And if that would be differently, from one day on the other: there is even a more serious problem I guess...
LMAO!!! How exactly does that sperm get inserted? ;) Where do those eggs come from? If they came from inside the person, that's not a man. I know you are kidding, but really... I agree with the clowns, even the one on the SCOTUS - Ugh!
Well the optimal thing would seem "not recommended for anyone, period". They're not there yet.
I guess they were going for the strongest signal, and there is some correlation between testosterone and how bad that particular risk (heart issues) they were basing this on, is.
Which is why adolescent males have the highest risk for that particular thing, oozing testosterone.
But females.... sure go ahead! Are you freaking serious?
They got to start somewhere, you know. I would not recommend it for anyone.
I guess a separate announcement for males, and a couple of weeks later a separate announcement for females, would carry more punch too.
I'd start with the people who carry and feed with their own body the next generation of humans.
I'd recommend it to a couple people. OK a few. Possible a roomful.
It's a step in the right direction but very concerning that there is not yet a recommendation against its use for females. There are reports of Spike accumulating in several organs but in the ovaries in particular and of ovarian cancer following mRNA vaccination. I would not recommend it to anyone apart from public health bureaucrats and other pushers who either did not research it sufficiently before approving it or who were wilfully blind about the dangers.
I wonder if the choice to make the recommendation about males under 40 the first one was strategic. Florida made the recommendation with regard to an adverse effect that the CDC has already acknowledged, whereas the CDC, ACOG, et al are still recommending (utterly insanely) that women get vaccinated, including pregnant and nursing ones.
(Even so, the Florida recommendation should have been to refrain from vaccinating any person under the age of 135 years old.)
You are probably correct that the choice was strategic and you are definitely correct about what the recommendation should have been.
OMG, I love this comment! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Heard the man talking yesterday aboutthe jabs. He said when he went to Florida amid all the first call out of this "virus"(bioweapon) from wherever he's from, they flew. He sosaid that if readtravel restrictions had been in place and the jabs had been required to travel, he and his wife would have driven. That says a lot...about his intellect and about his eyes being open from the start. I think they'll come out with further comments against them.
Yes, heard that, too. He's a good man...
Prior to the "COV!D" operation, my husband and I had planned to visit Florida. We would fly down and rent a car so we could explore. Those plans got moved up as the crime unfolded and Florida looked like it had not completely hit its head. Yet this was at a time when the losers in the airline industry obeyed orders to enforce snot pouches on all passengers. Like HELL I'll put one of those things on for anything, much less for getting into an aluminum tube to hurtle through space at 35,000 feet with six inches between me and the "chilly outdoors". A snot pouch for time spent in a machine that filters and recirculates some of the cleanest air in the world. Are people really, really, really that degraded in character and intellect???
So. We drove. From a location in NH about 40 miles from Canada to the Florida Panhandle. Down and back to explore this part of the Sunshine State. I used to fly a fair amount and loved it, but no way in HELL would I cooperate with a lie -- in this case, for convenience's sake.
What man? Who?
I, too, believe that it is strategic. Fighters in a w a r? Less people at home to worry about?
Darker than my most sinister imaginings.
That is even darker than my most sinister imaginings.
Under 135... I dig your style
Also though it only says MRNA vaccines, perhaps they will push Novavax now
Novavax is even worse, if that's possible to imagine. There were findings reported some months ago that it was associated with myocarditis at a higher rate than for the mRNA death jabs. Novavax pumps you full of spike protein. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is toxic. Spike has been found in the heart of dead vaccinees.
EU says Novavax COVID shot must carry heart side-effect warning
It's a very late step in the right direction...
That is true but better late than never.
We should force all of them ass- mask-holes to take their vaxx and boosters every month know.
I routinely inquire of shills: Are you up to date with your boosters? If not, why not? You look like you could do with some more exercise. Why not go and get another booster and then start triathlon training? etc
Have a family reunion this weekend. I'm terrified I'm going to go off on an idiot "woke" cousin who supports all of the jabs as who as illegal immigration. He used to be one of my favorite, I think of him with pity. Any thoughts or prayers for a holding of my words this weekend would be appreciated.
If they are looking mainstream, they need to somehow get it into brains... Mainstream is contr
The reason is Official Data shows males at risk of myo/pericarditis. Therefore, they can say, "Hey, we're just creating good policy based on YOUR data, CDC."
Good strategy. The game is to EXPOSE THE FRAUD. Protecting people is yesterday - that horse left the fucking barn around March of 22.
At the risk of being a PIA contrarian, the horse left the barn in mid-to-late Feb/early Mar of 2020 when the scum of the earth put into full swing the "COV!D" operation -- and virtually everyone cooperated with it.
Totally agree STL! That's when they closed schools in March! That's when I went into full on WTF mode and started doing my research. Don't own a computer or pay for internet. Just my lil' ol smart phone. But I keep up pretty good. My eyes are going crazy though 😳!
Thank you! Yes, it's when I first started to get nervous...talking to myself -- "They're not actually gonna do this?? This is a crime! They have no authority to shut the country down!!!" And then when it actually happened -- and the government scum actually had the AUDACITY to divide actual living and breathing and contributing members of this country into "essential" and "non-essential" workers. Are you freakin' kidding me???
A lot of arm waving and cussin' took place in our home by yours truly way back when in Mar 2020. Absolutely beside myself. And disgusted by the obviously unlawful and destructive.
Good for you to take on so much work/reading/researching armed with only a smart phone. I commend you.
Yes that horse has bolted and yes good strategy.
Verrry thankful & proud to be labeled, “ANTI-VAXXXER”!!! (I now wonder how much better health I would have IF I had never had any vaxxx growing up. I chose not to vaxxx my son - he is in his 30’s now & has never had anything more than a common cold. We all had mild Covid & recovered with natural immunity benefits. Will NEVER trust the vaxxx “industry” as long as I have my wits about me & continue to research this topic.”)
May I suggest who would be in that room ? ... Fauucchhii, Gates, Bourla, all other CEO’s that forced mandated, scarf lady Birx, the current Occupier of the Oval Office & his fam, etc
We're gonna need a bigger room.
You wouldn't have started this at all probably...;-)
Actually tis all kids, which to me is more significant, after noticing that..
Most folks aren't gonna really prick themselves with something not safe nor fit for kids.
Why don't they call it the prick instead of the jab?
Boxer or bad sex ref?
Take your prick, ah, pick....
I like it. My new name: the prick.
I'll never take another prick again!
How about not taking ...everything else too? I am now busy on getting rid of all I can do without, starting with all medical related things possible
May take me awhile, but I'm going to try to use it some, too, lol. Might as well have some fun.
In Scotland they call them jags as in jagged.
Sounds rough
Lol...i think shagged when I hear that..which, I guess, is probably about right 🍆👌💁😂
Don't forget pregnant females too.
I guess "Ladies first" is a thing of the past. Isn't that what the feminists wanted?
I would have started with non-binary or trans due to drug interaction
Understand that this is what they have been trying to do!! Start with brown/black individuals and the trans/bi/etc all in the name of "equity." They are also encouraging more to come out of the woodwork so that they can also have their priority chance at the pricks (see @Dr Linda?). The idiots lining up do so smugly, thinking that they are going to be the ones left. It's all a game - but since there are so many to play, they don't mind prioritizing them.
I know someone who is trans f2m. When she got the jab her ovaries hurt so badly she had to lay in the tub until she finally had to get out. She said it was her hips, but, well you know. So that should actually be studied carefully. The hormone suppressors plus whatever else they have to take effects a lot of the same things in the body that spike goes to and God knows what else. I doubt they are even looking at that. Heck, they don't even look at the pregnant ladies!
Tell her/him to get a hysterectomy um ....oh um vasectomy I mean!
If a woman has been on T for 5 years or more, it is standard to have to take it all out. It basically atrophies and goes septic.
Wow...and they want kids to have it. Mutilate much?
They should start by arresting the infection cult.
That would be great, please globally as well, I live in the netherlands, and here is exactly the same problem killing us
And or our freedom and I don't know which of these two is worse actually
According to the V-safe data more females tend to report side effects .
I saw that on The Highwire yesterday.
Same, Aaron Siri is a hero.
He deserves a medal of freedom
I hope President DeSantis gives him one during his administration with Surgeon General Lapado at his side.
I would be happy if they don't kill 'our' heros to start with. I am really afraid of that the more people are aware of them being right
DeSantis just signed something in Florida that allows jabs to be given to Floridians AGAINST THEIR WILL if the state deems it for the good of the state and they determine that there is a state of emergency.
Females have side effects, males die.
To be fair, females would still report side effects after dying. They would haunt their spouse telling him that her meticulously detailed list of side effects is in the codicil under the floorboards, wrapped in all the old t shirts and flannel pants that mysteriously disappeared over the last 20 years.
This is very funny, and very needed. I am not jabbed, but I am getting steriously down of hearing all those people suffering from a bullshit therapy and seeing none of the pharma people and so called nurses and doctors go to jail.
So thank you
I am a woman too so it must say it is not true actually;-))
I just spat my drink on my PC because of you.
I hope it was not a fine whiskey. Ima crime fighter not a causer. Oh you're a cat. So it was probably milk. Whew.
It was ginger ale but that sounds so boring!
Puts it into a whole other perspective when you realize its a lady writing it, too. :)
Lol there goes my coffee
You ain't right, lol. My husband is 10x more of a whiney baby. If you guys (presuming here) would do whatever it was, it would be a request the first time. It's the waiting that makes it "nagging." Also, remember, it is usually the man begging the woman to marry him, not the other way around ;) Man up!
Actually, I am a woman. My husband rarely talks pain with anyone (except to me about mine) and I have thrown out more tshirts and flannels than I can count. But if I had floorboards and a codicil, I would have saved those goodies for him to find after I keeled over. But there would be no list of side effects since I didn't jab. I guess I got lucky hubby wise. No nagging. He eventually gets around to whatever I ask. Eventually ; )
Yay!!! Another person who knows their actual sex, lol. I like your "evil mind" there! I've left little notes around in case something happens and they go through my things ;)
Mine will get around to stuff - if we are in a crush. Then, he's all work!!
Females lose babies and have still births, problems with reproductive organs - you can't change those out.
Oh, I'm not disregarding those effects at all. I think they're horrific, and I know a female who has had her reproductive system messed up via the vaxx.
But... we have to start somewhere.
The woman in Saskatoon who died 7 mins after her omicron prick. Just to name one.
Plenty of females dying also. Weekly. That's next.
In Australia more females were admitted to hospital for acknowledged vax side effects, up to June 2021 (no official data since then).
Are you suggesting the data have been censored? Surely not. What next? At least you are not suggesting that the claims that the vaccine contents remain at the injection site and are swiftly removed by the lymphatic system and that Spike cannot accumulate in the organs were nothing but now discredited propaganda!
We read a lot about HCWs scoffing at the idea of vaccine injuries, however there is a category in the ICD-10 diagnosis codes known as "T88.1 Other complications following immunisation".
We only have Australian data to June 2021, and at this time the vaccine had been rolled out mostly to elderly people, but also to people in frontline care occupations (HCWs etc). There is likely some sex bias in the working aged people who were vaccinated, but not so much in the 60s-70s. And there is still a preponderance of hospitalisations in the females.
Image here:
Also note how markedly the diagnoses have changed in the first few months of our rollout, compared to previous years. It's shocking.
Image here:
Any vaccine-related gynaecological cancers are going to negatively impact females to a far greater extent than males, over and above what the V-safe data show.
Yes - and we are 1 1/2 years in from the pricks... the "studies" don't even end until 2024 (but we all know they aren't really doing them).
Of course they're not. They counted on, at the end, being able to just shrug their shoulders and say no control group=no study.
no - no control group because everyone wanted the jab.
I have seen a lot of posts from people who did not take the jab, will not willingly take the jab, and are proud members of the de-facto 'control group'.
Neener-neener, pharma corps!
So... de-population.
But if you ask Karl Denninger at Market Ticker, he'll swear it's ONLY about the money.
And perhaps he's partially right. Think of all the money they'll make on fertility drugs and treatments.
He can believe what he wants, but Gates and others have stated that we are over-populated and with vaccines and abortions it can be reduced by maybe 10-15%. He controls the CDC and NIH. Havari, top assistant to Schwab, says that reduction is happening but that there are still too many people who will not be needed. When asked what could be done for them, he replied that he suspected Youtube and video games would keep them occupied.
Oh, I agree. I believe there is a greed factor here, as well as a lot of true believes on the pharma side that see themselves as "saviors of mankind."
But yeah, there's a depop agenda, targeted towards whites, specifically uppity, smart, rebellious white male Christians.
Radical population reduction to exterminate the useless eater demographic of enemies of the planet that you referred to specifically and planet saver's syndrome on the part of cult members in the doomsday cult of runaway global warming hysteria go hand in hand. But yeah there is a greed factor there as well.
Do they exist?
I see those, but also with black/brown and LGBTQ whatever (they are just people to me). It's subtle. I have two of those white, smart, etc. males in the household - they ae simply the target of everything else (job obtaining as a last pick, being called racists for no reason, etc). They do NOT want smart ones surviving, that's for sure.
How do you KNOW that though?
Like how can you tell the difference from stats between -
* gets side effects more often
* reports them more often
Yes. And I'm curious if it's bc females are more likely to be affected (or rather targeted?) Or bc males tend to keep a stiff upper lip and won't complain till they drop.
If females are disproportionately more likely to experience adverse health effects from the jabs than males are then mandating jabs discriminates indirectly against females and, indirect or not, is sexist. Mandating jabs is what one would expect from mysogynistic, femicidal dictatorships such as Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Maybe men don't complain to other men, men do complain to their mates and family. All the time. A minor cold becomes drama. People complain when they complain. We all do.
I know right? Menstrual cycle disturbances. LNPs in ovaries and breast milk. Miscarriages.
"Go right ahead ladies. Step on up and get your jabs."
It’s only the females they don’t want to reproduce.
It's outrageous that they have finally admitted what women all over the country knew from the first month: these jabs disrupt menstrual cycles -- and yet, they still say it's safe. They haven't performed longer term studies on these jabs for women's health or for the impact on reproduction. And they still say it's safe. They don't know that. But they still say it's safe. They have destroyed their credibility. What a bunch of assholes.
Naomi Wolf has consistently reported on this since day 1. Breastfeeding babies are dying from jabbed mothers. Miscarriages aplenty.
Steph... I suggest you read Naomi's pre-2008 articles. These are feminist and elitist. One does not change position overnight. This is glaringly a recruitment to globalisation Plan B, wherein courageous citizens emerge to defeat and destroy the democidal maniacs like Fauci, Schwarb and Gates. You, the adoring, grateful and gullible public, then trust the New Leaders and, singing joyously and peacefully, follow them to a new series of death camps.
I have a growing list of suspects but you really need to do your own homework and identify which Leaders and Resistance Websites are faux.
If you do not, I am philosphical. I have long ago reconciled myself to the deaths of billions who are too lazy to think, too timid to question, and too spineless to challenge. But, so sad about their children.
Naomi has changed. I give her credit. She has been at the forefront of informing people about the reproductive harms by these shots, as well as about the removal of freedoms and autonomy masquerading as public health.
On this she seems rather clear eyed. I read her book. She has suffered mightily for speaking out and now fighting. Respect to her.
I know she’s is a declared liberal and do not follow anyone blindly.
I have only seen her reporting the last two years and her repeated appearances on the War Room.
Simply making a statement that she reported on this for two years and calling out the mandates and dangers of this poison.
Some people might be susceptible to blindly following people. I’m not one of them.
Why not appraise the merits of Naomi's current arguments rather than mount an ad hominem attack on her. If she defends past female supremacist or misandristic, gynocentric and elitist positions now, which I've not observed her doing, then address those arguments where warranted but why try to discredit good work that she has been doing lately which has nothing to do with female supremacism or misandry?
I bet you and I don't agree on everything, yet I bet we would lock arms to fight against medical tyranny. In some ways I think at least her feminist ideals mesh with not wanting to put the experimental jab in her body. It is about body autonomy. She just has it wrong about abortion since there are two bodies in that case.
If she is fake, then she has taken that position at great personal and reputational (with her group) expense. Plus her work and the work of people in her group has been stellar.
You can, of course, consider people who think she is doing good work on the jab spineless. But us poor old invertebrates will just merrily MARCH on. Be careful of the philosophy you hitch your wagon to.
Er no, not me.
False leaders is a problem, for sure. Trump is the best example, but there are many more.
What about the children with hepatitis as well - that might be jab realted?
They performed more rigorous studies on tampons before they started letting women use them.
In the trial they did tell women not to get pregnant or for anyone to touch the jab material. Of course they did and their babies died. But... overpopulation so - all is well is Dystopiaville.
I'm sure Big Pharmas answer would be:
"We had to do accelerated trials or more people would have died of COVID."
I think they are already working that lie Shibumi.
Also - Big Pharma and the government answer to no one anymore.
Studies on the jabs aren't scheduled to END until 2024, I believe.
I’m part of the control group and will be selling my unjabbed blood for millions.
Yeah - and it'll be worth what? Unless you take the pricks and go digital, you can get all of the money that you want but it'll only pile up in the mattress or in the closet. Maybe we can stuff our mattresses when we get too much and can't buy another?
They End when we stop taking them!
Of course they are! But dear Anon, remember... how did the bunch of assholes behave? Did they act logically, protective to people or showed you ANY other acts of behaviour YOU should have shown when you were in their shoes? ANY behaviour proving they want to save people instead of killing them? EVER?
No they didn't! So do they now? Or tomorrow?
No they don't! I cannot say it enough, and it is really bad news to people who haven't really thought about this yet, but, is very important knowledge about the people who are destroying our society, our country, OUR lives, as if we are their property!
People who are capable of thinking that way, and not feel if they have to kill themselves because they act like satan itself, are not just one day like satan, and the next day they know how people must be respectfully represented en cared for....
No, the next day they are still like satan! And if that would be differently, from one day on the other: there is even a more serious problem I guess...
Men can get pregnant too ya know. 🤡
Lol, only in fantasyland.
Yes, and where we live in at the moment...?
LMAO!!! How exactly does that sperm get inserted? ;) Where do those eggs come from? If they came from inside the person, that's not a man. I know you are kidding, but really... I agree with the clowns, even the one on the SCOTUS - Ugh!
Well the optimal thing would seem "not recommended for anyone, period". They're not there yet.
I guess they were going for the strongest signal, and there is some correlation between testosterone and how bad that particular risk (heart issues) they were basing this on, is.
Which is why adolescent males have the highest risk for that particular thing, oozing testosterone.