Igor Dogma is problematic. I am not sure if you read The Tyranny of Dogma by David Rasnick, PhD. I think that is what we see here.

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The “Crisis of Democracy” by the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s promoted the idea of systematically dismantling our Constitutional Republic for the purpose of protecting sovereignty that was still salvageable. Purportedly, according to the commission. It was really just bullshit designed to indoctrinate the ignorant.

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So are people too afraid to speak up when they are being fed BS ....

For those fishing for “solutions,” I think a decades-old study on behavioral psychology explains “mass psychosis,” but also might provide hope on how we can change the toxic Status Quo. The movie “Twelve Angry Men” develops the same theme.

Thanks to Del Bigtree of the HighWire for interviewing the author of "The Indoctrinated Brain.”


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Am I the only one here who is saddened that the Transgender Studies journal is only published quarterly? How terrible the 3-month wait between issues must be! :)

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I've noticed lately that when a public official speaks about "democracy" they refer to it as "our democracy", and for some reason that has the flavor of exclusion.

When I read "elections are bad for democracy" I'm reminded of an old book.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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The surviving members of Monty Python must be green with envy.

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Excuse me if I appear a little pedantic, but wouldn't you think someone who went to Harvard would have grammar, syntax, and punctuation skills above those of an enthusiastic but poorly-educated high-school student? It used to be that a solid grasp of grammar, syntax, and punctuation was an unspoken prerequisite for university entrance.

Ridiculous subject matter aside, it's really hard to take these kiddos seriously when their standard of writing is so low. As for her working for Duke University Press, it sounds a bit like working in a calligraphy studio when you haven't yet mastered joined-up writing. I hope her employers know what they have taken on.

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I would not call two thirds of the teenagers believing the climate change propaganda is actually a success for our side - still, it shows that there is hope for the future. The question is when will most people wake up (if ever) and actually believe these nutcases because they DO mean what they say. I have been telling people for over two decades to start to pay attention to these "maximalist ideologues" because ignoring them will make life hell for everyone. These imbeciles are totally committed and will do everything & anything to get their way - that is what makes them so dangerous to anyone that wants a normal life. In my opinion, these people are complete totalitarian frauds, know that they are complete totalitarian frauds and hope that by having absolute control, they can fool enough of the hoi polloi to hide the fact that they are totalitarian frauds.

This particular imbecile is your typical fraud infesting the academic space. Her claim to "fame"? Studies in all the topics that one chooses when they have no knowledge or drive to learn or do something useful. All of these idiots would be out of business if the university model would reflect reality - you can have financial help with your studies as long as it is fundamental science and medicine that results in employment once you are out of the university. In short, if you want to study garbage, sure go ahead and pay the fees up front. What is the catch? Make the course fees equal to the actual useful courses such as engineering and computing. How many would be able to pay 80k up front for women's studies? My bet is only a handful (yes, there are fools that get money from their parents without the parents checking what they are paying for) and this creature would be out flipping burgers (assuming she can manage that) instead of indoctrinating young people and wasting precious tax payer funding.

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Ony a third of UK teens think it is exaggerated? Well considering it is the UK and it is gen Z, that is sort of impressive, but overall it means the propagandists are winning.

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Igor, it is so scary that naive teens who are going to these indoctrination centers called institutions of higher learning are being taught that freedom is too chaotic; that elections breed uncertainity of results (this is why cheating should be allowed). they would rather chose top down authoritarianism to have no questions. The trajectory says this is coming. Trump could delay things but its going to get very dicey. Watch for the rise of the Red Youth Bridgade in America. Praying in Jesus name against these things.

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These words have become their code words for...something. I'm not an insider, so not entirely sure what.

They are failing at their attempts to control communication and opinion, so they have resorted to their own private definitions of words. Most of us, however, are clever enough to see right through their nonsense.

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Imo, the reason they hate Trump is that he represented the last lingering shred of democracy. They were fixing that for Hillary just like they fixed it against Bernie, but outside the primary bubble the fitting apparatus isn't as tight, they vastly underestimated how hated Hillary was and overestimated how alienating Trump's mouth diarrhea was going to be against it, and for the second time the house lost (first was Obama's second term, they definitely were fixing it for Romney). Which is why the outright theft in 2020, they weren't going to take a third chance.

Fyi, I despise both Obama and Trump and Hillary and Romney and insert any uniparty puppet here. Also have no further use for sellout Bernie either. But imo, love him.or hate him or don't care about him either way, Trump's election represented some things the elites did not like to see (including some things they had believed they had successfully stamped out years ago) and will do anything in their power to destroy once and for all.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

DEMOCRACY? WHAT'S THAT? Sadly, it certainly is NOT in the faked U.S. elections for "President." They have become HUGE "Elephant and Donkey Shows" that I will not watch or partake in. Whoever is "selected" whether Biden (again) or Trump (again) or a new figurehead, he/she will be a puppet of The Christian Vaticn in Rome. HA! Has Democracy been on display the last three years with COVIDS and Fauci's Ouchies? 😡 We are so lied to and dictated to! SURVIVE "their evil plans" by staying well naturally! Holistic Healing: EarthClinic.com.😁 I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS! 🙏

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I'm waiting for the jabbed support groups to erupt across the country...

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This is a combination between pure cowardice and pure narcissism ... these people are exceptional. Exceptional idiots.

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2+2=5 expressed philosophically rather than numerically.

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