this is all theatre, backstories to lead the unsuspecting masses to accept an unsafe product that is not a pharmaceutical but a DOD ‘prototype/countermeasure’ that is not subject to the laws and regulations in place for pharmaceuticals to ensure safety & efficacy and for which contents of the vial is deemed as US Government property up to the point of injection. everything about this is intentional, pre planned. Katherine Watt has done outstanding investigative reporting on this:


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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I believe SARS COV 2 was developed intentionally as a worldwide pandemic pathogen. Reason 1: introduction of the CARES Act to the US Congress on 24 January 2019 (NINETEEN), see the link here https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/748?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22HR+748%22%5D%7D&s=2&r=1 . The Act was signed into law on 27 March 2020. CARES = Corona virus Aid Relief Economic Stimulus. The date of the introduction to Congress clearly shows that the pandemic was planned and expected and that certain measures had to be in place when the pandemic was declared.

Reason 2: Event 201.

Based on these 2 factors I suggest that the virus did not escape from a lab due to a containment breach but rather that it was released.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It would explain a lot about the quickness of his obraining the computerized genetic sequence so fast.

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What I found interesting was the fact that the first outbreak in Germany in early 2020, occurred in a Bavarian automotive supply company (Webasto), that had a branch office in Wuhan, which had been opened only sometime in fall 2019, with the then German chancellor present. Then occurred the outbreak in the German head office of that company, allegedly through a visiting Chinese staff member from Wuhan. She was said to have been an asymptomatic spreader, yet later it was said that she had taken antifever medication and was symptomfree only for that reason. In any case, she was important because the asymptomatic spread theory was based around her. And then, there is J J Couey's theory.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, this is blazing information. Another piece of the puzzle! Proof!

This will not be ignored.

Congratulations to you and thank you for everything you do. The TRUTH is coming out because of you.

And Angela Merkel will pay the price along with Trudeau and all WEF global leaders.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

OECD nations have $78 trillion in pension liabilities. https://www.pionline.com/article/20160316/ONLINE/160319898/oecd-countries-facing-78-trillion-in-pension-liabilities-citi-report They cannot meet retiring boomer pension needs. 2+2=4

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as someone living in Germany Drosten never made any sense to me. the whole thing sounds like a cover up from bats to vax.

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Not directly on point, but we should not overlook the passage of Obamacare as a precursor to everything that has happened. That law had nothing to do with improving health outcomes, lowering costs, or providing access to coverage.

Rather, it was the first step in implementing the biomedical security and surveillance state, by obliterating most of the prior protections provided by HIPPA. If one examines where the money went, vast amounts of it was allocated to the development and implementation of data sharing platforms. It also (my opinion based on anecdotal evidence obtained directly from multiple doctors) reduced the quality of care. Because doctors were forced to implement and learn new systems, which did not help them treat patients, they have become slaves to the system. Anyone who has been to the doctor in the past decade has seen it in practice. They walk in with their computer cart and spend more time staring at the screen than they do looking at you. Which many of them were never good at anyway, so the built in excuse has also diminished actual patient care.

And lastly, your medical record is being made available, frequently without your knowledge, to many other parties. It’s not universal yet. But if you are treated in a University system for X and then you go to another University system for Y, they can pull up your entire record of X, including a full Rx list. Did you authorize that? How about No?

But Obamacare did. Just reflect back on how medicine was done before and after Obamacare and you will see how what is being done to us has much of its Genesis there. Just like they planned.

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I'm with Jonathan Couey that Covid-19 is a purified bioweapon, not a pandemic virus. In fact I have come to believe that biology dictates there really is no such thing as a pandemic. Similarly, gain of function is smoke and mirrors, it is all just bioweapon research, concocting freak viruses that are not viable unless purified and released as a bioweapon.

The empire has no clothes

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The virus was the long-form version of the results from Orson Welles' War of the Worlds radio play.

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Amazing information. So much comes together. I have never heard anything good about Drosten (or Merkel).

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I've come to believe that the vaccines was not create to combat SARS-CoV-2, but that

the virus was created to sell the vaccines.

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Somehow all roads also lead back to BMGF and all their connections. I cannot remember all the spider-like connections, but Gates is a committed eugenist. They practically "own" the WHO. Think about how they are trying to create the digital currencies, social credit systems, one world health controlled nightmare. They can "call" anything the next pandemic. This shit is efffing scary. Everyone start reading the shit that is going down at the WHO. Read James Roguski on Substack!!!!!!!

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I haven't found ANYONE that's been able to tell the difference between the flu and COV19, so why all this hyped up talk about 'spreading' - if it was just about regular flu symptoms?

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As with all GoF research products (cries of pure motives notwithstanding), I think it was developed to be a weapon but was released earlier than intended.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This 'medical' tyranny, which began in 2020, has destroyed precious relationships. I last saw my father during the first lockdown. When he came to visit I had a terrible feeling that it might be the last. Unfortunately, he's swallowed the COVID narrative. He's had four 'vaccines'. We don't talk on the phone anymore. I could cry and never stop.

My question to astroturfers, spooks, MI5, CIA, Intel ops, etc, who patrol these spaces and set discourse parameters: *who* are you working for?

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