I speak for many when I state I'm sick with worry.

You okay?

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“If” there was anything in the syringe, it was sterile water. All Feds were exempt.

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"Igor Chudov is a tosser of no value."


Fast Eddy

The World According to Fast Eddy

26 mins ago

Four people in our household. Student 1 with mild flu like symptoms tests + for Covid... a day or say later Student 2 with mild flu like symptoms tests positive for Covid... two days later my wife exhibits mild flu like symptoms tests + for covid... she's sick for 5 days... on the 4th or 5th I start to feel ill and I test + for covid (I take hydroxychloroquine and I start to feel better within hours and within 48 hours I am back on my bike feeling great)

This is how we live - we almost never get sick https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/a-near-fool-proof-cure-for-cancer

Something spread that illness between all of us ...

Do not try to convince me that a circle is a square -- it will not work. Think of me as Spock... I deal in logic. I am neither https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/

Now let's move on...

2. Now Igor may himself be an agent of the Ministry of Truth sent to convince us a circle is a square... but I am thinking not... you know why?

Because Sam Bailey BANNED me for posting this on her SS... funny that huh


Very many other substackers provided interesting, informative, insightful, at times, emotional writeups on this topic. This includes A Midwestern Doctor, Steve Kirsch, Stephanie Brail, James Lyons-Weiler, Meryl Nass, Amy Sukwan, and more. (Please let me know who else posted on this topic prior to today, whose post garnered at least 20 comments, and I will add it to my list).

To some people, the insistence that viruses do not exist seemed odd as the no-virus theory contradicts almost every person’s life experience of getting infected with viruses (such as chickenpox) and acquiring immunity. As a tolerant person, I have no problem with people believing in whatever they want, so the debate I started was an opportunity to learn from each other.

Psyop From BoosterShots Substack

About a week ago, I searched duckduckgo for my name just to see what was up and saw something weird that attracted my attention. It was a substack site boostershots.substack.com (archive link).

It turns out that Boostershots was the coordinating site of the psyop and instructed people how to post on forums promoting the no-virus theory. The author(s) even bragged about getting people worked up about it, about my debate, Steve Kirsch etc.

The instructions to followers go on:

therefore, i believe it will be helpful to provide the best plausible explanations for all of the most popular “diseases” from the perspective of terrain theory that new free thinkers could rightfully question or challenge. (and we must honestly admit uncertainty and adhere to the continuous pursuit of truth and the scientific method if we don’t fully understand something yet).

so here’s the idea: i’d like to create a sort of “common sense ‘germ theory’ vs ‘terrain theory’ pamphlet”

the boostershots news team is seeking to hire experienced researchers, editors, graphic designers, and meme lords. we will pay you with vodka, picked herring, and indecision.

while i was only slightly peeved when i discovered that both “level 1 igor chudov” and “level 2 steve kirsch” had revealed themselves as germ believist mercenaries, i was absolutely fucking LIVID when i would later discover that my most admired “level 3” substack hero is pulling the same exact bullshit.

This went on for a while, but it looks like the author abandoned his or her attempts to run this psyop as of Sep 26 2022.

The instructions are highly educational for anyone attempting any psyop.

3. Then of course there is the Litmus Test of all Litmus Tests...

Would you f789 an HIV Herpes infected woman bareback? She doesn't have to be a whore... let's just choose an attractive 25 yr old who just had some bad luck contracted these diseases.

Surely you should be okay with my proposal... why wouldn't you ... contagion does not exist - RIGHT???? You cannot contract HIV or herpes by f789ing a women with both diseases -- RIGHT?

Oddly I never get a taker for that offer... NEVER... which again confirms that Igor is not playing me... this is an attempt to make the feeble minded barnyard animals believe viruses do not exist.

Sorry but I do not qualify. I deal in FACTS.

And those are THE FACTS

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Jamie Andrews

The Virology Controls Studies P…

21 mins ago

I can't believe you bothered to type out that garbage.

Your anecdotes are worthless..

Try debating the peer reviewed literature provided...

Igor Chudov is a tosser of no value.

Telling people to go fuck people with a supposedly communicable disease is a threat of harm and is a criminal offence...

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Fast Eddy

The World According to Fast Eddy

12 mins ago

As for peer reviewed literature particularly that involving medical science... I still have a massive pile of peer reviewed literature stating that the covid vaccines are Safe and Effective... and that Covid is causing heart attacks/blood clots/neuro damage/cancer etc...

When I get through all of those PEER REVIEWED studies... I will get to yours.


This is where I am coming from https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production


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Jamie Andrews

The Virology Controls Studies P…

7 mins ago

Great… you might wanna keep your opinions to yourself until you have even started reading about the subject you are attempting to berate… otherwise you might come across as a bit of a twat.




Fast Eddy

The World According to Fast Eddy

15 mins ago

Try trying logic.

But I thought it was not communicable - because viruses do not exist.

So how is it communicated from one person to another? Is the tooth fairy involved? Maybe Santa Claus?

And how did Covid pass among every single person in our household?


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Jamie Andrews

The Virology Controls Studies P…

12 mins ago

You seem extremely thick so I am not going to waste much time.

YOU believe in communicable disease therefore you intend it to be a threat of harm on others. A criminal offence.

I know that Viruses do not exist and contagion is a myth because of the 100 documented studies above and conducting the largest control studies experiment I'm conjunction with many 20yr accredited MicroBiologists.

You have no "logic"... you are just a tosspot delving into to sophistry to feed an over inflated ego. Cheers.

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Fast Eddy

The World According to Fast Eddy

just now

WTF? Have you lost your grasp on reality?

"Telling people to go fuck people with a supposedly communicable disease is a threat of harm and is a criminal offence..."

If it is not communicable (because viruses do NOT exist) then why have I committed a criminal offence?

If anything YOU are committing the offence by suggesting HIV and herpes are "supposedly' communicable. By doing so in your professional capacity as a microbiologist... could get you in some serious hot water I would think.

The thing is ... you are a circus animal https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/humans-barnyard-animals-and-circus/ and if you read that you will understand I do form my positions because 'the circus animal (expert) says something'

I will listen to the circus animal then I will apply logic. And if the circus animal has not passed logic test I disregard what they are telling me

You have NOT passed my logic test. In fact you have failed horribly.

F. Fail.

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Where are you Igor???

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Getting a touch worried, Igor. It is approaching two months without a new post from you...

And plenty has gone down.

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I found somehow I quit getting email notifications for several months. So I just thought Igor was not on for awhile. I’m paid as well. Substack has screwed up my account big time. I searched “substack chat” and got the chat line. I got an answer right away about my paid substacks that still would not allow full access. I’ll follow their instructions and see.

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I prefer opening on browsers though. Hate the app.

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Joe Rogan: Ministry of Truth Minion


China’s Cocaine Rally Needs Another Line

Hong Kong's Hang Seng index plunges 9.5% as investors dump shares


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It has been a long time for an update. I hope it is not due to personal family or health issues. Worst case, if you have died, would we ever be informed that there will not be any more stunning articles ? I would find that horrible. You are missed.

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Hi Gary. Thanks. I am going through an internal readjustment process. Definitely plan on writing more.

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Canadian government warns country to prepare for new virus far worse than COVID

“The Canadian government has issued advice warning citizens to prepare for a hypothetical new virus that could lead to food and fuel disruptions.

The Centre for Occupational Health and Safety rolled out a second edition of their Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks Business Continuity Plan Handbook.

The guide provides information for employers on what to prepare for in the face of another pandemic.

In the new edition, released in June, they focus on a ‘hypothetical virus’, that they warn could trigger further disruption that Covid-19.

It states that ‘based on trends from past pandemic flu, there may be a higher average number of illness and deaths in age groups different than what we typically see during annual flu seasons.'”


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China is on the verge of total collapse... and I do mean total.... this is connected to Covid and the Covid shots...

Overcapacity and Price Wars

China’s deflationary spiral now entering a dangerous new stage


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Pure Gold :D

I mean, it may be a smart way by the Kamala Kult to keep any party crashers at bay..

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So all the “My body, my choice” stuff is out the window when it comes to the toxic jabs.

More Democracy in action, with a nice shot of Joy!!!

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Tim Walz is a certifiably unglued. https://shorturl.at/TPFWD

Harris supporters remind me of the Manson Family. https://tinyurl.com/thcrs3z

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NZ is running out of gas – literally

This country is collapsing


Failed State status imminent ......

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Does that mean that Kamala will be stricken with a “turbo-cancer” real soon?

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In one sense it’s a good thing Harris’s groupies are getting all these extra jabbas.

We won’t have to put up with them for very long. They going bye byes.

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Reason #2984 NOT to vote for this ignoramus!

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