I am not a scientist nor do I play one on TV. Reading through all of this technical data makes my head explode so please tell me if what I am seeing is crazy. I see a company that has never had a successful product despite being valued at billions in market value. What better way to achieve success than to create the product (a vaccine) then unleash the circumstances (a manufactured virus) that make this new product a necessity. I’m in sales so that is how I think and what I’m seeing. So, am I crazy?
Thanks, Igor. I was open to the idea of a lab leak but had not considered something intentional. The implications of this scenario boggle my mind. Killing millions of innocent people in order to succeed. It’s incomprehensible!
It's actually quite comprehensible, although appalling to normal human beings. Learn about sociopathy and the dark triad personality traits. It afflicts around 2% of the population, to varying degrees. These people live for self-gratification and have no feelings of empathy or compassion. Because they follow no ethical rules, they have an unfair advantage in the worlds of business and politics, and often rise to the top. (Consider Hillary Clinton: "We came, we saw, he died... Ha ha ha") After overcoming their shock and disbelief, people are able to understand "Conspiracies" and historical events such as 9-11 much more clearly.
No, the vaccine wasn't developed in two days. It was done over 15 years with most attempts completely unsuccessful. So, they have been testing coronavirus vaccines (that didn't work) for a long time. mRNA and adenovirus vaccines (Astra Zeneca, Sputnik) have never been deployed
in the real world before, because they had tons of problems (as we are seeing now).
The real tragedy is that somebody said: "we couldn't get this stuff to work
in the past 15 years, but what the hell, let's do this anyways, maybe it'll work this time."
I had this argument with many people and the most common answer was: "now the world united for a common good and they poured in enormous money to succeed and they did"
This questions is definitely worth exploring. I don't think there will ever be a definitive answer.
I don't doubt that pharmaceutical companies saw a great potential to make money in this, but ultimately the buck stops with FDA/EMA who approved this stuff. It stops with CDC whose duty is to ensure safety and efficacy. And ultimately, it's our responsibility what we put in our bodies. And most of the people don't think or do any research. And I am not talking about medical drugs (that we are overusing and popping like candy), but also alcohol, cigarettes, everyday food items (full of shit and chemicals).
They ran clinical trials on these vaccines and the results "satisfied" FDA/EMA. The approval was a foregone conclusion. I still remember in spring/summer 2020 when the clinical trials haven't even started how politicians and health officials were already saying "when we get the vaccines"...
And the spectrum about why and how this happened can be anywhere from conspiracy and collusion, wishful thinking that this time will be different to incompetence and negligence. And the truth is probably a combination of all these things.
Yes you are crazy but the whole scam is stark raving mad so that makes you "saner" than 90% of the planet. Welcome to crazyville. I've been here a while and have no intention of going stark raving mad. Seems like too much work and I'm lazy.
It may surprise you, but all of this corona business is ultimately not about money.
If you want to go down the rabbit hole, start reading the labels on all the stuff you eat, do the research on all the health effects. Do the same with medication that people take. Then observe all the obese people with comorbidities around you and study what they eat and what meds they take. Did you know the sperm count of western men is reduced by 60% due to phtalates and other chemicals in our environment? You may also factor in the global warming hype.
Then ask yourself, maybe "they" want less of "us"?
Then you may find some quotes on the internet, like prince Philip about a deadly virus, or Kissinger about forcible vaccination.
I recommend the book 'limit to growth' about aurelio peccei head of club di roma and one who is also a respected speaker of WEF. The rabbit hole is very deep indeed.
The CRISPR gene editing "mission driven science" seems like it could be used to play God. I don't hold out much hope that it won't be used for new and worse medicines.
It appears that the world has been going through one massive experiment between "black hat" corporate elitist interests and "white hat" interests. I am hoping for an asteroid just small enough to hit the annual gathering of nefarious interests at Davos.
Correct me anyone if this is incorrect. If it is correct, then from a credibility standpoint, the entire fast track (Warp Speed!) vaccine technology hinged on an un-isolated viral sequence as allegedly reported by the Chinese gov't. on Feb. 7-10, 2020,
That's the date that the world, based on this data, sprung into action on a vaccine, (depending on which talking head you are listening to, that date fluctuates.)
And this is the SAME vaccine that is being mandated and pumped into kids, even as the virus has mutated away into a near totally different coronavirus.
All based on a Chinese report of a virus that they had not isolated. Think about that.
Or think about Anthony Foolci just happening to predict in 2017 that a pandemic would happen during Trump's presidency. A pandemic that just happened to coincidentally start at the lab that was performing GofF research with funding that he back channelled to.
Or think about how everything Foolci's done just happens to prolong the pandemic. This PLANDEMIC/SCAMDEMIC could have been over in months with no vaccines, just using IVM or HCQ protocols.
I will make you even sadder because it is technically not the same vaccine for the kids like for the adults. Pfizer changed the buffer and asked FDA for a 'technically same ingredient' approval. So the ones administered to the kids were never observed before. Just for fun fact during the trial of kids they used the adult buffer and changed only for final one...
The boring details....Since 2002 Anthony Fauci has been collaborating with USAMRIID in Fort Detrick where GILEAD developed Remdesivir! Fauci spearheaded the research on Remdesivir! And who exactly is Gilead Biosciences? Gilead is partnered with Wuxi Pharmaceuticals (Wuxi AppTec) owned by New World Order philanthropist and mass manipulator himself, George Soros.
Documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2011 show Soros Fund Management LLC invested over $100 million into WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc.WuXi AppTec, as it is now called, has a facility in Wuhan, China. The company provides validated research including in vitro (HTS, SAR screening support) and in vivo disease models in cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and infectious diseases.
The Daily Mail reported that it has uncovered documents showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) gave$3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny. According to the British paper, “the federal grant funded experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated.”
Following the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, NIH funded a collaboration by Chinese scientists, US military virologists from the bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick and National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists from NIAID to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains from bats in human tissues. Those efforts included “gain of function” researchwhich is “accelerated viral evolution” to create COVID Pandemic superbugs, enhanced bat borne COVID mutants more lethal and more transmissible than wild COVID.
Fauci’s studies alarmed scientists around the globe who complained, according to a December 2017 NY Times article, that “these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.” Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Center told the Times that Dr. Fauci’s NIAID experiments “have given us some modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemic, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”
Why does Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appear on 4 U.S. patents for a key glycoprotein that appears to have been inserted into a SARS virus chassis to create the current COVID-19 epidemic?
The four patents on which Fauci is named as an inventor are the following:
* Patent Number: 9896509, patent granted August 3, 2016. “Use of antagonists of the interaction between HIV120 and ?4?7 integrin.
* Publication Number: 20160333309, patent application filed August 3, 2016. “Use of Antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.
* Patent Number: 9441041, patent granted September 13, 2016. “Use of antagonists between HIV GP120 and ?4?7 integrin.”
* Publication Number 2016007586, patent application filed September 21, 2015. “Use of antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.”
Could we go backwards a little bit: Operation Warp Speed was about expediting a vaccine and therapeutics. Seems like only vaccines with new/untested RMNA tech were expedited? Why was a vax using the old-tech never expedited? Looking back, it seems a little fishy that NIH took off on the RMNA expressway and didn't have anything going on the frontage road.
I can still admit a faint possibility that it was not an intentional release. But "unintentional release" requires extreme contortions of facts to be believable.
Absent this smoking gun, I would disagree. The longstanding intentional release hypothesis has been what I call the "bioweapon hypothesis." That never really held up under scrutiny because it makes zero strategic sense for China to release the virus internally, lock themselves down and derail their own economy, just to create a pandemic. As a bioweapon, it was released in the wrong city.
However, a Moderna patented gene not only proves lab creation but paints a plausible intentional release scenario: to create a market for Moderna's "vaccine" (they basically used the script from Mission: Impossible 2 for the strategy template).
The Big Pharma hypothesis has also been lingering in the "conspiracy theory" fringe, and this study gives that hypothesis a triple dose of credibility.
It's like 9/11. The short sellers who made a lot of money were no doubt assisted by insiders, who undoubtedly took their cut, but that was only a subsidiary part of the enterprise. The real agenda was elsewhere.
So, here. The real point was the desperation that ruling circles in the West increasingly felt that China was taking their place. Something had to be done. The world had to be shaken up. Otherwise, it was certain that they would lose. A Great Reset would also preserve them from losing power in the West. Some ill-gotten financial gains would of course be welcome. But that was secondary.
Dr. David Martin has described this whole tawdry tale in detail in several videos. How Fauci and his minions, starting in the 1990s, applied for and got over four thousand patents relating to the development of the SARS-cov2 virus. Maybe he isn’t thought to be credible, but the patents exist.
Ultimately, it ended up there through illegitimate government funding of immoral research - government grant money being funneled into the coffers of dangerous and immoral actors by dangerous and immoral government agents. And that - illegitimate government funding - must be stopped before any of this nightmare can be ended. No rational individual would voluntarily fund such dangerous and immoral research, and irrational individuals would not have funds to volunteer in a free society in which money had to be earned through merit (a rational concept).
There is no justification for any government, let alone the United States of America's government, to confiscate wealth by force or fraud, as all governments today do through taxation, borrowing and currency creation.
When the criminals who perpetrated this pandemic and the governments' responses all over the Western world are brought to justice, the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution must be repealed, all taxes must be rescinded and money must once again be backed by gold and silver. This will have disastrous financial consequences in the short term because government debt, government financing, and government payments have infiltrated (and corrupted) every facet of the economy, including individual retirement. But those consequences are the results of having allowed the government to confiscate wealth and defraud individuals through borrowing and currency-creation for over a century. This price will eventually have to be paid, whether the country returns to sound money and recognizes private property rights or not. But, if sound money and private property rights are NOT part of the resolution, there will be no resolution and there will be no justice; we can expect nothing less than tyranny ad infinitum.
Igor and N Emperor I have a question. Does any of this lend credence to the LAV theory in your estimation?
Also, you mentioned "they cannot seem to come up with the Omicron vax." That tells me these people most likely did this to keep this pandemic going by withholding Natural Immunity from many and weakening their immune systems against future variants. I believe you mentioned Original Antigenic Sin was pretty well known for many years. The vax campaign has created the perpetual disease treadmill. Hopefully the LAV theory is incorrect and the viruses head towards attenuation instead of deattenuation. I am thinking most of the unvax'd that caught Omicron (myself included) will enjoy NI with regards to future strains.
This is a damn good question and I do not have a good answer to much of it.
If Sars-Cov-2 was a product of US military bioweapons program, that could explain things -- but I am sure that there are other explanations. Do not jump to conclusions. This is a smoking gun without a crime scene.
It would be really awesome if the 2 Mr sirotkins came here to discuss occasionally... Maybe you could invite them? I've been reading there since early in the pandemic and have come back to their writing again and again.. I'm sure I even saw mention of swarms from a British virologist at one point. I'm in a minority minority group... While everyone else is cheering the pandemic is over, I'm still unvaxxed and still living the same way we have for the last 2 years. My gut feeling is this isn't over. At the same time I'm horrified at the tyranny in Canada in the name of health measures so I'm kind of glad tge spectre of forced vaccines and passports has faded for now. Most of my friends took the jabs and those who didn't don't believe covid exists and constantly cite the number of cycles in pcr leading to false positives. I fear we won't know the next chapter till too late as govt is dropping free tests and law for isolation if positive.
Hey Igor - Moderna were pretty slow compared to Kate Broderick at Astrazeneca in developing their mRNA gene therapy who boasts in this clip (where she also praises the Chinese authorities for giving them the genetic code) that "in 3 hours we had a design raring to go"! Kate also name drops CEPI which gave them funding which just so happens to have "backing by Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust" - https://cepi.net & https://wellcome.org . See her discuss this in this interview on mainstream UK TV: https://youtu.be/di7oFaAvSQg?t=65 and a shorter clip which is even better https://twitter.com/i/status/1420857225791348739 and she has got the time down to only 2 hours 🤔
"We downloaded the sequences from the Chinese government, we put it into our proprietary algorithm that generates the vaccine & in 2 hours we had the vaccine already designed & it went straight into manufacturing" 🤯
And also the time it would take for a bat virus to mutate into this sequence regardless of the probability. Moreover how long would it take for this sequence to transfer from an intermediate host like a 747 jet to then infect a human. Obvious Crispr by computer AI pipet. Thanks for posting.
Let me make my guess. The SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated properly - SARS-COV-2 is a lab/computer construct and in this case it's no wonder, that it's genome contains parts of Moderna's stuff or even HIV - the "virus" has been constructed in the computer program from existing pieces in the genome databank. For those interested look at interviews with Sam Bailey, Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman or Tom Cowan. Terrain theory explains it all better to my mind.
I am not a scientist nor do I play one on TV. Reading through all of this technical data makes my head explode so please tell me if what I am seeing is crazy. I see a company that has never had a successful product despite being valued at billions in market value. What better way to achieve success than to create the product (a vaccine) then unleash the circumstances (a manufactured virus) that make this new product a necessity. I’m in sales so that is how I think and what I’m seeing. So, am I crazy?
You are actually sane. Whoever believes in "science fairy" that created a vaccine in "just two days" is crazy.
Thanks, Igor. I was open to the idea of a lab leak but had not considered something intentional. The implications of this scenario boggle my mind. Killing millions of innocent people in order to succeed. It’s incomprehensible!
It boggles my mind also.
I am afraid that they will form an investigation committee, comprised of the perpetrators.
Try not to have your mind boggled. It prevents lucidity.
(of course I understand why your mind is boggled and mine has been too, but we can avoid that and keep thinking)
Oh of course. Like the clowns that went to the lab!
Want to go down the rabbit hole?
I've been studying this shit for a year now. Dr. Mike Yeadon (formerly of Pfizer) basically summarizes this mess in ten minutes.
It's the Great Reset. The virus/vaccine is largely just a pretext.
It's far more than a Corporate Grift gone wrong.
It's actually quite comprehensible, although appalling to normal human beings. Learn about sociopathy and the dark triad personality traits. It afflicts around 2% of the population, to varying degrees. These people live for self-gratification and have no feelings of empathy or compassion. Because they follow no ethical rules, they have an unfair advantage in the worlds of business and politics, and often rise to the top. (Consider Hillary Clinton: "We came, we saw, he died... Ha ha ha") After overcoming their shock and disbelief, people are able to understand "Conspiracies" and historical events such as 9-11 much more clearly.
A 2005 book, The Sociopath Next Door helps naive people like me who want to believe the best about people, own or eyes
Maybe the purpose was to kill millions of people.
Indeed it was -- they don't try to hide it in some circles.
Not 'incomprehensible' to Bill Gates -- he & the elites of the W.E.F. have been talking about population reduction for years!
No, the vaccine wasn't developed in two days. It was done over 15 years with most attempts completely unsuccessful. So, they have been testing coronavirus vaccines (that didn't work) for a long time. mRNA and adenovirus vaccines (Astra Zeneca, Sputnik) have never been deployed
in the real world before, because they had tons of problems (as we are seeing now).
The real tragedy is that somebody said: "we couldn't get this stuff to work
in the past 15 years, but what the hell, let's do this anyways, maybe it'll work this time."
While you are right, the real tragedy is that most people did not ask "if it did not work for the last 15 years, why should I even try it"?
I actually did ask myself this question.
I had this argument with many people and the most common answer was: "now the world united for a common good and they poured in enormous money to succeed and they did"
and pigs fly too
Yes, you can squeeze years worth of testing into a few months.
This questions is definitely worth exploring. I don't think there will ever be a definitive answer.
I don't doubt that pharmaceutical companies saw a great potential to make money in this, but ultimately the buck stops with FDA/EMA who approved this stuff. It stops with CDC whose duty is to ensure safety and efficacy. And ultimately, it's our responsibility what we put in our bodies. And most of the people don't think or do any research. And I am not talking about medical drugs (that we are overusing and popping like candy), but also alcohol, cigarettes, everyday food items (full of shit and chemicals).
They ran clinical trials on these vaccines and the results "satisfied" FDA/EMA. The approval was a foregone conclusion. I still remember in spring/summer 2020 when the clinical trials haven't even started how politicians and health officials were already saying "when we get the vaccines"...
And the spectrum about why and how this happened can be anywhere from conspiracy and collusion, wishful thinking that this time will be different to incompetence and negligence. And the truth is probably a combination of all these things.
Same here and the main (not only) reason why I never took it
It's worse than that.
Let's back up. No. You are not crazy.
What's worse is that they were about to tank.
The "vaccine" was their Hail Mary.
Yes you are crazy but the whole scam is stark raving mad so that makes you "saner" than 90% of the planet. Welcome to crazyville. I've been here a while and have no intention of going stark raving mad. Seems like too much work and I'm lazy.
It may surprise you, but all of this corona business is ultimately not about money.
If you want to go down the rabbit hole, start reading the labels on all the stuff you eat, do the research on all the health effects. Do the same with medication that people take. Then observe all the obese people with comorbidities around you and study what they eat and what meds they take. Did you know the sperm count of western men is reduced by 60% due to phtalates and other chemicals in our environment? You may also factor in the global warming hype.
Then ask yourself, maybe "they" want less of "us"?
Then you may find some quotes on the internet, like prince Philip about a deadly virus, or Kissinger about forcible vaccination.
I recommend the book 'limit to growth' about aurelio peccei head of club di roma and one who is also a respected speaker of WEF. The rabbit hole is very deep indeed.
Depop 100%. Watch a programme called Utopia. It was made in UK in 2013. It’s on you tube. They even had a QR code in the programme then
Sounds logical to me..
We need to stop playing God.
The CRISPR gene editing "mission driven science" seems like it could be used to play God. I don't hold out much hope that it won't be used for new and worse medicines.
It appears that the world has been going through one massive experiment between "black hat" corporate elitist interests and "white hat" interests. I am hoping for an asteroid just small enough to hit the annual gathering of nefarious interests at Davos.
Asteroid would be wonderful, but a cruise missile would work just as well.
Ok, I'll try to convince a couple of guys at the Aviano base, it takes less then 30 min to fly there with an F35... XD
or to stop playing the devil.....
Thanks for mentioning me. Great take on it too!
Correct me anyone if this is incorrect. If it is correct, then from a credibility standpoint, the entire fast track (Warp Speed!) vaccine technology hinged on an un-isolated viral sequence as allegedly reported by the Chinese gov't. on Feb. 7-10, 2020,
That's the date that the world, based on this data, sprung into action on a vaccine, (depending on which talking head you are listening to, that date fluctuates.)
And this is the SAME vaccine that is being mandated and pumped into kids, even as the virus has mutated away into a near totally different coronavirus.
All based on a Chinese report of a virus that they had not isolated. Think about that.
All good points, and if course it did not "take 2 days" to develop Moderna vaccine.
Or think about Anthony Foolci just happening to predict in 2017 that a pandemic would happen during Trump's presidency. A pandemic that just happened to coincidentally start at the lab that was performing GofF research with funding that he back channelled to.
Or think about how everything Foolci's done just happens to prolong the pandemic. This PLANDEMIC/SCAMDEMIC could have been over in months with no vaccines, just using IVM or HCQ protocols.
I will make you even sadder because it is technically not the same vaccine for the kids like for the adults. Pfizer changed the buffer and asked FDA for a 'technically same ingredient' approval. So the ones administered to the kids were never observed before. Just for fun fact during the trial of kids they used the adult buffer and changed only for final one...
As always..follow the money and the evil men.
The boring details....Since 2002 Anthony Fauci has been collaborating with USAMRIID in Fort Detrick where GILEAD developed Remdesivir! Fauci spearheaded the research on Remdesivir! And who exactly is Gilead Biosciences? Gilead is partnered with Wuxi Pharmaceuticals (Wuxi AppTec) owned by New World Order philanthropist and mass manipulator himself, George Soros.
Documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2011 show Soros Fund Management LLC invested over $100 million into WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc.WuXi AppTec, as it is now called, has a facility in Wuhan, China. The company provides validated research including in vitro (HTS, SAR screening support) and in vivo disease models in cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and infectious diseases.
The Daily Mail reported that it has uncovered documents showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) gave$3.7 million to scientists at the Wuhan Lab at the center of coronavirus leak scrutiny. According to the British paper, “the federal grant funded experiments on bats from the caves where the virus is believed to have originated.”
Following the 2002-2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, NIH funded a collaboration by Chinese scientists, US military virologists from the bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick and National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists from NIAID to prevent future coronavirus outbreaks by studying the evolution of virulent strains from bats in human tissues. Those efforts included “gain of function” researchwhich is “accelerated viral evolution” to create COVID Pandemic superbugs, enhanced bat borne COVID mutants more lethal and more transmissible than wild COVID.
Fauci’s studies alarmed scientists around the globe who complained, according to a December 2017 NY Times article, that “these researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.” Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health’s Communicable Disease Center told the Times that Dr. Fauci’s NIAID experiments “have given us some modest scientific knowledge and done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemic, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”
Why does Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appear on 4 U.S. patents for a key glycoprotein that appears to have been inserted into a SARS virus chassis to create the current COVID-19 epidemic?
The four patents on which Fauci is named as an inventor are the following:
* Patent Number: 9896509, patent granted August 3, 2016. “Use of antagonists of the interaction between HIV120 and ?4?7 integrin.
* Publication Number: 20160333309, patent application filed August 3, 2016. “Use of Antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.
* Patent Number: 9441041, patent granted September 13, 2016. “Use of antagonists between HIV GP120 and ?4?7 integrin.”
* Publication Number 2016007586, patent application filed September 21, 2015. “Use of antagonists of the Interaction Between HIV GP120 and A4B7 Integrin.”
Where is James Bond when you need him?
Its a secret...
"Trust The Science": One Of The Most Respected Medical Journals Criticised Moderna mRNA Research For Being Secretive.
Could we go backwards a little bit: Operation Warp Speed was about expediting a vaccine and therapeutics. Seems like only vaccines with new/untested RMNA tech were expedited? Why was a vax using the old-tech never expedited? Looking back, it seems a little fishy that NIH took off on the RMNA expressway and didn't have anything going on the frontage road.
It is one of about 25 other things that look fishy and this is definitely very fishy
This looks like the much needed "smoking gun" necessary to establish not just lab leak but intentional lab creation.
A whole bunch of conspiracy theories just flipped to conspiracy facts.
I can still admit a faint possibility that it was not an intentional release. But "unintentional release" requires extreme contortions of facts to be believable.
Absent this smoking gun, I would disagree. The longstanding intentional release hypothesis has been what I call the "bioweapon hypothesis." That never really held up under scrutiny because it makes zero strategic sense for China to release the virus internally, lock themselves down and derail their own economy, just to create a pandemic. As a bioweapon, it was released in the wrong city.
However, a Moderna patented gene not only proves lab creation but paints a plausible intentional release scenario: to create a market for Moderna's "vaccine" (they basically used the script from Mission: Impossible 2 for the strategy template).
The Big Pharma hypothesis has also been lingering in the "conspiracy theory" fringe, and this study gives that hypothesis a triple dose of credibility.
A lot of facts agree with this, yes, and we need to dig deeply, but it does not mean that it is true for sure
It's like 9/11. The short sellers who made a lot of money were no doubt assisted by insiders, who undoubtedly took their cut, but that was only a subsidiary part of the enterprise. The real agenda was elsewhere.
So, here. The real point was the desperation that ruling circles in the West increasingly felt that China was taking their place. Something had to be done. The world had to be shaken up. Otherwise, it was certain that they would lose. A Great Reset would also preserve them from losing power in the West. Some ill-gotten financial gains would of course be welcome. But that was secondary.
Dr. David Martin has described this whole tawdry tale in detail in several videos. How Fauci and his minions, starting in the 1990s, applied for and got over four thousand patents relating to the development of the SARS-cov2 virus. Maybe he isn’t thought to be credible, but the patents exist.
Ultimately, it ended up there through illegitimate government funding of immoral research - government grant money being funneled into the coffers of dangerous and immoral actors by dangerous and immoral government agents. And that - illegitimate government funding - must be stopped before any of this nightmare can be ended. No rational individual would voluntarily fund such dangerous and immoral research, and irrational individuals would not have funds to volunteer in a free society in which money had to be earned through merit (a rational concept).
There is no justification for any government, let alone the United States of America's government, to confiscate wealth by force or fraud, as all governments today do through taxation, borrowing and currency creation.
When the criminals who perpetrated this pandemic and the governments' responses all over the Western world are brought to justice, the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution must be repealed, all taxes must be rescinded and money must once again be backed by gold and silver. This will have disastrous financial consequences in the short term because government debt, government financing, and government payments have infiltrated (and corrupted) every facet of the economy, including individual retirement. But those consequences are the results of having allowed the government to confiscate wealth and defraud individuals through borrowing and currency-creation for over a century. This price will eventually have to be paid, whether the country returns to sound money and recognizes private property rights or not. But, if sound money and private property rights are NOT part of the resolution, there will be no resolution and there will be no justice; we can expect nothing less than tyranny ad infinitum.
Igor and N Emperor I have a question. Does any of this lend credence to the LAV theory in your estimation?
Also, you mentioned "they cannot seem to come up with the Omicron vax." That tells me these people most likely did this to keep this pandemic going by withholding Natural Immunity from many and weakening their immune systems against future variants. I believe you mentioned Original Antigenic Sin was pretty well known for many years. The vax campaign has created the perpetual disease treadmill. Hopefully the LAV theory is incorrect and the viruses head towards attenuation instead of deattenuation. I am thinking most of the unvax'd that caught Omicron (myself included) will enjoy NI with regards to future strains.
This is a damn good question and I do not have a good answer to much of it.
If Sars-Cov-2 was a product of US military bioweapons program, that could explain things -- but I am sure that there are other explanations. Do not jump to conclusions. This is a smoking gun without a crime scene.
NI is our best bet as of now
It would be really awesome if the 2 Mr sirotkins came here to discuss occasionally... Maybe you could invite them? I've been reading there since early in the pandemic and have come back to their writing again and again.. I'm sure I even saw mention of swarms from a British virologist at one point. I'm in a minority minority group... While everyone else is cheering the pandemic is over, I'm still unvaxxed and still living the same way we have for the last 2 years. My gut feeling is this isn't over. At the same time I'm horrified at the tyranny in Canada in the name of health measures so I'm kind of glad tge spectre of forced vaccines and passports has faded for now. Most of my friends took the jabs and those who didn't don't believe covid exists and constantly cite the number of cycles in pcr leading to false positives. I fear we won't know the next chapter till too late as govt is dropping free tests and law for isolation if positive.
I also think that Covid is only beginning and we aint's seen nothing yet.
Hey Igor - Moderna were pretty slow compared to Kate Broderick at Astrazeneca in developing their mRNA gene therapy who boasts in this clip (where she also praises the Chinese authorities for giving them the genetic code) that "in 3 hours we had a design raring to go"! Kate also name drops CEPI which gave them funding which just so happens to have "backing by Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust" - https://cepi.net & https://wellcome.org . See her discuss this in this interview on mainstream UK TV: https://youtu.be/di7oFaAvSQg?t=65 and a shorter clip which is even better https://twitter.com/i/status/1420857225791348739 and she has got the time down to only 2 hours 🤔
"We downloaded the sequences from the Chinese government, we put it into our proprietary algorithm that generates the vaccine & in 2 hours we had the vaccine already designed & it went straight into manufacturing" 🤯
And also the time it would take for a bat virus to mutate into this sequence regardless of the probability. Moreover how long would it take for this sequence to transfer from an intermediate host like a 747 jet to then infect a human. Obvious Crispr by computer AI pipet. Thanks for posting.
The story by which the Chinese isolated the virus from a patient sounds odd and perhaps implausible.
Let me make my guess. The SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated properly - SARS-COV-2 is a lab/computer construct and in this case it's no wonder, that it's genome contains parts of Moderna's stuff or even HIV - the "virus" has been constructed in the computer program from existing pieces in the genome databank. For those interested look at interviews with Sam Bailey, Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman or Tom Cowan. Terrain theory explains it all better to my mind.
Could this escape cancer vaccine also account for the increase in cancers?
The sequence CCTCGGCGGGCACGT proves the bacterial origin of Sars-Cov-2: