
I think this program has been implemented already. Just look at our leaders - not a brain among them!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My thoughts exactly.

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Ample brains, no soul.

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I have not seen evidence of intelligence in the current crop of "leaders". My shoe size is bigger than their IQ if one considers "leaders" like the New Zeeland PM.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

no heart

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You're exactly correct of course. No heart. They have souls.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Honestly, are people who think like this even human? No heart or soul - only the machine of the brain.

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I just don't comprehend how such detachment occurs. It seems psychopathic.

"Psychopathy involves no sense of morality or empathy."

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It happens very slowly - one little cigarette burn at a time on the conscience. And then after a while, you have no conscience - because you have seared it.

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Ergo the last 2.5 years, Latus….

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In one horrifying vision I had I saw countless people who, out of free will, had their genetic code being modified and along with it, with every new genetic intervention, they gradually extinguished their souls.

They became more and more like machines, robots.

That was in 2014. At that time it seemed completely crazy and absolutely impossible.

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Where do *they* think that the soul resides.

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Are you being serious? If so, can you expand on this?

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Yes I am absolutely serious. It was horrifying. I could not even continue looking. It was not what we understand as "losing the soul" in a religious context. It was beyond that. I understood that one of the main - if not THE - main responsible for what was happening was the roman church. I am not sure if this was due to the distortion of Yeshua's teachings over the centuries ( in these states there is no time, at least not in the linear sense we know it here) or for actually being one of the main pushers of the gene-manipulating agenda.

I guess both.

Along with human souls gradually transforming into robots - came a general moral depravity that was - I am lacking words. Look at this very post.

The pain I felt, spiritual pain, was unbearable.

I turned away, unable to go on looking.

As - especially in Germany - we used to be so aware and cautious when it came to genetically modified PLANTS I thought this could not really relate to earth or the future. I tried to push it away as crazy. Until beginning of April 2020 when I first heard about "vaccines" as "saviour" out of the "pandemic" I knew even before I heard they were gene-based..

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Revelation 9:6 In those days men will seek death and will not find it ...

Interesting how people want to live forever - without God. Eternal life without God will be hell for them.

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And as an afterthought: The roman emperor in office made the "vaccine" mandatory for Vatican residents in February `21. Probably the very first head of state to do so.

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Close to the truth, I guess.

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Yes all the leaders have partaken in the other organs to keep their aged, rotting bodies alive, but since the brain is not an organ they can get, we are stuck with their dementia-riddled, narcissist, evil so-called brains. Little do they know, once the brain dies, so do they - no matter how grand-spanking new the other organs are. Transhumanism has so many kinks to work out.

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Sadly, I don't think it is only our leaders that don't seem to have a brain any more.

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Is there any doubt? I would say that we have a TON of hard evidence....

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So let's start harvesting their organs

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I was thinking a big target audience is those working for 3 letter gov't agencies who need a brain. Maybe that will be in the second round of funding, when brains no longer pose a moral dilemma.

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The ship of Theseus.

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Hahaha! Good one! Yes, how obvious!

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Haha. You beat me to it :)

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Disgusting. The people even thinking up this shit are evil

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Ordinary people like you and me work for these fruit loops. We have no standards anymore and that's all our fault.

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I have standards. That's why I work for myself! :-D

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Well, sit deep and put your spurs on, because it's only going to accelerate.

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Well I used the word , innovative !

It’s beyond my comprehension .

It’s beyond creepy

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Ate to break it to you but they don't really have a choice. Recessive genes in this tribe I am told. Not enough numbers to begin with and they insist in limited mixing even among themselves. Worst start with even worst prerogatives. A very famous 4chan ghost once said these bloodlines are full of noise... Now for the conundrum facing these bastards. Go off on to that goodnight or try to fix it. Stems cells still account for much more protein expression than genes. Until that fancy Elisyum pod is ready with the terahertz frequency beams we gonna have to take with the vampirism. Now all this was well known in the past. Twenty century geopolitical events and modern communication make all these ruses and experiments, let's say acceptable. Call it science. Do not focus solely on said tribe. They have many costumers on other tribes. Big market. Watch the movie about Liberace to understand. Do you think this crowd will pay. They will and couldn't care less. They will also pretend they care and help while eating their own. This was all carefully investigated by the posters in 4chan and the Q crowd. Avoid sensationalism but none can claim ignorance from this well established facts. Meaning this is huge and much bigger than people can imagine. Everyone that pays taxes is involved!!!

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Yes - paying taxes makes a person complicit and there are consequences. We don't think there are but things will change.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Not only it’s ok thinking like that, it’s necessary. Whoever is against this thinking does not understand how creativity and invention works. What’s not ok is to stop at and aim for illegal, unethical, if not criminal, solutions …

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Oh fk me. We ALL understand creativity & invention. But we also believe in the sanctity of life & it’s NOT ethical to use sperm & egg to produce fake brainless babies. Not ever. No good reason.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

you make it obvious, that not “WE ALL understand…”

Please point Where in the article it says “sperm & egg.”

So with all due respect, I will not follow your request: “Oh fk me.” You’ll have to do it yourself ✌🏾

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No worries. I’d rather be alone than with someone who thinks a human baby can be started without human genetic input.

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🤣 where have you seen my saying what you claim I said? 🤔🤷‍♂️😂

What mushrooms do you have for breakfast?

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I problem solve for a living. I have to use creativity. Real creativity never reaches into these dark places.

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

I believe you!

Wait!!! This is an argument from authority - fallacy 🙁🤷‍♂️

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Correct. Playing at omnipotence and bringers of untold disaster. But hey, at least they “solved” any ethics problems by cutting the cognition out of the human clones. 😑

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is Yuval Harari somehow involved?

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Everyone should make sure they watch this new Canadian film, Uninformed Consent. https://librti.com/uninformed-consent#dpr In it, Harari talks about the future involving growing humans.

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I watched the whole documentary. It’s awesome!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah, brings it all together.

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thx for link. I think I'll watch it tonight. Fascinated by this stuff.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have watched about an hour so far.

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I watched it today. It’s good, but I wish they would stop using the incorrect term ‘vaccine’. That has got to stop.

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A friend has sent it to me...I haven't had time to watch it yet- so thanks for the heads up!

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He's the youngest of these Globalist. Therefore I think he has the potential to be the most evil.

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He is IMO a sociopathic atheist & completely without a moral compass. Evil as they come. He was born in Israel but there is NOTHING Jewish about him.

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Here's one of his most recent comments:

"We just don't need the vast majority of the population, by mid century, given modern technologies' human labor will become economically and militarily redundant"

So I think that speaks for itself. Psychologically it is much worse to feel useless than to feel exploited.

That's the end game.

They are coming for us...to perhaps eliminate us.

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And that’s not his worst. He claims to have replaced G-d, now humans are hackable & we have no souls. I’m starting to think that he was put here as a test, (he’s in my mind worse than Hitler,) is humanity going to allow someone like him to gain control? This is the test. If we fail this test, we deserve what we get. Christians & Jews & any people of faith & morality have to come together to rid the earth of creatures like this.

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Maybe he's the antichrist? Something utterly evil, even if you're not religous.

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Could be….with a beast like that in control….no one is safe!!! Look out Klaus Schwab and Billy boy Gates…these people will turn on each other if the price is right!

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How ironic is that, Jesus was born a Jew & so was this POS, if he’s the anti!

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Why exactly do you think 'maybe'?

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I am agnostic but time to start praying 🙏 night day I say !

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Er, this specimen in question and Harari are most definitely not Christian. Don’t lump us into your absolute sleazery.

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Why are you doing this? Her statement was innocuous.

Go play Pig Pen somewhere else.

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The "tell" in his statement "We just don't need the vast majority of the population....." is a single word; "We."

Precisely who are the other members of the group, that he refers to as "We?"

I don't mean to be overly rhetorical, Ryan, considering that I've been guilty of similar phraseology on many different occasions. The difference, though, is that I'm not putting myself forward as an important public intellectual. That doesn't excuse my thoughtless usage, but I think we must hold public intellectuals to a higher standard.

Strictly speaking, Harari and an unnamed, select group of people do not require a different group of people to continue living, or maybe to have been born the first place.

To the average reader, It appears to be nothing more than a figure of speech. To those who read carefully and believe in the sanctity of life, such phraseology is sloppy, at best.

To an avid student of human nature and behavior, it's an indication of personality traits and character type.

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‘We’ I think is the select group of mental misfits that we have allowed to rule over us for so long.

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Well put old chap. Not only he talks like a moron, mixing possibility without discussing thermodynamics and uncertainty of said systems, but he just cannot help to regurgitate his personal megalomania. This is becoming more and more common, even among the commoners, although less perceptible because they are usually not as well educated as this maniac. Simulacra of a Simulation. That's the disease. No way to stop it now. They are living their characters and loving it. Easier to feed the brain it seems. Curiously it come to my knowledge recently a set of patents and one particular invention that literally suggest the machinery to produce such outcomes. This is an old story now but a rather peculiar finding I may say. Nothing can stop what is coming as they say hey... LOL

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He’s a complete embarrassment.

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Meaning he didn’t steal someone else’s land directly like your husband?

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It doesn’t take long for slime like you to show up.

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Thank you Ryan, I’m not responding to the slime, maybe he will slink away.

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That’s what the Palestinians could have said, over and over again.

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Would they have been able to do it without the Oceania help. Very doubtful. Last time I checked 18 oligarchs dominate the land. Same as it ever was. How many of them still launder their money in the offshore system. I bet all of them. Keeps them on the good PR side, media wise. One hand washes the other... Like this they have their hands clean, like Pilatos... LOL See same old story...

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Apologies-bit lost here.

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I understand and I understand the fight. Many abandoned it long ago. From the Palestinian side I mean. At a great loss I might add. Fine people. Maybe they were the smart ones. Desertification is a bitch but our overlords love what lies beneath...

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

Great question. That souless little minion spouts off crap like this a lot.

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Isn’t he involved in everything bad, evil?

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I think he has had some mutations done on him.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I hope these guys are quadruple vaxxed.

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Yes! At least four times to be more sure

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yet more man-made horrors beyond my comprehension.

When do we start trying and executing these "people" for crimes against humanity?

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hi baboon, How are you today? Feeling sick to your stomach yet? I know I am.

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Doing my best not to be acclimated as usual.

As I have said before on here, we "enlightened ones" may know that what is going on is sick, but that doesn't mean we are immune to being acclimated . The boiling frog applies to us as much as normies.

Moral compass and solid grounding in ethics applies more than ever.

Anyway, hope you are well Bandit. 👍

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Doin' ok. Trying, like you, to realize what's going on around me and not think it's ok.

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Spoiler alert: if it doesn't involve having good times with family, friends, pets or Substack mates, it's probably not ok.

It's just a question of redpilling one mind at a time.

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Luckily, I get to have good times with my dogs everyday. Sometimes, my "Substack mates," too. 😊

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https://youtu.be/KXzkg1iHmcU my call to action needs some sharing

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Haven’t that started in Europe with Dr. Reiner Feullmich et al? Why are these psychos still walking around free?

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Because we let them. The judiciary is totally corrupt. The rule of law is dead. Democracy has been hijacked.

I don't see a way out of this without things getting ugly, sadly.

A year and a half ago I was advocating for millions of people peacefully occupying their parliaments for as long as it took. Or a general strike. All I got was ridicule.

It's probably too late now. The peaceful option I was advocating for is probably off the table now.

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That's why they take away the guns

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Of course! I have said since 2010 that once Americans lose their guns, it's over for the world.

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It is over, only if you say so

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Good question!

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That is something I don't understand either...

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So much is contingent upon the neural network conducting the growth of an infant's body. Have NO understanding of how this could EVER be possible as even the Pituitary Gland directing so much development and functioning to maintain and grow is directed by a brain.

Have read some research pertaining to this and KNOW for certain there to be extremely complex issues and problems inherent to this nightmare reality. So many complex issues...Arrogance alone would be the reason for the GREEDY Idolatrous to jump into the Big Pharma Anti-Aging Market LONG totally safe. Can't begin to imagine the resulting diabolical manifestations from this Monster Technology.

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The hubris of mankind is stunning.

Their hand wringing about "ethical" issues is just a logical fallacy.

They couldn't care less.

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Yes the ethics concerns are just for show - you know, for the proles.

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I’ve noticed that, in the end, they always decide that ‘it’ is ethical ....no matter what ‘it’ is......

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I agree, to talk about it makes it seem like that topic is handled, all covered - good to go, plan of action in place.

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*While anyone still thinking rationally would go "Hold on - growing headless baby clones for spare parts is unethical."

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**more thought on the ick topic - the arrogance to think that growing organs in a mechanical womb with a headless creation -- would produce normal viable organs -- is arrogance and hubris. It is more difficult to grow a healthy baby than men/medical science seems to realize. Ask them why the infertility treatments are not a sure thing. They won't have a solid answer.

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Precisely. My comment: Just when you think that you know the extent of diabolical wickedness that soulless demons are capable of, they come up with something exponentially more horrific. This is the level of evil that led to the exterminations by flood in the time of Noah, and the nuking of Sodom and Gomorrah. Get as far as you can from these monsters, for these sins that cry out to heaven will most certainly be answered with the full force of God’s unrestrained wrath. It’s going to literally be Biblical.

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Making Hitler look less of the most evil in his torture , I mean that as he had a big personality issue , psychopath hatred of certain race , religion …., despicable abhorrent inhumane ………, these people are of the same kind of psychopath ! COLD , no souls

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I thought is actually far worse. Hitler only hated limited power. He created hate and he created an enemy. The yews were like the russians are for usa and europa today: just 'something' to easily shephard the sheep, by their dog for instance

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Or... Hitler hated exactly these people.

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Yes o can see that !

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That's the plan. Nobody can stop it now. We eat our own and so it will come to pass. Thy Kingdom come. That's what they are after. I mean the crowd way above this crowd. A smaller crowd though, for obvious reasons....

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Well somehow they think they have mastered the mystery of life. Take a stem cell, change a few B ->G in the right places and voila a kidney. Maybe it can be done, I'm not an expert but I have my doubts. But if they can make lung cells or kidney cells regenerate like our liver, we could really help a lot of folk. Take those steps before the giant leap of an entire quasi-human in a jar.

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Yes. Genes only account for about 20% of protein expression but there might be issues relating to the cost effectiveness of said endeavours and its applications. It is obvious that someone like it's described in football is running after the result. But there is not much time left. Recessive genes can be a bitch... Bloodlines might just cease so to speak...

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My thoughts, exactly.

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I don't want to say that God can't smite us soon enough, but really, there are a lot of people begging for God's wrath.

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Yes. Yes. Yes. Pituary gland. Very telling. They don't care. They are after the stem cells... and the blood. After all the life is in the blood... Recessive gens and yes the anti-aging market. Big money. It helps having a materialistic sex oriented culture to promote such ideas in the upper classes that can afford said products. Now how do you do it. It has to do with the pituary gland. Upstream. Don't feed it. The forbidden fruit I mean. Otherwise you are gonna end up in the dark side... and the pituary will never again be the same... LOL

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I like how the scientists decided that humanity resides only in the brain, and not also the heart.

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Not having a heart or soul, they do not even understand that there could be objections to their crazy-town express train to hell. These people are deranged and evil.

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Or the gut.

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Ignoring the enormous ethical and religious implications for a moment: The body ages as a system, with compensating feedback between organs, glands, circulation, elimination, and so on. I just don't see how you can plop in a brand new organ that has never experienced the orchestration of a brain.

As for me, I'll return to the dust when the time comes. God knew me at conception and I don't think He knew my headless clone.

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Very smart thinking

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Beautiful comment. Thanks.

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This is just a bridge to digitizing consciousness. That's the true objective. No need for a body at that point.

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Well organ transplants work - mostly. Still must worry about rejection.

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The real danger is that we can become something less than human with alarming ease.

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Transhumanism is a DOWNGRADE from the original Intelligent Design.

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“Can become” has long since left the station. “Have become” is an accomplished fact for far too many in this world.

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We hav3 no idea how many clones are walking around. They want to jab young ones to start the transhumanism project! Us oldies are to old to become trans humans! Sick!

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I tell my kids all the time; don't trust robots, some of them are humans.

That's a warning to them about the future, but also a lesson about what they've seen over the last 3 years.

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I don't trust a lot of humans either

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Give me a torch and a pitchfork. Now!

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Hilarious. It might come to that.

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Give me some tar and feathers….it probably will!😠

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A blow torch and a pair of pliers.

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Schwab and Soros want to live forever. They are devoid of any spirituality and this has turned them into monsters.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Maybe they're the ones funding this.

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My wife said the same thing

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Smart lady. 😊

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"Delightful people." --- Yes, wouldn't you just love to share a meal with them and chat? You'd never know WHO you were eating.

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If I were Schwab & Soros, Gates, Fauci, and their ilk, I’d be trying to live forever, too. We’re not supposed to judge where people will spend eternity but if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s likely to be HOT. 🔥

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I have a theory. I suspect that gays, especially gay men, have a huge fear of death. I've had gay men I know tell me they want to live forever.

Personally, I believe the reason is to avoid God's judgement.

This might be a way to do so.

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They worship youth to a degree that is abnormal.

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You are on to something there but avoid being judgmental. Why is that? What age they want to have? Is it that utopia not shared by most of the female kind and many that are not gay? What do they really want with all that time in their hands? Or should I say in their heads... LOL

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I'm female, and can't imagine the hell of living forever. LOL.

I think there are people who want to live a long time to spend it with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I think their reasons are perfectly innocent.

Others I think, know they are doing very bad things and want to avoid God's judgement.

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Aug 29, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

That's huge reason why I'm irreligious. I can't imagine anything more boring than Heaven! Infinite pain (Hell) or infinite tedium and subjection (Heaven). Not an appealing choice.

That said, I do think there is existential Evil, but it needs to be dealt with in the Here & Now. No procrastinating.

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Interesting. Why is it a hell then? There are still natural laws in this God forsaken place. One of the most important states that the new replace the old. Self-explanatory and one of the toughest ones to deal with. That old serpent will make you pay for any abuses of said law. It involves many others around you. That's why you have to learn to give. The sacrifice required should be absolute. All mammals do it without questioning or remorse. Beware of grandparents that are not active and smart. The younglings have to be prepared for whatever grand epic lies ahead not living through someone else's memory's and need's. Specially the boys. That's why they are targeted. Now about the females. They will follow through. They just required the necessary narratives in a slower fashion to get them all. After all feminism could not be erased without first building up of the narrative of patriarchalism. Then like Eve. Good, Bad. Feed it the forbidden fruit. LOL. Hypergamyc Males. Easy peasy. They love shiny things also and there is no other folks more group biased than them. Segregation. Nature also loves it... LOL

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Trying to live forever down here..is not going to stop the return of Christ! And..yes..it will be a hot time in the world tonight! And it won’t be party time! Boy… do they have a wake up call coming!🔥⚡️💥

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Ditto that. They know what awaits and desperately pursue avoidance of the inevitable price they shall pay.

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"They are devoid of any spirituality"

I think you can be "spiritual" and on the dark side. Having experienced "spirituality" in a meaningful and quantifiable way, I would almost describe it as "technology". It's inherently neutral.

What I have never understood about "evil" is that it is so much harder to be a bad person than a good person. It seems to me you have to go out of your way to be evil. So I think evil is very much a choice, but I don't think these people aren't "spiritual". They are probably more in tune with their spirituality than most people, because they are aware of the fact that they are doing evil.

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They don't operate on principles they operate on the benefits.

No moral judgement and spirituality come to play in their game.

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Evil exists. It's entirely possible that a "dark lord" like Satan or Lucifer exists. Unless you have seen this shit with your own eyes, you won't believe it.

The Shaman in Cusco, Peru, was chanting the same "Icaros" over and over again for several minutes. It was rather irritating.

Then, the dark spirit - an ancient and very evil human - started walking towards me (you are lying in a bed and have your eyes closed, this is all caused by the Shaman's song).

As soon as I saw this being, the Shaman's Icaros changed. He knew telepathically that this evil was in the room and started chanting to dispel it.

I asked him in the morning about it and he said he had no recollection of the incident. I asked him what language he was chanting in and he said "my body becomes occupied with a spirit from Atlantis and I remember nothing".

I've spent my life chasing the supernatural, the metaphysical and the quantum. There's a reason I wrote a psychedelic ambient dub song called "Shades of Grey". Because that is what life is.

These people know exactly what they are doing and what they serve. Period. You don't understand because you don't understand evil, which is a compliment.

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Put it simply. (As I am not religious I wouldn't rely on certain terminology.) Various shades of negative energy exist. And whoever resonates with that energy manifest it in a physical form. (They invite the energy if you like)

Most humans still hold onto a lot fear. That could be an easy trigger. I also worked with people with psychosis. Most episodes were induced by fear, anxiety, anger (along that line) and accumulation of such negative energy. They didn't know how to handle and process it.

If I borrow your Peruvian shaman's term, you could say we are reenacting the last phase of Atlantis. Bad vs good, technology vs natural way, control vs freedom.

And if you like to go more philosophically, playing evil could help us grow spiritually bc we could learn how to find 'light' ;-)

I love Peru btw and Bolivia.

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I tend to put psychosis on the level of this reality doesn't really fit with the reality that I'm supposed to pretend to.

Which is maybe what's happening now. Or about to happen.

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Quite. It's all disjointed and also compartmentalised.

If you fancy a more Shamanic term, it appears to me like a voodoo practice being inflicted on a global scale.

The first stage of voodoo is simple, you let the recipient person know that s/he is cursed and then arrange those symbols and signs to be seen by the recipient person. (E.g. the picture of the virus, the vaccines, masks ) You can use as many symbols and gadgets as you want till the recipient person succumbs to the curse.

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I'm also a former UK resident. :)

I love Peru and was lucky enough to live in Tarija in Bolivia for a year.

I'm not religious either - my goal since I became a sentient child was to try and work out why we are here. That seems to be my life's quest, so I have done a ton of very crazy things (by normal people standards) to try and get answers.

Unfortunately, the more you know, the less you understand. It's infuriating.

"If I borrow your Peruvian shaman's term, you could say we are reenacting the last phase of Atlantis. Bad vs good, technology vs natural way, control vs freedom."

Profound. Thanks for that, gives me something to chew on. 👍

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Yes I remember you are a former UK residential too :-)

The discovery of Göbekli Tepe was a game changer. The human history goes far, far back.

It's good that you are able to look at the current state of affairs from different angles. I'm aware of another dimension (as a possibility) which is probably quite controversial only discussed in the disclosure community. As Graham Hancock often says, the humans are a species with amnesia. We are also in the process of remembering.

I am learning a lot from a Hawaiian tradition (Huna) and taking the whole situation as an adventure. In that way you could mitigate the negative energy (if you like).

May your journey be full of excitement and new discoveries :-)

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Exactly. Didn't knew about this Peruvian folks myself but it is obviously that they are in the know. Maybe it's because they spend a lot of time outside. I bet the induced schizophrenic rituals allow them to see how the brain rewiring can alter perceived reality and allow for a conscient participation on brain driven simulation. Just like the AI that everybody keeps on talking about. It's always the same AI... LOL Now who is feeding it. The culture and it's contents. Now I didn't knew also about that last phase of Atlantis but your description is on spot. Now in the West we cling on to the story in reverse. It starts with the good and evil, goes into natural law inversions leading to free will issues. But hey like this is less demoralising. We keep on living the epic... Just had to turn the end into the beginning to keep us running Tenet style... Like in a permanent hallucination, LOL.

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The real indigenous folks know how to utilise certain 'teacher' plants, they understand the mechanism of rewiring and recalibration that occur in your brain by changing chemical compositions induced by the plants, thus changing your perceptions (consciousness). But they are equally aware of the risks. So they carefully choose the timing (like a rite of passage) and prepare the student (or the client) and also provide after care to help them process the experiences. It's organic, not like online courses lol where when you complete certain modules and hours, you upgrade to the next levels.

Living in a dualistic universe, there is always some degree of two polarised aspects (energies if you like - it's physics) Ultimately it's down to an individual as to how to explore those aspects. Some people choose to limit themselves to certain aspects/choices as a way to understand the structure.

No right or wrong - that's the essence of free will.

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Bibliotecapleyedes website section on Negative Entities and Free Will is interesting.

I've had 30 years of experiences with the phenomena. Fear anchoring and psychic intrusion in dreams is common. They gain consent by getting a reaction to familiar sounds, symbols and archetypes as well as desires fears and regrets and character defects. Dreamtime interactions bleed through to 3D episodes with unbelievable timing and synchronicity. Hostile, invasive and often theatrical events often completely out of context using conditioning triggers are an opportunity for playing wounded bird and erratic retaliation.

I'm reasonably sure AI for data profiling to equip informants and agents with real time location and targetting program. I've gotten as far as being openly warned and recruited. Some of them appear to be low level thrill seekers or initiates and others have identified as Feds or Masons when I failed to fall for honey traps.

Explain to them the progression of their particular conditioning exercise or repeat the trigger back to them with some playful humor. They like a challenge. Best to complete personal inventory, drop bad habits and follow principles. They lose their power and contact is limited to periodic checkins on the level of attention seeking behavior. Do not comply!

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Those negative entities (if you like) are quite good at spotting an opening (fear & anxiety inside you on a subconscious level) don't they.

Ppl develop many different techniques to handle such situations - you do whatever suits you.

I don't fight bk I acknowledge its presence and do things to lighten up, bc at the end of the day I own a fear (whatever forms it takes) and they are responding to my fear.

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Yes there is a feeding cycle. Voluntary for some people. I suppose the elite psychopaths use the knowledge provided outside of time to enhance AI and central planning. Fighting back for me was an attempt to learn how it works. In the event that they succeed in mass formation fighting or fleeing may become a practical matter for survival and is much easier with tactical info. I really like your focus on respecting individual autonomy and taking responsibility, lightening up and owning the fear. Best wishes!

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Thanks for this.

I have a question for you. This is deadly serious and I am not making any of this up.

"Fear anchoring and psychic intrusion in dreams is common"

OK, so basically I have written about this on Substack comments a couple of times before.

When the Covid not-vaccines became available for the majority of the population (and after Macron coerced people into taking them), I started having some extremely bizarre episodes. I would go to the supermarket for the weekly shop, feel fine for a day or two but then would get the worst tinnitus you can imagine.

I would also "see" faces of people/"things" when I was trying to go to sleep. The small child/alien/angel hybrid was absolutely terrifying. Quite possibly the most scary thing I have ever seen. There is no way my brain could have invented such a monstrosity.

I could hear people talking outside of my window, even though I knew no-one was there.

The worst thing that happened was that, on one occasion, I heard a female voice in my bedroom say "Can you hear me now?". Needless to say I was scared shitless.

This isn't something that has happened before and has pretty much stopped happening now. Was this really vaccine shedding symptoms or was it something like Havana Syndrome?

I'm 100% certain this is not supernatural and is 100% something to do with EMF technology. And before you ask, no, there are no 5G towers near here. I have to travel a kilometre up the road to get a 4G signal. It's a miracle if I can even get a 3G signal in the house.

Even by my standards, this is really weird.

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Supernatural? My experience is Advanced technology (EMF) appearing as magic presenting as mental illness and phantoms. In my late teens it started with my use of psychedelics.. sleep paralysis, neural scanning and archetypal religious dreams.

I believe the human brain is a computer, sender and receiver. External tech and pyschotropic drugs can hack the brain and accelerate what the Earth frequencies and consciousness are capable of inducing (Promethius fire theft).

The time right before sleep and right before waking up are when the phenomenon happen for me. Science will tell you this is the subconscious mind and body slipping into and out of sleepytime.

Havanna? Pulsing sound like a gas generator, tingling extremities and upon waking up awareness of lingering presence in room, digital sounds, laughing creatures, visual snow and larger pixels of color after stronger doses accompanied by precog, very detailed dream sequences. "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell especially his "Companion" book was a great help in navigating this new landscape.

"They" take the form of and communicate through personal and shared symbols, modern myths and familiar settings. Write down your dreams to create an "impression code" of reliably repeating dream settings. The main theme or event will be presented along with time markers and precursors to prepare you mentally. Staying grounded? I followed personal recovery and found a trusted group to share general issues with.. self-defense in a broader sense, holistic therapy, service to others, start a junto, join a church. Thanks for the chat!

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Just dipping in. Either your senses are extremely heightened (to be able to see the things that you don't normally perceive) triggered by external elements (maybe?) or you're picking up other people's stuff (the veil is becoming thin if you like) and make it your own. Or both. Stay grounded.

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Yes, satan exists. Even the comedian JP Sears finally understands evil:


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I understand completely.

Therefore trust is a precious commodity I rarely share. 50 Devious Habits Of Highly Toxic Narcissists (And Why They Do What They Do)


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You presume they actually have a soul and a comscience. Lacking both makes them psychopaths.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

Everyone has a soul and a conscience. I've met genuine sociopaths - extremely scary people - and no doubt they have a soul and a conscience.

My point is that they know exactly what they are doing.

I could easily be a sociopath - I'm far smarter than almost anyone I ever meet, so I could easily exploit almost anyone if I wanted to. But why would I? I would voluntarily have to decide to be evil. And the sociopaths I have met aren't even very intelligent. They fool people by creating multiple personas that they think entice whoever they are talking to.

It's like they are criminals and also psychological manipulators, but what they get out of it is almost nothing. Anyone with a brain can see through them, so I don't see a social advantage unless they are preying on people who are either naive or stupid.

Under the influence of Ayahuasca, with a Shaman, I have seen true evil. The kind of evil spirit that makes you quake in your boots. The vast majority of people will reject it instantly. I can't explain it very well because it's metaphysical, but if you choose to be evil (and I agree these people are psychos) then that has to be a conscious choice.

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Definition of a sociopath is someone without a conscience.

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Thank you very much, I didn't know that!

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Agreed, but they still have souls and free will though.

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Sick souls & they are mentally disturbed so free will, I’m not sure.

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If you are not sociopath, you cannot act like one, nor comprehend them.

People can only understand people the way they do.

People, in fact, cannot recognize people being different. In other people we see things we do recognize and completly automatically we think that this recognisable part, of for instance an evil person, works like ours.

It is NOT. Because the other parts of the evil brain, as they exists at all, which I strongly doubt, are completely different from ours. We cannot see that, because we don't have them so we can't recognize them in other people.

Why do you think the WEF people are allowed to walk free and talk en act freely about killing all of us, and making new 'us' with or without heads I don't care?

WEF is THE example of this completly understandable human brain mechanism failing to recognize people who do things that we never should do ourselves. I dare to say that people with even the least sense of morality, would not do what ANY of no matter who from WEF would do. Not even a part of it. just nothing.

If we learn not trying to understand this, of thinking that we know what they want, because we don't know that and even if we do, because we can't interpret it right, but learn to take those WEF guys litterally as litteraly seriously when they announce evil things that they are going to do we would never do ourselves. And learn to act like they are like us when we take a good look at what their actually have done (for us). Is that the same as what they told/promised us?

And in all cases realize if they are not elected and have no right to do whatever they want at all, why we think we have to do something to do with that they are saying? And after realising that, start asking what is wrong with our brains that we give them power to do eh....what??!!!

And if we know that, WEF is gone.

WEF is evil. You cannot end evil

But you can stop doing as they the told you. Especially when they are not elected.

Wef is not the problem. We are. Because we keep on thinking those evil people are like us.

If that is so, why don't they ACT like us?

And if we aren't the problem, why are we listening to those people who stole from you? Money making doesn't exist either. All their money was once ours. Why do the 'need' so much? Good people dont own much, and one reason therefore is because that doesn't FEELS good to them.

It is us that is the problem. We created the WEF. We must have created the WEF. I know so because evil people cannot create nothing. If it looks like that, your brain fools you...again. If you would investigate there so called investigations, you find the real one who is being abused that actually did the invention, and probably poor and doesn't speak up because their abuser took good care of funding vastly the idea by everyone else the intelligent person is an idiot. By speaking up and honestly, he is being riduculised again.

And that is something we dont recognize either, same reasons as before mentioned.

If we even only this evil tric should recognize?

We didn't hear ideas like making people without heads.

The fact that we do, is because we aren't worried at all. I sense it too. I KNOW better in the meanwhile but I do.

I think, because I wouldn't do this, this wis not going to happen.

So yes, I am a creator of what I fear and honnestly utterly disgust: WEF and people who make copies of me without a head.

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I thought that it would be incremental, one little step at a time, rather than a conscious decision.

Start off small and get good at it. Feel clever.

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Just dip in. I actually worked with pedo (on my caseload). Many of them are v conscious of their act, particularly in the grooming process. They become v 'task oriented' and predatory thus they become calculative in order to achieve their goal. (otherwise they can't get their prey). Obviously their aim overrides the society's law and present day's moral judgement. High IQ doesn't equal their level of emotional IQ.

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I'm sorry to say I think it's very, very easy for certain people to be evil.

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Perfectly possessed. Where a soul and conscious is given to satan freely in return for earthly power and money. Such people know all about God, Jesus, satan, good and evil. They made a bargain with the spiritual side of evil because it provides earthly delights. The spiritual side of good does not. That is why perfectly possessed people do not want to die - they know perfectly (no pun intended) what awaits them for their decision to sell their soul.

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It is hard for people to whom destructive behavior does not come naturally.

However, I've known a few people I'd label perverse or 'evil'. They can't help themselves; that's absolutely what comes naturally to them: to undermine, subvert, wheedle, manipulate, sabotage, and so forth. It's a behavior that cannot be redeemed or rehabilitated—it's simply genetic and part of who they are.

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Just throwing a different perspective. Having grown up in an environment where people talk about reincarnations, some people might say these souls decided to play the role of villain in this lifetime and chose to be born into those particular genetic lines?

Maybe or maybe not...?

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Thiel is another one. Kurzweil.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think the headless thing - or at least the brainless thing has been in evidence for most of the pandemic.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

These people are really sick!

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What about the people who fund them like taxpayers? When will ordinary people just say no!

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I think it's like the masks thing--so many people just complied out of politeness, fear, and thinking they were being caring to others. Many of us, here, know we need a kind of drastic change, and as I said about the masks "if we'd all just NOT wear them, there'd be no issue," only to find out...so many people WANTED to wear them.

I worry that as things get crazier, many more people are going to get literally world-weary and become okay with the idea of things like, you know, no-brain babies-as-3D-organ-printers, voluntary death to help the planet/the next generations, or strategic life-shortening to protect the planet and future (elite) generations. I mean, I HOPE not, but I was really thrown by the compliance I saw with the Covid theatre.

Maybe we have to sell our ideas better--I mean, I think FREEDOM is a better message than COMPLIANCE=SAFETY, but obviously many were scared of freedom.

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Lately I think of apocalyptic movies and realize I would be the one huddling in a cave trying to escape the non human beings roaming around.

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I don't know, you might surprise yourself. We can never say how we will really act when it is important--I hope and suspect that a lot of us here are more than just keyboard warriors. I am inspired by my own experience of being braver than I thought I could be in certain situations, and yet it was an EASY choice, not something I debated. As if I had some divine/grounded/intuitive guidance, which makes fighting for our rights seem like the only choice, not a difficult one. We may know it is difficult, and yet it is still, for us, the only choice.

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I think you'd appreciate Mattias Desmet's book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.

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Ugh--it is on my way too long TBR list...thanks for the suggestion--I think, from what I've heard commenters here say, that I would appreciate it too.

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I don't know about you, but I haven't had much of a say in the last 50 years about where my tax dollars are going. Not sure I can say NO loud enough.

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This only verifies how nefarious politicians are. Why can't people decide what sector at least, their tax dollars should go to? Why are the people so compliant and silent? Frankly I think there should be a moratorium on taxes until people figure out what path to take.

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Yeah abolish 16A. We did just fine before 1913.

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I don't want to get in trouble tonight, so I'll just say this; I don't think it's spectator sport.

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