Igor, I love what you do; by exposing the truth, you are effectively throwing a giant monkey wrench into the narrative churning gears of the globalist mechanism. It is very entertaining especially when you have provided documents to back up what you claiming. I am always sharing this information as far as I can. I have managed to turn around several people I know; this resulted in them NOT vaccinating their kids, I may have save their lives in doing so.

I make it a point to talk to at least 5 people per day hoping to red pill them.

Being a "Conspiracy Theorist" is spending countless hours researching and gathering as much information as possible, only to have people who do nothing but watch TV like CNN for their info, call you crazy. These are the same people who thoughtlessly follow such social narratives as "safe and effective."

In order to "follow" anything, all you have to do is "not think for you're self," its just like dead fish, they just float down stream........ no wiggle, no resistance; easy prey and guaranteed enslavement.

There are no "Theorists" just people who are awake and paying attention.

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> I make it a point to talk to at least 5 people per day hoping to red pill them.

This is BRILLIANT! Pinning your comment

Everyone -- please talk to at least SOME people every day -- tailoring truth to their level of understanding -- this will save all of us, you included

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Thanks, Igor for as much success I have had at this; I have also lost a friend to this vaccine as well. This is something that touches me personally.

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022Author

I also have certain loved ones affected

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My own personal list is 17 persons known by me either dead, seriously injured or new onset cancer, most with poor prognoses. And my network is not large.

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I have 6 dead, I believe. All but 1 healthy before getting the vaccines. One died soon after of COPD he had lived with for 20 years, 4 died of rapid onset cancer that progressed to death in a few months, one was a baby who died in utero after mom got the vaccine; oh, make that 2 babies. Not as many as some folks, perhaps, but significant.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

Dr Morse says chemo is a death sentence. It's probably the whole 'medical' system has been weaponised more than previously rather than 'the vaccine' doing all the damage. 'vaccinated' are much more likely to use it. leaving these entities to manage a whole 'medical'

system after what they have done with 'covid' is extremely reckless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BSFeChQEpQ

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Holy shit!

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Me too. It’s all so surreal. I know three jabbed people who have cancer now

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You ou need to get a new friend base! Seriously. Move start now.

Let’s wear white shields so we can identify each other

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I'm so sorry for your loss! I haven't lost any to the vaccines, YET! But there are some I have just lost but they're still here.. I grieve with you ! ❣️ To ❣️ from 🇨🇦

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Thank-you I get so behind.. then I accidentally reply to the wrong responses.. so I apologize right here if anyone in here has EVER received a confusing response from me.. that's probably what's occured.. ugh .. anyways Thank-you for the ♥️ Igor !

Now I'm off to apologize and say THANKS to the peep who gave me a 💕 for my comment and I gave a VERY VERY confusing response when I was trying to figure OUT the comments to myself ...

lol ohhh my ... so much going on .. I think I popped out of BRAVE thought so I'm going out and back in ... and here's another problem (mine, I know, just stating) the memory problem I have seems to somehow just went from 40 .. 50 to like 💯 percent in whatever it doesn't even matter ... K, see you in the next comment .. hopefully very soon. Cause I AM TRYING TO GET BACK TO IT NEXT!!! 🕊️ & 💕 to everyone who has made IT AT LEAST THIS FAR !!!

We ARE THE STRONG and we ARE the only ONES it seems, ... The sickest, the oldest, the most disabled, the brain damaged, the retired along with a handful of honestly REPORTING AGENCIES or usually it's just individual reporters you've got to know ARE good on your own to find the FACTUAL INFORMATION because you get none from MSM and that my friends is now just plain FACTS SMACKING everyone in the face... Just Loving the newest side by sides 🤣 ..

Man, just keeps getting better and better ... 🤣

SOON they'll be within the same day's reports ... 🤣

🕊️ and 💕

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Mar 1, 2023


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I have no idea what you are trying to say or imply by that .. ? What

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Thanks for saying this Igor. I try to do the same and likeminded friends sometimes say it’s hopeless. But it is important and progress is being made.

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It is important! Truth has Power of its own. It only takes people to stand up for it!

Every word of Truth is a seed planted - that eventually will sprout.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Love exponents. They are so powerful!

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ALSO useful to make up and hand out little 'business cards" with some important URLs (like Igor's URL!), so your 'targets' can have a wee map to the START of one of the bunny trails!

Just 3-4 of your favs, so the target doesn't have to try to remember what that "nice conspiracy theorist they met in the store" told them.

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I'm a biologist...this is not a simple bunny burrow. It is a freakin' termite colony that has expanded outward in a fractal all over the world. I love that substack has so many conscious scientists and writers.

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Could you make a QR code instead of a link? That would help folks to get to the sites rather than trying to correctly type in a link. ;)

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Good on you for spreading the truth. My approach is to generally talk as If I've just been red-pilled myself. Or address the enlightened, so the unenlightened can overhear, always citing original sources such as government data or scientific journals. Very matter-of-factly. Far more effective than preaching, because I'm really simply seeking the truth, after all.

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Great comment. You represent the REAL grassroots!

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Bingo! Well said! I’ve had those experiences too! Luckily some listened and started investigating themselves! We “crazies” have to keep on trying! I share posts like this and videos from podcasters who show articles, documents, etc. with family and friends and they in turn share with others.

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That's excellent, I thank you for your efforts. Every bit we do contributes to an overall knowledge base.

Also, with documents it's quite important to save them offline. I'm creating a dissident library. Keeping the records of what historic times we are experiencing right now.

Our kids and future generations will thank us big time.

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Way over-engineered. Simplest way to block the sun (at least for a short time) is to eject Gates into it.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

He does have a lot of darkness...but in the end, no match for the sun 😉.

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But it would solve our climate problems

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

LOL... Certainly a big step in that direction...

"I Report on Actual News. Confirming Conspiracy Theories When they Prove True is Fun." You're good at it, too, Igor -- which is why we read your work. Thanks for your efforts!

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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And many medical ones

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022Author

And computer virus problems too

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Too late. Microsoft has institutionalized software mediocrity. Each new release of Windows operating system seems to be worse that the previous release. Do they pay programmers to do this, or is it entropy? Perhaps we should apply the same logic as Bill Gates; Microsoft is not prone to viruses, it is the virus!

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Hi, I am a lifelong Linux user

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Indeed — this is long overdue.

Somebody should get a hold of Elon. Maybe there is still time to retask the Starship test flight. We can tell Bill he can ride a Tesla if he wants.

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Just tell Bill that there is a cute 12 year old girl in the trunk

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Ralph Kramden from The Honeymooners gives us some excellent instruction about how to deal with Gates:

“One of these days...POW! Right in the kisser!

Bang! Zoom! ...

[He’s] going to the moon! 🌚


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He'd be the first person that went there. Oops, a conspiracy theory that hasn't made it to fact ... yet.

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Not far enough away.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Now that’s a view I’d like to see from my “window”

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I love this article Igor. Every point you make is so relevant and insightful.

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If it weren’t for the vacuum of space I could imagine very satisfying bacon sizzling noises 🌞🥓

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A sacrifice to the sun god 😂😂

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If that proves too difficult can we please settle for a very large volcano.

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He could solve the proboem at its source!

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Good one! You got me cracking up. Needed that! :)

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A very large catapult would be adequate. He might not reach the sun but he would gain some good coverage where ever he lands.

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Would the "short time" the sun was darkened be considered a pregnant 🫃 pause?

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I vote your solution as the best one - eject madman Gates into it.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Vote for Biden so the adults will be back in charge."

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think they meant so adult care givers could be in charge?

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They didn't specify what kind of adults!

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am voting Putin for president...

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

...."Deep, dark Blue-pilled, don'tcha know that the Left is controlled by Klaus Schwab, George Soros and Bill Gates?

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The Globalists have a niche on the left, but the right has plenty too.

Hiltler came to power through the left as did Biden.

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The globalists are the left, and vice versa.

If not, they sure as hell have the same goals......

And none of it is good for us.

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

Give us the names of some modern day billionaire right-wing globalists.

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Otherwise known as “the 3 stooges”.

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, you are the way I found Substack. I searched for hospitalization of the quacked and it led me to you. I have found your information to be factual and I found other stackers thru you. I look forward to reading every article because I know how much you research. Thanks for writing.

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Ah thank you!

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I do not believe geoengineering via chem trails is a conspiracy theory when I watch chem trails being spread everyday in East Devon. The chem trails widen and block the sun for hours. Unlike a contrail which disappears in minutes.

I saw the same chemtrails in Chicago when I was there in August. Britain had an incredibly freaky summer. May and June NO SUN, July and August, NO RAIN. Sorry but I do believe in geoengineering and it is because I witness chem trails from here to Heathrow airport. The ones in east Devon, I see daily. I did write twice to the meteorological dept and presto, they had a three page response denying chem trails exist. And had references from 30 years ago. Their response is obviously ready to fire out to anyone who questions the existence of chemtrails.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

For "conspiracy" FACTS, get up to speed here: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

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can you please lighten up on posting links

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Hi Igor, Why? Does it cause problems? The site linked by Donicia above is excellent and I would recommend it if you want to learn about global dimming. Best wishes!

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Did everyone "get" The Memo, by now ?

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Mary Ann, I am in Cornwall UK and I am convinced we get them here too. The chem trails hang around for ages, unlike the normal con trails which disappear quickly. I often notice them and weird cloud formations.

How utterly crazy and pompous to think they can control the weather - it is insane and will end in catastrophe.

After all the lies and insanity of the scamdemic I really don't know what to believe about anything anymore... Is anything 'they' say true?

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Here is an actual project, not a conspiratorial slant at all, simply out in the open, lists principal investigators.

Been around for quite a while:



Meteorologists are made to sign two NDAs--chemtrails and aliens. Can't talk about either if they want to work as 'weather experts'.

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Of course there's chemtrails, and of course there's geoengineering and weather modification. They can completely control the weather now, including whether or not it rains, and most importantly *what direction/path hurricanes and tropical storms take*. It sounds crazy, but it's really not. Dane Wigington from geoengineeringwatch(dot)com has lots of videos proving this. A perfect example of their ability to steer hurricanes is hurricane Dorian from a couple years ago. They made that category 5 storm sit over the Bahamas for TWO DAYS straight.... does anyone else recall hurricanes of the past sitting stationary in one spot for multiple days?? Of course not. But 90% of people still think chemtrails are condensation 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ so we've got a loooooong way to go

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Of course. Too many Americans lack critical thinking skills, and brain cells to power it, hence the "outsourcing" of their thinking and decision-making. It's just waaay too much responsibility for all the overgrown children anyway.

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The met office here in the UK in response to my concerns of daily chem trails in east Devon, England, sent back a bog standard two page reply to anyone who dares to question the existence of chem trails. The first line of there nonsensical response, is no such thing exists. These are contrails. They even mention “conspiracy theories”. They go on and on and on attempting to justify their response with references dating back to the 70’s. Sad they are so,out of date on their references. Well what do you want from a state controlled institution, the truth? Forget that. Many people witnessing chem trails on a daily basis. queer weather totally in their hands. enjoy the ride folks.

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Now, don't go calling the weather "queer," not here in the S.F. Bay Area at least, someone might get offended, hah hah!

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Playing with Mother Nature is such a baaaad idea.

And it's a bad idea because bad and junk science is leading to these projects.

Also. Gates, I'm guessing, didn't read a single one of those books behind him.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

One of my mottos: don’t f*** with nature or nature will f*** with you.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Junk science: the modern-day sales-on-steroids equivalent.

Boys with toys, bulldozer enthusiasm, IQ 70.

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I am more concerned about the junk science involved with veganism and the promotion of bug-eating.

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Yep. For "conspiracy" FACTS, get up to speed here: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

people that were 'discredited' years and years a go suddenly seem to be victims of this system like Andrew Wakefield

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Nicholas Gonzalez MD was killed mysteriously he was treating stage 4 terminal cancer patients with enzymes and diet mods. Mike mew dentist currently being persecuted by orthodontia class for expressing self healing of weak jaw for better dental wellness. Mercola for alternative wellness education. How many treatments, that don't fit the controllers business model, have been persecuted and have been made unavailable to us.

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There's actually been HUNDREDS of naturopath/homeopath doctors that have died under very suspicious circumstances the past few years, and many of them were in the middle of giant breakthroughs in curing "incurable" diseases like cancer and autism. Erin Elizabeth from Health Nut News has reported on this topic extensively. They WANT us sick, dying, and dead.

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Neil Gonzalez MD in new York was murdered mysteriously about 10 years ago. He was treating stage 4 cancers with papaya, pancreatic enzymes, coffee enemas -detox basically. Dr Mercola health site 1 disinformant according to MSM. Yes the pieces for better health were being brought together,they buy the inventions that might help but if it's not profitable or conflicts with their other investments it's removed.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yep. For "conspiracy" FACTS, get up to speed here: https://www geoengineeringwatch.org

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And remember that barium and aluminum are Toxic to trees.

We have less than 1% of our redwood forests remaining, and look at California's skies in these satellite pictures. They have been sampling tree bark and finding aluminum and barium, which is not natural. Meanwhile Yosemite lost 25% of its giants -- toppling over! -- in one season alone last year. 25% of these ancient sacred trees in a few months.

How smart is Gates paying to spray micro metals into the atmosphere? And what gives him the right to take the life of even one giant tree who has been living here for centuries? What gives any rich person the right to poison vast expanses of soil, trees, and anything in between based on their own misconception of thinking they are clever, when really understanding so little?

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I heard from a podcaster that the temperature of the fires where aluminum oxide has been sprayed is so much hotter because of reacting with the iron. I assume iron is in plants, therefore plants can't regrow in those burn areas. I still need to research the chemisry of this claim.


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Yes, the firefighters in California are reporting that fires are burning explosively, completely out of control, like nothing that was ever seen before.

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I’m sure the “experts “ are baffled.

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And check out the videos of the fire tornado's. First time many folks had ever seen that

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have pondered this myself. If you or I dumped literal tons of aluminum and barium particulate from a plane, we’d be in prison on felony pollution charges. Dress it all up in “climate science” jargon though, and the global elite can do it thousands of times, over many years, all over the world with impunity. And they do not care that we might object to having our water, air, soil, and bodies contaminated. If I ever discover what patch of planet Earth they AREN’T spraying over (no doubt they need a preserve for themselves), I might consider moving there. Except then I’d have psychopaths for neighbors.

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Which stage of Piaget's child development would that fall under...... If I spray 78 tons of aluminum and barium into the air .......

(a) it magically disappears and doesn't exist anymore

(b) it continues to exist, in a different location, even if I don't see it

Oh, right. Object Permanence. Age 18 to 24 months.

When Gates and all of these bull-in-a-china-shop scientists mature to the 18-month stage, maybe they can consider some implications of their grandiose ideas.

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022

Consider this: fluoride is an industrial waste product that was expensive to expose of safely and properly in order to not incur pollution penalties. But send it into a lab to test it for any potentially useful properties, and — presto! — this former liability is magically transformed into a profit-generating, marketable substance. Sure it still has its drawbacks, but that’s no obstacle to a decent marketing and PR team. Merely convince the public of its benefits, quietly squelch any mention of its harms, and pretty soon this nasty byproduct is not only widely accepted — governments will spend a fortune in tax dollars to acquire it and add it to the municipal water supply (a decision I don’t recall getting to vote on).

Let’s see… what other nasty industrial waste byproducts do we have taking up space and costing too much to bury in lined underground storage? Perhaps these, too, can be “lucratively repurposed”?

See how this works?

Just speculating.

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022

And things snowball.

We are currently at the point where US medical guidelines train doctors to recommend oral fluoride supplementation to infants who have the 'risk factor' of living in an area that does not have fluoridated water, so that these babies will not suffer "fluoride deficiency." They are actually using that term now: "fluoride deficiency." Nevermind that fluoride is a neurotoxin. This is literally what the materials given to doctors say - sponsored by a large shadowy company in Bethesda.

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Interesting to consider that the CA Redwoods were in existence during the time of the Christ. As a satanist/Luciferian, Gates knows this. Why wouldn’t he seek to destroy something that’s 2,000 years old which by its very age harkens back to an extraordinary Life & Consciousness which walked on the earth. How can anyone not think of GOD or the magnificence of Nature when they see the stature & height of the Redwoods.

What’s being intentionally done to these trees is meant to hurt Mankind for who wouldn’t feel deeply distressed over their destruction in light of their thriving for two centuries agst. all odds.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"If you read on Substack you are a conspiracy theorist."

Seriously. Overheard last evening at a cocktail party. Sigh...

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Ive heard that too, along with ÿou read gateway pundit? Conspiracy theorist...

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IDIOTS! For "conspiracy" FACTS, get up to speed here: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org.

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Conspiracies happen all the time. People who dismiss them contemptuously don't love truth.

They are following CIA bullshit

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The truth is out there, but it’s scary!

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I just look at my 62 year old gorilla pecs and am calmed

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I wish I had gorilla biceps.

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You have gorilla spirit

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Really? Who ever heard of conspiracies among the rich and powerful?

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conspiracy theory


plural: conspiracy theories

1. A logical deduction from available evidence or contemporaneous observations that contradicts established societal orthodoxy but will be factually verified in the near term

2. An objective fact or a truth that contradicts or is inconvenient to a prevailing cultural or political orthodoxy

3. Something derived by elementary common sense that is obvious to ordinary people but beyond the comprehension of anyone corrupted by college and/or university education

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Number 3 seems to be true to some extent, especially the "anti vax" nuttiness.

I always reply back, if i refuse to drink water from a toilet, does that make me anti water? Then why does not wanting one vax make me anti vax?

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Lmao at 3

Omg so very true !

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Discredit the media at every turn. Mock people who cite “media” sources.

“Media lied, people died.”

There’s tons of ways to do this, depending on your audience.

“I remember when the media said there were weapons of mass destruction and sold us the Iraq war.”

“LOL! Where’d you get your ‘facts’ from? CNN? HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAH.”

It really works.

Always remember, you NEVER try to convert the person you’re arguing with, you’re using them as a springboard to covert the people listening.

If I’m arguing with Ted, and say, “HAHAHHAHAHA where’d you get that bullshit, CNN? HAHHAHAHAHAH.”

Well, Ted is going to clam up and get angry… well, fuck Ted. The people listening are the ones that are going to start doubting CNN.

None of us are going to change the world. That’s ego. What we are going to do, is pull pebbles from the dam, one at a time until the whole thing collapses.

Remember that. You’re all pulling pebbles. It’s going to work. It always does. It’s how termites destroy houses.

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I thought about note cards thrown on sports fields or taped to goals the morning or eve before a large event posing a question like: who is Maddie garay?how do you know Vac sins are safe and work?

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I’m making stickers, think skaterpunk street art style.

Tons and tons of designs.

Making dissent cool.

My official motto is, “Taking 5th gen warfare to the streets”.

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The White Rose on Telegram does this and they have some pretty great sticker designs

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I call it planting seeds...

(I also ruefully describe myself as Cassandra, screaming hysterically at unhearing people... Bro-in-law was murdered by booster couple mos ago: but I have NOT BEEN ALLOWED, since mid-2020 when she hung up on me, to discuss covid truth with my sis, to try to get her and my nephew to QUIT taking poison shots!)

I have a burning desires to strap everyone I know down and force megatons of info into their brainwashed heads... tried that, it don't work! {sigh} (Well, not so much the strapping down part... but my heart cries out to do so!) So, I just drop a sentence or two; or answer someone's claim with its correction and then leave it lying there.

I take comfort in the VERY FEW people I've managed to get to stay pureblood! Under ten, but it's better than staying silent!

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A neighbour to me, said with a little smile indicating she thought I was a lunatic: “oh you’re one of those conspiracy theorists that think a shadowy cabal is trying to take over the world”. Me: “No. I’m one of those history buffs that know for a fact there is always a group of people trying to take over the world. Why do you think this time is so special we don’t have that?”

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100%. History is often written by the victors. But even so we can see throughout history there is and has always been "a game of thrones" type scenario filled with tyrants and heroes vying for power. We in the last hundred years saw the rise of Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini. If you look further back is a long and large list of recurring power struggling phenomena.

If I analysed my workplace incident register and saw a pattern of say recurring falls off of ladders. Would I be a nut job then for trying to implement strategies to eliminate or minimize those incidents from happening? No. I would be thanked and told I was doing a good job.

Why is this different?

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I've come to the uncomfortable conclusion that literally EVERYTHING we've ever been told about anything is a lie... including all of history.

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This summer we have seen planes fly overhead leaving vapor trails. Slow flying planes, which shouldn’t create vapor trails. And the vapor trails criss cross and slowly spread to create a cloud cover. Day after day. The vast majority of our clouds this summer ‘formed’. They didn’t roll in from somewhere. These are chemtrails. No one believed it. My wife bumped into a friend and her nephew. The nephew is in enviro studies at U Vic. She mentioned chemtrails. The nephew said ‘isn’t it awesome. We are studying this at school. We are actively cooling the planet!’ Not a conspiracy theory. It is happening.

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"We", huh?

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Yep. For "conspiracy" FACTS, get up to speed here: https://www geoengineeringwatch.org. Includes a link to U.S.gov PATENTS for weather modification.

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Oct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I like to say the difference between "conspiracy theory" and reality is typically anywhere from three weeks to three decades!

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RemovedOct 16, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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President Trump had the chance to declassify everything and he didn't.

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Perhaps that's what he had at Mara Lago. 🤣

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Hmm...didn't think of that...

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I am old enough to remember when blatant editorializing was not allowed in the news pages. Speculation is now considered news, too. Opinion also passes for news. News is what actually happened by whom, how and ultimately why. But you can only get to the why through the actual event. Good sources are the ones closest to the event in both time and proximity. And as Igor points out, reporting is things that have happened or are ongoing. At one point I would have thought this too obvious to spell out. But there’s little reliable reporting anymore. Everyone seems to have gone all in on creating the story.

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Has gone the same direction as political ad campaigns and speeches. Mainstream "public discourse" in the US has become trying to light the largest emotional flames using the lowest tricks about a handful of totally unimportant topics.

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Rachel Madow stipulated IN COURT that her "news reporting" was opinion; and could NOT be relied upon for TRUTH!!! IN COURT!!

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So forget Richard Gages substack you say.

What is not a conspiracy?

Scamdemic was organized lcckstep Lockdowns all around the world IsoLa.

No theory about it, an actual conspiracy.

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