More bad news for Australia. Closed international borders kept the virus at bay, with only a few thousand testing positive through 2020 - 2021. Over 20 million Australians were vaccinated - nearly all with no prior infection. Then the borders opened up and Covid19 run rampant.
Not much too see apart from a very depressing compliant population - I made the mistake of turning on the radio and yep, the message is still to "get your booster, if you are eligible (as if they would not jab anyone just turning up) as soon as possible as that is the safest way to protect yourself and your loved ones". Please note the "safest way" part of the message. How sick and evil are these people? The sad reality is that Perth, WA, is full of drones that follow the instructions and get themselves jabbed over and over. Because it works so well. I think that this is applicable to the other major Oz cities but feel free to prove me wrong.
After they treated me and my family worse than lepers and done everything possible to destroy my life, I have ZERO sympathy for these imbeciles. Getting jabbed did not require them to behave like a bunch of psychotic scumbags but they did it, many with glee. They will get their just reward - it is a matter of time.
It's not how it worked. What happened is they used a phony pcr 'test' that was supposedly based on conditions in winter in China e.g. low sunshine levels. People in Austalia having lots of sunshine had much higher vitamin D levels so did not 'test positiive'. Then later they changed the 'test' so that they could generate more 'cases' using the same 'test'. This was called 'omicron'. It might be that the changes resulted in the 'test' changing entirely. I can only speculate but it is very strange that Australia went from very low to very high. Perhaps it is now a indication of some positive health aspect since Australia was traditionally a very healthy country. World leader 100 years ago. Who knows what the individual primers mean and why they were selected apart from the people who designed the thing? It might be that it was all planned and they knew when they removed certain ones it would change the meaning entirely since these would formally have been suppressed by the others being required. With no evidence of a virus existing there is no reason to believe Australia would be subjected to a flu like illness in the middle of summer whilst in Europe when it was winter the changes did not increase 'cases' markedly. Borris Johnson decided to phase out masks etc. with 'omicron'. I think maybe it is something to do with hormones or pheromones. Ones that would be low in Europe in December whilst they were high in the Australian summer. Then suddenly they were talking about summer waves in Europe that didn't happen in 2020. Probably to do with birth control. The idea that if there was such a thing as covid it could be so substantially reduced in Australia for 2 years by closing borders even tho there was already quite a few 'cases' is absurd. They obviously messed with the borders to use as a cover story for whatever was changed about 'the test'.
That would mean they already knew they needed a cover story and had decided it would be easier to change the test over in Austalian summer rather than doing it in the northern hemisphere when more people would notice the strange event. It would be easier to convince people that with Australia being geographically remote they had somehow managed to contain 'covid' even tho there was ofcourse still many people travelling in and out. There was journalists, military, politicians, diploimatsfor example. All people working on ships and I am sure you can imagine it is simply absurd to think that Australia was completely shut off from the world with international trade, sports championships, millions of expats overseas, diamond mines, prostitution, fishing, yachts, bankers, refugees etc. All this border hassle was to give the casual observer a remotely plausible cover story in the hope they wouldnt switch their brain on for half a second to think about it. Same like how the shop assistant was given a plastic screen in the hope they thought it might be the reason they hadn't got sick. A decoy to distract attention away from what was really going on. There was a website with a time lapse map of infant mortality and stuff. It showed how Australia had the lowest rate like 100 years ago but after I shared it it mysteriously vanished. Someone told me Australia was a test country. They must have seen how low these infant mortality data was there and made it a important country for research and stuff. I even think the whole CFC story was made up to get Australians to hide from the sun coz they knew it was lowering the flu etc. numbers and harming their quacksine campaign. It was a threat coz if Australia stopped quacksinating it would threaten their chances elsewhere also.
I guess I was lucky, but in California i was only scolded once for being full face by an unofficial Covidian in a Safeway checkout line. I did have store managers chasing and threatening me in retail establishments, though. Of course, they were “just doing their job.” But I must admit I don’t wish them good luck going forward.
I do not. They are simply 🐑🐑🐑🐑 running to their death pens and committing the ultimate sin, which could end humanity and our planet .. they are COMPLYING with GOVERNMENT MANDATES! I am an activist, l work with many others who tirelessly work covertly to disrupt many different systems pumping out propaganda - there are millions of us worldwide .. many in positions of great authority .. they remain in covert ops in order to conduct their activities. There is a tremendous FIGHTBACK going on behind the general publics view and it’s working!!
You do something, anything, to throw a spanner in their works. I've put up signs for example. I've seen bumper stickers stuck on the back bumpers of buses saying "FLCCC.NET" and "Ivermectin". There are leaflets that get taped up on posts and put in people's mailboxes etc. Guerrilla marketing works. Corporations spend a fortune to try and generate "the buzz".
I leave it up to you if you want to do stuff that is illegal LOL. If you do, don't get caught. Any business or individuals that restrict access or are in favour of mandates is fair game IMHO.
Funny thing is pre-pandemic they were all preaching 'we need to change". Then the pandemic hits and the injection gets rolled out: 'the sooner you get injected the sooner we can get back to normal'.... And they all went for it. Guess they really aren't interested in change after all.
Oh, they got change alright lol And the only interest they had in that change, was changing it back. Too bad they chose the wrong catalyst for said change.
Then again, the change they will end up with may well be very peaceful and quiet. lol It just won't seem the same as the old days though.
No thanks. I was there to do a certification exam a few years back. Could not get out of the place quickly enough (I literally stayed for only 7 hours and got out with an earlier flight than planned).
That's sad in the case of decent people. It's not so sad when "98% compliant crazy sheep," to quote John Osti, are reducing their numbers and removing themselves from the gene pool. Think of the harm that those sheep cause to others. Think of how they tried to coerce others and their bigotry and prejudice towards those who did their research and decided to refuse the jabs. Canberra is like the town of "Dogville" in in the movie of the same name. In the movie, Nicole Kidman's character says to her father WTE "I just want to make the world a better place. And if there's one town that the world would be better off without, it's this one." I'd not wish the mRNA jabs on anyone but my worst enemies. I'm delighted that Canberrans embraced the mRNA jabs. I'm happy for the 2% who didn't.
They are allegedly adults so it is their choice. What gets to me is that they are happy to dig a hole for themselves and get angry when you refuse to do the same. The mandates would have never been viable had the original jabs been taken up by less than 10% of the population (which is way too many anyway). Unfortunately, because of the voluntary high uptake, the scumbags behind this horror had all the ammunition they needed to try to force their toxic jabs on everyone.
Once they get them to take the shots they preach to them to re-enforce their smugness. "You did your part so why should you care if they get excluded or lose jobs?".
That's really crazy - hard to believe. And the ACT didn't have mandates - maybe because they met pfizer's vaxing demands. We were planning a trip to go to the cinema/theatre in the ACT, because there weren't any vax restrictions.
Yes, that's right. They were thinking about doing the mandates at work, but they like you said everyone was so compliant, didn't question a thing which to me was crazy. Most of them at work think I was nut job not getting it but like you guys I know I made the right decision (did my own research). I have had covid once last year, just a mere cold etc. Funnily enough most of my work colleagues are getting the virus for the second and third time looks like the immune tolerance is kicking in. All we can do is grab some popcorn wait and see.
I'm happy for the 2%. It's still early days yet and the jabs are only just starting to work their magic but it's disappointing that so many of those sheep are still vertical.
That's good news. It was an IQ test and couldn't happen to more deserving people. Nothing of benefit comes out of there. I hope most had no prior infection and that they all took the mRNA jabs and are up to date with their boosters.
It is more of a personality trait than intelligence. Ivor Cummins did a survey and the INT-J personality is 2% of the population and over 20% of the refusniks. We INT-J's question authority obsessively. INF-J were a close second. Together those 2 of 16 personality types make up almost half the refusniks (40%). INF-P and INT-P round out the top 4. Combined those 4 (11% of the general population) make up over half of the refusniks.
Given the ton of evidence that the scum behind this were blatantly lying, yes, it does mean that they are FUNDAMENTALLY stupid. Natural immunity is not as good as a jab tested for a few weeks (instead of 7-10 years)? They came up with something better than what evolution did over hundreds of thousands of years? Seriously? When that point started to be pushed, to me it was a case of "How stupid are you people to even listen to that garbage?" 6 feet separation? Masking? Locking up the HEALTHY population? I could go on an on. Every single shift in the narrative was just rubbing it in - "Yep, we know that you are so stupid you believe just about anything. Let's try this - see, you fell for that one too!". There is one thing that I am positive that contributed to the utter s$&t show in the Western countries - the education has been dumbed down to such a level, people should be embarrassed to show their face. Yet, you get the opposite. People on media bragging "Yeah man, I cannot do basic math". Nuff said.
Yea when they did the "natural immunity doesn't count" I figured "If they believe that they really are cult crazed jab junkies". Once they reach that point adherence to the cult, even to the point of their own death, is preferable to leaving the cult.
Call it cowardice or idiocy or whatever. At that point they cannot be reached. They are done.
In the Soviet Union some would go to the gallows still singing the praises of the revolution: "Mistakes are made but if this is what it takes for the revolution to succeed then I accept this unjust fate" type rationalizing. Stalin called them "Useful Idiots". Now they say "It's not the vax" or "It would have been worse without it". Useful idiots indeed.
Except a lot of people don't much care if they will listen now.
Once you tell people: "Look, you fell for it. Get over it. It doesn't mean you are stupid, it means you may have a personality defect." they start to walk away disgusted, angry, but silent.
You're correct IMO. I think maybe they have to be given some way to save face and neither telling them that they are dumb nor telling them that they are f-cked up will do that. Maybe they need to be helped to conclude that it's because they think the best of people that they didn't realise they were being lied to.
I don't know who has the "personality defect", us or them? But I do know that if I'm the one with the defect I'm damn glad I got it. It keeps my survival instinct sharp.
Thanks for that link! As a refusing INTP, I asked myself the question, which type was most prone to it and is overrepresented. Yeah, its not a matter of just knowledge or (general) naivity or gullibility. I figured most extroverts (basically all of the eight typs) fell for it, because of otherwise given the unability to attend social events and (fear from) exclusion from peers, family, colleagues and society as a whole. But there a differences even between them.
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats. OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality, the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientious and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism. People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.) OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology. They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how f-cked up they are and how much harm they cause. To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D: "The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele. Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude. They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield. In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described. Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials. The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients."
You make a good point but I think it's also similar to the groupthink that happened 20 years ago with the WMDs in Iraq scam. That was an IQ test too. Nobody with 2 intact neurons to rub together believed it for a nanosecond. Getting sucked in by BS and propaganda is not an indicator of ability to reason.
LOL. I fell for the second Iraq war. It wasn't the dog and pony show, I thought that was BS, but the original inspectors (Blix I think) found equipment labelled "smallpox" and everything else you can think of.
The book "The Demon in the Freezer" covers a lot of it.
Six months later with zip to show I was really pissed off at myself. Good wake up call for me.
For no scientific reason, you’re ineligible for the bivalent if you’ve managed to escape the first shots, so when you get the bivalent they can use you to get rid of extra inventory of the old ones.
Of course they are. The new boosters do contain the original strain. Why? Because it produces more of a response from the recipient! Remember that they are not looking to provide any protection but rather to elicit a response. Scientism is action.
Oh my, oh my, I cannot tell you how devastated I am to miss out on the octomouse or decimouse booster. How will I live with myself knowing that I am not going to be a substitute lab mouse for the big Harma? This so cruel and so unfair, I have lost all purpose in life.....
The Australian message has not varied for a very long time now - eg throughout 2022, when almost all deaths occurred. It seems to be impervious to research findings after 2021.
It is impervious to what everyone, with the exception of the US (who are bitterly divided on this) are doing. Europe, led by Denmark are practically telling people that getting Covid is safer than the jabs and that is factually true.
On the counter at the local chemist was a brochure for 'Covid19 Anti-virals'. Turning it over and surprise surprise, it was from our trusty friends at Pfizer. It even had the old sales pitch of "anti-virals are effective but you need to act quickly".
Chemists aren't what they once were. My wife asked me to get some liquid antiseptic containing no alcohol. I asked the pharmacist for same - pharmacist, not sales assistant. She takes out a product reads the label and hands it to me, "this should do". Me, puzzled how I missed this apparently obvious candidate, read the label. Turning to the pharmacist, I say "it's main active ingredient is ethanol". "Yes ethanol, not alcohol", replies the pharmacist, as if I was a little slow keeping up. Perplexed, I say "Ummmm, ethanol is alcohol". We stood looking at each other for too long, then I said, "thanks for the help." Can you believe the reply, "Not a problem. Let me know if you need anything else"?
I have been curious about China not coercing/mandating their people to take mRNA jabs. I don't think they mandated the mRNA jabs for their military either. Hmm....
They bought the mRNA tech in 2020 and the media had a ball telling everyone how China is going to use it. Then it was all silence and I found out that they went with their own locally developed garbage. My bet is that they did actual testing (probably on some unfortunate souls in their gulags) with the big Harma jabs and when they saw the results, they knew that they had to stay away from mRNA.
They went with their own traditional (adenovector) vaccines, which work quite well and are safe. They rejected the mRNA crap, wisely. They care about their people and it shows. China life expectancy went UP during covid years, while in U.S. it went DOWN. This will continue.
I am not sure how safe the Chinese local jabs are and I do not think that the Chinese data provided is worthy of any trust. However, it is clear that they are not effective and the idea that one can develop an effective jab against a rapidly mutating virus is nonsense. Flu jabs do not work for the same reason (even the ones that target the top 5 strains) and anyone who takes them fails to understand basic virology.
Oddly, it seems the most trusted, expert, virologists also do not understand basic virology either. Otherwise they might not be pushing the jabs so hard.
I don't think Australia is seeing the extreme rates of excess death of other countries at this time, that allowed their people to be exposed. Post-covid vaccines (incredibly stupid idea) were reportedly 3x more likely to produce adverse events. So with near-zero covid prior to mass vaccination Australia could be spared something? So many children vaccinated though, and high booster rates especially in Western Australia. Not good.
Well, the local wannabee dictator is on record saying that he wanted to make life pretty much unlivable unless one got jabbed. He tried his best, even banning alcohol sales without a jab. In Perth it definitely scared/coerced enough people to get the jabs. I live for the day I see that psycho face the music.
From my point of view, he has been the worst of the lot. However, I do have former colleagues in Melbourne and Brisbane and they are adamant that their local wannabee dictators were way worse in comparison with the WA psycho.
I thought Marshall in the NT was the weirdest. Queensland is pretty bad but they also have a strong resistance which must be just ignoring it. I'm in Victoria. Shocked Andrews wasn't voted out.
Hmm, I saw the sales pitch from the opposition "leader". He was arguing that the emissions cuts proposed by Dan did not go far enough. In short, he was advocating for third world country conditions faster than Dan. Not exactly a winning message when you are telling the electorate "Vote for me and you get the rolling blackouts faster!". That being said, he was still better the intergalactically stupid opposition dummy here (yes, he was that useless and stupid).
If this study into IgG3/4 is accurate, Australia's ACM will be lagging other Western nations. Vaccinated much later than most, and near zero pre-vaccination infection.
I understand this particularly singular finding and the implications.
The real world data is not showing Australia as suffering as yet to this cause.
There may be other consequences of prior infection and subsequent vaccination that are more devastating.
We were about 5 months behind the Northern Hemisphere on the primary series, and about 3 months behind on the boosters. We had very little of the more serious Wuhan/Delta strains go through the population before omicron.
I'm not even remotely a vaccine apologist - just trying to work it all out.
I think there is one thing that we are forgetting - many Australians are tough buggers. They literally just do not die. They smoke a pack a day for 60 years, they drink half a dozen beers each night, they are overweight, don't exercise enough, eat the wrong stuff, get jabbed to high heaven - yet STILL they are standing!!! Perhaps some of that "First Fleeter" blood is flowing around in people and that's why they're still standing. 'Coz back then, you had to be tough to not just live here, but make it here alive in the first place!!
Don't count us out just yet. But do expect plenty of illness and feeling 'below par'! As for actual deaths, yes, I too thought there'd be more of them. Give it another 3-6 months and if they're not dropping like flies by then, they very well may not.
:D I hope it pans out that way. They were very tough, and I've represented that to the kids. :D Inland Victorians in the 1910s had extreme temperatures and droughts and lived in tiny little wooden houses - no air conditioners, no fridges.
Taking so many histories of my country patients for 16+ years tells me it's not so easy to toss these people over the edge. BUT no-one had injected them with mRNA or the likes before, so I guess we'll see.
IF death is the final end point of these jabs, which I think it is, then these people WILL all die. But WHEN they die, and HOW they die are the points we need to consider, here. I think Australians are, for the most part, tough buggers. They can cope with more than most. And I think that puts them in better stead to not drop dead as soon as others.
Sadly that is not true. In my circle of people, I have now two confirmed instances in which the jabs were the cause of suffering and then death - both in the past 12 months. I think that this will be a slow and steady "bleed" of the population that got jabbed.
I’ve seen data from Australian public health authorities that the more jabs the higher the rate of hospital admissions for Covid. I think Igor Chudov published it.
You know, Oz IS pretty bad on the 'excess mortality' stats, this is true. Only a few countries are worse than us, percentage-wise. Looking at it scientifically instead of "She'll be apples, mate" does put us in a pretty bad light - because PLENTY have died. We all want to think it won't be as bad as this, and we're a tough lot - but the stats do NOT show that. And at this rate, plenty more are also going to die.
It will be what it will be. My gut says these ARE death jabs - but whether they die in 5 months or 5 years I do not know, and none of us are going to know the true carnage until the time is up!
The joys of living (or dying...!) the experiment...
Always keep an eye on the "canaries in the coalmine". Israel is a good one for Pfizer shots. Early and eager beaver keeners just lapped it up. 90% of the adults took the first 2 shots, 80% the third and 50% the fourth. They are screwed.
The canary is as dead as the parrot in the Monty Python skit.
Try comparing Victorian covid hospital/icu/death data to NSW data - it's a joke. Vic Health is beyond corrupt.
And I have some reservations about ABS treatments now too given their Trevor Sutton is married to Gates pandemic planner Jane Halton - all too open to manipulation. Have you seen @EthicalSkeptic's (twitter) exposure of CDC manipulation of US data?
I'm hopeful that the funeral data is more grounded, but again, it depends on what funerals go online, and changing market shares of the funeral companies etc.
And yet, the supposedly-affected group - young males 18-39 up 40% - I haven't seen it here. And it didn't emerge in Australian death registration reports for 2021. Will have to wait for the month of occurrence data. Of course, I carry some reservation on Australian stats now, given one of the bosses Trevor Sutton is married to Jane Halton who was in on the 2019 Gates et al pandemic planning.
We were running at about 16-17% excess as of last August, and now perhaps, based on funeral data, running at about 20%, but looking at the ages they are mostly older deaths. I'm not seeing an excess of deaths in younger age groups that one might see if turbo cancer and heart attacks were running rampant. I'm not seeing accounts from Australians detailing long lists of damaged friends, family and colleagues that I see from UK and US reports.
I seem to recall one video where someone said a small town had 200 deaths in a year. They drove by a LONG line of fresh graves. Maybe not being reported?
You mean that the government and the media would lie to us and hide that? No, not possible because they have been shining beacons of honesty in regard to the jabs. Oh wait...
I saw some reference to that, asked about the town. The one I saw was on Ballarat, which is actually quite a large inland Victorian provincial city. If an aged care home or two got hit that would lift the death numbers.
Even b4 the cvd OZ & NZ ha d been extremely concerned about the risks of germs being brought in from abroad. (Whilst it was ok to spray the chemicals in the air and contaminate their meat)
more lately i also overheard some stuff had been transferred to OZ from Ukraine 'quietly'.
IMO covid went through australia in 2019. China was still travelling to australia through 2019, and from wuhan, and we know they had it in 2019. It didn't have a label until 2020.
I do not know about other States but in WA, AZ was available at about the same time as the Pfizer and Murderna jabs. The difference was maybe 3-4 weeks. I remember because my "colleagues" and my manager were pestering me to "program" my jab asap and they kept telling me that the Murderna one was the most "effective". Lots of jaws dropped to the floor when I told them I had no intention of taking any of the toxic jabs.
Absolutely true. A blessing perhaps for those who survived the early risk of clots. A vaccine so ineffective that subsequently infected people may have developed a true immune response - though I haven't seen any data on that. If the AZ over 50s avoided an mRNA booster they might be doing ok.
But... I look at funerals daily. Most of the young got mRNA and I'm not seeing a great surge in young deaths. Yet.
You might not see it. Yet it might be happening. If one in 400 young males die in a year and it drops in half. IE twice as many young men die, so one in 200, you might never hear of that. It’s massive numbers. Massive. But unless you personally know 200 or 400 young males you could easily not hear anything. And if you do it might pass by as ‘well people
I appreciate that. We're getting reports of 40% increase in male deaths in 18-39s (from memory) in the US over defined time periods - that should be visible in the numbers I'm working with but it's not (yet). Last time I counted and distributed all the age-at-deaths from the funerals I didn't see extras in the under 50s, after comparing with Australia's standard age-at-death distributions. There's a covid/vax/poor treatment/age care signal, with more leaving in the very old populations, but I'm not seeing more in the U50s even compared to the 50s & 60s. I'm trying to get an idea of what's happening ahead of the official data (years in delay).
Gathering around these fb injury groups of concentrated disasters we can lose perspective. Trying to find what's real.
I noticed worse problems (eg clots, lack of energy etc) with my (older) patients who had the AZ than the mRNA. But then again, older people took the AZ generally, and older people would tend to have more health problems than younger people.
My 90yo mother went into hospital 3 days after her second AZ and died a few weeks later, so I'm not saying it was good for them in that post-vaccine manifestation time. However if they made it through I'm hoping there are no more echos. We're learning the mRNA has huge survival times, with spike being detected well over a year. I'm hoping this isn't the case for the AZ (haven't seen data).
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, Madeleine. How awful!! :-(
My Mum had x2 AZ jabs and she got this weird and horrid pain in her left neck at the time of the jab, plus felt really cranky for a week. Strangely, though, almost exactly a year later, she got that same weird & horrid neck pain back again. It went, eventually, but who knows why she had that flare-up a year later. What was happening under the surface? How long does this crap stay in your system - and what's it doing to you in there, anyway? We know the mRNA travels all over the body, not staying at the injection site, and evidently the AZ one also travels we've all been lied to from start to finish, we really have.
I do believe that if my Mum had taken a booster, I would've been going to my mother's funeral pretty quick smart, just like you. She is never going to take a booster, she tells me, and she very much regrets taking these covid jabs. She was bullied into taking them by my sister & father! Somewhere in there I am still mad at them for being so nasty, and also mad at my mother for not listening to me, when she knew I was right the whole time. Ah well, what is done is done.
But who really knows what these jabs have and are still doing. Any which way you look at it, it's not good. I'm not into Russian Roulette. But it seems many people ARE...!! :-(
That's worrying about the return of the neck pain. I hope she's OK. Ominous in general.
The AZ is more limiting - it can't go into every cell (needs a specific receptor type to get in). But when I was weighing up AZ & Pf (pre-data) I couldn't work out which would be worse. The AZ DNA plasmid had a high-power constitutive promoter and no end date. If the AZ-infected cells aren't destroyed it could churn out spikes forever. It also had an ANTI-Blood-Clotting signal peptide code, to tell the cell how to treat it, which seemed to be a crazy thing to do, given the blood clotting outcomes (might've clogged the transport channels, or taken up space at the anti-b-c sites in the blood vessels).
I was pretty disappointed with my mother. I offered to look after her if another wave came so she could avoid getting it. I expected she'd be able to think it through because she'd never had a flu vax in her life - but when the moment came she was so excited to march off with everyone - mass formation psychosis victim, I believe.
Blood clots were identified very early as a massive problem for the AZ jab. That is why some countries in the EU banned it all together way earlier than they backed off the mRNA jabs. Norway in particular had an early study (based on subjects living in retirement facilities) indicating that blood clots are a common rather than rare problem in the recipients of the jabs and I remember the media going all out to limit the impact of that study.
It's possible that their brains are literally affected according to Dr Bhakti. Thrombosis in the brain affecting the frontal lobe. That might explain the inexplicable zombie like behavior of so many like blind sheep.
Thank you for pointing out the BLEEDING OBVIOUS. These people were fundamentally stupid BEFORE the initial jabs. If the jabs were meant to kill off some brain matter (which may be possible given how toxic the jabs are overall), I would argue that for most of the jabbed imbeciles, there was no brain matter to kill from the start.
More bad news for Australia. Closed international borders kept the virus at bay, with only a few thousand testing positive through 2020 - 2021. Over 20 million Australians were vaccinated - nearly all with no prior infection. Then the borders opened up and Covid19 run rampant.
Keep an eye on Australia's ACM!
Not much too see apart from a very depressing compliant population - I made the mistake of turning on the radio and yep, the message is still to "get your booster, if you are eligible (as if they would not jab anyone just turning up) as soon as possible as that is the safest way to protect yourself and your loved ones". Please note the "safest way" part of the message. How sick and evil are these people? The sad reality is that Perth, WA, is full of drones that follow the instructions and get themselves jabbed over and over. Because it works so well. I think that this is applicable to the other major Oz cities but feel free to prove me wrong.
Yes. It's getting very difficult to sympathise with the plight of the eagerly vaccinated.
After they treated me and my family worse than lepers and done everything possible to destroy my life, I have ZERO sympathy for these imbeciles. Getting jabbed did not require them to behave like a bunch of psychotic scumbags but they did it, many with glee. They will get their just reward - it is a matter of time.
Can't argue with that. Whilst I wish them no harm, no tears will be shed by me for those that act/acted so appallingly.
Indeed, .... Depopulation of dumbasses definitely has a less harsh sound to it now, than it did two years ago. lol
Amazing , simply amazing how it works out that way. What hypocrites and on so many levels too.
It's not how it worked. What happened is they used a phony pcr 'test' that was supposedly based on conditions in winter in China e.g. low sunshine levels. People in Austalia having lots of sunshine had much higher vitamin D levels so did not 'test positiive'. Then later they changed the 'test' so that they could generate more 'cases' using the same 'test'. This was called 'omicron'. It might be that the changes resulted in the 'test' changing entirely. I can only speculate but it is very strange that Australia went from very low to very high. Perhaps it is now a indication of some positive health aspect since Australia was traditionally a very healthy country. World leader 100 years ago. Who knows what the individual primers mean and why they were selected apart from the people who designed the thing? It might be that it was all planned and they knew when they removed certain ones it would change the meaning entirely since these would formally have been suppressed by the others being required. With no evidence of a virus existing there is no reason to believe Australia would be subjected to a flu like illness in the middle of summer whilst in Europe when it was winter the changes did not increase 'cases' markedly. Borris Johnson decided to phase out masks etc. with 'omicron'. I think maybe it is something to do with hormones or pheromones. Ones that would be low in Europe in December whilst they were high in the Australian summer. Then suddenly they were talking about summer waves in Europe that didn't happen in 2020. Probably to do with birth control. The idea that if there was such a thing as covid it could be so substantially reduced in Australia for 2 years by closing borders even tho there was already quite a few 'cases' is absurd. They obviously messed with the borders to use as a cover story for whatever was changed about 'the test'.
That would mean they already knew they needed a cover story and had decided it would be easier to change the test over in Austalian summer rather than doing it in the northern hemisphere when more people would notice the strange event. It would be easier to convince people that with Australia being geographically remote they had somehow managed to contain 'covid' even tho there was ofcourse still many people travelling in and out. There was journalists, military, politicians, diploimatsfor example. All people working on ships and I am sure you can imagine it is simply absurd to think that Australia was completely shut off from the world with international trade, sports championships, millions of expats overseas, diamond mines, prostitution, fishing, yachts, bankers, refugees etc. All this border hassle was to give the casual observer a remotely plausible cover story in the hope they wouldnt switch their brain on for half a second to think about it. Same like how the shop assistant was given a plastic screen in the hope they thought it might be the reason they hadn't got sick. A decoy to distract attention away from what was really going on. There was a website with a time lapse map of infant mortality and stuff. It showed how Australia had the lowest rate like 100 years ago but after I shared it it mysteriously vanished. Someone told me Australia was a test country. They must have seen how low these infant mortality data was there and made it a important country for research and stuff. I even think the whole CFC story was made up to get Australians to hide from the sun coz they knew it was lowering the flu etc. numbers and harming their quacksine campaign. It was a threat coz if Australia stopped quacksinating it would threaten their chances elsewhere also.
I guess I was lucky, but in California i was only scolded once for being full face by an unofficial Covidian in a Safeway checkout line. I did have store managers chasing and threatening me in retail establishments, though. Of course, they were “just doing their job.” But I must admit I don’t wish them good luck going forward.
I do not. They are simply 🐑🐑🐑🐑 running to their death pens and committing the ultimate sin, which could end humanity and our planet .. they are COMPLYING with GOVERNMENT MANDATES! I am an activist, l work with many others who tirelessly work covertly to disrupt many different systems pumping out propaganda - there are millions of us worldwide .. many in positions of great authority .. they remain in covert ops in order to conduct their activities. There is a tremendous FIGHTBACK going on behind the general publics view and it’s working!!
If it’s covert, I suppose one shouldn’t ask how, where, and what to do to join your ranks. ???
You do something, anything, to throw a spanner in their works. I've put up signs for example. I've seen bumper stickers stuck on the back bumpers of buses saying "FLCCC.NET" and "Ivermectin". There are leaflets that get taped up on posts and put in people's mailboxes etc. Guerrilla marketing works. Corporations spend a fortune to try and generate "the buzz".
I leave it up to you if you want to do stuff that is illegal LOL. If you do, don't get caught. Any business or individuals that restrict access or are in favour of mandates is fair game IMHO.
Thanks for the swift kick in the head, .... talk of Spanners and Leaflets made me remember this.
And then this: PRINTABLE FLYERS.
There was another one too for Flash Cards,
I found this on the website of Lidiya Angelova in Bulgaria.
Try living in Canberra, it was up to 98% compliant crazy sheep.
A civil service town, ugh. Must be awful, like Ottawa.
Funny thing is pre-pandemic they were all preaching 'we need to change". Then the pandemic hits and the injection gets rolled out: 'the sooner you get injected the sooner we can get back to normal'.... And they all went for it. Guess they really aren't interested in change after all.
Oh, they got change alright lol And the only interest they had in that change, was changing it back. Too bad they chose the wrong catalyst for said change.
Then again, the change they will end up with may well be very peaceful and quiet. lol It just won't seem the same as the old days though.
No thanks. I was there to do a certification exam a few years back. Could not get out of the place quickly enough (I literally stayed for only 7 hours and got out with an earlier flight than planned).
I had the same experience.
I was laughing when I got out - when I was there it reminded me too much of my former country.
The sad reality is people are voluntarily getting on the railcars.
That's sad in the case of decent people. It's not so sad when "98% compliant crazy sheep," to quote John Osti, are reducing their numbers and removing themselves from the gene pool. Think of the harm that those sheep cause to others. Think of how they tried to coerce others and their bigotry and prejudice towards those who did their research and decided to refuse the jabs. Canberra is like the town of "Dogville" in in the movie of the same name. In the movie, Nicole Kidman's character says to her father WTE "I just want to make the world a better place. And if there's one town that the world would be better off without, it's this one." I'd not wish the mRNA jabs on anyone but my worst enemies. I'm delighted that Canberrans embraced the mRNA jabs. I'm happy for the 2% who didn't.
They are allegedly adults so it is their choice. What gets to me is that they are happy to dig a hole for themselves and get angry when you refuse to do the same. The mandates would have never been viable had the original jabs been taken up by less than 10% of the population (which is way too many anyway). Unfortunately, because of the voluntary high uptake, the scumbags behind this horror had all the ammunition they needed to try to force their toxic jabs on everyone.
Once they get them to take the shots they preach to them to re-enforce their smugness. "You did your part so why should you care if they get excluded or lose jobs?".
That's really crazy - hard to believe. And the ACT didn't have mandates - maybe because they met pfizer's vaxing demands. We were planning a trip to go to the cinema/theatre in the ACT, because there weren't any vax restrictions.
Yes, that's right. They were thinking about doing the mandates at work, but they like you said everyone was so compliant, didn't question a thing which to me was crazy. Most of them at work think I was nut job not getting it but like you guys I know I made the right decision (did my own research). I have had covid once last year, just a mere cold etc. Funnily enough most of my work colleagues are getting the virus for the second and third time looks like the immune tolerance is kicking in. All we can do is grab some popcorn wait and see.
I'm happy for the 2%. It's still early days yet and the jabs are only just starting to work their magic but it's disappointing that so many of those sheep are still vertical.
That's good news. It was an IQ test and couldn't happen to more deserving people. Nothing of benefit comes out of there. I hope most had no prior infection and that they all took the mRNA jabs and are up to date with their boosters.
It is more of a personality trait than intelligence. Ivor Cummins did a survey and the INT-J personality is 2% of the population and over 20% of the refusniks. We INT-J's question authority obsessively. INF-J were a close second. Together those 2 of 16 personality types make up almost half the refusniks (40%). INF-P and INT-P round out the top 4. Combined those 4 (11% of the general population) make up over half of the refusniks.
Very basic survey and not a study but it would explain a lot.
Once you tell people: "Look, you fell for it. Get over it. It doesn't mean you are stupid." they start to listen.
Given the ton of evidence that the scum behind this were blatantly lying, yes, it does mean that they are FUNDAMENTALLY stupid. Natural immunity is not as good as a jab tested for a few weeks (instead of 7-10 years)? They came up with something better than what evolution did over hundreds of thousands of years? Seriously? When that point started to be pushed, to me it was a case of "How stupid are you people to even listen to that garbage?" 6 feet separation? Masking? Locking up the HEALTHY population? I could go on an on. Every single shift in the narrative was just rubbing it in - "Yep, we know that you are so stupid you believe just about anything. Let's try this - see, you fell for that one too!". There is one thing that I am positive that contributed to the utter s$&t show in the Western countries - the education has been dumbed down to such a level, people should be embarrassed to show their face. Yet, you get the opposite. People on media bragging "Yeah man, I cannot do basic math". Nuff said.
Yea when they did the "natural immunity doesn't count" I figured "If they believe that they really are cult crazed jab junkies". Once they reach that point adherence to the cult, even to the point of their own death, is preferable to leaving the cult.
Call it cowardice or idiocy or whatever. At that point they cannot be reached. They are done.
In the Soviet Union some would go to the gallows still singing the praises of the revolution: "Mistakes are made but if this is what it takes for the revolution to succeed then I accept this unjust fate" type rationalizing. Stalin called them "Useful Idiots". Now they say "It's not the vax" or "It would have been worse without it". Useful idiots indeed.
Except a lot of people don't much care if they will listen now.
Once you tell people: "Look, you fell for it. Get over it. It doesn't mean you are stupid, it means you may have a personality defect." they start to walk away disgusted, angry, but silent.
There, I fixed it for you. lol
You're correct IMO. I think maybe they have to be given some way to save face and neither telling them that they are dumb nor telling them that they are f-cked up will do that. Maybe they need to be helped to conclude that it's because they think the best of people that they didn't realise they were being lied to.
LOL. Thanks for fixing that. No charge I assume?
I don't know who has the "personality defect", us or them? But I do know that if I'm the one with the defect I'm damn glad I got it. It keeps my survival instinct sharp.
Thanks for that link! As a refusing INTP, I asked myself the question, which type was most prone to it and is overrepresented. Yeah, its not a matter of just knowledge or (general) naivity or gullibility. I figured most extroverts (basically all of the eight typs) fell for it, because of otherwise given the unability to attend social events and (fear from) exclusion from peers, family, colleagues and society as a whole. But there a differences even between them.
What I think we are up against is OCPD. It's a big part of the reason for the bureaupathology of the vaccine advocates: Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), which is common in the military, where those with the condition tend to be rapidly promoted (e.g., Colonel Russell Williams, convicted serial killer and former Commanding Officer of Canada's largest airforce base), law enforcement (e. g., Derek Chauvin, Idaho killings suspect Bryan Kohberger), academia and serial killers appears also to be common in public health bureaucrats. OCPD is a disorder of overcontrol. When dialled up, it's similar to psychopathy, with which it is often comorbid. It's characterised by, among other things, self-righteousness, tyrannical or dictatorial tendencies, perfectionism (especially WRT expectations of others), neatness ("serial killer neat"), punctuality, the ability to dial down or turn off empathy, perspective shifting deficits, rigidity, overconscientious and enjoyment of creating fear in subordinates. It has links to sadism. People with the condition are functionally rigid, stubborn and tend to think they are "always right" and that there is only one correct way of doing things, which is their way. Hitler and Ghandi are good examples. They are angered when they don't get their own way and are overconcerned with ethics and morality. (Hitler was vegetarian and Bryan Kohberger is vegan.) OCPD individuals are annoyed when proven to be wrong and they double down on their mistakes. Because of their perspective shifting deficits they have trouble with alternative hypothesis generation and are unsuited to be scientists. They are also unsuited for management roles and unsuited to be public health bureaucrats although, due to attention to detail, can make good accountants. A big part of their problem is their perspective taking deficits and cognitive distortions and fallacies in their reasoning. They can do well on tasks requiring attention to detail but they can't readily adjust their perspective to identify and correct for weaknesses in theory or methodology. They tend to rise to the top in ethics councils, professional associations, regulatory bodies and the military as well as, it appears, the public health bureaucracy. Present them with evidence of vaccine harms and individuals with OCPD can't adjust their perspective or admit their mistakes and instead they just double down, and then seek revenge. Because it's an egosyntonic disorder they have no idea of how f-cked up they are and how much harm they cause. To further understand OCPD, consider the following description of Anthony Fauci by Scott Sturman M.D: "The mindset of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, World War I’s worst general, springs to mind, when drawing a comparison to Anthony Fauci. By some historical accounts Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig bears the distinction of WWI’s worst general. He rose to Commander of British Expeditionary Forces and led Allied armies during the slaughter and futility at the battles of the Somme and Passchendaele. Known for his self confidence and inflexibility, he repeatedly ordered soldiers over the top to “no man’s land” and into the path of German machine guns. No number of casualties or unachieved objectives could dissuade him from his singular approach to combat. Nigel Davies, historian and educator, points out that General Haig was emblematic of the chateau general - dictating and directing but far removed from the battlefield: They were Chateau Generals in approach and in attitude. They drew lines on maps without adequately considering the terrain, issued impossible instructions without looking at the state of the ground, and ran completely inadequate communications that were far from capable of keeping track of, or controlling, a modern battlefield. In a similar respect, despite his academic and professional accomplishments, Dr. Anthony Fauci has no background or experience in clinical medicine and is ill equipped to lead the SARS-CoV-2 response. His purview is that of a research scientist and entrenched bureaucrat, who is far removed from patient contact. His career is enmeshed with the pharmaceutical industry, whose financial ties with federal medical regulatory institutions are well described. Throughout his career he has denied patients easily accessible, inexpensive, and effective treatments in lieu of patented medications with high risk profiles and of dubious efficacy. In 1987 despite overwhelming clinical evidence, he told AIDS activists that the prophylactic use of the common antibiotic Bactrim to treat pneumocystis carnii pneumonia was ineffective and possibly dangerous. Through private donations the company Lymphomed circumvented the NIAID and conducted successful clinical trials. The delay cost the lives of nearly 17,000 immunocompromised patients."
You make a good point but I think it's also similar to the groupthink that happened 20 years ago with the WMDs in Iraq scam. That was an IQ test too. Nobody with 2 intact neurons to rub together believed it for a nanosecond. Getting sucked in by BS and propaganda is not an indicator of ability to reason.
As a f
Good Turkish friend said to me: “The Iraquis couldn’t make a screw!”
LOL. I fell for the second Iraq war. It wasn't the dog and pony show, I thought that was BS, but the original inspectors (Blix I think) found equipment labelled "smallpox" and everything else you can think of.
The book "The Demon in the Freezer" covers a lot of it.
Six months later with zip to show I was really pissed off at myself. Good wake up call for me.
For no scientific reason, you’re ineligible for the bivalent if you’ve managed to escape the first shots, so when you get the bivalent they can use you to get rid of extra inventory of the old ones.
Wonder if there are still people taking the injections for the obsolete variant
Of course they are. The new boosters do contain the original strain. Why? Because it produces more of a response from the recipient! Remember that they are not looking to provide any protection but rather to elicit a response. Scientism is action.
Oh my, oh my, I cannot tell you how devastated I am to miss out on the octomouse or decimouse booster. How will I live with myself knowing that I am not going to be a substitute lab mouse for the big Harma? This so cruel and so unfair, I have lost all purpose in life.....
The Australian message has not varied for a very long time now - eg throughout 2022, when almost all deaths occurred. It seems to be impervious to research findings after 2021.
It is impervious to what everyone, with the exception of the US (who are bitterly divided on this) are doing. Europe, led by Denmark are practically telling people that getting Covid is safer than the jabs and that is factually true.
On the counter at the local chemist was a brochure for 'Covid19 Anti-virals'. Turning it over and surprise surprise, it was from our trusty friends at Pfizer. It even had the old sales pitch of "anti-virals are effective but you need to act quickly".
Chemists aren't what they once were. My wife asked me to get some liquid antiseptic containing no alcohol. I asked the pharmacist for same - pharmacist, not sales assistant. She takes out a product reads the label and hands it to me, "this should do". Me, puzzled how I missed this apparently obvious candidate, read the label. Turning to the pharmacist, I say "it's main active ingredient is ethanol". "Yes ethanol, not alcohol", replies the pharmacist, as if I was a little slow keeping up. Perplexed, I say "Ummmm, ethanol is alcohol". We stood looking at each other for too long, then I said, "thanks for the help." Can you believe the reply, "Not a problem. Let me know if you need anything else"?
Great. Screenshoted, and added to the portfolio.
Yep, I have seen them at a GP practice (four of them just in case you might miss it). It has that empty head Butrose on it. Pathetic.
And China is breaking loose after months of the strict cvd Zero policy. Tho their initial jabs are not mRNA based.
I have been curious about China not coercing/mandating their people to take mRNA jabs. I don't think they mandated the mRNA jabs for their military either. Hmm....
They bought the mRNA tech in 2020 and the media had a ball telling everyone how China is going to use it. Then it was all silence and I found out that they went with their own locally developed garbage. My bet is that they did actual testing (probably on some unfortunate souls in their gulags) with the big Harma jabs and when they saw the results, they knew that they had to stay away from mRNA.
They went with their own traditional (adenovector) vaccines, which work quite well and are safe. They rejected the mRNA crap, wisely. They care about their people and it shows. China life expectancy went UP during covid years, while in U.S. it went DOWN. This will continue.
I am not sure how safe the Chinese local jabs are and I do not think that the Chinese data provided is worthy of any trust. However, it is clear that they are not effective and the idea that one can develop an effective jab against a rapidly mutating virus is nonsense. Flu jabs do not work for the same reason (even the ones that target the top 5 strains) and anyone who takes them fails to understand basic virology.
Oddly, it seems the most trusted, expert, virologists also do not understand basic virology either. Otherwise they might not be pushing the jabs so hard.
Not effective tho. They are having a hard time containing the situation. (Am writing this from their neighbouring country)
China relies on the human power of 1.4 billion people (+ ones spread across the globe). Each one of them is useful labour if you like.
In order to succeed their agenda to conquer the world, they cannot afford to lose the population that are already programmed to obey to the orders.
Indeed. The elephant in the room.
I don't think Australia is seeing the extreme rates of excess death of other countries at this time, that allowed their people to be exposed. Post-covid vaccines (incredibly stupid idea) were reportedly 3x more likely to produce adverse events. So with near-zero covid prior to mass vaccination Australia could be spared something? So many children vaccinated though, and high booster rates especially in Western Australia. Not good.
Well, the local wannabee dictator is on record saying that he wanted to make life pretty much unlivable unless one got jabbed. He tried his best, even banning alcohol sales without a jab. In Perth it definitely scared/coerced enough people to get the jabs. I live for the day I see that psycho face the music.
McGowan is horrible. He should face some really horrible music.
From my point of view, he has been the worst of the lot. However, I do have former colleagues in Melbourne and Brisbane and they are adamant that their local wannabee dictators were way worse in comparison with the WA psycho.
I thought Marshall in the NT was the weirdest. Queensland is pretty bad but they also have a strong resistance which must be just ignoring it. I'm in Victoria. Shocked Andrews wasn't voted out.
Hmm, I saw the sales pitch from the opposition "leader". He was arguing that the emissions cuts proposed by Dan did not go far enough. In short, he was advocating for third world country conditions faster than Dan. Not exactly a winning message when you are telling the electorate "Vote for me and you get the rolling blackouts faster!". That being said, he was still better the intergalactically stupid opposition dummy here (yes, he was that useless and stupid).
Dominion voting machines perhaps?😉
If this study into IgG3/4 is accurate, Australia's ACM will be lagging other Western nations. Vaccinated much later than most, and near zero pre-vaccination infection.
I understand this particularly singular finding and the implications.
The real world data is not showing Australia as suffering as yet to this cause.
There may be other consequences of prior infection and subsequent vaccination that are more devastating.
We were about 5 months behind the Northern Hemisphere on the primary series, and about 3 months behind on the boosters. We had very little of the more serious Wuhan/Delta strains go through the population before omicron.
I'm not even remotely a vaccine apologist - just trying to work it all out.
I think there is one thing that we are forgetting - many Australians are tough buggers. They literally just do not die. They smoke a pack a day for 60 years, they drink half a dozen beers each night, they are overweight, don't exercise enough, eat the wrong stuff, get jabbed to high heaven - yet STILL they are standing!!! Perhaps some of that "First Fleeter" blood is flowing around in people and that's why they're still standing. 'Coz back then, you had to be tough to not just live here, but make it here alive in the first place!!
Don't count us out just yet. But do expect plenty of illness and feeling 'below par'! As for actual deaths, yes, I too thought there'd be more of them. Give it another 3-6 months and if they're not dropping like flies by then, they very well may not.
:D I hope it pans out that way. They were very tough, and I've represented that to the kids. :D Inland Victorians in the 1910s had extreme temperatures and droughts and lived in tiny little wooden houses - no air conditioners, no fridges.
Taking so many histories of my country patients for 16+ years tells me it's not so easy to toss these people over the edge. BUT no-one had injected them with mRNA or the likes before, so I guess we'll see.
IF death is the final end point of these jabs, which I think it is, then these people WILL all die. But WHEN they die, and HOW they die are the points we need to consider, here. I think Australians are, for the most part, tough buggers. They can cope with more than most. And I think that puts them in better stead to not drop dead as soon as others.
Sadly that is not true. In my circle of people, I have now two confirmed instances in which the jabs were the cause of suffering and then death - both in the past 12 months. I think that this will be a slow and steady "bleed" of the population that got jabbed.
I’ve seen data from Australian public health authorities that the more jabs the higher the rate of hospital admissions for Covid. I think Igor Chudov published it.
You know, Oz IS pretty bad on the 'excess mortality' stats, this is true. Only a few countries are worse than us, percentage-wise. Looking at it scientifically instead of "She'll be apples, mate" does put us in a pretty bad light - because PLENTY have died. We all want to think it won't be as bad as this, and we're a tough lot - but the stats do NOT show that. And at this rate, plenty more are also going to die.
I concede, Miko - it seems you are right! :-)
It will be what it will be. My gut says these ARE death jabs - but whether they die in 5 months or 5 years I do not know, and none of us are going to know the true carnage until the time is up!
The joys of living (or dying...!) the experiment...
Tackling the less virulent Omicron, post-mass vaccination, and ACM up 20%. Somethings amiss!
Always keep an eye on the "canaries in the coalmine". Israel is a good one for Pfizer shots. Early and eager beaver keeners just lapped it up. 90% of the adults took the first 2 shots, 80% the third and 50% the fourth. They are screwed.
The canary is as dead as the parrot in the Monty Python skit.
The wooden carts will soon be rolling, early mourn, around the streets - "bring out your dead, bring out your dead."
I doubt any government data / stats are honest anyway.
Arkmedic has exposed the NSW / ABS dodgy data publications not long back.
Try comparing Victorian covid hospital/icu/death data to NSW data - it's a joke. Vic Health is beyond corrupt.
And I have some reservations about ABS treatments now too given their Trevor Sutton is married to Gates pandemic planner Jane Halton - all too open to manipulation. Have you seen @EthicalSkeptic's (twitter) exposure of CDC manipulation of US data?
I'm hopeful that the funeral data is more grounded, but again, it depends on what funerals go online, and changing market shares of the funeral companies etc.
I thought it is seeing a high excess death rate.
For reference:
22,000 deaths + missing persons in the 2011 Tohoku big earthquake in Japan
Excess mortality in that year ≒ 1.9%
This earthquake was later estimated to occur once every 1,000 years.
Therefore, 2% or more is a completely abnormal situation.
20% maybe once every 10,000 or 100,000 years.
Another great reference point, like the ones Ed Dowd gives for wars.
Yes. It's not small.
And yet, the supposedly-affected group - young males 18-39 up 40% - I haven't seen it here. And it didn't emerge in Australian death registration reports for 2021. Will have to wait for the month of occurrence data. Of course, I carry some reservation on Australian stats now, given one of the bosses Trevor Sutton is married to Jane Halton who was in on the 2019 Gates et al pandemic planning.
We were running at about 16-17% excess as of last August, and now perhaps, based on funeral data, running at about 20%, but looking at the ages they are mostly older deaths. I'm not seeing an excess of deaths in younger age groups that one might see if turbo cancer and heart attacks were running rampant. I'm not seeing accounts from Australians detailing long lists of damaged friends, family and colleagues that I see from UK and US reports.
16% to 20% is a massive Spike in mortality.
Yep, that is well outside 3 standard deviations which would be indicative of a calamity. In short, what we are seeing is worse than a calamity.
I seem to recall one video where someone said a small town had 200 deaths in a year. They drove by a LONG line of fresh graves. Maybe not being reported?
You mean that the government and the media would lie to us and hide that? No, not possible because they have been shining beacons of honesty in regard to the jabs. Oh wait...
I saw some reference to that, asked about the town. The one I saw was on Ballarat, which is actually quite a large inland Victorian provincial city. If an aged care home or two got hit that would lift the death numbers.
Maybe some kind of experiments going on?
Even b4 the cvd OZ & NZ ha d been extremely concerned about the risks of germs being brought in from abroad. (Whilst it was ok to spray the chemicals in the air and contaminate their meat)
more lately i also overheard some stuff had been transferred to OZ from Ukraine 'quietly'.
Lots to unpack....?
IMO covid went through australia in 2019. China was still travelling to australia through 2019, and from wuhan, and we know they had it in 2019. It didn't have a label until 2020.
I was thinking a lot of Aussies received AZ at first. They didn’t switch to the mRNA until later.
I do not know about other States but in WA, AZ was available at about the same time as the Pfizer and Murderna jabs. The difference was maybe 3-4 weeks. I remember because my "colleagues" and my manager were pestering me to "program" my jab asap and they kept telling me that the Murderna one was the most "effective". Lots of jaws dropped to the floor when I told them I had no intention of taking any of the toxic jabs.
they are bad...
Yes. Friend in Sydney got AZ first round but....mRNA boosters. 🤦🏼♀️
Was gonna say, if someone rushes out to get injected they’ll be the first person in line to get boooooosted
Their unvaxxed partner acted as an obstacle to getting further jabs for as long as they could. So many couples dealing with this.
Absolutely true. A blessing perhaps for those who survived the early risk of clots. A vaccine so ineffective that subsequently infected people may have developed a true immune response - though I haven't seen any data on that. If the AZ over 50s avoided an mRNA booster they might be doing ok.
But... I look at funerals daily. Most of the young got mRNA and I'm not seeing a great surge in young deaths. Yet.
You might not see it. Yet it might be happening. If one in 400 young males die in a year and it drops in half. IE twice as many young men die, so one in 200, you might never hear of that. It’s massive numbers. Massive. But unless you personally know 200 or 400 young males you could easily not hear anything. And if you do it might pass by as ‘well people
Do die’.
I appreciate that. We're getting reports of 40% increase in male deaths in 18-39s (from memory) in the US over defined time periods - that should be visible in the numbers I'm working with but it's not (yet). Last time I counted and distributed all the age-at-deaths from the funerals I didn't see extras in the under 50s, after comparing with Australia's standard age-at-death distributions. There's a covid/vax/poor treatment/age care signal, with more leaving in the very old populations, but I'm not seeing more in the U50s even compared to the 50s & 60s. I'm trying to get an idea of what's happening ahead of the official data (years in delay).
Gathering around these fb injury groups of concentrated disasters we can lose perspective. Trying to find what's real.
I noticed worse problems (eg clots, lack of energy etc) with my (older) patients who had the AZ than the mRNA. But then again, older people took the AZ generally, and older people would tend to have more health problems than younger people.
My 90yo mother went into hospital 3 days after her second AZ and died a few weeks later, so I'm not saying it was good for them in that post-vaccine manifestation time. However if they made it through I'm hoping there are no more echos. We're learning the mRNA has huge survival times, with spike being detected well over a year. I'm hoping this isn't the case for the AZ (haven't seen data).
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, Madeleine. How awful!! :-(
My Mum had x2 AZ jabs and she got this weird and horrid pain in her left neck at the time of the jab, plus felt really cranky for a week. Strangely, though, almost exactly a year later, she got that same weird & horrid neck pain back again. It went, eventually, but who knows why she had that flare-up a year later. What was happening under the surface? How long does this crap stay in your system - and what's it doing to you in there, anyway? We know the mRNA travels all over the body, not staying at the injection site, and evidently the AZ one also travels we've all been lied to from start to finish, we really have.
I do believe that if my Mum had taken a booster, I would've been going to my mother's funeral pretty quick smart, just like you. She is never going to take a booster, she tells me, and she very much regrets taking these covid jabs. She was bullied into taking them by my sister & father! Somewhere in there I am still mad at them for being so nasty, and also mad at my mother for not listening to me, when she knew I was right the whole time. Ah well, what is done is done.
But who really knows what these jabs have and are still doing. Any which way you look at it, it's not good. I'm not into Russian Roulette. But it seems many people ARE...!! :-(
That's worrying about the return of the neck pain. I hope she's OK. Ominous in general.
The AZ is more limiting - it can't go into every cell (needs a specific receptor type to get in). But when I was weighing up AZ & Pf (pre-data) I couldn't work out which would be worse. The AZ DNA plasmid had a high-power constitutive promoter and no end date. If the AZ-infected cells aren't destroyed it could churn out spikes forever. It also had an ANTI-Blood-Clotting signal peptide code, to tell the cell how to treat it, which seemed to be a crazy thing to do, given the blood clotting outcomes (might've clogged the transport channels, or taken up space at the anti-b-c sites in the blood vessels).
I was pretty disappointed with my mother. I offered to look after her if another wave came so she could avoid getting it. I expected she'd be able to think it through because she'd never had a flu vax in her life - but when the moment came she was so excited to march off with everyone - mass formation psychosis victim, I believe.
Blood clots were identified very early as a massive problem for the AZ jab. That is why some countries in the EU banned it all together way earlier than they backed off the mRNA jabs. Norway in particular had an early study (based on subjects living in retirement facilities) indicating that blood clots are a common rather than rare problem in the recipients of the jabs and I remember the media going all out to limit the impact of that study.
True but at least half had Astra...
"Over 20 million Australians were vaccinated - nearly all with no prior infection. Then the borders opened up and Covid19 run rampant. "
Is this naivete? It was the vaccination, not your borders opening.
Ooooh, that's going to definitely leave a mark.
Very very soon, All Covid Vax related deaths will need to be attributed to an eager bid for a Darwin Award.
That is a worry, let's see what unfolds there hiding excess death's can only see this increasing with XBB around the corner.
So the people who hid away in their houses and never got covid and then went out got 5 boosters, they are completely screwed.
Let's pour one out for all of the Karen Epidemiologist and Virologist on Twitter who told everyone to stay apart until they were vaccinated. So sad
Anyone continuing to get boosters at this point has got to be brain dead.
It's possible that their brains are literally affected according to Dr Bhakti. Thrombosis in the brain affecting the frontal lobe. That might explain the inexplicable zombie like behavior of so many like blind sheep.
Yes. Except they were like blind sheep before their first jab.
Thank you for pointing out the BLEEDING OBVIOUS. These people were fundamentally stupid BEFORE the initial jabs. If the jabs were meant to kill off some brain matter (which may be possible given how toxic the jabs are overall), I would argue that for most of the jabbed imbeciles, there was no brain matter to kill from the start.
Ugh. Gives a whole new meaning to Zombie Apocalypse.
Beyond thrombosis, spike protein itself crosses the blood brain barrier.
You will like this video... OMG - prepare to be shocked:
I do not think there was any brain matter to start with in the first place.