Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Im an MD in private practice in a surgical speciality. I had natural covid in aug 2021. Im in my early 50s and a very fit person. Covid was for me a bad flu . I was ill with malaise and fever for 10 days. On the second day i had a fainting spell. There was vomiting , loss of appetite etc. at no point was i in any mortal danger. But i lost my sense of taste and it didnt return fully for like 9 months. For about a month after the fevers subsided i felt weak and out of sorts like the way one feels when u suddenly wake up from a deep sleep. I was out of work for 3 weeks ans didnt do any surgery for over a month. I never got vaxxed and very comfortable with that decision

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How did you diagnose Covid ? PCR ? I as a GP of 40 years have seen and heard similar stories every year during my career before the advent or the Covid hoax and the administration of the mRNA assault. I trained originally in surgery but changed 40 years ago .

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Although l am not trained in “a medical capacity” l am trained as a Psychologist. There are undoubtedly crossovers between our profession in multiple ways. I read your post with great interest. The “mRNA assault” that you speak of, was for me, undoubtedly the beginning of “the end game” relying heavily upon a highly sophisticated psyops fuelled by Government and their use of the MSM. For many, many years seasonal flu would leave many, depending on their health status and co-morbidities, exhausted, unable to think clearly. nauseous, joint and muscle pains, headaches, unable to work - a serious case of seasonal flu would indeed require two weeks in bed followed by another two weeks endeavouring to recuperate. For those sifting poor health it could take months. For a virus to be manufactured similar to that of a serious strain of flu is simple, tweaking around with the original virus to make it easy to mutate is not beyond the realms of any well appointed bio research centre .. to then offer the “mRNA” assault coupled with a continuous programme of 24/7 propaganda and fear may all sound too simplistic. However, l have seen this “play out” according to “the script” .. when l take this a little further in looking at so called “Long Covid” and repetitive “covid” infections .. l admit to a morbid fascination, coupled with personal experience, that when you “overlay a map of “g masts” with “covid infections” they fit almost as a jigsaw .. taking in further is off topic and not respectful to Igor’s original quest - but .. and it is a big but, studying the effects of electromagnetic radiation and electro hypersensitivity, one cannot help but notice a direct relationship to the many symptoms reported in “long covid and covid itself” I will park that there but look forward to discussing this another time in more detail.

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Yes, this correlation between symptoms of EMF damage - esp. 5G - and the "outbreak" of a "novel" virus has been noted by some since the beginning of the plandemic and makes a lot more sense as an explanation of what some people experience than "long covid". A "novel virus" covers up EMF damage very nicely so that the pollution of the planet with these military frequencies can continue unabated. Not that the government officials give a damn about the scientists warning us and their studies proving the danger of these anti-life technologies. Just like they don't give a damn about those damaged and murdered by the jabs. That's the plan, after all.

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I believe I have been effected by what you mention- I really do.

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I know it sounds sanctimonious but I feel privileged to be here to confront an evil , I know we will win bb

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Better sanctimonious than victimized! I think it’s empowering to think this way. I grew up in a religious tradition that taught that the “most valiant spirits” were “saved” to come to earth in the “last days.” While I have stepped away from this church, I find this view helpful to shape my understanding of what is going on as a spiritual war. Take it or leave it, I couldn’t care less. But I admire individuals such as yourself who have embraced a role in this battle. You are doing the right thing even if life is just some evolutionary accident and nothing happens when we die but blackness.

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Gerald - I mean this with the greatest sincerity - what makes you think we will win? Between the Injections and all the long term effects they appear to be having ( between excess deaths and lower fertility rates), now talk of digital passports and CBDCs, I am quite pessimistic and am curious to hear what I'm missing .

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I have been discussing the Covid hoax since March 20 at first the vast majority of people thought I was for the birds ,even those who knew me for many years ,now nobody argues with me everybody nods in agreement vaccinated or not . This is a battle for the minds of the people and the tide has changed due to their arrogance in introducing and pushing a kill shot with too close a temporal relationship between shot and adverse effects . This is very obvious to most people and they are angry at the crime . I don’t think it is over but the people will not allow this crime go unpunished. We must win for children and grandchildren.

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Yes, the advent of some of these new frequencies that interrupt the uptake of oxygen in the blood by influencing the iron to the degree it does could, may be the issue. After all, we are a planet of guinea pigs for the experiments being performed using these ultra high frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. I've been told that it could be quite dangerous to bypass the safety mechanism on a microwave oven and stick my head in it, and yet here is the human race being exposed daily in many parts of the world to uncontrolled micro wave frequencies and the telecom companies have spent nothing to see what it could do to the environment or human health. IT'S INSANE! and is OBVIOUSLY a TOXIN. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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Watch this new European documentary. It exposes everything step by step with WHO and plenty of other protagonists.

It is scary as well.

Scientists found graphine oxide in all 3 vaccines. And what looked like nano sensors and nano routers. I’m not kidding. This is the scary part of you are vaccinated, when vaccinated people turn their phones on, probably on all the time, their bodies emit an unique MAC address (Media Access Control) picked up by Bluetooth.

Everyone should watch this, it’s a complete exposé. It’s 3 hrs 15 minutes watch every minute.


Graphine and MAC addresses at 1:45:48.

Watch and share before it gets censored.


Dr Pablo Compra has other papers of interest see all.

One more example:


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Apologies for any typos - l suffer partial sight loss.

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Excellent observation . I as a GP for 40 years refused to cooperate with the directives of the department of health on masking ,social distancing or lockdowns and refused to administer the mRNA of unknown purpose ,for my efforts to protect my patients I was struck from the Irish medical register with the loss of all medical income. I am very comfortable with my decision.

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You have my deepest respect and that of the many millions who did indeed manage, often against tirades of pressure and abuse, to keep their eyes and ears open and walk free of the “assault” The personal loss and it’s impact upon you in so many ways in incalculable and indeed unimaginable. Your mind will be “at peace with your decision” l am sure. The poem by W.B. Yeats comes to mind .. “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” Thank you.

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I often feel like abandoning the society which has become so dysfunctional and corrupt but apart from my family and friends I love and feel so privileged to be there for my patients . I kind of feel it was meant to be that I be here at this age ,experience,nothing to loose . My battle goes on against the globalist totalitarian take over.

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This is what integrity looks like.

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Great respect, sir! Thank you and God bless you for your principled stance.

It's a terrible shame there won't be many trustworthy physicians with integrity in practice anymore. You're all being cast out like heretics for refusing to worship at the altar of Pharmakeia and offer sacrifices to the goddess Vaccinia.

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What will be left behind are medical MAFIA members who place profit above all else. Human life is not important to psychopaths.

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Kudos! I wish there were more medical professionals with analytical skills, a conscience and the spine to follow it...

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Although I, here in the USA, benefit zero on this — I appreciate your steadfastness and willingness to stand up for your beliefs, from

the bottom of my

heart. Thank you.

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Agreed...and they deployed 5G while they had everyone diverted. Then there's the fact that the Biden Admin is now experiments on the weather... Everyone will be "sick."

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

"..it’s not possible to separate forced vaccination, planned demolition of modern society and the installation of 5G." - Dr. Michael Yeadon


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And I did see part of Michael Yeadon’s last interview where he states this is evil. I believe him.

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That makes sense. The movie maker tried to interview Dr Yeadon but only gets an email from him. Dr Yeadon said he is on the run somewhere in Central American I believe. Anyway he said he was traveling with one suitcase. It makes sense he has probably had his life threatened. I was thinking a lot of the censored experts in that documentary are putting their lives in danger. Also I heard they just started slapping 6G towered all over New York. I suppose it’s happening everywhere. Scary times.

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Are you serious, 6G is already being rolled out?

As to Dr. Yeadon: Courage and outspokenness come with a hefty price tag these days... He has my full admiration, not only for speaking his truth and trying to wake people up, but also for being willing to reconsider his knowledge and beliefs (reg. viruses, for instance), something a scientist is supposed to to, but so few actually do.

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That was a typo 5g.

I missed Yeadon in the last several months. I’m not sure what he reconsidered. I’ll do some research.

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Spot on. There is no valid test for ConVid.

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I’ve found the lateral flow tests to be quite accurate. I’ve treated 40 people for C19.

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How do you know that test works fine, if there was no virus isolated from any patient sample, ever?

Christine Masse has over 200 FOIA's from various institutions and universities around the world, and NONE of them isolated the virus from a patient sample. NONE.

All of them produced said 'virus' in a test tube, by poisoning and starving some monkey kidney cells or bovine fetal cells.. how's that relevant to the real life sickness?

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This is how it is relevant. Having read about the PCR "tests" and how they were easily manipulated by altering the cycles I was prepared to see the lateral flow tests also be phony. I'm a retired MD and at the request of friends, family who couldn't get any treatment for their illness I ended up treating over 40 people. Those people routinely tested with lateral flow tests, many times before getting sick but often right in the beginning. They were always positive just as they got sick and it remained positive until they revcovered with the help of the treatment they got from me. I was surprised but eventually had to admit that they worked fine. The best example was a friend of mine who runs a large company and was having a retreat with other executives. Part of the agreement was that everybody had to test each day prior to the meeting and then during it (which was to last for 3-4 days). He tested negative for several days and then, before he actually had symptoms, he was shocked to see a thin red line on the T segment of the test. He contacted me immediately. That afternoon he developed a scratchy throat which went on to become a mild case of Covid, which was treated with IVM plus supplements. As he recovered the T lines became less and less visible until they disappeared altogether, as did his symptoms. This was more dramatic and better documented than others, but they all basically told that same story. In the no virus, no Covid version you are referring to, maybe you can explain just what it would be that would cause that coincidence in 30 or so people. One question: do you have any "real-life experience" with this? Or are you just another know it all armchair quarterback full of unsubtantiated opinions? Things are getting very serious and strong opinions based on ignorance are probably going to be fatal for many. Good luck!

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Anecdotal evidence of 30 or so people getting 'positive' test is meaningless, if no virus was isolated from a patient sample. In a pool of 8 billion people, you can certainly find 30 sick people that will test 'positive' to pretty much any test you'd like. Do you agree?

Belief in viruses is mental illness or superstition.. I haven't figured it out yet.

It's just people lacking will to find the real cause of their illness.

'It's a virus' is a much simpler explanation, rather than investigate their poor lifestyle choices, nutrition and other things, such as environmental pollution, toxic water, EMF radiation, etc

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The lateral flow test gave a strong positive signal the second time I had covid, this past July. The first time, the worst case I had, in September 21, I didn't show up positive on that kind of test, but did test positive on PCR. Didn't actually need test in that case, I was definitely down with something nasty unlike anything I'd had before.

I don't understand people claiming no virus active here. That baffles me.

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Oh just fuck off with that shit!

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Let me guess, you're American?

Here's something for you to ponder about:

Why Changing a Belief System is Nearly Impossible

Research into how people process media reports sheds some light on why it so is difficult for people to change their “beliefs,” even in light of compelling information.

A 2003 study by cognitive Professor Stephan Lewandowsky from the University of Western Australia investigated the effects of retractions on people’s memories of and beliefs about events relating to the war in Iraq. The study is long, but worthy of your time to read it.

More than 800 people from three countries—Germany, Australia, and the U.S.—were shown a list of events reported by the media. Some of the events were completely true, some were reported as true and then retracted, and some were complete fabrications. Each study participant indicated whether or not he had heard of the event, and then rated the likelihood of it being true. For each report the individuals had recalled hearing, they were asked to note whether it had subsequently been retracted and if the recall changed their feeling about the original report.

The results of the study were both fascinating and telling. The more clearly the Germans and the Australians recalled that an event had been retracted, the less they believed the original claim had been true. However, if Americans recalled hearing the report, even once, they tended to believe it was true, even if it had been retracted or denied.

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You're very smart, I can tell.

You're watching a lot of television 'programming' and you've learned from Rockefellers school of medicine, right?

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Very funny

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the fast antigen test seems to work fine.

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How do you know it works fine, if there was no virus isolated from any patient sample, ever?

Christine Masse has over 200 FOIA's from various institutions and universities around the world, and NONE of them isolated the virus from a patient sample. NONE.

All of them produced said 'virus' in a test tube, by poisoning and starving some monkey kidney cells or bovine fetal cells.. how's that relevant to the real life sickness?

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How does one 'isolate' a parasitical protein that requires a cell to continue to exist or reproduce?

You're not here in good faith; you're just disrupting. Fuck off.

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Hey dummy, if the parasitical protein REQUIRES a cell to EXIST and to replicate, how in hell can it travel from human to human, OUTSIDE of a cell, via air?

Think.. and take all the time you need..

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You're the one that's not here "in good faith" and with no real desire to get to the bottom of this farce. You're the one calling for censorship and telling people to fuck off! You are the one that is defending an indefensible position. And all of that makes you very suspect IMHO. There is no coronavirus disease. You are all barking up the wrong tree based on your lifelong indoctrination with false ideas and medical mafia dogma. Go read the history of virology and vaccines in depth, check out some alternative views on the subject and then get back to us.

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Fine at giving false positives?

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When i started being symptomatic i did a rapid home test and then 2 days later got a PCR nasal swab and influenza test. The nasal swab and PCR was positive the flu test was neg. I was physically ill. Fever etc… it was covid 19. But i got over it fine. Never vaxxed

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We went through the greatest psy op in human history. Even non vaxed people were very very frightened. Conservative libertarians were very very frightened. The psychological aspect of being sick in the time of COVID can’t be overlooked. Or shouldn’t be. Being sick is VERY dependent upon one’s state of mind during the sickness. In addition all of us have been under gigantic amounts of stress. I’ve been in business during the last three years. Anyone in business has suffered. A persons self assessment of how they felt, how sick they were etc is meaningful. But it isn’t something we can definitively take any conclusions from without really analyzing each person’s state of mind. Before during and after the sickness.

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Early in 2020 there were already millions of people suffering phantom symptoms exactly the way you describe. Mass hypochondria and germophobia took off within weeks of the intial hyperbolic TV reports - all intentional of course. The goal was to create a state of anxiety so profound that the more vulnerable members of society would indeed make themselves sick from worry. The dry pneumonia symptoms were already enough to get someone lined up for intubation and deadly sedation following the deliberately over the top WHO protocols. That was enough to create the illusion of a "first wave." Mandatory masking (as a test of obedience and a way to maintain high levels of anxiety) and the huge lie that is PCR testing did the rest. The whole scamdemic was a perfectly executed military pysop. We need to learn from it and move ahead with caution.

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I am a physician inb private practice. I never boought any of the bull about masks. And I knew that whatever this thing was I twas not particularly dangerous to younger otherwise fit healthy people incluing myself. BUT in AUg 2021, I had a flu like illness for sure. I was not just scared or hypochondriacal. I tested positive by nasal swab, PCR , anti body and T cell test.

COVID 19 is a real virus and can cause real human disease . it is dangerous to a small subset of people. But there was never any reason to declare an international emergency. MAsks do nothing and the vaxxed were ineffective and never needed to be mandated for anyone. Early effective out patient treatment was available yet information about it was suppressed.

Crimes against humanity... POlitical theater for sure. But the virus is definately real. Either it was released on purpose or it escaped

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I strongly disagree. You have been bamboozled! Sure... you had a "flu" but none of the testing regimen you submitted yourself to (not sure why - I certainly never would) prove the existence of a virus. And no one has ever proven contagion or that a particle asssumed to be a virus causes disease.

If you are able to prove any of these myths, it would only be fair if you contact the researchers in the no pathogenic virus camp and show them how you managed to achieve something that no one else has managed in the past hundred years.

Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, the Baileys, and Stefan Lanka await your evidence.

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I knew in April 2020 that Cove it was not that dangerous and that I personally was not at serious risk of death or hospitalization from Covid. The most toxic aspect of Covid was the way other people other human beings behaved. I’m unboxed and I’m happy more and more every day I never got that shot and I was positively persecuted by those around me

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I knew in Feb 2020 that the entire Covid narrative was a scam. Everything that was being reported at the time (including the use of crisis actors) and the ongoing fear campaign was not necessary in the slightest... if a real deadly pathogen was magically making it's way across the whole planet. You simply don't need to put on a show if something is real... only when the story you're telling is an outrageous lie.

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None of those tests prove that you had a disease caused by a virus. I'm really shocked at the level of ignorance of Igor's audience. It's the same level I see across all alt media channels. Total adherence to the official narrative of a viral infection causing flu like symptoms over the last three years. Has no one here done any actual research into this topic because what I see here is evidence to the contrary.

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Viruses exist and cause human disease. Viruses have been used to transfer genetic material into bacteria and create genetically modified e coli bacteria that make human insulin and monoclonal anti bodies and human interferon for the treatment of diseases like Multiple sclerosis and more. The herpes virus family is a well studied group. THe polio virus particle has been visualized by electron microscopy. I am very familiar with "terrain" theory and the group that refutes the evidence that viruses exist because they claim they have not been isolated or bc the behavior of viruses does not adhere strictly to Kochs postulates. I was a libertarian since I was a young teen. I was an anti authoritarian BEFORE I became a biochemist and physician. Just b/c a governent agency or gov affiliated scientists do research does not automatically invalidate everything they do or make it suspect. THe moon landing was real . THere are mirrors and landers still on the moon that can be seen and used for experiments. Could the money and resources used for the moon landing been used in better ways? YES for sure. Are viruses real? Yes. do they cause human disease ? Of course they do. Is ALL government or big pharma research automatically corrupt and suspect ? NO. Was covid a giant political shitshow . Yes of course it was.

I would like to see the CDC, NIH and FDA ABOLISHED and all medical care, research and insurance done by private interests. We would have vaccines that were far better and cheaper.

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So what would he be getting sick from if not a viral infection?

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

Why do you think viral infections cause disease? Where and when did you learn of such a thing? Is it something that you were told at a very early age (such as with measles) and then continued to believe your whole life because you occasionaly suffer from the symptoms known as a cold?

For reference... I will state that I haven't had a cold in the past twenty years. I've never taken a flu jab (what for?) I have never been tested for covid (because I know that the pathogen doesn't exist in reality only in the minds of the brainwashed masses) and I will never take a jab for anything ever again in my life.

People get sick or present a set of symptoms for many reasons usually caused by toxic buildup or deficiencies. When people get sick at the same time observers like to imagine that "something is going around" but of course nothing of the sort is happening. When I point out that I have been among very sick people, so-called covid wards and crowds of thousands and have never been sick myself observers then revert to terrain theory and claim that I must have a robust "immune system." I prefer to give that credit to my lymphatic system but that's another rabbit hole for another time.

Personal experience of note... I was dressed like an idiot in full PPE stomping around farms in the UK when giant piles of cows were being sacrificed in the name of Foot and Mouth disease. The UK gov later admitted that the whole performance was a big mistake. There is no Foot and Mouth. Animals get poisoned in one way or another and the same happens to humans. We're just too slow on the uptake to connect the dots in a meaningful way.

I really hope that one day people will be freed from this horrible affliction - the belief in imaginary goblins that infect us and make us sick. It's most definitely something else going on as demonstrated in the case of scurvy and vit C deficiency.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Exactly. I posted a comment prior to reading yours along that same vein.

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1.Fauci wrote a paper Jan 18th 2020 stating that the corona virus was at worst a bad flu. See: (“clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2”)

So how did this virus fit the category of SARS?

2. Igor and everyone pshould watch this documentary about fraud PCR, propaganda, verified findings of graphine oxide in all 3 mRNA vaccines. Proves collusion. Secondly they observed what looked liked nano sensors and nano routers. Further they proved when a vaccinated person has their cell phone their body emitted a Unique Mack address. I’ll link documentary it will freak you out, especially if your vaccinated.


3rd. South African scientist Etheresia Pretorius found “micro clots” in patients with long Covid. No therapies yet. I had Covid like a bad flue 2 weeks. then I’m second week I had extreme calf pain. So I had ultrasound done - no large clots. Then a Dr recommended for clots, as I thought I had micro clots because pain persisted for 4 or 5 weeks. This Dr said he used Nattokinase and it broke up every clot he new of. The ones Drs said wouldn’t go away. And in head. Etc. worked every time for 30 years. So I bought”flow Nattokinase “ on Amazon -a months supply. By the time I finished the bottle my pain went away. Now hygienist is a blood thinner so don’t use against drs orders. I know my case is anecdotal. I don’t even know if I had micro clots. Maybe the pain would of subsided on its own. However my brother had exact issue after Covid and his pain went away after about a bottle’s use. What the heck you got to try something.

Links to Fauci/Redfield paper and paper to Graphine and micro clots.




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94%. This study indicates possible circulator disorders from the jabs. But this would be vaccinated patients only.


1,006 symptomatic subjects after inoculation with an mRNA injection (Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna), starting from March 2021. There were 948 subjects (94% of the total sample) whose blood showed aggregation of erythrocytes and the presence of particles of various shapes and sizes of unclear origin one month after the mRNA inoculation.

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Sorry for typos and auto incorrect.

Each vaccinated person tested that had their phones turned on, their bodies actually emitted a MAC address (Media Access Control) -not Mack.

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So what's the password for these nano-routers, cos I'd like to watch me some nextflix?


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Military (DARPA) level research, papers and patents do exist on these ideas so not sure why you think it's so far fetched.

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In the documentary, when the researchers tried to connect to the MAC address via Bluetooth the number disappeared. They are assuming it’s a defensive measure. Then the body creates a new MAC address.

They are making assumptions and asking questions. They certainly don’t have all the answers. Real science.

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Always got to be concerned that information might be deliberate disinformation to distract and confuse the opposition.

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Sorry what info are you referring to. There’s a lot of different topics. All the info I discussed are scientific papers. I thought the MAC address is unbelievable and I would have to see it to believe it. So watch the documentary besides the MAC address thing there’s a ton of info. Basically they document the step by step fraud committed and financed it. I would say it was the best documentary I’ve ever watched.

Thanks for the comment.

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I was reading this article and the comments now the 1st time. Result: 'mRNA assault' and my screen is now full of coffee spatter!! LOL, I'll steal the term and start using it, it's better than 'genetic injection', which is okay, but mRNA assault describes the nature of this bioweapon better.

I'm a strong supporter of Nuremberg 2 but I think hanging should be replaced with the mRNA assault, let's say 666-999 ml of it IV as they are the once claiming it's safe to have several of them.

Rat-fauci even said that "safety concerns are absolutely off the table", so let them have a well preserved mRNA assault, as I'm quite sure those in charge either didn't take it or their juice was tailor made for them. (It's already known that the pfizer employees had a batch/lot of their own. Jikky the anonymouse found this one out too.)

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Yes, there is zero case for a distinct illness, covid, which I make here (I don't wish the inference to be made I don't believe in the moon landings, that's not what the title is meant to indicate):


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since I never got vaccinated, what illness did I have then... once I had influenza in my 20s and way very ill for over a week. I never had to be hospitalized and recovered uneventfully. So what was this illness that I had in aug 2021, my covid antibodies to spike protein were positive , the nasal swab home test was postiive. I have T cells by T detect test. I definitely had a distinct ilness

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For that to be definitively true we would have to have definitively isolated COVID. Those tests aren’t accurate. You were sick. But from what we can’t say. COVID could be a parasite. Since so many people had different experiences, all testing positive for COVID, it is unlikely COVID has been one disease all along. It causes clots. It causes myocarditis. It’s nothing. It’s something. It lasts a month. It has no symptoms and you miss no work. All with a positive PCR TEST. It’s a bioweapon. It mutates dramatically quickly yet the same 59 different PCR tests were all being used through every variant. No one knows what anyone has. There is no consistent accurate data based on science. Nothing.

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I think the most likely explanation is that people are getting sick with the wide variety of things they've always got sick from with greater sickness due to the increase in toxins of one kind or another we're exposed to. It's like AIDS - HIV was never isolated and cases of AIDS among gay men in the 80s and 90s can be explained by over-use of amyl nitrates and similar and generally excessive lifestyle, not a virus transmitted sexually - in Africa AIDS is caused no doubt by poor nutrition and sanitation. Medical science with regard to viruses simply cannot be trusted.

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But people are hospitalised and die from the flu and there are different types of flu.

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An interesting story and thanks for sharing!

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

I was a little perturbed to actually get omicron and “suffer” aka mild cold for 5 days, and lose my sense of smell. I’m a health freak who thought would never get any symptoms. Plus I thought the Cancun runs I got a year before was maybe rona? It was listed as a symptom. But alas.

I did catch it in Ottawa in Feb 22, yes Woodstock with snow, complete with honking and the distinctive smell of diesel fumes in the air.

Too much time outside, dancing in -25c, diet gone all to hell and utter lacking of any sort of distancing in the hotel. What a party!

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Honk! Honk! Thanks for being there! I donated twice; twice got my money back. Let’s go Brandeau!

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I wonder if an over exposure to those diesel fumes resulted in your body doing a natural detox which was your "omicron" result? Naaaa...couldn't be that, OR COULD IT?? https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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Jon Rappoport has a lot to say about that! nomorefakenews.com

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I’ve been in Chinese manufacturing facilities with toxic chemical smells and fumes. I’ve walked around for an hour and left and been sick for a half day. Sneezing. Coughing. Eyes watering. Nose running. I drank lots of water, went to my hotel and showered. And within a half day my symptoms, indistinguishable from a cold, went away. I didn’t get a virus. I was merely cleansing myself of poisons.

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How you can be sure that among you, who were dancing at -25c wasn't a purposeful spread of some biological agent? how you can be sure, that you weren't targeted, just because you were a supporter of Freedom Convoy?

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Good for you. I would have flown there and been with you. But I couldn’t fly.

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MiFly- your story is soooooo similar to mine! It’s almost eeerrriieee. Except I’ve had supposed Long Covid for 23 months now. I am a 52 year old woman and previously healthy, no health issues prior except could have lost 15 lbs or so. Dec 2020, just before the vaccine rolled out- was ill for 12 days at home, no hospitalization required- just had bad Flu symptoms, loss of taste by day 4, no appetite at all, fever, chills, fatigue. But the weird thing is- I had NO respiratory symptoms, no cough, no breathing issues etc. I never had a Covid test because quite frankly I felt too cruddy to even drive down for one. So I “assume “ I had Covid. I am NOT vaccinated and will never ever ever ever have any kind of “vaccine “ again. I have never had a Flu vax either in my life. Coming to realize by my own research that I am glad for that!

After my initial illness I never quite got my appetite back and have had UNINTENTIONAL weight loss ever since. In 23 months I have lost 70 lbs. I now weigh 110 lbs and feel like I’m withering away. Primary care doctors have run the gamut of tests on me, including CT, MRI, extensive bloodwork but can’t find anything wrong. Also, my extreme fatigue has been life changing. I said from day 1 of getting sick- I felt like I had been POISONED. All I can say is GOD HELP US ALL. Because even though I have never been vaccinated for this SCAMDEMIC I was very ill and am still suffering daily from I believe a Bioweapon unleashed on mankind. God Speed everyone.

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Its very possible that it was being developed as a weapon . Or there were people doing what they thought was ligit research trying to come up w better treatments and vaxes for respiratory illnesses and bc the researxh was Outsource to China in substandard lab, there was an accident in the virus got out

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That's propaganda leading your mind. Don't buy it.

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I have kept the options open. It’s clear that some research was taking place, and it was devised by US researchers and partly funded by the NIH. Baric’s DARPA proposal was understood at the time to be “dual use”; was it a release or a scape... my gut feeling... a scape, and therefore, an opportunity.

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Pre-preparing for such an opportunity is what I call a smoking gun

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True. I don’t think there are accidents that “led” to this. There are plenty of accidents because they are massively inept but there is very clear and extremely deep planning and execution across so many corrupt levels of biz and government.

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Please do what I am doing to try to consume about 2000 calories a day. I can't chew food. I eat two plant based puddings and a plant based yogurt first.....then a fruit smoothie, then some real food trying to eat something. I then have 3 nutritional drinks. I use Orgain and KateFarms. I pour one in my blender and add about 6 tablespoons of peanut butter and two frozen bananas. It brings that drink up to anywhere from 800 to 1000 calories. Just FYI.

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Thank you I will try!

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My dog was in the ICU for eleven days six months ago for major surgery. When we got her home she wouldn't eat. Because of her IBD we couldn't give her appetite stimulants. So we set kibbles down the back of her throat for three days, and she did swallow. We made sure we put in enough for her to truly be sustained. At first she was annoyed, but as time went on she got more used to the food again, and after three days ate again normally and regained her (extreme) lost weight; she is fine now.

My idea was that we had to get her digestive system going again; that she had to have the "feel" of processing food. I wonder if you consume enough calories, as Kay says, if your body will again get used to digesting and think it is normal. I wish you good health.

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Have you tried the spike detox protocols ? I have to say that prior to getting Covid in march 2022, I have been using a commercial grade red light panel that has 5 spectrums, including several near infrared for nerve damage from slipped discs. And I know it helped my nerve damage but also believe it has so many other benefits as Dr Kory and Dr Marik have been discussing regarding improving mitochondria health. Spike damage is mostly to the mitochondria so you may want to try it. 20 mins a day at least 5 times a week. I know it works because my nerve pain was 10+ 24/7 for over 20 months and within 4 weeks of red light therapy it was down to 2-3,. PlatinumLED is the only one to get unless you take Mercola’s advice and get a full infrared sauna built. Most all saunas that are red light based are far infrared and do nothing for your mitochondria. They just heat the space.

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You may have to do what I've done in the past and wasn't I'll. Make yourself eat. And it certainly isn't fun. But from my experiences. The less I ate the less I wanted to eat. It just became a habit with me between the ages of 14-20. I also ate a high calorie diet to get my weight up to where I wanted it. Sadly, most of the healthy foods are low in calories. But rather than waste away. I ate lots of cream cheese, pizza and other calorie rich foods. I use to drink about a half gallon of half and half every day too. But that was temporary and not a lifestyle on my part.

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And you are not alone who feel to be poisoned, Stephanie. I sure, that I know how i got my long covid, but I can't share it. I'm just constantly mentioning here: people look for a delivery system. How that agent was precisely targeting people: who are not vaccinated, who are republican, who were financing Freedom Convoy, people who live alone etc.

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PB&J plus large glass of chocolate milk twice a day. (Plus you will feel like a kid again). Both easy to make when your fatigued. That should boost your energy.

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I forgot to ask you Stephanie. Have you had your thyroid checked? A lady on my job dropped weight like you're talking about pre covid. Thank God she got the right treatment. She had an overactive thyroid. An underactive thyroid is no help either.

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I am sorry to hear this happening to you. I wish I could say with certainty whether something exists or doesn't, but I can't as much as I would love to, because then we would have an answer. I would agree that something is happening to you, have you been to the Mayo clinic or other place to get further diagnosis?

My mother in Decembe 2003 started showing symptoms of fatigue, discomfort, a salty taste, and other things as well. I shopped her around here in Atlanta for different diagnosis. There were talks of migraines, and a list of other maladies. She was given different medications, but still the symptoms kept presenting, and over time, worsening.

After a brief family meeting with my sister, dad, and brother, we took her to the Mayo in Jacksonville. After about a month of intensive testing and finally a biopsy, it was determined that she had lung cancer (she was a lifelong smoker) and about two weeks later she was dead. It remained a mystery for months though. She had an open MRI in November in 2002 and it was clear (a closed MRI might have revealed something).

I'm not saying you have cancer, or that you don't have Long Covid, but what you are describing could very well turn out to be something treatable, or in my mom's case, not so treatable. She had extensive blood tests as well, and the only thing that revealed cancer was a biopsy from her spinal fluid.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What is 'natural covid'?

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The one that's out in nature, but yes, probably lab leak.

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Intentional release. Lab leak is the bs they are slowly “admitting” to deflect from the planned intentional release

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Agree, though I'm less sure who did it now.

At first blush it seems obvious it was the US military, in bed with Moderna and Fauci etc.

But perhaps the Chinese played them? Get them to create it, blame them for the accident, and sure, they make money, but in the bigger picture, who benefits? In the meantime Fauci et al managed to incriminate themselves with shocked Pinichu face emails

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"Get them to create it" ... is a fantasy being spread by intelligence agencies to lay the blame on someone at some point... prolly the Chinese govt. No such thing has been "created" in a lab because it cannot be. Virus isolation is a myth. Virology is a scam. The jabs are the bioweapon. That's why you have convince the dumber elements of the population to run around with their hair on fire screaming "I have it! I have it!" every time they get a cold so that the myth propagates and people line up for unnecesary testing and jabs.

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There is zero evidence for lab leak or intentional release because there is zero evidence that a transmissible viral toxin can be created in a lab or in nature for that matter. If such things truly existed there would be no life on this planet.

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I had a bad illness, got tested for covid and was positive , also got tested for influenza because i was doutful and suspicious and i tested neg for flu. Then i had a covid antibody test and was postive and then i also paid for my own T cell test and tested positive for that. So my body was infected with and recovered from infection with C19 and i was never vaxxed before or since

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During the winter of 19/20 I as a very busy GP in Ireland saw no viral illness of any increased pathogenicity over and above my previous 40 winters. In fact it was probably less busy but hard to judge given the dystopian Covid propaganda.

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Thank you for this post, so what would be your response to those that say "there is no Covid?" Just for context, I believe I've had Covid twice, the first time in February of 2020 and then again December of the same year. I was never tested though, and never felt that I should be tested since I didn't think of myself in imminent danger. I am in my fifties, have diabetes and a-fib, and remember both incursions as having flu like symptoms...but also dealt with the lingering smell/taste issue.

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The smell/taste issue isn't unique to COVID. I had smell loss from a diagnosed case of influenza in January 2018. It took 3-4 months for most scents/odors to return completely, except for coffee (18 months). Even a cold can cause anosmia or hyposmia (reduced/weak sense of smell) if the virus attacks the olfactory nerve.

Pre-COVID, most people who suffered smell loss didn't talk about it. No one understands unless they've had it, and anosmia wasn't something that normally came up in conversation. The estimated prevalence of anosmia for all causes combined (TBI, chemical damage, Parkinson's disease, brain tumor, there are others) was about 5%.

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Thanks for sharing that. I don't find that information surprising. So, unless I am mistaken, you are saying that Covid was real, but isn't all that novel, even the unusual symptoms that were reported like the loss of smell/taste. That mainly the difference was who it affected

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Covid is not real because SARS is not real. You can't label a bunch of symptoms (even if novel) on something that has not been proven to exist.

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I'd say that's a fair description. COVID isn't flu or a cold, but it can be flu-like or cold-like.

My first round with COVID in November 2020 resembled a weird cold, with fever around 101F the first couple of days, then afternoon temps around 99.5F for the next week. I had smell loss lasting 6-8 weeks.

Second round of COVID in January 2022 was little more than a really annoying runny nose for a week, and menopause-like night sweats a couple of nights. No fever. Didn't bother getting tested, since my office was already working from home for the month. But I did take an antibody test a couple of weeks after I recovered, that turned positive real quick.

My husband had a lot harder time with original COVID. He's older, overweight, diabetic, and had had sarcoidosis in his lungs years ago. He ended up in the hospital with COVID pneumonia for almost a week (no ventilator). He's never had regular pneumonia, whether on its own or secondary to flu. Second round of COVID for him was much milder. We gave him "vitamins" H & I (if you get my drift) along with zinc and supplements, and he was fine.

I totally don't get the wild claims that viruses in general aren't real because they've "never been isolated" or "scientists can't prove they exist." There doesn't seem to be any amount or type of data or other evidence that would ever convince these non-scientists, any more than you can get flat-earthers to understand that the earth is a sphere, or demonstrate to moon-landing deniers that the US really did put men on the moon in 1969.

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I’ve trained in Ayurveda which is the indigenous form of medicine from India. There is a school of Ayurveda that deals with long colds. Every single cold going around has a percentage of long haulers. We never talked about it. Think about how many times you or someone you know just can’t shake a cold. ‘Are you still coughing?’ ‘Yeah. But seems to go away and then boom, it comes back.’ Well his can go on for months. A woman I know had a really bad cold as a ten year old. She lost her smell and it has never come back. She’s seventy.

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You're right about long-haulers. And we know, this has existed for most of human history.

I remember hearing about how a historical figure would suffer from an illness, and would never recover from it, and yet we think this type of thing is unprecedented. A lot of it simply is not talked about.

When I heard about the "smell/taste" issue with Covid, originally my thought was "Well, aren't most colds/flus like that where you can't smell or taste things. But congestion and smell loss are two different things. And yes, there are those people that can't shake a cold. It's been a month and the cold comes back, or never seems to leave.

The woman who lost he smell at ten...did she derive no enjoyment from eating?

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All the people here that think they had a specifically labled disease or set of symptoms are basing that assumption (in most cases) on the ability of the supplied testing products to be accurate and based on a real existing pathogen. Since the pathogen has not been proven to exist and cannot be under current virlogy protocols then all test based assumptions are null and void. The Drosten PCR is null and void therefore no one can say they "had" Covid based on this faulty premise. Did people suffer symptoms... yes... but whether these symptoms are the result of something novel has yet to be proven. There are many other factors involved beyond mythical virus particles floating up people's nostrils and making a few people sick. Of all the possible causes for disease that is now the least likely IMHO.

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My opinion too. I can’t rule out chemical spraying. It is obviously occurring.

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There are many delivery mechanisms for toxins being used in the modern warfare scenario we happen to be living in. Also, psychological, chemical, financial, sociological, electromagnetic... anything and everything to wear down the opponent (us) and succeed with the plan to create a global open air prison system under a digital ID.

Of course, I know they will not succeed. But that's another story.

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In my area at least.

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when you get the infection without a prior vax jab.

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Something you get from being exposed to that is TOXIC. The list is endless. The end results differ from one person to another. Some overlap.

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Beware of hydrolysis, pal!

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That sounds consistent with what I have heard the symptoms of "long Covid" as being. Here's my question, how much of long covid could actually be attributed to the state our society is in? I have felt at times a sense of obfuscation and problems with thinking, but how much of that is due to the pervasive cognitive dissonance and fighting of the narrative a lot of us are doing on a daily basis? I don't mean we are having any sort of intellectual crisis, but it can't be easy being confronted with fiction and being almost casually and condescendingly to agree with it.

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Absolutely agree. Had the Rona in Feb of this year. Tested negative but had bad flu symptoms and all I could smell or taste was a chemical like thing. Or exhaust fumes. That lasted 4 months. Had both types of test, both negative. Non-injected surgical RN.

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The really sinister and dishonest part of Covid is the use of the loss of sense of smell as diagnostic . Many upper respiratory tract infections cause a loss of sense of smell but it often goes unnoticed until attention is called to it then it becomes very obvious . Very smart to pull off this con .

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My memories of childhood colds are filled with “I can’t taste anything” or “it tastes weird” and/or “I don’t like the smell” (I remember a particularly nasty one that made orange juice taste horrible!). But that was the 1970s and we were just Neanderthals back then...

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Legitimate observation.

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Sounds like worse than a bad flu. That's awful. My 68 year old sister had it in March 2020, and was sick for 3 weeks but has had bronchitis in her history. Her husband, who is a year older, got it from her and he coughed for two days, and was a little tired. He has always been in good health but given it was March 2020, amazingly mild. Since you were not jabbed, I'm surprised you weren't on a protocol, including Ivermectin and Hydroxy. My wife and I got it finally in March 2022, and we had a fever for 48 hours, and done. just tired for a week. We were on all the supplement protocols along with Ivermectin and Hydroxy. Same with our son-in-law a few weeks later. He was much better in 30 hours (80%) and fully recovered in 3 days

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Glad you made it through Doc. I believe I've come close to catching covid. I learned from the common cold that the sooner I started medicating. The sooner I got over my symptoms. By doing do I've gotten over colds in under 48 hours! I'm sure that the common cold is incompatible with covid, the flu and pneumonia. But I believe early treatment is the remedy for preventing coronaviruses from getting worse.

No doubt here that if I hadn't started taking my remedies as soon as I did. I believe I would have had to fight off some form of covid. I was telling people from the start that I have never had a coronavirus to my knowledge without having any symptoms. So anytime I feel like I'm catching a cold. I usually start medicating immediately since in this atmosphere it could be any covid variant.

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I learned from a young age that the old adage is that "if you get a cold and leave it untreated it lasts a week, if you treat it, it lasts for seven days." I usually am treating the symptoms, the main one being lack of sleep due to coughing. And to be honest I enjoy that part of getting a cold, taking a shot of Nyquil, and entering into that blissful twilight world associated with it.

Usually, pre Covid, I would have cold that lasted a week or so...and the worst part was usually a day or two when the throat was crying out. I could still sing though, but I would choose Neil Diamond. Do you guys remember those days pre-Covid, when we would take treatments to mitigate symptoms and go out into public and hang out with people? I do, and I do not resent others that got sick either and did so...unless they sounded like Doc Holiday while I was trying to watch a movie.

Heck a lot of commercials pushed that. They would show a man or a woman lying in bed, encumbered by sickness, but take Theraflu or another remedy, and they are out driving the kids to soccer practice and taking on the day. Now, they would recast this commercial as a political commercial showing that Jake, who wants to slow down his cold symptoms, wants to kill grandma by going grocery shopping in the same store she is.

Anyhow Mary, chances are you were exposed to Covid and fought it off. Sounds like you have a robust immune system.

Colds and sickness remind us of the joy of being well, of not thinking about congestion and sore throats, lack of sleep, and mucus...all of the gallons of mucus.

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My mom still has a decade+ old pack of blue surgical masks hanging around. She was sick but we had things to do and a family member demanded she protect us with a loose fitting useless mask. This was after the swine flu scare. I think thats when the 'stay home if you're sick' message really started to take hold. Not that it's a bad idea. The former American work ethic that didn't let you take a few extra weeks a year off for whatever reason seems unbalanced to me but so does the snotty-nose-murderous-grocery-run narrative.

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The loose fitting mask is useless. The N95 is less useless, but only protects the wearer. My passed away in 2007 so he missed that scare, but was alive for Bird flu and SARS and never made demands on his interactions with us.

I don't think staying home if you are sick is unreasonable, but how sick is sick? Should you stay home if you have a cold? This unnatural fear of germs will not serve us well. I point people who are not averse to a little foul language to watch the George Carlin video on germs and liberty. I come from a time when a kid could ride in the front seat of a car without a seatbelt, where there were diving boards, we drank from garden hoses, and puked on playground equipment.

Another irony is we are hyper sensitive about cold symptoms right now. I am surprised people aren't doing shoulder rolls when someone coughs, and yet when severe symptoms of muscle spasms and other symptoms present, we are quick to dismiss them as anything but a vaccine related injury.

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Some of the best water comes from garden hoses and the best comedy is a little foul. Life has to many sharp edges to blunt them all. Knowing that we can trust most of our neighbors to reasonably mitigate the risk was part of life's beauty and will be again.

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That's true. On a summer day, anything would do, even lukewarm metallic tasting garden hose water. The best comedy is a mirror we hold up to ourselves to show all of the flaws and all that makes the beauty. I think in some ways, I understand more about what Carlin was so angry at.

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Any chance you would share which specific immune repair protocol you used? I know it takes time and dedication. When I was 32 I came down with sarcoidosis, the only immune disorder that kills approx 35% of the people who have it. Actor Bernie Mac died of this in 2011, he didn’t even last the 6 years. I went from a very active person who worked out 2 hours a day, 6 times a week, to barely being able to climb a flight of stairs without losing my breath. Arthritis off the charts too, along with many issues that makes daily life almost impossible. Hit me literally overnight. My doctor told me for two years it was in my head. I switched doctors and he told me it was fibromyalgia, only to find out a year later it was sarcoidosis. 3 years into it before I knew what I had. Life was hell. They told me nothing they could do. 35% die within 6 years, 35% stay same for a long time and the rest kick it. But nothing I could do. I went to a naturopath in my 8th year in, still suffering. He cured me within 2 years and have been good for last 20. Allopathic doctors know ZERO about immune system and why so many are still so clueless about this shot. My experience was exactly why I refused this toxic jab. I learned enough about immune system, along with schooling in sciences, that I would never take an mRNA based shot. Saved all my siblings and my immediate family from this poison. I didn’t have a canned protocol or I would share with everyone, was tailored to my immune deficiencies at the time. I suspected there would be all sorts of immune damage from an mRNA based shot, it makes total sense and all this damage to our world was highly predictable.

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Supreme congrats! Welcome back to the land of the healthy! We might all agree that by your experience, it becomes almost obvious that allopathy is NOT what our natural bodies naturally need, and quite vehemently reject to. What a great story you have as a witness to this view! Thanks for sharing. I hope many will consider that the Rockefellers had no intention toward philanthropy, (other than to promote their propaganda campaign) but rather to line their pockets on the back of society's trust and ignorance.


ps God bless you and thank you!

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Believe me, I gave a very short summary of a horror story. But one positive thing came out of it … I haven’t relied on pharmaceuticals or even over the counter drugs in 20 years and am better off for it. No Tylenol, advil etc. obviously I took hydroxy and the very natural organic substance of ivermectin for 5 days, but given the toxic spikes, I wanted to cut down viral replication as much as possible. Especially having had the real life experience of Sarcoidosis… didn’t want to go back there. And thanks for your comment. God bless to you as well.

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Great, thanks for sharing. Will send out to all I know still fighting what we know is immune damage.

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I thought about this as well. How much of what we face is due to our lifestyle, diet, lack of exercise, etc. I know from being diabetic that so much is dependent upon my diet and how I treat myself.

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We keep our vitamin D high 65-80 in all of us. But in response to your ideas, I do know that once you are on ivermectin, Quercetin really doesn’t help. It’s really for maintenance and if you don’t have access to ivermectin, then it’s one of the better over the counter supplements along with black seed oil. But given access, ivermectin is the choice. On your tonic and lemon, yes very good daily thing to do but make sure you use Fever tree tonic. Most are just junk and full of sugar

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Is that quinine water?

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All tonic water has that in it … but Fever tree brand is the healthiest version you can get if you’re going to drink tonic water. Generally not a fan of drinking a lot of tonic water in general … even the healthiest brand. Saying if you drink it, that’s the only one to drink.

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I believe my Walmart carries it. Thanks. I made my own “HCQ” with citrus peels. I have some frozen bags on hand.

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In my experience as a GP for over 40 years I have become aware of a post viral fatigue syndrome following many viral illness We in the profession have no idea what causes them but they are strange and there are many potential causes, They are real so it is not surprising that Covid and the government response could cause a fatigue syndrome . Post mRNA injury is not debated but massive by comparison and often fatal .

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Dear Uncle Gerard,

please watch this video: https://bit.ly/3EeQW3u

With all due respect, I think CFS is mostly psychogenic. I always have to explain that I don't mean malingering or that people are not fatigued. It's probably the mind's way to tell the Ego: stop and rest already, you silly person!

Because people don't have time to rest, sadly.

Also, chronic dehydration may be a very good candidate for CFS.

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I don’t disagree

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I would really urge you to consider what this view does to those suffering from CFS if you are wrong. I suffered from CFS for ten years so I know very well how it is to hear that the condition is psychogenic, even though it's evident it's not. I have also treated many clients with ME/CFS with great results. I still never found even one case where their condition was psychogenic, even though their doctors told them so in all cases.

The main focus in the treatment of this type of condition is silencing reactivated viruses and retroviruses which, through activation of the "cell danger response", seem to be causing the fatigue. You need to find the underlying trigger of this situation which also needs to be addressed for lasting results.

Here is a link to one resent study on this issue:


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Hello Henrik, thanks for your answer.

People suffering with CFS should form their own views, just like everybody else. In the process of forming one's own views, one should consider all information available.

"It's too much work, let's be lazy and adhere to an already existing opinion that fits our present psychological biases." That's the attitude that is most likely to get each and everyone in deep trouble.

One piece of information available: the SARS-CoV-2 antibodies test is fraudulent. Therefore, it should not be used.

This piece of information may be true and rejeceted because of psychological biases.

Or it may be false and accepted because of psychological biases.

Either way, it's our biases what cloud our vision, not the things that people say.

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As a senior I can vouch that something is different with recovery time. Now I’ve only had one test for COVID and it came back negative, but I have caught some kind of not-a-cold bug 4 times since since the fall of 2019, including the recent flu making the rounds right now. The length of time for feeling really sick is much longer than anything I experienced previously, and the fatigue level is off the charts! Undoubtedly some of this can be explained by my increased age, but it is very noticeable, and it’s not just me. My husband at times has had it worse than me, as far as severity goes, while I experience the slower recovery more often. So it looks like not all respond the same. He is vaxed (coerced by employer but no boosters) while I remain unvaxed.

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Long COVID, similar to Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia appears most likely to be a chronic immune dysfunction.

The question to put these all together is the What, How’s and Why’s the immune dysfunction occurs to bring on symptoms.

A logical open discussion would ask if it’s contracting COVID that causes the dysfunction or perhaps some other toxin or biohazard people have been in contact with on an ongoing basis.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Long COVID most likely lives between the ears.


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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Add Chronic Lyme to that list...

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The Plum Island bio-lab was within spitting distance of Lyme, CT where the initial "outbreak" occurred. Imagine that. https://www.thedogpress.com/Editorials/Plum-island-LymeDisease_Andrews1.asp

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I suggest you read “Bitten” by Chris Newby and watch the videoUnder Our Skin before being so definitive about that.

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cerebral chronic lyme lives between the ears but is nothing to laugh about.

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Long before covid I endured years and years with chronic fatigue and muscle-pains. I dont know exactly why, but maybe my endometriosis was the cause. I chose not to get a covid-injection, after a personal risk/benefit analysis, but startet on a regiment of vitamin d-, c, zink, nac, curcumin and quercetin. After a few months I got my energy back, my muscle-pains gone. I’m 57 years old, and I’m in better physical state than in many, many years. My energy-levels are overflowing!

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Congrats, and thanks for sharing what worked!

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Personally, I tend to lean toward the idea that all the modern "syndromes" given such and such names, are due to the era of vaccines being foisted upon everyone. Every single one, now, is suspect in my view.

When I learned that Papaya leaf juice has cured with consistency, Dengue Fever, gears began to mesh nicely, and lights began to come on.

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Great response!

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My personal experience, to go with your latter observation. I (think I) had the “moronic” early this year (Jan 2022). I never tested, but everybody in the household got sick in short succession, with different presentations. My son works part time in a warehouse that required jab or test. His test came +, so we decided that everybody else was +. My symptoms were mild and lasted 3 days (We followed the FLCCC protocols). In May,, we had our very first in person department meeting at my job. I believe my wife and I (we are also coworkers) are the only unvaxxed people in our department. Immediately after that meeting, I developed a mild paresthesia involving legs/feet and to smaller extension, hands. Early on, it was quite pronounced in the lower extremities, with unpleasant but very bearable pins-and-needles, and I got blood work done to rule out diabetes. Sugar normal... so, it got me thinking: sequelae or effects of others’ spike shedding? I do not have the answer. I can relate, e.g., that the sensation of the water from the shower head hitting my feet is “unpleasant”, but it feels soft at the ankles. The pins-and-needles are less prominent today, but I feel my hands and feet being a little over sensitive...

Considering that not much in my surroundings and on my behaviour have changed since 2020, I am attributing the “pins-and-needles”/heighten sensitivity to EITHER the illness in January (therefore, Ling Covid) OR to the first meeting in a closed room with a mostly vaccinated workforce in May (Spike et al. shedding).

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Heliochronobiology or some such. There are major wars, famines and other such undesirable things coinciding with solar maximums. As well as heart attacks, drops in productivity and domestic violence.

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Since 2019 fall, I've had these dire medical issues:

Sniffles, A few hours, once three times a year.

Long covid😎😂😂😅

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My relatives who got deathvax... They get covid....Me, I take Vit D and watch as much damn comedy as I can. Pray Rosary. Go for looong walks with dogs near streams, woods (and there's suppusdely cougars around, but I got one bad chug)

Cougar fairly close to Austin Tx


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Kind of what I do., John. Vit D, quercitin and Vit K and walk walk walk. Pretty sure I had something February 2021. But it was snowing hard and then -10 so I didn’t bother to get tested. Runny nose for about 5 days. I had an antibody test 5 months later and showed the antibodies but who knows what those tests really mean. In any case no vax and not even a sniffle since. 74 yo. Never get flu shots. I’m over vaccines. Totally. Your dog sounds awesome. My hometown in central west Illinois had a mountain lion killed recently by a truck. Sad—it was a magnificent creature. All I get are turkeys wandering through my back yard and evil squirrels.

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Janet, I love wildlife...

I've driven out to see wild higs, bears etc...

Usually don't see.

I love going to zoo, but have to have birth certificate, drivers license , etc to get out

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I love it too. We boondock camped in the Wyoming snowy range this summer. I’m sitting at camp warming up with coffee and up over the culvert embankment on the other side of the mountain stream comes 2 male moose. Unforgettable. Also came upon the biggest bison I have ever seen getting some shade when we walked thru some bushes in a Montana picnic grove and came face to face. Backed out of there fast. Exciting tho. I spend as much time as I can in nature. Churches mostly failed us, including mine, so nature is church for me.

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Here's a pic of me...


Sgg.org Bishop Dolan passed, but his sermons live on site.

He fought against covid depopulation plan , Mar 2020 on

Called those who closed doors of churches Sissies.

My priest kept coming1100 miles, month after month. Never missed once

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. I need some real Bible truth from the pulpit. I’m quitting the united Methodist church. All I see of my church is warmed up pablum. Our decent pastor was removed during the pandemic (a heartless move in itself) and our dying congregation was given a young seminary student. Who is using his textbooks for sermons. I couldn’t take it anymore. Every church around me caved. Closed for over a year. I left after masks were required after it opened and we had a short reprieve but PrickSter ordered them back on and he said jump and my church said “how high? Gone.

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You're pretty good lookin', John. Was that sugar cane you were eating?


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Nature is the original church. It's awe inspiring, peaceful, and relaxes me.

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I heard owls when I went to new park...

I walked up slowly and saw them!!!

Who, who

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Long line to get on camel. Then elephant. Just sit for a sec.

I got on line.

Only person over 8. I was 26

😎😎😎. Glad I did

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Do you have the black squirrels in Illinois? The dogs love to chase the squirrels, no matter the color. Good exercise for them. 😊

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They didn't get COVID. They were poisoned. Their bodies tried to get rid of toxins.

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This is above my abilities.

So ill pass

But certainly enjoy the fighting! For sure.

I enjoy fighting for sure, but have no idea.... I call it deathvax myself, but can't say if it's causing covid directly or screwing up immune system.

Or... Bith

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That’s my kinda morning, substitute coyotes for cougars. And if it’s above 32 F/ O C, then it’s summer and I hit the trail in shorts... Great “ice-breaker” on the trail!

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Chug = Chihuahua/Pug?

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Bingo Bandit!!!

I had a pug, nicest damn dog EVER.

My wife wanted another, and chug was up for adoption.

He obviously is channeling his Chihuahua side!

Hope you are warm!

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When I get cold, I snuggle one of the dogs. So, I stay warm. Give Chug a couple of petties from me. 😊🤗

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He's right next to me. Toastie!!

An elderly lady fell on ice in Chicago. No one around. Her 2 Saint Bernards laid down next to her until someone finally came.

Saved her life...

I LOVE dogs.

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Awwwww. God bless those Saint Bernards.

My little precious baby is sleeping next to me, too. 😌😴

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I always think: but what a way to go! I'd rather be a meal for a mountain lion than a customer of Big Pharma any day!

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You're tough and have a grand spirit.

Rest of story, on qt, my chug has killed in open manly battle 2 endangered wolves. 1 cougar. 3 Rottweilers.

A psycho.

I'm having him watch Harrari tapes.

(He freaken looks at my computer. I could probably get him a GS 15 job)

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Love it--sic him on Harrari; chug will be a legend, anthems will be sung!

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YEAH! ME too! At least it would be an honest attack!

Sort of like resisting the projected scenario where the gestapo would come out to the house to ensure all have a legit vacc card, and since I wouldn't have one, inform me that I "have to come with them." (To the quarantine camp, no doubt for a "special hot dose" injection.) If that's the case, I think I'd rather die in a hail of bullets quickly at home, than to comply and be pricked and treated like an animal, and W.H.O. knows what else!

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have absolutely no doubt that long covid is a thing. It annoys me when people insist it doesn't exist almost out of principle (even the lovely Dr Vernon Coleman does this).

I have a friend who got covid in early 2020, when she went to look after her mother and brother (for different reasons). They all got covid. My friend didn't have particularly bad covid but suffered from long covid for most of a year. I'm not sure if she doesn't still suffer some effects. Recall that this was a year before the vaxx existed. She was so unwell and utterly without energy or strength that her husband had to make the 400-mile journey to her mother's house to bring her home. I only really hear from her at Christmas, but last Christmas, i.e. almost a year after she got covid, she said she could now walk a mile and a half - a mile and a half!! This was a previously perfectly fit person, albeit no spring chicken. While really bad, she wasn't able to walk further than from the sofa to the kitchen table. Her husband had to do everything for her and she was one of those people used to doing everything for everyone else.

The key thing seems to be early treatment. Dr Shankara Chetty* (South African family physician and scientist and now member of the World Council for Health) had treated, by early 2022, 7000 covid patients personally. He gave them appropriate early treatment (we all know what that is) and further treatment for those who - as he considers - got a spike protein reaction on the 8th day.

Not one of his 7000 patients died, nor did any of them even need to go to hospital. Not one got long covid. He concludes that long covid is simply the result of depriving moderate covid sufferers of early treatment. The medics in American Front Line Doctors (started by Dr Pierre Kory) found the same thing. It suits the medical/pharmaceutical perpetrators to perpetuate long covid (a) to perpetuate fear of covid and (b) to make people dependent on further medical and pharmaceutical treament. As a 'bonus' some will lose their jobs and even their homes (you will own nothing ...).

The other day I heard from a former colleague whom I hadn't heard from for almost a year. She is suffering from chronic fatigue - this is someone who, despite being in her 70s, still played tennis regularly. I know she will have been jabbed, probably at least 3 times, if not 4 (with the new bivalent 'mouse' vaxx) but I don't yet know if she had covid at all. It could 'just' be vaxx damage without covid infection. I know several people complaining of fatigue, although not as badly as her.

My tuppence worth!

*Dr Chetty's experience for anyone interested:


Dr Chetty has said the vaxxes are the cleverest poison in history, since the negative effects are so wide ranging and differing so much in time scale that it will be almost impossible to link outcomes to the vaxxes.

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Awesome story!!!

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It was a bit long, sorry!!

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I read every word. Thank you

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I should clarify that I agree the shots are exacerbating the situation - I just wanted to to say that people definitely were getting long covid before the shots existed, but shouldn't have had it. My husband had a medical colleague who was offered a new job in a GP practice. She got long covid before she was to take up the job and was only able to do a couple of shifts a week. The GP practice bounced her before she was due to start as they couldn't carry someone who wasn't fit for the job. That was also before the shots. Long covid seems to affect women more than men. On the other hand, more men than women died of (or with) covid). Most of them wouldn't have died, of course, with appropriate early treatment.

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All viral illness carries the risk of post viral syndrome. Post flu can last a few months. Post west Nile virus can last up to 5 years. This is not novel to the thing called covid. More useful questioning would be about the individuals who experience this - what is it about their bodies that prevents a full timely recovery?

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I agree about post-viral syndrome, as I have just said elsewhere. And I would repeat that if people are given ivermectin early on they don't get long covid/post-viral syndrome at all. Perhaps ivermectin would help with other viral illnesses?

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in a recent FLCCC, Pierre Cory noted IVM works on the spike protein, and thus IVM is less likely to be helpful for viruses without the spike.

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I had flu last in 1998 and I get no flu shots. I remember being the sickest I have ever been and it took weeks to get any energy back. Covid was-meh- for me.

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I had the flu in 2015 and it was rough. It took me a while to get fully back, about a month in total from start of flu. Also had a couple of solid summer chest colds that took about a month to shake. Nothing unusual about that. No shots of any kind for me so no confounders.

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Covid was meh for a whole lot of people. Others died, but they wouldn't have with early treatment. I've had flu once in my life, in the 1980s, when I was 30. I had a few flu shots in my late 60s but would never take them again, as they don't work, according to the metadata. They didn't make me ill in any way, though.

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You don't get jabbed four times post flu or west Nile virus I would guess with the pathogen that caused the illness and its sequelae.

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how many people get an annual flu injection, even when they get the flu ("it's working!")?

i've never had one but have had post-flu syndrome which lasted for a few months.

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Yes he was v insightful, clear from the 1st wave that hit S Africa. The virus is only a vector to deliver the spikes inside the body. He also consolidated info from his colleagues in India.

I respect his view not only bc of his knowledge but also his hands on experiences of treating the cvd patients. (Not just a theory based)

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I remember hearing him talk about his treatment and the allergic reaction some had to the virus. I can’t remember the platform his video was on.

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Probably on Rumble.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think "long Covid" exists. Honestly, I'm not sure even "short Covid" exists. But "long Covid" is just a bad immune system. However, letting yourself be injected with ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis and (2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide containing a piece of synthetic mRNA doesn't help.

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I don't know if it exists or not. At times, I think it could be a malaise related to the state of our society. How awesome do you feel about your part of the world where we closed down for months and people lost their livelihoods, and schools shut down? How great do you feel knowing all the friends and family you have known for years bought into the narrative and still hold on to it?

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It has to exist. I have it. I took no shots. I was supremely healthy. Hadn't needed a doctor in 13 years. I M sick in June - weirdest illness ever. Got well. Then a month later some more weird symptoms came. I am unable to eat food. My toes turn red and white. I have shortness of breath. I have no stamina - no energy. So what do I have if long covid dies not exist and my immune system was in top condition?

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I think some of the pushback comes in calling it "Long Covid." A lot of things about this virus are coined and used as an attempt to engender fear in us,which in my estimation further exacerbates the problem rather than solve it. I like that it was pointed out here in the comments that a lot of these symptoms are consistent with "post viral syndrome." Why do we need to add a new name onto something that already exists? I am sure there are people out there with post flu syndrome and even post cold syndrome. It doesn't denigrate what they have, and these things should be treated, but at the same time, placed into proper context.

The most concerning is the inability to eat. Are you nauseous, or just not hungry? Did you lose your sense of smell and taste? And are you currently taking any medications that could lead you to loss of appetite? I ask this because I was in the hospital last year for an amputation, and one of the meds they had me on was an anti-phantom pain medication that has a side effect of nausea. It didn't hit me this could be it until I looked it up.

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No nausea. I can smell and taste. I just have no hunger....and chewing food is repulsive. Thankfully I can drink nutritional drinks. I am taking zero medications. I have not seen a doctor in 13 years because I lost trust. They didn't heal me. Thanks for your response.

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The truth is that your consciousness is non physical.

You are not your meat suit.

When a humans consciousness is harmed, it can manifest in physical ways.

While this sounds "crazy" by modern standards, in the past it was considered "crazy" to assume that physical reality created the non physical.

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I understand this. I believe I have to only have positive thoughts about my body and healing.

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I wonder if the chewing of food is seen as repulsive because there is no hunger. There were times when I thought the act of sex looked silly or at least illogical when there was no sex drive, or lowered sex drive. It does list lack of appetite as one of the post viral syndrome symptoms, and I believe I had it briefly in 2020, but managed to have it return a couple months later. I do remember that losing my appetite allowed me to see my different food addictions/cravings for what they were for that brief window of time.

I am glad you have ound alternatives for nourishment and hope you continue to recover.

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Sorry for your experience, that sucks.

I'm sure you have done tons of research, so please don't take offense if I say: have you tried NAC? I had weird symptoms after getting Omicron (which was literally just sniffles for half a day)--symptoms like burning at lymph nodes and Reynaud's. I am unjabbed also; also very fit and healthy. I took NAC and I am convinced that is what cleared out the weird effects. Took about 6 weeks for the Reynaud's to be gone.

Hope you recover fully.

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What frequency and dose? Thanks!

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I just took as directed on the bottle--nothing cray cray.

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Yes, And very sorry to learn of your troubles. I'm with you. The C virus apparently HAS been genetically modified by the lab, right? There is ample evidence for that. Given that, how can anyone deny these very strange symptoms, which MUST be a product of the virus, and proven to NOT be a symptom of the prick. You are un-pricked and your symptoms are very strange indeed! Unheard of by me anyway. And of course, we are not God; we don't know HOW these symptoms occur, much less WHY. But my speculation is this: By tampering with the wires in the DNA molecule, one can only be assured of one thing; that is that nothing good can become of it. Since the intent of the psychos was to design this virus to affect certain facets within the immune system, both long term and short-term, by tweaking the genetic structure, it might very well be that they not only reached their intended goals, but surpassed them, by the surge of all different types of symptoms manifesting themselves.

Who knows the level of understanding that exists in the labs. We might be amazed, or might not. To make a virus jump the species barrier I think, has already been understood to a degree, and done. Then some more tweaking, possibly? I don't know. But if a foreign virus that is new to nature, is released would we expect normal reactions to occur bodily? I think otherwise.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No long ‘covid’ amongst unvaccinated friends/family( unlike me most of these still believe a fraudulent PCR test positive is proof of covid) . Countless issues with vaccinated ( tiredness , early onset dementia seem common) .

One person I know- never tested positive- 3 vaccines - but believes he had it asymptomatically and has long covid ( lungs covered in blood clots). These people cannot be helped.

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I’m seeing a lot of extreme tiredness and early onset dementia as well.

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That's the result of poisoning by needle..

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An interesting study would be to log and document symptoms synonymous with long Covid before and after the introduction of the vaccine as well as those who are unvaccinated with "long Covid." I think what we will find is that before the vaccine was introduced the symptoms for "long Covid were lack of energy and malaise, and that after, they were expanded to include more acute symptoms such as the blood clots, muscle spasms, etc. which is just a fancy way of including vaccine injury into "long Covid."

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Long vaccine.

New phrase I coined, "So are you a vaccine injury denier?"

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Good phrase. Maybe change it to "vax-harm denier" ?

A) There are a lot of deaths.

B) I like using the short-hand term "vax." We all know it isn't a real vaccine, but as the word has caught on, the slangier version of it tends to connotate the mRNA meds. Most all of us opponents of those meds now also realize that some of the pre-Covid vaxxes had problems too, our eyes have been opened to take the anti-vaxxers of yesterday far more seriously, but, that is a distinct issue.

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Do you do the paste or the liquid?

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I kept seeing "Are you a climate denier?", "Are you a [insert wokeshite] denier?" all over the place.

Let us learn from their tactics.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s the shots. What a dum dum. I (unjabbed) had what is technically considered long Covid after my bout with Alpha (symptoms & PCR confirmed) in May of 2021. Sickest I’ve ever been in my life! Delta wasn’t in my area until July, so it had to Alpha) Lingering symptoms included brain fog, POTS and fatigue. With an elevated CRP blood test a year later! All symptoms just gradually subsided, other than the crp, as I take really good care of myself. If I was your typical standard American sloberoni, I’m sure I’d still have symptoms 18mos later. Low dose naltrexone is what helped my elevated CRP within 6 weeks. It lowers inflammation and I highly recommend it. However if your an opioid user it won’t work as it will block your opioid receptors. LDN is also listed on the FLCCC website for long Covid.

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Very interesting and thanks for letting us know !

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I take that for hashimotos thyroid (the only med I take for that plus clean unprocessed food) . and immune improvements. It’s helpful.

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Is Low dose naltrexone an over the counter medicine in Canada? Do you happen to know that?

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Here in USA it is only available by a compounding pharmacy. It’s not OTC. My functional medicine doc RX it and I get it in the mail.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Personally, I've observed that long covid is largely an issue among politically left leaning, vaccinated women, many with anxiety disorders. We'd anticipate a long covid rate in the unvax of 10% or less, based on the rate of post viral syndrome across multiple viruses. People were terrified by the governments and media. It is no surprise to see a trend in anxiety driven symptoms following an infection by a virus they said would kill you.

No one who has had the infection should have ever been vaccinated (at least until we had long term data on reinfection severity, and effectiveness.). What a tragic error.

None of the studies differentiate by vaccination status and the health authorities and media still push the narrative that vaccination has no impact, and certainly couldn't be a cause in most.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A friend of mine took the government's perverse advice to get vaxxed despite having had covid. She had a heart attack a couple of months after the second jab (fortunately survived as the ambulance crew were already there) but she has no thought of any connection to the shots. You are 2-4 times more likely to have an adverse reaction if covid recovered. These people are vile beyond words.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Long covid is real. I have a family member who had delta in the fall of 2021, along with most of her immediate family. It was a bad illness, but nothing more than that. Since that time though she has had one illness after another and has suffered from bad headaches almost continuously since then. She has never been vaccinated, so her long covid can't be blamed on the vaccine. None of her family has been vaccinated, so it can't be blamed on shedding either. She has had lots of tests done to figure out what's going on. She has always been healthy. She's also taken many different supplements, to no avail. For all the cynics out there, the reality is that her life has changed for the worse after getting covid and then developing long covid.

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Thank you for sharing...

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Here's my question and I hope this in no way diminishes what she is going through, but could it be stress? Does it necessarily have to be "Covid?" that is the culprit here. For many of us, these past two and a half years has been a profound experience psychologically, and there is no doubt this in turn can affect us physiologically.

Heck, we have people on Twitter sharing their "symptoms" online whereas pre-Covid, how many of us left audio/video recordings of ourselves being sick. As such, there is almost a pathological awareness of sickness and symptoms. We do know that psyche affects our ability to fight off illness, and perhaps because she has had a relatively robust immune system to this point, she was not psychologically prepared for the response her body could have to the massive changes in society.

i hope she improves, gets better, and things could be worse. She could have an amputation like I do ( a product of long diabetes.)

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Hi Jimmy. This is a fair question. She does have a stressful life because she has to take care of multiple kids. There is no getting around the fact that she has not had the opportunity to properly recover from this illness due to parenting responsibilities. The thing though is that no illness has ever persisted like this for her for nearly a year after the acute symptoms have subsided. That puts covid in its own category for her.

In regard to your comment about pathological awareness of symptoms, that is definitely NOT her. Hers is a family that never took the virus "seriously" (at least as defined by the government and MSN). They never stopped living their lives. Heck, it took them over a year and a half of living their (mostly) normal lives before they even got covid. She doesn't strike me as the kind of person that would make this up.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A good friend of mine had terrible covid in January '21, unvaxxed. She felt lucky to survive, though she never had to go to hospital. Then her recovery was so long it might be called "long covid", months. During that time she had neuropathy in her legs and thorax around her ribs. It was suggestive of GBS. It finally started to abate by 8 months out. Then, she succumbed to badgering by her doctors and her family to take the vaccine. She took one Pfizer shot and immediately relapsed into severe neuropathy of the same kind she had struggled to recover from. She will never take another shot, needless to say. She's an otherwise healthy 50-something who was running (former track star at D1 school) for fun and fitness. This shot set her back badly. Interesting that her symptoms were the same after the actual disease and after the Pfizer shot. Her case and others led me to conclude that the shots are worse than the disease, because they are so unnecessary.

BTW love your figure comments!

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So sorry for her. Hope she recovers. My sister had been horribly immune compromised for over 30 years with RA, leukemia then cancer. She got one shot and was dead before her second one.

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That's unspeakable! I'm so very sorry about your sister. The magnitude of the evil that is being to people through these shots is appalling. May God give her soul rest. I pray daily for people who've taken these shots, and for justice.

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I know someone with long covid due to the baxx.he git vaxxed because his grandkids shated all their ailments with him. He was in excellent health until the vaxx. Now he can't even walk his dog or walk to mailbox. Which is about 2 blocks from his home. So sad.

You won't get any results from us unvaxxed people because we stay as far awsy from these evil.drug pushing doctors as we fo the vsxxed

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Re: drug pushing doctors... There's alternatives:


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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Help me out.

I am seeing people getting very sick after boosters!! Not necessarily the initial shots. But once the boosters started folks are dropping like flies, cancers at an unprecedented rate. Did anyone else notice that?

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

It seems to have a cumulative effect. I had two shots (ok, call me names!) but found out what was going on shortly after the second one, so no boosters. I had mine Feb and May 21 and I'm fine, although I live one day at a time (without fretting or anxiety, I should add) because I know anything can happen any time. Almost everyone I know who's had the vaxxes - in some cases boosters too - is fine (for now) although I have a couple of relatives who've been hospitalised with 'infections'. My husband wouldn't listen to me and took the first booster. A week later he collapsed unconscious at home and was hospitalised, then followed up by a cardiologist for 8 months. The cardiologist is seemingly 'baffled' despite me pointing out the booster a week previously.

*Baffled* should be the medical word of the year. :-)

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The irony is, if he collapsed without a booster, they would most likely deem it Covid related.

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It really annoyed me. When he had his first follow-up appointment, the cardio phoned me from the consultation because he'd been unconscious, so obviously couldn't tell her what had happened. I laid it on thick about the vaxx but my understanding from the little he said about the consultations suggested it was simply not mentioned again (he's a part-time out-of-hours GP and trying hard not to acknowledge it either). But for a cardio to just ignore it is shocking - however that's what they do. They just look the other way, either because they don't want to know or because they know they'll get into trouble. When the paramedics were at the house I told them too, and about the dead athletes, increasing heart attacks etc. , but I might as well have talked to myself. I think one quiet one was sort-of listening but saying nothing. The head of the team got quite nippy with me and said 'we've all had them', as if that meant anything. *Science.*

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The narrative only flows one way, that's another indicator that it is a narrative. You would think at the very least they would list the vaccine as a possible factor that was unusual and novel that occurred around the time frame as your husband lost consciousness.

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I have around 20 contractors reporting to me, in addition to 7 direct reports who work for our company. They are all vaxxed, every single one. And each time one of them gets boosted, they have to take time off, they are either sick or just cannot function, and this has been going on for a year!!! At least I won't have to worry about anyone using maternity leave anytime soon...

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I've noticed at least a few people get Covid after getting the boosters, and it's taking them weeks to clear the virus.

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I forgot to mention that out of one small friendship group I was in - just six including me - I tried to warn them when the boosters were being rolled out. Nobody listened (one had already had a heart attack after the 2nd jab, but didn't make the connection, nor did her doctor). They wouldn't listen. The one who had the heart attack lost two brothers-in-law to SADS in the months after the rollout. Another lost her husband to a heart attack - a really fit guy. Then my best friend from school, who was fantastically fit and active, although not young, died of a catastrophic heart attack. No dots connected by anyone.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just curious: those that contracted long covid without being vaccinated against it originally, did they get flu or other types of injections?

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I do not know, good question, a very good question

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Vaccine shedding is a possibility.

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Another possibility - Think about 'Mind Over Matter' or just simply "If everyone's getting it, I should too to fit in" and VOILA!!!

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Another one to add to the list of queries!

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I mean no offense, but the logic principle "ex falso sequitur quodlibet" applies to long covid all too well.

Let's all agree that PEG (glycol) and polysorbate are chemicals that don't belong anywhere near the bloodstream or the lympnodes.


We are being played like a fiddle in so many ways.

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I prefer to believe in unfindable, ubiquitous ( the paradox is the appeal) little demons as the source of all my ills.

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Yes, very appealing.

It's like when they say "we can't find enough in a single person to isolate and purify." Well, why don't they take 10 tons of used masks and respirators and blend them and try to fish the dmaned things there?

At long last, the masks would finally be useful for anything.

"Well, you see, errr, they don't really live that much outside" Then how come everyone is in danger of getting assaulted by submicroscopic enemies lurking everywhere!

It's so demented that it's funny to go along with it.

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If they are everywhere how is it people get fingered as the source?

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Belief in viruses is some sort of mental illness or superstition.

When you don't know better, you blame a 'virus'. Or God. Or some other invisible, supernatural, untestable, fictional agent.

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The locus of control is best situated somewhere between the extremes of internal-external continuum.

Although we are all responsible for our own health, there are some events (good and bad) that are outside our control.

For example, a meteorite may fall from the sky, hit a window near where you are seated and the shards hurt your arm. Then you go to get a few stiches in the wounds and the MD knows what you have written on the net and decides to give you double dose of the drug run-death-is-near after they tie you to a bed.

I am learning to suture wounds in a piece of chicken right now, just in case. I don't want to go near a hospital until all the psychopaths are thrown into prison.

So, yeah, don't have much confidence in others but don't think that you can prevent EVERY thing, 'cause there are other players around.

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You must be a step ahead of me, as I haven't learned how to suture wounds. You actually gave me a great idea on what to learn next :))

I do agree with you, you cannot avoid any possible situation in life. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to become as independent as we can.

After all these years I've come to understand the mindset of a prepper.. they were right all along.

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Hana banned me for 100 years from commenting on her articles.

She was very bothered by my articles/arguments against virus theory.

Oh well, each with their own. Some have lower threshold for dealing with reality, I guess..

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She desn't want those types of comments on her garden. Which I respect the best I can.

I'm very blunt and dimplomacy is not my forte. It's dfficult to read the signals of people, to know when they are bothered and they mean I have to back up. Sarcasm hurts sometimes, and she says she was very sick with covid in the beginning, so I understand that people will get angry with this conversation.

But I'm easy to forgive by nature (when properly earned) and I expect the same from others. They don't. A lot of people are not prompt to any degree of forgiveness. I have learned that only recently, lol!

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Whose Hana?

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Hana is the author and owner of "Sage Hana's newsletter" here on substack. She puts out a lot of content. Very insightful and very funny.

She reads most comments and chts with her readers. And sometimes, debates become stalled and people behave annoyingly. So she has kicked out a few readers. A fiery lady!

If you ever get into a fight with her, apologize if you happen to cross the line. That's good manners.


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No, it just enables her bullying.

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As did eugyppius to me. He seems just arrogant. Hana seems to be a spreader of confusion.

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No, she has her own views and makes a nice product, the newsletter, which includes insightful analysis and endless comedy.

In her turf she dislikes to read not-a-virus comments. So she weeds out commenters who keep repeating NAVidian arguments. I respect that.

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I don't respect that, it shows she doesn't have an open mind.

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She is offended that people question the fact that she was very sick in March of 2020. If you want people to keep an open mind, then don't offend them too much.

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She uses that fact (of her sickness) plus the fact that some people (I'm guessing) questioned whether she was sick at all to demonize anyone saying that she wasn't sick with Convid because Convid is fake. Spreader of confusion.

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