My whole family is under the axe. That doesn't mean I blame THEM for falling for a very coordinated, decades-planned hoax, complete with terrorism and authoritarian bamboozling...
The blame should be on the PLANNERS and those complicit in the actual participation of it. These jabs came from the DOD/DARPA, and the pharma companies simply manufactured them. There's plenty of blame to go around without including the victims, as nasty as they may get about it... My brothers have been abhorrent and evil to me, but I don't blame them, I blame Gates, and Schwab, and the Oligarchs Behind the Curtain.
I agree with much of what you said, but I have a different list of suspects.
Mine include Collins, Fauci, Daszak, Baric, EcoHealth Alliance, Moderna, the PRC, and others associated with the bat/gain of function/corona virus/vaccine farce.
I want real, transparent, investigations so that we can determine EXACTLY who was involved and why. There are several theories floating around but we need the truth so that we can keep this mess from ever being repeated.
Those who were knowingly complicit need to be punished to the full extent of the law.
I agree that the most blame goes to the motherweffers and that we should be courteous to each other. In fact, the lack of courtesy to others for their own decisions is what went wrong amongst the common folk. But I do blame the common folk who turned on their neighbour/ colleague/ spouse. The problem is that evil spreads, it infects, it metastasizes!!
What percent think this way do u think? I suppose it depends on the culture.
US Christian women I would hazard a guess would be less then 50 % but as you say they may have to try to delude themselves. Mothers do tend to feel guilty though.
These would be interesting Sociology Studies to do.
My experience is that almost all parents are doing the best possible job. We shouldn't blame them, just because they may lack critical thinking skills. The perpetrators are the pharma companies and their enablers in government, media, academia, medicine etc.
Of course, critical thinking is important in life. But I was referring to the human soul and spirit, which transcend any thoughts the human brain might be capable of.
Spiritual discernment is a real thing, and that "inner voice" has been known to dissuade people from acting on their "critical thoughts" that may actually have led them to a dark place.
Thé parent is killing another human, not themselves.
Do you mean they are welcome to kill themselves because they have rights over their own body. They do not have rights over their son or daughters human body though, to kill them. They are a different person. Does your mom have a right to kill you? What about your dad? Maybe he does not want you dead.
One parent can only claim half of the child, even if it was ok to kill. What about the other parents half?
If you have a child, it is your responsibility to do the best job for your child possible. That means you DEVELOP critical thinking skills. If you don't, you could literally kill your child. Or, for that matter, yourself. Remember, the majority of people in the US have an IQ of 100. That is not "low IQ."
Just because your doctor "recommends" something, you don't have to do it. What part of "experimental" and "no long term testing" is unclear?
The women who injected themselves are sheeple. Many might have injected their infants with the poison death serum "just to be safe." I'm sorry that their children died, but perhaps they are better off not living in a world with blindly obedient idiot parents.
I think that's fine, if we lived in a perfect world. We don't. People get tricked and do things out of ignorance all the time. And the priming for this massive assault on Humanity has been in the works for DECADES. Turn that righteous anger to the INSTIGATORS, that's what I say. And I share your outrage!
You're correct; people do get tricked. And yes, we do need to be angry at the instigators.
But yet.... no one is obviously taking out their anger. The injected are safe in their death free happy fun world, while many of the uninjected are simply waiting for the injected to get sick. And Ped0 J0e is recommending the latest booster for variants that don't exist.
Yeah, I get it that shit happens. Life is hard. People can be assholes. If we spend all our time trying to force everyone to behave honorably, we'll be frustrated!!
I am seeing the same thing you describe... I'm not going to allow myself to lose myself because of a small group of psychopaths are trying to force us into hell. I ain't goin'. And I ain't gonna let this shit eat me alive. I will either die because they've killed me, or I'll come out the other side of this, and maybe end up being a foster parent. Life goes on, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let those fucker win. I will never cease to believe that LOVE is the answer, even if it's tough love, or I have to wait for it.
Word herder, both parties obviously responsible. The authoritarians and their minions. Yes, we definitely need to join up to put an end to the Ring leaders and quickly. I don't understand how they are still walking and flying around. If it were my family that was murdered eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and they would be getting off lightly since they are responsible for so many deaths. Each family should get a portion of the Evil Homicidal Psychopaths to extract revenge and justice. Our Governing bodies will never be efficient enough to do this job. Not that we shouldn't simultaneously use that approach. It would draw much needed attention to the specific perpetrators also for the minions who are still clueless. Society needs to be cleansed and quickly before the good are removed.
It's not that I can't relate to your feelings, and clearly a LOT of people share your thoughts. I would point out that it's pretty normal to feel the way you're describing, I feel it, it's not evil, it's reactionary. It's been Long, Long, Long practiced by human beans for ... forever, maybe.
But not by EVERYBODY. And the people who stand out in history are the people who have managed to OUTGROW that reactionary response of Eye for an Eye. I want to be like them. I want to rise above the hatred. I want to Resist Not Evil, but Work Around It. People will get their karma no matter what I do, it's not my job to punish.
Since the pre covid, We have been seeing a series of scams targeting the elderly population who obviously have a stash of cash at home. They are one of vulnerable groups with their diminished cognitive abilities. Rightly people are angry at the fraudsters. Having said that, the govt and the police have been warning the elderly hundred times and yet there are elderly folks who still get tricked and lose money.
In effect, fraud incidents could happen to younger people as well. Some techniques are very sophisticated and well calculated. Even those with reasonably good IQ get tricked. So for the first time you get tricked. I kinda understand. but perhaps we need to draw the line at some point. If they never ever learn from their mistakes.
I have friends who stopped taking the shots. One of them has a primary sch child. She won't allow him to have the shots. She learnt from her experience. But equally she is anxious (told me she felt helpless at one point) as she realises the potential long term consequence of the injections (she has noticed people around her were getting the cvd again and again and falling ill from various diseases.) And she also told me many of her friends children had got the jabs. They are equally reasonably educated people.
Perhaps it's not simply an IQ issue, maybe their beliefs play a big role in this cvd theatre?
I'd just like to say that as someone with extensive experience with seniors, it's not the case the all of them experience cognitive decline. Being a bit forgetful is normal. Just sayin.
If not everyone is like Biden, then the fraudsters must know how to pinpoint the elderly's weakness.
Two broad scenarios
- creating an emergency situation that requires money (e.g. pretending to be a family member and the elderly can't tell if it's the real family member or not)
- Posing to be someone from the authorities (e.g. asking them to remit their money or their credit card details)
Everyone is different, to some degree, just like we're all different when we're young 'uns. Elderly folks tend to be very vigilant about taking care of their business, and tend to be more trusting of people who call them, for various reasons, often because they are less aware of all the newer technology. Common troubles come from telling someone they have an overdue bill, or have to pay some kind of tax, or , yes posing as an "authority" like the IRS, not realizing how easy it is to get information about people from the Internet. This is why it's good to keep a page near the phone with "Ways to Tell if a Scammer is Calling."
I'd say the chances that an elder who can't tell a family member from a stranger would be so far gone as to not be left to answer the phone at all.
Dementia is a degenerative disease... it worsens with time, and often progresses very slowly. Not all elders have or get dementia. And unless someone is really a long ways down the path, most dementia patients are far from being raving lunatics, they are often quite capable of conversation, and usually the most common symptoms are noticeable short term memory loss, being a bit confused about past and current events, to some degree, and sometimes regarding judgment... It's not a one size fits all thing.
It's sad that people take medications without question. Doctors were really pushing hormone pills 15 or 20 years ago...the push was extremely strong. They claimed it helped with peri-menopause and menopause symptoms, and they claimed it prevented heart problems. I refused them because I had researched them and felt there wasn't adequate evidence that they were good and they sounded worrisome. Thank goodness I did refuse them because down the road it came out that these pills led to a higher rate of heart disease and other problems. So when the mRNA vax rolled around, I had built-in scepticism.
Agreed. Additionally they were issuing orders on something they new nothing about! most of the time. I happen to have a good understanding of immunology and I would be dumbfound hearing them issuing orders like they were an expert! I knew they were not because of the orders they were issuing. If I ever found someone knowledgeable they could be easily debated for a loss. They would generally stop debating because they did not want to talk about it anymore, also meaning they were loosing the medical debate.
So simple really. Who among us is going to walk into a specialty they are not familiar with ( as complicated and specialized as immunology and virology especially!) and start issuing orders based on their understanding!
Think of it! A cyber computer room full of programmers, a dry cleaners, a hospital operating room, a movie set, a laboratory, a ship sailing, a body shop, a lawn mower repair shop!
Do these people know anything about anything? If so, then how would they view it if we came into their job being the expert all of a sudden, when we know next to nothing about it. The arrogance and lack of HUMILITY! Not a humble bone in their arrogent authoritarian bodies. Makes me want to study Buddhism for some reason. 🤯sorry for thé tirade, it is late and this is all Igor's fault! 😊
People who have been terrorized and go into an altered state of fear are not so much at fault as those who did the terrorizing. Some people do things, others REACT to those things. It's not the same.
They are to blame if they lashed out at others and put there choices on others and " punished " them for not doing something they knew nothing about. Because the Authoritarians were " told " something by somebody or CNN.
Thé arrogant ignorance is what gets me! How can one be arrogant and authoritarian about something they have not studied in depth and know nothing about!
It is like me walking into a mechanic shop and telling everyone what to do and how to do their job, with superior confidence and authority. When in fact I don't know what I am talking about!
Wrt the enablers in government, according to the BMJ, the FDA apparently knew of serious adverse effects from the jabs back in July 2021 but failed to disseminate details to the public. Had such information been widely available, it would surely have caused hesitation in people including parents at the time:-
“In July 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quietly disclosed findings of a potential increase in four types of serious adverse events in elderly people who had had Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine: acute myocardial infarction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, immune thrombocytopenia, and pulmonary embolism. Given the pressures to keep a lid on any negative news it wasn’t a surprise to this media that little detail was provided--such as the magnitude of the increased potential risk. Not surprisingly, no agency released a press release or other alert meant for doctors or the public.”
The BMJ has learned the FDA knows of other adverse events after a third dose of the vaccine was administered, which the agency has not revealed. The FDA knows about these events through a cohort study it conducted of the third dose, according to the reporter.
The BMJ piece suggests in the best case, the agency charged with protecting the public is actually protecting the pharmaceutical company by sitting on material safety data.
No, it should be the vaccine manufacturers, and the guys at the FDA and CDC. The parents may not have been medically educated and mistakenly assumed that our government agecies were actually monitoring safety, and did not expect the vaccine companies to kill their children. The parents are not the ones with this degree of responsibility.
Information is readily available and most people under 70 are computer literate. Research is not hard.
It's not Uncle Sugar's job to tell you what is safe and what is not safe. We are a free people. We should decide for ourselves what we want to put into our bodies. People spend quite a bit of time doing research into buying a car. Why can't they put that kind of time into their own medical care, or that of their child?
I understand (and agree) that we all take ultimate responsibility for our lives and decisions.
However I get the opposing position (to a point, at least). If you would have asked me 3 years ago if most governments in the world would participate in the deaths of their own citizens, I wouldn't have believed it.
I think the problem many have here (including myself) is that when we tried to warn people we knew and loved, we were ignored (at best).. or ridiculed and shunned (at worst). It's hard to unsee that.
(I realize I'm spouting both sides of the argument ,but it's complicated. I guess I'm trying to say - I understand that some didn't have the skill set to figure this out. But they also bear responsibility for trusting strangers over their own friends / families).
I agree that there are some who don't have that skill set. And yes, it is complicated.
Unfortunately, I think most will simply fall into "I just did what I was told" and let it go at that. Maybe they'll be mad at their doctor some day, but maybe not. Maybe they'll just be happy they didn't die of C0VID. IDK.
You can only do so much. Some people are married to their cult and will not see until it effects them. Currently have 3 friends dealing with life threatening illnesses from the Injections. Even then, only 1 can see ( or is willing to acknowledge it).
I hear you. I have to be honest that I'm not sure I really understood how much corruption there was before Covid. It's been shocking (to me, anyway). I'm guessing many here had figured this out long before Covid.
You're not alone. Who would have thought there'd be a global genocide?
Nobody I ever heard talking about stuff.
Corruption, yeah, big time. But... world-wide genocide, pretty hard to believe.
Oddly enough, I believed in within 2 months of the start of Covid. Not bragging, I was born like this... lol. Well... in some ways. In other ways, not so much... I trusted my brothers and they've been hellish.
It is not a genocide of the world. Just mostly stupid 1 st world countries. And just the stupid in them. I think US is at 50% despite the lying Gov stats.
Which makes complete sense because half the population is under average intelligence!
Bill Hates told us he was going to do it, he announced it every step of the way on his Ted talks etc. etc. He still is announcing his next moves. Pay attention. It is not over. We are in the middle of it. Do you know what his/ their next moves are? I do. If I can use my iPad to figure it out so can you.
Vaccines have been harming children and adults ( that is the way medicine works to varying degrees ) since 1986 ( and really before ) when Big Pharma was indemnified.
Martha, give us a break. The parents are always responsible for the well being of their children in every facet. Stop shifting blame, you are the CEO of your child. If you are not up to the task, smart enough or have lost your common sense that even uneducated Africans and Haitians with ave 5 th grade ( i made that number up ) éducations have then for heavens sake don't have children or give them away to me or someone responsible. HERE IS A GOOD RULE OF THUMB FOR YOU- NEVER TRUST A GOVERNMENT.
I have 15 years of higher education after high school, and I did NOT give my now-adult child the shot, NOR did I recommend it to ANY of my patients. So you don't need to say to me that "you are the CEO of your child etc. as if I did something stupid. You are telling me "give us a break - well, I AM giving American parents a break. Many high school biology courses do not teach molecular biology and many parents do not know tons about RNA and DNA to evaluate the original lying claims of the pharma industry and government agencies who 60 years ago DID act to keep Americans safe in appropriately determining what meds were safe to come to market in the US. For example, while pregnant mothers in some countries took thalidomide during pregnancy in the 1950's and early 60's only to have their children born with no arms & no legs, no American woman in the US took thalidomide because it was not approved for use here, though some took it overseas. There was a day when the FDA actually DID serve their regulatory function. But today - NO ONE even knows what the ingredients of the vaccine are, and FDA went to court to keep Pfizer data from being released under freedom of information. Then, when a judge ordered the records to be released, Pfizer and the FDA claimed it would take 75 years to release everything because of everything that would have to be redacted. The judge finally okayed that Pfizer could help the FDA to do the redacting, which means that a lot of the info is useless because so much is blacked it that one has no idea. However, in addition to all that, a lot of the data was falsified anyway per a whistleblower who reported the fraud that she had observed at the time - just from one of the research sites - but then it wasn't investigated by the FDA, though it did get reported in the British Medical Journal. But it was not simply government or big pharma telling parents to have the vaccine - but OB's telling women, you had better take the shot because if you got Covid, you're baby could die. Women who believed that, in the early days, when the FDA, the CDC, and their own medical doctor all said it was safe - and would keep their baby from dying - that is a tough claim to evaluate. I've been through medical school, specialty training, a master's degree (though not in immunology or virology) and a year of research training at an Ivy League medical school, and in the early days before the vaccine was released, I was hopeful but in a "wait and see mode" - I really didn't know at first, was it going to be safe or not, was it going to work or not. I was waiting to see data which was not forthcoming - all the physicians received was propaganda from the state medical board saying it was our responsibility to get everyone to get the vaccine - I did not. But even though I am a rather well educated person, I found it difficult to FIND infomration to know if the claims were true or not. Pfizer and the FDA were not letting much data out, only propaganda, and what little factual information was actually partly fraudulent and the other part spin. They did tell everyone of course that the vaccine would just stay in your arm and you would make antibodies to the spike protein - like a normal vaccine. I didn't know immediately about the Japanese distribution study that Professor Byrum Bridle (in Canada) got through a freedom of information process that showed the vaccine travels to every organ in the body and especially concentrates in the ovaries and the testes in the highest concentration. Well, what is it doing there other than causing inflammation in the ovaries and destroying all the eggs? The sperm can be made again in future, but a girl is born with all the eggs she will ever have. But that was well concealed at first. Then here is another thing - again, I didn't take the vaccine and I didn't recommend it to anyone - I was TREATING Covid during the pandemic to keep people out of the hospital and keep them from getting long Covid - but it did not dawn on me until quite recently that those lipid nanoparticles were designed to get into the brain, so that they can get the vaccine across the blood brain barrier and into the brain - well, why would the vax need to get into the brain since that is not where we make antibodies. So what did Pfizer intend when they put those lipid nanoparticles that get into the brain into the vaccine? What is it they and the Chinese want to put in our brains? It's only quite recently that I have read about the business relationship that Pfizer has with the Chinese Communist Party, a partnership. That explains a lot.
In any case, this was a very carefully planned deception. I saw a video of Dr. Fauci and a group of scientists talking about their desire to move vaccines forward into new technology, saying that they would not be able to get everyone on board for the new technology if it was just the flu because that was not scary enough. They are mad scientists who were dermined to produce mRNA vaccines no matter what, and the genetically engineeered virus that Fauci paid for was just the thing to get everyone to shift to the new vaccines. It was a psy-op on the people of the world run by some very smart and highly educated people who did not care how many died or were injured as long as they were making money. So you have a group of scientists who want to do this mad-scientist thing while making money on their stock portfolio, because they knew in advance where to invest, some owned patents on some of the vaccine processes and made money on that, some probably got kickbacks - and then someone at a high level in the US military was busy covering up and ordering mandates, I remember reading that the official who ordered the military mandates had a nice cozy financial agreement concerning the vaccines.
And then there is the complicity of the big medical journals - both Lancet and the New England Journal had to retract studies that were obviously fraudulent. The Lancet study was an anti-hydroxychloroquine study that turned out to have been made up out of thin air - after it was published, I was on physician message boards and one physician would write, I worked in Africa, no way did they produce this kind of data there (it was allegedly data from numerous different countries), and then others looked at other aspects of the study and said, "no way, audit the data," and it came out that the data had been manufactured out of thin air, perhaps by the science fiction writer who was on staff at the small company that produced the data. But here again - there was a good bit of fraudulent research designed to show that the old repurposed generics didn't work, couldn't work, and stuff gets published, then it gets retracted. But it is sometimes hard to tell what is real research and what is fake. There was a study that showed that the vax damages our ability to edit our genes when genes are damaged, which means that the vax has damaged our bodies in a way that we are very vulnerable to cancer if we can't do our own natural gene editing, an inability that we were born with - BUT then the same journal that published this article after peer review, turned around and retracted THAT article, so, do the vaccines cause us to have more cancers or no? Was the editor correct in first publishing, or correct in retracting the article?
My comment was too long - the last paragraph was intended to be this: So then - the CDC has on their webpage that Ivermectin is dangerous though actually the majority of the published studies show Ivermectin is safe and effective, and I've seen it work very well - but how would someone with just a 12th grade education decide, okay, is the vaccine going to keep me and my baby safe, or should I take Ivermectin or HCQ if I get Covid while I'm pregnant? And, no it's not recommended to take Ivermectin while pregnant - which research should she believe? The research that shows Ivermectin is ineffective or the ones that show it IS effective when not just government, but many sneering geniuses will say it obviously does not work OR it obviously does work.
But the reality is, that virus was bought and paid for by people, especially Fauci who wanted to make a vaccine and make money on the vaccine, in behind the scenes partnership with people who want all of us dead. They bought and paid for false research to publish fake research that would make it seem as if the vaccine was everyone's only option, Pfizer advertised on EVERY news show so that EVERY news program told the story of how very safe and effective this vaccine was - I have a cousin who has a PhD, though not in any science related to health care who expressed in his Christmas letter how thankful he was to have this vaccine - but he is an older gentleman from an era when there was NO molecular biology taught in any high school, in the days when DNA was just being discovered and wasn't yet in the textbooks. But our current high schools do not all teach molecular biology and you can graduate from high school knowing nothing about DNA. Even if you get some few basics you would not know enough to evaluate claims like "no the RNA will never get into your DNA" - which at one time I thought was how it was supposed to work, which was claimed but - yeah, it gets into the DNA within 6 hours. But it was claimed otherwise, and even a friend of mine who IS a molecular biologist seemed to think it would not, but it did, and I am certain that the scientists, at least those at the top who planned this, knew in advance most of what these vaccines are doing.
So - the scientists and manufacturers who have done this thing, THEY should all get a pass, THEY have no accountability, and this all on the parents who were told they were protecting their child? Pharma companies made billions on a harmful product, that they knew was harmful, that they had the eduation to understand, I think actually not all the scientists knew this was going to be so harmful, but some did, and lied about it massively. SO - you would hold the parents responsible and give Fauci, Birx, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla and others a free pass? This is exclusively entirely on the parents for being idiots? I have taught high school biology in recent years, even though I am primarily a health care professional - and just the basics of molecular biolgoy were hard work for me to teach to those students, for them to understand - and none of that was enough to understand the whole Covid situation vaccines vs. meds etc. So, I know enough to give the parents grace on this - I think people in the general public did the best they could do while being gas lighted and lied to. It's very clear from some of the Fauci emails that were released through FOI, there was a lot of lying and covering up. BUt - if you want to blame the parents, good for you - you are not judge or jury, and you can think whatever you like. I say, it was a massive, massive fraud against the people of the world, and it was not such an easy thing for everyone to understand with all that was against the people. Even now, if the only news source is network news and even a couple of newspapers, all you get is pro-pharma propaganda - and some people even now do not yet realize the truth because the media covers up so well for those intent on harming us. Now - think what you like - I have actual work to do and I don't intend to argue about it further - I was not brainwashed on this, and I did not harm anyone in this - but I cannot blame the parents and I cannot comprehend why you blame the parents rather than everyone else who had greater responsibilty for the evil that has occurred and has not yet stopped.
Martha, I find your comments to be right on the mark. As for the parents giving their children/babies a vaccine, we all forget that there are young mothers who are not all the knowledgeable in the ways of the world. They expect that what their doctors tell them and what the health authorities broadcast is the truth. I know of quite a few such young mothers and I'm sad for them. They are just too young, inexperienced and naive to know they should be suspicious of such things and it's just not fair to blame them. They've been betrayed by our government, by our health care system, by pharma, and yes, by many doctors.
I'm sure you're a very busy woman, Martha, but you should consider writing a substack. Thank you for commenting. I still need to read your comments in depth rather than just sifting over them, but you really offered an in-depth look into a doctor's perspective. Thank you for being so honest and candid.
Thank you very much for your comment. The thing I weigh every time I write a post is that right now Meryl Nass MD in Maine lost her license a year ago, and thus cannot even work at her profession and earn an income. She lost her license in the first place for spreading "misinformation" - the kind of thing many of us here believe is true information. But that was the original charge. Now that she is finally getting a hearing - they did this without any hearing - they have actually dropped the mininformation charge, well a little bit in advance of the hearing, but instead it is about treatment - she did not prescribe monoclonal antibodies to a pregnant woman either because she believed it would be unsafe OR thought it might be unsafe. But instead of the approved pharma product she used vitamins and things - and horrors! She has also prescribed Ivermectin apparently, though perhaps not to the pregnant lady. In any case there hvae now been, I think, FIVE days of hearings and I don't think they're finished yet. She has been there with a lawyer and many superb expert witnesses - physicians who have researched Covid and the vaccines, the non-government kind of physician. So - she is planning to sue the medical board when they get finished with their hearing to decide whether or not she gets her license back. She lost a year of income, they will have to pay. She will have her day in court, and every day they have a hearing, her lawyer is getting the board to admit stuff. And she is not the only MD to lose her license for treating patients during Covid or for failing to recommend pharma products. So - if Chinese trolls didn't like what I am saying - would the BIden admin hack my data and find out who I am? Here, I can post somewhat anonymously though I know I could be discovered. If I had my own substack which I have thought about - would it be more risky? During the whole pandemic I have focused on treating patients to preserve their lives and their health, and to the extent possible, I have posted to some large email lists where I always say, please remove my name and contact info if you share - to spread to the wider world some of the things I've learned about taking Vitamin D and so on... but I kinda think having my own substack, might make me more findable... I will give it some thought again. I want to keep a low profile, and I think when I post comments at other's substacks, I cross pollinate and give others maybe some new things to think about, depending what comes up. But I do thank very much for your comment, and I will give it further thought. Yes, busy besides. Thank you.
The parents (sons daughters, brothers sisters…), the worlds nations, the populace of peoples, human beings, we have all been lied to, diabolically coerced, horrorfiengly threatened, inhumanely terrorized. My soul is grieving for them the parents (children), as I can only imagine themselves grieving. Do you think if told the truth decades ago, little own with the Covid shots, Anyone with a conscience would have knowingly taken the shot? I cannot imagine anyone would. The military industrial biohazard Medical genocide continues, as labs in the us are currently making more deadly versions of the previous, the new flu Covid, and shots. From 1918 the Spanish Flu forward. … It’s all the presidents, all congress wo/men, almost all countries… The soul of my hearts felt compassion is in prayerful morning, for us all, humanity. “God Bless Us, Everyone” Tiny Tim
Poison death shot, to be precise. I still think of how exasperated he was just before his departure, saying, "Let the culling begin." So little time, so many deaf ears ...
Is anyone else finding it stressful to go to a pharmacy these days? In my blue town it's more like a "vaccine" clinic that dispenses a few medications on the side. I have to wait in line behind people checking in to their jab appointments and there are others waiting around who've just had their injection. I feel like going around asking everyone whether they are aware it could kill them? Or prevent them from having children? Or kill their unborn child?
To top it off, I got a text from this pharmacy inviting me to get the latest jab -- just as I was arriving at the store where it's located. I went a bit nuts. I went straight to the pharmacy and when someone was able to help me I said "I just got a text from you asking me to get the covid vaccine -- my father died from the Moderna vax, so you send me this and what comes into my head is holding my dad's hand while he was dying." I hate confrontation so I was shaking visibly and I was breathing hard but I had just had it with this pretense of normality and safety. The guy went mottled white and pink and said he could disable all notifications on my account, to which I said thanks, that would be fantastic. I guess I just hit a breaking point.
I can relate to your pain. I lost my otherwise healthy, double-vaxxed father to Remdesivir. I too am incensed when medical professionals who should know better promote the jab. Please know you are not alone. Like you, I’ve started speaking my mind to strangers and friends. If enough of us do this, it plants the seed for the next time they hear a similar comment. Hopefully more people will wake up and fewer will have to suffer as we and our loved ones have. I’m so sorry for your loss - please know you’re in my prayers.
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss as well. I can only imagine the pain and frustration you felt and I'm so sorry he was not appropriately cared for. I often think that the real reason for visitor limitations was so there would be fewer witnesses for their immoral and lethal medical "treatment" of so many patients. I will keep you in my thoughts as well, and hearing that more and more of us are speaking out will encourage me.
Thank you very much for sharing. And yes, limiting visitors made life so much easier for the hospital. We asked multiple times for our dad to be proned, were told he would be, and then called back and kept finding he was not proned for days. They just didn’t care and viewed family members as an inconvenience. The negligence and disregard for human life is unconscionable. I am so sorry for your loss and that of the families in the tweet you shared. I do find comfort in the fact more are speaking out. Hopefully we can raise awareness and find a way to promote policies to prevent this type of tragedy in the future. Keeping you in my prayers and wishing you strength as you continue your journey.
The fact that any vaccine that causes miscarriages as a side effect is not only still on the market, but still recommended for pregnant woman, is an indictment against the CDC, the AMA and the entire medical community.
What I could never understand is why would a pregnant woman get a poison dart when you don't even tske an aspirin or over counter drug while pregnant I don't understand the lack of thinking here ...can someone explain to me why ??? Other than you were told too ..some logic would be nice
Pfizer and Moderna were making so much money they didn't care if babies died, and FDA and CDC and NIH guys were also making money in many cases on patents for certain bits of the vaccine manufacturing process, or perhaps they own pharma stock. None of them have been exercising any regulatory function, just letting the pharma companies do what they wanted, make all the money they could, and look the other way. Some of this is reported on in the book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci, and also in a movie by the same name (in two parts, currently streaming free of charge online for a very short time, but also available for purchase). So, everyone in industry and everyone in government said - "you need this, take the shot, it will be worse for your baby if you get sick, maybe your baby will die. Get the shot." So - don't forget this - in some health systems, the medical doctors were told, everyone must get the shots, and if enough people do not get the shot, you will lose some of your pay." That is very unethical, but that happened. But - the state medical board in my state sent letters to physicians saying we must get everyone to take the shots, the shots are safe and effective, so everyone must have them to stop the pandemic. When I got my letter, I thought, this is propaganda - it is like cheerleading for the vaccine, but there is no data. I thought, where is the data? I will not take it myself until I see data. Then as data emerged, every day it looked worse. When my patients asked about it, I said, "I don't have enough information to give you an opinion about it." The medical board had sent out propaganda, not data. I had a susipicion it might be a bioweapon, but I didin't want to say that because at first - I didn't have any facts to prove it. I was waiting to see. But other doctors did what the medical board said to do, what their employers said to do - they pushed the vaccines, and so did employers and so did government. Initially, I was not sure myself, but the women - if their OB tells them, yes, get the shot, you don't want your baby to die - they did it. And I am sure some OB's believed that the government agencies and the state medical boards were looking after things, they knew, they recommended, so the doctors believed the government agencies, and the mothers believed their doctors. Most people do not have enough scientific education to have decided to wait. I didn't want to take an ad out in the paper and say "don't take the vaccine, it's a bioweapon," as that seemed extreme at the beginning, and I was not sure - I thought, if I tell people not to take it, what if it really does work, and perhaps someone dies because I said, "don't take the vaccine." The pharma companies are to blame because they did this intentionally, they knew but they wanted the money, and many in the government agencies also knew very well, but they wanted the money too, and they didn't want to rock the boat- but it was THEIR job to assure safety - and they all lied. Pharma lied, the 3-letter agencies lied - they just made stuff up as they went along. Now, some have admitted to having massively lied. The women were TOLD to take it by their OB's. There is an OB in my city who made his staff and all his patients have the vaccine - I know he is a good man, and he is not usually an idiot - he has really excellent training and is normally an excellent doctor - but - he got everyone to take the vaccine. He's my doctor too but I may never go back to him, because I knoe he and all his staff are vaxxed and I don't want them touching me.
Thank you for that. I understand the eomen were told to get vaxxed but where is vommon sense?? Unlike others I chose to not inoculate my kids in the 70s due to fact that my sister ended up contacting polio from inoculations I dint believe in putting foreign crap into our bodies...every shot throughout time has caused autism and diseases nope drs are legalized drug pushers unfortunately ...they font know anything about the pharmaceuticals they push on people they only know whst their drug reps tell them that was from my family dr 40 yrs ago I have not taken over counter or pharmaceuticals since then no trust
I sincerely appreciate all the current statistics, but I am astounded by the total lack of common sense utilized by this generation of would be mothers. In the 1980’s pregnant women were advised to eat correctly and avoid additives like aspartame to protect their unborn children. Apparently, the cabal has succeeded in dumbing down an entire generation of doctors and patients.
Here is Michigan we were pummelled by a media campaign featuring OBGYN doctors saying the vaccines were safe for pregnant women, and they should get it. There were TV commercials, also the gas stations on their little screens on the pumps showing them. It featured pregnant women recounting their stay in the hospital, being in intensive care with Covid, worrying that their baby would not make it. They still play them at the gas station pumps - not on the TV anymore so much. All paid for with our tax dollars to purchase the ad time.
I think the actual vaccines were also paid for with people's tax dollars. Ironic that people were forced to pay money for a vaccine (take it or lose your job) that might end up killing them. Criminal doesn't even begin to describe it. It's pure evil.
There should be a jail sentence for parents giving this to their infants
They will have a living jail the rest of their lives.
There can be nothing worse.
And make no mistake, someday they will find out the truth.
I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy.
Even if they find out the truth, they won't relate it to their own actions.
Aka "I was a good German. I just followed orders."
In their minds, these people did not kill their babies, they just did what they are were told, so they have NO responsibility.
I think you are right and I am appalled.
Trust me, I'm appalled as well. I have relatives that are going to die from this, and we have a great niece who is probably going to be sterile.
And yet... they are in happy fun land with no worries about their health or covid.
For the moment.
My whole family is under the axe. That doesn't mean I blame THEM for falling for a very coordinated, decades-planned hoax, complete with terrorism and authoritarian bamboozling...
The blame should be on the PLANNERS and those complicit in the actual participation of it. These jabs came from the DOD/DARPA, and the pharma companies simply manufactured them. There's plenty of blame to go around without including the victims, as nasty as they may get about it... My brothers have been abhorrent and evil to me, but I don't blame them, I blame Gates, and Schwab, and the Oligarchs Behind the Curtain.
29% of democrats were in favor of unvaxxed losing custody of their children. Half were in favor of sending unvaxxed to quarantine camps.
I hope all of these assholes die. Kill ‘em all, let Satan sort them out.
I agree with much of what you said, but I have a different list of suspects.
Mine include Collins, Fauci, Daszak, Baric, EcoHealth Alliance, Moderna, the PRC, and others associated with the bat/gain of function/corona virus/vaccine farce.
I want real, transparent, investigations so that we can determine EXACTLY who was involved and why. There are several theories floating around but we need the truth so that we can keep this mess from ever being repeated.
Those who were knowingly complicit need to be punished to the full extent of the law.
I agree that the most blame goes to the motherweffers and that we should be courteous to each other. In fact, the lack of courtesy to others for their own decisions is what went wrong amongst the common folk. But I do blame the common folk who turned on their neighbour/ colleague/ spouse. The problem is that evil spreads, it infects, it metastasizes!!
Sorry. You can't excuse ignorance and stupidity.
These people took target practice on the Unvaccinated.
Every family in this country experienced this travesty.
Sell your sacrilegious blame somewhere else
I disagree. There will be many divorced and suicidal activities that will play out near term.
They are already occurring, at least in my world
Exactly. It's time people wake up for what is coming. Complete societal collapse.
Acknowledging to others is one thing. Having doubts in their thought cages is another.
The second is by far worse. Ask any "victim".
But, as you say; they'll be plenty of good Germans.
What percent think this way do u think? I suppose it depends on the culture.
US Christian women I would hazard a guess would be less then 50 % but as you say they may have to try to delude themselves. Mothers do tend to feel guilty though.
These would be interesting Sociology Studies to do.
The majority of the population trusted the wrong people. Implicitly. That was the problem.
Perhaps, but this is conjecture.
Ditto for most doctors jabbing patients and each other.
Also correct
Lots of parental divorces and suicides coming down the pike.
Yes, that is why the Satanists created this nightmare for us. To enjoy us being tortured.
And named the enzyme in the gene editing injection Luciferase ( in the Pfizer shot )
There is another evil aspect to it.
For those uninjected, it's very easy to fall into the "I told you so" smugness when someone gets sick. Or even dies. Because "I was right."
But that's morally wrong, because someone-- typically a friend or relative-- is now sick. Or dead.
Satanically evil.
My experience is that almost all parents are doing the best possible job. We shouldn't blame them, just because they may lack critical thinking skills. The perpetrators are the pharma companies and their enablers in government, media, academia, medicine etc.
I agree -- if the parent wants an abortion they can get an abortion
Is that a door you really want to open Igor ?
Think better.
That's a door that should always be open. I believe Igor is thinking very well to point it out.
It's not always critical thinking skills that are the determining factor in people's actions or inactions.
Well it should be " critical thinking skills " that determine behavior to take a life away from someone, a girl or boy.
You don't have an excuse to end another human beings life because you decided to not use your human thinking capacity.
Of course, critical thinking is important in life. But I was referring to the human soul and spirit, which transcend any thoughts the human brain might be capable of.
Spiritual discernment is a real thing, and that "inner voice" has been known to dissuade people from acting on their "critical thoughts" that may actually have led them to a dark place.
Aww, did that make you feelz bad?
Thé parent is killing another human, not themselves.
Do you mean they are welcome to kill themselves because they have rights over their own body. They do not have rights over their son or daughters human body though, to kill them. They are a different person. Does your mom have a right to kill you? What about your dad? Maybe he does not want you dead.
One parent can only claim half of the child, even if it was ok to kill. What about the other parents half?
If you have a child, it is your responsibility to do the best job for your child possible. That means you DEVELOP critical thinking skills. If you don't, you could literally kill your child. Or, for that matter, yourself. Remember, the majority of people in the US have an IQ of 100. That is not "low IQ."
Just because your doctor "recommends" something, you don't have to do it. What part of "experimental" and "no long term testing" is unclear?
The women who injected themselves are sheeple. Many might have injected their infants with the poison death serum "just to be safe." I'm sorry that their children died, but perhaps they are better off not living in a world with blindly obedient idiot parents.
I think that's fine, if we lived in a perfect world. We don't. People get tricked and do things out of ignorance all the time. And the priming for this massive assault on Humanity has been in the works for DECADES. Turn that righteous anger to the INSTIGATORS, that's what I say. And I share your outrage!
You're correct; people do get tricked. And yes, we do need to be angry at the instigators.
But yet.... no one is obviously taking out their anger. The injected are safe in their death free happy fun world, while many of the uninjected are simply waiting for the injected to get sick. And Ped0 J0e is recommending the latest booster for variants that don't exist.
The beat goes on.
Yeah, I get it that shit happens. Life is hard. People can be assholes. If we spend all our time trying to force everyone to behave honorably, we'll be frustrated!!
I am seeing the same thing you describe... I'm not going to allow myself to lose myself because of a small group of psychopaths are trying to force us into hell. I ain't goin'. And I ain't gonna let this shit eat me alive. I will either die because they've killed me, or I'll come out the other side of this, and maybe end up being a foster parent. Life goes on, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let those fucker win. I will never cease to believe that LOVE is the answer, even if it's tough love, or I have to wait for it.
Check out my latest post...
The instigators are fully protected and unreachable. They've bribed everyone capable of stopping or punishing them.
Word herder, both parties obviously responsible. The authoritarians and their minions. Yes, we definitely need to join up to put an end to the Ring leaders and quickly. I don't understand how they are still walking and flying around. If it were my family that was murdered eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth and they would be getting off lightly since they are responsible for so many deaths. Each family should get a portion of the Evil Homicidal Psychopaths to extract revenge and justice. Our Governing bodies will never be efficient enough to do this job. Not that we shouldn't simultaneously use that approach. It would draw much needed attention to the specific perpetrators also for the minions who are still clueless. Society needs to be cleansed and quickly before the good are removed.
It's not that I can't relate to your feelings, and clearly a LOT of people share your thoughts. I would point out that it's pretty normal to feel the way you're describing, I feel it, it's not evil, it's reactionary. It's been Long, Long, Long practiced by human beans for ... forever, maybe.
But not by EVERYBODY. And the people who stand out in history are the people who have managed to OUTGROW that reactionary response of Eye for an Eye. I want to be like them. I want to rise above the hatred. I want to Resist Not Evil, but Work Around It. People will get their karma no matter what I do, it's not my job to punish.
Harsh reality and I agree
Since the pre covid, We have been seeing a series of scams targeting the elderly population who obviously have a stash of cash at home. They are one of vulnerable groups with their diminished cognitive abilities. Rightly people are angry at the fraudsters. Having said that, the govt and the police have been warning the elderly hundred times and yet there are elderly folks who still get tricked and lose money.
In effect, fraud incidents could happen to younger people as well. Some techniques are very sophisticated and well calculated. Even those with reasonably good IQ get tricked. So for the first time you get tricked. I kinda understand. but perhaps we need to draw the line at some point. If they never ever learn from their mistakes.
I have friends who stopped taking the shots. One of them has a primary sch child. She won't allow him to have the shots. She learnt from her experience. But equally she is anxious (told me she felt helpless at one point) as she realises the potential long term consequence of the injections (she has noticed people around her were getting the cvd again and again and falling ill from various diseases.) And she also told me many of her friends children had got the jabs. They are equally reasonably educated people.
Perhaps it's not simply an IQ issue, maybe their beliefs play a big role in this cvd theatre?
This was posted yesterday; can't remember if it was here or elsewhere. It kind of explains what's happening:
Very interesting comment!
I'd just like to say that as someone with extensive experience with seniors, it's not the case the all of them experience cognitive decline. Being a bit forgetful is normal. Just sayin.
If not everyone is like Biden, then the fraudsters must know how to pinpoint the elderly's weakness.
Two broad scenarios
- creating an emergency situation that requires money (e.g. pretending to be a family member and the elderly can't tell if it's the real family member or not)
- Posing to be someone from the authorities (e.g. asking them to remit their money or their credit card details)
Everyone is different, to some degree, just like we're all different when we're young 'uns. Elderly folks tend to be very vigilant about taking care of their business, and tend to be more trusting of people who call them, for various reasons, often because they are less aware of all the newer technology. Common troubles come from telling someone they have an overdue bill, or have to pay some kind of tax, or , yes posing as an "authority" like the IRS, not realizing how easy it is to get information about people from the Internet. This is why it's good to keep a page near the phone with "Ways to Tell if a Scammer is Calling."
I'd say the chances that an elder who can't tell a family member from a stranger would be so far gone as to not be left to answer the phone at all.
Dementia is a degenerative disease... it worsens with time, and often progresses very slowly. Not all elders have or get dementia. And unless someone is really a long ways down the path, most dementia patients are far from being raving lunatics, they are often quite capable of conversation, and usually the most common symptoms are noticeable short term memory loss, being a bit confused about past and current events, to some degree, and sometimes regarding judgment... It's not a one size fits all thing.
It's sad that people take medications without question. Doctors were really pushing hormone pills 15 or 20 years ago...the push was extremely strong. They claimed it helped with peri-menopause and menopause symptoms, and they claimed it prevented heart problems. I refused them because I had researched them and felt there wasn't adequate evidence that they were good and they sounded worrisome. Thank goodness I did refuse them because down the road it came out that these pills led to a higher rate of heart disease and other problems. So when the mRNA vax rolled around, I had built-in scepticism.
Like Goebbels' Big Lie, this was so huge and audacious no one could believe they'd poison nearly all the world's population for the heck of it.
Agreed. Additionally they were issuing orders on something they new nothing about! most of the time. I happen to have a good understanding of immunology and I would be dumbfound hearing them issuing orders like they were an expert! I knew they were not because of the orders they were issuing. If I ever found someone knowledgeable they could be easily debated for a loss. They would generally stop debating because they did not want to talk about it anymore, also meaning they were loosing the medical debate.
So simple really. Who among us is going to walk into a specialty they are not familiar with ( as complicated and specialized as immunology and virology especially!) and start issuing orders based on their understanding!
Think of it! A cyber computer room full of programmers, a dry cleaners, a hospital operating room, a movie set, a laboratory, a ship sailing, a body shop, a lawn mower repair shop!
Do these people know anything about anything? If so, then how would they view it if we came into their job being the expert all of a sudden, when we know next to nothing about it. The arrogance and lack of HUMILITY! Not a humble bone in their arrogent authoritarian bodies. Makes me want to study Buddhism for some reason. 🤯sorry for thé tirade, it is late and this is all Igor's fault! 😊
They simply followed the orders of their new god, Dr. Fauci, and the health department Nazi's across the US.
Fear. It makes people do crazy things.
You said it. I agree.
People who have been terrorized and go into an altered state of fear are not so much at fault as those who did the terrorizing. Some people do things, others REACT to those things. It's not the same.
NO. They were TRICKED into allowing their children to be murdered. There IS a difference.
Your opinion.
They are to blame if they lashed out at others and put there choices on others and " punished " them for not doing something they knew nothing about. Because the Authoritarians were " told " something by somebody or CNN.
Thé arrogant ignorance is what gets me! How can one be arrogant and authoritarian about something they have not studied in depth and know nothing about!
It is like me walking into a mechanic shop and telling everyone what to do and how to do their job, with superior confidence and authority. When in fact I don't know what I am talking about!
Wrt the enablers in government, according to the BMJ, the FDA apparently knew of serious adverse effects from the jabs back in July 2021 but failed to disseminate details to the public. Had such information been widely available, it would surely have caused hesitation in people including parents at the time:-
“In July 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) quietly disclosed findings of a potential increase in four types of serious adverse events in elderly people who had had Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine: acute myocardial infarction, disseminated intravascular coagulation, immune thrombocytopenia, and pulmonary embolism. Given the pressures to keep a lid on any negative news it wasn’t a surprise to this media that little detail was provided--such as the magnitude of the increased potential risk. Not surprisingly, no agency released a press release or other alert meant for doctors or the public.”
The BMJ has learned the FDA knows of other adverse events after a third dose of the vaccine was administered, which the agency has not revealed. The FDA knows about these events through a cohort study it conducted of the third dose, according to the reporter.
The BMJ piece suggests in the best case, the agency charged with protecting the public is actually protecting the pharmaceutical company by sitting on material safety data.
Much earlier than that; see the infamous Slide 16, VRBPAC meeting presentation, Oct. 20, 2020. One criminal act after another, fully substantiated.
No, it should be the vaccine manufacturers, and the guys at the FDA and CDC. The parents may not have been medically educated and mistakenly assumed that our government agecies were actually monitoring safety, and did not expect the vaccine companies to kill their children. The parents are not the ones with this degree of responsibility.
It is everyone's job to be "medically educated."
Information is readily available and most people under 70 are computer literate. Research is not hard.
It's not Uncle Sugar's job to tell you what is safe and what is not safe. We are a free people. We should decide for ourselves what we want to put into our bodies. People spend quite a bit of time doing research into buying a car. Why can't they put that kind of time into their own medical care, or that of their child?
I understand (and agree) that we all take ultimate responsibility for our lives and decisions.
However I get the opposing position (to a point, at least). If you would have asked me 3 years ago if most governments in the world would participate in the deaths of their own citizens, I wouldn't have believed it.
I think the problem many have here (including myself) is that when we tried to warn people we knew and loved, we were ignored (at best).. or ridiculed and shunned (at worst). It's hard to unsee that.
(I realize I'm spouting both sides of the argument ,but it's complicated. I guess I'm trying to say - I understand that some didn't have the skill set to figure this out. But they also bear responsibility for trusting strangers over their own friends / families).
I agree that there are some who don't have that skill set. And yes, it is complicated.
Unfortunately, I think most will simply fall into "I just did what I was told" and let it go at that. Maybe they'll be mad at their doctor some day, but maybe not. Maybe they'll just be happy they didn't die of C0VID. IDK.
My loved ones said I was crazy and needed to be locked up and given "meds" so I shut up.
You can only do so much. Some people are married to their cult and will not see until it effects them. Currently have 3 friends dealing with life threatening illnesses from the Injections. Even then, only 1 can see ( or is willing to acknowledge it).
That's the purpose of a psy-op, right?
But it's very possible that the governments of the world (excepting the 5 Eyes, maybe) may have been unwitting stooges in that psy-op...
I hear you. I have to be honest that I'm not sure I really understood how much corruption there was before Covid. It's been shocking (to me, anyway). I'm guessing many here had figured this out long before Covid.
You're not alone. Who would have thought there'd be a global genocide?
Nobody I ever heard talking about stuff.
Corruption, yeah, big time. But... world-wide genocide, pretty hard to believe.
Oddly enough, I believed in within 2 months of the start of Covid. Not bragging, I was born like this... lol. Well... in some ways. In other ways, not so much... I trusted my brothers and they've been hellish.
Because who was thinking there would be a genocide of the world in 2021?
It's like planning for an alien invasion in 2027, or a tidal wave that will wipe out Europe in 2025...
Word Herder,
It is not a genocide of the world. Just mostly stupid 1 st world countries. And just the stupid in them. I think US is at 50% despite the lying Gov stats.
Which makes complete sense because half the population is under average intelligence!
Bill Hates told us he was going to do it, he announced it every step of the way on his Ted talks etc. etc. He still is announcing his next moves. Pay attention. It is not over. We are in the middle of it. Do you know what his/ their next moves are? I do. If I can use my iPad to figure it out so can you.
Correct logic.
Igor, was this a mistake liking Martha's comment?
Vaccines have been harming children and adults ( that is the way medicine works to varying degrees ) since 1986 ( and really before ) when Big Pharma was indemnified.
Martha, give us a break. The parents are always responsible for the well being of their children in every facet. Stop shifting blame, you are the CEO of your child. If you are not up to the task, smart enough or have lost your common sense that even uneducated Africans and Haitians with ave 5 th grade ( i made that number up ) éducations have then for heavens sake don't have children or give them away to me or someone responsible. HERE IS A GOOD RULE OF THUMB FOR YOU- NEVER TRUST A GOVERNMENT.
I have 15 years of higher education after high school, and I did NOT give my now-adult child the shot, NOR did I recommend it to ANY of my patients. So you don't need to say to me that "you are the CEO of your child etc. as if I did something stupid. You are telling me "give us a break - well, I AM giving American parents a break. Many high school biology courses do not teach molecular biology and many parents do not know tons about RNA and DNA to evaluate the original lying claims of the pharma industry and government agencies who 60 years ago DID act to keep Americans safe in appropriately determining what meds were safe to come to market in the US. For example, while pregnant mothers in some countries took thalidomide during pregnancy in the 1950's and early 60's only to have their children born with no arms & no legs, no American woman in the US took thalidomide because it was not approved for use here, though some took it overseas. There was a day when the FDA actually DID serve their regulatory function. But today - NO ONE even knows what the ingredients of the vaccine are, and FDA went to court to keep Pfizer data from being released under freedom of information. Then, when a judge ordered the records to be released, Pfizer and the FDA claimed it would take 75 years to release everything because of everything that would have to be redacted. The judge finally okayed that Pfizer could help the FDA to do the redacting, which means that a lot of the info is useless because so much is blacked it that one has no idea. However, in addition to all that, a lot of the data was falsified anyway per a whistleblower who reported the fraud that she had observed at the time - just from one of the research sites - but then it wasn't investigated by the FDA, though it did get reported in the British Medical Journal. But it was not simply government or big pharma telling parents to have the vaccine - but OB's telling women, you had better take the shot because if you got Covid, you're baby could die. Women who believed that, in the early days, when the FDA, the CDC, and their own medical doctor all said it was safe - and would keep their baby from dying - that is a tough claim to evaluate. I've been through medical school, specialty training, a master's degree (though not in immunology or virology) and a year of research training at an Ivy League medical school, and in the early days before the vaccine was released, I was hopeful but in a "wait and see mode" - I really didn't know at first, was it going to be safe or not, was it going to work or not. I was waiting to see data which was not forthcoming - all the physicians received was propaganda from the state medical board saying it was our responsibility to get everyone to get the vaccine - I did not. But even though I am a rather well educated person, I found it difficult to FIND infomration to know if the claims were true or not. Pfizer and the FDA were not letting much data out, only propaganda, and what little factual information was actually partly fraudulent and the other part spin. They did tell everyone of course that the vaccine would just stay in your arm and you would make antibodies to the spike protein - like a normal vaccine. I didn't know immediately about the Japanese distribution study that Professor Byrum Bridle (in Canada) got through a freedom of information process that showed the vaccine travels to every organ in the body and especially concentrates in the ovaries and the testes in the highest concentration. Well, what is it doing there other than causing inflammation in the ovaries and destroying all the eggs? The sperm can be made again in future, but a girl is born with all the eggs she will ever have. But that was well concealed at first. Then here is another thing - again, I didn't take the vaccine and I didn't recommend it to anyone - I was TREATING Covid during the pandemic to keep people out of the hospital and keep them from getting long Covid - but it did not dawn on me until quite recently that those lipid nanoparticles were designed to get into the brain, so that they can get the vaccine across the blood brain barrier and into the brain - well, why would the vax need to get into the brain since that is not where we make antibodies. So what did Pfizer intend when they put those lipid nanoparticles that get into the brain into the vaccine? What is it they and the Chinese want to put in our brains? It's only quite recently that I have read about the business relationship that Pfizer has with the Chinese Communist Party, a partnership. That explains a lot.
In any case, this was a very carefully planned deception. I saw a video of Dr. Fauci and a group of scientists talking about their desire to move vaccines forward into new technology, saying that they would not be able to get everyone on board for the new technology if it was just the flu because that was not scary enough. They are mad scientists who were dermined to produce mRNA vaccines no matter what, and the genetically engineeered virus that Fauci paid for was just the thing to get everyone to shift to the new vaccines. It was a psy-op on the people of the world run by some very smart and highly educated people who did not care how many died or were injured as long as they were making money. So you have a group of scientists who want to do this mad-scientist thing while making money on their stock portfolio, because they knew in advance where to invest, some owned patents on some of the vaccine processes and made money on that, some probably got kickbacks - and then someone at a high level in the US military was busy covering up and ordering mandates, I remember reading that the official who ordered the military mandates had a nice cozy financial agreement concerning the vaccines.
And then there is the complicity of the big medical journals - both Lancet and the New England Journal had to retract studies that were obviously fraudulent. The Lancet study was an anti-hydroxychloroquine study that turned out to have been made up out of thin air - after it was published, I was on physician message boards and one physician would write, I worked in Africa, no way did they produce this kind of data there (it was allegedly data from numerous different countries), and then others looked at other aspects of the study and said, "no way, audit the data," and it came out that the data had been manufactured out of thin air, perhaps by the science fiction writer who was on staff at the small company that produced the data. But here again - there was a good bit of fraudulent research designed to show that the old repurposed generics didn't work, couldn't work, and stuff gets published, then it gets retracted. But it is sometimes hard to tell what is real research and what is fake. There was a study that showed that the vax damages our ability to edit our genes when genes are damaged, which means that the vax has damaged our bodies in a way that we are very vulnerable to cancer if we can't do our own natural gene editing, an inability that we were born with - BUT then the same journal that published this article after peer review, turned around and retracted THAT article, so, do the vaccines cause us to have more cancers or no? Was the editor correct in first publishing, or correct in retracting the article?
My comment was too long - the last paragraph was intended to be this: So then - the CDC has on their webpage that Ivermectin is dangerous though actually the majority of the published studies show Ivermectin is safe and effective, and I've seen it work very well - but how would someone with just a 12th grade education decide, okay, is the vaccine going to keep me and my baby safe, or should I take Ivermectin or HCQ if I get Covid while I'm pregnant? And, no it's not recommended to take Ivermectin while pregnant - which research should she believe? The research that shows Ivermectin is ineffective or the ones that show it IS effective when not just government, but many sneering geniuses will say it obviously does not work OR it obviously does work.
But the reality is, that virus was bought and paid for by people, especially Fauci who wanted to make a vaccine and make money on the vaccine, in behind the scenes partnership with people who want all of us dead. They bought and paid for false research to publish fake research that would make it seem as if the vaccine was everyone's only option, Pfizer advertised on EVERY news show so that EVERY news program told the story of how very safe and effective this vaccine was - I have a cousin who has a PhD, though not in any science related to health care who expressed in his Christmas letter how thankful he was to have this vaccine - but he is an older gentleman from an era when there was NO molecular biology taught in any high school, in the days when DNA was just being discovered and wasn't yet in the textbooks. But our current high schools do not all teach molecular biology and you can graduate from high school knowing nothing about DNA. Even if you get some few basics you would not know enough to evaluate claims like "no the RNA will never get into your DNA" - which at one time I thought was how it was supposed to work, which was claimed but - yeah, it gets into the DNA within 6 hours. But it was claimed otherwise, and even a friend of mine who IS a molecular biologist seemed to think it would not, but it did, and I am certain that the scientists, at least those at the top who planned this, knew in advance most of what these vaccines are doing.
So - the scientists and manufacturers who have done this thing, THEY should all get a pass, THEY have no accountability, and this all on the parents who were told they were protecting their child? Pharma companies made billions on a harmful product, that they knew was harmful, that they had the eduation to understand, I think actually not all the scientists knew this was going to be so harmful, but some did, and lied about it massively. SO - you would hold the parents responsible and give Fauci, Birx, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla and others a free pass? This is exclusively entirely on the parents for being idiots? I have taught high school biology in recent years, even though I am primarily a health care professional - and just the basics of molecular biolgoy were hard work for me to teach to those students, for them to understand - and none of that was enough to understand the whole Covid situation vaccines vs. meds etc. So, I know enough to give the parents grace on this - I think people in the general public did the best they could do while being gas lighted and lied to. It's very clear from some of the Fauci emails that were released through FOI, there was a lot of lying and covering up. BUt - if you want to blame the parents, good for you - you are not judge or jury, and you can think whatever you like. I say, it was a massive, massive fraud against the people of the world, and it was not such an easy thing for everyone to understand with all that was against the people. Even now, if the only news source is network news and even a couple of newspapers, all you get is pro-pharma propaganda - and some people even now do not yet realize the truth because the media covers up so well for those intent on harming us. Now - think what you like - I have actual work to do and I don't intend to argue about it further - I was not brainwashed on this, and I did not harm anyone in this - but I cannot blame the parents and I cannot comprehend why you blame the parents rather than everyone else who had greater responsibilty for the evil that has occurred and has not yet stopped.
Martha, I find your comments to be right on the mark. As for the parents giving their children/babies a vaccine, we all forget that there are young mothers who are not all the knowledgeable in the ways of the world. They expect that what their doctors tell them and what the health authorities broadcast is the truth. I know of quite a few such young mothers and I'm sad for them. They are just too young, inexperienced and naive to know they should be suspicious of such things and it's just not fair to blame them. They've been betrayed by our government, by our health care system, by pharma, and yes, by many doctors.
Thank you for your feedback. I do agree with you.
I'm sure you're a very busy woman, Martha, but you should consider writing a substack. Thank you for commenting. I still need to read your comments in depth rather than just sifting over them, but you really offered an in-depth look into a doctor's perspective. Thank you for being so honest and candid.
Thank you very much for your comment. The thing I weigh every time I write a post is that right now Meryl Nass MD in Maine lost her license a year ago, and thus cannot even work at her profession and earn an income. She lost her license in the first place for spreading "misinformation" - the kind of thing many of us here believe is true information. But that was the original charge. Now that she is finally getting a hearing - they did this without any hearing - they have actually dropped the mininformation charge, well a little bit in advance of the hearing, but instead it is about treatment - she did not prescribe monoclonal antibodies to a pregnant woman either because she believed it would be unsafe OR thought it might be unsafe. But instead of the approved pharma product she used vitamins and things - and horrors! She has also prescribed Ivermectin apparently, though perhaps not to the pregnant lady. In any case there hvae now been, I think, FIVE days of hearings and I don't think they're finished yet. She has been there with a lawyer and many superb expert witnesses - physicians who have researched Covid and the vaccines, the non-government kind of physician. So - she is planning to sue the medical board when they get finished with their hearing to decide whether or not she gets her license back. She lost a year of income, they will have to pay. She will have her day in court, and every day they have a hearing, her lawyer is getting the board to admit stuff. And she is not the only MD to lose her license for treating patients during Covid or for failing to recommend pharma products. So - if Chinese trolls didn't like what I am saying - would the BIden admin hack my data and find out who I am? Here, I can post somewhat anonymously though I know I could be discovered. If I had my own substack which I have thought about - would it be more risky? During the whole pandemic I have focused on treating patients to preserve their lives and their health, and to the extent possible, I have posted to some large email lists where I always say, please remove my name and contact info if you share - to spread to the wider world some of the things I've learned about taking Vitamin D and so on... but I kinda think having my own substack, might make me more findable... I will give it some thought again. I want to keep a low profile, and I think when I post comments at other's substacks, I cross pollinate and give others maybe some new things to think about, depending what comes up. But I do thank very much for your comment, and I will give it further thought. Yes, busy besides. Thank you.
At this stage of the game, I agree.
The parents (sons daughters, brothers sisters…), the worlds nations, the populace of peoples, human beings, we have all been lied to, diabolically coerced, horrorfiengly threatened, inhumanely terrorized. My soul is grieving for them the parents (children), as I can only imagine themselves grieving. Do you think if told the truth decades ago, little own with the Covid shots, Anyone with a conscience would have knowingly taken the shot? I cannot imagine anyone would. The military industrial biohazard Medical genocide continues, as labs in the us are currently making more deadly versions of the previous, the new flu Covid, and shots. From 1918 the Spanish Flu forward. … It’s all the presidents, all congress wo/men, almost all countries… The soul of my hearts felt compassion is in prayerful morning, for us all, humanity. “God Bless Us, Everyone” Tiny Tim
There should be but there wont be.
And their children taken from such irresponsible parents.
another way to describe this is that the pfizer shot murders 93.48% fewer babies than moderna.
either way it's to eliminate the impending orphan problem
a language quibble: can we please not use "vaccine?" it's not a vaccine, it's a bioweapon.
hoping your foot is better ,igor?
The late great Dr. Zelenko used "poison death jab."
I tend to use vaxxine (misspelled deliberately) but really, poison death jab is more accurate.
Poison death shot, to be precise. I still think of how exasperated he was just before his departure, saying, "Let the culling begin." So little time, so many deaf ears ...
How about lethal injection!
Thank you! I continue to remind myself to use the word "injection".
Yes. And YES -- let's NOT use the word vaccine -- COVID19 genetic modification injection with harm.
Is anyone else finding it stressful to go to a pharmacy these days? In my blue town it's more like a "vaccine" clinic that dispenses a few medications on the side. I have to wait in line behind people checking in to their jab appointments and there are others waiting around who've just had their injection. I feel like going around asking everyone whether they are aware it could kill them? Or prevent them from having children? Or kill their unborn child?
To top it off, I got a text from this pharmacy inviting me to get the latest jab -- just as I was arriving at the store where it's located. I went a bit nuts. I went straight to the pharmacy and when someone was able to help me I said "I just got a text from you asking me to get the covid vaccine -- my father died from the Moderna vax, so you send me this and what comes into my head is holding my dad's hand while he was dying." I hate confrontation so I was shaking visibly and I was breathing hard but I had just had it with this pretense of normality and safety. The guy went mottled white and pink and said he could disable all notifications on my account, to which I said thanks, that would be fantastic. I guess I just hit a breaking point.
Good for you for being so brave!
I can relate to your pain. I lost my otherwise healthy, double-vaxxed father to Remdesivir. I too am incensed when medical professionals who should know better promote the jab. Please know you are not alone. Like you, I’ve started speaking my mind to strangers and friends. If enough of us do this, it plants the seed for the next time they hear a similar comment. Hopefully more people will wake up and fewer will have to suffer as we and our loved ones have. I’m so sorry for your loss - please know you’re in my prayers.
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss as well. I can only imagine the pain and frustration you felt and I'm so sorry he was not appropriately cared for. I often think that the real reason for visitor limitations was so there would be fewer witnesses for their immoral and lethal medical "treatment" of so many patients. I will keep you in my thoughts as well, and hearing that more and more of us are speaking out will encourage me.
Edited to add a relevant tweet I made a few days ago, if you're interested:
Thank you very much for sharing. And yes, limiting visitors made life so much easier for the hospital. We asked multiple times for our dad to be proned, were told he would be, and then called back and kept finding he was not proned for days. They just didn’t care and viewed family members as an inconvenience. The negligence and disregard for human life is unconscionable. I am so sorry for your loss and that of the families in the tweet you shared. I do find comfort in the fact more are speaking out. Hopefully we can raise awareness and find a way to promote policies to prevent this type of tragedy in the future. Keeping you in my prayers and wishing you strength as you continue your journey.
Good for you (but incredibly sorry for your loss)!
So sorry about your father. I hope when you made your comments at the pharmacy that there were some people around listening!
The fact that any vaccine that causes miscarriages as a side effect is not only still on the market, but still recommended for pregnant woman, is an indictment against the CDC, the AMA and the entire medical community.
What I could never understand is why would a pregnant woman get a poison dart when you don't even tske an aspirin or over counter drug while pregnant I don't understand the lack of thinking here ...can someone explain to me why ??? Other than you were told too ..some logic would be nice
Pfizer and Moderna were making so much money they didn't care if babies died, and FDA and CDC and NIH guys were also making money in many cases on patents for certain bits of the vaccine manufacturing process, or perhaps they own pharma stock. None of them have been exercising any regulatory function, just letting the pharma companies do what they wanted, make all the money they could, and look the other way. Some of this is reported on in the book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci, and also in a movie by the same name (in two parts, currently streaming free of charge online for a very short time, but also available for purchase). So, everyone in industry and everyone in government said - "you need this, take the shot, it will be worse for your baby if you get sick, maybe your baby will die. Get the shot." So - don't forget this - in some health systems, the medical doctors were told, everyone must get the shots, and if enough people do not get the shot, you will lose some of your pay." That is very unethical, but that happened. But - the state medical board in my state sent letters to physicians saying we must get everyone to take the shots, the shots are safe and effective, so everyone must have them to stop the pandemic. When I got my letter, I thought, this is propaganda - it is like cheerleading for the vaccine, but there is no data. I thought, where is the data? I will not take it myself until I see data. Then as data emerged, every day it looked worse. When my patients asked about it, I said, "I don't have enough information to give you an opinion about it." The medical board had sent out propaganda, not data. I had a susipicion it might be a bioweapon, but I didin't want to say that because at first - I didn't have any facts to prove it. I was waiting to see. But other doctors did what the medical board said to do, what their employers said to do - they pushed the vaccines, and so did employers and so did government. Initially, I was not sure myself, but the women - if their OB tells them, yes, get the shot, you don't want your baby to die - they did it. And I am sure some OB's believed that the government agencies and the state medical boards were looking after things, they knew, they recommended, so the doctors believed the government agencies, and the mothers believed their doctors. Most people do not have enough scientific education to have decided to wait. I didn't want to take an ad out in the paper and say "don't take the vaccine, it's a bioweapon," as that seemed extreme at the beginning, and I was not sure - I thought, if I tell people not to take it, what if it really does work, and perhaps someone dies because I said, "don't take the vaccine." The pharma companies are to blame because they did this intentionally, they knew but they wanted the money, and many in the government agencies also knew very well, but they wanted the money too, and they didn't want to rock the boat- but it was THEIR job to assure safety - and they all lied. Pharma lied, the 3-letter agencies lied - they just made stuff up as they went along. Now, some have admitted to having massively lied. The women were TOLD to take it by their OB's. There is an OB in my city who made his staff and all his patients have the vaccine - I know he is a good man, and he is not usually an idiot - he has really excellent training and is normally an excellent doctor - but - he got everyone to take the vaccine. He's my doctor too but I may never go back to him, because I knoe he and all his staff are vaxxed and I don't want them touching me.
Thank you for that. I understand the eomen were told to get vaxxed but where is vommon sense?? Unlike others I chose to not inoculate my kids in the 70s due to fact that my sister ended up contacting polio from inoculations I dint believe in putting foreign crap into our bodies...every shot throughout time has caused autism and diseases nope drs are legalized drug pushers unfortunately ...they font know anything about the pharmaceuticals they push on people they only know whst their drug reps tell them that was from my family dr 40 yrs ago I have not taken over counter or pharmaceuticals since then no trust
I ran into this substack this morning, I think it relates to your OB:
Not sure if he conformed or complied; it really doesn't matter.
The road to Hell is paved with good intention.
I hear what you are saying. I have a hard time accepting that he will s a good man.
I sincerely appreciate all the current statistics, but I am astounded by the total lack of common sense utilized by this generation of would be mothers. In the 1980’s pregnant women were advised to eat correctly and avoid additives like aspartame to protect their unborn children. Apparently, the cabal has succeeded in dumbing down an entire generation of doctors and patients.
I've said it a million times.
Common Core was a RAGING success.
Here is Michigan we were pummelled by a media campaign featuring OBGYN doctors saying the vaccines were safe for pregnant women, and they should get it. There were TV commercials, also the gas stations on their little screens on the pumps showing them. It featured pregnant women recounting their stay in the hospital, being in intensive care with Covid, worrying that their baby would not make it. They still play them at the gas station pumps - not on the TV anymore so much. All paid for with our tax dollars to purchase the ad time.
Very sad and actually criminal
Unbearably malevolent! Tweeted by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services...
Wonder if they also tweeted about the mRNA found in breast milk?
I'm your neighbor in Ohio; I moved here from MI right before the pandemic.
This is my media story:
Radio station does a story on the death of Hank Aaron; he was vaxxed and wanted all African Americans to get vaxxed. He's dead now.
Two minutes or so later... Ohio Department of Health is running a commercial advising you to get vaxxed.
Moral of the story? Avoid the MSM.
I think the actual vaccines were also paid for with people's tax dollars. Ironic that people were forced to pay money for a vaccine (take it or lose your job) that might end up killing them. Criminal doesn't even begin to describe it. It's pure evil.
So you're saying that if the mother's who took the Moderna DIRT had worn two masks then none of these babies would've died?
I know it's no joking matter; but seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if it was spun in some ridiculous way like that.
Woe to a civilization that puts children last!!!
"At least grandma didn't die!"