Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

While I appreciate what you've written and the amount of work that went into it, this is old old news to me. The very first paper I read way back at the beginning of this, was the "chimeric virus" paper at nature dot com from UNC Chapel Hill, in which Ralph Baric and his team (including Wuhan Bat Lady Shi Zengli) wrote about creating a super coronavirus before 2015 in the lab and adding in HIV genes etc to make it far more transmissible. Two years later the paper was updated to admit that they got funding from Fauci's NIAID. After that program was defunded it all went back to Wuhan obviously. So I'm not in the least surprised at any of this. The virus was man-made, it has HIV code in it, it probably has cancer code in it, the spike proteins are antigens all by themselves, the genetic therapy vaccines are destructive poison, pushed on people who don't need them. The Great Reset, the 2030 project, Gates' push for global depopulation, suppression of effective treatments, global tyranny ... it all fits together, even the current avian and pork flus that will decimate our livestock and force us to eat soy paste and bugs. Plenty of us saw this by May 2020 and have worn out keyboards trying to tell people. It's kind of tiring to me, having been a conspiracy nut job for the past 2 years, to be shown to be right on the money now.

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Yeah I can empathize with your feelings

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Igor, you keep on keeping on. The more people that can arrive at the same conclusions independently, with citations, the more credence the ugly reality will have.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I've been a conspiracy nut job since 9/11. But I didn't see this coming!

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That’s because you probably have not been a vaccine hesitant parent. As soon as they were acting differently in the beginning , then other global threats of pandemic I was very suspicious . Canada acted entirely different . They kept those planes coming and going with no screening what do ever , even when the WHO finally called a warning ( 6 weeks late). It was clear from the get go that something was nefarious

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How did they act differently? I've been watching the same game played by the same people reading the same script since the early 2000s.

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Oh really ?

First there needs some background . Here in Canada we witnessed the Harper administration use the period in office to quickly change legislation and policy to support global initiatives , and undermine national sovereignty. Relevant to this discussion , they put Canada’s health agency under the power of international agencies such as WHO and pseudo agencies like FDA and CDC . The first use of this change occurred with the Swine flu. If you have been watching since 2000 then I will direct your attention to how things were handled with swine flu and compare it to sars2

Because of sars in Canada a pandemic preparation plan was put in place . The plan was executed with Swine flu . Because swine flu seemed grossly exaggerated I propose it as a primary test of the new global operation. I am willing to suspect that it as a test has meant that data was collected at all levels to assess pandemic preparedness . This aside , we can assess the response to sars2 to swine flu . I’m Canada the threat of swine flu was immediate and immediate action was taken toward screening and sequestration . With sars2 there was a wait and see approach , with no screening or sequestration . The WHo immediately presented swine as a threat , while sars2 was a wait and see . Even when the WHO issuer a warning Canada did not inotuu it ste screenings or guidance at international airports and crossings . I would calm the approach delay and claim incompetence.

But the two threats were executed differently

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Good to know. I was speaking about attitudes towards various treatments for an RNA virus, an over-reliance on vaccines as the primary intervention, and a whitewash of their negative effects. Here in the US, the FDA discovered well before SARS2/2019 that in vitro, HCQ arrested viral replication of both SARS1 and an influenza. So neither outbreaks needed to be the threat they were sold as, so long as they were taken seriously enough to treat early or prevent, along with isolation of the sick without undue stigmatization across the board.

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Wow. I would have thought you were a nut in May 2020 too. But you are right it all fits together. And connects with the HIV talk I keep seeing now.

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I cant decide what to think about this HIV talk. I have known about HIV since it came out. I was young and didnt pay too much attention and then it kind of went away. I have read some reports that the jabs are causing immune deficiencies so the science community is calling it VIADS. So, then I wonder if it is medically caused by medications were all those people murdered by Fauci back in the 80s? Is VAIDS sexually transmitted? I have no clue. I hope not. There are a lot of people out there that 1 partner is vaxxed and the other is not like in my house hold. I feel like my partner is a ticking time bomb. I am worried for his health. I am worried for my health. No one can give me reliable answers.

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Robert Kennedy book on Fauxchi… on kindle and audible. I bought 2 copies and can’t get anyone else to read it. , sigh. Lot of Tony fauci history & a lot of footnotes

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Im currently reading the book. Fauci is definitely a criminal. Sadly, I doubt anything will happen to him.

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Nevertheless, it is important to present this information as it becomes available. Neglecting to discuss it, on the other hand, makes it too easy for the public to continue to believe MSM lies.

I also warned a year ago that these vaccines are a slow death. https://www.primarydoctor.org/covidvaccine And my patients benefited from my warning.

Igor's information further corroborates that and helps to save lives, as now children are threatened with these "poison death shots," as Dr. Zelenko calls them.

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Is there recovery from these death shots? My kids and most of my grandkids have had the shots.

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Amazingly enough! WHO has a detox from spikes page. There are a few things on it I hadn't run into before. FLCCC and AFLDS have protocols, for post jabs, too. Dr Mercola wrote on it for Epoch Times, as well. If you can't see ll of it, go to th bottom, there's a spot where it says Read for Free. https://www.theepochtimes.com/world-council-for-health-reveals-spike-protein-detox_4304171.html?utm_source=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2022-02-28&utm_medium=email&est=n5lfJVUOkvcTorHmnHYWHHnli9rSIcz0Of%2FO4lH4%2FjyYwhHApXW380s6mCNadjHdH2aXP2kDAA%3D%3D

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Dr McCullough also has a spike protein detoxification protocol at his Wellness webpage

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People who do not believe what is going on are useful idiots. I too am a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, except everything I have said would happen has happened...except the market crash, but I do believe that is scheduled for this year also. I have tried to save many sheeple. Its sad because they can not and will not be saved. Its like watching your friends going into a ring of fire and not being able to stop them. Sad and frustrating.

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Or your own life partner, boyfriend or girlfriend......extremely traumatic and heartbreaking 😪

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yes. I look at my partner as a ticking time bomb. Wondering when the last day with the love of my life will be. And yes, heartbreaking so far.

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Me too...my whole immediate family (mom dad brother aunts & uncles), my 33 yr old son, my boyfriend of 20 yrs, have gotten these horrible jabs. Only me and my daughter and a cousin and nephew have refused to. I worry everyday about their health. My son and boyfriend take a dose of ivermectin every week, plus a vitamin regimen. It has gotten rid of the headaches and brain fog plus breathing issues they had since the jab. The rest of my family acts like they're fine. Sadly my mom and dad had cancer in 2017-18. They were cancer free after treatments. Hope they stay that way 😪

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Can relate. I have a few online friends who get it. Family won’t listen, eyes glaze over at any mention of ineffective jabs

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Completely agree: Note: the SARS portion they put HIV and Cancer.

It seems to me that the following is true.

THE 3W's of COVID-19(SARS-CoV-2)

Who: Ralph S. Baric, PhD(UNC-Chapel Hill Lab)[1], Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi(Wuhan China)[2]

When: 2015-03-20

Where: UNC-Chapel Hill


If you, can prove when the virus was made, how the virus was made and who made the virus then every thing down stream of its creation must be a lie. I offer the following. Its intent is to prove COVID-19 was created, period.

I believe in 2015, through the joint efforts of American(NCU) and Chinese(Wuhan) labs and Baric and Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi. COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) was made using WIV1-CoV chimeric.

In addition to the full-length clone, we also produced WIV1-CoV chimeric virus that replaced the SARS spike with the WIV1 spike within the mouse-adapted backbone.


Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of Gain-of-Function Research

By Yuri Deigin

Apr 22, 2020

Using the SARS-CoV infectious clone as a template (7), we designed and synthesized a full-length infectious clone of WIV1-CoV consisting of six plasmids that could be enzymatically cut, ligated together, and electroporated into cells to rescue replication competent progeny virions (Fig. S1A). In addition to the full-length clone, we also produced WIV1-CoV chimeric virus that replaced the SARS spike with the WIV1 spike within the mouse-adapted backbone (WIV1-MA15, Fig. S1B). … To confirm growth kinetics and replication, Vero cells were infected with SARS-CoV Urbani, WIV1-MA15, and WIV1-CoV.[6]

comment image


To me, the 2016 paper looks a lot like the 2015 one. Moreover, its rationale is not very clear to me: after all, WIV1/Rs3367 already shared 96% of their genome with SARS-CoV. So I am not sure why one would want to insert a spike protein from its closest relative back into SARS-CoV. Maybe just because they could. In this light, the title of the article acquires a certain duality: SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence.

Oh, and I am not sure how in 2015 Baric was granted a patent for the creation of “chimeric coronavirus spike proteins”, given all that he and Shi Zhengli previously disclosed in their papers long before 2015.


I believe the patent referenced above and granted to Baric is httpsColon//patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/84/9b/ba/459d77fa1380a5/WO2015143335A1.pdf

Publication of WO2015143335A1

Change of events

Application PCT/US2015/021773

2014-03-20 Priority to US201461968279P

2014-03-20 Priority to US61/968,279

2015-03-20 Application filed by The University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill<--------------------------<<<<

2015-09-24 Publication of WO2015143335A1

SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence[3]

Synthetic construction of chimeric mutant and full-length WIV1-CoV were approved by the UNC Institutional Biosafety Committee and the Dual Use Research of Concern Committee.[4]

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology for access to bat CoV sequences and plasmid of WIV1-CoV spike protein. Research was supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the National Institute of Aging of the NIH under Awards U19AI109761 and U19AI107810 (to R.S.B.), AI1085524 (to W.A.M.), and F32AI102561 and K99AG049092 (to V.D.M.). Human airway epithelial cell cultures were supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Di-gestive and Kidney Disease under Award NIH DK065988 (to S.H.R.). Support for the generation of the mice expressing human ACE2 was provided by NIH Grants AI076159 and AI079521 (to A.C.S.) [3].

A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence[4]

Construction of Chimeric SARS-Like Viruses. Both wild-type and chimeric WIV-CoV infectious clones were designed using published sequences and based on the SARS-CoV infectious clone (10). Synthetic construction of chimeric mutant and full-length WIV1-CoV were approved by the UNC Institutional Biosafety Committee and the Dual Use Research of Concern Committee.[3]


Construction of SARS-like chimeric viruses. Both wild-type and chimeric viruses were derived from either SARS-CoV Urbani or the correspond-ing mouse-adapted (SARS-CoV MA15) infectious clone (ic) as previously described27. Plasmids containing spike sequences for SHC014 were extracted by restriction digest and ligated into the E and F plasmid of the MA15 infec-tious clone. The clone was designed and purchased from Bio Basic as six contiguous cDNAs using published sequences flanked by unique class II restriction endonuclease sites (BglI). Thereafter, plasmids containing wild-type, chimeric SARS-CoV and SHC014-CoV genome fragments were ampli-fied, excised, ligated and purified. In vitro transcription reactions were then preformed to synthesize full-length genomic RNA, which was transfected into Vero E6 cells as previously described2. The medium from transfected cells was harvested and served as seed stocks for subsequent experiments. Chimeric and full-length viruses were confirmed by sequence analysis before use in these studies. Synthetic construction of chimeric mutant and full-length SHC014-CoV was approved by the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee and the Dual Use Research of Concern committee. [4]

The virus is known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease it causes is called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)..[5]

Infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in over 150 million people (Organization 2020).[5]

1 https[Colon]//sph.unc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/112/2021/10/Ralph_Baric_2021_Jon_Gardiner_738x714-738x714.jpg

2 https[Colon]//www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/shi-zhengli-2--360x188.jpg

3 https[Colon]//www.pnas.org/content/pnas/113/11/3048.full.pdf

4 https[Colon]//www.nature.com/articles/nm.3985.pdf

5 https[Colon]//www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/symptoms-causes/syc-20479963

5 https[Colon//link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11481-021-10012-9

6 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4801244/

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Thanks for an absolute ton of detail and links. No, Baric and the Bat Lady didn't invent this from thin air, there was plenty of earlier work done in many places. It is rather stunning for us regular folks to learn just how potent and fast the technology for viral genetic modification is, and to learn how broad a playing field this is: countless countries are doing it. And how hard it is for most of us to even follow what it is that they're doing.

Back when Alpha was raging around the world, I saw once - once! - a small article that viral researchers in Italy had developed a version of SARS-Cov-2 that was nearly immune to immunities. Probably found that at TrialSiteNews, but I could never find it again. I remember SMH and wondering why on earth they would do such a thing? And then half a year or so later, Omicron. Omicron, apparently an off shoot of a very early variant (Gamma?) that hadn't been seen in the wild for 16 months. Of course, the media explanation is that it probably came from one woman in Africa, who was living the whole time with undiagnosed HIV and Covid, and the virus in her body "created" a couple dozen mutations and blends with other viruses in her over time yet still didn't kill her. Yet in that whole time she magically didn't pass any earlier versions of the mutated virus to anyone else. Yeah, no. Omicron SCREAMS lab made, as does the misnamed .SA2 sub-variant, which isn't even omicron, has a whole box full of different mutations, but also seems to be a "where have you been hiding this whole time?" descendant of Gamma. Maybe Africa Lady has a twin sister who lives in another cave nearby.

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The reason for the detail was in order to eliminate any doubt Naturally, Baric and Shi Zhengli were putting together functional parts. 73 patents, made the finished product, I believe. And, yes - this is how it was made.

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Thanks very much

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The part about the oncology, the cancer causing genes... Did you know about that?

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You know that it's the same people, gov orgs, misanthropy philanthropists, and media circle-jerks lying about Autism as well, right? 2020 was just another year for them. They have about 10-20 epidemiology studies going for them- and funded by them- vs a 3-ring binder's worth of published bench science, including large scale prospective animal studies, going in the opposite direction. At two years post-red pill, you get a hearty "welcome to the round earth mindset". Maybe there'll be a coffee mug for you by year 20?

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So good!

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Remember all the untimely deaths with autism researchers? My family doctor ( before I met him) was treating Lyme successfully. Medical mafia bullied him. Said Stop or we will have you in court forever over Medicare Medicaid billing.. (I see an integrative medicine doctor for actual help, not insurance dictated)

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I can empathize w your feelings of frustration, as I saw all this way back and tried to warn everyone I knew, only to be rebuffed as a conspiracy theorist once again. I am doomed to play Cassandra’s role it would seem. Unless their TV’s tell them, it can’t possibly be true. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Interestingly, that 2015 Baric paper has some edits to its citations/bibliography. Dr JJ Couey looked at that in April of 2020, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP7A6M3vPAg

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022

I have some news you have not seen. If this can be reconfirmed, then the repercussions are enormous! Besides selective genocide, it would be the best proof I have seen of 2020 election interference on a massive scale.

The Mortality Bomb


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Do you have a link to that article?

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Watched, and I thank you.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I had covid in spring 2020. Did not get vaxxed, but husband did. May have caught a mild case of omicron 2 months ago (it was basically a 24 hour fever, didn't bother testing, then husband got a more typical case a few days later and he did test +). Anyway, the possible relevance is that just last week I learned I have a very rare form of ovarian cancer. Maybe it's related, maybe it isn't, but I've heard the spike protein accumulates in the ovaries. Is this related? Who knows, but damn.

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I shudder from the thought, honestly, and wish you a complete recovery!

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you. And if I understand you, it's in covid itself, not just the vax-induced spike, so every person on earth is potentially screwed.

This cancer normally grows very slowly, but from what the surgeons observed, mine grew quickly. I have been wondering if covid was a factor (or maybe spike shedding from the hubs), but a gene that makes it harder to fight cancer? That's scary.

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Yes, it is Covid AND spike in the vax

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And we know covid isn't going away...

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

From what I've read the spike protein produced by human cells is not exactly the same as the SARS-CoV2 viral spike. If there is no intentional malice it does not make sense for Moderna to code the cancer-inducing mutation into their own mRNA vaccine. Could we be sure the Moderna sequence is also present in the body-made spike protein?

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It was the Pfizer sequence that was found, but from what I understand, the Moderna shot was the patent platform for all similar vaccines going forward.

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This is not as rare as they are telling you. Similar stuff happened to my wife's father, my father, my mother in law's best friend, "rare" "agressive" cancers out of nowhere. (Igor knows all this)

My sympathies and best wishes for speedy recovery.

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Remind us please, were they vaxxed or had Covid, or both? It is actually important

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My father and step mother got vaxxed in April 2021. By June my father had major prostate cancer, my step mother had lymphoma, found an enlarged lymph node in May, diagnosed in June, six months of Chemo. I sent them the articles from medical journals, they still insist on endless boosters.

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vaxed boosted never had covid.

The search for sarcoma is indeed flat. But items without a lot of searching are in my experience quite low resolution in Trends.

Interestingly my search for glioblastoma was definitely not flat https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=glioblastoma&geo=US

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Be careful searching for trends like this. They spike crazy when some celebrity has that specific illness.

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Coming back to this thread. There is a definite link between glioblastoma and colon cancer syndromes -- all related to the Msh3 gene and "mismatch repair syndrome." See "Turcot Syndrome" - https://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Turcot_syndrome

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Do you have an opinion about getting spikes from a shedding vaxxed person? I've seen claims both ways, but no evidence or explanations. I would assume an intimate partner that you live with could be more "risky" than sitting across a lunch table from someone.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am unvaxxed and started bleeding after each of my partner's shots. 5 years post menopause. One naturopath suspects i had a decidual cast.. Where the lining of the uterus sheds to rid the body of toxins. It was upsetting to have huge clots and 6 days of heavy bleeding. Transmission is real but not everyone experiences it.

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I'm not sure about the shedding mechanism, but there is a study from November 2021 which may explain that.

From what I understand, in this case Pfizer vaccinated people produce exosomes (pouch/membrane filled with fluid), and these are spread from them which contain the spike protein. The spike protein is the pathogenic agent. So the symptoms people get if they are vaccinated or sick are spread via the exosomes of the vaccinated.

Study: https://www.jimmunol.org/content/207/10/2405

Commentary: https://twitter.com/DrHachi3/status/1475494894915526657

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SHEDDING: In Dec 2020, Pfizer warns of any unvaccinated person in their clinical trials, such as a partner, family member or healthcare worker, experiencing Severe Adverse Events from ‘environmental exposure’ by ‘inhilation or skin contact’ with the vaccinated trial participant, to contact Pfizer within 24 hours.

Those Severe Adverse Events are defined as life-threatening symptoms or death.

And not just any person, but expectant mothers or breastfeeding mothers, whose babies may experience such Severe Adverse Events.

Pfizer goes on to admit they do not know the genetic effects on reproduction, meaning birth defects, and recommend vaccinated trail participants use robust birth control.

If an Adverse Event is Covid, that is not to be reported unless it is severe and life-threatening, as it is an ‘expected outcome’.

Search for Pfizer Protocol C4591001 and see pages 66-69.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A friend had cancer years ago (sarcoma) but gets scans and bloodwork yearly. Blood work normal in January. Husband vaxxed in February and March. She developed thrombocytopenia. So severe she spent 4 days in the hospital. She thinks it's from his "shedding."( Sweat in bed after vaccines) She's had every vax under the sun for deployments. She's not an anti-vaxxer.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Seems plausible via toilets at a minimum.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Working in surgery the past 7 months, I've seen huge increase in thyroid, ovarian, uterine, breast masses in unusually young patients. 2 thyroid masses in 1 week removed. Large, fast growing in 20-somethings

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I had a thyroid mass removed back when I was 22, that was Chernobyl-related likely. It showed benign on biopsy. So far no relapse. It was in early 1990s. Also my grandpa had thyroid cancer at age 48, was treated and lived to 85 years of age

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you. And healing wishes/condolences for your loved ones.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist has seen an uptick in cancers.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Look into a supplement called "maitake D-Fraction". One of the most effective. Also something called "modified citrus pectin". Look up both on pubmed

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This is what I saw on Twitter, a tweet from Korea: "I cured the terminal cancer patients with 3.5mg naltrexone, vitamin D, alphalipoic acid, with 48mg ivermectin, 15g liposomal vitamin C, 100mg doxycyclin, 500mg arzithromycin. To kill cancer cells, I have given 48-60mg ivermectin to people for 1 year everyday(with 2400mg abz or mbz olive oil 3 days in a week)".

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I did not know ivermectin could help cancer. A quick search, and yep, lots of links.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have not heard this at all - if it turns out to be even partially true, it could definitely explain why ivermectin has been so horribly suppressed as a potential treatment.

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Yes, supposedly but not restricted for every one. Over 200 members of Congress received scripts for ivermectin....from FLCCC.......hmmmmm

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

But you can bet Biden's "war on cancer" will involve mRNA and none of the suppressed research on viable cures...

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Invent a problem, invent the cure for the problem, conjure up TRILLIONS of $ for the savior (and butcher).

Great times!!

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As people learn about suppressed treatments and the harmfulness of the vaccines, I suspect the times that lie ahead for Big Pharma will be less than great.

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One can hope!

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Ivermectin absorbs 3 times better with a fatty meal, in case you consider it, or with 20-30 mg olive oil (may be with bread, doesn't have to be straight oil).

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Unless it's cold pressed or extra virgin olive oil, you will be harming yourself. Also be careful for counterfeit oils, I think REG did a study on that and resulted in uncovering many mixes and fake olive oils....

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Which are some reliable olive oil brands?

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So could HCQ. Studies ongoing.

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This looks like the FLCCC long Covid/vax injury protocol. It’s good as far as a drug based approach goes. But then the body has to detoxify those drugs. Talk to a naturopath who knows what’s going on and keeps up on research. Many do.

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The cure for cancer exists a long time ago but we know who wants to keep it secret you know why ($$$$$$$$$)

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

More specifically, the lipid nanoparticles in the vaccines accumulate in the ovaries, which people have then insinuated that this makes the ovaries produce spike protein. I don't know if the protein itself does or does not accumulate in the ovaries. I wish you a fast recovery from your cancer. If you are interested you might find some interesting/helpful information regarding low carb diets and cancer/cell apoptosis.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It definitely goes to your ovaries, if you have them.


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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, like I said, the lipid nanoparticles accumulate in the ovaries.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hi OwlInATowel! Concerning your diagnosis.

You should perhaps start with Jane McLelland - How to Starve Cancer


She is Stage 4 ovarian cancer survivor herself and her book has been the best treatment of metabolic approach to cancer so far.

Other important sources are for example: https://www.cancertreatmentsresearch.com/

I would start with these articles:






A very basic metabolic blocade protocol looks like this:

Vegan, vegetarian or pescaterian diet with low GI.

Metformin: 1000-1500mg/day or Berberine: 1000-1500mg/day

Atorvastatin: (2) * 10-40mg/d

Alpha Lipoic Acid 600-1800mg/d + HCA: 1200-3000mg/d

Diclofenac: 50-150mg/d

Quercetin: 1000-3000mg/d

Omega3: 3000-9000mg/d

EGCG: 400-2000mg/d

Curcumin: 1200-3000mg/d

Aspirin Protect 100mg/d

Melatonin: 20mg at night

Reishi, Coriolus: 1000-2000mg/d

(and possibly mebendazole/fenbendazole or ivermectine)

Other sources:



or studies of prof. Thomas Seyfried.

I´m going to read this book: You might find it interesting:


If you have questions, you can contact me at: z.sipek@centrum.cz

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Thank you for that thorough post. I am slowly looking through all kinds of information. It's been overwhelming.

I am currently a vegetarian who eats pretty low GI, but I've been looking into diet tweaks and supplements (I have heard of/considered some of these, others I am not so familiar with). My goal with all health issues is to work with my body and do the gentlest treatment possible, but actually being hit with a cancer diagnosis, I start to wonder what if I am being stupid? My oncologist doesn't think I need to rush into anything and we're going to gather a lot more data, so I feel better after talking to him.

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You could look up Orthomolecular dot org, a group of doctors that follow evidence based supplement protocols for healing disease. I recall reading high dose Vitamin C and intravenous Vit C being used to fight cancer.

Someone here mentioned Ivermectin being used by Korean doctor to treat cancer (along with other vitamins). Maybe good to get this doctor's website to learn more? We know ivermectin being suppressed since it cures covid, and is originally an antiparasitic (with long history of safety) and anti cancer cure.

Praying for wisdom, guidance & swift healing🙏

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Might look into Apricot seeds also. Some highly suppressed research suggests it has a nutrient once labeled vitamin B17 that the FDA crushed. Claims are basically that cancer is a deficiency disease. FDA and others warn to not ingest Apricot seeds (the kernels, not the whole thing) due to potential cyanide poisoning. The researchers point to indigenous cultures where they're ingested routinely without incident, so I'd say that is a point of focus. I personally eat 15-30+ per day, so per FDA I should have been dead half a decade ago.

BE CAUTIOUS AND DON'T JUST BELIEVE COMMENTS ON THE INTERNET. But the FDA has a full history of suppressing health-building nutrients to sell drugs... in my view, this is likely one of those. But I'm just a dude trying to avoid gov't genocide for profit. :-O

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I am taking a wholistic medicine class from David Brownstein who has treated many cancers with iodine. He found that most people have severe iodine deficiency that can lead to metabolic and cancer issues. Sounds wacky but he had some remarkable case studies and laid out the research to explain the mechanisms.

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I started taking an Iodine supplement for hair loss along with my loss of taste and smell after having a very mild case of Covid. I believe that this is working as I would have copious amounts of hair falling out daily. After a month or so I noticed much less hair loss and can see new hair growth. All I know is that I was getting desperate for answers and came across the book, The Iodine Crisis, What You Don't Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life by Lynne Farrow. I do believe that the "powers that be" are hell bent on destroying human life as we know it.

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So sorry to hear of your ovarian cancer I hope that all goes well with your treatment.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Praying for you Owl.🙏💖

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I am sorry to hear about ovarian cancer. I am curious if you think that perhaps your husband gave you the cancer via sex from the spike proteins in his semen? I know this is graphic, but it is human so I have to ask.

My husband got the P vax. I am unvaxxed. I have also read that these murderous shot makers added an HIV sequence in this shot. I am not sure what to do. Risk my life to have a healthy marriage or cut him off completely. I am praying he doesn't get cancer or HIV or lowered immunity and/or infect me with his spike proteins. Ill be honest, it doesnt make things very sexy when in the back of my mind I am worried about HIV.

I don't have any ovaries left so I am not worried about that for myself but I am worried for every other woman out there.

I feel like he is a ticking time bomb and I am scared. Anyway, I hope this cancer leaves your body. I read that Fenbendazole cures some kinds of cancer and actually so does Ivermectin. Heres a link for the Fenbendazol - who knew a horse dewormer could do so much. https://healnavigator.com/treatments/fenbendazole-cancer-protocol/

and IVM - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/

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They didn't add GP120 to the shot; it was already in the virus' spike protein structure. They just copied the virus spike protein structure into their shots. It was already there, no need to add another.

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But according to the documents just released from Pfizer there have been people diagnosed with HIV. This is worrisome to me.

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There are two things going on here. The first is likely not worrying, the second very much is: The first is that the PCR tests that pick up the GP120 sequence in either the original virus strains or the shot-derived mRNA can give a positive; but that's not the same thing as having an HIV infection. The second is that because the toll-like receptors (in immune cell endosomes?) which identify cells infected with and producing dormant HIV virus are down-regulated so that we don't quickly eliminate mRNA built on pseudouridine found in mRNA vaccines, then people who do have the dormant virus are experiencing an uptick in dormant HIV virus production. Same goes for cancers in remission and other dormant viruses like shingles. Toll-like receptors keep all of that in check. That's what a few pathologists have stated in interviews and apparently published in journals.

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This is the best explanation I have received. Thank you!

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Next door neighbour just diagnosed with ovarian c@ncer, another fri3nd pancreatic cancer, another friend reoccurrence of breast cancer, one more friend 25th lung cancer spread everywhere, she was a healthy 70 year old.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

A friend here in Swansea, Wales, has her breast cancer return after many years. Has gone into her lymph nodes and bones. Mid 50's. A cancer specialist I know, mid 50's, has neurological problems now despite being perfectly healthy pre-jab. Her brother had a stroke a few days after his first jab. I am sorry for your friends and neighbours Mary. I find myself talking to God more often these days. A great evil has been done to Humanity by some truly vile creatures with enormous sums of wealth to protect them.

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I wish you all the best Owl. I had shingles a few weeks ago despite not being jabbed. I am not sure whether it was omicron or being amongst a 90% jabbed population who were eagerly queuing up for their third boosters. Shingles is nothing compared to cancer of course. A jabbed friend has been told her breast cancer has returned after, IIRC, 9 years is in her bones. Again, I wish you a healthy outcome.

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So sad about your friend. I have heard about a lot of shingles among the jabbed (a 30-something friend got it a few months the shots), sorry you got it regardless. Hope you feel better. I hear it's very painful.

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The toxic, inflammatory nanolipid particles that carry the mRNA accumulate in the ovaries ... I'm not sure about the spike.

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As LNPs carry the mRNA code inside, the ovaries' tissue gets transfected with it. The effects are:

- the polyethylene glycol 2000 that comprises the LNP is toxic and causes DNA damage similar to radiation damage (https://www.bitchute.com/video/djgGWArf7szA/)

- the N1-methyl-pseudouridine stabilized mRNA suppresses the immune responses mediated via TLR3, TLR7, TLR8 toll-like receptors, which then disrupts the function of CD8+ T cells (https://www.europereloaded.com/are-covid-vaccines-engineered-to-disable-our-immune-systems/), and prevents DNA repairs, which may lead to cancers all in itself;

- on top of this, the mRNA now produces modified S spikes that mark tissue cells for destruction and also leave the transfected cells and pollute the neighbouring cell membranes, further inflicting organ damage; these S spikes also are carried around by exosomes produced by the cells with S spikes on their membranes (https://www.jimmunol.org/content/207/10/2405);

- on top, the LNP also carries "truncated mRNA species" immunogenic and toxic in their own right (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348109904_Covid-19_Pfizer_Vaccine_The_Worst-Case_Scenario)

-more on the above at https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com/p/does-mrna-in-jabs-really-produce

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Yikes thanks.

Seems the free-floating spike and LNPs can be tolerated at least for a while, but it's the stuff in the organs and cell linings we need to worry about? I don't know the exact dates but it must soon be two years since the first trial group had its joy juice--of course, if any of them get long-term adverse effects, we won't hear about it.

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I do not think they continue to monitor them properly, as they have jabbed the control group (for their protection, of course), so nothing to compare with. SO any effects they see will be "non-consequential".

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Massive detoxification. You would want to do so for any cancer anyway. Talk to a naturopath about NAD. Look at David Wolfe’s all natural spike protein detoxification. See this comment (below) elsewhere on this post. And I wish you well. You can heal this. ♥️

<<<<Amazingly enough! WHO has a detox from spikes page. There are a few things on it I hadn't run into before. FLCCC and AFLDS have protocols, for post jabs, too. Dr Mercola wrote on it for Epoch Times, as well. If you can't see ll of it, go to th bottom, there's a spot where it says Read for Free. https://www.theepochtimes.com/world-council-for-health-reveals-spike-protein-detox_4304171.html?utm_source=Morningbrief&utm_campaign=mb-2022-02-28&utm_medium=email&est=n5lfJVUOkvcTorHmnHYWHHnli9rSIcz0Of%2FO4lH4%2FjyYwhHApXW380s6mCNadjHdH2aXP2kDAA%3D%3D

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I wonder if your husband shed the gene sequence and you picked it up from him.

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I think it's at least a possibility. On a possibly positive note, I am hoping that if that was the trigger, a recurrence will be less likely, although there was a study where mRNA was present in lymph nodes 60 days after the shots.

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Owl, Have you considered doing a detox protective protocol for yourself and your husband? There are several one's I've read about. Best, Sue

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deletedFeb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Does anyone know if those allegations about Justin Trudeau being heavily invested in the company that makes the nanoparticles are true?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Dr. Malone mentioned it:


Depending on the news outlet, it has been debunked or confirmed ~ 🤷‍♀️

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That leads me to believe that it is likely true, but has since been subject to a Reuters 'fact-check' to quell the interest

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


I was particularly struck by the "Young people: the first line of defense" section.

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Good point. Would a detoxing protocol help with this?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The sequence might well be in the viral spike protein - but in a natural infection, you don't get much (if any) free-floating spike protein running around. With the shots, however, it is a different story...

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Absolutely true

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We need to send a bat-signal to Mike Yeadon. He could probably answer a few of these questions.

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I actually asked Dr. Yeadon (who makes appearances on various Substack threads) if the spike protein from the virus and from the "vaccine" were comparable. He gave the same answer that Mara gave. Avoid the shot at all costs!

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There is much MORE to this specific story and I will write about it today, it is not so simple

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Ah, well done, Doc! I’ve seen Dr. Yeadon here as well. (As an aside, do you prefer being portrayed by Kirk Douglas or Victor Mature? 🤠)

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Pun intended? 😉

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Yes it would seem that a lab release would have limited effect snd be wild . It’s far to variable and populations could simply avoid it before it burns out. Even with bad actors releasing it it e we pull be a challenge to get global coverage . But instead if only

A few major places were hit and the threat projected then with treatments outlawed and narrowed into only vaccines a more consistent and global distribution is possible . And with a continued threat repeat rounds of injection can be possible . If there is nefarious activity then nothing has been done to stop it

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Maybe if your body shuts down the infection quickly. For those who fight it for weeks, I'd suggest a full body scan.

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I agree!

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Igor, you are doing some fantastic original reporting. Extremely impressive stuff. Stay on it.

If we lived in a normal, non-corporatized clown world, this would be the LEAD story on every cable news show and blasted in the headlines of every paper.

Major props, good sir!

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Thank you!!! When I write my stuff I think about my readers like you!

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The only reason I look at the MSM is to see what lies they are telling on a given day.

For truths - or at authors who are attempting to get at the truth - Substack.

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Good rule of thumb: whatever MSM broadcast, interpret as opposite. Same with fact-chokers.

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The job of factcheckers is to lie and confuse us and hide the truth

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

100% agree, Igor thank you for sharing! I’m vax free but had COVID 2x, healthy 40 y/o but this cancer stuff is scary but being uneducated is worse!

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Igor, I’m very impressed with your work as a layman. I’m a medical doctor with a biochemistry degree and you’re very close to being on the money in your write-up.

One thing I will clarify for you though, is that from the descriptions of the MSH3 gene, it appears to be a mismatch repair (MMR) mechanism protein - when these are mutated, they usually become non-functional, failing to do their job, and thus allowing cancer to start when mutations happen that aren’t repaired. This is also known as a “tumor suppressor gene”. You generally need to knock out both copies of this gene in a human cell (we have two copies of every gene) in order to cause cancer. Transfecting this mutant gene into humans via the covid vaccine would not likely cause cancer by itself, as your cells will still produce their own effective MMR proteins.

This does NOT mean that the vaccine won’t cause cancer: as you’ve mentioned elsewhere, the spike protein itself is blocking our own natural MMR mechanisms… this is very dangerous. If this happened very briefly and then the mRNA was destroyed, it would likely have little effect on our cancer risk - I’m not sure to what degree. BUT, if it is reverse-copying itself into our genome and producing an endless supply of spike protein that blocks MMR… then you will very likely get cancer, everywhere in your body, with enough time.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My psychological toughness is about 6 notches better than it was in Feb, 2020, but Igor just dialed it back about 1.5 or so.

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Wonder what on God's Green Earth would make them do this? To facilitate replication of the Spike Protein since CA cells mutate more rapidly? What in the world....what have they done to mankind?

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Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer scientist and exec, now completely red-pilled, explains the motivations in the first ten to twelve minutes of this interview.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Author

Great post I subscribed

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, it was a great interview. Thanks for all you continue to do, Igor! 🙏🏻

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Once you accept that we are dealing with an almost incomprehensible evil, it all makes sense. They hate us and they want us dead.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes. True.

As Pamela mentioned below, it is the only permutation that fits ALL data points. I looked, and looked for a viable alternative - and only found more data points to support the hypothesis. It was a troubling realisation.

Plus, they have told us their intent for decades. Written books about it, in fact.

The psychological operations, the manipulation, pervasive fear, still boggle the mind. To have brainwashed billions of people to accept a biological weapon into their bodies, to have them deny even the possibility that there was anything amiss - even after proximate serious injury or death - is a deception ranking above all others from history.

Thanks Igor for the compelling piece. The story keeps getting darker. A bottomless well of evil can get pretty dark, and that is where Big Pharma et al, calls home.

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Indeed. What else could make a mother murder her own children? It's beyond horrifying. The hypnosis has been deeply pervasive and thoroughly researched for decades. And yet c.30% of us never bought it from the get go, according to the 30-40-30 division of mass formation psychosis. I believe that 30% has grown much greater as the Covid narrative crumbles and more and more people (those in the middle 40%) realize the reality. Yet the fully-indoctrinated 30% hold fast in their hypnotic self-destruction and continue to hysterically persecute with such hatred, incited by the media they believe without question.

I've often asked myself (and others) how such evil could be accepted so passively on a global scale. I recently discovered the field of optogenetics, the control of neuronal activity and thus behaviour by light-activated luminopsins in viral vectors using a technique called DREADDs. This light activation can from a screen (smartphone, computer, TV) - something most of us look at for hours in a day - and then interact with the luminopsins in an injection, modifying brain function, decision making and behaviour.

“Luminopsins (LMOs) are chimeric proteins consisting of a luciferase fused to an opsin that provide control of neuronal activity."


There is much more info on optogenetics and its DARPA-funded aspects. Could this be a key component in the drive to control human behavior?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I've given up talking to people who've gladly run to get the shots. At this point in 2022, the information on how these shots work is out. And when I try to explain what's dangerous about hijacking an unknown number of one's cells to crank out unknown amounts of the very spike that kills us, they look at me like they hate me.

I knew at the first whiff that something was very wrong with these shots. It was actually funny to me, I'd laugh and say, oh, I'm an old fart, I can get vaxxed but you can have mine if you're that excited about it. I'm not laughing now because so many friends and family have been stuck. And injured.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Nothing else other than this makes sense.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Seriously stupid or seriously evil. Neither characteristic admirable.

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People been saying for a long long time .. too many people (Google Albert Bartlett)... 'we need to do something about it'

Now they are doing something -- and we don't like it much

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Some sinister shit here if your logic is correct. I have no opinion at this point but what you're suggesting certainly makes sense at first blush.

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It just means that it is worth looking at deeply

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Indeed. David Martin has been saying for some time that every part of SC-2 has been patented starting in 1999, and successively over the years. Have you followed his work?

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Not really, got some links?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor Dr Richard Fleming breaks down the patents about as well as anyone I have seen. Here is his site and the corresponding YouTube video. I cannot believe it is still there. I think saw this back in August 2021. He could be the lead prosecutor in Nuremburg 2.0 The only problem is that his video is indeed still up. And that tells me he an acceptable mouthpiece against the criminals. They don't seem to get too concerned until you have one of these guys on Joe Rogan.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GzzBD1kJ0g This is a great video of the patent evolution starting back to the 90's

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Censorship tracks more with popularity than with actual scientific value. The fact content is not targeted is not a validation of corp tolerance. On that note, when folks see content of value likely to vanish save backup at Internet Archive Wayback.

This video is archived and I saved this Substack just now, but too much is lost because folks don't backup. Be a saver & with a toolbar button it also redirects 404 Not Found to archive version IF somebody saved it.

See something - save something!! :~)


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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Here is the link I posted in a comment for your previous Moderna spike protein article. It shows ALL of the patents pertaining to the coronavirus research and development that has been uncovered by David E Martin’s company Mcam.


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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Search for "David Martin Fauci dossier"

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Dr. David Martin blows my mind every time I watch him. He goes deep into the corruption!

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Is that the guy with the bow tie talking about the patents. That makes one wonder if they took a turn down the rabbit hole ?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, the bow tie guy 🎀

He recently spoke on trudeau’s monopoly on the lipid nanoparticles, the NWO. Long, but worth listening to.


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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Okay (I'm not saying it's ethical but) did Moderna patent a cancer-causing gene in order to hold the market on a vaccine directed towards that gene?

But why would they share that gene with Shi and why would she add it to her Covid brew?

Perhaps it's time to get Moderna researchers, NIH researchers under oath and in front of Congress - or better yet a Special Counsel (since it seems like lying to Congress is no longer a punishable offense).

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Author

Every Covid patient will get a bill from Moderna for patent infringement. Just kidding.

Your question is an excellent one!!!

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Our Congress is corrupted by Big Pharm. Our Congress is on the take.

They don't want to know.

Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, and Thomas Massie seems to be the only ones who are willing to look under the rock.

We have a big problem here.

The fix is in. Our gov't. our Deep State real gov't. and our media, all are corrupted.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Have courage - keep pushing. Regular people took down Big Tobacco, Big Opiods, and righted the AIDs epidemic. Don't be cowed by conspiracy theorist name-calling or the size of the task at hand. Truth does not require a majority. It will stand on its own.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They’re not going to give anything up, and even if they did they could easily bullshit congress. It’s too technical and is way over the heads of 99.9% of us, including me. If congress does investigate they need somebody on their side who could put it into the Readers Digest version for everyone.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Many seated in congress are obviously on the low IQ side & as a body (with the exception of a few) congress is less than mediocre. Our leaders exhibit a lack of courage & critical thinking. They lack vision. Congress is captured by Corporate Fascism. It's disgusting, depressing & demoralizing.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Didn't the current administration just make 'eradicating cancer' a primary goal' in a relatively short time span? I never watch those pressers, but I do remember it being reported afterwards, along with mRNA technology. There is no such thing as a coincidence.....

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Just like Nixon’s war on cancer in the 70’s with a “guarantee “ to find a cure. 50 years on and look where that went?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's also a fine coincidence that the 2 drugs they've been throwing under the bus for 2 years seem to exhibit anti cancer effects, not least p53 upregulation



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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

To my favorite substack writer and his followers: I just finished reading The Hot Zone (Richard Preston, 1994). I came out with this disgusting feeling that HIV and Ebola were thrust upon the human race BY the human race’s constant meddling and hubris. But it is SOOOOOO weird that HIV and Ebola were both described as immune-suppressing diseases, but that Ebola was just HIV speeded way way up. I couldn’t help but see countless parallels with COVID throughout the book. I know it seems crazy, but the clotting, the bleeding, so well-known to Ebolaviruses - could they have put Ebola genes into their SARS-CoV-2 designer virus? I just felt like I needed to share this horror that came over me as I read that book with fresh eyes. They blamed Ebola and HIV on “wet market” type eating habits, too. It all makes me highly suspicious.

And the animal research! Monkeys constantly infected (on purpose!!) with EBOLA!!! Since at least the 1970’s, as far as I can tell. Just killing them, passaging these viruses over and over again. What a horror. What have we done?

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What have we done, what a very appropriate question indeed

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I read Hot Zone years ago ~ from the sounds of it, it is worth a more nuanced reread based on our current situation. Am I remembering correctly that Preston also discussed Marburg?

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Martha - yes - much discussion of Marburg. And 100% you should read it again. The cavalier discussion of the constant monkey experiments and virus searching has been going on for 50 years (at least?).

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks ~ 👍

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If I am understanding correctly, wouldn't this explain the sudden increases in cancer reported by Dr. Ryan Cole?

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It would, but here's the thing. I spent a lot of efforts INDEPENDENTLY trying to confirm increased incidence of cancer.

I used Google trends searching for terms like "lymphoma treatments", "ovarian cancer treatments", "chemotherapy side effects" and such -- searches that are indicative of USER INTENT as opposed to media-driven queries.

There is NO GROWTH in these queries and completely steady over 5 years.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

DoD medical database is evidence to the contrary. Besides, don't put it past Google to manipulate result frequency to cover this up, along with the rest of their manipulations.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Cole's evidence appears to be anecdotal; but on blogs everywhere, many people provide stories about "aggressive" or "sudden" cancers in family/friends. What about looking at mortality data?


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You see, I wanted to see some independent confirmation of cancers. So far I have not found it.

Do I trust Ryan Cole? In some sense yes. But when I hear an extraordinary claim I need a great level of confirmation.

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A doctor made a comment earlier in the comments that might answer this. I'll paste it here to save you the search:

"gor, I’m very impressed with your work as a layman. I’m a medical doctor with a biochemistry degree and you’re very close to being on the money in your write-up.

One thing I will clarify for you though, is that from the descriptions of the MSH3 gene, it appears to be a mismatch repair (MMR) mechanism protein - when these are mutated, they usually become non-functional, failing to do their job, and thus allowing cancer to start when mutations happen that aren’t repaired. This is also known as a “tumor suppressor gene”. You generally need to knock out both copies of this gene in a human cell (we have two copies of every gene) in order to cause cancer. Transfecting this mutant gene into humans via the covid vaccine would not likely cause cancer by itself, as your cells will still produce their own effective MMR proteins.

This does NOT mean that the vaccine won’t cause cancer: as you’ve mentioned elsewhere, the spike protein itself is blocking our own natural MMR mechanisms… this is very dangerous. If this happened very briefly and then the mRNA was destroyed, it would likely have little effect on our cancer risk - I’m not sure to what degree. BUT, if it is reverse-copying itself into our genome and producing an endless supply of spike protein that blocks MMR… then you will very likely get cancer, everywhere in your body, with enough time."

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Using Poly:I/C turns down TLR expression, as well. So even if the shots didn't contain an antigen AT ALL, there's likely an increased risk of cancer after injection.

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