Igor, I'll share the timeline of jabs, pregnancies and miscarriages from a healthy mother in Germany with you. She's born in 1985, had her first child in July 2019.

1st jab June 22, 2021

2nd jab August 03, 2021

Known that pregnant December 2021

1st Miscarriage February 2022

3rd jab February 21, 2022

Known that pregnant May 2022

2nd Miscarriage June 2022

1st Miscarriage embryo stopped growing week 8ish

2nd Miscarriage embryo stopped growing week 5/6ish

I talked to a friend of mine about this. He said the same thing happened to his buddy's wife, embryo stopped growing at week 6.

Might this be a reason as to why abortion numbers are low?

I sent this to Jessica Rose as well... her response: : "the miscarriages are weird. she was able to conceive, but embryogenesis stopped - just like what would happen if LINE-1 expression levels were either too high or too low."


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First of all I am sorry for your 37 year old friend who is running out of time. It is really unspeakable.

Second, I am very much wondering if anyone tested the embryos for genetic defects (probably not, but it would be very important information).

Third, unfortunately to go deeper in this field, speaking with knowledge about miscarriages and so on, requires a specialist and I am NOT a specialist. I understand how babies are made and can do linear regressions on birth and vaccination rates, but I cannot diagnose miscarriages or analyze them.

Could a miscarriage at 6th week look like delayed menstruation that is unusually heavy?

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Yes, this is what I have started thinking about:

"As many as 50–75% of pregnancies end before getting a positive result on a pregnancy test. Most women will never even know that they were pregnant." - from MedPageToday

I suspect an increase in early miscarriages would not show up in any official data.

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My wife had a miscarriage at 6-7 weeks where the foetus stopped growing. Neither of us vaxxed, but all our close family whom she has frequent contact with are. Some Pfizer, some A-Z. We do have an 18 month old toddler so she is clearly capable of bringing a baby to term. She's 31. Her mother suffered several miscarriages in her 20s also.

So could it be vaccine shedding? The problem on an individual level is there is no way to know and miscarriages are so common anyway. If it is, then how on Earth would one avoid it? 90% of people apparently underwent this gene therapy.

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I'm really sorry about your loss of that baby. When you're in your childbearing years and having children you learn just how many things can go wrong with a pregnancy, even without the vaccines. I had two miscarriages in my forties after having two healthy children and was devastated. Any healthy baby is miraculous it seems.

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It's possible.

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PINNING YOUR COMMENT. Please edit it to add more detail if you have it.

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She's pregnant again, child is due in September. Let's hope for the best...

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Absolutely the best wishes!!!

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Unfortunately no more info, that's all I have. I just got curious because I was told that she had a doctor's appointment last week due to unusual bleeding. Then I asked more and got the info I provided.

I was curious what the doctor said to all this, his response: "fate, age and a high probablility of misaligned chromosomes."

If I get any more info, I'll update.

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I hope she's done with the shots.

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So it is depopulation?.................

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It depends on whether the decline is permanent, but most likely yes

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I know. That was more therapeutic for me than anything.

I guess more of this is going to happen before people wake up? Even if it's just a fraction of what we're seeing, it's still an atrocity.

I'm typing this with the most disgusted look on my face.

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Wake up? If anything my jabbed friends are more committed than they were last year. It's unbelievable, but it doesn't matter who - even Fauci - says the jabs won't prevent infection. And they don't want to even think about any of it any more. They just want to live their lives and when it's time for their next shot, they'll just go and do it.

It's Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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My mom went along with it, but she's done with it. She told me, Take one for the team, when my job mandated it. Could not freaken believe it.

I said I'll live under a bridge. But then started thinking of fun jobs... working with, horses, coast.. dolphin watching, dogs,

Anyway my job relented.

But still stunned by my family. 5 sibs took it.

I always was black sheep

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Also, zoo. Wanted to work with lions... I wanted to take meat away from 3 feeding adult male African lions, tell them there's a new King if the Jungle here, everything will work out fine as long as you realize I have dominion over you. See what happens

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Guess what. You wouldn't be allowed to work in our municipal zoo without the shots. They are trying to protect the animals from covid.

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Cultists never realize they are in a cult. They are in too deep to question now.

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That is exactly how they view me.

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Piss on them

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That was truly a scary movie even in the old days of black and white film. I was really impacted. I think it helped me embrace nonconformity at a young age.

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Nobody I know is waking up

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Reading with distain. It is truly disgusting

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One might argue that the exponential growth curve needs to be tamped down

Ever seen Professor Albert Bartlett?


Utopia Bus Scene hits home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcx-nf3kH_M

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Ya that's what the CovIDIOTS say when I show them data like this


I'm used to responses like that when I confront people with facts and logic

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It's about altering the functionality of the pineal gland.

Consciousness and the vax


Look at the ingredients of comirnaty, for instance, and judge for yourself. I did the analysis (being a molecular biologist), in simple human terms, so anyone can read it. The side effects of this horrendous experiment include a decline in fertility and maturity, so naturlly you will see depopulation and death. The question is, can it be stopped? And can it be repaired? The experiment is just a moneymaking thrill for a few coward psychopaths who dont give a damn about life nor their fellow human beings.

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I am going to write another post looking at miscarriages possibly holding the "missing births". However I just want to point out (again?) that the majority of women of child-bearing age in Germany will not have received a covid vaccination in Germany until June when the eligibility restrictions were dropped - obviously there will have been some women vaccinated in May and and even smaller amount in April. This seems unlikely to have affected births in January unless there is an issue with miscarriages.

How do you explain the near uniform drops in 2022? Why is there seemingly no relationship between the progression in the % of young women vaccinated and the % drops in births?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We have to stay rigourous in our analyses, grasping at any data that might confirm our biases is not helpful.

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If we are seeing a decline in births ~9mos after vax rollout *even though women of childbearing age were not the first group vaxed*-- I'd say that's evidence for shedding.

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Yes, this is old already but why exclude an effect on male fertility?!

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I did not exclude such, it is possible that it is the male fertility that suffered (or both)

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explain, please

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Around May 2021 came the first wave of anecdotal and possibly documented evidence that the vaccinated, when in proximity with unvaccinated women, affect their menstrual cycles at the very least.


So the influence upon women of child-bearing age could go as follows, hypothetically, rising with every stage passed:

1) their parents get the shots, start shedding

2) everyone else gets the shot, they are surrounded by shedding

3) they themselves get the shot

4) they get on the booster ride

And as always, I urge everyone to remember there are four different classes of shots being used around the world:

a) RNA shots -- Moderna, Pfeizer,

b) adenoviral shots -- Astra Zeneca, Janssen, Sputnik

c) peptide subunit shots -- Novavax, Iran, Cuba

d) trad vax shots -- Valneva, China

The shedding and anti-fertility stuff appears to be tied mostly to the RNA shots. But every vaccine likely has specific butches which corelate to specific results. So it's not only each vax, but also each batch which in the end will be tied to clusters of outcomes.

Back in the day minuscule city-state San Marino achieved full vaccination before anyone else by ordering Sputnik from Russia. If they still haven't moved to other types of shots, then San Marino is the perfect case study concerning the vax type (adenoviral vector), vax brand (Sputnik), and vax batch.

The states of the USA are evenly divided into vax mandates (Dem) and no vax mandates (Rep). In their case we have an almost perfect control groups due to almost identical demography, medical systems, and overall infrastructure.

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Okay, but then to explain counterfactuals like France?

Their 2022 births have NOT fallen in 2022 from pre-pandemic levels.

France had a temporally very similar vaccine rollout to Germany achieving even higher uptake in younger cohorts.

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This. I have heard from women who experienced menstrual disruptions *despite being unvaxed*, coinciding with the vaxination of their spouses, other members of their households, or other people they were in close contact with (such as aging parents they were caring for, patients in a clinical setting, or coworkers).

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Looking at Jestre's graphs for British Columbia... am I hallucinating or does it look like four months of below-average birth numbers, and then an even steeper decline in June?

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I look at the graphs and see a pandemic increase in births for 2021 and a larger overall pre-pandemic trend of births decling year-on-year.

I also see a similarity in the magnitude of increases for 2021 with the magnitude of decreases for 2022.

Is it just me?

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I hope that's it.

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That’s what I see…

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Ok, not just me. I wonder what July will look like.

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Mostly peaceful depopulation.

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until people wake up and want retribution for their children that are sick or dead, the grandkids that will never be, with all their parents and siblings gone. The elites are at war with the rest of humanity, and mankind has had about enough of it.

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No one will wake up until their power goes out and they can't charge their phone.

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ooh, good point.

I wonder if they'll still wear their precious little masks then?...........

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Oh please. They already are. My sister to the hairdressers, m y friend to a shop; All vaxxed and boosted. They KNOW something is not right..but still believe masks can save them.

Anyone else notice this?

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Ask them why there are respirators and what the function of a respirator really is and what it does. Real respirators, like this one, not those cheap 3M paper things


The lights will.come on, you just have to nudge them

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Yes. Stupidity.

Sorry I don't have any fancy words. Just STUPID

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And even then. It was disturbing during the Rogers outage in Canada how people weren't reacting. Like at all.

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or get locked out of their bank account!

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guys, we are already awake. if 20% of Americans refused the jab that means we have 50 million Americans under 60 who are unvaxxed. We have 50 million people what are against the current order of things. The problem is that we are unorganized, we have no goal, we have no plan. We have no way to meet up with 5 or 500 people in our own communities. We need the brilliant writers like Chudov, el Gato, Jessica Rose, etc to assist in this; they have the email lists of their subscribers. We need to get organized, get a goal, and get a plan.

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I have been saying this for 6 months. I will help fund it.

I'm very frustrated in that respect

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Don't discount some of us over 60...we can help with $$

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Young people got muscles. Some people voluntary work on offer.

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Couldn’t agree more. A network of cooperatives would be good. A network of skills and veggie cooperatives. Avoid anything traceable like money. Look up dumb phones. A president, secretary, treasurer and directors scheduling committee is a thought. Or just start in our own small way locally.

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Over here in the Netherlands we have a website where one can find (via Telegram) local groups of people who are working together - f.i. growing food, starting schools, alternative healthcare, paying with an alternative currency. (https://www.vamilie.nl/) In case of an emergency you'd have to reach your group on a bicycle or by foot.

The guilty need to be held captive until they pass; their money should be flowing back to the tax payers - that should make up for the loss of our pension funds and the depreciation of our currencies.

We have to make law that pharmaceutical companies are payed for by the taxpayers, thus are working for the taxpayers. The taxpayers being shareholders of the companies are informed and get a vote in what products and services should be developed. Same thing goes for our judicial system, governments. schools, police, etc. Another law should be that ALL companies AND people that make more than a certain amount of money, turn in the rest for the benefit of society.

We can preserve true democracy and freedom through reversing the infiltration by getting involved in local politics, cancel digital voting and shift from national policy to local policy. Meanwhile, we have to keep our heads cool, only buy from locals, pay in cash, stay away from MSM and form a parallel society by finding kindred spirits.

It would be great to have a website available in all languages so we all can share best practices and knowledge.

So yeah, I agree, we do need to get organized! And remember: if we all but wake up one person per day!

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What you have proposed (at least the income confiscation and government control of pharma) is not democracy, but socialism/communism. Though, I do mostly agree with the rest of what you said.

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Agreed! This is me being short of another solution. Please let me know if you can imagine other ways, I'm here to learn.

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I am mentally preparing if my daughter die to break something before I break. So sad. But the grief must move outward and seek vengeance.

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But yet, I've been told on other sites that this is just about $$$$ and power, and has nothing to do with depopulation.

This is just heartbreaking, especially for those people who want a child and now... cannot have one. Potentially ever.

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I posted this on Gato's site a couple of days ago. I think it's true:

"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do" - William Blake

We are going to have to defend ourselves. Get your boots on Friends.

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agree. It just enrages me that this continues.


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kill two birds for the price of one

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many more than that: during the Vietnam war, if we accidently blew up a chicken coop, we paid for many generations of chickens and their eggs, and the next flock, and the next flock, and the next flock. We are not only losing the children that were not born this year, we lose *their* children, grandchildren, gr-grands, etc

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i think there are a whole bunch of people who accept unquestioningly that humans are a cancer on the earth that must be excised to save the planet. lately, in light of the roe vs wade decision, i've seen horrific articles that make child bearing sound like the greatest crime perpetrated on womankind by some malevolent god.

we seem to have entered into a death spiral- everyone lining up to get the shots that mark them as members, women learning that having a child will kill them even though their bodies were made to handle it, boys turning into girls and visa versa having body parts lopped off.

it's a collective insanity.

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It's late empire decline. It's going to end like a million pieces of Humpty-Dumpty on the ground

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That is a two sentence excellent summing up. Well put.

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yep right on ... they cant print the money ... and the power belongs to the voters ... power to the people - vote the bums out! come to think of it, has been awhile since have heard this one ...

maga!! aka operation warp speed ...

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That's what immigration is for. Why do you think the southern border is wide open? People who want a child and can't have one will just have to adopt an illegal alien child. While China may have a legitimate depopulation problem, since it doesn't have any open borders and nobody wants to live there anyways, the US will always be populated. So the US's native born population goes down. No big whippee! Immigration will cover that and then some.

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Thank you. I've been thinking the same thing. Census numbers don't show a decline if you remove the citizenship question (Trump was called racist for wanting it) and truck people in to fill the gap in the population.

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Alex Berenson & eugypius had mostly done a wonderful job exposing the lies in this whole covid spectacle. Unfortunately, both always scoffed at the idea that something much more sinister is going on beyond pharma co making money and politicians abusing power.

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 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


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Boris certainly made his daddy happy

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Very happy indeed!!

People take these public statements lightly because they don't understand the esoteric context behind them...

Stanley Johnson, Kissinger, Blinken, Kill Gates, etc.... are only messengers. They're repeating exactly what their Freemasonic lodges are planning but the normal guy doesn't get it....

Example: The 2019 plandemic didn't start in 2019. It started with Memorandum NSSM-200 (Kissinger Report 1974) that called for the depopulation of 13 countries. The WWF (Prince Philip of UK) carried out the agenda through international forums and in 1992 (Rio de Janeiro) Agenda 21 was drafted. It then became Agenda 2030 and today we're at ~ phase 6/10.

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Don't forget the "tetanus vaccines" for African women of child bearing age...

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I drempt of mass depopulation, years ago, when I was a child. I saw it occur & it has haunted me my entire life. Hard to believe it was more than a dream.

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I had a dream years ago that I saw the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse coming out of the sky, one by one, and flying by me just overhead. No one else around me noticed them. Unforgettable, as you say.

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But personally Boris did not make daddy happy. Er, seven children, maybe eight, not finished yet.

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Exaclty. Look at the stuff that Kissinger has said over the last 60 years. They're saying it out loud.

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Memorandum NSSM-200 (Kissinger Report 1974) - How to control natural resources?

Reduce the population of 13 countries.

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Nostradamus - I have to admit, I was asleep at the wheel until 2.5 years ago.

Thanks for all your hard work man!

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Glad you see. It’s a scary lonely process sometimes

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they must feel very sure of themselves to no longer be hiding their shameful acts and attitudes

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See, I think they're panicking. But they'll go to all lengths to cover this up.

I'm just a redneck, but my gut tells me the variant specific vaccines ARE the cover-up...literally covering the coffin's

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Never apologize for coming from hardworking rural folk and farmers, that describes most of my ancestors. There is nothing they can do to hide the tsunami of death that is coming. They can try to hide. We will hunt them down.

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AJ You said it better than me. Are you on Catholic news magazine... I'm sede troublemaker over there

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because not enough people fell for it before the truth came out. And now we will never comply. There are enough of us.

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Rednecks will save this country.

I'm hooking up with Bubba and his friends at some feed store 90 m outside Austin.150 m

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Rednecks haven’t been brainwashed and institutionalised.✌️

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Damn straight

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"They" prepared a legal foundation to give anyone involved with following the narrative immunity - and immunity from ignoring the Nuremburg codes. Of course, that will only protect them if their numbers and power remain greater than those who have been damaged by the last 2.5 years. So far, I don't see they have much to worry about.

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And who is damaged? I've been damaged, and I never took it. Psychologically, horribly. I will have my justice...Rob Roy

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Ryan, so nobody is "just a redness ". You're patriots, lots of savvy. You're second smartest dude on substack.

Btw, my goal... to fight and be very aggressive if UN troops enter Texas.

Death before dishonor, death before DEATHVAX OR DEATHCAMP. On battle

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Amen. I'm gonna have to work harder to take YOU over as the smartest person on the stacks'!...;]

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They have said it over and over.

Too stunning for people to pay attention to

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Kissinger is from the school of realpolitik. Once you get that, what he says isn't all that surprising. There's no room for empathy or feelings or morals in the game of power. Machiavelli's the 'end justifies the means' prevails in most cases. Get the result.

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"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible."

- Frank Herbert. Dune

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“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests”

― Henry Kissinger

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“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”

— Henry Kissinger

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Yes. I remember that quote and always stayed with me.

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Some might suggest endless population growth on a finite planet will lead to ... problems...

Of course Elon will fly us all to Mars... a virgin planet that is laden with rich soil, water, oceans of fish and clean air -- just ready for exploitation

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Except we were already in a baby bust pre COVID.

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You're pretty excited at the thought of billions dying and opening lots of real estate for people like you.

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Yes - I've already scouted out a couple of nice places with great views of the mountains - this is my pick:


Then I'll be off to the airport to claim a private jet.

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Enjoy clinging to your can of tuna fish.