Igor, please use your mathematical genius to calculate the odds that Gates would bet $55 million on an unknown jab maker with nothing but failures in its portfolio just one month prior to an event 201 and three months prior to a totally unexpected global pandemic.
He had to know because he and his cronies in crime created it. He'd been working with Fraudchi for 2 decades (according to Dr. David Martin), he created GAVI, pretty much owns the WHO and the countries beholden to them. When a billionaire, powerful (it's amazes me how this weasel is so powerful), clearly telepathic [I'm amazed, too, that he's able to predict pandemics (especially when there's never been one in over 100 years - don't get me started on the "Spanish Flu") - fascinating!], by definition, a literal psychopath, preaches at a Ted Talk that the way to reduce population is through vaccination (I still can't get my head around how blatant he was/is about it - shows you how heartless he is) and then you read what you've uncovered, Igor, I think it's pretty clear.
I think it’s clear now that Event 201 was a dress rehearsal because the virus had already been released and the participants knew it. There’s plenty of evidence that the virus was circulating in western countries in Q4 2019. The same thing happened last year with Monkeypox. These people are so arrogant that they leave clues to their reckless behaviour.
the virus was a cold. The virus was the seasonal flu. The deaths were purposeful to stoke the fear. Hospitals killed people. There was no pandemic, it was all manufactured, a lie. This was a giant psy-op, nothing more. A dry run to test the will of the sheep. All the "conspiracies" about the NWO have never looked more clear. This was planned, and executed almost to perfection. There will be some patsies that take the fall, a diversion, until whatever the next phase of this psy-op is.
It's odd, i've heard of that nobody died at home. All seemed to have died in hospitals and care facilities. My wifes 100 year old grandfather survived supoosed covid, no hospital. Meanwhile a 60 something man i knew went to the hospital and wound up dead. Another 40 something friend, pretty healthy guy, went to hospital, they tried to kill him, instead he was poisoned and now needs 2 hip replacements. All you needed was to stay home and get over whatever this cold was. Death would have found the usual suspects, old and unhealthy, just like ummm the flu. It was all a scam, and our chicken shit citizenry panicked and bought it hook line and sinker. Now the real chicken shits are dying off as they continue to jab more poison into there veins.
I wouldn't call them chicken shit, it's deeper than that, they are hypnotised... But yeah stay home, take Vitamin D and zinc, get out in the sun. If your food has more than three ingredients don't eat it. That's how to survive the BS.
I'm still waiting to hear of a single politician anywhere who has "died suddenly". Yes - the U.K's Johnson supposedly was at deaths door but recovered; Trump? who knows; couple of US politicians had strokes presumably vax related; athlete deaths are well up on prior years; but the excess deaths do not seem to be affecting the political classes or the elites.
This is exactly like I saw thing happen too. Don't know anyone personally died of covid. Do know lots of persons with 'long covid'. Every vaxx gave them a bit extra long covid and less health. I saw it happening. And I see it happening and they are very sure I am the idiot on this
Do you think that people were frightened into thinking that they couldn't breathe? I had understood that that was the proximate reason for going to hospital in spring '20.
If one tested positive for Covid, they withheld antibiotics. Decades of protocol was changed. Many died from bacterial infection due to withheld antibiotics and no third party (family, friends) to watch what hospitals were doing. Satanic.
There have always been deaths related to the flu. They fearmongered on the innocent and uninformed. Also played on gov and pharma's greed to implament the culling of chimerica.
It’s not just arrogance--it’s also predictive programming, the notion that evil won’t boomerang on those who unleash it as long as they announce their intentions beforehand.
Yes, and they’ve already held their next practice session last October. They are coming for your kids in 2025 with ‘SEERS’. They haven’t yet killed enough of them this round.
With Gates announcing the next plandemic, isn’t that signaling his criminal intent to kill more?
Pay attention to the WEF tabletop exercises. One of the more recent is "cyber polygon" which gamed out a "digital pandemic."
Can businesses operate without the internet, or if their computers get infected by "a bug?" Can YOU survive if you can't make credit card transactions for a limited period of time?
Yes well they have to tell us,....just like the document in a museum in England I think that was made in the 1800s and tell of the coming world wars. The thing I don’t understand is how it is “told to us” when most peoples can’t watch or hear or look or ask or know it in any form.....that’s not letting the people know.
And I am waiting to hear that the 'virus' was circulating--if in only a very few places, like near Merck facility---as Merck, acc. to their website, had been working on a vax but dropped the project [which makes me wonder if they were bought off] , in April '19.
But it's even worse than that! Don't forget Murderna - another jab maker with no previous market success. How much did Kill Billy Gates make our of that one? The man is a complete and utter monster! How is he still free?
The push to feed us insects may be part of the transhumanism goals. Ecdysterone in insects is used to promote gene transfection in research animals.
Theory of Adrian Ogynu.
Addition - more info/allegations per German physician Dorothea Thul. States that it is gene modified bugs, designed to cause infertility in the people eating it. Warning video she says share - Eu is putting this in flour products. https://t.me/deNutrientsChat/31709 Gluten Free sounding good right now.
The Deep State Swamp would LOVE it if we "go all 1776". Then it would give them the excuse they want for Martial Law, a U.N. invasion (complete with Communist Chinese troops), gun confiscation, and mass extermination.
I wonder if, for example our European (countries) elections, when we imagine/ take as a fact they would not have been stolen or sabotaged, our governments are less corrupt? Because our governments are exactly as worse as yours is what I can see. It is an exact copy of yours. If I want to now what is going to happen in my country? I look at New York. I know that is a city and not a country, but it looks to me like the place where all globally forced measures are being introduced. No idea why there, but I do know it is strategically choosen.
And after New York, the Netherlands are next...
What I do want to say is: ARE there any democratic governments left at all? Or are they only still existing in our brains??
And..do you maybe also know anything about where Canada is listed in this totalitarian horror script? I thought the poor canadians were also used for the 'try-outs' of measures nobody should want or need? It is pretty bad up there...
And is California also being abused that serverly? Poor people over there! New York is getting all the attention I am afraid, of the little amounts of people who see what is going on...
Canada has executed 10,000 people in its "humanitarian" right-to-die program. They'll help you kill yourself if you're homeless and feeling depressed about it. They're terribly nice people.
This is...like..hell or worse! Has it stopped now, or can I stilll go to Canada when I am depressed for a dying advice holiday, and when still possible, is it for free or payed by my 'health'insurrance?
Out of the US, UK, Canada, NZ and AU, the only place that still has extensive fire@arms in the hands of the citizens is the US. My quick look says Canada has 4 million out there, and those in the US purchased 40 millions guns in 2020 alone. Supposedly 120 guns for every 100 citizens in the US.
And I don't mean to be rude or anything.. but... eh.. GERMANY? To be again the first one to support terror horror again...and not even one single german person said: 'let we just pass on one other black page in our too black German history...PLEASE?'
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was an American Jew and an historian of the very highest caliber.
If you don't see it you have not been looking. There is SO MUCH out there it should be easy to find. Try Eugyppius substack for some of what's going on in Germany. On this side, Americans know that California is a hell-hole and are leaving the state en mass. It's up to you to start your own journey of enlightenment.
I read a lot, and learn a very lot everyday, but I now certainly am going to add Eugyppius to my everyday remain-up-to-date list now as well! Thank you for that!
All people I know still think I became a complete conspiracy idiot or something. That everything I read is not true and that I knew better or should know better.
I think that this unconsciously holding me back on learning even more sometimes, especially on this topic, because it drives me away from the people around me. And I already do feel lonelier every day now. I don't know of anyone in my environment to talk about this kinds of things or is interested in it at all. And I can not do anything about it. Nothing. And this fact, on its turn, frightens me more then I can bear
Go to BrownstoneInstitute.Org. Start at the beginning there for reference. We were all questioning at that time. We certainly have a lot of the answers now, but not enough. Go to ICIC.Law on Rumble and start anywhere. Go to Corona committee in GETTR. Every Friday at 9 AM EST they provide to the public doctors and lawyers and others who want someone to document their experiences. This goes on for hours each Friday, and from all over the world.
I’m glad you are seeking answers. Information truly is everywhere but main stream media. They have suppressed, as well as our doctors, their Boards and the 3 letter agencies. Epoch Times has been another good source of up to date real time info, Real Americas Voice. Last three, you can get on the APP STORE.
no different then a drug cartel. They use the clueless MD's as the pusherman. The beuracratic state are there muscle. They are the same as el chapo, pablo escobar. They have killed far more then either of those men, and will continue to do so, all 100% legal.
And why aren't we stopping the actions of the drug cartels? My guess is that politicians are getting paid off. So there is no reason to stop the cartels, just like there is no reason to stop the pharma cartel.
It always seemed to me like all of them are guilty but J and J was included to be the fall guy. Gates did a direct deal with the governments so they could keep the money and a large portion of the Pfizer profits clearly went into lobbyists and lobbying because in the media they always received the least criticism. If anything, it seems like Moderna had the most dangerous jabs followed by Pfizer and J and J came last, but only J and J has been discontinued. We also have the most limited data on them and there almost never side by side comparisons between the three, which drives me a bit batty.
That’s what GAVI is leaking to NYT, but we don’t know if that’s entirely true or what are the financial issues with Moderna (Pfizer was obviously going to get away with it no matter what) because there is a conflict of interest. Gates would be obviously incentivized to have GAVI badmouth J and J to draw emphasis away from what Pfizer and Moderna are doing. They are the convenient fall guy once again. I’m not saying they aren’t culpable, I’m just saying this looks like a Gate’s spin job.
J&J also used different tech. mRNA is the future don’t you know! So they couldn’t have a successful (or perhaps less deadly) vaccine that might knock out Pfizer and Moderna. Especially after Billy boy invested so heavily.
Very interesting that a study out of Denmark I believe showed a clear all cause mortality BENEFIT from the J&J cohort. So of course it was slandered and cancelled. Meanwhile the mRNA miracles showed a clear mortality DEFICIT. But please remember, this is all just wonderful people doing their best to keep us all “safe”. I have a bit of vomit in my mouth right now because I know so many who STILL believe that tripe.
Kinda ironic, because Ticketmaster banned me from a bunch of venues due to being unvaxxed. I hope they go bankrupt and all of the vaxx pushing pop stars go THUD!!
Maybe that would spur a real investgation. Naaaahhhhh.
I can't believe anyone would call for investigations to come from the criminal syndicate itself. What are you thinking! Do you know about the birth certificate fraud? The "strawman"? Here are two to get you started. Everyone needs to know this: https://rumble.com/v201i6u-strawman.html
Apparently the corporate farmers are adding the shot into beef and other live stock. The part of the mRNA technology that is dangerous is graphine hydroxide and that's the real problem.
September 6, 2019—now if that isn't a smoking gun, I don't know what is. Good find, Igor 👏
Igor, please use your mathematical genius to calculate the odds that Gates would bet $55 million on an unknown jab maker with nothing but failures in its portfolio just one month prior to an event 201 and three months prior to a totally unexpected global pandemic.
Gates definitely knew!
He had to know because he and his cronies in crime created it. He'd been working with Fraudchi for 2 decades (according to Dr. David Martin), he created GAVI, pretty much owns the WHO and the countries beholden to them. When a billionaire, powerful (it's amazes me how this weasel is so powerful), clearly telepathic [I'm amazed, too, that he's able to predict pandemics (especially when there's never been one in over 100 years - don't get me started on the "Spanish Flu") - fascinating!], by definition, a literal psychopath, preaches at a Ted Talk that the way to reduce population is through vaccination (I still can't get my head around how blatant he was/is about it - shows you how heartless he is) and then you read what you've uncovered, Igor, I think it's pretty clear.
Get lost troll.
This is space for thinkers...not grifters.
You betcha...he's always rattling on about the next pandemic he will sponsor.
Yeah he doesn’t hide it at all,......the next one for children in 2025 ....”...will be a lot more noticeable” said gaits .
They are already telegraphing the next plandemic:
He’s evil
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ jerk / spy alert below … Igor over the target …
So true.
I think it’s clear now that Event 201 was a dress rehearsal because the virus had already been released and the participants knew it. There’s plenty of evidence that the virus was circulating in western countries in Q4 2019. The same thing happened last year with Monkeypox. These people are so arrogant that they leave clues to their reckless behaviour.
the virus was a cold. The virus was the seasonal flu. The deaths were purposeful to stoke the fear. Hospitals killed people. There was no pandemic, it was all manufactured, a lie. This was a giant psy-op, nothing more. A dry run to test the will of the sheep. All the "conspiracies" about the NWO have never looked more clear. This was planned, and executed almost to perfection. There will be some patsies that take the fall, a diversion, until whatever the next phase of this psy-op is.
Yupp, it was a cold only dangerous to the very frail, and even then with HCQ at an early stage very few would have succumbed.
It's odd, i've heard of that nobody died at home. All seemed to have died in hospitals and care facilities. My wifes 100 year old grandfather survived supoosed covid, no hospital. Meanwhile a 60 something man i knew went to the hospital and wound up dead. Another 40 something friend, pretty healthy guy, went to hospital, they tried to kill him, instead he was poisoned and now needs 2 hip replacements. All you needed was to stay home and get over whatever this cold was. Death would have found the usual suspects, old and unhealthy, just like ummm the flu. It was all a scam, and our chicken shit citizenry panicked and bought it hook line and sinker. Now the real chicken shits are dying off as they continue to jab more poison into there veins.
I wouldn't call them chicken shit, it's deeper than that, they are hypnotised... But yeah stay home, take Vitamin D and zinc, get out in the sun. If your food has more than three ingredients don't eat it. That's how to survive the BS.
I'm still waiting to hear of a single politician anywhere who has "died suddenly". Yes - the U.K's Johnson supposedly was at deaths door but recovered; Trump? who knows; couple of US politicians had strokes presumably vax related; athlete deaths are well up on prior years; but the excess deaths do not seem to be affecting the political classes or the elites.
Going to the hospital was a definite death sentence. Denial of early treatment definitely led to the death of a relative.
This is exactly like I saw thing happen too. Don't know anyone personally died of covid. Do know lots of persons with 'long covid'. Every vaxx gave them a bit extra long covid and less health. I saw it happening. And I see it happening and they are very sure I am the idiot on this
Do you think that people were frightened into thinking that they couldn't breathe? I had understood that that was the proximate reason for going to hospital in spring '20.
A substantial portion of our population has no concept of what being a citizen entails. Most are, at best, only capable of being subjects.
Jim, can you give us a little more detail about the hip replacements. I'm going to have my second hip replacement in one year. Just curious 🤔!
If one tested positive for Covid, they withheld antibiotics. Decades of protocol was changed. Many died from bacterial infection due to withheld antibiotics and no third party (family, friends) to watch what hospitals were doing. Satanic.
There have always been deaths related to the flu. They fearmongered on the innocent and uninformed. Also played on gov and pharma's greed to implament the culling of chimerica.
The fear virus to drive people to Remdesivirus, the vents and the jabs.
And the sheep fell for it.
Well said. Haven't heard of any other possible credible explanation either btw
Monkeypox, I followed that back to Nigeria when it went P2P for the first time in 2018. It was Gates.
It’s not just arrogance--it’s also predictive programming, the notion that evil won’t boomerang on those who unleash it as long as they announce their intentions beforehand.
Yes, and they’ve already held their next practice session last October. They are coming for your kids in 2025 with ‘SEERS’. They haven’t yet killed enough of them this round.
With Gates announcing the next plandemic, isn’t that signaling his criminal intent to kill more?
What’s a SEER?
Pay attention to the WEF tabletop exercises. One of the more recent is "cyber polygon" which gamed out a "digital pandemic."
Can businesses operate without the internet, or if their computers get infected by "a bug?" Can YOU survive if you can't make credit card transactions for a limited period of time?
Use $$$$ frequently. It thwarts their plans.
Yes well they have to tell us,....just like the document in a museum in England I think that was made in the 1800s and tell of the coming world wars. The thing I don’t understand is how it is “told to us” when most peoples can’t watch or hear or look or ask or know it in any form.....that’s not letting the people know.
And I am waiting to hear that the 'virus' was circulating--if in only a very few places, like near Merck facility---as Merck, acc. to their website, had been working on a vax but dropped the project [which makes me wonder if they were bought off] , in April '19.
Sorry --I meant circulating in April '19. Don't remember when Merck dropped efforts.
Also, please calculate the odds that the world's biggest proponent of depopulation would fund a jab that would lead to... depopulation.
And then, just for fun, look up Deagle 2025 to see how the culling plays out.
But it's even worse than that! Don't forget Murderna - another jab maker with no previous market success. How much did Kill Billy Gates make our of that one? The man is a complete and utter monster! How is he still free?
Wot? Are you saying his Moobs aren't even real?
Or has he been enhancing a younger girlfriend?
Jeez, that was funny 😁 😂 😀 lmao
'Bi*c* Tits Bill'
Reminds me of Robert Paulson (aka 'Bi*c* Tits Bob') in the movie "Fight Club" (played by Meatloaf)
Touché! (good hit!)
The push to feed us insects may be part of the transhumanism goals. Ecdysterone in insects is used to promote gene transfection in research animals.
Theory of Adrian Ogynu.
Addition - more info/allegations per German physician Dorothea Thul. States that it is gene modified bugs, designed to cause infertility in the people eating it. Warning video she says share - Eu is putting this in flour products. https://t.me/deNutrientsChat/31709 Gluten Free sounding good right now.
This is Adrian's Telegram channel - he has more there - my mom needs me, gotta go. https://t.me/ZOMBIEcovid/1740
Here is one with graphics, more info. https://t.me/ZOMBIEcovid/1710
So many smoking guns it's hard to see clearly through the smog.
The fog of war....
We don't need to be in this abusive relationship anymore with the people corrupting our systems.
Let's demand better, fearlessly, together.
Let's make plans. Let's unite.
Me neither!
And now they are already telegraphing the next plandemic:
If this doesn’t cause us to go all 1776, there is nothing left of us. We are gutless pansies.
1776? I want France 1790's.
Likes for “gutless pansies”! And the overall sentiment.
I agree.
The Deep State Swamp would LOVE it if we "go all 1776". Then it would give them the excuse they want for Martial Law, a U.N. invasion (complete with Communist Chinese troops), gun confiscation, and mass extermination.
If there were any pressures in this direction, it would start with the disordered and the terminally ill.
I wonder if, for example our European (countries) elections, when we imagine/ take as a fact they would not have been stolen or sabotaged, our governments are less corrupt? Because our governments are exactly as worse as yours is what I can see. It is an exact copy of yours. If I want to now what is going to happen in my country? I look at New York. I know that is a city and not a country, but it looks to me like the place where all globally forced measures are being introduced. No idea why there, but I do know it is strategically choosen.
And after New York, the Netherlands are next...
What I do want to say is: ARE there any democratic governments left at all? Or are they only still existing in our brains??
New York and California are the front lines in America. In Europe it's London and Germany.
And..do you maybe also know anything about where Canada is listed in this totalitarian horror script? I thought the poor canadians were also used for the 'try-outs' of measures nobody should want or need? It is pretty bad up there...
And is California also being abused that serverly? Poor people over there! New York is getting all the attention I am afraid, of the little amounts of people who see what is going on...
Canada has executed 10,000 people in its "humanitarian" right-to-die program. They'll help you kill yourself if you're homeless and feeling depressed about it. They're terribly nice people.
..eh.....that would be/mean genocide?! Why???
This is...like..hell or worse! Has it stopped now, or can I stilll go to Canada when I am depressed for a dying advice holiday, and when still possible, is it for free or payed by my 'health'insurrance?
Out of the US, UK, Canada, NZ and AU, the only place that still has extensive fire@arms in the hands of the citizens is the US. My quick look says Canada has 4 million out there, and those in the US purchased 40 millions guns in 2020 alone. Supposedly 120 guns for every 100 citizens in the US.
Just another random point.
Pure evil.
What are the gun laws in those states and those countries?
My bet is that they're... "restrictive."
Just making a random point.
And I don't mean to be rude or anything.. but... eh.. GERMANY? To be again the first one to support terror horror again...and not even one single german person said: 'let we just pass on one other black page in our too black German history...PLEASE?'
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was an American Jew and an historian of the very highest caliber.
We can't expect anything from the German people, theyve allowed themselves to be slandered and emasculated for over 70 years.
With us in between so maybe that is colouring my view...thank you very much...
Do have a link maybe?
If you don't see it you have not been looking. There is SO MUCH out there it should be easy to find. Try Eugyppius substack for some of what's going on in Germany. On this side, Americans know that California is a hell-hole and are leaving the state en mass. It's up to you to start your own journey of enlightenment.
And Newsom has decided that a 'wealth tax' on the leavers would be a good idea. After all, USA does that if you emigrate.
I read a lot, and learn a very lot everyday, but I now certainly am going to add Eugyppius to my everyday remain-up-to-date list now as well! Thank you for that!
All people I know still think I became a complete conspiracy idiot or something. That everything I read is not true and that I knew better or should know better.
I think that this unconsciously holding me back on learning even more sometimes, especially on this topic, because it drives me away from the people around me. And I already do feel lonelier every day now. I don't know of anyone in my environment to talk about this kinds of things or is interested in it at all. And I can not do anything about it. Nothing. And this fact, on its turn, frightens me more then I can bear
reason it is now bothering my every-day-life
Go to BrownstoneInstitute.Org. Start at the beginning there for reference. We were all questioning at that time. We certainly have a lot of the answers now, but not enough. Go to ICIC.Law on Rumble and start anywhere. Go to Corona committee in GETTR. Every Friday at 9 AM EST they provide to the public doctors and lawyers and others who want someone to document their experiences. This goes on for hours each Friday, and from all over the world.
I’m glad you are seeking answers. Information truly is everywhere but main stream media. They have suppressed, as well as our doctors, their Boards and the 3 letter agencies. Epoch Times has been another good source of up to date real time info, Real Americas Voice. Last three, you can get on the APP STORE.
This for MiG! Mig, how did you awaken - if I am reading you correctly?
"If I'd lived in Roman times, I'd have lived in Rome. Where else? Today America is the Roman Empire and New York is Rome itself."
-John Lennon
Not exactly, Rome had better built roads.
And we’ll be in jail
Right in line with A Midwestern Doctor this week: pharmaceutical companies are criminal syndicates that not even governments dare to dismantle.
no different then a drug cartel. They use the clueless MD's as the pusherman. The beuracratic state are there muscle. They are the same as el chapo, pablo escobar. They have killed far more then either of those men, and will continue to do so, all 100% legal.
And why aren't we stopping the actions of the drug cartels? My guess is that politicians are getting paid off. So there is no reason to stop the cartels, just like there is no reason to stop the pharma cartel.
It always seemed to me like all of them are guilty but J and J was included to be the fall guy. Gates did a direct deal with the governments so they could keep the money and a large portion of the Pfizer profits clearly went into lobbyists and lobbying because in the media they always received the least criticism. If anything, it seems like Moderna had the most dangerous jabs followed by Pfizer and J and J came last, but only J and J has been discontinued. We also have the most limited data on them and there almost never side by side comparisons between the three, which drives me a bit batty.
J&J definitely was the "fall guy"
Still wants the money though, even though its vaccine was discontinued
That’s what GAVI is leaking to NYT, but we don’t know if that’s entirely true or what are the financial issues with Moderna (Pfizer was obviously going to get away with it no matter what) because there is a conflict of interest. Gates would be obviously incentivized to have GAVI badmouth J and J to draw emphasis away from what Pfizer and Moderna are doing. They are the convenient fall guy once again. I’m not saying they aren’t culpable, I’m just saying this looks like a Gate’s spin job.
J&J did not have a "platform" technology that would allow for a surfeit of culling.
"Can't cull ain't cutting it for the guvment"
That's a bingo!
J&J also used different tech. mRNA is the future don’t you know! So they couldn’t have a successful (or perhaps less deadly) vaccine that might knock out Pfizer and Moderna. Especially after Billy boy invested so heavily.
My husband's theory is the mRNA is the new stem cell.
Supposed to cure everything under the sun. It's a miracle!
In reality... not so much.
Very interesting that a study out of Denmark I believe showed a clear all cause mortality BENEFIT from the J&J cohort. So of course it was slandered and cancelled. Meanwhile the mRNA miracles showed a clear mortality DEFICIT. But please remember, this is all just wonderful people doing their best to keep us all “safe”. I have a bit of vomit in my mouth right now because I know so many who STILL believe that tripe.
Over what time interval?
I can’t recall. The interview may have been on “Unheard” in YouTube but I could be wrong
Come on, Chiadrum! You must never question 'the most sacred miracle elixir.'
Correct. Anything labeled vaccine = flawless.
Isn't J & J Trump's favourite? With The CEO that has a Ukrainian connection...
A lot batty Charlotte;-) couldn't agree more!
J&J must have left one of there bags at the airport, or didnt give it to the right capo. They got cut out, blackballed.
The bag was stolen by Xiden's transsexual pup. It's all interconnected donchaknow.
"Will there be any real investigations?"
The US Senate is busy on the Ticketmaster case:
Kinda ironic, because Ticketmaster banned me from a bunch of venues due to being unvaxxed. I hope they go bankrupt and all of the vaxx pushing pop stars go THUD!!
Maybe that would spur a real investgation. Naaaahhhhh.
You should be thankful you don’t have to worry about all those jabbed people around you. Screw that!
I have concert tickets and I’m not going (small venue).
I can't believe anyone would call for investigations to come from the criminal syndicate itself. What are you thinking! Do you know about the birth certificate fraud? The "strawman"? Here are two to get you started. Everyone needs to know this: https://rumble.com/v201i6u-strawman.html
I was waiting for someone to cover this. Figured Berenson would immediately pounce, if not Eugyppius (time zone withstanding).
This article is ... glorious
Would be worth it if several people could comment on it, the NYT article is a gold mine
It's organized crime for the "greater good"!
Don't worry your government will "fix" everything up.
To their standards of course! And those are so good! Only not exactly to us, but, hey, small detaill right?
Recent NYT & MSM activities are limited hangouts. The all need justice.
Igor, do you know that during the VRBAC meeting last week one of the FDA members said that they are still intent on vaccinating the unvaccinated?
I wonder how they plan to accomplish that.
Honestly at this point in the pandemic, they are fools lost in space
They have been from the beginning..
mRNA in the food and water supply. They are all cowards they choose the sneaky way.
but... but the mRNA is not-so-stable, looks unrealistic to me
Apparently the corporate farmers are adding the shot into beef and other live stock. The part of the mRNA technology that is dangerous is graphine hydroxide and that's the real problem.