The idea that Omicron is mild, but produces harmful unseen, undetected effects later, reminds me of streptococcus. Strep throat and scarlet fever can appear to go away, but it can move to the heart when you feel "recovered" and cause rheumatic fever. You won't even know it's happening. (FYI, always treat strep throat with antibiotics.)
Also, I want to point out that fertility is very fragile, and can be affected by very small changes in hormones, including thyroid and sex hormones, Male fertility is also fragile. Many diseases affect both male and female fertility.
The same with HIV/AIDS. Over time these viruses down regulate the immune system, very troubling. Who spliced in the the sequence from HIV? Why is no one asking that question!
The decline of testosterone levels in western males has long been a concern. Twitter and some video sites include a remarkable number of androgynous males acting as girlish models. Seems rather odd to me but apparently popular.
Personal note, my 3xVx'd husband does not appear to have reduction in testosterone.
I have not and will not take the shots. No "shedding" from him.
I experienced original strain in June 2020 (loss of taste/smell for 6 days, no other symptoms), no long term issues except positive tcell test Dec 2021. I am 61yoF, very healthy, low body weight, runner/resistance training, limited processed foods and moderate wine, nonsmoker/drugs. This summer, I thought I had Delta. Did not test. Symptoms: mild sore throat, sinus pain and teeth ached (not toothache).
I perform nasal cleanse daily after being out with others. Take vitamins, etc. I have no worry about dying. It happens.
Sounds like you got infected and recovered, your future risk is lower. Your husband may have been infected as well. But his higher hormones were countered by better overall health.
I tested PCR positive in June 2020. I also tested positive for antibodies every 6 -8 weeks when I donated blood. American Red Cross gave free antibody tests to donors through June 2021.
This is true. Male fish are becoming girly-boys, particularly in lakes or rivers in times of low rainfall or low flow when birth control bills and HRT in the urine, estrogens and progesterone, accumulate in the water and affect fish. So far, ther are no methods of removing these hormones from water.
Raising equity capital for environmental-related technologies is a major challenge. Interest in environmental technology has blown hot and cold over the years. The harmful compounds in the wastewater get concentrated in the sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants. My system destroys all the organics in the sludge and profitably generates electricity from it. A German national lab successfully demonstrated the design. These days, investors all seem to be looking for the next Facebook. ;)
The BC hormones end up in the sludge byproduct of wastewater treatment plants. Most sludge is then spread over the land surface somewhere. From there, by action of the rain, it leaches down into the groundwater. And from there, we drink it.
I've heard those hormones don't get removed in water treatment but I think the issue relates to plastic packaging. Environmental hazards haven't been studied as much as they should.
Plastics leach into food and can disrupt T-levels. Microwaving food in plastic containers can do this. Cola is highly corrosive and aluminum cans are lined with plastic. I'm not sure how inert that plastic is.
this part "The idea that Omicron is mild, but produces harmful unseen, undetected effects later" sounds like a possible future government line to explain heavy exxesss deaths recorded after mass the case of strep, id assume rheumatic fever accompanying the strep throat would be a hint that it might affect cardiac functions, but even then you gotta be susceptible to it on many levels. as for fertility, you are correct that small in any of sex hormones can affect fertility, but that would only happen if the small change was chronic and sustained for many months. and be strong enough to override hpta access self regulation. no idea on female fertility, but the assumption is that they would be even more so affected than males since menstruations cycle is involved.
Do any of you remember the photos early in the pandemic of massive warehouses filled to overflowing with coffins or body bags?? I saved photos and articles but then my phone died and I lost everything. I wonder if they've now been scrubbed from the web?
I urge everyone to look at that video of Bill & Melinda Gates talking about vaccines in, IIRC, 2019 or maybe a year or two before. They are sat side by side. It is only the last few minutes you need to watch. They say something about people not being able to ignore the next outbreak or pandemic - I forget the exact words - but it is their behaviour that is most telling to me.
They turn and look at one another, give a sort of laugh in that knowing way that smug couples who believe that they are much smarter than everyone else in the room - and who think that no one can even see what they are doing - do.
When I first saw that segment it sent a chill through my body.
I watched that too and felt exactly the same - the look of "full-of-themselves" conspirators exchanging complicit glances in front of an audience of complete morons. And I think Melinda is much more devious than Bill (exactly the same as I feel about Hillary Clinton)
Reminded me of an episode of NCIS where a husband is suspected of being a serial killer. The wife is considered to be an innocent victim because society thinks that women and mothers can't be mass murderers. Right at the end of the episode the twist is that the wife is equally a serial killer. They were murdering as a couple.
Impressive! RedHat or Slackware? Torvalds was heroic since before him, the Open-Source OS scene on PC was *desolate*. Labs like ours had to budget for botique workstations for a decent *BSD or Unix. Or NeXTStep.
I have a Fedora installation on the other computer because Mac stopped updating. Have tried Ubuntu but too close to Mac or Windows for my liking and widely believed to have the same trust issues. Have also installed a few other Linuxes in the past, including a server or two, but not operating currently.
I enjoy a bit of speculation if it has foundations in reality, so great article! Have to say that once I was convinced that the original virus came from a lab, I was equally convinced that more would follow. Even if you assume the first one was released by accident (which I am willing to), it opened so many possibilities for so many powerful people/governments that there was no way it would stay with just the one.
Thanks. We do not know any of this for certain, so we need to stay open minded and seek evidence. Maybe we can crowd source some evidence for or against a particular hypothesis.
I absolutely agree. I am concerned that the apparent lack of appetite for aggressively probing the possibility of lab leaks (and in fact the suppression of those who try) will enable bad actors in the future. What they've learned here is that governments care more about "containing" viruses with measures that punish their citizenry than about investigating the sources of such viruses (and holding accountable those responsible either for manipulating them or not being forthcoming about the presence and virulence thereof).
When you fire upon or move towards an enemy position, he reacts. By reading that reaction you can learn how his train of thought and chain of logistics function.
You can then confidently launch your real offensive.
This can of course be combined with other offensives.
The end game is either to wreck your opposition to such degree that they no longer can pose a credible threat, or to subjugate and occupy his territory, or to exterminate him. These can obviously be combined.
This can also be labeled competitive, domination, or existential threat. The EU and the US are competitive opponents. The US and Russia are domination oriented enemies. China and the islamic ME are existential threats to the US and the West. However, the opposite doesn't have to be true. Europe is no threat to Russia, MENA or China, not in any way. The US is (or was up until your last election) a domination threat to China, and according to the russian mindset the US is an existential threat to Russia as a sovereign nationstate.
It's as it always is: look to the ancients for the right questions. Who benfits? (Not Pfizer's profits, that's lika analysing a war from the soldier's paycheck.) Whose influence grows from Covid-mania? In what way are our societies weakend? Are they being remodelled based on something new or different?
Remember: the goal of the game is not to win, but to dominate and steer the game your way.
I think it’s possible that it’s not country vs country but certain elites within countries colluding for the same goal. The obvious explanation is the demographic imbalance considering the debt situation. Look what China has been doing, imploding their debt bubble. We already have no idea how many people even died in China in the first wave. They have many more older people than can be paid for, same goes in Europe. Look at the energy situation in Europe, they deliberately self-immolated their economies & energy needs through malinvestment I think to just kill off as many retirees as possible. Then add in the shot, with more variants. Look at the past decade as well, the US foments a war in Syria to destabilize the country, and Europe takes in all these migrants partially because they needed people. What they didn’t expect is the social upheaval that would come from it even though it was obvious. In Sweden there really are parallel areas of the country now that the govt doesn’t control, they know they went too far but there weren’t enough young people particularly in Germany.
They’re trying to get the demographics to balance out. The US has enough millennials to sustain the unfunded liabilities but needs to get them paid better. They don’t need to kill as many boomers in the US as China or Europe but they do need to get them out of the workplace so millennials can take their jobs, otherwise the plan will fall apart. So either they force retirement for a lot of boomers who seen their portfolio go up via money printing that gets sterilized into the financial markets, giving them the illusion they have enough (even though it hides the hyperinflation) plus they kick out of the way all the skeptical boomers refusing the vaxx, who may not be invested in the market.
I think there are counter nationalist forces emerging in all these places who will upend this regime, but the central bankers are terrified of deflation becoming obvious in the metrics (even though everyone can see it in their real lives) and will continue to pull out every magic trick they can to paper over the losses.
The UK Government's hysterical reaction to omicron did perhaps suggest that there was something more to it than was being let on to the public. Perhaps they believed omicron is a bioweapon and panicked accordingly. Unfortunately, most of what comes out of my country - the UK - is so controlled by vested-interests that it is far from likely that we are being told the truth. Omicron could simply be another part of the fear campaign.
The SA data looks good. The UK data not so much. The world has been insane for almost 2 years, I’m not convinced the first lab leak wasn’t left to run because of Hong Kong and/ or Trump, and I think people destroying others for saying “men can’t actually be women” makes clear insane is currently in charge. My hope is that if it’s option 3 it is some mad scientist ending this without too much fatality (maybe hoping for virtually none - which doesn’t happen). In any event, if it spreads as it appears to, it will end soon. May we only hope some of our freedom, liberty, and future are waiting for the vast majority of us on the other side.
I’m not sure any length of time would shift the population towards effective treatments, and dragging this out would mean endless harm to children, dehumanization, phobia, missed healthcare screenings, further suppressed immune systems, and endless harm from our reaction. Ultimately if we had engaged in targeted protection once the vulnerable population was evident this would have burned itself out. I’m not happy about the thought of more deaths, phobia, and hysteria. I obviously hope I’m not an outlier that gets very ill. I hope my husband isn’t. I’m nervous for my parents and community and everyone. But authoritarianism is far more lethal than this virus. It needs to end and this may be the way. I can’t imagine continued mass support for mandatory vaccines which for many, if not most, are more detrimental to health and life expectancy than recovery (assuming it’s not carrying unknowable long term consequences), if a bunch of vaccinated and vaccinated plus people get sick. I’m still not seeing a million deaths here by March, but I am very concerned about an actually crushed healthcare system. Maybe they’ll hire back some of those already immune people they fired. This was a human created disaster…….. to think it could end without pain is unlikely, but hopefully it ends without tyrants retaining power
The counterattack is underway, they took down Trump but he was underwhelming. Meanwhile, a very effective governor in Florida almost has more impact because he built a blueprint on what other clueless GOP governors could do so as to not get sucked into DC’s orbit, and it’s clearly working.
Yes, but if we don’t expand that footprint there is unlikely to be another DeSantis……. Honestly, I rotate between wokeism being dead. It’s mostly people my age to a decade older (I’m 39). I can’t imagine kids buying this crap after what has been done to them.
Then again, nearly half the country wants to force every human body into a big pharma subscription plan that doesn’t do anything to slow or stop any virus but does force compliance despite a terrible side effect profile. 💔🤷♀️
The SA data continues to look less good. Hospitalizations continue to rise (big jump today) and deaths are starting to catch up more as well.
Given all the data so far, my gut feeling is that while Omicron spreads faster and presents initial symptoms even quicker than Delta, hospitalizations lag further (and therefore deaths as well). Especially when you consider that the start of every Omicron wave (SA, Denmark, UK) has been driven by and large by young people.
It was a catch-up day for deaths. Same thing on Nov 25th when they reported 114 daily deaths while the background remained far lower. Daily average deaths it's still a fraction of the deaths seen at the same point in the previous two waves. One-off catch up reporting here and there has happened throughout.
Aside from the whole with covid v from covid fiasco, the local news there continues to report its milder. While they have ticked up slightly, it is not in any way comparable to the same point in earlier waves, and there is no indication in any data in a more extended disease track.
It's not just a one day thing. 7 day average has been steadily moving higher and that will continue with today's numbers. The 7 day average for daily deaths in SA has gone from a low of 13 on 11/22, to a current high of 45. That's a 346% increase, and it will rise further, as hospitalizations/ICU numbers continue to rise (up significantly in the past week).
So, then, this and your other recent message about a 12 day lag, do seem to indicate extended lag times for Omicron? That is terrifying, in the deep of my heart I want to be wrong and I prefer all my bioweapon musings remain an unfulfilled fantasy. But it seems like there is some confirming data?
Proportionality is what matters here. They will absolutely go up. A bunch more people getting sick will drive those numbers up. Proportionally they are not rising at either the speed or rate compared to infections they have in previous waves. SA is now at its highest per capital spread ever (well, detected spread). It's actually been falling since around December 16th. If deaths haven't caught up by Christmas, they aren't likely to after that.
Previously on July 3rd they peaked at like 26K cases. Deaths peaked a bit over 600 on July 13th (for that wave). A similar rate of climb, even moving back a few days, is not there yet in deaths. It might come, but if it's not there by next Monday/ Tuesday, I don't think it's going to come (which is a good thing).
There was Danish data posted on Twitter a few days ago that so far indicated around a 12 day lag average for patients who test positive needing to be admitted to ICU. For Delta, it was a 7 day lag.
12 day lag for Omicron admissions is so terrible, that I almost cannot believe it and the implications. The implications terrify me. Could you clarify this for us?
I am not convinced that he did this graph correctly and he does not have enough data. The graph would be in my favor but honestly I think that it is not based on real data
I haven't seen that. But only 10 more people are in the hospital in today's report with Omicron in Denmark than the 25 people 2 days ago. There remain less than 5 in the ICU. We'll see in a few more days but based on the report cases were doubling each day 12-14 days ago but hospitalizations only went up a net of 10 people. I could be totally wrong; I just don't see the evidence its more lethal. I think it will "feel" more lethal because there will be utter chaos for a month to 6 weeks here, but when the dust settles, I don't think it will have been more lethal than Delta (the virus alone). The virus is here, and its endemic, so it'll run its course - it just appears that will happen at a shockingly fast pace.
Latest report I see says 47 in hospital in Denmark? I don't think it's more lethal, but I think it's likely that it's not much less inherently dangerous than previous strains. And yes, it's the pace that's most concerning for the next month or so.
If the vaccines have indeed induced original antigenic sin and will inhibit the formation of new antibody responses to novel coronavirus variants, there will perpetually be waves of new variants. Some of these might be deliberately engineered or accidently leaked from a lab. Eventually, one may be mutated just right to trigger ADE. Wouldn't military bioweapons programs want to rush to create a variant capable of that?
Where some said SARS-COV-2 was stage one of a bioweapon, and the mRNA vaccines were stage two, perhaps there is a stage three that exploits the novel immune system responses induced by the vaccines.
The only thing that I can say is there are more questions than certain answers. I have no idea as to what are the answers to your questions, but they are good questions.
I find some limits to speculation to be useful.
At the same time, if I say A, I should say B, right?
If I said the virus is lab made (A), at some point I need to ask if the virus was made intentionally, which almost certainly makes it a bioweapon by definition (B).
It is a question that would be imprudent NOT to ask.
And yet I remind myself that this is mere speculation at this point.
I've read a lot of different perspectives throughout the past few months, and follow a lot of authors who write about different things, including antibody dependent enhancement, and I hope something like that doesn't happen, but at the very least that I will be safe from it if it does.
But from an alternative perspective, after over a hundred FOIA requests from government agencies, not a single government has actually been able to isolate SARS CoV-2 from the bodily fluid of a sick individual, hence the genomes that they construct for the original strain and the variants are all computer generated theoretical genomes. Keeping this in mind, when you have articles being written about how the CDC says there's "no evidence that someone who was previously infected spread COVID-19 to another individual," well you can look at that a few ways. Two possible interpretations include that recovered people don't spread the virus, or alternately, that they can't prove that SARS CoV-2 actually exists and/or is distinguishable from something else, so there would be no evidence of transmission from one individual to another.
Regardless of whether there is or isn't a virus, the PCR test is what has been driving this scam from the beginning. The definitions of covid deaths are designed to be as generic as possible so as to inflate the alleged death tally, which is all done using a PCR test at cycle thresholds which are either undisclosed or at cycle thresholds greater than 30 (depending on where you live), which means their results are meaningless. The test doesn't tell you HOW MUCH genetic material there is in a sample, only that it's present, possibly in trace amounts.
My point is that when you stop thinking about the pandemic in terms of variants and transmissibility, but simply in terms of the PCR test, it actually explains a number of abnormalities, such as how this strain magically appeared out of nowhere, and why most people who test positive are asymptomatic or mild (because they were never sick/infected in the first place). For example, if the vaccinated end up preferentially dying, is it due to antibody dependent enhancement of a virus, or simply because the vaccines are poison and will kill people over the next few years, especially through repeated dosing?
Just an alternative perspective I've thought of as I've learned/considered many sides of this issue.
I agree. I'm a pure blood. haha. So are my husband and kids. My parents got the shots early 9Jan 2020) when it appeared they work (they are older, one even voted for Biden, then promptly left the Democrat party after 52 years because of his day 1 executive orders). I supported the vaccines at the time. They aren't getting any more shots. Our pediatrician, while he thinks it's real, generally agrees with what you have said about testing issues and trying to find it in antibody tests and confirm its antibodies to any particular coronavirus.
Honestly, I was pretty ambivalent towards the whole situation, even knowing that it was a scam since April 2020. It wasn't until they started rolling out vaccine passports that I started feeling despair and unease about what to do. I looked at Israel's data and said "hell, they're on dose 3 and cases are going up. It's not like this thing even works." I took pride however in not being that guy who went out and got his shot the first day it was announced that I couldn't go to bars or concerts after September 22nd.
I'm not really sure how, probably Steve Kirsch/Jessica Rose's somewhat viral presentations at the FDA booster hearing, but I started being exposed to more and more people, doing more research, and have now taken a firm 'hell no' position on the vaccines. And even since then I've been slowly getting more redpilled regarding this alleged pandemic, getting exposed to Dr David Martin and his patent trail, and Drs Andrew Kaufman/Tom Cowan who have introduced at least some skepticism in me as to the actual existence/evidence of infectious viruses, let alone COVID-19.
I don't have all the answers (or any for that matter), so take what I say with a grain of salt.
If you really want to get red pilled, go look up the credentials of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration and articles/ credentials of those at Brownstone Institiute. These are world renowned experts by ANY measure, and they have been dragged through the mud, their online bios (not at the universities they work at, but if you look them up) have been completely changed in a weird Orwellian fashion. John Ioannidis predicted the actual death rate and course of the pandemic in an article he wrote in Stat on March 17, 2020 - a world renowned expert by any measure and he was completely cancelled despite having published over 2,000 peer reviewed papers (most meta-analysis). I have always read actual research papers so I saw most of this coming. I initially didn't get the vaccine because it seemed silly to waste in on a healthy and active 39-year-old woman. Plus its new, the risk benefit analysis for me v my parents is entirely different. I was never going to have my kids get it.
When the mandate talk ratcheted up for the first time just as it was clear these things don't prevent spread, I went from red pilled a couple years ago to looking for a tin foil hat. At this point the complete illogical insanity makes no more sense than burning teenage girls at the stake for being "witches" or killing kids to not actually make it rain. Our reaction has gotten just as insane, but FAR more damaging. Let's just say the people claiming the World Economic Forum actually has the power for "the great reset" do not seem so crazy anymore. I knew the group existed and had some odd political goals that remind me more of Star Wars than anything based in reality, but I am shocked at just how much control they have exerted over governments around the globe. Shocked and terrified.
Yeah I recently saw the leak of the emails with Fauci being instructed to get the media to publish a coordinated takedown of the Great Barrington Declaration signed by thousands of scientists around the world. The thing is, they clearly believed that the pandemic was happening and were encouraging vaccination, so while I am grateful for their work, especially since it at least provided evidence that this situation is in part a government conspiracy, I think it only scratches the surface of how far down the rabbit hole this goes.
Here's the thing though: if the people in power actually wanted a great reset and to rule the world, and let's say this pandemic is in fact a series of coordinated events to manipulate people to where we're at now, why would they intentionally create and release a virus in a lab which might kill them too since they're all a bunch of old men? To me it is beginning to make more sense that there is in fact no virus, or at least no new/novel virus, and that they used the media to instill fear and propaganda into the minds of people.
When COVID started, there were videos of people dropping dead on the streets in China, and on video too!. How many times have you seen people dropping dead in the streets since then? The only people I've seen dropping on TV are vaccinated athletes. People lost their sense of taste and smell prior to 2020 but it was only with the announcement of this "novel" coronavirus that people cared about it. There are many drugs that can be administered or even toxins to people to give them the appearance of flu-like/covid like symptoms. Notice how everyone seems to die "of" COVID in the hospitals? Again, at the beginning, people in China "used to" die on the streets. Now it's only in the hospital that people die after being administered the standard of care treatment remdesivir which is itself toxic.
I am not sure where I land. When I got red pilled on early things, like a recognition that men cannot actually believe their way to being women and resegregating society is actually very racists, I didn't feel crazy. On this I do. Because of my profession I have spent time working with and for wildly wealthy and powerful men (who all want to be Jeff Bezos or Tim Cook and have convinced themselves their 500million net worth makes them kinda the same - it doesn't FYI). What I never cease to be shocked at is their incredible arrogance - they are in genuine shock if they catch the flu and think it's because they have personal doctors that tamiflu works for them. The sense of "this will not impact me" is almost comical. The reinforcement of delusions of genius are everywhere.
For Covid the ones I know have actually grown genuinely getting scared. But for a long time, these same people felt invincible. I actually lean towards the virus being leaked over Hong Kong, and being real, but being used for mass hysteria that was never ever warranted. But it seems like they are falling victim to their own hysteria recently.
I don't know where I fall on real v not, planned v never let a crisis go to waste. The global coordinated response remains entirely unexplained to me. It really is so insane I feel like I need a tin foil hat. What I do remain firm to is that the bunch of old rich dudes in the World Economic Forum live in a world largely removed from any type of push back or reality checks - that the plan, if it is one, is plainly stupid and highly likely to backfire in a spectacular manner over the next decade. That reality would not get in the way of these people implementing it anyway because they do not see failure or understand real world responses since they mistake their own assumptions for reality. They mistake their financial success for genius when really most of them have found wild success in a single aspect of life or in a single field, not because they are super geniuses.
Have you read it? It's like a creative writing assignment for a 7th grade class gone nuts.
Why would inability to form new antibodies drive escape pressure? Delta could just stick around forever, since mythical OAS forbids the vaccinated from making anti-Delta antibodies.
OAS doesn't make it impossible to form updated antibodies. It just makes the updated response weaker than without OAS. As the response is weaker the viral load will be higher, and this will allow the virus to respond to the new selective pressure faster, and once again escape the immune response.
The interesting thing about the immune system response to upper respiratory tract infections is that antibody responses are rather short lived; on the other hand innate immune and cellular immune responses are longer lived. It is almost as it the immune system 'wants' to remove the potential for the virus to use sub-optimal antibodies to drive immune escape. The timescales suggest that the antibody response is useful within a given 'cold' season (to protect against reinfection with a similar variant), but then decline to negligible levels by the next 'cold' season (ie, next winter) when there's likely to be enough mutation to affect antibody performance.
It is an interesting aspect of the system that seems to suggest that there's more to our immune system than meets the eye, and simply shouting 'create long term antibody response!' could well be going against our evolved solution t the problem.
And yes, there is obviously an intentionally short duration to "sterilizing" immunity from mucosal antibodies, suggesting they are a precautionary over-shoot during times of high immunogenicity, perhaps also designed to give the cellular immune system a few months of rest to rebuild resources. Only humans would idiotically imagine that permanent sterility is the goal of the immune system.
Same difference. The virus allegedly would no longer have any reward for innovating. i.e., to the extent that the immune system does not swap out antibody designs every time it faces a homologous antigen, it is 1) a reflection that the previous design still did the job (averted harm from viremia, thus reducing immunogenicity), 2) a rather obviously intelligent strategy to reduce escape pressure on the virus (presuming that all the other members of the species have immune systems that are structured the same way) or accidentally clear the niche for a suitable virus from another species, reducing the frequency that the viruses which best fill a given niche revisit in an unrecognizable form. So why is this intelligent feature of natural immunity called a "sin" if it is beneficial? Because it pisses vaccine makers off. Thus, I get pissed off when I see the term. Thus, I get trollish.
My layman's take on your question is that there are other machinery of the immune system at play such as innate immune system mechanisms. Where OAS becomes a factor is when it prevents long term adaptive immune responses to new variants. OAS is not part of immune escape. Immune escape is simply inevitable for the vaccinated (due to their narrow response whereas ~70% of natural immunity hits parts other than the spike) and appears to have occurred with omicron, by chance or design. It is that inability to form a broad spectrum response like what naturally acquired immunity grants that defines the OAS problem as it relates to the covid vaccines. Those who acquired natural immunity will be more capable of dealing with omicron and other variants as they present a variety of antibodies for different parts of the virus. Their response may also be fixed based on which variant they were exposed to but it will be far more robust. The vaccinated have a one trick-pony response and will be more vulnerable to each successive wave of variants.
I am not arguing that OAS is a part of immune escape. I am arguing that the logic of OAS makes immune escape non-beneficial, i.e. removes any pressure for the virus to innovate.
I’ve read a ton of pre-pandemic papers about this to reduce bias. Original antigenic sin results in suboptimal immune response to some later variants. Sub optimal is not absent immune response. A strong immune system will still fend of viruses. Likewise, ADE tends toward suboptimal not absent response. That said, yellow fever vaccine induced ADE created some scary results, particularly for children.
Because human bodies are unique, I don’t think any mad scientist is good enough to really target any group beyond age or sex. There is greater genetic difference between different groups of black Africans than some are from white Europeans. Modern humans can’t be biologically divided into “races.” I could be wrong, but the stiff I’ve read indicates capability to target a major group (like older people) or a single family with significant shared DNA, but not really anything in between.
A lot (most) of modern science surrounding race is just propaganda. The idea that there is “more variation” among than between is true, but also irrelevant. For example, when examining the spectrum of visible light I could say “there is more variation among green wavelengths than there is between green and yellow wavelengths.” (true) Therefore green and yellow do not exist. (obviously false)
There is one human race. We come in a variety of skin tones. Two sexes. We live in a variety of cultures.
It matters greatly when one is talking about creating a virus targeted at a particular group of people……. To target a virus one would need to exploit genetic differences between groups and there are very few genes tied to skin tone and other appearance related features of human mammals to target with a virus.
By sub optimal I mean less than ideal and less than unaltered innate response. There are some papers that claim this happens with annual flu shots while original antigenic sin is based on first flu exposure (vaccine or virus) which sort of hard wires how the immune system responds to future variants …… at least that’s my understanding 🤷♀️ I try to read some of these past studies referred to in various interviews. My next set are the ones RFK talked about last year in his debate with AD………. I just saw the debate a week or two ago.
I am kidding :-). ADE is about how the virus infects cells, not how the immune system reacts to it, in a way. The mutated virus exploits the immune response to its advantage == ADE.
I don’t use technically correct language. A friend explained it to me as the virus can hide behind the rush of useless antibodies. This same friend thinks it’s a real risk from these shots. She thinks the spikes are mostly toxic to the body. She has a PhD in molecular biology. She is also triple vaxxed………. She can’t explain that so I’m not even going to try to guess beyond a smart person very susceptible to peer pressure.
Stage 3: a lab release targetting a marker in the vaccines that fulfills BGs promise of a deadlier virus "within the next 5 years" has been on my mind the last few days.
I'm all for contemplating possible but unlikely ideas. However, I think the balance of probability is that CV is not really an ideal bioweapon, and Omi, even less so.
Reading about bioweapons early last year: the general thinking seems to be that high levels of contagiousness are not desirable for a bioweapon, because you lose control of it too easily (it gets to infect people you didn't want to infect, and tends to lose lethality as it spreads, with natural selection favouring less lethal versions). The ideal bioweapon is something like anthrax, which is deadly but not really contagious. This lends itself to targeting people within an area, and killing most of them quickly. Of course, the downside is that it becomes obvious pretty quickly that a bioweapon is being used, and so you can expect retaliatory action.
CV is (post hoc) a great social disruptor, especially when you get to control or at least manipulate the narrative. And the jab is a great bioweapon, very clever too, rolled out all in the name of public health, but totally controllable (potentially, anyway) as to how deadly, and who gets which level of it.
Time and history will tell. We live in interesting times. I never came out and said that general Sars-Cov2 is a bioweapon, because it did not seem to be "highly likely" to be one.
With Omicron, it is "highly likely" a bioweapon based on tight directed design, extreme contagiousness that it was designed for, some evidence of disparate impact etc. A bioweapon does not necessarily aim to kill everyone (as you said also) and may have other goals in mind.
In my opinion, it would be cartoonish to think that because live vaccines on humans are considered unethical and a so-called live vaccine that kills people is actually a bioweapon and a crime. So it must be either an accident or an intentional Criminal bioweapon.
Anthrax is an obvious bio-weapon, one that has been used before. I like that Igor is thinking outside the box here...a bio-weapon like Omicron would have entirely different purposes than anthrax, that's for sure.
Bioweapons aren't necessarily designed to kill/maim. One mode of action is simply to make everyone preoccupied with the 'new disease' so that they expend too much industrial effort trying to solve the problem and don't notice other things going on (or, don't care about other things going on because they've got 'enough to worry about').
In this regard covid might well be the perfect bioweapon.
Indeed, it could be considered that by targeting mainly the very old and those with serious morbidity, the creators of the purported bioweapon were being (slightly) 'ethical' -- they could have chosen any demographic to attack, but they chose those with fewest years left.
Pretty much any biologic, that was designed to be released (but possibly released by accident before intended date), designed to accomplish a purpose, and one that kills or hurts people as opposed to being completely harmless, is a bioweapon in my mind.
It is possible, but not at all proven, that Covid19 was designed to be released, possibly designed to promote novel vaccines or other political goals, and serve interests of a wealthy man with a large health related foundation, or other purposes. If Covid was designed with a nefarious purpose in mind, it is a bioweapon by definition, no less than a virus designed to destabilize a particular country, for example.
But at the same time there is somewhat less certain material to go by. So I do not go out of my way to discuss that.
With Omicron I feel comfortable raising this question and expect a likely vindication that Omicron is a lab product and likely designed for a bioweapon purpose, described in my first paragraph. A lab designed deadly contagious virus serving a purpose is a bioweapon.
I recall during the 1980's being told that one of the fears of a Warsaw Pact attack on the West would be gradually increasing illnesses across Europe with conflicting symptoms and outcomes - death in some, severe illness in others, mild in more - that would have been the result of deliberately released bioweapons. It would be slow at first, not at first connected with outbreaks across various NATO countries but accelerating to a point where many were dying or so ill that they were crashing health care and bringing society to a halt. All before a single bullet was fired.
Mass mail ballots took advantage of the pandemic. Let no crisis... Mail balloting can be done at tolerable fraud level but must be carefully purpose designed. Now half the public doubts fair elections, not good.
I think that Omicron is simply another artifact of high and undisclosed PCR test cycle thresholds which was only used as an emotional weapon to further turn people against the unvaccinated, since here in the west, the governments are all locking down during the Christmas season again, driving the family further apart. Remember, 'Omicron' originated in the mostly 'unvaccinated' parts of Africa, and the media made sure to draw attention to it right before it was 'released.'
It would be easy to show that 'Omicron' spread rapidly throughout the globe, because if you were ignoring these artifacts of the PCR test before, but are now calling them relevant sequences, all of a sudden you have a massive spread of omicron across the globe. And mostly in vaccinated people, because they're the most fearful, and most likely to be tested.
I personally think just like Delta came from the first batch of vaccines, Omicron came from the “new” recipe for the 5-11 year olds version of the vaccine. Lesser dose for the kids = milder disease makes sense too
Halving the population of the world would collapse our very complex civilization destroying our food production and distribution chains resulting in total chaos.
There are also 4000 spent fuel ponds that require BAU to be completely functional - otherwise the ponds boil off and epic amounts of radiation would be released for thousands of years killing everyone. (Chernobyl was entombed and the ponds were never involved...)
The idea that Omicron is mild, but produces harmful unseen, undetected effects later, reminds me of streptococcus. Strep throat and scarlet fever can appear to go away, but it can move to the heart when you feel "recovered" and cause rheumatic fever. You won't even know it's happening. (FYI, always treat strep throat with antibiotics.)
Also, I want to point out that fertility is very fragile, and can be affected by very small changes in hormones, including thyroid and sex hormones, Male fertility is also fragile. Many diseases affect both male and female fertility.
I had no idea about that. Thanks a lot.
All infections have complications. Mainly it depends on host innate immunity. The status of innate immunity depends on nutrients status.
The same with HIV/AIDS. Over time these viruses down regulate the immune system, very troubling. Who spliced in the the sequence from HIV? Why is no one asking that question!
New bbc video interviewed the mrna designer and he literary said they spliced a genetic fragment from the hiv itself into the vaccine
In truth, few people are asking anything. They've probably all been paid off.
The decline of testosterone levels in western males has long been a concern. Twitter and some video sites include a remarkable number of androgynous males acting as girlish models. Seems rather odd to me but apparently popular.
Personal note, my 3xVx'd husband does not appear to have reduction in testosterone.
I have not and will not take the shots. No "shedding" from him.
I experienced original strain in June 2020 (loss of taste/smell for 6 days, no other symptoms), no long term issues except positive tcell test Dec 2021. I am 61yoF, very healthy, low body weight, runner/resistance training, limited processed foods and moderate wine, nonsmoker/drugs. This summer, I thought I had Delta. Did not test. Symptoms: mild sore throat, sinus pain and teeth ached (not toothache).
I perform nasal cleanse daily after being out with others. Take vitamins, etc. I have no worry about dying. It happens.
Sounds like you got infected and recovered, your future risk is lower. Your husband may have been infected as well. But his higher hormones were countered by better overall health.
I tested PCR positive in June 2020. I also tested positive for antibodies every 6 -8 weeks when I donated blood. American Red Cross gave free antibody tests to donors through June 2021.
He is, at 77, an extremely healthy guy.
We are both blessed.
Today I heard that hormones from the birth control pills end up in the water we drink. I have no idea if it’s true, but it makes sense.
This is true. Male fish are becoming girly-boys, particularly in lakes or rivers in times of low rainfall or low flow when birth control bills and HRT in the urine, estrogens and progesterone, accumulate in the water and affect fish. So far, ther are no methods of removing these hormones from water.
I patented a technology that could do this.
Marketing the patent? If we can desalinate we ought to be able to have clean water - but there is a cost.
Raising equity capital for environmental-related technologies is a major challenge. Interest in environmental technology has blown hot and cold over the years. The harmful compounds in the wastewater get concentrated in the sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants. My system destroys all the organics in the sludge and profitably generates electricity from it. A German national lab successfully demonstrated the design. These days, investors all seem to be looking for the next Facebook. ;)
I had understood that was claimed. Do we know why we can't get these things out of our water?
The BC hormones end up in the sludge byproduct of wastewater treatment plants. Most sludge is then spread over the land surface somewhere. From there, by action of the rain, it leaches down into the groundwater. And from there, we drink it.
I've heard those hormones don't get removed in water treatment but I think the issue relates to plastic packaging. Environmental hazards haven't been studied as much as they should.
Plastics leach into food and can disrupt T-levels. Microwaving food in plastic containers can do this. Cola is highly corrosive and aluminum cans are lined with plastic. I'm not sure how inert that plastic is.
Glyphosate (Round Up) and Fluoride and synthetic chemicals in water, soil, and air.
this part "The idea that Omicron is mild, but produces harmful unseen, undetected effects later" sounds like a possible future government line to explain heavy exxesss deaths recorded after mass the case of strep, id assume rheumatic fever accompanying the strep throat would be a hint that it might affect cardiac functions, but even then you gotta be susceptible to it on many levels. as for fertility, you are correct that small in any of sex hormones can affect fertility, but that would only happen if the small change was chronic and sustained for many months. and be strong enough to override hpta access self regulation. no idea on female fertility, but the assumption is that they would be even more so affected than males since menstruations cycle is involved.
Do any of you remember the photos early in the pandemic of massive warehouses filled to overflowing with coffins or body bags?? I saved photos and articles but then my phone died and I lost everything. I wonder if they've now been scrubbed from the web?
Igor - you gotta see this insane interview about COVID:
Is this a latter effect of infection or a case of continued infection?
I think that HPV is a better example of infection having long-lasting effects, with different 'types' sometimes having different symptoms.
I urge everyone to look at that video of Bill & Melinda Gates talking about vaccines in, IIRC, 2019 or maybe a year or two before. They are sat side by side. It is only the last few minutes you need to watch. They say something about people not being able to ignore the next outbreak or pandemic - I forget the exact words - but it is their behaviour that is most telling to me.
They turn and look at one another, give a sort of laugh in that knowing way that smug couples who believe that they are much smarter than everyone else in the room - and who think that no one can even see what they are doing - do.
When I first saw that segment it sent a chill through my body.
got a link and time for that video moment?
Here it is - it is the bit at the end when he is in a grey sweater on the left and she is on the right. From 5 minutes 14 seconds.
Edit: I got my left and right mixed up. Doh!
When was this video filmed?
I believe Autumn 2019.
I watched that too and felt exactly the same - the look of "full-of-themselves" conspirators exchanging complicit glances in front of an audience of complete morons. And I think Melinda is much more devious than Bill (exactly the same as I feel about Hillary Clinton)
Reminded me of an episode of NCIS where a husband is suspected of being a serial killer. The wife is considered to be an innocent victim because society thinks that women and mothers can't be mass murderers. Right at the end of the episode the twist is that the wife is equally a serial killer. They were murdering as a couple.
I showed that video to my Mom who is sold on the vaccines and even she said, "sick," lol. Duper's delight.
Unix nerds knew he was evil 30 years ago, but the smirks really land it, don't they.
I am a linux user since 1995
Impressive! RedHat or Slackware? Torvalds was heroic since before him, the Open-Source OS scene on PC was *desolate*. Labs like ours had to budget for botique workstations for a decent *BSD or Unix. Or NeXTStep.
Redhat, switched to Ubuntu later
I have a Fedora installation on the other computer because Mac stopped updating. Have tried Ubuntu but too close to Mac or Windows for my liking and widely believed to have the same trust issues. Have also installed a few other Linuxes in the past, including a server or two, but not operating currently.
very happy with Ubuntu upgradeability
The part where he motions to jab into his arm while talking about kids, he deserves the worst.
I enjoy a bit of speculation if it has foundations in reality, so great article! Have to say that once I was convinced that the original virus came from a lab, I was equally convinced that more would follow. Even if you assume the first one was released by accident (which I am willing to), it opened so many possibilities for so many powerful people/governments that there was no way it would stay with just the one.
Thanks. We do not know any of this for certain, so we need to stay open minded and seek evidence. Maybe we can crowd source some evidence for or against a particular hypothesis.
I absolutely agree. I am concerned that the apparent lack of appetite for aggressively probing the possibility of lab leaks (and in fact the suppression of those who try) will enable bad actors in the future. What they've learned here is that governments care more about "containing" viruses with measures that punish their citizenry than about investigating the sources of such viruses (and holding accountable those responsible either for manipulating them or not being forthcoming about the presence and virulence thereof).
And if you look at the timelines, patents and grants involved, it becomes even more apparent:
When you fire upon or move towards an enemy position, he reacts. By reading that reaction you can learn how his train of thought and chain of logistics function.
You can then confidently launch your real offensive.
This can of course be combined with other offensives.
The end game is either to wreck your opposition to such degree that they no longer can pose a credible threat, or to subjugate and occupy his territory, or to exterminate him. These can obviously be combined.
This can also be labeled competitive, domination, or existential threat. The EU and the US are competitive opponents. The US and Russia are domination oriented enemies. China and the islamic ME are existential threats to the US and the West. However, the opposite doesn't have to be true. Europe is no threat to Russia, MENA or China, not in any way. The US is (or was up until your last election) a domination threat to China, and according to the russian mindset the US is an existential threat to Russia as a sovereign nationstate.
It's as it always is: look to the ancients for the right questions. Who benfits? (Not Pfizer's profits, that's lika analysing a war from the soldier's paycheck.) Whose influence grows from Covid-mania? In what way are our societies weakend? Are they being remodelled based on something new or different?
Remember: the goal of the game is not to win, but to dominate and steer the game your way.
I think it’s possible that it’s not country vs country but certain elites within countries colluding for the same goal. The obvious explanation is the demographic imbalance considering the debt situation. Look what China has been doing, imploding their debt bubble. We already have no idea how many people even died in China in the first wave. They have many more older people than can be paid for, same goes in Europe. Look at the energy situation in Europe, they deliberately self-immolated their economies & energy needs through malinvestment I think to just kill off as many retirees as possible. Then add in the shot, with more variants. Look at the past decade as well, the US foments a war in Syria to destabilize the country, and Europe takes in all these migrants partially because they needed people. What they didn’t expect is the social upheaval that would come from it even though it was obvious. In Sweden there really are parallel areas of the country now that the govt doesn’t control, they know they went too far but there weren’t enough young people particularly in Germany.
They’re trying to get the demographics to balance out. The US has enough millennials to sustain the unfunded liabilities but needs to get them paid better. They don’t need to kill as many boomers in the US as China or Europe but they do need to get them out of the workplace so millennials can take their jobs, otherwise the plan will fall apart. So either they force retirement for a lot of boomers who seen their portfolio go up via money printing that gets sterilized into the financial markets, giving them the illusion they have enough (even though it hides the hyperinflation) plus they kick out of the way all the skeptical boomers refusing the vaxx, who may not be invested in the market.
I think there are counter nationalist forces emerging in all these places who will upend this regime, but the central bankers are terrified of deflation becoming obvious in the metrics (even though everyone can see it in their real lives) and will continue to pull out every magic trick they can to paper over the losses.
"Am I playing into Hands of Lockdown Advocates?"
Doesn't matter. We need the free flow of ideas—always.
The UK Government's hysterical reaction to omicron did perhaps suggest that there was something more to it than was being let on to the public. Perhaps they believed omicron is a bioweapon and panicked accordingly. Unfortunately, most of what comes out of my country - the UK - is so controlled by vested-interests that it is far from likely that we are being told the truth. Omicron could simply be another part of the fear campaign.
The SA data looks good. The UK data not so much. The world has been insane for almost 2 years, I’m not convinced the first lab leak wasn’t left to run because of Hong Kong and/ or Trump, and I think people destroying others for saying “men can’t actually be women” makes clear insane is currently in charge. My hope is that if it’s option 3 it is some mad scientist ending this without too much fatality (maybe hoping for virtually none - which doesn’t happen). In any event, if it spreads as it appears to, it will end soon. May we only hope some of our freedom, liberty, and future are waiting for the vast majority of us on the other side.
It will likely run through our population, yes. But it might not be any milder than Delta.
I’m not sure any length of time would shift the population towards effective treatments, and dragging this out would mean endless harm to children, dehumanization, phobia, missed healthcare screenings, further suppressed immune systems, and endless harm from our reaction. Ultimately if we had engaged in targeted protection once the vulnerable population was evident this would have burned itself out. I’m not happy about the thought of more deaths, phobia, and hysteria. I obviously hope I’m not an outlier that gets very ill. I hope my husband isn’t. I’m nervous for my parents and community and everyone. But authoritarianism is far more lethal than this virus. It needs to end and this may be the way. I can’t imagine continued mass support for mandatory vaccines which for many, if not most, are more detrimental to health and life expectancy than recovery (assuming it’s not carrying unknowable long term consequences), if a bunch of vaccinated and vaccinated plus people get sick. I’m still not seeing a million deaths here by March, but I am very concerned about an actually crushed healthcare system. Maybe they’ll hire back some of those already immune people they fired. This was a human created disaster…….. to think it could end without pain is unlikely, but hopefully it ends without tyrants retaining power
The counterattack is underway, they took down Trump but he was underwhelming. Meanwhile, a very effective governor in Florida almost has more impact because he built a blueprint on what other clueless GOP governors could do so as to not get sucked into DC’s orbit, and it’s clearly working.
Yes, but if we don’t expand that footprint there is unlikely to be another DeSantis……. Honestly, I rotate between wokeism being dead. It’s mostly people my age to a decade older (I’m 39). I can’t imagine kids buying this crap after what has been done to them.
Then again, nearly half the country wants to force every human body into a big pharma subscription plan that doesn’t do anything to slow or stop any virus but does force compliance despite a terrible side effect profile. 💔🤷♀️
They will not give back your liberty because of Omicron, that's for sure. They have to be hunted down first.
Liberty is taken back not requested back
The SA data continues to look less good. Hospitalizations continue to rise (big jump today) and deaths are starting to catch up more as well.
Given all the data so far, my gut feeling is that while Omicron spreads faster and presents initial symptoms even quicker than Delta, hospitalizations lag further (and therefore deaths as well). Especially when you consider that the start of every Omicron wave (SA, Denmark, UK) has been driven by and large by young people.
We have two distinct schools of thought here. Time will tell - I only have two more days to wait LOL!
It was a catch-up day for deaths. Same thing on Nov 25th when they reported 114 daily deaths while the background remained far lower. Daily average deaths it's still a fraction of the deaths seen at the same point in the previous two waves. One-off catch up reporting here and there has happened throughout.
Aside from the whole with covid v from covid fiasco, the local news there continues to report its milder. While they have ticked up slightly, it is not in any way comparable to the same point in earlier waves, and there is no indication in any data in a more extended disease track.
It's not just a one day thing. 7 day average has been steadily moving higher and that will continue with today's numbers. The 7 day average for daily deaths in SA has gone from a low of 13 on 11/22, to a current high of 45. That's a 346% increase, and it will rise further, as hospitalizations/ICU numbers continue to rise (up significantly in the past week).
So, then, this and your other recent message about a 12 day lag, do seem to indicate extended lag times for Omicron? That is terrifying, in the deep of my heart I want to be wrong and I prefer all my bioweapon musings remain an unfulfilled fantasy. But it seems like there is some confirming data?
Proportionality is what matters here. They will absolutely go up. A bunch more people getting sick will drive those numbers up. Proportionally they are not rising at either the speed or rate compared to infections they have in previous waves. SA is now at its highest per capital spread ever (well, detected spread). It's actually been falling since around December 16th. If deaths haven't caught up by Christmas, they aren't likely to after that.
Previously on July 3rd they peaked at like 26K cases. Deaths peaked a bit over 600 on July 13th (for that wave). A similar rate of climb, even moving back a few days, is not there yet in deaths. It might come, but if it's not there by next Monday/ Tuesday, I don't think it's going to come (which is a good thing).
There was Danish data posted on Twitter a few days ago that so far indicated around a 12 day lag average for patients who test positive needing to be admitted to ICU. For Delta, it was a 7 day lag.
12 day lag for Omicron admissions is so terrible, that I almost cannot believe it and the implications. The implications terrify me. Could you clarify this for us?
But it's early, I don't think that's confirmed yet.
There were several people talking about it recently, here is the thread I was thinking of:
I am not convinced that he did this graph correctly and he does not have enough data. The graph would be in my favor but honestly I think that it is not based on real data
I haven't seen that. But only 10 more people are in the hospital in today's report with Omicron in Denmark than the 25 people 2 days ago. There remain less than 5 in the ICU. We'll see in a few more days but based on the report cases were doubling each day 12-14 days ago but hospitalizations only went up a net of 10 people. I could be totally wrong; I just don't see the evidence its more lethal. I think it will "feel" more lethal because there will be utter chaos for a month to 6 weeks here, but when the dust settles, I don't think it will have been more lethal than Delta (the virus alone). The virus is here, and its endemic, so it'll run its course - it just appears that will happen at a shockingly fast pace.
Latest report I see says 47 in hospital in Denmark? I don't think it's more lethal, but I think it's likely that it's not much less inherently dangerous than previous strains. And yes, it's the pace that's most concerning for the next month or so.
My report was from the 19th I think
If the vaccines have indeed induced original antigenic sin and will inhibit the formation of new antibody responses to novel coronavirus variants, there will perpetually be waves of new variants. Some of these might be deliberately engineered or accidently leaked from a lab. Eventually, one may be mutated just right to trigger ADE. Wouldn't military bioweapons programs want to rush to create a variant capable of that?
Where some said SARS-COV-2 was stage one of a bioweapon, and the mRNA vaccines were stage two, perhaps there is a stage three that exploits the novel immune system responses induced by the vaccines.
The only thing that I can say is there are more questions than certain answers. I have no idea as to what are the answers to your questions, but they are good questions.
I find some limits to speculation to be useful.
At the same time, if I say A, I should say B, right?
If I said the virus is lab made (A), at some point I need to ask if the virus was made intentionally, which almost certainly makes it a bioweapon by definition (B).
It is a question that would be imprudent NOT to ask.
And yet I remind myself that this is mere speculation at this point.
I've read a lot of different perspectives throughout the past few months, and follow a lot of authors who write about different things, including antibody dependent enhancement, and I hope something like that doesn't happen, but at the very least that I will be safe from it if it does.
But from an alternative perspective, after over a hundred FOIA requests from government agencies, not a single government has actually been able to isolate SARS CoV-2 from the bodily fluid of a sick individual, hence the genomes that they construct for the original strain and the variants are all computer generated theoretical genomes. Keeping this in mind, when you have articles being written about how the CDC says there's "no evidence that someone who was previously infected spread COVID-19 to another individual," well you can look at that a few ways. Two possible interpretations include that recovered people don't spread the virus, or alternately, that they can't prove that SARS CoV-2 actually exists and/or is distinguishable from something else, so there would be no evidence of transmission from one individual to another.
Regardless of whether there is or isn't a virus, the PCR test is what has been driving this scam from the beginning. The definitions of covid deaths are designed to be as generic as possible so as to inflate the alleged death tally, which is all done using a PCR test at cycle thresholds which are either undisclosed or at cycle thresholds greater than 30 (depending on where you live), which means their results are meaningless. The test doesn't tell you HOW MUCH genetic material there is in a sample, only that it's present, possibly in trace amounts.
My point is that when you stop thinking about the pandemic in terms of variants and transmissibility, but simply in terms of the PCR test, it actually explains a number of abnormalities, such as how this strain magically appeared out of nowhere, and why most people who test positive are asymptomatic or mild (because they were never sick/infected in the first place). For example, if the vaccinated end up preferentially dying, is it due to antibody dependent enhancement of a virus, or simply because the vaccines are poison and will kill people over the next few years, especially through repeated dosing?
Just an alternative perspective I've thought of as I've learned/considered many sides of this issue.
I agree. I'm a pure blood. haha. So are my husband and kids. My parents got the shots early 9Jan 2020) when it appeared they work (they are older, one even voted for Biden, then promptly left the Democrat party after 52 years because of his day 1 executive orders). I supported the vaccines at the time. They aren't getting any more shots. Our pediatrician, while he thinks it's real, generally agrees with what you have said about testing issues and trying to find it in antibody tests and confirm its antibodies to any particular coronavirus.
Honestly, I was pretty ambivalent towards the whole situation, even knowing that it was a scam since April 2020. It wasn't until they started rolling out vaccine passports that I started feeling despair and unease about what to do. I looked at Israel's data and said "hell, they're on dose 3 and cases are going up. It's not like this thing even works." I took pride however in not being that guy who went out and got his shot the first day it was announced that I couldn't go to bars or concerts after September 22nd.
I'm not really sure how, probably Steve Kirsch/Jessica Rose's somewhat viral presentations at the FDA booster hearing, but I started being exposed to more and more people, doing more research, and have now taken a firm 'hell no' position on the vaccines. And even since then I've been slowly getting more redpilled regarding this alleged pandemic, getting exposed to Dr David Martin and his patent trail, and Drs Andrew Kaufman/Tom Cowan who have introduced at least some skepticism in me as to the actual existence/evidence of infectious viruses, let alone COVID-19.
I don't have all the answers (or any for that matter), so take what I say with a grain of salt.
If you really want to get red pilled, go look up the credentials of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration and articles/ credentials of those at Brownstone Institiute. These are world renowned experts by ANY measure, and they have been dragged through the mud, their online bios (not at the universities they work at, but if you look them up) have been completely changed in a weird Orwellian fashion. John Ioannidis predicted the actual death rate and course of the pandemic in an article he wrote in Stat on March 17, 2020 - a world renowned expert by any measure and he was completely cancelled despite having published over 2,000 peer reviewed papers (most meta-analysis). I have always read actual research papers so I saw most of this coming. I initially didn't get the vaccine because it seemed silly to waste in on a healthy and active 39-year-old woman. Plus its new, the risk benefit analysis for me v my parents is entirely different. I was never going to have my kids get it.
When the mandate talk ratcheted up for the first time just as it was clear these things don't prevent spread, I went from red pilled a couple years ago to looking for a tin foil hat. At this point the complete illogical insanity makes no more sense than burning teenage girls at the stake for being "witches" or killing kids to not actually make it rain. Our reaction has gotten just as insane, but FAR more damaging. Let's just say the people claiming the World Economic Forum actually has the power for "the great reset" do not seem so crazy anymore. I knew the group existed and had some odd political goals that remind me more of Star Wars than anything based in reality, but I am shocked at just how much control they have exerted over governments around the globe. Shocked and terrified.
Yeah I recently saw the leak of the emails with Fauci being instructed to get the media to publish a coordinated takedown of the Great Barrington Declaration signed by thousands of scientists around the world. The thing is, they clearly believed that the pandemic was happening and were encouraging vaccination, so while I am grateful for their work, especially since it at least provided evidence that this situation is in part a government conspiracy, I think it only scratches the surface of how far down the rabbit hole this goes.
Here's the thing though: if the people in power actually wanted a great reset and to rule the world, and let's say this pandemic is in fact a series of coordinated events to manipulate people to where we're at now, why would they intentionally create and release a virus in a lab which might kill them too since they're all a bunch of old men? To me it is beginning to make more sense that there is in fact no virus, or at least no new/novel virus, and that they used the media to instill fear and propaganda into the minds of people.
When COVID started, there were videos of people dropping dead on the streets in China, and on video too!. How many times have you seen people dropping dead in the streets since then? The only people I've seen dropping on TV are vaccinated athletes. People lost their sense of taste and smell prior to 2020 but it was only with the announcement of this "novel" coronavirus that people cared about it. There are many drugs that can be administered or even toxins to people to give them the appearance of flu-like/covid like symptoms. Notice how everyone seems to die "of" COVID in the hospitals? Again, at the beginning, people in China "used to" die on the streets. Now it's only in the hospital that people die after being administered the standard of care treatment remdesivir which is itself toxic.
I am not sure where I land. When I got red pilled on early things, like a recognition that men cannot actually believe their way to being women and resegregating society is actually very racists, I didn't feel crazy. On this I do. Because of my profession I have spent time working with and for wildly wealthy and powerful men (who all want to be Jeff Bezos or Tim Cook and have convinced themselves their 500million net worth makes them kinda the same - it doesn't FYI). What I never cease to be shocked at is their incredible arrogance - they are in genuine shock if they catch the flu and think it's because they have personal doctors that tamiflu works for them. The sense of "this will not impact me" is almost comical. The reinforcement of delusions of genius are everywhere.
For Covid the ones I know have actually grown genuinely getting scared. But for a long time, these same people felt invincible. I actually lean towards the virus being leaked over Hong Kong, and being real, but being used for mass hysteria that was never ever warranted. But it seems like they are falling victim to their own hysteria recently.
I don't know where I fall on real v not, planned v never let a crisis go to waste. The global coordinated response remains entirely unexplained to me. It really is so insane I feel like I need a tin foil hat. What I do remain firm to is that the bunch of old rich dudes in the World Economic Forum live in a world largely removed from any type of push back or reality checks - that the plan, if it is one, is plainly stupid and highly likely to backfire in a spectacular manner over the next decade. That reality would not get in the way of these people implementing it anyway because they do not see failure or understand real world responses since they mistake their own assumptions for reality. They mistake their financial success for genius when really most of them have found wild success in a single aspect of life or in a single field, not because they are super geniuses.
Have you read it? It's like a creative writing assignment for a 7th grade class gone nuts.
Why would inability to form new antibodies drive escape pressure? Delta could just stick around forever, since mythical OAS forbids the vaccinated from making anti-Delta antibodies.
Great point. "Yeah, I had two Deltas this spring and I might be getting Omicron this week again"
OAS doesn't make it impossible to form updated antibodies. It just makes the updated response weaker than without OAS. As the response is weaker the viral load will be higher, and this will allow the virus to respond to the new selective pressure faster, and once again escape the immune response.
The interesting thing about the immune system response to upper respiratory tract infections is that antibody responses are rather short lived; on the other hand innate immune and cellular immune responses are longer lived. It is almost as it the immune system 'wants' to remove the potential for the virus to use sub-optimal antibodies to drive immune escape. The timescales suggest that the antibody response is useful within a given 'cold' season (to protect against reinfection with a similar variant), but then decline to negligible levels by the next 'cold' season (ie, next winter) when there's likely to be enough mutation to affect antibody performance.
It is an interesting aspect of the system that seems to suggest that there's more to our immune system than meets the eye, and simply shouting 'create long term antibody response!' could well be going against our evolved solution t the problem.
And yes, there is obviously an intentionally short duration to "sterilizing" immunity from mucosal antibodies, suggesting they are a precautionary over-shoot during times of high immunogenicity, perhaps also designed to give the cellular immune system a few months of rest to rebuild resources. Only humans would idiotically imagine that permanent sterility is the goal of the immune system.
Same difference. The virus allegedly would no longer have any reward for innovating. i.e., to the extent that the immune system does not swap out antibody designs every time it faces a homologous antigen, it is 1) a reflection that the previous design still did the job (averted harm from viremia, thus reducing immunogenicity), 2) a rather obviously intelligent strategy to reduce escape pressure on the virus (presuming that all the other members of the species have immune systems that are structured the same way) or accidentally clear the niche for a suitable virus from another species, reducing the frequency that the viruses which best fill a given niche revisit in an unrecognizable form. So why is this intelligent feature of natural immunity called a "sin" if it is beneficial? Because it pisses vaccine makers off. Thus, I get pissed off when I see the term. Thus, I get trollish.
My layman's take on your question is that there are other machinery of the immune system at play such as innate immune system mechanisms. Where OAS becomes a factor is when it prevents long term adaptive immune responses to new variants. OAS is not part of immune escape. Immune escape is simply inevitable for the vaccinated (due to their narrow response whereas ~70% of natural immunity hits parts other than the spike) and appears to have occurred with omicron, by chance or design. It is that inability to form a broad spectrum response like what naturally acquired immunity grants that defines the OAS problem as it relates to the covid vaccines. Those who acquired natural immunity will be more capable of dealing with omicron and other variants as they present a variety of antibodies for different parts of the virus. Their response may also be fixed based on which variant they were exposed to but it will be far more robust. The vaccinated have a one trick-pony response and will be more vulnerable to each successive wave of variants.
I am not arguing that OAS is a part of immune escape. I am arguing that the logic of OAS makes immune escape non-beneficial, i.e. removes any pressure for the virus to innovate.
I’ve read a ton of pre-pandemic papers about this to reduce bias. Original antigenic sin results in suboptimal immune response to some later variants. Sub optimal is not absent immune response. A strong immune system will still fend of viruses. Likewise, ADE tends toward suboptimal not absent response. That said, yellow fever vaccine induced ADE created some scary results, particularly for children.
Because human bodies are unique, I don’t think any mad scientist is good enough to really target any group beyond age or sex. There is greater genetic difference between different groups of black Africans than some are from white Europeans. Modern humans can’t be biologically divided into “races.” I could be wrong, but the stiff I’ve read indicates capability to target a major group (like older people) or a single family with significant shared DNA, but not really anything in between.
A lot (most) of modern science surrounding race is just propaganda. The idea that there is “more variation” among than between is true, but also irrelevant. For example, when examining the spectrum of visible light I could say “there is more variation among green wavelengths than there is between green and yellow wavelengths.” (true) Therefore green and yellow do not exist. (obviously false)
There is one human race. We come in a variety of skin tones. Two sexes. We live in a variety of cultures.
It matters greatly when one is talking about creating a virus targeted at a particular group of people……. To target a virus one would need to exploit genetic differences between groups and there are very few genes tied to skin tone and other appearance related features of human mammals to target with a virus.
ADE is hyper-optimal, not sub-optimal immunity.
By sub optimal I mean less than ideal and less than unaltered innate response. There are some papers that claim this happens with annual flu shots while original antigenic sin is based on first flu exposure (vaccine or virus) which sort of hard wires how the immune system responds to future variants …… at least that’s my understanding 🤷♀️ I try to read some of these past studies referred to in various interviews. My next set are the ones RFK talked about last year in his debate with AD………. I just saw the debate a week or two ago.
It results in a sub optimal immune response to later exposure
I am kidding :-). ADE is about how the virus infects cells, not how the immune system reacts to it, in a way. The mutated virus exploits the immune response to its advantage == ADE.
I don’t use technically correct language. A friend explained it to me as the virus can hide behind the rush of useless antibodies. This same friend thinks it’s a real risk from these shots. She thinks the spikes are mostly toxic to the body. She has a PhD in molecular biology. She is also triple vaxxed………. She can’t explain that so I’m not even going to try to guess beyond a smart person very susceptible to peer pressure.
Stage 3: a lab release targetting a marker in the vaccines that fulfills BGs promise of a deadlier virus "within the next 5 years" has been on my mind the last few days.
I'm all for contemplating possible but unlikely ideas. However, I think the balance of probability is that CV is not really an ideal bioweapon, and Omi, even less so.
Reading about bioweapons early last year: the general thinking seems to be that high levels of contagiousness are not desirable for a bioweapon, because you lose control of it too easily (it gets to infect people you didn't want to infect, and tends to lose lethality as it spreads, with natural selection favouring less lethal versions). The ideal bioweapon is something like anthrax, which is deadly but not really contagious. This lends itself to targeting people within an area, and killing most of them quickly. Of course, the downside is that it becomes obvious pretty quickly that a bioweapon is being used, and so you can expect retaliatory action.
CV is (post hoc) a great social disruptor, especially when you get to control or at least manipulate the narrative. And the jab is a great bioweapon, very clever too, rolled out all in the name of public health, but totally controllable (potentially, anyway) as to how deadly, and who gets which level of it.
Time and history will tell. We live in interesting times. I never came out and said that general Sars-Cov2 is a bioweapon, because it did not seem to be "highly likely" to be one.
With Omicron, it is "highly likely" a bioweapon based on tight directed design, extreme contagiousness that it was designed for, some evidence of disparate impact etc. A bioweapon does not necessarily aim to kill everyone (as you said also) and may have other goals in mind.
Is it possible that it could have been engineered and released by good guys trying to put a stop to this madness?
In my opinion, it would be cartoonish to think that because live vaccines on humans are considered unethical and a so-called live vaccine that kills people is actually a bioweapon and a crime. So it must be either an accident or an intentional Criminal bioweapon.
I'm not sure everybody plays by those rules. A defensive bioweapon seems thinkable enough to me, relative to everything else that's happened so far.
Anthrax is an obvious bio-weapon, one that has been used before. I like that Igor is thinking outside the box here...a bio-weapon like Omicron would have entirely different purposes than anthrax, that's for sure.
Bioweapons aren't necessarily designed to kill/maim. One mode of action is simply to make everyone preoccupied with the 'new disease' so that they expend too much industrial effort trying to solve the problem and don't notice other things going on (or, don't care about other things going on because they've got 'enough to worry about').
In this regard covid might well be the perfect bioweapon.
Indeed, it could be considered that by targeting mainly the very old and those with serious morbidity, the creators of the purported bioweapon were being (slightly) 'ethical' -- they could have chosen any demographic to attack, but they chose those with fewest years left.
Pretty much any biologic, that was designed to be released (but possibly released by accident before intended date), designed to accomplish a purpose, and one that kills or hurts people as opposed to being completely harmless, is a bioweapon in my mind.
It is possible, but not at all proven, that Covid19 was designed to be released, possibly designed to promote novel vaccines or other political goals, and serve interests of a wealthy man with a large health related foundation, or other purposes. If Covid was designed with a nefarious purpose in mind, it is a bioweapon by definition, no less than a virus designed to destabilize a particular country, for example.
But at the same time there is somewhat less certain material to go by. So I do not go out of my way to discuss that.
With Omicron I feel comfortable raising this question and expect a likely vindication that Omicron is a lab product and likely designed for a bioweapon purpose, described in my first paragraph. A lab designed deadly contagious virus serving a purpose is a bioweapon.
I recall during the 1980's being told that one of the fears of a Warsaw Pact attack on the West would be gradually increasing illnesses across Europe with conflicting symptoms and outcomes - death in some, severe illness in others, mild in more - that would have been the result of deliberately released bioweapons. It would be slow at first, not at first connected with outbreaks across various NATO countries but accelerating to a point where many were dying or so ill that they were crashing health care and bringing society to a halt. All before a single bullet was fired.
Mass mail ballots took advantage of the pandemic. Let no crisis... Mail balloting can be done at tolerable fraud level but must be carefully purpose designed. Now half the public doubts fair elections, not good.
I think that Omicron is simply another artifact of high and undisclosed PCR test cycle thresholds which was only used as an emotional weapon to further turn people against the unvaccinated, since here in the west, the governments are all locking down during the Christmas season again, driving the family further apart. Remember, 'Omicron' originated in the mostly 'unvaccinated' parts of Africa, and the media made sure to draw attention to it right before it was 'released.'
It would be easy to show that 'Omicron' spread rapidly throughout the globe, because if you were ignoring these artifacts of the PCR test before, but are now calling them relevant sequences, all of a sudden you have a massive spread of omicron across the globe. And mostly in vaccinated people, because they're the most fearful, and most likely to be tested.
I personally think just like Delta came from the first batch of vaccines, Omicron came from the “new” recipe for the 5-11 year olds version of the vaccine. Lesser dose for the kids = milder disease makes sense too
Halving the population of the world would collapse our very complex civilization destroying our food production and distribution chains resulting in total chaos.
There are also 4000 spent fuel ponds that require BAU to be completely functional - otherwise the ponds boil off and epic amounts of radiation would be released for thousands of years killing everyone. (Chernobyl was entombed and the ponds were never involved...)