In Denmark If you are asymptomatic vaxxed or immune (= prior positive PCR test) you don’t get tested even when admitted to hospital - the same is true in normal day life - only if you are a close contact or you have symptoms you have to be tested..
Unvaxxed has to be tested to og to work, restaurants and so on.., so there is a massive bias towards the unvaxxed in the danish numbers in generel..
this is true, but at least then the hospitalization denominator for the vaxxed should be larger and hence the true hospitalization rate might be smaller. That would rather support the case for omicron being mild in both groups. Hope it is so - highly contagious but mild. Have too many good friends that took the vaxx.
Vaccination could be a confounding variable. The health of the patient may be the key driver. Vaccination is like buying car insurance --- you need to own a car. In the same way, one buys vaccination probably because one has a propensity to fall ill. Naturally, even cold will affect people with weaker immunity.
It's interesting I had the same take as you did. I believed that a higher quantity of unhealthy people would be the ones to get the vaccine. But there have been several analysis done that show the opposite. Berenson also commented on it as well.
That would suggest the numbers of "related hospitalization" for the vaccinated have a better fidelity, if true (i.e., these aren't false positives "with Omicron" hospitalizations)
Something is up. Both Yahoo and the Seattle Time are now reporting that Omicron seems to primarily infect the “vaccinated”- even ones with boosters. This seems like a big course change in the narrative. One has to wonder why. Is it all a set-up to bring Australian type lockdowns in the US? Midterm prep?
Omicron is a total failure of the entire vaccinating narrative. It turns out that vaccinating everyone and specifically healthy people with experimental vax was a terrible idea. Afraid of responsibility, they downplay as long as possible, hoping for a Hail Mary.,
The more sinister minded would also point out that downplaying now is a good way to make as many as possible ill, if that "was their plan".
Yes, but as typical of governing bureaucrats, they did not change the narrative with Delta. They simply doubled down and are forcing boosters. So, why all of the sudden is the “magic elixir of life” being portrayed as a magnet for the disease?
Of course, the experts calling the above total nonsense, are not being quoted.
How can getting "more of the same thing" lead to "wider repertoire of antibodies", and specifically how can vaccinating more against the Wuhan version would be targeted towards Omikron version?
Biontech CEO says they are working on the Omicron vax whether it gets used or not. He also said it will be 3 doses.
If one gets Omicron after 2 or 3 Alpha shots, that's just more reason to get the Omicron-specific vax of course, for a more robust and varied antibody response lol.
It pressures the double-vaxxed to get triple vaxxed, and dutifully scares the public into planning to get their 1st of 3 doses of Omicron vax variant starting in March.
They're still working on pushing Delta fear as well.
If it's true that omicron prefers vaccinated, and it's already 30% of London cases and growing, then this should show up soon in UKHSA numbers.....If it's followed by an uptick in severe illness and deaths, disproportionate to the increased absolute infections, then the "not so mild" theory may play out. The UK's population is much older than South Africa's, and much less healthy and fatter than Denmark's. The UK with their excellent data will be where we can see in real life how omicron is going to affect western countries. The panic has already begun of course, get your popcorn.....
True. I've been telling my vaxxed friends and associates for months, "you think it's over after 2 jabs? Think again." Now my predictions of endless mutations, endless boosters etc is coming true. BTW, I have tried my very best to get covid, so far without success. Even to the point of sharing cups with covid sufferers, having them cough on me etc. I'd rather get it quickly, expose myself and family to as many new variants as we can. I'll trust millions of years of human evolution to deal with inevitable viruses more than a few months of dodgy big pharma "science". Also, I know many people who have suffered vaccine injuries, first hand. I do not know one single person who has suffered more than mild cold symptoms after getting covid.
That you cannot catch it is a great sign and likely your experiences trying to get it "boost" your innate immunity. This is why I walk around maskless, I want repeat exposure for "boost". I already had covid a year ago and feeling kinda lucky
I haven't even had a cold for more than 20 years, so maybe I'm one of the lucky ones who'll be immune to covid. Either way, I'd rather get it now, before the "scientists" force it to mutate into something that is actually dangerous. To try to hide people away indefinitely from a virus is incredibly foolish to say the least
Hey, I'm kinda like thay. I can still catch sniffles, an itcy throat, but I haven't had a serious (i.e. fever, fatigue)/viral disease since the beginning of high school. *knocks wood*
I wouldn't have even noticed Covid (first I thought it was part of a hangover) if it weren't for the annoying Covid toes.
I'm not so eager to get it but WHEN I do I'm ready with IVM+ treatments as per the protocols at site. It's gone endemic so at some point we will all get it.
If you are going to do the "covid party" routine make sure you have your supplies ready. That and hope they don't have the Brazilian variant. That was bad news. Slightly worse than the original (0.4 IFR instead of 0.3).
I really laughed at your descriptions, I hope they are genuine!
Well in principle the real science, if there's any left at all at this point, probably isn't dodgy at all. The mRNA technology is actually already a few decades old and could still become useful for treating rare genetic disorders and cancer (c'mon, who doesn't hate cancer?), but it's being abused for something completely out of its scope and function.
I think Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is saying something similar here. Because I'm not equipped to paraphrase it, I'll just paste the relevant sentences and you can read the article.
"However, it cannot be ruled out that Omicron will cause a more serious course of disease in individuals who were enrolled in aggressive mass vaccination campaigns initiated earlier in the pandemic (e.g., in Israel, UK, USA), or who belong to age groups that will require more training of their innate Abs to achieve a higher level of affinity (e.g., children). At any rate, vaccinees would be more affected than the unvaccinated as, in contrast to the latter, vaccination in a context of a pandemic of highly infectious variants prevents vaccinees from further training their innate immune system"
We need to ask how one goes to a hospital admission in this case. Do they collapse and call an ambulance? Do they simply walk in and ask to be admitted? Or are these people there for a routine check up and admitted because the tests came positive? If it is people collapsing, the numbers are important. If it is 2nd or 3rd option, this is probably administrators playing mischief and seeking somebody-please-look-at-me attention.
In Denmark almost all admissions to hospital is controlled by board certified general practitioners - the GP's function as gatekeepers 24/7, so the patients in danish hospitals are highly selected..
not if they're, as they are, being tested routinely for Covid upon admission for ANY cause, and with asymptomatic screening for Covid the vast majority of positive test results will be false positives per the "false positive catastrophe", and then labeled a "Covid hospitalization" even if the Covid test is entirely incidental to why the person is in the hospital. Shea and Osburn 2021 found that 87% of pediatric Covid hospitalizations were either incidental or minimally related to why the patients were in the hospital:
Here's an example of an incidental admission: a broken foot, food poisoning, etc. Upon admitting a patient with broken foot, Covid is discovered. This is incidental.
If people are admitted sick, and admissions RISE with the pandemic and hospital beds fill up, and the illness is not truly incidental like injury, then it may be causal. For example, just to say that perhaps a given variant causes a new symptom like heart attacks. This is a new symptom, not unrelated admission.
Great info! Is this a new policy or has DK never followed the "test everyone upon admission" policy? What kind of broader screening is being done in DK? Are school students tested frequently, university, workplace, health care workers? Screening testing is a large part of the problem globally b/c most professional don't understand just how stratospherically high the false positives will be in most screening programs.
In South Africa, Dr. Abdullah's report from a week ago stated that 70% or more were incidental to policy for routine Covid screening upon hospital admission, and many admissions were also positive tests only in asymptomatic people that were sent to the hospital out of the proverbial "abundance of caution."
I can't figure out why people still use and cite PCR case data for any type of useful analysis or conclusions. It's well established that PCR testing cannot establish between live and dead nuclei nor can it differentiate between flus, colds and covid. Test cycle thresholds are never mentioned alongside the data, and somehow everyone seems to forget that even the FDA has determined that PCR testing is not suitable for its purpose and is certainly useless at the 40+ levels that many public health authorities use. Why S-Gene Target Failure would be an omicron marker is beyond me since such target failures have existed long before the current omicron "discovery" and panic was created: Please explain to me why unspecified PCR data results are even worthy of analysis?
Do I eat my crow now, or wait a bit? I will gladly do so if omicron turns out to be "da thing". If it spreads so well among the vaxxed, the whole booster scheme and the mandate thing may fall on its face "prematurely"? So, it wasn't planned by Bill&WEF?.. Did we luck out, for once? Don't wake me up!
Definitely wait with eating crow. I think that we are running about 50-50 right now as far as who will likely eat crow. In dead heat. But by Christmas we will have a clearer picture.
This is a good question. Let's wait a week or two, UKHSA and Denmark could be two sources about populations more similar to ours.
It could be that people get hospitalized a lot, but do not die in the end?
I read completely unconfirmed materials that Omicron causes pneumonia without shortness of breath. So lungs are partially affected by fibrosis. This is totally unconfirmed. Time will tell.
South African population is very different than ours. Also only about 30 percent vaxxed. Correct? If so it is an apples to oranges comparison with U.S. unhealthy, overweight, highly vaxxed population. We're just going to have to wait and see.
This is spot on. We in the US are older, fatter, more vaxxed, fewer pure blood naturally immune people, innate immunity destroyed by triple vaccination etc.
Inviting ground for ADE, OAS and ruined immunity ruining lives of millions.
It will be a wild ride. My other post predicts 20-50,000 deaths, PER DAY, at some point in the next month or two. Mostly among the vaxxed.
But a lot of people also said, giving an experimental treatment for a non-dangerous viral pandemic is insanity in general. A more broad statement and yet also correct.
We got pwned by five humanity hating billionaires.
I'm a bit suspicious of those numbers, since they are seemingly based on spring 2020 studies. Regional death trends seem to be at least 2 weeks delayed from cases in most waves, though...
I shouldn't generalize; some regional case and death trends are more like a week apart. There's so many different standards of care and of classifying "case" and "death"...
Yeah., Also let's pay attention to Europe and the USA, the vax rates are more similar and populations age is also similar., Someone made great point about US having more overweight people.
BTW, Denmark started its booster campaign at around Oct.1 and it is increasing in intensity to this day , and the cases and deaths were trending up ever since. We know that the jab floors the immune system for 14-20 days. So, if omicron is "da thing", it couldn't have arrived (or have been unleashed) at a better time. Isn't Mexico more "overweight"? Somehow nothing is going on there at this moment.
We should be embarrassed. Instead of using lockdowns and the calm between waves to improve our metabolic health and raise D levels we have only gotten fatter. And most people believe they are getting enough D in their daily multi-vitamin. 🙄 They also ignore the fact that D gets locked into fat and so is unavailable.
"Kaiser said Wednesday that the 11 infected members of its Oakland Medical Center staff were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and had received booster shots." I find this interesting, it seems all 11 were 3 doses. This may explain why the Fauci cabal is trying to get the double vax'd boosted. It may indeed provide a small window of protection though I believe this window to get smaller with each dose based on the data out of Israel. Some of the double vax'd are a pretty good ways outside the 6 month window. If I had to take a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) at it I would bet many of these people outside the 6mo window have very weak immune systems.
I guess we’ll find out soon but those predicted hospitalization numbers are very concerning. The only light possibly being that the unvaccinated faring better but I’m sure that narrative will get twisted (and given almost all my family and friends are vaxxed I don’t want to see anyone sick)
Is asymptomatic infection really established or is it possibly presymptomatic or low symptomatic instead? If it's truly asymptomatic then the vaxx passports and vaxxed-only events are probably spreading Omicron, which might explain why it's hitting the vaxxed more--they are more likely to gather indoors. And of course, many if not most of them lack any logical thought and think they cannot get it from another vaccinated person.
Asymptomatic was indeed non-existent, naturally. But what about suppressed symptoms in the vaxxed, possibly carrying a high viral load? That is, as long as we stick with "viruses" and "infection".
My understanding is that once infect, one is either asymptomatic or symptomatic. Meaning either one is sick or not. Only those who are sick harbour virions and spread them within 7 days of symptoms presentation, and a few days prior. Hence the reason for the 14-day isolation. To me the most dangerous period is before the symptoms appear. This is why lockdowns and testing are ineffective. Latest is proof is that Europe did not detect the presence of omibula until they were advised by Botswana. There are plenty of data in 2020 showing that the cases have receded when the lockdowns were introduced. Plus countless studies pre 2020. Once the symptoms present themselves, those sick people have already infected others and so on. Of course, people should be sensible and responsible enough not to socialise once they feel their symptoms appear.
The vaxed, being immune-compromised, weakened, harbour high viral loads, and hence spread them more. I've not heard of "suppressed symptoms" in the vaxed.
In short, with a pair of identical twins, with one vaxed, the vaxed twiin would carry a higher viral load - assuming both have the same symptoms.
I read, if I can understand, just the abstract, like most pros do. I certainly don't go near the comments section.
[See my comments.]
Methods: We studied breakthrough infections among healthcare workers of a major infectious diseases hospital in Vietnam. We collected demographics, vaccination history and results of PCR diagnosis alongside clinical data. We measured SARS-CoV-2 (neutralizing) antibodies at diagnosis, and at week 1, 2 and 3 after diagnosis. We sequenced the viruses using ARTIC protocol.
[The methods look quite comprehensive in my eyes.]
Findings: ... Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. [They are not comparing like here. They should be comparing the viral loads of the current vaxed and unvaxed infected. OK, where is the comparison between the unvaxed infected to "old strains detected between March-April 2020"? Have they accounted for age, sex, weight, bmi, health, etc, in that comparison?? ]
Time from diagnosis to PCR negative was 8–33 days (median: 21).
Neutralizing antibody levels after vaccination and at diagnosis of the cases were lower than those in the matched uninfected controls.
[This neutralizing antibody finding is the key one of this study. It proves that the vaxes are counterproduct, not to mention dangerous.]
There was no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and viral loads or the development of symptoms.
[This is an odd observation in view of their "neutralizing antibody" finding.]
Interpretation: Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people. Physical distancing measures remain critical to reduce SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant transmission.
[Their interpretations look sound. They missed that fresh air is essential.]
Of course these numbers do not include those who are sick but just stay home and don't go to the doctor or hospital. So don't assume (and I know you don't) that these numbers are anything but a fraction of the infections.
I am in the US, hence my interest. Yes, we are much more obese, and thus our hospitalization rate may be worse that that of a similar, but healthier country.
In Denmark If you are asymptomatic vaxxed or immune (= prior positive PCR test) you don’t get tested even when admitted to hospital - the same is true in normal day life - only if you are a close contact or you have symptoms you have to be tested..
Unvaxxed has to be tested to og to work, restaurants and so on.., so there is a massive bias towards the unvaxxed in the danish numbers in generel..
so that means this variant is targeting the vaxxed even more so, no?
That's how it looks to me as well. BryanMD made a really good point.
this is true, but at least then the hospitalization denominator for the vaxxed should be larger and hence the true hospitalization rate might be smaller. That would rather support the case for omicron being mild in both groups. Hope it is so - highly contagious but mild. Have too many good friends that took the vaxx.
I think the Omicron numbers are to small for now, and also all testing is free in Denmark, so a lot of people get tested..
all testing is NOT free in Denmark, or anywhere else, because we are paying for it through the nose!
Free as in "we'll just take it out of your taxes and raise those to pay for all our mistakes". That kind of "free".
Free as in "we'll just freely take it out of your taxes to vax people, and lock you out for not vaxing". That kind of "free".
Vaccination could be a confounding variable. The health of the patient may be the key driver. Vaccination is like buying car insurance --- you need to own a car. In the same way, one buys vaccination probably because one has a propensity to fall ill. Naturally, even cold will affect people with weaker immunity.
It's interesting I had the same take as you did. I believed that a higher quantity of unhealthy people would be the ones to get the vaccine. But there have been several analysis done that show the opposite. Berenson also commented on it as well.
Vaccination against Covid may be a terrible mistake, but some people do it out of genuine concern for their health, so they eat healtjhy too etc
That would suggest the numbers of "related hospitalization" for the vaccinated have a better fidelity, if true (i.e., these aren't false positives "with Omicron" hospitalizations)
" there is a massive bias against the unvaxed in the ...numbers in general"
Something is up. Both Yahoo and the Seattle Time are now reporting that Omicron seems to primarily infect the “vaccinated”- even ones with boosters. This seems like a big course change in the narrative. One has to wonder why. Is it all a set-up to bring Australian type lockdowns in the US? Midterm prep?
Omicron is a total failure of the entire vaccinating narrative. It turns out that vaccinating everyone and specifically healthy people with experimental vax was a terrible idea. Afraid of responsibility, they downplay as long as possible, hoping for a Hail Mary.,
The more sinister minded would also point out that downplaying now is a good way to make as many as possible ill, if that "was their plan".
Actually, Delta already did an excellent job of dissing the vaxes.
Yes, but as typical of governing bureaucrats, they did not change the narrative with Delta. They simply doubled down and are forcing boosters. So, why all of the sudden is the “magic elixir of life” being portrayed as a magnet for the disease?
Of course, the experts calling the above total nonsense, are not being quoted.
How can getting "more of the same thing" lead to "wider repertoire of antibodies", and specifically how can vaccinating more against the Wuhan version would be targeted towards Omikron version?
Biontech CEO says they are working on the Omicron vax whether it gets used or not. He also said it will be 3 doses.
If one gets Omicron after 2 or 3 Alpha shots, that's just more reason to get the Omicron-specific vax of course, for a more robust and varied antibody response lol.
They're paving the way for the brand new, 3-shot Omicron specific Pfizer jab
It is good that you are actually watching and anticipating their plays....
Not too hard to do. They are relatively predictable you know.
Yes. For a small minority only. Alas.
It pressures the double-vaxxed to get triple vaxxed, and dutifully scares the public into planning to get their 1st of 3 doses of Omicron vax variant starting in March.
They're still working on pushing Delta fear as well.
If it's true that omicron prefers vaccinated, and it's already 30% of London cases and growing, then this should show up soon in UKHSA numbers.....If it's followed by an uptick in severe illness and deaths, disproportionate to the increased absolute infections, then the "not so mild" theory may play out. The UK's population is much older than South Africa's, and much less healthy and fatter than Denmark's. The UK with their excellent data will be where we can see in real life how omicron is going to affect western countries. The panic has already begun of course, get your popcorn.....
This will happen FAR FASTER than most people think and faster than most people can react.
True. I've been telling my vaxxed friends and associates for months, "you think it's over after 2 jabs? Think again." Now my predictions of endless mutations, endless boosters etc is coming true. BTW, I have tried my very best to get covid, so far without success. Even to the point of sharing cups with covid sufferers, having them cough on me etc. I'd rather get it quickly, expose myself and family to as many new variants as we can. I'll trust millions of years of human evolution to deal with inevitable viruses more than a few months of dodgy big pharma "science". Also, I know many people who have suffered vaccine injuries, first hand. I do not know one single person who has suffered more than mild cold symptoms after getting covid.
This flyer is being handed out in Queenstown
It is the only thing that makes a lot of people stop and THINK. "How many MORE shots are you going to take?"
Fantastic...there should be more of it!
That you cannot catch it is a great sign and likely your experiences trying to get it "boost" your innate immunity. This is why I walk around maskless, I want repeat exposure for "boost". I already had covid a year ago and feeling kinda lucky
I haven't even had a cold for more than 20 years, so maybe I'm one of the lucky ones who'll be immune to covid. Either way, I'd rather get it now, before the "scientists" force it to mutate into something that is actually dangerous. To try to hide people away indefinitely from a virus is incredibly foolish to say the least
Hey, I'm kinda like thay. I can still catch sniffles, an itcy throat, but I haven't had a serious (i.e. fever, fatigue)/viral disease since the beginning of high school. *knocks wood*
I wouldn't have even noticed Covid (first I thought it was part of a hangover) if it weren't for the annoying Covid toes.
I'm not so eager to get it but WHEN I do I'm ready with IVM+ treatments as per the protocols at site. It's gone endemic so at some point we will all get it.
If you are going to do the "covid party" routine make sure you have your supplies ready. That and hope they don't have the Brazilian variant. That was bad news. Slightly worse than the original (0.4 IFR instead of 0.3).
I really laughed at your descriptions, I hope they are genuine!
Well in principle the real science, if there's any left at all at this point, probably isn't dodgy at all. The mRNA technology is actually already a few decades old and could still become useful for treating rare genetic disorders and cancer (c'mon, who doesn't hate cancer?), but it's being abused for something completely out of its scope and function.
definitely genuine! I really want to catch this stupid disease, then say "I told you so" to anyone who thinks it's a death sentence
I feeling a surge of Schadenfreude coming hahaha
I think Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is saying something similar here. Because I'm not equipped to paraphrase it, I'll just paste the relevant sentences and you can read the article.
"However, it cannot be ruled out that Omicron will cause a more serious course of disease in individuals who were enrolled in aggressive mass vaccination campaigns initiated earlier in the pandemic (e.g., in Israel, UK, USA), or who belong to age groups that will require more training of their innate Abs to achieve a higher level of affinity (e.g., children). At any rate, vaccinees would be more affected than the unvaccinated as, in contrast to the latter, vaccination in a context of a pandemic of highly infectious variants prevents vaccinees from further training their innate immune system"
Yes, it is an important possibility.
It is also an important possibility you might become a millionaire - or noughtaire.
We need to ask how one goes to a hospital admission in this case. Do they collapse and call an ambulance? Do they simply walk in and ask to be admitted? Or are these people there for a routine check up and admitted because the tests came positive? If it is people collapsing, the numbers are important. If it is 2nd or 3rd option, this is probably administrators playing mischief and seeking somebody-please-look-at-me attention.
A great and very important question!
In Denmark almost all admissions to hospital is controlled by board certified general practitioners - the GP's function as gatekeepers 24/7, so the patients in danish hospitals are highly selected..
not if they're, as they are, being tested routinely for Covid upon admission for ANY cause, and with asymptomatic screening for Covid the vast majority of positive test results will be false positives per the "false positive catastrophe", and then labeled a "Covid hospitalization" even if the Covid test is entirely incidental to why the person is in the hospital. Shea and Osburn 2021 found that 87% of pediatric Covid hospitalizations were either incidental or minimally related to why the patients were in the hospital:
Here's an example of an incidental admission: a broken foot, food poisoning, etc. Upon admitting a patient with broken foot, Covid is discovered. This is incidental.
If people are admitted sick, and admissions RISE with the pandemic and hospital beds fill up, and the illness is not truly incidental like injury, then it may be causal. For example, just to say that perhaps a given variant causes a new symptom like heart attacks. This is a new symptom, not unrelated admission.
Great info! Is this a new policy or has DK never followed the "test everyone upon admission" policy? What kind of broader screening is being done in DK? Are school students tested frequently, university, workplace, health care workers? Screening testing is a large part of the problem globally b/c most professional don't understand just how stratospherically high the false positives will be in most screening programs.
In South Africa, Dr. Abdullah's report from a week ago stated that 70% or more were incidental to policy for routine Covid screening upon hospital admission, and many admissions were also positive tests only in asymptomatic people that were sent to the hospital out of the proverbial "abundance of caution."
I can't figure out why people still use and cite PCR case data for any type of useful analysis or conclusions. It's well established that PCR testing cannot establish between live and dead nuclei nor can it differentiate between flus, colds and covid. Test cycle thresholds are never mentioned alongside the data, and somehow everyone seems to forget that even the FDA has determined that PCR testing is not suitable for its purpose and is certainly useless at the 40+ levels that many public health authorities use. Why S-Gene Target Failure would be an omicron marker is beyond me since such target failures have existed long before the current omicron "discovery" and panic was created: Please explain to me why unspecified PCR data results are even worthy of analysis?
you have hit the nail on the head. None of the three main tests (PCR, antigen and antibody) are fit for purpose. Not remotely. And yet even very smart people take these data as though they are. Every analysis needs to include as a disclaimer: "This analysis is based on extremely suspect data based on overly inclusive case definitions and inherently inaccurate Covid tests."
Fast Eddy2 min ago
It's not as if it's a garbage in garbage out situation.
It's just garbage
Do I eat my crow now, or wait a bit? I will gladly do so if omicron turns out to be "da thing". If it spreads so well among the vaxxed, the whole booster scheme and the mandate thing may fall on its face "prematurely"? So, it wasn't planned by Bill&WEF?.. Did we luck out, for once? Don't wake me up!
Definitely wait with eating crow. I think that we are running about 50-50 right now as far as who will likely eat crow. In dead heat. But by Christmas we will have a clearer picture.
Deaths in SA still at rock bottom though, 2.5 weeks post the big hoopla. How come, Igor?
This is a good question. Let's wait a week or two, UKHSA and Denmark could be two sources about populations more similar to ours.
It could be that people get hospitalized a lot, but do not die in the end?
I read completely unconfirmed materials that Omicron causes pneumonia without shortness of breath. So lungs are partially affected by fibrosis. This is totally unconfirmed. Time will tell.
South African population is very different than ours. Also only about 30 percent vaxxed. Correct? If so it is an apples to oranges comparison with U.S. unhealthy, overweight, highly vaxxed population. We're just going to have to wait and see.
This is spot on. We in the US are older, fatter, more vaxxed, fewer pure blood naturally immune people, innate immunity destroyed by triple vaccination etc.
Inviting ground for ADE, OAS and ruined immunity ruining lives of millions.
It will be a wild ride. My other post predicts 20-50,000 deaths, PER DAY, at some point in the next month or two. Mostly among the vaxxed.
All I can say is, I hope you're wrong. But if not, we can't say Geert Vanden Bossche didn't warn us.
He definitely did. He is a visionary.
But a lot of people also said, giving an experimental treatment for a non-dangerous viral pandemic is insanity in general. A more broad statement and yet also correct.
We got pwned by five humanity hating billionaires.
Let's see what happens as MORONIC virus spreads in highly vaxxed countries :)
Dispensing with the Nov 23 data dump, cases didn't really take off until to Dec 1 - so only 1.5 weeks in.
Usually people die 2-3 weeks after diagnosis, on average, right?
I'm a bit suspicious of those numbers, since they are seemingly based on spring 2020 studies. Regional death trends seem to be at least 2 weeks delayed from cases in most waves, though...
I shouldn't generalize; some regional case and death trends are more like a week apart. There's so many different standards of care and of classifying "case" and "death"...
SA's population is younger, so give it 4 weeks?
Always "..... two weeks"
Please elaborate, Barry?
Yeah., Also let's pay attention to Europe and the USA, the vax rates are more similar and populations age is also similar., Someone made great point about US having more overweight people.
BTW, Denmark started its booster campaign at around Oct.1 and it is increasing in intensity to this day , and the cases and deaths were trending up ever since. We know that the jab floors the immune system for 14-20 days. So, if omicron is "da thing", it couldn't have arrived (or have been unleashed) at a better time. Isn't Mexico more "overweight"? Somehow nothing is going on there at this moment.
Highly vaxxed + epic obesity --- perfect storm for MORONIC virus?
We should be embarrassed. Instead of using lockdowns and the calm between waves to improve our metabolic health and raise D levels we have only gotten fatter. And most people believe they are getting enough D in their daily multi-vitamin. 🙄 They also ignore the fact that D gets locked into fat and so is unavailable.
The UK is full of tubbies.
So, how long do I need to wait before starting to pluck my crow?
Never pluck your crow before eating. The feathers are where all the nutrients are.
But also...
Or yours?
"Kaiser said Wednesday that the 11 infected members of its Oakland Medical Center staff were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and had received booster shots." I find this interesting, it seems all 11 were 3 doses. This may explain why the Fauci cabal is trying to get the double vax'd boosted. It may indeed provide a small window of protection though I believe this window to get smaller with each dose based on the data out of Israel. Some of the double vax'd are a pretty good ways outside the 6 month window. If I had to take a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) at it I would bet many of these people outside the 6mo window have very weak immune systems.
I guess we’ll find out soon but those predicted hospitalization numbers are very concerning. The only light possibly being that the unvaccinated faring better but I’m sure that narrative will get twisted (and given almost all my family and friends are vaxxed I don’t want to see anyone sick)
Thank you for reporting and analysing this data, Igor. I appreciate your cautious approach, given the typical hysteria we're seeing everywhere else.
Is asymptomatic infection really established or is it possibly presymptomatic or low symptomatic instead? If it's truly asymptomatic then the vaxx passports and vaxxed-only events are probably spreading Omicron, which might explain why it's hitting the vaxxed more--they are more likely to gather indoors. And of course, many if not most of them lack any logical thought and think they cannot get it from another vaccinated person.
By definition and history - as Frauci honestly noted in early 2020 - asymptomatic does not spread.
Always focus on the two KPIs: real sickie and death.
Asymptomatic was indeed non-existent, naturally. But what about suppressed symptoms in the vaxxed, possibly carrying a high viral load? That is, as long as we stick with "viruses" and "infection".
My understanding is that once infect, one is either asymptomatic or symptomatic. Meaning either one is sick or not. Only those who are sick harbour virions and spread them within 7 days of symptoms presentation, and a few days prior. Hence the reason for the 14-day isolation. To me the most dangerous period is before the symptoms appear. This is why lockdowns and testing are ineffective. Latest is proof is that Europe did not detect the presence of omibula until they were advised by Botswana. There are plenty of data in 2020 showing that the cases have receded when the lockdowns were introduced. Plus countless studies pre 2020. Once the symptoms present themselves, those sick people have already infected others and so on. Of course, people should be sensible and responsible enough not to socialise once they feel their symptoms appear.
The vaxed, being immune-compromised, weakened, harbour high viral loads, and hence spread them more. I've not heard of "suppressed symptoms" in the vaxed.
In short, with a pair of identical twins, with one vaxed, the vaxed twiin would carry a higher viral load - assuming both have the same symptoms.
This is what I had in mind:
There is some confusion interpreting it, as seen in the comments.
I read, if I can understand, just the abstract, like most pros do. I certainly don't go near the comments section.
[See my comments.]
Methods: We studied breakthrough infections among healthcare workers of a major infectious diseases hospital in Vietnam. We collected demographics, vaccination history and results of PCR diagnosis alongside clinical data. We measured SARS-CoV-2 (neutralizing) antibodies at diagnosis, and at week 1, 2 and 3 after diagnosis. We sequenced the viruses using ARTIC protocol.
[The methods look quite comprehensive in my eyes.]
Findings: ... Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. [They are not comparing like here. They should be comparing the viral loads of the current vaxed and unvaxed infected. OK, where is the comparison between the unvaxed infected to "old strains detected between March-April 2020"? Have they accounted for age, sex, weight, bmi, health, etc, in that comparison?? ]
Time from diagnosis to PCR negative was 8–33 days (median: 21).
Neutralizing antibody levels after vaccination and at diagnosis of the cases were lower than those in the matched uninfected controls.
[This neutralizing antibody finding is the key one of this study. It proves that the vaxes are counterproduct, not to mention dangerous.]
There was no correlation between vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody levels and viral loads or the development of symptoms.
[This is an odd observation in view of their "neutralizing antibody" finding.]
Interpretation: Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated people. Physical distancing measures remain critical to reduce SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant transmission.
[Their interpretations look sound. They missed that fresh air is essential.]
Thanks! Confirms what I thought re: neutralizing antibody levels. The "no correlation" bit created confusion for me.
Of course these numbers do not include those who are sick but just stay home and don't go to the doctor or hospital. So don't assume (and I know you don't) that these numbers are anything but a fraction of the infections.
Interesting post with some Omicron thoughts at
Curiouser and curiouser! Great new perspective. Thanks!
Curious why the comparison with the US for hospitalization projections? The US is 40% obese. Danes 15%.
I am in the US, hence my interest. Yes, we are much more obese, and thus our hospitalization rate may be worse that that of a similar, but healthier country.
Right. Ok.
What do you say to the latest piece from Berenson? I know you subscribed to him, but here it is again: :)
I would be very happy if this turned out to be true.
In the us we supposedly have 183 cases and 5 hospitalizations.
We have good data coming in from Europe now so soon we will know more. Ukhsa is on it.
"WE would be very happy if this turned out to be true."
Ignore the corrupt USA data.
"Ukhsa is on it." For a businessman, you are somewhat naive, no disrespect.
Carry on, you are doing a good job of messing with Andreas's head! :)
By the way; mild or not, omicron may well end this pandemic.
1. What "pandemic"??
2. Have you heard of the vax pimps, Frauci, the US Dems, Bill, Klaus?