Pfizer Study Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 ...
Died 2 days After First Dose; Ignored Like Thousands of Other Vaccine Victims
New Pfizer clinical trial documents came out. Here’s just one case: Subject C4591001 1162 11621327.
Subject C4591001 1162 11621327, a 60-year-old white male with a pertinent medical history of obesity (since 2010), traumatic brain injury (in 2011, recovered), depression (since 2011), and hip replacement (in 2015), received Dose 1 or mRNA vaccine on 10 Sep 2020. The subject died of arteriosclerosis on 13 Sep 2020, 3 days after receiving Dose 1. Concomitant medications reported within 2 weeks prior to the onset of arteriosclerosis included venlafaxine hydrochloride (from 2015) and aripiprazole (from 2011), both for depression.
The study site received a police report indicating that the police visited the subject’s home to perform a welfare check on 13 Sep 2020 (Day 4) and found him dead. It was reported that the subject’s body was cold and had visible lividity. According to the medical examiner, the probable cause of death was progression of atherosclerotic disease. Relevant tests were unknown. Autopsy results were not available at the time of this report. In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the arteriosclerosis was related to the study intervention, concomitant medications, or clinical trial procedures, but rather it was related to suspected underlying disease. Pfizer concurred with the investigator’s causality assessment.
Dear Reader: Try to follow this like a Crime TV series. Turn on all your crime scene thinking.
Read this closely: this man lived alone. He was found dead BY POLICE, because of a welfare check requested by someone. He was found on Day 4 after the shot. He was cold and his skin had lividity. So, a good amount of time passed after his death. Police sent his body to a local medical examiner, who ruled the cause to be “arteriosclerosis”.
Did the examiner, who received a routine dead body to examine, have any idea that the dead subject had an experimental Pfizer shot? Obviously, not. So he ruled the death to be due to “arteriosclerosis”, not thinking that this is any type of a special case deserving a closer look.
Did anybody even try to figure out the time of death? Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 was found because of a request for a WELFARE CHECK. So one of his relatives could not get a hold of him for a long time, became worried, possibly consulted other relatives, and eventually contacted the police. Then it took some time for the police to get approval and visit his residence, where he was found dead and cold.
Without knowing much, the deceased possibly was already dead for a couple of days due to the welfare check involved, so he died NOT on Day 4, but perhaps on Day 1 or 2. The report is silent on that obvious point.
What did Pfizer do? Did they request a closer look? Did they ask another examiner for a second opinion? Did they re-examine the deceased? Wouldn’t they want to look closely, if they wanted future recipients of Covid vaccines to be safe?
They did not look closely. The patient was found dead on Sep 13, 2020. The Pfizer report about him was released on Nov 22, 2020. They had plenty of time to at least ask for an examiner’s report. They did not bother to get the report.
They just took the police report’s word that he died of “arteriosclerosis”, stated that Covid Vax cannot cause “arteriosclerosis”, and ruled it “unrelated”. The patient was buried and forgotten.
If I may guess, the examiner’s diagnosis was not even accurate. The medications that the deceased took, indicate no ongoing, severe sclerotic disease. The only medications this patient was taking were depression medications.
Medical Doctor’s Comment
A reader of this substack, “a Midwestern Doctor”, made this comment:
He has some amazing articles on his substack and I recommend checking it out:
Who was Subject C4591001 1162 11621327?
He was a lonely overweight 60-year-old white male. He was depressed and probably looked for something to make his life meaningful. When announcements came out for Pfizer's mRNA vaccine study, he possibly signed up because he wanted to contribute to the future of humanity, save us from the terrible virus, and advance science. He had someone, likely a relative, living far away, who cared about him — and that relative actually noticed his silence quickly and called the police for a welfare check. So he probably was an overall good person.
Nobody Died from Covid Vaccine, We Were Told
We were told that nobody died of the vaccine. Subject 4591001 1162 11621327’s death had to be covered up to ensure vaccine uptake and to silence “conspiracy theorists” insisting that the vaccines are deadly.
Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 was like thousands of others, who died from Covid vaccines later. Their deaths had to be covered up, presumably to combat “vaccine hesitancy” and not to give ammunition to those skeptics, like Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose, who insisted that deaths were covered up. Science demanded silence!
So, they covered Subject C4591001 1162 11621327’s death up. Conspiracy theorists were successfully sidelined. Vaccine uptake was not interrupted, thanks to ignoring the vaccine-caused death of Subject C4591001 1162 11621327. Millions of people received Pfizer’s vaccine believing it was safe and effective and nobody dies from it — and many thousands went on to die. We do not know how many died, because those deaths were also covered up, not reported, or VAERS reports deleted.
Presumed Obituary
Our astute reader reported his obituary to be found.
Let’s Dream a Little
If Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 did not die, he would probably have his first Covid in 2021. That first Covid would probably be “mild” and he would be thankful for safe and effective vaccines. He’d get a booster afterwards. His second Covid, probably in January of 2022, would be mild also. This man would probably think that with his three shots and two covids, he had pretty good “multilayered immunity”.
The third Covid in June 2022 that Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 could have, if he did not die on Sep 13, 2020, would probably be much worse for him, as it is for a Twitter user Cameron:
Still, his Covids aside, Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 would still be alive, overweight, often chatting on the phone with whoever asked for his welfare check, etc. He was a good person. He wanted to help us. Please give Subject C4591001 1162 11621327 a minute of silence.
Not everything is terrible. There is good news too. Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, did pretty well for himself.
My best friend died last night of a heart attack at 38. He was vaccinated or else he lost his job. I’m f’n pissed. That’s two relatively young friends I’ve lost to heart issues this year.
What did Pfizer do? Did they request a closer look? Did they ask another examiner for a second opinion? Did they re-examine the deceased?
What Pfizer did is very simple:
They killed him.