
A DEBATE is coming tomorrow morning. Stay tuned

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sweet! What timezone are you in?

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US central

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About? 😀

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Can we watch this anywhere online?

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Debate where? When?

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If he is symptom free, why would he get tested?

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I guess he is NOT symptom free

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... or maybe he gets 5 Pinocchios :P?

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I mean, they know best what cr@p goes inside the vials...

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Wrong -- why would he lie about symptoms, particularly given his very high profile as CEO of Pfizer? As I stated above, this is very likely just a false positive.

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Or he's just trying to push the asymptomatic word again. It's almost election time you know and monkeypox didn't work...

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Totally expecting them to pull crap again.

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Fasten your seat belt; here it comes at blinding speed! I trust these young researchers to tell truth and show their sources. This is the first time I've been afraid, and it is a rational response . . . . .


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It's horrible - when you click on it, they play some type of music that overwhelms it unless you go onto another page. I can listen to it from another page, though. Thanks.

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Perhaps a ploy to get more to take the umpteenth jab. I'd doubt any of these clowns have taken anything.

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M Scott Peck,, a well know psychiatrist but very spiritual said Whenever you feel confused about a situation ,you can be certain evil is behind it

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Amen, 1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Name a religion who looks for a least one miraculous event in the life of one of their adherents before they call them a Saint. Add or subtract from scripture and you miss out on Heaven. Rev 22:18,19 tells us clearly. John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Thus Kills the transubstantiation myth and stops one lying to ourself.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

'Thus Kills the transubstantiation myth and stops one lying to ourself'

More thoughts on this, please. Just for my understanding.

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Maybe that is where Peck got that. Interesting.

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I wasn't thinking evil in early 2020, but for the first 6 months or so of the so-called pandemic what I kept thinking was "This all doesn't add up, it doesn't make sense."

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I can fully grasp your premise. Evil tries to create confusion/fear etc. to sow discord. The Farther of Lies.

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I don't even doubt. If these Pfizer guys aren't in on their company's correspondence with the FDA, who is?

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What the eff is doing posting on Twitter? Either way it makes him look like an idiot.

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Lordly don’t tweet @ him. I was suspended months ago for telling him to inject his unused, throw way, wasted vials. The public was sick of being his lab rats.

On what planet was this ‘so-called,’ man, a victim of my tweet?

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Only look like an idiot? You mean there is some doubt that he is one? OK, that is news to me.

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Ha! True

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He is one RG

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Seems likely. It makes me think about the reinfection issue. If you get a mild sniffle here and there is that really a problem with reinfection? Sure, if you're getting pretty sick frequently that's different but testing positive is otherwise irrelevant, especially if it's a pcr test as they are now tracking non-spike proteins which most certainly have significant overlap with other circulating c-viruses and pcr positives do not equate to active infection.

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I was thinking exactly the same thing, how did I conclude that ? Wow. I must be smarter than I think I am. Seriously.

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Are you saying the c19 tests have changed? The home tests? Curious to know more.

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I don't know about the antigen test but according to JJ Couey (gigaohmbiological) the PCR tests are not using the spike protein as a target anymore but other proteins such as the nucleocapsid.

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For there to be false positives there would have to be real positives but there isn't even a isolated virus to determine what to test for.


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Nailed it. Same experience here too, especially with my nurse friend.

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might it be simply a false positive? and he's still testing because they are all ridiculous?

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In England a lot of - middle class, anyway - people test for Covid every time they have cold symptoms, not because they are worried but for social reasons, so they can say "We've tested, it's not Covid," to visitors, school etc.

I always emphasise that I don't care. They're welcome to give me Covid. This often puzzles them, but sometimes leads to a "We have to pretend" conversation.

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pretending is by far, the most important social principal it seems. sadly...

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Yes. It's fear, I suppose. People don't want to be unpopular. Imagine in 1939 Germany: "Ingrid was round for tea, saying the Jews are causing all our problems. I really like the Cohens next door, but I didn't want to say anything, it would have upset her."

During lockdowns in England they had clapping for the NHS on Thursday evenings. People stood on doorsteps and banged pots. Obviously I didn't, since I too vividly remembered the Liverpool Care Pathway, on which the loving NHS made old people die faster from dehydration. I would bang heads rather than pots. Nevertheless, I read one man online commenting: "I clapped for the NHS tonight --- I don't really believe in it, but it is a way of earning social capital."

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He wrote that in his tweet

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Nah... it is the biolodzikal dzip talking :P...

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I was just going to write that! He’s full of crap. They all are. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining! If you’re still testing your a complete moron. The testing is what kept this LIE going!

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I had Covid-19 early and did nothing to enrich the bastards inventing it and profit from it. Also, I put no Chinese PCR-sticks up my nose.

I just bought a HEPA-filter mask (very useful when doing dusty work too) added an out filter on it just to make idiots ask and me explain the size of viruses, just for fun https://archive.org/details/modifying-hepa-half-mask-safe-virus, ate vitamin D 5000IE/day, multivitamin, vitamin C about 2x250gram/day, extra zinc, and had some melatonin and magnesiumcitrate in the evenings, and I also tried Ivermectin a couple of times to see if it stopped regular colds, and also shot Iodine up my nose a couple of times, just for fun.

All this shit has now made me into an anti-vaxxer. What is the cause of the genocide https://www.bitchute.com/video/sqTd8LtViqI0/ is still unsure. Maybe this is a reasonable hypothesis too? https://www.bitchute.com/video/mWcUoESRO0c5/

For me it's obvious they are trying to kill us all with all kinds of means, but trying to do it without getting lynched. Splash masks against viruses and other unscientific methods... It's so obvious.

I will never trust them ever again. I am just wondering why bastards behind this are not dangling already.

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I highly recommend reading "Dissolving Illusions." No vaccine is necessary for anyone, ever. By the time they are traditionally developed, everyone has already gained natural immunity through the normal spread of the virus.

All they do is suppress your immune system which lowers your chances to fight that virus and future viruses. Not to mention it also ruins your immune system's ability to keep cancers at bay and introduces new neurological issues either now or decades down the road.

Me and my family are permanent anti-vaxxers, F them.

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Me too totally NO BIOLOGICALS/so called VACCINES/medical rape!

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In the U.S., they give newborns Hep B shots in the hospital. Unbelievable. What do they think the baby is going to do, go find a junkie and get a hit or drink some blood from someone other than their mother? Crazy times.

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Same here, and I second the recommendation to read Dissolving Illusions.

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I wasn't an anti-vaxxer until Covid. Now I am a newly minted, dyed in the wool, anti-vaxxer forever.

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Welcome to the dark side! As recommended, if you want to go full-in anti-vaxxer, ‘Dissolving Illusions’ is amazing. Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a successful nephrologist, was black-balled essentially, when she asked her hospital to quite vaccinating her acutely ill patients upon being admitted as several reported to her that they were jabbed and the n became worse. That was her red-pill moment when the hospital went after her for being an anti-vaxxer and quite referring her patients. And this was years ago now. (Dr. Mercola interviewed her- you may be able to find it??)

This war over our bodies and health has been raging for decades. this Covid hoax was devastating but has pulled back the curtain and allowed thinking people to see. Congrats. And sorry, you cannot unsee this horror show now.

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That "it's beginning to look a lot like Genocide" video has held up extremely well. I remember when people thought boosters forever was just an extremist idea. But now a bunch of people are onto their 5th shot already. Unreal.

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He probably tests himself on a daily basis or something crazy like that.

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Yep, he probably is doing the routine on a 8 hours basis. What is there not to like from having a probe shoved up your nostrils that may occasionally puncture the membrane? Wholesome fun for everyone. I do not know how people can resist such a wonderful activity.

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Why would we assume he has to be tested like the rest of us, knowing that the PCR tests are unreliable indicators of Covid? With his laboratories at his disposal, he could have blood tests every day to detect the virus if he was so inclined.

It's highly unlikely he's ever had the shot, given what he let slip here:-


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Given that he travelled to some places that only allowed entry if one was jabbed, he probably did get some jabs. Whether or not the jabs were full strength I guess we will never know. However, you are correct in the sense that he could well be tested via other means rather than the nose probes. My guess is that he was attending one of the "exclusive" meet-ups which requires testing and that is how it become a public matter.

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They are not indicators of covid at all. There isn't even an isolated virus you could use to determine there was such a thing as covid.


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If he keeps the lie going, his company makes $$$$$

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Yep, spot on. he has nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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Yeah, but it is a very lucrative lie for grifters like Bourla. Hence he will do all he can to keep the s$#t show going.

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Thats my guess

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You honestly believe this? I'm sorry, I'm not buying that any of these people had covid or took these injections!

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I think that maybe some of them did because they believed that what was happening to the others wouldn't happen to them - after all, aren't they superior?

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The tests are bs. He knows that. Everyone in the past got sick with the flu or a cold. We didn’t need a test.

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COVID shots cause COVID. Flu shots cause flu. Ingenious!!

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Yep, perfect product. It is a self-sustainable scam.

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I wonder why I can only heart some of the replies? There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which replies I can Like.

Yes, if those shots don't kill you, they'll at least give you the disease they were supposed to prevent. Just like Hillary Clinton, my hairdresser at the time had the 2 shots that the pneumonia vax consist of, each shot followed by a bout of pneumonia. Too many examples to mention. One of the side effects of the measles vax that's listed on the package insert: the measles.

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You know, Renee, I read that as, "We don't need no steenking tests."

I'll believe he actually has it when he dies from it.

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All these comments ...what a time for my like button to fail

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No worries, it's just the tech.

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I usually re-like the whole article-on/off, then go back and 💜

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If the heart doesn't light up, try refreshing the page. It usually will then.

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I'll believe he died FROM "Covid" when it's in his autopsy report.

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We can only wish him a speedy proving of your theory.

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I do everyday.

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Exactly. There is no test for "COVID"

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Fauci's poison death shot increases one's chances of catching Covid, of being hospitalized, and of dying from it. Only fools get jabbed.

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No worries mate. He can take Paxlovid. I am sure that they will whip up a fresh batch just for him being the head honcho and all. Since the pill works, problem solved right? Oh wait...

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Rebound from 1st paxlovid last month?

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This is just a ploy to get things going for the fall. He never took any of those jabs because he knows what’s in them.

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Exactly 💯

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He shoulda took the octomouse shot, the flu stops with every.... oh never mind.

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Funniest comment of the day.

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Yep, love it.

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Me too!!

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He should go for extra protection/goodness and get as many jabs as he can - he can certainly have my jabs. I am sure that there are other fellows that will be as just as generous as me and donate their jabs to Bourla.

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My whole family'll donate!

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I don’t know... Wouldn’t the flu yield a positive test as well? Remember, there was practically zero flu winter 20. It was all counted as flu. They didn’t run flu tests, only covid tests.

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It was the flu or a cold. That was their intention.

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He wrote in his tweet he is symptom free

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The weasel-wording didn’t say he never had symptoms, only that he’s currently symptom-free. Maybe he was sick for weeks. We can only hope.

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That's the lie they ALL perpetuate: "Oh, I tested positive but because I had the shots, my symptoms are mild (no details given about what "mild" means). This was the game with all the old farts who supposedly got the flu (oops, I mean they got covid). Positive test, mild or no symptoms.

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Yep. Words are important.

With those weasely types, the trick is to read between them. I guess?

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Is that even a "thing" any more?

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It's a virus so DEADLY, you have to be TESTED to see if you even HAVE "it"


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I send that meme around every chance I get...


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I cannot believe for one second that there’s any truth in anything this guy says. I don’t believe that any of these monsters took the shot they forced on the planet. They know better.

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Actually some did because they are delusional and stupid. Governor Hairgel in Commiefornia had to drop off the radar for weeks because half his face was frozen. Could not happen to a more deserving fellow.

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Am I rotten for wishing his face had stayed frozen?

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That's what I'd like to know. Maybe a way to claim the vax is "effective" yet still encourage us to get latest booster.

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And cover for all the illness due to compromised immunity.

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You can never be over vaccinated, right?


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“You can never be too rich or too vaxxed.”

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

Maybe he had to go to hospital for an *cough, cough* unrelated matter, and got tested upon admittance. They do that here and, if someone dies within 30 days after testing positive, their death is registered as a COVID death. So, someone goes to hospital with stage 4 cancer, tests positive upon admittance, and dies later that week, the official cause of death is COVID (not cancer).

Yes, we live in a clown world.

ETA: So many health problems are caused by the shots, but are attributed to something else. Or classified as unknown. It's possible he's got cancer or something else as a result of the shots. Plus, of course, VAIDS is always a strong possibility.

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Don't get my hopes up my saying maybe he's got something really bad.

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Like Brokeback Mountain Spotted Fever.

Oh wait. That disappeared...

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"Yes, we live in a clown world."

... and there is the silver lining: great times, if you are a clown :P...

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Honk Honk !

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Testing prolongs the "pandemic-state of emergency" the whole point.

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Testing created the "pandemic" in the first place :P...

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Christian Drosten should be dragged out of his house.

He was the one who first shilled the USELESS RT-PCR test method back in 2020.

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"Useful" or "useless" is a matter of perspective :P... Klausy boy (for instance) would argue that these were very useful indeed :P...

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Notice how Kary Mullis died right before the plandemic.

He was adamant about what the PCR could and couldn't do.

Wonder if Fauci had him eliminated?

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The timing was way too convenient.

Mullis dies, 10 year-2 year treasury inversion (T10Y2Y), Repurchase Agreements (RPONTSYD) go bust, Event 201 conference held, "virus" emerges, lockdowns happen, money printer go "BRRRRR" (M2SL)...




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This! 10,000%.

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A capital suggestion!!!

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Fear created it.

The bs PCR "test", run at 38 cycles, and incessant "Covid cases" (which never WERE) fear porn, produced by governmemt sponsored media outlets, and read to their terrified audiences, from Teleprompters by well dressed, perfectly coiffed Talking Heads, 24/7, with the requisite gravitas, and scary base drum intros, prolonged it.

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Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR thingy: "If you run at high enough cycles you can find anything in anybody."

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Ssshhh! You are not supposed to say that out loud. It may wake up some people...

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Yes, indeed.

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He is caught in his latest lie. Unless his household or other close contact had symptoms.

Not that I believe what he says anyway.

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Why such little trust? The man is a paragon of integrity and has always told the truth. OK, now back in the real world, he is a scumbag greedy grifter trying to pimp-up the lagging company stock.

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because people are still testing all the time when they travel, attend gatherings, go into a hospital, etc. This is called "screening" and has been a truly massive source of false positives since the start of the pandemic b/c when you test someone with no symptoms the chance of a false positive skyrockets based on simple Bayesian logic and the base rate fallacy. https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/commentisfree/2021/apr/25/covid-false-positives-and-conditional-probabilities

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It's worse than that.

They've been counting TESTS as CASES since 2020.

Keep in mind some retards are getting "tested" multiple times per week.

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Yeah it the Long Covid groups early on people were testing every week as positive as many as 8 times positive. So that really elevated the number of positive cases being counted because they had the at-home test kits.

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Yes, exactly, and tons of those tests/"cases" are just false positives, in fact the large majority.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022


Even IF the RT-PCR tests were useful for differentiation, the simple fact was they were using WAYYY too many test cycles in order to pump up already inflated numbers.

RT-PCR should be max 25 Ct (Cycle Threshold); however, they were using 40 Ct and higher in some areas which would make ANYTHING including a brick test "positive."

Lo and behold, the Ct was reduced back down to 25 Ct and less right around January 2021, so it would appear Xiden had "defeated the virus."

This is directly from the RT-PCR test inventor's mouth back in the 1990's.


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The RT PCR tech also has a limit of the size of sequence it can work with, which from memory was about 900 long. We are told covid19 virus has a genome of 30k. So the PCR can only identify 3% of the virus. How do we know if the remaining 97% of the virus was there and it was this causing the symptoms?

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Or the 3% if the aerosol man made spike protein bioweapon that was part being transmitted?

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It wouldn't matter what the cycles on the test were, the inventor of the test said you could not test for COVID or any other specific virus with a PCR test. The only thing a PCR test will tell you is that there is "some kind" of non-specific genetic material on the swab, that's all the PCR test was every designed to determine, non-specific genetic material?

I suspect that all the positive PCR test were actually common flu genetic material when the CDC reported for year 2021 only 2500 cases of flu down from millions each previous year for the past 50.

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Not exactly. PCR is very accurate, it is an amplification process. You can detect a specific sequence. What he said is that you can't diagnose a disease with it. You can't tell if that person is recovered, if they are immune...those fragments aren't necessarily viable.

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Within the govt offices many are still required to get weekly testing. Also if he took Paxlovid from his August Covid then they know now that it causes Covid Rebound just like happened to Biden. So they would be monitoring him frequently to see if it was going to happen to him.

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It's a lie.

You have to take the mindset EVERYTHING they say is a lie and/or obfuscation.

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Do you really believe he took that poison in the first place? He knew how bad it was. The evidence is in the research papers that they wanted 75 years to hold on to it before releasing.

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I don't believe ANYTHING they say.

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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And so it goes…….

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The clinical time frame for rebound is 9 to 11 days after taking Paxlovid, the reason is Paxlovid only lowers the virus load to a level it can't be detected and of course you feel better with the lower virtual load, it don't clear the virus and viral load returns.

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And exactly how HIV drugs were designed to work

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That's because Paxlovid is a combination of 2 previously failed HIV drugs that lowered the HIV virus load, but didn't clear it, just like it works with COVID, and you might have guessed that the "airborne spike protein bioweapon" along with the "injection spike protein bioweapon" both have a pharmaceutical patented HIV component protein build into it. Good question how a 5 or 6 years patent HIV component gets into the genome of these bioweapons. Better yet, it makes perfect sense to push Paxlovid at about a $700.00 dollar regiment vs. the injection at about $160.00 dollars, neither work but remain profitable.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I thought he already had his rebound at about the same time as Obiden.

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He did, but you are missing the point. It proved that Paxlovid was "working". Just like the jabs, one needs more than one course....

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Yea, because the Paxlovid regiment cost about $700.00 3.5 time more than the injection, why do you think the big push for a failed toxic HIV drug that didn't work. That's what Paxlovid is, two failed HIV drugs from about 5 years ago.

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Precisely my point. These scumbags are normalizing the idea that modern drugs do not really work unless they are very much like an ongoing subscription. The fact that you keep getting sick and have horrible/deadly side effects are "proof" that the stuff works and that you need more of it. You really cannot make stuff like this up!

To top it all off, they also have the audacity to reuse old proven failed toxic drugs and peddle them as the magical "subscription cure". Says a lot about the IQ and capacity to remember facts of the average person doesn't it?

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Ah, I see, said the blind man to the woman who couldn't hear. 😉

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We need you to teach us how to survive socialism/communism/fascism.

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I thought he already had his rebound st about the same time as Obiden.

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And why do we care if he tested positive if he feels healthy and has no symptoms? We have never heard about a “disease” without symptoms before this mass psychosis took over our society. What utter nonsense.

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Hypochondriacs love announcing to the world their imaginary ills. So do narcissistic demon assholes making money on mass murder.

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To promote insanity… get your next jab …step right up …. line up sheep! What a con artist

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False positive to push boosters…?

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I'm positive there was not even a "test" involved, but not like the tests mean jack shit anyway

Remember all those people that said they "were sick" to get out of work?

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Correct. The tests are useless and an Austrian politician proved it in their Bundesrat. He used Coke-Cola as a sample and it returned a positive test - the video may still be available on the net unless the Big-Tech Covid cartel removed it from all sources.

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They killed ex-Tanzanian president John Magufuli for exposing the test scam.


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It is a lot worse than that - 4 African leaders who knocked back the jabs were dead within months. The press ignored the story completely - they used the old ploy of "correlation does not equal causality" that has worked so well on jab injuries.

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The leaders of Tanzania, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Swaziland, and Haiti all suffered "conveniently timed" deaths in 2020 and 2021.

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Anything to keep the scam going.

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Because he CARES for everyone and does not want to pass on the bug you conspiracy theorist you! Or he cares for his Pfizer stock holdings and wants to boost the sales of current and planned future jabs. I am leaning towards the latter but then I have been designated an anti-vaxer.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

My thought too. Then again these people are so diabolical. Heaven only knows what else is behind it and or being manipulated.

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... just to be safe :P?

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Because he lies.

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BS he’s lying to make everyone run out and get their shots and be OK with getting more infections. Not buying any propaganda anymore. F off!

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These liars are just stirring the pot, to keep the fear alive, and drag in the more easily influenced people into their hell hole. F them all to the first order!

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

I agree but ignore your last sentence!

They will be judged by The Righteous Judge Who

is Yahweh The Creator of Everything!

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I agree, my last sentence was off color. I was just trying to

match the tone of the comment I replied to. We are being

lied to by masterful liars. Revelation's last warning, right down to the wire

mentions Revelation 22:15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts [sorcery, pharmakeia], the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood [liars].

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So TRUE! Matthew 24:4 "Let no man deceive you."

These first words were Yahshua the Messiah's reply

when asked when were the signs of His return and the end of the age.

Seems that we are about there!

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And, Revelation 18:23 "....thy merchants were the great men of the earth (Fauci, Gates); for by thy sorceries [sorcery=pharmakeia] were ALL nations Deceived."

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I’m seeing the same thing.

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Yup! Babylon has fallen.

It's difficult not to impress present day events with verses from the bible. I will err on the side of caution and interpret it that way. If it turns out it is not, I've lost nothing.

Another fellow dissident, St. John Chrysostom, one of the early Church fathers, said regarding prophecies: 'Do not seek clarity in prophecies where there are shadows and riddles, just as in lightening you do not see a constant light, but are satisfied that it flashes only momentarily'. As the Apostle Paul says in I Corinthians 13, (the famous Love chapter that is read at weddings), 'though we see through a glass dimly'. (or darkly.)

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Thanks for this! I actually see 'pharmacy' as a big part of the beast system and in the last days (more than attributing specific men to the list). I have suffered from "medical" interventions for the last 25 years. Since 2020, I'm off all meds, healthy and unjabbed. Praise the Lord!

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music to my ears. Rejoicing with you for your restored health. The human body is truly fearfully and wonderfully made. Good for you to work hard to get off meds and for not succumbing to the jabs.

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The problem is that while you may not buy it, enough idiots will. I just hope that they do not bring back the mandates and face masking again.

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Well, there are many deceived here (when I go out shopping) that still wear masks

when they are not required. ??? Sometimes they do when all alone on the side walks.

I will speak up especially when the person is young. There is more possibility that

because they are, they may heed my warning. I am wondering is the prevalence of 5G causing folks to become brainless? SAD!

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They are brainless to start with - that is the sad reality. The younger people are a real worry - so many are hooked to absolute garbage like Tik Tok that it is difficult to comprehend how they can be so shallow. Yet, that is how they are and all I hope is that by some miracle they fail to cast a valid vote. Why? Because they would be ones to vote for eliminating baseload power and reduce farming to save Gaia. Covid was a pain enough. We do not need more of the extinction BS, especially as these idiots are gone far enough to make the extinction happen just to prove their point.

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Because of this evil government, what are the youngins' NOT badly hooked on?

Cast A VOTE? It's sad, and I do not like bursting your "bubble" but the truth is what it is. There

isn't any real voting here in America! Hasn't been for years! IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion), it's one big "Elephant and Donkey Show" under The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy. The elephant holds the donkey's tail with his trunk. They all work together for BAD! Sigh.


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The US has a government in place that makes the early 1980's Soviet regime look competent and caring for its people. The difference between Andropov/Chernenkov and the corpse is that Andropo/Chernenkov were still lucid to some extent and had some moral values. As far as voting goes, US is rather unique in the sense that IDs and paper ballots are considered racist or some other BS like that. Here in OZ, it is different - no vote without an ID and only paper ballots are allowed. Still the younger people are just as shallow as in the US and my guess would be that the parents are no longer up to the task. What parent would allow Tik Tok and TV content that rots your brain like the Kardashians? However, despite the constant carpet bombing of garbage on TV and social media, there are people who wake up and try to do something good with their lives. In short, there is still some hope for the future.

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Really, sadly, there is not much hope for Australia because it is still (STILL!) under the British Monarchy that still rules Great Britain and robs the people blind! The COVID policies in Australia have been a disaster especially for the native people. Charles III is now on the throne. Have you learned who Charles II was? This Christian king came to the throne in the 1600's and promptly started to kill the true Bible believers like a few of my ancestors. That's when they left England to come to America. A few of these went to Canada after The Revolutionary War (possibly for free land.) My grandmother came here to America from Ontario. Sadly, it seems rather prophetic that a King Charles III is now on the throne after centuries.

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Exactly. Thank you! All lies.

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Funny how he follows the CDC recommendations but the CDC follows pharma recommendations.

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All the "regulatory" bodies and big corporations are cross populated by design.

Regulatory Capture.

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You mean they are supposed to be different? Nah, you got it all wrong. :-)

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You distilled my response down nicely.....

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The question is, who captured whom ?

The original idea seems to have come from Fauci, Daszak, and Baric....I’m sure many others were involved but did the Covid thing start with the government? It kinda looks like a public/private partnership including Moderna.

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Corporations own the gubmints who in turn appoint UNELECTED officials which can not be removed.

Mussolini already did this in Italy with his system of CORPORATISM.

Gubmints are an illusion to trick common citizens into thinking they have ANYTHING to do with decision making of how to rob taxpayers.

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Watch the documentary Food Inc.

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Food Inc is a very good documentary and should be mandatory viewing.

Natural fats and cholesterol (which are both needed by the body and brain) were vilified in order to introduce unhealthy sugar, fillers, and seed oils to destroy our bodies and profit medically from all the related health issues.

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Good one.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

He doesn’t have covid. He said he has no symptoms. Covid is nothing but a set of symptoms. He doesn’t have any. So he tested positive but he’s perfectly healthy. The test results are meaningless. You’ve had a long time to figure out the tests are meaningless and I’m sure it’s been explained to you many times. It’s disappointing you still think tests are meaningful. At this point you should be asking: What other medical tests are also meaningless?

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

I’m waiting for him to start taking bi-monthly pregnancy tests. Because, why not?

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If he tests positive, he can simply go to a state offering legal abortion.

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Of he tests positive, it will be as meaningless/meaningful as his stupid PCR tests.

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This is why they’re called the elite. You and I have to reason our way through. With elites, every mind fart automatically becomes a scientific law. They will something and nature obliges.

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Your last sentence is KEY!! “At this point you should be asking what other medical tests are also meaningless?” !!!

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I can think of a few!

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Probably all the tests that are especially lucrative?

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Covid is a figment of their imagination. They know all sorts of viruses etc. are passed around each year, and how convenient it is to label ALL of them Covid. #keepthescaregoing

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Bravo! Exactly!

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There is zero believability of any public person announcing their Covid status, vaccine history or treatment regimen. It is pure theater.

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Only the "useless eaters" get VAIDS

Elites don't get CoNVid or deadly jabs, they are continuously pushing the PSYOP. More scariants are coming soon.

Its ALL a theater

Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda


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Schadenfauci tastes delicious 😋

I agree, Igor. I think he should hurry up and get his fifth shot just to be safe.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

I was thinking a course of remdesivir and some high pressure ventilation to rest his lungs. Can’t be too careful!

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😆 Very thoughtful of you, Grandma Bear. He should not be deprived of the full COVID care protocol.

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I have a pressure washer! Lemme know — would be happy to help.

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Like. OMG I am laughing so hard I'm about to fall off my chair...

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Damn now I am choking...stop you guys.....

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Definitely do NOT hold back on covid protocol. Give him the FULL MONTY!

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Why stop at five? I will "donate" mine and I am sure that there are other similarly minded individuals in this world. Why not aim for 5 ... thousand?

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You beat me to it! It’s a great feeling after enduring all the BS from the normies this last couple of years. Hell mend them!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Never thought I'd say this, but,....I'm actually starting to feel sorry for those that drank their own Kool-aid.....

Idiot humans. Running for destruction. Taking so many down with them. Arggh.

Will we ever learn?

Health doesn't come from a needle. Western Medicine is 90% Superstition. Look up Number Needed to Treat for any common drug. It will shock you.

Read Children's Health Defense's article " Vaccines, Gateway Drugs By Design?" What an eye-opener.

Study the Amish. No vaccines. No EMF. Organic Food. Sunshine. Kind thoughts and a community that works and worships together.

They die of old age. Basically No cancer. No heart disease. No Autism.

Could we please learn something here?

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Feel sorry for the psychos that killed millions around the world and destroyed the lives of countless people who were not willing to take the jabs? Not in a million years.

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Not them. Just all the people who have believed them and fooled themselves that the lies they were spouting were true...and then pay the price.

But here is the other thing: Buddha, Jesus, all the "Enlightened" always said anyone can turn from their "sin." Be born anew. Now I don't believe there is any hope for a genuine Psychopath. But who am I to say?

In the end, Divine Wisdom is in charge. At least this is how I see it.

But the human cost of denial, the refusal to face uncomfortable facts, is high indeed and looking at those consequences is painful.

Many are now paying that price and I do feel for them. As to the Fouci's of the world, there I do not have pity.

I just wish them "off planet."

And hope a few go down spectacularly just to provide warning to others of their stamp!!

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Those who took the shots are the main reason the mandates and other assorted horrible measures were imposed. If the population would have been non-compliant, we would not be in the mess that we are in at present. 99.9% were complicit and I have had my gutful of "responsible" citizens that were happy to cancel people like me for non-compliance. They made their beds and now they get to lay in them. Pity for them? Sorry but hard pass on that.

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I totally agree that those who laid down for the tyranny and bullying are the reason we are in the mess we are in.

Of course the real blame lies with the perps who have been planning this take down for decades.

However you are 100% correct that the really evil ones could only get away with it because the majority complied.

Here's the issue, though. Most people are basically decent and the level of the lies being told, the scope of the wickedness at play is just unthinkable to them.

Secondly military psychological operations were rolled out on everyone.

Endless fear porn, isolation, and tv talking heads filling them with lies, lies, and more lies!

People did what people do. They handed over their power to the "experts."

I SO wish more had stood up, fought back, thought for themselves! But I do see how it happened and how diabolically the plans were laid.

However, those who attacked and canceled others, these people DO NOT get my pity.

That is a very nasty side of human nature which should not be tolerated.

It's those who drank the Kool-aid and harmed themselves I have compassion for. Many are very innocent. Too so.

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I do understand what you are trying to say and I have always tried to believe that there is some good in all of us. The evidence has been that it is wishful thinking rather than reality. The past 2.5 years have been a nightmare and many people that I protected for a long time (as in I fought for them to keep their jobs multiple times in the past when it was easier to fall in line with the dean) did not say a single word when I was effectively prevented from working so that I can earn a living. Moreover, their attitude was that it was my fault and that I was a danger to them by refusing the jabs. There was nothing to gain for them from this and lots to lose (the new interim manager is apparently a pain). Not a single person in my work circle fits in with the "innocent"/conned but fundamentally good person. I do admit it is anecdotal evidence but all my jab free friends have had the same experience or worse. If I will see a "Kool-aid" drinker with remorse, I will change my opinion. However, if such people exist, they are very, very of them out there.

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Miko, that is awful! I totally get your unwillingness to see people who turned on you in an innocent light. They are not.

What I have witnessed is slightly different but these people were not in a dense city or corporate pressure cooker type environment.

They were the folks who are like the "good kids" in class, did actually drink the Kool-aid, believed they were "protecting others," and lined up for the jab.

Some also tried to convince me, multiple times, that I needed to do so too.

And while their attitude towards me was annoying, (because they genuinely believed I had been "mind -controlled," lol!) and "superior," today I know they are struggling with their choices, scared both of the vaxxes and Covid, and the dementia, and Parkinson's and potential for stroke and cancer that are all growing every day.

It is sad. And if the full realization of the size of the Coup on Humanity ever hit them, I think they would choose to die, rather than face it.

But those who turned on friends when they were in need, these are failed people.

That's also sad, but I definitely have no free pass. Yes, it's a human trait, but a very ugly one indeed. I think Covid clearly separated the "wheat from the chaff."

However I also believe Mattias Desmet is absolutely correct and his recent interview with Del Bigtree did soften my "militancy" quite a bit while it strengthened my compassion for the victims of the psychological operations we have witnessed.

But I see no way, other then incredible grace which most of us never find, to let those sheep who trampled on our rights without humanity or compassion "off the hook" despite the fact that they are victims also, of their own fears and an advanced psy-op. It made them "sell out," and become less than fully human. Tragically. But also predictably.

What price for your soul? I think I align with Spirit more every day. It's all I have. The frequency of my heart.

"Build your treasure in Heaven, not on Earth, where thrives and rust destroy." Sometimes the right choice is difficult, but still we are called to make it.

I pray those around you come out of trance, SOON.

They may even "repent" one day, and ask for your forgiveness, you never know.

Good Luck my friend. You are a powerful survivor of the Covid Wars. Never ever forget that!!

PS- if/when the truth ever does come out, you realize that those who could hold their center in all this insanity and not become mindless sheep or mind controlled robots, these people are the proven leaders we need and will be looking for!?

The tables may flip, and suddenly everyone may be looking to you for guidance. Don't be surprised if it happens; humans also have very short memories.

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22,000 to 30,000 young people "needed to treat" to keep ONE kid from the ICU! How many of those will have life-altering bad reactions or die?

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As I said: Superstition.

Burning Witches to "Save The Village" makes as much sense.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Something's wrong - he didn't pimp PAXLOVID.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Author

Albert probably felt too bad to remember to advertise paxlovid

Brain fog is a bitch

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Prions. If he took the vaxx, his gray matter is fusing together to make prions.

I learned that from Walter M. Chestnut, scariest man on the internet.

That being said, I don't believe Bourla is vaxxed.

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Chesnut. Walter's surname is one of the most commonly misspelled words on substack ...

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Wait. He was trying to pimp-up the 8-mice booster. Marketing 101 - one product at a time so that the buyer does not lose track of what is being sold. Paxlovid will follow soon enough.

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Someone called the octomouse booster...damn here I am laughing again. My cats are looking at me ...I cannot stop laughing at all the comments ..

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Octomouse booster is brilliant (I am still laughing). The guy deserves a prize for the fun content.

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Perhaps he left his script at home.

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I noticed that!

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

So, Paxlovid, which causes you to get COVID X days later, works? Is that our new bar for medicine? "I had Y and then took [fill in the blank drug.] The drug cured me. Then I got it Y days later." That's where we are now? REALLY?

Sorry, don't trust anything from Berenson anymore. He's anti-science and keeps trying to debunk Ivermectin, which does work.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

I 100% agree with you that IVM works and AB is wrong about it. And he's definitely smart enough to know better, so not sure what that's all about. He even cited the I-TECH Malaysia RCT to make his argument that it doesn't work (just like the media did), but that RCT had 3 deaths in the IVM group vs. 10 deaths in the control group! So that RCT actually showed a 70% reduction in deaths with IVM!

I also 100% agree with you that I would absolutely take IVM + some components of the FLCCC protocols instead of Paxlovid, because the former have a much more established safety profile.

But as to whether Paxlovid is good or bad, I go by the "gold standard" RCTs, because those are very hard to SUBSTANTIALLY game- I do suspect there was some degree of fraud in the mRNA vaccine RCTs. STILL, neither Pfizer nor Moderna were able to hide that their RCTs showed NO LIVES SAVED and increased cardiovascular deaths by 40-50% with vaccination. Maybe the truth is at least a little worse though if there was indeed fraud. So anyway, let's compare RCT results for Paxlovid and the Pfizer vaccine.

Paxlovid: 0 deaths Paxlovid vs 13 deaths placebo

Pfizer vaccine: 21 deaths vaccine vs 17 deaths placebo

Case closed.

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well.... what about "rebound COVID after Paxlovid?" Did they test how many people died of rebound COVID after taking Paxlovid? I'm sorry, but I just don't trust ANY new drugs coming out from Big Pharma.

As for Berenson, my guess is he wants to get back in the good graces of his liberal friends.

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Am I a bad person if I hope these people actually got their own toxic jabs rather than faking it?

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If you’re a bad person for thinking this, we can be friends. I think the same thing— and feel a tad guilty for it.

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guilt free here. They deserve all that they are dishing out and more. Philippians 3:19, 'Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.'

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SO true, Mary Lou!

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No. They are mass murderers worshipping the god of mammon.

Just deserts. They. Have. It. Coming.

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We are judge by what we do, not by what we hope. I assume that in this case, you are a super good person.

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Nope! Karma!

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Mr. Bourla is proving two things to be true. 1) Covid is not nearly as fatal as they said. 2) The shots don’t work.

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3) he took the shots

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Bourla "said" he did.


These people have lied the entire time. Why would they stop now?

"Number 4, I know you heard this before. Never get high on your own supply" - Biggie Smalls, 10 Crack Commandments

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Fauci said he did too.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Then Fraudci forgot which arm got jabbed and was "sore."

Lying gnome.


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No, I don’t believe he did.

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Sorry, Bourla knew what was in those shots. I don't believe he is vaxxed, and this is all a charade to keep the fear going.

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My understanding is anyone in govt ,heads of state etc due to role they play re 'leading the country are not allowed to take 'experimental drugs as it could cause destabilization of the system .If jacinda Adern took a shot and dropped dead or got sick it would compromise the Whole Govt, not jst the party she stood for and, would blow the covid na

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You mean that Jaci missed out on the magic jabs? Damn, what cruel world we live in. The tragedy of withholding the jabs from her....

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Maybe, he was "forced" to take all 12 shots they intended for all of us?

Maybe all of them were? Time will tell. I think a lot of these people are true believers.

God may have given them a spirit of delusion to believe a lie.

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At least that's what he'll claim in court, with Twitter receipts ;)

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am skeptical. He is pushing product. If the CEO of Pfizer can get covid again you can too expert TV watcher. While I am not eligible for bivalent transfections yet, if you are, please get yours ASAP. That is a FUD sales pitch.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

The general line is:

"The Pfizer/ Biontech C0VID shots keep you from going into the hospital and protect you from the MOST severe instances of the disease."

To put it another way:

"Mike Tyson is going to put on his boxing gloves and beat you. He will beat you until you are bloody and unconscious, but he will not beat you so much so that you require hospitalization. Also, if you do require hospitalization and die after Mike Tyson beats you, it is not due to anything Mike Tyson did, and was probably a pre-existing condition. You're welcome!"

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I don’t believe he took the jabs. Early in the clot shot roll out, he stated he and his family weren’t taking them because he wanted enough for everyone else! Nor do I believe he has COvid. Colds maybe!

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I remember he couldn't visit Israel at one point because he was unvaxxed. The head of the WHO, Tedros claims he won't get vaccinated until the shots are readily available in his home country.

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Correct. Article is from March 2021. Bourla wanted "the less fortunate" to be jabbed first.


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I'll believe he's vaxxed when he dies suddenly of natural causes.

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Its BS propaganda. He would never take the shots.

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