Wrong -- why would he lie about symptoms, particularly given his very high profile as CEO of Pfizer? As I stated above, this is very likely just a false positive.
Fasten your seat belt; here it comes at blinding speed! I trust these young researchers to tell truth and show their sources. This is the first time I've been afraid, and it is a rational response . . . . .
It's horrible - when you click on it, they play some type of music that overwhelms it unless you go onto another page. I can listen to it from another page, though. Thanks.
Amen, 1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Name a religion who looks for a least one miraculous event in the life of one of their adherents before they call them a Saint. Add or subtract from scripture and you miss out on Heaven. Rev 22:18,19 tells us clearly. John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Thus Kills the transubstantiation myth and stops one lying to ourself.
I wasn't thinking evil in early 2020, but for the first 6 months or so of the so-called pandemic what I kept thinking was "This all doesn't add up, it doesn't make sense."
Lordly don’t tweet @ him. I was suspended months ago for telling him to inject his unused, throw way, wasted vials. The public was sick of being his lab rats.
On what planet was this ‘so-called,’ man, a victim of my tweet?
Seems likely. It makes me think about the reinfection issue. If you get a mild sniffle here and there is that really a problem with reinfection? Sure, if you're getting pretty sick frequently that's different but testing positive is otherwise irrelevant, especially if it's a pcr test as they are now tracking non-spike proteins which most certainly have significant overlap with other circulating c-viruses and pcr positives do not equate to active infection.
I don't know about the antigen test but according to JJ Couey (gigaohmbiological) the PCR tests are not using the spike protein as a target anymore but other proteins such as the nucleocapsid.
In England a lot of - middle class, anyway - people test for Covid every time they have cold symptoms, not because they are worried but for social reasons, so they can say "We've tested, it's not Covid," to visitors, school etc.
I always emphasise that I don't care. They're welcome to give me Covid. This often puzzles them, but sometimes leads to a "We have to pretend" conversation.
Yes. It's fear, I suppose. People don't want to be unpopular. Imagine in 1939 Germany: "Ingrid was round for tea, saying the Jews are causing all our problems. I really like the Cohens next door, but I didn't want to say anything, it would have upset her."
During lockdowns in England they had clapping for the NHS on Thursday evenings. People stood on doorsteps and banged pots. Obviously I didn't, since I too vividly remembered the Liverpool Care Pathway, on which the loving NHS made old people die faster from dehydration. I would bang heads rather than pots. Nevertheless, I read one man online commenting: "I clapped for the NHS tonight --- I don't really believe in it, but it is a way of earning social capital."
I was just going to write that! He’s full of crap. They all are. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining! If you’re still testing your a complete moron. The testing is what kept this LIE going!
I had Covid-19 early and did nothing to enrich the bastards inventing it and profit from it. Also, I put no Chinese PCR-sticks up my nose.
I just bought a HEPA-filter mask (very useful when doing dusty work too) added an out filter on it just to make idiots ask and me explain the size of viruses, just for fun https://archive.org/details/modifying-hepa-half-mask-safe-virus, ate vitamin D 5000IE/day, multivitamin, vitamin C about 2x250gram/day, extra zinc, and had some melatonin and magnesiumcitrate in the evenings, and I also tried Ivermectin a couple of times to see if it stopped regular colds, and also shot Iodine up my nose a couple of times, just for fun.
For me it's obvious they are trying to kill us all with all kinds of means, but trying to do it without getting lynched. Splash masks against viruses and other unscientific methods... It's so obvious.
I will never trust them ever again. I am just wondering why bastards behind this are not dangling already.
I highly recommend reading "Dissolving Illusions." No vaccine is necessary for anyone, ever. By the time they are traditionally developed, everyone has already gained natural immunity through the normal spread of the virus.
All they do is suppress your immune system which lowers your chances to fight that virus and future viruses. Not to mention it also ruins your immune system's ability to keep cancers at bay and introduces new neurological issues either now or decades down the road.
Me and my family are permanent anti-vaxxers, F them.
In the U.S., they give newborns Hep B shots in the hospital. Unbelievable. What do they think the baby is going to do, go find a junkie and get a hit or drink some blood from someone other than their mother? Crazy times.
Welcome to the dark side! As recommended, if you want to go full-in anti-vaxxer, ‘Dissolving Illusions’ is amazing. Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a successful nephrologist, was black-balled essentially, when she asked her hospital to quite vaccinating her acutely ill patients upon being admitted as several reported to her that they were jabbed and the n became worse. That was her red-pill moment when the hospital went after her for being an anti-vaxxer and quite referring her patients. And this was years ago now. (Dr. Mercola interviewed her- you may be able to find it??)
This war over our bodies and health has been raging for decades. this Covid hoax was devastating but has pulled back the curtain and allowed thinking people to see. Congrats. And sorry, you cannot unsee this horror show now.
That "it's beginning to look a lot like Genocide" video has held up extremely well. I remember when people thought boosters forever was just an extremist idea. But now a bunch of people are onto their 5th shot already. Unreal.
Yep, he probably is doing the routine on a 8 hours basis. What is there not to like from having a probe shoved up your nostrils that may occasionally puncture the membrane? Wholesome fun for everyone. I do not know how people can resist such a wonderful activity.
Why would we assume he has to be tested like the rest of us, knowing that the PCR tests are unreliable indicators of Covid? With his laboratories at his disposal, he could have blood tests every day to detect the virus if he was so inclined.
It's highly unlikely he's ever had the shot, given what he let slip here:-
Given that he travelled to some places that only allowed entry if one was jabbed, he probably did get some jabs. Whether or not the jabs were full strength I guess we will never know. However, you are correct in the sense that he could well be tested via other means rather than the nose probes. My guess is that he was attending one of the "exclusive" meet-ups which requires testing and that is how it become a public matter.
I think that maybe some of them did because they believed that what was happening to the others wouldn't happen to them - after all, aren't they superior?
I wonder why I can only heart some of the replies? There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which replies I can Like.
Yes, if those shots don't kill you, they'll at least give you the disease they were supposed to prevent. Just like Hillary Clinton, my hairdresser at the time had the 2 shots that the pneumonia vax consist of, each shot followed by a bout of pneumonia. Too many examples to mention. One of the side effects of the measles vax that's listed on the package insert: the measles.
No worries mate. He can take Paxlovid. I am sure that they will whip up a fresh batch just for him being the head honcho and all. Since the pill works, problem solved right? Oh wait...
He should go for extra protection/goodness and get as many jabs as he can - he can certainly have my jabs. I am sure that there are other fellows that will be as just as generous as me and donate their jabs to Bourla.
I don’t know... Wouldn’t the flu yield a positive test as well? Remember, there was practically zero flu winter 20. It was all counted as flu. They didn’t run flu tests, only covid tests.
That's the lie they ALL perpetuate: "Oh, I tested positive but because I had the shots, my symptoms are mild (no details given about what "mild" means). This was the game with all the old farts who supposedly got the flu (oops, I mean they got covid). Positive test, mild or no symptoms.
I cannot believe for one second that there’s any truth in anything this guy says. I don’t believe that any of these monsters took the shot they forced on the planet. They know better.
Actually some did because they are delusional and stupid. Governor Hairgel in Commiefornia had to drop off the radar for weeks because half his face was frozen. Could not happen to a more deserving fellow.
Maybe he had to go to hospital for an *cough, cough* unrelated matter, and got tested upon admittance. They do that here and, if someone dies within 30 days after testing positive, their death is registered as a COVID death. So, someone goes to hospital with stage 4 cancer, tests positive upon admittance, and dies later that week, the official cause of death is COVID (not cancer).
Yes, we live in a clown world.
ETA: So many health problems are caused by the shots, but are attributed to something else. Or classified as unknown. It's possible he's got cancer or something else as a result of the shots. Plus, of course, VAIDS is always a strong possibility.
A DEBATE is coming tomorrow morning. Stay tuned
Sweet! What timezone are you in?
US central
About? 😀
Can we watch this anywhere online?
Debate where? When?
If he is symptom free, why would he get tested?
I guess he is NOT symptom free
... or maybe he gets 5 Pinocchios :P?
I mean, they know best what cr@p goes inside the vials...
Wrong -- why would he lie about symptoms, particularly given his very high profile as CEO of Pfizer? As I stated above, this is very likely just a false positive.
Or he's just trying to push the asymptomatic word again. It's almost election time you know and monkeypox didn't work...
Totally expecting them to pull crap again.
Fasten your seat belt; here it comes at blinding speed! I trust these young researchers to tell truth and show their sources. This is the first time I've been afraid, and it is a rational response . . . . .
It's horrible - when you click on it, they play some type of music that overwhelms it unless you go onto another page. I can listen to it from another page, though. Thanks.
Perhaps a ploy to get more to take the umpteenth jab. I'd doubt any of these clowns have taken anything.
M Scott Peck,, a well know psychiatrist but very spiritual said Whenever you feel confused about a situation ,you can be certain evil is behind it
Amen, 1 Corinthians 14:33 KJV For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Name a religion who looks for a least one miraculous event in the life of one of their adherents before they call them a Saint. Add or subtract from scripture and you miss out on Heaven. Rev 22:18,19 tells us clearly. John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. Thus Kills the transubstantiation myth and stops one lying to ourself.
'Thus Kills the transubstantiation myth and stops one lying to ourself'
More thoughts on this, please. Just for my understanding.
Maybe that is where Peck got that. Interesting.
I wasn't thinking evil in early 2020, but for the first 6 months or so of the so-called pandemic what I kept thinking was "This all doesn't add up, it doesn't make sense."
I can fully grasp your premise. Evil tries to create confusion/fear etc. to sow discord. The Farther of Lies.
I don't even doubt. If these Pfizer guys aren't in on their company's correspondence with the FDA, who is?
What the eff is doing posting on Twitter? Either way it makes him look like an idiot.
Lordly don’t tweet @ him. I was suspended months ago for telling him to inject his unused, throw way, wasted vials. The public was sick of being his lab rats.
On what planet was this ‘so-called,’ man, a victim of my tweet?
Only look like an idiot? You mean there is some doubt that he is one? OK, that is news to me.
Ha! True
He is one RG
Seems likely. It makes me think about the reinfection issue. If you get a mild sniffle here and there is that really a problem with reinfection? Sure, if you're getting pretty sick frequently that's different but testing positive is otherwise irrelevant, especially if it's a pcr test as they are now tracking non-spike proteins which most certainly have significant overlap with other circulating c-viruses and pcr positives do not equate to active infection.
I was thinking exactly the same thing, how did I conclude that ? Wow. I must be smarter than I think I am. Seriously.
Are you saying the c19 tests have changed? The home tests? Curious to know more.
I don't know about the antigen test but according to JJ Couey (gigaohmbiological) the PCR tests are not using the spike protein as a target anymore but other proteins such as the nucleocapsid.
For there to be false positives there would have to be real positives but there isn't even a isolated virus to determine what to test for.
Remember the rules. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2qgadSvNyU
Nailed it. Same experience here too, especially with my nurse friend.
might it be simply a false positive? and he's still testing because they are all ridiculous?
In England a lot of - middle class, anyway - people test for Covid every time they have cold symptoms, not because they are worried but for social reasons, so they can say "We've tested, it's not Covid," to visitors, school etc.
I always emphasise that I don't care. They're welcome to give me Covid. This often puzzles them, but sometimes leads to a "We have to pretend" conversation.
pretending is by far, the most important social principal it seems. sadly...
Yes. It's fear, I suppose. People don't want to be unpopular. Imagine in 1939 Germany: "Ingrid was round for tea, saying the Jews are causing all our problems. I really like the Cohens next door, but I didn't want to say anything, it would have upset her."
During lockdowns in England they had clapping for the NHS on Thursday evenings. People stood on doorsteps and banged pots. Obviously I didn't, since I too vividly remembered the Liverpool Care Pathway, on which the loving NHS made old people die faster from dehydration. I would bang heads rather than pots. Nevertheless, I read one man online commenting: "I clapped for the NHS tonight --- I don't really believe in it, but it is a way of earning social capital."
He wrote that in his tweet
Nah... it is the biolodzikal dzip talking :P...
I was just going to write that! He’s full of crap. They all are. Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining! If you’re still testing your a complete moron. The testing is what kept this LIE going!
I had Covid-19 early and did nothing to enrich the bastards inventing it and profit from it. Also, I put no Chinese PCR-sticks up my nose.
I just bought a HEPA-filter mask (very useful when doing dusty work too) added an out filter on it just to make idiots ask and me explain the size of viruses, just for fun https://archive.org/details/modifying-hepa-half-mask-safe-virus, ate vitamin D 5000IE/day, multivitamin, vitamin C about 2x250gram/day, extra zinc, and had some melatonin and magnesiumcitrate in the evenings, and I also tried Ivermectin a couple of times to see if it stopped regular colds, and also shot Iodine up my nose a couple of times, just for fun.
All this shit has now made me into an anti-vaxxer. What is the cause of the genocide https://www.bitchute.com/video/sqTd8LtViqI0/ is still unsure. Maybe this is a reasonable hypothesis too? https://www.bitchute.com/video/mWcUoESRO0c5/
For me it's obvious they are trying to kill us all with all kinds of means, but trying to do it without getting lynched. Splash masks against viruses and other unscientific methods... It's so obvious.
I will never trust them ever again. I am just wondering why bastards behind this are not dangling already.
I highly recommend reading "Dissolving Illusions." No vaccine is necessary for anyone, ever. By the time they are traditionally developed, everyone has already gained natural immunity through the normal spread of the virus.
All they do is suppress your immune system which lowers your chances to fight that virus and future viruses. Not to mention it also ruins your immune system's ability to keep cancers at bay and introduces new neurological issues either now or decades down the road.
Me and my family are permanent anti-vaxxers, F them.
Me too totally NO BIOLOGICALS/so called VACCINES/medical rape!
In the U.S., they give newborns Hep B shots in the hospital. Unbelievable. What do they think the baby is going to do, go find a junkie and get a hit or drink some blood from someone other than their mother? Crazy times.
Excellent book.
Same here, and I second the recommendation to read Dissolving Illusions.
I wasn't an anti-vaxxer until Covid. Now I am a newly minted, dyed in the wool, anti-vaxxer forever.
Welcome to the dark side! As recommended, if you want to go full-in anti-vaxxer, ‘Dissolving Illusions’ is amazing. Dr. Suzanne Humphries, a successful nephrologist, was black-balled essentially, when she asked her hospital to quite vaccinating her acutely ill patients upon being admitted as several reported to her that they were jabbed and the n became worse. That was her red-pill moment when the hospital went after her for being an anti-vaxxer and quite referring her patients. And this was years ago now. (Dr. Mercola interviewed her- you may be able to find it??)
This war over our bodies and health has been raging for decades. this Covid hoax was devastating but has pulled back the curtain and allowed thinking people to see. Congrats. And sorry, you cannot unsee this horror show now.
That "it's beginning to look a lot like Genocide" video has held up extremely well. I remember when people thought boosters forever was just an extremist idea. But now a bunch of people are onto their 5th shot already. Unreal.
He probably tests himself on a daily basis or something crazy like that.
Yep, he probably is doing the routine on a 8 hours basis. What is there not to like from having a probe shoved up your nostrils that may occasionally puncture the membrane? Wholesome fun for everyone. I do not know how people can resist such a wonderful activity.
Why would we assume he has to be tested like the rest of us, knowing that the PCR tests are unreliable indicators of Covid? With his laboratories at his disposal, he could have blood tests every day to detect the virus if he was so inclined.
It's highly unlikely he's ever had the shot, given what he let slip here:-
Given that he travelled to some places that only allowed entry if one was jabbed, he probably did get some jabs. Whether or not the jabs were full strength I guess we will never know. However, you are correct in the sense that he could well be tested via other means rather than the nose probes. My guess is that he was attending one of the "exclusive" meet-ups which requires testing and that is how it become a public matter.
They are not indicators of covid at all. There isn't even an isolated virus you could use to determine there was such a thing as covid.
At 38 cycles.
If he keeps the lie going, his company makes $$$$$
Yep, spot on. he has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Yeah, but it is a very lucrative lie for grifters like Bourla. Hence he will do all he can to keep the s$#t show going.
Thats my guess
You honestly believe this? I'm sorry, I'm not buying that any of these people had covid or took these injections!
I think that maybe some of them did because they believed that what was happening to the others wouldn't happen to them - after all, aren't they superior?
The tests are bs. He knows that. Everyone in the past got sick with the flu or a cold. We didn’t need a test.
COVID shots cause COVID. Flu shots cause flu. Ingenious!!
Yep, perfect product. It is a self-sustainable scam.
I wonder why I can only heart some of the replies? There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which replies I can Like.
Yes, if those shots don't kill you, they'll at least give you the disease they were supposed to prevent. Just like Hillary Clinton, my hairdresser at the time had the 2 shots that the pneumonia vax consist of, each shot followed by a bout of pneumonia. Too many examples to mention. One of the side effects of the measles vax that's listed on the package insert: the measles.
You know, Renee, I read that as, "We don't need no steenking tests."
I'll believe he actually has it when he dies from it.
All these comments ...what a time for my like button to fail
No worries, it's just the tech.
I usually re-like the whole article-on/off, then go back and 💜
If the heart doesn't light up, try refreshing the page. It usually will then.
I'll believe he died FROM "Covid" when it's in his autopsy report.
We can only wish him a speedy proving of your theory.
I do everyday.
Exactly. There is no test for "COVID"
Fauci's poison death shot increases one's chances of catching Covid, of being hospitalized, and of dying from it. Only fools get jabbed.
No worries mate. He can take Paxlovid. I am sure that they will whip up a fresh batch just for him being the head honcho and all. Since the pill works, problem solved right? Oh wait...
Rebound from 1st paxlovid last month?
This is just a ploy to get things going for the fall. He never took any of those jabs because he knows what’s in them.
Exactly 💯
He shoulda took the octomouse shot, the flu stops with every.... oh never mind.
Funniest comment of the day.
Yep, love it.
Me too!!
He should go for extra protection/goodness and get as many jabs as he can - he can certainly have my jabs. I am sure that there are other fellows that will be as just as generous as me and donate their jabs to Bourla.
My whole family'll donate!
I don’t know... Wouldn’t the flu yield a positive test as well? Remember, there was practically zero flu winter 20. It was all counted as flu. They didn’t run flu tests, only covid tests.
It was the flu or a cold. That was their intention.
He wrote in his tweet he is symptom free
The weasel-wording didn’t say he never had symptoms, only that he’s currently symptom-free. Maybe he was sick for weeks. We can only hope.
That's the lie they ALL perpetuate: "Oh, I tested positive but because I had the shots, my symptoms are mild (no details given about what "mild" means). This was the game with all the old farts who supposedly got the flu (oops, I mean they got covid). Positive test, mild or no symptoms.
Yep. Words are important.
With those weasely types, the trick is to read between them. I guess?
Is that even a "thing" any more?
It's a virus so DEADLY, you have to be TESTED to see if you even HAVE "it"
I send that meme around every chance I get...
I cannot believe for one second that there’s any truth in anything this guy says. I don’t believe that any of these monsters took the shot they forced on the planet. They know better.
Actually some did because they are delusional and stupid. Governor Hairgel in Commiefornia had to drop off the radar for weeks because half his face was frozen. Could not happen to a more deserving fellow.
Am I rotten for wishing his face had stayed frozen?
That's what I'd like to know. Maybe a way to claim the vax is "effective" yet still encourage us to get latest booster.
And cover for all the illness due to compromised immunity.
You can never be over vaccinated, right?
“You can never be too rich or too vaxxed.”
Maybe he had to go to hospital for an *cough, cough* unrelated matter, and got tested upon admittance. They do that here and, if someone dies within 30 days after testing positive, their death is registered as a COVID death. So, someone goes to hospital with stage 4 cancer, tests positive upon admittance, and dies later that week, the official cause of death is COVID (not cancer).
Yes, we live in a clown world.
ETA: So many health problems are caused by the shots, but are attributed to something else. Or classified as unknown. It's possible he's got cancer or something else as a result of the shots. Plus, of course, VAIDS is always a strong possibility.
Don't get my hopes up my saying maybe he's got something really bad.
Like Brokeback Mountain Spotted Fever.
Oh wait. That disappeared...
"Yes, we live in a clown world."
... and there is the silver lining: great times, if you are a clown :P...
Honk Honk !
Testing prolongs the "pandemic-state of emergency" the whole point.
Testing created the "pandemic" in the first place :P...
Christian Drosten should be dragged out of his house.
He was the one who first shilled the USELESS RT-PCR test method back in 2020.
"Useful" or "useless" is a matter of perspective :P... Klausy boy (for instance) would argue that these were very useful indeed :P...