
I had commented earlier that I was expecting to see an uptick in tuberculosis cases in adults and just now I watched this YouTube channel where the woman says that her stepfather was just diagnosed with tuberculosis of the throat (in South Africa). It surprised the specialist because TB of the throat is very rare. I realize this is an anecdotal case, but imagine all the cases that aren't being publicized...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dyLRImg0yM

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Tuberculosis secondary to the plasmid contamination of the microbiome is how they plan to take us out. It’s very nice of them to provide such a pleasant death.New virulent strains they are producing in conjunction with our destroyed immune systems and microbiome‘s is the reaper for Rockerfeller and the gang

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some estimates are that 50% of the illegals coming over the border have active TB.

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Is that why I had to be tested for TB for my new job?

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Staph is a bacteria. The study showed only a transient reduction in immune responses (@1 months) to bacteria unlike some viruses (@6 months)

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As they only measured 1 month and 6 month after dose 2, we cannot see how long the reduced immune response to SA holds. Only that in the mean after 6 months it is back to normal for SA. And also more or less for SarsCoV2. >-) I would love to se the single subject data.

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Hi Igor your newsletters are great. Do you have a medical background to help you organize all the information ?

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Not just kids and not just vaccinated. Everyone around me is vaxxed and I am not but now I have a particular deficiency in dealing with this same Candida fungus. It's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I truly feel angry for these children who will most probably have to fight this their whole life now.

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Do you think that vaccine shedding has caused your symptoms ? I think people are a bit like plants, if you put a healthy plant among diseased plants, even the healthy plant gets sick. Also, being in lockdown can be very unhealthy for some, like being in solitary confinement.

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Could be, I don't know and am a little concerned but you might just as well be right. I hope that is the case. Literally everyone I know with the exception of 1 is vaccinated at least twice if not three times. None of them are sick, dying and none have died.

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So shots have SV40 in it that causes cancer. May or may not take awhile to take effect. Also the heart damage may not be noticable.

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That is terrifying. I suppose it is what I most hoped to be wrong about.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I firmly believe these shots affect the immune system, particularly in children. Three of my grandchildren and their parents had the first two vaccines. My grandchildren subsequently seemed to catch every virus imaginable. It seemed that my granddaughter in particular was sick every 4 to 6 weeks for the longest time. Her entire vaccinated family got covid multiple times.

Thankfully none so far has gone beyond two shots and it appears finally they are not falling prey to every illness out there. Did they recover from the shots? Are they going to be okay if they refuse subsequent ones? Will they be able to recover their immune systems in spite of the 2 shots?

As an unvaccinated person, these questions and concerns keep me up at night.

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I think that depends if they can detox it out. If I was their grandmother I would feed them lots of fruit, berries and melons

which help with detox. It will keep their immune system up too.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m so sorry but any parent who allows their children to be vaccinated have serious problems with their thinking.

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Yep there was more then hint in moderna study, but CDC crew went in and declared one by one case unrelated!

difference is 6x, 6 times more kids in vaccinated group ended hospitalized!

Statistically significant p=0.039 table 93 raw ratio is =18:1


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Holy quacamole, seems very newsworthy! If I write about it I will link to your substack

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Look up incidence of impetigo in children. I'm sure the numbers are going up and more likely recorded since this is a known clinical diagnosis of infection with staph

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I have looked this up and it’s absolutely shocking the figures that have been found with this and several other ailments which have a horrifying effect on our children.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Its amazing how smart people can be truly stupid.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov


The naysayers are saying in vitro doesn't count. Where is the clinical data showing in vivio patient presentations of VAIDS?

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Good question, I will look, perhaps school absenteeism, hospital utulization or some such

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What's currently most concerning is that one's choice to not vaccinate, is not keeping one's child safe.

My child is still experiencing impacts of peers being V and boostered. So my own empowered choice to not V, is not enough. Also, if my unV child has ongoing symptoms that match this like recurrent infection, should I seek treatment as though child is V by possible shedding?

If this is true for kids, it must also apply to adults?.

This is not being discussed enough. Apparently I need to have children on a constant and vigorous detox/protection/ prophylactic detox program as if they were vax, esp if they are constantly surrounded by peers at school?

Thank you for any ideas.

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Whole Mommy, be aware that your kids may be having "something else" and not caused by shedding - if you feel they are not doing well I would suggest some blood tests and doctor attention. Wishing everyone the best of health!

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Thank you!

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Shedding is definitely happening. The Wellness Company has been offering an adult Spike Support for basically anyone who is around jabbed folks. Just started offering this for children. It's so awful what is happening. Good luck. <3

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Thank you, I give my teens 1 adult pill and rotate in ivermectin w zinc. I need to be more consistent, however. And figure out a probiotic repair plan after two rounds of antibiotic for impetigo.

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023Author

Also be careful about taking Ivermectin continuously, do not just assume it is vax shedding - it could be a mundane health condition that was known before 2020. Very few children are getting vaxed in Sep of 2023

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You're one smart mommy.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

These were not 'accidental' consequences - they were designed to further their Agenda to sterilise and kill masses of people, to depopulate the world to a fraction of it's present population. The worst is yet to come. The attitude to human life of these murderous Genocidal Luciferians is clearly on show in Maui, where the government figures show 2000 kids missing from the school rolls, yet the official death figure is about 150. This was no natural 'brush fire' - the houses and cars were incinerated by Directed Energy Weapons. Look at the flashes in the sky on some of the videos - and also see how the 'roaring fires' somehow spared luxury homes, and also spared trees and plastic bins virtually adjacent to burnt-to-ground houses and cars. And all because the locals refused to sell their homes and land to the developers for their new 'Smart City'. 2,500 FEMA personnel started arriving in Honolulu two days BEFORE the 'fire'. Water turned off, waening sirens not activated, kids sent home early, when many of their parents were at work and oblivious to the early school closings, cars stopped by police from escaping from Lahaina.

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They even put large rocks on the side of the road to prevent people from pulling over off the road. A few weeks before the fire legislation was put in place that the government takes control in a NATURAL DISASTER. This was not a natural disaster which may be the key to stop this. The police chief is the same corrupt guy from the California shootings and just happens to be a coroner which is a conflict of interest and illegal.

I think in the end the only way out of this is more blood being shed. It would be nice to just use our laws, but the system is corrupt to the core.

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Can anyone share thoughts research or anecdotes about how this is impacting not only the v children, but the broader community?

My child is 14 and unV and has had two impetigo infections in 5 weeks. It seems to be rampant among several schools in the area. So this impact potentially triggered by lowered immune function in some then increases the rate of various infection spreads among all??

Or is my child although unV, also at a risk of lower immune function and are there steps I can take to mitigate this, maybe one could be a spike detox protocol ?

Thanks for restating this in your fact checking call out. Appreciate you Igor.

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Being around Covid vaccinated people could be like being around sick people. Many people may have immune suppression longterm. Taking zinc and vitamin C must help.

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My opinion only, is that it is a bad idea to feed your child more and more ivermectin for conditions that it was not tested or approved for, or just go heavy on random commercial detoxes. It would help to at least get a doctor's opinion, perhaps find a doctor that your friends like if you do not have one yet.

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Personally I would rather give my child Ivermectin than the mRNA spike protein v. I am shocked to the core by the masses and masses of ppl who were willing to believe our so called experts who hadn’t even tested these vaccines in so short a time after cv was announced.

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Shedding is rampant. Search the web for Detoxes. Dr. McCullough has a Detox, and there are others.

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I think you are right. I need to be more aggressive and consistent with a detox protocol in keeping kids esp who are most surrounded by v shedding at school. Thanks.

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I would definitely get some tests and doctor attention, do not just amp up commercial detoxes and huge ivermectin doses

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Dr. Sabin Hazan, a renowned gastroenterologist, published her research a few months back revealing that newborns born to vaccinated mothers have ZERO bifidobacteria.

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Dorothy Ann, I've been able to find some of your other great comments on Natural Health. Thanks! So far so good in my immediate family. My X, son & 2 step-sons have all done research themselves & decided not to be mRNA gene altered into a Spike protein factory. My son & his lady also unvaxed, are quite the collaborative experts in mushroom knowledge.

A bit different in my birth family siblings & their offspring, who as medical Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses & Researchers, all took the shot & a few are delivering the shot. Asked them if they would participate in a Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogue with the aid of our respective Researches in order to contrast & compare as a neutral process. No takers or Precautionary Principle, but one who has died & another ill. No mental connection is being made to this 'Experimental EUA'. Its really a matter of addiction to an expensive, lavish lifestyle, they don't seem to be able to question let alone detach themselves from. Yes, so many ways our colonial population considers Oligarch rule, Genocide & Eugenics normal, as this is what we have been indoctrinated to believe in through fake 'education' (Latin 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within'), fake 'religion' (L 'religio' = 'to-relate' not 'indoctrinate'). Strange how every aspect of the words of our language, have been perverted to the opposite of syllabic & etymological meaning. No wonder people are confused, when they don't know the original meanings of the very words they speak. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/5-collaborative-language

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Looking forward to your Substack Douglas.

As I read your comment I thought how much we can benefit from clarifying our thoughts via a comment.

And I am with you regarding derivations of words.

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