Yes. I learned that the most esteemed health institutions in the world i.e. the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAD, the entire U.S. Healthcare system, universities, academia, science, and especially big pharma, are all run by corrupt liars and should never be trusted again.
Agree with this. As a Healthcare worker, I am much wiser, more critical- very AWAKE, and more resilient for getting thru the CA vaccine mandates for HC workers. It was extremely stressful but I still have my job and unvaxxed. Although knowing how broken the HC system is makes it hard to work in this field. I feel like I am more educated on many aspects of covid and certainly the vaccines then the Drs I work with. The pandemic/vaccine lies turned me into an anti-vaxxer when I wasn't before.
Same! I’m a new antivaxxer but unfortunately it was after my violent reaction to Pfizer #2. On the one hand it’s good that it woke me up and I’m repenting for all the vax toxins I allowed in my body and in my child’s body and all the flu clinics I helped with at work, previously! Now, I refuse to administer any vaccines ever again. I got my Covid kill shots in the very beginning, against my will, but I was ignorant to my actual rights back then otherwise I would not have taken it as I fully understood it was an untested experimental novel tech. Ugh! Constantly wondering if I will eventually succumb to SADs, depressing thought, I know. I’m squawking constantly about VAERS and I gave my medical director a book about vaccine science and myths, called Turtles all the way Down. I made her promise to read the 1st chapter, at least. I was amazed that she agreed. Next I told her to please not toss it. Again, she agreed.
All other conversations I’ve had with her about vaccines being toxic were met with apathy. Mostly she’d say nothing before walking away.
I understand I’m risking my job at this point but I can’t help myself. I’m determined to open this doctors mind. Doctors are really the only thing keeping people begging for more….
Hey you're probably one in a million who took the shots and now tries to save others with your hard won knowledge and experience. You're in my prayers, probably there are a lot of us who pray every day that the vaxxed will be spared and/or healed.
I do admire those that got jabbed and subsequently condemn these clot shots. Such folks possess a very rare character that is sorely lacking in this world.
Unfortunately I have not crossed paths with such a creature. The jabbed I know speak highly of the kill shot and anxiously await their mouse booster.
Christine you are loved and supported by millions including me. You are amazing- also one in a million for having an open mind despite your having gotten vaccinated and still willing to fight, just because you know it’s right. So many others feel they have no choice but to dig their heels in….
Please don’t worry about your health. Get the tests you need to soothe your mind- D-dimer, blood clot CT SCAN and just be healthy and live your life.
Thank you! Kaiser won’t do tests of any kind. They’re useless.
I sure regret not sticking to my gut but I’m determined to fight. I have a lawyer and am constantly telling my coworkers that my lawyer has already sent our HR a letter stating that he represents me and all other employees who do not want to take the shots. Some have already taken their 5th but most say they’re stopping after their third. I have 2 and a few others only have 2. Not sure if theirs any staff with zero. I doubt it. It’s pretty dystopian here in NorCal, Commifornia. But there are 2 residents, among 350+, that aren’t vaxxed at all. It’s awesome cuz they never “caught” it and they have been healthy all the way through. They’re my controls, lol!
If you can afford it, there are reputable telemed clinics now with good doctors who will help you order and interpret your tests. I'm using one now for post menopausal health issues because my obgyn is like all the rest. Her attitude is hey you're old go dry up. Sorry no, now there are better options and I have other plans.
Yup. My mom is in her seventies,never goes to doctors unless she's actually sick and has tried other things first, and got a UTI which wouldn't go away after a few days, so she went. The doctor was more interested in getting her scheduled for an unnecessary hysterectomy than treating her actual symptoms. My mom was pissed that they even asked. And when she refused, they tried to get her to submit to neurological testing because she seemed twitchy...because she doesn't like wearing bras and isn't used to it, but always wears one to certain select out-of-house events such as a doctor's appointment! But no,a much simpler explanation for her twitching her shoulders at the uncomfortable and unusual sensation of the bra straps she rarely wears is she has deep neurological problems only a dozen or so prescription drugs can fix!
Years later,her eye doctor forces her to get a physical before he would sign off on cataract surgery,and they just kept running as many tests as they could trying to find something they could either prescribe to her or operate on (she's a unicorn--in her seventies and on zero prescriptions, they could not allow that to stand). All they managed to find is an indication she may have fatty liver,which they seemed disinterested in discussing and started pressing for even more tests so she put her foot down. When she went to look up fatty liver, she found out the only treatment is a change in diet and exercise, which is neither surgery nor patented drug and so they had no intention of pursuing it! Its not like the healthcare industry has anything to do with caring for patient health! Not unless the treatment involves expensive patented drugs with major side effects for which even more drugs can be prescribed!
I think I had "it" in September'21 and this past July. "It" was no fun. "It" felt like a brand new manufactured bug designed to inflict damage. I'm glad for ivm because it stomped "it".
You may have gotten lucky and gotten one of the placebo batches. I heard on more than one occasion that there were reports of post jab illnesses and deaths from certain lot numbers of that covid jab poison. Anyway, I'm glad you saw the light about the amount of corruption that has highjacked the world today. People who continue to take that covid junk may get a bad one one day. I certainly never wished or suggested anyone take one. So I don't have to ask for amnesty or forgiveness about those lies and deceptions.
I think you will be fine now that you've learned better. As you continue to research and listen to the truth tellers and remember the importance of nutrition and antioxidants and put those medical protocols to work. I suspect that the good Lord will inspire you to put substances in your body that actually belong there. Cheers!
Thanks! However, both my shots were very bad lots. I had symptoms from both but the second dose was violent and therefore couldn’t be denied. And everyone has lit me saying wow, you’re going to be very immune! Grrr! I’d much rather have taken my chances, thank you very much! And I still feel unwell almost 2 years later. But good ole Kaiser also denies truth.
Sorry to hear about your suffering. People were fooled from all walks of life. Many others of us could have been in the same boat. It's terrible that very people that some of think can be trusted are the least trustworthy. Check out when you get the chance. Robin Openshaw states how she has used nutrition to heal herself from over 20 diseases. Dr. Judy Mikovits has stated for people to never take any vaccine again. They are all dangerous and are filled with toxins and carcinogens. I have never heard of one ingredient in any of them that belongs in the human body.
I am sorry, and also glad to see you here. It must take all kinds of courage to read some of what is being written. That detox is possible, and that many good people are working on ways to help is what keeps me coming back.
Listen to your instinct, even if it sounds silly. It is as good a guide as any.
A detox? The software update is still in place. The problem continues during and after any vitamins you take.
We need to develop a reverse edit. It shouldn't be that hard, crispr is not new tech. Have the Nuremberg trials, inject our brothers and sisters that were deceived with safe reverse edits. Then we can talk about detox.
To be clear I didn’t want to take an experimental drug and I went against my better judgment because I unfortunately believed there was a pandemic and working with elderly it seemed it was the right thing to do. Plus I didn’t know my true rights and that my employer was breaking the law. So, my first shot was mostly uneventful. I got it on December 26th, 2020. While I waited for 15 minutes observation period I began to feel a icey cold go down my injection arm but it went away pretty quickly. I was alarmed and told the paramedic doing the “observation”. He really wasn’t sympathetic and when it passed i decided to leave and I went to work. I remember feeling a weird spacey “air headed-ness”. Hard to explain but kinda like a brain fog but I wasn’t sure if I was just anxious for taking an experimental gene therapy or what. I had not noticed any adverse reactions in my patients or coworkers either so I figured I was being paranoid.
My arm became very sore by the next day. Which was a normal occurrence for me when I would get the flu vaccine but this sore arm was really bad and for a good 2 weeks it persisted and I thought I had cellulitis. It was so painful I didn’t like clothing or any pressure on my injection arm. But, it eventually went away. I blamed it on poor injection skills. Figured the paramedic got a nerve.
So, the second injection was on January 16, 2021. I was still miffed that I was going through with the coercion and this time the crowd was bigger. The observation room was in a huge gymnasium where nothing notable occurred during my 15 minutes. I went to work didn’t notice anything and went home after my shift and went to bed. I work the PM shift, 3pm-11:30pm. I woke up a few hours later with the worst rigors in my life. They were so painful I was crying. They were so violent and uncontrollable I wonder if it was a seizure. My temp was 104 for many days. I had explosive diarrhea and abdominal bloat with moderate tenderness. No appetite, couldn’t tolerate sips of water. Shooting sharp pain in my head, eyes and chest. I thought I should go to the ER but I felt to weak to actually do it. Plus, I was nervous to go. Anyway, I have permanent tinnitus and all over joint pain that has worsened over time and for a while I was having frequent heart palpitations and increased heart rate at rest, 145. I eventually went to the er and they didn’t find anything. I wore a holter monitor for 30 days which again the day they did not find anything, which can’t be true because I felt symptoms.
Anyway, Kaiser will not do the d-dimer.
So, I realize that I’m a lucky one and my experience is considered a “normal “ reaction but I have not taken another vaccine ever again because I know I was poisoned and I’m ashamed that I never questioned vaccines before. And now I’m seeing damage from vaccines in my patients and coworkers and friends but no one wants to believe it.
Ok, hopefully that wasn’t too long. I’m soon yo be 54, fyi. And both my injections were on the hot batch list.
This might give you a little peace of mind-or perhaps spur you into preventative action. You can check your batch number and how others may have fared. Good luck and thank you for speaking up and fostering the conversation.
I found how bad info way back and found both my jabs were pretty toxic. Amazingly the gentleman who created that site responded to my email and was able to say my doses may have been 4000x’s but wasn’t able to say why I barely noticed (but did have some symptoms) despite being the worst of the 2 batches and why I had such a violent response (within 12 hours) from the 2nd other than it’s accumulative AND perhaps the first one primed me for a negative reaction to the next...and future shots (which I will never ever take another vaccine or any injection ever again. The second shot caused a 104f temp lasting 5 days, violent shivers/tremors, extreme diarrhea, nausea, very swollen and tender abdomen, intolerance to take anything by mouth, including water, stabbing pain in my chest head and eyes. Nerve pain in my right side face and ear that thankfully resolved after a couple of weeks because it really hurt. And tinnitus that I still have today in both ears.
Joint pain that is worsening and I’m starting to have pain in both feet causing me to limp. It’ll be 2 years in December/January since my last kill shots. And I have not taken another flu shot since October 2020.
The first shot made my arm hurt for 2 weeks with a huge knot, so red hot and inflamed I thought I had cellulitis but it finally resolved. Not to mention that when I got the first shot I could feel a cold sensation travel throughout my arm. It alarmed me and I told the medic who was “watching” the post shot people for 15 minutes....he couldn’t careless. Anyway, it dissipated and I recall feeling “airheaded” during my shift but otherwise didn’t feel anything.
I reported everything to my Kaiser md but he wasn’t concerned, of course.
Awesome thanks! Yeah, I’m thankful to be aware of the government’s no good plans even if it means I’ve lost my old friends and my family thinks I’m a conspiracy nut. I now know my rights and want to help others to know their rights. My job still says flu and Covid shots are mandatory but a lot of us are refusing. Nothing is actually being forced which is evil. There’s a lot of coworkers who are still thinking they have to get continuous shots against their will. I can’t reach everyone but I’m trying!
It is far better than taking medical advice from a current doctor.
I tried to talk to my doctor about the mRNA jabs, she told me to listen to the CDC and ran away. Literally left and went down the hallway to avoid talking to me.
They are cowards. They did not stand up against the corruption. They have poisoned their souls by killing young people with the jabs and try to blind themselves from the results. But they know. They know what they did. They know what they have become. They are ashamed and afraid.
They are afraid because they have gotten the jabs themselves are are desperate to deny what is happening to themselves and their families.
I do not want to see any violence committed against these doctors who knew. Why would anybody want to see them die over a horrible one day of torture when they are doomed to experience 6 months to a year of slow painful death from multiple cancers and the despair of seeing their children die from the jabs.
I use to believe in the medical establishment. They turned that respect into a horrible desire for vengeance, They are witches and they are doomed.
My doc, never pushed the COVID shots, never asked me if I got them. I thought he was a good guy. Then he rather gently pushed the flu vaxx on me. I gently refused. He mumbled that they are very safe, but it was up to me. I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
That’s a little elitist. Sometime people WHO ACTUALLY WORK FOR A LIVING and give away half their earnings to “taxes” have better insights.
It’s really Common Sense. I capitalize it because it’s a real thing. Plumber or CEO, it’s available to you. Whether you tap into it or not, give it credence, is really more about your upbringing and self awareness.
I am also a healthcare worker. I agree with everything you said and I feel the exact same way. I used to be proud of what I do. Now, I’m not. I am not sure I want to stay in this field anymore.
Me three CGL ...I thought when I worked various shifts for the jabbed/ booster people who got Covid again and again , would finally admit to me they made a mistake.... NOT ONE. Not one F*cking one.
No. I don’t think they ever will. I don’t think they will ever admit they were conned on such a massive scale. Even people very close to me can’t admit they were wrong. Throw in the fact that a large percentage of the vaxxed hated and wished death upon those that wouldn’t take the shot or attacked the people who had “adverse advents” after the shot as liars and evil when they tried to warn others, the vaxxed will not possess the humility or self-reflection needed to admit they were wrong on so many levels.
I also have to confess I was very aggressive in my approach to those close to me in my stance against the shots. My approach could have had more humility and less hysteria. I don’t think it would have changed anything or stopped them from getting the shot. I was angry and panicked. I knew the shots were going to be harmful. Something wasn’t right. I felt like I was going crazy. Why did so many people buy into it? I still don’t know why so many were so afraid and willing to submit to the 2 years of masking, lockdowns, shots, testing etc. People wouldn’t go to funerals. People died alone in nursing homes and hospitals. People didn’t leave their homes. It was truly insane. Going to the grocery store with all the creepy announcements was like I was reading a dystopian novel. Most of my co-workers championed all the measures and questioned nothing. Many didn’t want the shot, but took it to go travel and make a lot of money and cover for those fired for refusing. Very few questioned anything. When I look back on this , I don’t know how it all happened. We still have to wear masks in the hospital.
I’m with you 100% , and thank you for responding. I rarely wear my mask in the hospital. Tired of everyone wearing the damn thing under their chin. They play a recorded message at the hospital every couple hours to wear the mask, it’s like a scene from the twilight zone. Agree.. how did this all happen and amazing so many swallowed the narrative, it blows me away .
I wear it as little as possible. It’s stupid. If you wear it under your chin, no one says anything. If you don’t wear it, they tell you need a mask. It is the twilight zone.
I wish I could get away with that. I work in Family practice and in our county, all healthcare offices require them. Absolutely hate them, and just saw an article that they might be carcinogenic. Great....more toxins.
I drink a lot so can pull it down and I get outside several times a day. Masks are the worst thing about my job. I don't even know what the new employees look like.
Your ethics, medical knowledge and love of seeing people healed and healthy I'm sure will be useful and needed in the future. As many other healthcare workers will be needed in the future from the looks of things. You may even be a valuable asset in the future to help to steer the next generation of healthcare workers and people out of decades of lies about health and medicine, that have been taught to healthcare workers and citizens alike. I truly feel empathy for every healthcare worker who regret the scam that modern medicine has evolved into.
BTW, some of us have learned in recent years that modern medicine headed downhill around the time of the Spanish Flu. Be sure to catch Propaganda Exposed by Ty and Charlene Bollinger at - They exposed over 100 years of lies about health and medicine.
Thank you Mary. I hope you are right. I no longer want to be apart of a system so corrupt. I am hoping that alternatives to our current system start up and it can start to dismantle the current corruption of healthcare. Thank you for the link about cancer. I am very interested in alternative treatments for this
Visit to see a list of integrative medical practitioners around the world. There are also herbalists and other medical practitioners who realized decades ago that Western medicine was not the only solution for fighting, preventing or reversing diseases. Not the answer at all in some cases. There are healthcare practitioners around the world who are not in cahoots with the western medical cabal of killers and disease spreaders. I get it that some are acting in ignorance. But I don't think every healthcare worker fits that mold.
There has been some good accomplishments through western medicine no doubt. But there has been way too much damage caused by medicines and vaccines. And the pharmaceutical industry has basically made a mockery out of western medicine since the 1980's. And they simply have too much control over the medical industry and world governments. They've infiltrated and highjacked both. And if the alternative healthcare workers aren't careful. There's no doubt that the pharma cult will destroy the alternative medical industry too.
I agree. I always thought pharma was corrupt, but I figured that there is no way to have zero corruption in any industry, but I figured they helped a lot of people. I sadly didn’t realize how wrong I was. The longer I work in healthcare, the more I realize I don’t want most of the current interventions done to me ever. I used to think we really helped people. Now I wonder how much we hurt people. Unfortunately, so many are stuck as repeat customers in our corrupt system. I think we do help in some cases. But I feel like health has declined in the last 50 years and access to “medical care” has increased by significant amount. People are sicker and life expectancy is decreasing. When I look at patient histories I just feel sad at all their diagnoses, meds, and procedures. We have all this high tech stuff. Every patient has their own stuff to prevent infection and transmission of disease. We have strong germicidal cleaners. Yet, we have a lot of infections and resistant organisms. But nowhere is there any curiosity in the world of healthcare as to why. We have plenty of studies on pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures, but nothing on the simple things we can do. It’s just sad. Even more sad, I find that many of the patients don’t want anything different. They want a pill and procedure and to just be fixed. They don’t want to change any lifestyle or behaviors. Also, they truly believe in our current system. I don’t think it occurs to most people how truly corrupt medicine has become. I get it. I used to believe that also.
Spanish flu was around the time of the Flexner Report which, I believe, was a Rockefeller project. Aim was to “standardize” medical education and practice and to get rid of “quacks.” “Quacks” being those who used non-synthetic pharmaceuticals as medicines. Eventually practices like homeopathy and natural medicines were ostracized and bullied out of existence.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. That's why I brought up the Spanish Flu. This game of chemical medicine has been ongoing for at least 104 years already. Too bad it wasn't nipped in the bud long before the start of the 1940's depression.
Very good for you. The world needs sane and healthy people like you in the medical field. It's like the powers that be have and are continuing to do everything in their power to drive ethical people out of the medical field. That's one of the reasons I listen to health summits where the healthcare practitioners tell the truth about health and medicine. I actually believe that the world population were in better overall health thousands of years ago. We may have better technology now. But it's not all being used with the best intentions as our fake "health interventions" are demonstrating.
Thank you Mary. There are very few people I can talk to openly at work. A few people know how I feel but I have to be careful. I have mostly hidden my vaccine status. I have to just keep quiet mouth when a patient tells me they are getting their 4th or 5th booster soon. They just don't know better and trust the medical establishments advice. Seeing Drs who treat pregnant patients rec the vaccine is beyond sickening but I know its happening everywhere. There may be Drs that are red pilled but I don't really know- maybe those are the ones that have retired in the last few years. They are all expected to follow the CDC and clinic guidelines, and recently Gov Newsom signed a bill saying their licensees can be revoked if they spread "mis-information" which as we all know is any thing that goes against the narrative. I have had to let go of "saving" my friends and co-workers. I have started talking to some of my friends a little but I have to let go over and over and accept that I can't change their reality or mindset. I have connected deeper with those that are "Awake" like me.
It still perplexes me why some of us have been skeptical and questioning the whole time and some are flat out kool-aid drinkers.
I've always tried to be an honest person, but this covid idiocy has led me to a place where if a situation demands it (hasn't happened yet) I will say "yes" I am jabbed even thought I am not, and if really pushed I have a way to make a fax vax card to show off. At t his point in time, I have zero reservations about doing that. Meanwhile, I keep quiet about my status unless I'm talking with a like-minded person.
fake documents were very common in the USSR if that is where you want to go. it is pretty much as bad as a real document. collaborating with terrorists. the ones who should be shutting their mouths are the ones pushing "vaccines" etc. just quit your job. it is a no brainer. anyone half descent working for them endangers lives by proving camouflage. if you know it is bad then you shouldn't be fronting up for them. either that or speak but sitting their quietly is not right. you don't want to go down with that ship.
I was just in Arizona last week and had to take a friend to the ER. They asked if she was "fully vaccinated" (What ever the F that means now- is that 4, 5 jabs?)
Strangely they never asked me but I would have lied.
It would be a different story in California I bet. They wouldn't let my husband wait with me before a surgical procedure w/o a vax card. So I had to sit nervously alone. (I had to pre-test).
But I am with you, I'm very honest but drastic times lead to "drastic" measures.
You're doing the right thing. There's that ole saying about loose lips sink ships. It tells us in Proverbs 21:23 - Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from trouble. I hate having to hold my piece. But things usually work out better for me when I do. Especially when I need to keep my mouth shut. Saying certain things in the wrong place, at the wrong time to the wrong person can cause avoidable grief. Glad I keep my mouth closed most of the time when I need to.
Same with me! I used to lecture on how social psychology experiments like the Asch line test, the Milgram electric voltage experiment and Zimbardo prison experiment repeatedly proved how easy it is to manipulate people through group conformity, obedience to authority and notions of group supremacy. Basically these evolutionarily hard-wired emotional vulnerabilities form the basis of the "banality of evil" as Hannah Arrendt concluded. But I still cannot help being shocked to see how this has played out to the point of watching parents willingly sacrificing their own children to this horrible experiment.
Hmmm- interesting thought- maybe it was my psychology major in the 80's and exposure to leaning about all those exact experiments so long ago that helped me learn to be skeptical. I remember them well. Would be interesting to see how many people who studied that did or did not give in to the fear porn and manipulation.
Hi Scamster. I, too, am a healthcare worker. Once an RN , now a waitress, trying to get an exemption. I do not want to go back. Feel the same as you do
Please keep your skills and keep learning the truth about medicine. I'm sure there is still a spot for you somewhere in an ethical medical facility. It was either last year or this year where I read of a hospital somewhere in the US that was hiring vaccinated and unvaccinated people. I think the airlines dropped their covid mandates, after they realized they would eventually get sued if enough planes fell out of the sky. You may have heard recently that a judge in NYC ruled that fired city workers get re-instated. The good Lord along with the USC saved me and many others last year from a mandated jab to keep my job. I wish that had made that ruling for everyone though. And every judge around the world too.
I am a healthcare worker who lost the fight and my career in Pennsylvania. I think in a way I'm glad I didn't get an exemption. My faith in our medical system has been shaken so badly I don't know if I can do the job any longer. How can I do an informed consent document with a patient, not trusting that the document accurately portrays the risks of a procedure? How can I administer a drug, not believing it was properly evaluated by the FDA? A lot of people ask me if I will go back should the mandates be lifted. I ask myself - How can I go back?
i wholeheartedly profession of near 50 years has become so stained with gross oozing festering POLITICS that they will have a very hard time recovering credibility. These Professors and Medical Board members have truly lost their way and should recognized they too were responsible for gross errors in judgement, resignations should be considered.
I think for many, resignation would be too mild a punishment. I heard many MDs, and one “Chief Clinical Officer,” an MD responsible for clinical protocols for a large health system, flagrantly lie about the safety of early treatment with proven drugs. An inexcusable deception, and malpractice at least.
Those who just bowed to being so woke and governed by blinded group think should be demoted and re-educated to adhere to true gold standard scientific principle or it is THEY who should lose their licenses.
You right. I haven't trusted the deceitful and pathological liars you're talking before 2000. Glad I never followed any of their destructive advice either.
You right. Mostly all of the big wigs were involved in the covid narrative insanity. Most of the news media, some celebrities, politicians, private citizens, the WEF, the WHO, various corporations, some religious leaders to name many who are accomplices to the covid madness. And some of them won't wake up or stop until they kick the bucket. Mass insanity doesn't usually disappear overnight.
(I am trying to put this in the right words, like another aspiring internet poet) - The industries which are supposed to be regulated are being regulated by themselves.
My brother relapsed, clean since 2013 after 4 surgeries to remove a brain tumor. He had no choice but get the vaccine since he lives in a Care Home.
He is once again losing his language and motor skills, hallucinating and having nightmares. (There was a study that claims dormant cancers and other diseases are stimulated by this vaccine but I can't find it right now).
I have never told him about the side effects, I have just been quietly waiting.
I am sorry for the suffering in your world. We are going to hear so many stories as time goes on.
how dare they, so sorry he is worse since shot have you found info how to help him improve ? here is one site re covid vax injury : protocols. there are others.
The vaccine kills an average of 30% of your T cells, which are responsible for keeping cancer in check, among other things. Here are related studies about cancer and the spike protein in the vaccine.
Car crash might have been intentional. In the 12 step process for alcoholics to recover one step is to ask a higher power for help. It has to be done from the heart, with complete honestly. I'd suggest he asks God for help.
You might try NA. I lived with my friend in SF for many years and after a decades long struggle, just today made three years of sobriety. He is a binge drinker, but he really hated AA, and loved NA, and is an adamant atheist, but found the program worked for him, and a personal version of a higher power, which NA is cool with, he feels. He was almost dead in the Russian River after wrecking his car, long before vaccine issues. He loves NA as it advocates really adventurous living, pumping up your neurochemicals naturally.
Unfortunately getting people to do stuff to help themselves is next to impossible. He doesn't need to believe in God to ask for help. Maybe tell him: when you are ready, ask God for help. Hopefully in a moment of desperation he will do so.
The pandemic definitely made me wiser. I knew, despite listening to the fear mongers on the New York Times podcast “the daily” way back in spring 2020 that something didn’t add up. I was at times the lone voice arguing against reactionary closures and cancellations in March 2020. I was made to feel like I was the one person who didn’t actually care about peoples lives.
Prior to this period of time I believed in vaccines. I believed that children wouldn’t get dire diseases as long as they kept up their vaccine regimen. God forgive me, I pressured my daughter who was suspicious of all vaccines to get my toddler grandson vaccinated with the regular child series. Thank goodness she fought me on that.
I will never knowingly submit myself to another shot of anything, and will attempt to dissuade anyone else of doing the same.
I haven’t listened to a main stream newscast in two years.
I have zero trust in any regulatory agencies operating right now. No one is watching out for us.
I’ve gained confidence in my own ability to discern truth. Trusting my gut and certain credible voices has been amply justified. The scientists that I follow have been proven right every step of the last two years. That’s given me confidence.
I’ve learned that I can survive without certain people in my life who were hostile to truth.
I lost opportunities in my field of work. Other things came up that aligned with my values and brought other wise people into my life
well said. I was suspicious of vaccines before covid, but now there's no doubt in my mind that they ALL are poison. Check out the book Turtles All the Way Down.
But these mRNA "vaccines" are a whole 'nother can of worms. Before we knew how toxic the spike protein turned out to be, just the concept of an injection that will cause my own cells to create trillions of toxic foreign proteins sounded completely insane to me. Can you spell autoimmune disease? And now we know that spike is one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever encountered. We also know that mRNA can be reverse transcribed by liver cells and thereby end up in the DNA of said cells. We also don't know anything about the toxicity of lipid nanoparticles and other potential toxins in these jabs. It's beyond insane. We're talking deliberate mass murder. I can only hope that Pharma has so overplayed their hand that it will cause the whole rotten structure of Pharma/WHO/WEF/FDA/CDC/AMA/NIH to crumble. The only way out of this mess to completely dismantle these corrupt agencies and corporations. Some MEP's in EU are waking up and causing a ruckus over there. I can only hope it goes global.
yep. And that was my big concern about these jabs until information started coming out about how toxic spike protein is. Now it appears that spike is so toxic, the possibility of developing autoimmune disease pales by comparison.
But even if the jabs had our own cells manufacturing trillions of benign foreign proteins (is it even possible for a foreign protein to be "benign"?), what would that do to our physiology? Seems logical to me that the development of autoimmune diseases would be a real risk. And what's the timeline on the development of autoimmune disease? I suspect some of them take a bit longer to manifest than a few months which was how long the "vaccine" trials lasted. Are these people just stupid? Or are they so blinded by power and greed that they can't think logically anymore?
Thank you for this. The guilt I have for the childhood vaccines I made my daughter get (guardisil) weighs on me heavily. Thankfully, we did not succumb to these injectables. Thankfully, our daughter did not have a reaction to guardisil etc (that I am aware of to date). Yes, God forgive me, too.
We didn’t know. Now we do. We thought we were protecting them. Our bodies naturally fight to keep us well, thank God. I’m so thankful your daughter is okay.
Made me a vaccine skeptic; will never recover. Opened my eyes to the manipulation and control of college students that has been happening for decades; this must end. Was always a fighter; now a warrior.
Being a quakcine sceptic here is literally mind poisoning. There are a crap load of childhood mandatory quakcines and trying to have an offspring makes me sick to my stomach that we are facing forced quakcines down the line.
Also my parents says 'yes but you also received childhood quakcines and all were okay' they are okay until I point out for them how the list got insanely inflated in the last years.
Up to 18 months of age the child will receive 15 doses of quakcines. Absolutely gives me nightmares.
The pandemic made me wiser when it comes to the medical profession. I will no longer trust anything they tell me without verifying it first. I’ve told my GP and he actually agrees with me.
It’s also made me sad to think that my fellow humans are so quick to turn on each other at the behest of power hungry politicians and profit hungry corporate hospitals along with manufacturers.
Yes. I learned that the most esteemed health institutions in the world i.e. the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAD, the entire U.S. Healthcare system, universities, academia, science, and especially big pharma, are all run by corrupt liars and should never be trusted again.
Agree with this. As a Healthcare worker, I am much wiser, more critical- very AWAKE, and more resilient for getting thru the CA vaccine mandates for HC workers. It was extremely stressful but I still have my job and unvaxxed. Although knowing how broken the HC system is makes it hard to work in this field. I feel like I am more educated on many aspects of covid and certainly the vaccines then the Drs I work with. The pandemic/vaccine lies turned me into an anti-vaxxer when I wasn't before.
Same! I’m a new antivaxxer but unfortunately it was after my violent reaction to Pfizer #2. On the one hand it’s good that it woke me up and I’m repenting for all the vax toxins I allowed in my body and in my child’s body and all the flu clinics I helped with at work, previously! Now, I refuse to administer any vaccines ever again. I got my Covid kill shots in the very beginning, against my will, but I was ignorant to my actual rights back then otherwise I would not have taken it as I fully understood it was an untested experimental novel tech. Ugh! Constantly wondering if I will eventually succumb to SADs, depressing thought, I know. I’m squawking constantly about VAERS and I gave my medical director a book about vaccine science and myths, called Turtles all the way Down. I made her promise to read the 1st chapter, at least. I was amazed that she agreed. Next I told her to please not toss it. Again, she agreed.
All other conversations I’ve had with her about vaccines being toxic were met with apathy. Mostly she’d say nothing before walking away.
I understand I’m risking my job at this point but I can’t help myself. I’m determined to open this doctors mind. Doctors are really the only thing keeping people begging for more….
Hey you're probably one in a million who took the shots and now tries to save others with your hard won knowledge and experience. You're in my prayers, probably there are a lot of us who pray every day that the vaxxed will be spared and/or healed.
I do admire those that got jabbed and subsequently condemn these clot shots. Such folks possess a very rare character that is sorely lacking in this world.
Unfortunately I have not crossed paths with such a creature. The jabbed I know speak highly of the kill shot and anxiously await their mouse booster.
Christine you are loved and supported by millions including me. You are amazing- also one in a million for having an open mind despite your having gotten vaccinated and still willing to fight, just because you know it’s right. So many others feel they have no choice but to dig their heels in….
Please don’t worry about your health. Get the tests you need to soothe your mind- D-dimer, blood clot CT SCAN and just be healthy and live your life.
Wishing you all the best!!
Thank you! Kaiser won’t do tests of any kind. They’re useless.
I sure regret not sticking to my gut but I’m determined to fight. I have a lawyer and am constantly telling my coworkers that my lawyer has already sent our HR a letter stating that he represents me and all other employees who do not want to take the shots. Some have already taken their 5th but most say they’re stopping after their third. I have 2 and a few others only have 2. Not sure if theirs any staff with zero. I doubt it. It’s pretty dystopian here in NorCal, Commifornia. But there are 2 residents, among 350+, that aren’t vaxxed at all. It’s awesome cuz they never “caught” it and they have been healthy all the way through. They’re my controls, lol!
If you can afford it, there are reputable telemed clinics now with good doctors who will help you order and interpret your tests. I'm using one now for post menopausal health issues because my obgyn is like all the rest. Her attitude is hey you're old go dry up. Sorry no, now there are better options and I have other plans.
Yup. My mom is in her seventies,never goes to doctors unless she's actually sick and has tried other things first, and got a UTI which wouldn't go away after a few days, so she went. The doctor was more interested in getting her scheduled for an unnecessary hysterectomy than treating her actual symptoms. My mom was pissed that they even asked. And when she refused, they tried to get her to submit to neurological testing because she seemed twitchy...because she doesn't like wearing bras and isn't used to it, but always wears one to certain select out-of-house events such as a doctor's appointment! But no,a much simpler explanation for her twitching her shoulders at the uncomfortable and unusual sensation of the bra straps she rarely wears is she has deep neurological problems only a dozen or so prescription drugs can fix!
Years later,her eye doctor forces her to get a physical before he would sign off on cataract surgery,and they just kept running as many tests as they could trying to find something they could either prescribe to her or operate on (she's a unicorn--in her seventies and on zero prescriptions, they could not allow that to stand). All they managed to find is an indication she may have fatty liver,which they seemed disinterested in discussing and started pressing for even more tests so she put her foot down. When she went to look up fatty liver, she found out the only treatment is a change in diet and exercise, which is neither surgery nor patented drug and so they had no intention of pursuing it! Its not like the healthcare industry has anything to do with caring for patient health! Not unless the treatment involves expensive patented drugs with major side effects for which even more drugs can be prescribed!
So yeah...they're sociopaths and criminals.
There is no "it".
I think I had "it" in September'21 and this past July. "It" was no fun. "It" felt like a brand new manufactured bug designed to inflict damage. I'm glad for ivm because it stomped "it".
You may have gotten lucky and gotten one of the placebo batches. I heard on more than one occasion that there were reports of post jab illnesses and deaths from certain lot numbers of that covid jab poison. Anyway, I'm glad you saw the light about the amount of corruption that has highjacked the world today. People who continue to take that covid junk may get a bad one one day. I certainly never wished or suggested anyone take one. So I don't have to ask for amnesty or forgiveness about those lies and deceptions.
I think you will be fine now that you've learned better. As you continue to research and listen to the truth tellers and remember the importance of nutrition and antioxidants and put those medical protocols to work. I suspect that the good Lord will inspire you to put substances in your body that actually belong there. Cheers!
Thanks! However, both my shots were very bad lots. I had symptoms from both but the second dose was violent and therefore couldn’t be denied. And everyone has lit me saying wow, you’re going to be very immune! Grrr! I’d much rather have taken my chances, thank you very much! And I still feel unwell almost 2 years later. But good ole Kaiser also denies truth.
Sorry to hear about your suffering. People were fooled from all walks of life. Many others of us could have been in the same boat. It's terrible that very people that some of think can be trusted are the least trustworthy. Check out when you get the chance. Robin Openshaw states how she has used nutrition to heal herself from over 20 diseases. Dr. Judy Mikovits has stated for people to never take any vaccine again. They are all dangerous and are filled with toxins and carcinogens. I have never heard of one ingredient in any of them that belongs in the human body.
I am sorry, and also glad to see you here. It must take all kinds of courage to read some of what is being written. That detox is possible, and that many good people are working on ways to help is what keeps me coming back.
Listen to your instinct, even if it sounds silly. It is as good a guide as any.
A detox? The software update is still in place. The problem continues during and after any vitamins you take.
We need to develop a reverse edit. It shouldn't be that hard, crispr is not new tech. Have the Nuremberg trials, inject our brothers and sisters that were deceived with safe reverse edits. Then we can talk about detox.
Hope your health improves.
from my note
20221030: Spike protein detox method
World Council for Health
Ivermectin (& Slamin): Prevention of ACE2 connection of Spike protein ◎ and anti-inflammatory action
NCA: May return cells to normal?
Catechin & Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory action
if you want to know about potential resources for healing post vax let me know
some include flccc. net
would love feedback from anyone this helped!!
"but unfortunately it was after my violent reaction to Pfizer #2."
Would you care to share all/some of the details re: your violent reaction?
To be clear I didn’t want to take an experimental drug and I went against my better judgment because I unfortunately believed there was a pandemic and working with elderly it seemed it was the right thing to do. Plus I didn’t know my true rights and that my employer was breaking the law. So, my first shot was mostly uneventful. I got it on December 26th, 2020. While I waited for 15 minutes observation period I began to feel a icey cold go down my injection arm but it went away pretty quickly. I was alarmed and told the paramedic doing the “observation”. He really wasn’t sympathetic and when it passed i decided to leave and I went to work. I remember feeling a weird spacey “air headed-ness”. Hard to explain but kinda like a brain fog but I wasn’t sure if I was just anxious for taking an experimental gene therapy or what. I had not noticed any adverse reactions in my patients or coworkers either so I figured I was being paranoid.
My arm became very sore by the next day. Which was a normal occurrence for me when I would get the flu vaccine but this sore arm was really bad and for a good 2 weeks it persisted and I thought I had cellulitis. It was so painful I didn’t like clothing or any pressure on my injection arm. But, it eventually went away. I blamed it on poor injection skills. Figured the paramedic got a nerve.
So, the second injection was on January 16, 2021. I was still miffed that I was going through with the coercion and this time the crowd was bigger. The observation room was in a huge gymnasium where nothing notable occurred during my 15 minutes. I went to work didn’t notice anything and went home after my shift and went to bed. I work the PM shift, 3pm-11:30pm. I woke up a few hours later with the worst rigors in my life. They were so painful I was crying. They were so violent and uncontrollable I wonder if it was a seizure. My temp was 104 for many days. I had explosive diarrhea and abdominal bloat with moderate tenderness. No appetite, couldn’t tolerate sips of water. Shooting sharp pain in my head, eyes and chest. I thought I should go to the ER but I felt to weak to actually do it. Plus, I was nervous to go. Anyway, I have permanent tinnitus and all over joint pain that has worsened over time and for a while I was having frequent heart palpitations and increased heart rate at rest, 145. I eventually went to the er and they didn’t find anything. I wore a holter monitor for 30 days which again the day they did not find anything, which can’t be true because I felt symptoms.
Anyway, Kaiser will not do the d-dimer.
So, I realize that I’m a lucky one and my experience is considered a “normal “ reaction but I have not taken another vaccine ever again because I know I was poisoned and I’m ashamed that I never questioned vaccines before. And now I’m seeing damage from vaccines in my patients and coworkers and friends but no one wants to believe it.
Ok, hopefully that wasn’t too long. I’m soon yo be 54, fyi. And both my injections were on the hot batch list.
This might give you a little peace of mind-or perhaps spur you into preventative action. You can check your batch number and how others may have fared. Good luck and thank you for speaking up and fostering the conversation.
I found how bad info way back and found both my jabs were pretty toxic. Amazingly the gentleman who created that site responded to my email and was able to say my doses may have been 4000x’s but wasn’t able to say why I barely noticed (but did have some symptoms) despite being the worst of the 2 batches and why I had such a violent response (within 12 hours) from the 2nd other than it’s accumulative AND perhaps the first one primed me for a negative reaction to the next...and future shots (which I will never ever take another vaccine or any injection ever again. The second shot caused a 104f temp lasting 5 days, violent shivers/tremors, extreme diarrhea, nausea, very swollen and tender abdomen, intolerance to take anything by mouth, including water, stabbing pain in my chest head and eyes. Nerve pain in my right side face and ear that thankfully resolved after a couple of weeks because it really hurt. And tinnitus that I still have today in both ears.
Joint pain that is worsening and I’m starting to have pain in both feet causing me to limp. It’ll be 2 years in December/January since my last kill shots. And I have not taken another flu shot since October 2020.
The first shot made my arm hurt for 2 weeks with a huge knot, so red hot and inflamed I thought I had cellulitis but it finally resolved. Not to mention that when I got the first shot I could feel a cold sensation travel throughout my arm. It alarmed me and I told the medic who was “watching” the post shot people for 15 minutes....he couldn’t careless. Anyway, it dissipated and I recall feeling “airheaded” during my shift but otherwise didn’t feel anything.
I reported everything to my Kaiser md but he wasn’t concerned, of course.
thats awful . glad you came through that horror! these may be relevant :
(or other photobiomodulation)
immunoglobulin IG
oct 2022 watched video 40 min
(✌️Ryleigh Jones) ivig immunoglobulin within 3 weeks transformational recovery
Awesome thanks! Yeah, I’m thankful to be aware of the government’s no good plans even if it means I’ve lost my old friends and my family thinks I’m a conspiracy nut. I now know my rights and want to help others to know their rights. My job still says flu and Covid shots are mandatory but a lot of us are refusing. Nothing is actually being forced which is evil. There’s a lot of coworkers who are still thinking they have to get continuous shots against their will. I can’t reach everyone but I’m trying!
I now take health advise from my pure blooded plumber.
All the licenced doctors here in MA are jabbed and thus...worthless.
Sounds like your plumber knows best....and if he's done an hours research....he probably does....!🤷♂️
In Los Angeles, I had to educate my plumber AND HVAC guy who had family pressure despite their gut feelings. But we had good talks. They knew.
That line is a keeper...a Tshirt? A bumper sticker? I hope I recall this line tomorrow!
I won’t go as far as taking medical advise from a plumber. That’s extreme 😝
Tradesmen often have better common sense and more humanity than some of the sad products of medical schools.
Why The Trucker is Smarter
- than the doctor, the scientist, the lawyer, the philosopher, the college professor, the politician and the bureaucrat
It is far better than taking medical advice from a current doctor.
I tried to talk to my doctor about the mRNA jabs, she told me to listen to the CDC and ran away. Literally left and went down the hallway to avoid talking to me.
They are cowards. They did not stand up against the corruption. They have poisoned their souls by killing young people with the jabs and try to blind themselves from the results. But they know. They know what they did. They know what they have become. They are ashamed and afraid.
They are afraid because they have gotten the jabs themselves are are desperate to deny what is happening to themselves and their families.
I do not want to see any violence committed against these doctors who knew. Why would anybody want to see them die over a horrible one day of torture when they are doomed to experience 6 months to a year of slow painful death from multiple cancers and the despair of seeing their children die from the jabs.
I use to believe in the medical establishment. They turned that respect into a horrible desire for vengeance, They are witches and they are doomed.
My doc, never pushed the COVID shots, never asked me if I got them. I thought he was a good guy. Then he rather gently pushed the flu vaxx on me. I gently refused. He mumbled that they are very safe, but it was up to me. I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
I've learned most doctors are followers and definitely not independent thinkers.
That’s a little elitist. Sometime people WHO ACTUALLY WORK FOR A LIVING and give away half their earnings to “taxes” have better insights.
It’s really Common Sense. I capitalize it because it’s a real thing. Plumber or CEO, it’s available to you. Whether you tap into it or not, give it credence, is really more about your upbringing and self awareness.
I would
The best common sense with any new tech, especially new medical tech, is to use caution. Do not use it until it has 10 years of safety data.
I am also a healthcare worker. I agree with everything you said and I feel the exact same way. I used to be proud of what I do. Now, I’m not. I am not sure I want to stay in this field anymore.
Me three CGL ...I thought when I worked various shifts for the jabbed/ booster people who got Covid again and again , would finally admit to me they made a mistake.... NOT ONE. Not one F*cking one.
No. I don’t think they ever will. I don’t think they will ever admit they were conned on such a massive scale. Even people very close to me can’t admit they were wrong. Throw in the fact that a large percentage of the vaxxed hated and wished death upon those that wouldn’t take the shot or attacked the people who had “adverse advents” after the shot as liars and evil when they tried to warn others, the vaxxed will not possess the humility or self-reflection needed to admit they were wrong on so many levels.
I also have to confess I was very aggressive in my approach to those close to me in my stance against the shots. My approach could have had more humility and less hysteria. I don’t think it would have changed anything or stopped them from getting the shot. I was angry and panicked. I knew the shots were going to be harmful. Something wasn’t right. I felt like I was going crazy. Why did so many people buy into it? I still don’t know why so many were so afraid and willing to submit to the 2 years of masking, lockdowns, shots, testing etc. People wouldn’t go to funerals. People died alone in nursing homes and hospitals. People didn’t leave their homes. It was truly insane. Going to the grocery store with all the creepy announcements was like I was reading a dystopian novel. Most of my co-workers championed all the measures and questioned nothing. Many didn’t want the shot, but took it to go travel and make a lot of money and cover for those fired for refusing. Very few questioned anything. When I look back on this , I don’t know how it all happened. We still have to wear masks in the hospital.
I’m with you 100% , and thank you for responding. I rarely wear my mask in the hospital. Tired of everyone wearing the damn thing under their chin. They play a recorded message at the hospital every couple hours to wear the mask, it’s like a scene from the twilight zone. Agree.. how did this all happen and amazing so many swallowed the narrative, it blows me away .
I wear it as little as possible. It’s stupid. If you wear it under your chin, no one says anything. If you don’t wear it, they tell you need a mask. It is the twilight zone.
I wish I could get away with that. I work in Family practice and in our county, all healthcare offices require them. Absolutely hate them, and just saw an article that they might be carcinogenic. Great....more toxins.
I drink a lot so can pull it down and I get outside several times a day. Masks are the worst thing about my job. I don't even know what the new employees look like.
Sounds like they have a huge ego. Or profound immaturity. Both will not let someone admit they are wrong.
Your ethics, medical knowledge and love of seeing people healed and healthy I'm sure will be useful and needed in the future. As many other healthcare workers will be needed in the future from the looks of things. You may even be a valuable asset in the future to help to steer the next generation of healthcare workers and people out of decades of lies about health and medicine, that have been taught to healthcare workers and citizens alike. I truly feel empathy for every healthcare worker who regret the scam that modern medicine has evolved into.
BTW, some of us have learned in recent years that modern medicine headed downhill around the time of the Spanish Flu. Be sure to catch Propaganda Exposed by Ty and Charlene Bollinger at - They exposed over 100 years of lies about health and medicine.
Thank you Mary. I hope you are right. I no longer want to be apart of a system so corrupt. I am hoping that alternatives to our current system start up and it can start to dismantle the current corruption of healthcare. Thank you for the link about cancer. I am very interested in alternative treatments for this
Visit to see a list of integrative medical practitioners around the world. There are also herbalists and other medical practitioners who realized decades ago that Western medicine was not the only solution for fighting, preventing or reversing diseases. Not the answer at all in some cases. There are healthcare practitioners around the world who are not in cahoots with the western medical cabal of killers and disease spreaders. I get it that some are acting in ignorance. But I don't think every healthcare worker fits that mold.
There has been some good accomplishments through western medicine no doubt. But there has been way too much damage caused by medicines and vaccines. And the pharmaceutical industry has basically made a mockery out of western medicine since the 1980's. And they simply have too much control over the medical industry and world governments. They've infiltrated and highjacked both. And if the alternative healthcare workers aren't careful. There's no doubt that the pharma cult will destroy the alternative medical industry too.
I agree. I always thought pharma was corrupt, but I figured that there is no way to have zero corruption in any industry, but I figured they helped a lot of people. I sadly didn’t realize how wrong I was. The longer I work in healthcare, the more I realize I don’t want most of the current interventions done to me ever. I used to think we really helped people. Now I wonder how much we hurt people. Unfortunately, so many are stuck as repeat customers in our corrupt system. I think we do help in some cases. But I feel like health has declined in the last 50 years and access to “medical care” has increased by significant amount. People are sicker and life expectancy is decreasing. When I look at patient histories I just feel sad at all their diagnoses, meds, and procedures. We have all this high tech stuff. Every patient has their own stuff to prevent infection and transmission of disease. We have strong germicidal cleaners. Yet, we have a lot of infections and resistant organisms. But nowhere is there any curiosity in the world of healthcare as to why. We have plenty of studies on pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures, but nothing on the simple things we can do. It’s just sad. Even more sad, I find that many of the patients don’t want anything different. They want a pill and procedure and to just be fixed. They don’t want to change any lifestyle or behaviors. Also, they truly believe in our current system. I don’t think it occurs to most people how truly corrupt medicine has become. I get it. I used to believe that also.
Spanish flu was around the time of the Flexner Report which, I believe, was a Rockefeller project. Aim was to “standardize” medical education and practice and to get rid of “quacks.” “Quacks” being those who used non-synthetic pharmaceuticals as medicines. Eventually practices like homeopathy and natural medicines were ostracized and bullied out of existence.
Quacks was a term for allopathic doctors who did blood letting, mercury and 'vaccines'.
Well, yes. Somehow though they turned that around and used it against the very paradigm that was legit.
Sorta like the current environment does to early treatment, vitamins and diet for immune support, parents going to school boards, etc.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. That's why I brought up the Spanish Flu. This game of chemical medicine has been ongoing for at least 104 years already. Too bad it wasn't nipped in the bud long before the start of the 1940's depression.
Very good for you. The world needs sane and healthy people like you in the medical field. It's like the powers that be have and are continuing to do everything in their power to drive ethical people out of the medical field. That's one of the reasons I listen to health summits where the healthcare practitioners tell the truth about health and medicine. I actually believe that the world population were in better overall health thousands of years ago. We may have better technology now. But it's not all being used with the best intentions as our fake "health interventions" are demonstrating.
Thank you Mary. There are very few people I can talk to openly at work. A few people know how I feel but I have to be careful. I have mostly hidden my vaccine status. I have to just keep quiet mouth when a patient tells me they are getting their 4th or 5th booster soon. They just don't know better and trust the medical establishments advice. Seeing Drs who treat pregnant patients rec the vaccine is beyond sickening but I know its happening everywhere. There may be Drs that are red pilled but I don't really know- maybe those are the ones that have retired in the last few years. They are all expected to follow the CDC and clinic guidelines, and recently Gov Newsom signed a bill saying their licensees can be revoked if they spread "mis-information" which as we all know is any thing that goes against the narrative. I have had to let go of "saving" my friends and co-workers. I have started talking to some of my friends a little but I have to let go over and over and accept that I can't change their reality or mindset. I have connected deeper with those that are "Awake" like me.
It still perplexes me why some of us have been skeptical and questioning the whole time and some are flat out kool-aid drinkers.
I've always tried to be an honest person, but this covid idiocy has led me to a place where if a situation demands it (hasn't happened yet) I will say "yes" I am jabbed even thought I am not, and if really pushed I have a way to make a fax vax card to show off. At t his point in time, I have zero reservations about doing that. Meanwhile, I keep quiet about my status unless I'm talking with a like-minded person.
fake documents were very common in the USSR if that is where you want to go. it is pretty much as bad as a real document. collaborating with terrorists. the ones who should be shutting their mouths are the ones pushing "vaccines" etc. just quit your job. it is a no brainer. anyone half descent working for them endangers lives by proving camouflage. if you know it is bad then you shouldn't be fronting up for them. either that or speak but sitting their quietly is not right. you don't want to go down with that ship.
I was just in Arizona last week and had to take a friend to the ER. They asked if she was "fully vaccinated" (What ever the F that means now- is that 4, 5 jabs?)
Strangely they never asked me but I would have lied.
It would be a different story in California I bet. They wouldn't let my husband wait with me before a surgical procedure w/o a vax card. So I had to sit nervously alone. (I had to pre-test).
But I am with you, I'm very honest but drastic times lead to "drastic" measures.
You're doing the right thing. There's that ole saying about loose lips sink ships. It tells us in Proverbs 21:23 - Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from trouble. I hate having to hold my piece. But things usually work out better for me when I do. Especially when I need to keep my mouth shut. Saying certain things in the wrong place, at the wrong time to the wrong person can cause avoidable grief. Glad I keep my mouth closed most of the time when I need to.
Same with me! I used to lecture on how social psychology experiments like the Asch line test, the Milgram electric voltage experiment and Zimbardo prison experiment repeatedly proved how easy it is to manipulate people through group conformity, obedience to authority and notions of group supremacy. Basically these evolutionarily hard-wired emotional vulnerabilities form the basis of the "banality of evil" as Hannah Arrendt concluded. But I still cannot help being shocked to see how this has played out to the point of watching parents willingly sacrificing their own children to this horrible experiment.
Hmmm- interesting thought- maybe it was my psychology major in the 80's and exposure to leaning about all those exact experiments so long ago that helped me learn to be skeptical. I remember them well. Would be interesting to see how many people who studied that did or did not give in to the fear porn and manipulation.
Hi Scamster. I, too, am a healthcare worker. Once an RN , now a waitress, trying to get an exemption. I do not want to go back. Feel the same as you do
Please keep your skills and keep learning the truth about medicine. I'm sure there is still a spot for you somewhere in an ethical medical facility. It was either last year or this year where I read of a hospital somewhere in the US that was hiring vaccinated and unvaccinated people. I think the airlines dropped their covid mandates, after they realized they would eventually get sued if enough planes fell out of the sky. You may have heard recently that a judge in NYC ruled that fired city workers get re-instated. The good Lord along with the USC saved me and many others last year from a mandated jab to keep my job. I wish that had made that ruling for everyone though. And every judge around the world too.
I'm an MRI Technologist. Now a cashier. I don't think I can go back, even if I was offered an exemption.
PS - you are still an RN. They did not take that from you.
HI Kelliann-
I hope you can get one. The workshop given by A Voice for Choice Advocacy was incredibly helpful. (Now available on video)
Good luck!
I am a healthcare worker who lost the fight and my career in Pennsylvania. I think in a way I'm glad I didn't get an exemption. My faith in our medical system has been shaken so badly I don't know if I can do the job any longer. How can I do an informed consent document with a patient, not trusting that the document accurately portrays the risks of a procedure? How can I administer a drug, not believing it was properly evaluated by the FDA? A lot of people ask me if I will go back should the mandates be lifted. I ask myself - How can I go back?
And how the DOD is treasonous at best and democidal at worst.
i wholeheartedly profession of near 50 years has become so stained with gross oozing festering POLITICS that they will have a very hard time recovering credibility. These Professors and Medical Board members have truly lost their way and should recognized they too were responsible for gross errors in judgement, resignations should be considered.
I think for many, resignation would be too mild a punishment. I heard many MDs, and one “Chief Clinical Officer,” an MD responsible for clinical protocols for a large health system, flagrantly lie about the safety of early treatment with proven drugs. An inexcusable deception, and malpractice at least.
Those who just bowed to being so woke and governed by blinded group think should be demoted and re-educated to adhere to true gold standard scientific principle or it is THEY who should lose their licenses.
Resignations should be demanded!
You right. I haven't trusted the deceitful and pathological liars you're talking before 2000. Glad I never followed any of their destructive advice either.
I would also add the various organizations for accreditation and advocacy in the medical profession (AMA, various state departments of health, etc.)
You right. Mostly all of the big wigs were involved in the covid narrative insanity. Most of the news media, some celebrities, politicians, private citizens, the WEF, the WHO, various corporations, some religious leaders to name many who are accomplices to the covid madness. And some of them won't wake up or stop until they kick the bucket. Mass insanity doesn't usually disappear overnight.
(I am trying to put this in the right words, like another aspiring internet poet) - The industries which are supposed to be regulated are being regulated by themselves.
They committed the "Seven Deadly Sins of the Covid/Vax Disaster."
Good summary
My triple jabbed housemate crashed the car, a vaxxident, Friday.
The Golden Gate bridge patrol stopped him from jumping off the bridge last night, brought him to the hospital.
I asked work to let me off to take care of some of this , the problems it causes and logistics, etc. and try to see him.
He won't answer the phone.
He'd promised me to read the RFKjr, and not to get that booster.
He lied to me and fell for the coercive Viruganda.
They will make me mask at hospital to see him, and hide my shame.
He will be gone soon because he couldn't change his beliefs at all, and I'd asked him to change for twenty years.
They want to give me amnesty?
I don't need to be forgiven
oh GK geez too close to home
you are the most human
That was an epic comment, Grasshopper!
My brother relapsed, clean since 2013 after 4 surgeries to remove a brain tumor. He had no choice but get the vaccine since he lives in a Care Home.
He is once again losing his language and motor skills, hallucinating and having nightmares. (There was a study that claims dormant cancers and other diseases are stimulated by this vaccine but I can't find it right now).
I have never told him about the side effects, I have just been quietly waiting.
I am sorry for the suffering in your world. We are going to hear so many stories as time goes on.
how dare they, so sorry he is worse since shot have you found info how to help him improve ? here is one site re covid vax injury : protocols. there are others.
if you want more jnfo tell me
The vaccine kills an average of 30% of your T cells, which are responsible for keeping cancer in check, among other things. Here are related studies about cancer and the spike protein in the vaccine.
Spike proteins and the damage they cause, pt 4 (cancer). Includes links to parts 1-3.
Sorry about your friend believing the lies. It is expensive to believe and to get destroyed by them.
Sheesh! I am close by in Marin.
Hope your friend gets better. You have one big heart!
I’m in Marin too! I work at the Tam.
Oh nice! Great to know there is a like-minded person in the area amongst all the brainwashed zombies.
Car crash might have been intentional. In the 12 step process for alcoholics to recover one step is to ask a higher power for help. It has to be done from the heart, with complete honestly. I'd suggest he asks God for help.
Syncope can occur after vaccination; if driving, then a crash is likely
Been begging him to go to AA
You might try NA. I lived with my friend in SF for many years and after a decades long struggle, just today made three years of sobriety. He is a binge drinker, but he really hated AA, and loved NA, and is an adamant atheist, but found the program worked for him, and a personal version of a higher power, which NA is cool with, he feels. He was almost dead in the Russian River after wrecking his car, long before vaccine issues. He loves NA as it advocates really adventurous living, pumping up your neurochemicals naturally.
Unfortunately getting people to do stuff to help themselves is next to impossible. He doesn't need to believe in God to ask for help. Maybe tell him: when you are ready, ask God for help. Hopefully in a moment of desperation he will do so.
Bless your heart
The pandemic definitely made me wiser. I knew, despite listening to the fear mongers on the New York Times podcast “the daily” way back in spring 2020 that something didn’t add up. I was at times the lone voice arguing against reactionary closures and cancellations in March 2020. I was made to feel like I was the one person who didn’t actually care about peoples lives.
Prior to this period of time I believed in vaccines. I believed that children wouldn’t get dire diseases as long as they kept up their vaccine regimen. God forgive me, I pressured my daughter who was suspicious of all vaccines to get my toddler grandson vaccinated with the regular child series. Thank goodness she fought me on that.
I will never knowingly submit myself to another shot of anything, and will attempt to dissuade anyone else of doing the same.
I haven’t listened to a main stream newscast in two years.
I have zero trust in any regulatory agencies operating right now. No one is watching out for us.
I’ve gained confidence in my own ability to discern truth. Trusting my gut and certain credible voices has been amply justified. The scientists that I follow have been proven right every step of the last two years. That’s given me confidence.
I’ve learned that I can survive without certain people in my life who were hostile to truth.
I lost opportunities in my field of work. Other things came up that aligned with my values and brought other wise people into my life
An amazing response and THANK YOU
I’m honoured. Thank you!
well said. I was suspicious of vaccines before covid, but now there's no doubt in my mind that they ALL are poison. Check out the book Turtles All the Way Down.
But these mRNA "vaccines" are a whole 'nother can of worms. Before we knew how toxic the spike protein turned out to be, just the concept of an injection that will cause my own cells to create trillions of toxic foreign proteins sounded completely insane to me. Can you spell autoimmune disease? And now we know that spike is one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever encountered. We also know that mRNA can be reverse transcribed by liver cells and thereby end up in the DNA of said cells. We also don't know anything about the toxicity of lipid nanoparticles and other potential toxins in these jabs. It's beyond insane. We're talking deliberate mass murder. I can only hope that Pharma has so overplayed their hand that it will cause the whole rotten structure of Pharma/WHO/WEF/FDA/CDC/AMA/NIH to crumble. The only way out of this mess to completely dismantle these corrupt agencies and corporations. Some MEP's in EU are waking up and causing a ruckus over there. I can only hope it goes global.
"Can you spell autoimmune disease?"
yep. And that was my big concern about these jabs until information started coming out about how toxic spike protein is. Now it appears that spike is so toxic, the possibility of developing autoimmune disease pales by comparison.
But even if the jabs had our own cells manufacturing trillions of benign foreign proteins (is it even possible for a foreign protein to be "benign"?), what would that do to our physiology? Seems logical to me that the development of autoimmune diseases would be a real risk. And what's the timeline on the development of autoimmune disease? I suspect some of them take a bit longer to manifest than a few months which was how long the "vaccine" trials lasted. Are these people just stupid? Or are they so blinded by power and greed that they can't think logically anymore?
thank you for writing this all out.
We did lose a lot of certain people in our family and friends circle.
It is still painful.
You are on the right track, thinking for yourself. Bravo!
Thank you for this. The guilt I have for the childhood vaccines I made my daughter get (guardisil) weighs on me heavily. Thankfully, we did not succumb to these injectables. Thankfully, our daughter did not have a reaction to guardisil etc (that I am aware of to date). Yes, God forgive me, too.
We didn’t know. Now we do. We thought we were protecting them. Our bodies naturally fight to keep us well, thank God. I’m so thankful your daughter is okay.
Yes, she is a thriving almost 20-yr-old who is a critical thinker and has sovereignty over her body.
Made me a vaccine skeptic; will never recover. Opened my eyes to the manipulation and control of college students that has been happening for decades; this must end. Was always a fighter; now a warrior.
I love this comment.
The fighter was always there. The crucible of the last 2 years has brought out the warrior in all of us.
Being a quakcine sceptic here is literally mind poisoning. There are a crap load of childhood mandatory quakcines and trying to have an offspring makes me sick to my stomach that we are facing forced quakcines down the line.
Also my parents says 'yes but you also received childhood quakcines and all were okay' they are okay until I point out for them how the list got insanely inflated in the last years.
Up to 18 months of age the child will receive 15 doses of quakcines. Absolutely gives me nightmares.
Love that last line. YES!
The pandemic made me wiser when it comes to the medical profession. I will no longer trust anything they tell me without verifying it first. I’ve told my GP and he actually agrees with me.
It’s also made me sad to think that my fellow humans are so quick to turn on each other at the behest of power hungry politicians and profit hungry corporate hospitals along with manufacturers.
And gladly take poison and demand others do so. When we decline, they threaten and wish death on us.
Insane. Dangerously insane.
It is insane. I am still shocked at how horrible this has all been, even though I witnessed it. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. And sad.
Great big deep rivers of sadness 💔 💔 💔 💔 at the way people have turned on each other.