May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You are misguided if you believe this overpopulation bs. we’re not rabbits; we can find solutions to our problems but not if there is a parasite class who disrupt natural organic cultural evolution. We’re at the mercy of psychopaths and fools.

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I was going to write up a comment but this is exactly what I was going to say. As far as how to manage populations, I think if people were more free to move to places with more opportunities and if everyone had access to safe, effective birth control, the human population would manage itself. Assuming we could stop the wars, coups and other atrocities.

I’m way more concerned about declining births + increasing mortality + increasing autism and other chronic diseases. How do we cope with lower numbers of people and higher disability rates among them?

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Yep, all pension systems go broke with an inverted population, for starters.

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Which is a tacit admission that such systems are nothing more than Ponzi schemes. (Which does NOT have to be the case, by the way).

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And we will all starve because there won’t be enough people to farm our food.

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Then suicide should be where you start, right?

I mean, if you REALLY believe that, shouldn't you be the first to make the ultimate sacrifice? To show us all the way? Guide us down the proper path?

Come on, Elizabeth. Show us all the way. Be our example.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

I thought this was a good argument, but one to be directed to Stephanie, the person who wrote that article praising the benefit of lower population. Why did you direct it to Elizabeth? I don't get it.

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Wow, yes of course! Mandating self sacrifice….get the shots ~~ Maybe start there


Molech and that bunch, ….”in the times of Noah” Look around you

Back to the future….what decencies and innocence we have lost

Making me sick!

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She is much better than us. She wants population decline, just not her population decline. Too bad, that would be a great first step, rid the world of elite, narcissists like this bitch.

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My sentiments exactly! Time for these psychos to take one for the team and fall on their sword 🥳

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Thanks for the links... I read them...watched the video and agree about the greed part. I wonder, though, about Primary Water - if what we do to the earth doesn't matter, then why does deforested land turn desert and dry up completely? Is it worth it to find out if the earth can still make primary water after every last tree is razed? These people arguing this are profiting by extraction, export, and selling oil and precious metals and minerals. I don't think we know enough to assume - either way. And why would we inject poisons into the water by fracking etc? If we are sane, would we want to do that? Why? Please explain. The man in the video said, "oil is a lubricant." that is exactly what it is. It is the lubricant for the earth. What right do we have to assume we can take all we want if it is there for the earth's wellbeing? Do you believe the earth and all creatures on it are sentient? If so, would you poison that which allows you to have life? Be careful where you get your information, it is all politicized by greedsters on both "sides" of the bought-by-elites polititricks. they all LIE and they all have an agenda.

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Gaddafi had it nailed down until they killed him.


The Justinian deception excellent information


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Richard Vobes and the Covid summit at the EU Parliament this is shocking


International Covid Summit III - part 1 - European Parliament, Brussels


International Covid Summit III - part 1 - European Parliament,...

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They are planning on automation and farming indoors under controlled conditions. Cricket anyone?

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We can feed everyone today. We can provide water pretty much to all and use our technology to lessen the pressure of population on the animals and eco sphere. IF WE ONLY WANTED TO DO SO. The uber rich could chose to spen on that, but being as they are about POWER and GREED not LIFE....they won't.

Anyway, if we ONLY cna manage to control the African reproduction rate and maybe India's as well the problem reduces every generation after. Everyone else on all other continents has gone past peak water flood stage and are slowly but surely reproducing LESS population. For whatever reasons. I believe Africans are too smart to take the poison jabs, and thus there will be some other methods employed there to reduce their numbers by our overlords. Famine perhaps or an engineered disease? The sad truth is, we don't need depopulation, and never have, except again perhaps in Africa or areas where the population breeds IN ORDER TO ENSURE survival and/or care of the aged parent! These pressures once removed and incentivized correctly (eg few children result in better life style for the family overall) automatically reduce population. China used to be that way. Thanks to the one child policy brutally enforced it is not anymore in fact it is now on the path to shrinking. More education, more resources for living better life, and less dependence on children to ensure a parent's old age. Oh, and educating women. Very simple stuff.....Once the person / family unit sees that a) you can control your reproductive rate and b) less reproduction results in BETTER outcomes for you and your current family members? No brainer. Fewer people popped out.

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yes, what you say is common sense. but those who are greedy use this against your countries - it's a paradox of the worst kind and greed is the root, as you have said. the rest of the lie is that quality of life will improve for us with THEIR depopulation plan. that is what most of the masses are still asleep to.

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A vanishingly small amount of people work on farms now. A hundred years ago it was more than fifty percent and now it's two percent. So maybe some of the folks making bombs could be moved to growing food eh.

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Swords into plowshares.

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They are planning on automation.

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With today's technology, that is an outdated argument.

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Oh you mean like abortion, birth control pills that cause cancer and big ag that uses gmo? Ok. Whatever.

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Have you made plans to make the ultimate sacrifice to secure humanity's future yet?

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What I meant was agriculture is far less labor-intensive now compared with a few generation ago, even without GMOs. Only 1% or less of the population are needed as farmers and farmworkers in the Global North, compared to 40% 100 years ago and 80% 200 years ago. So a shrinking population need not lead to starvation.

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One farmer in North Carolina uses 4 tractors with 8 people farm 2,700 acres a year i/e doesn't take that many people to feed the world just saying-----

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and how is that working out? Soils are depleted, eroded, etc. We need to go back to more "primitive" small scale local farming and not wreck our soils with things like tilling, deforestation, etc. Farming works best in complex, diverse ecosystems, not monocropping and doing everything with machines. that was the beginning of the end IMO.

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Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination

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Please elaborate what you are saying here about today's technology, because I see much of it is being used for ILL, not wellbeing - like 5G, EMFs, "smart" cities, meters, digitizing everything - your money, your water, electricity, all to control us if we don't "behave."

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Genie is out of the bottle now. Ask Sri Lanka exactly what happens when you try to go cold turkey from industrial farming. Otherwise, I largely agree with you. Regardless, my central point is, we don't need to breed like jackrabbits just to keep from starving.

Mechanization is no match for the Machiavellian machinations of the moneyed elites, of course, but it's not all bad. We just have to learn to use our tools more wisely.

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No, they are, like all government programs, insolvent from the outset.

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#MonetarySovereignty and #MMT begs to differ. Just saying.

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I care about the opinions of people who belive in those about as much as Lysenkists, perhaps even less.

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I like it. Make them poor. Like in Trading Places.

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Unemployment will rise with the development of robots. Soon they will also be used in the care of our elderly. In many cases, I guess I would prefer an intelligent robot speaking my own language, instead of an immigrant that I cannot understand.

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wow. go for it. You can have your bot. leave me the intelligent human immigrant any day; language barrier and all.

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The best is of course that our old people feel comfortable AND can understand the one helping them. Do you not agree?

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i agree that elders should be comfortable - how is stating I prefer a human over a robot, not saying that? your question is kind of a trick question and I disagree with your premise that robots can do elder or human care better than humans. I can't understand robots.

You can always tell a human being that you are having trouble understanding them, ask them to slow down or enunciate etc... you know - make the effort. I am one of the "older" folks over 70 that you say you care about. I want the right to choose a human over a robot, even if I may have trouble understanding. I have hearing issues - a type of deafness where if people don't pronounce consonants I can't understand them. Many immigrants speak better and more clearly than so called 'born here' Americans, so your argument falls flat and it's not one size fits all.

I don't know how it is in your country. You have some unpronounceable language after your name, then what looks like a French word after that, but I'm not versed in French or whatever other language you use with your name. You write something called the "Rainbow Coalition newsletter," which claims to want to unite all colors for peace. I checked it out briefly. I don't understand where you're coming from with this comment. Should we old people not have the right to choose? Many immigrants are "people of color." That's why your comments are not making a lot of sense to me.

I would rather try to converse and have a human connection with an immigrant - or simply a human being - than sit on the phone with a robot that can't even understand what I am saying, and gets it wrong about 50 times in a row - or gives me no choices for "other" that only a human can solve, not a program with only 5 menu options. I shudder to think of a world where robots take over even more important human roles. Humans can still act from their hearts. I don't want to live in an 'automated' world where I can't talk with another human.

Don't think there is much more to say here that I haven't already tried to say.

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What they did to our elderly in the genocide plandemic proves to me that s.c. "humans" wanted to kill them. Not only them, but also other people and children.

They did almost not mention vitamin C, D, Zink and Magnesiumcitrate and other prophylactics, known to protect. They called Ivermectin "horse dewormer". A well known medicine with good results.

They lured the frail out in splash-masks, that do not filter viruses, and killed them with different kinds of bioweapons and palliative "care".

In Sweden they exposed them to uneducated immigrants unable to communicate well, and different ones all the time, in order to increase confusion and chances of contamination.

I would prefer a robot programmed with a good and open free AI, giving me good advice, over all those s.c. "humans", when I grow old. I imagine that could be far more "humane".

The best would of course be a Christian woman speaking my own language clearly and correct, a woman scientific enough to understand what filter quality is needed to filter out viruses. (HEPA14) It has nothing to do with color, but with truth, compassion, ethics and common sense.

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023

"Assuming we could stop the wars, coups and other atrocities."

Except we CAN'T! All these nice upper middle and upper class -- or even just nice normies at the low end -- REALLY STILL BELEIVE that MOST people are like them. They. are. not. If 'bad youts' in NYC can go on the subway and use razors or knives to SLICE UP THE FACES of 'just folks' riding home -- NOTHING comes of it, except hundreds of stitches for the victims. Heard of "the polar bear game"? (It's NOT a game!) That's where they come up behind you, and punch you in the head as HARD as they can -- and if they knock you OUT, they win! People have lost TEETH when they faceplant on the cement. One man DIED when he landed on the curb.

You 'nice' folks are ALWAYS chiding OTHER nice folk that they're bad and should do things differently and then the whole world will be sunshine and unicorn droppings! You NEVER go to a 70% black, hispanic, or immigrant school and try to convince THEM to 'save the world, kumbaya' -- do you? Go work for a year in an inner city school, and if you live through it -- try to figure out how to convince THOSE young people to stop the atrocities!!

So g.d. NAIVE!

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You dont understand, the psychopathic elite have determined we are the problem, their solution is less of us. Not rabbits, but rats, destined to be treated like we treated the neanderthals. They don't want to just disrupt our cultural evolution, but to destroy the culture, an ongoing process for at least 70 years. They hv done a good job thus far

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Of course I understand, rabbits rats animals all the same to the self appointed CEOS of planet earth.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

We are at the mercy of NOTHING...Society has collectively chose to 👀👀👀; SILENTLY and shaking from the balcony similar to the the Jews aimlessly meandering naked; at the point of rifles, battering and cruelty to the Zyklon B Showers. CONFUSION REINS TO BELIEVE🐺🐺🐺 as the 🐑🐕🐕🐕. It's consistent for a people in a country consecrated to God at its inception...WHEN REFUSING GOD AND INSTITUTIONALLY PRACTICING EVIL.

God remains...And, though some pray, fast, do penance and sacrifice...He's leaving us alone BY OUR CHOICE. WE were warned and didn't return to God...NOW, WE SUFFER AS THE JEWS ALWAYS DID. To this day, Israel and the United States are the only countries consecrated to to work of God...And, both have histories of tremendous evil and tremendous good. IT'S OUR CHOICE.

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I didn’t choose to be blind so me and like minded people are watching this collapse and are not willing participants in this psychopathy. No amount of positive thinking or word play is going to change that we are not all ok with this. I accept I can only effect change in myself and people I have contact with; it’s likely that’s not going to stop this totalitarian take over but I do not consent, and I do all I can to plug away at defying this utter madness.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

There is a Substack from today by Katherine Watt which she has transferred from Matthew Ehret. You may go to either to find his amazingly deep historical documentation of the current situation of our country. While I don't agree with his assessments due to opinion based upon faith in God; he does fantastic work and is definitely worth the HOURS any one of his Substacks requires to digest.



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Katherine is amazingly intelligent. I don’t understand half of what she writes but her and Sasha…wow.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Katherine Watt advertures into the Mazes of Govt. Regulation and Code resembling huge octopi or some kind of Hydra with all the foreign heads...She's done one heck of a job stalking through the Corridors and Dead Ends. Amazing. Take a few reads and study on a few paragraphs at a time...You'll get what she's found or it's relevance to something else.

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Thanks Blaze. I have been following Sasha and Katherine for about 9-10 months. Katherine is amazing as is Sasha.

Sadly, most will never actually read (let alone digest) either. Katherine's work is dry, but entirely crucial to understanding the diabolical plans that have been in the works for many decades here in the United States of America.

Sasha reveals facts, data and puts it in completely digestible English. Every reader commenting here should be expanding their repertoire to include K and S.

In a weird way it will bring the twisted evil tapestry into crystal clear focus.

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If you need a somewhat different approach, a mixture of truth and humour or vice versa you could try my site. I try to avoid jargon or explain it if I do. I am not PC.

I have a WordPress site and am now on substack, mirroring my WordPress articles.

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Great! Thanks "Baldmichael." Everyone needs a good laugh. I have to say that being a naturalized American, I can say that the Yanks cannot easily laugh at themselves! That is a good topic of discussion!

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Thank you for sharing this! And for introducing us to Katherine and Matthew. A great article….

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"Be fruitful and multiply" means God gave us an Earth that can "sustain"as many as there would be, without abortions, at the end of this Age.

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Which was written thousands of years ago when the population was MUCH smaller and there was no ecological overshoot. Outdated much?

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Marlene, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your comment. I mean it HAS to be satire, right?

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LMAO!! If you think your comment makes sense, then God would not have said "Be fruitful and multiply" He might have said "Abort the kids or suffer 'ecological overshoot."

Repeat what you wrote to yourself in the mirror. Then cover your face in shame. If you think each day of the 7 days of creation isn't a thousand years, then read the bible. And give credit to God who is eternal.

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Ummm... didn't God also give us brains and intellect to be able to reason when enough is enough? When that "command" was given population was very small compared to the vast expanse of planet Earth. Just because God has not descended to each man and woman to tell them individually to slow down or stop popping out kids does not mean we should just keep mindlessly doing it. God also commanded human sacrifices at one point. Should we use that as an excuse to do it now?

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The late christian Jacques Ellul wrote a book named The Technological society around 1960. He warned about the ecological consequences of applying techniques necessary to sustain a sizeable populations. Depletion of minerals in the topsoil, the need of pesticides and more.

I think he also mentioned technocrats even back then saying people will need to eat ze bugs.

The climate hoax is the cover for shutting down nuclear reactors, deindustrialization(Maurice Strong), getting rid of nitrogen fertilizer, and more. For efficiency (a hallmark of technique) wasteful centralization(another hallmark) is needed. Stalin style.

Specialization is also a trait of technique which in turn leads to automatization(robots).

No surprise "vaccines" are "soft killing" people, lowering life expectancy and make them sterile while slimes like Bourla and Gates getting richer and richer.

Sustainability is likely a real issue and many breed like rabbits without much foresight.

I am just not too fond of those setting the limits allthough maybe necessary.

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God's ways are beyond our understanding. But you think you can determine when "enough is enough"? And you're conflating the issues inherent in my comment. Not talking about "mindlessness" or "sacrifices" or "excuses." More likely about common sense, based on God's principles. Try Bible School - you need a better perspective. Your challenge failed.

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May 9, 2023·edited May 9, 2023

Sadly, I can see you are right that my challenge failed with you. It was a challenge to think for yourself. <Sigh.>

People such as yourself who read a particular translation of the Bible and then latch onto one interpretation and insist it is the only truth are why discussions like this cannot resolve issues in meaningful ways. You are attached to your "better perspective" and unwilling or unable to even consider any other as anything but blasphemy, ignorance or evil (or whatever other exclusionary term you choose to label it.) To be fair, people on the opposite "side" can obviously be every bit as inflexible.

"God's ways are beyond our understanding" is a tired meme which, while containing truth, is extensively used to shut down dialogue and debate. The emotional high one gets from self-righteous clinging to one's doctrine of choice is hard to reliquish. I've had that experience myself so I do know of what I speak.

But being fair to all the billions of individuals on this planet and allowing each to come to the table with their ideas to be duly heard and considered REQUIRES us to pause our zeal for our chosen (or accepted) take on Reality and Truth, and truly listen to all the others. I believe that is what Igor was going for here.

I also realize that for some true believers, it is absolutely terrifying to take the chance that mentally straying even for a moment from strict obedience to their (or their religious authority figures') interpretations of God's Word might bring down His wrath and condemn them to the Hell of their nightmares.

BTW, I attended four years of Bible School as a tween and teen. And yes, some version of "God's ways are beyond our understanding" or "You just have to have faith!" was used to stifle my questions when the Pastor had no answers, LOL! It was indeed a learning experience. My perspective is the best it can be in keeping with my integrity and honesty about what I have learned and eperienced in this life, and what I can accept as truth, as moral, and as ethical.

I could wax on philosophically, but I have plants to get into the garden and you probably tuned out after the first paragraph anyway. <Sigh!>

Have a blessed day, anyone who read this far!

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I read it; and thank you. IT seems the Christians co-opt all Critical Thinking and common sense so at least one person appreciates what you took the time and thought to write. I wish there were one - just one - thread where we could discuss things rationally and also passionately, without religion or politics entering into it!

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And you're just the opposite. A true heathen who fears God so much you deny Him. Yes, you're damn right my principles and morality come from God. That's why YOU don't have any. And good luck with being the sole definition of "critical thinking" especially since you lack the "thinking." And you can't mask stupidity with criticism.

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Amen. It was a command from the lips of God. and multiplying means having four children. If you only have two you’ve just replaced yourself.

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You've got wisdom, Elizabeth.

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Thank you Marlene. Most people call me bad names. Lol

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Call me bad names, slander me, tell lies on me etc.. The world hates me and i"m glad---they hated me , they will hate you to. I'm trying to be more like Him!

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You don't get to declare what "multiplying" means, retard.

Interesting, the amount of power you THINK you have.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

ELizabeth, don't engage and lower your standards! You know where you stand!

The individual seems set to distract and enrage the weak willed without any factual basis.

Name calling is for those with limited knowledge...

don't take these immature remarks seriously...

By the choice of words and usage, they are the 'powerless ones ' if the dialogue devolves into 'name calling'.

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Here you go genius. Ever here of google? And you call me a retard?


1 of 3


mul·​ti·​ply ˈməl-tə-ˌplī

multiplied; multiplying

Synonyms of multiply

transitive verb


: to increase in number especially greatly or in multiples : AUGMENT

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

One time I have been talking to a Jewish religious person about why there are so many known good and bad Jews and he told me a story. His dad was asked the same question and the way his dad asnwered was exremelly true and simple: "Because we are the Best in everything we do!"

It took me a few seconds to realize that he was right. Majority of Jewish people are the best in everything they do and believe in - either it is a good thing or a bad thing....

People around the world shold stop generalize and blame everything on Jews. There are plenty of good and bad people in each religion, nation, race, gender, etc. They should always look at the particular individuals rather than a group of people who they represent.

There are plenty of Jewish people who does not agree with many things that are currently happening in the world, there are plenty of Jewish people who did the world good and did many world's new discoveries, ect.

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Yes, and there are many people who are not Jews who do very bad things, including many people who call themselves Christians.

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You said a mouth full --"CALL themselves Christians."

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I think Napoleon called Jews fanatics. "Because we are the Best in everything we do!"

Funny guy.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

The problem with Jews is their LIES. Ever heard of Kol Nidre? Most goy haven't, have they?

Let's start with the idea that "Jews" are the subject of the Hebrew Bible...now, I know for a fact that "Jews" are neither Hebrews nor are they Israelites. And I know for a fact that Jews know this as well. But most "Christians" have been FOOLED by Jewish corruption into thinking the Israelites of the Bible are somehow the Jews of today.

So if you want us to stop generalizing and blaming everything on Jews? Let's start just by them telling the TRUTH.

They're not the Hebrews / Israelites of the Bible...WE are.

They're not the "chosen people" of anyone other than Molech. You know this as well as I do.

And while we're at it...let's talk about their burnt offering, shall we? 6 million? More like 282,000. Documented, and verifiable.

You want us to not generalize about them? Then how about if they, in turn, quit lying about everything in general.

Then we can sit down and talk.


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Good comment, though I would ask you cease the use of CAPS to make a point, nobody likes to be YELLED at. cheers mate!

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Capital letters can also be used for EMPHASIS when italic font and underlining are NOT options.

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Agreed. This is how I use them.

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Why do you think caps means yelling? Some of us have poor eyesight and caps are very helpful. Get over yourself.

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That is exactly what writing with in all caps poor etiquette. If people have poor eyesight CAPS is not the answer. Hold down the Ctrl key and press the key marked with a plus sign and the page will zoom in and increase the text size. If you have a mouse with a middle wheel., hold down the Ctrl key and use the middle mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the page to make the text larger or return it to normal size. Alternately people can turn on the screen reading function and the computer will read the text to you. Like I said, no need to YELL.

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Thanks for that info.

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Well said BlazeCloude!

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Be at peace, God is at work even now….even though things look quiet ….people are being exposed and it is all going to be ripped from their evil hands and, as to the AZ “gov” haha!! She has to be dreading what comes next! ~~~ “Just you wait,Henry Higgins, just you wait!”

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Do you mean "Enery Iggins"...Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison...One of the great classics of all time. Thank-you for the memory as it's a good one.


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Hope you are right!

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So, thanks again Blaze! As I read this article and then the questions--the only real question is: "Who to you believe in--who do you idolize?" Personally, humans will always fail. GOD give us free choice and now we suffer for our choices.

Igor asked these questions with sincerity--to have us critical thinkers--THINK! What a bloody concept. I don't have the answers. I don't understand satan or evil--I just know that I see it in living colour!

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May 9, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

Pray in Thanksgiving and Praise to God you don't understand evil. To understand it; one must be it.

Then, PRAISE GOD FOR THE DISCERNMENT OF KNOWING WHAT IT IS WHEN YOU SEE IT, HEAR IT, FEEL IT, INTUIT IT as this will never allow you to be delusional or confused to imagine it the opposite.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Um, "Israel" is of the DEVIL, stupid.

The country, anyway. Not the Israelite people, who are NOT JEWISH.

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OMG! Zyklon-B showers, that sounds crazy. Where was this?

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The Nazi death camps used Zyklon B

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On lice, yes. On people? Where was this? It’s funny, I only ask because I have six volumes of Churchill’s memoirs on the War, and for all the details and intrigue he serves up, somehow he forgot to mention this. Maybe he was just a simp for the Hun. Time to wake up.

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I am sure you are right. So, lets drop it.

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We know. And they know that we know. That is all.

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Read about Witold Pilecki-the Polish soldier who deliberately put himself into Auschwitz. He was prisoner 4859. You will read his testimony about Zyklon B being used on people.

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Oh, another flat earthier. Too bad none of the GIs who freed auschwitz and Bergen Belsen aren’t alive to drill you a new eye socket.

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Yes, I’ve been to Dachau as well.

At Auschwitz-Birkenau I found the most disturbing blocks were the showers and toilets.

Absolutely dehumanising. When you have a 50 yard slab of concrete with holes in every 3 feet you can only feel disgust.

The gas chambers have all been cleared out, most were demolished by the Nazis before it was “liberated”.

Mengele’s hut where he freely experimented on anything that took his fancy was also destroyed

Although that was 3 years ago I can neither shake the thoughts or visions I experienced that day.

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That's a call to emotion, retard.

We're talking about facts.

There is no "holocaust" (which only means "burnt offering") where millions of Jews died. WE WISH.

Stop with the Jewpaganda crap maybe.

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Hmm, interestingly stupid comment. If you’d been to Auschwitz-Birkenau and Treblinka you’d not be making yourself look like a total dick.

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So my question is have you? I know the OP is trolling, but its a whole new game to make that statement. As you imply a higher level of knowledge of those facilities the OP does not have.

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"Nazi" "death camps"?

Who told you that?


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I agree with you about the population BS. Sadly, this is the hubris of those who think they know better than us things like what optimal population levels are. Did they somehow come into this world with a handbook detailing all the most utopian levels of population?

Just drive through the "flyover" states and there will be given an education about overpopulation.

Maybe "population density" might be something to discuss. What are the risk/rewards for so many people living together in such a small space?

Here's an idea for those that talk about overwhelming hospitals, why not move? If you believe that too many sick people will overrun a hospital system, then the answer is to look for a hospital system that is underserved and move to it.

There should be a "golden rule" statute added to these policies. If Jane Goodall thinks the world would be better with a lower population, should she not be first in line to volunteer? How quick would these officials be to stop making such horrible proposals if they knew they would be among the first to sign up for them?

Yet somehow they manage to evade being among those who must comply.

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Completely agree, Jimmy!

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Yeah, this is called the Malthusian perspective/fallacy/trap/etc., and it's bad logic based on worse data that the elitist groups love to wave around as gospel amongst themselves. Thankfully the refutations aren't scarce or complicated. Technological advancement (to include agricultural methods and techniques, not just fancy new inventions with microchips and such) has practically eliminated food scarcity in the vast majority of the world while sustaining an exponentially growing population, and the hunger and starvation that does persist is nearly all a direct result of multiple decades of devastating military intervention in Africa and the Middle East.

Populations of literally anything and everything that reproduce are subject to certain rules and behaviors, and humanity has every resource to find the least turbulent path from growth to equilibrium.

And if they think that intervening to "correct" the population growth is a good idea, it's going to be quite the spectacle when that pendulum comes swinging back around and hits them in the backside.

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We raise rabbits and I can confirm that they have absolutely zero problem solving skills for overpopulation outside of killing and eating their offspring. So yes, we’re far better suited to create solutions for obstacles of having large populations. You could argue that the “elites” that are pulling this agenda off are no more evolved than the rabbits I raise.

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What you have written is my response to the climate "emergency" also.

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Well said!! Insane and absurd narcissistic assholes who have assumed authority by financial blackmail bribery treacherous actions.

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We, the awake, know this. Now how do we warn the other 8 billion people? I swear to you and those who read this I will fight to the death on this. This does not entail sitting on my arse and crying . I will take a Fugger down with me. I will not go empty handed. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

I've been awake for 62 years and I can tell you it's hard to convenience people that what you are saying is true when you are talking to the 99.99999 percent of people who think opposite you and are led by satan.

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The problem was never the human population. It is the deliberate, psychopathic mismanagement of societies, cultures and nations which is the problem. There is more than enough land to grow food, collect water and help one another *if we wanted that*. But no, what we get is government red tape, administrative excess, and destructive agenda-pushing.

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Anyone remember this bumper sticker from the 90s-early 2000s? "Save the planet: Kill yourself".

There were people who really meant that. Maybe if these jerks really mean it's best for mankind to die off they should be the first to volunteer to disappear.

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Well said.!

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Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination

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Sure, IF we do not act like rabbits... The problem is the ones acting like rabbits, when intelligent people don't. Rabbit thought will then replace intelligent thought, with quite simple arithmetic, since the apple seldom drops far from the stem. There are however exceptions, like Bangladesh. They have actually realized their previous stupidity, even if very late.

Here is the simple arithmetic, that most lunatic sects use in order to dominate and spread: "The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See" (in eight parts) ...before they reach the limit of growth.

So, we have intelligent emotionally normal (many of us here), intelligent psychopaths (often in the power elite and in the top of bizarre mafia like sects), and then we have people acting like dumb rabbits, becoming the victims of the corrupt psychopaths, that they always vote for. Applies if voting for republicans or democrats, thus getting people like Trump and Biden in charge.

I must say, however, to be fair with the rabbits, that rabbits are more vigilant than these people. They do at least run when hunted, and fight when cornered. They are however very similar in the way that they will never organize new parties and will never form rainbow coalitions in order to attack the ones attacking them. They are simply too dumb to do that. Maybe that is lucky, considering "The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See"... Imagine rabbits without predators! How would that end? Probably like Easter Island. https://web.archive.org/web/20071014115705/https://discovermagazine.com/1995/aug/eastersend543

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From what I've read, another issue in undeveloped countries is that when women and girls walk long distances to fetch water or forage food to survive, dead-beat men ambush and rape them, leaving them pregnant and without male support for the resulting family. Birth control is unavailable or too expensive. Law enforcement is non-existent or corrupt. Women are not considered worthy of protection from male "needs." I'll check out your video later when I have time.

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I bet today they have flooded poor countries with contraception. I noticed an especially brutal gang rape in Sweden, made by African men, but I guess that culture will not lead to pregnancies in Europe. Only the most sectarian would manage to push women into being like breeding cows today.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

All these billionaires and WEF’rs talking about its their job to reduce the population makes me wonder two things. Who put them in charge? Why don’t they go first and leave the planet? Let’s just keep pretending things are normal while they mass murder to save the planet.

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The planet needs to protect itself by removing the WEF

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Time for humans to Help The Planet !!! lol

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Who put them in charge? SATAN!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Holy Cow! Tough question. There is a concept named “carrying capacity” that operates in biological systems. It is a self regulating process. I would say that forced depopulation by a few narcissistic sociopaths is outside the biological process. It’s not nice to mess with Mother Nature. I expect a huge backlash.

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I completely agree with you. I’ve thought for years that this gorgeous planet must be self regulating.

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We are nowhere near overpopulated. Go to Hong Kong. One of the most

Densely populated places on the planet. It is largely green. Kerala, the size of

vancouver Island, but with 110 million people is largely green. We pack ourselves into a

City and say the world has too many people. Meanwhile five miles outside the city it is empty for

75 miles.

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But how many resources do they need to import from outside to support their population?

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In Netherlands they farm up to 7m below sea level and are a wealthy country. They are the #2 agricultural exporter in the World @ $94B vs #1 USA @$150B. While Holland is #69 in population & #131 by area and not even a warm or sunny environment. With a population density of 520/sq.km.

And Japan supplies 70% of their food on 13% of their land mass, with 157m people on a small resource poor island and very high living standard. With a population density of 330/sq.km.

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Holland has amazing soil and Japan eat rice, the most calorie dense food in the world. YOu can't grow rice in Canada, but potatoes are second best. We will all be eating lots of potatoes.

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Maybe at 25-30 Billion...maybe we would start to be overpopulated.

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And that ain't happening anyways. Even before the bioweapon release World Population already surpassed Peak Children and was projected to peak @ 9.6B in 2064 and then fall to 8.9B in 2100.

All these Psychopath Parasite Malthusian Creeps will accomplish is impoverished people raping and pillaging natural environments to get the basics of sustenance - fuel = wood from natural forests incl old growth, protein = dead wildlife, food = destroyed forests, fuels = whale oil, basic materials = sea turtle shells substitute for plastic. And so on.

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Yeah, go to Kerala and see how they live..

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...happily with strong sense of self and purpose?

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I was not at all surprised to learn that Jane Goodall was a WEF person advocating for depopulation. She spoke at my university some years ago and I told her how pleased i was to meet her, since my students.

were so excited. She did not utter a word but gave me an icy, almost inhuman look in respose.I still feel chilled recalling it.

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The classic Birdbrain.

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Conditioning the "useless eaters" to accept their own demise and be happy

“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda:


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The cancer is the globalist cult of Malthusian Psychopath Bankster Parasites. Dimwit Elitists trying to create their dream of a one World Dictatorship, in the form of a Totalitarian Techno-Feudal socioeconomic system. With us being impoverished serfs who own nothing, i.e. rent everything off of them, if they so choose to allow us.

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They really need to speak for themselves.

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Or at least lead by example. lol

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

You have to admire the sheer brilliance of their crime. Even the most diehard enthusiasts on the lower rungs of their ladder of evil believe they're killing people for the greater good.

There is a hell, and it has a population problem too. It isn't full enough. There's plenty of room for the Feldsteins of the world. They're earning their keep steadily.

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Shakespeare said it best: "Hell is empty, all the devils are here."

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Well, then there's plenty of room for them to move around and get comfortable in.

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Now there’s a population issue, which will be resolved without our input, count on that, praise God

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Revelation 20:11-15

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Remember that Scientific American is owned by the vast German Holtzbrinck (formerly Nazi) Corporation which owns many of the most well-known publishers in the world. It has owned Scientific American since the 1980s. This corporation is still run by the same (formerly Nazi) family, and it is a WEF partner according to the WEF website.

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Yes, once they took over Scientific American went to shit in a hurry. A better name would be Dogma American.

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Scientific American was a great magazine until the German's bought it and turned it into a political rag. The same people that killed my Uncle Chester in 1945 killed Scientific American in the 80's. I am just cheap and vindictive enough to enjoy their population decline. Destroying "Scientific American" is an unforgivable sin.

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Although... this article seems to have been written by a jew...

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They have funny ways of admitting their crimes.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The last thing these depopulation sociopaths are interested in is an ethical debate.

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Yes, for example: what happened to their reliance on Darwinian evolutionary law?

Because to say that the most successful species on the planet needs to reverse its success totally violates the "survival of the fittest" principle.

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Very true. They run and hide from any rational debate. They know they will get their asses whipped if they actually had to defend their dogma. Same behavior of the Covidian Cult.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

notice that the folks calling for a smaller population never volunteer to be the first to go

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But many do choose not to reproduce themselves, so the long run result is the same.

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May 7, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

that is true but i was kinda making a joke. the key word in your reply is "choose." i've also chosen not to reproduce myself which is my right. where things get problematic is when governments and public health authorities put their sledge hammers on the scale of choice. it's pretty easy then to cross the line into eugenics, a "superior" elite group of people deciding on the reproductive limits of an "inferior" group. Bill Gates has long tried to roll stealth fertility suppression into vaccines tested on African women (see RFKjr's book The Real Anthony Fauci). then there were the so called "Mississippi appendectomies" where poor and/or Black women were sterilized while under anesthesia for something else. or China's one child policy. how did that work out?

i'm super amused by the life extension crowd with their dreams of living to 120, 200 years, even aspiring to Old Testament life spans. death and decay make room for new people. if everyone hangs around for an extra 100+ years, where will the next generation go? but of course, these extended life spans aren't for us ordinary rabble, just for those people who are so sure of their own "specialness" that they can only see themselves living for a very long time as a net plus. isn't that what John Kerry said at the WEF? "we special humans" saving the planet or Gates who is convinced that he does so much good in the world as to offset the carbon footprint of his private jet.

these anti-humanist doom and gloomers have been saying that over population was causing an imminent collapse for centuries now and they've been always wrong but never in doubt.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

We're hardly more than livestock, so we don't really count, do we? Now let's sell Bill Gates some more farm land!

Nothing suspicious going on there. (Is Mr. Gates a registered foreign agent for the PRC? Maybe someone should look into what's up with this whole land deal thingee... Is it rude to ask such an obvious question about such an exalted personage?)

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We keep seeing more pictures of him holding hands with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein.

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Gates must have another pie in the face; perhaps Rhubarb...

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Only if it is whipped cream covered syringes, full of poison.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Institutionalized MASS MURDER.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Unfortunately lots of elderly people will be found dead in their homes days after they have been deceased. A shrinking populations means an old population, and there won’t be enough young people to look after the old people.

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Hence assisted suicide / euthanasia laws world-wide.

Hence the vaccinating and medicating seniors to death.

Hence, end of life pathways, which expedite death.

A smaller population may be ideal! However, the rapid population crash that is upon us will create instability and chaos! How to desettle large parts of the world?

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And a utilitarian bioetics that promotes these. atrocities...

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We've had events like this before, such as the Black Death in Europe. If you study events like those, you get an idea of what rapid population decreases do.

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Interesting the decline in life expectancy...

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Interesting indeed! That points to something very actively killing people before their time! Of course, we know what that is! It was meticulously planned and implemented. I read somewhere 7 years lost for each partake.... but how that expands over time remains to be seen...

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No, I would say, current World population is about ideal. There is plenty of room for expansion though when we colonize the Moon, Mars and some Asteroids.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

From what I have read and understood population decline happens naturally when people have a higher standard of education, living and healthcare. So, if that’s the case then we should be helping other more densely populated countries in these ways and then their populations would be better off and not want to reproduce so much because they wouldn’t need to. Surely, its a daily grind and worry for a lot of these people with numerous kids who, if they had an easy choice would prefer to have less kids. As far as the eugenicists go, they simply want to kill, it has nothing to do with resources. It’s about power. There are ample resources in the world, its just not well distributed because it doesn’t make money and governments don’t care enough. If Billy Gates The Exterminator was really concerned about poverty and disease in poor countries he’d put his money into providing those people with running water, energy and aid with regenerative organic farming etc.

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Even in the third world, when people move to cities, they stopped reproducing at high levels. But then they suck up more resources. Trade off.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Nobody and no animals live forever forever.

My understanding is it's more about the system that supports the human population, is dysfunctional.

I also would like to say to those who advocate and justify the depopulation narrative and think they are exempt. How about making own sacrifice in the first place and leaving this physical plain?

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