My 65 yo sister and her 66 yo husband got the Covid vaccines down in New Caledonia where they lived. 5 months after the second shot, her husband died suddenly of a cardiac arrest, and my sister fell into a catatonic depression which resulted in her spending months in an Australian hospital. The severity of her cognitive and speech problems led them to suspect either a stroke, or an acute onset dementia, but the MRI came back negative. A year and a half later she is now living in an assisted living facility in Calgary, Canada, and needs help to access her e-mails on a computer. The doctors only say she has "cognitive issues" but do not say what caused them. To give you an idea of her pre-morbid functioning, she had a genius IQ and a photographic memory.

As a retired doctor, I reached out to ask Dr. Makis about diffuse micro-vascular clotting associated with the spike protein. He agreed with me that the MRI would likely not show any abnormalities until years after the brain injury, when scarring and shrinkage of the cortex would become visible on the MRI.

I did not take the Covid vaccines as I also had an M.Sc. in Microbiology and Immunology, and recognized the risks associated with the design of the vaccines. I also recognized that the virus was manmade (as was SARS-Cov 1). Unfortunately, all of my classmates and friends ignored my warnings and I was shunned by most of them.

I take no pleasure in seeing my predictions come to fruition. The medical profession will not survive the truth when this comes out, and I believe most of the once prestigious scientific journals, like Nature, Science, NEJM, and Lancet will shut down when the corruption is publicly exposed.

P.S. I left medicine 8 years ago at the young age of 54 because I recognized the corruption that had taken over the professional colleges and health agencies. I'm ashamed of my old profession.

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I'm a doctor with a science background, as well. I so empathize with you because me, too, I left 'the system' some 15 years ago (foregoing pending professorship), utterly disillusioned and disgusted by its corruption, lies, gasligthing and lack of humanity. I then studied alternative medicine and opened a private clinic in order to combine both medical views to find best solutions for every individual situation. While that dual view point allowed me to correct many courses of chonic disease, for which conventional medicine alone had no solution whenever I had contact with the system through a patient they would ignore the success of such a wider view, ridicule me and , sometimes even question my motives. Then came Covid, and, like you, with my science background, I immediately was highly sceptic of these vaccines (no need to list the reasons for this here) and acted accordingly. The degree of corruption and lying that came from all sides regarding these vaccines (Government, media, medical community) eventually led me to the same outcome as yours: feeling ashamed of being part of the medical community and finally closing my practice, a year ago, not wanting anything to do with them ever again.

As to your sister and brother-in-law, I feel very sorry for your loss. Since cognitive disabilities are something I have treated quite a bit (I'm a neurologist) let me suggest one herb that has worked 'wonders' in some patients : it's Acorus calamus, taken in cold extraction over night, just one sip before and after a meal (making 6 sips per day). It is used in Ayurveda, TCM and western herbal tradition for exactly that. It doesn't work on blod clots but rather on protein deposits. If blod clots are the reason for your sister's mental decline, nattokinase would be the thing to try, as someone in the comments already stated. Since the medical system is unlikey to help you with differentiating between the two I would try one and then the other I wouldn't do them both at the same time.

I was prompted to answer your comment because it feels so reassuring to me that there at least a few of my (former) colleagues left who have a functioning heart and spine. Thank you!

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I'm another medico, still working in Sports and Exercise Medicine, but sharing your thoughts and fighting the system from within.

I have accumulated more than 200 "vaccine" injured patients in my field alone, though there is a crossover with neurology, and continue searching for definitive treatments.

Most of the profession remain incredulous, disinterested, or hostile to any anti-mainstream narrative.

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You have to wonder what the backlash will be like against doctors, pharmacists, and nurses who pushed these vaccines when the public fully wakes up. I fear it will get very ugly!

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I hate to disagree with you, but the vaccine crimes will be swept under the rug, just like the enormous crimes by the US in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria and the Ukraine and the crimes of neglect right here in the good ole US of A. Nothing changes when a country is ruled by psychopaths.

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I don't believe people will wake up. If they did, they would have to emotionally accept that in their self righteous "I was doing good for society" they have cut years off their own lives. Their psyche won't accept that.

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💯! Their indoctrination runs too deep, they will never admit they were wrong.

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Yes, they seem sub-human to me. Isn't the essence of being fully human to be able to transcend knee-jerk, programmed responses and use your God-given ability to THINK? They are more like dumb animals, responding to stimuli and directives. Their brains never kick in. Do they really have human-like brains? Seems not.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

I agree with your sentiment. “Will the public ever fully wake up?”

If people were going to wake up, it would have happened early on when two weeks to flatten the curve turned into three years. Or, when they initially rolled out the jab and the injury reports started rolling in. Or perhaps the point that they were informed that the jab didn’t stop transmission. Or maybe when they started forcing pregnant women, children and infants to take it without properly testing it. Or when they saw their friends, family and acquaintances dropping like flies.

At this point, they have shown that they refuse to acknowledge what has happened no matter how much evidence is presented to them.

I have a friend who sees the rise in all cause mortality, since the roll out, but she is certain the deaths are caused by covid infections. She’s convinced that the medical community is hiding the fact that the increase in deaths is from Covid. Her husband works at our local hospital and has assured her that there are no more people being hospitalized for Covid infections. She just will not ever see that it’s the jab. If she ever saw it, her world view would be destroyed. Her husband makes all of their family’s income from the industrial medical complex and she would be horrified to realize it’s a corrupt system. She keeps choosing to believe the death and destruction over the last few years is from a virus and has nothing to do with corruption. It’s how she stays sane. I see why she chooses to remain ignorant. If my husband worked in the medical field, I would have made him quit or fight the system or we would have separated. That would bankrupt most people. I’m not saying that I agree with her choice but I certainly understand it. And there are many people who have a variety of reasons that keep them incentivized to remain ignorant.

Can you imagine knowing that the death or injury of a loved one came from going along with the most ridiculous propaganda ever seen? Embarrassment. Horror. Existential crisis. Etc

And I think a lot of people became addicted to feeling superior to those they classified as “anti-vaxxers”. It feels good to think you are morally superior to other people. That’s basically what drives politics these days.

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I think you have described them perfectly. And they are truly pathetic. Is it any wonder the elites think the masses deserve to be manipulated and used? They've proven they deserve it.

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Only if the official narrative changes. If the MSM, government leaders, celebrities, academia, and medical establishment switched away from lying about everything to telling the truth about the jabs (they'll always lie when it suits them), they will, like the lemmings they are, believe those "trusted sources". No amount of evidence will change their mind otherwise. After all, if their thought leaders aren't convinced, who are they to think they know better? The narrative will never change unless the damage becomes a lot worse than it is. Heck, even those directly affected who are part of the establishment, won't break ranks, except for a few like that woman in Australia who was head of their AMA, Kerryn Phelps.

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How many people would say they had a happy childhood? What would child protection service statistics say? I'd expect similar discrepancies to your question as to the childhood question.

So we will continue to be our conditioned self until it's too painful to admit the truth. To answer the question: What have I done?

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A few will, but the numbers will be trivial. Our news sources are so corrupted and the American people have been so brain damaged by 100 years of virulent anti-communism and the other garbage fed to us by the mainstream media and God only knows to what degree that we have all been poisoned from environmental toxins dumped freely into the environment because clean-up would reduce profits to almost 0% and make capitalism unprofitable.

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They love the money and perks fake doctoring provides.

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Yep. Why would the doctors stand up against the lie? It's good for their bottom line. They're making money off vaxx injuries. It's all good for them.

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I imagine cardiologists, neurologists, hematologists, and oncologists are doing land-office business these days...thanks to Fauci's poison death shot.

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My relative may be interested in a consult. Do you do telemedicine consults?

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Only for follow up appointments.

I really need to practice face to face as much as possible.

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Understandable. Thank you for responding. All the best.

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Thank you for your suggestions. I had studied acupuncture and TCM many years ago while I was still practicing family medicine. I'm not familiar with Acorus calmus, though it might have a Mandarin name that I would recognize. I will certainly research it.

Unfortunately, both my sisters are firmly trapped in the Matrix, so they do not want to acknowledge the vaccines as being a cause of harm and still tend to believe in the allopathic medical system. If I have the opportunity to suggest it to her, I will certainly do so.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

It's sweet flag. Shi chang pu is the pin yin (is strictly speaking Acourus tatarinowii but nearly identical to A. Calamus in effects and indications). Vacha in Ayurveda.

Only reason not to give it are peptic ulcers.

As to people 'being trapped in the Matrix', boy, do I know about it (patients, family, friends), it's so disheartening. All we can do, I guess, is offering help without smartassing or lecturing. They then take it or leave it, it's up to them.

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Spot on, Eliza - Fear - his greatest weapon - has them all by the short & curlies.

Praise the Lord - We serve an AMAZING God who is sovereign over all...

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I am sorry for you, and for many others who have similar experiences.

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Oh! Acorus calamus is "Sweet Grass" or "Sweet Flag"?

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I so admire you! You have a beautiful heart. Thank you for all you have done and all that I'm sure you are doing!

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Thank you for speaking out and writing up this account of your sister and her late husband. I am sorry to hear that the jab destroyed their lives.

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As am I.

So sorry about your sister.

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"The medical profession will not survive the truth when this comes out" - and this is why people of Earth will need doctors and scientists with true integrity and brilliant critical thinking skills, like Igor and yourself!

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Will the truth come out? Remember, history is written by the winners. The truth will only come out if we win.

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I thought that micro clots would show up on a d-dimer test. If she does have clots might something like nattokinase help her? Thank you for sharing your story. It's so tragic. "once prestigious scientific journals, like Nature, Science, NEJM, and Lancet will shut down" - I pray. On nattokinase: https://covid19criticalcare.com/tools-and-guides/all-about-nattokinase/

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Thank you for the suggestions. D-dimer tests will only show acute clotting, usually during the first week or so. This diffuse sort of micro-clotting is difficult to detect clinically, and unfortunately she was living abroad and I only found out after the fact from her son that she had been hospitalized. Nattokinase has been shown to break down the spike protein, but it's unclear if it can break down the fibrin-type clots that occur in blood vessels and the brain damage from lack of blood flow would not be reversible I'm afraid.

Certainly I have recommended Nattokinase or Bromelaine to anyone who has signs of clotting, but we really need long term studies to see if it will help in prevention of clots in vivo.

I suspect that a lot of people who have brain fog, mild depression, or flat affect/personality changes, will be shown in the future to have micro-clotting in the pre-frontal cortex and may be prone to early dementia.

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Look at both lumbrokinase and serrapeptase.

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Hello Michelle Boivin,

I am very sorry about your relatives. I can't imagine how awful that must be. Thank you very much for sharing your story.

Your post brings to mind one of the many testimonies I have transcribed, an excerpt from a long interview by Alec Zeck. It was censored, but I found it on the Way Back Machine.

* * * * * * * *

Episode 10 of Health Freedom for Humanity’s newest podcast series, Voices of The Victims. Nov 24, 2021




Laura Kaczmarski on her Husband Danny's Precipitous Decline and Death After Moderna Jabs "But it got to the point where he just slept. All he did was sleep."

* * * * * * * *

I also wanted to thank you very much for sharing your detox recommendations-- readers here may find them at


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Thanks for that link. I followed those protocols from the beginning, still Covid free. Your list is easy to print and I’ll use it to hand out whenever someone asks how I managed to avoid getting Covid even though I’m in my 70’s (and according to Joe Biden & Fauci, should be dead!)

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It’s interesting how some of the responses by disillusioned doctors who left traditional medicine now espouse the practices and treatments that were recently regarded as fringe, flaky and dangerous.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023

Thank you for sharing this information. Education will not protect even a genius with a photographic memory. What is it that differed you from your sister on this choice? It was not knowledge, there is something about the way you think, not what you think. And the number of Canadian doctors who have died and suffered (watching their peers drop dead and still reasoning the cause away as something else) only shows that education will not save you from the vile ''poison death shot'', as Zev Zelenko said. There is a fearlessness factor required to accept what has brought us to this situation. And people who are aware of the situation and pretend that everything is fine are inexcusable, they are weak and pathetic. They are hedging their bets to see which side (freedom or not) will win so they can join it.

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It's funny that you mention it, because I have pondered that very question myself! Why were some people able to see through the lies, while others were captured by the narrative? It wasn't so much a question of "intelligence", as I think it was an issue of brain-washing. "Higher education" certainly contributed to the indoctrination of many, but I noticed that there were people able to see through the propaganda with all different levels of education, while others were totally captured by the matrix. Religious faith didn't seem to play a deciding role either.

I was always known for my eclectic curiosity about subjects beyond the scope of medicine and science, including ancient history, alternative medicine, different religions and cultures, as well as a love of science fiction since I was a child. Maybe nonconformity was built into my character more than I realized.

I never thought of myself as being very brave... until I had to be. I had friends that I thought were emotionally wise, but to my surprise, they seemed to succumb to the fear narrative. I also had friends whom I thought had a strong moral compass, but to my shock, they were quick to go along with mandates that were an obvious violation of the Nuremberg code!

I think many of us who remained unjabbed, and tried to protest what was happening, quickly found ourselves ostracized by our friends and families. So obviously, our family upbringing had nothing to do with our choices.

It's really a puzzle indeed, and I can only presume there was something happening on a higher spiritual plane that guided some of us to resist. Maybe we had the capacity to recognize the evil early on?

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"I also had friends whom I thought had a strong moral compass, but to my shock, they were quick to go along with mandates that were an obvious violation of the Nuremberg code!"

This was the most shocking for me as an old timer with decades of human rights activism and circle of what seemed like minded folks. Groups whose mantra is "My Body My Choice" were suddenly comfortable enforcing vax mandates at their venues & oblivious to the betrayal of fundamental values, informed consent or laws borne of war crimes. What a disappointment.

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I think we witnessed the power of fear over people's minds and moral compasses...

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Pamela - hope you've found - a more conduicive group of friends.

Praise God for His AMAZING provision if you have...

If not, I am praying He will find you some as I have been so BLESSED to have more friends, more events, more opportunities to love on and help others than ever before...

To God be the Glory

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As a born-again, Spirit filled evangelical Christian (who didn’t take the jab, nor fall for the Trump delusion), I am appalled at all the Christians who fell for the virus and jab narrative. And even now, in light of all the damning evidence, they still have their heels firmly dug in.

It seems that Covid was the beta test, because it’s obvious that the jabs are killing many. But we are not seeing the mass die offs. That will come though, for just as they telegraphed the Covid nonsense with their Event 201 conference, so they have telegraphed the next round with their Catastrophic Contagion conference AND the American version of the Utopia series which predicts a virus predominantly affecting children and the real sinister plot being the vaxx. They have run the drill with CV19; once they roll out the next one, there will be a zero tolerance to dissent.

It’s bleak.

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Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023

Recognizing evil, yes, I agree. And also remembering and trusting facts of things that have come to pass. You probably remembered that mrna technology was never safe in the past. You probably remember that there has never existed a vaccine that is safe or effective for Corona viruses, ...and that Wuhan residents were permitted entry into countries immediately following the declaration of a novel Corona virus, you probably remember that in 2009 we were lied to by the MSM about swine flu and the accompanying vaccines we were told to take, you also know history and how it can and likely will happen again. Others want to forget. And apparently, they were successful. You are, indeed, courageous.

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Michelle, you have hit on the TRUTH and it is SO beautiful to behold and read it in print.

I'm a 58yr old woman who NOW has an AMAZING group of friends (of varying ages and both make and female, married and single) who ALL knew early on this Campaign of Fear was ONLY from the dark side aka Satan - and YES he is as real as you yourself are.

- The Reverence for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Way of Love & His Joy being our Strength gave us the Wisdom & Discernment to Praise GOD over the last 3 ridiculous years.

Personally, I still give God the Glory even whilst our darling 22yrold son is now fighting for his life due to being jabbed 3x....

Love your work

Blessings in Jesus Mighty Name We pray, Amen


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Too right, Norica...

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Thank you for being true to your profession.

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I’m very sorry too about your sister.

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Doctors became drug reps quite a while ago☠️

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I would suggest that your dear sister still has a genius IQ and photographic memory, but her brain might simply be suffering from chronic oxygen deprivation.

Live blood cell analysis is showing extensive Rouleaux formation (i.e. stacking) of RBC's in vaxxed blood... and increasingly in the blood of the unvaxxed who are in close contact with the vaxxed. Obviously, this will prevent efficient passage of the RBC's through the very delicate capillary beds. The brain and heart will be the most affected as they're the two most oxygen-dependent organs. Thus, both cognitive decline and a heart struggling to keep up with oxygen demand can be explained absent any actual micro-coagulation issues at the capillary level.

Promising solutions include 1) intravenous or oral liposomal EDTA chelation, 2) daily proteolytic enzyme (e.g serrapeptase, nattokinase, et al.) supplementation, 3) NAC or liposomal glutathione, and 4) hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

A few hours spent in an HBOT (very safe 1.3-1.5 atm pressure) equipped with an oxygen concentrator could be enough to demonstrate rapid short-term improvement in cognitive abilities and lessening of cardiac symptoms. According to Henry's Law, bodily fluids will hold more dissolved gases when under pressure (e.g. bottle of champagne when the cork is removed). The oxygen concentrator removes the nitrogen so the air being breathed has a much higher effective concentration of oxygen. One cannot spend all of his/her time inside an HBOT, of course, but a brief period of exposure to slightly increased pressure might prove to both the cognitively-impaired and their loved ones that the focus should be on blood cleansing modalities.

I believe that the stacking of RBC's is not the result of the normal coagulation cascade. The cells, in my humble opinion, are simply stacking to protect a much greater surface area of their outer membranes to "something" (spikes, LNP's, nano-tech?) which is highly inflammatory to them. So, the focus on consistent enzymatic clearance of the "something" and disciplined use of detox agents will likely be palliative... until better solutions are found.

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Wow! Thank you so much for sharing. I also had a good friend in my town. He was hard working and gregarious, loved by the whole community. Took the shots and became depressed and catatonic. Wouldn't speak. Stared off into the distance. Wouldn't eat. Ended his life a few months later 😭.

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Oh, what a sad story! I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend in such a tragic way. So many heartbreaking stories!

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I'm sorry to hear of yours as well ❤️‍🩹

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“The corruption that has taken over…”? If you can find it, read Murder by Injection, by Eustace Mullins. He documents the corruption from the very founding of the AMA.

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Thank you for your kind words. In these past few yearsI have witnessed so many brave souls standing up for truth and risking everything they have, it's both humbling and inspiring. I guess times like these bring out the best and worst in people.

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Yes! I have seen the research and discussion on the benefits of using nicotine to block the spike protein. I think unfortunately the S1 spike protein has been designed to bind at many receptors in the body, and the lipid nanoparticles alone have serious toxicity, as do the mRNA micro-fragments that are present in the vaccines. So unfortunately I think multiple ingredients are needed to counteract the effects from these vaccines.

It's both fascinating and horrific to see all the various mechanisms of harm and toxicity that appear to have been built into these vaccines. I personally believe it was done by design. They had to have known what they were doing!

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

I agree. This mRNA technology has been in development for several decades but it couldn't get full FDA approval because the in vivo studies in animals resulted in deaths, severe pathologies, and reproductive harms. The solution was to issue EUA's in response to a false, fear-based, COVID PLANdemic. This was never about a wimpy little virus which has never been isolated in the real world and appears to exist only in the digital world (i.e. in silico). It was all about getting this toxic soup into as many arms as possible, as many times as possible.

According to my 1848 (i.e. pre-politically-correct) Webster's Dictionary of the English Language, the word "pharmaceutical" is derived from two Greek words literally translated as: 1) to practice witchcraft or use medicine and 2) poison or medicine. BigPharma's products are all unnatural, patented, synthetic toxins (i.e. poisons) which we humans should earnestly avoid. Besides, most of them only ameliorate symptoms by interfering with natural biochemical pathways. Long-term management of disease, NOT prevention or cure, has become the allopathic, drug-based, business model because that's where the raw pursuit of money and power have taken it.

One more thing: In view of the Dr. Ardis/Dr. Braun envenomation theory in explaining all of the symptoms of "long-COVID", is it any wonder that the symbol of modern medicine is the caduceus, with two serpents entwined around a winged staff? Is it also any wonder that the ancient staffs and wands used by magicians/sorcerers/alchemists/etc. for the conjuring of... whatever... were typically made from the wood of the holly tree? Does this bring the true nature of Hollywood into clearer focus? The future plans of the evil-doers (satanic overlords might be more precise) have been embedded in Hollywood's work product for many decades. They actually believe that if they show us what they're doing to us and we neither recognize it nor object to it... well, then that somehow absolves them of any karmic debts. Thankfully, they're wrong...

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I'm a smoker, and use nicotine lozenges to limit how many cigarettes I smoke. I did not get jabbed, was in and out of hospitals and doctor offices for my elderly mom, and never got covid. Who knows, maybe my vice protected me.

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There were rumors that nicotine helped people avoid covid.

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Here is a presentation by Dr Ardis. Lots of information. https://rumble.com/v2m9mmi-covid-or-covenom-with-dr.-bryan-ardis.html

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Not for me!

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It protected us both. I've been a mild smoker of strictly organic tobacco for a long time and I got through the COVID years with no problems whatsoever. Studies have shown that less than 5% of hospitalizations and deaths were in those whose nicotinic receptors were kept saturated with nicotine. This lends credence to Dr. Ardis' and Dr. Braun's theory that venomous peptides might be a factor in this whole COVID drama. Venoms target receptors in the brain which control breathing, literally suffocating their victims. In addition, viruses typically don't involve loss of taste and smell, but venoms certainly do. Long-COVID may well be due to continued low-level exposure to venomous peptides which 1) are surprisingly resistant to bio-degradation and 2) can be quite easily disseminated in water, food, and aerosols. Just sayin'...

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Yes according to Dr. Bryan Ardis the nicotine does help.

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me too, ditto in every single aspect!

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Death is a very long injury, but you can't gaslight the dead.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

Amen to that. This Science article tries to completely sweep away jab caused risks of dying, having a stroke or a non-fatal MI.

Instead, it gives us an account of POTS that happens "rarely" and several reassurances that every researcher and doctor still think the risks of Covid itself far outweigh risks of the jab.

And they throw all this at the reader despite the fact that most people have already had Covid and acquired decent natural immunity so the comparison between an unjabbed person and a jabbed person is irrelevant in the real world.

And of course there's the constant delusion that getting jabbed and boosted will somehow prevent a person from ever getting Covid, which is just wrong.

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“Millions have been saved” even though all cause mortality is up in nearly every jabbed country. Thanks “Science”. May as well call it “Shillance”

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It's the same Enron accounting system that can't find trillions in Pentagon spending but purports to tabulate cases at a pace ahead of "pandemic" virus.

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See my comment below. The Pfizer trials enrolled 22k people in placebo and trial groups. 2 people in placebo died of Covid, while one in Treatment died. This makes the relative efficiency 95%, but it also seems to mean: you prevent one death from Covid for every 22,000 people you vaxx. Given a global population of 8bln, that means you could prevent a ceiling of 364K Covid deaths by vaxxing everybody.

Their data say millions is not possible. Not any conspiracy data.

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Not too mention that all cause mortality was higher in the jabbed. Net gain = negative. Thanks for nothing Pharma. Imagine how bad the Moderna data is. That will be dropping soon.

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Exactly, and the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials showed "4 killed for every 3 saved" even at the height of the pandemic's severity.

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Safe & effective is not one lie, it's two lies in one convenient package!

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Big pharma is in a pickle. On one hand, they want to obey the directives from the DoD and HHS and that is to murder people using mRNA substances. Then on the other hand, big pharma wants to keep people alive long enough to rape their pocketbooks before they die. Either way, you are being systematically drugged to death.

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It seems we are reaching the end of the road, and they just don’t care. Whoever or whatever is behind it all, apparently wants the human race extinguished.

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they can and do—the families are the perpetrators

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Disgusting. So antibody dependent enhancement, spike protein inflammation, vaccine acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and endless bouts of "covid" are now basically lumped in with "long covid".

*sighs* 🙄

Well, nobody can be forced to wake up. People will wake up in their own time, by themselves, once they are ready.

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How can you wake up if you’re dead?

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Exactly as it sounds. I believe consciousness and the soul persist after death. Then even the most lost souls can achieve enlightenment.

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Death is an illusion. At the point of death everyone will face their guilt and have to deal with whoever they wronged in life, including themselves. Spiritual growth. Then maybe the next time around when they have another shot at the human experience, they might do better. Spirituality is the only currency accepted for the next level after this life. Whether people derive that from their religious faith, from meditation, or from being a good compassionate, present, mindful, empathetic human being.

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Actually, most never will because they simply do not want to.

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I sent an anti “conspiracy” buddy a meme yesterday.





These people are SO convinced that they are the good. The smart. The righteous. They can never accept that they have been bamboozled by clown villains. So much easier to call everyone a Qanon whack job and bring on the string cheese and aspartame. Life is good!!!!

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Hubris abounds. And it's deadly. 😓

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I think the reason so many "highly educated intelligent people" fell for it is because of how much time they've spent in educational institutions, ergo implicit trust in the system and the "experts". Segues into further trust and reliance on the same belief system perpetuated in multinational companies, governing bodies etc.

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I’ve also noticed a sneering condescension for any conspiracy theories. They are so above that. Their world view must be justified. Therefore no malicious actors exist. Just wonderful people like them, working tirelessly to right all the wrongs.

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The hardest part is trying to help people that can only help themselves by taking the first steps. Case in point - I've shared various spike protein detox protocols with many people, even bought them vitamins, NAC, nattokinase etc - but they don't take it. Even though we both know they are deteriorating physically, neurologically and spiritually.

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"Just drones like them, working tirelessly to right all the imaginary wrongs." There, I fixed it for you.

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I have worked at a university in OZ for close to 20 years and my conclusion is that you CANNOT trust anything from the "experts" and the government. I would say that anyone with half a working brain would come to the same conclusion especially if one works in research. However, given of how many of my colleagues got jabbed, I would say that I was the exception to the rule. Very sad to see supposedly "smart" people behave like sheep.

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My sister is a “science” teacher. Vermont “educated” so nit sure what that is supposed to mean. She asked zero questions. Masked her children outdoors when there wasn’t a soul around. Shrieked on Facebook that she was being sentenced to death when she has to return to classroom teaching as all of Europe was back in school with zero issues to report. We can’t discuss Covid because “my opinions are based on science. The virus is real. 6 million people have died”. What triggered this outburst? I sent her an innocent text. Hey, wanted to let you know, we all had Covid and everyone is fine. Kind of happy that we all have natural immunity now. Sorry for sharing good news sis. Won’t let that happen again. Hopefully one of us will die and I can share some news that will make you feel good. Her best friend and brother in law are battling aggressive cancers. That’s the other reason we can’t talk. She has no time. And a student committed suicide. Gee, I wonder why. With you babbling 24/7 about how either climate change or the virus is going to kill them anyway. Why not go out like Kurt Cobain. It’s all pointless anyway.

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"Supposedly" is the key word there. It's all obvious, and was from very early 2020. A smart person is not so easily fooled.

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It is indeed.

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One has to infer that the serious side effects are ominously common if those 'scientists' are suddenly admitting they exist at all.

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Yes, you are right, but hiding them with "long covid" and "just coincidence" still (still!!) works quite well for most people, alas. What I'm seeing in my own neck of the woods is that many of the multiply injected are living in a bubble, they have no idea about the jab deaths and injuries, since if they don't read about it in the NYT they blithely assume it must not be a thing. All the problems with their own health or that of their relatives since 2021, to them, that's just coincidence or long covid-- and that's what the doctor said, too. So.

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A vaxxed friend of mine told me about someone she knows (early 50s I think) who died suddenly from a blood clot. I mentioned vaxx side effects, she brushed it off and said people have ALWAYS died suddenly of blood clots. It's nothing new.


We are never going to get through to these people, and CNN will convince them that cancer, heart attacks and blood clots are either caused by "long covid" or by "global warming." And they'll eat it up with a spoon.

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Hi shibumi, I hear this sort of thing a lot, too and yes, of course, I say, people have always died of clots, random strokes, heart attacks, you name it-- but not in these numbers, and not so many young, athletic adults. The VAERS numbers are shocking, and they are known to be heavily underreported. https://openvaers.com/covid-data

But the people who won't see that the jabs are causing deaths and injuries, people who dismiss the VAERS, or heck, don't even know what it is, well, I've given them up as a lost cause. I think: Have a nice life. Enjoy your TV shows.

So I accept that some people don't want to hear it, and some people simply won't hear it. That said, I believe that it's important to keep speaking up, and sharing information when and where possible because it's always possible that there is someone who needs to hear it, and who hasn't got their head buried in the sand or, shall we say, up their own nether regions. And: what's at stake is the health of millions of children, not to mention other people who don't deserve to die an early death and suffer horribly. Also at stake are human rights, such as my own. What the health authorities laid on us all in 2020 to present times has been out-freaking-rageous, and while they may try it again, I want to make sure that resistance is well-informed and includes more people than it did in 2020. This is why I'm here in the comments section of this blog, and this why I transcribe.

But yes, many of my own family members are totally dismissive, and I expect they'll take more jabs on top of the ones they've already had. As you say, they'll get these explanations from CNN and "eat it up with a spoon."

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There is good reason to fear these people. If Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is correct (he is batting 100% to date.), highly vaccinated populations have a large amount on non-sterilizing antibodies that weakly bond to the covid virus providing the jabbed with some protection, but putting enormous immune pressure on the virus to break out with a new, highly virulent omnicron variants that will kill large numbers of the jabbed in successive waves of new disease. I had to read his book, "The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic" three times to understand it. He does love acronyms. Fortunately, he has 10 short videos that explains it at: https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/

So when the Inescapable Pandemic hits and tens of thousands of people are dying each week, what are the true believers going to do? They will go absolutely stark raving mad, demanding more jabs, face masks, and lock downs and blaming the immune un-vaxed and demand we be rounded up. The Mayo clinic, having infamously fired the un-jabbed, will be leading the charge in the Mid-West. I feel a great deal of schadenfreude about Mayo about to die when all of their employees die. So stock up on supplements that are good prophylactics against the viral replication and stock up on ammo to fight the zombie apocalypse when these people go mad. You better look at your food supply as they will enforce vaccine passports at the grocery stores. Prepare for 6 months of hell before these people die. We may be lucky and they all die so quickly that their mad decrees will fail for lack of any un-jabbed government employees to enforce them. I hope the electricity does not go away. Happy 4th of July.

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Geert's timeline for the virulent strains to run through the jabbed has come and gone, long ago. He's a smart guy, and a true expert, but is not batting 100%. It could still happen, so your advice is good IMO.

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It could happen, and it all sounds extremely cinematic, but to date it hasn't happened. So I'm not holding my breath. What I do see is that the jabs are immunotoxic for many people. I have been hearing endlessly, for many months, about a work colleague who has "long covid" with really bad brain fog, ongoing for more than a year now, and yesterday I finally snapped at another colleague and said, "Listen, what she has is more likely a jab injury."

Them: "How do you know that?"

Me: "Try to find someone who didn't get jabbed who has brain fog or 'long covid.' I'm not saying they don't exist, but I'll bet you know lots of people with long covid, brain fog and fatigue, and every single one them got jabbed. The people who didn't get jabbed, they all got covid, too. But they don't have these problems."


Me: "Maybe you didn't know, brain fog and fatigue are common jab injuries."

.... silence....

I didn't get called names. I'll call that an improvement.

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Well, she is correct. People HAVE always died of blood clots. The question is, do they do so more now? Has she got data? Do you?

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No, I don't have the data, simply because I'm not in the field, and it's difficult to find. Plus... is it even available?

I'm not young. I don't know anyone who had ever died from a sudden blood clot, especially someone who was apparently healthy under 60.. Of course, this is anecdotal; perhaps everyone on this substack knows someone under 60 who died suddenly of a blood clot prior to 2019. I could be the outlier, and all of these weird health things could be completely normal. The Ethical Skeptic had a lot of good data on his twitter feed, however, that is not accessible to those not registered on Twitter.

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For data the official US gov't Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systen is VAERS and the best way to view that is with


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Kinda like my niece saying autism has been around forever. Ok but to the extent it is now?

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Yeah, but it hasn't. How many autistic kids were in your classes, in your school, in your neighborhood growing up? I'm in my 50s. My answer is 0.

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Pretty sure long-covid was introduced early to brainwash population and hide quakcine side effects early on.

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I don't doubt it. But I think it's starting to fall apart, albeit slowly. There are too many dead and injured, and the bereaved and injured are starting to figure out that they've been getting the gaslighting, and they're pretty pissed.

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Here's an example:

John Watt Calls Out the Cardiologists


Dec 15, 2022

Text of tweet:

PET scan results = MYOCARDITIS!

Left for over a year with myocarditis, gaslighted and left to believe this was all in my head!

People need to realise you know your own body better than any Dr will!




JOHN WATT: I just thought I'd give everyone a quick update in regard to my PET scan I got last week. I got the results at the start of the week. And it turns out myocarditis. Myocarditis. It's taken over a year to diagnose me and a specialist in the UK, a specialist cardiologist in the UK, to tell me that it's myocarditis from the vaccine. I've seen over about 5 different cardiologists in Scotland, not one of them as soon as I say this is from the vaccine not one of them want to acknowledge me. Well there you have it. Myocarditis one year later after the vaccine. I've been complaining about chest pain, complaining about heart issues, and what was I told? It's anxiety, PTSD, health anxiety, all in my fu*king head. And now the confirmation that it wasn't.

This is a message to all the health professionals. I'm going to start calling you the health unprofessionals. If I had sat here and had just accepted what you told me, I would never had got an answer and never understood what was going on with my heart here. I want people to realize it took me a year and it's taken me 27,000 pounds to get an answer for my heart. I want people to realize if you're going to your doctor and your doctors tell you this is in your head, that's anxiety and whatnot, you know your body better than these fu*kers! You know yourself better than this!

This vaccine is doing more harm than good. One year they have left me with myocarditis. I think it's time for people to start questioning, people start questioning the health professionals. It's time for you health professionals to realize you're doing more harm than good. I could have take my own life because yous made me believe this was in my head! This narrative will change in the near future. Trust me when I say it! I want this message to get around the whole world. And make yous realize it's time to start doing the right thing. You're killing people and making people think they're going fu*king crazy!



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John Watt's GoFundMe page.


Therein, his girlfriend Keri writes:

"Hi my name is Kerri, I am helping my partner John pay for his private medical treatments. It’s not easy for me to ask, but we could really do with some help. This all started back in November of 2021, after John received his 3rd v dose…  He immediately had significant adverse affects including raised blood pressure, dizziness and fatigue which have severely affected his health and well-being. He soon after started experiencing nausea and retching and lost 15kg in little over 3 weeks. His heart rate was doubling on standing and he was unable to walk/stand or sit. The NHS doctors and hospital had no clue what was wrong with him and kept fobbing us off. For several weeks they left him to rot away at home sick in his bed blaming medication side effects, anxiety and mental health for his symptoms...."



John Watt is featured in the documentary "Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion"


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My step mum, mid 50s first suffered from long covid (pre-vax, alpha variant): complete loss of sense of taste and smell (not recovered) and coordination problems especially when walking (from which she recovered in between).

In the evening after her second booster (no 4 in total) in spring last year, she suddenly had severe coordination problems coming on again and moves about since then in a wheelchair or with a Zimmer - frame.

She is luckily now treated by a doctor that recognises her vaccine injury and she's making slow progress (he, as far as I know, sees the spike protein as the culprit).

Yes, long covid is real and can be bad, but with the vaccines she continuesly was exposed to what made her ill over and over again (while with a reinfection there's a good chance the immune system fights it off in the upper respiratory system).

What a stupid argument by the 'science' magazine...

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An example of a vaccine injured person I know. A woman 60 years old leading a normal life before vaccination. After the third shot, she was hospitalized for liver failure and has had neurological cognitive problems to the point that she had to move back with her elderly mother . She happens to ask her mother why she had not gone to kindergarten on that day. The parents in their 90 had 3 shots each too and are all right so it is hard to convince them what was the likely cause of their daughter's predicament to follow some protocol like that of FLCCC. And all doctors rule out the vaccine as the cause.

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Parents got the placebo that we are just now hear about.

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Dr.jessica rose just did a substack on that danish study, dissecting some of the findings. Well worth a read.

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She has some extremely interesting and very informative posts, well worth following her substack if you’re interested in medical info!

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Absolutely, and i do follow her. She is able to explain things well for lay people,

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A true "Russian roulette" 😓

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Beta test. The extermination shot is coming.

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And what about the jabbed getting long COVID after getting COVID after getting x number of jabs?

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More spike.

More problems.

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That's it. The chemo effect. Whether you get it from the original bioweapon or the bioweapon antidote, it's all poison. Stop taking poison voluntarily and accumulating it in your body. Eventually you will die. Chemo overdose killed my sister.

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A dear friend had a stroke, about 4 days after shot 2, in Germany. Another friend's daughter miscarried after her first injection,

in Poland . Another friend developed neurological symptoms including nerve pain, imbalance, headaches, and muscle weakness. She is not improving, in Oregon.

And the stories of turbo-cancer abound. A friend's brother was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer. No history of smoking or any other risk factor. He died in less than 3 months, leaving behind a wife and 3 young children, also in Oregon.

I am not sure how long after his Covid Injections, or how many he had, but he was "fully vaccinated" at the time of his death.

So one from each category- Cardiovascular, Neurological, Turbo-Cancer, Reproductive.

But for me the most shocking were the deaths. Person after person was just found dead.

Especially after #2, and after the booster also. Elderly for the most part, but some young and very healthy.

Such a crime!!

I pray we succeed in holding the perpetrators accountable, no matter how long it takes!!

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Wishful thinking. They are in complete control and will get us first. Only two paths lay before us: Nineveh or Apocalypse. Nineveh - the can is kicked down the road a bit. Apocalypse - the show is over and the curtain comes down.

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Ok - let's all organize a mass protest with pitch forks at the nearest Fizzr HQ.

Of shall we just remain on Substack and exclaim 'OMG OMG!!!' and 'When will these evil people be punished???'

The thing is ... the people who might punish them -- are the same people who are carrying out the plan.

Don't expect any help from them.

To the castle or not?

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I think at this point we're just letting the masses dig their own graves. We have watched on these past few years (and more) in anger, horror, sadness, and now resignation. What will be will be. These people won't wake up. They are dead already. We just have to wait for them to actually keel over. Problem is, humans are much tougher than we given them credit for, and we could be waiting some lifetimes yet to observe the complete downfall of Modern Medicine.

I'm honestly not sure what we can do given the masses are seemingly happy to slowly do themselves in.

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I hope we get to wait a whole lifetime.

I don't think so.

I think shits going to hit the fan soon. Five years tops.

I am starting to see the decline in my jabbed peers.

And as someone who developed CFS/ME in my early twenties. I am seeing those signs in others.

It isn't a light switch.

One day you are well and then flick and you are sick.

But like a tide that rolls in, then ebbs away. Creeping further and further everyday.

Until suddenly the shore is at your doorstep and soon you are flooded and wet.

And then...

A sick society.

Won't be able to sustain itself.

No work. No food. No mechanics. No clothes. It'll all fall apart.

I sure hope I am wrong.

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Yes, I guess that is a possibility. Problem is that there's so much make-work out there, as opposed to REAL work, so it's going to take more time to see the dents.

Someone can't do their office-based WFH today? No sweat. It wasn't that important anyway, right?

The farmer has keeled over and can't pick or pack his food? That one might make more of a dent down the line.

I guess we're seeing birth rates declining already, some percentages larger than others depending on the country, and death rates are definitely up. However, there's plenty of 'dead wood' that society can give up, still, so I don't think we're going to see major problems yet.

However, you may be right. In 5 years there should be an obvious change, I would think. But, will it be enough to do anything more than create a subtle shift in how govt policy occurs/is rolled out in many places of the world? We can't expect the MSM to come to our aid!! :-D

I'm quite sure that in my terrible Australia, the govt will say "bring in more foreigners!" to make up for the declining birth rates & increasing death rates. So 'productivity' from the imported dime-a-dozen workers will remain decent for some time yet. The quality of life, however, will invariably reduce, but for the regular Joes out there, they won't notice much, if at all.

I understand about the sicknesses and lowered immunity taking hold bit by bit, and reducing productivity in general, but when you have plenty of slaves to do the work of those keeling over, until they themselves keel over, well, there IS work, there IS food, there IS mechanics, there IS clothing. I can't see things drying up any time soon.

I used to think 5 years, tops, too, but I do wonder if that may not be so.

In a couple of years, the masses might cotton onto the atrocities that have occurred - but I won't count my chickens before they hatch, because we've had LOADS of atrocities so far in our history, and people somehow keep on keeping on. More likely, some people will voice their opinions, it'll be a quick governmental shut-down, and life will continue on. I think we may see more subtle shifts rather than massive swings. People will be herded to follow certain things, and the masses will merely understand it to be the new 'normal'.

We all on here hope for some miraculous lightbulb moment...but I think it's going to be a fizzer! A gradual shift to the loss of individuality, where people just exist rather than live. There'll still be room for the more eclectic personalities, but only in more personal surroundings. Life will otherwise become Dull. Boring. Predictable. And the masses will just do what they're told, like good little sheeple.

It'd be great if the whole societal capitalism machine fell to its knees, but people are too greedy, wanting to make a buck, trying to get ahead, the only way to stop that machine is for 70% of people to die. In their tracks. And based on what we've seen with the stats so far, that's not a likely scenario IMO.

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Remember all the other distractions though.

Watch when the economic crisis really hits.

Then the severe weather warnings and climate issues press.

The push for fifteen minute cities and digital currency and passports as the only solution.

Stay in your area.

Don't leave your zone.

Then slowly, there will be less and less.

And all of these are going to hit concurrently.

Well, that is the plan I am pretty sure.

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Well, yes, there is that. But I live in the country so I won't be worrying about those 15 minute cites etc myself. I'm already aware of the digital passports and know I won't be travelling overseas within a couple of years. And it won't be long until they dispose of cash.

We grow our own food and can do barter in our local area, so again, that doesn't worry me hugely, but no, I still don't like that it is coming.

And yes, the economic crisis IS coming; even Blind Freddy can see that one. To be caught out by it you'd have to be really stupid - but hey, humans are generally really stupid, so it's gonna hurt a lot of people!

I guess I just want to be able to ride the wave somehow, and not let it bother me like covid bothered me. And covid REALLY bothered me. But at least I know what People are like now, so there's very little they can scare me with now. We have our 5 acres, with animals and plant food, and a roof over our heads (once hubby has finished it - should be no more than 9 months to completion!). And hubby has guns. And a good private-sector WFH job that's not going away any time soon. So we're in a good position to manage OK - but yes, I DO know that change is a-coming.

I'm just hoping it'll be less crazy and more gentle/subtle. But I guess even if it's not, perhaps that's what the masses deserve for their adherence to stupidity. And the rest of us will invariably get caught up in the turbulence to at least some degree.

But hey, that's life, right?! There's always a tornado just waiting around the corner. You've got to be ready for it, but yet simultaneously lead your own life and not let the risk of a tornado become the be-all and end-all. A fine line, I suppose.

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We did the same. First time gun owners. 13.5 acres in the mountains. Nearest town is population 1200. Best neighbors you could ever dream of. All of our permits are accepted. Home will be built soon. My fully remote job goes away when government and healthcare go away. My company stood firm on the side of Liberty when the jabs rolled out. They forced noone and threatened no jobs. 2 of 18 on my team are jabbed as a result. Buddy of mine seems to be open to RFK. Yet is still all in on the narrative. Hates “conspiracies”. Immediately assumed I was a “Q” guy AFTER I presented rock solid evidence that the experts are monkeys screwing a greased football. Sigh.

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You have a great set up.

Whatever they do.

Stay there. The cities, suburbs are a trap.

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Wise words.

All one can do is, seeing how things are likely to turn out (and their plans are being telegraphed quite clearly) try to create the optimum set-up for maximum resilience and happiness.

'All defences fail in the face of a really determined attack' , as a friend who was an SAS trainer said to me once, 'but you can still make it bloody hard for them'. Just as the old legends and sagas show us that every hero has a final, fatal battle - but that doesn't invalidate his life.

But even if we go down, even if their assault on us is more brutal than we'd care to imagine (and they have already shown us they are prepared to poison and kill children and babies) we will have the satisfaction of not having been deceived and having led our own - hopefully very good - sane life until the very end.

Those who are already only half alive anyway, who fell for the fraud, are a lost cause and probably won't come round to awareness. 'Let the dead go bury the dead, and let the living follow me' is a good rule.

Quite important to live somewhere with natural beauty if possible, as the seasons will give something to delight and look forward to, as well as keeping us on our toes in preparing for them.

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Yup - those who dont succumb to whatever is gonna kill off the Vaxxed.. will be starved to death - I refer to that as Global Holodomor.

I reckon this plays out as follows:

A horrific mutation or another virus is released that destroys the Vaxxed. They die by the billion.

We are already being conditioned to not leave our '15 minute cities' ... in fact we'll be told to lock down -- and we will - cuz outside is death -- dead Vaxxers lying on the streets.

The supermarkets will be empty - we'll get plenty of cnnbbc clips of totally empty shelves... we will also get clips of horrendous situations at the hospitals...

We'll be told the food trucks will come ... but they won't ... we weaken.. we die...

8 billion exterminated with minimal violence. An impressive feat.

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I think something like this is quite likely too.

The fifteen minute cities are clearly a way to divide us into smaller groups. Making organized rebellion near impossible.

They will use something to cut the power. A weather event. No communication channels will work.

Then starve us.

Anyone seen leaving will be considered a looter without trial.


The only logical way is to start a gypsy community now. One that doesn't need too much fuel because that will dry up.

Sailboats and yachts perhaps. Or old-school horses and carts.

But we also need to prepare crops and food sources.

It'll take years to get those established.

And then using aerial surveilling they'll find them and harass everyone with bombs forcing them to move away.


I dunno.

Feeling pretty cornered.

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I would only add, that an iRobot scenario needs to be considered. Fully autonomous armies of robots and drones with an AI directive to exterminate resistance.

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Like, I hope I am wrong.

But why else jab everyone when the warning signs were blaring.

Why switch off the alarms.

Why are we being prepared and primed for these other events to happen.

Why are we moving that direction.

Unless, a genuine depopulation, cull, great reset, is underway.

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Seems obvious that the next release will obliterate the jabbed. Hopefully we are crazy. But how can greed be the motivation when the jabs were already paid for?

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The Australian government is promising 350k migrants per year. That would be like 4 million per year in the US and that doesn't include illegals which may be the majority.

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I know. It's demented. We've got horrid interest rates, everyone's mortgaged to the hilt with personal debt way out of control, the building industry is failing, and we need more people? Not sure where they're going to sleep - since it seems everyone is not about to keel over just yet. I guess they're expecting us to bunk in at 6 people per 3 bedroom house at a minimum, right?! Parent/s in one room, 2-3 kids in another, and 2-3 migrant flatmates in another!

There are no stresses living in such crazy busy households, are there...?! :-\

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They telegraphed 9/11 (embedded in numerous movies and TV shows). They telegraphed Covid, which was the beta test (Event 201, etc.). And they telegraphed the next one - which is the real one (Catastrophic Contagion & the Utopia Series, American version).

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Yes. For some strange reason TPTB seem to think they have to tell us what they're doing before they do it...and then they go and do it! I mean, if I were a crazed power-hungry freak intent on world domination and killing off the plebs, could I care less about whether they know about my evil twisted plans or not? No! But perhaps it's dark magic or something, where if the plebs can have brainwaves letting them somehow know of this stuff, then the plebs still go forth and do TPTB's nasty bidding, then perhaps there is something happening on an energetic scale or something?! :-D Honestly, who would know.

I think there are a handful of decent people on this planet, and then there are the rest of them: plebs or otherwise, most of whom are non-thinking. That's why humanity's fucked. Not enough decent THINKING people on this planet!

Anyway, getting back to those John Hopkins tabletop exercises; yes, I know about them, including the most recent one of 'Catastrophic Contagion'. Are you suggesting that that's going to be the worst of the lot? I wonder how things are going to be, then, because not only is it meant to somehow target kids more (my guess is it's due to something in the covid jabs the kids got), but up in northern NSW in Australia where I am, we've just had heaps of illness. It's been a shocking May/June, where anyone who didn't fall sick the past year or two DID - and badly. I've honestly not been this ill for decades. And I'm jab-free, as is my family. So it's got me a bit worried.

I'm just so sick of power-hungry psychos who think they have the RIGHT to ruin people's lives.

They don't.

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Supply chains implode at some point. We starve.

I am hearing of endless and severe respiratory sicknesses here in the community - involving young 'healthy' people -- we have a 90%+ vax rate here...

It is getting worse.

But nothing to worry about - it's just a touch of the VAIDS going round

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Oh... that was gloomy but you may be right.

I think the pitchfork needs to wait a bit, we need at least part of MSM to start telling the truth, because they are the only source of info the people who took the blue pill will listen to

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They're waiting for us to throw stones

So they can film it.

Showcase it.

Spin it.

And turn the zombies against us.

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Exactly: any violent, or even just direct but peaceful , action ( say attempting to impede the construction of one of the Moderna super-factories, or blockade a pop-up vaxx centre) will simply be used to label all 'anti-vaxxers' as 'terrorists', the definition of which term is widening all the time.

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I watch on more in fascination now than anything else... waiting for the inevitable daily series of deaths...

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Yes, I keep a hand in it, too, because I like to know the trends, but honestly? It's getting boring now. People are people. They don't think for the most part. Never have. And they'll all die - eventually.

I just figure there's got to be something far better than waiting and watching for their deaths! I can't change anyone else's lives, but I can change my own - and I do NOT want to live a dull and miserable life concerning myself with such sombre details! Life is for Living. And I intend to do that.

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Unless one lives fully, there is no point at all in surviving and one might as well have taken the vaxx!

They want us to be both ignorant and deceived, and paralysed with fear and uncertainty into submission.

A lot of effort is being put into intimidating those of us who understand what they are up to: I think this is why they recently banned Nigel Farage from having a bank account in the UK 'Look how omnipotent we are, resistance will be useless!' A very high-profile move, a warning to us, and also testing the waters to see how the sheep react.

Well, stuff that!

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Millions around the globe put feet in the street from the outset protesting lockdowns then mandates but enormous censorship power of tech paired w presstitute media and corrupt government has made Substack and OMG individual reporting one of the most powerful forces in organizing and informing resistance.

Knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on. Liars are cowards and they will turn on each other when its their skin in the game. One by one, day by day in ways big and small our conversations and community of informed will grow the changes we need.

One Substack & a few of oodles of NYC events at Flickr.. where were you?


RFK Jr Times Square Oct 2021


Del Bigtree City Hall


Brooklyn Bridge


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They are at war with you -- and marching around the block is going to stop them?

It had zero impact.

Ho Chi Minh could have marched around and round with millions ... if that was an effective way to remove the boot from the neck - it never has been and never will be.

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Everything has an impact. Silent compliance & surrender in a spirit of futility helps the tyrants... I'd rather die on my feet then live as a slave on my knees but plenty of folks prefer to do nothing but point out how the fighters haven't won it all. Free choice mate.

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They are laughing at the A Vaxxers marching round and round demanding 'Freedom!' That is exactly what they want the A Vaxxers to do - march and shout... and do nothing to upset The Plan

Why don't you take real action? War has been declared on you. And your response is 'FREEDOM?'

They have everything under control... the A Vaxxers don't even march anymore -- they are happy to moan and whine on Substack - and demand justice!

The folks running the op are the ones who could deliver justice -- cuz they run the show ... good luck with that. They won't hang themselves if that's what you are hoping for

Are you willing to walk the walk? And I do not mean walk around with a placard....

Are you willing to die -- to be dumped into the deepest darkest dungeon.

Cuz the anti terrorist squads are standing by ... the they'll shoot you dead if you rattle the cage to hard -- and your neighbours will applaud as you are handcuffed and thrown into the back of the black van... never to be heard from again.

I highly recommend remaining on SS and whining ... dungeons are terrible places

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Since your crystal ball for the world is so prescient & your grasp of power structures far superior to all so you can lecture how about you tell us your plan.

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My plan is to perish with the other 8 billion.

Since I am unvaxxed I don't get to die in the first wave of billions... I will be locked down and starved... my hope is that governments will deliver Fentanyl in high doses to all homes ... to give us a way to opt out of the starvation.

I prefer not to suffer.

But then I knew this was coming soon after understanding why the GFC happened (how's that for prescience!) and I semi retired at 42... and got in over 10 years of serious bucket listing - piling into dozens of interesting destinations from the north pole to Patagonia... Uzbekistan, Yemen, Jordan, Ethiopia etc....

Unlike most people - I have no regrets... cuz of my prescience and grasp.

So I am not overly upset by what is headed our way

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Oooh... millions... you do know there are 8 billion people on the planet ... and nearly 6B are vaxxed...

Seems the marching about at 'the events' has not worked.

The DOD is behind this - you think marching will stop them?

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My irritable heart is suffering

As it flutters and fatigues

Exposures greeted yesterday

Now manifest as disease

The culprit yet identified

Conspiracies looming near

As environmental mutagens

Kiss us through the air...


Mitochondria do more than just produce energy. They're important for regulating cellular homeostasis.

They have their own DNA.

Not sheltered and protected away inside the nucleus of the cell.

They express their own unique genes.

When cellular homeostasis is disrupted

You get all sorts of symptoms.

Weird misfolded proteins can emerge.

Premature cell death.

Cytokines and inflammation.

Low energy output and fatigue.

Too much ROS.

Cancers, clotting, failure to respond to the epigenetic environment.

And remember.

No genotoxicity studies were ever completed prior to this rollout.

Because trust the science.

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1st Shot


I had sharp pain in my jaw on both sides 15 minutes after taking the Pfizer Vaccine. I started having joint pain mostly in my arms and muscle pain in my body, but the most in my arms. My symptoms faded into the second shot.

2nd Shot


After the second shot. My symptoms from the first shot went away for a few days. I had weird sensations in my brain, including a sensation of cool water flowing through my brain around the second day. I had other fluttering sensations that would move around.

After a few days, my muscle pain became more intense. My hands and feet and tongue began to swell up and my joints in my hands began to swell and hurt. My muscles in my arms felt like they were contracting and pulling my fingers in. It felt like I had pressure behind my eyes. My neck was stiff and I started to have numbing sensations on my head and face that would come and go. I had headaches and sometimes it felt like I had fluttering in the center of my brain. I had sensations that felt like an alien was crawling up my back. I also felt very fatigued. I then had what I would call my first attack where I felt really weak and I thought I was going to faint. My heart started racing. That is when I went to the hospital the first time. The second attack, my body was having involuntary muscle spasms all over. My muscles were shaking in an involuntary manner. I felt very weak and I felt like I might faint. I ended up going to University of Washington Medical Center. All tests came back normal both times. The third attack was muscle spasms mostly in my neck and mouth below my tongue. I was not sure if my airway was going to close. It lasted about 45 minutes. I tried to relax and meditate to make it go away. In both my hands and wrists, with my right middle finger, I was not able to make a fist due to arthritis like symptoms in my finger joints and the hair on my head has continued to fall out since getting the second COVID Shot.

Today, I have chronic fatigue. I have swelling and pain in my muscles and joints in both my hands, feet and ankles. My hands, wrists, forearms, toes, feet and ankles feel like they have been soaked in ice cold water in perpetuity. I have arthritis like symptoms, but do not have arthritis.

Today: Small Fiber Neuropathy - Swelling and Consistent Pain - Arms, Hands,ankles and Feet.

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I cannot like your story, my heart hurts for you.

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My heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing your story.

Perhaps this transcript might be of some interest to you or to others injured by the jabs:

Dr. Chris Shoemaker Invites Diane Spaulding to Tell Her Story of Healing with Ivermectin

"A Personal Story"


[Note: there are several videos on this page, you may need to scroll down a way to find it]


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Hello everyone, Dr. Chris Shoemaker here on the 27th of August [2022], it's a Saturday. I'm very excited to have a very pleasant person with us today who will talk to us shortly. I just want to show you the scene. We're down in Old City Hall in the background, and but I'll show you the New City Hall area which is just across. And there it is of course, activities going on in Old City Hall Toronto, Old City Hall Toronto, and we'll come back now to where we're continuing to chat and again, let me introduce my guest here, Diane Spaulding. And Diane, would you like to say hello?


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Wonderful. Well it's wonderful to meet Diane, and feeling as well as she does today. But she only feels well because, although injured by the covid 19 vaccine, she was given extensive help, extremely helpful treatment by an Ontario physician in the months following. And we want to ask her about that story. So Diane, go ahead.

DIANE SPAULDING: OK. So I received the AstraZeneca vaccine back in April of 2021 and shortly after the vaccine I developed bleeding under my skin. I had head tremors, I had internal vibrations, I had pins and needles in my hands and my feet going up my arms and legs. I ended up getting bruising all over my body and petechiae, which are bleeding dots under my skin.* And I also had extreme fatigue that left me in bed for two months. Um —

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Well that, that was a really horrible experience, lasting two months and but without much treatment at that point. I'm sure general doctors did what they could but they had no special ideas as to how to help you.

DIANE SPAULDING: I went to Mt. Sinai Hospital four times and every time they told me that I had anxiety and they sent me home with prescriptions of benzodiazepines and anti-depressants.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: But of course, anxiety doesn't create petechial injuries in your skin, it doesn't create vasculitis, so that was kind of a silly diagnosis for them to have made.

DIANE SPAULDING: That's correct.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: OK. Well, what happened three or four months later in terms of a doctor being willing to do more for you once they diagnosed that was a vaccine-caused vasculitis of the skin, and also a vaccine-caused neurologic illness to your brain system with brain tremors? Who was that doctor who kindly treated you about four months in?

DIANE SPAULDING: Can I say that? [laughs nervously]

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: I think you can because this doctor's a wonderf— he's spoken out, and we know, I think—

DIANE SPAULDING: OK. OK. So, um, so after about 3 or 4 months I finally went online and I did a lot of researching and I found the FLCCC.** And through them I was able to find Dr. Ira Bernstein*** and he put me on Ivermectin, um, and, um—

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: How quickly did it help or change what had been 3 months of serious tremors, almost like Parkinsonism, which is really terrible. And how long did it take for Ivermectin to help you quite a bit?

DIANE SPAULDING: Oh, it, almost instantly. Overnight practically. I had, I had Parkinson-like tremors and as soon as I took the Ivermectin almost, almost instantly my tremors went away. So.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Isn't that incredible. So ladies and gentlemen, Ivermectin, which had been given a pretty bad name by people for no good reason, Ivermectin was always going to be the best treatment covid itself and it's now proven to be the best treatment for long covid, if you have long covid, and it's the best treatment for covid vaccine injury. It's best for that as well.

And so this terrible fact is that in Ontario it continues to be a demonized medication, not allowed on our pharmacy shelves, and people have to struggle to get it, like the struggle that dear Diane went through to get this. If you were living in New Hampshire right now, you could go to the pharmacy, pick up Ivermectin on the shelf, get a small bit of advice from the pharmacist, and go right away and take it for any purpose that you need it if you had either long covid symptoms or short covid symptoms where you're trying to not get bad effects from it.

So Ivermectin, it's a wonderful drug, it's a safe drug, it should be used regularly, Ontario, look how it helped this lovely person who had a terrible change in her life courtesy of a covid vaccination gone wrong. And the doctor was able to help her because he was allowed to use the medication, or put it this way, he allowed himself to use the medication as it should have been used. God bless him. Thank you for that information.

DIANE SPAULDING: Yeah and you know, it's it's it's sad because I had to spend months and months researching online to be able to find this doctor willing to help me. And that's, that's really sad, it's really sad and, you know, and for everything that's going on, you know, we should, we should be able to get Ivermectin. It's just one of the safest drugs there is, off-label, used for many different reasons off-label—


DIANE SPAULDING: —with no side effects.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: And the label should be much broader. It's an anti-viral, it's an anti-parasitic, it's an anti-inflammatory, in certain countries it's used if there's a snake vemon or a poisoning and they don't have the specific snake [inaudible] they'll use Ivermectin in some countries because they know it works, and it works safely. And it saved you from a lifetime of tremors, which if they continued untreated for much longer would have become probably life-long in-state.


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: So here we are on the 27th. We'll show you the tower that we're at, the tower of Old City Hall. And we're here on the 27th of August and we're reawakening everyone that the covid vaccines are now banned in Denmark. They are banned in Denmark—


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: —because they're producing things like this, right Diane? Not just for adults but for children.

DIANE SPAULDING: Tragic, tragic.


DIANE SPAULDING: Criminal. It's criminal what's gone on. And there needs to be accountability.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Yeah, I agree with that. And now let's make change. Let's invite our public health officials to finally admit the truth that the medicines are available to be helpful and the vaccines are dangerous. And it's not us saying it, it's the public health officials of Denmark who are saying, the vaccines are injuring and they're damaging their children and vaccine by Denmark stopped. No child in Denmark can get vaccines anymore after August 31st. Let's do the same in Canada. Thank you.


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: You betcha, Di. OK.



#   #   #


*"Petechiae (puh-TEE-kee-ee) are pinpoint, round spots that form on the skin. They're caused by bleeding, which makes the spots look red, brown or purple. The spots often form in groups and may look like a rash. The spots are often flat to the touch and don't lose color when you press on them. Sometimes they appear on the inner surfaces of the mouth or the eyelids. Petechiae are common and can be caused by many different conditions. Some may be very serious."

Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/petechiae/basics/definition/sym-20050724

** FLCCC is the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Their website is


*** Dr. Ira Bernstein, based in Toronto, is co-founder of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance.


See another interview with Diana Spaulding, see:

Canadian Vax Injured Diane Spaulding, Episode 69

Interviewed by American Conversations Host Christine Dolan

CDM February 1, 2023


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You poor poor thing. What on earth can we do? Sounds like radiation. The sensation of ice cold and water is what reminds me of radiation burn. Inflammation and swelling -check, muscle pain joint pain -check, headaches-check, severe fatigue -check. All symptoms of radiation. Perhaps the vax is contaminated with radio-active and/or electro chemical substances? It also sets off turbo-charged cancers which has similar connotations to me. Perhaps not helped by EMF devices in your environment, wifi, mobiles etc? Think outside the box —we have no idea what is in the vax.

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Have you had an MRI with contrast? You may want to rule out brain tumor and/or swelling of the brain.

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Apparently you didn’t get the placebo. Thank you for being honest and sharing your story. I am truly sorry for people like you who admit the truth, but I have zero sympathy for those who dig in their heels on the lie. I hope you miraculously get better.

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How horrible John, I’m so sorry!

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Yep. An elderly relative developed low heart rate requiring pacemaker, and cognition and motor skills (fine and large) and memory, which were declining somewhat, took definite nosedive since the dreadful injections.

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I was having a late lunch with madame Fast yesterday -- there was only one other table - a family gathering of around 10...

They get up -- pay -- then an older woman in the group crumples to the floor... she can't get up -- the staff calls an ambulance and they lay her on cushions on the floor and wait ...

I overhear 'she's had terrible migraines since the other day'

I'm thinking .. that's the vax working... we didn't hang around to observe the outcome but by the looks of her she's not long for this world.

Of course they will not suspect the Rat Juice - that stuff is Safe

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Oh boy. Here's my list, so far. For context, some background info:

- I live in Hungary, where even visiting a library, swimming pool, concert, etc. was tied to an "immunity card" at the peak of the plandemic, so people either needed proof of prior infection or the jab. As a former communist country, people are extremely obedient and compliant, for fear of authority. Most people I know have given in to pressure early on, before natural infection would have bought their freedom.

- I keep my circle of friends on Fakebook limited to 200, beyond that it's superficial acquaintances. My closest family (i.e. grandparents and all their offspring) consists of about 30 people.

1. My aunt of 81 (who thrived with the energy of a 40 year old till then) developed shingles autumn 2021 after her third dose (first two were Chinese vaxx so not mRNA, the third was Pfizer), for a few months they could "cure" it but then it flamed up again and now it is persistent. Since it covers half of her head and it "burns", she is on painkillers, daily. While she seems "normal" otherwise and just somewhat slower, she has become aggressive and irrational to the extent we no longer see eye to eye.

2. Her close female friends (5 in total) ALL became a widow since 2021. Even though their husbands were in that age, I do not consider this a coincidence. They all had themselves jabbed, as their favourite passtime (jointly visiting wellness centers) was tied to having yourself vaccinated.

3. My other aunt's husband initially had a toe amputated in 2021,then died due to an embolism, supposedly related to the toe. No info on vaxx status, could be a coincidence.

4. A friend died at 47 after his jab. The official version at the funeral:"he drank himself to death after his mother's death"

5. A former colleague of 65 and good friend of mine bruised her leg, had to be rushed to hospital and died within 48 hours. It was not proper for me to ask about her vaxx status during the funeral, but since she worked in the airline business and travel was her life, I have no doubt she had all the vaxx that was needed to get her "freedom" back. May she rest in peace, I really miss her most of all people. A kind and giving person.

6. My father's good friend had his first Pfizer early in 2021 and got paralyzed in half of his body right away. I do not know his current status.

7. My father of 82 had three jabs, mRNA based (he was all secretive, but one was a Pfizer). Initially he just "slowed down" in his otherwise pretty healthy body, then he told me he had the worst flu and thought he would die. Then started treating my brother and I as lepers, even saying we will make him ill and we should get our vaxx, but being irrational about it (did invite us to his home but sitting across for hours in a closed room, with his mask on). Has not given us a hug since, his mind had also become quite fogged and he has become quite passive-aggressive, up to the point of paranoia. Both my aunt and he seems to have lost their ability to reason logically, not just related to the plandemic but even in basic math. They oddly are both extremely self confident, but when being confronted with obvious contradictions on any topic, it is as if talking to someone on drugs.

8. In my sports circles, out of a few hundred I know, one of my competitors of 49 had a heart attack during a cycling workout in September 2021. He died shortly after they called an ambulance. For some reason, the ride still got uploaded to Strava by whoever got a hold of his Garmin head unit and we got a good look at his workout (including heart rate). There was nothing more strenuous than his usual workouts, his HR was 20BPM below his max during a short climb, he turned around halfway and after his heartrate had gone down to recovery levels, he died in the parking lot, despite attempts of the ambulance to resuscitate. No media coverage, even though by then the total of TWO cases that our country officially counted had been added to the famous list of 600 deceased athletes that made its round. I judge that in our country of 10 million, in 2021 already there must have been dozens of athletes who died of the vaxx, if not hundreds. The media made absurd claims to avoid any relation with the vaxx, like in the case of teenager football player that "he drank too much Red Bull according to his friends". Anything to cover up all the dead.

9. There was a track&field coach who came out that his young pupils had shown such huge differences in their progression, that he no longer can hide the fact that all of his vaxxed runners have stopped developing and are mostly out of breath. He got censored and attacked for bringing this out.

I had a ride in the summer of 2021 with one vaxxed friend who suddenly crashed (never told me why it happened, I just saw him fall) and broke a collar bone, the first question of the ambulance on the phone was whether he had been jabbed. Whether this information was used to prioritise the jabbed or not, we will never know, but it is strange to say the least, since there was no "wave" during summer, so this was not related to any precautions or need for isolation.

Since my own Covid infection in September 2020, I have had only two virus infections since, both times it developed a few days after I met this friend. For 5 years I have never seen him getting a cold, now he is having nose drops on him every time.

An other friend of mine works as an ambulance driver. When we talked about the jab in 2021, which they were forced to take, he told me he either quits his job or "arranges it" (in a corrupt country that means buying a piece of paper..), since he has connections. He never took the shot, as he knows the statistics, even if he is not exactly willing to share insider info with me.

In general, what I notice is that those I meet regularly and were jabbed, all seem to have some ailment constantly, like little coughs, colds. In the middle of summer, too, unlike anything I have seen from them in the decades before. I assume that we are "lucky" in that our government was pushing for both the Chinese and Russian vaggzines, neither of which are mRNA based. Though I suspect the adjuvants don't make them any less safe, if we are to believe RFK Jr's alarming research on all vaccines and their health risks.

And we are only at the start of long term consequences.

Personally I am unvaxxed against CV19 and will never take any vaccine ever again in my life after the ones they coerced me into for travel to Asia, not even a tetanus shot in case I ever land in hospital. I have not taken any meds in a long time and have never been healthier, since I started proper nutrition and cut out all poisons from my diet.

By now my trust is in my natural immune system. If ever any medicine should be considered "safe" and becoming necessary for something I develop, I would only take those orally.

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Interesting about the passive-aggression. I have been struck by the general disappearance of empathy and curiosity. Friends, family - absolutely zero interaction that involves curiosity in each others' wellbeing. All focussed inward. And pronouncements about current affairs and happenings that truly shock me with their callousness and disregard of common humanity. Empathy has taken a massive dive. I can't quite figure how much if this is a PTSD response to the psychic onslaught of the last three years, or if it's as a result of brain damage from these injections. I'm starting to suspect that the second is weighing in more.

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I really can't say whether the vaxx have had such an impact on people's social behaviour due to their medical impact on brain function. I suspect we will never find out, as the social impact of the coercion was such that any sane person can start behaving like a madman, even without any poison in their body. Look at all the horrors in history when the likes of Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler basically had millions killed by their own people, simply due to psychotic mind control. Inside of us, all humans are animals, some of us can just be triggered easier if you pull the right strings.

Even though I strongly disagree with Desmet on having to find blame in ourselves and thus exempt the elites from their responsibility in having created this terror, I do agree with the fact that that elite has capitalized on the free-floating anxiety that has been developing in the modern technological and increasingly self-centered virtual world, mainly fuelled by social media and consumerism. I would add a loss of God to that, so people can find false Gods in no time in their time of desperation.

In my experience the passive-aggressive behaviour we see now is related to a feeling of shame and guilt in those who are starting to understand that their denial of reality no longer serves them. Not only is there a shift from them being an absolute majority towards the awakened people starting to become the majority, they also have to face the realities of possible side effects of the jab, which will not disappear by any kind of denial. I don't need to tell a friend what's in the vaxx, when I'm no longer in his life but the vaxx injury remains as a reminder that it's not me causing him trouble..

Two people have apologized to me in the past months for their verbal aggression towards me in 2021, when I was merely sharing data on my FB account, to make people aware of risks. They both attacked me in a very nasty way then (, they are unrelated). Now both realize that they are a fool if they stick to their original beliefs, seeing how the mainstream is shifting. Ironically, neither of them admitted they were wrong.. They both just stated that "things have changed since".. Sure, the only thing that changed is they had to realize they were wrong, but they wouldn't want to admit it. I fear they will keep making mistakes, since they do not own up to their mistakes, so they will keep repeating them, for lack of learning.

Even my closest friends now have to face the fact that they were wrong on many accounts, by trusting on people of authority. I have gone through the realisation that neither "experts", nor authorities can be trusted anymore, early in 2020, so have had plenty of time to reevaluate my attitude towards society and swallow the bitter pill of having to live in much more distrust, contrary to a relative peace of mind I had before that I could trust people when they have social esteem. Now I do no longer trust anyone who cannot provide sensible proof of their assertions, which makes life a lot more strenuous, starting from dental visits, through car repairs to any business transactions e.g. when I want to pay with cash instead of being forced to be paying by card and being data-tracked. But at least I now don't feel like a fool and more in control of what they are able to do to me and what not.

Those however who are still in denial, are trying to mitigate their own mistakes by distorting facts. An important element there is running away from discussions. Part of the facts have come from their own friends and family however, who now need to be discredited even more, so that those who were wrong from the start can find some kind of blame in those who were warning them. The media and increasing censorship is not exactly helping in their awakening to reality, either, as these provide convenient fall-backs to "fact-check" that they can continue living in a lie. Still seeing the media stating the safety of vaccines may seem utter madness for us, but to those in denial it is a liferope to the world they knew, where they did not have to think for themselves. Some people do not want to live in a world where they need to take responsibility, they are too weak to survive in that world, so they will rather do evil deeds till their deathbed to counter the painful truth about their own weakness.

The classic example of shooting the messenger, that is what is taking place now. And changing history, as stated in Igor's piece regarding the causes of illnesses and that it is all "negligible", even when every single person by now knows someone who is vaccine injured, a mind-blowing fact if you come to think of it.

As a result, we who have awoken to the truth in reality, will have a tough time. Until the painful process of denial in those that were blind comes to its next phase. Which is rage, hopefully not directed at us, but at those at fault.

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A wonderfully considered response and comment, thank you, Peka! I have come to the exact same conclusion about our animalistic traits. We indeed have a very thin veneer of civilisation. At base, it's predator and prey. And we have been preyed upon enough. We need to stop enabling it and find the courage to resist.

For my own sake, given my one jab coerced status and resultant rage and trauma, I hold out hope for healing - and am on constant alert for a blunting of my empathy. I will not allow this onslaught to defile my base humanity.

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Nice book

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I concur, the lack of empathy and curiosity is quite something to behold. I was especially struck by that lack with the lockdowns in 2020. Like something was just turned off in most people's hearts.

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Yeah it's a fascinating phenomenon. I think a lot of it is just the shifting zeitgeist - people become lesd and less caring when atomised but is the jab fuckin with their minds too? Dunno.

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Thank you for this report.

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"Science magazine", brought to you by Pfizer.

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Actually, I think I recall that they're now owned by China.

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borrowed from another comment section , '' the best thing about being a conspiracy theorist is not having myocarditis" amen to that

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Hi Igor. I know the following cases personally:

1. Significantly elevated heart rate for one month, and difficulty exercising during that month (after shot 2 of Pfizer/BioNTech).

2. Brain fog and cognitive difficulties (e.g. grasping the correct word when speaking) following shot 1 of Pfizer/BioNTech. Some symptoms persist.

3. Significant pain in arm/shoulder/neck after both 1st and 2nd doses of Pfizer/BioNTech.

4. Ghoulish heart (heart stopping for seconds at a time, requiring pacemaker to be fitted). I don't know temporal proximity to vaccination, or which vaccine. A less certain case (I'm not aware that the person attributes the injury to vaccination).

5. At 1 remove (close relative of a friend), I know of someone hospitalised for 2 months with significant cardiac issues (I can't remember whether that was after the 1st or 2nd dose of Pfizer/BioNTech). 6. Friend of a friend dropped dead in close temporal proximity to vaccination (I don't know more).

7. At 2 removes (direct observation of relative of a friend) I know of a case where someone collapsed to the floor before leaving the vaccination clinic - permanently paralysed from the waist down.

I have left out personal details for reasons of privacy.

Not unrelated - in 2001 the New Zealand medicines regulator said that only 5% of vaccination adverse events are reported, adding proudly that this was the highest rate of reporting in the world. They have not withdrawn or modified that statement. Cases 1, 2 and 3 above I know to have not been reported to the regulator. Case 5 I think also not reported (but am not certain). For the others, I don't know. 6 of the 7 cases above are in New Zealand.

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