I just posted a Substack on "Information Disorder.: Goes hand in hand with what you wrote. We are in the land of not just crazy but also shameless!


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Tessa, a great article. The nonsense is nauseating.

This gem is priceless:

''Misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine. A mini review of published literature has been conducted and found that mental stress clearly causes vasoconstriction and arterial constriction of the blood vessels. Therefore, if subjects are panicked, concerned, stressed or scared of the vaccination, their arteries will constrict and become smaller in and around the time of receiving the vaccine. This biological mechanism (the constriction of veins, arteries and vessels under mental stress) is the most likely cause for where there has been blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste that may have been experienced shortly after vaccine administration. The extreme mental stress of the patient could most likely be attributed to the fear mongering and scare tactics used by various anti-vaccination groups.''

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It's on my to do list to write about that!

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I am secretly wondering if that academic comment was satirical in intent

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I wish it was. I worked in academia and trust me when I say this - 90% of the academics are oblivious to the real world and spend their time trying to invent problems to get funding to solve. 95% of academics also think that they KNOW better than everyone else and think that world should listen to them - the results of listening to academics in the West speak for themselves. I am horrified at what to do for my kids in the next decade because universities these days are best described by the following quote from Star Wars, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.". The imbecile who wrote it truly believes what is contained in that little gem of text. Truly delusional.

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Academia will always defend the establishment because it is too vain to admit it has been deceived.

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It is worse than that. Most academics like the idea of shaping the world though they never have a taste of the real world. Moreover, most academics will sell their mothers for another pay-check. Just check the results of students in the past three decades. The UK and Oz are perfect examples. Students that 25 years (when I was a student) would have scraped for a pass in some (not all) subjects, are nowadays the best of the lot. 20 years ago I would not have had to explain to third year students the difference between a linear and an exponential function. These days it is a topic that gets students to complain that the content I teach is too hard. Yep, that bad. How did it get soo bad? Academics came up with "student centric" learning which is another way of saying, pass them all because we get paid anyway. I was the "black sheep" for over decade because I kept failing students that were getting outstanding grades in business courses. What have the graduates from these courses achieved? Nothing apart from the consistent move from job to job because they cannot handle the real world.

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...And, they feed on the scraps their masters throw them from the table...

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Make it 96% of academics are oblivious to the real world. How do I know that? 96% of academics at a nearby university took the COVID shots despite this particular place not making them compulsory.

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At the place I worked all but one of the staff had two jabs before the end of August 2021 and that was in spite of the fact that some of them had awful side effects (heart problems, hospitalization). To make matters worse, ALL the students I talked to had taken at least one jab or had scheduled their jabs. Several of them disappeared and never came back which means that when they took the jabs, the side effects incapacitated them to the extent that they had to abandon their courses (in the last year). When it comes to the jabs, in Oz, in many places, everyone took the jabs and some boosters - yep, all were stupid not just the academics.

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It reminds me of an obsevation I made 'way back in about the ninth grade: the straight-A students were almost uniformly REALLY DUMB! They were nothing but obedient Sheeple who colud follow rules and jump through the appropriate hoops!

Being an independent thinking, non-mass-formation-susceptible , non-hypnotizable human who would not submit to the B.S., I graduated H.S. with a paltry 2.5 GPA!

Did great in college, however, when I took classes that I WANTED TO! LOL!

Our academic system sucks, and is primarily designed to turn out obedient cogs for the benefit of our controllers, not us REAL people!

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Virtue signalling is more important than life itself, dontchaknow!

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Do not send your kids to college.

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There are no actual US style colleges in Oz. Only universities and at present, I would not consider sending them to any of them. The only option is to send them to some offshore university where they still teach proper content. Of course, that will NOT be in the US or Western Europe as these places are Bolshevik indoctrination centers.

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I think it was written sincerely. A brain on the drug of ideology is capable of wondrous things, especially when it's good for one's career!

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I am doubful. A lot of people think like this. It's the wanting to have your cake and eat it mentality you always find with zealots.

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It's difficult to get someone to understand something when their paycheck is dependent on them NOT understanding it.

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There's always that hope that they were trolling....

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I can't wait to read!!

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Thank you. I love your work btw!

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And I love yours!! Both you are Igor are so brilliant.

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I recently retired and have not looked back once. I had a student (an Educatio major) once complain to me that my tests were too hard. The job of a professor, she said, is to make students feel good about themselves. This philo-

sophy no doubt, contributes to the lowevel of training.

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It also points to selfish laziness. the ME, ME, ME mentality their parents brought them up with.

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Thank you Igor, and that bit truly exemplifies the high art of gaslighting. It is incredible!

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I wonder if thickening nonsense is a hint that their edifice will collapse soon...

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Let's hope!!! Theoretically, nonsense can float around for a while but there is always hope!!

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Oh Lord! I pray it is.

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That premise doesn't "hold water" because not all vaccines or injections produce the dramatic "adverse events" effects seen in the COVID shots. Yes, vasoconstriction results from activation of the Sympathetic arm of the Autonomic nervous system from stress, but people don't normally fall over with strokes and heart attacks from it. That would be evolutionarily counterproductive for a response designed to help one run away from a lion, etc.

—PEG can cause immediate anaphylaxis.

—Lipid nanoparticles are immediately toxic irrespective of their genetic "payload".

—Spike proteins produced by the body within hours from genetic coding in the shots bind to endothelial cells' of the blood vessels ACE2 receptors and raise blood pressure, sometimes uncontrollably.

—Spike proteins initiate clumping of RBCs and platelets.

—Spike proteins coagulate or polymerize plasma amyloid proteins.

—Spike proteins trigger an inflammatory response that attacks cells and tissues of the heart, brain, etc. and anywhere else in the body.

Any one of these effects, but especially in combination, can progress to a catastrophic condition that is quite beyond anything a normal Sympathetic Nervous System response could generate.

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Ah, thank you, Faith. I have a friend, very fit, late 40s, glowing with health till the last 18 months or so, who took at least three of the jabs, that I know of, in order to travel to the home country. Had no doubts about them because a dr they trusted said they were safe and effective. This autumn has been suddenly struck with extreme high blood pressure, had to be hospitalised, I think more than once, it is going on for weeks and weeks. I don't know whether the latest flu/pfizer shot was taken, they are outside the age range offered it in the uk, but may have got it. Never known this happen before completely out of the blue, to someone thin, who exercises a lot, doesn't smoke or drink. Awful.

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They have GOT TO get the spikes neutralized! If your friend is open to it, please suggest they get on Ivermectin, like 400mcg per Kg body weight daily until high blood pressure is resolved. Also Resveratrol (a natural antioxidant from grapes, etc.) appears to also be able to neutralize the spikes at fairly high dose, like up to 1,000 mg per day.

NAC (500mg 2x day) and copper (10 milligrams per day) can both increase nitric oxide production to relax blood vessels, and magnesium (like magnesium malate at 1,200 mg per day in divided doses) also can relax the muscles and lower blood pressure, BUT under the influence of the spikes, perhaps nothing will work until they are deactivated!

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Thanks Faith. It is going to be v difficult. I warned them at the beginning of all this that the jabs were being done as a massive scam for money, a view which they completely rejected due to the dr they knew. It is going to be difficult even to ask if they took the flu/pfizer before the collapse, because underlying that question is the "you brought it on yourself". I might be able to suggest Mg.

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The problem is spike proteins binding to the ACE2 receptors in the arteries, which allows the angiotension hormone to run amok and raise blood pressure. I have no idea if the relaxing effects of other substances, including magnesium, can overcome the angiotension's influence. The spike proteins are creating a very abnormal situation. Which is probably why he/she is HAVING a BP problem in the first place: normal BP medication regimens don't work as long as the spikes are being produced and exerting their effect!


New info from Dr. Ryan Cole indicates spike damage to the electrical nodes of the heart are causing out of control heart rate disruptions. That could also have a negative impact on blood pressure.

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Does this work for us exposed to vaccine shedding I wonder now.

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Ivermectin is your "best bet" for neutralizing spikes from the virus or spikes shed from other people. Spikes are spikes!

But now it turns out that a natural substance (and supplement) Resveratrol appears to also neutralize spikes. Take a cap twice a day following possible exposure. It is good for you anyway.

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Thank you Faith. I just learned a lot.

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I'm going to do my best valley girl impersonation:


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Nov 24, 2022
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Why would people voluntarily getting a vaccine be worried and stressed about doing a voluntary thing, a thing they believed was going to help them?

Only those that were coerced or forced into having an injection would be feeling the way the author describes at the time of injection.

So if those that don't want an injection are left alone then any problem caused by stress at the time of vaccination will not exist, problem solved.

I'm proud be be called an anti-vaxxer, it means I am capable of critical thought and refuse to be bent over by the ruling powers.

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Welp I guess a few of the vaccinated will be dropping after they watch this: https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html

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WOW! Such a powerful presentation! Some of the material I've seen before, but most was fresh stuff. Thank you for an hour that has advanced my life in a direction that I must say is........I don't have words for this reality, actually. Prayer is about the only hope we have.

In the past, you might have "read my thoughts" on the matter of how the military is KEY to the needed revolution of massive bloodshed and vengeance. I never put it quite that way before, but if I know the armed forces, they are young/healthy, vibrant, intelligent, highly trained, obedient (hopefully, NOT to a fault here) and a really, really excellent bunch of men and women; all of whom I SALUTE with the greatest of respect.

Once the cat has been extricated from its "black bag," by all the truth spreaders, whistle-blowers and the WAVE of injured, and bereaved, I PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY some more to the God of the Bible, to incite the full ire of the armed forces in the time they have left to live, to surround the culprits, drag them out of their holes, and exterminate them, like the satanic vermin they are. (That video really gets me up in arms!)


Hopefully, they would stage some sort of surprise attack; an insurrection, and round them up neatly; every last one of them.

Once the soldiers of our five divisions of military get the full monty of what actually occurred, and that most of them are now doomed to die, should incite nothing short of WAR! Having been waged upon them, and one by one, given a death- prick, not to mention the public in general, they could very easily use their communication and tactical skills to coordinate a massive sweep.

Awe.....shucks! I just realized that it's only a dream. Nevertheless, we should all try and figure out how to notify as many enlisted servicemen and women as possible.

What thinkest thou?

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Do you notice the real war in Ukraine? Nevermind it goes according the agenda. The humans are suffering, are dying. So what? The Ukrainians were mostly against jabs as well as the Russians. What do we've got now? The Russians who were against vaxxes are commonly FOR the war. Your idea of information the military men is naive, sorry. The war itself is much more habitual and achytypical than any kind of "exotic conspiracy". They were not fools, those who produced the agenda for many many years. Since the late 40th at least.

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Send that video link to every Military person you can think of; active or not.

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I have friends and family in the military and I’m very worried for them.

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Oh ffs.

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They just can't quit with the lying, stunning. Truly they are demons.

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Yes. Fear Porn - seamless agitprop across all media is part of the on-going war on Humankind Anxiety, fear, fight-or-flight uncertainty translates into physical symptom manifestations and immuno-suppression, It is created and disseminated on purpose to enhance the bioweapon effectiveness to achieve "Their" depopulatkn and control goals. It is working wonderfully.

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Let's dig deeper. What is the truth if we are intellectually courageous?

If half of this is true it is the biggest story of all time.

The Six Degrees of Jeffery Epstein: How Are Bill Gates, FTX, Ivermectin, Harvard and The Entire Pandemic All Connected?


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Yeah, and all the tens of thousands of deaths from VAERS? Just ignore it, nothing to see here.

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The guy did two universities in 3 years (Oxford among them), the only experience of him is in company, currently facing insolvency, he is astronomer too, selling antiageing tool kits. And he is obviously expert to say something so desperate that he calls antivaxers guilty for blood cloths not vaccine itself. I did a thread on tw about him

The single most disgraceful piece of $cientific paper I've ever seen.

🧵what fraud NCBI sells us. (Fake scientist ? -Author Raymond D Palmer, CSO of Helium‐3 Biotech(Comp under Administration)Questionable education: Anty Ageing Toolkit/Biotech Engineer/ mRNA Alchemist/Astronomer


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Tessa, great article indeed. I did a little research. What a fraud NCBI is. they use fake authors. The guy is WHO employee more than 10 years, nowhere stated in research paper. i Posted THIS yesterday on TW.

Another NCBI's fraud found.Yesterday mRNA Alchemist & Astronomer wrote that anti-vax with disinfo cause trauma & blood cloths of vaccinated not vaccine itself. Today, WHO employee, pretending to be only Nepalis doc, wrote about INFORMATION DISORDER SINDROM = sharing "false" news🧵


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What a pleasant surprise to find someone who read Spartacus. My grandfather had me sit down and read back in the '60's when I was 16. I never forgot it. How prophetic it was. Truly one of the most suppressed great books of all time. Still so relevant today. Thid is from another proudly unvaxxed Canadian

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Oh, where is the "laugh" button when you need it? :)

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I am going to read it right now, I started in the morning but had to go somewhere

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Thank you Igor!

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"Evidence-based reality." Never heard of it? You should. It's being tossed about by academic, government, corporate and LEO leaders as an in-house recognized term-of-art. From the Aspen Institute's Commission on Information Disorder, under their mission:


"How government, private industry, and civil society can work together in the short term to help protect underrepresented groups, and engage disaffected populations who have lost faith in evidence-based reality"

Make sure you "Meet the Commissioners." Some very notable ones:


(Dept of Homeland Security's safest, most secure election ever ignominy Chris Krebs and Alex Stamos, Katie Couric, Prince Harry, noted leftist propagandists Kate Starbird and Yasmin Green, Fox News' Kathryn Murdoch, NV AG Aaron Ford, TX Cong. Will Hurd, among others.)

Perhaps a regime might not go so far as to call revolutionary truth-tellers dangerous fascists or domestic terrorists. They might turn to another favorite of totalitarians, deeming those who oppose them mentally ill. Insane. Criminally insane if they are too exuberant in their truth-telling and resist being silenced. Dissociated from "evidence-based reality."

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This is the precursor to local Behavioral Health Departments declaring citizens, "insane." Totalitarian regimes go-to's for dissidents. Like in the Third Reich. Where the mentally ill were institutionalized, then sterilized and even "euthanized" along with other disabled and handicapped the Nazi regime had no use for. For their own good, terminating the pitiful existence of the feeble-minded. The poor imbeciles. And dangerous antisocials.

The Third Reich was simply following the law in the United States when it committed crimes against humanity. Buck vs. Bell, 9-1 SCOTUS decision, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writing for the majority, "Three generations of imbeciles is enough." (Eight generations now?) Still the law in the US today, never overturned, mildly tweaked in 1951, reaffirmed in 2001. Eugenics law. It governs the bioethics of public health mandates, including the transhuman agenda, gender-affirming surgery, biotechnology, injectible nanotech.


Bioethics as legitimized and practiced under Buck vs. Bell is how the "sophisticates" of the Brahmin class justify their "edicts for thee, but not for me." And if you dissent you're either a "stochastic terrorist" or dissociated from "evidence-based reality" and mentally ill, insane. Genetically undesirable for future generations. The disobedient and the imbeciles eliminated from the gene pool. By sterilizing "vaccines" and chemical castrations. And other horrors yet to be unleashed. We've seen this story before, now haven't we?

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Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2002

(Important to note, disabilities included those deemed insane, dissociated from reality, who were often actually just political dissidents. Reading this will bring tears to eyes. And know it included people who've done nothing worse than have ideas like Igor's mine and others contributing on this post.)

"The methods used for mass extermination in the Nazi death camps originated and were perfected in earlier use against people with physical, emotional, and intellectual disabilities. This article describes the historical context of attitudes toward people with disabilities in Germany and how this context produced mass murder of people with disabilities prior to and during the early years of World War II. Several key marker variables, the manipulation of which allowed a highly sophisticated Western society to officially sanction the murder of people with disabilities, are examined. Important implications must continually be drawn from these sad events as we work with people with disabilities at the dawn of a new century."


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Harari thinks we are all useless. He says machines can replace nearly everyone.

Those who agree to obey and get experimented on will be rewarded with uppers and video games. Not much reward for obedience in this cruel System. They torture you no matter what. It's sure to collapse. But can we survive?

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Harari is the useless one.

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Don't be too hasty to cast aspersions on the Germans. They got their Eugenicist ideas from the USA and Britain.

I worked archiving old documentation from a British asylum. What I saw was deliberate torture and cruelty meted out to the inmates, some of whom were just single mothers or guys who had been 'angry at work'. Early death was inevitable among those given freezing baths for hours on end and lobotomies which amounted to waggling a knife around in brains.

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Correct. The defendants at Nuremberg, on trial for crimes against humanity for their eugenics programs and human experiments raised the US SCOTUS Buck v. Bell decision in defense of their actions. "Three generations of imbeciles is enough," enshrined in US law, never overturned, even upheld as recently as 2001. They had us worried about Roe v. Wade for a half-century while Buck v. Bell has become stare decisis for a full century. Quietly lurking as standing US jurisprudence. For times like these?

The US had a great many powerful industrialists and politicians, globalists in the 1930's-1940's who who supported fascism. And saw Hitler's transformations in Germany as something to be inspired by. None as important to the history of our nation that's ensued than Prescott Bush. Father of George HW Bush, grandfather of George W Bush. Also known as Hitler's banker. Made sure the German war machine could pay its bills. While it killed US soldiers and gassed prisoners in death camps. Checks cleared through Bush's bank, Switzerland as pass-through bankers.

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

The Guardian, September 5, 2004


Below excerpted from "American Supporters of the European Fascists":


"Some of the primary and more famous Americans and companies that were involved with the fascist regimes of Europe are: William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father), Charles Lindbergh, John Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker, and Secretary of Treasury), DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil (now Exxon), Ford, ITT, Allen Dulles (later head of the CIA), Prescott Bush, National City Bank, and General Electric."

"The following is excerpted from a report printed by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974:

The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler prior to and during World War II...are instructive. At that time, these three firms dominated motor vehicle production in both the United States and Germany. Due to its mass production capabilities, automobile manufacturing is one of the most crucial industries with respect to national defense. As a result, these firms retained the economic and political power to affect the shape of governmental relations both within and between these nations in a manner which maximized corporate global profits. In short, they were private governments unaccountable to the citizens of any country yet possessing tremendous influence over the course of war and peace in the world. The substantial contribution of these firms to the American war effort in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well known are the simultaneous contributions of their foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they maximized profits by supplying both sides with the materiel needed to conduct the war."

"In 1940 Graeme K. Howard, Vice President of General Motors, published America and a New World Order, in which he advised that America give full cooperation to the Nazi regime. In his book he blames FDR for causing the war in Europe and goes on to say that the fascists should be supported as the better alternative to the spread of Communism."

"Important information about the ties between American businessmen and the fascist powers of Europe was communicated to FDR by the American Ambassador to Germany during the 1930s, William E. Dodd. His writings on the matter are of critical importance. He wrote about connections between Hearst and the Nazis as well as Hearst and the Italians, in addition to Nazi connections with other wealthy Americans.

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . . "

"Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."

- William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937

This is the only internet library of the writings of William E. Dodd:


A Good Journalist Understands That Fascism Can Happen Anywhere, Anytime

Literary Hub, April 3, 2020


Might explain the Bush/Cheney/Big Multinational hatred of constitutional liberty loving Patriots who've rallied under the MAGA flag. As imperfect its leader is. They truly do hate us. Bitter clingers. Deplorables. Just as much as the Clinton's, Obama's and Biden's do.

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I just subscribed to your account and found this.... I think it is appropriate to be shared on Igor's post:


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Yes, I am aware of that history.

The globalists have used the USA quite relentlessly ever since the Declaration of Independence. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/what-does-the-rule-of-law-mean

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Globalists are anti-fascists. Fascists are anti-globalist.

Are you so confused, or are you trying to confuse?

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Did you write that up as a book?

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Mercola has an interesting article of the plan being used to lie so big that people question themselves leading to action by the liars to take control. It’s fascinating. But chilling.


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Thank you!

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"War Against The Weak", by Edwin Black.

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Hmmm. On the one hand, it's probably needed for some of these people. On the other hand, what do these authorities decide is mental illness? Those who've lost touch with "evidence-based reality" like election deniers, vax deniers, mask deniers, preferred pronoun deniers? Is this power in their hands in these times trustworthy?


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Meanwhile those who believe them grow more and more insane.

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Yep, I talk about the Aspen Institute gimmick in the article I posted above. And also about a potential psychiatric diagnosis.

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I put a link to your article! It is awesome!

These are difficult topics to write about because they need an integrative approach and concern influence operations -- and you did a fantastic job.

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Thank you Igor!!!

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Congrats on the red check mark Tessa!

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Thank you!!

I was actually kind of annoyed that Substack introduced those marks, a sure sign that it is moving in the direction of every other platform (like, the view counts were introduced everywhere with the idea that neurotic channel owners would feel pressured to promote more and bring more traffic, and data mining opportunities, to the platforms). So I found it disheartening that Substack was also using subliminal nudging to "incentivize" writers to further promote paid subscription. I mean by God, I love it when people upgrade to paid, and I can use the $$. But it is much better when the platform doesn't nudge.

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What does the red check mark signify?

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If you hover over it, it says hundreds of paid subscribers. When it's colored in--like the bad cat--that's thousands of paid subscribers.

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Oh. Thx for explanations

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It's Substack'sway to nudge the writers to nudge the readers to upgrade to paid. That is what I think it is, based on my experience of writing about Big Tech for some years. :) See the response I just posted above.

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Seems like the reveal would be likely to disincentivize prospective subscribers. I’d rather support someone with fewer subscribers than someone already making boatloads.

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Yeah, I could see how it could be viewed as ostentatious

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Scientific American article on the epidemic of Moral Injury!

"An Epidemic: Moral Injury results when a person's core principles are violated such as during wartime or pandemic, and it afflicts millions"

December 2022 issue


And as a bonus there is a paid informercial on the great things from the G20 Meeting in the magazine. And the same journalist who wrote about the epidemic of moral injury, continues with an article entitled "The Art of Persuasion: Health policy makers need to cultivate social trust and plan effective communication strategies well before the next pandemic"

The title of the infomercial is Pandemic Preparedness and is available for free to download!


by the way, it is sponsored by Modenna and Astera-Zeneca

"The COVID-19 pandemic has had an extraordinary toll. The world’s response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not perfect. If society is to avoid a similar or worse disease outbreak in the future, countries must ensure that they are better prepared to deal with pandemics than they were for COVID-19."

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Yes great article Tess🙏😊

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Thank you Chris!

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and evil.

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Bioethics is to ethics what Military Intelligence is to intelligence.

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Ooh. Good one.

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Hey Igor. I've learned from many scientists/doctors over the last two years that "bio-ethicists" are both useless as scientists and have no ethics.

Check this out:

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Suggests Drugging the Unvaccinated into Compliance


That's right. The unvaxxed are now "mentally ill" in some parts of Canada.

Now understand this:


I hope you see where this can go if we don't stop this insanity.

In case you didn't know, euthanasia is now the 6th leading cause of death in Canada.

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Are you surprised? Justin's father supported population cleansing "by reducing the burden of disease on themselves and on society as a whole."

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Is that Trudeau Sr. or Fidel or both?

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Pierre Elliot

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I had no idea. Thanks. Did you know I'm also a former UK resident? 😂

Hope all is well with you.

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Cool. Just to say ...my first nation friends were v happy that the govt started to acknowledge the past atrocities and getting their rights bk to practice their culture.

What they didn't realise is ....

the govt discriminated against them and other ethic minority groups, and now they shifted their focus on other group categories (much broader) to legitimise their cleansing agenda. So once they fall under one of those categories they are equally vulnerable :-(

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Please can you explain this a bit more because I didn't really understand?

The First Nation people (who were democided) got recognition but now they are ignored and the government is now demociding other people?

Sorry for not understanding what you meant.

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Their rights are being restored for sure, on the other hand, if they develop a mental health issue or grow old and become unable to pay the tax (to support the regime), then they are subject to discrimination.

And needless to say, the definition of mental illness can be twisted....

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Please. The Canadian government doesn't care how many people it kills. Just FYI Canada is the model for the West. Canadians are too nice and put up with this.

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You wonder if Germans who became aware of the Final Solution plans thought "Nah, they can't really be saying that," and dismissed it out of hand.

Because that's the reaction I get from a lot of friends and family when I try to mention what's going on these days. The immediate, psychological defense mechanism kicks in: "Come on, Canada is not actually suggesting euthanizing the poor, where the hell do you get your news from, Alex Jones?" Etc.

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My experience is when talking talking to the deniers, those who deny what is in front of their faces, and push them a bit they say things like ‘well a lot of these people have useless lives anyway. Do we really care if they are euthanized?’ When talking to some mask Nazis they said things like ‘I really don’t care about some stupid shopkeeper being shut down and losing his business. We don’t need most of these stores.’ Zero empathy. Utter disregard for those less successful, less high up on the social scale than them.

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The people you describe are scum. They probably masked up their kids and made them take the poison. The only good news is that their kind won't be around for much longer. Cult members either an hero voluntarily or give their kids up for child sacrifice. There's no point even talking to them.

As I like to say, they would have been eaten in the jungle. Too fat, too stupid. too comfortable and too gullible to live in anarchy,.

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Their whole family is vaxed and boosted. The fellow I quoted wife has two types of cancer.

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Let me clarify. If you were coerced or conned into getting vaxxed (like Steve Kirsch for example) then I have no issues. I have basically zero problems with anyone who got vaxxed.

If you were a sanctimonious asshole who wished death on the unvaxxed then I still care about you, but the problem is that there are a lot of sanctimonious assholes who will dismiss that death as being a "coincidence". It seems us anti-vaxxers have a lot more empathy than the people who pretend to care. That's what bothers me.

And yes, if you still haven't worked all this out, then you would have been eaten in the jungle. Because you ARE being eaten in the jungle.

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Hard to imagine it with all the "social correctness" being pushed.

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People are morons and Good Germans.

I can't remember where I read this but it was a quote from someone living under the Nazis. They went along with everything and it was only when their young child said something like "we need to exterminate the inhuman Jews" that they snapped out of their reverie.

The vast majority of people are idiots and are sleep walking us into global tyranny. The intelligent people realize what is happening but take the blue pill because they are cowards. Trust me, I've been at this for twenty years now. Everything I have been warning people about is happening. It's a nightmare.

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Do you have a suggestion for how to reconcile an awareness that most of your friends and extended family would have, had they been placed in 1936 Germany, been compliant Nazis? This bothers me a lot -- I am angry at them, but they don't follow covid stuff at all (to them it was all over like a year ago) and some of them are struggling with other things and I still wish to support them. But damn. Sometimes I want to say "Off topic, but you do realize you would've been a Nazi and not in the resistance, right?" But these are people I love and have known for many years in most cases. I don't know how to come to any peace with this.

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They would have been Nazis for sure. Well, Nazis isn't the right term, Good Germans is.

It's so complicated it's unbelievable. My Mum got brainwashed by all this crap, It took me probably five months to deprogram her. You have to understand that people were propagandized and lied to and psyoped to infinity. I'm immune to it all because I'm basically a nihilist, I've seen all this propaganda before and I can't fall for it because I can't turn my brain off and think about everything from literally every angle. Most people don't have the IQ/mental training to do that. It's just a sad fact of life.

This is where being an Alpha/Sigma male comes in handy. I literally don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. I lead by example. If people don't want to follow when I know 100% I am right (and I am almost always right) then there isn't much I can do.

Thinking in historical terms is also helpful. We look at the Victorians and realize they were incredibly stupid. Assuming we survive another hundred years as a species, humans of that era will look at us and point and laugh as well. Then people from 200 years in the future will do the same to them.

It is what it is.

My own brother hung up the phone on me when I said my Mum wasn't getting vaxxed and we had a cupboard full of things like Ivermectin. Forgive and forget. There is nothing else you can do.

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You said it! I believe you are spot on, Sir!

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And yet you imagine the Nazis won the war and are running the show today.

Snap out of it, baboon.

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Actually a lot of the Germans did know exactly what was in the works for the Jews and assorted other "untermensch". BTW, it was not only the Germans that knew. Most Europeans knew and were OK with it as long as they did not have to do the dirty work. I know this from my grandmother who survived the war and used to tell me all sort of stories about the world at that time. She could not understand how so many people were so much on board with what was happening but it seems that the world has never been a really nice place. The irony is that the world went through a massive upheaval to get rid of these psychos only for the West to make a deal with them under the table. Have a read of the "appointed" EU apparatchik Ursula von der Layden - she is the new age Nazi with a social media empire backing her. History is repeating itself.

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Thanks. I know all about Ursula von der Leyen - the descendent of Nazis and slave owners (she even went to University in the UK and used her Anglicized slave owner surname).

Operation Paperclip moved 1,600 Nazis to the US to work on their secret projects.

Every Nazi company is now a massive brand - think Adidas and Volkswagen.

The Nazis were backed to the hilt by the British and American Eugenicists. The only problem was that Hitler went too far and embarrassed them.

But we basically live in the 4th Reich now. Jim Marrs was right.

"She could not understand how so many people were so much on board with what was happening but it seems that the world has never been a really nice place"

My Polish grandmother lost thirteen brothers and sisters in Nazi camps. I loved my grandmother so much, she was the kindest person I ever met, but she was horrifically racist towards black people. I can't imagine how you could experience ethnic cleansing and then be racist. It broke my heart at the time when I was a teenager and it breaks my brain thinking about it to this day.

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Racism is a survival mechanism. It’s all about ensuring your genes survive and not some other race’s genes.

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What is happening in Canada is horrifying. I guess that's what you get in a country full of sheeple without a brain or backbone, a terrible health care system, no effective media (aside from Rebel News) and a WEF government. I heard some of this on Rebel News, but that Spectator article... I'm speechless.

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If you kill everyone, no one will have COVID.

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They're trying to combine Soviet techique with Nazi techique. Psychopaths.

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You are 100% correct. INB4 horse shoe theory, what we are seeing is Corporatist Fascism mixed with Collectivism. A lot of our allies on the Right mistake this for Communism, but this is something we have never seen before in human history.

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I think you are right about this being something never before seen in history.

It looks to me like a curious mix of International Socialism and Fascism, using fascist methods and modern technology/science to impose their form of woke socialism. Like the fascists, they have no need to nationalize big corporations because they control them. They obviously want to control public health. They control the major media, and they are working on cultural institutions (Churches, Boy Scouts, etc). They have effectively neutered the NFL ( diverting profits to their chosen causes).... the list goes on and on.

They are also working to essentially make elections meaningless with ballot harvesting and mail in voting.

And the UN and other world organizations suddenly seem to be taken more seriously than ever before. Non governmental organizations (WEF, etc) somehow now have political power never delegated to them by anyone. For a reason that I can’t comprehend ‘when Klaus Schwab talks, people listen’.

All without the consent of anyone except themselves. Most people have no idea that it’s even happening......

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Hi Mark. Thanks for the intelligent comment.

It's fascism because the central banks, big banks, oligarchs and the companies they control are all behind it. The Left is toast because they all are on the same side as these assholes. Look at Extinction Rebellion - they are literally on the same side as all these scumbags and are "protesting" for things that are already happening.

Did you know that "blaming the consumer" was invented in 2006 by British Petroleum (BP) because they wanted to pass the buck onto individuals in the wake of the Climate con?

It's technocratic because their proposed system can't function without technology.

It's Communistic because the excuse for doing everything they want to do is based on Collectivism - "you are killing the planet", "you are killing Granny", "get vaxxed to protect others", "eat the bugs". If you fall for these scams, I call this "sociopathic altruism" - pretending to care about others but actually just adhering to what I call "herd stupidity", just to fit in. You can blame social media (which was deliberately designed to social engineer) - it's created at least two generations of malignant narcissist idiots who will do anything to comply with "herd stupidity".

This is why I will say over and over again, the number of humans I trust 100% IRL can be counted on my fingers and toes and I literally don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about me.

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Fascism eliminated the power of the central bank regime.

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I think it may be even further out in unchartered territory. To some extent the tail (the media) is waging the dog (the state).

I don't believe we've seen that in history.

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The technique doesn't matter as much as who the management is.

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The first time I met a "Woke" person was in 2014. Knowing zero about the subject, my immediate impression was "this is an enemy of Western Civilization". I'm pretty good at this stuff.

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The reason I say it is unique is because, whilst you could argue that the Nazis were left wingers (they literally had the word "socialist" in their name), they appealed to a homogeneous ethnic group (although ironically the vast majority of Nazi leaders, including Hitler, had zero "Aryan" traits whatsoever, whereas the Poles they murdered for fun did - t. blonde haired, blue eyed half-Pole).

This is technocratic fascism at the hands of corporations in ethnically diverse societies. But the appeal is now to the "greater good" in those societies, whereas Communism was basically creating a "class war" as the excuse for the democide. It's pretty clear that the Progressive Left (the Globalist foot soldiers) hates the working class, so there is no way that this is even vaguely socialist at this point.

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Disgusting. As an RN who took care of transplant patients at Stanford, I am horrified. The world is insane.

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This is END TIMES stuff!

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End of Times.

1948÷100 =2048 - 7yrs - 3 yrs = 2038. The year of the rapture.

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No man knows. Would be lovely if true though.

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Is that where commercial pilots might be just "taken" and the plane crashes?

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Your talking about when Israel became a nation?

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They mistook it for an instruction manual.

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We’ve all read these dystopian books and seen these movies.

They didn’t mistake it for an instruction manual. These lunatics read it and thought it was a good idea. They are either mentally or morally ill and the real threat to society.

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This is what happens when a nation, and world, forgets God.

We like to believe that men are good, but the Word of God tell us the truth by the prophet Jerimiah:

"The heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above else, who can know it?"

And as Jesus said: "There is none good but God".

This isn't a surprise. It's exactly what has happened every other time a nation has given up God. It's just never been the entire world (at least not recently). That's why the evil is so great. Satan is leading his kings ands princes against God. All to fulfill the final prophecies leading to the Man of Lawlessness and a one world system. Coming soon to you via the Pandemic treaty, btw! It foretells of a mark that must be taken without which no man can by or sell.

The book they are following is the Bible. It's all been foretold!

So repent and trust in Jesus. If He can save me He csn save anyone! Because it is going to get a lot worse before He comes back! Repent and believe! God bless you!

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There is nothing they won't hijack and repurpose, no language they won't redefine, in order to achieve their objectives

This is what truly soulless cretins look like, who have no sense of morality whatsoever.

Even Sodom had some standards....

I actually admire their single-minded determination and persistence ;)

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It's all about using language for control. Unfortunately, most people can't see it through the haze.

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nothing to admire about it.

that's sort of rape victim building a relationship with the rapist ... it happens, but mostly shows the victim wanted to survive emotionally.


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You can differentiate between the evil and the practical strategy or virtues that enabled the evildoers to succeed, especially when they possess virtues that are both crucial and wholly absent from the GOP & other cultural institutions that are allegedly supposed to be anti- the Industrial Complex of all the "Bigs" (Big govt/industry/business/pharma/military/et al).

It can even be instructive to understand why the bad guys are so much better at certain technical aspects of waging cultural jihads than the good guys are at offering even the slightest counterbalance

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when you keep at an intellectual discussion all sounds fine. but practically speaking, seeing what the world has gone through and is going through because of it, there is nothing to admire (au contraire).

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Jesus Christ. I was for certain you accidentally got duped on this. This COULDN'T be real... right!??!


It takes a lot to surprise me these days. This made that rare cut. Wow.

(Also about time you added paid option)

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“A covert compulsory program promotes values such as liberty, utility, equality, and autonomy”. Too many people who should be institutionalized ( and perhaps receiving some covert compulsory help?) are running about publishing articles instead.

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Yikes. That makes my blood run cold.

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They’re literally trying to “blue pill” the world.

“ Pursuing personal happiness and liberty instead of welfarism is selfish and immoral…”. Ironic that the members of WEF are all rich and powerful and got that way using the freedoms they want to deny others. I believe it’s the same way religion came about…it’s a great way to keep peasants from noticing that they’re toiling in the mud for 100 hours a week as long as you convince them: 1. The next life is much better as long as you behave during this one, 2. Don’t notice that those of us making the rules are living in castles and wearing fine clothes.

Makes me think of those pictures of Bill Gates’ daughter getting married during COVID. Not a single guest was wearing a mask as we were all told to do

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"I believe it's the same way religion came about ..."

This IS a new religion. One without any kind of real spirituality, where mankind, rather than containing a spark of the devine, is lower than the earth and all things upon it. What afterlife rewards do the sacrifices of environmentalism bestow upon us? None, except to continue our miserable lives attempting to minimalize our impact on Mother Nature. Only our service to the Great Religion allows us resource-consuming, nature-destroying parasites the enormous privilege of living and taking up space on this planet.

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Absolutely. When the majority of humans have no belief in the afterlife and think we just go "poof" into death and decay, this is the result. Humans treated as the worst non-divinely "space fillers" on this divinely created planet. Try to reconcile that statement.


With no belief in an afterlife, comes no earthly morals, hence a "morals pill." The Gates of Hell is already pissed at God for Omicron, I can only imagine his rage at the Ten Commandments.

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Excellent point.

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Bioethics. It's a deep, dark rabbit hole you've poked at. Very deep. Very dark.

It's interesting to note that Anthony Fauci's wife, Christine Grady is the Chief Bioethicist at the NIH. irp.nih.gov/pi/christine-grady

Here's what guides bioethics for the curious. Rationalizing totalitarianism as "good stewardship": www.nuffieldbioethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Public-health-ethical-issues.pdf

Where The Final Solution got its beginnings. Right here in the good old US of A. Eugenics...gene editing...transhumanism. All under our bioethical benevolent "good stewardship" of humanity who've been such great stewards for the pandemic! https://bioethics.com/human-enhancement/transhumanism


Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test: Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century

Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January 2020


Biothics. Rationalizing and justifying the harm of populations, including democide. Death by government order. For the greater good. Three generations of imbeciles were enough for them a century ago. Five more generations procreated must really be enough. This government is not practicing "good stewardship." No matter how many 225-page public health bioethics guides they write proclaiming it so.

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Deep. Dark. Rabbit hole. About that Nuffield Bioethics Council...it's funded by Wellcome Trust (GlaxoWellcome). Its international influence is on par, even surpassing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Its Director, Jeremy Farrar, who resigned from the UK's SAGE SPI-B pandemic advisory board because its recommendations weren't totalitarian enough for his liking:




UK SAGE Pandemic Board:


Wellcome Trust is a WEF's Covid-Zero Founder:


Wellcome LEAP led by former DARPA and Big Tech Manipulation, Deception and Surveillance Specialist:


Deep. Dark. Rabbit Holes. Everywhere you look.

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You're upside down if you think this is about eugenics and not dysgenics.

Well, that's just one way you've been flipped.

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I appreciate learning the term and distinction. Yes, I see that happening, as well. The term nugenics used for the whole superhuman transhuman also in the mix.

The gene pool is being altered. For effect. By those who deign themselves gods. This doesn't end well. For humanity. And ends worse. For them. God gets the final word. I wouldn't trade places with them for eternity.

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It can be very difficult, perhaps impossible, to figure out which rabbit holes are real.... and if they are real, are they a threat?

Covid is a good example. It starts off easy. ‘They’ want us to take a vaccine for a recently discovered deadly, naturally occurring virus that is killing people. Simple enough.

Then you decide to look into it.... which leads to questions.


Was it natural? Was it man made?

If man made, then why and when?

Was it a lab leak or was it purposely released? Is it a depopulation scheme? Is it the coverup of an accident? Why are they trying to make us take the vaccine? It can go on and on. You know that you are being lied to, but how far does it go and how dangerous is it?

Every question leads you ever deeper into the hole. You start making connections, but are they the right connections? Do they connect with other rabbit holes?

You could lose your connection to reality.....

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I've never gotten hung up on the origins of it. I think that's a distraction, a rabbit hole to a dead end, waste of time to go down.

The original CV was a mild Category 1-2 pandemic. CDC and WHO plans provided for minor interventions, protect vulnerable populations, life goes on. As it always has, like for a similar pandemic in 1968, Hong Kong Flu. Whether it was man made or not is largely irrelevant.

Because for a bioterror weapon you don't need a whole lot of biological threat to set off a whole lot of terror. 9-11 was *only* 3,000 souls lost. The terror it provoked far exceeded the weapon. Sames.

And even if it was created in a lab, modified as a bioweapon or dual-use purposes, so is a lot of biology we take in. Like GMO food. Without most people blinking an eye. So, perhaps it was modified, it still wasn't particularly lethal outside the most vulnerable populations. And had largely burned itself out by August, 2020.

And that's if you believe it was really a virus. Many early reports noted a much higher correlation of adverse outcomes for those who had received the regular flu shot in the fall of 2019. As if the flu shot enhanced the effects of CV infection. Which, we've noticed has been the pattern of the entire global vax campaign. Jab, delay, outbreak. Rinse. Repeat.

CV since the introduction of the "vax" has been driven by the jab. Which many who have gone down other rabbit holes have discovered is the actual depopulation scheme. That rabbit hole connection, and all. Good discernment tells us that the lab leak, bat market debate has been an intentional distraction. Because the original CV wasn't intended to be the depopulation weapon. It was a little bit of biology coordinated with a whole lot of orchestrated and amplified terror to create the conditions for the actual depopulation scheme jabs and societal restructuring the powers that be envision our future holds. Reality? Depends on what your level of discernment is.

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A skilled writer for sure, but it's my guess that you are, or have been a master carpenter, because you sure did hit the nail perfectly on the head, and drove it home with a "set" all in one swoop!

Thanks much for the great post!

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Yeaaaah, as in, when your veins plug up with never-before-seen elastic fibrous protein structures, or when the graphene oxide micro specs in the blood do their dirty-work on internal organs, or the spike protein attacks and turns them into masses of ugly cancerous meat. I suppose you COULD lose your "connection to reality" as in DOA!

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Arteries. Normal blood clots happen in the veins, but not the jobclots, they happen even in the aorta.

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Thus, discernment. The most important gift God gave us. So we stay grounded. Even when we discover the wizard behind the curtain pulling levers and pressing buttons that make trees talk and monkeys fly. While those who've never left Plato's cave call us crazy when we describe the world outside that we've discovered. And I think that mixed metaphor plays nicely together!

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Yes, "discernment" is key, no doubt which must originate from some teaching/leaning, whether that be parents or others (not from the "poison-ivy leagues" of course!). The "Good Book," if read with sincerity, trusting the Truths within, will secure a true discernment, that will lead to a joyous future.

God gave us His Word!

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I think the first morality medication should be in the form of a giant suppository suitable for shoving where the sun don’t shine of every person involved with this horrible coerced vaccine policy of the last 2 years!

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Could not agree more :-)

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We could fix the morality of all the global elitists by embedding a little device in each of their heads. A device called a bullet.

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I do remember how "they" told us that mercury metal is safe in dental repair. So, hey! a little "heavy metal" for their brain sounds fair to me. How could they object when we can honestly avert their worries with, " Don't fret, this has been proven time and again to be highly "effective!"

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I listened to Harari speak about chipping people and adjusting their neurotransmitters remotely leaving the people perpetually happy. He said ‘we can do this now. We know how to do this.’ He’s not exactly a mad scientist. He has the mad part down, it’s the science he’s lacking.

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We would all be better off if we chipped Harari and adjusted HIS neurotransmitters. It's obvious that his ravings are the result of a disturbed and unhappy mind, badly in need of treatment.

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He’s banal and stupid. And thinks he’s brilliant and cutting edge. I’m assuming he is on whatever Trudeau and Beto are on. Adderal?

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He knows he's not brilliant and cutting edge, but he can fake it and get others to buy in. He hates those who will not buy the BS, as they undercut his fake self-image. Classic narcissist.

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He'll never have as much power as the "perfectly possessed" Fauxi. At least Fauxi knows satan exists and has taken his side. Harari thinks all the "religious" shit doesn't exist. As you say, he's a moron and dead inside.

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Same reason Nazis put fluoride in camp water. COMPLIANCE and DOCILITY.

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Prior to the pandemic I saw an article suggesting lithium be added to city water supplies since some relatively insignificant study had showed that it might reduce suicide rates in people who were depressed. Surely, they argued, the lives it would save would justify dosing everyone with it?

I've personally tried to tell people for more than 20 years that anytime you hear a phrase like 'public good' that you are being had. If we had wanted to keep our liberty, such sophistry should have led to immediately reaching for the nearest firearm.

Unfortunately, judging by how extreme mass sedation of water supplies is, we are coming very close to when the slaughterhouse doors slam shut on us. They really need people to calmly wait for the ax to fall and not stampede.

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Check out the Midwestern doctor reply in this comment section

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Why waste good lithium, which they need for batteries, when they can dose the water supply with cheap fluoride which dumbs everyone down very effectively. Ooh, I do believe they are doing that in a lot of places.... something about teeth, is it? lol

Distil your water.

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There's warning on your toothpaste to NOT swallow it. Fluoride is nasty stuff. I use Thom's fluoride free. 'Seems like I saw or heard of the poison in pill form! To strengthen teeth.

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Claiming there's morality in today's bioethics is like claiming there's safety and efficacy in the experimental covid clot shots.

The medical-industrial complex is built on lies, corruption, and megalomania.

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Igor, you may have the most based comment section on Substack. I'm almost in disbelief as to how awesome your commenters/commentators? are.

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same, totally amazed, and really nice people too

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I know what I'm doing tomorrow.🙂 Wow.

Ah shoot, I mean today. Damn you Substack for keeping me awake all night!

And yes, great people too. Even me (I hope 😂).

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Hahaahaha! Funny monkey!

And seriously yes, surely great IMHO.

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Hey Baboon! Why would you be in disbelief? You're one of the strongest pillars around!

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