How many more signals are needed before people accept the reality that these mRNA shots CAUSE immunological damage?

Because let's be clear about that: damage is exactly what we've been describing all along.

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'Signals? What signals? The vaccines are Safe and Effective. What the hell are you talking about. Oh these signals - conspiracy theories. Like I said - they are Safe and they are Effective. Trust the science asshole and stop reading this nonsense on Substack. Tune into CNN BBC etc if you want truths' said the CovIDIOT

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Watch CNN?

Dude, if I want to kill brain cells I'll take up drinking as a hobby. That at least has entertainment value.

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So effective we need to all get our 5th injection pronto! Are you endangering grandma by not getting your 6th injection? Don't be a conspiracy dumbass and go get your 7th Injection now!!

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I tried but they said you had to get your first one before they'd give me the 7th

It's not fair!

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Find a doctor who gets it. He’ll give you all

Seven right away. One after another. Weirdly enough these are usually the same

Doctors who have signed up to be assisted suicide program doctors. (I don’t quite get that one.)

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Doctors are robots! Do as big pharma says!

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You haven’t read the science! Have you listened to or read one doctor or scientists study or articles? I don’t think so! We can refer you to them but I’m sure you won’t read them! It’s called cognitive dissonance! 😔

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This is sarcasm right? You really not as dumb as a bag of rocks are you?

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unless you are saying CDC and dr. fauci are joking with the rest of us, i dont see any reason why should it be a sarcasm, by little me ...

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I have a bridge for sale really cheap that spans about 2.5 miles across a beautiful bay with access to the Pacific Ocean, are you interested? Dr. Fauci, the CDC, NIH, and the FDA are so full of s**t they stink! Hey, I'm really sorry I called you as dumb as a bag of rocks, that was an insult to the a bag of rocks.

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How much?

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Anyone with the name "Fast Eddy" for free!

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You fell for the bridge scam? Fool! You'll be envious when I get that big commission wired to me from that Nigerian prince or royal family member, whatever he is. 🤡

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sure, sounds like a potential good possibility ...

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Dr. Fauci is the modern day Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele regarding his unsuccessful HIV, MERS, and SARS, VERS, genetic cell therapies, to include mRNA vaccines, gain of function research, and medications, dating all the way back to his days as the first CEO of Moderna? Why do you think he was pushing the Moderna vaccines, he owns millions of shares, and as a "dedicated public servant" as you so laughingly stated, his greed!

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Think its a benefit to be so old and still on the job? I don't think so. Its the power this old facts can't let go.

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By the way Trump didn't appoint Fauci, Fauci has been in that position at NIH for the past 3 decades!

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Eddy did sign his rant off with ‘said the COVIDIOT’

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Safe and Effective for few month old babies you might add ....

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All disastrous consequences aside, the most harmful medical treatment in human history based on nothing less than medical and science fraud , the very fact these “vaccines” change your constituent biochemistry permanently and possibly DNA, that alone is reason enough to have never allowed them to be put to use. The worst is yet to come. As Geert has predicted all along, the newest variants BA.4/5 And BA.2.12.1 appear to have finally unlocked the door to gain entrance into the Lungs (LRT) which effectively brings us back to the virulent alpha only not even early treatment may help. Of course the powers that be will double and continue everything that has never worked. It’s a perfect storm possibly. With children being the only ones who could have possibly gotten us to herd immunity being jabbed just in time to be exposed to the more virulent strains without their natural ability to fight off infection coupled with the reinfections of the boosted, it will be a carnage I’m afraid.

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I just watched Geerts interview on Dark Horse. I'm actually afraid for the unvaccinated and injected alike. Are we as a species going to survive this?

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As a species, certainly. As a civilization I am not so sure, because things are much more interconnected and interdependent than most people realize. Take out too many skilled people and you could create cascading collapses that bring the whole thing down.

And if we lose those that maintain the nuclear plants, they will melt down. And at that point the species thing becomes in doubt.

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Where did you gather this info?

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Here is a link to an interview of YouTube where he discusses most of this. It's quite technical, but you can still probably get the gist of this. Dr Vanden Bosche also has his own substack called Voice for Science and Solidarity.

He was the first scientist who warned a year ago - If you try to vaccinate in the midst of a pandemic, you are going to end up with wave after wave of variants. And here we are - so I listen carefully to anything he has to say.


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As only 1 out of 20 partake of any media sans state/corporate, the number of signal is either infinite or one; as soon as state/corporate media reports it, it will always ahve been so and the people consuming such media exclusively will always have known it and will always have said so.

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I know! Talking to a 99 year old veteran in my building today, ; he says if they offer the vaccine in the fall; he will surely get it! No way he will change his mind!

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Getting the Covid vax is the easiest way to get Covid unfortunately:)

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If the general public doesn’t see it then it’s not happening! #sad

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The Walgreens data confirm this completely in my opinion.

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It is kinda obvious...look at the babies being born now in New South Wales...suspicion is their mothers were jabbed, but they are seeing huge increases in babies that don't seem to be able to ward off RSV, Flu, etc...

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Well a baby gets immunesystem of mom initially correct? Well if moms immunesystem is reduced so there is nothing to get for the newborn.

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Naughty..tsk, tsk...It probably climate change...or gardening...I mean, it couldn't possibly be the jabbed mothers../Sarcasm off...

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It's more complex than that. But yes, I believe when things work normally, a newborn gets a certain amount of temporary immunity direct from Mom.

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I think of the mothers who are told NOT to breastfeed because their milk comes out green...and then have to use formula..ooops, shortage of baby formula....

At this point, you have to say, one is accident, two is coincidence, three is enemy action...

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Ok but what they think happens? Babies will die in us of starvation or is that simply to terrorize us. Why baby formula?

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Because there was an engineered shortage (shut down without proof that contamination was at factory level) by CDC/FDA....and kept off for months (fully 1/3 ir not more of our us supply) right when jabbed babies were being born...and Gates had a new startup in artificial mothers milk as baby formula...Coincidence...I doubt it.

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More yet. We just keep going.

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Jul 1, 2022
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You forgot one utterly painful thing: it's also accepting that the ones you felt soo superior to - both in intellegence and morals - turn out to be the ones that have been ahead of you all along.

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I agree. It's doubtful that this sense of superiority in intelligence and morals (SPOT-ON) will dissipate. Arrogance/pride seems to innoculate one from ever feeling a need or obligation to consider the other, be it a person (even "loved one"), or information.

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All of that is true. The perversions of the Faucist ideologies driving this pseudoscience are legion.

But ultimately I revert to my engineering background and look at how to practically address the problem on the ground. Step one is getting these godforsaken concoctions off the market.

If we can get these shots pulled and discontinued permanently, then we might buy humanity time enough to work out the psychosocial ramifications of all the hate speech and propaganda that's been thrown around like chimpanzee dung. If we don't get them pulled, the rest probably doesn't matter much.

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A noble goal, but the problem is that so much of the power structure is "all in" on the flawed scheme at so many levels. This is the "sunk cost fallacy" writ large. We don't even need the odious possibility of world governments, depopulation plots, etc. Too many people made and are still making money, enjoying petty and not-so-petty tyrant roles, and worst of all, they endorsed these foolish products and policies from the outset. When you've mandated policies that may already have crippled or killed hundreds of thousands and the tally will continue way into the future, precisely how does one walk that back?

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If the ballot box and the jury box fail to provide the solution, there remains the cartridge box.

I'm rapidly losing hope that we can avoid resorting to it.

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A huge prosection and jail time. Which requires getting rid of the Current DOJ...by force if necessary. This is FRAUD, and FRAUD vitiates not only all contracts but any liability protection.

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I think that is an admirable goal. But there are no stopping points in this trial..no data is needed to jab infants apparently...so I think it is gonna take a class action lawsuit against the FDA first...and I don't see any of the usual legal suspects stepping up to the plate?

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There's no way these poisons will get pulled, at least not anytime soon.

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Why doesn’t Steve Kirsch use his millions to start a class action law suit?

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Maybe suggest that to him. He’s been more than willing to fund the fight so far.

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I don't really think the majority of the people coercing, forcing, demanding, harassing, belittling, and wishing death upon the people who want to remain free of these "drugs," have much of a problem with being immoral. I think it's a prerequisite that they already are.

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Whoooshhh!!!!! Dang you nailed it!!! Some friends, many acquaintances & professional colleagues are out of my life, it seems perhaps, forever. So much damage done: disrespect, mistreatment, insults...unbelievable

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Haven't been invited to any holiday events with my family for 1.5 years because my 25-year old nephew is "afraid".

My mother didn't want to take sides so she was going to be alone. She's 89, so I just told her to celebrate with my sister and nephew.

One day, this will all end.. but my mother will be gone, and my nephew probably thinks I will forget.

I wish I was a better person, but I will not forget losing this time.

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Rough, really rough. I'm sorry. For me in my world, it seems not quite right to forget, nor to adopt some kind of permanent detachment re: the poor treatment I've received from so many. It revealed too much about their disposition towards me. And perhaps, the size of their heart and mind. I have to deal with it anew just about every day, which is a task of constant let go, let go, let go. I am petrified of consequences for the vaxxed, because even while losing my professional careers for not being vaxxed (actually two: Fed gov job and the performing arts), I still can not wish the vaxxed ill will - 3 of my young adult children got the shots.

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I understand. I wish no one I'll will.. but as you said - I was astounded by how many people couldn't accept that someone made a different choice than they did.

From what I can see, it's starting to seem that they are suffering more ADEI (antibody dependent enhanced infection), i.e., more likely to become infected. What's not clear is whether they will become ADED (similar to the above, but with more disease). I wish no one this fate, regardless of how I've been treated.

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Oh shoot, of course, I didn't think you implied in any way that you wished any negative consequences upon the C19 vaccinated. I should have been clear - I mentioned it because I do struggle with it. The "better person" comment of yours resonated very much with me and I have a ways to go.

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Well we see how long the no ill will of you all lasts. Since it has been now researched (and will be more looked into) that the vaxxed spread particles all day long which unvaxxed absorb and they are harmful to unvaxxed messing the blood up to say it simply. If microRNa get also spread that means hmm the unvaxxed possibly start making their own spikes and become vaxxed. So I heard. How much damage it truly does in the long run we will see.

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He still trusts the government and bc of his age; he’s afraid! Very active elderly man.

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I, sadly, understand why he feels that way.

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All of that. Well put.

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You said exactly what I was thinking.

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The boosted are literally the most dangerous people to be around. Astounding.

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Maybe we should start doing to them what they did to us - "Oooo are you boosted? Please could you keep six feet away from me? You're being very selfish. You're a danger to others. Don't talk to me please, stay away."

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Hi Barney!

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Well its a bio weapon lol. The bioweapon gets spread by the injected. They produce the toxin in their body.

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Well. If Corona is indeed dangerous.

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Please send your prayers along with light & love to Dr. Zev’s family, who left us today. May he Rest In Peace and my his foundation go on to continue the remarkable work this man did it the face of oppression. An inspiration to us all, he saved so many!

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RIP Dr Zelenko

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OMG he died!?!? What a loss. He was so young!!

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Oh no...Dear Lord, accept Dr. Zev Zelenko to your heavenly kingdom...he saved so many of us.

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He now has God’s ear. Our dear Zev is in the best company.

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Wow. He was absolutely amazing. So steadfast. Such knowledge!

But he just didn't look sick from his hospital bed. He didn't. He didn't even sound sick and his breathing seemed normal enough (for an overweight guy). Yet supposedly he had a tumour encroaching on one of his ventricles in his heart....and his lungs. He was only 48.

Anyway, it is what it is. He fought well. He helped so many others. He never gave up. May he now rest in peace.

Perhaps he's left early before the rush ;-)

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The great inspiration for Team Reality.

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I hadn't heard. How sad.

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Just received an email from my local zoo regarding upcoming events. Sounds great. It also mentioned the need for volunteers to make their event a success. I decided to click on the link to see what is required and was shocked to read (not sure why I was shocked) that you have to be vaccinated. I'm assuming they meant vaccinated with one of the covid injections. The volunteer would not be interacting with animals but perhaps pouring drinks to patrons. So, a vaccinated, boosted person could be infected but qualify to volunteer at these events whereas an unvaccinated person sadly could not. Crazy. As far as I know, unvaccinated can still attend, just not volunteer.

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How stupid!!!

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It's nice to get some proof of how stupid this is. I live in one of these areas that still insists on "proof of vaccination" (i.e. papers, please) in order to attend live music and theater performances, and to be allowed to testify in person at the county council meetings. I have strongly suspected all along that I am less of a toxic threat than the quadruple-jabbed super spreaders, and the cruel irony of these policies has been maddening (still is -- but now I have proof).

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Right. I enjoy going to community theater but there is one place in particular that at one time required proof of vax. Even though they no longer (currently) require it, I can't bring myself to patronize the establishment.

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I am the same.... this whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. I hate feeling this way, but I no longer feel like I can associate with the crowd who shunned me.

Maybe one day they will understand. Maybe I will, too.

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They are protecting you from the vaxxed!

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in fact, you are correct on that; the CDC's own website speaks of how the unvaccinated are unprotected, and therefore should be the ones to wear the mask. That is the logic my employer gave me last October/November when they changed the rules so that all jabbed employees could take off their masks, but I (the lone holdout) still had to wear mine.... because of the danger to ME. I said I'd sign a waiver. They didn't find that acceptable.

But yeah, as it turns out, I guess possibly those multiple-jabbed people ARE a danger to me, after all. Yet, isn't it interesting that all of them are getting repeatedly sick, while I am not? I hope it continues to be the case that I am not susceptible to whatever they are spreading.

The reality: everyone I know (all jabbed) who is attending weddings, group events, etc. is all coming down with something cold/flu-like, and they are all testing like mad, and many of them are testing positive.

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It's time all this was challenged in the courts, especially the restrictions which have a clear political purpose of sidelining those who are of different politics.

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surely this is already being challenged? But we have been told that "private companies can make their own (discriminatory) policies" based on vaccine status -- based on our private medical decisions and/or conditions. And this is allowed under HIPAA (even though our employer is not allowed to divulge our vaxx status to our coworkers), but discrimination by our employer based on genetic information is prohibited under Title 2 of GINA. I think this is the best protection we have, and it's not enough.

It doesn't make even a little bit of sense, anymore. The initial reasons given were that it was a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and that jabbed people could not spread illness. The opposite was gradually shown to be true, even though we knew it in our guts all along. We were told that we spread it "asymptomatically" so we had to constantly test. There were a bunch of things we were told, which led to our office policies of social distancing and virtual meetings, not allowed to eat in the lunchroom, not allowed to use real coffee cups anymore (only disposable allowed) because -- germs? Scary "germs are everywhere!" signs were posted -- EVERYWHERE, alongside giant pump bottles of hand sanitizer. We could take off our masks while in our offices and cubicles, but the second we stepped outside, we had to slap that puppy back on our faces, because of the germs in the public areas,; cubicles and offices were "safe."

None of this made sense then, and it makes even less sense now.

The menticide of the vaccinated and the shunning and division/condemnation of unjabbed people and destruction of the social fabric has been the worst part.

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Back in May, 2021, OSHA.gov: "“An employee who chooses not to receive the vaccine cannot suffer any repercussions from this choice.” This was under their FAQs. It was the FAQ regarding employers who "recommend" the vaccine. OSHA further stated under the FAQ regarding employers who mandated the vaccine that the employer would be responsible if the employee is injured by the vaccine. It would be considered a “work-related injury”. Then Biden Admin stepped in with not only the push for workplace mandates, but a complete change of OSHA rules/regs. I think the change occurred June, 2021. Night and day. FAQs changed to be all about being in danger of getting C19 from co-workers, and workplace rules of the employer reporting C19.

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yes. things got progressively more hostile last summer, and hit the high point of hostility perhaps around December.... was that when Omicron hit? Just in time for Christmas....

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Yep. They did that with volunteer organisations in northern NSW (Australia) with all the floods earlier this year. My hubby offered to help out with doing outdoor fencing work, but they were demanding all 'volunteers' be injected - so needless to say he did NOT help out! There was a bit of a local backlash over their requirements, actually.

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Yeah, I can't perform with the majority of community theaters any more because of this. Actually, I'm not even allowed to attend in most cases. Our community theater performers are just that precious. Then I watched show after show be canceled mid-run because all the vaccinated & boosted cast & crew got Covid. So that worked.

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The university chorale I used to sing with is now off limits to me because of the shots. Yeah, like I'm going to risk my life with the stinking shots so I can volunteer in your choir?

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So sad.

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so wrong.

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Will the Tragic Fate of World Stars like Celine Dion and Justin Bieber Open the Eyes of their Fans? Impacts of Covid-19 Vaccine


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No. Eyes wide shut.

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So crazy. Most where I live don't require patrons to be jabbed but proudly state that their performers have to be vaxxed. I truly feel for you since this is probably something you really enjoyed being a part of. And yes, it doesn't make sense when the jabbed are getting infected.

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I still have one company near me, so I’ll audition there. They don’t even require that the audience be masked, which I think is ridiculous that other places require it. On the plus side, I’m saving quite a bit of money on tickets! A friend asked me recently if I feel betrayed (I do more than just performing, I also served on the boards of two companies and was involved in marketing, program ads, etc.). I said no, just discriminated against.

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Protesting in front of the theatre at show times seems useful: Actors Forced to Undergo Gene Therapy to Perform Here; Now Playing: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mengele; This Theatre Divides our Community; Don't Support Bigotry, etc.

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LOL. If someone asks me, "Are you vaccinated?" I say, "Yes". It's their issue if they don't specify for what. 😬

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I like this

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I've had so many vaxxes I've stopped counting!

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😁 Love it!

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So tempting, but better avoided.

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You're entitled to your opinion, but paltering is an inaccurate description. I am actually vaccinated.

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To palter, to intentionally mislead, short of lying. You are not lying straight out - you are vaccinated - but you know that they are not asking that, they mean vaccinated with a Covid vaccine and that they do not understand what you are saying. You have misled them.

We've probably most of us done it under the pressure of events. I came close to it over masking.

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I know what it means. It's not anyone's job to read into what they may or may not mean, so it is not misleading. Ass-u-me. Besides, the mRNA and adenovirus gene therapies available in the US, which is where I live, are not

technically "vaccines" (two of the five main criteria being that it stops contraction and transmission), so buying into that term is perpetuating the common misconception.

If you're comfortable doing that, great, and again, you're entitled to your opinion. I made a funny and your seriousness, in addition to being a buzzkill, is greatly misplaced. Best to you!

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Jul 1, 2022
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I love both responses.

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Although totally on a tangent, that phrase occurs in one of my favorite songs from the 1980s:


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For about 15 years I volunteered as a dentist in an inner city clinic in a blue state. About a month ago, I thought I'd get back in the game after the Covid hiatus. The clinic has always been desperate for volunteers, but not so desperate that they would drop their vax requirement and allow me to come volunteer again. Oh, in the email informing me of the jab requirement, they also demanded that I take every subsequent booster when it becomes available.

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How sad and stupid

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Victoria BC has a nUmber of music festivals. They want volunteers to be vaxed but also....they can’t be white straight men! White gay men, sure. POCs , of course. Latinx, LGBQT+ most assuredly. All women, white or not. But a straight white male? Nope. And you gotta be vaxxed.

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I guess the upside to this kind of behavior is that it confirms that straight white men are no more bigoted more corrupted than any other group. People, in general, are a despicable lot. But the self-righteousness oozing out of the Woke crowd, combined with their tendency toward totalitarianism, make them much, much, worse than what came prior.

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A coffee shop opening a new large location publicly advertised they weren’t hiring straight white men. The gay community went after them. They said ‘we might be gay, we don’t always want to be outed, in every situation, but if we work for you we are outed.’ The owner took a lot of heat. Of course I will never spend a dime there ever. Unless they have really good donuts. Then, yeah probably.

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Unfortunately it puts into stark relief how little they value you and your past work.

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Exactly right. Charity is big business. They fund raise endlessly, and have a huge administrative staff...director of this, director of that, but patient care is an afterthought.

Sadly, for such a huge, interminably woke city, this is just about the only place that provides free, albeit scant, dental care so I put aside my feelings towards them and volunteered anyway.

After I informed them that I was unvaxxed and would remain so, they never even bothered responding with an email.

(Insert man shrugging shoulders emoji)

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I salute your community spirit and professional training. I hope you find another group who appreciates you. Maybe a small, non-corporate charity.

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Thank you, Victoria.

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Tyranny matters more to them than the poor. The poor don't matter at all, despite their claimed political religion of equism.

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Fact check: 100% true

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It makes no sense.

I am a construction health and safety manager. I have just returned to my work after nearly 6 months of reduced hours and working from home. The whole industry is a mess now. Passports for this. Passports for that. Why? Just cause... compliance before science.

I see big issues appearing in the not so distant future because of this type of mismanagement.

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I raised my hand to volunteer as a youth mentor, because they are desperate for volunteers to match to children, but was turned down because I am unvaxxed.... it is so stupid.

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