My son is an Army Sgt. He was an Airborne Combat Medic however now he can’t do his job anymore because of super bad migraines that have “mysteriously” started happening to him. He took the stupid shots. I told him not too. I’m a RN that refused and kept working with a religious exemption. He just did what he was told 😞. The irony…now they want him to be a recruiter since he can’t jump anymore and is no longer deployable. As long as he doesn’t die from the stupid vax they actually did him a favor. Now he can be around for his very young sons and wife. The military truly shots themselves in the foot with their stupidity on this. Many hospitals did too because I know a lot of RN’s that will never return. I’m leaving healthcare altogether in the near future and taking my 23 years of experience with me.

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Please, find a very good Homeopath or even a Functional Doc that you could partner with in some capacity. Your expertise and common sense is, will be needed. Same for your son.

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I will try. And my son too. He likes helping people.

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Hoping for the best for your son. We desperately need people like you IN the medical system, though I would have been long gone as well.

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Thank you

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Go sideways. Become an L.Ac. We need more who spend time really understanding energetic medicine and herbs, as well as how they interact energetically in different people, and not just look at the body like it's a set of dumb senseless plumbing pipes and wires (you shoulda heard the "advice" my otherwise brilliant M.D. gave me when I had diverticulitis-- just eat a bunch of crap that "you'd feed a baby" which translates to white flour and not much else. Sooo, I ate a healthy salad complete with shredded carrots and sunflower seeds, and lots of liquid probiotics the minute I got a bellly ache. This way I got well in no time). Sheesh-- Western medicine is doomed because it has NO philosophical root, just react and shoot full of poison.

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I’m sorry to read this, Christy.

I wish you both well.

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Thank you

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Kudos to you, ma'am, you sound like a smart lady!! What kind of nincompoop makes an EXPERIMENTAL VAX mandatory to anyone, especially the military where you need to be in tip-top shape. So sorry about your son, hope he'll be OK. Too many folks don't listen to the ones who know the truth about these jabs. My husband has over 50 yrs research as a virologist/immunologist and USED TO help develop jabs until he found out what was in them back in the 70s. He also worked in Public Health Dept., back when they were the ones who advised public, govt, etc. on how to manage epidemics. Yet, his own identical twin brother, who knows his brother's experience, refused to listen to him when my husband told him don't take the jab. Silly brother got 3 jabs and now wonders why he can't get out of bed.

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The military is famous for this. The first anthrax vaccine was mandatory and disabled many soldiers.

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I’m so sorry your brother in law didn’t listen either. You just can’t get through to some people sadly.

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Thank you!

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VA still pushing covid shots on veterans.

"giving veterans one more chance to die for their country"

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Isn't that the truth. I got a letter in the mail about 3 weeks ago stating they cancelled my annual examination. No reason given. They said I needed to reschedule. It could be because they are so short staffed from all the medical professionals who were either terminated or quit. I have no interest in going so I didn't reschedule. I already went off on them over the phone when they tried to get me and my family to come in and take it. I think we've talked about this before on another Stubstack. They'll never stick me with another needle. I now consider this a threat to my life.

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No more shots for me...ever!

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The risk profile for a young male is very very different than from an old male. The benefit profile is also very different, meaning that the recommendation might be appropriate for one patient and not the other.

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I haven't seen any sign it is helping anybody. Those experimental shots are ending lots of old people in nursing homes, babies, young people, young adults, middle-aged people, healthy people, people with co-morbidities and without. And disabling untold millions of others. This poison need to be taken off the market; it's not appropriate for anybody.

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At the end of the day, I do want people to have the ability to make their own decision regarding treatment options. Absolutely. And though I would have weakly endorsed the use of the mRNA injections in the elderly back in early 2021, by July 2021 the evidence out of Israel was showing how ineffective they actually were. People continue to promote them saying they mitigate against severe disease, but there is no real evidence this is the case. Highly injected/boosted people are still getting Covid - often repeatedly and in quick succession - and those hospitalized are also injected. But, at the end of the day, the person who freely chooses injection should be allowed to receive it and the person who refuses should be allowed to reject it.

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Completely agree with this. Despite being a "pharma shill", I think everyone should have a choice in this. Additionally, I would completely support reparations for folks who were inappropriately fired based on false assumptions. There are still people who benefit, but they are an increasingly small number. At the same time, I can't get on with these opinions that are essentially "derp derp covid death jab".

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You, sir, are obviously a troll.

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When the population is mandated to take an experimental inoculation or they’ll be dismissed from a job, that should be a red flag. Who the hell is an employer, or any government entity for that matter, to demand anyone take instructions from them regarding one’s healthcare?

The WEF/WHO are phantom entities who have also, somehow, gained traction through the likes of donations of eugenicists, Bill and Melinda Gates, and have made their wishes widely and publicly known that their goal is to lower the global population by any means yet tout their nefarious deeds as philanthropy. Anyone who doesn’t believe that our medical community has been influenced by these NGOs and big pharma ( who is in collusion with them) is either ignorant or works for Klaus Schwab.

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No one needs any vaccines. They'll all full of known toxins and unknown toxins. No telling what's in the CV19 death shot. But by all means, go get pumped up. Please do because we don't want your kind here anymore. And pushing this shit now either means you're a shill, troll, or an idiot. I suspect a big pharma shill.

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I understand you are upset, and have understandable reason to be. But I hope you also consider the possibility that painting with an overly broad brush throws the baby out with the bathwater. The truth generally lies between two extreme points of view. I would encourage open-mindedness towards moderate positions that are carefully considered. Name-calling people you disagree with is not a path toward mutual understanding and growth.

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Like calling someone a third-grader?

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That’s what the behavior was, not a serious attempt to engage in substantive discussion

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That's an opinion statement. If you look deeper I expect you will find nuance you are currently not aware of.

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Thank you 3rd grader

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There is NO benefit to anyone!!!!!

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The risk for young and old is miniscule and not 'very different'. Only those who are very sick and very old are at minimal risk. Somewhere around 0.03%.There is NO benefit to taking the C19 jab--just damage.

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No one, regardless of age, should be taking the covid death shots.

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That’s an opinion statement. If you look deeper I expect you will find nuance you currently are not aware of.

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Get lost with your pharma shilling.

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I hope you stay healthy and never need real healthcare

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Wah Wah Wah.... I 100% understand why you are leaving but it's so frustrating because when we really need to see a dr now ( a lot of us are not going to the dr again unless desperate) we are left with the inexperienced and attitude types :( .... people like you leave big holes when they leave :( it's getting rather dicey out there... hard to find a thinking dr much less a decent hospital... kudos to you for being strong! Maybe you can work with the Remnant Nurses or some such group.

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I’ve not heard of the Remnant Nurses. I will have to look that up. I understand how you feel regarding doctors and health care. I don’t even have health insurance myself. Don’t want it. I’m never going to a doctor again if I can help it. I refused to take OR give those shots. I didn’t want any part of it. I knew it was something really bad. It’s hard for me to work now ethically because I can see it’s all a charade to get people on as many meds as possible. It’s all about money and it has spiritual components but that’s a whole other topic. I’ll help people some other way.

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I went through the healthcare system for around 30+ years and it left me in worse shape than from my actual injuries that occurred in the military during the Gulf War era. It wasn't by choice. I actually get VA compensation for this now after giving me a total disability rating of 130%. The number of tests, surgeries, and drugs I was on was mind boggling. I'm surprised all the drugs they had me on for pain and mental health issues alone didn't kill me. I was naive and trusted them. All these drugs were taking a toll on my overall health over the years. Thankfully, I found Kratom which has worked great for the nerve pain down both legs and neuropathy in both feet. That got me off of 120 10mg pills of Oxycodone and 60 10mg of Oxycontin monthly. I've found many holistic and alternatives to western medicine over the past 8 years. These work but they want to call it pseudoscience. I kid you not when I tell you I have around 2k pages in my medical records. Thankfully, I got into a better and stable place in 2015 after being medically and financially destroyed. I don't think I can completely stay away but I've been really good about telling them to FO. I've even gone off on doctors and nurses trying to push crap on me that I didn't need. I'm much wiser now because I had to learn the hard way. I was having severe pain in my side 3 years ago and went to the ER. ER doctor ordered a CT scan and was informed there was something wrong with my colon and needed surgery. I can't remember what he said but I want to say sigmoid hernia. I met with a surgeon that I somewhat trusted more than others and he disagreed with the ER doctor. To rule it out, he did a colonoscopy and there was nothing wrong. He ran a few more tests and finally agreed with me that it's probably nerve related since this has always been a thorn in my side after being injured. He referred me over to a neurologist. While waiting to see this doctor, I was having random and sporadic numbness in both legs and toes. Left leg was already partially numb for many years. I knew for sure it was nerve related when this started to happen. I went to a neurologist who did a couple of MRIs and an EMG. She told me I need another back surgery since the MRIs indicated a couple of issues which would explain the pain in my sides. She also told me the EMG indicated I had moderate carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and would benefit from having surgery on both hands. This explains the numbness, tingling, and weakness I was having in both hands. I laughed and said it's not going to happen. I said let's start with the least intrusive methods. I went to physical therapy and was given some bilateral wrist wraps for each hand. The pain in my side improved greatly with PT along with the issues I was having with both hands. This past year, I was starting to have issues hearing voices specifically women. I couldn't make out certain words which is frustrating. The wife thought I was messing with her. LOL I was sent to an ENT to be evaluated. He said I needed a surgery in my left nostril due to it being almost blocked and ordered a hearing test. I've had more than enough doctors look up my nose over the years and I've never had one tell me I had a blockage. I declined. They sure are eager to cut one open these days. However, my hearing isn't too good within certain frequencies which explains why I was having issues hearing most women speak. The VA did pick up 100% of the bill and it's ridiculous how much these costs. It was 8k for the hearing aids and almost 2k for the Audiologist. I refuse to have the VA touch me after botching a surgery. I will only see a doctor in public sector after vetting them. I lost most trust for healthcare in 2015 and any trust I had left was gone after what I witnessed over the past 3 years. I have more trust for the ones who fought against the CV19 death shot or found a way around it. I'll straight up ask them what they think about covid and if they took the shot. They give a wrong answer, I'll walk out. I have ZERO trust for ALL hospitals after seeing what they have done. I can't think of one person I know who wants to go see a doctor or walk into a hospital. I'm seeing more people eating better and exercising now. They're doing anything they can to avoid them now. It's really good to see more and more doctors and nurses speaking out today. This takes courage because it could end your careers. It's good to see them put the interest of their patients before any agendas. Nice to know there are some out there who are actually capable of critical thinking and stand for what they believe in. I wish you the best in whatever you choose to do. I don't blame you for wanting to leave.

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I was raised in a different era --if bones weren't protruding or blood kept pouring, you're good... lol..... but I do find drs useful if they cooperate as far as blood work... I can order my own but since we have insurance it's nice to get the premiums back by having them pay for the labs... us common people will never be helped by the integrative ones due to their extremely high prices but perhaps people will be more motivated to take care of their own health. The naturopath I've seen in the past is now over $500 for new pt consult... $120 - $200 for appts after that.

There are several nurse groups that have formed over the last 2 yrs... 25 yrs ago my area had a nurse...might have been NP but did they exist back then?... she saw lots of people for health - word of mouth spread and it was hard to get appt... I'm in CA and it's pretty good for naturopaths and HHP types... so is AZ and UT...

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Yes,NP existed back then in CA. My sister is one of them. She’s been practicing for years in a rural clinic. Huge patient loads but she keeps on because her patients rely on her. She is 72 and is afraid to retire because who will take care of her patients?

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I’m from that era too, lol. We don’t have many naturopaths where I’m at, NC. At least not in my part of the state. I just try to eat healthy, walk a lot each day, and just take care of myself. So far so good. I don’t see how people can function if they have serious health problems. If I had any I would be bankrupt :( i am going to check into nurse groups while I’m at work tonight. Thanks for that little tip.

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I'm in eastern NC and all the doctors seem to have drunk the kool aid here. I thought my primary care doctor was ok until covid. (He still wears the mask, according to my husband.). I haven't seen him in a couple of years myself. I was seeing an integrative practitioner, but she was breaking the bank with tests and supplements. I'm 76 and doing pretty good; no meds but take supplements, eat fairly healthy, grow a garden and raise chickens AND try to be careful about doing stupid things that could cause a fall. Just grateful every day, but wish I could find a real doctor just in case. Sigh.

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I’m in Eastern NC too. Small world. I agree. I’m 51 and healthy so I’m just getting by without a doc. They are all on board with the agendas here. My parents are 77 and 80 and no matter how much I begged them they took all the shots. By the grace of God they seem okay, just tired a lot. Mom sees her doc regularly (kool aid drinker) dad doesn’t worry with docs unless sick and then goes to the VA (very much kool aid drinkers). They are both mostly healthy, but won’t listen to me 🥹. They do the same as you supplements, have a small garden and also chickens. I used to get eggs from them but something had killed all the hens. Only one rooster left for now so dad is trying to hatch some more hens. God bless you. Praying for you and your husband.

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We found a doctor who says “he who dies on the least meds wins”. That’s my guy

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My mom died at 93... every time I took her to the dr they were in shock that she was on no medications.

I had an ER visit myself for broken bones - body was in shock so of course they put IV in... nurse came w/ 2 syringes, got one in before I realized what she was doing (nausea stuff)... I asked what was in the next one and she said morphine..... I frantically refused and she grilled me on why not... wanted to know if I was allergic, she'd get something else... told her I had no idea if I was allergic cuz I'd never had it and didn't want it. It was rather strange... I'm the patient, I'm telling them the pain is tolerable, so why the push for drugs? Maybe they thought I wasn't in my right mind at the time, so can't fault them really but it's kinda worrying that if you're not able to voice your wants you'd be getting the standard protocol... exactly why you need a good advocate with you whenever you interact with medical.

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Probably they get to charge your insurance several hundred dollars for those shots they didn't ask you if you wanted. That's what I've seen happen to others. "I never got anything like that..." "Yes you did, so-and-so put it in your IV at such-and-such a time." "But no one asked me if I wanted or needed it!" "You signed a consent form at intake giving the doctor authority to give you what he/she determined was best for you." "Oh, well yes, but..."

On the rare occasions I need medical care, I be sure to get paper forms to sign, and I amend them as I see fit, initial the changes, and only then sign them. I doubt anyone even notices that I've done that most of the time, LOL!

Now if only we could do that with online banking and such...

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Online banking? That's one thing I can control -- I just don't do it... lol... may not be an option much longer but for now I abstain.

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Oh wow! Right on Sadie. My advice would be for everyone to have someone to advocate when they have to deal with medical providers at this point. There is way too much pushing of meds on people. It’s out of hand. That’s one huge reason I’m leaving healthcare. No push for healthy lifestyle changes at all. It’s sad.

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find doctors who don't take insurance. they're out there

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In Michigan, naturopathic physicians don't take insurance, but they are limited by state law from performing even the simplest tasks of a primary care doctor. I had hoped to find one to be my pcp, but was told that they are not allowed to examine or treat patients physically. she couldn't even look in my ear to tell me if I had ear wax built up, or an infection. She just consults and prescribes supplements and hormone replacements as a naturopath, even though she was fully trained as an MD. Sucks, but at least I know they are trained in case of SHTF and rule of law becoming unenforcable.

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If you are in MI, look into the Natural Health Improvement Center in Grand Rapids. She is a DO with a focus on natural and functional health. They do not take insurance but you can file on your own and get some things covered. I am thankful for them.

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i know the laws are different in each state, but what a waste! how does she make a living? in NY and SC, naturopaths generally operate as acupuncturists. but there are other doctors, many are conventional but left the system in disgust. some are functional doctors or integrative doctors. some charge a monthly fee for a defined amount of care. most will submit blood work through your insurance even though they don't participate in that corrupt system.

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She makes a living by charging a few hundred dollars for a half hour consultation, LOL! No such thing as "routine wellness visits" in this scenario! Blood tests she orders are done by an independent lab which takes insurance if you have the coverage.

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I would say that the shit has already hit the fan and that the rule of law is unenforceable.

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Oh no, not by a long shot... (although the fan IS blowing some pretty smelly gas around, so it may not be long now...) rule of law may be only selectively enforced at present, but it is still alive and well and ready to pounce on those the PTB don't approve of. Just try to defend yourself with lethal force if someone breaks into your house, you'll be in jail in no time flat! (Or use someone's "wrong pronouns" in public!) Once no one responds to those calls, I'll feel comfortable believing that the rule of law is no longer in effect.

And my doc certainly felt she couldn't risk even a quick peek into my ear canal to tell me what she saw. (I later researched and tried a few home remedies and it cleared up so it's all good, plus bonus, I learned to do for myself if it ever happens again.)

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Research a man named Andreas Kalcker on the Bitchute site. He has a method to help people that took the clot shot.



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Thank you! I’ll check this out.

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Peter McCullough -- a prominent cardiologist who fought and continues to fight the establishment on Covid -- now has a spike detox protocol that he recommends for binding up and clearing spike from tissues. He recommends a combination of nattokinase, NATO and AC2000, and bromelain, among other things. All are over the counter. I can't remember the dosages but that can easily be found. Ignore the "fact checks."

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Pine tree also helps with circulation.

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Thank you

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Pine needles contain shikimic acid which is supposed to help detox the spike proteins (it's used to make Tamiflu, I've read.) I pull some off my tree, snip them into 1/2 inch or so pieces, boil them for 30 minutes, strain it into a mug and drink as a tea. The color can range from almost clear to deep amber once boiled. I try to use a heaping tablespoon of chopped needles per 12 oz of water. It really doesn't taste bad at all.

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Sorry your son didn’t listen to you. I can relate. 🙏

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There was no “begging” in that ARMY letter! Not even a request.

No admission of wrong doing by DoD.

No apology for unjust punishment of the most motivated and patriotic people in US military.

No leadership from leadership to help those they hurt overcome their pain.

No anything… just another administrative red-ass to rejoin the so-called “military.”

A faltering military that fails, bc:

(1) it promises no change of mind on future pandemic policy of unconstitutional Covid vaccine mandates,

(2) it offers no admission of guilt for gutting military readiness on the false pretense of “safe & effective” EUA vaccines to protect us from a novel flu-like phenomena.

(3) it shows no sign of sympathy for shutting down the lives & livelihoods of thousands upon thousands of soldiers, sailors, Marines & airmen under the false pretense of failure to obey lawful orders.

(4) it gives no incentive for troops to put the ruck sack back on and “fall in!”

The Army LTR needs to be rewritten with some “begging” and more, as follows:

Dear Wrongfully & Unjustly Persecuted Service Member,

This letter conveys the most sincere and deepest apologies to you on behalf of the POTUS/CinC, DoD, SECDEF, CJCS, USAF, USN, USA, USMC, USCG for our collective spineless abdication of our duties as your so-called leaders during Covid-19 AND our nefarious conspiratorial violation of your constitutional rights, your personal values, your individual health, your sacred trust AND our betrayal of your dedicated service to your nation.

We are painfully aware that this weak-ass apology is worth absolutely nothing and even seems offensive in view of the immeasurable pain, stress and strain we inflicted upon you through loss of dignity, camaraderie, honor, rank, pay, respect, benefits, housing, peace, life dreams, career goals, ambition to lead and ability to serve.

Therefore, since we always say “actions speak louder than words”… in addition to our weak-ass apology and our paltry admission of gutless guilt, the following items to your benefit have been taken FORAC:

(1) Your DD214 has been corrected. All punitive letters and adverse reactions have been removed. There are no negative markers of any kind in relation to your dismal dismissal from service.

(2) You have the unilateral right of return to service, at the base of your choice, a PCS move, with base housing, and a two-rank promotion, within 2 years.

(3) You will receive double back pay for the time you were discharged.

(4) You merit a $200,000 bonus for not taking the boosters.

On behalf of an embarrassed nation, we are sorry for how we treated you, so dishonorably.

All the heinous harassment & humiliation we wrought.

All the top-down tyranny & travesty we wielded.

All the vindictive venom & vaccinations we mandated.

All the masks we made you wear.

All the lies upon lies we lied about.

We promise it will never happen again.

We beg your forgiveness.

Unlike us, You displayed the highest measure os courage, resolve, backbone, leadership, integrity and valor, while under the deepest duress, with gravest consequences, and most persistent pressure from those of us who were sworn to serve you. Bravo Zulu!

The Legion of Merit is awarded in you honor for leading by example — when we did not — by standing up for yourselves, and standing up to the onslaught of soul-crushing slander and body-harming injections with which your leaders tried to slay you into submission.

Nothing can absolve our collective crimes against your sacred service or repay the personal harm you have endured at our hands.

Our resignation — without retirement — is effective immediately as a small token of reparations to redeem your rightful respect.

If you should ever see any of us on the street in the future, you have the right to take your best shot to the face, gut or tiny nuts in righteous anger.

With utmost respect and begging your forgiveness… as well as your return to service!

Joe, Lloyd & Mr. Milley

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Yeah, that's swell. I'm sure all the guys are itching to get back in there and put themselves under the command of a man in a dress to die for Israel.

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Shedding is still a real threat so they that return amongst the Jabbed are only safe in a real intimate walk Ephesians 2:5:6 with thankgiving abounding as they unashamedly share John 3:16,17 as doors open to them & Our *LORD* will confess them before the *FATHER*. So Revelation 5:6 opening us to seven needed Spirits of *GOD* described in Isaiah 11:2. And Jude 20 aplenty in these closing days. *GOD* Bless the Faithful Holy *GHOST* Christian worker Luke 2:49 surely the only safe place. The PRECIOUS BLOOD from our SPOTLESS *CHRIST JESUS* only avails if one walks in the Light given them.

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I hear you are singing a song of the past /

I see no tears /

I know that you know it may be the last /

For many years /

You'd gamble or give anything /

To be in with the better half /

But how many friends must I have /

To begin with to make you laugh /

Will you still have a song to sing /

When the razor boy comes and take your fancy things away /

Will you still be singing it on that cold and windy day...

--"Razor Boy," Steely Dan

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Such irony. The best and brightest willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in service of their country treated worse than aliens and strangers by a military establishment no longer worthy of their service. The level of cowardice and stupidity at the top levels is a sign of the sorry condition of our virtue signaling woke military leaders who have lost any coherence about what military service is about and how you honor those willing to serve and not treat them like dirt. Our military is no longer in good hands. To those who were so disrespectfully treated, don't go back. You have no way of knowing how you will be treated when another world crisis emerges and more wreckless pandemic responses emerge. BTW, the LA Times is a woke joke.

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How is the US military going to compensate the injection injured?

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it is not

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Igor, do you have channels to send my rewrite / post yesterday (27NOV) back to the Army?

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The facts are that young males were / are? at risk from the covid shots with increased myocarditis and other issues. Calling it "conspiracy theory" in the articles above is one more reason why many refused it, when studies were *hidden* (75 year hold on Pfizer's studies being public??). My medically retired young male special ops family member (unvaccinated) had at least two incidences of weird medical crises occur post jab in his circle - fit, healthy males: a stroke and serious cardiac incidence. Anecdotal, but striking enough that it should be enough to spur serious examination and consideration of the episodes (and all the others), unmasking the studies which were done. and looking for answers. That's called "good science."

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Unless they were promising a complete return to service, back pay, no loss of seniority in grade, and a chance at immediate promotion-this would be a sucker's bet to take.

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My sentiments, exactly...

There was no “begging” in that ARMY letter! Not even a request.

No admission of wrong doing by DoD.

No apology for unjust punishment of the most motivated and patriotic people in US military.

No leadership from leadership to help those they hurt overcome their pain.

No anything…

Just another administrative red-ass LTR w/ e-links on how to rejoin the so-called “military.”

A faltering military that fails, bc:

(1) it promises no change of mind on future pandemic policy of unconstitutional Covid vaccine mandates,

(2) it offers no admission of guilt for gutting military readiness on the false pretense of “safe & effective” EUA vaccines to protect us from a novel flu-like phenomena.

(3) it shows no sign of sympathy for shutting down the lives & livelihoods of thousands upon thousands of soldiers, sailors, Marines & airmen under the false pretense of failure to obey lawful orders.

(4) it gives no incentive for troops to put the ruck sack back on and “fall in!”

The Army LTR needs to be rewritten with some “begging” and more, as follows:


Dear Wrongfully & Unjustly Persecuted Service Member,

This letter conveys the most sincere and deepest apologies to you on behalf of the POTUS/CinC, DoD, SECDEF, CJCS, USAF, USN, USA, USMC, USCG for our collective spineless abdication of our duties as your so-called leaders during Covid-19 AND our nefarious conspiratorial violation of your constitutional rights, your personal values, your individual health, your sacred trust AND our betrayal of your dedicated service to your nation.

We are painfully aware that this weak-ass apology is worth absolutely nothing and even seems offensive in view of the immeasurable pain, stress and strain we inflicted upon you through loss of dignity, camaraderie, honor, rank, pay, respect, benefits, housing, peace, life dreams, career goals, ambition to lead and ability to serve.

Therefore, since we always say “actions speak louder than words”… in addition to our weak-ass apology and our paltry admission of gutless guilt, the following items to your benefit have been taken FORAC:

(1) Your DD214 has been corrected. All punitive letters and adverse reactions have been removed. There are no negative markers of any kind in relation to your dismal dismissal from service.

(2) You have the unilateral right of return to service, at the base of your choice, a PCS move, with base housing, and a two-rank promotion, within 2 years.

(3) You will receive double back pay for the time you were discharged.

(4) You merit a $200,000 bonus for not taking the boosters.

On behalf of an embarrassed nation, we are sorry for how we treated you, so dishonorably.

All the heinous harassment & humiliation we wrought.

All the top-down tyranny & travesty we wielded.

All the vindictive venom & vaccinations we mandated.

All the masks we made you wear.

All the lies upon lies we lied about.

We promise it will never happen again.

We beg your forgiveness.

Unlike us, You displayed the highest measure os courage, resolve, backbone, leadership, integrity and valor, while under the deepest duress, with gravest consequences, and most persistent pressure from those of us who were sworn to serve you. Bravo Zulu!

The Legion of Merit is awarded in you honor for leading by example — when we did not — by standing up for yourselves, and standing up to the onslaught of soul-crushing slander and body-harming injections with which your leaders tried to slay you into submission.

Nothing can absolve our collective crimes against your sacred service or repay the personal harm you have endured at our hands.

Our resignation — without retirement — is effective immediately as a small token of reparations to redeem your rightful respect.

If you should ever see any of us on the street in the future, you have the right to take your best shot to the face, gut or tiny nuts in righteous anger.

With utmost respect and begging your forgiveness… as well as your return to service!

Joe, Lloyd & Mr. Milley

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I am overdosing on schadenfreude right now.

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That picture of Lloyd Austin. It looks like a character from Space Balls, Mel Brooks’ spoof on Star Wars. What a fool. His loathsome weakness and his deep shame invites pity.

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I would never return to the Military after what what they did to members of their armed forces. They have shown complete disdain for their soldiers. I wouldn't give two hoots for what ever they offered as recompense.

One can only suspect that another ranked idiot would do the same all over again if it meant promotion or some medal of glory. Lily livered Lloyd is an example of one of those idiots.

That would be my advice to them.

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They are so vaxxed they even misspelled "military" in the signature block and nobody caught it.

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Critical Thinkers will not shoot fellow Americas when call to do so by their corrupt government in the near future.

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If you don’t have your health, not much else matters

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