"I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine." Trump and Bobby are both Dutiful Servants of the Global Scorpion Elite who Own the World https://sagehana.substack.com/p/i-have-always-been-fiercely-pro-vaccine

Yet the A-Vaxxers think this dynamic duo is going to save them.... hahahahaha

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Miraculeus Bobby Kennedy is still alive

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What happened to Trump is not about the snipers. It's attempted murder by those who refused to protect him. Period.

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I was thinking about writing on this subject, but when I looked for the data of the statement, I found out Trump gave it last year.

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And people were on the moon. And Lee Harvey killed Kennedy?

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Any statement from the treating Doctor about the injury or was he in the Trump foursome @ the golf course the next day?

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Trump will say anything and do nothing. He got elected on his vaccine skepticism stance, then went on to take big pharma bribes to push warp-speed nonsense experimental injections, for which he still brags. If you still believe words more than actions, you are beyond saving.

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Here we have slow motion evidence proving Trump was NOT shot.


That is definitive...

Igor - you need to admit you were wrong

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That's hardly proof. That's somebody's hypothesis, with no attempt to answer tons of "what about..." questions.

What about the dead and wounded attendees? What about the sniper's body? What about the footage taken from behind Trump? What about the very real fact that the building was not secured?

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Try this video clip - https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/absolute-proof-that-trump-was-not

No doubt they would have been willing to kill a couple of folks to add credibility ... remember these are the same people who slaughtered a lot of people when they blew up the towers on 911

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Are you familiar with a concept of confirmation bias - looking for evidence confirming one's hypothesis? That's what you are doing.

Sorry, Fast Eddie, for breaking it to you

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This a must watch

Was Trump Assassination Attempt A HOAX?

Analyzing The Likelihood Of Stage MAGIC At The MAGA Rally


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"While it would be counterintuitive to suspect publicly traded corporations of sponsoring acts of terror,"

How about James O'Keeffe being run out of his own town right after exposing pFizer, via that peculiar employee who would tell all just to get a hook-up (guess HR hadn't looked too closely before hiring him).---and I continue to wonder if little Jordon continues on this plane.

How about Tucker being dismissed by Fox after making some vax-critical comments, April '23?

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They're desperate to stop him becoming president again because they know he will be coming for them and all their illegal activities.

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To conspire is human nature especially for ruling classes or ruling cabals. The conspiracy hypothesis should be considered FIRST and FOREMOST when politics, money or power is at issue.

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