Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I had a pretty bad case of Covid in early January 2021. Five days in the hospital. So I had natural immunity. My husband had a mild case. Neither of us got vaccinated. We were invited to a party, then told we would need to get tested for Covid to attend since we were not vaccinated. We chose not to attend.

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Good for you. You don’t need exposure to their shedding of spike proteins anyway. I have no patience for anyone who is dumb enough to believe the horse shit that masquerades as science.

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Hey. Don't diss the horse shit.

I've got two tubes in the fridge.


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Me too.... but it is just for emergencies... LOL

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The antiviral activity of Ivermectin has been shown against a wide range of RNA and DNA viruses, for example, dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and others.

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I think I may have had RSV a few weeks ago. I had the symptoms and it is going around big time here. I took one dose of ivermectin and was well the next day.

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Lucky you. In Canada you can’t get it.

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I just got it from a veterinary supply.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

"Horse paste" is the exact same dose as the pills for humans.

So farm supplies should sell it.

Just ensure that it only contains Ivermectin in a carrier and not other worming solutions. Luckily it's also the cheapest of them to buy.

I did read on here that Artemisia Annua may have the same properties, but I have yet to explore that thread.

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Oops. Does it need to be refrigerated?

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No, but you can put dollops of it on some wax paper and stick it in the freezer for easy use.

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Seriously? Mine's in pill form. Sealed, it'll last a very long time. I used it when I had C-19 in January. Turned a potentially bad experience for this "elderly" (73) woman into a minor inconvenience.

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Oh, I have a rather large stash of Ziverdo kits and HCQ.

Just advising people that only have access to the "horsey" stuff.

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IVM isn't particularly heat sensitive, although everything lasts longer in the cold. But it is light sensitive, so make sure you place those wax paper dollops inside something like folded aluminum foil to protect it from any light.

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I have a container of Ivermectin prescribed by Seven Cells to me in 2021. It says expired 10/10/2022. I keep it in a dark, cool place. How long you figure it will remain usable?

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I would guess at least 3 years

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Not really unless it is summer time you might want to keep it cooler...

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As opposed to the "horse dewormer"! ;-)

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Agreed Lawrence >> the worst insult I give out > Go and get another vaccination then a booster and then sit down in front of TV "

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Yup... let the slime from the video machine infect your brain and destroy your life.

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I disinvited myself to an old “friends” party. Wouldn’t (couldn’t) wear a mask and not lying about getting a jab to get in. I didn’t have to worry. Her husband let me know how ignorant I was and disinvited me(us). Haven’t had contact since and really don’t miss them, the phoniness or the spikes they were emitting.

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i wonder if we can buy door mats that say, unjabbed only. But I have a few friends left who still treated me nice, although they took the jabs (and now live in fear of getting all the aftermath)

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Fear of being another "died suddenly" or "passed away peacefully in their sleep"

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Total possibility, as we have seen.

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If you listen to a lot o the information about mass formation, this isn't surprising behavior. They will sacrifice everything for the narrative. But the answer is clear, we must speak out against it, anc continue to speak out against it. I am not a huge fan of spite, but I am a fan of demonstrating absurdity by being absurd.For instance, wearing a hat that boasts "This hat is as effective against Covid-19 as your mask."

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I guess... not sure if it matters anymore? You are either jabbed up or a Pure Blood. I don't think many Pure Bloods would suddenly go out and get injected with the poison at this point. I would bet there are a shit ton of jabbed up folks that would love to get the poison out of their bodies right now. So most of the damage has been done already. We just get watch the show. A front row seat in the death of ___________ (insert insanely high number) of humans.

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There is emerging a group of peoe who are only iterested in Mates [ sexually paired mates ] of unvaccinated purity. I have no qualms about feeling superior to the vaccinated zombies. weare superior to them and that is the way it is.

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Same. Hence my masks made of mesh. I wore them fearlessly.

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I identified as a mask wearer while not actually wearing one....

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I had those too. Loved them. The ultimate FU compliance.

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I share your sentiments. As far as I'm concerned. I've pretty much lost the family and friends I had since the start of the covid era. We still call and text each other. But I doubt we'll ever spend time together again in each other's homes. So life goes on with me. To date I've never had covid. And I've never had coronaviruses without any symptoms. Of course we were told the asymptomatic crap in the beginning which I never believed.

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Your better off without people like that in your life.

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Nov 25, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022

Maybe, but loosing closed friends is painful, especially late in life. The circle has become very narrow as those we thought smart and our soul mates suddenly appear brainwashed fools, for which I have no patience. Sad and discouraging. And as we look at these people with clear eyes, not just their position on Covid and vaccinations but all other political believes suddenly look flat and limited. There is no way back now. The separation is permanent.

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You don't have to worry about them anyway. There is something deeply wrong with people who are afraid to breathe air. They are headed for a Pfizer complementary toe tag anyway.

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In several months the world changed irrevocably , When writing about the geocidal jab from thirty years of expereince and study of medicine > I would be hysterically attacked by people whose only belief system came from TV. or the Frankfurt schools of University propaganda. Two out of very three vaccinated people is a stupid as the third. Boosters for them all I say

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A lot of elderly people and younger caring people took the vaccine because they were convinced it was the responsible thing to do to "protect" society. I don't think we should insult people who are trying to do good in the world when there are so many others trying to do evil. Many parents were forced by their employers to take the vaccine or else get fired and they did so because they didn't want their families to starve or be put out on the street. Your remark is as evil and cruel as those that wished death on the unvaccinated. Be careful because it brings karma.

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Yes, thank you. Kind words that needed to be said. Not everyone was inured to the idea of their families starving to death. Some were older and couldn't afford to lose a job, knowing it would be hard to get another, especially unvaxxed.

In the final analysis, respect must be given both to those who did and those who didn't get vaccinated. We cannot know why certain choices were made, and people I highly respect made different choices than I did. Am I going to dismiss them as friends and family members? NO!! Did they me? NO!!

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Being a "certified nerd" and former lover of libraries, I loved the beginning of the information age. I could read anything I wanted without searching for hours and going places. I thought "this will make people make people smarter". No... you can have the best information in the world at your fingertips, but if you choose to be a potato with arms, you will be as dumb as a box of hammers. So we have a lot of folks with the knowledge they need to succeed who are essentially potatoes with arms doing what they are told. Here is fairly good video on the subject:



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My guess is that it is not about intelligence at all. It is about fear and compliance.

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I am sorry to hear you say that. But I also respectfully disagree that these people are stupid. The answer is what Matias Desmet calls mass-formation and what Bonhoeffer calls "becoming stupid" which is not the same thing as "being stupid."

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It's amazing this etch-o-sketch thing we did where we completely forgot about natural immunity and bought into an experimental jab that was to be "the solution." I use the "we" in the royal sense because in a very real way we are dealing with the consequences of this mass formation. We should walk around with shirts that say "Naturally vaccinated, no booster required."

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There you go... using your brain and logic.... My daughter and I have a friend who has diabetes and got a bad case of the Covid virus in early 2021. He struggled but recovered from it. Decided to get jabbed up inspite of his natural immunity. His "doctor" even told him it was unnecessary and he should "not" get the injection. Being the rocket scientist that he is, he decided to get 3 doses of the poison "just to make sure he didn't get it again". My daughter saw him recently and she didn't recognize him at first. She said he had aged 10 years. We are expecting to see his death notice in the paper soon. So this is the kind of dumb ass shit we are up against. People who know "nothing" of basic biology or science making life altering decisions without a clue to the ramifications of those decisions.

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Instead of informed consent, we're seeing a lot of uninformed desperation.

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I have diabetes as well. I think I had Covid, or was sick twice in 2020, first in February and then again in December. I rarely wore a mask in 2020 (two five minute periods), and for awhile was shopping at a Mexican Grocery store when the mask signage went up at Krogers. I later shopped at Kroger unmasked and no one except the PSA in the grocery store said anything about it.As far as the vaccine went, I was never going to get it...being that it was experimental and new..I said I would wait at least three years until all the studies came out about it and because I knew, even with diabetes and a-fib, I was still at low risk of dying from Covid.

Mass formation has nothing to do with education only that the more educated you are, the more prone you are to it. My guess is one of the factors is the tacit agreement that the system of education and logic is infallible. A person who is educated is more susceptible to buy into "consensus thinking."

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Actually it has been studied that people with phD's are the ones with the highest rate of refusal of the vaccine.

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I would love to see the information you have available on this.

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You have now what would be called "robust natural immunity". Good that you didn't get the jab. That would have destroyed your immunity and put you at risk for variant infections. Folks with diabetes are particularity susceptible to this virus and can be killed by it.

This guy does a fairly good job of taking apart why so many people were fooled into the jab:



And here is my take on what has happened:

Repairing Our Moral Compass and Saving Our World


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My adult daughter nearly died of Covid, but I was able to find her an infusion of Regeneron, which did save her life. (This was about a week before Biden cut off the supply to Texas).

After recovery, she got vaccinated "because she didn't want to catch that sh*t again), and since then she has been on a MENTAL decline. Not sure about physical, because she has cut off contact. Is that part of the repercussion of vaccination after infection? I don't know. Could be I'm just a "horrible person who has caused her pain all her life."

Strange; not one other person in my entire life (including her siblings) has ever said such a thing of me.

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Watch this video and you will find the answer to her mental decline. Warning: This will shock you.



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Just watched that video... fascinating stuff! And makes perfect sense.

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You SAVED her life. If getting that shot reduced her mental capacity to the point where she cannot appreciate that fact, that is on her, not you. It is a terrible waste of a life, but you did your job as a mother above and beyond... don't let her choices as an adult make you feel bad about yourself. We all have the right as adults to screw up our lives by making our own choices, informed or not.

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Very kind of you to say and I appreciate it. BTW that wasn’t the only time I actually saved her life, but hey, who’s counting? :-). Yes, it’s on HER, but guess who gets the punishment? Me. She promised me that as a result of my turning her childhood into a sh*tshow, she will never speak to me again. The crazy thing about all that is that I taught her all her life to never promise what you aren’t going to deliver. She knows she’s lying, (about the sh*tshw) of course, and I know it too, but she will never back down from her “promise” to never speak to me again.

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Sadly, the most impressive and only surprising part of that story is that his doctor actually told him the injection was unnecessary. That may well be the first I've heard of this!

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Being the rocket scientist that he is, he decided to get 3 doses of the poison "just to make sure he didn't get it again". LOL!

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That is what he said... He didn't want to get it again. So he was going to add another layer of protection... you know like putting an extra coat of wax on the Studebaker. Got to be better than just one coat right?

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I love your frank comments. Keep ém coming! Thank you.

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Thanks.... I am 71 and don't give a shit about much of anything anymore.... so it just comes natural at his point.

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Etch-o-sketch thing indeed. I remember when they were doing the monoclonal antibodies with plasma donations from people who had real antibodies from recovering from the virus. Because big Pharma couldn’t make their big bucks, that lasted all of about three weeks. and once you were vaccinated you couldn’t give plasma that would be actually beneficial. Right there I said OK this is a complete and utter evil grift. They are stopping a natural, proven, effective way to help others and to build worldwide immunity.

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The derisive condescending tone concerning those who took alternative treatments was amazing. I did watch "Died Suddenly" last night and there was a montage of pro vaccine and derision for those who sought alternative treatments for Covid. To see such videos disgusts me as to how ,uch propaganda was pumped into the home.

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Yeah, I remember thinking the same. My dad's old dental partner had COVID and then was able to get monoclonal antibodies and recovered very quickly. My dad got COVID shortly thereafter and they had just cut off monoclonal antibody treatments. Thankfully, he ended up being alright, but it certainly smelled rotten to me.

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And forgot how to handle pandemics. So many came before and techniques worked to reduce spread but all that was ignored. I think it was intentional.

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Hopefully, not the final solution.

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good grief

I am sure both of you did not engage in any "gnashing of teeth" to decide that.

Wow, silly people doing .... dumb things.

That was a party not worth attending anyway

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Same thing happened to me earlier this year. A covid test was required for me to attend a wedding. I declined the invite too.

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Good for you... They are all batshit crazy with this testing and mask BS. And then because they are vaccinated they get Covid and can't get rid of it because their immune systems are toast. But for some reason, a Pure Blood is a threat? Can you say "Kiss my unvacciated ass?"

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I told one of my co-workers last year to look in the mirror if she wanted to know who her worse health threat is between me and her. I think she trusts me now because antioxidants work for me by God's grace. And people know it. I told my co-worker that I've had every covid symptom in the 70's, 80's and 90's except for blood clots, respiratory distress and the spike protein.

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i remain intent on not patronizing places and businesses who mention jax status and/or suggest masks.....

my passport expires next year not to be replaced,

don't tell me i cannot come and go i won't anyway!

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Around here only medical establishments require masking to enter and be served. Others only suggest if anything. We wear our cloth masks loosely when we have doctor's appointments.

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The testing is total bullshit, but as part of the scamdemic they wanted us to think it matters.

Same moreso for masking their shame...

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Send them a turd pie!

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You got it... fuck em all

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yikes - the anti-science, Covidian doormat.

My doormat idea:

"Welcome jabbed -

AED defibrillator inside"

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Come on, they were just simply trying to protect themselves from the stress of having guests that were not jabbed. According to a Biomedicine article (you really cannot make this stuff up), "Fear mongering and misinformation being peddled by people with no scientific training to terrorise people into staying unvaccinated is not just causing people to remain susceptible to viral outbreaks, but could also be causing more side effects seen in the vaccination process. This brief review will offer data that may demonstrate that misinformation perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement may be causing more deaths and side effects from any vaccine." (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9629406/). I just cannot grasp the level of insanity and stupidity in this world.

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Thanks for sharing the link. I just did a quick read of the article- too funny- the author is attributing SADS to the stress and anxiety people are experiencing due to anti vaxers spreading fear. The article states the anti-vaxers have no scientific background…but it’s fine for Gates and many others with no scientific background to tell you the injections are safe and effective? Criminal that junk like this is published.

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Yep, that is the point of the article - anti-vaxxers are the root of all evil and they terrorise the poor folk taking the jabs. As removed from reality and delusional as you can get without being locked up in padded room. It is also possible that money had a big role in this "research" and the imbecile is looking for a position in one the big Harma companies. In either case, the author and the alleged "publication" need to be held accountable for impersonating sane people. BTW, the fact that all the media and governments went full Nazi and made those who refused the jabs literally the lepers of the day is lost on the this "brilliant" scientist, especially as it did not seem make the anti-vaxxers die from SADS and other assorted problems.

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This link was shared by another Substack user, it looks into the background of the guy that wrote that article. The comments in the post are also valuable and point to other sources. Basically seems that he materialized out of nowhere and calls himself an mRNA wizard and has a biotech startup firm. So, talk about misinformation being peddaled by people with dubious scientific training. Topping his CV are numerous cash-cow courses that anybody can pay ($9000 a pop last time I heard) to try to affiliate with Harvard, which have nothing to do with actually being admitted to and attending Harvard.


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Thank you for sharing the link and glad to see people have been looking into him. But the article should never have been published and it should be retracted as he is making assumptions. As a PhD candidate he knows better than to publish this garbage. I’d like to know where and what he’s getting his PhD in and how on earth this article got published. As a PhD student myself and hoping to do research and publish it in the future it says a lot about how little of the published literature we can trust. Even scientists have sold their soul to be pharma.

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This was an excellent presentation about how phony the science is that tends to get published these days, from a highly respected doctor...


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Sounds like you are going to be a trustworthy PhD that brings good quality into the world. There's a lot of junk journals out there who randomly send out requests begging people to give them an article - anyone with a university email and half a pulse. The guy writing it seems like a very-high-energy all-brawn no-brains type, probably running on blue razzberry energy drinks, so I feel a bit sorry for him because journal editors are supposed to keep people from publicly embarrassing themselves like that. If he had better guidance and could apply his bottomless enthusiasm to genuine health and good causes, he'd be a great person to have on our side. Maybe we should reach out to him.

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Love your writing style and you gave me a good laugh!

Coincidentally, I saw this in mainstream news today:


No mention of why he has clots but the article did state he is very thankful for the medical system taking such good care of him... Al's clots must be anxiety induced related to anti-vaxxers spreading fear....

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Lol. You are funny. And thank you.

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Yes, last year people thought they were very clever with the anti un-vaxxed doormat. This year they might have a problem. Interesting it's not available anymore.

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Honestly, when I read the "Welc-" mat, my thought was that it was a way to keep out those who HAVE been vaxxed. 😊

"No"? Good, then please come in!

"Yes"? then stay out in the cold.

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Yup or "Welcome Jabbed - Please don the full +ve pressure virilogical hazmat suit in the porch air lock before house entry, as we don't want you shedding over the Thanksgiving Dinner"

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Love that doormat. Please do more!

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Wow, that one ripped right out from the gut! 🤣Thanks!

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 25, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I declined Thanksgiving because I don’t want the exposure to the shedding of spike proteins from all the jabbed to the max folks who will be there. I have extreme sensitivity to the spike proteins and feel ill for at least 2 days after exposure. So the vaxed to the max can kiss my old white ass. I want nothing to to do with them.

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I also feel "weird" after being around jabbed people. Fatigue and brain fog.

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I only have it with one. Met several that are jabbed, but this one makes me foggy too. May be because of different batches ? or because of the total disappointment that this, who used to be my best friend, turned out to be not who I thought she was...

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So much of that - people not who they seem... and realizing the people you never knew existed being the real friends and heroes of your life.

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I'm curious about the batch theory (theories)?? I know there is a camp that talks about CCP being in cahoots with Pfizer and targeting western countries, and then I heard Dr. Ryan Cole hypothesize that it could be from batches that were not stored properly and thus possibly lost their toxigenicity.

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there are several sources saying that some batches are worse than others, there is even a website How bad is my batch, where you type the number and find out the adverse reactions to that batch. I read articles that state it is the graphene, but I also read articles that found no graphene in the leftovers of the vials. We will probably never know for sure. It might just be different reactions in different people. The batches should have been identical, but yes, some docs think that not being kept cool enough or prepared too far up front causes the diff. It is certain though, that it would have been much better to keep away from the needle and try and find innocent treatments !

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Yup... everyone needs to remember that the injection turns humans in a bio-weapons factory. So I stay away from them completely.

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There's certainly enough baggage and problems in some relationships, besides getting infected with spike proteins.

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No kidding... "Did you hear about Uncle Fred and his new 'bride"... OMG she is such a slut.... but I guess he loves her? But what is going to happen to his son who still lives in the root cellar? That kid is weird.... I guess he never wears clothes anymore...."

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I just feel dirty, like I need a shower.

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OKAYYY! White assed Lawrence BUTTS. We create our own reality. Just take mega vitamin C and D3 , for protection. It’s not that the viruses are not around....it’s how good is your immune system .

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Scary thought here with my ass on display... folks will be poking their eyes out with ice picks... yes its about your immune system. I have been taking Vitamin D3 and C for years and other things... guess what? I don't get sick... I also so outside. I walk everyday I can. I don't eat chemical horse shit. It's really easy.

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Lol. You make me laugh. Yes high dose vitamin c like at least 5000mg and same D3 in iu. Haven’t been sick for 3years. Did you know know that 1 Brazil nut a day would give you the required selenium we are apparently short on? The problem is......how do you eat 1 Brazil nut😳. You can eat too many of those.

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I started taking Vitamin C 40 years ago and Vitamin D3 15 years ago. So I completely agree with you. I don't get sick and I don't go the doctor because I am healthy.

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I would recommend spending the extra money on natural vitamin C - you need less of it.

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I bought a big tub of lab certified ascorbic acid. They would use this for testing things so it is pure. 5000mg vit. C per teaspoon powder. Lasting over a year. I’ll have to get more soon. I only use half a tsp at a time because it is quite acidic 2X a day.

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I didn't believe this (shedding) was a real thing but I'm starting to feel this too

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There is one study which may explain the shedding mechanism.

People who were covid vaccinated produce exosomes (membrane fluid filled pouch) which they spread containing the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, which is the component of the virus that is associated with negative effects in the body. Therefore the symptoms vaccinated/sick people get can be spread to you via the vaccinated's exosomes because the exosomes contain the spike protein.

This is the study: https://www.jimmunol.org/content/207/10/2405

Look at chart E here on this graphic: https://www.jimmunol.org/content/jimmunol/207/10/2405/F2.large.jpg?width=800&height=600&carousel=1

You'll see in the middle, it corresponds to "D14-2" which is 14 days after the 2nd dose. There is a huge increase in the density of spike protein in the vaccin

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And if the person had a covid jab but refused to keep it up with boosters, Are they still spreading? This is important. Lots of people did this. Apparently the boosters are because the body cleans out the mRNA after 4 months. Soooo are they ok then?

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Could you point me to the 4-month data? I haven't seen that information.

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I won't argue with that. I believe I would have caught covid from the jabbed and unjabbed alike if I hadn't started medicating immediately these 2 1/2 years. I don't think much about my nose, chest and throat. Even if I'm only catching the common cold. The above mentioned body parts alert me every time.

So with the covid variants, RSV, pneumonia and the flu bugs in the environment. I start medicating ASAP these days. And I truly believe that by God's grace that action has spared me from the latest bugs. It would take me about 2 weeks to get over the common cold, if I wait too many hours to start medicating, pre and post covid.. I've always healed faster and minimized coronavirus symptoms by medicating within the first four hours of symptoms. Waiting 8 hours or more to start medicating for me, has usually resulted in worse symptoms and a longer healing period. I certainly don't waste time on medicating these days since I'm convinced that I've experienced some spike protein attacks.

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Yes I notice the spike protein shedding in public places but it was worst with the earliest vaccine waves (when everyone was getting dose #1, or 2, or the 'booster'). Vitamin C 1g every hour until the symptoms dissipated helped, along with 10k IU of Vitamin D.

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Thank you very much. There is so much scientific info out there being suppressed plus hard to understand for us lay people not in the medical field.

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One of the reasons I take my medicine bag to work with me. Lots of jabbed folks on my job who caught covid after they were jabbed.

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Medical bag?

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well ! that is a hospital that at least was honest for a little while !

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We had the issue of unvaccinated patients losing their pregnancies 1 week after all of their colleagues were vaccinated.

So, aside from someone taking your children from you, no big deal.

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terrible. I had read it sheds on close contact like partners or mother-children, but had no idea it would shed from colleagues or less close contacts !

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Well it's not like that's one of the things you might want to test for, when distributing it to every living person in the world plus 8 mice.

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specially not the 8 mice who all died !

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Could you let us know which state/ general area this hospital was in? I’m trying to collect info to shut down people who think I should still get jabbed.

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To bad it was removed!

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Hubs and I have resisted the psyop and remain uninjected. We did both get Covid in May 21’. The nasty alpha, based on timing. Delta wasn’t in my area for another month. I was 59 at the time, and he 65. I got ivermectin from my ND and I think it helped, plus TONS of other supps, though I was sicker than I’ve ever been in my life. He was a terrible patient! Argued about taking all the helpful supplements we know work. His 02 dropped to high 80’s and he ended up in the hospital for a week on remdezavir and steroids. We didn’t know then it was renal toxic. One doctor mentioned the V word and I yelled at him ABSOLUTELY NOT! Somehow he made it home after a week. The really bad thing though is that his experience scared the hell out of several of our unvaxxed friends and some family members. And they ran out and got vaccinated! Ugg I tried to tell them his hospitalization was his own damn fault. But they wouldn’t listen. They all now regret it and will get no more. But I fear the damage is done.

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Sadly, the covid jabbed are more of a health threat than any unvaccinated, covid free individual in my opinion.

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Yup... the jab is Russian Roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber.

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Little IVM in the cranberry sauce made me grin.

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LOL that is a good one ! I wonder if I ate some in the cranberry sauce too, it tasted somewhat strange

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I love your user name... OMG... that is great! I am trying envision a Lipid Nano Corndog now... Maybe Pfizer could get to work on this? Perhaps there is a virus that infects carnival people that has the potential "through sex with monkeys" to spread to the general population? We are going to need a vaccine with lipid nano corndogs for this one... LOL

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I'll take mine with an IV of mustard, please!

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HAHAHAHAHAHAH👍🏻😂 plus your name!! LipidNanoCorndog😂😂😂😂😂

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Nope! Where I live (France) things never went that far. And even if a lot of people took the jab because of the blackmail very few people became believers of the narrative.

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Gee Igor, I’m surprised and delighted how many people are talking about their lost or strained relations since co vid . I feel it is such a good thing.

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Divide and conquer was a big part of the scam. Here in WI, if you want a state job you still need to be jabbed.

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In Western Australia the government mandated the jab for all building sites which meant that most tradesmen had to get jabbed. My friend's son in law who is French just stood up to his employer and called it all bullshit and kept his job without being jabbed. If only the rest of the state had done the same it would have all fallen through!

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yes, because if all had stood up there would have been no one to do the job. Look at several hospitals that had to close completely or partly, because all the nurses left. And I don't think these were long without a job. If the pilots had stood their grounds, same thing. But most people just do as they are told, such a pity, we got a brain to examine things and think them over but most are just obeying orders !

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Liberal or Labor? It would appear that the left revelled in the mire of covid restrictions more than the Liberals (eg Dan Andrews) but I could be wrong. The Federal Government jab register still exists, presumably for discriminatory purposes.

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One reason why I appreciate French people

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Lucky you. Here in Germany quite a few people followed the example of their disgusting political leaders. Before Christmas last year we unvaxxed weren't even allowed to enter so called non -essential stores. I live in a village of 400 people, a friend of mine here was told by her neighbor, he wants to put up a warning sign close to her house saying she is unvaxxed. Her own brother disinvited her from family Christmas dinner! But the whole absurd situation brought us unvaxxed people of the village much closer together.

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Truly appalling behaviour. The Nazi regime did the same sort of thing of course and it’s hard to figure out how people can’t draw the parallel. I think the main difference is that the Germans weren’t individually fearful of their physical welfare then whereas now the people equate getting covid with dying so were frightened into getting the jab. Don’t wait for apologies, none will be forthcoming. Not that we want them anyway.

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Oh how awful! I feel very much for you and for all the refuzniks in Germany. I wasn't easy, I get it. I was reading about it in C.J. Hopkins, nevertheless it's terrifying. I understand that the situation was much easier this side of the border. There were quite a few restaurants and cafes that never enforced the health pass horror.

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And now you have a new circle of friends who are perhaps a bit more sensible. 😌

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French are born to do things their own way. 💜

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That’s good to know. Every now and then I read a comment that restores my faith in human’s ability for common sense.

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Wish my family there would stop believing the BS. They are still super believers

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wow and that with macron, I thought it would have been real bad. I saw some touristic programs and was surprised that almost everyone wore masks. Same in the UK.

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Yeah, the best thing about Macron (or better Micron) is his rescue dog who peed into Macron's fireplace😲😂😂😂😂

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Went for a year not seeing some good friends due to “bad timing”, and “coincidence” only to find that our failures to meet up were intentional. They wouldn’t go to places and events that we were going to.

The people you’ve known for decades pre-COVID may not be the ones you discover they truly are post-COVID.

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YUP. The great sifting. Our 'good reset' is knowing who your true friends are and who you can trust.

If it turns out no one is left, so be it, you're yet to meet your true friends!

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Well said!

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The same thing happened to some lovely friends here and they felt really down about it, all of a sudden being betrayed and shunned. I found it strange, too, because these people being rejected are such great people that it is clearly the loss of the others (not to mention losing their health in the meantime.)

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“Friends” wow. Wtaf.

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And thanks to covid, you know now!

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I think that’s the thing...... so shocking in some instances. ... but when you talk to them, you soon realize it is not their own judgement they are using.

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And is that better, or worse? It hurts a lot anyway...

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I know ,...because it is irrational to us. Some people when they are growing up go through a traumatic (to them) incident. It affects their decision making skills. They seem fine, socially, at work but really they are living using someone else’s determinations. Like if their older brother was a (soldier type) always following orders of what authorities say, never breaking rules,.....then that’s how they handle any situation. No thought of their own.....they are not being themselves.....to survive they use the personality of others. So when this covid, suspicions of authority, illogical policies, happen, these people just revert to whatever the winning personality they have been using would do. They cannot make their own decisions because they have always reverted to others decisions. I hope that makes sense.

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Exactly. Who wants to be interacting with people that don't have a unique thought of their own but only react based on what others (manipulators) tell them?

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have stayed silent on my status. It is no ones business but my own. If someone tells me that they are vaccinated, I tell them that is their choice and I am happy for them. If I am told that they are unvaccinated, I tell them that is their choice and I am happy for them. I welcome all into my home and activities. I do not discriminate based on a person's private medical choices.

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that is the good way to do, but I only do it for people who treated me like a human being. A few treated me like I had pestilence, and with them I will not rekindle the friendship. There are almost 8 billion people apart from them so I will find new friends for sure. In fact I had supper with a few of them.

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I would be more inclined to wear a T-shirt that says I am a bare faced plague spreader than to treat them in a similar fashion.

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I get what you're saying. But here comes the but. My vaccinated friends and family are afraid of my non-covid jabbed status. Most of them believe whatever they're told with no questions or research of their own. So if they can't trust my healthcare decisions, when everything I've taken by God's grace has kept me covid free from every variant thus far, including pneumonia, the flu, RSV and other respiratory viruses. It may not be in the best interest for my health to trust my immune system indoors with them.

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People don't know my status. When the subject comes up, I don't say anything about myself and when asked directly I deflect/change subject and don't answer. People just assume I am whatever they are. Very few have asked me, most just assume whatever they want. I have been public that I don't care what other's vax status is. I have been anti mandate and have said that cloth masks don't prevent transmission. I refuse to be treated badly and perhaps that attitude has made a difference in how I am treated. I live in a very blue area in a red state. No one has to show vax cards anywhere.

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Same. Same. Same here.

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😘 My sentiments exactly.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My best friend died of a heart attack during the lockdown. Her last moments of life spent struggling to breathe as the medics forced a mask on her. I was disinvited to her funeral because of my lack of vaccination. I often think of her last moments with anger.

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I am so sorry

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Not a good picture to end with. So sorry for that. Perhaps try to picture a time when you and her were together, doesn’t have to be the happiest moment, just when you felt close. Put that in your thoughts And maybe some physical pictures of her around. It was your relationship with her. Say goodbye in your own way.

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Thank you. I have done so. I know she knows.

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That is awful - I'm so sorry. I read the other day about a woman giving birth wearing a mask. I can hardly believe they would do that to someone already struggling for hours to give birth. Most of the hospital staff are obviously unaware of the graphene oxide that's been identified on the masks and of the fact that wearing them all day (the staff, in this case) leads to ill health, even if you change them regularly (more graphene oxide if you do!).

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Yep! They forced a mask on me during my emergency cesarean. I was in full on labour, had a labour induced fever (so they even made me test for covid!), was dehydrated and then could barely breathe with that f-ing mask forced on me. Also, strapped down to the table so I couldn’t do anything about it.

Worst feeling ever.

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Omigod!! I'm so sorry!! Fuckers!!

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Yes. They are calling ng for masking mandates again this fall. I will be resisting as hard as I can and encouraging others to do the same.

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Well, also, I can think of a somewhat larger hole than the mouth if we want to get picky about details here...

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You and your friend are mistreaten in a very traumatic situation. I am very sorry for you both. To you it might help to talk to the medics. I think that they where trying to do good, and might have suffered as well or can explain to you how this could happen... an explanation from people who ment well, can be a massive help. Hope things will work out for you (a little bit) better by taking care of yourself as much possible, mostly in the way possible that other people should have done for you on at least two of the most painfull events in your life, which therefore are now (more or less) harmfull and traumatic, which probably prevent you from recovering at the moment, and block your positive good memories of her partly or even completely is also possible. Good luck, please take good care of yourself!

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Thank you for you well wishes, it was as at the beginning of lockdown and I'm okay now. I was not there to see them force the mask, her husband told me but I was upset at the time to hear that and wishing so much I had been there to intervene with the medics and to say goodbye. I have said goodbye to her in my own way and I am sure she understood. You are very kind to write that nice letter.

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What a crock of shit. I would not under any circumstance accept an invitation that required me to take a Covid test prior to attending, nor would I take a vaccine just to attend an event. They can take these vaccines along with the doormat and shove them up their asses. I have had enough of the bullshit to last me two lifetimes. On that note, Happy Thanksgiving to all. Hoping and praying that the new year will bring the promise of sanity and peace to this insane and tumultuous world.

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Lots of people MUST MISS you on thanksgiving, more than you miss them I suppose. You are very very funny and only few people are!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Though I did get the jabs early on, I now regret it and try not to focus on how stupid I was to fall for the early rhetoric of safe and effective, I most definitely feel that I did not give informed consent as I think many others did.

I missed many birthday dinners in restaurants, a wedding and a retirement party because though technically I could have gone, I never agreed with the idea of showing a pass and am fully aware of the slippery slope to control and loss of freedom those things put us on. From what I see going on almost 3 yrs later, my thoughts seem to be confirmed.

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Be well!!!!

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Hello Sunlover - I'm the same. I allowed them to scare me into taking the first two jabs early on when people my age (69 at the time) were second in line or so, just after the medics, nurses and people in care homes. Like you I refused a vaxx pass. My brother happily told me about his wife taking her pass to somewhere she was going. I asked him what its purpose was since the vaxxed were transmitting just as much as the unvaxxed (more now, in fact). He couldn't answer and just got annoyed, saying he didn't want to be told what to think or to have to justify his actions. Now he hardly speaks to me. (I probably shouldn't have called him a fascist. :-) ). I'd say being told what to think is exactly what he wants.

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Lol about your remark 'I probably shouldn't have called him a fascist'...

I think it doesn't really matter when it comes from a good heart like yours, and that in fact this is what is his problem too. Good luck!

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Thanks for being a good example and helping keep our society on the right track.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hubs and I decided not to take the.☠️!

Uninvited to Thanksgiving, and 3 Christmas parties. Hubs got kicked out of his golf 4some and from a club where he was president!

Now all is OK! No apology- no nothing!


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No disrespect intended LinS. But why go back to them? No judgement here; just an honest question.

I will not go back.

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Me neither. Doing better too actually. Wish I knew earlier

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Not even a " Kiss my foot"? LOL Blessings in disguise, as most blessings are.

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Plan your own party and put new people on the list.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

American living in Ireland. It was September 2021, was a week away from a long-planned rare visit to Philly when I got a call from my brother who now owned in the house I grew up in. "You can't stay here" were his exact words, offered without explanation. Hurt, stunned and angry, but at the time I kept it to myself and just said "okay then" and hung up. We were due to have a family reunion at the same location. Trivial, well maybe for some and in the end he relented as he couldn't handle the pressures of sticking to his guns. But these are the type of divisions that the governments' policies and interference created that helped to break up relationships all over the world. I still can't travel to the USA with my Irish family (waiting 2 years now) who have never been to America due to us being unvaccinated, whereas miraculously I can as I'm an American citizen. Figure that one out. Even though Biden has stated recently that the pandemic is over, he has extended the travel ban for unvaxxed foreigners entering the USA and yet allows many other foreigners to flood across the Mexican border every day.

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A family twin missed saying goodbye to his twin because of the UK to US rules. If they had been under 18, he could have come. But because they were older, no chance to visit one last time. I held the phone for the saddest video goodbye of my life.

We tried EVERYTHING and called EVERYBODY we could think of. The UK rules were fair enough. In the case of a dying loved one, exceptions were allowed. Biden’s rules locked the twin out. 😢 Never forgive. Never forget.

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Nov 24, 2022·edited Nov 24, 2022

My country is now a bioweapon terrorist organization, in preparation for becoming part of the global digital tyranny. i am so sorry.

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Yes, so sorry for this man. Evil psychos and who are they saving? Due to covid rules, my brother for weeks couldn't visit his wife in hospital who had had a sudden brain aneurysm, a condition that most die from. Fortunately she has survived. But really, WTF.

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And think of even the lesser obstacles -- our hospital had times where zero non-patients were allowed in, even to be with dying family. This could have been solved by a simple umbrella draped with a plastic drop cloth, thus isolating the dreaded visitor.

Meanwhile, all of the staff are coming and going freely without ever testing because 'they're vaccinated and therefore can't get / spread Covid.' That perspective fell off a cliff circa Oct. 2021 and they started requiring all staff members to test every other day.

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That is heartbreaking and evil. I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I agree - never forget and I am no where near any place to forgive (maybe someday, but that would have to be after there is some accountability for the suffering that was caused).

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Wow that is disgusting.

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Sorry to hear you facing this. That's painful. I think there is a lot of this "without explanation" going around. In my case, I was not invited to Thanksgiving this year, and the reasons for it are legion, so vaccination status or narrative status cannot easily be pinpointed. I will say this, early on in the pandemic, around memorial day 2020, I did have words with my sister when she thought that Covid would be like the Spanish Flu. As I rattled off Spanish Flu statistics she was silent, but could tell she wasn't happy with my take on this news.

I think I also might have said that the mere fact we were having this conversation spoke to how dangerous the virus was. Would we be lounging around at a pool party if people were dropping like flies?

Arbitrary and capricious are the words that refer to some people allowed in and others who have to stay out.

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Well Jimmy, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you have something good planned. I'm brainstorming a small menu today and will pair it with classic film and winter wine.

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Sounds like a good pairing.

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It makes absolutely NO sense. I am sorry.

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We were un-invited from a friend's wedding. My wife was supposed to be the celebrant!

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Uninvited and no longer invited here. So I just text, call and send post cards. At least I'm still breathing easy.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Wait. Isn't that doormat for us unvaccinated folks that don't want our viral shedding vaccinated friends and relatives at our houses?

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My thought exactly -- that doormat could work either way!

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No that one will be available next year

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We were to have coffee - outdoors - with former long-time work colleagues. They said we needed to be vaccinated to meet up. We declined. Also, I totally lost faith in organized religion Christmas Eve 2021. The email from my church said the message would be: “Jesus came for the unwanted and the cast out. Learn how we can be more like Jesus.” It went on: “If you are not vaccinated or have traveled here from another state, you are not welcome to worship with us in the sanctuary. You may participate via zoom.” Apparently nobody saw the irony...

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Yes but, Church’s had to follow a protocol, hand sanitizers, wash down everyday after an event. People had to wear masks and 6 feet apart. Rubber gloves had to put on when entering. You followed protocol or were shut down.

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So, I’m not sure, in the US, at least, that non-complying churches were shut down, or whether they just used the protocol guidance to justify their actions.

Very early in the pandemic, the Mother Church of my denomination decided that it was not important to maintain in person worship. Big city churches agreed totally.

However, I’m not sure they would have been shut down if they had not followed the guidance. We moved from the east coast to Indiana and found a church (of that same denomination) in a rural community that believed people needed personal contact: to worship, share joys, and grieve together. They welcomed children, despite the fact they were not able to be vaccinated (my former church asked that all unvaccinated people not attend church); we sang together (my former church STILL requires people to mask if they wish to sing), and nobody wore masks unless they wanted (my former church still urges masks). We traveled to Florida and found other mainstream Christian churches that similarly did not observe the “required” protocol of the denomination. So in the US, I conclude that the churches had a choice and made an affirmative choice not to minister to their flock in person.

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Well I do!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

A very happy Thanksgiving to you, Sir. Thank you for your brilliant research, stacks and the occasional very appropriate sarcasm.

Haven’t had time to keep up with your latest but saw a bit about your injury. Hope the foot is healing and glad you have a sweet dog in your life who is a guardian of said foot.

Grateful for you. Take care.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Anyone who disinvites any family member from Thanksgiving dinner because of their vax status deserves to be forever shunned. Fight me.

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