Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And don't get me started on the other damage inflicted by the shots.

Just heard from my youngest sister, whom I pleaded with to refuse the shots, that she's had MS-like symptoms for about a year... From not long after first Moderna shot. She didn't want to worry me, is going to a neurologist. MS an autoimmune disease. My baby sister. And I found a paper reporting exacerbation of MS in several patients, first occurrence in a few more, after mRNA shots.

This nightmare is just getting rolling.

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Apr 2, 2022·edited Apr 2, 2022

Vit D3, at a blood serum level of 60 ng/ml and above, is protective against MS. That is, statistically, there are fewer cases at higher levels and more cases at lower levels. One's doctor may not be knowledgeable on the subject but there is a LOT of info in the literature: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17179460/ JAMA 2006 Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and risk of multiple sclerosis (an example). A chart: https://www.grassrootshealth.net/document/disease-incidence-prevention-chart-in-ngml/.

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A couple of months ago, I wrote about my own experience increasing my Vit D3 blood serum level. If it's helpful:

To support one's immune system, and successfully fight off bugs BEFORE getting sick, maintaining a high level of Vit D3 is arguably one of the most important things one can do. Some of the benefits of Vit D3 have been known for many years; a silver lining of this awful experience is that much more is now known about its benefits. Reading everything I could get my hands on - and paying attention to doctors who treat patients - I set a goal: I wanted my blood serum level above 60 ng/mL. I'd read early on that 40 to 60 ng/mL was ideal; the telemed doctor I'd found on the FLCCC website - from whom I have a prescription for IVM - had recommended at least 60 ng/mL; and a recent paper states that 50 ng/mL MAY be the threshold for zero COVID mortality.

My experience: I had a baseline measurement done in 2010; it was 40 ng/mL. (I knew very little at the time but that seemed OK; I wasn't deficient.) Ten years later, I was taking 4000 IU daily; I had my blood serum level measured again and it was less than 60 ng/mL. I increased my intake, had it measured again and it was still less than 60 ng/mL. I increased my intake again, had it measured again and it's now 74 ng/mL.

I'm slowly making a point: The correlation between intake and blood serum level can vary from person to person. If you're taking 4000 IU daily, for example, and have NOT had your Vit D3 blood serum level measured, you do not actually know what level of support that intake is providing. My dad took 4000 IU daily and had a blood serum level of 86 ng/mL. I took 4000 IU daily and could not get to 60 ng/mL. I now take 8000 IU daily and am where I want to be.

As you may know, for most people, insurance doesn't cover the cost of testing. I'm old enough now to have Medicare; it did not cover Vit D3 blood tests. I paid out of pocket. It's definitely a disincentive ... just one of many that makes no sense.

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The banned doctors told us about Vit D and others... I never heard it from mainstream liars

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in early 2020, a group of military medical folk paid a visit to Fauci, bearing the results of study they had done on their own people showing protective effects of D. Fauci told them he was not interested in preventatives, only in vaccines.

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Many thanks for your helpful comments, really the best post I've seen in supplementing with D3! My primary doc doesn't understand the scientific method you describe here.

I tested 20 ng/ml August 2020, got D2 prescribed for six months, tested then at 45 ng/ml, and she cut me off, with a single-point value like that. Told her I'd supplement with D3 2000 IU daily. I need a new test now a year later and you're right, Medicare won't shell out unless it's for "fatigue".

I do take it with zinc, 25-50 mg, and C.

Baby sis just had MRI and praying this isn't MS. Lost a brother last year to ALS so this is truly awful. In her case I know this is vaccine damage. She took 3 Moderna kill shots.

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You are most welcome. I was reading / catching up on Dr. Pierre Kory's substack yesterday: https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/dear-subscribers-i-am-opening-a-covid?s=r "I Am Opening A COVID Specialty Tele-Health Practice; My new practice will treat acute COVID or prescribe meds to have on hand if you fall ill with COVID, but our main focus will be on treating Long-Haul and Post-Vaccine syndromes. We are here to help." I have much respect for his work. If he could help ....

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Its a great post and so happy many are finding out about Vitamin D, I am currently sitting at 125 ng and have NEVER felt better.

One of the best formulations I have come across is from BioTech Pharmacal in California and they have many different dosage sizes up to 50,000 iu.

If you want your body to take up the D quicker then be sure to take it with Magnesium and 3 mog of boron and NEVER forget vitamin k.

For every 10,000iu of D be sure to add 100mcg of vitamin k.

When I take 50,000 iu I always use the Super K formulation from Life Extension.

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Wrt Vit D3 blood serum level testing and cost: I paid $128 (out-of-pocket) each for two tests at "my" clinic. I looked around, though, and found that Quest Diagnostics does a Vit D3 test for $65. If you made a few calls ....

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I now check mine 3 times a year and kudo's to you for sharing your knowledge, been doing the same for 18 months now.

So many trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate, I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system, something the same man and science still don't understand or do and are hiding it from us.

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I am also on Medicare, my doctor's office is affiliated with a hospital; many Medicare recipients are forbidden to bill for any balance to the beneficiary. The Dr did the test, they were not reimbursed, and did not charge me.

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Sorry about your sister. You are right, we are going to see so much more, and it is so sad when it is in our immediate families.

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Have her look into CIDP as well. It's the chronic version of GBS which is black labeled on the J&J and has been seen otherwise.


"Rare" case of anti-NF186+ chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) in a 23-year-old male patient who was vaccinated with inactivated COVID-19 vaccine


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I have a child who developed CIDP after a flu shot in 2001. It is one of the immune 'missense' errors from overactivation of the immune system. It can relapse. My daughter was treated with prednisone briefly and IVIg for 4 months. She got minimal benefit. She greatly improved on an anti-inflammatory diet, and was able to give up the wheelchair and pureed food after about a year. She has permanent peripheral neuropathy, and it took several years for peripheral circulation to normalize.

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Thank you! I have a friend with GBS symptoms post Pfizer shot and one friend with it post JJ shot. I'll pass this on to her.

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That is heartbreaking. It seems many neurologists don't have tools in their toolkit besides take this oral pill or injection or infusion regularly, and shuffling the person from drug to drug after 2ish years when the person develops a tolerance to the current drug.

Hope that she's found resources such as Overcoming MS, Swank Diet, Wahl's Diet

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I'm so afraid of what you describe, her ending up a pill -stuffed zombie. I've had severe chronic pain since 2001 and had to learn to say no to various pills suggested by doctors. Painful experience.

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Check out DMSO for pain. It’s a miracle solution!

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I share your concern but I'm not really seeing it in the UK yet (and that's a big yet). Yes lots of people have it but aren't seriously ill with it.

Is it just a testing issue (we probably have 3 colds a year if we tested for them) or are people's immune systems suddenly going to shut down? I'd say somewhere in the middle. Younger people will probably cope for longer but older people will see their immune systems supressed (Especially if they keep having boosters).

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We will see. Being "not seriously ill" with a frequent illness that kills off a part of T cells, and therefore will be more and more likely to reinfect, may be quite serious.

I hope that I am wrong!!!!!

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I agree but I think the T cells being killed won't happen in everyone, especially younger people.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am no expert but anecdotally (and per the Zoe ap in UK) the speed of reinfection is growing. Anecdotally several vaxxed and boosted friends (35-45 age group) suffering with multiple reinfections. Some serious. One on her 4th round of covid. Unvaxxed myself and (so far) despite a huge amount of exposure ok.

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I am actually sorry to hear about your friends, though I am glad you are okay. Bad stuff is going on

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Your blog is fast becoming indispensable, Igor! Almost everyone I know who is getting Covid now is vaxxed. It's funny but also deeply sad to hear their reasoning. I have a terrible feeling the sheep will never wake up.

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I am trying to understand how a family member 61 years old, in the last year had shingles, then whooping cough of all things, and now and currently COVID. No shots. This fits this pattern of slowly deteriorating immune system. She was possibly one of those people who had mild symptoms early on in an initial contact, and didn't think much of it? That is terrifying if meaningful.

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I agree -- it appears to be gradually but relentlessly getting worse.

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This is why additional boosters are required... and the spacing between them should be reduced to one month!

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Infinite boosters by July!

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I'm sure they could turn it into a sports event - Covid darts!

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Exciting times! Now that the mandates and passports are lifted in NZ only the truly hard core CovIDIOT MOREONS will be injecting those boosters... We should be on the 4th shot by June -- hopefully they move that up and we start hitting them in May latest...

Now we get some really good Schadenfreude happening cuz you know --- you just know - that every single person dropping after the shot --- is a full on Hyper CovIDIOT... none of them are being forced... so it is nothing but pure joy when you hear about a maiming or a death...

And the great thing is that the data is showing the impact of the garbage is cumulative -- more needles in more damage done ... ideally we are going to see a situation where we get famous MOREONS dropping on a daily basis...

And btw - the Foo guy had to have his booster before heading out on tour because some of the countries on the list required it. So no - he was not sitting in his room watching TV and boosting on 10 different drugs... he died just like Shane Warne died -- from the injection.

I wonder how Celine Dion is doing hahahahahahaha... spastic seizures suck (SSS)

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

satire at its finest. Good one!

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Just saw an add on YT from the US gov, of course. Presented the question, if you have to get a booster does it mean the vax doesn't work? Why no, the vax works. The booster just makes your protection stronger. Fortunately didn't throw anything this time. The gov't lies are insane, as are the so-called humans spreading them.

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The vaxxes do work. Just not in the way we understand it, Jim.

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Interesting. "Days between infection" could be the new metric to track.

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For sure.

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Such good news for us, the unvaxxed.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What about thickening of the fibro like micro clots over time? That's what worries me regarding the younger people I know that were coerced into the shot. Already personally know two relatively young jabbed women hospitalized for clots in and around heart. One nearly died. Both may be on major blood thinning medications for life. This is so not normal.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Walter m Chesnut spoke and tweeted this on twitter. He does an excellent job on posting and explaining this

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do you have a link to his tweet

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Maybe this will help? From his substack...


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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That link is him. Something else I’m hearing, wounds post surgery aren’t healing

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Seeing lots of people getting reinfections and the symptoms are always worse with the new infection. Igor is absolutely spot on. Colleagues who took the vax are hanging up their paramedic careers due to fatigue, they are done. I had my first covid 2 weeks ago, felt strange Monday after walking dog, within the hour I was wrapped up shivering, no energy, no warning. Lost taste for 24 hrs, my teeth felt electric, but 2 days it was done.I’m unvaxed, my daughter unvaxed, same symptoms and duration. My wife, double vaxed AZ, tested positive for 11 days, she suffered worse than rest of us. Her colleague at work, tripled tested positive for 12 days, got over it, 3 weeks later, she’s reinfected. Symptoms worse. It’s everywhere. This is a catastrophe. Thx Igor for your hard work, really appreciated

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022Author

I am extremely saddened by your post, I wish that I heard something else instead. My best wishes to all recovering people.

I hope that this will be somehow sorted out.

Still hoping to end up wrong.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, we all hope you are wrong, but you have been right about most things so far. I am so glad to have the benefit of your mind and thinking...it is always good to look things in the face, no matter what they might mean. I am one of those who would rather know the worst right away. My heart hurts for people, but I have to say I am starting to see people get Covid again here in the USA...all vaxxed. And it does seem to be worse the second time around.

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Thank you Duchess and if I am wrong, I will be celebrating and drinking wine

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I will definitely join you. If you are right, we will drink wine also...we will need it.

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Yep, wine either way

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Let's say, hypothetically, you are wrong, Igor. We break your argument into its two parts: evidence + conclusion. Even if the conclusion (Covid is becoming chronic) is incorrect, there's still a mountain of disturbing evidence that tells us something is terribly wrong.

Either way, bring on the glass of wine. We're going to need it. (And thank you for your posts. They are thought-provoking.)

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Not too much. Gotta keep our immune system in top shape! But we definitely need the escape!!!

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Aren't they? After reading Igor's posts, my mind is churning and whirring all day....

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Do we know if Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc. can deal effectively with Covid in vaxxed? (Such that the T Cells would not get killed off, or at least minimally?) Or is that a different animal? Are vaxxed people getting Covid or instead Covid-like illness caused by mRNA-produced spike protein? Is there a difference?

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I had a touch of flu symptoms one morning -- took Hydroxy around noon when I tested +... noticeably improvement by dinner.. within two days pretty much defeated covid... I took the full 7 days course

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Same with IVM

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same here with my wife but 5 days of IVM

Her temp dropped in hours of first pill

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Are you injected or no?

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Hahahaha... no I am not mentally retarded... I smelled a rat very early on after seeing this photo -- so that guy was so horribly sick that he was out wandering the streets and fell dead... was he shopping -- going to work -- buying food? Would you do any of those things if you were on the verge of death... fake fake fake...


Then of course those trucks spraying the highway to kill covid - cuz people lick highways?

I knew this was a stitch up and then they magically came up with a vaccine in less than a year... hahaha .. and they wanted me to inject this shit into my body....

Like I said - I ain't mentally retarded... and I am not into vaccine roulette... oh and I knew early on that the average age of death was 82 with 3+ comorbidities. I am nowhere near 82 and I have 0.0000000 comorbidities - I take zero medications - I exercise almost daily - I eat healthy -- I don't drink much nor smoke --- I ain't dying from Wuhan flu...

So nope - I am not injected. And if anyone tries to force me at some point ... I've got a very nasty surprise waiting for them...

I Burn They Burn is my motto.

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The vaccinated are definitely getting infected with sars-cov-ii virus.

Ivermectin should help. HCQ possibly. vitD maybe. I've no idea what the dose should be -- we're in uncharted waters.

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Add zinc, quercitin, carbon 60, serrapeptase and NAC to that for everyone, particularly the injected. D3 w K2 is a must when I’ll, 50,000iu per day til symptoms go away for adults, less for kids adjusted for age/weight, but I have found that very high doses knock symptoms out quicker in myself, my partner and people I’ve helped recovery (all un-injected).

Dr Lee Vliet is working on protocols to try to remove the self assembling technology in the injected.

Not a doc. Just a woman who knows a lot about a lot.

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Apr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022

FLCCC I-MASK+ actually prefers HCQ for Omicron (For all variants, including Ba2.2? Not sure.), IVM for Delta. In an interview Dr Kory indicated that he is inclined to use both. IVM is still effective for Omicron, just less than with Delta. Don’t forget zinc with HCQ and to raise your D levels. If you supplement D3 (you should in the UK) be sure to add K2 and keep magnesium level up.

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Also, for those taking IVM, MUST be taken w a high fat meal to make sure the cells uptake it properly. Many w Covid, regardless of variant are effected in the digestive system, so they tend to not want to eat or they eat poorly w not enough fat. That’s also a contributing factor in the clinical and hospital trials. Hospital patients are not well fed and especially not given adequate fat intake.

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Ivermectin actively prevents infection by preventing binding in 2 ways, so yes, it should help.

We can't prevent exposures short of wearing gas mask w/oxygen tank in public. But anything that keeps the virus from gaining entry -- from nasal sprays to ivermectin -- is the best line of defense.

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It’s not airborne. That’s been a lie from the beginning.

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Yes, it most certainly is. They claimed in the beginning that it was *not* airborne, only droplet spread. That was the justification for masks, social distancing, etc.

It is proven to be airborne, which is why masks & 6' distancing are ineffective. It hangs in the air & infectious for 48 hours plus.

At R14, Omicron is approaching measles levels of infectiousness (R18).

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after shopping etc. i gargle with a mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride, i've heard that can help reduce viral load. can't quite work up the motivation to add a nasal cleanse, though.

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Last year my dentist had us gargle with 50/50 mix of mouthwash & hydrogen peroxide. Makes your mouth very bubbly, lol. Was recommended by am dental society. H2O2 is proven effective against sarscov virus.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In the below video a doctor talks about various things she is using to treat the vaxxed - ivermectin, HCQ, NAC and others.


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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

America's Frontline Doctors also has different scenarios listed and the medications they recommend depending on severity.

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Thank you for sharing this excellent video!

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I wish we did. Am sure the health authorities know, but the aren't about to tell us either way

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

my like button refuses to work on this comment but is fine for others. very odd.

i've seen many commenters wish inescapeable doom upon the vaxd. i'm sure some feel deceived and coerced and i hope they can find a way to mitigate some of the harm Igor and others fear is coming. i've noticed Geert Bossche also mentions the growing importance of anti virals as he fears new variants will exploit vax abs to enhance their infectiveness.

edit: like button worked on my 40th try or so

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Like I was saying:

COVID OUTBREAK DC, PELOSI INFECTED; with her age, she is at risk of hospitalization and death, so we must pray now for her to get through this, regardless of your politics, pray for her; STOP the vax!

If Pelosi was vaccinated and boosted, this is why it has to be stopped; these morons, these reckless fools do not seem to understand the vaccine is driving infection and she can get very sick and die


Here's hoping that corrupt nasty bitch is ended.

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What a hateful comment. You are part of the problem. To help people see the truth you must first let them see you are sincere and kind. Your approach is divisive and shuts down open conversations where people might learn the truth.

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We're in the Schadenfreude stage of grief for the vaxxed.

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I too am so despondent when I hear that the vaxxed (and boosted!) are suffering.

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Did you test daily? That is something I am seeing, vaccinated people testing positive for 10-15 days whilst vaccinated getting rid of it much quicker.

I'm not saying Igor isn't correct, I'm just saying that it isn't visible in the data or in serious symptoms yet.

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It appears that the vaccine is completely changing the progression of the disease.

In the unvaccinated, covid infection goes:

day 1-3 no symptoms.

day 3-10 symptomatic disease. Mild flu at worst

day 8-10 feel better but still sniffly

day 11 a minority start to go downhill rapidly. Urgent hospitalisation required.

day 12-15 very very ill

day 16-17 death or recovery.

The vaccinated appear to be having a much longer presymptomatic or paucisymptomatic period (just a sniff or cough -- not bad at all). This can last many weeks.

Some progress on to 'normal covid' -- this is actually a good sign, and shows that the immune system has finally identified covid as something to get rid of. From here these individuals have the normal 5 days of illness and then recovery -- a much lower proportion go into serious symptomatic disease (hospitalisation).

The ones that don't progress on to mild flu like symptoms appear to be the ones most likely to get longer term chronic infection.

Note that this extension to the disease progression is making official statistics unclear -- eg, the traditional statistics measured deaths within 28 days. Historically there were some deaths beyond this time, but only about 20% or so of the total. We're now seeing nearly twice as many deaths in the 28 days to 60 days post initial infection period in the vaccinated (it is about as many again in the unvaccinated) -- thus official statistics are now significantly under reporting covid deaths.

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Yes, I saw that effect of 60 vs 28 day death rates -- the delayed deaths are skyrocketing! Wanted to write about, or maybe we both do and compare notes

Have you seen any people with seemingly chronic (however mild) Covid? Someone who is slightly unwell, coughing, and keeps testing positive?

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Team Enigma is finding a large wave of deaths at around 6 months post-vax— due to Covid infection.


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Yes as you can see they're injecting the virus(latin poison). Then there's a detox process taking place. Then there will be cellular death. And then that cellular debris are collected. Then they will tell you that nontransmittable cellular debris is the VIRUS(SARS-COV-2).

And know you know why the world is shit.

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Nurses (former coworkers) are reporting patients with cov-positive are 85 percent vaxxed. Some side effects of the gene therapy are very similar to Covid. Injected folks seem to test more often, in general, than non injected. They also test positive more often from my experiences, friends, coworkers. Just throwing stuff out to you, Igor, and the gang.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Beware of the Faucisymtomatic!

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I did 1 test to see if it showed covid, the swab goes nowhere near me though, I spit on the swab, same for my wife. This is because she developed 2 bell’s palsy’s which resolved within 6 hrs, crazy and unheard of. I researched the swabs, since stopping swabs, no more incidences. She began testing from day 7, daily. Her fatigue is terrible. As people know I’m a paramedic where I live, they knock for advice as cannot get Gp appointments. The story is very similar, worst cold ever, can’t shake it, the cough is constant, but fatigue is what I pickup on. Colleagues are worn out. Not sure why I caught it now, strange, right throughout I avoided it or never had symptoms. They are not clearing it quicker than unvaxed.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Stranger than strange… have you had a TB test?

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TB is an opportunistic disease of AIDS

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m getting ads sent to me from a lab about testing for TB… never has this ever been a “thing” to test for. Apparently - like heart attacks in kids - it’s now a real happenstance. Joy of joys.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What if OTHER infectious weaponization is included in these jabs, and AS SHOWN in an earlier linked video on HIV "false positives" shown on testing(they felt needed to be weeded out, showing the scientists expressing disappointment), and those afflicted are PRESUMING their infection to merely be COVID, all the while they may be battling some other included antigens(that may or may not manifest upper respiratory symptoms)?

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Wow, I’ve been hearing there’s an increase in TB lately. 😬

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One can also have "Reactivation of pulmonary tuberculosis during cancer treatment" which makes me think these 'vaccines' are behaving like chemotherapy with drastic effects to the immune and neuro systems as well as possible damage to organs.


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Dr. Sucharit Bhakti is very concerned about massive TB occurring due to jabbing.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Does anyone know if the swabs are dangerous?

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Dangerous in many ways; you can start here: https://www.holistichealthonline.info/pcr-swabs/

That is leaving aside it is a covert, genetic material collecting operation on the global scale. The data could be used for the creation of bioweapons, too.

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I had seen this. Remember the calls to CDC in regards to home test? People getting sick. Supposed incorrect use. Nobody should be taking these at home or anywhere else.

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The fatigue from it makes it much different than the flu. I am unvaxed. Also the initial stages of a dry upper respiratory hacking cough, for 3 days in my case, with no phlegm. It like the immune system hasn’t recognized it yet and hasn’t started fighting back. On the third night going to bed the upper respiratory system started to restrict and I felt a difficulty in breathing. No fever and felt normal for the most part. While asleep my immune system kicked in big time. Never felt a fever. Never woke me up. When I did awake the bed was soaking wet under. The following 10 days of just feeling BLAH, no appetite, and the fatigue ...the unbelievable fatigue you feel makes it totally different than seasonal flu.

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I am a pure blood and my experience nearly exactly matches yours except I did not get a cough ! I took large amounts of Vit C , D3 , Zinc during , (10 days) . Also I used a good antiseptic mouth wash as a deep gargle every 2-3 hours , this kept my throat infection at bay and eliminated it . I too did not feel fevered but woke up and my sheets were saturated ? Most unusual . I believe the Zinc suppressed any lung involvement and cough although I was short of breath for several weeks after . I have been taking a zinc supplement for many years as every year I would get colds and flu's accompanied by a cough which could hang on for weeks ! After I started taking zinc I would still get colds and flu's occasionally but I would not develop a cough !

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Yeah, 3 nights of sweating but no fever. It woke me, had to change, very strange.

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Pants are on fire…🤪😜

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That was two years ago. I am fine thanks. Just thankful I ignored the provax and not having recurring bouts.

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Does saliva show the same kind of results as a nasal secretions in a nasal swab based test? I know there are saliva tests but haven't found those available.

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The argument that masks stop spread of virus water droplets, means virus has to be in saliva. Hence NHS will do saliva swabs. But then again, what do the tests identify? Cold, flu or covid

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I was told today by a friend just returning from a Ireland group trip. 2-3 had to stay another 7 days & isolate due to testing positive for covid. 3-4 once back home got covid. One has a really bad sounding cough.

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A neighbour has had constant cold now for 5 weeks, tripled, can't clear. Possibly covid, I'm vax clear, 2 days and done. The poor people who believe Govts

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Geert was and is right.

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The fatigue is most likely the clotting cutting off oxygen supply. Don’t be surprised if they start dying in the next 6-12 months or sooner.

As for yourself and your daughter, watch carefully re long haul symptoms. The first time I had Covid Jan/Feb 2020 (or believe was Covid due to such unusual symtomology - definitely wasn’t cold or flu), long haul didn’t develop immediately. Took me about 6-8 weeks to get over the initial infection and then when I did, long haul symptoms didn’t come on for another 2 or so months, then the lethargy etc really set me back for over a year. I would never take the injections or tests. Got Delta July 2021 (same symptoms everyone else who had tested had, so I know that’s what it was), got the IVM, budesonide inhaler and fluvoxamine From from one of the online docs and ALL symptoms went away. I’m doing great today w no residual effects.

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My understanding is that the fatigue is from the immune system - it's a tiring business mounting an immune counter attack, just as war is draining for countries.

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The problem isn't whether you're ill with covid or not.

Indeed, as the proposed mechanism for this effect is viral tolerance (ie, the immune system considers the virus as benign and ignores it) then you'd expect much higher infection rates, somewhat lower symptomatic illness and much lower incidence rates of serious covid (hospitalisation).

I suppose that sounds great -- everyone catches covid, but no-one becomes ill -- Hurray! Well, apart from those stinking unvaccinated who might not be spreading it but could still get ill...


The vaccinated will have higher viral loads for longer periods of time. Thus the actual pathogenic nature of covid can start to appear. Note that 'serious covid' is actually an immune problem (cytokine storm) and not actually created by the virus itself. As far as we can tell the virus itself causes problems related to:

* Blood clots (thrombosis), side effect of clots (thrombocytopenia) and haemorrhage (which is essentially caused by acute thrombocytopenia). I note that it is possible that this isn't an effect of the virus and is instead an autoimmune condition caused by anti spike protein antibodies (similar, but different to, heparin induced thrombocytopenia).

* inflammation around the body. This will include heart tissue (myocarditis and pericarditis) but could be anywhere (eg, arthritis etc).

* neural tissue damage. Things are unclear about this one, but it appears that covid can secrete itself into nerve tissue, and cause damage there. The risk appears to be greatest in peripheral nerves (eg GBS); I don't know about risk to central nerve tissue (brain).

The risk of cancer is different -- if there is long term infection then it is possible that this will deplete natural killer cells (not simply T-cells) that are involved in mopping up cancers before they become a problem. This effect has been seen to occur post vaccination (every dose), although I'd accept that we don't know the magnitude or longevity of this effect. Whether it also occurs with chronic infection remains to be seen (I'd guess that it might, but that it wouldn't be to a huge extent -- of course, very long term depletion by a moderate amount might well turn out to be extremely important).

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Also in the UK and I concur with this view. Anecdotally, I have noticed that many who got vaccinated had worst symptoms for Omicron than my partner and I did (both unvaxxed -- she had a runny nose for a day, while I had muscle aches for 3 days and lingering fatigue for a few more).

Also, this was our first time having any kind of cold-like illness since autumn 2019, whereas many of those we know who are vaccinated have had summer colds and autumn bugs in addition to recently getting Omicron. Is this a consequence of vaccination?

For example, my mother is a retired school teacher who barely ever gets sick (like a cold once every 4-5 years). She came down with the Wuhan strain of covid and experienced it as a bad flu for over 2 weeks (recovered at home in Spain with a prescription of HCQ, before it got banned by the EMA). I told her she didn't need the vaxx but my dad convinced her to get triple-jabbed. Well, this past Christmas she came down with a bad cold (tested negative for covid) which she didn't shake for several weeks. She noted how odd this was.

Another interesting point about reinfections... I know people who legitimately got delta or Omicron having previously had the Wuhan strain. However, if the person was unvaccinated, the second bout was always milder. But in those who still got double-jabbed in between, their second covid rodeo usually still presented with as-bad or even worse symptoms.

This suggests the vaccines might be overriding natural immunity in some people, as Van Der Bossche warned a year ago or so.

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My husband got very ill in fall of 2019, was in Las Vegas with a medical convention going on with Wuhan attendees, he has COPD but manageable. By the time he got home his O2 was in the 80's. The hospital said he had never seen this type of infection in the lungs, He refused to get checked in and signed a waiver and we went home. We got oxygen and meds took a while to recover but we are wondering if he got the early strain before there was a pandemic and testing. Feb 2020 I got really sick, thought it was a bad cold, major sinus issues and bad cough, took me 2 rounds of antibiotic to recover and lost my sense of smell for many weeks. Again before the pandemic, no test so we don't know if I had it. Fast forward to now, we have been very careful, plenty of the protocol vitamins and XLear nose spray every time we go out. No mask ever. No vaccine. 2 weeks ago we both got a cold, mild, some fatigue, scratchy throat, sinus issues and headache, mild dry cough. Took NAC and Quercetin and over it. Again did we have Omicron, did not test. My boss is vax, always been healthy. She got covid, then strep and now she is really sick with bad cough and flu like symptoms. I am seeing this trend in a lot of friend's that got the V.

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Do you suspect that if the UK had gone the route of early treatment protocols, and not exp. mRNA injections against a notoriously rapidly mutating family of viruses, that this would still be happening?

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not a chance, in fact this is probably why they pushed the vax to keep it going. I thought perhaps the Chinese head faked us. They dodged mRNA shots a couple times. I thought there was a strong possibility (and still do) the vaccines have been around for several years and tested on Uighurs. It wouldn't be too difficult to fudge the trials if that indeed occurred. But now we know Fauci/CDC/FDA absolutely know what these vaccines have done thus far (military data). They also know these things don't work for shit on Omicron. Yet they are still telling people to get boosted. It has quieted down some but that's probably more to do with upcoming elections and most vax'd are catching the disease as much as anyone.

IDK Sage...maybe that Sirotonkin cat is correct. Maybe this is not some grand scheme but more emblematic of Jurassic Park. It is so troubling to me how these orgs like Pharma/CDC/FDA essentially mandated people to line up and take something with very little data to draw from. This extends to most of the damn world. And equally troubling is that so many decided to trust them.

Wherever your faith/spirituality leads you this defies all manner of fable. Humans have decided to play God in creating a disease and then curing it. All of the stories passed along for generations warn us to be wary of these things. You guys get into some heavy scientific shit over my head from time to time. Still I understand the parable of Kid Icarus who flew too close to the sun.

Best we can do it seems is try and keep ourselves in good health and bolster our immune system. I will not resort to living in a bubble so thank God I live in Florida.

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If this is the same Luke and based on the thought patterns, I think it is! I made a post attempting to answer your queries the other day.

It's the "Holiday Inn" one.

Sorry for the hijack, Igor.

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please see my comment above about false positives

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Me and OH both had “flu” in Jan 2021. Mine turned into pneumonia and I was hospitalised.

No vaxx for me or OH, never had flu jab either and not had one cold between us either. OH usually has a cold every winter whereas I never do. Think our immune systems working fine, we’re both in our 70’s

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My working assumption has been that these are mostly people with other respiratory infections (which are running rampant right now), who get tested and false positive owing often to recent omicron. Not Covid reinfection. Just a guess. Waiting for stuff to come out on the biology.

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A cousin's daughter is over from the UK where she is a nurse. No idea what her perspective is as the topic is verboten. Agree with the assessment, more and more testing by government and rigorous data collection and analysis, something we don't have in the US.

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deletedMar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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I believe that the prevalence or incidence numbers were carefully calculated by a competent Authority.

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It appears to be a real effect. Symptoms are low (usually just sniffles) because viral tolerance is stopping the immune system from generating the symptoms. But the virus does seem to be there...

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please see my comment above about false positives

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sorry but can you clarify by "not seeing this", do you mean it doesn't line up with your personal experience or you don't see this in the data you look at. thanks

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deletedMar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It would be interesting to see if this holds true for the next couple of months.

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Igor, this is NOT "covid", this is VAIDS from the DEATHVAX.

Let's make that next logical leap, shall we?

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

quite correct. People getting re infected are those that have been vaccinated. The jab has a unique ability to create facilitating antibodies that inhibit the acquired and particularly the innate immune system from working effectively. Jabbed patients that get infected can't manufacture antibodies to the epitopes on the viral backbone. The variants develop because of vaccine induced mutations on the Fc receptor of the spike protein.

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deletedMar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't think my wife would be happy about that.

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Your wife is into Plague Trooper?

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is this a real thing?

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Unvaccinated airline pilot here. Had my first covid in Nov 2021. It was not as bad as my worst flu, but the weirdest after effects. Started losing hair in January, had a weird menstrual cycle or two around the same time. Had my taste and smell for eggs and garlic in February weirdly change, it’s just now coming back. But I run into pilots all the time that when we discuss our covid symptoms and facts, they say ‘oh you’ll be getting it again.’ Maybe, but at most yearly as an unvaccinated person? My husband is double injected but not boosted, I swear he’s had it multiple times (but won’t test). While he was sick the worst I got was a sore throat.

I worry about all of us if covid wrecks T-cells every time. This is catastrophic.

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Thank you SO much for sharing and I admire pilots

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Oh and did any of your colleagues have vaccine side effects that made flying more difficult? Thanks

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None that would share with me first hand. Any side effects that we’re hearing about- heart issues, blood issues, neurological issues- would immediately invalidate our medical certificates, which we see a special doctor once to twice a year to renew.

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Anyone you know failed such a review? Thanks

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Whenever I hear about hair loss, I think radiation. In your profession, you are getting more of it than others already. Should there be any blasts of ionizing radiation hitting you, you could expect repeat "covid". https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33064832/

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This has been in my thoughts too. Just can’t escape it these days.

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Sounds like you were not effected by your jabbed husband. That is something I have been concerned about with my 3x jabbed boyfriend. Whether His spike proteins or whatnot could be transmitted to me?

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I think I was, but to a small degree. I had heavier periods around the time he took his over a year ago. But I found the IMASK+ protocol and took the supplements. I haven’t had any lasting effects from shedding.

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Thanks for your reply. I also started on some Ivermectin months later (while I had been regularly taking other recommended vitamins), but he had withheld from me about the 3rd jab knowing my concerns! So didn’t know until several months later.

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Good to hear you are taking precautions. I would be very angry if my significant other took another without my knowledge, I have told him so.

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Well we parted ways temporarily in part bc of differences in opinions of the jab necessities. Particularly, bc he is a medical professional, Dr., and was unaware as I was. I tried to warn him, but it took another 3-4 months for him to come back to me and thank me for making him aware of the coverup. What a crying shame that Drs. have been so handcuffed by medical & corp bureaucracies as to be less aware than average citizens!!!

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Hair loss? Like when being radiated?

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The shot they call a vaccine, fails to meet the minimum requirements required to be classified as a vaccine. That shot was engineered and. Included a patented substance designed specifically to cross the brain's blood barrier, allowing it to enter the brain. This patent information was found by me, while researching the shot from information provided on this topic by the FDA & CDC.

Put simply, the shot was designed to enter the brain.

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This is true -- if it gets into the blood stream (it will in many if not all) the mRNA will get into the brain.

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I think I read the brain has 400 miles of capillaries which sounds impossible!

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Gene Depletion in The frontal Lobe.. Hence' Zombies'. Urges to bite, fight. Anger, agitation, illogical thinking. Was the first adverse event of concern listed on P's own docs. I heard a rather scary interview on Rumble. CDC had Zombie Apocalypse Drills. Amazon has a exemption of service in case. I kid you not. I pray to the Heavens and God we aren't completely doomed as a ' People'!!

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You say "both vaccinated and unvaccinated people have Covid reinfections". My impression from reading posts is that unvaccinated rarely get repeated infections. They may have been infected with the original and much later by a variant but the continuous reinfection you describe appears to be a vaccine effect. It is known that the vaccines seriously damage the immune system. They contain things to purposely suppress the immune system so the mRNA can infect cells to begin with.

Early treatment with Ivermectin turns COVID infections into a couple day minor thing. My family takes it prophylacticly and only 1 of 4 have gotten sick, and the 1 had a mild very short case. He has not had a reinfection.

This mess is intentional by Fauci and the other frauds. They will make billions more from ongoing vaccines and "treatments" like Paxlovid which do even more harm. They all belong in prison.

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It is true that unvaccinated rarely get repeated infections. But they do have them and it would not be factual for me to deny that. My principle #1 is to never say anything that I know to be untrue or unlikely to be true. I still make mistakes but never misstate things on purpose, like "fact checkers".

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I tried to make the distinction, probably didn't do it very well, between repeat infections by different strains and repeated infections with the same strain. Most of your anecdotes seem to be in the second category. However, it is all anecdotal and we can be sure that the powers that shouldn't be will never properly investigate the question.

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There is some evidence that the vaxed are having much more reinfections, per 100k. I believe this current situation to be mostly the problem of the vaxxed. But the evidence is not yet high quality.

My UK boosters articles and original antigenic sin with the vaxxed all point in this direction.

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Because of the testing fraud. Its that simple. One or the other or both or all are FALSE positives. Natural immunity was not plucked out of thin air. The injected are having chronic health challenges. That is a surprise to no one who didn't want the experimental biologics.

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Here's my view. I believe covid is the common cold. It was released from a Chinese lab accidently and the chicoms had no idea how much of the common cold coronovirus was altered and what it might do to people. Luckily the wuhan bioweapon "scientists" are incompetent and the virus is not deadly, other than normal common cold effects (and yes the old, frail, overweight, already sick can die from the common cold). The majority of the covid deaths in 2020-21 were from neglect and medical malpractice in response to the covid me-too freakout.

After the clot shots were introduced, they wrecked the immune system, as they are designed to do, which requires more clot-shots to pump up the wrecked immune system, but only for the common cold. However, the clot shot "scientists" are even more incompetent than the bioweapon "scientists" and these shots don't pump up the immune systems at all, for anything. Instead they kill off T-cells and inject poison throughout the body, leading to infections and blood clots throughout the body.

Now, as to common cold reinfections: Yes, the unvaccinated can get covid and any other common cold multiple times a year (usually one or two a year and it can happen any time during the year). Covid is not special in that regard, it is a common cold and will always be with us until the end of time. Yes, the vaccinated can get covid and any other common cold multiple times a year as well. However, the vaccinated are getting more common colds more frequently, because their immune systems are jacked from the clot shot. Can their immune systems recover in the future? Yes, IF THEY STOP GETTING BOOSTED. More boosters, more poison, more immune system destruction, more chemo effect. The clot shots are toxic cancer treatment for healthy people, and cancer treatment that doesn't even work.

Did you know that mRNA shots were designed as a cancer treatment?

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My position is very similar to this. However I believe 100% some part of the US is complicit and that it is simply part of WEF2030 in order to overlay new vast controls over our individual existences.

Essentially the entire world (nearly) are failing high school biology because one terrible teacher, Fauci.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


An absolute miracle. Isn’t it amazing that Fauci had premonition that the World was going to need a vaccine for a new and deadly coronavirus! It was like Fauci heard God speak!

COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Was Released Prior to Pandemic

“What did Moderna [and NIAID] know that we didn’t? In 2019 there was not any singular coronavirus posing a threat to humanity which would warrant a vaccine, and evidence suggests there hasn’t been a singular coronavirus posing a threat to humanity throughout 2020 and 2021 either.”

In confidential documents3 revealed by the U.K.’s Daily Expose, Moderna, together with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), sent mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill December 12, 2019 — raising significant red flags. As The Daily Expose reported:4

The confidential disclosure agreement relays a material transfer agreement between the providers — Moderna, NIAID and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) — and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The providers agreed to transfer “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna” to the university’s investigator.

“The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th 2019 by Ralph Baric, PhD, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th 2019,” Daily Expose noted.

At this point, some backstory information is more than relevant.

We know with great certainty that researchers at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) had access to and were doing gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, and manipulating them to become more infectious and to more easily infect humans. We also know that they collaborated with scientists in the U.S. and received funding from the National Institutes of Health for such research.

At that time, most were blissfully unaware of the pandemic that would change the world in the next few months. It wasn’t until December 31, 2019, that the COVID-19 outbreak was first reported from Wuhan, China,1 and at this point it was only referred to as cases of viral pneumonia, not a novel coronavirus.2 I say “most” because it seems some people may have been aware of something lurking much earlier than it appeared.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Speculate for me why someone would release a killer virus that could potentially kill them too?

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It was possibly a lab mistake or a mistaken intention (ie they did not realize how this will end up). We do not yet know

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Why were they even making it? I think Bill Gates made that pretty clear in his numerous TED TALK warnings for years about a deadly virus was coming, and Fauci saying it could be during Trumps time in office.

What we do know is that even if it was released by accident. They did everything possible to make it profitable and worse. Such as blocking the sale of all proven early treatments for COVID so they could get mRNA released on an emergency exclusive basis.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The virus isn't the killer, for EXACTLY that reason, not when you have access to a number of treatment options that you ban others from knowing about or getting. The vaccine (and the aforementioned ban) are the killers, as your body is being programmed to produce more and more spike proteins that attack your body and overwhelm your own immune systems. I think there will come a time when remote vaccine detection will come, and I'd like to point that at our elected and "important" leaders/elites, because I suspect they're NOT vaccinated.

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Yes - if the virus was the killer then no need for the vaccines.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If you engage in chemical warfare you need a gasmask. If you engage in biowarfare you need reliable antivirals as prophylaxis. Remember Trump recommending hydroxychloroquine? The media jumped on it and made sure the 'fools' believed he were crazy.

Now where did those 130m doses of HCQ go that were kindly donated by novartis? Have you ever heard of big pharma donating anything ever to Joe public?


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Did everyone forget about this Coincidental fire.

Unexplained explosion and fire destroy world’s second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for hydroxychloroquine

Prepare for supplies to tighten for the cheap, effective therapeutic treatment for early stage Covid-19 infection, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Just as the medical establishment in the US is relaxing its absurd and lethal suppression of the cheap, generic drug, following President Trump’s endorsement of it early in the pandemic, HCQ’s continued availability may suffer.  The world’s second largest pharmaceutical facility producing the precursors for HCQ has been destroyed by an explosion and fire.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Interesting. That happened 9 months after Novartis/Sanofi made its commitment. Ample time to produce stock for the world's elite only.

Another interesting fact, Sanofi stopped production of its carrageenan intiviral nose spray Bisolviral in november 2019. I know because I ordered a few of the last remaining bottles just before they sold out everywhere a year later.

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It is easy to get Hydroxy - I had my staff in Hong Kong buy it OTC - and send it to me - Ivermectin is a different animal - cannot get it OTC or with a scrip in HK and most places.

Here in NZ I tried to get Hydroxy - no go - even though I said I was going to Indonesia to trek and needed it for malaria (they see through that as there are far better options)... forget about Ivermectin...they can prescribe but won't.

I was able to get a doc to prescribe here though (so yes they can... but someone is pressuring not to) https://nzdsos.com/nzdsos-covid-help-clinic/

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I ordered IVR from India direct and had it shipped to US.

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We used Betadine cold defense nasal spray - its the only one i could find that had carrageenan as an ingredient.

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Yep - I have that too but just used salt water as I was not particularly clogged up or feeling very sick having started on the Hydroxy immediately.

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Worked for me -- my wife didn't take it and she had medium flu for 5 days or so --- I had similar symptoms as her one morning - took it at noon and by dinner the symptoms reduced to a mild cold - and within 2 days it was done and dusted other than a bit of a sniffle in the morning.

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I have no idea what is in the mind of crazy men or a rich Eugenist . Why was Gates on TED TALKS years before warning us of the deadly CORONAVIRUS on the way?

By 2019 Bill Gates and the foundation were going full-tilt boogie with their pandemic scenarios. He made a Netflix video which made an eerie imaginary scenario. The video, part of the “Explained” series, imagined a wet market in China where live and dead animals are stacked and a highly deadly virus erupts that spreads globally. Gates appears as an expert in the video to warn, “If you think of anything that could come along that would kill millions of people, a pandemic is our greatest risk.” He said if nothing was done to better prepare for pandemics, the time would come when the world would look back and wish it had invested more into potential vaccines. That was weeks before the world heard about bats and a live wet market in Wuhan China.

In October 2019 the Gates Foundation teamed up with the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to enact what they called a “fictional” scenario simulation involving some of the world’s leading figures in public health. It was titled Event 201.

As their website describes it, Event 201 simulated an “outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.”

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Gates has had some sort of evangelical belief that vaccines are the answer to all of humanities illnesses. Accordingly he has sponsored and funded anybody who might agree with his vision. I suspect that he also invests in various promised discoveries to add to his wealth. His gifts and foundations shield him form taxation on his humanitarian efforts and give him access to non-public information. He predicted a pandemic in 2015 and Moderna began serious work on mRNA in 2016. He was a funder for Event 201 that presaged all the mitigation efforts that had past history of not working but if done better would work - or so they thought. He boasted about an investment return of 20X on mRNA.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The vaccine cult started long before Gates involved himself with "public health".

My feeling he's just the chosen one to promote the program and manage the network of corruption that makes it possible, (gavi etc) but he's not the mastermind of the operation.

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The problem started even earlier. In the 70’s Congress was on the verge of defunding the CDC, about the same time Fauci arrived. They purposely brought back the microbes to save the CDC, and vaccines for everything soon followed.


and what I have imagined as Fauci’s train of thought. Fauci…..


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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is Gates an idiot who just eliminated humans form the planet then? Thanks for the reply by the way.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Have you not yet seen the Gates documentary from James Corbett? It is a great introduction to what is happening. A long watch but very revealing.


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You mentioned to me before and I have watched all four parts. Excellent. I even noted it on my post Vaccines Good / Vaccines Bad ?

This debate is only the Magician’s sleight of hand to divert your attention

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks. I am happy you watched and wrote about it! And yeah, there is a lot of diversion going on.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

No. I have read bits and pieces but not long reports. Its hard for me to grasp people would take this risk for financial and social control.

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There is also this to consider.

mRNA is the Bill Gates New Windows

Doesn’t anyone else recognize the analogy and see what is happening?


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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I just read it. Interesting observations. I was wondering where Melinda was hiding out.

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She divorced him.

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I did, long ago. "Servitisation," they call it. You own nothing, everything is a rented service, and if you want the service you consent to the updates. Pretty simple.

So they are trying now to tell you: Your health is at the mercy of our updates. You have no health naturally (uh, b/c we are making these here bioweapons that your body has never encountered before, that nature has never encountered before), but WE can give you health.

Until we decide to give you death.


I know God/nature will win, in the end, but there may not be many of us on Team Reality around to witness this.

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I agree. I watched an interview On CHD TV( Robert Kennedy) today with an ex WHO person. She was some type of statitics analyzer. She says Gates is on ' The Spectrum". of Autism.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They wouldn't. Either the virus is incredibly mild, it can be treated easily, and it only harms the very old or those with damaged immune systems or it doesn't even exist and it's all PCR-based psyops, with conditions and illnesses of all sorts simply reclassified under a new label.

Nothing they haven't done before. If you suffer from pneumonia then you have pneumonia, but if you have pneumonia and test positive for HIV, then you magically have AIDS. And depending on where you live, you may be HIV positive or not, since different testing protocols are used.

Ain't science grand?

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But when you infect people injected with a leaky vaccine - you will eventually end up with a massive catastrophe

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If they had HCQ or IVM, was there any serious chance that it would kill them?

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I certainly hope so!

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't know. I've decided that growing and eating healthy food is the best defense. If I kick off I won't be able to tell you healthy immune responses don't work..

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Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5 million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9 mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm sure they would wait to do such a thing until they thought that they personally had an antidote for it.

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They have vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in their medicine cabinets.

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I think one could speculate that they believed that a vaccine would be protective from death. Except, when they make experimental viral bioweapons, they also test vaccines against the virus. And in every case, the vaccines failed against the coronavirus bioweapons. So they knew, a number of years ago, that vaccines would fail. This leads me to speculate that the leak was accidental. But who knows?

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Interesting to consider.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We have all been poisoned slowly by our food, environment, etc. Pesticides, heavy metals, immunisations, lack of minerals, plant toxins ("eat the rainbow"), fluoride in water, mercury in fish, glyphosate, etc, etc. All these toxins get filtered from the blood and a lot of it is stored in our liver. One theory about how covid works is that it releases toxic bile from the liver into the blood which goes around the body causing many symptoms like nausea when in the stomach, skin problems, headaches, etc etc. Maybe the less toxic people don't have such a hard time with covid? The older you are, the more toxic your liver and bile. Just a thought.


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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I believe those who eat clean, whole food and avoid sugar, etc. probably have an easier time. The older you are, the more toxic your liver is IF you've eaten toxic garbage your entire life. I actually believe the human immune system is on the fritz as most people flood their systems with highly processed foods that contain chemicals, sugars, etc. each day, each meal. These viruses have always been around, but manifest as immune systems break down. I'm sure Covid isn't the end of it - just the beginning.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I also believe in eating simply. Our grandparents/great grandparents only ate seasonally which gave their livers a break from certain foods.👍🏻

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The hypothesis may be an attempt to cover up the remdesivir tracks.

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For more along that line of thought, see Grant Genereux's second book "Poisoning for Profits" about Vitamin A toxicity. Free pdf at ggenereux.blog

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Thanks, I have seen it. Gates gives high dose vitamin A with vaccines to third world countries too. That can't be good.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If this is happening in the UK, it is happening all over the world, the UK government is the only one dumb enough to still admit they screwed up with the vaccines.

When does California admit the negative efficay?

When does California admit that they have poisoned all of our children?

I suppose it doesn't matter if they ever admit anything, they should start going through a culling next winter.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They haven't poisoned all of our children yet, but California adults have surely poisoned many of their children. The culling is already beginning and the chronic part of the process will be ongoing. Unbelievable nightmare!

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They are trying to stealth through this requirement for all kids to get the Covid shot even though the voluntary vaccination rate of 5-11 in this state is, after months of availability, 30%. They've pushed out the mandate to January no doubt to avoid the elections being a revolt over it. But eventually they are going to have to start it up, and it is going to be an absolute shitshow. This is reason #1 why I pushed through to moving out of state before the fall. Maybe I'll be wrong.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh, it's a bit worse than this. California is pushing a number of bills to mandate shots for everyone and track them. Then to put a health agency above sheriff's and mandate they take orders from them. Take a look at this page: https://unityprojectonline.com/take-action/ which has all the links to the bills themselves.

- They are to force vaccine shots on children,

- Remove age of consent barriers for kids getting shots (and other health treatments),

- Mandate shots for attendance at school

- Discipline doctors for discussing alternative treatments

- Allow medical board to inspect doctors offices and medical records without a patient's consent,

- Requires law enforcement to enforce public health guidelines or lose funding

- Require schools to create testing plans and report results to a health department

- Silence any statements the government deems untrue or misleading, including the internet or ads

- Allow school health personnel to disclose children's medical info to a 3rd party without parental consent

- Immunization tracking system for all people

- Proof of vaccination for all employees and independent contractors working in California

If you're in California and would like to keep up on this information and effort, or to volunteer in getting the word out, please sign up at https://unityprojectonline.com/volunteer/

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I've lived in California, both north and south, almost all my life and have always appreciated, despite the sixfold increase in population and all the degradation that has been done, what a wonderful place it has been to live. I believe Newsome merely represents whatever powers that be that are intent on replacing most of the population here with a new one.

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Yeah that actually ended up being impetus 1 for the move. Kid in school might have been able to hold out. But I think my wife would need to take the shot to have any business at all in Cali soon.

It seems crazy they are hellbent on shooting themselves in the foot like this but we may see a lot of that over the next decade.

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Igor, Igor, Igor, how many times do I have to convey to you the degree that widespread testing of asymptomatics necessarily leads to vast majorities of false positives. Most of these "reinfections" and "chronic" Covid you're worried about here are simply false positives. A positive test result does NOT mean one has COVID. You've lost credibility entirely at this point on this issue b/c you are being lazy and willfully ignoring this data that I've shown you now a dozen times. Sorry to be harsh but I respect your work highly in general and yet you have a vast blindspot that you know exists and yet you to continue to act as though you don't have this blindspot. JAMA published a paper last week, Connor et al. 2022, that supports this conclusion rather well. Studying a workplace screening program using antigen tests they found 62% of positive tests were false positives. This is a large UNDERestimate of false positives b/c they used PCR tests to confirm the antigen test results, but PCR tests have their own very serious false positive issues due also to low prior probability and related PPV issues, but also b/c of sky high cycle threshold issues. Do us all a favor and please read this and why don't you take a week to write about these issues in your blog and educate all of your readers as well as yourself? https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2790263

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Did you see my post about ZOE data (a few days ago), it also tells a similar story to this one.


Bad PCR testing was with us since day 1, but the ratios are changing

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UK officials fretted in internal emails discussions about exactly this issue, as discussed in a Guardian article here https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/15/rapid-covid-testing-in-england-may-be-scaled-back-over-false-positives

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I just read it and it's exactly the same problem: despite abundant peer-reviewed science now showing that the large majority (over 90%) of antigen/lateral flow test positives are probably false positives you still seem to treat the UK data as prima facie valid when it's obviously not. You seem to be committing at this point the same kind of malfeasance with the data as Fauci, Walensky, etc. and other "Covid maximizers," but in service of your "antivax maximizer" position. Have you read the materials I've sent many times now? Do you agree that widespread testing of asymptomatic people will necessarily result in a large majority of false positives even with high specificity tests?

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You read like a Pfizer troll. Why the unnecessary hostility? A lot of people read Igor's stuff but they don't bother to read your newsletter.

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Try reading what I wrote again. You aren’t understanding at all what I’m getting at.

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There is also likely a strong cross-reactivity with the antigen (lateral flow) tests being used for screening in the UK (and which are the basis for the ONS reports and their modeling). N gene antigen tests all describe in their Instructions for Use a 37% homology between the common cold coronavirus HKU1 and these Covid antigen tests. I have yet to find a study looking at the actual cross-reactivity in the real world but it seems a good chance, given how common HKU1 is (it's a key CCC that of course peaks in winter and spring every year) and is likely the basis for much of the "spike" in Covid antigen testing, along with the other major factors of low prior probability and faulty use, etc.

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Still, if this has always been true, then I don't see why it can't be treated as a nuisance parameter that remains of fairly constant magnitude over time.

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but it's not a "nuisance parameter," it's been the large majority for most of the pandemic, as in like 90% or more of test positives and "cases" are very likely just false positives b/c of widespread testing of asymptomatics.

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Right, but the point still stands. The weeks before November are a partial negative control of the weeks after, and likewise for the weeks before July. If the current positives are all false there should have been just as high a positivity rate before then. In fact the percentage of false positives will be highest when the rate of all positives is lowest.

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False positives increase as testing increases (for whatever reason), and there's likely also some strong cross-reactivity with seasonal common cold coronaviruses, if we are to take the survey data about omicron symptoms being basically identical to common cold symptoms seriously.

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Right, but I was referring to the "percentage" of false positives (as in how many positives are false / all positives), which goes up when the rate of positives is lower (how many tests are positives / all tests), so you are correct that you can drive up the former by doing more tests, but you would have to also see the latter go down at the same time.

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Right, it could also be viewed as a partial probability scenario, and I suspect some conclusions can still be drawn.

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So then all Igor would have to say is that the true result is probably scaled by some nuisance parameter, I think his point would still stand

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Exactly, from my reply to another message:

Did you see my post about ZOE data (a few days ago), it also tells a similar story to this one.


Bad PCR testing was with us since day 1, but the ratios are changing

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The Zoe data are critical is seeing who feels ill. As you note the curious counting of cases interferes with analysis. We might assume nobody is getting tested just because. More likely they test to confirm why they feel like crap. In the beginning the nervous nellies rushed to get tested because they had a cold; false positives might then allow themselves to become victim because now victims have status. I think we are now in a different place. All the nellies got vaccinated and nobody cares if they are ill because it has become routine.

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ZOE has shown overwhelmingly that Omicron symptoms are basically identical to common cold. So it's likely that most "Omicron" is literally common cold and based on false positives paired with symptoms from common cold infection.

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Omicron has elements of the common cold virus. Flow tests may or may not detect those matches to declare infection. I haven't checked which part of the virus is used to define positive. PCR can distinguish a few variants depending on reagent choice. IOW - I don't know.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Like how many people are actually sick?

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Well, if the "nuisance parameter" is 90% or more it's not a nuisance parameter is it? And that's what the data are strongly suggesting since day one, but exacerbated even more with the shift from PCR testing to antigen (lateral flow) testing. https://tamhunt.medium.com/how-covid-19-stats-are-grossly-exaggerated-a-brief-summary-of-the-arguments-53a5b4237c4c

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I don't think you understand the technical definition and usage of a nuisance parameter. Yes it still could be a nuisance parameter

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Calling something a "nuisance" that is 9 times higher than the actual signal is obviously not helpful.

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and the problem got far worse when nations switched from PCR testing to antigen testing as their primary approach, adn then far worse again when at-home antigen tests became available. And then even worse in those nations, like China, started to MANDATE reporting all at-home antigen test results to the authorities, and this last policy shift is obviously the main cause behind the "surge" in cases in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

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Absolutely Spot On.

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Maybe they should stop read online news, stop testing and get out on fresh air. It would help them a lot.

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Yes they should do that every single day. What stops them from doing that? No one... Welcome to wonderland. The first tea party as been concluded and you are watching it trough the looking glass... LOL. Next, more nasty business. Some 3d chess with killer queen rules!!!

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Pretty much all of my fears are becoming a reality. Next 5-10 years will be crushing, way more than the last 2 were. I'm glad I have not gotten any shots, nor have ever gotten infected. Neither has my family. I feel extremely lucky and I hope it's not just luck, as I've limited myself last two years, basically living in isolation. It sucks but I feel a relief, knowing all of those friends/relatives that succumbed to this propaganda campaign.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There are many of us who are quite immune and will never become ill after exposure to the virus. A subset of people have IGA in their mucosal areas. The subset never develops antibodies because the virus never got a chance to replicate. The UK challenge trial data illustrate the point.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor; you’re right. Dr GVB talks about getting reinfected multiple times with spike, and how it will exhaust the immune system eventually. I often wonder why China is adamant about lockdowns. Is there something they know that we don’t?

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Yep, I and my commenters discussed exactly that here:


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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

China is an interesting case study. China must keep the machines (their citizens) working in order to grow their economy and feed their people. Too many people falling ill and or being locked down will cause fewer people working and will cause serious problems for the country. Will we ever know what is behind China’s approach to covid. Not sure.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Given they recently shut down in a very important production area, the effects on GDP have to be significant. They carved out an exception for Foxcon in order to keep those iPhones coming. Cook's bribes likely are significant. But another bottleneck arrived involving the issue of trucks to and from the ports.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Dr. Zelenko: “The Vaccinated Now Have AIDS”

by noah 6 hours ago


Well folks, there you have it.

Dr. Zelenko does not mince words and he just came right out and said it on Clay Clarke’s show: yes, the vaccinated have AIDS.

Not HIV-produced AIDS, but make no mistake they have AIDS.

AIDS = Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

And that’s exactly what is happening.

Their bodies are losing all ability to defend themselves. That’s what immuno-deficiency means.

And it’s very scary.

I’ll let the doctor explain it himself.

As COVID restrictions are being lifted, many are concerned about another COVID variant developing.

Medical hero Dr. Vladimir Zelenko talks about three ways there could be more variants (transcript is below):

Q: Do you believe there will be more COVID variants?

“COVID-19, which is a virus, has several reasons why variants developed. First is that every virus develops mutations — it gives them survival benefits. So it’s natural for some variants to arise that way.

Then, according to world experts like Dr. Luc Montagnier, who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering HIV. And Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who is the world’s most published immunologist and Dr. Geert Van Den Bosch from the Netherlands, one of the world experts in immunology. They all said the following: If you vaccinate people during an active pandemic, you are causing evolutionary pressure to make more dangerous variants.

And the third possibility, even though I don’t have proof for it, but it is a logical deduction: Since we know that COVID-19 is a manmade bioweapon — so the same people that created the initial weapon could create the variants, as well.”


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So awful. Imagine the Horror if many of these people suddenly ' Wake Up' snd realize. Twitter seems to suggest so. I'm a casual observer.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Leaving a heavily vaxxed school for a lightly vaxxed one. Less exposure to chronic Covid will be just one more benefit.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The Covidiots won’t stop the madness. It’s a sever cold virus (perhaps engineered perhaps not); that’s what coronavirus is. If you are healthy and younger than 60, you have almost nothing to worry about. Look at the data. It’s been smacking you in the face for well over two years now. If anything, the people getting three or four jabs are in trouble. Perhaps it’s only because the sickest and scared among us are the only ones stupid enough to get booster shots. Stop the fearmongering and get on with your life. There is nothing you can do to stop mother nature. Even if the Wuhan lab messed with mother nature, the genie is out of the bottle, and there is no way to put her back. Aren't you tired yet of playing chicken little for two years?

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Here here.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022Author

I know a young adult to had lung fibrosis, fucked up for life. That person had comorbidities.

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Agree. People don't seem to know that throughout the history of mankind, people have died from the common cold/other respiratory virus. The common cold can kill, just like any other disease. Do you ever wonder why there has never been (and never will be) a vaccine for the common cold?

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There is a very interesting article from 2009 when the "common cold" was first sequenced which offers some clues.


“Having sequenced the complete genomes of these things we now know you can be infected by more than one virus at a time and that they can recombine (their genes),” Palmenberg explains. “That’s why we’ll never have a vaccine for the common cold. Nature is very efficient at putting different kinds of paint on the viruses.”

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That's why they ' Guess' at Flu vaxxes.

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