I am spiritually told ADHD medication will help. Makes the immune system stronger when sick. Studies seem to confirm. Dont know if VAIDS or ADE is real though. If i understand it is because amphetamine cause a release of adrenaline and immune cells have adrenaline receptors. One study: ”The COVID-19 infection rate is nearly 50% higher among individuals with unmedicated ADHD compared to individuals without ADHD”
I saw something about the numbers in highly vaxxed and boosted NZ and Iceland, the infections are sky-high ... yet many places still have vax and/or booster passports. Walking into a vax-passport place is probably a great way to get infected.
Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
NZ is a special case, considering the government closed our borders and kept covid almost entirely out for 2 years, and only recently the flood gates have been opened up and an omicron strain is FINALLY roaring through the country... for the first time. At the end of summer.
EDIT: We're ~95% vaxxed, according to government statistics which I do not trust. But the point is, we had essentially zero natural immunity across the country.
Maybe intravenous drips soon. There will be Spike Protein Drip centers around soon. Large screen TVs. Snacks. Oxygen and critical care staff for those “Very Rare” reactions. Virtual Reality headsets. Oops. They are already living in an alternate reality.
The Omicron will be your country's saving grace, as it should finally render natural immunity for nearly everyone. That's what it is doing here in the USA.
Agreed. Honestly though, I'm simply glad that the government's given up trying to control this thing... it's been all kinds of insane, and it's led to many family arguments. And now since you kindly volunteered, I'm just going to keep on typing and use you as a therapist.
I got a whiff of the omicron about 2 weeks ago at the supermarket, early on during this wave. Had a 'raw' throat (I wouldn't call it sore), a headache, a bit of a body ache - all for a day, then it pretty much went away. I was shocked when my family all came down with symptoms 5 days later, on the same day. Turned out to be covid. Before it went away, I developed a light cough on day 5, and on day 6 I found it slightly harder to breathe (I could feel it in my lungs), and day 7... it went away entirely, and that was that.
It's... a relief to be on the other side of it. 2 Years of watching my country give in to endless paranoid fear. 2 years of hearing scary stories. 2 years watch the medical industry's prestige implode from corruption.
We couldn't get any ivermectin here - it's apparently too good for us. But I'd stockpiled all the other protocol pills I could, and the family's all pulled through. Now it's time to watch what happens with my 99 year old grandfather at the care home - it locked down 2 days ago, with 2 residents infected with covid. From what I remember, centenarians have been surprisingly successful at fighting off covid. Que sera sera.
Your Omicron bout sounds about like my Delta bout. When it happened, I was almost disappointed, thinking at the time that all the fear-mongering by the media and Public Health was overrated. I have had much worse flu episodes over the years. As for Ivermectin, It is being sold online in many places with no prescription required. One should be able to mail-order it under the name Stromectol or Stromectol "substitute" names. I would do a search using Duck Duck Go. If you use Google, it will block you from finding real information.
The issue is NZ has some of the most thorough/advanced Customs package screening in the world, since we're an island with big drug problems. I have heard of some people successfully getting ivermectin in - but I've heard of far more packages being intercepted at the border.
Combined with the absolutely crazy cost of Indian mail-order ivermectin, I figured I'd take my chances... and correctly so, apparently.
I happened to stumble upon a bonanza of Ivermectin available in tablet form online when searching for online veterinarian meds that one can get without a vet subscription...perhaps under the guise of ordering meds for your dog, cat, horse, etc...? It does not have to come from India.
I got it some at Seven Cells compounding pharmacy in Florida (was on flccc site, they have other sources there too, they do not vet them, only list them). Had to pay a consultation fee but it wasn't too bad ($25 or $35, I forget). They dose it according to your body weight. It arrived very quickly.
But we have already been promised a new plandemic. I think Billy Gates' words were "Wait until the next one" or something to that effect. Too bad. I refuse to kowtow to these people ever again.
NZ is an island and they were able to keep Covid out through locking it down and turning it into a fortress. It's a losing battle though as eventually Covid will get in and run through the population. That is happening now.
Where NZ got extremely lucky was that when Covid finally did get in it was Omicron, not Delta or the original strain. Omicron is less lethal so fewer deaths. Plus the NZ population is generally healthier than the US population which is so racked with obesity and diabetes. NZ also has a nice climate so the population likely has higher Vitamin D levels.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the NZ government as that witch turned a peaceful, beautiful country into a fear-driven, near totalitarian state. They just got extremely lucky in that it was Omicron that broke through rather than the other strains. Plus there will be a price to pay for vaxx adverse effects down the road.
The deaths will come. The case numbers started exploding a week or so ago, and it could be another week or so before we've reached the peak. Peak hospitalisations will follow a week or two after that... and then the peak deaths some 2-3 weeks after that, if I remember the omicron graphs.
Isnt the death rate statistic still tainted by the fact that vaccinated people are counted as unvaccinated until a couple of weeks after the vaccination?
Igor, is a person with two jabs deemed "fully vaxxed" and three "boosted"?
And is there any window of time (two weeks) that keeps someone in one pile from moving on to the next?
I think Ryan Cristian said that if someone gets the third "boost" they are immediately considered "boosted", no two week window necessary.
Just seems like they are purposely skewing numbers.
The most egregious is after the first injection when most adverse reax happen, the first two weeks, are "unvaccinated".
Never mind how ridiculous it is that we have "tiers" of vaccination, and every gold plated tier drops in value/efficacy like a stone. Like within weeks!
This is true - though it seems like it happened in the older cohorts too. Wonder if it's a knock on effect of so many infections in the 18-49s who all boosted at the same time in December/Early January).
I did confirm with UK HSA that a person who gets boosted and tests positive week 1, (counts as 2 Dose) does not shift to >= 14 days after Dose 3 when that time elapses. The case is counted in the category it was in when it occurred. I was trying to find reasons for boosting to show worse case rates.
Now I'm left with Hybrid being BETTER than boosted (but worse than non-hybrid natural).
Or increased dosages causing long term immunological damage leading to increased risk over time.
I'd be interested in whether you have a different suggestion.
Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Precisely the point I was making!
Authorities are trusting to the incapacity of public memory. I distinctly recall they also assured a concerned populace that CHILDREN WERE NOT A RISK GROUP, replete with statistics to put the masses at ease.
One enormous staged production of lies and sophistry.
I have two different theories about what might be going on with the waning death protection. The first is that early on, the unvaccinated especially in older categories were likely to be too sick to take the jab. Now a fair number of them have died off and the remaining might have recovered enough from whatever to move to a partly/fully jabbed category. The second involves some horror stories out of England about hospital treatment for unvaccinated Covid cases: people left with no water or food, beeping monitors ignored for hours, completely substandard care. I wonder how much of any these two things are contributing to the booster death protection...
"Vaccine". "Herd immunity". "Anti-vax". Now we have "Hybrid immunity".
Animal Farm language stuff.
These people are like small children caught in a lie and they are never going to admit that they ate the cookies.
They just need enough of an opening so that their Propagandists like Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball never have to just show up, look at the camera point blank and say, "We were wrong. The jabs failed."
Now we have war, very luckily for those people. I absolutely condemn this war, to be sure, but I am also upset that it may let the vaccinators distract us frmo their crimes.
We did get Omicron, including my wife and son who had Alpha nearly exactly a year before. Much milder than Alpha - though they did have the worst cases in the house. My youngest still didn't get sick.
Your comment "booster still protects against dying" cannot be true. If the proportion of people who have had one jab or more (true definition of vaccinated) is 69% (figure from the same ukhsa report) and yet 90% of the deaths are in the vaccinated, then the vaccine is negatively effective against death.
I suspect you (the ukhsa!) are comparing boosted vs unvaccinated where "unvaccinated" includes those who have had a jab or those whose jab was <14 days ago or....fix the figures to suit the narrative.
If 90% of deaths are in the vaccinated, the vaccine is negatively effective and kills.
That statement is unsubstantiated and wrong. We know the clotshots are killing people but we can’t be sure how many. You are only referring to “C19 death protection”. If you take into account the vaxx-caused deaths there is only negative efficacy, in probably every single age group.
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s invasion, the UK Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated are now up to 3.2x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s invasion, the UK Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated are now up to 3.2x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
As glad as I am that I was able to stay un-jabbed...my heart does go out to the ones who felt forced into getting the poison because of the scuzzy mandate. I hope they are able to find a way to heal and recover from the harm eventually.
I feel kind of sorry. I don’t feel sorry for family members and so called friends who are ragging on me. While they seem sicker in body every day. Plus they are raging head cases now along with it. I stay away while thanking God every day I don’t have that stuff in me.
I was under the federal contractor mandate but fortunately am in the position I could afford to be out of work for a while. There was no way I was going to take the shots and I was ready to sue my employer if they denied my religious accommodation and fired me. They did end up granting the exemption and then withdrew the mandate entirely a few weeks later once it ran into legal trouble. Last week my employer withdrew the mask mandate for both vaxxed and unvaxxed. It's now like none of it ever happened, firmly down the memory hole.
One big lesson in all of this is don't ever do something against your will until the very last minute, and exercise every available option to delay or muddle things up. Don't stress out, learn every legal trick you can, work out a plan, and stick with it. Political winds can change on a dime, and there's no go reason to do something like this early just to "get it over with". Many times things just go away when they get unpopular.
Hopefully those who were coerced into taking the shot don't live to regret their choice.
Just listened to my inner voice, the one that's the opposite of my conscience. (Interesting spelling of that word, by the way: con-science.)
If I knew I knew better than everyone what must be done to achieve my master plan, how would I do it?
Make it mandatory. Make it a hassle to live without. Make it unavoidable. Make it insidious and impossible for laymen to see what's happening. Make it a chore to learn about it.
Needles you can avoid, and police holding down people while they are injected is poor PR. What can't be avoided? Breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping. So introduce the substance that way. Of these, breathing is probably the easist.
That list, mandatory and a hassle and so on? Came to me when thinking how different software is today compared to thirty years ago. All freedom is gone from it. I'm actually surprised we don't have to pay licensing fees for each letter on the keyboard yet.
Look at Microsoft's business model regarding content - and compare it to the politics of the last ten years.
If shedding is quantifiable, he's accomplished his goal.
He's managing to buy global access for his mad-scientist GMO mosquito project, despite its fallout in sub-Saharan Africa(river blindness). Currently, his sinister plans expand beyond the mosquito release in the Florida Keys. When evil money talks, public health is no competition.
I've never been a fan of the shedding theory. I'm much more aligned with the vaccination causes reduced immunity and therefore increase cases argument (for the first couple of weeks).
I don't see a plausible mechanism to absorb enough shed spike to give YOU symptoms greater than the vaccinee such that it emulates the disease.
Obviously this is accepting that spike causes many of the symptoms - I would still necessarily assume that second-hand vaccine as it were, would cause less symptoms than first-hand (IE getting vaccinated)
The premise doubtless generated from Pfzr’s documents outlining strict instructions to trial participants. Additionally, clinicians have made public various anecdotal accounts of unusual symptoms after workplace exposure to the vaxxed.
Somewhat off the topic, it will be interesting to learn whether the “recessive” germ line issues are discovered in offspring of single-vaccinee parentage.
Let's say shedding is real, but not the extent that you can vaccinate another adult by standing next to them, not even spouses living together.
Instead the aim is to have newborns injected so that they continously shed amongst eachother on kindergartens and at schools, making the levels increase over time, and thereby making them more and more susceptible for various kinds of spike-related diseases and ailments, lowering average life expectancy on the population level to about fifty.
Old enough to maybe have one or two adult children (fully injected and also shedding) but with no hope of ever growing old. Remember, people to old to work are tabled as an expense and a drain on society.
I doubt that a depopulation plan would be such that the method would entail killing a significant percentage immediately, say over one year. That would be much easier to spot than a method which simply increases all cause mortality on a generational level, by continously increasing the odds of disease, cancers and so on.
"On June 6, 1966, a group of US Army scientists made their way into the Seventh and Eighth Avenue lines of the New York City subway. Some carried air sampling machines in boxes and on belts; others carried light bulbs. The light bulbs were packed with about 175 grams of Bacillus subtilis bacteria, then known as Bacillus globigii — approximately 87 trillion organisms in each. The plan was to shatter them and then use the sampling machines to see how they spread through the subway tunnels and trains.
This test was one of at least 239 experiments conducted by the military in a 20-year "germ warfare testing program" that went on from 1949 to 1969. These experiments that used bacteria to simulate biological weapons were conducted on civilians without their knowledge or consent. That stands in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code, which stipulates that "voluntary, informed consent" is required for research participants."
Mar 4, 2022·edited Mar 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Thank you so much, Igor, for this distillation.
WTH is wrong with people, so dug in, that vax developments have no power to interrupt their injection-fixation?
Are there any salient facts that might convince? I guess I no longer place much confidence in the original sources of the numbers, knowing how long authorities have tampered with them. These are lethal injections. I refuse to believe the elderly/infirm are rendered some inexplicable advantage from a concoction that's claiming the lives of vital, peak-health atletes and even children, now. Microbiologically speaking, WHY would seniors(vulnerable with diverse co-morbidities) derive protective benefit from the injections at all--however brief--since the latter are clearly diminishing immune health, giving rise to a catalog of serious conditions, while simultaneously mimicking the very virus the public is expressly told seniors should be sheltered from? What did those many nursing home deaths, early on, actually result from? These numbers have me mulling John O'Looney's testimony all over again.
And, Sage Hana, you got it!
I originally labeled the shooters "sadists". Obviously, they're answering the needs of the masochists among us. Services rendered...
Many deaths in nursing homes were simply euthanasia. It came out in Britain. That undertaker as you know saw it. Evil stalks the halls of hospitals and nursing homes. Pure unadulterated evil behind a mask.
Health care facilities are NO place to be now! These are already lawless times. (If the days are this bad while the restrainer of 2 Thessalonians remains, what will life be like once restraints are gone?)
Exactly. My job 1 is to stay out of any hospital or conventional docs office. I have a functional medicine doc. No staff is vaxxed. I feel safe. But not for on everything that could befall me. Scary but keeping my peace.
It's a wise woman you are. When Science was redefined, "health care", "compassion", and "safe" fell to the same pen. Hold onto that peace; it vexes "them". It's the true panacea from the Universal donor.
Evil behind a mask? The mask hasn't been invented that could obscure the face of reveling democidal wickedness at play!
Isaiah 25:7:
7 And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations.
Have you written on the mysterious disappearance of the flu yet? As of the introduction of RT-PCR tests in March 2020 the seasonal influenzas "vanished" all over the world according to WHO influenza tracking app:
I hope you don't buy the bs that masks and social distancing killed the flu while made SARS COV2 emerged out of the oblivion inluding Sweden, Florida and over 90% of Africa that had no such measures...
I've witnessed this scam first hand in Toronto hospitals: All influenza related respiratory infections disappeared in April 2020 with 7 positive for influenza after April out of 30K and then ZERO after that for over 18 months.
I know around March 2020, the CDC was using their own 3 year moving average flu model to predict how many covid deaths were occurring. The rationale was because we didn't have a covid test yet and deaths related to pneumonia could take 60 days or more to determine possible covid pathology. This info came from the CDC website.
When the EUA was rescinded on the PCR test 12/31/2021, and application for licensure was withdrawn, the CDC sent notices out to all testing facilities to be sure, moving forward, that they put into place robust “multiplex” testing methodologies able to distinguish between influenza and COV-2.
I’m with you, and many other clinicians and immunologists who have labeled this a seasonal influenza strain from the start.
You must realize that Moderna was in clinical trials of mRNA vaccines for both influenzas and SARS CoV2 in 2021 while influenza was nowhere to be found in the world according to WHO stats...
How do test the efficacy of a vaccine in clinical trials for both influenzas and SARS CoV2 if influenza at least officially "vanished"?
I don’t believe what the public’s been told about any aspect of this pathogen. Any who believe it burst onto the scene, coinciding curiously with influenza’s inexplicable disappearance, I wish them well in their analytical pursuits.
The PCR test was an exploited means by which this global malfeasance was propped up.
Julius Ruechel on substack wrote a great article on why the flu disappeared: basically C19 crowded it out. Worth reading in case you are one of those that believes C19 is the flu.
"The problem with trying to answer this question is that PCR testing is so technically complicated that most of us are unable to independently judge whether PCR tests are merely picking up fragments of influenza DNA that share similarities with portions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And most of us do not have the technical expertise to judge for ourselves whether the SARS-CoV-2 genome has truly been isolated and fully sequenced, or whether the published gene sequence used during PCR testing is actually just a virtual computer-generated imposter." - Julius Ruechel's article
Now I know why you didn't provide the link to Julius Ruechel's article. Neither him, nor you, understand how RT-PCR testing works and the symptoms of influenzas, that include up to 15% of seasonal upper respiratory infection caused by coronaviruses, are indistinguishable... unless the "reliable" PCR test is used... what a relief...
Another nail in the coffin of so-called "novel" virus called SARS CoV2 is its origins.
Natural, evolutionary origin, of furin cleavage site in SARS CoV2 has been dismissed because of the mathematical improbability.
Anyone who understands quantum biology, or has ever been to a lab, knows that gain of function is not possible, because of von Neumann entropy law of conservation of quantum information...
Consequently, the replication of the experiment of the insertion of furin cleavage into a coronavirus in culture cells has failed before the so-called "pandemic" with 0.2 death rate (same as the influenza), and there after.
In other words, no one has been able to replicate the gain of function experiment of the insertion of furin cleavage into a coronavirus because it gets lost each time...
Anyone who is able to accomplish such a task, not only the insertion of furin cleavage into a coronavirus but any gain of function experiment, should contact me and I'd be glad to share a Nobel Prize with him or her...until then...😊
“Now I know why you didn’t provide a link…”. Interesting that you “know” what I didn’t say. I thought about providing the link, but decided not to out of sheer laziness. LOL. I’m not a deceptive person. Ruechel has written many articles and I’m not going to bother to spend time trying to find out where the quote comes from that you provided. The article that I referred to was one in which Ruechel made the case for the innate immune system being so revved up fighting C19 that most other URI viruses including influenza, were kept from ever replicating. I know enough, both through reading people like McCullough, Kory, Marik, and in my own treatment of patients with this illness, to know that it isn’t influensa in most cases. I’m sure there are exceptions but I don’t think many. As natural immunity to C19 becomes more and more widespread It will be interesting to see if Ruechel was right, that there will be a return of influenza. Btw, I do think it is courteous to provide links, but I expect most people reading comments here to be well-informed enough that they will be familiar with most widely-followed authors like Ruechel. For those who can’t do that without a link, it’s easy to stop reading and go to the next comment.
"Appealing to authorities?" Not sure why you ask that question. In the beginning of this operation my knee-jerk reaction was actually that this is the flu being paraded around as a new, mysterious very deadly virus. It was obvious to me that a giant psyop was in play and that was my initial thought, which I continued with for a few months during the early spring 2000. I'm retired and no longer in practice but still have contact with MD's I used to practice with. I asked pulmonologists I knew how they could distinguish between C19 and the flu. The reply wasn't really satisfactory because it was, in fact, mainly a negative flu test and a positive PCR (which we all know was not reliable for many reasons) for C19. The pulmonologist I was in touch with was mainly treating patients in the ICU and they basically had an ARDS/sepsis picture. Although I did hear reports from other MD's about catecholamine storms which I had never heard of before in relationship to influenza. So there were questions. I have relied on reports from people like McCullough, Kory, and Marik because they were actually treating large numbers of patients. They were all convinced that this was, in fact, not influenza, that it was a different, nastier virus than influenza and had certain clinical symptoms (profound loss of taste and smell, catecholamine storms, two-phase sickness of viral replication and inflammation response, brain fog, long hauler syndrome) that were not associated with influenza. I eventually became convinced, not because of unreliable, manipulatable PCR testing, but because of those clinical presentations, that it was in fact not influenza, but something else which is called C19. I had to basically come out of retirement and treat a pretty large number of friends, relatives and others with early treatments of IVM and HCQ that actually work quite well and in the process I think I've learned enough to distinguish between this illness and influenza.
The fact that McCullough changed his mind about PCR tests (he qualifies his position on PCR tests by explaining its "shortcomings") and people being infected twice I see as a positive. To me it means he isn't dogmatic, ie., he follows the data and changes his mind if need be. In my own practice I initially totally discounted PCR testing, but I have to admit, after hearing for the 10th or 11th time from a patient that they tested negative several times, then were in contact with someone who got sick, and then they developed symptoms and tested again, and were positive PCR, that I had to re-examine that as well. PCR is highly manipulatable and was chosen as the "test du jour" for that reason. Still, when one is trying to make a diagnosis with a person who is sick, one has to do the best one can with what is available and try to weight the data with some kind of reliability fudge factor. I would never treat someone based on their PCR test alone. But it's definitely an observation when it repeatedly switches from negative to positive when clinical symptoms appear.
Sorry for the long answer and I don't think there is much point in beating this horse any longer.
So, you are an MD who no longer practices? That would explain it...
Have you ever used a Biofire Biodetection machine? If you had you'd at least become suspicious how after the upgrade with multiplex RT-PCR test kit all influenza positive tests disappeared and become SARS CoV2...
I assume since you did not mention it, this report had no data regarding reinfections?
I know one person (thrice Pfizered) who had Covid twice now within a span of 3 months and said the second time was much worse and left her with lingering long Covid symptoms. Meanwhile I had a prolonged recent exposure to Covid (after recovering in December from a mild case) and feel great, no symptoms. I now identify as "boosted" (by Covid).
Keep applying the hammer until the bruising stops, True Believers!
Sounds like "the beatings will continue until morale improves."
Or the injections will persist until death by “natural causes”.
I am spiritually told ADHD medication will help. Makes the immune system stronger when sick. Studies seem to confirm. Dont know if VAIDS or ADE is real though. If i understand it is because amphetamine cause a release of adrenaline and immune cells have adrenaline receptors. One study: ”The COVID-19 infection rate is nearly 50% higher among individuals with unmedicated ADHD compared to individuals without ADHD”
Also research suggest ADHD may be an immuno related disease.
Here's what a freaky memory I have. Did you link to an Andrew Huberman video on this topic once before?
Because I had seen it, and I agreed with it. I think the CNS is related to the immune system.
I saw something about the numbers in highly vaxxed and boosted NZ and Iceland, the infections are sky-high ... yet many places still have vax and/or booster passports. Walking into a vax-passport place is probably a great way to get infected.
NZ is a special case, considering the government closed our borders and kept covid almost entirely out for 2 years, and only recently the flood gates have been opened up and an omicron strain is FINALLY roaring through the country... for the first time. At the end of summer.
EDIT: We're ~95% vaxxed, according to government statistics which I do not trust. But the point is, we had essentially zero natural immunity across the country.
Don't worry because you're all set for hybrid immunity which is so much more better.
The best immunity is three vaccine doses and three covid reinfections, gives a sixtuple superhybrid immunity
Maybe intravenous drips soon. There will be Spike Protein Drip centers around soon. Large screen TVs. Snacks. Oxygen and critical care staff for those “Very Rare” reactions. Virtual Reality headsets. Oops. They are already living in an alternate reality.
Misnformation! It should be at least four vaccine doses and three reinfections!
Sounds like "double secret probation" to me😎
Is that like winning the "Trifecta" Your the big winner !
So then, they decompose at a slower rate once buried?
I hope YOU’RE JOKING!!! 😳
You know the vaxxed will only live for 2 years after your First shot? RIGHT??
This is not about a “VIRUS”.
Here are some REAL DOCTORS… WATCH!!! https://rumble.com/vw7u64-dr.-jane-ruby-warning-extremely-graphic-stop-getting-vaccinated-immediately.html
Thanks for the laugh. ^^
The Omicron will be your country's saving grace, as it should finally render natural immunity for nearly everyone. That's what it is doing here in the USA.
That is unlikely to happen due to vaccinated people being unable to acquire such immunity. They get sick repeatedly
Right. Wishful thinking, I guess. Perhaps their record of percentage vaxxed is overstated? I hope so.
Agreed. Honestly though, I'm simply glad that the government's given up trying to control this thing... it's been all kinds of insane, and it's led to many family arguments. And now since you kindly volunteered, I'm just going to keep on typing and use you as a therapist.
I got a whiff of the omicron about 2 weeks ago at the supermarket, early on during this wave. Had a 'raw' throat (I wouldn't call it sore), a headache, a bit of a body ache - all for a day, then it pretty much went away. I was shocked when my family all came down with symptoms 5 days later, on the same day. Turned out to be covid. Before it went away, I developed a light cough on day 5, and on day 6 I found it slightly harder to breathe (I could feel it in my lungs), and day 7... it went away entirely, and that was that.
It's... a relief to be on the other side of it. 2 Years of watching my country give in to endless paranoid fear. 2 years of hearing scary stories. 2 years watch the medical industry's prestige implode from corruption.
We couldn't get any ivermectin here - it's apparently too good for us. But I'd stockpiled all the other protocol pills I could, and the family's all pulled through. Now it's time to watch what happens with my 99 year old grandfather at the care home - it locked down 2 days ago, with 2 residents infected with covid. From what I remember, centenarians have been surprisingly successful at fighting off covid. Que sera sera.
Your Omicron bout sounds about like my Delta bout. When it happened, I was almost disappointed, thinking at the time that all the fear-mongering by the media and Public Health was overrated. I have had much worse flu episodes over the years. As for Ivermectin, It is being sold online in many places with no prescription required. One should be able to mail-order it under the name Stromectol or Stromectol "substitute" names. I would do a search using Duck Duck Go. If you use Google, it will block you from finding real information.
The issue is NZ has some of the most thorough/advanced Customs package screening in the world, since we're an island with big drug problems. I have heard of some people successfully getting ivermectin in - but I've heard of far more packages being intercepted at the border.
Combined with the absolutely crazy cost of Indian mail-order ivermectin, I figured I'd take my chances... and correctly so, apparently.
I happened to stumble upon a bonanza of Ivermectin available in tablet form online when searching for online veterinarian meds that one can get without a vet subscription...perhaps under the guise of ordering meds for your dog, cat, horse, etc...? It does not have to come from India.
My ivermectin got snaffled at the NZ border
I got it some at Seven Cells compounding pharmacy in Florida (was on flccc site, they have other sources there too, they do not vet them, only list them). Had to pay a consultation fee but it wasn't too bad ($25 or $35, I forget). They dose it according to your body weight. It arrived very quickly.
Be careful what you wish for
...you might just get it...
But we have already been promised a new plandemic. I think Billy Gates' words were "Wait until the next one" or something to that effect. Too bad. I refuse to kowtow to these people ever again.
NZ seems to be avoiding deaths. I'm not sure how.
NZ is an island and they were able to keep Covid out through locking it down and turning it into a fortress. It's a losing battle though as eventually Covid will get in and run through the population. That is happening now.
Where NZ got extremely lucky was that when Covid finally did get in it was Omicron, not Delta or the original strain. Omicron is less lethal so fewer deaths. Plus the NZ population is generally healthier than the US population which is so racked with obesity and diabetes. NZ also has a nice climate so the population likely has higher Vitamin D levels.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the NZ government as that witch turned a peaceful, beautiful country into a fear-driven, near totalitarian state. They just got extremely lucky in that it was Omicron that broke through rather than the other strains. Plus there will be a price to pay for vaxx adverse effects down the road.
But Omicron is killing way more people -- so why lucky?
The deaths will come. The case numbers started exploding a week or so ago, and it could be another week or so before we've reached the peak. Peak hospitalisations will follow a week or two after that... and then the peak deaths some 2-3 weeks after that, if I remember the omicron graphs.
They don't report them https://palexander.substack.com/p/hhhhhmmm-what-is-happening-in-new?s=r
And deaths lag infections ... we are just getting going
Or have the triple jabbed shed their newly manufactured proliferating toxic spike proteins even if they never contracted the actual virus!
Saw a funny meme: “businesses are now requiring a positive CoViD test as proof of vaccination”
Works for CA health care workers! Let's Go Gavin!
Great way to encourage more mutations ... leaky vaccine --- high vax rates --- let er rip.
What could go wrong?
Isnt the death rate statistic still tainted by the fact that vaccinated people are counted as unvaccinated until a couple of weeks after the vaccination?
It is, but since not many people get vaccinated or boosted any more, it is not that significant
Igor, is a person with two jabs deemed "fully vaxxed" and three "boosted"?
And is there any window of time (two weeks) that keeps someone in one pile from moving on to the next?
I think Ryan Cristian said that if someone gets the third "boost" they are immediately considered "boosted", no two week window necessary.
Just seems like they are purposely skewing numbers.
The most egregious is after the first injection when most adverse reax happen, the first two weeks, are "unvaccinated".
Never mind how ridiculous it is that we have "tiers" of vaccination, and every gold plated tier drops in value/efficacy like a stone. Like within weeks!
This is true and it had a HUGE effect when a lot of people were boosted. Not as much any more. This is a real effect
This is true - though it seems like it happened in the older cohorts too. Wonder if it's a knock on effect of so many infections in the 18-49s who all boosted at the same time in December/Early January).
I did confirm with UK HSA that a person who gets boosted and tests positive week 1, (counts as 2 Dose) does not shift to >= 14 days after Dose 3 when that time elapses. The case is counted in the category it was in when it occurred. I was trying to find reasons for boosting to show worse case rates.
Now I'm left with Hybrid being BETTER than boosted (but worse than non-hybrid natural).
Or increased dosages causing long term immunological damage leading to increased risk over time.
I'd be interested in whether you have a different suggestion.
A lot of frail elderly cannot be vaxxed ... this is the reason--because they die from it
Even more reported on this site
So after this there has been less mass vaxxing of care home residents, and the same people are likely to die of Covid.
Wasn't that elderly and vulnerable cohort the dominant rationale for the "vaccines" to begin with? And they can't get the jab(s) b/c they die?
Meanwhile the young and healthy who have a 99.8xxxx% chance at beating the virus get to lose their jobs for not getting the magical elixir...
Precisely the point I was making!
Authorities are trusting to the incapacity of public memory. I distinctly recall they also assured a concerned populace that CHILDREN WERE NOT A RISK GROUP, replete with statistics to put the masses at ease.
One enormous staged production of lies and sophistry.
Hopefully some families take their loved ones out of those places to protect them from Covid and from the shots.
🎯 Even schools can no longer be trusted to obtain parental consent. Home-schooling is the way to go, as well.
Kill more of them and use those numbers to scare others to get more boosters
I have two different theories about what might be going on with the waning death protection. The first is that early on, the unvaccinated especially in older categories were likely to be too sick to take the jab. Now a fair number of them have died off and the remaining might have recovered enough from whatever to move to a partly/fully jabbed category. The second involves some horror stories out of England about hospital treatment for unvaccinated Covid cases: people left with no water or food, beeping monitors ignored for hours, completely substandard care. I wonder how much of any these two things are contributing to the booster death protection...
Welcome to state run medicine.
"Hybrid immunity" = yet another goalpost shift.
"Vaccine". "Herd immunity". "Anti-vax". Now we have "Hybrid immunity".
Animal Farm language stuff.
These people are like small children caught in a lie and they are never going to admit that they ate the cookies.
They just need enough of an opening so that their Propagandists like Saagar Enjeti and Krystal Ball never have to just show up, look at the camera point blank and say, "We were wrong. The jabs failed."
Now we have war, very luckily for those people. I absolutely condemn this war, to be sure, but I am also upset that it may let the vaccinators distract us frmo their crimes.
"Failed"? Bill Gates would disagree.
Yet another topic that these cowards will not go near.
Great stuff!! Thank you for keeping your eye on the ball and not on the… squirrel!
Squirrel?! Where?
For the vaccinated, it may never end..
Well done to all the unvaccinated who made it through the winter of severe illness and death predicted by Biden!
Yup. I’m still breathing.
We did get Omicron, including my wife and son who had Alpha nearly exactly a year before. Much milder than Alpha - though they did have the worst cases in the house. My youngest still didn't get sick.
Thanks for the great post and taking us through the UK data. Wow, what a s*** show. I hope people in the UK are recognizing what has happened.
The same sh.t show is happening in every other country. The UK is not bad, it is actually GOOD for showing honest statistics.
Absolutely! I'm so appreciative that the UK, I think, is one of the only countries showing consistent honest data. 👍🏼
I wonder how far the criminal complaint has gone. Anything to do with lifting of restrictions?
Your comment "booster still protects against dying" cannot be true. If the proportion of people who have had one jab or more (true definition of vaccinated) is 69% (figure from the same ukhsa report) and yet 90% of the deaths are in the vaccinated, then the vaccine is negatively effective against death.
I suspect you (the ukhsa!) are comparing boosted vs unvaccinated where "unvaccinated" includes those who have had a jab or those whose jab was <14 days ago or....fix the figures to suit the narrative.
If 90% of deaths are in the vaccinated, the vaccine is negatively effective and kills.
When broken down by age, the boosters do have death protection in every category EXCEPT YOUNG PEOPLE.
But the protection is dropping every week.
That statement is unsubstantiated and wrong. We know the clotshots are killing people but we can’t be sure how many. You are only referring to “C19 death protection”. If you take into account the vaxx-caused deaths there is only negative efficacy, in probably every single age group.
And that is only for the relatively quick “ final solution.” Give it time for the mutant tumor suppressing gene to do its work.
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s invasion, the UK Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated are now up to 3.2x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
Entirely plausible.
Then one might ask, WHICH FORM accounts for the deaths: “aerosol” or injection? Which testing method can be trusted?
And finally, can government numbers ever again be trustworthy?
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s invasion, the UK Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated are now up to 3.2x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated
As glad as I am that I was able to stay un-jabbed...my heart does go out to the ones who felt forced into getting the poison because of the scuzzy mandate. I hope they are able to find a way to heal and recover from the harm eventually.
I feel kind of sorry. I don’t feel sorry for family members and so called friends who are ragging on me. While they seem sicker in body every day. Plus they are raging head cases now along with it. I stay away while thanking God every day I don’t have that stuff in me.
I was under the federal contractor mandate but fortunately am in the position I could afford to be out of work for a while. There was no way I was going to take the shots and I was ready to sue my employer if they denied my religious accommodation and fired me. They did end up granting the exemption and then withdrew the mandate entirely a few weeks later once it ran into legal trouble. Last week my employer withdrew the mask mandate for both vaxxed and unvaxxed. It's now like none of it ever happened, firmly down the memory hole.
One big lesson in all of this is don't ever do something against your will until the very last minute, and exercise every available option to delay or muddle things up. Don't stress out, learn every legal trick you can, work out a plan, and stick with it. Political winds can change on a dime, and there's no go reason to do something like this early just to "get it over with". Many times things just go away when they get unpopular.
Hopefully those who were coerced into taking the shot don't live to regret their choice.
Oh my gosh, haven't heard the word "scuzzy" since high school. You may be in my age group.
I might be older than you and Janet both! 😄
I’m 74 and I remember scuzzy. Have a great day despite the sh1t going on 😀
Yay, Janet! You have a great day too, doll! 💜 Yeah, life sure feels off kilter crazy. 😔😥
🤔🤔 I think I might be as well.
And the next version is going to be an aerosol.
Canisters placed at entrances to public buildings and such.
And masking will be illegal and mandatory, depending on type of mask.
How do I know? Because evil does not stop: evil must be stopped.
Just listened to my inner voice, the one that's the opposite of my conscience. (Interesting spelling of that word, by the way: con-science.)
If I knew I knew better than everyone what must be done to achieve my master plan, how would I do it?
Make it mandatory. Make it a hassle to live without. Make it unavoidable. Make it insidious and impossible for laymen to see what's happening. Make it a chore to learn about it.
Needles you can avoid, and police holding down people while they are injected is poor PR. What can't be avoided? Breathing, eating, drinking and sleeping. So introduce the substance that way. Of these, breathing is probably the easist.
That list, mandatory and a hassle and so on? Came to me when thinking how different software is today compared to thirty years ago. All freedom is gone from it. I'm actually surprised we don't have to pay licensing fees for each letter on the keyboard yet.
Look at Microsoft's business model regarding content - and compare it to the politics of the last ten years.
Jacinda wanted to add vaccine to drinking water
Bill Gates recently said he wanted to make a viral vaccine. Literally make it contagious.
Pretty sure I've seen a few movies like that.
If shedding is quantifiable, he's accomplished his goal.
He's managing to buy global access for his mad-scientist GMO mosquito project, despite its fallout in sub-Saharan Africa(river blindness). Currently, his sinister plans expand beyond the mosquito release in the Florida Keys. When evil money talks, public health is no competition.
I've never been a fan of the shedding theory. I'm much more aligned with the vaccination causes reduced immunity and therefore increase cases argument (for the first couple of weeks).
I don't see a plausible mechanism to absorb enough shed spike to give YOU symptoms greater than the vaccinee such that it emulates the disease.
Obviously this is accepting that spike causes many of the symptoms - I would still necessarily assume that second-hand vaccine as it were, would cause less symptoms than first-hand (IE getting vaccinated)
Shedding officiallyy exists - eye irritation from extra longlife vax spike etc. Dystpoia galore!
The premise doubtless generated from Pfzr’s documents outlining strict instructions to trial participants. Additionally, clinicians have made public various anecdotal accounts of unusual symptoms after workplace exposure to the vaxxed.
Somewhat off the topic, it will be interesting to learn whether the “recessive” germ line issues are discovered in offspring of single-vaccinee parentage.
Pure speculation, I have no scientific basis:
Let's say shedding is real, but not the extent that you can vaccinate another adult by standing next to them, not even spouses living together.
Instead the aim is to have newborns injected so that they continously shed amongst eachother on kindergartens and at schools, making the levels increase over time, and thereby making them more and more susceptible for various kinds of spike-related diseases and ailments, lowering average life expectancy on the population level to about fifty.
Old enough to maybe have one or two adult children (fully injected and also shedding) but with no hope of ever growing old. Remember, people to old to work are tabled as an expense and a drain on society.
I doubt that a depopulation plan would be such that the method would entail killing a significant percentage immediately, say over one year. That would be much easier to spot than a method which simply increases all cause mortality on a generational level, by continously increasing the odds of disease, cancers and so on.
"On June 6, 1966, a group of US Army scientists made their way into the Seventh and Eighth Avenue lines of the New York City subway. Some carried air sampling machines in boxes and on belts; others carried light bulbs. The light bulbs were packed with about 175 grams of Bacillus subtilis bacteria, then known as Bacillus globigii — approximately 87 trillion organisms in each. The plan was to shatter them and then use the sampling machines to see how they spread through the subway tunnels and trains.
This test was one of at least 239 experiments conducted by the military in a 20-year "germ warfare testing program" that went on from 1949 to 1969. These experiments that used bacteria to simulate biological weapons were conducted on civilians without their knowledge or consent. That stands in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code, which stipulates that "voluntary, informed consent" is required for research participants."
We are being told that vaccine passports and mask mandates are being dropped the world over but I've just read WHO is moving towards a global covid vaccine passport: https://off-guardian.org/2022/03/01/who-moving-foward-on-global-vaccine-passport-program/
What ever happened to Anonymous? Seems to me this is just the job for them.
They're not going to give this up. They really want digital IDs (see ID2020) and more importantly, programmable digital money.
Yes, that's for certain. They will be able to control everything we do, completely taking away our freedom. https://dailyreckoning.com/the-war-on-cash-entering-bold-new-phase/
Thank you so much, Igor, for this distillation.
WTH is wrong with people, so dug in, that vax developments have no power to interrupt their injection-fixation?
Are there any salient facts that might convince? I guess I no longer place much confidence in the original sources of the numbers, knowing how long authorities have tampered with them. These are lethal injections. I refuse to believe the elderly/infirm are rendered some inexplicable advantage from a concoction that's claiming the lives of vital, peak-health atletes and even children, now. Microbiologically speaking, WHY would seniors(vulnerable with diverse co-morbidities) derive protective benefit from the injections at all--however brief--since the latter are clearly diminishing immune health, giving rise to a catalog of serious conditions, while simultaneously mimicking the very virus the public is expressly told seniors should be sheltered from? What did those many nursing home deaths, early on, actually result from? These numbers have me mulling John O'Looney's testimony all over again.
And, Sage Hana, you got it!
I originally labeled the shooters "sadists". Obviously, they're answering the needs of the masochists among us. Services rendered...
Many deaths in nursing homes were simply euthanasia. It came out in Britain. That undertaker as you know saw it. Evil stalks the halls of hospitals and nursing homes. Pure unadulterated evil behind a mask.
Health care facilities are NO place to be now! These are already lawless times. (If the days are this bad while the restrainer of 2 Thessalonians remains, what will life be like once restraints are gone?)
Exactly. My job 1 is to stay out of any hospital or conventional docs office. I have a functional medicine doc. No staff is vaxxed. I feel safe. But not for on everything that could befall me. Scary but keeping my peace.
It's a wise woman you are. When Science was redefined, "health care", "compassion", and "safe" fell to the same pen. Hold onto that peace; it vexes "them". It's the true panacea from the Universal donor.
Evil behind a mask? The mask hasn't been invented that could obscure the face of reveling democidal wickedness at play!
Isaiah 25:7:
7 And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations.
Have you written on the mysterious disappearance of the flu yet? As of the introduction of RT-PCR tests in March 2020 the seasonal influenzas "vanished" all over the world according to WHO influenza tracking app:
I hope you don't buy the bs that masks and social distancing killed the flu while made SARS COV2 emerged out of the oblivion inluding Sweden, Florida and over 90% of Africa that had no such measures...
I've witnessed this scam first hand in Toronto hospitals: All influenza related respiratory infections disappeared in April 2020 with 7 positive for influenza after April out of 30K and then ZERO after that for over 18 months.
The greatest scam in the history of mankind...
What's the agenda?
I know around March 2020, the CDC was using their own 3 year moving average flu model to predict how many covid deaths were occurring. The rationale was because we didn't have a covid test yet and deaths related to pneumonia could take 60 days or more to determine possible covid pathology. This info came from the CDC website.
Up to 15% of all seasonal upper respiratory infections are caused by coronaviruses.
They "vanished" too all over the world according to WHO stats..
I like miracles like that...😉
When the EUA was rescinded on the PCR test 12/31/2021, and application for licensure was withdrawn, the CDC sent notices out to all testing facilities to be sure, moving forward, that they put into place robust “multiplex” testing methodologies able to distinguish between influenza and COV-2.
I’m with you, and many other clinicians and immunologists who have labeled this a seasonal influenza strain from the start.
Mankind truly bought into a ruse this time!
You must realize that Moderna was in clinical trials of mRNA vaccines for both influenzas and SARS CoV2 in 2021 while influenza was nowhere to be found in the world according to WHO stats...
How do test the efficacy of a vaccine in clinical trials for both influenzas and SARS CoV2 if influenza at least officially "vanished"?
I don’t believe what the public’s been told about any aspect of this pathogen. Any who believe it burst onto the scene, coinciding curiously with influenza’s inexplicable disappearance, I wish them well in their analytical pursuits.
The PCR test was an exploited means by which this global malfeasance was propped up.
Julius Ruechel on substack wrote a great article on why the flu disappeared: basically C19 crowded it out. Worth reading in case you are one of those that believes C19 is the flu.
"The problem with trying to answer this question is that PCR testing is so technically complicated that most of us are unable to independently judge whether PCR tests are merely picking up fragments of influenza DNA that share similarities with portions of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And most of us do not have the technical expertise to judge for ourselves whether the SARS-CoV-2 genome has truly been isolated and fully sequenced, or whether the published gene sequence used during PCR testing is actually just a virtual computer-generated imposter." - Julius Ruechel's article
Now I know why you didn't provide the link to Julius Ruechel's article. Neither him, nor you, understand how RT-PCR testing works and the symptoms of influenzas, that include up to 15% of seasonal upper respiratory infection caused by coronaviruses, are indistinguishable... unless the "reliable" PCR test is used... what a relief...
Another nail in the coffin of so-called "novel" virus called SARS CoV2 is its origins.
Natural, evolutionary origin, of furin cleavage site in SARS CoV2 has been dismissed because of the mathematical improbability.
Anyone who understands quantum biology, or has ever been to a lab, knows that gain of function is not possible, because of von Neumann entropy law of conservation of quantum information...
Consequently, the replication of the experiment of the insertion of furin cleavage into a coronavirus in culture cells has failed before the so-called "pandemic" with 0.2 death rate (same as the influenza), and there after.
In other words, no one has been able to replicate the gain of function experiment of the insertion of furin cleavage into a coronavirus because it gets lost each time...
Anyone who is able to accomplish such a task, not only the insertion of furin cleavage into a coronavirus but any gain of function experiment, should contact me and I'd be glad to share a Nobel Prize with him or her...until then...😊
“Now I know why you didn’t provide a link…”. Interesting that you “know” what I didn’t say. I thought about providing the link, but decided not to out of sheer laziness. LOL. I’m not a deceptive person. Ruechel has written many articles and I’m not going to bother to spend time trying to find out where the quote comes from that you provided. The article that I referred to was one in which Ruechel made the case for the innate immune system being so revved up fighting C19 that most other URI viruses including influenza, were kept from ever replicating. I know enough, both through reading people like McCullough, Kory, Marik, and in my own treatment of patients with this illness, to know that it isn’t influensa in most cases. I’m sure there are exceptions but I don’t think many. As natural immunity to C19 becomes more and more widespread It will be interesting to see if Ruechel was right, that there will be a return of influenza. Btw, I do think it is courteous to provide links, but I expect most people reading comments here to be well-informed enough that they will be familiar with most widely-followed authors like Ruechel. For those who can’t do that without a link, it’s easy to stop reading and go to the next comment.
Appealing to authorities?
You know Dr McCullough's work?
So, you must know his public statements that the in the first stage of pandemic the PCR tests couldn't distinguish between SARS COV2 and influenza?
You must also be aware that Dr McCullough said that no one can get infected with SARS COV2 twice?
In the end all false narratives get exposed...
"Appealing to authorities?" Not sure why you ask that question. In the beginning of this operation my knee-jerk reaction was actually that this is the flu being paraded around as a new, mysterious very deadly virus. It was obvious to me that a giant psyop was in play and that was my initial thought, which I continued with for a few months during the early spring 2000. I'm retired and no longer in practice but still have contact with MD's I used to practice with. I asked pulmonologists I knew how they could distinguish between C19 and the flu. The reply wasn't really satisfactory because it was, in fact, mainly a negative flu test and a positive PCR (which we all know was not reliable for many reasons) for C19. The pulmonologist I was in touch with was mainly treating patients in the ICU and they basically had an ARDS/sepsis picture. Although I did hear reports from other MD's about catecholamine storms which I had never heard of before in relationship to influenza. So there were questions. I have relied on reports from people like McCullough, Kory, and Marik because they were actually treating large numbers of patients. They were all convinced that this was, in fact, not influenza, that it was a different, nastier virus than influenza and had certain clinical symptoms (profound loss of taste and smell, catecholamine storms, two-phase sickness of viral replication and inflammation response, brain fog, long hauler syndrome) that were not associated with influenza. I eventually became convinced, not because of unreliable, manipulatable PCR testing, but because of those clinical presentations, that it was in fact not influenza, but something else which is called C19. I had to basically come out of retirement and treat a pretty large number of friends, relatives and others with early treatments of IVM and HCQ that actually work quite well and in the process I think I've learned enough to distinguish between this illness and influenza.
The fact that McCullough changed his mind about PCR tests (he qualifies his position on PCR tests by explaining its "shortcomings") and people being infected twice I see as a positive. To me it means he isn't dogmatic, ie., he follows the data and changes his mind if need be. In my own practice I initially totally discounted PCR testing, but I have to admit, after hearing for the 10th or 11th time from a patient that they tested negative several times, then were in contact with someone who got sick, and then they developed symptoms and tested again, and were positive PCR, that I had to re-examine that as well. PCR is highly manipulatable and was chosen as the "test du jour" for that reason. Still, when one is trying to make a diagnosis with a person who is sick, one has to do the best one can with what is available and try to weight the data with some kind of reliability fudge factor. I would never treat someone based on their PCR test alone. But it's definitely an observation when it repeatedly switches from negative to positive when clinical symptoms appear.
Sorry for the long answer and I don't think there is much point in beating this horse any longer.
So, you are an MD who no longer practices? That would explain it...
Have you ever used a Biofire Biodetection machine? If you had you'd at least become suspicious how after the upgrade with multiplex RT-PCR test kit all influenza positive tests disappeared and become SARS CoV2...
I assume since you did not mention it, this report had no data regarding reinfections?
I know one person (thrice Pfizered) who had Covid twice now within a span of 3 months and said the second time was much worse and left her with lingering long Covid symptoms. Meanwhile I had a prolonged recent exposure to Covid (after recovering in December from a mild case) and feel great, no symptoms. I now identify as "boosted" (by Covid).
Same here. Recovered in Nov 2020. Fast forward to Christmas 2021, wife has covid, I am in close contact, and NOTHING stuck to me.
Thrice Pfizered makes me think some will say their immune system got Pfrizered. Hopefully something the detox protocols can fix.