Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"By doing nothing, everything is achieved." - Old Man

I will continue to wait this one out.

Omicron is about to hit NZ in a big fat way. And our big fat people are going to get a big fat surprise when their big fat Pfizer booster reduces their innate immune response to a big fat zero.

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Who could have possibly forseen that denying the population the benefit of naturally acquired immunity would be a bad thing ?

Certainly not feminist icon Saint Jacinda . . .

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The big fat pfizer booster is the problem. Not some imaginary virus.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That's not how the odds work. The 0.5% chance of death is a result of population "healthyness"; if you've got a thousand people, the least "healthy" five of them will die from covid. Covid death is not a random process; we can predict ahead of time how likely someone is to die of covid based on health indicators like obesity, age, and the presence of pre-existing conditions. For some people, the chance is much more than 0.5%, and for some people it's much less.

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This is a very smart comment. You are saying that the unhealthy people would die off and the healthy ones would remain. It sort of makes sense as a statistical assumption.

But I question whether healthy people would stay healthy when having covid every two months.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well for people for whom covid is like a mild cold, it'd be like having a mild cold every two months, and there are people who get colds that often but manage to live to old age.

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But Covid is not a mild cold, Covid gives us a spike protein injection, that's the thing, covid is bad

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think your conjecture is going to hinge on whether the COVID spike proteins are unusually toxic or damaging to the immune system. If yes, and cumulative damage is done, then risk of death will rise with each infection. If not, then there is a very high probability that a person who survived it once will survive it a second time, so long as they remain healthy in between infections.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Any coronavirus, including the ones for the common cold, have spike proteins. They are crucial for helping the viruses infect cells.

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Feb 5, 2022·edited Feb 5, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Is getting Covid after vax more harmful than Covid without vax? Don’t all coronavirus have spike protein?

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The Covid spike protein is unnatural and is bad. The effect depends on the "dose". For people who beat t off robustly and stop replication fast, the dose from Covid is probably small.

The vaxed got three doses of vaccine spike protein (same as covid) and repeat Covids. It will take them down.

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Dr McCullough discussed this at some point I believe. The vax spike goes directly in the cell while with covid this doesn’t happen. Don’t quote me because this was info i learned several months ago but as I remember, the vaccine spike causes significantly more damage to organs than covid given covid lives in it’s viral shell while the spike produced from the vaccine does not have this viral shell.

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Of concern: Lewy bodies. Covid is associated with their formation


which likely will cause a wave of dementia over the next few years.

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See also Prof Fenton on "counter factual reasoning" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSqjZ71GWCY

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hello Igor, I see you've quoted Dan Sirotkin's twitter. Your view of the pandemic is dark enough, but his is much darker. His substack talks about the origins of SARS-Cov2 as a "Live Attenuated Vaccine" (LAV) which has been created by down-throttling a far more dangerous original virus. But, he thinks that the viral population somehow retains a memory of the highly potent source, which presumably was developed through rigorous gain of function.

Through a process he calls "Gatekeeper Mutation", he predicts that the virus will eventually regain its original deadly properties. Which goes against the usual rule, that viruses mutate to become more contagious, but less dangerous.

Sirotkin example is that Polio is making a comeback. But if that's true, it seems to be limited enough that it's hardly among the world's top 10 problems. This proposed "Gatekeeper Mutation" mechanism seems like "Magic" to me.

Does Sirotkin's argument make any sense to you? Asking Dan the man himself doesn't seem productive, as he just tells people to go read his paper again.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022Author

It does make sense to me, yes. I am not 100% agreeing because on some things I cannot have judgment, but his train of thought is correct. The problem i sthat we do not know what Covid is deattenuating to. Probably one of Baric's designs.

Here Baric experimented with Sars-1 on mice. Sars-1 would kill only old mice. Baric "taught" Sars-1 to kill young mice and be more deadly. Maybe the chimera that Covid was LAV for, is something like that.


Might give you some food for thought.

But remember, predicting future is EXTREMELY difficult.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yeah, I admittedly haven't read his full paper, but he is indeed extremely dark (his Substack from yesterday was entitled, "Burn It All Down" or something like that). I can't help but speculate whether some of that is driven by his personal situation. He claims that he cannot even hold a job as a waiter because of his prior criminal history and imprisonment. In such circumstances, the mind may be more inclined towards doomsday scenarios. Of course, this proves absolutely nothing.

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I think Sirotkin is full of shit. Like Geert Van Den Boche before him.

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See Marek's disease. It is rare, but has happened. It is what Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has been warning about for the last 2 years.

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ADE can only exist under 'germ theory'. Germ theory is a mendacious lie.

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Why don't you take your bs to Igor?

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How is it bullshit, Mary?

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I have seen "germs" with my own 2 eyes, under a light microscope. At 400x gram negative bacteria in urine look like 4-point italic s'es swimming around. Uninfected urine tests negative & doesn't have s'es. I have plated "germ-infested" specimens, mostly snots, vaginal fluid & wound pus, but also internal specs & urine, incubated at 37°C & watched them grow. Smeared, stained the growth & seen them at 1000x under a light microscope. Staph looks like bunches of grapes. Lactobacillus, which is normal (good) flora, swirls of pink, blue, lilac. And antibiotics make the problem bacteria go away.

I have seen electron microscope pictures of virion "germs" with my own 2 eyes I have amplified their dna running pcr. Their surface proteins have been isolated & identified to the point that we can nake rapid tests that fix the proteins & flood them with flagged antibodies that bind in sufficient quantity that I can see them test positive with my own 2 eyes (rapid antigen test), and the reverse (rapid antibody test.)

I also have applied topical antibiotics to infected wounds & watched them heal in a day or 2.

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Bullshit. You're either not willing to admit to a lifetime of lies or you're part of the current problem.

And nobody who questions the existence of germs/viruses (which do not live) does the same for bacteria (which do live) which is exclusively what you're talking about above.

Is that deliberate? Because if it is, you're malicious.

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And then there is blood. I've seen both gran neg & gram pos bacteria in blood smears, iow septicemia. And I 've seen bacteria that had been eaten by a monocyte. I've also seen red blood cells with a plasmodium larva inside ( iow malaria, brought here by Somalian refugees) & I've seen babesia larvae in red blood cells (babesiosis, tick borne, traveled up the coast from martha's vineyard to midcoast Maine). I've seen yeast growing in urine & vaginal fluid. I've seen other parasites ..forget their names now.

All little things, invisible to naked eye, but very visible under light microscope.

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Bacteria are not germs. Germs are viruses, they've been rebranded by Empire because the term 'germs' had reached its end date of usefulness due to the previous claims about them having been seen to be so ridiculous that they were not believed by anyone.

Viruses are little bits of RNA code which don't exist as separate entities. They do not live in other words and are harmless. Bacteria are lifeforms. They can glow, they can make you sick and they make up about 80% or more of us as well.

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explain the immune system, then. and why does "natural medicine" talk about "antiviral" this and "antibacterial" that, and immunomodulators...

my bias: i subscribe to a hybrid of germ x terrain theory.

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You subscribe to the medical version of 'Intelligent Design' in other words. A religious concoction designed to save a Religion.

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Germ & terrain theories are not inherently mutually exclusive.

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those who announce that "germ theory is a lie" see them as disjoint entities. i have enough friends who fall in this group to say this with some certainty.

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Not sure what a "disjoint entity" is. I just see them as woefully misinformed & fanatical nuts!

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Dark? Yes. There's a phrase for this: "black propaganda." Disinformation from seeming allies to make us think the powers are more powerful than they really are.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

People like Malone and Geert Vanden Bossche warned about this. Antibody dependent enhancement. They will keep blaming new variants. It is the jabs, period.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The lack of accurate data from Public Health in the United States has been incredibly frustrating. All of our lives are completely disrupted: our jobs, our health, even our families (have any of them not fought about vaccines?). The least they could do is put some of their millions or billions of dollars into very accurate data collection, but they are obsessed with not being "confusing" in their messaging to take the vaccine, so everything else is ignored.

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The US health response is led by fools and liars. Xavier Becerra is not a health professional, he is a lawyer and a Democratic enforcer who made a political career. Rochelle Walensky is a fool and a liar and is no match for her position. Biden is senile, and Kamala sucks at her job andblows every assignment. The only smart person is Dr Fauci, who is an embodimenf of evil.

Honest statistics would end their so called "careers" so we do not have honest careers.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Agree. I would add that all those mentioned above are EVIL. I never imagined such monsters existed until Covid brought them out into the open.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You must miss the amazing US response of the Trump administration... In those days, we had statistics you could trust.

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I have significantly soured on Trump due to his support of vaccines. Your comment is spot on, the Trump administration was also a total failure on its covid response, supported the scam single-antigen vaccine, etc.

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Feb 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I feel similar... I suspect that either Trump's ego won't allow him to accept that "his" vaccines failed, or that he's being kept away from the evidence and encouraged to believe that it's only a "fringe theory" etc. However I will say in his favor, that as far as I've seen he's always been very firm about being pro-freedom regarding vaccines, like "these vaccines are great, but if you don't want to take them, you should be free to not take them".

I do wonder if at some point he might be able to turn around and take the line of "I was lied to, I set everything up to produce the vaccines but evil people took the money and sold us a bad product". Perhaps that would allow him to change course without harming his ego.... ;)

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But except for the vaccine, they did everything else you wanted - nothing.

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Trump stupidly trusted the "experts". He did many great things, but his people selections were frequently terrible (if he even had any choice in the matter).

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Reinfections with the coronavirus types of 'common cold' run at about 2 year intervals (that's for OC43 but the others are similar). Covid-19 should be similar.

Yet it isn't. It would be useful to see the reinfection data by vaccination status; of course this won't ever happen.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Israel breaks down the % of cases that are reinfections and the vaccination status of reinfected people. For example, in the +90 age group, 1.3% of positive cases are labeled as recovered, and 5.8% as recovered+vaccinated (at least 1 shot).

For this age group, 81.5% of the population are boosted, 12.3% are vaccinated and 6% are unvaccinated.

Current case number for this age group are 1,942 boosted, 108 are vaccinated and 353 unvaccinated.

For serious disease it's 53 boosted, 8 vaccinated and 54 unvaccinated.

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do you have any links

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just the Israel Dashboard (https://datadashboard.health.gov.il/COVID-19/general). It's in Hebrew, so it takes a while to get through

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It's also very possible that some never completely clear the initial infection. They may have a continuous, subclinical infection with flare ups when under stress. Rapid tests in particular are not 100% sensitive. Results that are "Below detectable levels" does not mean nonexistent.

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There is a study out that people who contracted Delta are not immune to Omicron but if you contract Omicron you are protected from Delta. I can't find the study but that seems to be what is going on and reading the Reddit posts it looks like that's what happened to some of the posters.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Since Delta is essentially extinct, that is a nearly meaningless immunity. Meanwhile recovering from Omicron does not prevent re-infection from Omicron, apparently primarily amongst the multiply vaxxed, and thus probably not against the next mutation.

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Delta is NOT extinct

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Latest UK REACT Survey - 99% Omicron, 1% Delta

so Delta is losing the reproduction race to mutate its line.


Reinfection capable is a great (from a viral point of view) survival evolution.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022Author

1% delta means 1,000 delta cases a day, delta is still with us, mutating under pressure

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Agree completely, it is not extinct yet....

But, at this point Omicron has 99 times the potential to create new antibody resistant versions to Delta potential (to persist endemically against herd immunity). Certainly, Delta could mutate and its line return, its just that the trend and odds are against it (unless it is more common in mice or deer or other animals than omicron)....

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True, still the fourth letter of the Greek Alphabet. Hasn't suffered the ignominy of ejection as Stigma did.

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If an infection is strong enough to elicit an adaptive immune response in an unvaxxed person then the key point is their exposure to the functionally-constrained proteins (those that cannot mutate or else cause the virus to be unable to replicate) That immunity while not perfect will be recalled with a future variant infection and mitigate the severity as the virus will ultimately be recognized sooner. If an infection only triggers an innate response in a person I'm not sure the degree their immune system remembers this (maybe it takes repeated low dose exposures to trigger a refinement of the innate system?). This is what I understand of it.

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Infection - where does it come from? I am really curious.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am still lookijg for someone who can quantify how frequent omicron infection is amongst those who had previous varients and are unvaxxed. I find it hard to believe there isn't substantial cross immunity. How likely is infection. If one is infected, is there at least an attenuating immunity to where it is milder? Are we subject to OAS, so our immune response is geared towards previous varient and is ineffective against omicron ba1 or ba2?

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I think the attenuating immunity is the key here. Read my reply below, it explains some of the mechanism.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor, take a deep breath. Look at your first chart. It shows a jump from four “COVID deaths” per million to five. This is going from minuscule risk to ever so slightly less minuscule risk. And this assumes charitably that the UK’s “COVID deaths” data are remotely accurate in terms of being caused by COVID, which they’re not in the vast majority of cases. As you surely know the UK defines anyone who gets a positive test and then dies within 60 days as a “COVID death.” This is an obviously absurd definition of a COVID death bc it completely ignores causation. Do you agree?

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That jump can be just a one day correction. So I did not dwell on it. I dwelled on reinfection numbers.

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but "reinfection" numbers only matter if the harm from any possible reinfection is significant. Peter McCullough also presents good data that reinfection is extremely rare, and most "reinfections" are just yet again false positives due to widespread testing of asymptomatics. When are you going to dig into the asymptomatic testing and false positives issue and write about that? That's the root of what's going on now.

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You have an excellent point. I agree with you that some "reinfections" could be artifacts of testing and false positives. When I save those reddit posts I am always careful to pick the ones where the person reported being actually sick.

I do not know how to untangle false positives due to high PCR threshold from true cases in official statistics. But it is worth thinking about seriously.

But as of now reinfection is real. That's actually why I was looking at reddit.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Anything "confirmed" via PCR should be thrown out the window. That test cannot distinguish Covid from flu from rsv from garden variety cold viruses. It was supposed. To have lost EUA end of 2021, and are still around to keep covid around.

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Only the CDC's PCR test lost its EUA, per CDC's request, because the new multiplex test was rolled out. But there are hundreds of other PCR tests still available, multiplex or not.

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The large majority of infections and reinfections are very likely false positives. I've shared this before but Harvard Med's Branch-Elliman explains in this piece how 71 out of 72 positive Covid test results would be false positives in the context of school Covid screening, and this math applies equally in any screening context. The vast majority of testing now is screening (i.e. without requiring symptoms to be present), ergo: the vast majority of overall test positives are almost certainly false positives. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2021-07-14/why-covid-19-screening-should-be-used-sparingly-in-schools

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I think McCullough is a very smart guy, but I question his stance on reinfection in the age of Omicron. I know multiple people who had very bad cases of Delta (fever, complete smell and taste loss) who recently had very bad cases of Omicron (fever, complete smell and taste loss). So these weren't mild infections that were quickly fought off, but legit and obvious COVID-19 infections.

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Where do you account for undoubtedly massive false positives from the PCR Fraud?

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

From previous scamdemics the playbook was, inject toxins, induce sickness labelled as ‘x’ virus, administer anti-virals which kill, Children in Africa were given toxic pox vaxx’s got sick then given Antiretrovirals (AZT) then died.

looks to me like the same scam

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I would highly recommend watching this: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/the-jerusalem-report/kHIT9ASDVM

If there is truth to it, it’s obvious, where “reinfections” come from! Graphene + certain frequencies…

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I watched this, and it correlates with findings in a Germany Reutlingen Pathologie available on Rumble if you have not seen this. It does make perfect sense. I’ve been on frontline 2 years, never took any shots covid or flu, refused to wear mask and testing I spat on LFT for work, due to ethylene oxide concerns, never got sick. Compare that to vaccinated, test loving, mask wearing colleagues. One died in sleep, one transverse myelitis, MS and they always test positive. They think I have super immunity, I’m 53 no health issues, look after myself, take vit d only. I am going to try the blue tooth scanner to check it out

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I love your horror series and really look forward to them, always entertaining!

OASin is often discussed as the cause of reinfection but when talking about short term susceptibility to repeated/new viral infections I believe interferon production has much to do with this, not just antibody response. So, say you get a rhinovirus infection, produce antibodies to this as well as produce interferons alpha and beta. Usually a person is then somewhat protected from getting say a coronavirus or adenovirus infection for a month or two based on having had recently elevated interferon levels keeping your immune system more “alert”. The rhinovirus antibodies aren’t protecting you, it’s more related to interferon levels. So, with repeat Covid infections in vaccinated patients it could be BOTH impaired antibodies AND impaired interferon response. (Producing mass death 😉).



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This is right and this is why there is still interval between reinfections

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3% every year based on every 2 months. If they were to go down to 1 month it would be 6% maybe more. Jabees won't get past 28 years old.

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very interesting article, thanks. For anyone who's enthusiasticly pro vax, it would be poetic justice if they are plagued with frequent colds forever. But I'm trying not to be vindictive and remember there are a lot of folks coerced into the jab in the same boat.

0.5% fatality rate sounds high, especially for Omicron.

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Yes, I think the 0.5% number is skewed by the highly-susceptible older demographics, while younger people have dramatically lower risk.

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No unvaxxed person should be gloating about being a pure blood. We cannot live without the vaxxed. If they are going to get reinfected over and over again we are all in serious serious trouble. Igor intimates that unvaxxed maybe going to be reinfected as well. All the same I am glad i am left to rely on my own immune system against this man-made virus

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Agree 100%

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Feb 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Given that both tests and criteria for determining what goes into the death certificate are unreliable, how sure can we really be about what you describe here?

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