I hate relying on my individual experience... but I know many double vaxxed and boosted people getting reinfected lately. But as an unvaccinated person, I have been fine even after being in the same room with COVID positive people for extended periods of time.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh dude, as far as anecdotal experience goes, the shots may as well be covid super spreaders. Now obviously I'm going to have some confirmation bias, that would be impossible to discount at this point (after the way us unvaccinated have been treated, you bet we got a chip on our shoulders). But in my workplace omicron came and seemingly only affected the vaccinated. Each of us dirty unclean unvaccinated worked next to, carpooled with, ate lunch with, etc. vaccinated and covid positive people who would then end up taking time off because of their illness. I think I maybe had 24hrs of mild symptoms a couple months ago, but that's it, and the other unvaccinated haven't mentioned anything to me and haven't taken any time off work (I'm sure the boss must have noticed who was and who wasn't getting sick - he asked for our vax status so they could segregate the xmas party in December, so everyone knows who is and isn't jabbed).

Maybe it's just coincidence but it was very "in your face" at my workplace. You couldn't ignore the disparity in who actually got sick with covid if you know who took the shots and who didn't. I think the racial disparity between the vaxed and unvaxed must also have made people uncomfortable - I'm the only white unvaccinated person at my workplace.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


Nice to get a political perspective from your side. I live in Namibia and naturally us blacks don't trust authorities hence our low vax rates.

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People in Namibia are smart and don't trust the government for a good reason, you are the lucky ones

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Where I live in US a lot of blacks don't want the shots. Too much anecdotal and first person news out there of terrible side effects, plus history of bad treatment of blacks by US medical establishment.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Much the same in many of the Caribbean islands. People have seen too many side effects; sudden deaths from cardiac arrest and stroke, and the no jab no jab kicking in to force many that had refused.

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People have talked about the uptick in mortality of people 25-34 at around the time the boosters came out in August, 2021. I compared white deaths to black deaths - there seems to be a bigger jump in white deaths at that time, I presume because more whites got boosted.

I also compared white men to white women, and there seemed to be a bigger jump in men's deaths.

These are the charts I made:


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And now, it's the whites who are lined up and jabbed. Fun times!

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No job? No jab. Simple, safe and effective.

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Karma I believe...

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You are very smart!

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They’re coming for you, please spread the word to refuse the vaxes. They’re building the plants to produce over there. I think in Uganda they face 6 mths in prison for refusing the jab

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True they're trying very hard. Us socalled Anti-vaxxers are also hard at work spreading the message. True they're building a vaccine plant in South Africa but I doubt their vax rate will go much higher than the current 30%. Those taking the vax now are being forced by employers or universities, for students who are registering.

Uganda is ruled by a dictator Museveni, hence they've little freedom of choice there, but they're currently at 30%. I suspect they'll plateau around 40%.

In Namibia where I live we're at 20% but I think it has already peaked. We put up a huge fight after the Government tried to introduce mandates, then they gave up.

Thing is it's very difficult to enforce mandates in Africa bcoz our societies are setup differently. For example most people are self employed through the informal sector so employee mandates don't affect them.

Social safety nets like welfare grants, unemployment benefits, housing projects, Medicare that are common in the developed countries are none existent in most of Africa. Most people also don't have bank accounts.

So the African governments' hands are tied in terms of levers to pull, despite best efforts from WHO, and globalists to push vaccines down our throats.

In fact Nigeria recently destroyed 1 million expired AstraZeneca vaccine doses due to poor uptake.

In Namibia we also destroyed a few batches.

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That’s brilliant news, I wish people in the UK would have thought before accepting the kill shots. I heard the WHO were applying pressure to Nigeria to boost vax take up or lose funding. I also heard of the African leaders who died after refusing the Covavax. Stay strong, as long as you are aware, it’s a fight for our lives

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Yes quite a few African leaders died mysteriously, the most prominent was Tanzania's president Magufuli who was vehemently opposed to Covid19 vaccines.

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A friend of mine with wife, both jabbed top to bottom, recently went to South Africa, with a view to visit Namibia. Took a covid test before flying in but on arrival found out they needed local tests. They came back positive, so instead of Namibia, Cape Town for the rest of their trip. I did not laugh but I could have.

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How long ago was their trip?

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Ok but Namibia relaxed the rules last week. If you're vaccinated no need to take a Covid19 test.

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Yeah I actually studied in Norway for 2 years on a scholarship paid for by the Norwegian government. So am familiar with Scandinavia. Very good people.

My observation throughout this pandemic is that countries that have very easy going, law abiding citizens are also easier to oppress and enforce government mandates. Just look at what's happening in Canada.

Other observation is that the anti vax mandate protests in the Western world were just too "peaceful and civilised", hence it was easy for the governments to simply ignore.

You're welcome to visit Namibia. 👐

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You are wise.

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Interestingly, the black population in New Orleans is heavily vaxxed and terrified of the coof because of their (misplaced) trust in partisan political hacks and their churches urging them to protect themselves. The city is still under vax mandate for schools and restaurants, and indoor masking. 😒

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Here in NYC we have lots of vax ads targeted at assorted ethnic groups or youth.. They have preachers and community leaders doing pitches.. some ads even challenge the hesitancy head on saying things like "many people are suspicious of vax developed so quickly but..." it is a vile, manipulative abuse of trust

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For what it's worth, I'm in Montreal. And the black coworkers I'm talking about are largely immigrants - Africa, Carribean and Haiti. It might be a different story with Canadian born black folks I dunno.

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This is how it happened from December until 3 weeks ago and suddenly very few unvaccinated ones we got covid almost all of us within a few days! At least we were the very last ones of the group! Let's see how it goes after this.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The jabbed not only seem to be reinfected with COVID -- they seem to be having a host of other recurring illnesses as well.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have five close friends\family unvaccinated none of whom have ever had covid, or if they have they were asymptomatic.

A neighbour, boosted to go on holiday had to have emergency surgery abroad, multiple clots surrounding his heart. Has been home about a month, tested positive a few days ago.

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4! Four covid jabbed people in my area have had the clots in the heart issue!! Two of them I know personally, (one of them just out of the hospital over the weekend) and they are young (40's) with children!

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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same here

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Mike Yeadon referenced a study that was done in the US some months back. Would have to do some digging to find it again, but the basic conclusion was that the adverse reactions could be traced back to certain batches that were used in some states in the US but not in others - hence the apparent lack of ADR's in some locales v high rates in other places.

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Yes. Howbad.org I think is the link. Expose also did a database.

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I'll chime in here too, my two teenage boys, my wife, and I are all unvaxxed. Not only have we not had Covid, but aside from a two-day cold my son had, we haven't been sick in two years. We have taken no social distancing precautions but have been taking vitamin D and zinc throughout. We have the FLCCC protocol on hand but have not needed it.

It really does look like the vax not only drove variants but also did long-term harm to the immunity of folks who received it. What's infuriating is that this was all predicted, none of this is a new phenomena.

BTW, great work Igor in fleshing out yet another hidden tidbit in the data. I think you are exactly right in the the arbitrary 60 day window is hiding reinfections. It's similar to how the 14 day lag before someone is considered vaxxed is hiding cases.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Same here. We just do a nasal rinse after being in public.

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I have been using xlear nasal spray before I go out and sucking on xylitol lozenges as well. Mouthwash when get home. I do sometimes neti pot also. Food grade hydrogen peroxide

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My doc only recommends saline in the netti pot otherwise microbiome in one's sinuses might be harmed.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I read a thread on Twitter of a self proclaimed frontline doctor in the UK saying that this new variant was causing severe illness in young people as well as strokes and heart issues in all ages sounds like vaccine side effects

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Young people have always spontaneously dropped dead. I know this because I believe everything the ‘experts’ tell me.

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In some US schools students now have to take an ECG before they can play sports... not sure why this is a new rule -- all those kids over the years who dropped dead from heart attacks could have been saved!!!

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my good friend went through the plandemic completely terrified and isolated her entire family to the extreme. Her parents were in hospice and very fragile, so I get her fear and her need to isolate, even if I didn't agree with it. She finally let her kids out to get the shot, and then back to school as soon as they were fully vaxxed. That was late Nov. In early Dec, her 11 year old son was vomiting every single day in class, to the point the school sent him home almost every day. He also had major heart palpitations. Her pediatrician sent him to an endocrinologist, and they believe he has POTS and are getting his heart checked out. They told her he got Covid, and these are the symptoms of Long Covid. When she told me, even she seemed confused because he didn't even have a sniffle, but just accepted it. WTAF

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That's literally every side effect listed on the vaccine 😤 How can these people be so stupid?? They just had a "long covid" psa commercial last night on tv. I said oh here we go, all the jabbed side effects will now be long covid 🙄

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yup. that is how they will get around the genocidal mess they created. blame long covid, even if its irrational. I saw two major MSM articles about people talking about their long covid just the other day; they even acknowledged that they are vaxxed and don't know when they got Covid (neg tests and antibodies for goodness sakes! obviously propaganda). Long Covid is a thing. These people were damaged, maimed, or even killed by their government and the government will never acknowledge it.

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They will keep blaming the side effects of the gene therapy on the so-called "varients."

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Varients and unjabbed - both will be blamed.

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There was another UK emerg doctor who straight up told Sajid their health minister on a hospital visit that he wouldn't touch the jab.

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Was that Dr Aseem? Can't remember his last name. I believe his dad died from it and his brother now has heart problems

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If it wasn't Dr. Aseem Malhotra it should have been. He's been great not only on this but he's also warned of the danger of statins years ago and how they have little benefit. I've been reading his stuff for a decade as he realized the benefits of low carb diets and the dangers in sugar and seed oils long before it was fashionable. He's one of the few cardiologists who aren't beholden to Pharma.

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It was Dr Steve James, who is now a campaigner for bodily autonomy. He confronted Sajid Javid and said the vaccine wanes. What are you going to do -- vaccinate everyone every 10 weeks? Then he said natural immunity was robust, so why would he or anyone who has recovered need the vaxx?

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No - this guy. Met with the usual responses, but coincidentally, Javid dropped the NHS mandate later.


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Here in Scotland our hospitals are unseasonably heaving at the seams: nearly all with the triple vaccinated, far as I can tell. Of course the public health authorities are not admitting anything, but it really feels like we are now in the heat of a perfect storm.

I know lots of people testing positive. We are fine, we have not vaxxed, and will not vaxx.

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We are seeing upticks in the vaccinated here as well. There's a large group that I just found out about, all jabbed, all down with covid, but the one unjabbed that is a roommate of four of them did not come down with it.

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I worked in public health for decades: we have seen similar potential scandals in the past, such as the Swine Flu vaccine, and the Thalidomide scandal, vaginal mesh implants, breast implants that leak, the deep trauma of anti-depression medication, and the ghastly affair of antibiotic abuse through over-prescription: but maybe none so bold and pervasive as this one.

I don't know what to think any more, all I know is that the official narrative has totally failed to impress, and that it is now collapsing.

But almost all my family and friends are still sold on the narrative... and every time I raise a hand in protest, I am treated as a pariah and fool.

Nowadays I just try to shut up: what will be, will be.

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When I see the stats coming out of the UK and someone like Dr Tess Lawrie pushing for early treatment, I don't know what to think any more either. Why ban ivermectin for example?

Then I look at Canada - we can't get on a plane in or out of the country, or cross the land border with the USA unless we get the shots despite the fact that they are useless at stopping infection; we can't get Ivm here either; numbers are rising; adverse effects are swept under the rug; 90% of the country is "fully vaccinated" yet there is complete denial of the obvious fact that Geert Vanden Bossch might just be correct - variants are created by mass injection. Yet Teresa Tam the chief public disease officer is telling everyone "get your booster". Some are now on the 4th and 5th shots, but it is the "Unvaxxed" who are causing the problems. Common sense and logic seem to have been thrown to the four winds.

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I've got a handful of family members that totally under the spell but they're ones I am not close to anyway. I have a step brother that won't allow our parents around his new grandson unless they are wearing masks because they are vaccinated. The baby has never seen his great grandparents faces.

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What do I think? Igor, I think your analysis prowess has grown, and your insights increasingly hit the mark. Please keep up the great work

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Everything that Mike Yeadon, Geert Vanden Bossche, Luc Montagnier. warned about is happening (as planned).

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Except for the "reinfection". Dr. Yeadon was quite explicit on that.

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It appears likely that the multiple-jabbed have developed immune tolerance to covid. That is, they now treat covid as 'self' and don't raise much of an immune response to it.

This means that they will have endless reinfections.

It also means that symptoms will be mild initially, but might become more 'annoying' as the infection becomes chronic. This is because disease symptoms are mainly caused by the immune system, not the disease itself. Some parts of the immune system will eventually respond (it is complex) causing a 'nasty cold' which will drive the infection into remission (but not get rid of it entirely).

But it does mean that severe covid (which is an immune overreaction) should become less likely.

Ie, we will see (are seeing) more infections, each becoming as bad as a 'bad cold', but fewer hospitalisations/deaths.

However, at some point the impact of endless infections with covid will start to have an impact. The full impact isn't clear, but it is likely to include clot related problems (thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, haemorrhage, embolism), inflammation problems (eg myocarditis) and neural problems (eg GBS). These might take some time to appear, and might be delayed compared with the infections symptomatic period.

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This is what I think also, that they are not even mounting a vigorous response to Covid

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I'm skeptical of doomsday scenarios. However logic should tell you not to keep injecting something that doesn't work. Many "health" officials have become complete Quacks when they continue to promote a medical treatment with such little benefit. They might as well be mandating everyone to wear a copper wire pyramid on their heads during all daylight activities.


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But that was one of the goals allegedly - to prevent cytokine storm. Why, bats happily fly around with the virus, and so can man. So that job can be ticked off all right. As for the rest ...

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The multiple jabbed may never develop immunity to covid? Covid may stay in their system, in the background, sometimes arousing the immune system but generally up to no good and ending in severe disease states like those you mentioned plus cancer? If so, this is really serious.

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The jabbed are also developing variants which are worse than the original!

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think we - the UK - is screwed. 90% plus jabbed in Wales. I feel that I am living in 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'.

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Herd stupidity ...

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Note that the consequence is likely to be lots of chronically unwell people, rather than lots of dead.

This will overwhelm NHS and social care; there'll be too few left to do the work.

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And to pay their bills.

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Those chronically ill with cancer will depart the stage progressively faster.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Are people in the UK starting to realize what's going on? Or are they in denial?

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Vast majority have not even got to being in denial IMPO. They do what the MSM tells them - wear masks, lockdown, blamed the unjabbed, digital passports.

Hearing lots of anecdotals of strokes, heart attacks, deaths and lots and lots... and lots... of people feeling ill or fluey.

There is an horrendous UK forum called Mumsnet. They have a dedicated Coof forum. For the past 2 years if you post stuff on there questioning the narrative you would be verbally attacked within minutes, your posts reported and mysteriously disappear and, as happened to a few accounts I created, the accounts just removed. It is worth a look to see what the 'Karens' are thinking in the UK.

Newspapers in the UK such as the Daily Mail often report on what people are saying on Mumsnet so I suspect it was heavily targetted to push the agenda these past 2.5 years.


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Same in /r/CoronavirusUK subreddit. Stupid boosted Karens

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Jeez, I went to a random post, two people talking about when they should get 5th jabs. These people are going to jab themselves right into the grave.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022

Well... A mix of both and in between. I have seen several people refuse a booster. They got omicron after two doses, saw that it was nothing, and have moved on. They cannot be bothered to stay on the hamster wheel.

But others are pretty convinced the 'vaccines' help in some way. It's like a mental barrier where they can't fathom any other possibility, regardless of the reality around them. I think this is due to all the brainwashing around the NHS being a sacrosanct organisation and the 'vaccines' being some sort of magic elixir.

Adverse effects are the hardest sell; people are not joining the dots. Whether short-term or long-term they think it's just a coincidence or "very rare". I even know someone who had two coworkers end up in A&E after getting a booster but they dismissed it as bad luck. So this person went for their booster anyway, just to be able to travel.

I think that's the most infuriating aspect of the average Brit's attitude -- the lack of critical thought. Even if they don't believe in the shots, they'll submit to them for pragmatic reasons like travel.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

I have a friend who's 8 months pregnant with first child. She was so excited to tell me she'd had the two shots, been boosted and would take every boost to come. She was so damned proud of that. Had to go and tell her I'm unvaxxed, had Delta and came through fine. Cooled her off a bit. Now I don't get to see her until the child is born.

And she's a doctor in local ER.

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deletedMar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Do they say "but it is mild" or "at least I did not die like the unvaccinated"?

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The problem that we see everywhere is the “oh but it reduces hospitalization and death”. No one has yet explained to me how they know that.

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Well, the corrupt CDC told them!

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deletedMar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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We had a situation in Wales a few months back where an ICU consultant tweeted about his ICU being full of unjabbed people. Shortly after he said that one of the senior consultants in Wales went on the BBC and other media talking about the unjabbed filling the ICUs in Wales.

However, it was not true.

The ICU data was actually available online and a brilliant Welsh statistician, Jamie Jenkins - who used to work at the UK Office for National Statistics, tweeted out the exact data.

The first ICU consultant ICU apparently deleted his tweet and, IIRC, made some claims about being misquoted. The second one said she got the information from a colleague but would not say which one. Alas, the likes of the BBC did not challenge her further.

It was a horrible state of affairs when you stop and think about it. Unjabbed people could have suffered all manner of awful things for what were untruths. I think they should have been made to answer why they were spreading such things.

Anyway, here is Jamie Jenkins who has been producing good FACTS about the covid in the UK using UK data and not stuff that he heard from someone unknown :-)


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The other thing to bear in mind is that the MSM and politicians are relentless in blaming the unjabbed - look at the UK with the English and Scottish figures over the past 3 - 6 months which, as Igor has brilliantly analysed, have shown that the infections and deaths are rising in the jabbed and the boosted.

But tens of millions in the UK, and hundreds of millions around the Western world, have been brainwashed by the MSM to believe the jabs work and that the unjabbed are the nasty, evil spreaders stopping them from living their lives.

I fear it is going to take a jabbed person to personally know someone close to them becoming ill before most will have the penny drop.

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I've heard from nurses otherwise, the jabbed are having heart attacks, strokes, other clot induced issues, and the unjabbed get covid Dx appended thanks to the still used pcr 'tests" despite follow on negative serology, thanks to the perverse financial incentives.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m wondering when, if ever, the malfeasance of the covid authorities is going to be brought to light among the general public. What will it take? Can this charade go on indefinitely or will there be a breaking point where vaccine damage can no longer be swept under the rug?

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Eventually the problems will become too apparent to ignore.

This might take some time, however; we've already seen 'obvious' levels of side effects (including chronic health changes in many and youngsters and athletes dropping dead in alarming numbers) and people have managed to ignore it.

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The are blaming it on the so-called "variants." It will be important to know who is Covid jabbed and who is not in order to point out what is actually happening. But I'm sure they will omit that information.

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This is from Geert VandenBossch website:

The most recent data from the CDC shows that U.S. millennials, aged25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021, according to the analysis of financial expert and Blackrock whistleblower, Edward Dowd.


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Is that not magical thinking? - given mass psychosis; the number of deaths reported to VAERS already; deaths reported to EUDRA; corrupt alphabet authorities; lack of oversight of injection manufacturers and so on?

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It will take a few generations who can see independently. Hopefully. The ones who got conned they will never overcome. The more the data more their cognitive dissonance will be. Hopefully the majority at least will push back and never accept these limitations.

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Maybe our best hope is Fauci's comment not too long ago, that he was "disappointed that the uptake of the boosters was less than expected" (or words to that effect). Maybe a bit of "fool me ... twice - shame on you, fool me 3-4 times - shame on me" - abridged, is occurring to subtly start the wake-up process in some folks.

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I've been thinking the same. The highest boosted states in US have only around 50% of two shot people w booster. This is crazy low considering the immense pro vax propaganda campaign. I'd guess many of those two-shot-no-booster folks either 'know' or are suspicious.

Not everyone needs to be totally red pilled to make a difference. If enough people move from trusting to not sure, it will matter.

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My Son in law still may take it and he’s extremely intelligent. He’s too busy to read everything about it and worse he has a doctor friend who told him how wonderful the shot is. I’m going to risk making him mad at me, though, and tell him why he shouldn’t.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What do I think? I think that everyone who surrendered their better judgement, made a compromise or acted in a spirit of fear and coercion has a date with Destiny, and Destiny is a big ass recidivist felon with an iron bar and no f***s to give.

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Zoe is a subjective app that anyone can report to each day. It does not include testing or assessment by a medic. The author of Zoe has been rumoured to be funded by you know who.

The UKHSA ( sort of the like the USA’s CDC) will stop differentiating between vaxxed and unvaxxed covidians. Isn’t that helpful? Well it is when you are trying to hide the ineffectiveness of the “treatments” they have been pushing (experimental biologicals).

We know dozens and dozens of friends, neighbours, kids, adults with covid right now….adults ALL triple jabbed. Good to see these experimental biologicals working 😂😂😂😂

Just a few weeks ago there was a covid testing marquee on every corner in the Uk. Presto, they have disappeared. Not long ago these same marquees were handing out boxes of covid tests, take one, take two, take three. Come back tomorrow for more. Now they are gone as well.

Just get the feeling there is a massive effort to cover up the utter failure of experimental biologicals. Now the UK is about to push their fourth jab, even after witnessing how unsuccessful the jabs are here and have been in places like Israel. I am witnessing a lot of very unwell adults with covid in our community. Many of them elderly. Wondering if they will make it. Also know many who had the original covid, took all the vaccines and now have covid again, only this time they are saying it is much worse. As an RN, MN for 45 years this ongoing covid is worrying. What is happening to people’s immune systems?

Wow, looks like a horror show. Am expecting uk’s hospital numbers to go up. They have now cancelled many elective surgeries to make room for……you know what for. USA will follow in our footsteps, although I get the impression there are more in the USA who declined?

Just read a report of an outbreak of parotitis onboard a Navy ship. Mumps?? Things just keep getting blurred. Intentional?

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No doubt the Zoe app is more liberal with reporting. But, also, the trends in it are very important and they are confirmed by "percentage of people currently infected" stats.

I also saw the parotitis news, this is an opportunistic infection of the compromised.

Indeed the powers to be will be trying to hide the failure.

Thank you VERY MUCH for your site report, please report anything that you know to be true.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Constant infection with cold virus in elderly eventually leads to pneumonia and death. No one can take that indefinitely, it runs you to ground. Add infirmities like COPD and it isn't a good thing for old people. And they are the ones most likely to think they need the shots. This is evil on a scale I've never seen in my lifetime.

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Have told my partner to tell her 95yo grandma not to take the fourth shot. But the rest of the family is expecting her to take it.

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It is of note that Zoe app has just lost funding.

The authorities really don't want us to know how bad it is going to get.

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Absolutely, truth is misinformation and lies are "health experts consensus"

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They are creating perfect conditions to ensure the emergence of what I refer to as Devil Covid.

A highly contagious extremely deadly mutation - with the intention being to kill as many people as possible.

They are also dismantling the supply chain -- when the dying begins people will be terrified and self lock... and they will starve.

These measures ensure minimal violence as we are go extinct (Limits to Growth are breached - as predicted - BAU is not longer viable)

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Yikes does not sound good.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022

You have confirmed what I've been fearing and observing. I know many people who had the Wuhan strain, still got double-jabbed, and now had worse or as-bad symptoms with omicron. How could that be the case if the injections were actually effective in any way? Journalists like Julia Hartley-Brewer and Allison Pearson have reported this same experience.

Then there's the question of whether the jab prevents your immune system from developing natural immunity, or whether it makes you more susceptible to other pathogens. Many of the jabbed I know have been battling colds on/off since summer.

We are definitely witnessing a cover-up, and the Ukraine conflict is diverting attention from any kind of scrutiny or questioning.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Have you seen that video out of Oz this morning of a surgeon collapsing at the operating table? It is on Rumble and Brighteon.


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Broke the cardinal rule --- Don't get high .. on your own supply...

Bit of karma happening there

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Finally! Vaccine passports make sense!

They're not intended to protect "the vaccinated" from "the unvaccinated" - They're obviously intended to protect "the unvaccinated" from "the vaccinated".

What we need now is an "Unvaccinated passport" to attend festivals, concerts, restaurants, theatres, etc.

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Yeah, I have been thinking, how can young people prove their being unvaccinated at night clubs or other dating apps. There is a demand for unvaxed dating partners

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022

I can think of no other way than a health authority issuing a letter saying "We have no record of this person being vaccinated." That seems pretty unlikely.

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I was saying that from the beginning .. I welcomed the passports in NZ ... great way to identify the dangerous diseased CovIDIOTS and keep away from them.

The passports will be dropped soon ... I may just self isolate permanently now

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The question is will the injected people spread something to those not injected?

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My husband and I caught Delta last September. Well never know if I got it at the hairdresser's, where every hairdresser caught it the same week I did, or if I infected all of them. Our youngest son was home on leave, two shots courtesy US army, and out drinking with hometown buddies the week before. I will never know if he gave it to me etc, because he never had symptoms. It happened during a wave of Delta here when the university students came back. MD state contact tracers wanted my help in telling everyone I was infected. Afraid I wasn't much help.

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I think....

That this is all being done with evil intent... now that they have pumped the leaky vaccines into billions .. they are encouraging the spread of the Covid virus trying to infect as many vaccinated people as possible ...

Because that creates the perfect conditions for mutations to emerge... and at some point we will see a highly contagious - extremely deadly variant come onto the scene.

I also think that this plan was hatched quite a few years ago.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That is pretty much what was predicted by Geert vandenBossch about a year ago. Seems to be happening now in South Korea.

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and HK is terrifying

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Yes it is but HK is nowhere near as highly inoculated as SK.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Oh, had not looked at South Korea in a long time due to attention being focussed on Israel, the UK, Gibraltar. Will go do some digging.

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Trial Site News article dated 3/20/22. Sorry, unable to copy the link for some reason.

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Record Surge of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in Heavily Vaxxed South Korea—What’s Going on?


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Thanks for getting the link.

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Mar 21, 2022·edited Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The UK government keeps track of the number of employees that are off work because of illness. The number of employees that are off work because of illness has been increasing.

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Sounds like a new, perpetual market for an antiviral pill, such as Ivermectin. Too bad that is kinda hard to get here in the States.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Horse paste works just fine at $10/tube. Used it for Delta and now take prophylactic dose once a month. Plus India has lots of suppliers if you must have pills.

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I'm not worried about Vit I, even if I were to get some for my parents, they are so brain washed, they'd never take it.

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Hard to get? Try Canada instead. (Hint - it's impossible to get it). A few months back I asked for the animal version at our local co-op. The guy laughed at me. So then the FLCCC recommended black cumin seed as an alternative, and Christine Northrup recommended wormwood. I have both and have survived all winter.

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I feel for our northern brothers, you guys have been truly screwed by your "leaders".

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My mother still has a pack of HCQ left from when she had it prescribed for covid in mid March 2020 in Spain (impossible to get since). Told her to hold on to it.

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I've still got a spare scrip for that as well. The original prescription allowed a refill, which I did and saved.

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This is not looking good: OAS & immunosuppression that doesn't appear to be resolving. The risk is of new virulent strains due to quasispecies swarms, ie within the same patient.

Researchers Tie Severe Immunosuppression to Chronic COVID-19 and Virus Variants


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You have summarized OAS and proved Geert Vanden Bossche predictions valid with some great graphs. The virus has mutated to the point that it won't go away. The problem is we are all subject to large levels of this circulating infection. It will impact everyones health. The unactivated will fair better in dealing with it; however, we will still have to deal with it.

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