High Igor, thanks for the work you're doing. Your work here inspired me to do a similar project for where I live in Ontario, Canada. Unfortunately our government doesn't seem to be tracking deaths by vaccination status, but they are tracking cases and hospitalizations by vaccination status. Recently, when reporting the numbers, they've increasingly stopped breaking down all of the numbers, and are now instead lumping "unvaccinated, one dose, unknown status" into the category of "not fully vaccinated," because the vaccinated case numbers keep rising relative to the unvaccinated numbers, so they want the unvaccinated numbers to look as high as possible.

Did you see the report the UK posted today for week 43? They stopped tracking the case rates per 100k, and left this little note at the bottom of each table:

"In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective. This is especially true because vaccination has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease. Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather

than because of COVID-19."

Hilarious. They either saw that their data was being used to write articles like this one, or they saw a concerning trend and are putting a stop to it. The UK wasn't always publishing their numbers for cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, so I wonder what made them start? What are these people seeing that we're not allowed to?

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I wrote an analysis of week 43. They broke the rates out into a new table. It's not so bad.

Take a look at Table 5.

I am not in the least surprised about your totalitarian govt. hiding data. But you might be able to untangle it with a few equations and algebra. Maybe you can get vax rates elsewhere.

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Yes, it is unbelievable how large the "unknown status" share of the pie is with regard to covid patients in hospital and/or icu; it tends to represent approx 30-40% of Ontario's daily numbers. CP24 are the masters of obfuscation with the grouping of "not fully vaccinated" numbers!

I like to check @Golden_Pup on Twitter each day (I don't have an account, I can still view it), he makes charts and graphs with info directly from the Ontario website; his great work really brings it into focus.

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thanks for the very interesting articles. I am in NZ and our govt is well on the way to a Lithuania situation, very high vax rates, vax mandates, never ending lockdowns (now into month 3). Yet still the sheeple listen to the lying media and a handful of compliant govt employed "scientists". Looking at the UK MOH data, although the total numbers look very bad for the vaxxed, the fact checkers will simply say that the rate per 100,000 population gives the "true" situation.

The gaps are closing but for most age groups, the death rates are still triple or more in the vaxxed vs unvaxxed in terms of per 100,000 population. How do we account for this? I want to be able to counter these arguments.

I suspect that in the over 60s group, the vax rates are so high, that virtually the only people not vaxxed are just too old, frail, or sick to even be vaccinated due to risk of imminent death. In NZ our over 60 vax rate for first dose is now at 95% (pfizer). Second dose around 70%, and I have no reason to think that most first jabbers will not go for the second.

I would not be surprised if NZ ends up being the single most vaxxed country in the world, such is the obsession of out govt, the total complicity of MSM, and the utter mindless sheepish compliance of our population

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Regarding UK deaths, vaccine effectiveness against death is also going down, we are not sure yet if it will stay at zero, or instead turn negative.

I think that it will turn negative.

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Please refer to my article. It gets numbers from the UK PHE, and it operates with "rates per 100,000", not with absolute numbers (which PHE also provides, conveniently).

Your Jacinda Ardern is an authoritarian Klaus Schwab disciple ("Young Leader") and a sadist. I am very sorry that she is your "leader".

The future of your country is definitely very grim.

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Thanks Igor I am just trying to crunch the numbers in the week 42 Vax surveillance report, I want to get my head around it. Jacinda Ardern is a vicious megalomaniac and the worst kind of dangerous ideologue. She is a communist who intends to turn our country into a "paradise" of forced equality. ie we'll all be equally enslaved. Except of course for her and her evil cronies. A group of us are in the process of setting up a new political party, because there is no opposition in parliament. We are doomed if we don't get some democracy and libertarian values into govt again. I no longer recognise this country

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I agree and wish you most success

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Thank you for this analysis. Yes, the CDC is hiding data and media is maintaining the lie...and people will be hurt by this.

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Yes, very disappointing

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Once a virus mutant finds that right combination for ADE, it will become a perfect storm. The vaccinated are more or less already weakened by the toxic spike protein cell factory producing mRNA-vaccines. They are like dry tinder dosed with gasoline for a fast spreading forest fire. Double whammy. Traditional COVID vaccine takers are "just" dry tinder but these mRNA-vaxxed are really screwed big time.

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You put it very well and likely, this is how this is going to end up.

The "cherry on top", of course, is that the poisoned and altered immune systems of the vaccinated, may be unable to generate lasting response to Covid19, so they will be condemned to get Covid once every so often.

Alex Berenson mentioned this.

Not fun

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Hi again Igor, I am looking at the same PHE report referenced in your article. Unless I am reading something wrong, the absolute number of deaths is much higher in the vaxxed groups, but deaths per 100,000 population is far higher in unvaxxed. For example, on page 14, titled:

Table 4. COVID-19 deaths (a) within 28 days and (b) within 60 days of positive specimen or with COVID-19 reported on death certificate, by vaccination status between week 38 and week 41 2021

In the ≥80 group these are the numbers:

(total) 1,365

(unlinked) 6

(not vaccinated) 147

received one dose (1-20 days before specimen date) (0)

received one dose (1-20 days before specimen date) (37)

Second dose ≥14 days before specimen date (1175)

Rates among persons vaccinated with 2 doses (per 100,000) - (45.7)

Rates among persons not vaccinated (per 100,000) - (117)

These last 2 lines allow them to show that the rate of death among unvaxxed is still much higher compared to double dosed: rates among 2 dose vaxxed, are 45.7 per 100k population

vs: rates among not vaxxed 117 per 100k population.

So although the absolute deaths is much higher in vaxxed, the rate per 100k population is approx 2.5 times higher?

They will say this is because that vaccination in this age group is almost total, and the absolute number of vaxxed is far higher than vaxxed. But it appears that your risk of dying in the over 80s if unvaxxed is 2.5 times higher than double dose vaxxed.

You see what I mean?

I guess that the rates could be highly skewed against unvaxxed, in terms of rates per 100k, because in this group, almost the only reason not to be vaxxed is that the person is simply too old and frail. So that the vax itself could kill them. Therefore they do not vaccinate the most at-risk people in this group. Leading to the appearance of a much higher rate of death for unvaxxed?

This discrepancy between absolute deaths vs deaths in terms of per 100k population is apparent in all age groups except under 18s.

I am trying to understand why this is the case?

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Yes, there is protection from deaths, but it too is waning by a few percentage points per week.

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The rate of the unvaccinated dying is still, this is true. However I did the same thing he did and created a table in Excel, and calculated efficacy the same way. I then took the total of the changes in efficacy since they started reporting Week 32 - Week 35 data, and I summed them up by age group. These are the totals I got for deaths:

Under 18 0.0

18 - 29 -16.7

30 - 39 -12.1

40 - 49 -12.8

50 - 59 -5.7

60 - 69 -10.0

70 - 79 -17.7

80+ -13.2

So you can see that in all age groups, the net % change in the efficacy of the vaccine as defined by comparing the rates per 100k is negative overall, which should be concerning as this means that the rate of vaccinated people dying is increasing while the rate of the unvaccinated people dying is going down. This could be because COVID's already killed a lot of the unvaccinated people, so there aren't as many left to kill, or it could mean that the vaccine is actually driving mutations which cause the antibodies to enhance the infectiousness of the virus.

What's concerning is that in their latest report release for Week 39 - 42, they did not include the rate per 100k for each group, which means they may be intentionally trying to conceal that data, especially since articles like this are being written using that data.

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Note that it is acknowledged now that vaccine efficacy against infections declines over time such that after about 6 months, some reports put it as 4 months, protectiveness against infection is no better than the unvaccinated.

It had been assumed that it would just stop there after the 6 months. But the recent data suggest the protection gets WORSE than the unvaccinated after this time. However, this has only been intimated at by the way this being measured looking at infection rates for vaxxed and unvaxxed since January.

But clearly what needs to be done is to instead count the NUMBER OF INFECTIONS SINCE VACCINATED. This would show clearly that once you get past 6 months or so, you are worse off being vaxxed for protection against infection then being unvaxxed.

This is being judged by by infection rates. But is there an actual immunity system measurement that suggests also this is the case? There may indeed be one, and it may have just missed seeing this signal because it did the cut off at 6 months, *assuming* again the drop would not be below the standard baseline of the unvaxxed.

See the image and link to a CDC video here:

Robert Clark


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and 2 others

In this CDC video Fauci acknowledges antibody titers even for vaccine tells us the degree of protection. So why not have everyone get their antibody levels tested? And why can’t they acknowledge prior infection also results in high antibody levels?


2:13 PM · Aug 20, 2021·Twitter for iPad


This data is what led the CDC saying booster shots would be needed but notice it is looking at actual antibody levels, not mere numbers of infections rates.

What needs to be done then is go beyond 6 months in this data to see if antibody levels drop *below* the standard baseline of the unvaccinated.

Then we would have two separate pieces of evidence to suggest the vaccine over sufficient time is actually damaging to our immune system.

Note this very strongly suggests the much feared “antibody dependent enhancement”(ADE) is occurring now. It is extremely important to find out if this is happening since all prior attempts to come up with a corona vaccine in animals failed with the animals all dying due to ADE.

Robert Clark

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That protection from infection went from almost 100%, down to zero, and then KEPT GOING TO BECOME GROSSLY NEGATIVE, is terrifying.

Protection from death is still positive, rapidly declining, so will PROTECTION FROM DEATH ALSO GO BELOW ZERO?

I hope not but time will tell! I am praying for the poor vaccinated. They thought they were getting something very low risk and useful. Now it looks like the vax is like a stone chained to their foot and the ship is sinking.

Some are probably asking "how to get un-vaccinated". As I explained to my unvaxed son today who asked this question, it is like trying to put together a smashed vase.

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Is the CDC hiding data or do they just not bother to gather any?

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It is both, they are not collecting essential data but also hiding data that they have.

They are also publishing outlandish, ridiculous misinformation articles.


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1) Yes, this is correct. -100% VE means you are twice as likely to get sick as unvaccinated.

VE = 1- (vaccinated case rate/unvaccinated case rate)

2) This criticism is ridiculous. PHE is publishing amazingly detailed graphs of vaccination rate (and unvaccinated percentage is 1-vaccination rate) by age in the same report, referred to in my article. These are the same age groups as in calculating vaccine effectiveness. To say that PHE does not know how many vaxxed or unvaxxed there are out there and their vaccination rate graphs are all totally wrong is laughable.

This is a typical case of "fact checkers" grasping at straws when their ship is sinking. They are just doing it for Pfizer money.

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Do you have a text of the article that you are referring to?

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Unfortunately, I cannot read it. You can email it to me at

i c h u d o v


g m a i l


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Sadly, the link also does not work

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