My 41 year old sister died on September 2nd, ‘22. A few weeks prior to her sudden death, she had received multiple blood transfusions due to a medical mistake while she was at the hospital. We can guess, but will never know, that the transfusions at least contributed to her death.
My 49 yr old sister in law was receiving blood transfusion, which she regularly did prior to pandemic, in Dec 2021 and she died on the spot while sitting on her hospital bed - Lost consciousness, stopped breathing. We were shocked!!!
Just like the AIDS-contaminated blood supply from the 80s, all over again. Huh, Fauci was around backnthen, too. Don't forget, the government loves you and wants to help you.
i remember that well, because I had surgery at the time, and the doctor was very hesitant to give me blood even though I lost a lot. They gave me tablets which did the job, I never got tranfusion.
The blood should be tested before things happened like these poor babies, and the parents should be listened to. Tha doc who gave the baby bad blood should loose their licence!
I have no idea if he still is lol. He was in his 40s at the time and probably now retired. He is also an ocean away ! But yes, he was a great person and a good doctor.
I'm still alive ,but I have already donated all my blood away .It is pure as the mountain air ,no shots ever of any kind .Before an operation my blood can be had from Ebay and Amazone . I replaced all my blood with red wine it will help me fighting the whyrusses wars ,because the covid does not like red wine .
Hi Ingrid, do you happen to know what the name of the tablets was? I'm scheduled for surgery in 2 weeks and I've already told my surgeon I don't want a transfusion as they don't distinguish between unjabbed and jabbed blood.
Thanks but incredibly here in NZ the surgeon has to sign the paperwork for an autologous donation and he won't, because he says I'm unlikely to need a transfusion, but you never know right?
Having the same problem in the U.S. My father is O negative so he is a universal donor. He is unvaccinated. I looked into banking his blood in case I needed it at some point. A doctor/friend in the area who works in hospital told me it wouldn't matter even if I had blood on hand that I wanted. He said the hospital will give you whatever blood they have and basically I have no choice in the matter. The blood they are giving is a mixture of all kinds of blood from different people so you have no idea what you are getting. I don't see any way to get around this when the hospitals just ignore your requests.
"Unlikely to need a transfusion". Here is part of the problem. This so-called doctor should be looking out for your best interests. Preparing the paperwork and you banking our own blood does not constitute any risk to the 'doctor'. The doctor HAS TO BE a partner in your care and if they are not going to do that a change needs to be made. Not sure what the SOP are in NZ in the delivery of medical care are, but I would be looking for a new doctor if it were me.
I'm a nurse anesthesiologist and I've lectured in the past on blood transfusions, trauma, and patient blood management. I've never heard of mixing blood except for platelets (which isn't usually done now, they're aphresis and from a single donor). The best bet to avoid blood transfusions is a great surgeon and having a higher starting hemoglobin BEFORE surgery. So iron and even iron transfusions can get your red cells up. Iron transfusions can do the job in weeks if you have time. And if you lose a lot of blood unexpectedly during surgery, then they can give you iron transfusions. I'd avoid blood in any case if at all possible. Google Patient Blood Management.
Lola, you can donate your own blood in advance, or use "designated blood" where you know the donor. Of course, it still has to be of your blood type. And there's a fee in either case, but I don't think it's very much. You could ask at your church or other group for an unvaxxed person of the correct blood type-- or perhaps you have a friend or relative?
Lola, you are the surgeon's customer. I would sure try tactfully & politely to indicate that you are so concerned about the blood that you are considering going elsewhere for your surgery.
Also, have you phoned around to see if any of the hospitals in your area will allow you to use a designated donor. (Don't mention the vaxx at all; hospitals have always permitted self-donation and designated donor. You don't have to give a reason.) Sometimes it's not as easy to be assertive about your own welfare as about someone else's. Perhaps a close family member could have these conversations. Best wishes, Penelope
They not only do not test, they do not know! The blood is not labeled - nor any questions asked about vax status when donating blood. The safest if at all possible is to arrange a donation by someone you know not to be vaxxed! Of course in an emergency, that is not possible.
Yes, the blood is separate by type, RH factor, etc. For example all A- blood would be pooled together. In hindsight I should have included that in my earlier comment.
They only don’t know bc they choose not to know! Pretty sure they DO KNOW! Every time I have a Dr. Appt I am asked whether or not I am vaxxed!! And I answer with the same answer.
I'm thinking manslaughter. 3rd degree murder. For sure it was reckless and negligent. That doc had to know there was risk involved. Unnecessary risk. Doc's ego got in the way of patient care. He wanted to give a big F you to the parents to show he was in charge. Well then - take charge now, buddy. That kid's death is your responsibility. Awful. Every person involved in that kid's death should be charged.
Did that New Zealand kid die, too? I have not seen a follow up article. I re-read the articles I could find. The parents were ok with anything those docs wanted to do for their infant EXCEPT receive vaxd blood transfusion. So what's the problem? All the articles I read inferred that the parents were not on board for the surgery - not true.
Yes,Ingrid, I just had a second hip replacement in less than a year. I had to sign a release for blood transfusion in case of large amount of blood loss. I was in quite a dilemma as I voiced my opinion on vaccinated blood ,but there was no option available to me. I had to sign or opt for nothing. I reluctantly signed. In the end I did lose quite a bit of blood but the doctors were aware of my feelings. After surgery they did put me on iron supplement for anemia. Thank God I'm a week past the surgery and no complications. It sucks that we have one more thing to stress about now when I wouldn't have thought about it before. 😕
I'm looking at a possible knee replacement soon. I was told to donate my own ahead of time which I felt was dangerous right before surgery. My doc said it was rarely needed,. My daughter, same blood type, said she would donate for me if needed. It's a complicated process to line up a specific donor, and save it for yourself.
You could request the same care that many Jehovah's witnesses rely on, mainly cell salvage. You first have a saline drip to expand your volume and during surgery the blood weep is sucked up cleaned and returned to you. Almost all types of surgery are possible this way without transfusion, and the chance of infection and post operative immune suppression from foreign blood is totally removed.
Blood is big business and has the same corruption factors plaguing Pharma etc.
Yes Fain, I looked into that also, but didn't have time to arrange any self donation or from family members. My two unvaxxed daughters were willing to donate too. My situation came about quickly and only had 2days from diagnosis to surgery. I could have delayed surgery but I couldn't even stand up and put any weight on my hip. So I opted for quick pain relief 😌.
It's nearly impossible to line up your own blood. Having the same problem in the U.S. My father is O negative so he is a universal donor. He is unvaccinated. I looked into banking his blood in case I needed it at some point. A doctor/friend in the area who works in hospital told me it wouldn't matter even if I had blood on hand that I wanted. He said the hospital will give you whatever blood they have and basically I have no choice in the matter. The blood they are giving is a mixture of all kinds of blood from different people so you have no idea what you are getting.
make sure you get certain formulations. iron sup's can cause constipation. I use Solgar Gentle Iron. and I do a pinch daily rather than a whole tab. you can get too much iron. another fun source is mussels.
I heard that one of Fauci's staff members ask him to loan them a couple of bucks for lunch the other day... Fauci said "Sorry, I'm a little short today." Ba dum dum dum !
On a completely serious note... No statute of limitations, no amnesty, no apologies... only adjudication by military tribunal with the full weight of the law meted out as punishment for Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Soros... et all. Hang them all... every single one of them... public servants and private citizens alike... their cohorts and minions as well... Hang them all!
Military is part of the problem. They took control of a bunch of Nazi and Japanese war criminals after WW2, the military didn't do the right thing amd execute them, they used them "for humanity". And we wonder where this moral rot in the military comes from?
That sort of tribunal only works when the majority are on the outside and the minority are getting hanged. Currently, as a society, the majority have committed crimes against humanity and therefore should hang.
As much as I like your sentiment, it's not going to work - because the larger group is not going to agree to hang, even if they're in the wrong!
Until the majority either wake up and see their crimes, or they become so crippled they're effectively dead anyway, or the non-jabbed people start an army that somehow outdoes all armies in the world (?!@#%), then this concept is merely an idea inside our heads, where, for all effectiveness, it might as well stay :-(
How about donated breast milk? My daughter had a baby and he wasn’t feeding so the nurse gave him a few drops of donated breast milk. I asked her if she requested vaccine free and after making a face at me (bc she’s a brainwashed nurse of the system around her) she said she doubted they even kept track. We are in New England
I was diagnosed with Hep C 20 years ago. I was never tattooed, engaged in anal sex, nor did I shoot drugs. But I did get blood transfusion during a surgical procedure in 1968. Because I always felt healthy, I never went to doctors. So when I busted a tendon in my leg and had a blood panel taken, the virus (and a damaged liver) was finally discovered after 32 years. Fortunately I had a strain that allowed me to be successfully treated with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin which is why I am able to be here sharing my story.
And I share it because I have a suspicion that many people will discover years and decades from now that they were contaminated and now have a condition that they never suspected.
Glad you have recovered. I work in healthcare (family practice) and we offer everyone a test for Hep C to catch these cases that may otherwise go undetected for years (Hopefully before liver damage is done).
Back then Arizona and Arkansas were selling blood products they harvested from state prison inmates. I don't know if nobody else would buy it but they sold it to northern rural Canada.
It's gone now but Newsmax interviewed five or six prisoners who said they didn't replace or sterilize the blood draw needles. Hepatitis C and AIDS broke out in a major way for both Northern Canada and the two state prisons. A prison doctor gathered evidence and stored it in his attic. RCMP gathered all their evidence and stored it in a warehouse.
Both the doctor's house and the RCMP warehouse burned down the same night. The RCMP investigation died - the US never had one. "Bloodgate" used to have a lot of information you could find online; now it's almost all gone.
Bill Clinton and Bruce Babbitt were the two governors who ran the programs.
Don't know about Canada, but all blood facilities to include the Red Cross now test all blood donations for HIV, hepatitis, etc., and the during the pre-donation interview if you tell them you have HIV or hepatitis, etc., they will not do the collection.
Your correct, the American Red Cross does not test blood donations or discriminate between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood donations. Maybe some other donation companies do I don't know.
We need to create a new decentralized 4th branch of government that is 100% controlled by the people and is used to hold corruption accountable. No one else is coming to save us.
dismissing these people would also solve a lot of financial problems this country is in. Back to more independence for the states is probably a good solution. There is little unity for certain thing already (speed limit and driver's licences f. il) so why not go to a decentralized system.
You just keep believing that, and tell all the people who were infected and died. I can't believe you think that statement is true. Were you even born in the 1980's?
Read Kennedy's Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci. He has an entire VERY well researched chapter that lays out how and why so many in the gay community in the early/mid 80s died and demonstrates that most died from other causes mostly having their kidneys shut down from Fauci's deadly AZT drug that was the only drug a patient could get (just like remdivisir during Covid). These deaths were coded as AIDS deaths just like they coded any flu, pneumonia, vax death etc...back in 2020 and 2021 as all death from/with Covid. Fauci perfected this grift back in 80s and they rolled it out again during Covid.
The only insanely stupid people are those who persist in their belief in the mythology that viruses cause contagious illness. Enjoy your mental prison!
Yes I know what you mean, and it is the cherry on top of the cake/abomination. They know whom to harvest, and the whole thing appears more and more diabolical the more I dig into it. I hope their plan collapses soon, and while most of us will fall in the process, at least it will be with some humanity and integrity left. I wish there was something better to hope for, but I sure can’t see it at this moment in time.
Hey, I’d love to swing with you (seriously I married the wrong man who could never learn a step or a pass) - I resolved my frustration dancing to ska in the march pit and loved bouncing into the big young men (I am a grey-haired lady almost 60.... so the cherry on MY pie was to see their astonished face when they looked over at who just hit them!!! I miss my ska concerts that the plandemic took away from me). The good old days!
My 41 year old sister died on September 2nd, ‘22. A few weeks prior to her sudden death, she had received multiple blood transfusions due to a medical mistake while she was at the hospital. We can guess, but will never know, that the transfusions at least contributed to her death.
I am so sorry. I will pin your message for now.
SO SAD for your loss! And she was so young.
I am so heartbroken and sorry for your loss
My 49 yr old sister in law was receiving blood transfusion, which she regularly did prior to pandemic, in Dec 2021 and she died on the spot while sitting on her hospital bed - Lost consciousness, stopped breathing. We were shocked!!!
SO VERY SAD FOR YOURS AND HER LOSS! Grandma's Unsulphured Molasses
is very helpful for our blood and vein health.
Health food stores have organic brands, too. I just bought a really good
one at Mother's Health Food Store in Huntington Beach, CA.
Mackey, that’s horrible. I’m so sorry for your loss as well.
My condolences to you and your family it seems many in the same boat.
Just like the AIDS-contaminated blood supply from the 80s, all over again. Huh, Fauci was around backnthen, too. Don't forget, the government loves you and wants to help you.
i remember that well, because I had surgery at the time, and the doctor was very hesitant to give me blood even though I lost a lot. They gave me tablets which did the job, I never got tranfusion.
The blood should be tested before things happened like these poor babies, and the parents should be listened to. Tha doc who gave the baby bad blood should loose their licence!
You're doctor's a keeper!!!
I have no idea if he still is lol. He was in his 40s at the time and probably now retired. He is also an ocean away ! But yes, he was a great person and a good doctor.
I'm still alive ,but I have already donated all my blood away .It is pure as the mountain air ,no shots ever of any kind .Before an operation my blood can be had from Ebay and Amazone . I replaced all my blood with red wine it will help me fighting the whyrusses wars ,because the covid does not like red wine .
Haha Joe, I will have some of that replacement !
Hi Ingrid, do you happen to know what the name of the tablets was? I'm scheduled for surgery in 2 weeks and I've already told my surgeon I don't want a transfusion as they don't distinguish between unjabbed and jabbed blood.
Look into autologous donation - if appropriate to your situation, sometimes you can bank your own blood a couple of days before surgery.
Thanks but incredibly here in NZ the surgeon has to sign the paperwork for an autologous donation and he won't, because he says I'm unlikely to need a transfusion, but you never know right?
Having the same problem in the U.S. My father is O negative so he is a universal donor. He is unvaccinated. I looked into banking his blood in case I needed it at some point. A doctor/friend in the area who works in hospital told me it wouldn't matter even if I had blood on hand that I wanted. He said the hospital will give you whatever blood they have and basically I have no choice in the matter. The blood they are giving is a mixture of all kinds of blood from different people so you have no idea what you are getting. I don't see any way to get around this when the hospitals just ignore your requests.
Well, here's hoping that you don't!
"Unlikely to need a transfusion". Here is part of the problem. This so-called doctor should be looking out for your best interests. Preparing the paperwork and you banking our own blood does not constitute any risk to the 'doctor'. The doctor HAS TO BE a partner in your care and if they are not going to do that a change needs to be made. Not sure what the SOP are in NZ in the delivery of medical care are, but I would be looking for a new doctor if it were me.
I'm a nurse anesthesiologist and I've lectured in the past on blood transfusions, trauma, and patient blood management. I've never heard of mixing blood except for platelets (which isn't usually done now, they're aphresis and from a single donor). The best bet to avoid blood transfusions is a great surgeon and having a higher starting hemoglobin BEFORE surgery. So iron and even iron transfusions can get your red cells up. Iron transfusions can do the job in weeks if you have time. And if you lose a lot of blood unexpectedly during surgery, then they can give you iron transfusions. I'd avoid blood in any case if at all possible. Google Patient Blood Management.
What do you recommend for hemochromotosis
I've never heard of pooled whole blood, either.
And type and cross has become much more complex than just A/B/O and +/-. Mixing it would be a nightmare.
Lola, you can donate your own blood in advance, or use "designated blood" where you know the donor. Of course, it still has to be of your blood type. And there's a fee in either case, but I don't think it's very much. You could ask at your church or other group for an unvaxxed person of the correct blood type-- or perhaps you have a friend or relative?
Terrific encyclopedic source Mimi!
Unfortunately according to the NZ blood service that's just not possible without the surgeon signing the paperwork.
Lola, you are the surgeon's customer. I would sure try tactfully & politely to indicate that you are so concerned about the blood that you are considering going elsewhere for your surgery.
Also, have you phoned around to see if any of the hospitals in your area will allow you to use a designated donor. (Don't mention the vaxx at all; hospitals have always permitted self-donation and designated donor. You don't have to give a reason.) Sometimes it's not as easy to be assertive about your own welfare as about someone else's. Perhaps a close family member could have these conversations. Best wishes, Penelope
They not only do not test, they do not know! The blood is not labeled - nor any questions asked about vax status when donating blood. The safest if at all possible is to arrange a donation by someone you know not to be vaxxed! Of course in an emergency, that is not possible.
In Canada the blood is pooled together processed and then repackaged.
That almost seems criminal.
It seems to have worked well up until the covid vaccine. Now we are right back to where we were in 1980 with the AIDS tainted blood scandal.
almost seems criminal? it IS criminal and MURDEROUS.
Wow - no way to keep track that way!
Same in the U.S.
@ MyCovidBubble
"Same in the US" - for ALL blood banks? Are you sure?
How the hell can THAT be safe?
Don't they still type and cross match each blood unit to be sure it is compatible? How could the mix it all up??
Yes, the blood is separate by type, RH factor, etc. For example all A- blood would be pooled together. In hindsight I should have included that in my earlier comment.
I see - but there are other factors I believe - so the blood has to match,
They only don’t know bc they choose not to know! Pretty sure they DO KNOW! Every time I have a Dr. Appt I am asked whether or not I am vaxxed!! And I answer with the same answer.
"no comment" !
At the very least! I vote for charging them with murder and all assets given to the family.
@ Wendy
I'm thinking manslaughter. 3rd degree murder. For sure it was reckless and negligent. That doc had to know there was risk involved. Unnecessary risk. Doc's ego got in the way of patient care. He wanted to give a big F you to the parents to show he was in charge. Well then - take charge now, buddy. That kid's death is your responsibility. Awful. Every person involved in that kid's death should be charged.
I'm thinking I'm gonna make bank donating plasma!
Show me a blood bank who's asking . . . waiting. . .
Blood Bank? You would go to a Plasma Donation Center. Not the same thing.
@ Wendy
Did that New Zealand kid die, too? I have not seen a follow up article. I re-read the articles I could find. The parents were ok with anything those docs wanted to do for their infant EXCEPT receive vaxd blood transfusion. So what's the problem? All the articles I read inferred that the parents were not on board for the surgery - not true.
Where is the follow up story?
here here
What kind of tablets were those?
iron tablets
Yes,Ingrid, I just had a second hip replacement in less than a year. I had to sign a release for blood transfusion in case of large amount of blood loss. I was in quite a dilemma as I voiced my opinion on vaccinated blood ,but there was no option available to me. I had to sign or opt for nothing. I reluctantly signed. In the end I did lose quite a bit of blood but the doctors were aware of my feelings. After surgery they did put me on iron supplement for anemia. Thank God I'm a week past the surgery and no complications. It sucks that we have one more thing to stress about now when I wouldn't have thought about it before. 😕
I'm looking at a possible knee replacement soon. I was told to donate my own ahead of time which I felt was dangerous right before surgery. My doc said it was rarely needed,. My daughter, same blood type, said she would donate for me if needed. It's a complicated process to line up a specific donor, and save it for yourself.
You could request the same care that many Jehovah's witnesses rely on, mainly cell salvage. You first have a saline drip to expand your volume and during surgery the blood weep is sucked up cleaned and returned to you. Almost all types of surgery are possible this way without transfusion, and the chance of infection and post operative immune suppression from foreign blood is totally removed.
Blood is big business and has the same corruption factors plaguing Pharma etc.
Yes Fain, I looked into that also, but didn't have time to arrange any self donation or from family members. My two unvaxxed daughters were willing to donate too. My situation came about quickly and only had 2days from diagnosis to surgery. I could have delayed surgery but I couldn't even stand up and put any weight on my hip. So I opted for quick pain relief 😌.
It's nearly impossible to line up your own blood. Having the same problem in the U.S. My father is O negative so he is a universal donor. He is unvaccinated. I looked into banking his blood in case I needed it at some point. A doctor/friend in the area who works in hospital told me it wouldn't matter even if I had blood on hand that I wanted. He said the hospital will give you whatever blood they have and basically I have no choice in the matter. The blood they are giving is a mixture of all kinds of blood from different people so you have no idea what you are getting.
What are iron tabs. for?
Helps your red blood cells - but not as much as whole blood.
10/4 Thks.
make sure you get certain formulations. iron sup's can cause constipation. I use Solgar Gentle Iron. and I do a pinch daily rather than a whole tab. you can get too much iron. another fun source is mussels.
Hemaplex is a really good brand.
There should be no statute of limitations for Fauci's crimes, even though he has a stature of limitations.
I heard that one of Fauci's staff members ask him to loan them a couple of bucks for lunch the other day... Fauci said "Sorry, I'm a little short today." Ba dum dum dum !
On a completely serious note... No statute of limitations, no amnesty, no apologies... only adjudication by military tribunal with the full weight of the law meted out as punishment for Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Soros... et all. Hang them all... every single one of them... public servants and private citizens alike... their cohorts and minions as well... Hang them all!
Military is part of the problem. They took control of a bunch of Nazi and Japanese war criminals after WW2, the military didn't do the right thing amd execute them, they used them "for humanity". And we wonder where this moral rot in the military comes from?
That sort of tribunal only works when the majority are on the outside and the minority are getting hanged. Currently, as a society, the majority have committed crimes against humanity and therefore should hang.
As much as I like your sentiment, it's not going to work - because the larger group is not going to agree to hang, even if they're in the wrong!
Until the majority either wake up and see their crimes, or they become so crippled they're effectively dead anyway, or the non-jabbed people start an army that somehow outdoes all armies in the world (?!@#%), then this concept is merely an idea inside our heads, where, for all effectiveness, it might as well stay :-(
Yep, this vaccinated blood and it's donation creates some issues don't it.
Just as they’d hoped it would
How about donated breast milk? My daughter had a baby and he wasn’t feeding so the nurse gave him a few drops of donated breast milk. I asked her if she requested vaccine free and after making a face at me (bc she’s a brainwashed nurse of the system around her) she said she doubted they even kept track. We are in New England
Or Hep C
I was diagnosed with Hep C 20 years ago. I was never tattooed, engaged in anal sex, nor did I shoot drugs. But I did get blood transfusion during a surgical procedure in 1968. Because I always felt healthy, I never went to doctors. So when I busted a tendon in my leg and had a blood panel taken, the virus (and a damaged liver) was finally discovered after 32 years. Fortunately I had a strain that allowed me to be successfully treated with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin which is why I am able to be here sharing my story.
And I share it because I have a suspicion that many people will discover years and decades from now that they were contaminated and now have a condition that they never suspected.
Glad you have recovered. I work in healthcare (family practice) and we offer everyone a test for Hep C to catch these cases that may otherwise go undetected for years (Hopefully before liver damage is done).
Be well.
I have a feeling they'd prefer a "soft landing" with a sloooow death.
Who knows what's in that juice. Remember it never leaves the injection site!...:)
Slow death means $$$$$ for Big Pharma.
You nailed it.
HIV, HEP C and now spike proteins are all concerns now.
Back then Arizona and Arkansas were selling blood products they harvested from state prison inmates. I don't know if nobody else would buy it but they sold it to northern rural Canada.
It's gone now but Newsmax interviewed five or six prisoners who said they didn't replace or sterilize the blood draw needles. Hepatitis C and AIDS broke out in a major way for both Northern Canada and the two state prisons. A prison doctor gathered evidence and stored it in his attic. RCMP gathered all their evidence and stored it in a warehouse.
Both the doctor's house and the RCMP warehouse burned down the same night. The RCMP investigation died - the US never had one. "Bloodgate" used to have a lot of information you could find online; now it's almost all gone.
Bill Clinton and Bruce Babbitt were the two governors who ran the programs.
Thinking of this got me curious so I poked around a little, they missed this:
Don't know about Canada, but all blood facilities to include the Red Cross now test all blood donations for HIV, hepatitis, etc., and the during the pre-donation interview if you tell them you have HIV or hepatitis, etc., they will not do the collection.
Yeah, and I’m sure they test for vaccinated blood as well…not.
Your correct, the American Red Cross does not test blood donations or discriminate between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood donations. Maybe some other donation companies do I don't know.
We need to create a new decentralized 4th branch of government that is 100% controlled by the people and is used to hold corruption accountable. No one else is coming to save us.
dismissing these people would also solve a lot of financial problems this country is in. Back to more independence for the states is probably a good solution. There is little unity for certain thing already (speed limit and driver's licences f. il) so why not go to a decentralized system.
Aids could have been prevented/covid could have been prevented for $0.05 a day?
Preventing Covid could be done for very cheap:
Melatonin and Vitamin D can be had for free, during the sunnier half of the year or near the equator.
Very true do that to. Didn't mean it to rhime. Can't spell.
No money in the cure
Fauci was also in charge when the soldiers had to have the anthrax shot when getting ready to invade Iraq.
Another "Fauci Ouchie" and crime against humanity!
HIV doesn't exist. Blood cannot be contaminated with it. Peter Duesberg proved that more than 30 years ago.
And I counter with Papadopoulos et al. (2017) - HIV, A Virus Like No Other
You just keep believing that, and tell all the people who were infected and died. I can't believe you think that statement is true. Were you even born in the 1980's?
Read Kennedy's Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci. He has an entire VERY well researched chapter that lays out how and why so many in the gay community in the early/mid 80s died and demonstrates that most died from other causes mostly having their kidneys shut down from Fauci's deadly AZT drug that was the only drug a patient could get (just like remdivisir during Covid). These deaths were coded as AIDS deaths just like they coded any flu, pneumonia, vax death etc...back in 2020 and 2021 as all death from/with Covid. Fauci perfected this grift back in 80s and they rolled it out again during Covid.
That's rights, Fauci contributed greatly. Glad you convinced it wasn't aids.
"Tell that to all the people who were infected and died."
There were only FAKE TESTS and DEATHS FROM OTHER CAUSES. Wow, where have I seen that before?
Here's a dose of truth to absolve your ignorance:
Ok dick weed, opinions are like assholes every body got one. You made your point, I'm not going to argue with an innately stupid person.
The only insanely stupid people are those who persist in their belief in the mythology that viruses cause contagious illness. Enjoy your mental prison!
Why don't you just let go, you entertainment value ran out 3 commends ago.
. . .to your grave!
Yeah. . . to your GRAVE!
I don't get it?
I was replying to CaliforniaLost who was being sarcastic with
"the government wants to help you." Why did it end up HERE?
I posted it now in the correct area.
No worries.
We obviously need an unvaxxed blood bank. Period.
I'm telling you there's a business plan in there for more than just an unvaxxed blood bank.
Know what I mean?
Yes I know what you mean, and it is the cherry on top of the cake/abomination. They know whom to harvest, and the whole thing appears more and more diabolical the more I dig into it. I hope their plan collapses soon, and while most of us will fall in the process, at least it will be with some humanity and integrity left. I wish there was something better to hope for, but I sure can’t see it at this moment in time.
I don't know about you Natalie, but I'm going down SWINGING!
Like this:
Or like this :
I'm laughing Doc, but I have a feeling you're hands on the hilt just in case you need to unsheathe
Would you ever have thought we would seriously be thinking this? And yes, my sword is at the ready.
Brings back old mems. Good, thanks!
Hey, I’d love to swing with you (seriously I married the wrong man who could never learn a step or a pass) - I resolved my frustration dancing to ska in the march pit and loved bouncing into the big young men (I am a grey-haired lady almost 60.... so the cherry on MY pie was to see their astonished face when they looked over at who just hit them!!! I miss my ska concerts that the plandemic took away from me). The good old days!
And punching…. That might be just me.