Honestly I'm not really sure why I've resisted all aspects of the covid narrative. Maybe it's just my inherent distrust of authority or my oppositional personality and intense dislike of being told what to do. It helps that I have a like minded husband who couldn't care less about the friends we've lost and has kept us moving forward and never looked back.

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I dislike being lied to. Commercials annoy me no end.

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Totally my schtick. I've got a giant bullshit detector from this affliction in-built and boy did this all smell like Bullshit.

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When people get used to the smell and taste of bullshit, it's almost like they need their bullshit on a daily basis.

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as a musician just the sound of their stupid intonated voice-overs give me the shits but for most it is just a sweet melody of a lullaby

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Ha ha. Me too. That all started when I was a teenager. We have not had a TV connected for years now, only DVDs!

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Good idea, I hit the mute button a lot.

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Brings to mind an invention dreamed of by yours truly; A device that automatically takes note of the slight difference between the averaged, detected volume of the show you're watching, and the ads that interfere (which have a higher volume, intentionally), and automatically shut off their obnoxious audio invasion. Would that not be great? And the first to develop such a simple device, would be a "threat" to all involved, and possibly be bought out (quieted) for millions. But it might not be "simple" as I thought.

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You're not the only one who's dreamed of that invention. My guess is that it was patented years ago, and that after selling it to the networks, the inventor is living on a private beach somewhere in the Caribbean.

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I'd be dead without it... ;)

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😄 Love the honesty you’ve shown here. I have a love/hate relationship with my


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Good idea with the dvd's. I bought the Waltons complete 9 seasons and movie specials last year. Still enjoyable, clean family programming to this day. I enjoyed Lindsey Wagnor's Bionic Woman 3 season series last year too. I wish they would put the 1991 The Home Front series and NY Undercover series on DVD. I too like programming that allows people to draw their own conclusions. I like the old westerns too. Grabbed a John Wayne collection a few months ago for about $25. No one telling me what to feel or to believe in that type of programming.

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I have been enjoying Mr Bean and Fawlty Towers.

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You can't beat Fawlty Towers!!! I terminated my cable subscription two months ago and I feel like my brain has been freed from prison. It's all Amazon Prime and Paramount + at my house (two hours per day) and I feel well-entertained & not burdened with lies.

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I've been doing the DVD thing since I shut off the boob tube 20 years ago.

Favorite series (old). Good Neighbors, Yes Minister.

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Same here. The only relatively new thing I really love is "Johnny English"😍

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My family used to tell me shut up and just watch when I pointed out the false pretenses put forth as fact in movies, TV shows and commercials.

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I solved that by assuming that everything I saw on TV was fiction. It's served me well so far.

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Mine, too. I'd be outraged, arguing with a TV screen, LOL.

Now I just have to LEAVE. :P

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Why do you watch them? I don't. Actually I don't have a functional television, so that helps a lot. The only ads I have to deal with are the ones on various social sites. It's very liberating!

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Opposition research. Why I still listen to NPR sometimes. Plenty of flat-out lies there, too. I like to study their strategies and laugh, try to edumacate my acquaintances.

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I do that too! Any time I’m in my car, I tune into NPR just to see what they are “up to” today.

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True liberation is kicking your TV out a 20-story window...

Of course, bricks right through the screen work well, too.

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I once wanted to do a big TV smashing ceremony. Have people being their TV's to a public place, bring sledgehammers and just take turns smashing them to bits. Eventually didn't try because of safety, all those glass shards and metal splinters flying around...

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The TV isn't really the problem. Phones and computers can be just as bad. The TV is like a bottle of wine or a marijuana joint. Addiction to transactional dopamine rewards for habitual behavior is the real enemy.

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That was back in the day, when smartphones weren't really a thing yet. Of course, I got phone-addicted like everybody else, even though I haven't had a TV at home for more than two decades. Been working on managing that addiction in recent years. With modest success...

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It would make a great cartoon, tho! ;)

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Years ago, I used to fantasize about taking my sawed-off 3" mag 12 ga. and giving my TV an "adjustment".

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I'm totally on board with loathing what's shown on TV in terms of "programs", new, shows etc. which I also stopped watching years ago but I consider the box itself just a means to an end that can be used for other purposes, not necessarily target practise.

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Don't be a baby. Throw wet sponges at it, then! ;)

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Of course. I never did it, but looking back, I think it was more out of fear that I'd be jailed for it.

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The way we really could shoot our way out of this mess. Lol

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Me, too... I hate your TV.

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MY tv? Who let you in the house?

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A bit extreme and pious. There are networks that show ad-free foreign films (an interest of mine as a linguist) and documentaries, as well as being a necessity for watching any film or doc. you might buy or get from the library. This doesn't make you a sucker for advertising or brainwashing but is up to your choice.

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My goodness, that was an ATTEMPT at humor.


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I found that failing to pay the cable bill has essentially the same effect.

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Keith Moon was onto something.

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John Prine - Spanish Pipedream - YouTube


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Hey, I've never seen his face before. Good song. :)

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Family members. Concessions. Boring but marriage has lasted. Kids happy but most maybe a bit dumber than me..ha ha

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I wonder what those of us who have the opposite reaction to TV and radio commercials have in common? When I was very young I started plugging my ears and making da da noises to cover up commercials; it was just a natural response for me. I always want to do the opposite of what people tell me to do.

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A lot of popular music back in the eighties bothered me. I was a teenager which made it worse. Certain beats and instruments just disturbed me. Not all, but a lot. About anything heavy metal.

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It wasn't the music: beats or instruments for me. Most ads I detested because they were trying to sell me something and were stopping me from enjoying what I was trying to enjoy (the movie/sitcom/cartoon etc) - although I do hear you. Some ads wanted to get your attention so badly and would do this in the most annoying ways eg bad music, irritating voices, horrible beats etc.

But some ads I actually quite liked because the ad was funny or dynamic and the music was good and it was a bit like watching a movie! But it didn't make me go out and buy the product - I just liked occasional ads for their artistic endeavours, I think! Mostly it was car ads, or alcohol ads that I liked. And I got my car license late and I've never ever been drunk and in fact have been a tee-totaller for years! So I'm pretty sure those ads didn't work on me! :-D

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Perhaps it is that we like 'thinking' time when we have breaks from shows we're choosing to watch...but instead of being given thinking time, these in-your-face ads come on extra loud instead!

Hitting the mute button was always my first option. But I could still SEE the crap on the ads, so then I found myself leaving the room...and after a while I just didn't bother watching ANY TV. I also didn't like them trying to sell me stuff I didn't want (like someone trying to bug you whilst you're trying to go for a nice walk).

Maybe we're people who don't like to just do what we like to do, but we are people who need DOWNTIME as well. Ads don't give us the downtime/reflection time we need, they just keep on and on and on at you...until you crack and buy it or crack and lose your cool! :-D

People are MEANT to have downtime. To relax. To reflect. To think. Ads and TV, in general, aren't designed to make you think. So maybe we get cranky about it all because we would LIKE to think, and the idiot box is trying to turn us into an idiot instead of a critical thinker.

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intense dislike of being told what to do*

"My mask protects you"


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Oh GAWD How I hate that saying! Even last weekend I was at an orchestral performance in downtown Dallas where they had those signs everywhere in the outside hall. The strange part is: masks were not required (though “requested” for unvaccinated individuals.)


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Right?! Makes me want to puke.

All those signs, placards, plexiglass, etc. will be relics of shame in the future.

wE'eR aLl iN iT toGHeTheR!!!

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My closed movie theater had its marquee for over a year saying "ALONE TOGETHER"

Had to drive a different route; I kept throwing up and hollering at no one actually in the car with me.

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Well don't feel bad. I would drive around aimlessly, for hours, trying to figure out why I seemed to be the only person (and my wife) who wasn't hypnotized.

Can't tell you how many hours I wasted doing that.

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I can relate.

Isn't it stunning, how many people we've watched succumb? That was quite bewildering, still often is.

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Maybe not a waste... therapy.

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How dare they use that quote for their propaganda! It's the name of a great Dave Mason album.

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That's right! Thanks for the wake-up! I forgot about that.

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OH really? I had no idea--just thought it was more of the vapid insanity. Sucks even harder for his fans!

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I do not know why I can’t “heart” this, but just know: yes.

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My family didn't seem to notice the repetitions either. When I said, "What's this about the New Normal? Are these changes meant to be PERMANENT?" I was told to quit overreacting. They hadn't noticed the catch phrase. It was my imagination. No big deal. Eye rolling.

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I told everyone I could that I rejected the idea of “a new normal”.

I asked why shouldn’t things revert to the actual normal?

A 100 yrs ago, give or take, after the Spanish flu, which was far deadlier and deadlier to the younger generation to boot, things returned to normal pretty quickly.

I showed ppl photos of packed college football stadiums in the fall of 1919. And reminded ppl that the baseball World Series scandal also happened that year. Baseball stadiums were also packed.

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The Spanish Flu may well have been caused by, I think it was radar that came out then and began to be widely used...

They took volunteers and tried to spread this flu, going to great lengths to pass it from one person to another, even to the point of basically one spitting into another's mouth, etc...

NEVER ONCE, with all those volunteers, hundreds of them, I think, and also horses! did any of those "contaminated" ever come down with that flu.

Imagine, it was EMF's!!!

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so frustrating

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My dad listened to me and was questioning. He's got dementia, but he's still a critical thinker!

My mom looks at me like I'm a precocious, but paranoid, child.

My brothers are furious, punishing, trying to push me out of the family. There's only five of us.

So after much fuckery, upset, rage on all sides, I'm just going Zen and stepping back.

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Sorry to hear that. I would counsel you to pray for them.

Remember Jesus’ prayer: forgive them Father they know not what they do.

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NO, wE'rE NoT-- YOur'E In iT tIL DeATh dO yOU paRT, bUH ByE. Booooooom.

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Where I work still has plexiglass a guy started on at me “do you think this is gonna stop you getting it, you do realise it can go over or around it don’t you! “ this was a week ago, I was like you are talking to the wrong person, I’d be happy for them to be removed, I struggle to hear people through it… I understand what’s going on… he was like Oh!

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Almost a year later and they’re still up,

Plexiglass sheets all over the place.

AND, they are making noises about doing it all over again.....


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most places taken them down!!

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I checked myself out of a hospital while recovering from a brain anyueurism because they wouldn't get me a room with no TV. Roommate was an addict, and I could not stand it.

Recovered fine at home. Had I stayed, I'd have gotten another anyeurism.

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Wow. Best wishes for your recovery!

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Closed-cell foam earplugs work great. Cheap, too.

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Yes, the "mask protects you" is so contrived. I really do not know how people fall for this stuff.

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Fear was a luxury. Cowardness was an indulgence. Both were incentivized and exploited during the pandemic.

The former as a weapon. The later as a way to inoculate against empathy

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It isn't her fault, but I couldn't watch my favorite ballerina. . . . OMG!


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I knew. She's one of the best ever.

My daughter idolizes her. But she told me she thought she was a dummy for wearing the masks.

But I guess she had to...or wouldn't be able to do what she lives.

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It isn't her fault, but I couldn't watch my favorite ballerina. . . .OMG!


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Self employed so I’m not good at listening to people tell me what to do

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Congrats on standing strong and staying unvaxxed!

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I think you might have cause and effect reversed.

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I’d like to think us being libertarian helped, but so many went along with it, and I found fellow medical freedom fighters from every political background, culture, race, etc.

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On the other hand, Van Morrison tried to start a movement to resume live concerts and got nowhere except drawing a lot of personal attacks. When this went down, I was amazed by the nasty comments of people who had clearly bought into the propaganda. I thought Rolling Stone would have slightly more intelligent readers, or music lovers who would support live shows. Neither showed up.

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Clap did a nice interview on RFK jr Defender podcast.

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Good for you and your husband. We have what mainstream psychologists have in recent years labeled as an oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). I defy and oppose all lies and propaganda about everything from everyone. Which has resulted in a happier, healthier, stable life of contentment on this end.

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turns out its not a " disorder" after all, like so much that is maligned and considered " a condition" in the mainstream ; ))

sane reaction to insane world...

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I don't consider ODD to be a disorder. There are other things labeled as mental or physical disorders that probably are not as well.

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Probably most of them

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Ditto! On all, hate being told what to do, oppositional personality and husband is so the same!

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'Any relation to Clyde?

Just kidding

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Sounds like we could be friends.

I had Covid pre-shut down and was in shock about the full court press propaganda against natural immunity and suppression of early treatment once we found out about ways to prevent serious infection.

Frankly, I don’t mind losing the people as friends that fell hook, line and sinker for the fake news and Fauxchi is science bait.


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Pharma-Gov agents: Taking notes, to apply to further manipulation.

Edit: In addition to what Igor discusses here with Innoculation against something,

they also used Priming throughout 2019 -- priming people to respond with certain thoughts to certain issues. "Anti-vaxxer" content was hotly circulating, although the pediatric visits of a minority of parents is very far from relevant to most of our daily lives. Another circulating Priming motif was the "Okay Boomer" memes and videos, training the younger generation to discredit, devalue, and cast off the older generation: convenient before a pandemic especially endangering that target group.

Priming is regularly accomplished by providing labels for people -- a well-paid version of playground name-calling. Labels like 'Anti-science' were circulating before doctors even had a chance to talk with their patients about the shot: thus threatening anyone who dared not conform. 'Heroic essential workers' was ladeled out before they would need the massive army of hospital workers to acquiesce to giving the shots without questioning.

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Everything I need to know I learned from Mad Magazine.

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haha I was raised on it! My father brought it home telling my mother it was for the kids:) But he would read it cover to cover chuckling the whole time.

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Judith this is me! "inherent distrust of authority or my oppositional personality and intense dislike of being told what to do," also I pay no attention to fact checkers because I do my own, I remember stuff and am a critical thinker (I looked it up)

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I don't know why I resisted the narrative either. Probably when I first heard of this new vaccine technology (mRNA), and it only took a year to get to market when other vaccines take 10+ years to get to market.

The inability for the MSM to look at both sides of the issue, and ignore past studies with flu, especially about masks and viruses, was also a big red flag.

For some reason I also cannot be hypnotized by a pro, though I tried.

Someone online told us that every time he sees a commercial he has to rush out and buy the product. I told him I don't do that at all. He outright called me a liar. So apparently there are people who are easily manipulated and those who aren't. And probably some in between.

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That’s crazy! I can’t imagine seeing a drug commercial and running out to get the advertised product. I actually wondered what dummies would do it. Two years later you see a commercial advertising help to sue if you or a loved one was injured by said product. 🙄 people are gullible.

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Judith. You are exactly who they are after. Unless you know about mRNA, HOW IT WORKS, why it works, why it effected so many people, what dna program is inside ready to tell the body to attack itself when it has certain things go wrong, you won’t know. We need to come up with a data fact sheet and some stats.

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Wow! Who could do that? And even if it could be done, they'd just fact-check it down, and debunk it some devious way.

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Great can-do attitude there Ray... *slow clap

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There might be two types of people. People that get things and people that get things right. professor gloria of truthuniversity.co.uk has researched and differentiated between people that are intuitive and people that are sense driven. She recently went on tntradio "Skydragonslaying". Our search for continuing to undersatnd the divided conciousness continues.

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Or those who think, and question. For them, for me, I always think, “ who is benefiting from this”? It was big pharmaceutical. Then ok, what about their track record, are they trustworthy? Pfizer has a 2.2 billion dollar criminal conviction in 2012. Moderna had never successfully brought a single product to market and a major shareholder was Fauci’s wife. Conflicts of interest? The CDC has its own CDC FOUNDATION which launders money from big pharmaceutical to the CDC.

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Interesting. Thx for this Carol!

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He’s a keeper 👍

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Excellent teachers at a young age who demanded students to question everything. That first criminology class in law school--day one from the prof: “I’m going to teach you how to think like a criminal. Just don’t become one, and how to detect bullsh*t.” Best class ever. The experimental injection fraud was easy to spot.

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Nice, for me - Encyclopedia Brown, Nancy Drew, Harriet the Spy.

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then you must check out the awesome https://columbophile.com/

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thanks so much for this!!!

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Mom let me occasionally buy a Hardy Boys book at the supermarket. Then I noticed the Nancy Drew mysteries were basically the same thing, but the characters were less generic than the Hardy Boys. I also liked that the girls on the cover were cute!

If i had a modern mom I'd probably not even ask to get a Nancy Drew book out of fear i'd get slotted for gender reassignment.

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Oh man, I loved those books! Harriet with her beloved Ole Golly and her. tomato sandwiches

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The Famous Five series by Enid Blyton. BRILLIANT!

5 Little Peppers was my mom's old book that I read over and over. Wholesome sort of like Little Women but with boys.

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Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Men. A sequel to Little Women about Jo and her husband Prof. Baehr running a school for boys together. About those boys.

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Ah, in the days where they actually TAUGHT people how to think!! :-D

I enjoyed learning about Chiropractic Philosophy. It opened my brain so wide!

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Come over and teach me? Pleeeeeeze?

But I want so much to go to school and become a Holistic Nutritionist... Maybe if I'm still alive when this shit is OVER!!

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It might continue because they don't play by anyone's rules, and have their infiltrators in high positions of society everywhere.

Nutrition: Simple: Eat as much fresh, raw, unadulterated, organically grown foods as you can manage. DO NOT EAT (or drink) ANYTHING that has undergone any processing for any reason. Now that's a tall order, but that's the "golden objective".

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Yesh. This is the Best Way.

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For cows!

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You have better idea?

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Robyn, I have a dear friend..MD turned chiropractor…he is a GURU!!!! Have learned a great deal from him…a gifted medical intuit.

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Second Roman Law class at University, from the prof : That student who dresses as a priest hasn't come today ?

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I’m not the sharpest dog on the tree, but “Covid”, like “Ukraine”, smelled of bullshit right out of the gate. The propaganda was just too shrill, and the media mafia accepted so many dubious propositions way too quickly, without even the slightest nod to the possibility that they could be wrong. With the jihad against repurposed drugs, only the most naïve could not see that the fix was in for the poison. The whole thing strained credulity from day 1.

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