The night after my partner got his second shot (I know, I know.. I was against it, but he wouldn’t listen) I was sleeping next to him and woke up at 3am to the sensation that I was FREEZING cold. It was June, hot a hell and I was full-body shivering so badly that I had to crawl to the bathroom and get under the shower to try and “warm” myself up. I have had shivers like that before when I was ill in the past, but this was on another level. The shaking attack lasted 5 minutes and was the most intense and totally freaky immune reaction I’ve ever experienced. I was a few weeks pregnant at the time and started bleeding two days later. Luckily I didn’t miscarry the pregnancy and proceeded to avoid getting the vaccines myself and stay well, but man it was weird. I know it’s anecdotal but since then I’ve been pretty convinced that shedding is a real phenomena - interesting to finally see it confirmed!
No. It is mostly a spike protein expression but the mrna changes the immune system to aids. A healthy system can recover and fight back the foreign invasion.
The other changes are more energetic and hard to quantify. Oersonality changes. The desire to obey the government more and a kind of submissive lobotomized behavior.
I read about this «shivering» before. Then, one day, I met a somewhat distraught fellow, who had just had a minor self-inflicted bicycle accident. I helped the fellow up, and struck a conversation to assess whether there was something else going on. Eventually, Covid, Covid injections etc. became part of the conversation. The fellow had taken the injections to keep his job in the air transport industry, and he confided that since the shots, he was constantly shivering and could not find a way to stop it. I’m not sure about the physiological mechanism behind this, but there you have it. I’m writing from Vancouver, Canada, formerly a free country.
Shivering is quite common in Canada; it used to be because of the cold, but now that is because of Turd-eau and the ghoul ironically called ‘Freeland’…
For a while I wish I could emigrate to Canada, because of the kind, warm people there and a more normal society… but now I get the shivers you describe just thinking about that… not that in US we are any better…
Just kidding, Chrystia… please don’t freeze my bank account 😏…
Thanks! I am myself an immigrant to this place. What a difference 30 years make! Everything that attracted me here has vanished. The last vestiges of “Canadiana” were seen in the truckers’ convoy and this weekend motorcycle rally in Ottawa. We’re divided. I extended my hand to someone in Church this weekend, she wouldn’t touch it. Yep, prayers are needed and welcome.
I too live in Canada. Speak for yourself. I've had one Pfizer shot, from which I developed permanent neurological injury - doctors have refused me exemption from further shots "because they are afraid of losing their medical license" (direct quote) so I am still unable to travel within Canada on train or plane (I can't drive due to permanent disability) I also can't leave the country....and my husband was forced by his employer to get fully vaccinated or be fired. He couldn't quit because he is supporting us both. If you think that is a description of a free country I pity you.
According to some freedom rankings, overall 🇨🇦 scores better than the 🇺🇸. Specific rankings show each country has relative strengths.
I do wonder if those rankings have kept up with each country's rapid declines in freedom this decade. I suspect Canada has dropped more quickly, due to
how come trudeau has not been eliminated, i mean eliminated completely, not removed from office electorally ( which will never happen, because they cheat via votes)???
As of this week, June 13, 2022, we the lepers have been afforded the indulgence of being able to fly without the blessed sacrament of Jabination, thanks to our betters SUSPENDING the requirement. What a privilege. I am adding this here for the historical record. F@ck Trudeau.
The specific groups of neurons controlling or counterbalancing shivering may have been infected as the spike protein passes through the blood brain barrier. Neurons have receptors which make them a target for spike --who knows which ones will randomly come into contact and be flagged for destruction.
I had the exact same reaction after my husband got the shot, as well as the worst periods of my life. Never got the injections. It angers me that their supposed ‘decision for self’ ended up affecting me and our children, I am angry at those that convinced him to take it ‘to save himself and others’
You're justified in your upset. I haven't read through all pages, but one might ask whether marital intimacy doesn't presume greater peril than the "Occupational Exposure" engendered by mere shared space, that Pfizer appears clearly concerned about(at least on pages 67-68).
And my next question is, can we get death jabbed by being around enough people b/c an article that just came out freaked me out big time & I had a meltdown.
It could have been fear porn by the evils, but my guess is that it's not.
And then, can I get sick from you because you have sex with someone who was death jabbed since now you are death jabbed by sex.
Or, what if you touch someone who is death jabbed? Can I then get the shedding from you?
I work with wqxinated clients. 1 hr body work so i am close. Since about 2021 so i can report the symptoms.
My forehead will heat up without being tired if a person was recentlt waxed. There is a smell anf the sweat really causes immuje response ij me. My frequency also drops in that regress to 2p12 ymarsakar not 2021 ymar. It does not feel unnatural but it feels like a younger version is in front.
These issues go away in an hour or so once away from recrntly waxed.
Other issues may be slow toxification and transfection which can be detoxed using ayurvedic fasting or plant therapy s germ fighter blend.
Way too long for me to read or even understand, but thank you so much, I will pass this along to someone to dumb it down for me.
I am not saying Kaufman is CO 100%, but I've had my suspicions for a few weeks now going back & forth as to whether he is.
Look at how they talk about exosomes being a deliver system & they not only do NOT mention his name, but I don't remember (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) that Kaufman ever said exosomes are a delivery system.
EBV reactivation? It always feels like freezing cold to me and it always happens when I’m in close contact (hairdresser, physiotherapist, hugging …) with recently vaccinated/boosted people.
May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
They usually talk about it and let you know, or I ask them subtlety, when I notice the symptoms.
It happened with my physio, first, because I thought she wasn’t going to get the vaccine, and then I learnt she had had it 15 days prior to my visit. Then it happened with another osteopath and she had just got her booster. After that, I went and had my hair cut, thinking they were very young and not yet vaccinated, but I was wrong.
Last time, it was at a lunch with my husband’s family, where I couldn’t escape the huggs, without being rude.
These are really complicated times, I’m afraid.
Fortunately, I can treat EBV right away, using Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, which I learnt some 15 years ago, here in Spain, and changed the way we face pathogens at home. My youngest sons (15 and 25yo) have never had one single medicin, not an aspirin, not an antibiotic. If you find a Biomagnetism therapist, in your area, he/she can test for EBV and treat it.
I am FURIOUS now that if I have to go to a holistic dentist, want reflexology, a massage, acupuncture, ANYTHING, I have to ask & HOPE they will tell me the truth since so many of them lie (I've taken note) to their friends & family about being death jabbed.
What is EBV stand for?
They are no longer human. They are transitioning into a robot. Transhuman.
Omg I had a similar experience but I had no clue he got his first shot. I woke up in the middle of the night having cramps like crazy and I don’t have cramps ever, started my period and found it strange until I finished a heavier than usually period and Avon only less than 2 weeks after finishing my last I woke up with insanely painful cramps once again, this time I was sweating and felt nauseous while my belly was cramping like crazy once again. Next day second period. Finally my husband told me he took the first one and my friend asked if I noticed shedding and it wasn’t until I knew he took it that it was definitely shedding. Thank you for getting this information out there’s
This happened to me as well. I’m not married, live alone and not vaxxed. I woke up in the middle of the night freezing cold. It was a hot July night in Southern California so it made no sense to me. Next thing I got was shingles and to this day I still get weird headaches. I work in a office with 45 other people though. I don’t touch them so don’t know how I got shedded on.
The explanation is simple: spike protein shedding. Studies prove the haccinated produce 500 billion s-proteins in the bloodstream. And we know it has HIV and cancer genomic sequences: so it's a virus in itself!!!
Similar story for me- I sleep like a rock, always have, seldom remember any dream. After my (now ex) partner had 2 jabs, and we had slept together, I awoke from a horrid nightmare. (I have never had a nightmare before). It was simple; I woke up thinking I had been jabbed, and in the nightmare, there was a bandaid on my arm. Others dismiss this, but I knew that my body was telling me that I had absorbed something from my partners breath. And I never slept with them again. That was it, too creepy for me.
I am still trying to move out without forfeitting my entire investment in the house we share. If I have to leave (living with a jabby) to save myself I will. Best from Portland
There are now many shedding mechanisms that have been reported by many MDs.
1. MmRNA (modified mRNA - synthetic!) accumulates in all organ fluids for months and can be shedded if you're in contact with an injectee. All couples are "vaccinated" if a partner gets injected!
2. Spike protein shedding has been reported since day 1 of the rituals. Some reports (WCF) have mentioned detecting it 15months after the jab. Nobody can tell you what the maximum residence time of this bioweapon in your body is.
3. Graphene oxides seem to be even worse because they never leave your body and can be shedded by talking to injectees. Its effect is then amplified in your body by ambient EMFs (cell phone towers, WI-FI, routers, etc...)
It's virtually in every new "vaccine" and other Big Pharma harmaceuticals - these are nanoparticles that cannot be easily detected but they kill you silently by disabling your glutathione reserves.
NAC supplements can mitigate the glutathione depletion.
You'll be just as uncomfortable when the Asshats SPRAY THE SKIES overhead with ice nucleating material-- happens ALL the time. Don't be so "sure" your problem is simply and only "the vaccine" from "shedding." There is LOADS of paranoia re "spike shedding," none based on actual observable truthful (i.e., real) science. Though mRNA particles have been found in breast milk of lactating women (NO, not "persons!!") the spike protein and mRNA particles have NOT been shown to "shed," from the breath, or via the skin, at this point. Just the IgA and IgG particles as a reaction to receiving a quack-cine. Not sure? Then watch THIS:
Dr Brian Artis has research that the Covid19 toxin, also in the jabs, is synthetic peptide chains patterned after snake, spider, and some poisonous marine species and that the venom attaches to our nicotinic adrenergic receptors in our brain, heart, lungs, digestive system, kidneys, and gonads. The symptoms of covid are the same as a snake bite. If treated with nicotine from Nicorette gum of nicotine patches, the nicotine has a higher affinity for the receptors and our glutathione will denature the toxins and your symptoms will go away.
And as you know fornication is a sin. Get married!
Ardis would be that last person I would quote. He is a chiropractor not a doctor, even though doctors successfully lobbied for the legal right to call themselves "doctor." If anyone thinks that shoving a vertebrae back into line treats any medical condition other than pain is seriously self-deluded. If anything, they are the used car salesmen of the medical profession. And.......this "snake venom" theory is beyond absurd. However, you are right about one thing, nicotine fights COVID. Smokers tend to get COVID less often, and suffer less severe symptoms.
Smoke em if you got them.
"Fornication is a sin. get married." There is no sin, there is only taking a path that separates an individual from the Creator. And......50% of marriages end in divorce, doesn't sound like such a good idea to me.
Typical response from some one with a "medical" degree. As if one needs "qualifications" to make a reasoned deduction and form a sound opinion. Please remember, most of the "qualified" professionals have been trying to kill us for the last 3 years. And yet, to your point, let's just say I have almost 40 years in the medical trenches as a front line primary care provider.
Chiropractors, in case you are unaware, know how to read and are capable of researching as many of them do and go on to expand there practices particularly into areas of integral, alternative medicine unlike most brainwashed allopathic robots.
I think it’s a terrible thing since these antibodies are now obsolete and infection-promoting. I do think it’s still probably negligible unless you have close personal contact like a parent would with a child, or sexual partners would. I would hope these antibodies do not out-compete a child’s innate natural antibodies. This would be very bad news.
Every encounter with pathogens alters us, some for the better, some not. Probably they'll be pushing a vax for the vax effects before too long. Just another profit center for pharma, and another crisis for tyrants to use to intimidate us.
Excellent insight. Thank you. And I admire your diligence. Your sainthood is well deserved. But the problem isn't really the byzantine complexity of our laws but their overwhelming volume. Any society that needs this many rules is in serious trouble. Trump was on the right track with the policy requiring eliminating two regs for every new one. Given the fleeting nature of our executives, we really need the next congress to make that policy a permanent statute. Of course, if we pass a law for that it will create several hundred new regs to implement it. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
so you should be totally fine with that NWO idea :)
because what starts as a imperialistic fascist overturn of our previously more or less free societies and sovereign states (WEF’s PPP = Mussolini’s Fascism) will eventually and inevitably transform into a sort of neofeudal regime, only with robots, AI, VR, GMOs and other cyberpunk shticks :)
if you think that monarchy is good for you, you should rethink your attitude for NWO, because it’ll be the same, only on a new technological level, without all the wigs, crinolines and musketeers with curled moustaches :).
An OpEd titled "Anatomy of a Retraction" has been published recently by Trial Site News ( It presents the details of the process used by the Publisher/Journal Editor to justify retraction of the paper "Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?". I believe the retraction process has operated in the shadows for far too long, and the larger community needs to see exactly "how the sausage is made".
The OpEd is Open Access; feel free to distribute it widely. For first-time users, or previous users not subscribed to TSN, use the following procedure to access the article:
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The authorities no longer have need to be subtle and diplomatic, since they have discovered the public will obediently accept whatever is dictated. The vaccine mandates and restrictions accompanying the pandemic were mostly arbitrary, with little scientific basis, yet most of the public bought into them lock, stock, and barrel. In fact, some/much of the public did their part to support the authorities through coercion and peer-pressure of their contemporaries to follow the authorities' dictates. Much like the Kapos in the WWII concentration camps!
Ron1234, I speak to people and ask their opinions everywhere I go & I find your description of their beliefs inaccurate. With only a few exceptions, those who took the vaxx (especially after the first month of its availability) did so because it was employer-mandated. A great many casually-met people told me how masks don't work and the vaxx is unnecessary cuz covid is usually a mild illness.
Among those whom I spoke to with this result were bus drivers, taxi drivers, nurses, pharmacists, and lots of fellow shoppers, people in bank lines, etc.
The authorities no longer have need to be subtle and diplomatic, since they have discovered the public will obediently accept whatever is dictated. The vaccine mandates and restrictions accompanying the pandemic were mostly arbitrary, with little scientific basis, yet most of the public bought into them lock, stock, and barrel. In fact, some/much of the public did their part to support the authorities through coercion and peer-pressure of their contemporaries to follow the authorities' dictates. Much like the Kapos in the WWII concentration camps!
Not that I think they were intelligent before that, but there's no way in hell that this many people (BILLIONS) worldwide would do this without more then just fake news brainwashing.
Vaccinated people are literally infecting people around them. Literally because production of antibodies (assuming Mr. Chudov is correct and they are produced instead of landing there) means they were produced to combat an infection of whatever is being shed. They won't like that when they find out. I don't like it either. I have never been so glad to have chosen to homeschool.
Think about it: if the vaccines do produce antigenic fixation that impairs immune response to later variants, then vaccinated are actively spreading the antigenic fixation which will possibly later cause antibody dependent enhancement. That is frightening.
There needs to be intensive research to discover how long the shedding continues.
This study, which shows how mRNA in addition to antibodies, are passed to infants via breast milk. A previous study by UCSF didn't find mRNA, but they discuss how they did it to find it:
"Phenol-chloroform extraction, the gold standard for RNA
extraction, and double-quencher qPCR probes were utilized in our protocol, enhancing the sensitivity of our approach."
the 1% have their capabilities, unshared with us. which reminds me, i recall seeing somewhere that gates' private dr said he never vaxxed his kids for ANYthing... all vax are sus now due to covid, but even before covid... like many of you, i know many vax injured/killed people:
30yo nurse at stanford. dead a month after 2nd dose, 2021.
stroke after 2nd dose. my real estate agent, 2021.
stroke after 2nd dose. homeless guy i met recently.
my partner has even worse periods than ever, and feels sicker, when hanging around her "vaxxed"/"boosted" (ADEnhanced/VAIDS'd) roommate. particularly around the times and afterward, after the injection events.
I myself now have casual body rashes of the type seen initially in injected babies.
I spoke w a woman who was v/b while pregnant, and her kid tried walking at 2-3 MONTHS. And has a FULL HEAD OF HAIR. she knows it's the "vax" and told me so without my eliciting such an answer, bc her two prior kids were not like this AT ALL. i imagine many of you have seen the videos of unnaturally advanced, sickly, or black-eyed babies by now... plus heard of more miscarriage stories than gates can enjoy in a day.
But there was also a couple of other stories where adults were also getting black eyes or in one case he was starting to grow additional protruding bones.
May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
I get the sentiment but saying "vaccinated people are literally infecting people around them" is categorically untrue. Production of antibodies does not mean there was an "infection" which has a precise scientific definition. People make antibodies to food proteins and pollens all the time, this doesn't mean they are infected by them. It also doesn't mean OAS has taken place as the magnitude of exposure was likely multiple orders of magnitude below that of the vax recipient.
We are on the same side here but let's keep things in perspective. Minor quibble but our side needs to stop using words like "frightening" and "terrifying". We don't live in fear but learn everything we can about something and take prudent action based on sound logic. The other guys in their triple masks and face shield for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate are the ones who are terrified.
May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
Sorry but I am frightened of a mass experiment on a very large portion of all of humanity that involves sars-cov-2 spike proteins, especially now that people who did not get the vaccine may be continually exposed to them from the vaccinated.
They have HIV-derived inserts. Those inserts give sars-cov-2 the ability to enter immune cells as published by Shi Zheng-li, et al. recently in a very comprehensive paper.
They disrupt and cross the blood brain barrier. From other research exposing brain cells to spike: "SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in mouse via non-cell autonomous hippocampal neuronal death."
Or this "Research finds Covid-19 spike protein binds to cells in the heart."
Research shows spike protein upregulating reverse transcriptase and being incorporated into DNA liver cancer cells.
They have many sections analogous to human proteins such as syncytin-1. Spike protein is found in non-classical monocytes a dozen months or more after injection.
Spike protein impairs DNA repair in vitro by "localiz[ing] in the nucleus and inhibit[ing] DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.".
Or maybe you like research that "showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented."
Or "SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells"
Are you thinking that the vaccine doesn't induce free floating spike protein? What about this: "Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies."
I'm sorry that I don't have time to give you links to all of the research for the above but it all comes from published research.
I don't know what to say if you aren't deeply disturbed yet. Short of nuclear war, what greater risk could we expose humanity as an entire race to than this vaccination campaign?
May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
I'm going to share my personal andectodal experience regarding spreading covid too. My family of 4 along with another family of 5, rented a house together on the cape last summer. All of us unvaxxed except 2, their college aged son was vaxxed 2 months prior, and the father decided to get vaccinated 3-4 days prior to our trip. One day in, the father starts feeling sick (fever, body aches, chest pain, etc). He goes to an urgent care, tests positive for Covid. It swept through the house like wildfire. Within 2 days, we all started feeling sick. All 8 of us (except the vaxxed college student) got Covid from him. For the first 2 weeks after being vaccinated, these people seem to be "radioactive". They ARE in my opinion spreading it more. Numbers/cases are higher since the roll out than before, and I know of numerous people catching covid from a newly vaxxed person. They are def. spreading something.
I unjabbed daughter had terrible menstrual issues the day after being around a group of vaxxed people. Then 3 days after that came down with delta. That was around the time boosters were being given.
I understand your fear, I too was very concerned when I started learning about this March 2021. To reassure you, I experienced the shedding phenomenon early on. My cycle was all messed up, weird headaches, swollen glands etc. My cycle normalized a few months later, and has been normal since, the swollen glands lasted awhile longer and occurred frequently when I was around people, but would go away when I got home. My husband got mild shingles after my son's graduation party. We both have been fine since. I believe we may build up an immunity of some sort to whatever they are shedding. (I personally believe it's pathogenic spike proteins via exosomes, but I'm no expert).
I've wondered about this & my guess is that a death jabbed person can't get sick from another death jabbed person b/c they are already death jabbed. They only get sick from their jab, BUT (this is important) not all vials are the same, so if someone got a very weak version of the death jab, they probably can get sick from another death jabbed person.
This may (I hope not) confirm that we are INDEED getting the actual death jab from the zombies. sigh
And if it is a unique form of radiation, (frequencies that harm us is the better term), you can't build up an immunity to that. That's deadly over time.
When I said "radioactive", I did not mean literally. I meant they are walking Covid spreaders after vaccination and also they shed something for a couple months after being vaccinated. We all got Covid, from the recently vaccinated person, and this was last August. No long term effects for anyone in my family. "Shedding" I believe is different. Not sure what genetic material is being shed, but my guess is, spike protein via exosomes.
Thanks for the detailed response zuFpM5*M though I could have done without the snark. I completely agree with most of what you say regarding how bad the vax is, that's why I'm unvaccinated along with my wife and kids. Like you, I dug into most of these myself and came to comparable conclusions. However, none of what you posted directly applies to what I wrote.
My objections weren't regarding the vax itself but overblown concerns regarding "shedding". I've seen zero solid evidence it's a concern for the unvaxxed who have casual contact with the vaxxed (exchanging bodily fluids might be another story). Exposure to the spike from shedding is probably something like 0.000000001% that which a vaccinated person sees. With all toxins, the dose makes the poison.
The vaxxed have literally trillions of mRNA strands injected directly into them, their whole body becomes a spike protein factory. If unvaxxed happen to absorb a tiny amount of spike from a vaxxed person it will almost certainly be detoxed and disposed just as the body does with a minor covid infection. The spike protein from shedding cannot "infect" you as it is not alive (at least in a virus sense) and cannot replicate itself in the body. It's a toxin exposure, not an infection. You are obviously a smart guy but you are using the term incorrectly.
Last off, off course I find the vax program disturbing, I'd even call it evil. My objection was specifically to the word "frightening" (along with other words such as terrifying) as I said in my comment. Although many people use them, those are the words of powerless victims, not of confident people seeking truth to protect themselves and their loved ones. When we use words like that we spread fear, not knowledge. That's my opinion at least.
Anyways, God bless and agree with Igor you should consider writing your own blog as you post lots of good stuff.
@Jeff C : Pfizer thought it was concerning enough to cite it as "occupational exposure" in their trial guidance.
Farcebook deleted an entire group full of female sufferers-- some of whom were merely hanging around vaccinees and started seeing clots, rashes, and unusual menses. (I have contacts who fell seriously ill after such casual interactions.) For starters, I suggest you look into reports of spontaneous abortion after hanging around jabbed women.
Also, blood analysis of un-vaccinated children of vaccinated parents have revealed rouleaux formations and diminished oxygen carrying potential just like the blood of the parents. Look into these and you might agree that such constitute evidence of concern for the unvaxxed.
Spikes are not only pathogenic, they are fusogenic. That is always concerning. #DontShedOnMe
I have looked into it and have found nothing but unpersuasive anecdotes.
More importantly, I've found those all worked up over shedding seem to have an emotionally-driven desire to tar the vaccinated as "unclean". As a student of human nature I find that deeply concerning (far more concerning than any theoretical shedding concern) and disturbing. On top of that it's exactly what the vaccinated tried to do to us and none of us liked it one bit. Seems to me there's some turnabout is fair play going on here.
Bottom line is that the last two years have seen appalling human behavior driven almost entirely by fear of the unknown. The shedding bandwagon looks like more of the same to me, and much of the shedding handwringing is entirely rumor-based fearmongering. I won't participate and will continue to interact with all people with dignity and respect rather than view them as potential disease vectors.
Edit: BTW, the #DontShedOnMe hastag sums up in a nutshell exactly what I'm talking about above.
@Jeff C : Are you categorizing Pfizer's own trial guidance and the FDA Guidance on Shedding are "unpersuasive anectodes" and rumor?
Would you also consider as anecdotal a) the factual history of shedding from previous vaccines, including measles and polio and the resultant epidemic of vaccine-derived disease as acknowledged by none other than the WHO? b) that transmissible vaccines are a real technology, have been used for population control in rats(Australia) and rabbits (Isla del Aire island) and are documented by various government parties including the EU and Moderna? c) the studies showing spike protein by it's very nature portends grave risks of transmissible prion disease including brain diseases similar to mad cow? Prion diseases are quite transmissible.
Spike has been found in various body fluids including sweat, tears, skin, semen, saliva, nasal passages, feces, on and on.
Being aware of a problem does not mean we relish it or support it, Sir. I encourage you to read these documents and become aware of the known facts. The most unemotional thing anyone of us can do is to be well informed, which is why we are here.
I used infection only because what you are exposed to is likely a viral protein segment that is capable of entering and disrupting cells as I tried to outline. If you are exposed to chicken pox after having previously been infected and formed protective antibodies, your body clears the chicken pox "infection" before significant viral replication occurs. That seems analogous to being exposed to shed spike protein at least to me. When they measure antibody response "seropositivity" to some pathogen, if the person registers enough antibody response, they consider that person to have been "infected." That is also similar to what I am saying. This research measured antibodies. They were antibodies to a viral protein. Did it replicate to qualify as "infection" versus "exposure?" I don't know. Perhaps the better term would be secondary inoculation exposure.
As for shedding, my personal anecdote is that my unvaccinated wife's vaccinated sister came to visit for 3 or 4 days. Shortly after that, my wife's period was weeks late for the first time in the 16 years I've known her (not including actual pregnancy). Since women's periods sometimes mysteriously 'sync,' I note that her sister visited for similar short stays prior to the vaccines existing and nothing like that happened. I believe there are quite a few other women with similar experiences as recently discussed by Naomi Wolf.
I stand by my use of the word frightening. I believe that many soldiers find combat to be terrifying. It is how they push through it and continue to fight that matters. I was never in a firefight, but driving over roads that potentially had IEDs or doing a foot patrol past people with potential suicide vests engaged what we called the 'pucker factor.'
Thanks Jeff for you comment; what if the mRNA material is shed and non-vaxxed somehow pick it up? Is that possible? If so, potentially harmful? Sorry if I'm misusing terms, this is not my bailiwick.
I wish you had provided a short lead-in since this is eye-opening again, and supplied by Parsifaler of the hot batches fame. "This explains the COVID coagulopathy, fibrosis, amyloidosis, hypoxia and, most importantly, Long COVID."
Also, Sandokhan comments, and whenever he does it is advisable to listen well.
May 3, 2022·edited May 4, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
thank you, i will look into sandokhan. you might want to look into previous articles from the same author above - he seems to know his stuff. will see.
They covered the nuclear war risk recently, too. If you follow the declarations of the parties involved in Ukraine war you can see that the nuclear war risk is considerable. So there you go, vaccination campaign is now officially no 2 in risk hierarchy :)
food shortages/famine, the VAIDS death jab, poisons in our food/bevs/water/drugs, and nookular war are merely tools for the ultimate freemason/georgia guidestones/satanist/globalist/parasitic 1% goal: DEPOPULATION. HUMAN SACRIFICE TO SATAN. Glorification and deification of the great defication: satan.
DEPOPULATION: from 7+ billion to 500 million... 95% slaves for the 5% overlords and managerial/creative class. read the georgia guidestones. search "freemason" on and watch the first few vids. visit you'll see.
I agree, our faith, that this isn't our only life will keep us focused. Our obedience will keep us focused on God he will show us the way if will just listen and learn. I don't think it's an accident we have been afforded this information we must share it as well as use it to protect ourselves. It all seems overwhelming but in all honesty God has made our bodies not man. He made it to heal so I trust if we refrain from pharma he will deliver us.
This is why I don't talk SCIENCE b/c I don't know science, (especially not fake science) I only know EVIDENCE. There's no such thing as coincidences, not in spirituality & certainly not more than one coincidence.
And from a completely different angle b/c I'm spiritually conscious & believe 100% in spirituality (so do the evils unfortunately), one guy says that people are losing their biofield which is the field around us that produces LIFE/ENERGY.
He can see energy & see how grey & dark their energy is. He says he can even tell when someone has taken the death jab (or not like with the face puppets on TV who lie & say they took it.)
He says due to whatever is in the death jab that harms their biofield, it's affecting us & ours too.
Spikes are being found up to 15 months afterwards; this, coupled with the reverse-transcription into the human and this becomes a real issue. The pharmaco-kinetics even place it in bone marrow.
"SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome"
"Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line"
"Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection "
There are a number of things I take: Iverm. /HydroxyChl. (now just 1x/mth); Vitamin C religiously; Vitamin D in significant quantities (papers on what D can do for us are worth reading); Black Cumin Seed (Thymoquinone); See also very interesting papers out on Bromelaine (found in pineapples) when taken together with NAC/Gluthathione as they work together in harmony against the spikes. "The Combination of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc) Synergistically Inactivates SARS-CoV-2"
Masking can be quite dangerous, Sir. I would not risk moist warm obstructions of the airways under any circumstances. (self-contamination, bacterial proliferation, low blood oxygen, impaired breathing is not without risks to the brain itself, etc)
The night after my partner got his second shot (I know, I know.. I was against it, but he wouldn’t listen) I was sleeping next to him and woke up at 3am to the sensation that I was FREEZING cold. It was June, hot a hell and I was full-body shivering so badly that I had to crawl to the bathroom and get under the shower to try and “warm” myself up. I have had shivers like that before when I was ill in the past, but this was on another level. The shaking attack lasted 5 minutes and was the most intense and totally freaky immune reaction I’ve ever experienced. I was a few weeks pregnant at the time and started bleeding two days later. Luckily I didn’t miscarry the pregnancy and proceeded to avoid getting the vaccines myself and stay well, but man it was weird. I know it’s anecdotal but since then I’ve been pretty convinced that shedding is a real phenomena - interesting to finally see it confirmed!
This is a frightening story, glad you came out okay!!! But it does add well to the article, thanks for sharing
Aloha Igor,
Does the shedding of the vaccinated effect the unvaccinated immune system the same way as if they received the physical shot?
No. It is mostly a spike protein expression but the mrna changes the immune system to aids. A healthy system can recover and fight back the foreign invasion.
The other changes are more energetic and hard to quantify. Oersonality changes. The desire to obey the government more and a kind of submissive lobotomized behavior.
That's my concern
I read about this «shivering» before. Then, one day, I met a somewhat distraught fellow, who had just had a minor self-inflicted bicycle accident. I helped the fellow up, and struck a conversation to assess whether there was something else going on. Eventually, Covid, Covid injections etc. became part of the conversation. The fellow had taken the injections to keep his job in the air transport industry, and he confided that since the shots, he was constantly shivering and could not find a way to stop it. I’m not sure about the physiological mechanism behind this, but there you have it. I’m writing from Vancouver, Canada, formerly a free country.
Shivering is quite common in Canada; it used to be because of the cold, but now that is because of Turd-eau and the ghoul ironically called ‘Freeland’…
For a while I wish I could emigrate to Canada, because of the kind, warm people there and a more normal society… but now I get the shivers you describe just thinking about that… not that in US we are any better…
Just kidding, Chrystia… please don’t freeze my bank account 😏…
Friend, I want out... and I cannot leave.
I will be praying for you Peter Smith. I am so devastated by Canada. It is where my grandparents migrated prior to WW2. It was free.
Thanks! I am myself an immigrant to this place. What a difference 30 years make! Everything that attracted me here has vanished. The last vestiges of “Canadiana” were seen in the truckers’ convoy and this weekend motorcycle rally in Ottawa. We’re divided. I extended my hand to someone in Church this weekend, she wouldn’t touch it. Yep, prayers are needed and welcome.
At Schizer, we care about your kids and your pets (1 minute video):
I lived in Canada for about 10 years in the 80s. Nothing like it is now. Of course the US is devolving almost as rapidly.
What gives me hope, 1/2023 now.
That rodent Trudeau is now slithering between bodyguards, the populace has raised.
None of our leaders went to WEF. That clown show of psychopaths is in heavy mockery now.
Time for all those protecting these treasonous leaders, to stand down.
Oh, that's so sad she wouldn't shake your hand. At my church people will shake your hand. Wish I could whisk you there for a Sunday morning 😊
canada still is free. more free than the us, in fact. i know because i actually live here.
I too live in Canada. Speak for yourself. I've had one Pfizer shot, from which I developed permanent neurological injury - doctors have refused me exemption from further shots "because they are afraid of losing their medical license" (direct quote) so I am still unable to travel within Canada on train or plane (I can't drive due to permanent disability) I also can't leave the country....and my husband was forced by his employer to get fully vaccinated or be fired. He couldn't quit because he is supporting us both. If you think that is a description of a free country I pity you.
Dialog between Dr. Red Pill, CM. Ceaușescu & Kagan Klaus Schwab – Ottawa February 2022
(CM. for Crime Minister)
Dr. Red Pill: Can I ask questions?
CM. Ceaușescu: Of course! Here are the approved questions.
Dr. Red Pill: Can I research?
CM. Ceaușescu: You bet! Here are the approved sources.
Kagan Klaus Schwab: We will help guide you until you reach the approved conclusions.
CM. Ceaușescu: Follow the science!
Dr. Red Pill: Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities!
God damn it! I’ll ask truckers for help.
Follow the science in the EU Parliament:
According to some freedom rankings, overall 🇨🇦 scores better than the 🇺🇸. Specific rankings show each country has relative strengths.
I do wonder if those rankings have kept up with each country's rapid declines in freedom this decade. I suspect Canada has dropped more quickly, due to
how come trudeau has not been eliminated, i mean eliminated completely, not removed from office electorally ( which will never happen, because they cheat via votes)???
Canada was never free from elizabeth but i understand the love of country and tradition.
As of this week, June 13, 2022, we the lepers have been afforded the indulgence of being able to fly without the blessed sacrament of Jabination, thanks to our betters SUSPENDING the requirement. What a privilege. I am adding this here for the historical record. F@ck Trudeau.
Whenever you need to leave, contact me & I will help you.
What if you just run the border? Who is patrolling all of the border?
Regime change;
by the people, of the people, for the people!!
Many westerners are moving to russia. There are utube channels explaining how it works now
The only way out is to go within the body mind spirit complex
I agree, but you left out the part that WE ARE ALL ONE!
We are supposed to help one another, not just ourselves, but it all starts there.
Keyword were one
Let’s go Brandeau! Or should I say Castreau?
Definitely Castreau
Too soon. As an American who went to McGill (and sat in Intro to International Relations with Trudeau), I feel terrible for my awake friends.
I feel for your suffering....
Fland is basically like usa nuland and vindman.
Traitors that have a khazarian origin allied with soros and schwab
The specific groups of neurons controlling or counterbalancing shivering may have been infected as the spike protein passes through the blood brain barrier. Neurons have receptors which make them a target for spike --who knows which ones will randomly come into contact and be flagged for destruction.
My dad laid in bed for 2 days shivering saying his bones were cold after shot 2. And he got booster after that.
😔😢 ⛓🇨🇦⛓
I had the exact same reaction after my husband got the shot, as well as the worst periods of my life. Never got the injections. It angers me that their supposed ‘decision for self’ ended up affecting me and our children, I am angry at those that convinced him to take it ‘to save himself and others’
You're justified in your upset. I haven't read through all pages, but one might ask whether marital intimacy doesn't presume greater peril than the "Occupational Exposure" engendered by mere shared space, that Pfizer appears clearly concerned about(at least on pages 67-68).
It does. Here, watch this.
And my next question is, can we get death jabbed by being around enough people b/c an article that just came out freaked me out big time & I had a meltdown.
It could have been fear porn by the evils, but my guess is that it's not.
And then, can I get sick from you because you have sex with someone who was death jabbed since now you are death jabbed by sex.
Or, what if you touch someone who is death jabbed? Can I then get the shedding from you?
All of this is adding up to that because of the book I'm reading -
Join my book club if you are serious.
I work with wqxinated clients. 1 hr body work so i am close. Since about 2021 so i can report the symptoms.
My forehead will heat up without being tired if a person was recentlt waxed. There is a smell anf the sweat really causes immuje response ij me. My frequency also drops in that regress to 2p12 ymarsakar not 2021 ymar. It does not feel unnatural but it feels like a younger version is in front.
These issues go away in an hour or so once away from recrntly waxed.
Other issues may be slow toxification and transfection which can be detoxed using ayurvedic fasting or plant therapy s germ fighter blend.
I really think it's too late.
I'm pretty sure I'm already infected.
I want to get a live blood analysis done to see what my blood is like, but there's no one in my area.
I'm also learning about thermography, but I have no idea how much that costs.
I would NEVER EVER mask my face. That's what the evils want you to do so you show them you are a slave.
I'm pretty sure that it's not just their breath that infects us, but even their skin which of course is porous. It's our largest organ in fact.
I've been looking for open minded intelligent scientists for months, good luck in finding THEM. They all work for the evils.
If you want to reach out to me or join my groups or email list when I come up with something, feel free.
Thanks for caring.
Things seem bad now; for some, or many they are going to get a lot worse. Prayers for Peace
Both at the same time.
Same here, worst period cramps since I was a teenager!
Glad to hear you didn't miscarry! ???
Such an interesting article!
Everyone should have this information. Thank you for sharing!
Way too long for me to read or even understand, but thank you so much, I will pass this along to someone to dumb it down for me.
I am not saying Kaufman is CO 100%, but I've had my suspicions for a few weeks now going back & forth as to whether he is.
Look at how they talk about exosomes being a deliver system & they not only do NOT mention his name, but I don't remember (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) that Kaufman ever said exosomes are a delivery system.
I have never heard that from him. I don’t think he’s CO, but more likely right!
EBV reactivation? It always feels like freezing cold to me and it always happens when I’m in close contact (hairdresser, physiotherapist, hugging …) with recently vaccinated/boosted people.
I’m not so sure about long ago vaccinated ones.
Really? That is remarkably interesting... Can you by any chance guess who has been "vaccinated" recently?
They usually talk about it and let you know, or I ask them subtlety, when I notice the symptoms.
It happened with my physio, first, because I thought she wasn’t going to get the vaccine, and then I learnt she had had it 15 days prior to my visit. Then it happened with another osteopath and she had just got her booster. After that, I went and had my hair cut, thinking they were very young and not yet vaccinated, but I was wrong.
Last time, it was at a lunch with my husband’s family, where I couldn’t escape the huggs, without being rude.
These are really complicated times, I’m afraid.
Fortunately, I can treat EBV right away, using Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, which I learnt some 15 years ago, here in Spain, and changed the way we face pathogens at home. My youngest sons (15 and 25yo) have never had one single medicin, not an aspirin, not an antibiotic. If you find a Biomagnetism therapist, in your area, he/she can test for EBV and treat it.
Best wishes! 💕
What is EBV? Not everyone understands acronyms. Thanks
EBV = Epstein Barr Virus. It is in the herpes family of viruses, along with chicken pox (shingles, when reactivated).
Essentially the mrna disables the immune system. So these dormant issues that herd immunity had suppresd, comes back up. Aids basically
Epstein Barr Virus (mononucleosis). Sorry about that.
It's very hard. We should NOT care more about their feelings than our own.
You are harming yourself just not to be rude?
They all have to learn they are now zombies infecting us all & are a DANGER to all of humanity, but really only the PURE BLOODS.
Thanks for the tip about Biomagnetism. This is ALL about frequency.
There r no purebloods. All r transfected including me.
EBV is talked about a lot by The Medical Medium, please search out his books, videos, podcasts, etc. It is real and many people have it.
If you want to do research with us, please contact me.
This is exactly what I'm studying.
Join The OFS Help Fight the Evils Team -
I am FURIOUS now that if I have to go to a holistic dentist, want reflexology, a massage, acupuncture, ANYTHING, I have to ask & HOPE they will tell me the truth since so many of them lie (I've taken note) to their friends & family about being death jabbed.
What is EBV stand for?
They are no longer human. They are transitioning into a robot. Transhuman.
EBV is Epstein Barr Virus, from the herpes family. They get reactivated with COVID and also with inoculations.
Ok, I figured.
Looks like now I'm blocked from seeing the article, comments, seeing anything except when people respond to me.
Take care
Sure, but that was your partner so we can assume that the contact was closer than just aerosols… I am in no danger of - say - kissing my coworkers 😏…
Arguably, I could claim that I get fat just looking at 🍰🧁🥮… it could be that, indeed, or the fact that I eat those every day 😊… while watching them!
I guess you don’t work for a Cuomo.
🎯 One needn't "work" for a Cuomo to be at the receiving end of their trademark UNSOLICITED "attentions".
I don't kiss anyone, just passing by them I got sick 3 times now. Actually 5 times now if you count headaches.
So your theory is unfounded. Things will just be worse if you are intimate.
Welcome to the Covid Zone!!
Omg I had a similar experience but I had no clue he got his first shot. I woke up in the middle of the night having cramps like crazy and I don’t have cramps ever, started my period and found it strange until I finished a heavier than usually period and Avon only less than 2 weeks after finishing my last I woke up with insanely painful cramps once again, this time I was sweating and felt nauseous while my belly was cramping like crazy once again. Next day second period. Finally my husband told me he took the first one and my friend asked if I noticed shedding and it wasn’t until I knew he took it that it was definitely shedding. Thank you for getting this information out there’s
Wow, you are fortunate. Scary.
Your partner is a fool and putting you and your baby in danger.
This happened to me as well. I’m not married, live alone and not vaxxed. I woke up in the middle of the night freezing cold. It was a hot July night in Southern California so it made no sense to me. Next thing I got was shingles and to this day I still get weird headaches. I work in a office with 45 other people though. I don’t touch them so don’t know how I got shedded on.
B/c you do NOT have to touch them to be infected. The evils created this death jab to spread to everyone.
Here, do some of these frequency healing tones & please write me to tell me if you feel better after a week or so.
I still have to upload more.
Ok. I’ll try and let u know. Not sure how much better I will feel though as I have RA and diabetes as well.
Freezing cold is a symptom of EBV for me.
You didn’t get shedded on, you developed shingles from stress, age or may have been exposed to Covid and didn’t know it.
We agree to disagree.
Well maybe. I did get the new Shinrex shingles vaccine in 2018 though.
So that's interesting. My guess is that your poisonous shingles vaccine was triggered to start infecting you by this death jab.
All of these poisonous jabs are just one jab after another with the evils finally coming out with the mother of ALL death jabs.
The other ones just make you sick & kill only a small percentage, this one is the KILL SHOT.
Poisonous jabs can make you sick even upto 20-40 years after you took it.
That's the problem, people ignorantly think that if you don't get sick you are fine, but that's not true. It just means that it's lying in wait.
Did not take Covid jab.
The explanation is simple: spike protein shedding. Studies prove the haccinated produce 500 billion s-proteins in the bloodstream. And we know it has HIV and cancer genomic sequences: so it's a virus in itself!!!
Similar story for me- I sleep like a rock, always have, seldom remember any dream. After my (now ex) partner had 2 jabs, and we had slept together, I awoke from a horrid nightmare. (I have never had a nightmare before). It was simple; I woke up thinking I had been jabbed, and in the nightmare, there was a bandaid on my arm. Others dismiss this, but I knew that my body was telling me that I had absorbed something from my partners breath. And I never slept with them again. That was it, too creepy for me.
I am still trying to move out without forfeitting my entire investment in the house we share. If I have to leave (living with a jabby) to save myself I will. Best from Portland
Watch out!
There are now many shedding mechanisms that have been reported by many MDs.
1. MmRNA (modified mRNA - synthetic!) accumulates in all organ fluids for months and can be shedded if you're in contact with an injectee. All couples are "vaccinated" if a partner gets injected!
2. Spike protein shedding has been reported since day 1 of the rituals. Some reports (WCF) have mentioned detecting it 15months after the jab. Nobody can tell you what the maximum residence time of this bioweapon in your body is.
3. Graphene oxides seem to be even worse because they never leave your body and can be shedded by talking to injectees. Its effect is then amplified in your body by ambient EMFs (cell phone towers, WI-FI, routers, etc...)
It's virtually in every new "vaccine" and other Big Pharma harmaceuticals - these are nanoparticles that cannot be easily detected but they kill you silently by disabling your glutathione reserves.
NAC supplements can mitigate the glutathione depletion.
You'll be just as uncomfortable when the Asshats SPRAY THE SKIES overhead with ice nucleating material-- happens ALL the time. Don't be so "sure" your problem is simply and only "the vaccine" from "shedding." There is LOADS of paranoia re "spike shedding," none based on actual observable truthful (i.e., real) science. Though mRNA particles have been found in breast milk of lactating women (NO, not "persons!!") the spike protein and mRNA particles have NOT been shown to "shed," from the breath, or via the skin, at this point. Just the IgA and IgG particles as a reaction to receiving a quack-cine. Not sure? Then watch THIS:
Dr Brian Artis has research that the Covid19 toxin, also in the jabs, is synthetic peptide chains patterned after snake, spider, and some poisonous marine species and that the venom attaches to our nicotinic adrenergic receptors in our brain, heart, lungs, digestive system, kidneys, and gonads. The symptoms of covid are the same as a snake bite. If treated with nicotine from Nicorette gum of nicotine patches, the nicotine has a higher affinity for the receptors and our glutathione will denature the toxins and your symptoms will go away.
And as you know fornication is a sin. Get married!
Ardis would be that last person I would quote. He is a chiropractor not a doctor, even though doctors successfully lobbied for the legal right to call themselves "doctor." If anyone thinks that shoving a vertebrae back into line treats any medical condition other than pain is seriously self-deluded. If anything, they are the used car salesmen of the medical profession. And.......this "snake venom" theory is beyond absurd. However, you are right about one thing, nicotine fights COVID. Smokers tend to get COVID less often, and suffer less severe symptoms.
Smoke em if you got them.
"Fornication is a sin. get married." There is no sin, there is only taking a path that separates an individual from the Creator. And......50% of marriages end in divorce, doesn't sound like such a good idea to me.
Snake venom is not theory. It is used in almost all pharma look up cobra venom price.
What is your qualification for an opinion on Dr Artis' research?
Typical response from some one with a "medical" degree. As if one needs "qualifications" to make a reasoned deduction and form a sound opinion. Please remember, most of the "qualified" professionals have been trying to kill us for the last 3 years. And yet, to your point, let's just say I have almost 40 years in the medical trenches as a front line primary care provider.
You have a lot to learn from ardas then
Chiropractors, in case you are unaware, know how to read and are capable of researching as many of them do and go on to expand there practices particularly into areas of integral, alternative medicine unlike most brainwashed allopathic robots.
Chiropractors are not doctors. You cannot treat illness by moving around vertebrae.
That's not all they do jackass
"Jackass." Name calling is so Liberal.
Furthermore.....women in the West are insane. Why would any self-respecting man want one for marriage, or anything else?
Women who are not subservient are intelligent not insane. And you are a misogynist.
You are a Trumptard, and thus you are an irreverent cultist. Dismissed.
I think it’s a terrible thing since these antibodies are now obsolete and infection-promoting. I do think it’s still probably negligible unless you have close personal contact like a parent would with a child, or sexual partners would. I would hope these antibodies do not out-compete a child’s innate natural antibodies. This would be very bad news.
Every encounter with pathogens alters us, some for the better, some not. Probably they'll be pushing a vax for the vax effects before too long. Just another profit center for pharma, and another crisis for tyrants to use to intimidate us.
Countermeasures for countermeasures.
They have the legal architecture set up for it.
Excellent insight. Thank you. And I admire your diligence. Your sainthood is well deserved. But the problem isn't really the byzantine complexity of our laws but their overwhelming volume. Any society that needs this many rules is in serious trouble. Trump was on the right track with the policy requiring eliminating two regs for every new one. Given the fleeting nature of our executives, we really need the next congress to make that policy a permanent statute. Of course, if we pass a law for that it will create several hundred new regs to implement it. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
trumpet is an evil collective. They ALL ARE.
Please wake up. You can't have gov't without slave laws. That's why gov't is there, to enslave us. That's why the evils created it.
Religion was the first control mechanism, then gov't. We would have been better off with monarchy.
Natural Law -
Freedom Playlist -
Trumpet ruining society -
And if you go to my site , you will see a category on the right marked Trumpet. There's a few things in there too.
lol :)
so you should be totally fine with that NWO idea :)
because what starts as a imperialistic fascist overturn of our previously more or less free societies and sovereign states (WEF’s PPP = Mussolini’s Fascism) will eventually and inevitably transform into a sort of neofeudal regime, only with robots, AI, VR, GMOs and other cyberpunk shticks :)
if you think that monarchy is good for you, you should rethink your attitude for NWO, because it’ll be the same, only on a new technological level, without all the wigs, crinolines and musketeers with curled moustaches :).
Who said I was ok with the evils taking down our world?
Please don't put words into my mouth.
And I never said monarchy is good for you, although it depends on which monarchy/country.
Again, please do NOT put words into my mouth. I said we were better off with monarchy then we have been with the mafia gov't.
Neither is good. I thought that would have been obvious to someone intelligent.
And then a vax for the vax for the vax. And pills, lots of pills.
This isn't just about the death jab. This is about killing off the entire worlds population except around 5-10% to keep around as transhumans.
I am NOT crazy. This is ALL happening & people are NOT gathering together to fight BACK!
Sometimes crazy people are right, and sometimes sane people are wrong. Sane or not, we get what we want by fighting for it. It's the only way.
Well I disagree about the fighting part.
I'm fighting in this war, but that's different.
We need to find the tools to get the life & world we need from what the evils are hiding from us.
I'm still studying this part.
And it all starts by clearing out our childhood trauma so we aren't so insecure b/c that's what the evils bank on. Most of us are a MESS.
Fighting is the only way to get what you want. These days, less violent combat is usually sufficient.
R federation managed to destroy western econimies simoly by tanking the sanctions. Judo and tai chu move
Parallel society = best chance of survival.
That would be quite the slap in the face. Umagine all running for that vax.. Round and round the hamster wheel.
Hamsters are often more rational than humans.
And dogs are the best people we know. :)
An OpEd titled "Anatomy of a Retraction" has been published recently by Trial Site News ( It presents the details of the process used by the Publisher/Journal Editor to justify retraction of the paper "Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?". I believe the retraction process has operated in the shadows for far too long, and the larger community needs to see exactly "how the sausage is made".
The OpEd is Open Access; feel free to distribute it widely. For first-time users, or previous users not subscribed to TSN, use the following procedure to access the article:
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This was such an outrage, not the worst, or the most damaging, but the most blatant and shameless incident.
The authorities no longer have need to be subtle and diplomatic, since they have discovered the public will obediently accept whatever is dictated. The vaccine mandates and restrictions accompanying the pandemic were mostly arbitrary, with little scientific basis, yet most of the public bought into them lock, stock, and barrel. In fact, some/much of the public did their part to support the authorities through coercion and peer-pressure of their contemporaries to follow the authorities' dictates. Much like the Kapos in the WWII concentration camps!
Ron1234, I speak to people and ask their opinions everywhere I go & I find your description of their beliefs inaccurate. With only a few exceptions, those who took the vaxx (especially after the first month of its availability) did so because it was employer-mandated. A great many casually-met people told me how masks don't work and the vaxx is unnecessary cuz covid is usually a mild illness.
Among those whom I spoke to with this result were bus drivers, taxi drivers, nurses, pharmacists, and lots of fellow shoppers, people in bank lines, etc.
Nyet. They are obeying orders not because the masses are submissive
If the masses had submitted u wouod ve in a concentrqtion camp like dc gukag
The authorities no longer have need to be subtle and diplomatic, since they have discovered the public will obediently accept whatever is dictated. The vaccine mandates and restrictions accompanying the pandemic were mostly arbitrary, with little scientific basis, yet most of the public bought into them lock, stock, and barrel. In fact, some/much of the public did their part to support the authorities through coercion and peer-pressure of their contemporaries to follow the authorities' dictates. Much like the Kapos in the WWII concentration camps!
That's b/c they are under DEEP MIND CONTROL.
Not that I think they were intelligent before that, but there's no way in hell that this many people (BILLIONS) worldwide would do this without more then just fake news brainwashing.
The evils have destroyed our brains. Mine was in top shape prior to '97 & then every year after that I started to lose it one year at a time.
I've noticed how people are so unintelligent, that they can't even do a simple customer service job.
This is not by accident.
The evils have been going after our brains, thyroid & digestive system.
All 3 affect our BIG BRAIN!
Literally shedding OAS. …sins of the father and all that.
Vaccinated people are literally infecting people around them. Literally because production of antibodies (assuming Mr. Chudov is correct and they are produced instead of landing there) means they were produced to combat an infection of whatever is being shed. They won't like that when they find out. I don't like it either. I have never been so glad to have chosen to homeschool.
Think about it: if the vaccines do produce antigenic fixation that impairs immune response to later variants, then vaccinated are actively spreading the antigenic fixation which will possibly later cause antibody dependent enhancement. That is frightening.
There needs to be intensive research to discover how long the shedding continues.
We need to know more, but we know enough to be concerned.
Absolutely Igor! You're doing a wonderful job!
And masks finally served a purpose - at least for research!
Would this be detected by the PCR?
The PCR is worthless. It always has been. I’ve NEVER put that crap in my body. Made in Chyna???? Are you kidding me?!
If the vaccine mRNA is being shed, PCR may detect it, depending on how much is there. But PCR won’t detect spike protein or anything else non-nucleic.
This study, which shows how mRNA in addition to antibodies, are passed to infants via breast milk. A previous study by UCSF didn't find mRNA, but they discuss how they did it to find it:
"Phenol-chloroform extraction, the gold standard for RNA
extraction, and double-quencher qPCR probes were utilized in our protocol, enhancing the sensitivity of our approach."
I recently heard (I don't have a video yet) that the breast milk is coming out GREEN!!!!
I’m not sure PCR or any other test can differentiate between “natural” spike/ antibodies and “vax” spike/antibodies. At least not yet.
the 1% have their capabilities, unshared with us. which reminds me, i recall seeing somewhere that gates' private dr said he never vaxxed his kids for ANYthing... all vax are sus now due to covid, but even before covid... like many of you, i know many vax injured/killed people:
30yo nurse at stanford. dead a month after 2nd dose, 2021.
stroke after 2nd dose. my real estate agent, 2021.
stroke after 2nd dose. homeless guy i met recently.
my partner has even worse periods than ever, and feels sicker, when hanging around her "vaxxed"/"boosted" (ADEnhanced/VAIDS'd) roommate. particularly around the times and afterward, after the injection events.
I myself now have casual body rashes of the type seen initially in injected babies.
I spoke w a woman who was v/b while pregnant, and her kid tried walking at 2-3 MONTHS. And has a FULL HEAD OF HAIR. she knows it's the "vax" and told me so without my eliciting such an answer, bc her two prior kids were not like this AT ALL. i imagine many of you have seen the videos of unnaturally advanced, sickly, or black-eyed babies by now... plus heard of more miscarriage stories than gates can enjoy in a day.
This confirms a sort of advanced aging effect I have noticed in people who have been vaccinated.
Absolutely! I have been pointing more and more of this out to people. In some individuals, the aging is drastic! Dried-out prune- like appearance.
Can you be more specific please, how are they aging?
Wrinkles? Grey hair, arthritis?
Recently dr mercola's "breaking news" site had a video compilation.
Was hoping someone had a higher quality one.
But there was also a couple of other stories where adults were also getting black eyes or in one case he was starting to grow additional protruding bones.
The PCR is a fake test & it's not even a test, it's a mini death jab. &
Why do you think they were forcing it on everyone?
If they are pushing something in your face, that's the sign that it's DANGEROUS.
It's shocking to me how many so called "awake" people or truthers took the toxic test just to be able to travel.
I was a prisoner in a country for almost a year before I figured out a way to escape without it.
I get the sentiment but saying "vaccinated people are literally infecting people around them" is categorically untrue. Production of antibodies does not mean there was an "infection" which has a precise scientific definition. People make antibodies to food proteins and pollens all the time, this doesn't mean they are infected by them. It also doesn't mean OAS has taken place as the magnitude of exposure was likely multiple orders of magnitude below that of the vax recipient.
We are on the same side here but let's keep things in perspective. Minor quibble but our side needs to stop using words like "frightening" and "terrifying". We don't live in fear but learn everything we can about something and take prudent action based on sound logic. The other guys in their triple masks and face shield for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate are the ones who are terrified.
Sorry but I am frightened of a mass experiment on a very large portion of all of humanity that involves sars-cov-2 spike proteins, especially now that people who did not get the vaccine may be continually exposed to them from the vaccinated.
They have HIV-derived inserts. Those inserts give sars-cov-2 the ability to enter immune cells as published by Shi Zheng-li, et al. recently in a very comprehensive paper.
They disrupt and cross the blood brain barrier. From other research exposing brain cells to spike: "SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces cognitive deficit and anxiety-like behavior in mouse via non-cell autonomous hippocampal neuronal death."
Or this "Research finds Covid-19 spike protein binds to cells in the heart."
Research shows spike protein upregulating reverse transcriptase and being incorporated into DNA liver cancer cells.
They have many sections analogous to human proteins such as syncytin-1. Spike protein is found in non-classical monocytes a dozen months or more after injection.
Spike protein impairs DNA repair in vitro by "localiz[ing] in the nucleus and inhibit[ing] DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.".
Or maybe you like research that "showed that the spike protein damaged the cells by binding ACE2. This binding disrupted ACE2’s molecular signaling to mitochondria (organelles that generate energy for cells), causing the mitochondria to become damaged and fragmented."
Or "SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells"
Are you thinking that the vaccine doesn't induce free floating spike protein? What about this: "Circulating Exosomes with COVID Spike Protein Are Induced by BNT162b2 (Pfizer–BioNTech) Vaccination prior to Development of Antibodies."
I'm sorry that I don't have time to give you links to all of the research for the above but it all comes from published research.
I don't know what to say if you aren't deeply disturbed yet. Short of nuclear war, what greater risk could we expose humanity as an entire race to than this vaccination campaign?
Consider starting your own substack, I see huge potential
Thank you for saying that. I'm trying to keep my gulag score low until my kids are middle school age.
Smart. Íḿ one of the first to the gulags.
I'm going to share my personal andectodal experience regarding spreading covid too. My family of 4 along with another family of 5, rented a house together on the cape last summer. All of us unvaxxed except 2, their college aged son was vaxxed 2 months prior, and the father decided to get vaccinated 3-4 days prior to our trip. One day in, the father starts feeling sick (fever, body aches, chest pain, etc). He goes to an urgent care, tests positive for Covid. It swept through the house like wildfire. Within 2 days, we all started feeling sick. All 8 of us (except the vaxxed college student) got Covid from him. For the first 2 weeks after being vaccinated, these people seem to be "radioactive". They ARE in my opinion spreading it more. Numbers/cases are higher since the roll out than before, and I know of numerous people catching covid from a newly vaxxed person. They are def. spreading something.
I unjabbed daughter had terrible menstrual issues the day after being around a group of vaxxed people. Then 3 days after that came down with delta. That was around the time boosters were being given.
El gato malo already figured this out:
The vaccinated as Superspreaders.
I can't read it b/c he believes in covid.
You do know there are no variants right?
That was just to make you more afraid of their lies & go take the death jab.!:2
There is NO COVID. That's just their name for the fake virus.
Here are my ideas on why people were getting sick pre-death jab.
Every time you use that word, you are brainwashing yourself & others that this is real.
Getting sick is real, but the fake virus isn't real.
I understand your fear, I too was very concerned when I started learning about this March 2021. To reassure you, I experienced the shedding phenomenon early on. My cycle was all messed up, weird headaches, swollen glands etc. My cycle normalized a few months later, and has been normal since, the swollen glands lasted awhile longer and occurred frequently when I was around people, but would go away when I got home. My husband got mild shingles after my son's graduation party. We both have been fine since. I believe we may build up an immunity of some sort to whatever they are shedding. (I personally believe it's pathogenic spike proteins via exosomes, but I'm no expert).
We've had unvaccinated patients lose pregnancies one week after their entire department got their updated shots.
I heard about this happening as well. It's seems crazy.....
I've wondered about this & my guess is that a death jabbed person can't get sick from another death jabbed person b/c they are already death jabbed. They only get sick from their jab, BUT (this is important) not all vials are the same, so if someone got a very weak version of the death jab, they probably can get sick from another death jabbed person.
This may (I hope not) confirm that we are INDEED getting the actual death jab from the zombies. sigh
And if it is a unique form of radiation, (frequencies that harm us is the better term), you can't build up an immunity to that. That's deadly over time.
Please keep us posted on your symptoms.
When I said "radioactive", I did not mean literally. I meant they are walking Covid spreaders after vaccination and also they shed something for a couple months after being vaccinated. We all got Covid, from the recently vaccinated person, and this was last August. No long term effects for anyone in my family. "Shedding" I believe is different. Not sure what genetic material is being shed, but my guess is, spike protein via exosomes.
Thanks for the detailed response zuFpM5*M though I could have done without the snark. I completely agree with most of what you say regarding how bad the vax is, that's why I'm unvaccinated along with my wife and kids. Like you, I dug into most of these myself and came to comparable conclusions. However, none of what you posted directly applies to what I wrote.
My objections weren't regarding the vax itself but overblown concerns regarding "shedding". I've seen zero solid evidence it's a concern for the unvaxxed who have casual contact with the vaxxed (exchanging bodily fluids might be another story). Exposure to the spike from shedding is probably something like 0.000000001% that which a vaccinated person sees. With all toxins, the dose makes the poison.
The vaxxed have literally trillions of mRNA strands injected directly into them, their whole body becomes a spike protein factory. If unvaxxed happen to absorb a tiny amount of spike from a vaxxed person it will almost certainly be detoxed and disposed just as the body does with a minor covid infection. The spike protein from shedding cannot "infect" you as it is not alive (at least in a virus sense) and cannot replicate itself in the body. It's a toxin exposure, not an infection. You are obviously a smart guy but you are using the term incorrectly.
Last off, off course I find the vax program disturbing, I'd even call it evil. My objection was specifically to the word "frightening" (along with other words such as terrifying) as I said in my comment. Although many people use them, those are the words of powerless victims, not of confident people seeking truth to protect themselves and their loved ones. When we use words like that we spread fear, not knowledge. That's my opinion at least.
Anyways, God bless and agree with Igor you should consider writing your own blog as you post lots of good stuff.
@Jeff C : Pfizer thought it was concerning enough to cite it as "occupational exposure" in their trial guidance.
Farcebook deleted an entire group full of female sufferers-- some of whom were merely hanging around vaccinees and started seeing clots, rashes, and unusual menses. (I have contacts who fell seriously ill after such casual interactions.) For starters, I suggest you look into reports of spontaneous abortion after hanging around jabbed women.
Also, blood analysis of un-vaccinated children of vaccinated parents have revealed rouleaux formations and diminished oxygen carrying potential just like the blood of the parents. Look into these and you might agree that such constitute evidence of concern for the unvaxxed.
Spikes are not only pathogenic, they are fusogenic. That is always concerning. #DontShedOnMe
I have looked into it and have found nothing but unpersuasive anecdotes.
More importantly, I've found those all worked up over shedding seem to have an emotionally-driven desire to tar the vaccinated as "unclean". As a student of human nature I find that deeply concerning (far more concerning than any theoretical shedding concern) and disturbing. On top of that it's exactly what the vaccinated tried to do to us and none of us liked it one bit. Seems to me there's some turnabout is fair play going on here.
Bottom line is that the last two years have seen appalling human behavior driven almost entirely by fear of the unknown. The shedding bandwagon looks like more of the same to me, and much of the shedding handwringing is entirely rumor-based fearmongering. I won't participate and will continue to interact with all people with dignity and respect rather than view them as potential disease vectors.
Edit: BTW, the #DontShedOnMe hastag sums up in a nutshell exactly what I'm talking about above.
@Jeff C : Are you categorizing Pfizer's own trial guidance and the FDA Guidance on Shedding are "unpersuasive anectodes" and rumor?
Would you also consider as anecdotal a) the factual history of shedding from previous vaccines, including measles and polio and the resultant epidemic of vaccine-derived disease as acknowledged by none other than the WHO? b) that transmissible vaccines are a real technology, have been used for population control in rats(Australia) and rabbits (Isla del Aire island) and are documented by various government parties including the EU and Moderna? c) the studies showing spike protein by it's very nature portends grave risks of transmissible prion disease including brain diseases similar to mad cow? Prion diseases are quite transmissible.
Spike has been found in various body fluids including sweat, tears, skin, semen, saliva, nasal passages, feces, on and on.
Being aware of a problem does not mean we relish it or support it, Sir. I encourage you to read these documents and become aware of the known facts. The most unemotional thing anyone of us can do is to be well informed, which is why we are here.
I used infection only because what you are exposed to is likely a viral protein segment that is capable of entering and disrupting cells as I tried to outline. If you are exposed to chicken pox after having previously been infected and formed protective antibodies, your body clears the chicken pox "infection" before significant viral replication occurs. That seems analogous to being exposed to shed spike protein at least to me. When they measure antibody response "seropositivity" to some pathogen, if the person registers enough antibody response, they consider that person to have been "infected." That is also similar to what I am saying. This research measured antibodies. They were antibodies to a viral protein. Did it replicate to qualify as "infection" versus "exposure?" I don't know. Perhaps the better term would be secondary inoculation exposure.
As for shedding, my personal anecdote is that my unvaccinated wife's vaccinated sister came to visit for 3 or 4 days. Shortly after that, my wife's period was weeks late for the first time in the 16 years I've known her (not including actual pregnancy). Since women's periods sometimes mysteriously 'sync,' I note that her sister visited for similar short stays prior to the vaccines existing and nothing like that happened. I believe there are quite a few other women with similar experiences as recently discussed by Naomi Wolf.
I stand by my use of the word frightening. I believe that many soldiers find combat to be terrifying. It is how they push through it and continue to fight that matters. I was never in a firefight, but driving over roads that potentially had IEDs or doing a foot patrol past people with potential suicide vests engaged what we called the 'pucker factor.'
Here is some reading on that for your amusement:
Unless the spike protein is also replicating in the infected host.
Thanks Jeff for you comment; what if the mRNA material is shed and non-vaxxed somehow pick it up? Is that possible? If so, potentially harmful? Sorry if I'm misusing terms, this is not my bailiwick.
If it’s in a lipid then it would be a problem. You pick up billions of germs and their parts dna/rna daily.
Just to be clear: it would not be in a lipid when excreted through sweat, etc., right?
you might want to have a look at this article.
I wish you had provided a short lead-in since this is eye-opening again, and supplied by Parsifaler of the hot batches fame. "This explains the COVID coagulopathy, fibrosis, amyloidosis, hypoxia and, most importantly, Long COVID."
Also, Sandokhan comments, and whenever he does it is advisable to listen well.
thank you, i will look into sandokhan. you might want to look into previous articles from the same author above - he seems to know his stuff. will see.
Will definitely read more - I did not know Parsifaler was on Substack, so thank you!
Take a look at
Quote: The vaccine injects either an adenovirus, or graphene oxide (toxic to humans in high doses, but processed by an enzyme from the lungs in 2-3 weeks usually) into your body.
They covered the nuclear war risk recently, too. If you follow the declarations of the parties involved in Ukraine war you can see that the nuclear war risk is considerable. So there you go, vaccination campaign is now officially no 2 in risk hierarchy :)
food shortages/famine, the VAIDS death jab, poisons in our food/bevs/water/drugs, and nookular war are merely tools for the ultimate freemason/georgia guidestones/satanist/globalist/parasitic 1% goal: DEPOPULATION. HUMAN SACRIFICE TO SATAN. Glorification and deification of the great defication: satan.
DEPOPULATION: from 7+ billion to 500 million... 95% slaves for the 5% overlords and managerial/creative class. read the georgia guidestones. search "freemason" on and watch the first few vids. visit you'll see.
I agree, our faith, that this isn't our only life will keep us focused. Our obedience will keep us focused on God he will show us the way if will just listen and learn. I don't think it's an accident we have been afforded this information we must share it as well as use it to protect ourselves. It all seems overwhelming but in all honesty God has made our bodies not man. He made it to heal so I trust if we refrain from pharma he will deliver us.
Thanks. I think it's good to avoid fear, resignation and cynicism as well.
Totally agree! Let's try humor instead.
We will agree to disagree.
This is why I don't talk SCIENCE b/c I don't know science, (especially not fake science) I only know EVIDENCE. There's no such thing as coincidences, not in spirituality & certainly not more than one coincidence.
And from a completely different angle b/c I'm spiritually conscious & believe 100% in spirituality (so do the evils unfortunately), one guy says that people are losing their biofield which is the field around us that produces LIFE/ENERGY.
He can see energy & see how grey & dark their energy is. He says he can even tell when someone has taken the death jab (or not like with the face puppets on TV who lie & say they took it.)
He says due to whatever is in the death jab that harms their biofield, it's affecting us & ours too.
Absolutely agree. And yes, never more grateful to be homeschooling.
That’s a very important question: for how long does the shedding go on?
Spikes are being found up to 15 months afterwards; this, coupled with the reverse-transcription into the human and this becomes a real issue. The pharmaco-kinetics even place it in bone marrow.
"SARS-CoV-2 RNA reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome"
"Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line"
"Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection "
There are a number of things I take: Iverm. /HydroxyChl. (now just 1x/mth); Vitamin C religiously; Vitamin D in significant quantities (papers on what D can do for us are worth reading); Black Cumin Seed (Thymoquinone); See also very interesting papers out on Bromelaine (found in pineapples) when taken together with NAC/Gluthathione as they work together in harmony against the spikes. "The Combination of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc) Synergistically Inactivates SARS-CoV-2"
Masking can be quite dangerous, Sir. I would not risk moist warm obstructions of the airways under any circumstances. (self-contamination, bacterial proliferation, low blood oxygen, impaired breathing is not without risks to the brain itself, etc)
Ask Billy Gates! Monster…
He's hiding in BullGatestan fearing for his life.
Bill Gates Calls For Global Surveillance Pact With WHO
He bought the WHO a long time ago. I think he contributes ~40% of its budget and he imposed an Ethiopian war criminal (not even a MD!!!) as its head.