Also, I wanted to ask a question, this substack started as a anti-Covid-vax blog but I later expanded into covering the WEF. Are you guys actually interested in the WEF related discussions, lab-made meat etc?
I cannot see how one exists without contemplating the other.
You could focus solely on the medical science. But then find yourself being led on a climate crusade. Marching right into the fifteen minutes prison cities they're promoting with maximum security surveillance...
I was advising my one brother and his wife (he rabidly anti vax - she had two shots and came to her senses) that it is important to connect with at least one person who shares their views...
Otherwise one might experience mental health issues being surrounded by zombie MORE-ONS who inject Rat Juice and spend their free time going to libraries with the children to clap sing and dance along with transvestites who flash their ball sacks to 7 yr old children then read them a story.
Too much of this can lead to despair and a stint in the asylum.
Avoid these people and gravitate to people who do not live the insanity
I fear that the US is exporting its cultural Marxism to the world and that other countries will become Marxist too and start copying the US and normalising pedophilia just like the US has done.
"and spend their free time going to libraries with the children to clap sing and dance along with transvestites who flash their ball sacks to 7 yr old children then read them a story". I have to say, I never envisioned a time when Americans would allow this kind of thing ....Amazing indeed.
Yes the WEF is the lynchpin. Also please cover the next proposed plandemic targeting children. “Catastrophic Contagion” rehearsed by Johns Hopkins Oct 2022. Slated for release 2025!
Good idea to write about those fifteen minute prison cities. Rebecca Barnett on her current Dystopian Down Under stack has written about them and I must confess that my first response was disappointment that it didn't seem relevant to the fight against the jabs but now I see it differently.
Agreed...they are already doing this in the UK. It all ties together. Amazing that people are actually going along with all of these things! Then again, Jewish people just went right into train cars based on their beliefs in the government...and a few guns.
On more thing - If I had a child who was school aged and they were ABOVE average (gifted), I'd SUE for that child to get the appropriate education. A Free Appropriate Public Education is supposed to be had BY ALL - APPROPRIATE being the word to emphasize.
To a great extent, I agree. My question is where are those students who were discriminated against for being white in their quest for accountability? Why isn't there reverse racism being addressed?
The ethnicity of the appointed President of WEF is very nebulous. Indubitably, his views are representative of the burgeoning younger, democratic generation
I apologize...i should have said initially this happened. Like people voluntarily going to the vaccine campus in Australia, people lining up for boosters even now, etc. Later, they were herded, no choices. I'm not blaming the victims either...understand that society allowed and encouraged it to happen because it didn't affect them...until it did but by them they were caught up in the entire agenda. Again, my apologies. My points is we can't allow even the little stuff to what seems to be a digital I.d. that is benign, implantation of currency pay means, shots "for our own good and the good of grandma" unless they have been Proven. It is a slippery slope.
If you look at “big food,” there are a lot of similarities to big pharma. They want to control what we eat. Big pharma, big food, military industrial complex—the big 3.
A lot of people that are into food freedom, regenerative agriculture, etc., seem to be many of the same people that were against the vax mandates. This is my anecdotal experience.
What I’m getting at, big food and big pharma are to me connected.
It’s ALL connected, they are trying to cull the herd and it’s working. The sheep are the first to go. The only way out is to not comply with ANY of their bullshit. That’s what it is: all lies and shit.
Keep the animals so stressed that they are reliant on antibiotics to keep from getting diseases of mismanagement ... Yeah ... They're connected, alright.
Ever look at a trade journal for a Big Ag connected industry? (Dairy, beef, etc.) ... They're basically just one big pharma ad. A few articles about how to increase production or what have you, and pages and pages and PAGES of ads for pharmaceutical products. The trade journals are "free," sponsored by Pfizer (now Zoetis).
I don't know much of anything about plant-based agriculture, but I do know the word "glyphosate," so I'm pretty sure it's the same there, too, if not somehow even worse.
They want to control everything-- where you live, what you eat, where you work, if you work, your health or lack thereof, what your children learn in school, where you can go or can't go (15 minute cities), where/if/ who you can worship. If they get their way every single aspect of your life will be under their thumb. Personal autonomy will be a thing of the past
I live in a State that promotes vaccines for our 6 month old residents, and who was one of the first to "suspend" a Physician for having a difference of opinion.
YES! The WEF is probably the most publicly visible entity responsible for promoting the genocide we are witnessing being perpetrated upon the human race! It IS "Enemy Number One"!!!!!!
Part of their playbook is to keep people confused. It's one of Mattias Desmet's pre-conditions that make Mass Formation (and therefore totalitarianism) easier to achieve.
For me, I'm not interested in lab-made meat because I was never interested. WEF is important because the Covid scam was orchestrated by the Globalists as one prong of forcing the reset/NWO. It has morphed into Climate Change and other variants will follow, so I do believe keeping an eye on WEF and WHO is important.
As a business proposition for you, "Covid" will not be around forever but other WEF initiatives, possibly including another pandemic ("The next one will get their attention"?) so you would be well-advised not to restrict yourself only to Covid. IMHO.
The fake meat story is indeed important. Several years ago, Impossible Meats infiltrated the restaurant industry. I think we should all tell our restaurants to please remove it from the menu, and never order it. I’ve been imagining the Impossible Meat sales reps calling up restaurants, and offering their product at a discount at first, amd telling them this will cater to vegetarians, etc,
I have a stepson in his late 20s. In the handful of years that my husband and I have been married, he's gone from "animals have rights" to pretty red pilled. I credit Joe Rogan, Russel Brand, Brett Weinstein and encouragement from me.
In any case, we got into a discussion about pollution. He was STUNNED when both my husband and I said that the air quality is much better now than it was 20 or 30 years ago plus. That concept didn't even occur to him, thanks to his college education.
It's not related to climate change, but to some extent, there may be a connection to geoengineering. Plants don't respond well to silver iodide (cloud seeding).
I agree with Conway Judge: Covid & WEF are so inter-related that it would be foolish to only delve into one pocket of this crisis. I do not like the WEF and their agenda. There are so many better ideas than the ones they've thought up eg why are they pushing to exterminate cows - or tax the farmers - because of methane farts? Why not feed cattle etc better food and then they'll fart less! If the WEF is truly worried about greenhouse gases, they honestly should be more concerned with reducing private jets/plane travel in general + human-driven pollution from manufacturing & cars etc rather than killing farming. I've read studies about goats eating better (basically what Nature intended for them + avoiding grains) and they farted a lot less. Problem solved! I'm sure the same would hold true for cattle. That way the farmers can still do their jobs & keep their land & livestock, the livestock will probably be happier and healthier because they're eating right if they're farting less, people can still eat meat, we're all good with that and no economies need to fail. But no, the WEF push this one extreme measure of livestock eradication and also tell us to live in 15-minute cities and eat bugs. It's pure Machiavellian madness. We don't need the WEF in our lives if they're so demented and completely blind to any options except their one pet idea. They just want to wreck everything and be the one world power. They're hellbent on coaxing leaders all over the world to attend their forums and spout their crap; like what, attending a WEF forum is the 'in' thing to do?! Ha ha ha ha ha! People really ARE crazy.
All those “world leaders” & other flying monkeys in media & “entertainment” think hobnobbing w/ the Davos set is equivalent to sitting at the “cool kids” table, that they won’t suffer the same fate as we, the masses of the great unwashed. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Whenever they name a problem like climate change, you can bet that it’s a deflection from the real issue. Look over there! The real issue is the US military is the biggest user of fossil fuels in the world with their endless wars. Depleted uranium, napalm, etc.; the US military and the CIA (can’t forget them as a major source of evil!) have poisoned the earth. And with around 1000 foreign military bases on every continent except Antarctica, they are contaminating the air and water everywhere they are.
WEF is pure evil and every effort to expose the hell that they have planned for us is essential if we are to wake up enough people to stand against the "Great Reset".
How about calling them and telling them (as I do when I get spam calls) -- hey I missed your call because I was attending the funeral of my 7 year old son who died from a heart attack after taking a Covid Booster Shot....
Good one. I’ve gotten a couple of the spam here and mark Crispin Millers substack. I’ve also been ignoring “advice” to bump my income by working at home. Lol.
I like it. I won two weeks at a condo in Florida with free trips to the filming locations of my favorite TV series at the time (Dexter) and a Caribbean cruise and all I had to do was provide my credit card details as there was a small fee. It was an international reverse charge call from me to them and I said my credit card is in the car, just stay on hold and let me go get it. Then I made and ate lunch and did a few chores and went back 90 minutes later and picked up the phone and, strangely, the con man was gone.
YES the WEF is the lynchpin behind all of this. We need to prepare for the next plandemic which will target children and seek to kill and paralyze them. It most likely be the new proposed vax and not the proposed disease which will wreck havoc. “Catastrophic Contagion” is set to be released 2025 according to the Oct 2022 “tabletop exercise”
I do have concerns. Big ones. Still killing and paralyzing children is not a great way to enslave humanity. They become what we all have been accused of "Useless eaters"
It's pretty plain to see that they want everyone over 60 dead, they want all people who are immunocompromised or have underlying health issues dead, and they want NO health professionals alive either - so the WHO can be the singular world health authority. Let me guess, everyone gets medication by drone?! Sure, that'll work in outback Australia ha ha ha! By not allowing anyone else to discuss 'health', and with govt crackdowns on so-called 'misinformation', they think they can stop people thinking for themselves. What an utter bunch of wankers.
I suppose those who take all these jabs who aren't yet dead will just do what they're told, anyway, so they might as well be dead. Welcome to the zombie apocalypse, people! :-\
They're prioritising females for extermination because with few fertile females of child bearing age it's hard to repopulate. Millions and millions and millions of girls are going to be sterilised in the womb and born sterile because of these jabs.
The Nimbin hippies, hanging out in the Rainbow Cafe, smoking bongs all day long, and the "beautiful people" in Byron Bay, who pushed Schwab's agenda, this is on them, albeit not only on them.
Pretty obvious this is all about the plan hatched at the London School of Economics a few decades ago for radical population reduction to save the world from climate change.
Here's what's happening in Australia right now Ryan. Secret police ranks are being bolstered by bringing in more from overseas. In the state of Queensland the Deputy Police Commissioner in December exhorted the public to turn in anti-vaxxers, setting neighbor against neighbor, children informing on unvaxxed parents etc. Now the Gestapo are ramping it up.
Interesting article at the link. Also offers access for a limited time for free to The Real Anthony Fauci movie.
2500 Foreign Police will be Imported to Police Australians
Queensland Police are Targeting “Divergent” Thought They Consider to Be Dangerous; Outside Mainstream Ideas! Police Are To Report All Matters Involving Sovereign Citizens and Conspiracy Theorists
Very important! I warned Swedes about this last month. It's been done in Africa forever, pitting one tribe against another. You bring in a group to police us that has no allegiance to us, and much easier to get them to be violent.
I feel like we already witnessed this in action in Canada when the police began cracking down (beating) the protesting truckers. Some folks noted that the police all had their faces covered. Who were they?
They are doing it via backdoor methods. If Biden signs over American sovereignty to the WHO and this goes forward, yes, it will still have be approved by 2/3 of the Senate, BUT they have written in a clause that makes the treaty automatically go into effect prior to Senate approval (and it gives the WHO full control). The Senate will be forced to undo it instead of approve it and during the lag time it takes the Senate to undo it, who knows what the hell will happen? Another lockdown?
100% interested in a broader discussion and reading about it from an objective and well researched perspective. Food, fertilizer, fuel, quantitive easing, inflation, supply chain, war, climate alarmism, energy, race, trans, EVs, UBI, pandemics, gene manipulation etc. All connected. Start at the Rothschilds and work down from there.
There is a SPAM attack underway in the comment section.
My phone number does NOT start with (9o9).
Do not give the spammer any money or reply to their messages.
Also, I wanted to ask a question, this substack started as a anti-Covid-vax blog but I later expanded into covering the WEF. Are you guys actually interested in the WEF related discussions, lab-made meat etc?
I cannot see how one exists without contemplating the other.
You could focus solely on the medical science. But then find yourself being led on a climate crusade. Marching right into the fifteen minutes prison cities they're promoting with maximum security surveillance...
For your safety of course.
Yeah and I wanted to write about those
Great because I like reading what you have to say.
It seems balanced in a world that is otherwise bonkers.
thank you
I was advising my one brother and his wife (he rabidly anti vax - she had two shots and came to her senses) that it is important to connect with at least one person who shares their views...
Otherwise one might experience mental health issues being surrounded by zombie MORE-ONS who inject Rat Juice and spend their free time going to libraries with the children to clap sing and dance along with transvestites who flash their ball sacks to 7 yr old children then read them a story.
Too much of this can lead to despair and a stint in the asylum.
Avoid these people and gravitate to people who do not live the insanity
Well said, Fast Eddy! 😝 Remember the days when, if an adult male flashed their privates to children, they were arrested?
I fear that the US is exporting its cultural Marxism to the world and that other countries will become Marxist too and start copying the US and normalising pedophilia just like the US has done.
"and spend their free time going to libraries with the children to clap sing and dance along with transvestites who flash their ball sacks to 7 yr old children then read them a story". I have to say, I never envisioned a time when Americans would allow this kind of thing ....Amazing indeed.
I concur!
Yes the WEF is the lynchpin. Also please cover the next proposed plandemic targeting children. “Catastrophic Contagion” rehearsed by Johns Hopkins Oct 2022. Slated for release 2025!
I wrote about catastrophic contagion, but I am thinking to write about bird flu also
I would be interested in the bird flu or any other aspect of wef you choose to cover.
Yes… check out dr mercola’s book on bird flu scam
The old banking families (Rothschilds, etc.) are the lynchpins. Schwab is a just a front.
Good idea to write about those fifteen minute prison cities. Rebecca Barnett on her current Dystopian Down Under stack has written about them and I must confess that my first response was disappointment that it didn't seem relevant to the fight against the jabs but now I see it differently.
Agreed...they are already doing this in the UK. It all ties together. Amazing that people are actually going along with all of these things! Then again, Jewish people just went right into train cars based on their beliefs in the government...and a few guns.
I used to think people would have finally learned by history. We have not gotten any smarter have we?
Not just not gotten any smarter, but they are now purposely dumbing down. Sigh.
On more thing - If I had a child who was school aged and they were ABOVE average (gifted), I'd SUE for that child to get the appropriate education. A Free Appropriate Public Education is supposed to be had BY ALL - APPROPRIATE being the word to emphasize.
To a great extent, I agree. My question is where are those students who were discriminated against for being white in their quest for accountability? Why isn't there reverse racism being addressed?
The ethnicity of the appointed President of WEF is very nebulous. Indubitably, his views are representative of the burgeoning younger, democratic generation
I apologize...i should have said initially this happened. Like people voluntarily going to the vaccine campus in Australia, people lining up for boosters even now, etc. Later, they were herded, no choices. I'm not blaming the victims either...understand that society allowed and encouraged it to happen because it didn't affect them...until it did but by them they were caught up in the entire agenda. Again, my apologies. My points is we can't allow even the little stuff to what seems to be a digital I.d. that is benign, implantation of currency pay means, shots "for our own good and the good of grandma" unless they have been Proven. It is a slippery slope.
Don't go looking down the rabbit hole
Danger lurks within
Bumps and burns
Twists and turns
A needle in your shin.
Don't go down
And start to drown
It's scary frightening there
Pools of paranoia
Puddles everywhere!
Don't go down the rabbit hole
'cause dangers lurk inside
Dizzy delirious
All so mysterious
It'll make you lose your mind
For in that place
You'll find the taste
Acrid in your throat
Burning, retching
Wheezing and sneezing
Forcing you to choke.
So don't go down the rabbit hole
If you aren't prepared to brave
New ideas
Face your fears
In a multidimensional maze
Don't lurk down the rabbit hole
Where cowards run and cry
It's full of fear
So stay well clear
There's a 0.02% chance to… die?
SPAMMER? I always hated Spam.
Don't bother!
You know what the cool kids say:
"Ride till we die"
Besides, only covid gets stale.
And since we are all headed to the gulag anyway, let's piss off everyone at the top.
I’m interested in them.
If you look at “big food,” there are a lot of similarities to big pharma. They want to control what we eat. Big pharma, big food, military industrial complex—the big 3.
A lot of people that are into food freedom, regenerative agriculture, etc., seem to be many of the same people that were against the vax mandates. This is my anecdotal experience.
What I’m getting at, big food and big pharma are to me connected.
It’s ALL connected, they are trying to cull the herd and it’s working. The sheep are the first to go. The only way out is to not comply with ANY of their bullshit. That’s what it is: all lies and shit.
Keep the animals so stressed that they are reliant on antibiotics to keep from getting diseases of mismanagement ... Yeah ... They're connected, alright.
Ever look at a trade journal for a Big Ag connected industry? (Dairy, beef, etc.) ... They're basically just one big pharma ad. A few articles about how to increase production or what have you, and pages and pages and PAGES of ads for pharmaceutical products. The trade journals are "free," sponsored by Pfizer (now Zoetis).
I don't know much of anything about plant-based agriculture, but I do know the word "glyphosate," so I'm pretty sure it's the same there, too, if not somehow even worse.
Yep. I’ve decided to call it Phake Pharma Phood.
They want to control everything-- where you live, what you eat, where you work, if you work, your health or lack thereof, what your children learn in school, where you can go or can't go (15 minute cities), where/if/ who you can worship. If they get their way every single aspect of your life will be under their thumb. Personal autonomy will be a thing of the past
I wish more people would realize this.
They won't until their lives are impacted greatly. Sigh...
We're in for the long haul. Dumbed down world.
Most of the world is blissfully asleep.
Evil has certainly run amok.
Good day Delred
What you say and the insight your bring is true. Thank you.
Dang right!
Both are critical. And time is short.
When time runs out who is left standing?
I live in a State that promotes vaccines for our 6 month old residents, and who was one of the first to "suspend" a Physician for having a difference of opinion.
It is difficult to see a path forward.
Is relocating one of the last available measures?
You can relocate but eventually they're coming for you/us. There is nowhere to go anymore.
YES! The WEF is probably the most publicly visible entity responsible for promoting the genocide we are witnessing being perpetrated upon the human race! It IS "Enemy Number One"!!!!!!
Keep your eye on the DoD. They’re in charge of most of this evilness.
the real villains are the old banking families like the Rothschilds
well good ole klaus swab and gates ibm deal. yeah well ...
it makes perfect sense ... it is an all picture. btw, wmc had a rather interesting post tonight.
Part of their playbook is to keep people confused. It's one of Mattias Desmet's pre-conditions that make Mass Formation (and therefore totalitarianism) easier to achieve.
Let’s not forget Canada. We mirror Australia,The 5 Eyes.
Yes. Because Soylent Green is us.
For me, I'm not interested in lab-made meat because I was never interested. WEF is important because the Covid scam was orchestrated by the Globalists as one prong of forcing the reset/NWO. It has morphed into Climate Change and other variants will follow, so I do believe keeping an eye on WEF and WHO is important.
As a business proposition for you, "Covid" will not be around forever but other WEF initiatives, possibly including another pandemic ("The next one will get their attention"?) so you would be well-advised not to restrict yourself only to Covid. IMHO.
agree about having broad spectrum. The meat thing was interesting to me
Nothing good can come lab grown meat but perhaps that's by design. Some of these "meats" are grown from immortalized cancer cells
RE: article above... LOL. Igor did a substack on it a week or so ago.
I figure lots of conservative msm scrape Substack's for ideas.
The fake meat story is indeed important. Several years ago, Impossible Meats infiltrated the restaurant industry. I think we should all tell our restaurants to please remove it from the menu, and never order it. I’ve been imagining the Impossible Meat sales reps calling up restaurants, and offering their product at a discount at first, amd telling them this will cater to vegetarians, etc,
My son's girlfriend ate that Impossible Meat crap. When she would be here visiting and cook it, the smell was revolting.
The food is related to climate change, according to the narrative. That’s why they are pushing fake meat and veganism.
In reality, fake meat is ultra processed crap and free ranging ruminants are great for the earth, and the meat is good for us.
They use Climate Change for so many things, as it appeals to liberals and all folks who care about the environment. What a pack of shameless lies.
I have a stepson in his late 20s. In the handful of years that my husband and I have been married, he's gone from "animals have rights" to pretty red pilled. I credit Joe Rogan, Russel Brand, Brett Weinstein and encouragement from me.
In any case, we got into a discussion about pollution. He was STUNNED when both my husband and I said that the air quality is much better now than it was 20 or 30 years ago plus. That concept didn't even occur to him, thanks to his college education.
That's the kind of indoctrination we're fighting.
It's not related to climate change, but to some extent, there may be a connection to geoengineering. Plants don't respond well to silver iodide (cloud seeding).
they are saying that agriculture has a huge carbon footprint, so we need to cut back on meat consumption because it’s leading to climate change.
They are hoping we are stupid enough to buy that.
Plants sequester carbon and give off oxygen.
There was a Children's Health Defense article recently that showed Gatesy Boys lab grown meat is actually grown from cancer cells.
WHO Pandemic Treaty is a priority - it's here and will affect us all.
But the WHO is most imminent NOW because they are meeting to discuss treaties!
I concur.
I think the next plan is.... "climate lockdowns."
But hey, they could pull another "pandemic." It's not like 50% of the world wouldn't go along.
I agree with Conway Judge: Covid & WEF are so inter-related that it would be foolish to only delve into one pocket of this crisis. I do not like the WEF and their agenda. There are so many better ideas than the ones they've thought up eg why are they pushing to exterminate cows - or tax the farmers - because of methane farts? Why not feed cattle etc better food and then they'll fart less! If the WEF is truly worried about greenhouse gases, they honestly should be more concerned with reducing private jets/plane travel in general + human-driven pollution from manufacturing & cars etc rather than killing farming. I've read studies about goats eating better (basically what Nature intended for them + avoiding grains) and they farted a lot less. Problem solved! I'm sure the same would hold true for cattle. That way the farmers can still do their jobs & keep their land & livestock, the livestock will probably be happier and healthier because they're eating right if they're farting less, people can still eat meat, we're all good with that and no economies need to fail. But no, the WEF push this one extreme measure of livestock eradication and also tell us to live in 15-minute cities and eat bugs. It's pure Machiavellian madness. We don't need the WEF in our lives if they're so demented and completely blind to any options except their one pet idea. They just want to wreck everything and be the one world power. They're hellbent on coaxing leaders all over the world to attend their forums and spout their crap; like what, attending a WEF forum is the 'in' thing to do?! Ha ha ha ha ha! People really ARE crazy.
Anyway, yes, please cover it. Thanks :-)
All those “world leaders” & other flying monkeys in media & “entertainment” think hobnobbing w/ the Davos set is equivalent to sitting at the “cool kids” table, that they won’t suffer the same fate as we, the masses of the great unwashed. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Whenever they name a problem like climate change, you can bet that it’s a deflection from the real issue. Look over there! The real issue is the US military is the biggest user of fossil fuels in the world with their endless wars. Depleted uranium, napalm, etc.; the US military and the CIA (can’t forget them as a major source of evil!) have poisoned the earth. And with around 1000 foreign military bases on every continent except Antarctica, they are contaminating the air and water everywhere they are.
Add in chem trails to “cool” the planet. I see them EVERYWHERE
Or to poison US, cause earthquakes, and ETC!
WEF is pure evil and every effort to expose the hell that they have planned for us is essential if we are to wake up enough people to stand against the "Great Reset".
How about calling them and telling them (as I do when I get spam calls) -- hey I missed your call because I was attending the funeral of my 7 year old son who died from a heart attack after taking a Covid Booster Shot....
Good one. I’ve gotten a couple of the spam here and mark Crispin Millers substack. I’ve also been ignoring “advice” to bump my income by working at home. Lol.
I like it. I won two weeks at a condo in Florida with free trips to the filming locations of my favorite TV series at the time (Dexter) and a Caribbean cruise and all I had to do was provide my credit card details as there was a small fee. It was an international reverse charge call from me to them and I said my credit card is in the car, just stay on hold and let me go get it. Then I made and ate lunch and did a few chores and went back 90 minutes later and picked up the phone and, strangely, the con man was gone.
That is hilarious!
YES the WEF is the lynchpin behind all of this. We need to prepare for the next plandemic which will target children and seek to kill and paralyze them. It most likely be the new proposed vax and not the proposed disease which will wreck havoc. “Catastrophic Contagion” is set to be released 2025 according to the Oct 2022 “tabletop exercise”
I do have concerns. Big ones. Still killing and paralyzing children is not a great way to enslave humanity. They become what we all have been accused of "Useless eaters"
The super big elephant in the room in the U.S is the 2A.
More Important is what the WHO is up to right now.
The WHO and the WEF are interconnected. Bill Gates is one of the largest donors to the WHO.
Thank you. I realize that but it is the WHO meeting now. Must get out if the WHO.
Well, they have stated in writing that they will force COVID quackcines on
everyone. I just wonder "when?"
It's pretty plain to see that they want everyone over 60 dead, they want all people who are immunocompromised or have underlying health issues dead, and they want NO health professionals alive either - so the WHO can be the singular world health authority. Let me guess, everyone gets medication by drone?! Sure, that'll work in outback Australia ha ha ha! By not allowing anyone else to discuss 'health', and with govt crackdowns on so-called 'misinformation', they think they can stop people thinking for themselves. What an utter bunch of wankers.
I suppose those who take all these jabs who aren't yet dead will just do what they're told, anyway, so they might as well be dead. Welcome to the zombie apocalypse, people! :-\
They're prioritising females for extermination because with few fertile females of child bearing age it's hard to repopulate. Millions and millions and millions of girls are going to be sterilised in the womb and born sterile because of these jabs.
The Nimbin hippies, hanging out in the Rainbow Cafe, smoking bongs all day long, and the "beautiful people" in Byron Bay, who pushed Schwab's agenda, this is on them, albeit not only on them.
Pretty obvious this is all about the plan hatched at the London School of Economics a few decades ago for radical population reduction to save the world from climate change.
And then we’ll have trannies to replace real women
HA! They CAN'T!
The Bible calls these "perilous times", also Armageddon, and
"The Time of the End." I post publicly and freely on MeWe.
Hardly any of the imported brown human trash has been required to be jabbed much less be actually jabbed.
Ever heard of the Kalergi Plan?
As for 'when'? Expect more madness this year. And next year. By mid-2024 we'll be in full crazy mode - unless we take down these WHO/WEF fuckers.
Eschatology and Yahweh's Spirit tells me that Yahshua the
Messiah returns on a Yom Kippur during 2023 ~ 2027, unless
Yahweh His Father shortens this time.
We won't be taking down any of the Manmean. However, we
DO have to survive them!
WHO/ UN/ WEF are all the same people.
And this:
Ummm. In the US every single right (excepting) 2A, in the bill of rights, was rendered useless during covidmania.
Wasn't it worse in Australia.
The scariest part of it is that the people welcomed it.
Here's what's happening in Australia right now Ryan. Secret police ranks are being bolstered by bringing in more from overseas. In the state of Queensland the Deputy Police Commissioner in December exhorted the public to turn in anti-vaxxers, setting neighbor against neighbor, children informing on unvaxxed parents etc. Now the Gestapo are ramping it up.
Interesting article at the link. Also offers access for a limited time for free to The Real Anthony Fauci movie.
2500 Foreign Police will be Imported to Police Australians
Queensland Police are Targeting “Divergent” Thought They Consider to Be Dangerous; Outside Mainstream Ideas! Police Are To Report All Matters Involving Sovereign Citizens and Conspiracy Theorists
Very important! I warned Swedes about this last month. It's been done in Africa forever, pitting one tribe against another. You bring in a group to police us that has no allegiance to us, and much easier to get them to be violent.
I feel like we already witnessed this in action in Canada when the police began cracking down (beating) the protesting truckers. Some folks noted that the police all had their faces covered. Who were they?
Foreign police are currently streaming across the U.S. border every day. Military aged males.
Ah yes, the Sharia police.
You can thank the 50 spies who lied that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation for that!
The only thing that saved us was that we're a constitutional republic.
And that's the reason Ron DeSantis virtually, on his own, stopped the madness from us going over the brink.
It is amazing how fast people will give up freedom for safety (real or manufacturered.
So that's the plan going forward with the Globalist/Elites imo.
It's probably the number one thing the Founders warned us about. They would not be surprised, but they would donkey punch us.
The people passed the "dry run" with flying colors.
They are doing it via backdoor methods. If Biden signs over American sovereignty to the WHO and this goes forward, yes, it will still have be approved by 2/3 of the Senate, BUT they have written in a clause that makes the treaty automatically go into effect prior to Senate approval (and it gives the WHO full control). The Senate will be forced to undo it instead of approve it and during the lag time it takes the Senate to undo it, who knows what the hell will happen? Another lockdown?
100% interested in a broader discussion and reading about it from an objective and well researched perspective. Food, fertilizer, fuel, quantitive easing, inflation, supply chain, war, climate alarmism, energy, race, trans, EVs, UBI, pandemics, gene manipulation etc. All connected. Start at the Rothschilds and work down from there.
Keep up the tremendous work Igor.
My suggestion? Start at the top with The Christian Vatican in Rome, Italy.
The EVIL travels down from there!
Igor, I would like to know more on how to prevent the evil effects of the
"shedding" from jabbed victims that Pfizer has promised us. I really
do not wish to learn of other evils coming at us. That tree of
evil has way too many branches! We can spend all of our time cutting them off.
But I don't want to!