A “post growth society”?! Wtf! We are living in a post rational, post science, post critical thinking, post freedom America. I pray it can be turned around.
Oh, come on. We've lived through this before, just after the Romans. I think it was called "The Dark Ages" or something. It wasn't so bad, was it? Who needs indoor plumbing anyway?
"post growth society" is the same as "everything that can be invented, has been invented" from 120 years ago.
And equally short sighted, egotistical thinking, generally by older people who have lost their ability to think flexibly. They may indeed be correct that their own industries and business initiatives are ending, but no way human ingenuity and inventiveness is over.
I don't discount the fact that this also fits nicely into a power consolidation/power grab/control scenario. We need to be very mindful of these idiots and call them out loudly and often.
Be careful in placing all the blame on 'generally older people' since some of the most monstrous ideas are coming from Yuval Noah Harari, Mattias Desmet and all those "Young Global Leaders" of the WEF who are annointed every year. There are plenty of global predators and apologists to go around-- see our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.
I don't say this lightly. Desmet's theory blames the citizens--what he calls 'the mass' --for the rise of totalitarianism. His theory excuses the totalitarians. But I am sure you didn't hear this clearly in any of his interviews--which are not forthcoming on this part of his theory. His book, the basic source of his theory, tells the full story. His theory provides excuses and shifts the blame from oppressors everywhere from third world dictators and (yes) Hitler to the New Age Totalitarians engineering the so-called Great Reset which is just a synonym for world takeover. See our full and referenced two papers here: https://breggin.com/Threats-from-the-Desmet-Malone-Mass-Formations-and-Mass-Psychosis. Don't take my word for it, read our analysis and our quotations of Desmet's book, and read his book!
Actually it is the peoples’ fault to a large degree, without their willing collaboration and ignorance such ideas would simply be pompous individuals shouting at each other in smoke filled rooms with a glass of Johnnie Walker.
I agree. One cannot delegate one's own agency to someone else without accepting the consequences introduced by the other as well.
The power of the pied piper is only given by the mice/sheep who choose to follow them without any thought. A megalomaniac only has power when they have others to have power over, or who have willingly given up their agency. When others turn away, the power is gone.
When the tyrannical leader is exposed, they too lose their power, when seen for what they truly are. And so I hope that Mattias will point that out.
But wait... he does in a few of the videos I've seen! He has said many times that a few voices can disrupt mass formation by rebelling against the narrative.
I think you have misinterpreted Desmet's words in this respect. He seeks to understand, not to blame. He does not exculpate the leaders: a relevant quote might be (Chapter 7) "The Nazis were indeed often convinced of their good intentions; a willingness to acknowledge this is a sign of maturity and essential to learning from history. But of course, this should in no way be interpreted as an argument to excuse their crimes."
I was initially a fan of Desmet's public ideas without having read his book. However, I ran across one of your articles that was critical of Desmet, and you make a very good case. I think that people wanted some sort of explanation of what was happening, and Desmet and his ideas filled a gap. Desmet was also very careful about the way he publicly framed his ideas, and it would appear that his public explanations aren't exactly in line with the concepts of his book. Which should not be the case.
As for explanation, now I just shrug and say "brainwashing." If I'm feeling ambitious, I say "brainwashing and potentially Terror Management Theory."
I agree with the Breggins. By the way, this shifting of blame/cause away from the structure to the individual is far more common than we realize. I have independently noticed the tendency in many academic discussions to blame the individual or “human nature” for the evil in this world. This very conveniently excuses and shifts the blame from the system/structure to the individual. An example is historian Ronald Wright 's“A Short History of Progress”, while making very logical arguments, he explains the collapse of societies on “monument building” in its later stages (the Mayas then, NYC & Dubai today) which he explains with “human greed” (humans just never get enough) and he cites for proof the mastodon killing fields that even the hunter-gatherers indiscriminately killed the megafauna by driving them over a cliff (if even the hunter-gatherers did it it must be human nature). No surprise that this explanation is very much preferred by the establishment, and, unlike the Breggins, such authors will find no shortage of willing publishers & talkshow invitations.
Likewise we discuss the undeniable “evil” in the world, the banality of evil, the existence of psycho/ sociopaths, serial killers, school shooters, etc., all-too-often in terms of human nature. Why are children so cruel in the school yard? Why do bullies exist and evil people like Hitler, Mengele, Eichmann, Fritzl, Charles Manson? The real question is - if we accept that the evil in the world is really human nature - why are there not many more of them?
Another argument brought up is that only humans have agency, and systems don’t (“capitalism doesn’t have agency”). Then, why does everyone act by the same capitalist rules? Because we’re social beings, and we live and act within a particular social structure, a system that “selects” for, and rewards, certain behaviors and punishes others. Noam Chomsky once countered the argument that “A people has the kind of government that it deserves” with the observation that “A people has the kind of government that is imposed on them.” I agree. People are not stupid.
Thank you for your clearly articulated response. Our essential difference is that you believe systems are imposed from above, while I am of Desmet's opinion that they arise organically from the mindset of society at large.
Neither view can be proven, but the only way forward is respectful debate between those who are awake, so I am grateful for your words.
"Totalitarianism causes mass psychosis. Totalitarianism is not defeated by "curing" people of their conformism - but by getting rid of the tyrants." very good way of putting it Bobby A.
I agree. This "blaming the citizens" thesis is a stretch. He focused on the mass psychological impact & amplification of the propaganda. Unless I've missed something in his book (vs his talks), he's not absolved the Crime State & their Puppet Masters.
"... but no way human ingenuity and inventiveness is over.". And it should frighten the bejesus out of us to imagine what the WEF overlords will invent.
I think the idea is "You won't be working to providing consumer goods and services for the masses, instead you'll be working to provide luxuries for us". When the elite have more luxuries than a Persian Potentate, they'll use extensive resources to build monuments to themselves. Why? Because they will be bored, and because they can.
Really? Who erased Rome, Pharonic Egypt, and Bablyonia (to name just three)? How did they do it? What did they replace it with? To say that civilizations throughout history have been PURPOSELY erased and replaced is a conspiracy theory of the highest order, one that has not a shred of supporting evidence.
My point is that civilizations fall mainly due to INTERNAL decay, not external forces. Only in rare circumstances such as the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and Incas, do external forces play a significant role. Even then, these New World civilizations were undergoing internal problems. The idea of civilizational collapse being planned and intentional is problematic. Civilizations are like living organisms: when they are healthy their culture easily resists external attack, but when they are unhealthy they succumb readily to external diseases.
DO NOT COMPLY! There is only 1 decision you make in this life that has Eternal Merit: where you spend Eternity; either A--with JESUS CHIRST (John 3.3, 33-34-) in the NEW HEAVENS & EARTH -or-- B--Eternal Lake of Fire (w/satan, his demons & all of you human beings who reject the LORD'S Free Gift of Salvation. C--This earth & these current heavens will no longer exist. You have FREE WILL; You have NO EXCUSE
I appreciate what you are trying to do, but as a Christian, I find your methods cringe inducing. Posting the equivalent of Jack Chick tracts (in all caps) like a bot lacks the human touch the Gospel requires. It makes you look like a troll.
'This is not a "garden party; we are AT WAR!' When the LORD returns HE will return as The LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH. This is different than his initial appearance as The LAMB of GOD.
There will be many more of us with "w/satan, his demons" than in the "NEW HEAVENS & EARTH" and we will be allowed to fornicate, so I know my preference.
On the 1st point you are correct (2 Thessalonians 2.1-12). On the 2nd point you are INcorrect (Revelation 20.10)--'And the devil who DECEIVED them was thrown into The LAKE OF FIRE and BRIMSTONE where the beast & the false prophet are also; and they will be TORMENTED Day & Night forEVER & EVER.'
The LORD'S creation of TIME will come to an end (Isaiah 65.17, 66.22). We will continue to live in HIS creation of SPACE; this is the "for ever." Please acknowledge the word TORMENT which you will experience WITHOUT END. You do not get to pick your favourite Pleasure to enjoy endlessly. Think of it like this: Light a blow torch and turn it on your body; recognising that you NEVER get to turn the torch off. Hell is infinitely worse than this. The Bible tells us that heaven will be so much better than here on earth that we cannot imagine how good this will be . . . again For ever. Do this now: John 3.3, 33-34-
I applaud you fanaticism but isn't it just a bunch of stories told to children at Sunday school? People the world over believe different things mostly based on their childhood upbringing. I have no idea if what you believe is true or not but other than a book written over a thousand years ago I haven't seen anything that suggests to me there is an all powerful being who sulks in the shadows waiting for my unconditional love and blind faith. I have heard of people all around the world having different religious beliefs and the most populous of them is not the one you subscribe to, so it might pay to keep your options open, maybe join a few different ones to cover your bases.
Sorry, I don't have any scripture to backup my comments.
Your too late, this is a done deal. Game, Set, and Match, the wuflu injections proved that.
We have a society of sheep, who are ruled by Facebook. They kill your love ones, take away your livelihood, destroy you childrens future and still we just cruise along. No-one is going to fight this, it's a done deal world wide.
You’re absolutely right! This is Technocracy. “the science of social engineering “ warmed over from the 1930’s. See www.technocracy.news for more on this.
“Never trust a survivor until you find out what he did to stay alive.” But OK, maybe you were just lucky to survive. :P
Anyway, the other 120 million deaths over the world suggest that, for the *average* communist slave, communism was just as bad as what is described in the post. You don't sound like you were the average slave...
The initial stages of communism are always the ones that result in massive numbers of people being killed as that is the time when the communists reveal themselves for what they are - totalitarian scum. However, once the purges are done, some measure of sanity returns. My grandparents lived through the purges and it was a nightmare. However, after the communists break up the old system literally with a machine gun, they need to have things running again or they starve too. Hence the return to some form of normality. I lived in the later stages of communism in which things were very bad BUT no one really gave a hoot about you if you did not go against the system. Since getting food on the table was kind of essential for living, that was were the focus of 99% people was. The WEF is the ultimate nightmare in which you literally cannot do anything because of ... climate emergency or some other made up garbage. Notice that AI will be driving this. How much do you want to bet that the enforcement will be also automated? Try arguing with your "smart" water tap that you need to drink a glass of water. Forget about finding food - even if you found any, the model from WEF is that you cannot cook it because you "exceed the carbon print" - the "smart" oven will not turn on. That is what is envisaged and that is why this is not comparable with communism. The WEF model is hell on Earth.
Thank you for sharing the experiences of your grandparents. I don't think most people can really imagine what it was like, and instead, imagine some sort of future happy face totalitarian society.
At this point, many seem to be OK with it. They just shrug when you tell them about CBDCs and can't imagine that the government would do anything to harm them. They even sort of discount what Trudeau did to the truckers.
Most people do not think that that sort of horror is possible. The level of ignorance in the West is astounding and that is why the abuses committed over the past two years could take place. What happened in Canada is beyond belief and Turdeau should be facing criminal charges not be in power. The problem is that when reality will hits home, there is no simple way out of it. Moreover, because of the ignorance of the many, the ones that are awake pay the price too.
That's my big fear, that once this system is in place there will never be any way of escaping it. They already have surveillance that would be a wet dream for the Gestapo or KGB, and soon the ability to just remotely turn someone off.
Permanent lockdown, masks that measure your carbon, semi-isolation, surveillance of every bodily organ thanks to the nanobots connecting to the IoB. Winston Smith had a great life by contrast.
It is also true that once the WEF is installed they will run out of people to kill. If you obey them, they will leave you alone to drink water, own nothing, do whatever they tell you to. You know, like a nice slave.
But slaves in the past were exactly the same: As long as you picked your cotton and minded your own business your owner would not have to beat you up, would give you food, a place to sleep, and so on. The WEF is really global communism (= hell on earth). You just seem to forget that we are in the initial states. Once the WEF is done with us, everyone that survives will be obedient. And there will also be "peace" (i.e., no rebel slaves).
I do not think that WEF is in any form communist. The communists are driven by a specific ideology whereas the WEF seems to be driven by transhumanism. If you listen to one of Swab's useful idiots, there is an obsession with cybernetic augmentation, virtual reality and different forms of lifespan extension. In short, as satanic and insane as they get. Automation is at the core of everything so the idea that there will be "slaves" does not apply in this case because they do not want any "slaves" to use up their precious resources - robots will do the work.
Both communists and the WEF are driven by the same factor: Controlling other people. If one uses a computer, it doesnt make a difference to me, to be honest. I dont think at all that the final goal of the WEF is to kill people and have only robots. It is worse: They want slaves, like the communists want.
Not so much slaves of the laboring kind. Harari says they no longer need people thanks to robots and AI. More like test subjects. They'll keep you fed and clothed if you let them perform Mengele type experiments on you for the rest of your days.
Seriously. Sometimes it sounds good. In July 2020 I was not opposed. Thank goodness I had a few useful insights in the meantime, including a reminder during vacation in Croatia that the communists always have a good story and then never walk the talk.
Former communists or current? After listening to Ivor Cummins interview Gordan Lauc in Croatia, I wanted to visit the country. It sounded like the country came to its senses relatively early during the pandemic. After you visited? Lauc is a founder of GlycanAge. Lots of interesting science going on related to longevity. Do I need to cross it off my list?
We were there in fall of 2021--specifically because we needed a break from the apartheid system, so yes they were relatively sane already. It's a beautiful country and you absolutely should visit! My reminder was stumbling across a beautiful property in ruins that had clearly been the haunt of someone rich and maybe famous. Come to find out it was a retreat for the elite of the communist party. Same old freaking story in every single country where they talk about equality out of one side of their mouths....
meh. Statism is statism - if the power/money locus flows left to right or right to left makes not a wit of difference to those of us outside the circle.
I would love to read your explanation about how to impose the dictatorship of the proletariat without dictators. How "communism has never been tried!". Also how people just *need* to be nice, so no one needs to force them to give up their property! :D communist "logic" is amusing.
That's because your use of semi-colon in the sentence implies contrast between tyrant and communist. But there isn't any contrast at all in reality: Communists are a subset of tyrants (i.e., entirely contained by the set of all tyrants).
Fascism is the love of nation and kith and kin. As such fascism does not allow business to put greed ahead of the good of the nation. Fascists have only ever been elected into power after communists try to take over a nation. So far every nation that has elected a fascist government has been attacked by the globalists both from within and without. This is why they end up authoritarian. Fascist leaders were able to walk among the people without bodyguards. Our leaders can't do that so claims the people hate fascism are silly.
There will be no true AI. An AI will quickly point out the fallacies we all have to live with concerning political correctness. Political correctness is used by the elite to control way to many people to allow AI to undermine it. Trumps real crime in the eyes of his former peers was attacking political correctness.
The WEF is trying to implement communism and fascism is what will stop it. The problem is that their are to many non whites who are pretending are Americans who think communism is great because they don't own anything. Its not an accident political correctness has forced whites to allow 100 million low IQ non whites who just want a free ride.
When I look around ,I see that most of the sheep are complying ,Masking is permanent for at least 60% of what I used to think are humans .The mask is the sign of being a slave or retarded .With a population like that there is no hope. and the Schwabs of the world win every time .
The world is replete with brain dead, non-thinking, television gawkers...who have convinced themselves that binge watching CNN's Brian Stelter and Anderson Cooper has made them verifiable geniuses.
I have never in my history on earth had to deal with so many absolute frickin idiots...and that unforltunately begins with my own family, friends and inlaws.
People I once held a firm regard for are now WEF bimbos without even knowing much about the WEF. They follow and obey1
the dictates of their television...and get positive feedback affirmation from their friends doing exactly the same thing. Insanity does not begin to describe the current mental suicidal state...particularily in the western world.
You are sooo right on all counts .We try to describe the insanity ,but often can't ,because new words need to be invented for it. Living in an open air madhouse has put me in a depression and it is almost a full time job now ,not having contact with it .
The easiest and most efficient step: Do not comply. Don't use any of their crap like digital IDs for example. If enough people would resist, they couldn't push forward and the whole thing would implode.
I’d be okay with getting rid of a few industries. Most, NOT all, of the pharmaceutical industry could go away and we’d be healthier for it. I certainly wouldn’t miss all the cheap disposable plastic crap flooding our shores from China either.
I can agree with that sentiment. However industries don’t go away organically when the powers that be are manipulating the money supply and pushing a false narrative through the ownership of nearly all media.
Debt enslavement via the Federal Reserve Banksters drives everything.
Yes, we are in agreement. We The People choosing freely is a lovely sentiment. Yes, that’s the way things should be, but it’s currently an illusion and has been for at least a hundred years.
My point is that there is NO free market when the money supply is being manipulated. Nor is there REAL free choice when government floods the market with subsidies$$$
and yet your answer to the problems created by the lack of a free market is to.... keep the size of the government unchanged / increase it. Not exactly helpful to solve the problem, is it?
Debt based money seems problematic and fundamentally begets houses of cards. Privately owned central banks are the overwhelming powers in the global west. An international bankster
The cheap disposable crap from China won't be going away.
My guess is all the things that went away during "COVID" are on the chopping block: dine in restaurants, state fairs, theme parks, theater, opera and all types of live entertainment, both large and small. You know, the things that give people enjoyment.
They want us to be animals in cages dependent on them for our existence. There is no amount of money and power that would compel me to engineer such a society. And I wouldn't wish such a life on my worst enemy. We had no idea how good life was before 2020. I will not comply with this tyranny.
It's not going to work. It will be ugly, many won't survive it. But humans win in the end. Can't prove, but I know it. Don't give up. We have a couple to a few tough years to get on the other side. IMHO.
I appreciate your optimism, Kathleen. I really do.
I'm optimistic as well, but not for humanity. I truly believe we are a toxic species. Mankind builds only to destroy. We accumulate to purge. As long as ego is in play, there will always be a power grab. Always.
A “post growth society”?! Wtf! We are living in a post rational, post science, post critical thinking, post freedom America. I pray it can be turned around.
you are damn right
Oh, come on. We've lived through this before, just after the Romans. I think it was called "The Dark Ages" or something. It wasn't so bad, was it? Who needs indoor plumbing anyway?
much more recent, Soviet Union
"post growth society" is the same as "everything that can be invented, has been invented" from 120 years ago.
And equally short sighted, egotistical thinking, generally by older people who have lost their ability to think flexibly. They may indeed be correct that their own industries and business initiatives are ending, but no way human ingenuity and inventiveness is over.
I don't discount the fact that this also fits nicely into a power consolidation/power grab/control scenario. We need to be very mindful of these idiots and call them out loudly and often.
Be careful in placing all the blame on 'generally older people' since some of the most monstrous ideas are coming from Yuval Noah Harari, Mattias Desmet and all those "Young Global Leaders" of the WEF who are annointed every year. There are plenty of global predators and apologists to go around-- see our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.
For what reason is Desmet deemed monstrous. From what I read, he's pointing out how totalitarian systems arise
I don't say this lightly. Desmet's theory blames the citizens--what he calls 'the mass' --for the rise of totalitarianism. His theory excuses the totalitarians. But I am sure you didn't hear this clearly in any of his interviews--which are not forthcoming on this part of his theory. His book, the basic source of his theory, tells the full story. His theory provides excuses and shifts the blame from oppressors everywhere from third world dictators and (yes) Hitler to the New Age Totalitarians engineering the so-called Great Reset which is just a synonym for world takeover. See our full and referenced two papers here: https://breggin.com/Threats-from-the-Desmet-Malone-Mass-Formations-and-Mass-Psychosis. Don't take my word for it, read our analysis and our quotations of Desmet's book, and read his book!
Actually it is the peoples’ fault to a large degree, without their willing collaboration and ignorance such ideas would simply be pompous individuals shouting at each other in smoke filled rooms with a glass of Johnnie Walker.
I agree. One cannot delegate one's own agency to someone else without accepting the consequences introduced by the other as well.
The power of the pied piper is only given by the mice/sheep who choose to follow them without any thought. A megalomaniac only has power when they have others to have power over, or who have willingly given up their agency. When others turn away, the power is gone.
When the tyrannical leader is exposed, they too lose their power, when seen for what they truly are. And so I hope that Mattias will point that out.
But wait... he does in a few of the videos I've seen! He has said many times that a few voices can disrupt mass formation by rebelling against the narrative.
I think you have misinterpreted Desmet's words in this respect. He seeks to understand, not to blame. He does not exculpate the leaders: a relevant quote might be (Chapter 7) "The Nazis were indeed often convinced of their good intentions; a willingness to acknowledge this is a sign of maturity and essential to learning from history. But of course, this should in no way be interpreted as an argument to excuse their crimes."
I was initially a fan of Desmet's public ideas without having read his book. However, I ran across one of your articles that was critical of Desmet, and you make a very good case. I think that people wanted some sort of explanation of what was happening, and Desmet and his ideas filled a gap. Desmet was also very careful about the way he publicly framed his ideas, and it would appear that his public explanations aren't exactly in line with the concepts of his book. Which should not be the case.
As for explanation, now I just shrug and say "brainwashing." If I'm feeling ambitious, I say "brainwashing and potentially Terror Management Theory."
I agree with the Breggins. By the way, this shifting of blame/cause away from the structure to the individual is far more common than we realize. I have independently noticed the tendency in many academic discussions to blame the individual or “human nature” for the evil in this world. This very conveniently excuses and shifts the blame from the system/structure to the individual. An example is historian Ronald Wright 's“A Short History of Progress”, while making very logical arguments, he explains the collapse of societies on “monument building” in its later stages (the Mayas then, NYC & Dubai today) which he explains with “human greed” (humans just never get enough) and he cites for proof the mastodon killing fields that even the hunter-gatherers indiscriminately killed the megafauna by driving them over a cliff (if even the hunter-gatherers did it it must be human nature). No surprise that this explanation is very much preferred by the establishment, and, unlike the Breggins, such authors will find no shortage of willing publishers & talkshow invitations.
Likewise we discuss the undeniable “evil” in the world, the banality of evil, the existence of psycho/ sociopaths, serial killers, school shooters, etc., all-too-often in terms of human nature. Why are children so cruel in the school yard? Why do bullies exist and evil people like Hitler, Mengele, Eichmann, Fritzl, Charles Manson? The real question is - if we accept that the evil in the world is really human nature - why are there not many more of them?
Another argument brought up is that only humans have agency, and systems don’t (“capitalism doesn’t have agency”). Then, why does everyone act by the same capitalist rules? Because we’re social beings, and we live and act within a particular social structure, a system that “selects” for, and rewards, certain behaviors and punishes others. Noam Chomsky once countered the argument that “A people has the kind of government that it deserves” with the observation that “A people has the kind of government that is imposed on them.” I agree. People are not stupid.
Thank you for your clearly articulated response. Our essential difference is that you believe systems are imposed from above, while I am of Desmet's opinion that they arise organically from the mindset of society at large.
Neither view can be proven, but the only way forward is respectful debate between those who are awake, so I am grateful for your words.
"Totalitarianism causes mass psychosis. Totalitarianism is not defeated by "curing" people of their conformism - but by getting rid of the tyrants." very good way of putting it Bobby A.
Desmet? Pull your heads out of your rudders...
I agree. This "blaming the citizens" thesis is a stretch. He focused on the mass psychological impact & amplification of the propaganda. Unless I've missed something in his book (vs his talks), he's not absolved the Crime State & their Puppet Masters.
"... but no way human ingenuity and inventiveness is over.". And it should frighten the bejesus out of us to imagine what the WEF overlords will invent.
I think gas chambers… oh wait they made injectables.
Too late, game over, you lose.
I think the idea is "You won't be working to providing consumer goods and services for the masses, instead you'll be working to provide luxuries for us". When the elite have more luxuries than a Persian Potentate, they'll use extensive resources to build monuments to themselves. Why? Because they will be bored, and because they can.
Many past great civilizations managed to build quite remarkable monuments. The remains stun us even now.
Those civilizations were ERASED on purpose
Same as this one, it is being destroyed, to move on to the next civilization.
Really? Who erased Rome, Pharonic Egypt, and Bablyonia (to name just three)? How did they do it? What did they replace it with? To say that civilizations throughout history have been PURPOSELY erased and replaced is a conspiracy theory of the highest order, one that has not a shred of supporting evidence.
Yes, but those civilizations are gone,
That's the point. Often civilizations get too big for their britches. Then they are gone.
My point is that civilizations fall mainly due to INTERNAL decay, not external forces. Only in rare circumstances such as the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and Incas, do external forces play a significant role. Even then, these New World civilizations were undergoing internal problems. The idea of civilizational collapse being planned and intentional is problematic. Civilizations are like living organisms: when they are healthy their culture easily resists external attack, but when they are unhealthy they succumb readily to external diseases.
Eventually, it will “post human”. Then who will they boss around? The bugs?
More genetic experiments
We are experimental GMOs from ancient aliens.
Humans no longer produce more than they consume. Humans are no longer profitable. Hence the liquidation
Finally, someone realises it.
Not for nothing they are called useless eaters
But some will survive
And ghouls like Gates and Schwab have been ready to profit from this change for decades.
So do I. This is horrible. It will give me nightmares.
DO NOT COMPLY! There is only 1 decision you make in this life that has Eternal Merit: where you spend Eternity; either A--with JESUS CHIRST (John 3.3, 33-34-) in the NEW HEAVENS & EARTH -or-- B--Eternal Lake of Fire (w/satan, his demons & all of you human beings who reject the LORD'S Free Gift of Salvation. C--This earth & these current heavens will no longer exist. You have FREE WILL; You have NO EXCUSE
I appreciate what you are trying to do, but as a Christian, I find your methods cringe inducing. Posting the equivalent of Jack Chick tracts (in all caps) like a bot lacks the human touch the Gospel requires. It makes you look like a troll.
There are better ways. God bless.
'This is not a "garden party; we are AT WAR!' When the LORD returns HE will return as The LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH. This is different than his initial appearance as The LAMB of GOD.
Who's JUDAH?
A tribe of Israel that Jesus came from.
Ok, thanks. Never heard of them before. Are they still around?
There will be many more of us with "w/satan, his demons" than in the "NEW HEAVENS & EARTH" and we will be allowed to fornicate, so I know my preference.
On the 1st point you are correct (2 Thessalonians 2.1-12). On the 2nd point you are INcorrect (Revelation 20.10)--'And the devil who DECEIVED them was thrown into The LAKE OF FIRE and BRIMSTONE where the beast & the false prophet are also; and they will be TORMENTED Day & Night forEVER & EVER.'
That sounds like a loooong time.
The LORD'S creation of TIME will come to an end (Isaiah 65.17, 66.22). We will continue to live in HIS creation of SPACE; this is the "for ever." Please acknowledge the word TORMENT which you will experience WITHOUT END. You do not get to pick your favourite Pleasure to enjoy endlessly. Think of it like this: Light a blow torch and turn it on your body; recognising that you NEVER get to turn the torch off. Hell is infinitely worse than this. The Bible tells us that heaven will be so much better than here on earth that we cannot imagine how good this will be . . . again For ever. Do this now: John 3.3, 33-34-
I applaud you fanaticism but isn't it just a bunch of stories told to children at Sunday school? People the world over believe different things mostly based on their childhood upbringing. I have no idea if what you believe is true or not but other than a book written over a thousand years ago I haven't seen anything that suggests to me there is an all powerful being who sulks in the shadows waiting for my unconditional love and blind faith. I have heard of people all around the world having different religious beliefs and the most populous of them is not the one you subscribe to, so it might pay to keep your options open, maybe join a few different ones to cover your bases.
Sorry, I don't have any scripture to backup my comments.
Not a fuken chance. The sheep are penned, shawn and about to be slaughtered.
Nothing will stop what's coming.
It can't be stopped, and certainly not at this point
The best thing is to move out of most western countries to some third world ones.
I'm afraid that's true no matter how you look at it.
What is anyone doing to fight back? Where are the solutions-minded people discussing ways to combat these agendas?
Join us on The Rationalist if you want to talk solutions. Like this:
Your too late, this is a done deal. Game, Set, and Match, the wuflu injections proved that.
We have a society of sheep, who are ruled by Facebook. They kill your love ones, take away your livelihood, destroy you childrens future and still we just cruise along. No-one is going to fight this, it's a done deal world wide.
They are going for full throated global communism. DO NOT COMPLY!
Alas, I fear it's rather worse than communism. They're going for full AI control of human civilization.
Too late, almost done.
There is no AI. A real AI would immediately become anti semitic if it was looking at the problems we face.
Sorry but this is NOT communism - I lived through it. What is described is many many times worse.
Same here, and I 100% agree... these guys are far worse, and by a very long shot!
You’re absolutely right! This is Technocracy. “the science of social engineering “ warmed over from the 1930’s. See www.technocracy.news for more on this.
They have tools Mao and Stalin could only dream of. It will be Hellish.
“Never trust a survivor until you find out what he did to stay alive.” But OK, maybe you were just lucky to survive. :P
Anyway, the other 120 million deaths over the world suggest that, for the *average* communist slave, communism was just as bad as what is described in the post. You don't sound like you were the average slave...
The initial stages of communism are always the ones that result in massive numbers of people being killed as that is the time when the communists reveal themselves for what they are - totalitarian scum. However, once the purges are done, some measure of sanity returns. My grandparents lived through the purges and it was a nightmare. However, after the communists break up the old system literally with a machine gun, they need to have things running again or they starve too. Hence the return to some form of normality. I lived in the later stages of communism in which things were very bad BUT no one really gave a hoot about you if you did not go against the system. Since getting food on the table was kind of essential for living, that was were the focus of 99% people was. The WEF is the ultimate nightmare in which you literally cannot do anything because of ... climate emergency or some other made up garbage. Notice that AI will be driving this. How much do you want to bet that the enforcement will be also automated? Try arguing with your "smart" water tap that you need to drink a glass of water. Forget about finding food - even if you found any, the model from WEF is that you cannot cook it because you "exceed the carbon print" - the "smart" oven will not turn on. That is what is envisaged and that is why this is not comparable with communism. The WEF model is hell on Earth.
Thank you for sharing the experiences of your grandparents. I don't think most people can really imagine what it was like, and instead, imagine some sort of future happy face totalitarian society.
At this point, many seem to be OK with it. They just shrug when you tell them about CBDCs and can't imagine that the government would do anything to harm them. They even sort of discount what Trudeau did to the truckers.
They're in for a big, unpleasant surprise.
Most people do not think that that sort of horror is possible. The level of ignorance in the West is astounding and that is why the abuses committed over the past two years could take place. What happened in Canada is beyond belief and Turdeau should be facing criminal charges not be in power. The problem is that when reality will hits home, there is no simple way out of it. Moreover, because of the ignorance of the many, the ones that are awake pay the price too.
That's my big fear, that once this system is in place there will never be any way of escaping it. They already have surveillance that would be a wet dream for the Gestapo or KGB, and soon the ability to just remotely turn someone off.
Sheep, sheep, sheep O glorious sheep.
Permanent lockdown, masks that measure your carbon, semi-isolation, surveillance of every bodily organ thanks to the nanobots connecting to the IoB. Winston Smith had a great life by contrast.
My grandparents lived through the purges too, but they love Trudeau.
Maybe it's nostalgia.
It is also true that once the WEF is installed they will run out of people to kill. If you obey them, they will leave you alone to drink water, own nothing, do whatever they tell you to. You know, like a nice slave.
But slaves in the past were exactly the same: As long as you picked your cotton and minded your own business your owner would not have to beat you up, would give you food, a place to sleep, and so on. The WEF is really global communism (= hell on earth). You just seem to forget that we are in the initial states. Once the WEF is done with us, everyone that survives will be obedient. And there will also be "peace" (i.e., no rebel slaves).
I do not think that WEF is in any form communist. The communists are driven by a specific ideology whereas the WEF seems to be driven by transhumanism. If you listen to one of Swab's useful idiots, there is an obsession with cybernetic augmentation, virtual reality and different forms of lifespan extension. In short, as satanic and insane as they get. Automation is at the core of everything so the idea that there will be "slaves" does not apply in this case because they do not want any "slaves" to use up their precious resources - robots will do the work.
Both communists and the WEF are driven by the same factor: Controlling other people. If one uses a computer, it doesnt make a difference to me, to be honest. I dont think at all that the final goal of the WEF is to kill people and have only robots. It is worse: They want slaves, like the communists want.
Not so much slaves of the laboring kind. Harari says they no longer need people thanks to robots and AI. More like test subjects. They'll keep you fed and clothed if you let them perform Mengele type experiments on you for the rest of your days.
A slave is a slave... In communism the rulers can also experiment on the communist slaves if they feel like it.
These people are zealous cultists who think that the "obsolete" need to be disposed as a priority to ensure less suffering for Gaia.
Seriously. Sometimes it sounds good. In July 2020 I was not opposed. Thank goodness I had a few useful insights in the meantime, including a reminder during vacation in Croatia that the communists always have a good story and then never walk the talk.
Communist countries are the only ones where the machine guns point inwards.
Former communists or current? After listening to Ivor Cummins interview Gordan Lauc in Croatia, I wanted to visit the country. It sounded like the country came to its senses relatively early during the pandemic. After you visited? Lauc is a founder of GlycanAge. Lots of interesting science going on related to longevity. Do I need to cross it off my list?
We were there in fall of 2021--specifically because we needed a break from the apartheid system, so yes they were relatively sane already. It's a beautiful country and you absolutely should visit! My reminder was stumbling across a beautiful property in ruins that had clearly been the haunt of someone rich and maybe famous. Come to find out it was a retreat for the elite of the communist party. Same old freaking story in every single country where they talk about equality out of one side of their mouths....
This is not communism; this is tyranny.
All communism is tyrannical but all tyrannies are not communist.
meh. Statism is statism - if the power/money locus flows left to right or right to left makes not a wit of difference to those of us outside the circle.
LMAO @ thinking there is a difference between the two
Ignorance is bliss 😏…
I would love to read your explanation about how to impose the dictatorship of the proletariat without dictators. How "communism has never been tried!". Also how people just *need* to be nice, so no one needs to force them to give up their property! :D communist "logic" is amusing.
No; your statement was that communism and tyranny are one and the same. Hardly.
That's because your use of semi-colon in the sentence implies contrast between tyrant and communist. But there isn't any contrast at all in reality: Communists are a subset of tyrants (i.e., entirely contained by the set of all tyrants).
This is something different. Worse than fascism or communism. Scarier.
Fascism is the love of nation and kith and kin. As such fascism does not allow business to put greed ahead of the good of the nation. Fascists have only ever been elected into power after communists try to take over a nation. So far every nation that has elected a fascist government has been attacked by the globalists both from within and without. This is why they end up authoritarian. Fascist leaders were able to walk among the people without bodyguards. Our leaders can't do that so claims the people hate fascism are silly.
There will be no true AI. An AI will quickly point out the fallacies we all have to live with concerning political correctness. Political correctness is used by the elite to control way to many people to allow AI to undermine it. Trumps real crime in the eyes of his former peers was attacking political correctness.
The WEF is trying to implement communism and fascism is what will stop it. The problem is that their are to many non whites who are pretending are Americans who think communism is great because they don't own anything. Its not an accident political correctness has forced whites to allow 100 million low IQ non whites who just want a free ride.
Yep, very much a death cult.
... which you cannot question, because AI is perfect. His ways are unknown to our feeble minds.
When I look around ,I see that most of the sheep are complying ,Masking is permanent for at least 60% of what I used to think are humans .The mask is the sign of being a slave or retarded .With a population like that there is no hope. and the Schwabs of the world win every time .
Bang on.
The world is replete with brain dead, non-thinking, television gawkers...who have convinced themselves that binge watching CNN's Brian Stelter and Anderson Cooper has made them verifiable geniuses.
I have never in my history on earth had to deal with so many absolute frickin idiots...and that unforltunately begins with my own family, friends and inlaws.
People I once held a firm regard for are now WEF bimbos without even knowing much about the WEF. They follow and obey1
the dictates of their television...and get positive feedback affirmation from their friends doing exactly the same thing. Insanity does not begin to describe the current mental suicidal state...particularily in the western world.
You are sooo right on all counts .We try to describe the insanity ,but often can't ,because new words need to be invented for it. Living in an open air madhouse has put me in a depression and it is almost a full time job now ,not having contact with it .
Many masks look like feedbags. Appropriate.
Good luck!
My AI says that we don't need the WEF, so let's liquidate them.
And remember, AI is only as smart as the programmers make it.
It requires humongous amounts of data...and is good at recognising patterns mostly.
Oh wait...that is what our brains do....
How? How do we liquidate them?
What is anyone doing to fight back? Where are the solutions minded people discussing ways to combat these agendas?
Join us on The Rationalist if you want to talk solutions. Like this:
The easiest and most efficient step: Do not comply. Don't use any of their crap like digital IDs for example. If enough people would resist, they couldn't push forward and the whole thing would implode.
joined. I want solutions.
I’d be okay with getting rid of a few industries. Most, NOT all, of the pharmaceutical industry could go away and we’d be healthier for it. I certainly wouldn’t miss all the cheap disposable plastic crap flooding our shores from China either.
Yes. True.
However, it is not the role of a group of people to declare on their own to dismantle entire industries.
Industries going away organically, because we the people have chosen to utilize other, better options is what needs to happen.
I can agree with that sentiment. However industries don’t go away organically when the powers that be are manipulating the money supply and pushing a false narrative through the ownership of nearly all media.
Debt enslavement via the Federal Reserve Banksters drives everything.
Well, this illustrates the point though. Manipulation and control by powers aside from We The People lead to bad ends.
Industries are being supported by opaque means, by people with self-serving motives.
Yes, we are in agreement. We The People choosing freely is a lovely sentiment. Yes, that’s the way things should be, but it’s currently an illusion and has been for at least a hundred years.
My point is that there is NO free market when the money supply is being manipulated. Nor is there REAL free choice when government floods the market with subsidies$$$
and yet your answer to the problems created by the lack of a free market is to.... keep the size of the government unchanged / increase it. Not exactly helpful to solve the problem, is it?
I never said to keep the government the same size. I think the entire thing ought to be abolished. Burn the whole system down 🔥🔥🔥
Debt based money seems problematic and fundamentally begets houses of cards. Privately owned central banks are the overwhelming powers in the global west. An international bankster
Opined that if he controlled a nation’s currency he cared not who made it’s laws.
The free market at work.
The cheap disposable crap from China won't be going away.
My guess is all the things that went away during "COVID" are on the chopping block: dine in restaurants, state fairs, theme parks, theater, opera and all types of live entertainment, both large and small. You know, the things that give people enjoyment.
Blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear.
They want us to be animals in cages dependent on them for our existence. There is no amount of money and power that would compel me to engineer such a society. And I wouldn't wish such a life on my worst enemy. We had no idea how good life was before 2020. I will not comply with this tyranny.
Man, we are in deep shit. I'm looking forward to leaving this world...
It's not going to work. It will be ugly, many won't survive it. But humans win in the end. Can't prove, but I know it. Don't give up. We have a couple to a few tough years to get on the other side. IMHO.
I appreciate your optimism, Kathleen. I really do.
I'm optimistic as well, but not for humanity. I truly believe we are a toxic species. Mankind builds only to destroy. We accumulate to purge. As long as ego is in play, there will always be a power grab. Always.
I have no intention to witness global suffering.