Important - this post was updated with an example of future "wellbeing realism art painting".

Open the post again and scroll down to the "art" section

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I think the WEF will be exploiting the makers of their social realism propaganda, who will probably be out of work advertising creatives. I hope the true artist will be out of about being subversive.

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hahahaha! I will go on making "degenerate" abstract and expressionist art, same as in Hitler's day! It is time, my friends, for Guerilla Art as well - all you tangible art makers with real materials, including trash - go for it! And there is plenty of room for you virtual and photoshop experts - start making those posters and superimposing images on their images. Let's have some fun! It's time for artists, poets, musicians, writers, satirists, actors to rise up the best way we know how! I'm excited about this. Finally, a way that we useless eaters can contribute to the real awakening. Nudge, wink.

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Yeah, I want to create examples of the degenerate "AI wellbeing art of the future" - this is so fun

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When I don't have to buy three (not cheap-ass!) coffee makers in 5 years because of planned obsolescence, absent regulations and sub par manufacturing, then maybe I would consider some of these utopian ideals. Until then, they can fix what they broke. My parents had the same appliances in their house from when they built it 3 weeks before I was born. From the washing machine to the blender, that shit was built to last. She didn't replace almost anything until I was in my thirties.

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modern appliances are TOTAL GARBAGE - washing machines do not work well even new

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They're worried about resource depletion all right, but the word "resource" is just a euphemism for oil. Our whole precious technological society runs on oil energy. There is no substitute for oil. TPTB are very aware of this, and also the uncomfortable fact that over half of available oil has already been produced (burned, converted to plastics, pharmaceuticals, etc.). They want to survive, and they want to maintain their own access to a 20th century-style energy rich life (vacations in the Bahamas whenever they feel like it), but they also know that, at current rates of consumption, the whole edifice will collapse sometime soon. One way or another there will be a lot fewer people on earth at the end of the century. I'm guessing they want to manage the die-off in order to maximize their own survivorship, and at the same time preserve their ideology.

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They left out Norway and Denmark. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that MAYBE because both countries clearly see the distinction of what they both stand for and what the WEF stands for, and are not "joining" the WEF? I dunno. If so, just more proof so much in life is a matter of distinction..

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They left out Norway and Denmark. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that MAYBE because both countries clearly see the distinction of what they both stand for and what the WEF stands for, and are not "joining" the WEF? I dunno. If so, just more proof so much in life is a matter of distinction..

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The term "giant leap" is not a terrific one.

It immediately took me to Mao's "great leap forward" that resulted in, perhaps, starvation and the deaths of perhaps 25 million people (middle estimate).

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They're the same thing

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That's what it's all about unfortunately I believe

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Mindfulness... seems to be a thing...

Ooooh it's too difficult - I can't stand this ... mummy... make it go away... I want easy....

Well son... you need to go to the mindfulness session .. the exotic lady will make the healing bowl sing ... close your eyes... and all the difficult will go away....

And if that does not work take Zoloft...

And if that does not work take Fentanyl - Extra.

Heaven forbid you have to deal with the difficult... we don't want you stressing.

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We’ll all take Soma, Huxley will be proud

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Wow! Thanks for this excellent article exposing communism for what it is

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You subtitled this excellent article as "They hope that we will not notice the wolf under the sheep's clothing". No Igor, the powers that be aren't window-dressing as sheep - they're portraying themselves as good shepherds. So, pray tell, just who's going to save you, not from the wolf, but from the ravenous shepherd?

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Though Marx's economic analysis was largely accurate, his disrespect for the family unit harkens back to Plato's "Republic", which is extremely elitist and disrespectful of groups not so privileged. Just check out the World Socialist Website. At some point in the future expect global anarchy on unprecedented scale, worse than the French Revolution: Then a clamor for security and order at high cost to the human soul and autonomy.

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This is insanity, but they’re marching forward with these disordered plans, aren’t they? It seems leaders in the various nations are either too daft to detect the insanity of this, or they DO understand it and support it wholeheartedly!

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I went to Panera for the first time in awhile and they have green forks next to some items now. These are items with a “low carbon footprint”. What a joke! I’m going to have to stop giving my money to them (not that their food is good anymore).

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Probably they use GMO foods... but wait! Soon you may be eating the C-19 vaccine in your tomatoes and other vegetables without even knowing it! Sounds like more biowarfare to me>>> these are just two of the early articles about this new "exciting" technology!



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There is a famous quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn. It said something like “what if every time an operative left their house they had to worry about being killed by a freedom fighter?“ Essentially he was saying you have to have the will to resist, even if it looks like you are facing overwhelming odds.

How many tens of millions of guns do Americans own? how many gun owners will passively give them up?

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We will NOT give up our guns in this community. Solzhenitsyn is one of my absolute favorite authors. I love Russian history.

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Samantha: Including "200 Years Together", or just his other books?


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Once they implement digital currency, they will prevent you from feeding your family unless you give up your guns (I suspect). I hope others will "Live Free or Die", as the NH state motto says.

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We won’t accept the UBI, or any of their other “healthcare” mandates. We have 70 acres of very rural mountain acreage in Idaho. We’ll be moving our homestead and expanding our farm there in about 1.5 years.

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History shows that dispossessing farmers of their land is one of the easier tasks for a determined government.

Nomads were always very much harder to control.

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Oh' how we languished in the camps. If only we had waited for them in the hallways with weapons. Then What if 'above".

Not exact and my apologies to Alexander but thats from memory as its been repeating in my head lately. We have been warned by history. Lets listen.

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I don't LIKE guns and I don't like the scenario of crazy people owning them; which many Americans are. Acting, not reacting, is sanity. Will we have time to act when it gets down to it? I don't know. Nor do I like the idea of the cops and military having all the assault weapons. Neither idea seems ideal. With all the fear porn going on, I understand wanting to have firearms or some self defense - but I don't want to live in a "road warrior" future - it seems we are heading exactly down that path and it will end up being human vs cyborg or machine. In that case we will need our full humanity - every unpredictable and non-conforming aspect of it - to have any chance of survival. Thought provoking stuff... I wish people thought more, for themselves - not for a narrative that wants to kill or enslave them.

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I love the "newly popular" Nature worship - bwahahaha! I wonder what Indigenous peoples arround the world whose lands have been and are being stripped from them and everything razed to the ground for the New World Odor - or the 'best' lands kept for elites and the rest of us forced to live in 'smart' cities, think of this ridiculous article and the 'newly popular' idea of Nature worship or living in harmony with it! O.M.G!!! Again I say - it's time for guerilla art. There is SO MUCH good material in this article for satire - we must not miss this opportunity. And... it's scary as hell to think that people are under such mass psychosis to see this as a GOOD thing and going along with the genocide and slavery. That sickening art - yes, I recognize it. they did this same bs in the 30s after that depression stripped away the middle class. They did it again in the McCarthy era, in Soviet Union during Bolshevik revolution and beyond... and the art is ugly, insulting, ridiculous, so syrupy it hurts my teeth - and a LIE.

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but big boobs on every sociaist realism painting

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Haha yes, Igor. Great point!

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LOL - well, we could use Barbie as the ideal woman - big boobs, wasp-waists and NO hips - and feet that are in the perpetual "high heel" position for whatever 'peasant' work they are doing while they happily own nothing, not even a Barbie outfit . and that's just the women. We need a stereotypical male image now... and beyond.

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I was in Kalispell, MT for the past 5 days. I peered into the daily paper to see what was going on there. There was an article about the increase in apartment construction, but how the increase would not help "ALL."

I see this Marxist crap everywhere now that my eyes are open to it. Thanks in large, part, to you and James Lindsey.

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There is nothing at all "Marxist" about the WEF, nor is it correct to use 'marxism' as a synonym for 'totalitarianism'. Marx was critical of concentrated wealth, especially in the form of private capital, as embodied by the WEF. The goal has always been democratic control of the means of production, including distribution of the surplus (a.k.a. profits), BY WORKERS. Corporate totalitarianism is pretty much the exact opposite.

Also, please reconsider the inaccurate association of "equality of outcome" with a Marxist critique of capitalism. This is a disingenuous straw man used by capitalist apologists to distract from massive wealth inequality that results from the unethical theft of labor from the working class—as perpetuated by members of the WEF.

To be clear, I agree that the WEF represents a self-serving threat to the future of humanity; just taking issue with the framing of the critique. I'd be surprised if you could find a Marxist with anything nice to say about the WEF. If anything, we need to cultivate solidarity across political lines—we have the numbers!

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I saw the Marxists (self named) in Melbourne Victoria Australia fully on-board with the vax and control program, to the point where they were holding parallel protests with the anti-mandate marchers. They were really ugly (mean/violent in expression).

I was in a debate with one once, on the subject of GMO crops. They loved their idea of companies owning all the food, because they had the idea that they would flip it, NATIONALISE it, so that their machine owned everything. I couldn't believe their plan - I was wondering if it was going to be successful, but there's no way the WEF will relinquish its assets to 'nations'.

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Mandates are an extremely anti-worker policy. You’d be right to be suspicious of self-proclaimed “Marxists” calling for employer mandates. A key, IMO, to evaluating any ostensible worker’s movement is to ask “Cui bono?” If the answer is corporations, you’re probably dealing with astroturf.

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I agree with you on the anti-worker policy but that wasn't how Victorian Trades Hall (Unions, now marxist-dominated it seems) saw it. The way they saw it was that vaccines were SAVING everyone ;) and anyone who didn't take it was anti-people, anti-workmates. Did they believe it? Did they put it together in their head the vaccines came out of Big Bad Companies (who they'd normally fight against) with long records of fraud? It doesn't matter if they believed it or not - the unity, the power, bowing to the machine, is a greater imperative.

And although I wrote above about their desire to nationalise, I'm sure they'd be as thrilled thinking they were an integral part of a global machine.

I just imagined writing a letter to them on the vaccines, to ensure they knew how effective they were - a wake up - but I suspect they are long captured. I am quite sure the global marxists have completely bought into this, also captured, if you like. Maybe they know they won't own the assets, but they'll have a big global machine.

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Exactly! Thanks for voicing what has been bugging me for awhile about the mass psychosis of even the conditioning within our movement to wake up. It's all planned with these buzzwords on both "sides" so we'll never unite. People need to wake up to that and let's get busy throwing off the parasites. I'm not a communist and everyone should read Marx to see what he was really about before vilifying him. The moneylenders and profiteers did with his ideas what people did with Jesus and every other altruistic person with a decent idea. While you're at it, read Eugene Debs. Don't just cherry pick something to support a weak argument without knowing the material of who you criticize. That goes for both 'sides' of the fabricated divide - it's fabricated brilliantly by those who would enslave you.

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Well said! Thanks for the reply. I agree one thousand percent that we are being intentionally divided by buzzwords—most of the time we don't even know what they mean. Words like "socialism", "communism", "Marxist" remain vague and undefined, but we know viscerally, thanks to decades of conditioning, that we should be afraid of them. It is vitally important to take nothing at face value. The pandemic response has awakened many to the realization that "official" sources of information can never be trusted without evidence and verification. My hope is that, as a logical consequence, minds thus awakened will consider that infectious diseases might not be the only thing they are lying about.

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Mr Anderson, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your thoughful comment.

I have never seen any type of "democratic control over means of production" implemented anywhere, but I remain open minded

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Thanks for responding. Marxist economist Richard Wolff often points to the Mondragon Corporation in Basque as an example of a democratic worker-controlled organization. You might find it to be an interesting—arguably successful—case study. It is true that examples are far and few between, with no small thanks to oligarchs of various flavors.

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the operative word is "control" - which doesn't seem to fit with the ideal of "democratic". Maybe in past cultures, the people who are violent would be banished. The spin doctors are busy trying to control us with their euphamisms, all by keeping us infighting with cherry-picking and twisting truths and then selling it as wholesale, inviolate truth. I read different journalists and authors than many here do. True investigative journalism is not sensationalist- therefore, it's hard to find. More and more, I look to comedians, many of whom are just funny philosophers poking at the absurdity. We need more of that IMO

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