I will start this pinned message wiith "best practices" gleaned from your replies. To be edited based on your suggestions.

** Read Josh Guetskow "Reaching People" article


Some thoughts from the readers:

- Most important is to persuade them to WAIT a few weeks. This makes the job half done

- Mention your personal acquiaintainces who died or were hurt by vaccines

- Refer to Europe banning Moderna for young people

- Promote general skepticism of pharma industry as that "opens the door" to doubt

Also, general approach to persuasion is that it must involve ACTIVE LISTENING and empathy. The person you are trying to convince, must feel that they are listened to, valued and understood.

A common topic (coming from those who changed their minds, or changed minds of others) is to make the deciding person watch a video. Some suggestions to be compiled later.

Amazing response from a professional persuader LAWYERLisa (seatch for it): recognize the person type and act according to the type.

Recommend everyone to NOT use Google for "doing their own Covid research".

For the more closed minded people, ASK QUESTIONS rather than tell them how to think.

User MP was convinced by a family friend antivax doctor. If you know anyone who is a health professional, and is against vaccines, see if you can get them together.


Great questions to ask:

Generic Subscriber

3 hr ago

Start seeding doubt with simple questions to try to kick start the critical thinking that has gone to sh1t the last several years...

- Have you read the 5-10 year impact study? (impossible, not out long enough)

- If an expert tells you a NEW product is 'safe and effective' with no long-term data to support that position, is that not a lie? (good time to bring up the European warnings/bans regarding Moderna)

- If an expert lies to you about long term impact, why do they deserve your trust without verification? How else may they be misleading you?

- What is the track record for these experts on related issues? On mask flip-flopping. On safe social distancing (5' vs 6'). On disinfecting groceries. On 'two-weeks' to slow. On restricting outdoor activity. On disinfecting outdoor furniture. On sitting/eating maskless being safe. On street-side tent restaurants being safe but not indoor restaurants. On lockdowns and school closures to prevent spread. On vaccines neutralizing covid. On vaccines stopping the spread of covid.

- Putting aside fear, anger, suspicion, and other emotions - have you done an honest risk assessment to compare the unknown risk of a novel treatment against the known risk of a negative outcome based on age and co-morbidities?

Very important -- if you do not have direct control over the person, do not forbid or command people. Make them make their own decision.

For those who are swayed by "majority", point out that the majority of Americans refused booster shots.


-- Vaccines are hard. There NEVER was any successful vaccine against ANY coronavirus

-- There NEVER was a successful, safe, effective and approved mRNA application.

What makes you think that Covid vax would succeed?

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I have not had any luck with talking about people who have been vax injured. Responses have been (1) All vaccines and drugs harm some people. We know none are 100% safe. (2) There is no way to prove causation. (3) If this were true, the government and doctors would not be pushing them. (4) VAERS data is not verified. Anyone can report.

Data or finding from other countries has also not worked for me. Many people think we have the best healthcare in the world and are the leaders, not the followers.

The only tactic that has worked for me is approaching this topic indirectly by discussing recent medical scandals pushed by our government. For example, what held my husband back from seeing this was his resistance to the idea that our government could be so corrupt. But he agreed to watch the movie series, Dopesick, about the opioid epidemic. Then he saw for himself just how corrupt the FDA is. After that, he was open to watching Vaxxed 1 and Vaxxed 2 with me. And now he is convinced about the vaccines. Prior to this, no amount of data or stories of injuries could convince him.

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I won't wear a mask and have a bogus exemption.. I enjoy telling people who ask me to wear a mask that I damaged my heart after the booster shot and have trouble breathing now...

I love the look of shock on their faces! I have no idea whether or not this discourages them from taking more boosters. But it sure is fun fun fun!!!

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I don’t wear a mask. I walked into a country grocery store near my house. They are mask Nazis. I walked in, grabbed some milk, went to the counter. As I did a woman said ‘you’ll have to wear a mask’. I said ‘a mask?! Why?’ ‘Because of COVID. ‘. ‘COVID? What is that?’ ‘COVID! We are in a pandemic.’ She’s mildly annoyed. But mildly confused. I have her explain to me what a pandemic is. Now she’s confused. I act confused. I ask how long this has been going on. She says, 18 months (this was last summer).’ My face brightens. ‘Oh! I’ve been in a coma for eighteen months! I just woke up a few days ago. I did notice when I left the hospital people had on masks. But I was pretty dozy. I thought that was normal. I have seen masks. So that’s what that is all about’. She is now happy. We are getting somewhere. She offers me a mask. ‘Nah’ I say, ‘I don’t wear masks’. While this has been going on I have been paying for my milk. The girl on the cash burst out laughing. The other woman was miffed.

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lol! Great story....thanks for the belly laugh!

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Rip Van Winkle :)

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Funny! When the people at the register say "stay safe", I ask "safe from what?" as if there might be a criminal on the loose I need to know about.

They usually reply "just stay safe".

Me: "I am not afraid of any safety issues today."

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I am terrified of the Covid vaccines. Nothing else.

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Treating this situation with humor ! Love it!

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I forgot to mention when I lived in Shanghai for a year -- was on a date - in Shanghai if you j-walk there are men with whistles who blow them very hard and try to force you to go to the cross walk...

I was J-walking and the guy starts blowing ... I feign deformity (dragging my lame leg behind me) and mental retardation (blabbering idiocy at the guy)...

He let us continue across the street... shortly afterwards he saw us walking completely normally ... and he had a nice laugh over that...

I ended up marrying the date and to this date she insists I was not feigning the mental retardation part

BTW - no offence to anyone who is mentally retarded... it's a bit step up from CovIDIOCY.

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Gorilla warfare. I like it.

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At least I’m not alone!! My husband says ALL of this!! Must get him to see Dopestick

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I would recommend John Abramson's book on Pharma or perhaps a podcast. He was on with Lex Fridman about 4 months ago and with Joe Rogan around the beginning of the year.

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Heck, there are some great nor articles on the Vioxx scam Merck pulled (for those for whom NPR is THE TRUTH).

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How does that book compare to _Bad Pharma_ by Ben Goldacre? That one'll open your eyes.

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The Real Anthony Fauci.

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I should have also said to watch out for Abramson’s absurd case of cognitive dissonance. While he rails against pharma, and for good reason, he is a clot shot true believer. On Rogan the guy spent 2 hours dismantling the pharma cartel and then pivoted to “we must vaccinate Africa or they’ll all die from omicron”. It was and is stunning to behold.

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Can I ask what is dopestick?

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It's called Dopesick, a movie series based on a book about the opioid epidemic. Some is fictionalized, but the storyline about the FDA's complicity is 100% true and verified. https://www.hulu.com/series/dopesick-227de06a-d3d4-42e0-9df1-bb5495e1738d

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It's a film about the corruption of the FDA with the opioid crisis. I have not seen but I think I need to get my husband to watch it.

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There’s also the book/movie Dallas Buyer’s Club, based on the true story of Fauci refusing to approve cheap, effective repurposed drugs to AIDS patients, instead pushing useless, harmful drugs, and the patients banding together to get the drugs that worked.

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Truth. Fauci has a playbook.

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Jun 21, 2022
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I'm so sorry that your husband will not listen to you. May I ask if he has a scientific background? Talking about movies, there is another one on Hulu called "The Dropout". the true story of Elizabeth Holmes, CEO and founder of a company called Theranos. She was able to convince (scam) many famous, intelligent and powerful people into believing/investing in her and her vision for the future of blood testing. Eventually, they see the truth. One ruined his relationship with his grandson rather than accept the truth. The movie illustrated beautifully how difficult it is for people to come to grips with having been deceived.

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That's too true, Beckie. I think Mark Twain wrote some witty aphorism along that line. Bamboozled is the funny-sounding, but apt word. Nobody ever, ever, ever wants to admit to being hoodwinked! Har har.

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Jun 21, 2022
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With his background, it would be very difficult to change his mind unless something he didn't expect happened to him to shake his faith in authority figures, not necessarily having to do with the vax.

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I watched it with my husband and it was helpful to show him more inside her information about how corrupt big pharma is. It's a well acted drama so most people wouldn't have trouble sitting through it, but I appreciate it how informative it was as well.

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Good point. They conned the Walgreen's pharmacy people., too.

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I believe we selectively edit the data we let it to fit our existing world view. If your world is run by honest people who only want the best for you, well, some information will really mess with you head. Better not to let it in to begin with. Amazing you got through. Many of my loved ones are just not willing to look at anything that challenges their worldview. This is how I’ve come to understand it. None of these people are dumb or incapable of formulating questions. They just don’t want to. It’s because the questions ultimately raised are foundational.

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Yes, that's been my conclusion as well. If your whole world view is based on trusting those in authority it's risking your security, your equilibrium to begin to let us in.

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Yes. This is TOTALLY my husband. It’s been a tough two years.

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I know! Sorry...

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You're describing "cognitive dissonance" and it is a doozy... Just understanding the concept of cognitive dissonance and reading about it itself SHOULD be helpful to anyone...

After reading it for the first time in 2015 or so, I used to give out copies of Cialdini's "Influence," and yet it still took me a few months to start questioning the official COVID narrative.

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In which case, back to Igor’s thread, it might be we take five irrefutable facts that disrupt the narrative and continually toss them out there. BC Gov stats that show 51% of people triple vaxed are 76% of COVID deaths. That one fact, straight from Stats BC, debunks the narrative.

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Cognitive dissonance.

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I’m pretty sure the deprogrammers hammer away at the cognitive dissonance. Once one thing is admitted to be true, that is not part of the narrative, the narrative unwinds.

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All this leftist nonsense has scraps of info tossed in our faces constantly that if looked at would demolish leftism. You have to actively disregard it to continue to be leftist.

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I was caught up in a cult throughout my early 20s. The dissonance grew and grew until I couldn’t ignore it any longer. I left. After I noticed how my thinking was still biased by the erroneous words of the guru. Even a year later. I then read about cults. Which shocked me. After admitting I had been and still partly was in a cult I then taught myself how to think. I had a good brain always. But I did not know how to think. It took awhile. I got a lot better at it. A big part of learning was to learn to recognize dissonance early and confront it in myself. DON’T Rationalize away scrap bits of info. They aren’t necessarily untrue just because they are outliers. Any true fact is not really an ‘outlier’. It’s only an outlier to the narrative.

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VERY helpful. That's very impressive that you were able to do that on your own. Have you considered writing about it for publication or developing some sort of program? I think your advice not to rationalize away scraps of info is very central. About a year before covid my family had a conflict that was not solvable, mainly because my daughter accepted a false narrative and was not able to see the situation objectively. At one point I pointed out to her something that one of us saw that contradicted her narrative. "What about that?" I asked her. "I don't care what X saw," she said, and dismissed any chance of reassessing the situation. About 50 yrs ago there was a desk sign that said, "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with facts." Guess this existed back then too. Anyway, I think you could be a central part of helping us to change some minds if you put your mind to it! Thanks!

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Last week I saw my primary care doctor. She’s a card-carrying vaxxer but acknowledged that she’s complete 3 VAERS reports out of 300 patients, ie 1%. When I mentioned that VAERS has over 1.3 mil Covid vax reports she said they were likely fake and made by bots. Simple math: 220 mil Americans have cotton Covid vax x 1% = 2.2 mil injuries at the rate that she herself has reported them. But of course, she said I’m partaking of tons of misinformation.cognitive dissonance is strong.

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The doctors I know are tripling down. Because they couldn't possibly admit to themselves and others that they have literally killed people with vaccines and lack of proper treatment. And that it wasn't ever a real pandemic. So they continue with their FFP2 masks and boosters (themselves and their loved ones included). Just to make sure that everyone knows that we are still having a deadly pandemic and they were right all along.

With the exception of people like McCullough, Malone, Kory, Zalenko, etc I now have zero respect and trust in the medical profession.

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Find an FLCCC doc, like those. You can probably actually find one for a primary care.

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My belief has always been that it won’t be so anecdotal or easy to ignore when everyone is 1 degree separated from vaccine injured. At some point the “data” won’t even matter. It will just be “oh all these people got sick or died after 2021” but when will they see it?

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Hopefully not after they viscously scapegoat the un-jabbed and/or the seriously EUA injured first. But looking back historically, irrationally acting out aganist a polarized, perceived "enemy" seems to reliably be one of the last steps in the collective realization process.

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Dump her. If they ever get serious about forcibly jabbing everyone she will dox you. She's the bot.

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I def considered dumping her but spoke to two good friends who are on our side of this debate and for various practical reasons they both suggested keeping her for now. It’s a tough compromise I’m making with myself to do so.

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That’s what she has seen and admitted to. There will be tons more who haven’t put two and two together.

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Agreed. My list of one-degree separated problem who’ve had a heart condition or stroke in the past 8 months is now up to 12 people. Vaccines were not considered as a cause for any of them

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Point out the VAERS data it's pretty clear when you scroll down to the charts.


"A but VAERS isn't reliable, anyone can fill it in"

"I completely agree."

"Given the speed of Trump's warp speed vaccine and the fact it is being coerced into as many people as possible, don't you think we should have a reliable way of recording adverse reactions?"

Mention that it is Trump's vaccine.

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Ha sad but true. It’s a trigger word.

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Try Open Vaers!! It's better and gives the Sum of the Enormous Injuries!!

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Dopesick was a wonderful gift to the world this year. Agree that the first step is acknowledging/believing our government and medical system does not actually care about the people.

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Regarding your comment that people will reply “(1) All vaccines and drugs harm some people. We know none are 100% safe.” Use percentages per 100,000 people. Some people will say “well of course all vaccines may harm a few and this vaccine has been given to billions so of course there’s going to be a lot of injury, but it’s still just a tiny percent.” So show the data per 100,000 people. So it’s apples to apples.

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That is what is so crazy! You can not accept tens of thousands of injuries or deaths just bc billions have had it! That is so wrong! 25 out of 55 million in 1976 with swine flu vaccine and it was pulled. This fallacy that is in people’s heads is the problem. The general person does not think of this. Nor should they!! But the company, the FDA and CDC HAVE TO!!

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I don't think the injury number is critical here anymore. The critical numbers are efficacy of the treatment, or complete lack of it.

Simple questions:

1) If the shots worked, why do you need a booster?

2) If the shot works, why doost people get covid anyway. And why more than once?

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And if they worked, why would I need one?

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"If your vaccine didn't protect you, how is my vaccine going to protect you?"

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Something that works with some people is seeing the weight of cases if they occur with people close to them. It's obviously no great consolation to finally realize it when you see friends and family getting really sick, maimed, or dying. But it seems to push people to the brink of breaking the spell. But yeah, I've heard those statements over and over. I saw some guy on the train, reading a journal article and telling his mom and dad a bunch of BS about vaccines. Literally his ONLY argument for a positive vaccine article over a negative one was that the guy who loved vaccines had a degree from a more prestigious university. As if that means anything at all when someone is 20 years deep in their career. Mind-blowing. Of course, the guy was about 25 years old, so he knows EVERYTHING.

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Dopesick was nuts, and it's disgusting that the same thing is happening now but on a global scale.

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Regarding VAERS: yes, anyone can report, but it is a chargeable offence to file a false report. And most reports are by medical folks, anyway. Despite its flaws, VAERS is the official adverse event database

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Plus it takes forever to fill out! People will not lie about it.

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Good ideas

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Nice work :)

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Great job with your husband!! I love stories like these...

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So, we had a child and older adult in the family both clearly and directly injured by the vaccines. We uncovered the why of how it happened....and all the things the doctors did to ensure that it would happen....and continue to worsen etc...this was a complete dismissal of all effects and the medical guidelines (only passively enforced at best). After all the years and pointing out the obvious, after seeing it....they all got their covid shots. Even without trusting the government and the cutting of the red tape....none of it mattered in the end.

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I wonder how may vax injured people are out there who are hiding in shame.... and because they don't want to discourage others from taking the Safe and Effective vaccines.

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I've had a similar experience with my wife, although less successful. Reason isn't the primary motivator for many, and like you say, vaccine injuries or other data seem too abstract to get past their initial defence mechanism to have any effect. The more emotional, narrative based documentaries are a great deal more impactful.

Unfortunately, my wife has had 3 doses now. We live in Melbourne Australia, where vaccine mandates are still in force for most categories of employment. The social pressure combined with the threat of losing her job trumped all other considerations for her, she wasn't willing to take the risk of pushing back.

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I am enjoying calling pharmacists telling them they injected my kid and have damaged his heart permanently.

Then I ask why we were not told this was a possible side effect.

One told me 'because we don't want to scare people off taking the vaccine'

It generally ends with me unleashing a tirade of hate on them then hanging up.

More recently I now inform them that I will send 'mystery people' into their shop and ask about the side effects - and record the answer secretly. So they better make sure they are offering proper informed consent cuz when they kill and maim others.. and do not inform them of the risks... we have this as evidence.

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It is criminal the negligence on all fronts!

My employer recently tried to terminate my employment because I hadn't been vaccinated, and did a really sloppy job of it, so I sent a four page letter back detailing the international human rights articles they were breaching and the various laws they were breaking by pursuing that course. They backed off in a real hurry. It seems as though nothing motivates these people to do anything even close to the right thing like the threat of legal liability

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This is why recording pharmacists and even nurses giving these injections is tremendously useful.

If you can get them telling you the only real side effect is a sore arm...ideally you push them a little 'is that all?' --- and record that conversation - you can then play it back for them then and there... and then read them the riot act.

You tell them that you are handing the recording to a lawyer -- and if they inject someone without providing proper informed consent going forward -- and someone is injured or dies - then we will reference this recording during the trial.

I got the pharmacist earlier today to state 'because we don't want them to be scared off of taking the vaccine' when I asked her why they did not inform my wife that permanent heart damage is a risk of the shot.

People need to get off their asses - and organize -- forget about marching around the f789ing block shouting Freedom!!! -- that is totally USELESS.

Get a group together in your city then do exactly what I am suggesting - and what I have done...

I guarantee you if enough people follow this lead the people working the death camps will be scared --- and they will provide informed consent.

Find a lawyer who is against the injections -- and ask if he/she is willing to create a form letter on their letterhead --- effectively saying -- we are in possession of a tape recording .... and indicating that if they fail to provide proper informed consent going forward this tape will be used in evidence in support of a law suit against you personally and your employer should you cause harm to anyone.

You can reuse the letter simply changing the name and address....

This may not stop most of the fools from getting injected -- but at least it may result in them getting proper information that there are very serious dangers associated with these injections ... and some may walk away.

It is a big deal when medical professionals acknowledge the vax injuries are real.

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Agreed! Here, we had protests that put the entire city in gridlock for hours every weekend, media ignored it and government did exactly what they wanted anyway.

Can I ask what country you're in?

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Can’t understand this mentality. Just can’t. My husband is the same. But humanity is at stake! How can’t you push back?!?!

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I know! Unfortunately, I think ours is the rarer mentality, maybe just the right amount of disagreeableness!? It also seems deference to authority plays a big role, my wife will go to "authoritative sources" like government agency websites or establishment media despite them not providing sources or back up any of their claims, etc. Whereas if the argument doesn't make sense or they've provided absolutely no evidence for their arguments, I don't care how authoritative the source, their claims aren't credible!

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This may be too personal to share on a public forum, but have you had concerns being intimate with someone who’s gotten three jabs? (Due to shedding.) I’m single now and have been paralyzed in the dating world b/c I’m nervous being too close to people with recent shots.

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Not an issue. My husband went around me to vac our son. I’m massively hurt. He wants a divorce. So no intimacy post jab here. Not interested. And even if I were, no. I would not do that with a three jab wonder. Nope.

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What sucks is courts in the US deem parents that won't give the death jab to their kids as unfit.

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Wow. That's full on.

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Ps. If I’m not putting it in my body through my arm, I sure as hell ain’t putting it my body that way!

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You know that saying 'she's so hot I'd let her give me AIDS'....

That sort of applies... is she hot enough to risk myocarditis for... if so I'd recommend mitigating with a condom. And kiss her on the neck... no swapping of fluids.

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Jun 21, 2022
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Yes, I feel very lucky. Most of my family is very argumentative and angry if I bring this up. They don't realize what is at stake for themselves and society at large. IMO, this is an existential crisis unlike any the world has seen. And in their mind, I have fallen prey to conspiratorial right-wing politics. Having my husband believe in this has made a world of difference. I hope your husband will begin to see the truth. I can only imagine how hard this is for you.

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This comment perfectly describes my experience within my large family (7 adult kids plus 4 daughter in laws)

My husband has come around thank God and has been a tremendous support. But my kids are just sick of hearing me discuss both the dangerous risk in taking the vaccine and societal and medical tyranny that is taking place (I am an RN and was fired in January and have moderate/conservative political views) The one thing that has really started opening eyes is discussing the risk of Covid for my grandchildren. All have had it and hardly had any symptoms. Right now none will be getting the jab (thank God). I preempted these discussions about the grand babies with stating “we all want to keep them safe and healthy so we all have the same goal in mind ultimately “ that really helped soften the debate.

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My brother-in-law got the jab after his kids started doing the whole "we might not visit any more" coercion. Seemed totally reasonable considering he had recently had a HEART ATTACK. Might as well just stab him and be done with it. Fortunately, he has some decent genetics, because he's still kicking.

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When the adult children start threatening to withhold the grandchildren, is it not justified to without the children from the will?

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Well-done, Maria!

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Same situation; nurse; adult kids. Wrote a love letter in April of 21, when the fraud was apparent to me and I realized they were coming for the babies. No one cares to hear the views of a public health nurse- mother. No one believed what I wrote nor interacted w/it. I do think that though we might not have a ‘hearing’ re: the first generation down, nurses might be able to influence things for the babies. If there are nurses here in Chicago, Igor’s in Chicago, right? We should do a meet- up.

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I think anyone with a brain can see that young children did fine fighting Covid ad it would help if doctors promoted and discussed natural immunity. My doctor didn’t know what to think about covid and natural immunity and was pushing the shots.. I haven’t been back in over two years

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Jun 22, 2022
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Jun 21, 2022
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I'm not jabbed and I got COVID but it was a run of the mill moderate to mild cold/flu like experience for me. Definitely nothing worth getting a series of mRNA lipid nanoparticles injections for

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I am happy for you that you saved your husband's life. He will likely have a normal lifespan thanks to your caring. My wife didn't heed my warnings and took it. The in-laws gave me the "You are just a right-wing conspiracy nut" spiel, also. Weirdly, they often invoked Trump's name as a reason for taking the shot, even though he was always pro-jab. The strange logic is this: "Reeeee! Orange Man Bad. Me hate Orange Man. Right wingnuts conspiracy theorists say vaccine bad. They must want to kill me. So Trump must be trying to kill me. So, I will take the shot to spite Drumpf and the reactionary liars!"

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People who take the time to research at all are not thanking Trump for this debacle. It was his worst achievement and I hope he’s starting to realize it.

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I don’t blame him. I’m assuming he thought ‘whatever...let’s get a vax out for it’ and assumed it would be like a normal flu vax. IE useless, but not super harmful. I certainly didn’t think they would implement a depopulation purge.

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Trump has a lot to do with my family's reaction as well. They hate Trump, but seem to forget he was the one of the main pushers for Warp Speed. I am sure if he were president today not a single one of my D friends and family would have gotten jabbed as they could not deny association.

The same thing happened when I mention hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. My D friends associate both with drinking bleach and Trump, while showing zero skepticism about FDA-approved drugs like remdesivir. And all of my D friends -- all of them -- highly educated, intelligent, and caring people. Simply astounding to witness.

The media really did an excellent job in confounding safe treatments with Trump -- but not the jab he was actually responsible for pushing. It makes me wonder what other nonsensical things they can get the intelligent sheep to believe.

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Well $1,000,000,000 in propaganda can convince most people the moon is made of cheese.

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I spotted the lies Fauci told from the start, but I'm the right wing nutter in my extended family. They can't connect the still births, infertility, heart failure, drop deads unexpectantly in the family to the vaccine. It's so weird that they can't see it.

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Jun 21, 2022
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I am so sorry, Katrina. There are so few people I can talk to in real life about this, which is why substack has been a God-send and keeps me somewhat sane. I am in search of new friends myself. One group that I just discovered last year is the Weston Price Foundation. I don't agree 100% with everything, but I have been to a local chapter meeting and it was so refreshing to meet people in real life who share my concerns. I also find their information on nutrition helpful and eye-opening. https://secure.westonaprice.org/cvweb_weston/cgi-bin/utilities.dll/openpage?wrp=chapter_dir.htm

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I'm with you both! So few people to talk to. I told my daughter I didn't trust big pharma as they were repeat offender felons, having paid out billions in fines. Daughter: you're psychotic! Okay then! What else is there to say? I love W.A. Price Foundation! I'm all about clean and healthy. I just emailed a local group. It would be nice to be with like-minded people. I don't know where you live, but in the Northeast you can get direct from farm delivery of ultra-organic amazing foods from Amish in PA. myrealfoods.com/meadowridgefarm

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and that is the cruelest thing that the evil (knowingly) vaccine pushers are doing to all of us. Destroying precious relationships over lies. Betrayal by those whom we have been told to trust (experts).... you are trying to save your loved ones, and they think you are crazy and push themselves away from you. All based on lies.

Maybe one day they will learn the truth, and how heartbreaking, especially if by then it is "too late."

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Perhaps we anti-covid vax nutjobs should form a social club? 🤪

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Great idea!!

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It's rough. My FIL whose over 90 has had 3 jabs and got 50% heart failure after his booster. I recommended he not get any more, and he went off on me. Most of these people can't be helped.

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I understand. You can’t change peoples minds most of the time.

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How sad!

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So sorry! I’ve lost acquaintances and a relationship with my brother too!

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It’s very disheartening how this is happening. There are topics I just know I cannot discuss with certain people in my friend groups.

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I was raised by skeptical parents. They are especially skeptical of the government. They tend to vote for different parties, which maybe helps with the skepticism.

Probably because of that, I am always blown away that anyone trusts politicians and bureaucrats at all. The idea that they care about "the people" more than themselves is silly and naive. But after the last 30 months or so, it's shocking.

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Also raised by skeptical parents - well one of them was anyway. That was enough to get me thinking more when I was pregnant with my first and did some research and oh boy what I found. This was before people shouted “oh what are you Dr Google” and whatever else they try to smear people with to make their research seem not worthwhile. Our government has been harming us for a long time indirectly, but it’s just moving to direct harm now.

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I like to tell the nutjobs that question internet research that all the top doctors and virologists have begun doing mass mailouts because it's way more efficient than the internet...

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Dr Google?, I dare someone to actually find accurate vaccine info on Google! You have to know what sites to go to or go pages deep before you might find something. So if people don’t know this and are researching they see nothing but how great vaccines are. It’s crazy!

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Jun 22, 2022
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Exactly, I used to think it was crazy that my grandparents never used banks but I thank God for the skepticism I was raised with. There is value in listening to refugees from communist countries. So many have been at events we've attended literally crying that they're witnessing history repeating itself.

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You had great parents. It’s critical to question everything but it’s a stretch to have everything questioned at the same time. There are so many moving parts… politicians and world governments the WHO, WEF, mainstream media, FDA, CDC, Big Pharm all working in concern. There are so many puzzle pieces and the lie is so big it hard to believe.

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Holding two ideas in one's head: we live in a society; BigPharma is allowed to run roughshod over us which has resulted in deaths and maiming.

They can't brain it.

What they CAN brain is feeling like they are part of a caring, scientific group that has healed the world from a scary pandemic.

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Severe cognitive dissonance.

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Ask him why he thinks that the tobacco industry fought tooth and nail to hide the fact that smoking causes cancer?

Ask him why he thinks the tobacco industry paid Doctors to promote smoking?

Ask him why he thinks Doctors agreed to promote smoking (for fat wads of cash)?

Ask him why he thinks all the experts thought asbestos was perfectly safe until they all suddenly agreed it was terribly dangerous and needed to be stripped out ASAP?

Ask him why all the experts thought putting lead in paint, petrol and in children's toys was perfectly safe until they all decided it wasn't?

Ask him why the experts told us that the original nuclear power stations where inherently safe because of their numerous safety systems, were the experts right?

Ask him why the makers of the weedkiller glyphosate have finally admitted that their product causes cancer and have offered to setlle the lawsuits against it for $10bn?

Ask him why despite the admission that this product causes cancer it is still used in agriculture and still for sale in the high street?

Ask him why the experts at Merck lied that their drug Vioxx was safe when they knew it caused heart attacks?

Ask him to look into all the criminal and civil penalties Pfizer have had to pay.

Pfizer set a record for the largest fine paid for a health care fraud lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Pfizer paid $2.3 billion in fines, penalties, and settlement for illegal marketing claims.

Ask him why anyone should trust a comapny pushing out a 'warp speed' vaccine made by a pharmacompany with criminal convictions including illegal marketing claims (lying about safety and efficacy) when that company has a free pass regarding any injuries their 'warp speed' product produces.

The answer to all these questions is that the experts regularly get things wrong/lie.

Also that the large corporations are very often corrupt and will happily knowingly kill people if it earns them a profit.

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And also ask if they remember the H1N1 Swine Flu in 2009 which scared the daylights out of the public only to be exposed as a giant scam to produce massive vaccine profits.

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One of those vaccines, Pandemrix, resulted in the permanent disablement of >1000 EU children. It created an autommunity in children mostly of a particular genetic allele to self-destroy a part of their own brains, leading to permanent narcolepsy/cataplexy. It took 6 weeks to 9 months to manifest, and far longer to attribute to the vaccine. As such I have an automatic "no rushed vaccines in a pandemic" status - watching for 2 years, but there was so much more wrong with these genetic inventions that it was a "never" status.

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Madeleine - I remember the way the swine flu story was all over the place and then it faded just as quickly as it rose. Sharyl Attkisson of CBS at the time broke the expose of the hoax but it never appeared on the TV news (only made it on the network website). When Covid hit the scene I expected it to be a similar nothing burger but I guess I’m naive to how easy it is to scare people when the media remains one sided and dishonest.

BtW I took a look at your Substack page and look forward to reading your posts. I signed up.

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I doubt most people are aware of this information because we rely on mainstream media to do the digging for us and they have shown they lie by omission.

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This response is exactly the script needed to wake people up from their delusion. Some are so committed to the narrative they get angry if you just ask them to look at opinions other than the mainstream narrative.

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I loved your step by step analysis with examples! Do I have permission to share your words?

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