I teach this at the college level. I believe the analysis is impeccable. The statements are intellectually modest, but to me the conclusion is clear.

It is true that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, but there must be an explanation for the observed association. Either X causes Y to change, or Y causes X to change, or a confounding variable Z causes both X and Y to change - or else there is a p-value probability that there is no correlation at all. Your F values are substantial.

So what gives? Does the death of individuals render them retroactively vaccinated when previously they were not? That is impossible. The causation could only go in one direction, unless there is a confounding variable. I say the burden is on the authorities claiming the injections are safe to prove it is so.

I would appreciate a link to the original data, or at least enter it as text into the article or a comment. It is too much trouble for me to read all the numbers off of the image file above. Thank you.

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Thanks! I will be glad to email you the cut and pasted data. Check my proven relationship article on how to download that data. let me know, I pinned your reply and thanks for the compliment.

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Igor, and everyone, I just want to make sure everyone here sees this, https://www.faa.gov/coronavirus/guidance_resources/vaccine_faq

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If it quacks like a duck... walks like a duck .... and tastes like a duck if you eat it...

It's a duck.

I know multiple very healthy people - including a semi pro hockey player --- who had severe damage the day of their injection - or within a short period afterwards.

The most recent one is the head coach of an ice hockey team near us - he's maybe 40... fit healthy -- had a heart attack after his booster a couple of weeks ago - emergency pace maker surgery - and now is on the list for a heart transplant.

The semi pro hockey player had a severe reaction after jab 1 -- is still nowhere near recovered a year onwards... he works at most a dozen hours per week -- and is exhausted from just that.

My ex neighbour had heart damage after her first two jabs -- told it was 'genetic'... following her booster she felt numbness in one hand the next day --- that has spread throughout her body -- I received a call last week - she's been informed she has a severe neurological problem -- that will kill her. The doctor of course told her it's nothing to do with the jab -- just a coincidence that the problem started the day after.

I know others but this will suffice.

Quack Quack Quack

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Awful stories of unnecessary harm. We also know several people like this in our small circles (in Australia). I'm so sorry to hear the ways in which your friends have been affected.

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And for all of the shills hawking the jabs, just ask them a direct question and see if they try to dodge it. If it DUCKS like a QUACK....

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Wow! This is shocking!

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Apr 17, 2023·edited Apr 17, 2023

This is only going to get worse. Trust me. It will be the biggest cause to shining the light on the truth. Then again so many pilots flying are keeping quiet because they are afraid of losing their jobs, either from speaking out on this subject and or getting examined and proving their hearts have been damaged. At least 30% is estimated. Check this out. The new WOKE culture has started to infiltrate the FAA with regard to this nominee. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/bidens-choice-faa-administrator-withdraws-nomination-after-lack-senate-support . Plus, with its new policies for hiring commercial airline pilots. They want 50% of all new airline pilots be people of color and women. They really are no longer paying attention to experience. Its all discussed in this latest interview with Josh Yoder. https://rumble.com/v2hslu4-medical-tyranny-in-the-skies-josh-yoder-freedom-alive-ep78.html?fbclid=IwAR1pYs24nKH2SklxeG3m6dUTgqsnNbG7Oxh5NgzQU7Cs-JXDHltq_dlEeeo. No amount of the best training can replace experience. Thats just factual. Many other airlines over seas have serious safety issues associated with this practice. Japan Airlines being just one of them.

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The problem with confounding variable Z is that first you need to find and identify Z. As far as I know, no one has proposed anything reasonable. If I was associated with the mRNA vaccine development and truly believed it was not the cause of the excess mortality, I would be frantically searching for variable Z, if for no other reason than to cover my ass when the recriminations start.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Climate change = Z

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Right. That or systemic racism.

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Actually the real factor is Republican disinformation about 2020 election.

It is so stressful that people are dying -- especially liberals -- so it is not the vaccine

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Seriously Igor, people's stress levels have gotten so high during this plandemic, that it could very well be a factor, especially in cardiovascular deaths. It might not be variable Z, but it certainly could be a contributing factor.

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It doesn’t explain the advanced cancers, or even perfectly healthy young people dropping dead. Stress is a known factor, but not in the deaths of young people who have heart attacks. Thing WWII: how many stress heart attacks happened on the battlefield?

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"Republican disinformation"! Really?

Try MSM / Democrats in the mix. Billboards are up announcing the 'shots' are safe'. Give me a break.

Seriously now... We have been dumbed down as a nation and critical thinking hasn't been applied these past 2-3 years or more.

covid and 'vaccines' have become the peoples 'gods'! Authoritarianism

abounds' and hurting all of us.

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What goes around comes around. When you really think about it, it is poetic. Always painful and sad to watch people slowly self destruct.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

White supremacy, too. But that would auto-correlate.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022

Don't forget World War Trans. We're at War.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"no one has proposed anything reasonable" Lemme try.


Countries which had higher vaccination rates were a result of more intense propaganda and/or more compliant populations which therefore heeded authority's urge to get vaccinated, but also they

(a) heeded the advice avoid hospitals, which meant missed checkups and screenings, eg for cancer

(b) followed advice to mask, which may have caused toxic nano-particle inhalation, pathogen build ups, etc

(c) responded with increased fear levels because of the fear-based propaganda and/or increased stress levels caused by upheaval of work/school routines, causing pathological changes in peoples' bodies, perhaps even epigenetic responses


Medical treatment OF covid and associated protocols, eg Remdesivir, Paxlovid have had a higher uptake in more highly vaccinated countries. Those have high mortality as a side-effect.


There was another technology rolled out over the last 3 years at a greater rate in the wealthier (more vaccinated) countries than others.

- 5G?

- Atmospheric aerosol injection to combat "climate change"?

- Nano-tech increasingly embedded in consumer products causing absorptions through skin, lungs and digestion?

Either way, there needs to be an investigation!

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All plausible in this crazy world. None of them discount the vaccines as causing deaths - just adding to the democide. If depopulation is the agenda of the supranational Corporatocracy that seems to run the world - then a further Hypothesis is they would use multiple methods - all relatively slow & surreptitious so as not to alarm the fast asleep - but several methods to cause the awake to argue among ourselves as to which is the one.

Humans like simple single causes. Complexity requires more abstract reasoning than many people have time and capacity for.

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yes ... and their might be synergy between the different methods.

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Implement quickly, before they become aware.

The vaccines may be enough.

Different vaccination schedules with each person's immune system reacting individually. 40% all cause mortality across all ages.

Now that is an alarm.

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Not all vax dead . so there 're other reasons instead simple vax or plus vax .. another variable is how many infections of covid and of wich variant? is the combination the problem? between infection and booster? I'm writing from Italy, and from one of the epicentry of the disease .. Piacenza .. In 2022 in the provincia of Piacenza we have a rate of over 100% heartattack (870 vs 400 of medium, even if 2020, from january to september) so I read on local media and an interview to a local public healt manager. Hypothesis 3 is for all peple, not only vax.. maybe is it true only for vaxxed? We need an investigation without prejudices .. and with the expecting of multiple of causes .. Surely the fear that we had leaved had our heatl got worse ps sorry for my english

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We see from the (first) graph on this page [https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/danish-lot-to-lot-variability-data] that there were probably 3 different types of injection, with 3 very different rates of mortality.

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Not all vax dead... yet.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Long covid seems to be the most popular the Z variable right now

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Yes thats the way the narrative is going, but perhaps Z = Long Covid can be disproven if one can show Long Covid is not affecting unvaxxed?

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Oh good point

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Part of the answer to that is https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35456309/

which shows that the recent increase in myocarditis and pericarditis is NOT associated with covid infection.

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A recent study, which I cannot link to right now, shows that a higher percentage of flu patients than Covid patients show persistent symptoms 3 months following infection. The tantalizing conclusion is that long-Covid is equally or less prevalent than long-flu or numerous other long-infections.

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Exactly. There is nothing under that shell

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I totally agree with your statement that "the burden is on the authorities claiming the injections are safe to prove it is so". I'm so sick of people (politicians, bureaucrats, journalists and media personalities, and regular people) claiming there is no evidence that the 'vaccines' are unsafe. Of course there's no evidence if you refuse to look for it, and an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (of a causative link). In any case, clearly these numerous signals indicating correlation ARE evidence that something is not right, and this simply MUST be investigated properly.

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Yes, Laine!

What if a person notices that recently, each time he checks his wallet, that there's cash missing. He at some point derives a theory and puts it to test. He does NOT take the stance that it cannot be this person or that, (which frequent his place) simply because there is no proof to sustain that assumption. He makes plans to find out! Is that not logical and scientific? A surprise may or may not be forthcoming, but he sets out anyway. When proof comes, he is satisfied and does not reject truth on account of heartache.

This "plannedemic" has all the hallmarks of a scam. If anyone does not admit this, it is probably because of their unwillingness to face reality, which also, in turn, "excuses" them from taking due action.

Just my thought, and THANKS for yours!


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Thanks for your reply, Ray, and nice analogy. I agree entirely that the average person or low-ranking public health worker who refuses to face reality, is likely doing so to excuse their poor past behaviour towards dissenters and their current (and possible future) inaction. Sadly, I suspect people further up the chain likely have more sinister motives. Thanks again for your thoughts! Laine. :)

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Really to me the entire 'correlation' thing is a bit of a red herring. Everything in science MUST follow correlation, else we could never determine a darn thing.

For example, how can you conduct an experiment, if you're just go0ing to dismiss your own results with a sneering "Well correlation doesn't equal causation!"

Run the same experiment again and dismiss it again, loop that forever? Or accept there may be a link and conduct further experiments to confirm or disprove it?

To me, when someone starts squeaking about correlation I just hear "Stop looking at the facts!"

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coorelation is what they used to claim there was efficacy but when it comes to deaths "correlation does not equal causation". This was in the pfizer study where there is matched groups i.e. same age distribution, income etc demographics. That is quite different to when you are looking at observational data where 'the vaccinated' are older or otherwise different from the 'unvaccinated'. That is to say that the better quality science in pfizers own study shows the deaths so there isn't any need to do any further experiment or look at observational data. There already is the placebo contolled study from pfizer. https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/more-people-died-in-the-key-clinical

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An equally valid statement would be the opposite of the official claims, for example. "The vaccines have NOT been shown to be safe nor effective."

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There is Always correlation with root cause, therefore the finding of correlation can not be dismissed with hand waving. Igor, How about using that true statement from a position of strength vs offering their suggested weak apology statement?

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Correlation may not automatically imply causation (though that is the basis for belief that vaccines eradicated many diseases, even though public health and nutrition improvements correlate more universally with the decline of historical infectious diseases), but other points of correlation provide stronger support for the injuries caused by vaccines. There are indeed many other concurrent variables that correlate with the effects of the jabs.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

there is no correlation between 'vaccines' and 'eradicating many diseases'. Measles for example declined 90% before the injections. Smallpox was prolongued and made worse for 200 years with the injections and then relabelled measles, chickenpox etc. if anything there is an inverse correlation with more "diseases" being invented e.g covid and negative impacts on health. https://odysee.com/@CitizenScience:0/Kate-Sugak-The-truth-about-smallpox:1

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I know full well public health improvements correlate more strongly with the decline of historical diseases, and have edited my comment accordingly. My point is that the decline of diseases after vaccination programs is all the vaccine apologists are hanging their hat on.

I do think the evidence indicates the measles vaccines helped bring down the incidence of measles (morbidity) to near 0 - but that it most likely caused far greater harm from chronic health issues than the exceptionally low death rate among those who got it at the time the vaccine was introduced. Which could be very near 0 with proper treatment, such as therapeutic doses of vitamins A, C, and D, zinc, quercetin, etc.

We also don't need to make exaggerations, which only provide ammo for the apologists. I cannot honestly refute the claim that measles vaccines brought about a sharp decline in the prevalence of measles. But one can certainly make a strong case they've done more harm than good, at least in terms of maintaining OPTIMUM health, for a disease that was killing people at a declining rate of 1 in 400,000 per year at the time the vaccine was introduced, after which all manner of chronic health issues have exploded.

What about a person's right to optimize their health? I'd rather take a 1 in a million chance of dying from a disease from which I have 999,997 in 1,000,000 odds of full recovery than a say, 1 in 100 chance of a noticeable disability, and 100% chance of some adverse health effect, even if sub-clinical.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The only variable is the JAB.

As I'm sure you know, depending on the jab, there are certain windows in which you're considered "jabbed." i.e. Pfizer and Moderna "fully jabbed" windows are 15-89 days post-jab.

If a jabbie dies 0-14 days or 90+ days post-jab, they will be considered "unjabbed," AND ironically be counted as a "virus" death. LOL

Anyway, the more jabs these people get, the more their risk for an adverse event goes up.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Also, all jabs are not created equal. Some lots appear to be much more lethal

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Correct. Different formulations, dosages, placebos, and simple human error.

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More likely it's combinations of QA issues in production, transportation and storage. Remember that the original message about the mRNA "vaccines" were that they needed cryptogenic storage and had a very short use by date. The "hot" lots may simply be those that were better produced, transported and stored because a greater portion of the mRNA lipid capsules survived and transfected more cells for the same dose.

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Here's Dr. Ryan Cole's take on the "I feel fine" people. They were LUCKY.


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Another issue which needs a lot more publicity, is that it's literally 50/50 if you get the correct, full-length protein instructions. When the FDA tried looking they found only 50% were as intended, the other 50% were mangled, misfolded, too long or too short. And no, we have no real idea of the effect of those, other than the high risk of prion disease.

So did they reject and ban immediately?

No, they changed the criteria down to 50%.

That's the "protection" you're getting from government agencies. "50 50? Welp, good enough, fuk em!"

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Some related videos to the manufacturing process & the incomplete proteins:

Sasha Latypova Interview - We The Patriots USA

September 15, 2022


Maria Gutschi is a pharmacist with more than 30 years experience in hospital, community and government. She is an experienced hospital manager and has initiated and managed award winning programs in antimicrobial stewardship and model standards for pharmacy compounding of hazardous (ie chemo) and non-hazardous sterile preparations for patient care.


Dr. Krueger many months ago:


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Good observation, Hazel!

Someone mentioned that in the course of production, in large stainless vats, where the concoction is mixed together before bottling, that the ingredients are prone to settling, wherein a higher concentration might occur in the vials which were filled from lowest levels. That's criminal negligence on the part of the company, if it is so.


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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As a teacher, I would be interested to know what grade you would give this paper by Igor?

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All his papers are A or else he himself retracts them

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"I say the burden is on the authorities claiming the injections are safe to prove it is so."

You are correct if this is a clinical trial. But since these are 'experimental' vaccines, they should bear the burden.

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You're making this way too hard. Death numbers are very stable. Only in periods of war or famine and disease, where the younger die, will the death numbers change. As an example (and as bad as the data was) the death numbers pre-vaccination during supposed c-19 did not change. Why? Because the ave age of death from c-19 was also the average age of death.

Post vaccination that has all changed. Excess deaths are remarkably higher, insurance companies report higher death claims, and for the young, and funeral companies are reporting higher revenues and earnings because they have far more business, which is an anomaly.

I can't stress enough how stable and accurate the science or business of actuary data compiling is. The flags raised in the last year form the above mentioned are alarming and only happen when some black swan like event occurs. This alone should be, by far, enough to establish a causation.

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I know, I know! Only medically deceived people got vaccinated and those same people are more likely to have iatrogenic problems in the future. There’s your factor F!

Ok, I’m not serious, because clearly this does not explain the increase over time at all, nor the mechanism of mortality for these excess deaths. We’re staring the stark reality in the face and it’s really really scary.

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Igor used the more common "Linear Regression" method to arrive at lines of closest fit; but if one uses the more accurate "Theil-Sen" method (which is not so influenced by outliers) I suspect the slopes will be even more significant.

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I am seeing more and more deaths. But, they say, I am 66 years old, it is only natural I would see more since friends and acquaintances are older. Sure, I admit that. But, the deaths I am seeing are the friends and acquaintances CHILDREN!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In the past year, I now know 4 people who've had blood clotting issues (1 died and 1 was recessitated on the way to the hospital), 1 SADS death, 1 stroke and 1 cancer event. In my 58 years on this planet, cannot remember so many things going wrong in such a short period of time.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I had a female 47 year old friend who died of a heart attack. She’d had no previously known issues.

I had a 60 y/o neighbor diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He died within a few weeks.

A friend’s 20 y/o daughter was diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer. Thankfully, chemo and radiation appears to have it arrested.

All vaxxed.

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20 year old with ovarian cancer!!!!!!!!!!1

This is VERY unusual even for women carrying the BRCA1 mutation.

So sorry

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I also know a 20 year old with ovarian cancer. She died after they vaxxed her during chemo.

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Damn. If that ain't malpractice, just what is?

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Well this should light a fire under everyone's butt to get answers.

I think we should come up with a unified letter of our demands asking representatives in Congress to make this a priority....and then all of us hammer them to death with it. Most importantly; FOLLOW UP on it.

We need to have one document that has the questions we want answered.

Otherwise our efforts are disjointed and ineffective.

Just my two cents.

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I know I have to keep writing -- but these things are very hard to change -- but now the UK MPs are noticing

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not so fast Igor. Dr Aseem Malhorta went to UK Parliament to brief MPs on vax safety - Only FOUR MPs turned up and one member of the press. And - There was a public petition of 107,000 signatures which means they have to debate in Parliament. They blew it off - nothing to see here. We are nowhere yet.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They can’t say they don’t know. They’ve been made aware in writing by a number of well qualified statisticians of the numbers. This is one of the rare MPs that’s actual brought it to the attention of the house. In Australia it’s been raised in Parliament but just gets dismissed as anti vaxx propaganda and never reported by the MSN. All MSN report is “it’s a mystery.”

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Frank Chung's fighting the good fight in AUS msm

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They can kill the body, but not the soul, Sir. We the people, who stand for Justice and the Law of the land, CAN expect persecution for our dutiful resistance to tyranny. It's just the way it is. And the prophetic picture, given to the faithful believers, is darker than that which is now being experienced. This is just the head of the spear. Temporally speaking even, it will grow much worse, but the ACTUAL goal of the dragon (Satan) is to condition the world by means of such chaotic conditions, that their senses become overwhelmed and preoccupied with survival and how to address the mess. Revolution will probably be forthcoming, with all its bloodshed, since the "justice system" has been infiltrated by Satan's soldiers. Corruption is present up to the top. Finally, the "moral leader" (pope) speaks out and the people listen because there is no other source of hope for the dire condition of the world. They will trust the words that Satan utters through his pagan "vice-gerent" whose title's value computes to 666. The pontiff's mandate to "return unto God" through "KEEPING HOLY THE SABBATH DAY" (the pagan sabbath) will ensue. But it will be in direct opposition to God's Commandment. And that is how Satan will sweep the majority of souls into his net. But there's even a greater deception coming! Satan impersonates the Savior, and those who don't know their Bible, fall for the ruse. The distinction is found in the "MANNER" of appearing. How does this all fit into the current events of the C campaign? Many ways. Obviously deception here is the approved "war tactic." And next, "order out of chaos" (the dialectic tactic) will assist in preparing the masses to gravitate toward the "man of sin's" stated solution. These words of warning are universal in scope and eternal in import.

And that's how the ball will roll.

Yours, Faithfully,


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Things can happen fast once the dominoes start to fall. In the US, slavery abolition was a fringe movement in 1860. Then a few years later, granted after a horrific war, a constitutional amendment abolished slavery (at least by the letter of the law). Now things happen a lot faster.

Time to take the offensive, and keep the pressure on. It WILL fall.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Dr. David Martin set up this site to send letters: It says there have been 68124 Letters sent to legislators so far.


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thx John.

Filling out now

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Yeah!!! Beginning with the Constitution, and the Bill OF Rights!


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Amen! Preach it Ray!

I remember the days when we were a constitutional republic.

That seems like a long time ago....

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So much pain in such a short time. We need to become more than resilient, and strength is only part of the equation.

Shoring up emotions while outward influences try to break them down is hard. Like trying to become healthy when the threat to our health has already arrived. Double the challenge, triple the resolve.

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For this mental and spiritual fight, put on the 'Breastplate of St Patrick!

Really an Old Irish invocatory protective verse which even the Druids would have approved:

'I gird myself with the Might of Heaven;

The rays of the Sun;

The beams of the Moon;

The glory of Fire;

The speed of the Wind;

The depth of the Sea;

The stability of Earth;

And the hardness of Rock!'

Reputedly used by St Patrick when escaping enemies who wanted his head: which is just our situation now, and it will get much, much worse.

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Dittos. Thanks much!

'Wish I could so eloquently express myself! Nevertheless, I continue trying. May God be our "Rock" upon which to build our "house" of Faith. He is worth, since all of nature points to a Creator. Every living cell PROVES Intelligent Design!

We who are followers of True Science and Truth, know these things. We contend they are "self-evident." For in stating otherwise, without scientific logic or reason, one becomes part and parcel of a cult-religion.


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Eloquence is no stranger to you, Ray.

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I have put it to paper, and will include it in my morning reinforcements.

Thank you.

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Worth looking for the long version of this prayer. .

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Thanks for posting this, I'd forgotten about it. Very powerful prayer.

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Well stated there!

But I have to suggest why not allow emotions to burst forth from their confines? We've been conditioned to restrain our natural reactions of preservation and "mother-bear" instinct to protect our and the community's babies, children, and youth. Does anyone question such a thing? Our legal (no....obligatory mandate) to bear arms and protect our Republic from THIS VERY thing that we see happening today, has been undermined. ANY guesses as to "Why" that is? Anyone want to surmise the buying up of all the ammo by the Gov agencies? Or the "reconditioning" of the FEMA camps? Or the accumulation of those ABS caskets stacked by the millions? Does anyone want to guess HOW the ENTIRE MSM worldwide collectively report simultaneously?

We as chickens, live together peacefully, usually. But the foxes have learned our vulnerabilities, and have been having pups in their dens for decades now. A breach in our protective fence has not been repaired, since it has not been of too great of concern for the majority, because of the few in number that suffered capture. However, with the skill and determined persistence of, and the growing number of the nocturnal, wily k-9s, the chicken population is under serious, notable decline with no remedy in sight. Some have set out "care-packages" for the marauders to assuage their hunger. They've put fresh lettuce, vegetables, and cracked corn in containers near the fence breach. But to no avail. They then double the amount, in hopes to succor the wild ravenous thieves, but it only serves as a source of disappointed hopes. Signs are erected near the breach to inform the intruders that the breach needs repair, and for anyone to step up to the task, who can. But as of yet, there are no volunteers, only philosophers, pointing to the breach and stating, "Here is your problem".

The chicken's "Guardian" will come home from his journey soon. He will utterly wage war upon the evil thieves, and eradicate them all. Meanwhile, the remaining chickens MUST warn the others, because the foxes cannot be overcome without the will and collaboration of the whole flock to repel them as they await their "Shepherd's return."

History is being made.


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Now, now..........Just because it walks, quacks, floats, eats, has feathers, is colored, squirts, shakes its tail , preens, flies, and flocks like a duck, does not mean anything. There's no scientific proof. The bird's DNA aligns with that of a Mallard, but it could also be a lab error too.

Not convinced! lol


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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

Funny that, I was talking to a friend about something similar. I said I bet I can logically and statistically rig a PCR style test to show a person is a duck and a duck is a person using three different but similar markers (Walk, Quack and Fly) and testing enough humans and no ducks that at least one would come up as duck eventually and the a Doctor saying to the patient, sorry sir I'm afraid your a duck, the PCR says so, and the patient agreeing because he believes in "The Science."

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I know five people who are fighting cancer now

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Dear Patty,

Terrible! Please allow me to inject just a shard of what MIGHT be helpful at this juncture. First, it is probably worth noting that the injectables are laced with horrid substances which the body has tremendous difficulty with. I'm not qualified to be more specific about that, but what I HAVE come to trust as reliable data is that our body is "marvelously and wonderfully made" and rejects foreign substances, and strives to maintain equilibrium; a healthy "center" if you like. In order to assist it to do so, we might well not only apply the established 8 laws of health, but to aggressively use the herbs which, in emergency situations, can bolster our immune system.

And the really good thing is that natural remedies will not become a burden even if they do not work. They can't hurt, compared to allopathy. All that being said, I'd like to point you to something that has come to my (limited) mind recently. I noted that "bitter" seemed to always accompany herbs which were associated with powerful "fighting" characteristics. Garlic being one exception among many. But the bitter ones such as Moringa seed kernels, bitter almonds, apricot kernels, and probably more, were touted as cancer healing foods. Another interesting note is that Ivermectin, Quinine, Papaya leaf juice, and Serpentina undoubtedly among many others are all bitter, and have shown GREAT efficacy against pathogenic invasion. I'm experimenting with powdered Serpentina cut with 75% Moringa powder in capsules. No ill stomach effects and today I ate five at once! Didn't taste anything either. So, this is just a very crude test, but it has the backing of generations of wisdom behind it. 'Could be a thing to try out for those you mentioned, if the medical mal-practitioners have not already cut, slashed, and burned the poor folks to death.

Best to you and them also.


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Nov 15, 2022·edited Nov 15, 2022

Thank you Ray, they have all been vaccinated and I’m sure would not want to hear any of this unfortunately

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Patty - so sorry to hear this. I have a feeling we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg here. Just curious- are the 5 cancers all different? My friend who was recently diagnosed discovered the cancer in his mouth.

I hear what you're saying about the injected not wanting to hear anything. Perhaps you could suggest some of Rays ideas without discussing the cause.

Hoping for a good outcome with your friends!

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Four, not five actually. I thought it was five but now cant recall the fifth one. In order from Feb 2022, One, jaw cancer, one colon cancer, one uterine cancer, one breast cancer.

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The strength of one bolsters many.

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I work in a skilled nursing facility and am seeing a lot of adverse reactions/deaths post 1,2,3,4,5th shots but because they’re elderly no one is alarmed...but me.

I do know of 8 high school friends that died very close together last February and March, post their 3rd. Heart attacks and brain bleeds. I know of 2 elementary children who collapsed at their school post shots. 1 died and one was in icu for months and is still not well. I believe they were around 8.

I’m constantly talking about the poison and most people don’t like it but sometimes someone will admit they know someone who died from their shots. I met a 23 year old man who said his healthy athletic girlfriend died of a brain bleed post her 2nd shot.

I even have a doctor friend who admits that she knows people (her personal friends) who’ve been injured, including a child with “mild myocarditis”😳. Yet she still got her 5th shot! A doctor!!! Because she’s terrified of long Covid 😳😳😳😳😳😳🤮

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Scary! I have a friend whose nephew died from the vaccine.

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Christine, I am absolutely convinced that so called Long Covid is often the result of vax damage and/or inappropriate medical treatment. But they will normalise anything to keep people taking the shots. It's tragic!

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Not just tragic..criminal.

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Oh, I agree and to think I used to have high regard for my doctor friend. She got her 5th to stay “safe” and “because I have to work”. We all want that! But a dangerous experimental drug isn’t gonna save us!

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Correcto Mundo!

Keep tabs on your x-friend. Let us know how she's doing. I am scared for my only two nieces, one about 11 the other, 13. "Loving" guarded parents and "All knowing" grandparents, promoted the kill-shot. Poor kids! What can anybody say?


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And shedding! A friend had her hair fall out, living with fully boosted roommate. Stress is a factor, she’s surrounded by jabbed cult . We both have a bunch of autoimmune issues..

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A cornucopia of fascinating medical mystery! How can they not be desperate to solve it? Wishing you well.

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"Mysteries" abound, but that's the nature of biology. What is NOT a mystery, however, is the question you present.

Respectfully, of course,


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That's a scary consideration!

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I wonder if so called long Covid affects some people from the virus and is then exacerbated by the shots or morphs into other symptoms in some people from the shots that are then attributed to Long Covid.

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I expect the CDC will manipulate the data to shift blame away from the jabs wherever possible.

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Great question! Nobody knows. If only they were looking honestly the answers would be found. But far easier to blame the 'virus' and sell the victims more and more pills.

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Yours is as good as any others! Until there is TRUE science applied to the questions that surround things, such as you stated, we will not know, and can only speculate. Do remember this, though. With so many differing immune systems all being assailed by differing jabs/concentrations, and contacting the actual virus itself, in varying degrees of quantity, it's nearly impossible to pin down cause and effect in every case. But thankfully or lab is world-wide, and broad, but accurate evaluations can lead to mostly correct conclusions. That's real science.


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Except I had long Covid (simply means symptoms lasting 3 mos or more after initial symptoms) and no jabs for me! I had POTS, weird bruising on my shin that lasted nearly a year. Extreme brainfog & insomnia. Lots of supplements and taking impeccable care of myself and it resolved (all except the bruising) within 6 mos.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That is horrifying.

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I just gotta say - I blummin' LOVE your handle! Gorgeous!

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Earlier this eeek, I saw that Service Corporation International (NYSE: SCI) had its quarterly earnings call. SCI is the largest for-profit funeral operator in North America. To date in 2022, the company has made almost $500M in profits. Stock was up 10% after the call.

The funeral business is slow growth because it is predictable - at least until recently. They expected an anomaly year for CV and then anticipated they would return to pre-CV growth of 1-2%/year. But that hasn't happened. They are still up 15% in Q3 2022 vs. Q3 2019.


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Yes, I saw this too. The death industry, including insurance, is very stable. Actuary tables don't change, it takes big wars that kill the young to influence the numbers.

This is why during death by covid the numbers were stable, the average age of covid deaths (yes, I know they can't be trusted, but still) were also the average age of death. So no movement of the numbers.

But, now that the death shot are killing mainly younger folks, the numbers are greatly affected. Just as a major war would accomplish. The evidence is clearly pointing to the shot.

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CGG (I wonder what CGG is a symbol for! lol),

Friend, I ALMOST opened up a TradeZero account because of SCI and it's max-graph, which is superb. It's shorter graphs can be misleading, but the long graph shows the unmistakable trust of investors. And in looking over the other articles, it was a no brainer for me to contemplate a RISE in stock price post earnings on Nov 2. How a large, competent company engaged in handling the dead, could encounter a drop in stock price (aside from a split) was beyond me. I took note that a couple weeks if not sooner, the shares were at 57 and knew that was a buy signal. But I did not open any account. Scared of the treachery by the criminal-sharks there. It's not above board.

Hey! So you and I both tried to tell people about this! That's awesome. Did you invest? I'd love to hear more from you on it. My address is beastbadger at yahoo. Be sure to put in the subject line SCI or CGG, so I'll spot it. Not one person responded to my suggestion. Maybe, together, we can form a fledgling club! I just can't see the stock tanking, even if the entire market crashes, because of the incoming wave of "clientele" that we now know is not subsiding. (Nor is there any plan for it to do so!)

Let's chat!


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Scary thing is for the boosters it's the ones most scared lining up for it, horror movie stuff

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Long Covid cannot possibly be worse than death.

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There is a belief that heart damage is irreversable.

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Christine the Beloved!

Collectively we THANK you for posting these stats! How terrible has all of this been! But what seems to be equally or even more-so disturbing, is how someone so close to the front lines, can be so deranged by the propaganda as she whom you point out! That's unbelievable!


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I'm wondering how many shots she can take before she drops dead under the needle.

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My wife has noted FIVE deaths - all heart attacks - in the past week in her circle.

I have a bad feeling about this, Sarg.

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I also have a very bad feeling

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Do the friends and acquaintances suspect what you suspect or is there the familiar elephant?

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Hard conversation. But, I think some do.

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Omg had this exact conversation, a girl younger than me had about 4 relatives going through new health problems over the last year. She said she’s entered the time in her life when this will happen more and more, I said you’re 30 I never knew this when I was your age. Everyone I speak to has a new health condition or knows someone going through it, and none of them are being treated properly by the NHS.

This really does smell more and more like genocide, it’s a multi pronged attach with the masks lockdowns jabs and disruption to services…so sad that they don’t connect the dots

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One wonders what they could come back with on THAT one! Silence, probably.

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Now a triple-jabbed believer friend of mine has recently had an elevated heartbeat, which they attributed to COVID, and a detached retina, which is a very commonly reported associated issue. And still wants to get the latest kool-aid they're serving. Another family member had a weird incident that may have been a stroke. Tests showed nothing, but of course no darkfield exam was done to check for clumps of blood cells caused by the spike proteins or graphene oxide.

What is most astonishing the persistence of denial about the effects of these deadly jabs. There's nothing I can do to hip them to the scam, so I've given up. I can just but shrug, and enjoy the remaining time I have with them.

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It's very disturbing, but yes there seems to be very little you can do.

A friend recently was told he has blood clots. I said something to a mutual friend about it. I just said - there are some doctors (such as FLCCC) who are trying to find ways to reduce the spike damage. I can send you information on that if you're interested.

As you can guess - silence.

All I can say is - if it was me, I'd be all over finding whatever I could.. but that's not how most people seem to operate.

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It's amazing. But humans can't stomach being wrong when their whole being believed the story. They call it cognitive dissonance and one way to overcome the pain is to avoid whatever is bothering them. As if it will go away on its own.

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Yes! Much like how heavy smokers ALL have this peculiarity in common; They quit smoking and breathing on the same day!


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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I would still argue that the vaccines NEVER offered any benefit. Just looking at the pfizer studies alone showed not only more overall deaths in the vaccinated group vs the placebo (21 vs 16?), but they excluded 3 times as many people from the vaccinated group than the placebo group (~60 vs 20?).

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They increase non-covid mortality somewhat vs decrease covid mortality -- in the beginning

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The funny games they played with 'covid mortality' (ex: less than 2 weeks you are unvaxxed), I would still question that. Biggest con ever.

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It is definitely a con, however the covid-death-reducing effect existed , though was greatly overstated. I am anti-covid-vaxer as you know -- but I would not lie just to get more people to agree with me

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Do we know what this "covid-death-reducing effect" really is? Statistically, throwing people off skyscrapers is also a "covid-death-reducing effect".

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You and I agree

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How can we be sure there was benefit? Might it have appeared that way because most deaths early on occurred prior to being coded ‘fully vaccinated’ after 14 day and wrongly got lumped into the unvaccinated category? More questions to ponder.

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Quite afew have made presentations on the difference between Relative Rate Reduction which is the figures used to claim efficacy and Actual Rate Reduction which is the true rate. They being Pfizer and Moderna both claimed around 95% RRR but ARR for Pfizer is just 0.8% and 1.2% for Moderna. I may have transposed those but you can see there is no benefit, just harms, mentally, phyically not to forget all tax monies being sucked up by these parasites on all levels that have enabled this global coup. Not yet content, they instigate a war to impoverish us further. Go see my other post I made. Also, why did all nations have orders placed for "Covid 19 Test Kits" in 2017/18 when the terrorist who heads up WHO, Tedros, only gave it a name in March 2020? Some people say it really means Certificate of Vaccination 19. And with undisclosed top secret ingredients in them which they don't have to reveal under EAU, I am very concerned about the nanorouters/technology found in all of them by several independent scientists who managed to get vials from across the globe. I believe this is the purpose of the injections.

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I agree. Naomi Wolf has done tremendous work on analysing the Pfizer data released after the court orders, and the harms are very clear and match much of what we see now with the "died suddenly" people.

As to Igor's question about why governments are doing nothing - simple answer is money. They will slow roll everything until class action lawsuits similar to the tobacco and asbestos lawsuits from some years ago are filed, then they will continue to obfuscate, deny, drag it out some more, until most people who were part of the class action are dead. Read one of John Grisham's early books, The Pelican Brief and you will get the general idea.

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It's exactly like the haemophiliac scandal from the 70s in the UK. A national disgrace and still not sorted out. Utterly disgusting the way that the govt have behaved whilst the victims die in poverty. Shame on UK.

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The Legal system is being bought off.

You will not see the expected injury lawsuits that you think will commence.

When the healthcare system collapses by bankruptcy, doctor & nurse covid deaths and jailed healthcare workers, just where do you think you will get your healthcare when you need it ?

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I feel obligated to add: Rarely if ever is there consideration of adverse effects. These almost always exist or at least in a cautious world, would be assumed to do so. Problems: even if the investigator is impartial and unbiased, which of course is very rarely the case when Pharma is paying their salary, it is difficult to quantify what those risks are. Only long term trials on large populations will produce those data. As we're discussing here, there seems to be very little desire to account for what seems to be rather serious casualties from the jabs.

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They knew beforehand from previous attempts on animals. This time humans are lab rats. As all these products are described as "prototype countermeasures" and not pharma products, none of the rules apply including any actual monitoring.

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Yes indeed! The incriminating evidence here might exceed that of the two towers! And that's a mountainous heap!


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A liar's testimony in a court of law is automatically exempted.


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Crawford wrote an article or two a while back that the observed lowered mortality in vaxxed places was really just the preexisting differences in wealth/education, at least in US counties

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The study was WAY too small, and really badly done. Anyone who does research would think that it was carried by freshmen after getting instructions from a YouTube video.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They did something in the first months. However considering the proven relationship between stress and covid outcomes, I believe that was mostly a placebo effect.

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Whatever the effect was it is gone now -- walensky out for 2 weeks with not a single tweet or appearance - 5 x boosted and having Covid and paxlovid rebound

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Light is an illuminating and sometimes scary thing. But necessary! Check this out:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/2dVRK2MXoIY8/ child sacrifices first interview

https://www.bitchute.com/video/GSAGS5VbaPTM/ banking second part interview

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

See Alex Berenson's archive.

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Agreed. There is literally NO medical benefit to any cohort. The only derived benefit is the statistical gaming on the non-up-to-date being labeled as unvaccinated. By the way, they are using those numbers as Covid deaths when they are Adverse Effects to help keep the Emergency going hence still murderously forcing the injections on the uninformed and pitifully fearful.

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I completely agree that they offer no benefit whatsoever. The IFR computed by Ioannidis (who actually seems to do proper science at Stanford) was a fraction of 1% which means that even with all the data manipulation, the mortality rate was very, very low. How can one claim that the jabs offered any benefit with such a low mortality rate is something that I do not understand because it does not make sense. Moreover, how many medical products does anyone know of that: (1) do not prevent infection and (2) do not prevent the infection from progressing but somehow, magically it prevent severe disease and death? I know of no such products and I am positive that it is just more psy-ops BS from the big Harma.

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Even in normal times, the drug trials bend statistics to the breaking point. One humorous (?) example personally relevant to me: Since 2020 I take Crestor (rosuvastatin) to reduce cholesterol. These drugs do indeed lower cholesterol levels, so they are claimed successful. Ah, but wait: Do they, in fact reduce heart attack, stroke and overall deaths? Well the answer is that they do, but only by a very small amount in absolute terms, over no treatment (placebo) In Kendrick's "Doctoring Data," he dissects the JUPITER study, which studied specifically Crestor and was hailed as landmark study that had proved statin benefits. I was interested enough that I fact-checked Kendrick's claims (referring to the original JUPITER trial, which can be found for free online). His numbers are correct. There was NO difference in all-cause deaths between treatment and control.

Even the above said, these (and other) drugs MAY have benefits, but only for targeted patients (e.g. for middle aged men who already have had a CVD issue). But as primary prevention for masses of the populace? Dubious.

I thank the Team Reality writers like Igor for teaching me how to analyze pharma claims. Of course deep statistical analysis is a much higher skill that few have the training time and talent to do. But with just basic math, one can easily find that the ballyhooed "90% improvement" trumpeted in the press release and the ads is a relative figure. When looked at an absolute, it will very often be at best a few percent, or even a fraction of a percent, as in the Crestor case.

While clearly medicine does many wondrous things, one of the biggest red pills I've taken is how much of even normal treatment is close to useless and perhaps even injurious. . The Covid-19 drugs and vaccines are merely quackery on steroids (and amphetamines, and LSD!!!).

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Satan's Gatelatch,

There are herbs which can help you to "normalize" again. Your body wants to obtain a balance, but with meds and bad food/health habits "incoming," it's a struggle for it. If you are experiencing no upward momentum, no evidence of improvement, try the holistic approach.

That's what I'd do if I were you.

And I'd also think about changing my handle too! lol


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When my doctor told me I needed a drug to lower my slightly high cholesterol, I looked it up and to my surprise I found out that there were different types of cholesterol (not just HDL or LDL) and some of these other types are good! When I left a message with my doctor to take this advanced lipid blood test to find out all these other numbers (large buoyant, small dense, etc...), she did not return my call. Suffice to say, I did not return to her office (and am still happily eating eggs from a Amish farm). As for studies, the first thing I look at is the conflicts of interest, if I see any like grants from NIH or other corrupt orgs, I don't even waste my time with the study. I also watch and listen to people smarter than me when dissecting some of the studies (those without financial ties).

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Doctors should have stopped testing total cholesterol in the 1980s when researchers discovered that HDL is beneficial. People still quote total cholesterol numbers 60 years late like it means something.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's great that he's saying something, but he's obviously way behind; "People may begin to lose trust in politicians..." 😂

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I had a laugh at that line too! And the begin to “loose faith in medicine”. Too late. That ship has sailed.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Beginning to lose faith in medicine.

HA HA HA! That there is one funny joke...

That ain't funny.

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Now I have to question every recommendation made by my doctor. If they are willing to lie about Covid and it's treatments, what else will they lie about?

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Call 'em out on it! They'll deny that they're lying. Then they'll deny that they're going to hell for lying. Until the day they find themselves unable to lie themselves out of the flames!

So be it.


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You might find the book, “Butchered by Healthcare” a very helpful book. They are lying about almost everything. We would all be wise to learn where good health comes from so we don’t get caught up in a corrupt medical system that profits off of ignorance, fear and misplaced trust. Healthcare is important but most interventions (tests, medications, surgeries) are worthless and can cause a lot of harm. Diet and lifestyle get to the root of most chronic diseases.

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...and it sank.

Speaking on my own personal history, since being prescribed (and refusing) Paxlovid in June, I have done my own research and have lost faith not only in experimental drugs, but also the following "interventions" I used or use:

Influenza immunization

Pneumonia immunization

Statin for "primary prevention" of cardiovascular disease

Baby Aspirin for " " " "

Hypertension medicine for " " " "

The above MAY have a "modest" benefit overall, or are better suited for certain patients. But if one deep dives into studies, journals and such, one can fairly easily deduce that as public health interventions for prevention, they are very close to zero net benefit, and probably harms are undercounted.

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I figured out the medical scam about 10 years ago, thankfully. I cleaned up my diet and reduced toxins and haven’t used any prescriptions or over the counter meds since. I’ve only had one test done, which was to see what kind of lump I had in my breast. The doctor recommended surgical removal of the lump (of course) but because I eat an anti-cancer diet, I thought I should probably try to figure out what my body was telling me that I was missing. I just did a little research and remembered that I had neglected taking iodine. Lump was gone in just a few weeks. No problems since. Cost me $20 and no expensive invasive surgeries or medications. It was however a loss for the medical industrial complex. Interesting because my doctor never even asked about diet, lifestyle, supplementation or non-surgical options. If I had followed her advice, it would have cost thousands of dollars and left me with scars and damage to my body that was completely unnecessary. Knowing how the medical system operates, I knew to expect that so I was prepared.

I’m glad you have figured it out too. Have you read “Butchered by Healthcare“? Excellent book about many of these topics. I’m sure there are dozens of good books about the topic. I don’t think he touches on childhood vaccine but they are definitely a scam too. “Dissolving Illusions” is an excellent book about that particular topic.

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I take baby aspirin for blood thinning capabilities.

Chewable and orange flavored!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As the creator of the petition that led to this Parliamentary Debate, which I attended, I was shocked at how Elliot Colburn MP was allowed to say that he welcomed the discussion on vaccine safety as long as it was not with any "Anti-Vaxxers", meaning that he would only hear the vaccines' safety and efficacy questioned by people who believe that they are safe and effective!

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Very upsetting and THANK YOU for spearheading such an effort.

If I can help you with anything let me know. There is a dieoff in progress -- so far it is of modest but concerning scale -- it is slowly getting worse.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You have already been of great help by collating and publishing reliable data and good analysis of it!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not letting anyone off the the hook, but I know how incredibly fearful the original 'polio psy ops' as some now see them to be, made Colburns or his parents generation feel that way. (sorry I do not know his age).....the fear based thing is so so deep. And yet, those that didn't take the bait are of all ages....would be cool to see a chart of that statistic......those with the bullshit meter intact, all ages.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

Choice to vet? I am not sure 'vetting' was easily accomplished in the era of the first polio vaccines. The only people I know who avoided the jabs then (pre to mid 1950's) were the 'hippies' and the scientologists, and the ultra religious groups like the Amish and Quakers etc, and not because they could really 'vet' it as they already had an intact bullshit meter and rules about what they will put into their bodies. There was very little to see at any local library that would have given them guidance in say 1955. Now, with the internet, and a ton of anti-jab books at most libraries, its a different scene. In the city where I live, many folks did not have running water until 1960, but this is what some elders tell me, who know that hygeine helped us defeat Polio, along with stopping with the spraying of DDT, lots of crazy images of them doing that in the streets with kids running behind the trucks. Also, polio was higher for kids in agricultural areas and was finally linked to this in the last decades. Heavy metal poisoning and Polio are indistinguishable symptomatically as well. But in 1950 the average mom or dad did not have much to work with, other than common sense in short supply.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

As stated in The Expose article I posted elsewhere, only 5 of 650 MPs attended. Appalling!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am afraid that the governments always knew the shots were dangerous. The latest from Highwire from their lawsuits discussed that the CDC said they were tracking adverse events from the beginning but in actuality they did not track anything. In my mind there is only one reason you would not gather data and that is because you knew the data would show terrible things. Fraudsters do that routinely. All of the previous eight Moderna mRNA trials for other diseases were stopped in phase 1 due to the side effects like cancer.

By the way, excess deaths due to the vax may be increasing if people are continuing to produce the spike many months after the shot. Some research papers found mRNA months after the shot. All of these studies stopped before they could find how long this spike production could continue. This is just another scary possibility that could explain the deaths. I hope this is not true.

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From the beginning alternate drs said these next two years will be awful from the huge amounts of death.. Mad cow will show up from prions , from spikes, eating the brain tissue. The jabs are the bio weapon. There is no saline in the boosters, as there was in original two jabs. Each booster decreases immune system! Can’t believe, at 78, I’m living thru this happening here. But it has been going on covertly for many years!😢😡

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They knew BEFORE the shots rolled out that they caused a laundry list of side effects.

There was a page on the FDA (since scrubbed, but was in some presentations) that showed ALL the "possible" mRNA side effects. They were all there.

They. Knew. As early as fall of 2020, they knew.

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That is why they have started to push for amnesty and no trials.

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They better not get amnesty! They should be hung on th3 White House (the real one) lawn!

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Yes public hangings so this never happens again.

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For those who like to look up figures, an enlightening exercise is to compare the rates of serious crime way back in the days when executions and very long prison terms were the norm, and today.

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Holacaust wasn’t supposed to happen again, yet this today!!!

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Those Nuremberg executions were quiet. Now they never teach real history so they can control the young. They demonize Winston Churchill now and he was the only person standing up to Hitler for years. Without Churchill the world would have been a totally different place decades ago. These crazies have been secretly planning these lockdowns, vax, etc for years.

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You may be absolutely sure they knew. Employees of the FDA were put in a dark room in October 2020 (on the 22nd if I am not mistaken) to view a series of 25 or so slides that showed serious to-be-expected adverse events, in children included (something like multiple organ failure), and they rushed through them at the speed of two or three seconds per slide. No questions.

I heard Dr. Bryan Ardis give a presentation on the subject before the Corona Investigative Committee.

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That sounds like some kind of MKUltra trauma they inflicted on those employees. I wonder if the whole world has PTSD from the last 2 years with no way to process it, plus the censorship to shut up the critical thinkers. Many of us go in and out of shock routinely. It’s hard to fathom this level of evil.

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Study history. And psychopathy. I don't find it hard to fathom at all. This level of evil is nothing new.

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For those well-versed in 20th c history, and who have reflected on the darker aspects of basic human nature, none of this is even slightly shocking, I'd agree.

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❤️my ❤️ didn’t work!

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TY! I totally understand. 🌹🕊🦃💪

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Lost a second cousin to multiple organ failure not long after rollouts. Can't be sure that she got the shots, but as she was one of the few "rebel" raving progressive liberals in our (very large, very conservative) family, it's a safe assumption she did. Can't talk about it at all with her side of the family of course, but the general consensus is that it was the shots. She was only in her forties, healthier than most of us. Never seen anything like it in the family-- went in on a sudden bout of pancreatitis, treated, went home for like a week, then next thing we know back in the hospital, liver's shot, everything's failing, and they're waiting on her dad to get there so they can pull the plug. Horrific.

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I’m so sorry. My guess would be the jabs!😢

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Mine too.

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Not surprised! 😢😡

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Yes, since the mRNA has pseudo-uridine and is therefore much longer-lasting, how long will the mRNA itself continue to generate spike proteins? I've seen studies showing 60+ days, but I'm not aware of longer studies. That would assume that the affected cells producing spike are not destroyed by the immune system, or are destroyed more slowly than the rate of spike production. Or, could the accumulation of destroyed spike-producing cells, exceeding our garbage-collection capacity, create some of the longer-term effects? Sorry I'm spinning into the what-if cyclone!

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I think I saw a study that was stopped after 4 months and I believe it should it was still present in the lymph glands still. No one wants to do any longer studies because it will be terrible. Plus these people are getting boosters every few months now. It could be cumulative. We need studies because they are in trials for the new Moderna covid and flu shot combo.

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NO SIR! WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT "STUDIES." They are too easily manipulated through bribery. Anyone STILL considering a flu-shot, should just ...........I don't know......Go jump off a cliff? They're as good as dead, anyway.

Such terrible condition of denial some are in! Psychologically impaired.


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Don’t they destroy our immune system? That’s the purpose of them, I believe!

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Some doctors believe that but it needs to be studied by real doctors that are not controlled by Fauci, etc. There are so many questions about the side effects and the governments do not want to find any side effects. Our corrupt politicians are big recipients of money from Big Pharma.

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my notes::

20221030: Spike protein detox method



World Council for Health

Ivermectin & Slamin: Prevention of SpikeProtein to ACE2 connection◎

NCA: return cells to normal?

Catechin & Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory action

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my notes::

2022Feb19: Lund University Sweden: This mRNA is reverse transcribed into human DNA using the LINE-1 enzyme


Moreover, Moderna's pseudo-mRNA has an oncogene string.



Rat mated two weeks after inoculation inherited altered immune characteristics after inoculation.

I think knockout(genetranslated for resembling human) rats or mouse and humans are a little different,

But therefore, it is possible that the human body will continue to create throughout its life.

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Don't be sorry! Even the most learned, decorated doctors do not really know. In fact, it might be that the creators, themselves, who formulated this GMO madness might not have completely foreseen every adverse medical effect. Yes, the "industry" is quite hi-tech, but nothing as advanced as the human body is. The directive from the "planners" given to the creators of the GMO virus, probably just ordered an effective bio-weapon to be "leaked" to the public SO THAT they could unleash the pre-made fear-porn and get the masses to comply. The virus itself was not a huge threat to humanity. It was a diversion or an excuse to implement their "weapon of mass destruction." And we are seeing its effective deployment even STILL! Even with all the "unexplained" deaths!

Enough with the biological puzzle questions, already! Do we need any further evidence? It's time to start cutting rope into ten foot lengths. Or to convince the military to side with us; go in and retrieve all that ammo the feds bought up, and put it to use!

But the "rope" idea is an age-old effective deterrent! Could you stomach it?


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Me too!

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The FDA and Pfizer knew in October 2020 that the jabs had failed all basic testing, testing which was specifically designed to get the jab "over the line" (yep, they were so bad that the fundamental mortality test was failed despite all the fraud involved). Hence, the governments knew and this explains the secrecy imposed on all information regarding the contracts for jabs and indemnity clauses for all those involved in this scamdemic.

Sadly, I do think that the spike protein is produced for the lifespan of the recipient of the jab. The study did not go over a few months because they knew that what they would find would mean that the worst case scenario was feasible. By not looking at the problem long enough, they can claim that they do not know.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Somewhat related, but I have had several family members thank me for stopping them from being vaccinated. As people drop like flies around us they believe I’ve literally saved their lives.

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Congratulations on getting people to listen! That is QUITE the accomplishment - and I mean that sincerely. The best I could do is provide information to people who were already questioning it (which was very few). I didn't "convince" them. I was merely able to provide the information to "prove" what they were already concerned about.

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I’m the oldest in my family and I’m very bossy. 😁

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Good to hear that, Lyn.

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You and me both. I studied bio and chem, Including immunology and virology in undergrad, and I took a grad level journal research class. But I wasn’t worth listening to, my whole family got the jab. They did listen to my sil who is a nurse and has never questioned an order in her life.

My dad: afib after his second, shocked into rhythm. His leukemia suddenly advanced after his booster.

My mom: passed out on the sidewalk, has a heart arrhythmia after her booster, needs a pacemaker.

My sil: has MS-like symptoms, vertigo, headaches, after her second (but it showed up two months after so not possibly related). On disability.

My aunt: had occasional nodules on her thyroid, benign, suddenly has many large nodules and they removed her thyroid.

Those are the ones I know about.

But I, and my husband and kids, are the crazy ones. We had Covid, did just fine.

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Unbelievable that you’re a NURSE and they wouldn’t listen to you!! To be fair, I have a family of non-conformists. If everyone is doing it, they’re generally suspicious. However the fear propaganda was real, I just had to show them that the threat from Covid was not.

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I am so sorry you were treated with such disrespect and disdain. Just stunning and horrible. Shows how cult-like now so many are.

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Also experienced some of this behaviour from family and tried to stop them repeatedly. Have had varied success but much push back. It’s heartbreaking when loved ones won’t hear the truth

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I just found it STUNNING that family and friends believed some News Actor has their best interests at heart more than people they actually know. Eye opening and disturbing.

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Yeah ... television has become an alternative reality. That's why there is a market for so many channels. Our fellow-humanoids don't all wish to live in the same space. Extrapolated ad infinitum each prefers their own reality where they can be alone and believe what makes them feel comfortable.

I've never had a set in my home and for decades I have WATCHED this happen. Not talked about it enough I guess :-(

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KC, I think your experience is much more typical than Lyn's. I didn't try to convince anyone, although made it clear what I thought. "Thought", not "knew". Since there was no way to know with 100% certainty a person was better off with or without the injection, I think it was unethical to try to sway people unless they solicited your advice. Igor seems certain some were saved by the jabs. I wouldn't want to have stopped one of those individuals from getting it, few as they might have been.

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Similar case here. I gave no advices nor made comments to my family at the "mRNA injection" rollout time. My 18-yr son and wife took the two-shots and then came to senses. They both knew I am the smartest guy in the room and have a direct and complex work experience in both health and pharmaceuticals. My risk assessment was "throw it on the flue-shot pile, this is not for me", but I'm generally not risk averse person. I've became hardened "anti-mRNA injection guy" only when Trudeau government mandates pushed me to it. That's when all alarms went on and I've assumed the defensive posture since.

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NO? I'll step up and volunteer! And with confidence too. This whole campaign was a lie, from the beginning (before its inception) and to the present. Scores and now thousands of MDs are finally on the bandwagon, not to mention as many RNs and health-care workers! "Safe" like a female cobra with young under your covers, and "Effective" like a 12-ga. to the temple. NO THANKS! I'll face the virus instead of the needle hands down, any day of the year!

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Does that mean your husband did not take your advice? If that's too personal - no need to answer. That just seems like it would be an immense burden for you.

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My husband got it without even talking to me first. I worry about it, but it's no use having that discussion now. He's very trusting when it comes to the medical system.

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I understand. None of us can go backwards now. Still- if he ever starts questioning it, it might be worth some review of the FLCCC protocols to clear the spike. Good luck!

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Nurse KC,

This thing called "the human psyche" is un-understandable! Families across the world's surface likely mirror yours. So very many have/will have "stories" if they'll only share them truthfully, and swallow their stupid pride. It criminal in its own rite. They have become complicit by keeping silent and lying to themselves, causing the ignorant and youth to stumble. They in effect are accomplices to murder, attempted murder, and rape of the population. But we should direct our energies toward the orchestrators and conductors, and enablers of this crime wave, not our family members who got sucked in by the Geobels-style PR campaign. WE as a people need to be FURIOUS, FURIOUS over this murderous campaign waged against our defenseless brothers and sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get-R-DONE!

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I'm just sad that my family did not listen. I no longer bring this topic up because they have their blinders fully on and it is best to keep the peace. I don't know at what point this damn injection might cause issues for them.

I am very upset that nursing and medical colleagues fell for the propaganda and did not question. Their compliance has been key in being able to roll this out to the public at large.

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God bless you, is all I can say. It's the true and strong (strength comes from living with the truth) he spends his blessings on. Of that I am sure. Not saying that makes it easier, perhaps more meaningful.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"An honest leader of a good country"

good luck finding one of those...

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1. Honest

2. A leader

3. In a good country

Pick any two.

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No kidding.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Right from the beginning I was worried about genotoxic processes occurring. This is an intracellular product. Thus it gets right into the machinery of the cell.

And whether it enters your nucleus is almost irrelevant. Although damning if this is shown to be true.

Firstly, we have mitochondria with completely separate DNA that are in the cells cytoplasm and not secure in the nucleus. Exposed and at risk to spike protein.

Secondly we have not mastered the science of epigenetics and how it works in detail.

Look at agent orange (dioxins) for an example and the limited understanding of how exposure causes various ailments decades later. And in offspring potentially for multiple generations.

A small percentage of those exposed to agent orange showed symptoms earlier, typically chloracne or respiratory issues but a much larger number developed symptoms much later.





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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

agent orange is a patent protected name :)

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The mRNA shot technology has patents going back years

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You'd think we'd learned something.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Just had a funeral yesterday for someone at our church who “tripped and died“. In his 50s. (Editing to add that my husband informed me that our friend was older than I thought. He left behind a teenage daughter and a young wife, sadly) Definitely not the first unexpected death or “died suddenly” from our church in the last year and a half. Definitely many more in the community. The lack of interest by the medical community, media and politicians is deafening. Especially after the panic from supposed excess deaths due to covid in 2020.

I remember Delores Cawhill predicting that everyone who took the injections would be dead in 3 to 5 years (notwithstanding placebos or poorly manufactured injections, I assume). I was hoping she was just exaggerating but it’s not looking good for those who took it. Time will tell I guess. Hopefully we see the worst of it soon and then mortality rates will decline to normal but who knows.

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So far there is not enough excess mortality to kill all of them in 3-5 years. For that, excess mortality would be something like 1000% of baseline. And it is only 10-20%. I hope for the best but fear the worst

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Makes it easier to deny, unfortunately. It’s really creepy how those so incredibly interested in public health just a few short months ago can be so very uninterested in this. How obvious does it have to become before official science has to admit something is even happening?

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The fact that it's not being acknowledged already, tells us all we need to know.

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Exactly. I've always lacked patience for those who think if we could only get our message across to those in authority they'd take proper action. That's never been the case, COVID has nothing to do with it. They don't care, the public welfare is not on their radar. There is one silver lining to this disaster, which is more people see the "authorities" as what they are. There are exceptions but not many.

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Moreover, if those in authority have been convinced by the 'Greater Good' doctrine, and believe the vaxxes serve some higher purpose - eg long-term national defence agsinst bio-attacks, etc - they will also turn a blind eye to AE's, however many.

Robert Malone has explored the fringes of this.

And of course, acknowledging AE's would blow all those 150 or more mRNA drugs in trials out of the water - forever!

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Yeah, this is really disheartening. I keep checking back in with my husband, who is very trusting when it comes to science and modern medicine-- he's not a zealot, just not particularly interested in the subject and gets his news from more mainstream sources than I do. So every now and then I'll gently ask if he's heard anything about "xyz topic" (excess deaths, declining birth rates, cancer rates, Bell's palsy), without going into the details (for the sake of our marriage, we don't talk anything political), just to see if it's even crossed his radar and if so, what the spin is. So far, nothing. Crickets. NONE of these things are even making it onto his computer screen. And this is a guy who thinks himself very rational and scientifically curious, and spends a lot of time socializing with other people who also think of themselves that way.

It's amazing what gets filtered out when you start from the baseline assumption that science and progress are good, and can only, inevitably, make the world better.

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Acknowledged! Prime ground for the perpetrators to work in. No resistance, full compliance, even assistance! Campaigning, for it, no less!

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Science IS good. I think you are confusing what's called science and progress for actual science and progress. I'm sorry you have to put up with this fellow. I'm lucky my wife is truly rational rather than just thinking she is. I feel for awake people married to covidiots, must be horrible.

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You misunderstand. He's a decent fellow and I'm not complaining. But part of the "married" deal is that you don't get to force your spouse to change ;)

But it's no good having stars in your eyes about Science! Technology! Progress! To Infinity and Beyond! It is a very common (if rarely stated) belief in the modern world that everything we have developed technologically can never, ever go away. Like, once it's been discovered, developed, manufactured... it's forever, and life is of course better because of it.

That's willful blindness, if you ask me (nobody does). Everything's got a cost. Everything's got a downside, and quite a lot of exciting technological developments don't have enough upside to justify the cost. IMO the mrna shots are one of those. Right up there with glyphosate, aminopyralids, and teflon frying pans.

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Sorry, coulda sworn you were complaining, rightfully so. You sound like a much nicer person than me. You are so right about life not always being better because of new discoveries. I've had my own computer consulting business for 42 years, since before the original IBM PC. I've been surprised over the years to see so many who love tech for tech's sake. Seems unnatural. To me they're a great tool. But I'd rather be doing something outdoors!

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Or the short version:

Science IS good.

Science is also bad.

It depends on what science is being used for.

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Science is simply discovery of facts that can be put to uses (both good and bad).

The Science, whether it be about COVID, vaccines, climate change or gender dysphoria, is nothing but politics.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s early yet. The key is to watch to see if excess deaths increase or decrease. As you wrote, cancers can take years to show up.

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Yep -- what worries me is that things are getting worse, not better

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Turbo cancer. Vaxxed immune system can't keep the cancer cells under control.

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Now have to see if the rate stays more or less linear, or goes exponential...

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The cancers are different in the vaxxed. Much faster growing. I know of patients having stage 4 cancers SUDDENLY show up. Dead in weeks. Hospice patients gone in record time. These are folks aged 30's - 50's.

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Yes, no one actually knows what the long term effects are. Cancer. Accumulative heart damage. Immune system impairment. ? It’s all guesses at this point with many unknown factors. They conveniently unblinded the participants at 2 months. Yet, even at the 2 month mark, there was an increase in all cause mortality (though technically statistically insignificant).

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes, her prediction is beyond catastrophic and we aren’t anywhere near there yet. I guess what makes me remember her prediction is that the overall mortality is trending upward, even though we have the magical “vaccine” and no one (except the so called conspiracy theorists) seems to care. At the time she made that prediction, I honestly could not even imagine making it to this point with still so much public denial.

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The upward trend is the anxiety-inducing part. Nobody knows yet where that's gonna peak.

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My only child, my precious son took the damned shot even though I sent him some early articles warning against it. He was helping to care for his Grandpa and didn’t want to be the cause of his death by Covid. He bought into the lies and of course his MOTHER is some sort of weird fringe anti everything that rational people believe lunatic. So far he seems ok but I live in fear. He means so much to me.

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I would worry too, but most likely he will be fine. The shots are harming many, sure. But most are fine so far. I think most will continue to be fine fwiw. I'm far from alone in thinking that, even among anti-vaxxers. They just ran the New York Marathon. Probably all jabbed. Nobody collapsed. If they all had white globs in their veins and heart damage many would have collapsed and the times of those who finished would have been off from past years. Yet, they did fine. Your son will most likely be OK, but if he keeps getting boosted his chances get worse and worse, I hope he's learned that much.

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Thank you!! He did tell me he didn’t see any reason to get boosted and I almost cried in relief. Unfortunately I’m not sure if he learned anything much because he seems to know it all already.

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20221030: Spike protein detox method



World Council for Health

Ivermectin & Slamin: Prevention of ACE2 connection◎

NCA: return cells to normal?

Catechin & Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory action

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This might help your son:


or not. IDK. I doubt it would hurt.

For other ideas search "detox spike protein."

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Thank you! I’m not sure he will be open to anything but I always try. It’s difficult to discuss with him as he is in healthcare and thinks he knows better. I’m so afraid for him.

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So far I think are the key words.

What happens if it's a bad flu season?

What happens if they get hurt by C0VID 22?

What happens when they release the next virus/ variant?

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What if the genocidal maniacs fund the development of a truly virulent GMO, and request a functional vaccine or some custom modality to gain immunity (for themselves) so they alone will survive the pandemic by its prophylactic action?

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Oh, there's lots of stuff they could do.

But... are they smart enough? IDK. They really thought that everyone in the world would be lining up for the fake vaxxines, and that didn't happen. Now they have a big problem-- lots of smart, non-compliant people know that they're trying to kill people.

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I have to wonder if that fact is due to the placebos given, since this was still a trial. Perhaps those given placebos are lucky, and decided not to get the booster, in which there were no placebos.

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I wonder about that too. I'm pretty sure he got the real stuff as I was terribly sick the night he got it. I thought I might die actually. I didn't piece together till later that it might have been "shedding."

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There’s so many factors that can change the chances of someone having serious injury. Placebo is one but quality of manufacturing or storage are two more. Method of administration is another. Contamination. I think under EUA they can change the formula at any time legally so between all those variables, who knows what’s in them.

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Yes, SO VERY many obscure variables at play here! It's a scenario that requires viewing from a distance. And that has been screaming quite loudly in its statistical framework.

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Not likely to get better. This was the way they were designed! It’s getting worse and worse.

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That seems to be the trend. People actually did die minutes after getting it and no one in the media or health agencies acknowledges the deaths as being caused by it. If they can’t acknowledge deaths that happen minutes, hours or days after getting it, I don’t imagine anyone is going to even be curious about deaths that happen a few months or years after getting it. We are on our own to keep figuring this out.

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Difficult to say the least! Who is able to juggle the different-weight variables? It's difficult enough to simply keep score. Forget figuring it out. Jab = serious health issues and death. That much we can SEE and be confident trumpeting.


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No one stops to ask the question, why is everyone suffering from long-covid also those who had the vaccine?

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20221030: Spike protein detox method



World Council for Health

Ivermectin & Slamin: Prevention of ACE2 connection◎

NCA: return cells to normal?

Catechin & Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory action

& upper "shibumi" 's submission.

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Thank you! This is very good info!!!

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20221030: Spike protein detox method



World Council for Health

Ivermectin & Slamin: Prevention of ACE2 connection◎

NCA: return cells to normal?

Catechin & Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory action

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There have been plenty of "experts" who predicted a mass die-off. Judy Mikovits predicted most of the jabbed would have been dead by December 2021, for example. There are plenty on my side of this issue I don't give much credence to. Cawhill would be one, for sure.

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Bhakdi, Yeadon, Vanden Bossche also predicted it.

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I am mostly an observer because I don’t have any scientific background and had barely even heard of mRNA technology before they reclassified it as a vaccine. I just find it alarming that the excess deaths are trending upward as time goes on. Her prediction was so shocking to me at the time that I have remembered it clearly. Perhaps it will turn out to be a massive over prediction. I hope so.

Whatever’s happens, I do give place for the possibility that had the vaccines all been made correctly With intact mRNA, we would be in a much worse state than we are now. I am aware of sloppy manufacturing techniques, errors in transportation and storage and problems with administration. There’s also the very real probability that different formulas were made. I think EUA makes this perfectly legal. Anyway, I guess time is going to be the only way to know what the long term outcome will be.

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A friend of ours just 'tripped' and smashed her face going into a store.

When I heard that my eyebrows raised.

Can it be?

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I’m sure not all injuries are from it but there sure seems to be a lot of coincidences.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Like most reading this no doubt I have family and friends who are at risk, despite my efforts to try and warn some of them that getting an experimental injection employing a radical and untested technology that has never been used as a vaccine, even in livestock, for a virus which poses no meaningful danger for the vast majority of people (zero for healthy youngsters) is foolhardy, to put it rather mildly. Thank you for your analysis, which is indeed deeply concerning.

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I am also very concerned for my loved ones, as well as what will happen to our society and also will I ever be able to retire?

Reluctant to invest in real estate due to possible demand/supply issues

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New and profound investment dangers await us during the next decade or two. This winter via my Substack account I'm going to attempt to offer economic insights understandable to all, much as you do with your statistical analysis, for those who would like to consider an alternative view. Macro views of academic economists are generally little more than confounded nonsense (perhaps the most important understanding I gained during grad school) and I'll offer insight as to why. BTW, tangible assets like real estate will likely provide refuge as decades of monetary and fiscal distortion are inevitably wrung from economies and financial systems, though almost anything can happen in the short term.

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Two words for troubled times: Gold, silver. Intrinsic value. Universally accepted. Historically dependable. Ultimate barter. Physically held.

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Financial history's lesson is clear. Precious metals can serve particularly well as refuge from declining, and ultimately often collapsing, confidence in currencies which are being debased at accelerating rates. Tangible assets in general offer refuge while precious metals have proven particularly effective because they offer liquidity and low carrying costs, unlike most other tangible assets. Precious metals enjoy money like qualities even when they aren't generally used to facilitate exchange. Note, fundamental economic forces are born of human nature, which doesn't change (constraints change but not the action of making choices). Consequently we can anticipate future financial outcomes, though not precise timing.

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OTOH, if you look at real actual economic collapses, trying to make purchases with gold coins is also a great way to get an armed gang to break into your house and torture your family until you give up your stash.

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Hell's Gates is buying up farm land. Not for use, or for resale, but to create shortages is my guess.


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So, what will happen if smart people like you, who prepare for currency collapse, are sitting on gold or silver, in the future, all smug, and the GOOD OLD UNCLE we know as SAM decrees that all silver and gold must be "exchanged" for digital or whatever they're pawning off as valuable currency. The "current war situation" or (you fill in the blanks) requires it. "The LAW requires it," and anyone withholding will be visited by one or more of the newly appointed, and armed 80K IRS agents, to contend with rebels like you!

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I was going to offer a well considered response, because concerns about government dictates which impact financial well being are legitimate, but you clearly just want to get into a mindless shouting match and I'm not interested.

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Agree. The next ten years is going to be a rough ride. We can blame this directly on the sequela of the lockdowns, etc.

I hope everyone prepares accordingly.

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Well, I understand that the US population has grown by at least 5.5 million (through the southern border) since Biden took office. I believe most are unvaccinated.

It is challenging not to become a conspiracy theorist.

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In a ted-like talk, a Chinese businessman argued long-covid will decimate the west's work force over the next decade. Most of the current inflation is because the there is 10-15% ill from covid (I think 86% vaccinated) or long-covid and the supply chain doesnt work with that kind of (accelerating) absentee-ism.

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When discussing price inflation one must understand there is a difference between inflation spawned by constraints in a particular market, or perhaps relatively short term time frame, and general price inflation which is a consequence of increasing supply and decreasing demand (i.e. confidence) of and for the associated currency, as with any asset. Note, demand for the currency, meaning confidence in the currency, can change very suddenly driving shocking changes in the general price level (history is full of examples). Watch in the years ahead as central banks are mystified by, and impotent in the face of, such sudden changes.

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Long covid/ vaccine excess deaths - are a consistent loss of working age people is not a short term issue. It is generational.

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I've had the same thought about real estate values. At my age it doesn't matter as much as it does to you though. On the flip side, as a hunter and fisherman, I'm looking forward to an upsurge in fish and game populations.

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LOL! Understood.

The "elite" look forward to the same thing, though. Fewer people, and a Mother Earth that can then recover; a blatant hybridization of Pantheism and Atheism.

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If things get really bad, you may want to collect recipes for "long pig." Speaking for myself, as one of the majority utterly lacking in survival skills, I would probably use the "Hemingway Option."

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I have a suggestion that might give you more years than the Hemingway Option. Hunting won't work as a survival skill if tshtf, unless you live in an extremely remote area. All the game, especially big game, will be gone in a flash. Heard of Asian carp? They're thick, I mean thick, in many midwest waters. Supposedly good to eat but not a game fish. Living next to where they've taken over might be the ticket. Probably need bow-fishing gear or some way to catch them - they're filter feeders, hook and line doesn't work. Inexhaustible supply of quality protein.

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Squirrels are mighty good eatin'........

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Invest in SCI NYSE.

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Well said. Most of my family and friends took the sacred miracle elixir despite my warnings.

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If you really write about economics, you are probably somewhat familiar with the work of Tversky and Kahnemann. TL;DR: they looked at how humans make choices, relevant to economics but also more widely. The basic take-away is that human do NOT operate strictly rationally in such decisions. That doesn't mean that all decisions are crazy of course, but it was shown that in many areas, there are certain biases that deviate from what strict probability would dictate. For example, people will pay a "too high" a premium to insure against a very small risk. This is a fact and explains in large measure the success of the insurance business. That would apply in spades to the promises made for the Covid-19 "vaccines."

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When you put it like that it seems amazing a smart person would take the jab. But don't forget the media, government, and med/pharma establishment recommended it. What intelligent person could doubt such trustworthy sources? Oh, I forgot to mention the celebrities chastising us to get injected. How could anybody go against such impeccable advice?

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks Igor forever

F.O.R. fear of responsibility --P. I. B. prions in brain --N. I. B. nanotransmitters in body

My intuition tells me the prev lockdowns were primarily to be able to set up the 5G grids in secret.

They have everything in place now, so please please do not carry your cellphones around especially if you are jabbed up. Seems they can target small groups (per the 150 heart attacks at once in Korea? was it, sorry if I have the country incorrect), but at a big recent celebration, a wave of death moved through the crowd, as some described. Not crowd crush, not the right injuries. Death selection.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Alex Jones interviewed Dr Peter McC (always forget how to spell his name) yesterday (on AJ’s website and Rumble channel). I’m pretty sure Doc said DARPA and DOD have planned this since 9/11. It’s always been a military operation. 😱🤬🤯

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DOD & DARPA have been behind this. Biolabs in Ukraine & China. The question is why turn on your own citizens? Infiltration of the top levels of DOD, the other question is how deep is the infiltration? https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/biotech-idolatry-dod-pfizer-contracts

https://www.bitchute.com/video/fzXuyIpZA58m/ This second link is to the Dr. Jane Ruby Show. It’s about an hour long but Sasha Latypova the guest knows a lot about this.

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Also see Karen Kingston (Substack, Rumble) for many discussions on the related patents & DOD/DARPA involvement.

None of this is an accident or incompetence.

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The decline in primary energy flows - quality, quantity- which is what we now face, is sufficient reason to cull the population, deeply. Plus recognition of population over-shoot. Look no further.

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👍🏼Will do, thanks!

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Please scope Dr David Martin - his videos tell all about the SARS scam as he has investigated/audited all US patents involved in SARS - up to a short while ago I believe - as part of his business - a process started in the late 1990's.....

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If you can find Dr. David Martin’s last speech where he lays out who is really behind this mess, it’s incredible. I thought that I saved it, but I can’t find it. It’s called The Final Revelation-red pill speech, it’s in two parts, I only have the first part. The second part he puts up a power point with all the names & companies & other players, many of which you have never heard of. Here’s a link to the first part: https://soundcloud.com/user-779851287/final-revelation-dr-david-martin-red-pill-speech-ch

His website is fullyliveacademy.com

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Thank you. Last I saw was this, some time after the event:


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Thank you so much! I have been scouring the internet trying to find this. Bless you.

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You are most welcome - I try to bookmark links of articles that are historically going to be very relevant.

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It was a good interview. Here's the link:


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Thank you for this-I felt guilty for not linking, but coyotes got my chickens again and not being a farmer or knowing what I’m doing, I was too depressed to do it. 😵‍💫. And by the way to whoever keeps saying “start a garden, farm, raise your food” type of stuff: IT’S FREAKING HARD and brutal really. (Haha Shibumi: this is totally not directed to you) I’m about to give up after 6 months of vegetable, fruit and animal death. If I had to live on what I produced, I’d be dead.

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No worries Mads. I understand. I know two people who have had chickens, and the one who has them now say "they're the most fragile creatures on earth that die for no reason."

We started a smallish garden with mixed success. Yes to tomatoes and zucchini, no to bell peppers (why are they the miniature? IDK) and carrots (if your Barbie doll needs carrots, I have them.)

That being said, we both tried. And we WILL get better at it.

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The gardening concept can be simplified folks. Plants' roots uptake O2 and NEED to be able to get that or it's curtains. Most soils are WAY too dense for good root development. The fluffier, the better. Use mown lawn clippings to COVER your planting area an inch or so thick, allowing it to dry out first, then add more if you have it. Result: no weeds, conserves water loss, encourages worms, and decomposes to build up nutrients for plants. Wood chips are great but there's not enough to go around, so just use lawn clippings. By doing this, much of the failures will be eliminated. Disappointments will be few, and pleasant surprises many! Anyone's best bet for "survival" is to go WAY out, away from congested cities, and forget about that way of life. It's a struggle, but far less depressing than a FEMA camp.

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Thank you for your advice Ray! Our soil is heavy in clay, hence the raised bed garden with gardening soil.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

Your comment totally calms me down. TY. I let my chickens down-fence didn’t go deep enough. They trusted me. I don’t feel responsible enough to let living beings depend on me. How do ppl have kids!!!

Deer, field mice, raccoons, chipmunks and squirrels and birds either got or partly damaged everything but the jalapeños-I ended up roasting them and pickling them. My bell peppers 🫑 were also miniature!?!?. Is this something we’re doing? I prepared my soul meticulously.

And thanks for the encouragement-means a lot. Had to leave school d/t the jab I wouldn’t take and trying to figure things out.

Barbi’s good for now but if your Ken doll needs tiny round cucumbers 🥒…… 😂.

Everything is so insane🥸🤯😂🙏🏻 😭

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"Soul preparation" is certainly important, but I think you meant to write, "soil". Try something, Mads. Take some grass clippings, allow them to dry out well, and then mix up a batch of soil with a 50-50 mix by volume. For a "control" use the same soil without the grass mixed in. Plant something in both pots that are from the same six-pack. Put a little grass clippings for weed cover on one of the two, take your pick. See what happens. The pot with the internal clippings will produce a better plant than the other. The pot with a blanket of clippings on the surface will be weed/grass growth free! Marigolds will be a cheap and fast growing test plant.

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I thought I was the only person who had a freaking disaster trying to garden. So depressing watching plant after plant start out well and then stunt. No way could I live on anything I produced…not even for a day.

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Well.... at the peak of summer, I had a boatload of tomatoes. I could have survived on that for a day.

But...I have been had small gardens with tomatoes and more (don't get me started on growing corn!) for at least 15 years.

Don't give up. When I moved (from MI to OH, which is not dissimilar) I had a bunch of container tomatoes and potatoes. NOTHING grew. The soil is made of clay here, so I literally had to dig it up and replace it. As for the container plants... the chipmunks ate everything. This year, we did a raised bed garden and purchased gardening soil. It made all the difference.

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The chipmunks 🐿 were incredibly wicked. I’m so far gone now I’m hand feeding them. They sit on me-and of course have charmed me to death. I’ve named them too. Clearly my Darwinistic tendencies (and the Irish in me) will be the end of me 😂

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Grow a lot of things that seem appropriate to your area, and observe them over a few years, then select the strongest and most reliable and specialise in them.

Even blackberries were killed here, last year by cold, this year by laser-beam sun strikes that frazzled whole plants. In England!

Mint and nettles, which might seem delicate, survived it all. As did apples and gooseberries.

Instant 'Abundance' is just a myth propagated by people selling books and on YT.

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I like your take on instant abundance! I thought for sure I could plant a few seeds that were supposed to do well in my zone and voila, hand grown food in 30-60 days. Nope!!!!

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Mint is a weed where I live and I do love it for my iced tea with lemon, that, and my jalapeños went wild. Unfortunately can’t live on them. It’s expensive to raise chickens and grow things

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Oy. So depressing but truthfully thank you for sharing this. I’ve been feeling like I’ve morally failed somehow. Have no idea how our ancestors made it-have so much respect for them. Yeah and I wonder about the stunting-with the exception of jalapeños and the few tomatoes 🍅 the raccoons didn’t get, everything was miniature.

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I could and should write about the importance of root health, but no one really reads anymore, and there are too many denyists. That's only one part of successful gardening. The others comprise the "defense" part, keeping all things out and off of your stuff. Not easy, but the health benefits of organic phyto-chemical (plant based) food stuffs is stellar. We can live on FAR less than what is claimed. Animal based foods are not recommended for optimum health.


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Try squash, beans & sugar snap peas. Very easy (relatively speaking).

I'm sorry about your chickens. What breed were they? Were they penned or free range? All hens or a rooster with them?

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TY. Four Rhode Island Reds with names-we adored each other 😢. No rooster, coop with a run and free range at times. Dog was at vet for a week. Plus my fence was not dug deep enough. I feel so guilty and I let them down.

Will look into beans and peas but I’m mostly keto/carnivore. Produced tons of Serrano and Jalapeños though.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Rhode Island Reds are usually very good at evading predators. 😟

My neighbors just lost a duck, most likely to a coyote. I was going to warn them that 4' isn't a high enough fence, but didn't have a chance.

I just got my 1st chickens. 4 Buckeyes named Roodolph, Hennessy, Hencate & Henrietta. They free range during the day, but smartly stay mostly in the horses' muck paddock under an apple tree, or go thru the gate just outside it under 2 pine trees. The mares I think (& pray) are a good deterrent. They both tried to kill my sr dog the 1st time they met him. Plus they are very alert. Just this morning I saw the mares get nervous (neighbors making noise in woods) & the chickens raced into the barn just ahead of them.

So I'm more worried about our local raptors: chicken hawks & bald eagles.

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Thank you! I feel validated by yours and other folks experiences. Clearly I will be one of those that starve to death. But at least I’m out in the country and don’t think the hordes will find me. 😂 Have to laugh instead of cry.

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Thank you.

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Dr. Paul Alexander has written this “covid op” was run by DoD

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He has? I follow him pretty carefully, I must have missed that.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022

That Tweet was not from Dr. Alexander? I didn’t see anything about the DOD in the few Tweets I was allowed to see. I don’t have Twitter.

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Paul did a long interview with Brownstone a few months ago that was explosive

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see my earlier post with link to global research link re contracts with governments.

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Me? I’ll go look, thanks!

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I listened to Karen Kingston the other day about the EMF and the undisclosed graphine. She suspects they trialled it on all those thousands of cattle in US that all died together of heat stroke. Tell me, please, how does anyone actually try to explain to anyone, especially a loved one, that what they have willingly allowed into their body is possibly/probably a ticking timebomb that could go off anytime especially when they think you are just paranoid? And no way to remove this. So, is it better to remain happy without this knowledge?

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

I would hope not to die in ignorance of what may kill me. It's already confusing enough to die, I would think. All those folks in hospital thinking they died from Covid, not knowing they were being killed by Remdesiver and intebation and dehydration....the dead are the only ones on my Amnesty list. Anyone living I hope discover this truth before they are taken, be it seconds or hours before. We have a lot of pissed off ghosts on our hands, so Happy late Day of the Dead (indeedy doody).

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I don't know your age but I'm in late 60's. I already wonder how long I've got left, not in frightened way. Iknow these past 2 years have aged me much more because I know what's going on. If I'd had them and found out from a friend or family member, I would look at what they gave me because they would be doing something to help me. That's who I am. When I've posted something to family or friend, with me politely saying have you read this, all before they even looked, I'd get instant reply telling me they won't look. They all went ahead and took them. One even went for a booster and flu even after lung clot followed by infection, then heart op!

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It's undeniably a space-like oddity!

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20221030: Spike protein detox method



World Council for Health

Ivermectin & Slamin: Prevention of ACE2 connection◎

NCA: return cells to normal?

Catechin & Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory action

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The dead know not anything. They are dead, "sleeping" as God defines it. Why? Because they ALL shall be raised from their dusty graves; some to face "Judgement" or better said, "Sentencing and the carrying out of punishment for their sin." And some to "everlasting life." The events will be separated by ONE Thousand Years.

Read your Bible and quit listening to your pastor. He's a sheep in a wolf's garb. Ask him questions. That's legal. Ask him all about what I just propounded, and see how fast his demeanor changes. Suddenly he will have somewhere to go, something to attend.


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This makes me so sad.

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If you're a Bible believing and obeying Christian, then you must learn the Truth quickly, and resist all evil. If you trust the "scientific narrative" of Neo-Darwinian Cult-think, then try to be happy while you still can. Eventually the happiness window will close by way of the "coalition." Despair will overcome all but the "elite." And even they might be prone to defect, once they taste the degeneracy of "utopia" promised by Satanic men in high places. I had the confirming pleasure of watching a long video (pt one and two) wherein a man gives his personal testimony and spells out what goes on behind the curtain at the TOP of the pyramid, where the "all seeing eye of Lucifer" peers (appears) on the reverse side of the dollar bill. His engaged with the top world-wide money movers, culminating in attending a child sacrifice ritual, but praise God, it was the straw that broke his spell and by the Grace of God he turned away, followed his "frozen" heart's desire to be human again. I saved it. Wanna see them?

https://www.bitchute.com/video/2dVRK2MXoIY8/ child sacrifices first interview

https://www.bitchute.com/video/GSAGS5VbaPTM/ banking second part interview


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I think that there are more ideas coming out about how to treat vaccine injury. For example, see the documentary: “Safe & Effective: Another opinion” or whatever it is called. These show the vaccine injured trying a few varied options.

FLCCC has outlined a Post-Vaccine treatment protocol:


I don’t know the rational behind it. But I’d probably start there IF someone was looking for a solution to this problem.

But I totally get what you are saying about even telling someone they may have a problem they didn’t know about or want to know about is difficult. That’s why I find it easier to post the problem into the ether of social media.

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After reading your comment I went ahead and tried to find videos of that Korea incident. There really was a stampede happening there, they didn't just drop dead. Search #SeoulStampede on twitter, plenty of videos there, scary af. Luckily this is what happened and no weird 5G or vaccine related stuff. You can see them being slowly crushed to death, unable to breath. You'll find that some people's skin was changing colors while they were stuck.

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I read the deaths were reported as cardiac arrest. Apparently stampede/crushing deaths would be asphyxiation. Might just be a reporting terminology issue but needs clarification.

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Thanks for fact checking.

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I just had to see it for myself, luckily it was just a stampede

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Thanks Truman...I stand by the idea, though, that being jabbed and carrying your cellphone are a bad combo especially. Some old song with the line....Why is evryboday always pickin' on me....?

Militarism killiatarism....

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How would you know if they weren't 5G killed first to start a stampede?

Saw images of folks giving CPR to multiple people. Max Egan. Glad to discuss.

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My understanding is that in a crowd crush, those dying are likely to have died or be dying of asphyxia, more so than by the stampede itself. If someone is asphyxiated, then the thing to do is carry out CPR.

My initial reaction to hearing about the Korea crowd crush / stampede and CPR at the scene, was to think it was sudden cardiac deaths inflicted by the vaccine.

But before posting on Facebook, I thought it was good to look up common causes of death in a crowd crush / stampede, which pointed to asphyxia. Then I looked up how one treats asphyxia, and it pointed to CPR.

So, I refrained from posting my initial thoughts, as the whole situation was upsetting and tragic enough.

(That’s not to say that vaccine injury did not make the whole thing worse.)

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and you looked all this up on....Wikipedia?

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Hi Jacquelyn, you said you were “glad to discuss”. I offered my own prior thought journey in good faith.

My background is in medical research and I’m a thinker; not easily satisfied by information that supports my own assumptions (such as when I first heard of the South Korean crush), let alone those offered by others.

If you want references, here are a couple:



“Ninety-six people died following a crowd crush at the Hillsborough Football Stadium, Sheffield, UK in 1989. The cause of death in nearly all cases was compression asphyxia. The clinical and pathological features of deaths encountered in crowds are discussed with a particular focus on the Hillsborough disaster.”



“Asphyxia-induced cardiac arrest occurs in patients with airway obstruction, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, gas poisoning, drowning, and choking. Experimental asphyxia in animal models results in cardiac arrest within a few minutes.”

All the best,


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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Two phases of jab death.

1. Acute; strokes, heart attacks or other blood clot related events.

2. Chronic; cancers, autoimmune diseases. Average time to manifest, about 5 months.

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And fetal anomalies .... a lifetime.

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Some die quite a while after, in their sleep or after physical activity. The reports of people dying on holiday whilst swimming, cycling, at the gym etc. Dr McCullough mentioned about sleep deaths. He said the body makes some adrenolin which is the body's own alarm clock to wake you. He said the times of these deaths were all found to be around dawn.

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If anyone have Vaxxed.

20221030: Spike protein detox method



World Council for Health

Ivermectin & Slamin: Prevention of ACE2 connection◎

NCA: return cells to normal?

Catechin & Curcumin: Anti-inflammatory action

The post by “shibumi” above

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

What if the COVID-19 virus, the resulting "pandemic" and the never-before-seen almost immediate emergence of a "vaccine" with its subsequent world-wide drive for total population inoculation with said "vaccine" were purposed and pre-planned events that were designed to effect measures of population reduction? What if those in charge of this operation (the governmental, financial and social elite) were never meant to be subjected to the actual vaccine, but a harmless placebo with no detrimental effects had been substituted for use in their public display of compliance (saline just as a for instance)?

Have you noticed that no world leaders or financial and social elitists are suddenly dropping over dead?

I refer you to Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21 for further reading and consideration. On an additional and related note: In 2015, all 193 United Nations member countries signed on to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to "create the future we want in 2030."

I'm not making this shit up... nor am I making an accusation. I simply saying "What if?"

It would certainly help explain a lot.

Btw, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it's because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't.” - Mark Twain

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It is possible -- unthinkable -- but possible and is not contradicted by any known data -- but is not yet confirmed enough

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It seems very probable that the elites were warned to stay away from the death shots, as indeed, they have so far come off almost unscathed in the Covid cull. Meanwhile sports stars, entertainment people and Joe public keep on taking the hits.

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The Elite created the death shots! They were patented back in 2017. Before 'covid' even popped into existence out in the world. This plan was long in the making.

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Nothing to argue with there.

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So, Igor, why did World International Trade website have global orders in either 2017/18 for, wait for it, Covid 19 test kits when there was no virus then and only officially named in March 2020 when there were only 86 "cases" outside of Wuhan? Hardly a pandemic at all but there was an enormous stock market crash and by locking down monies which would have been loaned to normal markets went instead to prop up banks again. Since 2008 the interests rates have been zero and pension funds need 8 or 9% annually. There are no state pensions for anyone now, we are surviving on just the fumes left in the tank. Same with NHS. Check out day 5 of Grand-jury.net. I think you will find Patrick Wood's talk on Technocracy very enlightening which is followed then by a woman on world finances. I wish this was only a bad dream.

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Exactly. This WAR was beginning years ago.....they started it in their Biolabs in Ukraine and tested it out on the Ukrainian Military. The evidence is coming out now. Our Country, under control by a rogue group of globalists crime families has been working on this for 2000 years! They believe they have the right to control the planet, and they are in their final phase of doing so. The "SWAMP" is world wide and massive!

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Unthinkable Indeed... but it's still early.

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I’ve been thinking it. Maybe I’m just ahead of the curve.

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Apparently you and I... but I'll bet we're not alone.

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Millions especially in other Countries already know it is the truth. The farmers see is,...they know that Man Made Climate change is a SCAM. They know this bs about Carbon is a SCAM. They march with signs that say STOP THE World Economic Forum. They see exactly who it is that is engineering this take over of the free world, and who benefits. The USA is so censored, most of our people are still asleep. But wait until the Dollar crashes, they will wake up. This Cabal is totally funded by the CENTRAL BANKS. When the currency dies, the rest of the Cabal of Globalists will fall with it. No one wants their CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CONTROL CURRENCY! And they can't trick us into taking it, as they have before,....this time they have no COVER, no WW3 no PLAGUE, no Alien Attack,....although, they are thinking about doing that I have heard. A false flag of an Alien attack? LOL! Will the masses believe it? Probably.

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How refreshing it is to read something from someone that actually understands what's going on... We'll just have to wait and see how their plan unfolds... Anyway... Thank you for being you!

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And what if it is true? Michael Chossudovsky has previously written about this and has an update available from his website.


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Yes, I read it earlier. I read articles daily from this website.

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Yes, this whole debacle was planned years ago by the elite who are criminally insane. The Georgia Guidestones laid out the plan, as you obviously know.

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Indeed I do... Perhaps there are those who don't want that plan publicized any longer... and a deeper involvement in the recent vandalism by explosive damage.

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The destruction of the Georgia Guidestones was an important clue of an attempt

to hide longterm intent.

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They didn't want to hide it! Why build it if you don't want people to read it. They haven't been hiding what they've been planning at all. They brag about it all the time!

An angry Patriot blew that thing up and then came back with a bull dozer and finished it off.

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Times have changed and now too many people are starting to put two and two together, so they no longer want to advertise what they are up to. Stupid of course, as there are plenty of good videos on the Guidestones.

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Personally, I think that all these things mentioned (in question format) didn't come from a twisted mind. Your assumption that these are possibilities is made quite evident. I don't see ANY which are patently infeasible. Not one! WAY too much powerful, incriminating evidence for doubt.

The "Final Solution" has been declared by Gates.

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I cannot get that tweet by the late McAfee out of my head:

"Do not under any circumstances take this vaccine!!!!" He posted this in FEBRUARY 2020.

Shortly after was found suicided in his prison cell.

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I mostly avoid all social media... so I had no information whatsoever on McAfee's death until reading your comment and searching relevant news articles... Now I can't get it out of my head... Thanks... ;-)

I've been doing some research on the death of John McAfee... shades of Jeffery Epstein.

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Search as I may... I can NOT find any mention of his tweet warning against the vaccine.. Imagine that!

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The only world leaders who died, 5 I think, were those who refused the jabs. Leader of Tanzania was a chemist. He sent a few samples to be tested with fake profiles. All came back positive. Samples were paw paw or papaya fruit, goat, bird, engine or veg oil and just water! He had sudden cardiac arrest. Haiti leader was attacked and shot dead. Burundi leader had swift fatal Covid infection. Not sure about last two. Next day delivery of jabs. Warnings to other world leaders no doubt. This is why there is no stopping. No leader is willing to lose his or her life or their family. We are in WW3. No bombs or shooting. No damage to infrastructure either. Happy days for the psychopaths!

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Not one Rothschild has died, either of Covid or the injections.

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I want to see a regression for excess politician & Hollywood mortality (maybe we can even figure out who the cheater politicians are that faked vaccination)

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is what happens when people volunteer themselves to the new world order’s depopulation programme.

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