IgG4 is very bad news! "IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is considered a systemic, chronic, and inflammatory disorder that is characterized by the enlargement of involved organs, elevated levels of IgG4, and abundant infiltration of plasmacytes with IgG4 and fibrosis in involved organs. "


"IgG4 is the least abundant subclass of IgG in normal human serum, but elevated IgG4 levels are triggered in response to a chronic antigenic stimulus and inflammation. Since the immune system is exposed to tumor-associated antigens over a relatively long period of time, and tumors notoriously promote inflammation, it is unsurprising that IgG4 has been implicated in certain tumor types. "


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I know two healthy men who have been damaged by the Pfizer injection. They have all the symptoms of heart damage but the tests including MRI show no physical damage.

One in 16 months post jab 2 and has had some improvement but he remains unable to exercise - any exertion beyond a normal walk brings chest pain. There is no further improvement

The other is about 8 months in -- was until recently unable to walk on a flat even 50m without collapsing with chest pain. He can now walk maybe half a km at a slow pace - if he walks briskly his heart rate spikes to 170ish ... and chest pain kicks in.

I wonder if the condition you describe is what is involved with these two. I have read about many others who were Pfizered who show no physical damage yet are clearly severely damaged - perhaps chronic inflammation of the circulatory system?

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As someone who loves going to the gym every day this scares me the most - - because if you can't exercise beyond a simple walk, they have you right where they want you - - fat and ready for slaughter.

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My dad is a 65 year old who developed heart issues after his second dose. He is currently on the waiting list to receive a stint in his heart. His doctors however are pushing him to get his boosters in the meantime. He’s planning on complying because he doesn’t believe there’s a correlation between his issues and the shots. I’m very worried that if he gets it he could be done. I want to show him evidence of the risk of these shots and heart problems. I know there are a ton of studies and articles out there but is there 1-2 people would recommend to try to convince a skeptic?

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Look for videos with Dr. Peter McCullough who is a cardiologist. Find one on a platform that Dad would accept bc my family refuses to read/watch if the platform (eg Fox) is anathema to them.


Maybe he had some direct cardio testimony with Senator Ron Johnson's panel too...

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Wow, I'm so sorry. I hope they can find a Dr who supports https://covid19criticalcare.com/, and can measure their heart troponin and d-dimer as well as offer Ivermectin or other treatment to hopefully remedy their condition.

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They've had all these tests... nothing comes up.

One of them is a very senior investment banker.. he's had top cardio people look and they do not know what the problem is... they just tell him to be patient... and hope it improves.

The other guy has a 'anti-vax friendly' cardio who says same.

I was speaking to an Aussie cardio researcher last month and brought this up - he is aware of it - he knows someone with this-- it's early days with this so they don't know what to do

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Perhaps your friends can re-build their immunity and reduce inflammation with foods (anti-inflammatory diet) and supplements, Functional Medicine Doctors know how to do this, I saw one for a time and he had me take Glutathione, Vitamin A, mega C, Noni, Fish oil, Vit D etc. Now I make my own Elderberry Syrup, take several supplements and the gamechanger for my immune/inflammation issues was mushrooms, https://www.realmushrooms.com/7-medicinal-mushroom-benefits-for-health/

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Don't worry, Pfizer will doubtless come to the rescue with a new cardiac drug to treat this "idiopathic" problem.😒

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The y should get a D-Dimer yest and troponin test. It may not show on MRI (Fr. McCullough said only serious cases will—and while this may be serious, it may not be the kind that shows up), I don’t know how reliable those other tests are but I know they are used to test for vax heart damage.

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They had those tests multiple times when they first reported the problems.

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Like a time bomb. The question is then, was this an unintended consequence, expected consequence that was covered up, or worse yet, was it engineered for this?

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deletedJul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And NAC helps with glutathione. Guess we know why the FDA wanted it banned

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Isn't it "strange" how so many things that could have been helpful were banned / made difficult right before this all started. I was lucky enough to be reading insights from some doctors (don't remember who) who suggested NAC. I went ahead and ordered some from Amazon. Have never used, but it sits in my cupboard if I would ever need it.

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You can buy it at Walmart where I live.

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They banned it, and it got scarce for awhile - but it seems that distributors aren't really listening. I've stocked up, and it's good for daily maintenance and prevention as well. Keeps the cells singing.

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And there will be supply-chain issues with whey protein powder …

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Whey... Just eat Meat and low carb vegetables. No problem.

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Have you looked at the price of meat lately? That is going to be a problem for some people.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes. But what ya going to do? I'm going to eat meat as long as I can... It's not something you can live without!

People who think humanity can live on artificial crap are wrong.

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It's not that bad yet where I live. But it is already a problem for some. Trouble is that those same people tend to be the ones with enough money for soda, sticky buns and Hot Pockets.

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Hunt. Don't be picky. Road kill.

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Um. Australia is putting mRNA into beef. Likely chickens next.

Coming to crops near you - the successes of mRNA in crops doesn't have the complications that putting them in an animal do.

But the animal is due for slaughter, so -

(but the eggs I worry about - really need my own chickens)

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022

Congress, specifically it's before the Senate, is now coming after supplements. Big Harma's coming after them. And us. NAC and B6 are high on their lists.

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What is NAC? And, will the protocols developed by the FLCCC continue to help with the additional variants, in your opinion?

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NAC is short for N-Acetyl Cysteine. FLCCC continually updates their protocols, as they learn more. (You know - the way that Science is SUPPOSED TO WORK.) Most of the "core" remains, but I noticed that they have tweaked their protocols several times in the last month. For example, they now are recommending Vitamin D levels based upon weight status, e.g., underweight, normal, overweight, obese.

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Thanks! I follow FLCCC pretty closely as you apparently do as well. IMO, this scamdemic could have been ended by mid 2020 had our health agencies along with the media not been bought and paid for by Big Harma (a phrase I stole from someone). HcQ and IVM work, especially when treated early, and our health agencies and Fauci knew it, but then Big Harma would have lost out on big profits. I hope there is hell to pay for what happened, not just in the US, but the entire world for the sake or big harma and FDA profits.

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100% agree! Sometimes I wonder - how many tens (or hundreds of thousands) of lives would have been saved if Doctors would have just treated people... with ANYTHING!

Instead, we got the "Go home and wait until your lips are blue and go to the hospital".

What we have witnessed is Evil in it's purest form, and it's hard to unsee.

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022

Heidi, you are right about this.

It is not only Glutathione depletion. The age related decline of Melatonin, Q10, other antioxidative defense systems, a disturbed gut microbiota, mitochondrial dysfunction for various reasons including micronutrient deficiencies etc. etc. are also in part responsible.

But yes, Glutathione deficiency is one of the most important reasons. I also describe this in my book. See what the peer-reviewed literature says:

"Higher rates of serious illness and death from coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection among older people and those who have comorbidities suggest that age- and disease-related biological processes make such individuals more sensitive to environmental stress factors including infectious agents like coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Specifically, impaired redox homeostasis and associated oxidative stress appear to be important biological processes that may account for increased individual susceptibility to diverse environmental insults. The aim of this Viewpoint is to justify (1) the crucial roles of glutathione in determining individual responsiveness to COVID-19 infection and disease pathogenesis and (2) the feasibility of using glutathione as a means for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 illness. The hypothesis that glutathione deficiency is the most plausible explanation for serious manifestation and death in COVID-19 patients was proposed on the basis of an exhaustive literature analysis and observations. The hypothesis unravels the mysteries of epidemiological data on the risk factors determining serious manifestations of COVID-19 infection and the high risk of death and opens real opportunities for effective treatment and prevention of the disease."

Title: "Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients"

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Why did you have to, if it is not too nosy?

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deletedJul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022
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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

Heidi, thank you for sharing this. I honestly think you made a mistake. Maybe it is inappropriate to say this because I only have the limited information that you provided. But I think you should not have deleted your Substack and the important articles.

Please consider that you were sharing LIFE-SAVING knowledge.

I understand that the situation was uncomfortable because you are married. But please understand that we need more people like you to the get the truth out.

We need more (and not less) people to speak out and to inform people! You published life saving knowledge and then you stopped because someone sent you many poems etc. I do not want to judge you, don´t misunderstand me.

I just want to tell you that you should recover you Substack and your articles and help us to get the truth out.

You have to concentrate on helping to save lifes.

In case a person writes poems for you again and you do not want that, just tell him in a friendly way:

"Thank you! My husband and I liked this poem."

These might be nice persons who are writing these poems.

But even nice persons have to respect that you are married and you can tell this in a friendly but clear way. This does not mean you hurt them. You are not a bad person for telling people that you are married.

And if he does not stop, just stay friendly and say "thanks" from time to time. And if it starts being very uncomfortable for you, delete the subscription. I am sure you can block people since this is your own Substack. And you already told him that you have a husband. So if he does not understand this, you have to go this way.

Concentrate on saving lives and do not let such situations stop you! We need you.

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Thank you for the social media lesson. For anyone with a kind heart, it would be hard not to reach out. I am surprised comments couldn't be blocked and deleted. (So many odd ducks in this world are fun to interact with, but then along comes someone impossible.)

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Consider an avatar and a handle like mine. Social media is like walking in a dark garage to your car. Just sayin.

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And there is a phase 3 RCT showing that increasing the level of Glutathione and supporting the functioning of your mitochondria with four substances called CMA (l-serine, N-acetyl-l-cysteine, nicotinamide riboside, and l-carnitine tartrate) leads to a MUCH faster recovery from covid.

Also, inflammatory processes were drastically reduced, so the authors wrote:

"Based on integrative analysis, we observed that CMA may interrupt the overactive immune response and early treatment with CMA may reduce the risk of progression to severe respiratory distress and lung damage.

In conclusion, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of CMA in combination with HQ or FP therapy in patients with mild‐to‐moderate COVID‐19 and observed that combination therapy is safe and beneficial in patients with mild‐to‐moderate COVID‐19. Our analysis showed that administration of CMA is an effective and safe treatment for COVID‐19 patients."

I wish Igor would report about this study so that more people can be informed about this effective treatment possibility.

Title: "Combined Metabolic Activators Accelerates Recovery in Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19"

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deletedJul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022
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Why did you have to take your substack down?

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Ok, I gotta ask- would H2 water help reduce an ROS inflammation issue?

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I was referring to H2 water, which is supposedly anti-inflammatory and helps with ROS?


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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I was wondering where Igor was, I felt a little like I was walking alone in the dark, without Igor and jikky on Twitter. Vanden Bossche came in to fill the gap… man, it’s all like a well oiled machine… if people only opened their eyes, or stop letting amateurs “drive the car”

Thank you, dear brother.

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Thanks! :-) I was tired during the week, then spent a lot of time writing perl, SQL and shell scripts for "Our World in Data" records.

But now I can anayze datasets!

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The more ammunition, the more better. Your considerable efforts are most appreciated. Thanks for highlighting the"tolerance" issue. Had not considered this part of the equation. Thanks so much Igor.

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please read Brian Mowrey article too

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I read his article - my first stop.

I'm a little confused.

Peanut proteins supposedly aren't dangerous, but the immune response in some people is.

However covid spike proteins are supposedly dangerous. How could the body allow itself to be injured and do nothing?

Remembering that it's the body that produces the vaccine spikes... The body is so clever I wonder if it modifies them. I wish the researchers had analysed the blood for residual post-vax spike protein, particularly at the follow-up time.

And then I wonder how dangerous the virus is in the absence of an immune system.

There must be a lot of 3x and 4x dosed people in health care and aged care are still going to work each day in infected environments.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I read the "Our World in Data" too, and even though I live in Switzerland, I was looking how awful the situation is in Canada....I and my two adult children are not jabbed but my whole extended family is....most live there. It worries me a lot because my Mom already has had two boosters....I told her no more! Who knows if she will listen. I feel like I have nothing more to say that I have not been saying for two years. So frustrating. Thanks for the additional charts with the horizontal lines showing the situation in Europe...they make it so clear, so real, so tragic.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

🍁 Let's go Brandeau!

🍁 I used to consider Canada as a place where I could escape to if (when?) America went insane. Now I don't dare visit the place even as a tourist, and I have been to many countries that Americans considered scary at one time or another.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I will never visit Canada until that traitor Turdeau is in prison, or hanged. Please let it be the latter. My Mom has been informed. I will visit her when she travels south to Arizona for the winter..even she admits it feels much more free there.

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Getting rid of Trudeau isn't going to change anything. This is a worldwide phenomenon. The Conservatives would have done the same thing with the exception of not giving out checks for people and businesses to have survived. We'd all be bankrupt by now if they were in power. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking a change in political parties in any particular countries would change the fundamental problem.

The Americans are banging on about Biden causing inflation. He may have caused the tip over but this has been a long time coming and the debt wasn't just built up in America.

More curious is how Trump used the OT Authority laws of the US military via Operation Warp Speed to create the jabs and now 5 billion have been injected with it because the FDA and CDC said it was okay. So a law created to insulate the US military from all laws, regulations and liabilities when requisitioning experimental products was used to create the jabs and because US civilian health agencies gave it their approval governments around the world forced it upon their populations. A jab that was supposed to counteract the effects of a virus that came from that same military. It appears the US military is behind The Great Cull of over 5 billion people, including their own citizens and their own military personnel. Why have Russia and China never allowed an mRNA product into their countries? And no one is talking about this.

And every intelligence agency in the world, and therefore, every government in the world, knows this, and yet no one is talking about it.


This is a free ebook called Our COVID-19 Catastrophe by Ron Unz. I'm part way through this and have been floored by the things I've learned. Besides the virus origin; the Tiananmen Square massacre never happened and was an attempted colour revolution by the US; the US bombing of China's Serbian embassy in Belgrade was an attempt to target the remains of a F-117 Stealth fighter that Serbia had handed over to China. We hear about these kind of things but they are just assertions until you hear the mass of evidence. Also, see Larry Romanoff, dilyana.bg and RT on Telegram.

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Hopefully your mom doesn't look like Kyrsten Sinema, or she could be harassed in public in Arizona. :-)

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Same. It's very unfortunate because I used to love fishing for walleye and Northern Pike in Canada. Plus, much of Canada is beautiful. Such a rotten shame. I doubt I'll ever step foot there again.

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Have you watched the ABC News video? I'm thinking about sending it to some of my friends/family in high denial. I haven't sent anything in a while, but when I did, my son-in-law would look up fact-checkers and tell me I was wrong. It's going to be hard for him to find them here!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Indeed, I've already sent it to my family, and it's been well-received.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My brother does the same thing😪

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Do it!

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deletedJul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Absolutely the most racist, homophobic, transgender hating, climate denying misinformation I have ever seen... I am disturbed at YouTube and abc.

I'm calling Homeland security

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I admit I have substack favorites. You, el gato, and Jessica? I am SO excited when I see a post from one of you. That said, there are another dozen—at least—that I follow! I only wish there were a “newspaper” that carried all of my favs! Thank you SO much for keeping us awake and aware!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Epoch Times is closest newspaper you can find.

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ET is pretty good. But it does have its notable blind spots, climatism being one.

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Blind spot re climatism in what sense?

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ET critical reporting ability around the UNEP climatism charade and intermittent energy sources leaves much to be desired and has been a source of frustration that has led me to write to the ET to highlight my concern. On the other hand, their analysis of the CCP, COVID fraud, wider politics and society seems more thorough and exhibits a far greater rigor patently absent from their uncritical commentary of WaterMelon antics.

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Yes! I finally caved and got a year’s subscription!

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Nice. It's great.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The substack reader is helpful, if you don't have it yet

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Substack Reader is on substack.com and the latest articles from authors you're subscribed to will appear in chronological order. You can even bookmark them for much later.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Now that you have the perl and SQL, you can write many sequels to this post and share more pearls of wisdom.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Author

I am very excited. I had questions in the past that I could not answer... But now I can!

The problem is that I forgot what the questions were, but I hope to come up with new ones.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They'll all come back as soon as you start sifting. Go ahead and get that paint in your office that will convert the walls into whiteboards.

You're gonna have more work than you want.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Much love and gratitude…

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I imagined you were simply out picknicking in some beautiful clearing with a view of the mountains. I can see it all, the cheese, the wine, the grapes; (Or is it cheese and beer and sausage?) I think because of your wonderful name, and because you always seem to have a relaxed and well composed air about your work, for all the work it must be!!. Best Igor

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Using PostgreSQL?

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thanks brother!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Igor did you by chance also run the last regression without Portugal and/or Malta? I ask because it's common to check the results with and without outliers to know how much they drive the results. This is not to say they should be excluded (it's valid data!), but it's the first thing I would try after seeing that scatter plot. (Is your spreadsheet downloadable?)

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To be honest I have not, I would prefer NOT to give the appearance of fudging the data. I do realize that your question is an excellent one. Portugal had t he same ba5 just 1-2 months before everyone.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Should Poland / Netherlands be excluded at the same time as Portugal / Malta, since they are also outliers (in the other direction)?

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That would be a good thing to explore too, I would probably explore those separately because the Poland / Netherlands outliers would have the opposite effect, of lessening the positive slope.

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They cancel each other out.

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Romania and Bulgaria have the lowest booster uptake in the EU...both 10%, from what I have read. Thanks to the latest summer surge deaths in Romania are currently about 0.3 per million per day. Actual raw numbers average 7 deaths per day in Romania, and at such low levels it could just be "died with" COVID. Give the size of the population, you would expect 600 people per day to die of old age/natural causes, and some of these would be from flu/pnemonia even in normal times. So hard to say what it means.

But if you get around to including Romania and Bulgaria in your data set...since everyone knows they have the lowest vaxx and booster uptake...it may at least show what the lower bound would be. Nearest thing we have to an unboosted European population.

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By the way, Jikky is Arkmedic on substack

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I just subscribed to it!

Is he “mouse Zedong” now too?

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you Igor!

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I don’t know if he came back as Zedong, but whomever it was, got canned again. Your red ink is like a fingerprint 😉


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Wait, so the Arkmedic I used to follow on twitter (who was banned long ago) became Jikkyleaks on twitter?(!)

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Me too I thought maybe he took a vaca. Not so. Thank you for this offering.

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Not just tolerance, but Immune Imprinting where we are training the immune system to only fight the spike (particularly the original Wuhan type). We are then unable to mount an effective immune response against the whole virus particularly the whole Omicron variant. This is leading to more and more immune escape.

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You are absolutely right, I just wanted to discuss something new.

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Your data further confirms that when someone wants to come at you with a booster, run; run as far away from them as you can.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

How do you think this ends up affecting the unvaxxed?

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I live in a 95% jabbed country - Wales. It was difficult enough to find a sane, emotionally balanced and interesting date prior to the mass jabbings. Now it seems impossible - can't date the jabbed. How does it affect me? A lot more cold showers.

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You will soon be in great demand

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My adult children as well..both young, ( in their early 20's) and unjabbed. It may be difficult to navigate the dating world. It sounds like something from a Sci-Fi movie....

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Somebody needs to start an unjabbed dating site : ) We should have a competition as to what the name should be. Maybe Udate.com (instead of the famous Jdate site for Jewish dating)

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In fact, such a page does already exist in Europe. Only for unvaccinated people.

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This is a wonderful biz plan

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In my community this is a becoming a big thing, single guys do not want to date vaxxed women.

Problem is, there aren't enough unvaxxed women to go around.....

(a much higher % of women than men in my community were forced to get vaxxed from job mandates)

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Exactly, this is a huge problem going forward and it is NOT just in your community

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If someone is really desperate, you can always marry into Amish family :))

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

yup :)

I suspect that the gender gap is a bit unique though, lots more men than women who are still unvaxxed.

In other words, if there are statistically even uptake of vax by men/women, then the primary logistical issue is for the unvaxxed men/women to find each other.

If there is a gender imbalance, then there is an added problem of supply/demand, where there are too many unvaxxed of one gender to find unvaxxed spouses.

What does the age/gender breakdown look like elsewhere?

(Of course, there are likely a cohort of vaxxed ppl who regret getting vaxxed and also want to marry unvaxxed person, but that is a different issue, and I am assuming that they will have a very hard time convincing an unvaxxed person to 'settle' for them unless they have other powerfully redeeming qualities.)

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I read that on Match.com the virtue signaling members insisted on a jabbed status- they loved announcing it to the world. Will they now need a new button for unjabbed status?

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Author

The problem, seriously, is that there is no "unvaccinated passport" so people can lie about being unvaxed.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I checked into that place once, I've been widowed a year and would like to find someone to 'date'. There is a choice of 2 answers to the jabbed question. 'Jabbed' or 'Prefer not to say'. Considering how many guys put restaurants, concerts, and other social activities in their bios, it made me reticent to join up as I'm sure they are mostly jabbed to get their 'freedom' and would expect me to jab too to go do that stuff (which I don't care as much about now, rather be working on the farm or fixing a car or something...)

I gotta admit I'm worried about lack of partner material around for unhexxed of all ages around here.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It'll make it easy Charlotte. They'll only be two choices; dead and Undead...shrug

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i've seen many dating apps where people proudly announce they are jabbed and only won't jabbed people. i have never seen the reverse.

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Unvaccinated zoomer women will be the hottest commodity on earth within 3 years

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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022

The difference might not be that large. Some of the men might just have been lazy rather than concerned about finding an 'unvaxxed' woman. There is a whole world out there and other countries might have more 'unvaxxed' women then men. This paper says "A majority (58%) of papers reported men to have higher intentions to get vaccinated against COVID-19." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8739532/

Women might have greater options to get a fake 'vaccine' certificate like if they were friends with a doctor or one of the 'unvaxxed' nurses in their social groups.

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I think it was Catherine Austin Fitts in a broadcast on preparedness giving some ideas as to items you could acquire as barter materials, who mentioned ...wait for it...SPERM!!!!

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I can see my 20s unvaxd daughter is going to be in great demand, but unfortunately (maybe fortunately) she's not remotely interested at this time. :)

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Mine also not....not remotely interested. She will be only 24 next month but she certainly wants babies..lots of them. I told her to wait a bit as I am not ready yet to be Grandma....just turned 60 this year. I'm not remotely interested either in a relationship..after raising my two essentially on my own the last 25 years, I am so excited to be on my own again! Lots of future plans for this pureblood!

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Young vaxxed women are lying, saying their purebloods

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My 19 year old son feels the same. He is afraid he won't find a girl unjabbed.

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Tell him to do the standard thing to get married well, which is to become a high value man, it works

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Reminds me of the story in 1 Kings 19:14-18, where Elijah thought he was the only one left in the world (https://biblehub.com/esv/1_kings/19.htm). It turned out there were thousands who hadn't defiled themselves.

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Tell him to wait another 6 months... anyone who is not in the hospital, lying on the street outside the hospital waiting to get admitted... or in the morgue....

Will be unjabbed.

In the meantime the internet has plenty of alternatives that can provide entertainment and satisfaction for a young man.

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Yeah, that's gross.

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lifes to short,tell him to live and love like theres no tomorrow,because sometimes there isnt.You cant spend your time letting this god awful time in history dictate what you do.Be sensible by all means,but live life

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Lmao. The good news is; men have virtually a limitless amount of sperm.

So you gotta chance because most girls, that will be women by that time, are unvaxxed right now. At least in the US.

BE PATIENT! Gotta feeling there's gonna be a lot of sword fights. Maybe literally...;)

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am 56. Who do you think I am? Tom Cruise!? :-)

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You will be seen as a guy who will live into his 80s, a huge advantage

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

...maybe even longer! :-) I live in Switzerland, and we have about 70% of the adult population jabbed....so 30% is not a big pool to choose from. Most of my friends are unjabbed too, but they are all paired up....the situation seems dire for the younger ones who want children. I have had mine.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I don't care how old you guys are. I have a wife that's unvaxxed; so I have no excuses for horseplay...even if it's the end of the world.

Otherwise, I'd say put me in coach!...arghh that's a bad pun. Sorry ladies.

I would say stay healthy and get sleep. Humanity may be counting on folks like you...:]

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Tom is 60 I believe so why not

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deletedJul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

uhhh...banging Beavis............

Sorry Heidi, I'm a neanderthal...

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

All that beautiful scenery and no one to enjoy it with, yet another casualty of mankind's reaction to the Wu-flu.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Find a ‘stand in the park’ group. Telegram

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Forgive me, I’ve been out of the loop for a few days….doing summer stuff, like we all used to do.

Is your concern about dating jabbed women due to fertility concerns or shedding…or something else?

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I’m unvaxxed and haven’t had Covid yet, all around me vaxxed people are coming down with it. You also have to do the right thing. Most important…get your vitamin D levels anove 100 micrograms per ml.!! I have been taking Dr Zelenko’s Z-Stack for the past year.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I think the two most important things are to; just get outside and exercise.

If you're on the older side take more precautions.

I'm 51. That's my plan.

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You’re a youngster. I’m turning 76—a youngster. I live in Australia so I get outoors a lot; cycle, swim and do gym work plus supplement.

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I'm hoping to stay on your track.

I hope you're doing well in Australia.

It's funny (not really) that my friends are just now noticing what's happened/ing in Australia and Canada.

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Ryan, it's not that bad here in West Australia. Sure we have a dummy as Premier, but he and one of his kids (who ended up in hospital) were quadruple jabbed.

We did have our lockdowns, mask mandates, etc,but no different to many American states. In fact, not as bad as California and NY with extended school closures.

What you saw on media was primarily from the state of Victoria, totally crazy there.

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I have been on the z-stack ever since Fauci FROWNED when Trump mentioned HCQ. I immediately searched for information on it and found that it was an ionophore for zinc. So I searched for zinc ionophores and found quercetin. Late January 2021, I was exposed to Covid version 1.0. One night I awake from a fever sweat with the sheets absolutely soaked with sweat. That was the totality of my symptoms. A commentator with significant Covid symptoms mentioned that he had extreme sweats too.

You probably have had some Covid variant by now. I keep up with the z-stack but have dropped back the amount of zinc I take and take a low dose or no Vitamin D supplement when I am getting sunshine.

Purely Anecdotal, but the guy who exposed me was also taking quercetin, but not daily. He is pre-diabetic and was taking prescription medicine for it and monitored his blood sugar daily. When he started taking quercetin daily, his blood sugar dropped below minimum. He stopped using the prescription stuff and the daily quercetin keeps his blood sugar at the right level. His doctor approves. A significant anecdote as he has daily data. It definitely works for one person. I cannot say more than that.

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Some people have immunity to Covid and will never get sick from it because they have cross-reactivity immunity because they have been exposed to a virus with similar antigens.

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All my family is unjabbed, thank goodness. Several have had covid (at least, that's what their test claimed). Husband and I have not knowingly had it, although finally this past March and then again in May we both got "colds". The first time, my husband did a rapid test, negative, and I didn't test. The second time exactly 2 months later neither of us tested. The first cold was worse than the second, but neither was really that bad, mainly just low energy and nose running like a faucet. Everything over within a few days.

For 2 years we have taken D, zinc, C, and when we had our colds we were also adding in NAC and Quercetin.

Last week I felt a very slight sore throat beginning, and I did a nasal spray of my povidone iodine mix per Dr. McCulough and throat gargle with the product he recommends (forgot the name). Next day the sore throat was gone. I also increased the NAC and Quercetin (which I hadn't been taking for awhile) along with the usual other stuff. Whether these things plus my natural immunity from before helped things along, I can't know for sure. But I suspect it all helped.

In the last 6 months, I do know a lot of unvaccinated people who came down with very mild covid. But I know of a lot MORE people who are vaccinated who got covid multiple times since about last November and were far sicker than the unvaxxed I know who got it.

I'm going by what I observe, and it's not good for the vaccinated. For the unvaccinated, it's colds as usual and as we've experienced our whole lives. No big thing in most cases.

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You are corect in what you say, because the data shows that the more you inject, the more you are at risk of Covid. The 1% povidone iodine works well. Also, Ivermectin—at the first sign of symptoms. Plus check your blood vitamin D levels are above 100; and keep it there.

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Don't take their bullshit test. Don't comply with their deadly nonsense

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Replying to my own comment. When ever I have a great idea for some new gadget, I always search Amazon for it. I think I'm batting 100%. It is a great idea and someone else is already selling it.

I should have done a search for blood sugar and quercetin. Lots of stuff out there.

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Covid virgin!!!

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This is exactly what I want to know!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

We agree!

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I’m having skin reactions (hives and rash) to the double boosted. Also experiencing chronic cold like symptoms. I don’t know what to do. I was sick the entire time I was on vacation. I kept telling my sister it was my own personal cold and she kept insisting it was an allergy. After the rash and hives showed up, I realized it is an allergy. Guess I’ll have to lock myself in my house and stay away from the general public leaking their boosters all over me. I also developed this after a 2 hour stay at a neighbor, who was at the time, double jabbed and boosted.

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Have you tried Ivermectin, Andrea? Also nasal 1% iodine sprays and throat gargles. Also.lots of vitamin D.

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Ely, do you receive Ivermectin in Australia? I am from Germany and I have zero idea where to buy Ivermectin. I have been tying to find a solution for a long time already.

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Max, you have to get it from overseas, here is a link:


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Ely, thank you! I had not seen such a page before. I would like to order it but I am not sure.

1. I do not know if it is legal here in Germany. Maybe it is illegal. I have to found it out. Have you seen the study with 220.000 people which shows regular IVM reduces risk of death by 90%? This is striking. So I have zero idea how a life-saving intervention like this can be illegal... But this is our world now.

2. In case it is not illegal to order it, the customs will not accept it. I heard about a man from Germany who ordered Ivermectin from another country. What happened? He did not receive it. The customs office blocked and probably destroyed it.

So what am I going to do?

By the way, I think your substack is great, I will subscribe to it.

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I do have ivermectin and do use the nasal spray and gargle nightly. The ivermectin I haven’t taken, guess I was waiting for another emergency, but this has gone to far. Last weekend I was with my uncle and he’s double jabbed, double boosted. He’s had nothing but health problems since getting his vaccines.

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Hi Andrea. Ivermectin is part of the long covid or post vaccine protocol. Go To this on the FLCCC it has all the protocols:


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Is it possible this is psychosomatic? I'm not trying to be dismissive here. I've heard of "shedding" symptoms but have never experienced any fall out from vaxxed friends and family. Was sharing a house with booster-happy siblings two weeks ago. Nothing. Spent the whole of 2021 visiting with vaxxed relatives in a biweekly basis. No weirdness. Or maybe you're extremely sensitive to whatever the vaxxed are giving off. Wondering if your reactions could pick out boosted people in a mixed crowd.

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Andrea, maybe increasing Glutathione level (Glutathione is the most important antioxidative defense system which also helps to defend from the skipe protein etc.) and supporting the functioning of the mitochondria could help.

There is a phase 3 RCT showing that increasing the level of Glutathione and supporting the functioning of your mitochondria with four substances called CMA (l-serine, N-acetyl-l-cysteine, nicotinamide riboside, and l-carnitine tartrate) leads to a MUCH faster recovery from covid.

So this natural treatment improves your immune health and your defense systems. And soI could imagine that it might also help in cases that you describe. Maybe it helps you.

Also, inflammatory processes were drastically reduced, so the authors wrote:

"Based on integrative analysis, we observed that CMA may interrupt the overactive immune response and early treatment with CMA may reduce the risk of progression to severe respiratory distress and lung damage.

In conclusion, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of CMA in combination with HQ or FP therapy in patients with mild‐to‐moderate COVID‐19 and observed that combination therapy is safe and beneficial in patients with mild‐to‐moderate COVID‐19. Our analysis showed that administration of CMA is an effective and safe treatment for COVID‐19 patients."

Title: "Combined Metabolic Activators Accelerates Recovery in Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19"

This is not a medical advice, I am not allowed to provide a medical advice, it is just an information, not a recommendation. Please discuss this with your health provider.

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Thanks for this information. I do have have NAC on hand.

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Great. But I think more can be expected when NAC is combined with the other three supplements.

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So we know these death boosters are effective, they boost deaths.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not sure you can beat this one.

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100% correct!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Boosters creating more severe “Covid” is especially true in my circle. Some are young (16-60) and most are fit (upper middle class with good health and access to healthcare).

My theory is that their bodies are overwhelmed by the LNPs and spike proteins poisoning.

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Same with my personal circle of friends. It is sad to watch and understand why they are all experiencing bad summer colds, “Covid”, and whatever name the doctors with their heads in the sand are telling them. I am sure your theory is what is happening to all that are “protected” with the horrible immune destroying shots.

Luckily, my immediate family listened to me and reluctantly held strong and ignored the propaganda.

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I know fit (not just healthy -fit) 30 year olds who have ended up in the hospital with 104 temps and horribly painful coughing fits... they had to be put onto codeine to calm the cough

It's endless sickness here in Queenstown - staff shortages across the board -- businesses struggling to stay open on some days...

Precursor to ... The Horror?

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The horror is partially watching and not being able to do anything as a thus far healthy non-vaxxed.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

But they're in denial because they keep saying "to hell with all of you that said this was mild!" Well yeah, it was mild for us unjabbed a year ago.

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They said it was mild because they wanted the vaxxed to spread it far and wide so as to encourage mutations.

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Exactly the reason for ignoring virology 101 and 'vaccinating' during a pandemic, force the virus through selective immune pressure to gain evolutionary advantage, functional gains. All the jabbed world is a Lab.

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Soft landing so to speak

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Jul 25, 2022·edited Jul 25, 2022

Two days of the sniffles for me in October of 2021, but I will never know it if was Covid....I did not take a test, never have taken one. I did lose my sense of taste and smell for a week so maybe I did have it.....did not want to know, did not want to participate in all the certificate craziness, too discriminatory for my liking. Never wore a mask either, just said NO, and did not comply. Nowhere. All of it nonsense from the get go, and then they brought out the poison. Insanity all around. I only have sympathy for the ones who were asked to make a horrendous decision that impacted their health, and their livelihood. I work for myself so I was spared that evil.

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Loss of smell was the worst symptom in my family of four, symptoms were just like a cold otherwise. I was texting with a friend that was a doctor and she said yeah you don't even need to take a test if you lost your sense of smell. I have read you can lose your sense of smell and taste with other illnesses but other than because of a stuffed up nose would you lose it for months? Anyway, we haven't been sick since January of 2021 and we've been around covid positive people since then, have been fine.

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yes that is what I am seeing - The Sickness has grabbed hold of the Vaxxies

I like this term Vaxxies -- it ridicules them ... in a polite way... CovIDIOT is more accurate but they may find it offensive and attack you if you refer to them in that way.

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I understand your sentiment. However, I view most as victims that grew up in an era that trusting your family doctor was the normal thing yo do. The younger tech savvy should have been researching when the immediate Boosters rolled around I do agree. Still, no one deserves the fate that awaits them for trusting those supposedly entrusted to use the best science available as Public Health officials or local physicians.

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I grew up in that era ...

The thing is...

The first thing I did when I heard about Warp Speed and that we'd have a Safe and Effective Vaccine within a year... was to do a bit of research...

Cuz I was very suspicious about this Safe and Effective thing ... cuz I know that you cannot do long term trials -- without the long term...

I recall SARS because I lived in HK through this ... and I recall the efforts to try to make a vaccine for this coronavirus ... I wondered what came of that.. and found this


When I am asked why I don't get the vax I usually say I'm waiting for the long term studies... some of the Vaxxies will say - most of the side effects with vaccines come in the first few days of being administered (cuz Dr Fawchi said!).

And I say -- you know why that is -- it's because all other vaccines are tested for many years on both animals then humans before they are released broadly...

Therefore if there are any serious long term side effects -- they don't get put into shoulders.

DUH. DUH on Steroids.

I actually caught a high flying lawyer mate in that trap..... (he's 4x shot now... )

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I love the long term testing argument as well. Then I start to ask the question out loud. So President Trump and team spent two months and had a vaccine made with operation warp speed.

If it failed what was the backup plan?

So did you hear they also ran long term studies with placebos?

Did they also create a plan B product going the long route if Plan A failed? If not why?

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Smirking semaphore Bill and his also smirking nodding ex squeeze said we would really pay attention to the next one!

If it's supposed to be mon(k)eypox, then he needs to sack Dr Nefarious and his development team. It's so laughable to watch the WHOs desparate attempts to appear legitimate, the curtains gone, all is exposed and naked for all those who are awake.

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I grew up in that era too. Unfortunately I had already learned through loss the hard way just how deadly policies are for profit, and how many medical professionals can lie with ease. I was leery from day one too, just because I expected the worst from the 3 letters as par for the course. Most our generation and older just are too trusting I fear.

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I haven't trusted doctors since 1970, when I was 20. I had an experience 6 months after my daughter was born that could have killed me. Since then I have steered clear of doctors as much as possible. I feel my long held skepticism of the medical establishment and pharmaceuticals has served me quite well, especially as this covid idiocy took hold.

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Your skepticism has probably protected you in many ways.

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My sister in law is 69, and grew up with a mother who believed doctors were gods who could do no wrong. Most of my close family has been committed to staying unvaxxed, but the SIL watched too much MSM and got 2 Moderna shots about a year ago. She was going on and on and feeling "giddy" as she got the shots to help humanity. When the boosters rolled around, we again tried to convince her to forgo the booster and she appeared to agree, but then one day she confessed she had gotten it anyway. So far she has had no problems, despite being quite overweight and in generally poor physical health. We'll see what happens.

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At least you all tried. I hope she is lucky and stays healthy, but I fear her luck will run out one day as the shots continue to do their damage.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Really? I'm not seeing this here in Maryland.

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My circle is on the East Coast plus Midwest. Consider your friends & family fortunate if they are healthy and vaccinated. I wish I did not know of close friends that were too trusting and are now experiencing moderate illness for now. I fear it will get much worse with time.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

In my mind it's not even anecdotal anymore.

You just gotta wonder when they're gonna put it together.

I hope soon, for I fear their actions will affect my children.

I don't think they care, cuz they can't see past their FEAR.

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They won't. They can't. They lose their minds if they realized they've poisoned themselves (and their kids).

What I am hearing is that vax injuries 'are long covid' ... or if they can't fob them off on long covid e.g. heart attacks ... 'that's too bad but covid causes more heart damage that the vax - vax injuries are rare - the vaxxes are safe and effective'

They could never accept that the government is trying to harm them... they can't even consider that the government might have just f789ed up.

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Maybe there is a whole lot of dollars to be made from leaky inoculations and the transference of wealth. I don't know why the obvious explanations are not the easiest to accept?

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If you have the power to do what they are doing - i.e. control all governments the MSM and social media + all medical associations - you basically run the world -- why flog dodgy meds when you could simply tell the Fed to deposit a trillion into your account..

Oh and by doing what they are doing they are burning down their own house -- they better spend their profits quickly .. cuz there won't be anything left to buy in the near future

This is the reason for the CovCON - you don't kill babies for money https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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We agree again!

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government might have just f789ed up.*

Maybe they're better staying that way?

It is the most annoying part of all this horseshit though.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am blown away Igor. Wow. One of your best...combining your best.

Just wow!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'm dying to see the relationship between boosters and all cause mortality compared to unvaccinated.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's starting to show up bigger and bigger

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

very unlikely for you to see it, this data is being urgently memoryholed.

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Actually to my surprise , the CSV dataset does not have the total excess mortality data

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hopefully you mean that figuratively and not literally. :-)

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To my knowledge I was speaking figuratively. :-)

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I love your stuff Igor. Thanks for plowing through that data!

What's odd is here in Maryland cases are up but not hospitalizations. Most of my family has had the boosters etc, but only my unvaxxed husband and I have had ba5. We just got over it. It wasn't bad, like an annoying cold. But we had to listen to vaxxed family tut-tutting and saying you shoulda had the shots.

So far, nothing has happened to shake the faith of vaxxed family and friends in the mRNA shots. Not that I wish death and illness on anyone. But I do wonder how personal experience is so different from the analysis you present here.

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They may not be reporting covid hospitalizations properly.

They say, if boosted Mr X had Covid 2 weeks ago and is hospitalized for a heart attack, it is not "because of covid" and is not recorded. But guess why Mr X is having a heart attack -- because of boosters and covid

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

But your analysis is for deaths from covid, right? Not from all cause deaths. And deaths from covid don't seem to up here

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Yes, I deal with what I can get

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I guess the point of my question is here where covid deaths are recorded we're seeing an uptick in cases but not deaths. Your point about vaccine caused deaths that will never be attributed to covid vaccines, such as stroke or heart attack is valid. But deaths attributed purely to covid should be on the rise here among the boosted if things are working the way they seem to be in Europe. Possibly we're not as boosted as Europe. But I'm not hearing stories from vaxxed friends and neighbors about their getting covid. Whereas the people I know who have had this round of Omicron are all unvaxxed.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

why woild they brag about having covid ? lots of vaxxed folks still seem to feel that getting it is a moral failure, and may be shy to disclosure unless you ask....

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This go round it's hard to hide it: it's a crappy cold. My youngest brother had the same scratchy throat I had, tested: negative. I tested positive and it went from there. Cases are up: reported cases in Maryland up about 16%, which means there are a lot more out there. My husband and I just got over it and didn't report it, for instance. But I do not know personally one vaxxed person who got ba5 like we had it. I do know several unvaxxed who've had it just this past month. My point is the death rates should be higher here in Maryland due to covid, covid deaths, given the higher case rate, but we're not seeing it.

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BA.5 is still not particularly virulent compared to last year's variants. The Ethical Skeptic has great statistics on Covid hospitalizations and deaths. His current indicator shows BA.5 to be very mild for the unvaxxed but moderate/elevated risk for the boosted. You are not going to see many BA.5 deaths except in high risk population (just like flu). TES also estimated that the current CFR is around half (or less) of H1N1 influenza.


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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And yet the Irish government continues to pressure everyone to get boosted....sigh...(thanks as always)

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And to think the Irish PM is a quack himself.... but I digress. He, like his fellow covidian cult travellers, are away with the fairies when it comes to this. Honestly, it almost seems that most of the world is in a trance and have lost all power of rational thought, even though many realize they are being lied to but still go with the flow anyway. It blows this Armagh Man away I can tell ye.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Leo is a "woke" WEF stooge. When this goes wrong in the way that GVB predicts it will be interesting to see how long he holds any position of influence. Meanwhile here in Armagh the hospitals are barely testing for covid. They are however isolating suspected cases.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

what are the gov't types being promised to get them to push the vax?

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Not being harassed and demonized out of their jobs when they have kids in college, pension vesting issues

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Cash for campaigns, feathers for nests, junkets, etc.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It appears the Waterford trial / experiment has been completely ignored for the corporate greed in Big Pharma. When the virulence of the variants takes a turn for the worse. The impact on Irish rural communities will be seismic.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

And yet HHS and local health depts are persisting in advertising this toxic crap to us using our own tax dollars - have we developed tolerance to that as well?

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While IgG4 effect may seem like tolerance, true tolerance is Treg mediated. IgG4 effect is best described as desensitization.


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Your article is incredible!

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Thank you!

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It is consistent with one doctor who wrote a book to show that the current childhood vaccine program is too early and too fast for the babies.

It suggests the little ones need to eat every type of food possible multiple times before getting any vaccination. I would guess none before the age of 3-4 for most kids. It is also consistent with the idea that children raised in too clean an environment develop allergies. They need to eat some grass and dirt. Pets in the house are probably a good idea.

Just followed my last comment, any good idea is already known: " Children raised in a house with two or more dogs or cats during the first year of life may be less likely to develop allergic diseases as compared with children raised without pets." From the 1st item in a search about pets in the house.

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Can you post the title/author of this book? Thanks in advance.

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This is superb :))

Every time I see one of these articles, it is frustrating to be reminded yet again how the entire academic medical world has simply ceased producing *any* quality data at all.

Substack is the new peer-reviewed literature. It's increasingly harder to find quality work in major medical journals. And substack is actually peer-reviewed for real :)

Btw Igor, Eugenia mentioned to me that she had been doing work on measuring cellular toxicity of viral loads of current Omicron variants, she has a paper coming out in a months or so (hopefully) on this, Omicron variants are much less toxic to cells generally, so Omicron should be essentially a freebie virus to get rid of without dying, and especially with much of the vulnerable pop already offed by either covid, vaccines, or lockdown-associated excess deaths, so boosted getting deep 6'd by covid now seems quite ominous.....

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ask your friend to measure toxicity to immune cells, CD4, CD8, monocytes, etc

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I don't know if NIH policy allows for changing the study in "post production" :)

The way she described (at least how I understood lol), they were seeding cells in vitro with different concentrations of diff variants etc to see relationship toxicity-quantity/viral load

Checking effects on populations of CD4/8 etc. probably be a wee bit more difficult, hard to simulate the bioenvironmental factors that guide immunological mechanisms in vitro unlike a cell line you can just 'inject' with something in a petri dish and see if it is poisonous to the cells which should usually roughly translate in anatomical environment more or less. I'm pretty sure she dropped a line about cells that aren't dying from viral infection (usually just going a bit hungry as virus competes with cellular enzymes etc for cell resources like ribosomes etc) don't release the same sort of immunologically triggering signals etc. though.

Of course, that's allegedly why there's a CDC/NIH in the first place, to do sophisticated specialized research.

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very exciting!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Excellent insight, Ashmedai, I believe you are correct! "Substack is the new peer-reviewed literature."

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

The injuries are pervasive, if people are circulating in society much. I have a friend whose girlfriend in NYC had to be admitted to the hospital after her boosted shot for her job; and her employer insists she get a second "booster". We need to totally question the terminology because no "booster" or "vaccine" does this much damage.

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Just curious who is her employer (answer only if it is a large employer)

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I'll ask Dan next time I talk to him. My guess a municipal, state or health care worker. Dan said her superior is a wealthy woman who is pushing her.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Love your work. Just nursed my 67yr old husband through a minor covid illness. Only vaxxed with Moderna , me 2x phizer , both before knew Better. I followed FLCC supplement w ivm low dose, Tylenol ibuprofen for fever. General malaise, sore throat, fever 98 to 99 which for him is high. Lots of water. Better by 5th day, still testing positive, me negative. I've been on most all covid supplements since I found Dr been and flcc. Took ivm with him for 5 days. All good. My tenant boosted, not so lucky. She is boosted, and she walked out with paxlovid. Our urgent care just sent us home stating

the drugs I suggested as ineffective. Tennant better, no symptoms, but also still testing positive. I warned her, but she wouldn't listen. I just pray she doses rebound.

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Just wondering how you came to know better, to give us some ideas for helping others. Thanks

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Are you asking me or igor? I woke when Dr korey pleaded with congress for early and effective treatments. The Harvard study limiting the use of an effective steroid does is criminal.the lies about ivermectin insane. I read the studies. Watch Dr Been explaining them. Vermont blocked arthromycien for gids sake. Since when don't you open the cupboard and throw EVERYAT THIS BASTARD, and see what works. NO JUST GET VAXED, you won't get it, then we did, it'll keep you out of the hospital, but it didn't, you won't die, but we did. Now FIVE SHOTS LATER, SAD, CANCERS SKYROCKETING, REPEAT INFECTIONS. INSANE.

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Hi Igor, I just wanted to thank you for your tireless efforts in finding, analyzing and presenting complex information to us. Of everyone I read, yours is the one I always enjoy the most, and learn the most from. Thank you my friend!

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Ah, thank you!!!

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

💯agree- he’s a Covid HERO.

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this is OBVIOUSLY a pre planned de-population agenda...the million dollar question is this...is there an over population problem? that is certainly debatable....https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/76253-dead-6033218-injured-recorded-in-europe-and-usa-following-covid-vaccines-with-4358-fetal-deaths-in-u-s/

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The main priority during depopulation, is not to get depopulated

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There you go again.

For some lucky unvaxxed bachelor's this could be the Genghis Khan Repopulation Plan.

Save yourself young men.

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It may end up being more about women, actually, unvaxed women will be in enormous demand

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

This is actually very scary for women in some countries.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Handmaid’s Tale!

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Unfortunately I have been thinking the same thing!

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Countries where women have few rights will have lower vaccination levels (Africa) or use the Chinese vaccines which are less dangerous and lower dose (South Asia).

The most affected countries, where the mRNA vaccines had the highest uptake, are those where women are politically empowered. These countries will bend over backwards to further empower the remaining fertile women if it becomes apparent that fertility has been damaged by synthetic mRNA treatments.

It is scary for women in the sense that a great many may have trouble conceiving and there will be a great deal of personal misery as a result.

But the women who aren't affected are going to be treated like gold by society once the truth comes out.

And the women who ARE affected are going to get a great deal of sympathy and government support (free IVF perhaps).

Given the existing political landscape in the west, both sides of politics will want to help and save and support women who have been affected, and subsidise the reproductive choices of the remaining women, possibly to an extraordinary degree. The result will be MORE female empowerment, not less.

The effect for unjabbed men who want a wife and family will be soul-crushing demoralisation when it becomes apparent how difficult and unlikely this is and how high the bar will be set to win over one of the few remaining healthy women.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Really? Will the question really be who wants children more. Men or Women?

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Fewer unjabbed women

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Men are more likely to be antisocial rebels. Women are more likely to go along to get along. Medicine and teaching are mostly female fields in developed countries and there was a lot of pressure to get vaccinated in these fields...in some countries you got fired. So I would expect the number of unvaxxed men to exceed the unvaxxed women by at least 50%.

We will see the same dating arms race we have seen with obesity....but added on top of it. The few remaining slim, healthy, unvaxxed women will be treated like goddesses by an army of simps.

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I'm concerned about what I'll eat and do for electricity once the Vaxxies are all sickened/dying.

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