IgG4 is very bad news! "IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) is considered a systemic, chronic, and inflammatory disorder that is characterized by the enlargement of involved organs, elevated levels of IgG4, and abundant infiltration of plasmacytes with IgG4 and fibrosis in involved organs. "


"IgG4 is the least abundant subclass of IgG in normal human serum, but elevated IgG4 levels are triggered in response to a chronic antigenic stimulus and inflammation. Since the immune system is exposed to tumor-associated antigens over a relatively long period of time, and tumors notoriously promote inflammation, it is unsurprising that IgG4 has been implicated in certain tumor types. "


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I know two healthy men who have been damaged by the Pfizer injection. They have all the symptoms of heart damage but the tests including MRI show no physical damage.

One in 16 months post jab 2 and has had some improvement but he remains unable to exercise - any exertion beyond a normal walk brings chest pain. There is no further improvement

The other is about 8 months in -- was until recently unable to walk on a flat even 50m without collapsing with chest pain. He can now walk maybe half a km at a slow pace - if he walks briskly his heart rate spikes to 170ish ... and chest pain kicks in.

I wonder if the condition you describe is what is involved with these two. I have read about many others who were Pfizered who show no physical damage yet are clearly severely damaged - perhaps chronic inflammation of the circulatory system?

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As someone who loves going to the gym every day this scares me the most - - because if you can't exercise beyond a simple walk, they have you right where they want you - - fat and ready for slaughter.

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My dad is a 65 year old who developed heart issues after his second dose. He is currently on the waiting list to receive a stint in his heart. His doctors however are pushing him to get his boosters in the meantime. He’s planning on complying because he doesn’t believe there’s a correlation between his issues and the shots. I’m very worried that if he gets it he could be done. I want to show him evidence of the risk of these shots and heart problems. I know there are a ton of studies and articles out there but is there 1-2 people would recommend to try to convince a skeptic?

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Look for videos with Dr. Peter McCullough who is a cardiologist. Find one on a platform that Dad would accept bc my family refuses to read/watch if the platform (eg Fox) is anathema to them.


Maybe he had some direct cardio testimony with Senator Ron Johnson's panel too...

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Wow, I'm so sorry. I hope they can find a Dr who supports https://covid19criticalcare.com/, and can measure their heart troponin and d-dimer as well as offer Ivermectin or other treatment to hopefully remedy their condition.

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They've had all these tests... nothing comes up.

One of them is a very senior investment banker.. he's had top cardio people look and they do not know what the problem is... they just tell him to be patient... and hope it improves.

The other guy has a 'anti-vax friendly' cardio who says same.

I was speaking to an Aussie cardio researcher last month and brought this up - he is aware of it - he knows someone with this-- it's early days with this so they don't know what to do

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Perhaps your friends can re-build their immunity and reduce inflammation with foods (anti-inflammatory diet) and supplements, Functional Medicine Doctors know how to do this, I saw one for a time and he had me take Glutathione, Vitamin A, mega C, Noni, Fish oil, Vit D etc. Now I make my own Elderberry Syrup, take several supplements and the gamechanger for my immune/inflammation issues was mushrooms, https://www.realmushrooms.com/7-medicinal-mushroom-benefits-for-health/

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Don't worry, Pfizer will doubtless come to the rescue with a new cardiac drug to treat this "idiopathic" problem.😒

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The y should get a D-Dimer yest and troponin test. It may not show on MRI (Fr. McCullough said only serious cases will—and while this may be serious, it may not be the kind that shows up), I don’t know how reliable those other tests are but I know they are used to test for vax heart damage.

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They had those tests multiple times when they first reported the problems.

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Like a time bomb. The question is then, was this an unintended consequence, expected consequence that was covered up, or worse yet, was it engineered for this?

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Jul 24, 2022Edited
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And NAC helps with glutathione. Guess we know why the FDA wanted it banned

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Isn't it "strange" how so many things that could have been helpful were banned / made difficult right before this all started. I was lucky enough to be reading insights from some doctors (don't remember who) who suggested NAC. I went ahead and ordered some from Amazon. Have never used, but it sits in my cupboard if I would ever need it.

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You can buy it at Walmart where I live.

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They banned it, and it got scarce for awhile - but it seems that distributors aren't really listening. I've stocked up, and it's good for daily maintenance and prevention as well. Keeps the cells singing.

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And there will be supply-chain issues with whey protein powder …

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Whey... Just eat Meat and low carb vegetables. No problem.

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Have you looked at the price of meat lately? That is going to be a problem for some people.

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Yes. But what ya going to do? I'm going to eat meat as long as I can... It's not something you can live without!

People who think humanity can live on artificial crap are wrong.

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It's not that bad yet where I live. But it is already a problem for some. Trouble is that those same people tend to be the ones with enough money for soda, sticky buns and Hot Pockets.

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Hunt. Don't be picky. Road kill.

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Um. Australia is putting mRNA into beef. Likely chickens next.

Coming to crops near you - the successes of mRNA in crops doesn't have the complications that putting them in an animal do.

But the animal is due for slaughter, so -

(but the eggs I worry about - really need my own chickens)

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Congress, specifically it's before the Senate, is now coming after supplements. Big Harma's coming after them. And us. NAC and B6 are high on their lists.

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What is NAC? And, will the protocols developed by the FLCCC continue to help with the additional variants, in your opinion?

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NAC is short for N-Acetyl Cysteine. FLCCC continually updates their protocols, as they learn more. (You know - the way that Science is SUPPOSED TO WORK.) Most of the "core" remains, but I noticed that they have tweaked their protocols several times in the last month. For example, they now are recommending Vitamin D levels based upon weight status, e.g., underweight, normal, overweight, obese.

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Thanks! I follow FLCCC pretty closely as you apparently do as well. IMO, this scamdemic could have been ended by mid 2020 had our health agencies along with the media not been bought and paid for by Big Harma (a phrase I stole from someone). HcQ and IVM work, especially when treated early, and our health agencies and Fauci knew it, but then Big Harma would have lost out on big profits. I hope there is hell to pay for what happened, not just in the US, but the entire world for the sake or big harma and FDA profits.

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100% agree! Sometimes I wonder - how many tens (or hundreds of thousands) of lives would have been saved if Doctors would have just treated people... with ANYTHING!

Instead, we got the "Go home and wait until your lips are blue and go to the hospital".

What we have witnessed is Evil in it's purest form, and it's hard to unsee.

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Heidi, you are right about this.

It is not only Glutathione depletion. The age related decline of Melatonin, Q10, other antioxidative defense systems, a disturbed gut microbiota, mitochondrial dysfunction for various reasons including micronutrient deficiencies etc. etc. are also in part responsible.

But yes, Glutathione deficiency is one of the most important reasons. I also describe this in my book. See what the peer-reviewed literature says:

"Higher rates of serious illness and death from coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection among older people and those who have comorbidities suggest that age- and disease-related biological processes make such individuals more sensitive to environmental stress factors including infectious agents like coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Specifically, impaired redox homeostasis and associated oxidative stress appear to be important biological processes that may account for increased individual susceptibility to diverse environmental insults. The aim of this Viewpoint is to justify (1) the crucial roles of glutathione in determining individual responsiveness to COVID-19 infection and disease pathogenesis and (2) the feasibility of using glutathione as a means for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 illness. The hypothesis that glutathione deficiency is the most plausible explanation for serious manifestation and death in COVID-19 patients was proposed on the basis of an exhaustive literature analysis and observations. The hypothesis unravels the mysteries of epidemiological data on the risk factors determining serious manifestations of COVID-19 infection and the high risk of death and opens real opportunities for effective treatment and prevention of the disease."

Title: "Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients"

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Jul 25, 2022
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Why did you have to, if it is not too nosy?

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Jul 25, 2022Edited
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Heidi, thank you for sharing this. I honestly think you made a mistake. Maybe it is inappropriate to say this because I only have the limited information that you provided. But I think you should not have deleted your Substack and the important articles.

Please consider that you were sharing LIFE-SAVING knowledge.

I understand that the situation was uncomfortable because you are married. But please understand that we need more people like you to the get the truth out.

We need more (and not less) people to speak out and to inform people! You published life saving knowledge and then you stopped because someone sent you many poems etc. I do not want to judge you, don´t misunderstand me.

I just want to tell you that you should recover you Substack and your articles and help us to get the truth out.

You have to concentrate on helping to save lifes.

In case a person writes poems for you again and you do not want that, just tell him in a friendly way:

"Thank you! My husband and I liked this poem."

These might be nice persons who are writing these poems.

But even nice persons have to respect that you are married and you can tell this in a friendly but clear way. This does not mean you hurt them. You are not a bad person for telling people that you are married.

And if he does not stop, just stay friendly and say "thanks" from time to time. And if it starts being very uncomfortable for you, delete the subscription. I am sure you can block people since this is your own Substack. And you already told him that you have a husband. So if he does not understand this, you have to go this way.

Concentrate on saving lives and do not let such situations stop you! We need you.

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Thank you for the social media lesson. For anyone with a kind heart, it would be hard not to reach out. I am surprised comments couldn't be blocked and deleted. (So many odd ducks in this world are fun to interact with, but then along comes someone impossible.)

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Consider an avatar and a handle like mine. Social media is like walking in a dark garage to your car. Just sayin.

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And there is a phase 3 RCT showing that increasing the level of Glutathione and supporting the functioning of your mitochondria with four substances called CMA (l-serine, N-acetyl-l-cysteine, nicotinamide riboside, and l-carnitine tartrate) leads to a MUCH faster recovery from covid.

Also, inflammatory processes were drastically reduced, so the authors wrote:

"Based on integrative analysis, we observed that CMA may interrupt the overactive immune response and early treatment with CMA may reduce the risk of progression to severe respiratory distress and lung damage.

In conclusion, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of CMA in combination with HQ or FP therapy in patients with mild‐to‐moderate COVID‐19 and observed that combination therapy is safe and beneficial in patients with mild‐to‐moderate COVID‐19. Our analysis showed that administration of CMA is an effective and safe treatment for COVID‐19 patients."

I wish Igor would report about this study so that more people can be informed about this effective treatment possibility.

Title: "Combined Metabolic Activators Accelerates Recovery in Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19"

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Jul 25, 2022Edited
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Why did you have to take your substack down?

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Ok, I gotta ask- would H2 water help reduce an ROS inflammation issue?

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Jul 25, 2022
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I was referring to H2 water, which is supposedly anti-inflammatory and helps with ROS?


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I was wondering where Igor was, I felt a little like I was walking alone in the dark, without Igor and jikky on Twitter. Vanden Bossche came in to fill the gap… man, it’s all like a well oiled machine… if people only opened their eyes, or stop letting amateurs “drive the car”

Thank you, dear brother.

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Thanks! :-) I was tired during the week, then spent a lot of time writing perl, SQL and shell scripts for "Our World in Data" records.

But now I can anayze datasets!

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The more ammunition, the more better. Your considerable efforts are most appreciated. Thanks for highlighting the"tolerance" issue. Had not considered this part of the equation. Thanks so much Igor.

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please read Brian Mowrey article too

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I read his article - my first stop.

I'm a little confused.

Peanut proteins supposedly aren't dangerous, but the immune response in some people is.

However covid spike proteins are supposedly dangerous. How could the body allow itself to be injured and do nothing?

Remembering that it's the body that produces the vaccine spikes... The body is so clever I wonder if it modifies them. I wish the researchers had analysed the blood for residual post-vax spike protein, particularly at the follow-up time.

And then I wonder how dangerous the virus is in the absence of an immune system.

There must be a lot of 3x and 4x dosed people in health care and aged care are still going to work each day in infected environments.

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I read the "Our World in Data" too, and even though I live in Switzerland, I was looking how awful the situation is in Canada....I and my two adult children are not jabbed but my whole extended family is....most live there. It worries me a lot because my Mom already has had two boosters....I told her no more! Who knows if she will listen. I feel like I have nothing more to say that I have not been saying for two years. So frustrating. Thanks for the additional charts with the horizontal lines showing the situation in Europe...they make it so clear, so real, so tragic.

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🍁 Let's go Brandeau!

🍁 I used to consider Canada as a place where I could escape to if (when?) America went insane. Now I don't dare visit the place even as a tourist, and I have been to many countries that Americans considered scary at one time or another.

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I will never visit Canada until that traitor Turdeau is in prison, or hanged. Please let it be the latter. My Mom has been informed. I will visit her when she travels south to Arizona for the winter..even she admits it feels much more free there.

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Getting rid of Trudeau isn't going to change anything. This is a worldwide phenomenon. The Conservatives would have done the same thing with the exception of not giving out checks for people and businesses to have survived. We'd all be bankrupt by now if they were in power. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking a change in political parties in any particular countries would change the fundamental problem.

The Americans are banging on about Biden causing inflation. He may have caused the tip over but this has been a long time coming and the debt wasn't just built up in America.

More curious is how Trump used the OT Authority laws of the US military via Operation Warp Speed to create the jabs and now 5 billion have been injected with it because the FDA and CDC said it was okay. So a law created to insulate the US military from all laws, regulations and liabilities when requisitioning experimental products was used to create the jabs and because US civilian health agencies gave it their approval governments around the world forced it upon their populations. A jab that was supposed to counteract the effects of a virus that came from that same military. It appears the US military is behind The Great Cull of over 5 billion people, including their own citizens and their own military personnel. Why have Russia and China never allowed an mRNA product into their countries? And no one is talking about this.

And every intelligence agency in the world, and therefore, every government in the world, knows this, and yet no one is talking about it.


This is a free ebook called Our COVID-19 Catastrophe by Ron Unz. I'm part way through this and have been floored by the things I've learned. Besides the virus origin; the Tiananmen Square massacre never happened and was an attempted colour revolution by the US; the US bombing of China's Serbian embassy in Belgrade was an attempt to target the remains of a F-117 Stealth fighter that Serbia had handed over to China. We hear about these kind of things but they are just assertions until you hear the mass of evidence. Also, see Larry Romanoff, dilyana.bg and RT on Telegram.

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Hopefully your mom doesn't look like Kyrsten Sinema, or she could be harassed in public in Arizona. :-)

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Same. It's very unfortunate because I used to love fishing for walleye and Northern Pike in Canada. Plus, much of Canada is beautiful. Such a rotten shame. I doubt I'll ever step foot there again.

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Have you watched the ABC News video? I'm thinking about sending it to some of my friends/family in high denial. I haven't sent anything in a while, but when I did, my son-in-law would look up fact-checkers and tell me I was wrong. It's going to be hard for him to find them here!

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Indeed, I've already sent it to my family, and it's been well-received.

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My brother does the same thing😪

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Do it!

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Jul 24, 2022
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Absolutely the most racist, homophobic, transgender hating, climate denying misinformation I have ever seen... I am disturbed at YouTube and abc.

I'm calling Homeland security

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I admit I have substack favorites. You, el gato, and Jessica? I am SO excited when I see a post from one of you. That said, there are another dozen—at least—that I follow! I only wish there were a “newspaper” that carried all of my favs! Thank you SO much for keeping us awake and aware!

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Epoch Times is closest newspaper you can find.

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ET is pretty good. But it does have its notable blind spots, climatism being one.

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Blind spot re climatism in what sense?

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ET critical reporting ability around the UNEP climatism charade and intermittent energy sources leaves much to be desired and has been a source of frustration that has led me to write to the ET to highlight my concern. On the other hand, their analysis of the CCP, COVID fraud, wider politics and society seems more thorough and exhibits a far greater rigor patently absent from their uncritical commentary of WaterMelon antics.

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Yes! I finally caved and got a year’s subscription!

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Nice. It's great.

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The substack reader is helpful, if you don't have it yet

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Substack Reader is on substack.com and the latest articles from authors you're subscribed to will appear in chronological order. You can even bookmark them for much later.

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Now that you have the perl and SQL, you can write many sequels to this post and share more pearls of wisdom.

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I am very excited. I had questions in the past that I could not answer... But now I can!

The problem is that I forgot what the questions were, but I hope to come up with new ones.

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They'll all come back as soon as you start sifting. Go ahead and get that paint in your office that will convert the walls into whiteboards.

You're gonna have more work than you want.

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Much love and gratitude…

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I imagined you were simply out picknicking in some beautiful clearing with a view of the mountains. I can see it all, the cheese, the wine, the grapes; (Or is it cheese and beer and sausage?) I think because of your wonderful name, and because you always seem to have a relaxed and well composed air about your work, for all the work it must be!!. Best Igor

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Using PostgreSQL?

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Thanks brother!

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Igor did you by chance also run the last regression without Portugal and/or Malta? I ask because it's common to check the results with and without outliers to know how much they drive the results. This is not to say they should be excluded (it's valid data!), but it's the first thing I would try after seeing that scatter plot. (Is your spreadsheet downloadable?)

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To be honest I have not, I would prefer NOT to give the appearance of fudging the data. I do realize that your question is an excellent one. Portugal had t he same ba5 just 1-2 months before everyone.

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Should Poland / Netherlands be excluded at the same time as Portugal / Malta, since they are also outliers (in the other direction)?

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That would be a good thing to explore too, I would probably explore those separately because the Poland / Netherlands outliers would have the opposite effect, of lessening the positive slope.

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They cancel each other out.

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Romania and Bulgaria have the lowest booster uptake in the EU...both 10%, from what I have read. Thanks to the latest summer surge deaths in Romania are currently about 0.3 per million per day. Actual raw numbers average 7 deaths per day in Romania, and at such low levels it could just be "died with" COVID. Give the size of the population, you would expect 600 people per day to die of old age/natural causes, and some of these would be from flu/pnemonia even in normal times. So hard to say what it means.

But if you get around to including Romania and Bulgaria in your data set...since everyone knows they have the lowest vaxx and booster uptake...it may at least show what the lower bound would be. Nearest thing we have to an unboosted European population.

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By the way, Jikky is Arkmedic on substack

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I just subscribed to it!

Is he “mouse Zedong” now too?

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Thank you Igor!

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I don’t know if he came back as Zedong, but whomever it was, got canned again. Your red ink is like a fingerprint 😉


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Wait, so the Arkmedic I used to follow on twitter (who was banned long ago) became Jikkyleaks on twitter?(!)

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Me too I thought maybe he took a vaca. Not so. Thank you for this offering.

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Not just tolerance, but Immune Imprinting where we are training the immune system to only fight the spike (particularly the original Wuhan type). We are then unable to mount an effective immune response against the whole virus particularly the whole Omicron variant. This is leading to more and more immune escape.

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You are absolutely right, I just wanted to discuss something new.

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Your data further confirms that when someone wants to come at you with a booster, run; run as far away from them as you can.

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How do you think this ends up affecting the unvaxxed?

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I live in a 95% jabbed country - Wales. It was difficult enough to find a sane, emotionally balanced and interesting date prior to the mass jabbings. Now it seems impossible - can't date the jabbed. How does it affect me? A lot more cold showers.

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You will soon be in great demand

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My adult children as well..both young, ( in their early 20's) and unjabbed. It may be difficult to navigate the dating world. It sounds like something from a Sci-Fi movie....

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Somebody needs to start an unjabbed dating site : ) We should have a competition as to what the name should be. Maybe Udate.com (instead of the famous Jdate site for Jewish dating)

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In fact, such a page does already exist in Europe. Only for unvaccinated people.

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This is a wonderful biz plan

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In my community this is a becoming a big thing, single guys do not want to date vaxxed women.

Problem is, there aren't enough unvaxxed women to go around.....

(a much higher % of women than men in my community were forced to get vaxxed from job mandates)

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Exactly, this is a huge problem going forward and it is NOT just in your community

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If someone is really desperate, you can always marry into Amish family :))

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yup :)

I suspect that the gender gap is a bit unique though, lots more men than women who are still unvaxxed.

In other words, if there are statistically even uptake of vax by men/women, then the primary logistical issue is for the unvaxxed men/women to find each other.

If there is a gender imbalance, then there is an added problem of supply/demand, where there are too many unvaxxed of one gender to find unvaxxed spouses.

What does the age/gender breakdown look like elsewhere?

(Of course, there are likely a cohort of vaxxed ppl who regret getting vaxxed and also want to marry unvaxxed person, but that is a different issue, and I am assuming that they will have a very hard time convincing an unvaxxed person to 'settle' for them unless they have other powerfully redeeming qualities.)

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I read that on Match.com the virtue signaling members insisted on a jabbed status- they loved announcing it to the world. Will they now need a new button for unjabbed status?

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The problem, seriously, is that there is no "unvaccinated passport" so people can lie about being unvaxed.

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I checked into that place once, I've been widowed a year and would like to find someone to 'date'. There is a choice of 2 answers to the jabbed question. 'Jabbed' or 'Prefer not to say'. Considering how many guys put restaurants, concerts, and other social activities in their bios, it made me reticent to join up as I'm sure they are mostly jabbed to get their 'freedom' and would expect me to jab too to go do that stuff (which I don't care as much about now, rather be working on the farm or fixing a car or something...)

I gotta admit I'm worried about lack of partner material around for unhexxed of all ages around here.

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It'll make it easy Charlotte. They'll only be two choices; dead and Undead...shrug

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i've seen many dating apps where people proudly announce they are jabbed and only won't jabbed people. i have never seen the reverse.

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Unvaccinated zoomer women will be the hottest commodity on earth within 3 years

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