Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

I do not believe it was an accident. What I find amusing is in the article it says they are working to slow the growth of population at the same time they are working to speed up improvements in health. Usually if you improve health, population grows. So I am thinking their "improvements in health" is not the same as what we would consider "improvements."

I also think of the different Bill Gates videos I have seen, and probably most people of the same mindset have seen-him rocking in his chair when he was testifying about Microsoft, his TED talk about lowering the population by "doing a great job with vaccines," and his creepy video with his wife saying the next p(l)andemic will really get our attention. Add in there the fact his father was a eugenicist, and no way can you believe he is not in on all this depopulation business. This stuff didn't happen overnight. None of the garbage happening in our country could happen overnight, which makes me believe this Covid garbage is just one sliver in the big pie the globalists have cooked up for this country and this world on their quest for a New World Order. Thanks for your continued great posts.

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The way he rubs his hands together and cackles uncontrollably when talking about deadly diseases killing tens of millions makes Gates look like a cartoon character off The Simpsons. So evil you can hardly believe he's real.

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Yes, I completely agree, and although my eyes have been opened for years, and I have known about "The Insiders," as the deep state globalists used to be known as, I still truly cannot comprehend such evil. I believe that most people are in the same boat with not understanding how someone could be so evil-which is why so many cannot begin to believe these "conspiracy theories." How could anything so horrible be happening? Apparently these are the same people not learning real history-which is where the "doing a great job with education" comes in. How can you learn from history if you have never truly learned real history?

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They worship money, and the power it gives them has corrupted them entirely.

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I would say they worship Satan and the power he has given them has corrupted them completely!

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Well, worshiping mammon is just another way of worshiping satan. He's not particular what you call him.

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The 'Father of Lies' senses his 'reign' is growing ever shorter, thus he ramps up his efforts.

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Spot on.

(Not that he hasn't had the whole world in his control since 1 John 5:19 at least.)

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They worship Hell.

It’s time they go for a permanent stay

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Evil knows NO limits.

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He's autistic and lacks empathy yet he thinks other people are less worthy of life. aka his eugenics beliefs

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Nailed it. Gates is Autistic.

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Watch him weaving and rocking in his chair when he was on trial. He isn't full blown Autistic certainly, but the signs of brain damage are there. The higher functions, love, empathy, conscience, those are all missing, while self soothing and self gratification while others suffer and die from his machinations stand out stunningly!

He sued his former partner, the one who actually created Microsoft, while the man was fighting cancer and flat on his back in hospital getting Chemo! Smart, right?

He is a full blown Sociopathy, that is certain. And on the spectrum.

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Asperger's... I have many patients with degrees of this and almost universally they are kind people, though "odd". I almost hate to label him as to do so implies that ASD folks are all sociopaths/psychopaths and this is certainly not the case.

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His father was director of planned parenthood. He’s been groomed to believe in population control.

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same with SBF - the rocking is a dead giveaway.

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But to be autistic is not necessarily to lack empathy, and certainly not to lack a moral compass.

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Absolutely true, some people with autism are deeply aware and sensitive to others, with great compassion. I do not mean to say all individuals on that spectrum lack conscience and empathy.

But, the brain damage that creates this syndrome frequently does damage those functions from all I see. And Gates looks to me to fall on that side of the "Autism Spectrum."

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lack of empathy= sociopath.

he might also be autistic, but he's primarily a sociopath.

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Agreed. In my opinion, whether he's autistic or not is irrelevant. He's a billionaire psychopath who is maniacally following a technocratic ideology that, if successful, will destroy the qualities that make us human.

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I don't believe he is autistic. He can be quite social. The long pool parties...

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He rocks, stims, hand flaps and doesn't make eye contact. Not all autistic people are anti-social. Some are ultra social and will talk at people, no talk to, but talk at, someone non-stop for hours on end till they are breathless.

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Well yes. At his own pool !!

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Alex jones noticed he girates his hips in apparent sexual arousel when talking about this.

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And when he chuckles about injecting GMOs into children's arms.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

I know! How anyone who saw that clip could ever consider him anyone to listen to, much less grant power, is beyond me! Truly horrific!

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Who grants power to Bill Gates?

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Anyone who is swayed by his money.

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Rumor is his children aren’t vaccinated at all.

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His former Pediatrician came out and said so. It's been a while, but totally legit. He's not the only one, all the vacvine manufacturers know vaccines damage immune systems and brain cells and lower reproductive potential.

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That his daughter made a public display of getting the vaccine at the start of her medical school year, while ridiculing people who refused the vaccine, demonstrated she shares her father’s innate dishonesty, deception, elitism, and disdain for other humans. Also, I believe she was reared in the Catholic Church, but married in a private Muslim ceremony the night before her public wedding extravaganza on the $18 million horse ranch her daddy bought for her. It put me in mind of the hagiographic piece done in documentary format about how her parents were not interested in material possessions; it was ever so much more important to them to do good in third world countries by giving vaccines.

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Such a perfect example of the utter BS and gaslighting of the general population by the Criminal Billionaire's Club!

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Very easy to give someone a fake saline shot

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Can you describe how she ridiculed people who refused the vaccine while she was getting it? I haven't seen that video.

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Well if their plans are depopulation then it's not working so well is it? India is growing, Africa is growing even more so. Imagine how much they would grow if they made a safe and effective malaria vaccine. Come to think of it why haven't they? Hydroxychloroquine good enough? Do they support HCQ and ivermectin for these people? That would contradict the notion that they want to depopulate them. If they do get a malaria vaccine however at this point it would probably be a crappy mRNA/adenovirus vector one that would kill them.

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His former pediatrician, who hasn't seen Bill Gates's children in decades, knows for a fact they were never vaccinated after they left his practice?

Just wondering how often you call your own former pediatrician's office to report in on vaccines you have and haven't taken.

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That is my understanding also.

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Undoubtedly not.

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You seem to have excellent sources! What software does he use?

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He's injecting seeds into children? That's a new one. Are they from Monsanto?

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No, there's a video in which he laughs while saying that he's injecting genetically modified organisms into children's arms.

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I can see him, full well, sitting in his closet with his collection of pics that he undoubtedly brought home from the 'island".

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The first place I saw that was Simon Bar Sinister on Underdog. ah woo!

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Regarding your statement: "This stuff didn't happen overnight."

A large international collection of powerful organizations, operating outside of national laws, has been put in place over many years. These organizations are run by unelected wealthy elites and are not subject to democratic control. Many were empowered by means of the International Immunities Act of 1945. The Act is still in force! Various presidents (up through Obama) have given seventy-six organizations immunities and privileges through this act. Many also enjoy favorable treaty and headquarters agreements. They operate far above and outside the law.

For example, they (and their employees) have total immunity from lawsuits, searches & seizures, and examination of archives, which makes it exceedingly difficult to follow the money. The organizations also have exemption from property taxes, internal revenue taxes, communication taxes, customs duties, and so on.

Included in the seventy-six are: All branches of the UN; all branches of the World Bank; the International Monetary Fund; the Bank of International Settlements, the Global Fund (Gates & vaccines); and many industry-related organizations, including Big Pharma and the World Health Organization. See the following work by investigative journalist Corey Lynn for details.


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Quite a Rogues Gallery and imo the instigators and cause of much of the world chaos. Satan's minions.

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The fact that there are called ‘The Good Club’ is creepy enough.

There isn’t a single person on the list that I would trust with my dog, much less the future of humanity.

The ‘Good Club’ indeed......

That group makes me think of satanic rituals performed in old horror movies.

In fact, much that’s happened in the last 3 years reminds me of old horror movies.......being used as instruction manuals.

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when someone has to tell you they are good, they aren't, and if someone admits to something that is viewed as a sin, chances are they are just like everyone else.

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Every prophecy has the ultimate evil putting on a good face. That's the oldest trick in the book for the greatest mass murderers.

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I admit I'm not a huge fan of horror movies so it's not surprising I missed the one where vaccines are developed and distributed to mitigate the effects of a global pandemic. Certainly sounds frightening . . . do you remember the name of it?

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Sorry, I wasn’t being literal.

There are many old horror movies from the early 1930’s through the 1990’s to today with plots similar to what we’ve seen in the last three years, but you need to ‘mix and match’.

Many of these plots concern a vaccine that is meant for good but mutates into a deadly plague.

Many others involve scientists making mistakes resulting in sickness and death.

Some show a dystopian future dominated by AI .

Others involve conspiracies by influential people who try to take over the world.

There are literally hundreds of them, many with a ‘moral to the story’ warning people not to do something that is wrong and against the laws of God, nature, and man. It’s a common theme.

Some of the things that have been revealed in the last few years remind me of a kind of composite old horror film that was actually put into practice by some lunatics with too much money and power.

I hope that explains it.....

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Would one expect a movie featuring people getting wiped out by intentionally poisoned vaccines they line up to ever get produced if movies such as Vaxxed that report the massive adverse effects of vaccines and expose fraudulent safety studies in which data is literally thrown out and the remaining results laundered are censored? Fat chance.

Not a century ago, people did line up for lobotomies to cure their neuroses. And for some, it did, albeit at a cost. There is no free lunch. As is the case for any and all vaccines I'm aware of.

In fact, I can think of no more effective strategy than to gradually and covertly exterminate billions with a poison a believing majority literally line up for that does so randomly over the long term at a rate that is low enough to maintain the all-important plausible deniability necessary to do the job while saving one's own skin.

But I do think they're blowing it, because too many people are dying and suffering a wide variety of ill effects too soon. After all, history has often shown it to be the one mercy, if you want to call it that, granted by tyrants is a pathological tendency to overplay the hands they are dealt.

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Thank you for the link.

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Indeed, this “stuff” has been percolating since the beginning of time. This new, scholarly but eminently readable book from Uncut Mountain Press details the relationship between Antichrist and globalization: https://uncutmountainpress.com/shop/product/antichrist-the-fulfillment-of-globalization/

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Here’s an excellent 23-minute interview with the author: https://youtu.be/5AW1bOC9eLI

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Ann, thank you so much for your post. Can hardly wait to read this book. In God's love.

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You mean before Bill Gates, George Soros, and Oprah were born?

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I was going to mention that video where in his Ted talk he blithely said "...lowering population by doing a great job with vaccines" I did a double take and an audible "What did he just say??"

Jeff Childers of Covid and Coffee thinks we are already in the NWO and have been for quite some time.

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I had the same reaction. I also saw Jeff's arguments for already being in the NWO. I agree it seems like it-esp with the whole world doing the same thing at the same time with Covid. I knew that all these other "pandemic scares" hadn't worked in the past because the scares were only in certain areas. They had to do a world wide pandemic to get all people to be afraid. We have all seen the videos of all the different news stations saying the same exact words, and probably many of us did the Google trick of putting in any sized number and getting an article about that exact number of Covid deaths. These things, and many others we have seen, had to take years of planning, and years of getting people on board. I think they aren't ready to completely tighten the noose yet, as too many people aren't yet completely on board. But I think they are turning up the heat in the boiling water pot faster than ever before.

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The news is just marketing the vax, like salesmen given a script. All you have to do is pay them handsomely. The NYT was reporting on vax injuries at first, until the “consortium” thing, that’s when the money changed hands

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When there isn't a story on the news about people getting infected with or dying from covid, does that mean "they" didn't pay the NYT? Or does it mean they *did* pay them? I'm confused.

Who gives the news the script? Who pays Fox to buy the script?

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In July 2019 the BBC spearheaded a so-called "Trusted News Initiative (TNI)", just months before the covid pandemic began. (What a coincidence.) The stated purposes for the TNI are to ensure advertisers that "false or misleading news" will not be associated with their advertisements and also to protect voters from false information during elections. But given the coordinated messaging we've seen with covid and the vaccines, the initiative also seems well positioned to deliver special-interest propaganda and even coordinated censorship.

Partners in the initiative include global media outlets such as The Washington Post, Reuters, The Associated Press, AFP, the Financial Times and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), plus Big Tech partners such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft. It also includes all of the companies owned by these companies, which boils down to literally every mainstream media information service. It's not hard to imagine how big advertisers, for example, could influence the news choices made by dozens of major outlets.

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Pharmaceutical advertising is enormous and MSNBC shows had a frequent "sponsored by Pfizer" notice. The govt. paid for the ads and the ads were used to sponsor the shows, and this wasn't disclosed. It's a trough.


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Absolutely agree with you. Frankly, my days as a naive and trusting citizen, asleep at the wheel while evil does its work right under my nose are over. Being slapped in the face for 3 years will eventually awaken even the comatose. Satan never sleeps, but neither does his Adversary and our Protector. I just hope we haven't slipped so far into the pit it's too late.

Psalm 125 :

1 They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.

2 As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.

3 For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.

4 Do good, O Lord, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.

5 As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the Lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be upon Israel..

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Who has been slapping you in the face? It sounds like you're fully protected bc you trust the Lord, right? Why are you worrying about this stuff? Is Israel at peace? Are they firing missiles into Palestine? Do the mountains protect Jerusalem from the Palestinians?

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I was referring to the fact that for a very long time, most of my life in fact, I've been blissfully unaware of the evil which is at work in the world, even though I know evil exists. I'm not worried for myself, and I don't pretend to know the ways and whys in which God works. I trust in Him and make my choices and decisions based on as much information from sources I believe are reliable as I can gather in matters that are pertinent to me. (No, I'm not a Q believer, and doubt any of the other commenters are either, if that's what you think)

From the onset of Covid I have been skeptical of just about everything. Is Bill Gates evil? Perhaps not on a conscious level, but I think he's a tool being used by evil forces that have corrupted his mind into believing he is doing good for the world.

Your questions mean to elicit explanations from those of us who have taken the position that Covid is an attempt to de-populate the planet to a number whoever "they" are deem applicable to their needs. There's a lot of good comments in this thread that propose some reasons. Many of them make sense to me. There have simply been too many instances in which the prevailing narrative about covid and the vaccines are beyond believable. Either there is a nefarious purpose behind that, or the power centers in this country and all over the world are simply so stupid and imbedded in their ideology, which is far-left progressivism, they are unable to discern the deadly harm and terrible results they've created. I believe it's the former, not the latter.

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I appreciate the questions, but alas, only have so much break time to answer them, easy as it may be. I'm just not that fast or adept as a typsit.

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Hadn't worked in the past? What about the swine flu of 1976: https://www.bitchute.com/video/9GRTehUxtq0b/

Similar script though was this mainly limited to the United States? I was 15 years old at the time and I can tell you swine flu or flu shots were not part of my life at that age!

Looking at what just happened with covid it would seem this has been a major tactic of the globalists for quite some time.

I also read Jeff's article and it does seem after he discussed it that we are all part of the New World Order.

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See The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease

(1978) http://nap.edu/12660

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Yes, there were many who took the Swine Flu shots until they were halted. That didn't work like these did, as it was not a world wide issue. So many other "pandemics" have happened since then, but again, not world wide. So they didn't get a majority of people to take them. This time was different-they had a world wide reaction where everyone in gov't and media had the same reaction. That made people think this time was "different."

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Is it the New World Order when only some places get Swine Flu? Who decides how many are getting sick at one time?

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What's it like being part of the NWO? Do you receive any instructions? How is it different from how things were before?

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They didn’t have immunocontraception then. Spayvac. Gonacon

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I hear ya, but they've got a problem of managing an inherently chaotic situation. Turn up the heat too much, and too many frogs jump out of the pot.

After all, the whole shebang hinges on plausible deniability. I think, if anything, the effects are becoming too obvious, and too many people are starting to feel the heat. European nations are starting to turn, as they notice the correspondence between the highest recent excess death rates and highest COVID jab rates. As Europe goes....

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The whole world found out about a global pandemic at the same time. Did you think they'd respond to it at different times, even though we all knew it about by March, 2020? Do you think it would have been better if some countries ignored the virus until a few months later? What do you think would have a good to organize which countries got involved in what order? Alphabetical? Size of population? Should the countries who were waiting their turn do nothing as their citizens caught and died from a contagious disease?

What do you think would be happening now if none of the vaccines had been developed or delivered? Do you think that would be better than what has happened so far?

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Um maybe what happened in Ghana with no vax, very little Covid? Or Sweden where they didn't lock down and ended up with better results, with the dying stopping before the vaccines rolled out, and they're not suffering 15% excess death rates like the other mRNA countries are now?

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Glad you asked. Yes, it certainly appears things would be MUCH better without the jabs, as are I and my unjabbed friends and acquaintances, in general, as compared to the jabbed ones; many of whom literally seem to be falling apart: reporting detached retinae, getting very ill frequently, and/or having all manner of cardiac and respiratory issues they did not have prior to the jabs.

I know of some in my social circle who have died suddenly and unexpectedly, and an extraordinary number who had deaths in the family as of late.

Yet they go on believing it's COVID, and the jabs saved them from worse, even as we unjabbed are doing so much better, on the whole. I don't bother pointing that out, because it would just be met with hostility. So I just wish them well, let them go on believing, as I remain exceptionally healthy myself, in defiance of their expectations.

The recent excess death stats since the jabs came out, the worst of which are typically in the most COVID jabbed nations as of late, are quite consistent with this.

This is especially notable given the expectation that death rates should be well below the norm after a period of great excess death, since the most vulnerable cannot die twice.

Yet the excess deaths roll on, and mount with each successive round of boosters and new mRNA jabs, with second peaks about 6 months thereafter. With extraordinary consistency. Aussies are now dying at rates not seen since word wars. And it ain't just lasting effects from COVID, because the entire nation quarantined as if the disease had a 50% rather than .01% death rate, and they now even have a worse COVID situation than ever, after a vast majority are multiple-jabbed.

By way of comparison, I also know some who had very serious or long COVID cases, though none succumbed or (if unjabbed) have dealt with any new long-term health issues. One had a very serious case, but recovered quickly after getting IV vitamin C. Nothing else worked nearly as well.

I got over it easily with a nutritional bombardment, inducing fevers with very hot baths, inhaled H2O2 in saline mist, and good 'ol fashioned rest. Confirmed by T-cell response testing months afterward, not an unreliable PCR test. My approach was similar to the Brownstein protocol the FCC ordered him to cease and desist from publicizing (hmmm): https://www.publichealthpolicyjournal.com/_files/ugd/adf864_cc5004cfa84a46d3b1a0338d4308c42c.pdf

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I think we have been also.

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Sometimes even those who think themselves greatest let things slip. Or perhaps are throwing enough hints to ensure enough healthy people remain to carry on. Could we be the chosen* ones? *Via our own choices, so perhaps it's better stated: "self selecting" ones.

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Can you be self-choosing without knowing you're doing that?

Do you have any kind of assignment, as a healthy person?

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I was going to say "chosen ones", and have edited my comment accordingly, but after all, those of us who have shunned the shots have made the choice not to get poisoned.

But if one had a plan to cull the herd, would it not make sense to select for ethical and determined people who have the strongest critical thinking abilities, and have them run a challenging gauntlet to get through?

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His argument is that if health is raised in Africa, not so many children will die, so that parents will limit their families.

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Giving him the broadest benefit of the doubt, one might believe that he is on the autism spectrum, which creates a tone-deaf manner in which he purveys his passion for meddling in the affairs of the world, spreading his ill-gotten riches to bolster his sense of his own goodness and superiority, because those same riches have made him bored with consumerism and life in general.

He was nurtured from birth by sociopaths, and deluded to believe it is within his power to save the world. In his secret heart he believes himself to be god or at minimum, a god. Limiting population is a power play. If he truly cared about saving the world he would employ his riches in the pursuit of many other ways to support a growing population by increasing opportunities for all the world's citizens to have a good life if they so choose. More wealth in more hands takes care of over-population, but it does not lead to de-population. Humans making earth uninhabitable is a narcissistic grandiosity that defies the real science, and don't fool yourself - the nut-zero's don't believe a single thing they want you to believe about global weather catastrophe.

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Do you think anyone should be a billionaire, or all are fortunes ill-gotten? Should we address that through taxation? OR criminal justice?

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Interesting question. I'm all for maximizing wealth to the extent possible for everyone, but really wonder if one can make billions of current US dollars without profiteering or fleecing people in one way or another. It is an interesting question, and one that is very difficult to deal with in a system in which one can literally buy the government.

The solution to me is for enough people to come to realize the billionaires really do need us more than we need them. Then it's game, set, match.

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How can we tell if we're in the NWO? Are we sure it's bad if we're not even sure if we're in it? How are we going to know for sure?

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Looks more like a New World DISorder to me. We've seen how governments bumble. I would not expect any different from this lot. IF they do have such a plan, a proposition of which I'm very skeptical, thinking erroneous belief equally plausible, I could just imagine their latest meetings, as so much is unraveling.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Not only that but the Marina Abramovics woman is his spiritual guide and of course Epstein was his buddy....

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I never heard that before.

OMG if so.

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How do you Marina and Jeffrey have influenced Bill's work to depopulate the Earth?

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Gate's crimes are irrefutable; I'm currently trying to find direct documentation of how his philanthropic funding gets into the pipeline, helping to fund "vaccines." He is very slimy and hard to pin down. Even more important is how the Global system of Hierarchy of Corporations operates. I have come to realize that there are actually no Governments just Corporations. These guys call themselves "stakeholders," and also call every western government a "democracy," I guess that means the democracy is only between the stakeholders but obviously excludes us. They think of us as "livestock."

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I hate their definition of “stakeholder.” It should refer to every human being. When I first heard it, I totally misinterpreted it. Then I realized—the self perpetuating, self-named elites are the only stakeholders. The rest of us are merely their means to their ends.

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The means to an end -- how do you serve as that, exactly? Is it something you do consciously? Or against your will? Do you meet people in the process? Are there potlucks?

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They are just stakeholders, while the rest of us are Sovereign Beings.

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I refer to them as Fauxlanthropists. But perhaps Fauxlanthropaths would be more fitting, taking a cue from HUMDEEDEE.

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Yours is every bit as good and accurate. Philanthropath is coined by Margaret Anna Alice. She's trying to get it trending. Combining yours and hers is truly trend worthy

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It took me about 30 seconds to find this documentation. I searched "how does bill gates fund vaccine development."

First result was https://www.gatesfoundation.org/our-work/programs/global-health/vaccine-development-and-surveillance

Near the top of that page, there's a prominent link to Read our latest updates to Covid-19 vaccines. That link takes you here: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/campaigns/covid-19

I did not see any mention of livestock. Hope this helps your search.

"February 5, 2020: The [Bill & Melinda Gates] foundation pledges up to US$100 million to improve the global response to the virus, including for detection, isolation, and treatment (US$20 million), protecting at-risk populations in Africa and South Asia by strengthening emergency operations centers and health systems (US$20 million), and accelerating the development of vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics (US$60 million)."

Looks like here's one place they contributed directly to developing vaccines. "March 10, 2020: The foundation announces that up to US$50 million of the funds it pledged on February 5 (to accelerate drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics) will go toward supporting the newly formed COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator."

More specific funding: "April 15, 2020: The foundation pledges an additional US$150 million to fund the development of COVID-19 diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines, as well as new efforts to provide partners in Africa and South Asia with resources to scale up detection, treatment, and isolation efforts and minimize the social and economic impacts of the virus. This includes funding to the Wits Health Consortium and Novavax to conduct vaccine efficacy trials in Africa that include people living with HIV."

Keeping the public informed about their vaccine efforts: "April 30, 2020: On his GatesNotes blog, Bill Gates gives an update on COVID-19 vaccine development."

Obviously there are more entries that allow you to keep up with Gates' efforts on the vaccine and covid-19. Hopefully this is the info you were trying to pin down.

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BMGF was the Tetanus "vaccine" in Kenyan given only to girls, which was found to have HGH in it, ruining their fertility.

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HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103937

On November 6, 2014, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) which presides over the Kenya Catholic Health Commission (established in 1957 [1] ) issued a press release alleging that the World Health Organization (WHO) was secretly using a “birth-control” vaccine in its anti-tetanus vaccination campaign in Kenya 2013-2015 [2] . A few days later, an article in the Washington Post followed with similar allegations quoting the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association (KCDA)




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Why are posting links to unreliable "news" outlets like Washington Post? That's disinformation!

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Thank you, yes HCG.

Thank you for posting the links.

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Improvements in health = only the strong survive.

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And affordable care act means care will be necessarily rationed.

Of course many of us would probably be happy never seeing a doc again for the rest of our lives.

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Trusting a doc is my issue.

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Go to a naturopath.

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There are some good ones, even great ones. They can be very hard to find, especially in independent practices.

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It is worth boning up on medicine, health stuff first, too. Ask questions, good docs won't mind and if you ask can point you. It's a matter of time for them mostly, if they are in one of those kinds of practices. My wonderful primary doctor has to leave to take care of family 400+ miles away. Wow. Thank you, God! I found an excellent doctor who is revamping her practice to a monthly membership basis, and she has obtained good pricing through a large lab for tests and the lab will bill your insurance if you have it. She is a D.O. and does acupuncture, that is extra but very! reasonable. You pay just the cost of supplies if you need sewn up or something. and has a certification in geriatrics as well as family med. She takes all the time you need, does telemedicine. Membership amount is stratified by age, and 65+ is $110/mo. Here staff is experienced and pro-patient. More doctrs are going this way, it gives them enough income to invest in their practice. Billing insurance can be 40% of the overhead, easily.

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How often do you see this doctor? I pay $150/visit to see my preferred doctor, that adds up to $600/year. $1300/year seems like a lot on top of health insurance.

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Care is already rationed. You just don't see it, necessarily. Has your doctor ever recommended something, but had to switch it out or have you had to wait for insurance prior authorization before a test could be scheduled? That's soft rationing.

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In the UK right now there is prettty much no healthcare.

Well, there is sort of but


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I know all about this. My best friend is a scheduler for a huge hospital system. Fortunately I don’t go to a doctor enough to need any tests or anything. I’m sure they could come up with a few if I did go!

I mean end of life specifically. We have had discussions on various substacks about how the intent of mandating government run health care was always leading to euthanasia. Too many costly sick and elderly.

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I was gonna say...do we want the health care they are offering us? Mostly, probably...not. I had someone tell me today that he avoids doctors and tries to stay health. He says the exception is vaccines. He’s vaxxed and boosted. 🤦‍♀️

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"he avoids doctors and tries to stay health. He says the exception is vaccines"

Sounds like Instant-Fail to me. lol

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I am not a fan of allopathic medicine. I make no exceptions for vaccines. There are other medical practitioners, but they are not covered by commercial "health insurance",

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So bizarre. That recurrent theme, the exercise obsessed vegan orthophagic who rushes out to every booster, by any manufacturer.

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Almost like there must be something in their mineral water, ........ that is leaving deposits in their grey matter. lol

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Good for you! I have long believed that insurance of any type is an invitation to live dangerously, unhealthily, and carelessly. Back in the day when I was so financially strapped I couldn't afford to renew my vehicle license or insurance, and drove with an expired tag & non-insured for quite awhile, I was never so mindful of obeying traffic laws and rules; neither did I have health insurance for years, which is why I developed a life-long habit of managing my own health with home grown, home prepared food, and lots of physical activity. I tried and largely succeeded in living by the dictum "everything in moderation". At 75 years old, I have no chronic health problems, and no structural breakdown, except for some vision problems (age related macular degeneration).

I don't have a primary care physician and I credit my good health to good genetics, healthy lifestyle and staying the hell away from doctors. Long and short, insurance relieves people of taking responsibility for themselves. And furthermore, it isn't a f-ing right!

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Perfect response. I had a friend with high blood pressure and diabetes. He used meds to offset dangerous behavior. And all these meds have side effects. Helped convince my own relatives that even simple acetaminophen can cause a loss of empathy. (No wonder it may be linked to autism!)

I quit even my annual physical when our slovenly grossly overweight family doctors tried to push the vax on my husband during his annual checkup back at the early days of this. He resisted.

And I decided I am largely done with docs. I did have a hip replacement five years ago that frankly kept me out of a wheelchair in my 50s. So no hard feelings on surgeons necessarily.

Many doctors advocate meds over changing diet and behavior and thus turn people into patients and big pharma turns patients into lifelong customers.

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You are so right, and I'm glad your eyes are open, as well as your mind. We aren't as rare in our beliefs as it would seem.

I will say that I'm grateful for eye docs and dentists, though I caution both not to over-treat me - no unnecessary x-rays, no invasive procedure that isn't absolutely required and I'm on-board with it. Eye docs & dentists are not gods, they are highly (hopefully, usually) skilled in technical fields. I'm being treated for ARMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) and for the second time, other than a broken ankle 10 years ago, Medicare and my business group insurance has paid for 90% of the related costs. Otherwise, I've paid far more for health-related insurance than I've used for treatment. Our US doctors are very good at fixing structural breaks and breakdowns, but anything else? Beware and be in control.

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When I have had insurance, it never crossed my mind to be more daring with my physical person because of that! With risk taking there is risk. I took calculated risks after assessing etc., I wasn't a shrinking violent. Having had a few accidents or just living life encounters that required some medical intervention (and which I didn't cause to myself, and boy did I game that out with knowledgeable people to see if and how, etc. because most things we cause ourselves (and I have just not in the bad enough to need care department)) there is a lot of incentive to not get hurt!

Kids are stupid enough to think under certain circumstances heck my hot car is covered but they are in for a shock with financial and legal consequences. I just do not think having insurance is a conscious factor in stupid choices.

You have been smart enough to exercise prudence and the results bear out.

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I don't think it's on a conscious level, necessarily, that having insurance causes reckless behavior, but I do think people are less inclined to give the kind of thought you do to the actions they take or plan to take, knowing that insurance will pay for surgery and drugs needed because of the extra 50 lbs they've gained, or one or 6 too many drinks, or partaking of recreational drugs whenever they like. I certainly don't live in bubble wrap and deny myself risky (with forethought) behaviors, and wouldn't even if I didn't have insurance, but without insurance I might think a little harder about the unnecessary risky stuff.

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You have applied the hammer to the head of the nail..

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There is a picture of the amoral Gates when one of his violent video games was being released with waiting game addicts in the background. Too bad that the government dropped the intellectual theft case against him when GW Bush took over.

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I’m with you. That man is one of the scariest people out there.

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You know we are close to whatever when his wife packs the kids up and leaves.

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A couple questions:

How precisely are they working to slow population growth? I don't see any specific facts that explain that. Perhaps in the non-public meeting they agreed that overpopulation is a problem, though we don't know that for certain. Do you have any information that a plan was developed and implemented to reduce population growth, or to depopulate?

You are highly suggestible and not living in the factual world. "His father was a eugenicist" tells you nothing. Have you adopted 100% of your father's beliefs? Have you acted on 100% of those?

You people are pretending your leaps of logic are equivalent to facts. Nevertheless, you convince yourselves you have some inside info and know more than the normies. "Covid garbage is just one sliver in the big pie the globalists . . ." --- does that mean Covid was developed to kill people? Or was the vaccine designed to kill people? In what way does millions of people dying constitute a New World Order? Has world leadership been upturned because anonymous people all the world died of a virus?

I'd sure love to see you connect a few of those dots. In reality, using evidence, not in your mind full of pretend.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Instead of putting the onus on those who have done their homework, to prove to you, how about you prove to us, the "you people," that the injections are not depopulating? There are a lot of statisticians, actuaries, and more professionals just on substack that have the proof, and there have been articles in the press, even Forbes, that show an unprecedented and catastrophic rise in life insurance claims.

You're not here to provide proper refutation of Igor's work, you are presumably paid to troll (I would hope so, since the product is of weak quality). You are not demoralizing or persuading with any facts, nor a good "hook."

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potatodots hits the bullseye as always

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

I'd say that the sheer number of people dying from vax side effects are an evidence. "Covid', as it were is more like the flu re-branded. The real aim was to get vast numbers of people to roll up their sleeves for this evil 'vaccine'.; therein lies the opportunity to provide, for them, greater reduction in population. As regards a New World Order, if their aim is to inflict tyranny upon others it is a lot less difficult with a smaller population. Why would you think the effort to take away your 2nd Amendment right? An citizenry that is unarmed is a lot easier to control/manipulate than one that is armed. Look at Australia. They went full bore dictatorship when the virus broke; so far as placing people in camps. Trudeau in Canada is competently off the chain in his lust for power because he has been tabbed as Schwab's replacement in the WEF as it's head. Is that really how a government (at least a good one and that, in itself, might be a conundrum) would treat it's citizens; by punishing them in light of an 'illness'? I have said for the past two years that one need only look at the tyrannical means of governments all over the world at the same time and for the same alleged reason. Oughtn't that be cause for alarm.Never before has such an effort been foisted upon the citizens of the world on as large a scale as this. Google Bush Sr. in 1991 and he utters the words 'New World Order'. This is no joke by any means now whether one elects to put any stock in it is their own prerogative. My own take is that there is NO good going on behind all of this .

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Blue__Skies = SkyNet

He or she is obviously a troll. A paid opposition tool used in a desperate attempt to get you to renew your supposed confidence in the Elite$ corporate system. This is what is really called mind control.

Govern = control

Ment = mind

Also, don't forget that one of the side effects of the vaccine is prion disease in the brain.

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Yeah, I replied to one of the questions by this person/bot, whatever it is, but figured based on the type and number of argumentative questions, it was trying to instill doubt in the comment section. Silly bot/troll.

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Steve Kiersch substack is experiencing this, so are a few other ones. AI is a pathogen to free speech. The biggest insult is that they think we will change our way of thinking.

Life lived truthfully bestows Wisdom.

Anyone clawing for control, only has Fear.

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That's right, and Steve managed to get substack admin's attention. perhaps Igor might lodge with admin also? The AI/bot trolling hasn't overwhelmed yet, but it's making inroads.

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nicely put in words that describe my experience with controlling authoritarians

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

Unpaid trolls exist. A lot of motives besides money for trolling.

They used to show up all the time at Mad In America. I've said my piece and will ignore future comments from Blue Skies.

Don't feed the trolls.

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Shills = unpaid troll

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Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 4, 2023

"You people..."

"You are highly suggestible and not living in the actual world."

"..not in your mind full of pretend."

Sounds like your own mind is already made up.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The other surprise member of that club is Oprah

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They had to add her so they are not only white old men.

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She's there because the big concern for those guys is Africans having children.

Christian Africa.

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Lol Really? Oprah has been helping the globalists for quite some time the Brown children in Africa wishes she would stop

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She also aided Harvey Weinstein.

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And Whinge & Ginge (Meghan & Harry)

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And Yo-Yo Ma, I hear? WTF?

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Yo-Yo's on the WEF board of trustees - a Nazi organisation through and through.

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A lot of those people being involved w/ the WEF I can nderstand; but a world renowned cellist w/ what I assumed had a sterling rep is hard to believe. I guess nothing should surprise me anymore, & most things don’t after the past 3 years

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Yep very strange that a classical musician would get involved with such a crowd. One of the first CDs my parents bought in the 80's was of Ma playing Haydn's second cello concerto and I've listened to many of his recordings over the years being a cellist in my younger days. Gut punch.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

Oprah legitimized the notorious sex criminal Jalta Shira, aka John of God, as a miraculous faith healer, giving him international recognition. Jalta Shira is now serving 19 years in prison for the rape of four women. He is facing additional cases related to several sex crimes, including keeping teenage women as sex slaves, forcing them to have his children and selling their babies internationally for thousands of dollars before murdering the women after about 10 years of childbirth. Oprah runs her own leadership academy for girls in Africa, a $40 million school for disadvantaged girls where in 2007 several children were sexually abused and parents were only allowed to see their children once a month. She was very close with disgraced Hollywood mogul rapist and abuser Harvey Weinstein. Oprah was herself a teenage prostitute. She stokes the fires of racism in America. When will humanity begin seeing these billionaire celebrities for who they really are?

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Like most things, maybe 20 years after they're dead?

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Oprah has two movies in the works.

The Color Green.

The Color Red.

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🤢🤢🤢 I can herald Oprah’s success and efforts on many fronts, including her as another egomaniacal master of the universe is not one of them.

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Do you believe NObummer is an egomaniacal master of the universe? Because I sure do & she was a HUGE supporter.

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My response is ambiguous...I meant, if she has signed on to this crap, then all her other efforts are meaningless. I’m not a fan...and hope the day comes when she realizes what an utter idiot she was with her own COVID restrictions.... only Howard Stern tops her in that insanity!

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Agree. There was a time when she seemed like a so-called force for good & of course she had a very compelling rags-to-riches story. I was never a fan, mainly because for all of her do-good-ism, she would break her arm patting herself on the back for all of it & no one truly selfless & doing for others out of the goodness of their heart needs validation & accolades. In addition, her story of racism in a shop in Europe was absolutely ludicrous.

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100%. My mom used to say, “ talking about your good deeds negates your doing them.”

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I absolutely believe that, Martha.

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So I deconstructed my religion two years ago in the midst of all the COVID madness. It was quick and brutal for me. At some point I stumbled across a meme with photos of like fifty “spiritual leaders” that said something to the effect that they weren’t trustworthy. It included a picture of Joseph Smith so I shared it to my faith crisis group. It also included Oprah and people lost their shit!! It’s funny how people can have such different journeys. For me the difference was everything is up for reevaluation. No one is completely good (or bad?). But also, and this was the big one I was sad to see no one else understood, no one is an authority over me and my life. Apparently some people in that group are quite happy to keep being shepherded by non denominational leaders. Nowadays I can even envision Oprah making a deal with the devil. It’s very destabilizing, but way more interesting!

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Add in the “spiritual” race-baiting grifters like Revs Sharpton & Jackson or the Suckesses (Harry & Megan) w/ an entire grievance industry to protect & shake down “white guilt” industries….

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That concert with Adele at the Observatory was just creepy in my opinion. Oprah and all those Hollywood "elites" swooning over themselves up on the hill. It just didn't sit right with me. Seemed dystopian.

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Doesn't surprise me at all anymore.

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The poem I just published to inaugurate the new year seems a fitting accompaniment to this exposé:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem)

Thank you for calling attention to the “Good” Club, Igor. The only thing I can fault you on is you missed a golden opportunity to use “philanthropath” 😁 (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

P.S. I found a typo— “fact-checkers” should be “fact-chokers” 😉

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I prefer to call them "fuct-checkers" but then I am a crude Aussie.

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I am now torn between yours and Margaret's version

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Oh, well then as an Aussie, you would probably prefer “shitfuctery-checkers” 🤣

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

my vote is for “fact-chokers” - it makes total sense, given majority of them are unemployed journalists tasked to make black look white.

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And if they're kinda kinky, we can use fuct chokers. Too much?!

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yeah it might confuse the beginners ...

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Oooh! I like that! How about fuct chickens, as they think their virtue signaling will save them from the authoritarians!!

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I just realized I really like crude Aussies. I'm using that, btw. 😁

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Fuct-chokers? ...the best of both

I call them Fact-wreckers

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I like that also. Sometimes I post a completely irrelevant post and invite the fuct checkers to check me out but they never do. They took down one of my shared posts a long while back and it made a story in The Expose about how it was reinstated. They didn't name the account but it was exactly the same post that I had removed and I laughed when I saw it in the paper.

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Brilliant, MAA. I cross-posted today. Thank you.

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Thank you so much for cross-posting, DrLatusDextro, as well as for alerting me! 🙏

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Fact chuckers? But then, they do ferret out facts. The facts they don't want people to be aware of.

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Funny that MAA I was thinking that too :-)) It's such fitting word.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

This is so very fucked up.

It really is.

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If there is one thing I DEFINITELY agree with - is what you said

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All good things generally end

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Well, I've been hearing my entire life (end of the Boomer gen) that "social security is going broke." Decades of that.

I believe we're at the end of the line, and the dollar is collapsing.

How to hide things? Well, war is a good idea.

I've also read that one solution to hyperinflation is to have fewer people chasing after the available goods. Enter the Poison Death Jab.

I never thought our government would resort to killing the elderly, and those adjacent to the elderly.

Of course, if you think about "abortion," it's really not a huge leap.

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Funny, though....I was having a discussion with my mother in perhaps 2014 or so, and she was 93 at the time. The government printing of money that wasn't backed up by anything was brought up and she laughed and said "They've been printing money like that for a very long time.""

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How about we arrange a secret meeting "To depopulate the so called elites"

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The propaganda machine would smear us as "domestic terr*rists." Because when the elite kill the masses, it is righteous and justified. When the reverse happens, it is an uprising and must be put down.

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I already carry this “label” it has come with severe ramifications including covert death threats from “the establishment” but l WILL NOT COMPLY and l WILL NOT STOP FIGHTING along with millions of good people!

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Imagine if a movie maker would decide to make a real movie about this, and Netflix would buy it. Here is an imaginary plot: the population is starting to wake up to what is happening to them. An elite group formed by ex cops, Marines and so on are given a precise mission: to find every single person ( only high level) involved, and make them confess of what they did. And if not....I will let you imagine the outcome. I believe it would be a fascinating movie to watch! And who is financing the secret operation? A very secret group of rich people who's goal is to save humanity.

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Reminds me of that movie where the Israel’s secretly pick off, one by one, the terrorists who killed the Israel Olympic team. I hate gratuitous violence. But I love revenge!

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Yes I think that’s the movie!

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Can we then call them Deletes instead?

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They’re meeting again in January, davos?

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I hear Putin's not going to be there, this time ........ Perhaps he will send a nice gift basket to let them know how bad he feels about missing the spectacle ?? Perhaps he will launch it into the event personally. Hey, a guy can dream right ??

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Oh, wouldn't it be NICE if Putin said a big hello to them all by launching a missile into their meeting hall?

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How about a gift basket with the latest bioweapon from Ukraine?

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Turnabout is fair play, .... but it doesn't contain the shock and awe the people want. Public, Ugly and instant, I say.

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Nice dream Guido hahahaha!

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Yes, a hypersonic gift basket, ... the radioactive gift that just keeps on giving throughout the year. Better than than the Jelly Of The Month Club, magazine subscriptions and even that recycled fruitcake. That special gift for the ever-so-hard to shop for elitist.

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I tried to read that, er, I read it all, but couldn't make much sense out of it. Nearly gave me a headache. lol

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Oh, and I doubt Zelensky survives to see spring. Is the ground froze yet ??

If Vlad leaves anything, it will be the new country of Kyiv. lol

I saw the prospective map offered up by one of the Russians, it showed Poland reclaiming all of west Ukraine, Romania getting a thin slice in the south and Russia getting the rest and Kyiv was the only Ukrainian thing left. I have two bits a button and a bottle cap that says the war won't last an entire year. ..... or perhaps a year and a week. lol Fingers crossed for Fast & Hard !!

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Perhaps we could send 007 in as a waiter to spike their drinks lol.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Of course only for the good of the planet. I wonder if that would happen theoretically of course would there be ever any global pandemic? Me i think not. This would end right away.

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Yeah, I've been dreaming too...

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I was thinking, we need some Navy Seals or special operations guys that know what is going on and can "take care" of them

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I daydream about that a lot. Hopefully not everyone is sold out.

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I wish.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

It has been said many times already but the wisdom of the saying is being borne out with each passing day.

"Never take medical advice from someone who believes the world is overpopulated."

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'Never take medical advice from someone who has Asperger's, is a convicted felon, wears sweaters, whose father was a eugenicist and head of Planned Parenthood and thinks the world is overpopulated."

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You forgot ‘and has man boobs’.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Pink and lilac sweaters i might add. The silence of the lamb/ sheep wool sweaters....

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Presented for entertainment purposes only:


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Well and alex was right again!

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I know he was a frequent flier on epstein's express, but was he convicted of anything?

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None of the participants in underage sex on Epstein’s Island have been charged.

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They're too busy ruling the world for anything like that.

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Long ago, I read that it goes like this:

The pedos invite law enforcement, judges and the like to their "parties" where there are underage girls. Law enforcement, judges and so on partake of the girls. There are photos. They are therefore not interested in prosecuting.

...this was kind of an episode of King of the Hill decades ago.

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Good piece of sanity. No. In the past Epstein was just a fellow member of the very rich club. Before his predilections were exposed, all of us would have been charmed by him and flattered by him if we met him at a party.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The global lockstep March 2020 is all the proof needed that this was no accident but very intentional

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Yup--why so many of us smelled a rat--it was TOO coordinated.

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my experience exactly

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No sh*t, haven't been able to get, coordinate so many issues/problems but, when it came to

this, voila!

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Who wants a dollop of Schad?

I do I do!

Wait for it...

Ok... now

Family Doctor Who Faced Backlash for Vaccinating Children and Causing Adverse Reactions Dies Suddenly


Mary Kristmas!

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When he meets his Canadian colleagues and the rest in the next life, it would be fascinating to be a fly on the celestial wall.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Pretty weird how leftists claim to hate billionaires and crony capitalism and Big pHarma and say, "Eat the Rich!" All while helping creepy, crooked corporate owners take over the world.

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They hate war! And a President comes along who won’t go to war and they hate him and celebrate someone who has us closer to nuclear war than anyone since the Kennedy/Kruschev years.

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The switch in the left from anti big biz to pro big biz, from anti war to pro war has been dizzying.

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So much so, that the average liberal voter hasn't even noticed it.

That's the scary part. I guess having their laser guided TDS helps to keep them from noticing anything else. lmao

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Isn’t it apparent that the progressives have been played like victims of a 3 Card Monty scam? Some serious mind-fuckery. Woke mentality is the ugly stepchild of political correctness which is social engineering at its peak. I first noticed it when Trump ran for president witnessing people who never cared much for politics becoming impassioned and irrational haters who started judging others simply because they had different views. This is not natural; it’s by design. The first thing someone needs to do to do to break free is to shut their TV off. Even better to throw the fucking thing in the garbage. Tell-lie-vision - that’s all it is.

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In deed. Their religious faith in all things government and purported to be scientific has blinded a majority of them to the corruptibility of government and the scientific/medical establishments. (Thomas Dolby's "Blinded by Science" running through my head)

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Yes, that's why I don't call them left (otherwise it causes an identity crisis). It's blatant corporatism adorned with a woke veneer to appeal to voters who usually vote left.

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This reaction we’ve been witnessing is right out of the MK Ultra-Mockingbird media playbook. If you repeat a lie over and over, most people will fall for it. Look at 9/11 - for weeks and months afterwards all that you’d see and hear on the news was that 19 crazy Muslims attacked America because they were jealous of our freedom. Hardly anyone questioned the veracity or motivation and if you did, you were a raving lunatic who hates your country.

I was shocked when I saw how so many fell for the Covid mania especially after we’ve had one pandemic hoax after another for many years. It is encouraging that so many of us are becoming awake - the curtain they hide behind is becoming transparent.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Nothing is incumbent on people who just want to live their lives as best they can. All I'm saying is if overpopulation is of such importance, why is it always someone else who has to sacrifice, but not the person with the idea. It's that way with everything and it is a bore.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

The... most innocent answer...and probably wrong answer is an effort to improve the quality of life for people living in the African countries, such that, it becomes far far more probable that giving birth to 2 children, the 2 children will live into late adulthood and be able to look after their elderly parents. While trying to boost the economy so elderly parents by 2040 or 2050 would have a basic retirement system/benefits. Thus giving them social and financial retirement security, and abandoning the current strategy of 6-8 kids.

This would be done through improving healthcare (including vaccination), social services and improved sexual health education/access to contraceptives and birth control. So their plan is to use their wealth to bring African countries forward 30+ years in development in rapid succession in these specific areas. Some African countries do have very impressive train systems (usually mineral rich countries) and have come massively ahead via capitalism's work.

While continuing to allow Western countries to experience a cost of living so high, most people do not have more than 2 children due to affordability. While also making long-term relationships less-frequent and marriage less-frequent as married people have more children with the pushing of lose relationships, lose sexual morality and apps encouraging short-term dating. While continuing to encourage those people to be "consumers" not "producers" of goods so they can collect a 10-20% profit margin on everything they consume to ever enrich themselves. Until one day, they decide owning everything isn't enough and they also want to control the lifestyles of the people left.

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They're are trying to massacre populations in Developing Countries by denying them access to the practical energy sources: oil, gas, coal, nuclear, hydro. Forcing them to use precious invest$ on idiotic wind turbines and solar panels. As well as restricting fertilizer access. There is NOTHING Altruistic about their motives.

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"improving healthcare (including vaccination)"... evidence?

The Green UNFCCC climatism redistribution scam is designed to anchor Africa (subject to depopulation/infertility injections already) in low energy density servitude in perpetuity, to be dependent on the wealth teat of the West, whilst also enriching the UN "administrators." Now that the West is broken every which way to Sunday that plan cannot work. Depopulation would seem another answer.

The major afflictions were all waning rapidly ever before vaxx injections became a thing thanks to public health, nutrition education. The introduction of the liability free public needle does not appear to have altered the descending trajectory of affliction incidence while it appears to have elevated the degenerative diseases, autism and allergies to a massive scale.

The current addition of the mRNA platform to the line up is simply pressing the pedal to the metal.

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There might not be evidence but that doesn't necessarily mean the "good guy club" of billionaires would believe there is a lack of evidence in its efficacy. Being a billionaire, does not make you a PhD in biological sciences, vaccinology, etc. One cannot be an expert in every subject and the prevailing "very badly performed, pharmacy-funded science" outcomes have convinced ~80% of the population vaccines are highly effective and work, even experimental ones....even ones with no animal testing...even emergency use authorization ones...

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well known historic fact that Gates foundation was behind the use of tetanus vax in Africa that was 'contaminated' with Hcg- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, that left injected women's bodies to recognize any pregnancy and prevent implantation and forming a placenta. Inoculated them against pregnancy. Used on at least 40,000 women. Some evidence it may have been used in USA.

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One has billions, one is an expert in everything. Sad but true, it's been happening for a long time. Money =power.

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It's the old chestnut, 'power (money) corrupts, absolute power (infinite wealth) corrupts absolutely'.

The heart of the Davos Cult is constituted by individuals beset with boredom and meaninglessness. Little wonder the appeal of ruling the World became a pet project.

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You forgot encouraging children to undergo mutilating surgeries and medications that render them infertile.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Actually a great point. Plus there's a statistic saying something like 35% of men aged 25 are still virigns in today's Western progressive society. I forget the exact number but its surprisingly high....if you don't have sex, you can't make a baby....yet.

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Are we talking about MENGELE and AUSCHWITZ? Or are we talking about TODAY? You cannot discriminate between the two - the only difference is that TODAY mass genocide and eugenics is on a World scale .. a total horror show - an unbelievable horror show - with FEAR deeply embedded in the 🐑 and headless chicken they are prepared to sacrifice their lives and the lives of their loved ones to FOLLOW THE SATANIC SCIENCE!

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I remember Malinda Gates said something to that effect. Her husband had received backlash for his comment about reducing world population by 10-15 percent through vaccines. With much high-pitched laughter and hand flapping.

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Of course that makes the presumption that can be overwhelmingly refuted by available evidence that vaccination improves health care. The evidence I've observed indicates that belief is a fallacy based on the presumption of correlation implying causation when public health improvements more universally correlated with improvement of health, including comparable reductions in death rates due to non-vaccinable diseases.

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I share this opinion and said as much, but not articulated well.

No one has answered this: would the elite not be detrimentally affected by a population or civilization collapse? They are not immune to what happens and I think they would be taking a massive risk of losing everything. They would be on their own.

Status quo and they retain their power.

I’m not saying they are good people. They certainly are power hungry, morally bankrupt, etc.

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That they're biting the hand that feeds them seems an understatement?

Arguably, infinitely wealthy sociopathic megalomaniacs over-imbued with hubris and obsessed by their own "reset" agenda tend not to be able to see the wood from the trees. Consider the level of arrogance required for unelected rich people to meet regularly in Davos to "decide the fate of the World," after jetting in on their private jets, consuming foie gras and steak, and suggesting that the rest of us eat insects and walk. They are remote isolated and uncoupled. They fantasize that with their transhumanist nanobiotechnology the residuum of humanity will be good humored drones, obsequious, compliant and servile. It does not bode well for them or their ilk, which includes a constellation of elites of multiple persuasions.

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Something else I’ve been thinking about, which everything I’m saying, is, more or less my actual opinion, though sometimes I do wonder.

A thought experiment: if “they” really are trying to kill off large swaths of the population, if there is a group or Cabal intent on harming humanity in such a way, is it not likely that they would be opposed by a group just as wealthy that wants to save humanity? If there is an evil group of people, almost by definition, there must be a good group of elites.

I have worked for the federal government, and I have witnessed the abject incompetence, waste, and just plain bureaucracy that happens every single day. I think everything we’re seeing can absolutely be explained by corruption and incompetence. Everything comes from the top down. Nothing makes sense…that’s what happens under centralized control.

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"A group just as wealthy that wants to save humanity."

I've listened to some of those Q Anon tapes and they talk about a movement led by Trump with a bunch of "white hats." I don't buy that.

Power and riches with zero accountability tend to corrupt.

As you say, the incompetence and waste--and irresponsible attitudes--are always the biggest problems with government agencies. Making it easy for Extra Special Orders from a very few at the top, if following them means extra money and disobedience means loss of job, to trickle down. The lesser bureaucrats never know the whole agenda. Not those who work with the public. The military calls this compartmentalization.

Yet the incompetence will carry over into the Reset World. I've no doubt many will die they didn't count on dying just because the people running the show are horrible managers. Like Stalin. Good at getting his goals of destruction met. Bad at feeding the population.

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My comment on the “good elites” was just a thought experiment. It sounds ridiculous and it is, but so is the belief that there’s an evil cabal. At least to me when I really think about it.

I think there are people with horrible ideas, and that no central government has all of the knowledge to organize society the way they believe they do. As you reference Stalin. Yes that’s what I’m talking about. Their plans and schemes will always result in destruction. So if these vaccines are harming people, and I believe they are, though, I’m not sure to what extent, I am not surprised and again can blame centralized power. There is the old quote “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

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I don't doubt grand incompetence and ineptitude. However, when there are discreet batches of mRNA injections that appear lethal and batches with rGO or apparent nanotech, the inescapable conclusion is that focused evil feasts on incompetence. The outright refusal to release documents for 75 yrs (overturned in court), the liability waivers, all point to high levels of societal 'orcastration' or an immediate 0.25% decline in population, furnishing the evidence for proof of concept in this grand pilot study driven by the highly incestuous Davos Cult and the WEF/CEPI/WHO.

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They believe that AI can take care of a lot of things for them.

As for the rest... well, they have brown people as their house slaves and yellow people as their factory slaves. So they're good I think, as long as there are no uppity white Christian men around.

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They want to kill us all. Not just a war on whitey. Or white men.

Have you seen what Bill Gates has already done to children in India with his "philanthropy"? Or all those young women he "accidentally" sterilized throughout Africa?

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As I understand it, Gates is not allowed into India.

Has he done any of his "philanthropy" in China? Just wondering.

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I’ve thought about AI too. It’s not advanced enough yet. Imagine “everyone” dies. The result: food shortages, famine, political instability, revolutions, shortages of basic necessities, power outages. Even if they have little compounds on islands or in mountains, eventually they would face the same challenges as everyone else. They would not have anyone to rule over.

For sure These people are not to be trusted. I think they want global governance and to rule the rest of us, treat us like cattle and all of that.

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We don't know what technology they have though.

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Pretty insane. Meaning their cruelty makes no sense. They won't benefit materially themselves. They must know they'll be in danger since they have elaborate bunkers all over.

Sadism I guess. The desire to destroy and rule over others. Frequent flyers to Epstein's Island with all the stuff that was done there. Special kinds of evil.

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Yup. So put money into improving access to clean water, improving small agriculture, veterinary care, dentistry - the basics.

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Why would they keep that first half secret?

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Well, they haven't... Bill Gates at a few conferences has famously said...CO2 formula is basically...

Future People's carbon usage = Carbon used Per Person * Population Growth Increase* something else. He said in his speech, qualify of life going up and as Africa begins to go through their industrial revolution, the carbon used per person will likely increase. We are seeing it in India, China, etc. So that's not thing we can do much about...but people, they can through aggressive vaccination strategies and health improvements.

Antivaxxers (pre mRNA redefinitioning) went INSANE over that statement. "HE ADMITS! VACCINES ARE DEISGNED TO KILL PPL! OMG!" when the charitable interpretation is vaccines and healthcare improvements are going to reduce infant mortality rates in Africa so people can go from having 6-8 kids to just 2 kids with assurance one child is likely to reach adulthood, pre-emptively "preventing" 4-6 kids from ever existing and if they never exist, their carbon footprint is zero.

Likewise, if you have '1' child instead of '2' your carbon footprint of our offspring is basically halved at the first-step and potentially one-quartered at the second-generation and one-eigthed at the third generation compared to if you had 2 kids, 4 kids, 8 kids. Assuming, your line goes "2 parents -> 1 child -> has 2 children - > has 2 children" (ex replacement 1+2+2 = 5 total kids) versus "2 parents - > 2 children each have two 2 children, each have two 2 children (2, 4, 8 at each generation or a total of = 14 kids) 5 total versus 14 total when accounting for "grandchildren" if you go to the great-grandchildren level, or great-great grandchildren, the disparity grows exponentially in difference in carbon footprint.

Your '5' children through grandchildren, if you were just doing '1 child' then 'replacement' could use double your CO2 footprint and still produce less CO2 than if the footprint had remained flat and each generation doubled in size.

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People don’t understand that as living standards increase, women have LESS children.

I could totally see these elite billionaires meeting in secret to discuss ways to pressure governments, possibly even corrupt them. If these poor countries embraced globalism out the Wazoo, it would benefit the gates Siri’s types. Making them much more powerful, and richer while slowing the rate of increase of the population.

If civilization collapses, because of some of the population event, the elites risk everything. They would be left to their own devices and hold absolutely zero power over anyone else. They would be huge targets.

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If the parents are merely attempting to offset increased infant/child mortality by having more kids, how come they wind up doing way more than "offsetting" it, resulting in massive population increases? In other words, they seem to be having substantially more kids than necessary to offset the increased infant/child mortality rates.

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The answer is to beat the odds. Let's say you have 50% odds of your child dying by age 4. Take a coin, flip it 4 times. How many children made it to age 4? Now, flip it 100 times and run down every H and Ts. I guarantee you, you'll find lots of '4' T in a row indicating you're a genetic dead-end and have nobody to look after you in your old-age. You'll even find some 6T in a row. Why? Well... 6T odds are roughly (0.5 x 0.5 ... x 0.5) = 0.5^6 = 1.6%. So if you are flipping 100 heads/tails, there is a greater likelihood of one 6 in a row than none. So if you live in a village of 100 people, you know someone who had all 6 children die is more likely than you do not.

If you are flipping 100 heads/tails, there's a ~3.2% chance of 5 children dying in a row. So you probably know 3 people in your village who lost all 5 children. 6.4% chance of 4 children dying? So in a village of 100, you likely know up to 15. If they were only having three kids each and lost all 3 children? You likely know 30 people that unfortunate in a village of 100. etc.

If it was your survival, what odds would be acceptable? 30% risk? 15%? 7%? 3%? 1.5%?

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I understand the argument, but don't find it to be entirely persuasive or sufficiently all-encompassing. For example, I think it is likely that far more goes into the calculus about how many kids to have other than this analysis. Availability of birth control comes to mind.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

In the Western world, yes. The calculus includes cost of living etc. In the poorer African countries, medicine and birth control is a luxury unaffordable to many. You see many African countries were people give birth to kids who are malnourished because the parents literately cannot produce enough food to feed their children. If Birth Control existed, you'd think they'd just take a pill and not have a child they can't even afford to feed that has to live a life of suffering...except....those children do exist which implies the birth control does not exist or they are immoral monsters. I believe the former.

Remember too, on the "hierarchy of needs" basic goods and long term survival is one of the highest priorities.

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You originally said you believe the "most innocent answer" (vaccines decrease infant/child mortality) was "probably wrong." So you actually believe it is more nefarious than the "most innocent answer"? What do you think is actually going on?

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

You should watch the video "2 minutes to midnight" made by a University of Bolder Colorado mathematics professor about exponential growth. There's an old rule where if you want to know the length of time it takes for doubling via exponential growth, you take a key number (70) and divide it by the % increase per year. When it doubles though, the interesting part is the sum-total of amount used in that doubling period, is equal to all the doubling periods prior. So if there was 3.5% growth, you'd go (70/3.5) = 20 years. The doubling time where you are using "twice as much oil" would be 20 years. So if oil is being used at 3.5% more than the year before and its a fixed-increase, over those 20 years or by 2043, you'd use twice as much oil in 2043 as in 2023. Now, of course, from 2023 to 2043, you'd have used as much oil as from 0000 to 2023. From 2043 to 2063, you'd use 2x as much oil as you used from 0000 to 2023. From 2063 to 2083, you'd use 4x as much oil as mankind as used in all of history up to 2023. In the years 2083 to 2103? 8x.... 2103 to 2123 16x...

Do you think we've used..... 1/8th of the world's oil reserves and we still have 7/8th left? That's ton's right? Yes and no. We'd have approximately 20 years (the doubling time) x 4 time periods before we are out of oil, with a 3.5% yearly fixed increase or 80 years. Now, does 1963 seem like a long time ago? Because that's 4 doubling times in the past.

If someone said, "Don't worry, there's as much oil in the ground/seas as we've used in the entire existence of mankind!", how many more doubling periods do you have left before you run out? One. 20 years.

If someone says "Don't worry, there's twice as much oil in the ground/seas as we've used in our entire existence of mankind!", how many doubling periods do you have left before you run out? Two. 40 years

If someone says "Don't worry, there's four times as much oil in the ground/seas as we've used in our entire existence of mankind!", how many doubling periods do you have left before you run out? Three. 60 years.

If someone says "Don't worry, there's eight times as much oil in the ground/seas as we've used in our entire existence of mankind!", how many doubling periods do you have left before you run out? Four. 80 years.

If someone says "Don't worry, there's sixteen times as much oil in the ground/seas as we've used in our entire existence of mankind!", how many doubling periods do you have left before you run out? Five. 100 years at 3.5% annual fixed rate growth.

How much OIL do you think we've used throughout our entire existence as humans compared to how much is left? Does 15/16th remain in the ground so we've got 80 years left? or 7/8th in the ground so we have 60 years? or 3/4 in the ground so we have 40 years? or 1/2 in the ground so we have 20 years left?


Let's say....you pick... we've used only 1/4th of the world's/earth's oil. Okay, so now we've got 40 years left before the oil economy crashes. I give you $500B combined net worth to fix the issue. What do YOU do?

1. Strategy a: decrease carbon used per person (How? lockdowns? no travel? no meat? eat the bugz?)

2. Strategy b: decrease the number of people (How? one-child policies? that will take generations to work. Mass deaths? How? Can you keep society/life going as we know it, with mass deaths? Better healthcare/vaccination in third world countries to keep their population fixed?)

3. Strategy c: stop the oil production/usage increase from 3.5% down to 1% so we have a 70-year doubling period and two doubling periods buys us 140 years? Okay. How will you convince China/India to not-increase usage of oil?

4. Strategy d: all of the above?

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

What I don't get is this ilk of elites espouses overpopulation as an issue and depopulation is necessary to "save the planet or whatever", what's stopping them from taking the first step and lead by example? The truth is despite their wealth they are weak people and not good at that.

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Instead of "lead by example", their "thing" is to do the opposite. They believe their wealth is an indicator of their smartness. And that entitles them to tell others what to do.

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"Do as I say and not as I do." - Hypocrite's Oath

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It isn't just that, they believe that "wealth" is what makes them "masters of the universe" and the rest of us are literally objects to use and discard when broken.

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Great idea scumbags, lead by example. How about we depopulate the scum at the rate of one for every 10 that has unfortunately lost their lives. I guess they would have disappeared long ago.

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They are also too well protected - their water is purified - the air they breathe in their homes is purified - their pools are not full of the deadly chlorine we in Britain now have 2x the amount added to our water! They live literally in rarified air - their food source and quality is protected .. However, they are not invincible - there will be times when they are not as protected - In the US you have the 2A and a whole lot of highly trained elite Veterans and serving military who l am sure could quite easily carry out “the job” ..

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"...Others are even more outspoken at the growing dominance of a tiny handful of billionaires in the development sector. "The problem with any Good Club is that all the people might not be 'good'."

In fact, it's a good bet it means the opposite.

Good people don't need titles stating they're good.

They just are.

Those six are a bunch of sociopaths if not psychopaths.

Since they care so much about overpopulation why don't they go first? What do you say, Ted? You can come to Canada and apply for MAIDS.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Ha! Nice word play, Igor ... "...in secret, to discuss his favorite cause, make plans, and execute them!" (Musing on the grammatical referent that "them" could refer to here) - Your copyeditor Friend, FR

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yeah might edit my article for clarity

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Was their solution to cram unlimited numbers of people from the third world into Europe and the United States? Yeah, that should work.

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Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023

Erase all national identities and human cultures for the One World Government they plan on ruling.

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the Kalergi plan, named after Count Cudenhove-Kalergi. I think the EU elites are still giving each other prizes in that name for forwarding the agenda

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They are being sought out - and eliminated - many of them simply “go missing” It beggars belief that in WW1/WW2 we DEFENDED our BORDERS in Britain .. from the INVADERS - now we send out our life boats to give them a comfortable ride across the channel and fly them into military air bases - many, many of our hotels have been REQUISITIONED by our TOTALITARIAN GOVERNMENT to house this filth .. Many speculate .. take out the indigenous dissidents and the “axed” and return to a state of colonialism ..

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Igor Chudov

Great post, Igor. My main takeaway from the Covid "pandemic" is that we should never allow anyone to become so wealthy that they can set the agenda of bodies such as the WHO.

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