COVID-19 vaccines can aggravate insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes. A study showed that 61.1% of diabetic patients exhibited aggravated insulin resistance after receiving booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 vaccination once a week can impair insulin sensitivity in healthy mice. A study found that mice treated with the COVID-19 vaccine once a week for four weeks exhibited impaired glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
Metformin, a common anti-diabetic medication, can improve the impaired insulin signaling induced by COVID-19 vaccination in mice. The study showed that metformin alleviated insulin resistance and rescued the impaired insulin signaling in mice vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of severe symptoms and complications from COVID-19. Diabetic patients have a higher likelihood of requiring intensive care, mechanical ventilation, and a greater risk of death compared to the general population.
COVID-19 vaccination has been shown to reduce the risk of symptomatic infection, hospitalization rates, and mortality from COVID-19. Vaccination significantly outweighs the risks, particularly for individuals with pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes.
The study points to a correlation between “spike protein” and increased problems with insulin control (& increase cardiovascular problems) but does it distinguish between those who had COVID - and thus had introduction of spike protein to their bloodstream- and those who were only jabbed.
Good luck finding some on who didn’t have either “covid” or the jab.
Igor: try Berberine to prevent blood sugar spikes. It is over-the-counter, and works as well as the drug Metformin. It has anti-cancer effects as well.
This is just another unscientific meaningless mouse torture study! (That's our humble opinion).
But I'm sure we can both agree on these simple FACTS:
"The experiments were not randomized, and investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment."
Talk about "CYA language"! This study 100% bunk just from this one sentence alone! (And I thought you were a "hard math guy"...whatever).
There were ZERO controls again! ZERO!
People: 180 test subjects TOTAL
60 with pre-diabetes mellitus AND vaxxed
60 with diabetes mellitus AND vaxxed
60 with NO diabetes AND vaxxed.
ZERO with pre-diabetes mellitus AND UNVACCINATED
ZERO with diabetes mellitus AND UNVACCINATED
Mice: UNKNOWN number of test subjects total.
ALL of them were injected with BioNTech unicorn juice 5 times, (once a week for 5 weeks).
ZERO Mice that didnt' have BioNTech unicorn juice! You know, like unvaxxed? Just like you and me bro...
How do we know the experiment itself isn't causing whatever they're claiming?
Igor! Our last article was a big hit! We're doing a sequel! (We're thinking about a Robocop 2 theme). So are you gonna party this time are are you going to be a pouty face again?
“ ‘About 61.1% of diabetic subjects’ had impairment of insulin sensitivity according to the HOMA-IR index and about 66.7% of diabetic subjects had increased risks of cardiovascular complications according to…”
Do you know what else causes diabetes? Veganism! There might be a cleansing effect in a short run, but even some healthy people reportedly become diabetic if they do it long enough. It causes other health problems too. Veganism is VERY unhealthy, despite being marketed as treating every disease under the Sun, and it's a type of a cult. Talk with ex-vegans. I had a chance to live with a "healthy vegan" friend, in reality she was neither healthy nor vegan (i.e. cheating). Just in denial.
The "pandemic" was very stressful on everybody, unvxxed included. Stress is a big factor, even if the diet is the best. Overweight starts at 25.0, so 27.5 is midway between overweight and obesity, not normal. I myself had to resort to intense exercise FOR HOURS just to keep the effects of stress out of my body, in addition to a great social life (in person) outside of the covid world. We're not designed to be healthy while isolated, sedentary, anxious and unhappy.
As for the spike proteins, the vx is designed to produce a substantially higher number of spike protein than the virus. In addition, the virus is cleared by the immune system while mRNA seems to never stop producing the spike. The vx is way more dangerous.
So your vegan friend was unhealthy, but also not vegan... okkk...
You don't support your claims with facts. The best tennis player in history is vegan. Some of the strongest powerlifters are vegan. I'm vegan. There's literally hundreds of studies showing a whole food plant based diet is the best for longevity, auto immune, etc.
Oh, sure, listen to the science. Humans walked on their feet for millions of years, evolved this way. Now scientists discovered that they should walk on their hands.
After damaging her health by eating plant-based garbage for years, my friend started to cheat (hard to figure it out, right?). Many celebrities are pretenders ready to do things for popularity or advertising. Any proof what they, actually, eat day after day?
Weird that you follow Igor, yet reject scientific studies. Most of them are observational, so they simply analyse what people eat and what is the outcome. In every aspect, covid, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, etc, healthy plant based always wins.
I performed scientific studies myself (different area). Weird that you don't understand basic scientific logic for little kids. Tofu brain. Do you think anybody is too stupid not to immediately recognize your propaganda?
I'm not even sure that it's an issue tbh. I'm pretty healthy even if my sugars can be a bit high. And I've been like that for 15 years or more. Told to go on shit medication but, save for a few days, I never did.
This goes a long way towards explaining my own difficulties, Igor. I'm going the other direction: not vegan, but extreme low carb, including lots of nice cheese and meat but nothing white: sugar, flour, potatoes, rice. I hope your way works for you.
In other news, Vox has written a stunningly oblivious article:
One factor that shouldn't be overlooked is that if you have the "faux vaccinations" you have 100% possibility of getting the toxic spike protein in the bloodstream, and due to the LNPs basically you'll have the spike self-produced everywhere. Whereas the virus itself will in most instances be stopped and neutralised in the nose and throat (especially by those with full-spectrum natural immunity from a previous infection), and "usually" won't spread further than that. So I'd theorise that although diabetes can perhaps be exacerbated by both the virus and the jabs, it's likely to affected more by the jabs
My friend has blood clots, diabetes and lupus, she had all that before the jabs, she has had 6 jabs and they've made everything worse. Her legs barely work, her lupus flared and her diabetes is worse, but don't try and tell her its because of the jabs, she'll simply say "bullshit" and not engage any further.
My reticence to get jabbed was due to my autoimmune disorder even before much information came out. Since the lockdown started I'd had a very suspicious feeling about the whole thing.
do not try a vegan diet. Veganism is secular ethics - animal welfare and environmentalism combined - while vegetarianism is religious ethics - thou shalt not kill, etc. - the proper nutritional approach is whole foods, plant-based nutrition, based on the work of T. Colin Campbell (The China Study etc.). And, if necessary, you can do a medically supervised water fast at True North - see this recent video: That is the best way to make the transition.
My brother who is a type 1 diabetic and has been for over 40 years, has had a horrendous time since being vaccinated to the hilt, he's a nurse in the NHS. He is constantly having hypos and I feel in real risk of losing limbs (apparently his legs are in a bad way).
When I bring up the fact that he is quadrupled vaccinated and if that could be a cause of his recent issues, he simply says that many medications have side effects and simply does not believe the vaccines to cause any harm. I feel he is beyond saving, in terms of vaccination damage.
To give you an idea of his mentality, he had a bad reaction to the first one, off work for two weeks, but still went and lined up for another three shots.
Exactly the same as my ex-husband! Since his quad jabs his kidney function is at 15% and has serious heart issues. And the meds have continued side effects as well. He knows now that the jabs have worsened everything.
Igor, I know three 16 year old girls (coincidentally friends) who all developed Type 1 diabetes within four months of getting the Pfizer shot. My local pharmacist confirmed last year that diabetes medications have skyrocketed post-jabs / post-covid. On another note do you know anything about CK levels skyrocketing. My 16 year old son (pure blood) who has had several very bad bouts of covid including a very early one a the beginning of 2020 which left him exhausted for 6 months has elevated CK levels every time he gets a virus (which is frequently). Would love to know if you can shed any light on this.
… very sad. And the medication availability can be manipulated, making it unavailable for some people… as well as some of the other prescription meds to help with diabetes management, such as Trulicity.
All of the meds have been shown to contain LNP, I believe, but do your research on that one.
After diagnosis of Type 1, they will be hooked up to a durable medical equipment device to automatically monitor blood sugar and in some cases, to control insulin dispensing. All of these devices require the use of BT technology which is also harmful to the body.
So many teens are passing away and yet there is no outcry nor investigation. SMH
I know personally or w 16-year-old local girl who just passed away a couple of weeks ago and a 17-year-old boy “had a seizure” while playing BASKETBALL… and died at the hospital they had brought him to.
And while TRYING to find an obit on the boy (I knew about this incident from reliable second-hand info from first-hand witness) I came across several obits of OTHER 17 year old boys dying suddenly!
Igor, I know some diabetics improved (a lot) by doing a fruit diet. Not that I am advocating to try that, but it shows that it is not only about (restricting) carbohydrates. I think it is mostly about deficiencies (perhaps in combination with some auto-immune activity). My suggestion would be to eat whole foods, avoid grains, add some supplements (iodine/kelp, vitamin C, zinc/selenium, other?), nutrient-rich animals foods, such as liver and sea-fruit, or even pancreatic enzymes, tropic fruits (pineapple, vigs).
I did some testing the other day. Eating fresh fruit (nectarines, apricots, a little banana) did not push my readings up at all. Yet plenty of docs would say keep away from them (and some on here are)
I might be hardening to a 'keep away from all processed foods' diet.
I'm a Type 1 Diabetic & personal trainer specialising in Type 1, 1.5 & 2 Diabetes management. and I strongly discourage you from veganism. The more carbs, the less control you will have over blood glucose increasing insulin resistance. Keep on the low carb, only eat real food, no sugars, seed and veg oils etc. Eat plenty of ruminants and eggs, Greek full fat yoghurt etc. Veganism does not provide good health.
I was on low carb for 8 years, so it is not like I have not tried it. And it was not that bad. However I decided to end it. That was a while ago. The strange thing is, despite eating a lot more carbs my blood sugar is more stable.
Whatever the diet, I have to watch the amount of food that I eat, sadly
Counting carbs is a very crude and simplistic way (just good for losing weight in a healthy person). From the Chinese medicine prospective, foods have more complex properties and some carbs are, actually, beneficial to drain Dampness. Anyway, I don't recommend to use any generic advice from the internet, people aren't identical cogs. If you decide to use TCM, visit a TCM doctor in person. TCM, actually, can cure diabetes.
I was on low carb for 20 years before I went on carnivore diet almost 3 months ago. My health has never been better. Definitely the opposite of vegan. May want to give it a try after vegan makes you worse.
I hope it works out for you, Igor. I think just the effort to pay attention and think consciously about health has a positive effect. I'm going full low carb this year in the same struggle.
Have you been monitoring BG levels using a CGM or finger prick test? Ideally you want at least 10 readings per day. Furthermore its worth checking beta cells. to check what's going in with insulin.
I'm in the UK, and as a T1D (LADA), I get them on the NHS "free". Including long and fast acting insulin, Freestyle Libre CGM, test strips and glucose.
Yes of course. The NHS supply chain is a racket. Working people pay taxes out of their monthly wages called National Insurance which contributes to providing the service. No payment is required to use the NHS and prescriptions are heavily subsidised. I think it costs £8 for each prescription. Some people, like myself, do not have to pay anything for the prescription. Personally, I think the service could be excellent, but as its a cash cow, it has attracted shady dealings.
COVID-19 vaccines can aggravate insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes. A study showed that 61.1% of diabetic patients exhibited aggravated insulin resistance after receiving booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine.
COVID-19 vaccination once a week can impair insulin sensitivity in healthy mice. A study found that mice treated with the COVID-19 vaccine once a week for four weeks exhibited impaired glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
Metformin, a common anti-diabetic medication, can improve the impaired insulin signaling induced by COVID-19 vaccination in mice. The study showed that metformin alleviated insulin resistance and rescued the impaired insulin signaling in mice vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of severe symptoms and complications from COVID-19. Diabetic patients have a higher likelihood of requiring intensive care, mechanical ventilation, and a greater risk of death compared to the general population.
COVID-19 vaccination has been shown to reduce the risk of symptomatic infection, hospitalization rates, and mortality from COVID-19. Vaccination significantly outweighs the risks, particularly for individuals with pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes.
The study points to a correlation between “spike protein” and increased problems with insulin control (& increase cardiovascular problems) but does it distinguish between those who had COVID - and thus had introduction of spike protein to their bloodstream- and those who were only jabbed.
Good luck finding some on who didn’t have either “covid” or the jab.
Hence, the lack of control subjects.
Igor: try Berberine to prevent blood sugar spikes. It is over-the-counter, and works as well as the drug Metformin. It has anti-cancer effects as well.
Yes, I magically turned pre diabetic, and dangerously high cholesterol after COVID. My numbers were always excellent before the plandemic.
Very interesting (although obviously unfortunate)
Igor! You're doin' it again!
This is just another unscientific meaningless mouse torture study! (That's our humble opinion).
But I'm sure we can both agree on these simple FACTS:
"The experiments were not randomized, and investigators were not blinded to allocation during experiments and outcome assessment."
Talk about "CYA language"! This study 100% bunk just from this one sentence alone! (And I thought you were a "hard math guy"...whatever).
There were ZERO controls again! ZERO!
People: 180 test subjects TOTAL
60 with pre-diabetes mellitus AND vaxxed
60 with diabetes mellitus AND vaxxed
60 with NO diabetes AND vaxxed.
ZERO with pre-diabetes mellitus AND UNVACCINATED
ZERO with diabetes mellitus AND UNVACCINATED
Mice: UNKNOWN number of test subjects total.
ALL of them were injected with BioNTech unicorn juice 5 times, (once a week for 5 weeks).
ZERO Mice that didnt' have BioNTech unicorn juice! You know, like unvaxxed? Just like you and me bro...
How do we know the experiment itself isn't causing whatever they're claiming?
Igor! Our last article was a big hit! We're doing a sequel! (We're thinking about a Robocop 2 theme). So are you gonna party this time are are you going to be a pouty face again?
Love you bro. -Booboo
They lost me at :
“ ‘About 61.1% of diabetic subjects’ had impairment of insulin sensitivity according to the HOMA-IR index and about 66.7% of diabetic subjects had increased risks of cardiovascular complications according to…”
First word: About.
Please note:
“About 66.7” is 66.6, or 666, coincidence?
You decide.
"as well as increased risk of cardiovascular outcomes past Covid vaccines"
"Past" makes no sense. Did you mean "post"?
Do you know what else causes diabetes? Veganism! There might be a cleansing effect in a short run, but even some healthy people reportedly become diabetic if they do it long enough. It causes other health problems too. Veganism is VERY unhealthy, despite being marketed as treating every disease under the Sun, and it's a type of a cult. Talk with ex-vegans. I had a chance to live with a "healthy vegan" friend, in reality she was neither healthy nor vegan (i.e. cheating). Just in denial.
The "pandemic" was very stressful on everybody, unvxxed included. Stress is a big factor, even if the diet is the best. Overweight starts at 25.0, so 27.5 is midway between overweight and obesity, not normal. I myself had to resort to intense exercise FOR HOURS just to keep the effects of stress out of my body, in addition to a great social life (in person) outside of the covid world. We're not designed to be healthy while isolated, sedentary, anxious and unhappy.
As for the spike proteins, the vx is designed to produce a substantially higher number of spike protein than the virus. In addition, the virus is cleared by the immune system while mRNA seems to never stop producing the spike. The vx is way more dangerous.
So your vegan friend was unhealthy, but also not vegan... okkk...
You don't support your claims with facts. The best tennis player in history is vegan. Some of the strongest powerlifters are vegan. I'm vegan. There's literally hundreds of studies showing a whole food plant based diet is the best for longevity, auto immune, etc.
Oh, sure, listen to the science. Humans walked on their feet for millions of years, evolved this way. Now scientists discovered that they should walk on their hands.
After damaging her health by eating plant-based garbage for years, my friend started to cheat (hard to figure it out, right?). Many celebrities are pretenders ready to do things for popularity or advertising. Any proof what they, actually, eat day after day?
I couldn't care less what celebrities do.
Weird that you follow Igor, yet reject scientific studies. Most of them are observational, so they simply analyse what people eat and what is the outcome. In every aspect, covid, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, etc, healthy plant based always wins.
I performed scientific studies myself (different area). Weird that you don't understand basic scientific logic for little kids. Tofu brain. Do you think anybody is too stupid not to immediately recognize your propaganda?
Why are you so aggressive? You're already losing the discussion when you put in that mode. Tofu brain, sure. You're prion/amyloid brain.
Yeah, you're giving me a good laugh. I love the expression "losing the discussion" and the declaration that I'm losing it. Logic and science!
Strange we’re frugivores
Yeah. I like meat and I am open minded, so I will recalibrate.
Definitely avoid the vegan diet. Just listen to Dave Asprey’s take on it.
Both my brothers, big meat eaters, have diabetes.
I'm not even sure that it's an issue tbh. I'm pretty healthy even if my sugars can be a bit high. And I've been like that for 15 years or more. Told to go on shit medication but, save for a few days, I never did.
This goes a long way towards explaining my own difficulties, Igor. I'm going the other direction: not vegan, but extreme low carb, including lots of nice cheese and meat but nothing white: sugar, flour, potatoes, rice. I hope your way works for you.
In other news, Vox has written a stunningly oblivious article:
it may be mixing animal fat with carbs that is the problem - so both approaches seem to work
Yes, unfortunately I have a jabbed friend whose diabetes worsened.
One factor that shouldn't be overlooked is that if you have the "faux vaccinations" you have 100% possibility of getting the toxic spike protein in the bloodstream, and due to the LNPs basically you'll have the spike self-produced everywhere. Whereas the virus itself will in most instances be stopped and neutralised in the nose and throat (especially by those with full-spectrum natural immunity from a previous infection), and "usually" won't spread further than that. So I'd theorise that although diabetes can perhaps be exacerbated by both the virus and the jabs, it's likely to affected more by the jabs
My friend has blood clots, diabetes and lupus, she had all that before the jabs, she has had 6 jabs and they've made everything worse. Her legs barely work, her lupus flared and her diabetes is worse, but don't try and tell her its because of the jabs, she'll simply say "bullshit" and not engage any further.
this reaction by folks will continue to be one of the most difficult things to witness
In her case the problems did begin before.
My reticence to get jabbed was due to my autoimmune disorder even before much information came out. Since the lockdown started I'd had a very suspicious feeling about the whole thing.
do not try a vegan diet. Veganism is secular ethics - animal welfare and environmentalism combined - while vegetarianism is religious ethics - thou shalt not kill, etc. - the proper nutritional approach is whole foods, plant-based nutrition, based on the work of T. Colin Campbell (The China Study etc.). And, if necessary, you can do a medically supervised water fast at True North - see this recent video: That is the best way to make the transition.
Maori used to eat each other after a battle partly because doing so meant that the belief was that you took on the eaten warrior's strengths.
I'm not vegan because of environmentalism (although I am very much so focused) but because I don't want to take on the qualities of sheep or cows.
Hope that this helps.
Author being vegan makes me doubt other decisions and conclusions, I'll read more careful.
Shame on me!
Hi Igor.
My brother who is a type 1 diabetic and has been for over 40 years, has had a horrendous time since being vaccinated to the hilt, he's a nurse in the NHS. He is constantly having hypos and I feel in real risk of losing limbs (apparently his legs are in a bad way).
When I bring up the fact that he is quadrupled vaccinated and if that could be a cause of his recent issues, he simply says that many medications have side effects and simply does not believe the vaccines to cause any harm. I feel he is beyond saving, in terms of vaccination damage.
To give you an idea of his mentality, he had a bad reaction to the first one, off work for two weeks, but still went and lined up for another three shots.
Exactly the same as my ex-husband! Since his quad jabs his kidney function is at 15% and has serious heart issues. And the meds have continued side effects as well. He knows now that the jabs have worsened everything.
He shouldn't believe anything in his area of work 😔
Igor, I know three 16 year old girls (coincidentally friends) who all developed Type 1 diabetes within four months of getting the Pfizer shot. My local pharmacist confirmed last year that diabetes medications have skyrocketed post-jabs / post-covid. On another note do you know anything about CK levels skyrocketing. My 16 year old son (pure blood) who has had several very bad bouts of covid including a very early one a the beginning of 2020 which left him exhausted for 6 months has elevated CK levels every time he gets a virus (which is frequently). Would love to know if you can shed any light on this.
… very sad. And the medication availability can be manipulated, making it unavailable for some people… as well as some of the other prescription meds to help with diabetes management, such as Trulicity.
All of the meds have been shown to contain LNP, I believe, but do your research on that one.
After diagnosis of Type 1, they will be hooked up to a durable medical equipment device to automatically monitor blood sugar and in some cases, to control insulin dispensing. All of these devices require the use of BT technology which is also harmful to the body.
So many teens are passing away and yet there is no outcry nor investigation. SMH
I know personally or w 16-year-old local girl who just passed away a couple of weeks ago and a 17-year-old boy “had a seizure” while playing BASKETBALL… and died at the hospital they had brought him to.
And while TRYING to find an obit on the boy (I knew about this incident from reliable second-hand info from first-hand witness) I came across several obits of OTHER 17 year old boys dying suddenly!
Truly tragic.
Igor, I know some diabetics improved (a lot) by doing a fruit diet. Not that I am advocating to try that, but it shows that it is not only about (restricting) carbohydrates. I think it is mostly about deficiencies (perhaps in combination with some auto-immune activity). My suggestion would be to eat whole foods, avoid grains, add some supplements (iodine/kelp, vitamin C, zinc/selenium, other?), nutrient-rich animals foods, such as liver and sea-fruit, or even pancreatic enzymes, tropic fruits (pineapple, vigs).
I did some testing the other day. Eating fresh fruit (nectarines, apricots, a little banana) did not push my readings up at all. Yet plenty of docs would say keep away from them (and some on here are)
I might be hardening to a 'keep away from all processed foods' diet.
Just dropping this excellent video about Novak Djokovic, in case you ARE trying a vegan diet:
I'm a Type 1 Diabetic & personal trainer specialising in Type 1, 1.5 & 2 Diabetes management. and I strongly discourage you from veganism. The more carbs, the less control you will have over blood glucose increasing insulin resistance. Keep on the low carb, only eat real food, no sugars, seed and veg oils etc. Eat plenty of ruminants and eggs, Greek full fat yoghurt etc. Veganism does not provide good health.
I was on low carb for 8 years, so it is not like I have not tried it. And it was not that bad. However I decided to end it. That was a while ago. The strange thing is, despite eating a lot more carbs my blood sugar is more stable.
Whatever the diet, I have to watch the amount of food that I eat, sadly
Counting carbs is a very crude and simplistic way (just good for losing weight in a healthy person). From the Chinese medicine prospective, foods have more complex properties and some carbs are, actually, beneficial to drain Dampness. Anyway, I don't recommend to use any generic advice from the internet, people aren't identical cogs. If you decide to use TCM, visit a TCM doctor in person. TCM, actually, can cure diabetes.
I was on low carb for 20 years before I went on carnivore diet almost 3 months ago. My health has never been better. Definitely the opposite of vegan. May want to give it a try after vegan makes you worse.
I hope it works out for you, Igor. I think just the effort to pay attention and think consciously about health has a positive effect. I'm going full low carb this year in the same struggle.
PS Look into LADA (Type 1.5 Diabetes).
Have you been monitoring BG levels using a CGM or finger prick test? Ideally you want at least 10 readings per day. Furthermore its worth checking beta cells. to check what's going in with insulin.
10 tests a day is ideal for Roche et al. At $20+ per 50 strips you're on $30 a week just for these.
I'm in the UK, and as a T1D (LADA), I get them on the NHS "free". Including long and fast acting insulin, Freestyle Libre CGM, test strips and glucose.
Roche probably charges the UK government a thousand pounds (yeah I'm exaggerating but this is actually the Pharma model) per 50 strips.
So free to you in the short term, not so much in the long term.
Yes of course. The NHS supply chain is a racket. Working people pay taxes out of their monthly wages called National Insurance which contributes to providing the service. No payment is required to use the NHS and prescriptions are heavily subsidised. I think it costs £8 for each prescription. Some people, like myself, do not have to pay anything for the prescription. Personally, I think the service could be excellent, but as its a cash cow, it has attracted shady dealings.
PS The Freestyle Libre provides a blood glucose reading every minute, which is sent to phone app. I use the blood test strips as back up.
Yep great. Wonderful. Just what we want.
James B of no substacks.....
I just joined yesterday, although I have been reading posts for a while.
I'm sure that you have.