I moved with my family to Stockholm 4y ago and work in the IT industry. It is just appealing how close-minded/naive people are here. I am surrounded with 30-40 y old people and absolutely all are fully vaccinated, no complaint, no questioning, no doubt, just obey. This is how they are used to: thrust the authorities, listen and not even think to question. 

ALL my colleagues have been constantly sick since being boosted. Just talked to one of them, 30y female, she is sick without pause, doesn't understand why, no energy, stuffy nose, easier coughing, feeling fatigued, for 4 months! And yet, she can't see the connection. Pure tragedy for society! What has Sweden done?

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pinning your very pertinent comment

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Can I ask, how well do you know your co-workers?

Because no matter where you are politically in Sweden, everyone knows not to speak out loud about certain things; it's a surefire way to get marked as a deviant, be ostracized and frozen out, bad-mouthed and finally fired and blacklisted.

You learn at a young age to appear as if you trust authorities absolutely, to only speak about their overreach in terms of the authorities being benign but making honest mistakes, and so on. We don't need formal open authoritarianism - there's not a swede younger than retirement age alive today that hasn't grown up in the socialist democrat corporatist state. It's the sole frame of reference for most people - even admitting to reading "alternative news" is enough to get you branded a heretic.

And that is why all too many swedes keep silent, especially when talking to foreigners. You never know if what you candidly will be passed on, and all it takes is one single socialist democrat, one single feminist, one single multi-kulti freak hearing about for the ball to start rolling.

Trust me when I say I know this from personal experience, having taught politicial science, communication and rethorics and related subjects for about 25 years. I've lost count of the number of times I have been told - by colleagues, by students, by principals and headmasters and by politicians - that impartiality, objectivity and stating verifiable facts is partisan, biased and wrong unless said facts et al is in accordance with "värdegrunden" (core values and beliefs).

And this problem has nothing to do with Covid, it is firmly rooted in the193s when the Socialist Democratic Party started a reign which was to last until the mid 1970s. I recommend Roland huntford's 'The New Totalitarians' from 1971 about why Sweden and our politics are the way they are, it's ashort read and the script can be found online.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Everything you say makes perfect sense, but people still took the shot. If they were rolling their eyes in private but mouthing the right platitudes due to social pressure, wouldn't they have not taken the shot? Or maybe they didn't take it and are lying about it?

I'm asking as you have some really good insight here and I'm trying to understand why some apparent high-trust societies (e.g. Sweden, Canada, Australia) rolled over the way they did. Are people really that trusting and simply switch off their critical thinking? Hoping to avoid Godwin's law here, but there seems like strong parallels to the "good German" and the rise of fascism in the 1930's.

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It's both, really.

Used to be, our official agencies were independent from the state, meaning that f a minister or PM or MoP wanted a certain thing to be done a certain way, the law regulating said thing had to be changed and that entailed a vote in parliament.

So for instance, the health care sector was although public still self-governing with the Social Security agency as monitor and oversight. This was changed in the 1970s, but it took until the mid-ninties to the mid-naughties to remove the old system completely since all agencies were full of trained professional with personal integrity, meaning they told politicians "Put that in writing with your signature, witnessed, at the bottom" when they got orders going against professionalism ,law and sound practice.

So the memory of that trustworthyness is what makes people fool themselves I think - and also that there's a very strong fear involved: after all, once you start question, and start investigating, and start discovering all the malfeasance, you feel like you loose your footing. So to avoid that almost existential dread, people instead choose to trust much more than they really should. Also, while thoroughly "netified" to a ridiculous extent, 19 out of 20 swedes only consume state and regime-loyal media: imagine an american who only get their news directly from the Biden White House and MSNBC, so to speak.

As I said above, Hunford's book does a very good job of explaining this; to me, trust in other swedes (real swedes, not just people holding citizenship) is completely natural and sits at the insitinctual level. This is due to our history and geography: untrustworthy people were shut out - shunned - in olden days and back then that was practically a death sentence, maning we developed a culture where egotism, narcissism, and untrustworthyness meant self-selecting for elimination from the genepool.

If you've ever experienced "I should look but I don't dare because I think I know what I'll find"-feeling, crank that up to eleven and there you have.

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I've learnt more about Swedes and Sweden from these posts than I had ever learnt before. Very interesting. It looks like a society with strong cohesion (at least among old Swedes and well-integrated immigrants), but there is the reverse side of the coin: obligatory conformity becomes very dangerous in these poison-shot times.

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The conformity aspect is misunderstood, I'd say. It's like that sterotype of the rude frenchman not understanding english - some vestige of reality but in essence and common useage pushed beyond self-parody.

It works like this: no-one cares if I was to paint my kitchen pink with yellow and turquoise polka-dots. It's my kitchen, and I can do whatever I want with it- people would have opinions and voice them and think me either colour-blind or a loon or both, but it wouldn't be seen as "wrong", just odd.

But if I was to cover my car with swears and slurs, people would react because now I'm forcing my choice on others.

That's the conformity aspect: do what you want, but not in such a way it harms or disrupts others. Exactly where that line is (and this of course overlaps with personal contra public responsibility issues), is the main point of many domestic debates - should the trains have a special area for allergics not for instance.

So the whole conformity thing can best be summed up as "If your personal oddities and originalities does not impact others negatively or harmfully, you do you, but don't expect not to hear about it".

And as this is tacit cultural instinct-powered, to the outsider it looks borderline chinese in conformity.

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What about all the Pride stuff being imposed on population, even bus drivers in Stockholm being forced to carry rainbow symbols on city buses. Doesn't that inconvenience a lot of people who are not necessarily LGBT haters but, let's say, mildly annoyed by them?

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Yikes! That sounds even worse than I have heard before! I never would have been compatible with a culture like that. As bad as it is getting now, "Thank God for the United States of America!!!!"

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Yes, Sweden LOOKS great, but it may not FEEL so great after all! Anyway, much of that would also apply at least in part to other European countries, certainly places like Denmark, Holland, Germany...

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America was successively colonized by people who were escaping religious conformity and persecution in Europe. Some successive waves were at odds with one another, but thrived in self-segregated communities. Think Quakers and Catholics.

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Great post.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Perhaps we should encourage Igor to investigate The Law of Jante so he understands the cultural programming you're referring to. It's quite frightening. Paulo Coelho has written about it.

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Sounds like the Swedes got an equal dose of BRAVE NEW DENMARK https://rense.com/general79/brave.htm which was another test bed, prior to the China model, the WEF et al have seemingly settled on, for us all.

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What Sweden has done is during 2020 everyone was calm and reasonable, but then some political pressure seemed to unfold, and finally they decided to flip and worship the WEF-transhumanist-depopulation bullshit-agenda. I mean, wasn't it that the prime minister resigned in November 2021 under somewhat mysterious circumstances, only to be replaced by a WEF minion who immediately introduced vaxx passes for domestic use?

But this is just a conspiracy theory of course.

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Your PM was lucky - they only resigned him. In the Global South, all presidents who rejected the quackcines were assassinated and the new ones accepted the WEF edicts.

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Can you please provide the name of these assassinated African leaders. I've been unable to locate the list.

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Tanzanian president and Haitian president. You can search for the assassination of those presidents. Once they were assassinated last year, the new puppet presidents accepted the Covid quackcination of their population

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Stefan Löfven resigned last year so that his successor can campaign for the upcoming election in September, the idea being that his successor will appear blameless.

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He got a message from Sven Olof Joachim Palme and he knew what that meant.

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Nah, Palme (while a real piece of work) was intelligent; Löfven can barely string a coherent sentence together on a good day.

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A message from Palme would be a reminder of an ongoing assassination attempt, not a reward for the good work of the incumbent government!

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They can't see the connection because no one knows or cares what the side effects are for the shots. When my brother got shingles after his shots I told him that is one of the side effects. He said no it isn't. I said " did you read the list of side effects before taking the prototype drug." He shut up and never answered me. I NEVER take any drug without reading the side effects. Apparently most of society does.

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My father-in-law got shingles, too, after he got the 4th shot, flu shot and shingles shot......he said nope not that and the thank God I got the shot, it could have been worse, answer.....

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omg... maybe one ‘side effect’ is addiction to more shots

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At this point it's an IQ test and lots of people are failing this test.........

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How sad for him but you just confirmed what Ii knew was quite common , not rare side effect. Pharmacy assistant , 8 mnths post vaccine 💉. 55 yo , when I saying ‘ no second , that inflammatory response in sciatic nerve , told 2 worse ? Whispered ( did not want customers , the boss ti hear ‘ I actually got SHINGLES , but I noticed how many vaccines we were selling , and the anti viral drug ( take asap etc) ……, I was taken a back that SHINGLES. ?? .,…..I had quite severe in pain , R shoulder blade , with post neuropathic pain , down arm , 6 yrs ago ,

SO , Justin Bieber ? His affected movement in face ……. Have not said publicly ‘coincidence ‘ . That poor young star ⭐️ it is horrific , !

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Shingles, Chicken Pox, Smallpox, and Monkey Pox are all of the same family of viruses. Let's hope your brother doesn't run down the list.

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I said I’m passing to a young friend who helps out , tall 23 yo , Sloppy medicine , My doctor did not even take my consent form ‘….. WHAT CONSENT FORM ? …. at my work , We got no 📝 work , or consent form ….. Damn …… I did not want it Mez , my heart has been pounding !

That as another Immoral medicine , sloppy , let’s jab as many arms , but no

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A similar situation is found in Canada (I was raised in Canada and my family still lives there — I moved to the U.S. in 1981). I believe the shift in attitudes towards the government began with the change to single payer health care; this began Canada’s incremental march to socialism. Once you turn your bodily autonomy over to the government, your independence and ability to think critically is severely compromised. Perhaps it is as simple as if you trust the government to control your health, then you must trust the government and their proxies in every other circumstance. Admitting that the government does not have its citizens’ best interests at heart is a bridge too far.

I do have friends in Canada who are unvaxxed and clear-eyed about the risks of the clot shot, but they won’t talk about it, and won’t take a stand — they’re just hoping it all goes away. I believe that Canada is too far along the WEF’s path to the great reset to ever recover — I don’t think there are enough Canadians who both understand what is being done to them and who have the courage to resist.

I am appalled at the brainwashed state of my family, all vaxxed, boosted, and grateful that the vax has kept their COVID from “being worse.” A healthy, 40-ish brother of my nephew’s wife had a stroke followed by paralysis from the waist down post-vax. Other aspects of his life were less than optimal and he committed suicide. Very sad. No one is connecting the vax dots here either, and I’m not convinced that the evidence of the harms caused by the injections will ever be sufficient to break the delusion of those like my family who are so invested in the “safe and effective” narrative. And I don’t think anything can break the pervasive apathy either.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

I'm still in Soviet Canuckistan and I'll talk out loud to anyone, anywhere, no matter who else hears me. I'm NOT giving up my right to informed consent and they are NOT going to get away doing war crimes on me.

I can't give informed consent when information is withheld and I refuse to do so. Full stop.

They are not going to coerce me into a medical experiment and I point out to all who try that they are war criminals.

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I stopped travelling to Canadastan and I am done with it.

I never knew in 1991 that the USSR was going to re-incarnate in North America as Canadastan.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Yes! I'm with you in that one! I'm too old to worry about any potential negative consequences, so I pull no punches. The only thing that will save us from the Globalists' Great Reset (read: de-industrialze and destroy economies, and frighten, impoverish, starve, and poison the population) "extermination" plan is spreading real infomation and refusing to submit or comply!!!!

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Well said. Continue the fight. Our lives depend on it. I’m with you!!! Resisting until my obituary says “died going to the gym at 95” or something similar like hiking the Appalachian Trail.

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I want mine to say ‘died peacefully in his sleep at 95, shot by a jealous husband’

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“It would have been worse

if I hadn’t had the quackcine”.

Thanks Castrudeau:


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The COVID quackcine! Lol!

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My dad informed me a while ago that "coof" is a Scottish word meaning idiot. So if you call it the "coof shot", you're also calling it the "idiot shot".

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That's great!

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I actually read a family member say about one of the first ‘break through’ deaths, a post vax COVID death, ‘it would have been way worse without the vaccine’!!!

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What really surprises me is how people reject scientific facts and prefer to rely on bought media catch phrases.

Even before the hari-kiri rituals started, it was already known that mRNA quackcines could NOT protect your airways. They were NOT designed to protect your airways, so you'll be infected no matter how many times you're exposed to the virus. People still don't get it even the newly infected quadruple vaxxed like Fauci - the world expert in infectious diseases!!!.

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Mass Formation Psychosis in action!

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Australia is the same avd I am so sorry for the loss , for him , the undue crippling of a man just to ‘ be a dutiful citizen , who respects the vulnerable , . Shocking ! Shocking.

Did you hear of our big LOSS here in my city , Melbourne , Australia , .,… the charismatic , loved by all , cheeky , father first , …… but known for ‘spin bowler ‘ cricket 🏏 , Shane Warn ?

He was pro vaccine , had had two , perhaps 3 , he travelled to Thailand …… his mates found him , blood 🩸 everywhere , he had coughed up before being taken , dead of heart attack !

The entire country grieved for that stand out. , star ⭐️ . The epitome of the true bliue Aussie , left. daughter 17 , son 15 .

I think it may have been the vaccines ?

A month prior another sports legend , older . 48 ? Heart ❤️ attack ….. it’s in my eyes a form

Of manslaughter ! I mean that.

The blood is on govt hands .

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"The state is the coldest of all cold monsters" - Friedrich Nietzsche.

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Now Trudeau finally has his "basic dictatorship"!

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"Mass Formation Psychosis" at work.

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I agree. I don't want the harms to get worse but at the same time, if they don't then these vaxx mandates may continue being brought in for this and that new disease, on and on forever. Can anything ever break the delusion? The gov and health authorities have 'answers' for everything. It is depressing if you think about it for too long. And the apathy! Makes me sad.

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I had the same thought, that the imposition of "Medicare" by Tommy Douglas was the camel's nose in the tent here.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Assuming you meant "appalling" rather than "appealing" but great comment nevertheless! However, that's an unfortunate typo.

Why do you think they are so trusting? My suspicion is that by and large the Scandinavian governments have a track record of being honest and forthcoming with the people and that trust was earned. It's unlike in the United States (which I say unfortunately as a proud American) where we've been lied to all too many times. You can only lie to people so much before trust is lost.

Do you see any signs that this debacle is making people more hesitant to trust the government? The Swedish government has been blowing it for over a decade by lying to people about immigration, painting only a rosy picture. People aren't blind, and can see for themselves what has happened to parts of the big cities. Now the same is happening in public health. Sooner or later people have to wise up.

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It's no accident that "Stockholm Syndrome" originated in Stockholm.

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i think you mean "appalling" and not "appealing." you can correct it by hitting the 3 small *** to edit!

but yes, a great observation

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I did not know this ~ thanks for the instruction!

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Over time, this trust was well founded, with Sweden having had that world-famous welfare state. The scam has been so effective precisely because it has been such a break with past experience (at least past experience as known by Swedes) and so hardly any Swede has seen it coming. (Now that I think of it, Swedes did have that experience with hundreds of neuropathies from that 2009 vaccine, THAT should have made them a bit suspicious).

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The trust goes back much, much further than that. Rather, the socialist democrat welfare state post the mid-sixties eroded that trust because by then, the replacing of the family, the people and the nation with the Party was in full effect.

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I am learning about Sweden from these comments... Thanks.

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I don't agree with the use of "socialist" as almost a dirty word, which is, I believe, a very common viewpoint in the USA, as if a world with no public interest, a jungle, was better, although I do recognize the dangers inherent in the welfare state which certainly Americans are more attuned to than we Europeans are.

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The Socialist Democrat party ruled Sweden for 70 years unchallenged, so I don't see where you are coming from at all. During this time they enforced a eugenics programme which sterilised, aborted and euthanised 65 000 people. They collaborated with nazi-Germany, and it was the swedish Socialist Democrat party (the same party that rules now) that demanded of the germans that they mared all jews' passports with a big red 'J' so that swedish border authority vcould send jews back to Hitler's Germany.

Do /not/ talk to me about the beauty of socialism!

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I'm coming from France and I'm not talking about the "beauty of socialism", and not about Sweden, which I don't know. I can tell you that France was a lot better in the seventies when it was supposedly "socialistic" than now after 40 years of society- and welfare state-destroying neoliberalism. Anyway, these comments on Sweden are very interesting, no doubt about it.

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Wasn't that the time when french politicians coasted on the Gaullist corporatist post-war state, and embraced the old pre-war synarchist idea but with multiculturalism and cosmopolitan ideals instead of national?

Not to mention letting theorists and of the "new left" and the new philosophers (as I believe they were referred to?) enter positions of control in both parties, the unions and the industrial sector?

Granted, I'm drawing on sketchy memory here. Or it is my reading of 'Tranches de Vie', Gérard Lauzier's excellent and more relevant than ever comic, that's superimposing itself on my memory.

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I am trying to like your comment but it won't let me. So I will comment/like it! 👍👍

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Ah it let me.

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"Socialist" is not the opposite of "no public interest, a jungle", it is well along on the descent into totalitarianism. It actually is designed to devolve into Communism. Hardly a systen that saves its populations from jungle-like behavior!

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

There is a problem of definitions here. "Socialist" means different things to different people, which is an obstacle to productive debate. The word has a different meaning in the US than it has in France, which is my country of origin, and the US meaning seems to have take over in much of Europe. It seems that in the USA "socialism" is just a synonym for "dictatorship", "totalitarianism", etc., i.e. very bad things. This is the result of decades of brainwashing of the American people by the American ruling class. Well, it is not a synonym. And even if one could agree on a definition, there is no patent on "socialism", which means that quite different systems will claim to be that, or accused of it. Remember, the URSS was "socialist", but countries like France, Spain, etc. have "socialist" parties, although the realities behind it are quite different.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

You're right that the word "Socialist" means different things to different people. That's an interesting observation of yours to say, "in the USA "socialism" is just a synonym for "dictatorship" ", because I've mostly heard it used in a positive light, and many on the polital Left openly call themselves "socialist", like Bernie Sanders, for instance. I am guessing (with no specific evidence) that people more on the poiltical Right are more informed about history and more aware of the intentions of the Communist Party in the U.S.A. and have seen their playbook for taking us over. They have already, in less than a century, accomplished almost all of their 50 Points they deemed necessary to conquer us. So those on the Right might be more sensitjve to where this is actually going, while the Leftists seem perfectly happy to welcome in a collectivist Utopia. They just missed the part where the dictators start murdering millions of their own citizens!

The problem with Socialism is that its basic philosophy is definitely on a "slippery slope". People want free handouts but fail to realize that to give you something, they had to take it from someone else. They have no fundamental respect for autonomy or for private property. A government that can give you everything can take everything from you. The State believes that it has the right and the power to make those kind of decisions. And in addition, ALL collectivist systems are by their nature inefficient, wasteful, and especially prone to corruption because it's "their way or the highway" and there is no meaningful oversight. They are inefficient because Central Control can never respond in the best way to myriad local conditions that are constantly prone to change. They always becme bloated and top heavy. Of all the polical systems experimented with by human societies, pure Capitalism always produces the most freedom and prosperity unless a central government interferes with it too much, as is our own these days.

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I heard similar testimonials from an Israeli political activist. The video is online - I think it's the Grand Jury - Day 6 (Reiner Fuellmich).

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One should be reminded that there is a very strong totalitarian streak in Sweden. Whilst technically neutral in WWII, they were happy to let the Nazis use their railway lines to transport heavy water (D2O) for use in their planned atom bombs, from Norway.

They also did not stop Eugenics till the mid-70s

My stepdaughter lived there for 6 months about ten years back. Found them weird and anti-social;; living in a block of flats, she said if she opened the door of her flat to leave, at the same time as someone in another flight, they would immediately retreat and shut their door - not wanting to possibility of having to interact with a STRANGER.

Oddly, and others have noticed this, they loosen their stays when abroad.

Really bad Norwegian joke (Norwegians being very different and a bit -nicely - mad, in my experience)....

Q. Why do Swedes open their windows at night.

A. Because they smell


No offence to any Swedes here ;-)

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I am absolutely prepared to believe there are real fertility issues cause by the vaccines but I am also aware this is a turbulent time politically and people often will put off having children during a financial crisis for example, or when there is a nearby war, so I think it could be a combination of factors. I really hope there is no permanent fertility damage🤞

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I am not sure how turbulent Sweden is, to be honest.

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its impossible it's due to turbulence. sweden also has a huge immigration population that are breeding like rabbits and probably didn't vax that hard.

if not a "lets all wait honey i have a vax induced 3 month headache " or we're fucked

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Your sense of humor is exemplary

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Thanks bro. I try

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Yes, that was funny! Except the part about the invaders breeding like rabbits. Of course the plan is for "replacement migration" in all the western countries.

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If not turbulent, what about dark and cold, windy and gloomy?

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Exactly. It didn't lock down as we did. In the UK last spring prospective parents may have thought - should we start another baby? When we've been locked in a tiny flat and the playgrounds were shut?

Not like that in Sweden. These are very worrying figures.

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What to do locked in a flat? Fight. Make up. Fight. Make up. Fight. Make up...

Unless they already had kids, not likely thinking about playgrounds.

I would almost expect a boom in UK babies.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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I mean have you seen these Swedish women (birthing people 😒)… no wonder no one’s trying… 👱‍♀️

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Swedish FemNAZIS controlling CuckNAZIS

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Ooooo kaaaayyy

Maybe do something about the anger thingy, can’t be easy living triggered like that… it’s not all nazis..as popular as they may have been…

Much love

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Very where ME migrants have settled. Nogo zones, which were stated as "fake news" by the media now accepted as part of a rich social milieu (cough...)


Grenades and bombs a-gogo



Even the BBC, hallowed sanctuary of left made "news"...


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Barbara Lerner-Spectre's hands rubbing so fast I can smell the smoke from here.

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my doctor's office (SC) noticed right from the start that there were hormonal and fertility problems. they saw two miscarriages and a 69 year old patient start getting her periods again. they assumed it was affecting women's hormones. i think now there is some evidence that it is affecting men as well.

it would be interesting to tally up miscarriages and still births. there's a big difference between merely putting off having children due to turbulent times and being thwarted in your attempts to have children by... something.

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The spike proteins are causing testicular inflammation, lower sperm counts, and sperm that can't swim. Not good!

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My daughter's mother in law started bleeding again sometime after vax. My friends granddaughter had a miscarriage after. I don't even know that many people and it's come close to me so how widespread it must REALLY be!

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right? i've known 4 people who died suspiciously after getting vaccinated. i feel i should not know anyone if the vaccines are so safe

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So your daughter's mother in law was post menopausal?

The polling that Steve Kirsch is sponsoring is using small samples so far while they perfect the methodology, but the responses from the only 500 people polled already are alarming. "Vaccine" injuries and deaths may be touching nearly everyone. How much longer can Big Pharma and our criminal government, in collusion with the media, continue to "hide the bodies"?

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Yes, she was post menopause, many years post. She believes it was the vax which she was required to get as a govt employee. I sent her info showing the many menstrual issues in the top 10 at the time from VAERS and some doctor posts about it, largely to ease her immediate cancer fears a bit.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s an interesting thought. One could expect drop in birth rates after recession. But after a lockdown one should expect a huge spike … 🤷‍♂️

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

If you wait until your 30s to start having children - which I’m assuming is common in Sweden- then you really can’t afford to put your childbearing on pause for 2.5 years

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Outside of the former covid zero colonies, 2021 wasn't really that turbulent... Was it?

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

There's a been a huge baby boom in my small church which is what I was expecting to happen with the lockdowns and activities shut down. Most people haven't been jabbed in my church

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“From the mouths of nursing babies you have laid a strong foundation because of your foes, in order to stop vengeful enemies.” Psalm 8:2

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Darwinism at work. The healthy will procreate to perpetuate the species.

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Exactly! In countries like he has listed above (especially those that did lockdown) they must have significantly higher elective abortion rates - or....higher miscarriage rates

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The opposite of mine, which I must replace. What sort of church is it?

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PCA in suburbs of DFW. Almost everyone homeschools and most families have at least 4 kids

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Thank you, it sounds very lovely. Mine is about 900 miles from you, and woke. Time to heed the call to more fertile ground ...

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Redeemer McKinney


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Our pastors went to John Macarthur's Masters Seminary. He was in the news a lot because Los Angeles was trying to shut down their church. Ours actually opened back up before his did but we were so little no one noticed.

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Same, praise the Lord!

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That is explainable, thankfully. The other situation with the jabbed is frightening.

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Good point, by most measures 2020 would have been seen as far more turbulent with the initial covid fear, unprecedented lockdowns, businesses being shuttered, the stock market crash, and social unrest. Compared to that, 2021 was a cakewalk. Sane people had made their peace with covid and had moved on.

So are the low vax uptake countries also seeing drops in birth rate?

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That wouldn't explain Taiwan?

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Technically there should be more births in most places specifically because of the lockdowns - or significantly higher abortion rates. Perhaps there are higher miscarriage rates.....

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I heard a nurse suggesting that wards, which used to be super busy before the pandemic, are not busy at all.

The hypothesis is : lots of vaxx related miscarriages

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That's what VAERS seems to indicate here

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In the UK things were still very uncertain in spring 21. It looked very likely that Vallance and his co-pirates would lock us up again that winter.

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There is more analysis from El Gato Malo who draws the conclusion from available data that the case for normal variability is weak while the case for vaccine-driven infertility is looking quite strong.


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It is important to keep in mind that the current recession we are likely in was not at all present 9 months ago, when people were getting pregnant. Yes there was an uptick in inflation, but no, it wasn't really a concern for most people at the time. If anything, we were coming out of lockdowns and were desperate to restart normal life, including starting families.

So, I don't think we should mistake our present condition for what happened at time of past conception. Undoubtedly though, as the knowledge of the birthing collapse enters the mainstream, this argument will be made repeatedly, like we see with SADS. I'm not buying it.

What we need to do is in each country, track the birthing collapse with uptake of the vaccine in the fertile population. This should show a significant time correlation, and be demonstrable across different nations with varying vaccine roll outs. That's the only way to dispositively prove causation in my mind.

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deletedJul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Or maybe similar to the DMED data, these countries will report that they have just discovered that their birth rate data for previous years was inaccurate.....that it really was lower and they will "correct" it. 😉

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deletedJul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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The shenanigans are overwhelming. So either they are actually “cleaning up” their data or corrupting it. Making the data more accurate would be wonderful but who actually believes that. Who in the state health department has the power to authorize or manipulate that data?

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Dr Linda, Don't forget the CDC who are apparently REMOVING thousands of covid reports in VAERS - even though they are not officially monitoring them for warning signals - because the shots are 100% "safe and effective"!

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In the world of data, where "climate change" leads, Covid follows in hot pursuit.

Data looks bad? Then fix it.


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Agreed but representing the actual outcome but not tailored outcome is essential.

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Did you mean "5k" a year or "50k" a year?

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Or the Taiwan drop could be due to the fear of imminent invasion by Chiiina? That would be pretty dramatic!

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There is no fear of imminent invasion, unless Taiwanese read American media.

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Taiwan might have seen a lot of young wealthy Taiwanese leaving the country. Because of Chinese threats.

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Interesting point William, I wonder where they all go and if there is a safe country of choice...

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CANADA!?!?! Escaping one DICTATORSHIP for another!

Trudeau has gone completely power crazy and covid NUTS - And he's a WEF accolite!

Ah well, I suppose it will balance up all the Canadians who are fleeing.

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In my small corner of this planet , where I work in labor and delivery, are delivery numbers are down about 20% from last year. 🧐🤫😵🤐

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Where is your corner of the planet? Without jeopardizing your privacy, can you give us more details? Anything notable? I will read your reply

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Sorry for typo are=our.

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You're in the US, which state?

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Governor Whitmer likes to silence anyone who gets in her way.

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Michigan. And a woman in charge of several children. No doubt all vaxxed to the eyeballs.

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Her eyeballs are on the Washington cabal not on her children.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m really torn, between telling people “I told you so!” And just sitting down and crying. Why do we care more about people lives than they do about their own lives?

I know that I must find the inner kindness, because solidarity is our only way out. Scolding never works, and at the end of the day, it doesn’t even feel good. But, goddamn, what else needs to happen… it reminds me of Trump’s “5th avenue murder” comment. Once again, he read the room correctly, but misunderstood what he was reading, and then said the worst thing out loud. Nonetheless, he’s a salesman, he read people PERFECTLY.

I’m inclined to believe that loss of spirituality, loss of ancestral life and traditional connection, are playing a roll (and Palantir inc.)

Thanks Igor, please take some time to enjoy the weekend, listen to music, dance, astral project yourself w/Gateway Experience (Bob Monroe), something… whatever keeps you healthy and sane (the above are mine I guess)

Much love, as always.



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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

trump? reads? get out of here ... the guy is a total buffoon ...


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I watched this and agree that he is a total buffoon here. Buffoon means ridiculous clown. But he is getting paid in a spectacle of clowning that he has a business interest in. It doesn’t mean he is stupid and therefore “can’t read.” I think that must be your own Trump Derangement Syndrome kicking in? Because Trump is actually quite shrewd at reading people, especially the crowd of screaming wrestling fans in the video. He is giving them what they want. Trump reminds me quite a bit of the famous impresario P.T. Barnum, who said “There’s a sucker born every minute.” He has succeeded in very competitive businesses, New York real estate and television entertainment and now politics. I think he made a great positive contribution to the world by taking on FAKENEWS TM and seriously kicking their asses. He stood up in the debates and predicted that he would put Hillary in jail. That was huge, even if the jackals swarmed him and brought him down. It’s not over yet. I think he had a failure of nerve, he was not made of “the right stuff” to pull it off as a heroic figure, but he did at least try, until they “got to him.” But he moved the needle significantly, and helped pave the way for bolder men to follow.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Whatever people think of Trump, we were energy independent, gas cost less than half what it does now, he stemmed the tide of the drugs and illegal aliens, built much of the secure border fence we need, bolstered the military, and a lot more. The "good old days!". Where he really screwed up was with the clot shots. Took bad advice from profiteering mega criminals like Fauci.

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Practicing astral projection is part of the new age crap-trap. Don't play around with that.

See video 'Ex-Witch Exposes Satan's Secretes by Deep Believer @ the 1:07:18 mark.

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Next time add a link

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New age? F**k New Age

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Hmmm. I meticulously studied Bob Monroe's books. I would like to see some corroborating evidence, because from his personal accounts, I'm highly suspicious that he was having lucid dreans, not out of body experiences. What he described just didn't "add up".

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I didn’t study his books, but I’ve definitely traveled to places while awake. I’m not sure what the difference really is, in a tangible way. Considering what we know about “consciousness” and “reality,” what is the difference between dreaming and being awake? In the brain, the difference is only motor control. And as someone who shared hallucinations with other people, which is an experience after which, the thin vail between reality and whatever that was, is pretty much evaporated.

Aside from that, if you listen to Tom Campbell, you’ll find that they did some experiments with Monroe which proved him and this other person traveled to somewhere together and were there together at the same time.

If you want corroborating evidence, eat 7g-10g of psilocybin mushrooms or big dose of DMT, and Cleo will take you anywhere in the universe you’d like to go.

Btw, I’m 100% serious… it’s that simple. It’s not going to be easy, but traveling never is.

Much love

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Lol! Do you have a link to that experiment with Tom Campbell?

I'll pass on the psilocybin. The last time I used a psychoctive drug, which was after getting into doing meditation, I experienced it as a chemically-induced lowering of consciousness, not raising it.

Humanity is just barely scratching the surface as to what's possible. So many "unexplained" (by "science") phenomena are happening, things one would have to call "miracles".

Ever witness a "firewalk"? There are all knids of rediculous B.S. explanations for it that don't "hold water", but the phenomenon is real, and something is going on besides just the physical. Same with "spoon bending": something changes in the metal that just cannot be duplicated by applying physical force. I think there is much more to our universe than "meets the eye". After all, there is actually nothing here but energy in different forms, and pure consciousness. We are all a part of "The Force".

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Btw, psychedelics are a shortcut, you just didn’t take the recommended dose


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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

They aren't a "shortcut", they are an impairment, and in the process they reduce one's ability to maintain protection against intrusive entities that seek to exert improper influence.

Drugs are an artificial attempt at "expading consciousness" but instead of raising the energy frequency, they have a negative influence, vibrationally. Perhaps in that state of impairment a person could have a genuine experience of something "transcendent" slip through, because drugs can reduce or eliminate normal waking perception and in the process knock out inhibitions and beliefs that could be acting as a block to more expanded awareness, but it would be a situation more "in spite of" than "because of".

The fact remains that the drugged person is in a seriously impaired condition neurologically, which is very different from a spiritually-elevated state of consciouness in a chemically UNimpaired body, and when drugged that person is very vulnerable to being psychically attacked. Psychic attact or entity influence or even posession is a very real phenomenon and not some "woo woo" crazy fantasy.

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I accept the phenomenon you’re describing, but i totally disagree with your analysis on psychedelics. And so do millions of people. You might be talking about other substances, but DMT is a molecule our brain produces, and it’s been found in the Pineal Gland.

Besides, I don’t really care what anyone thinks, I don’t “believe” these things, I *know* them. I’m not asking you to believe them, I was suggesting a proven methodology for meeting the goddess of creation, for some reason she came to see me in her ancient Egyptian Cleopatra Avatar. But, I’ve seen her as grandmother, and once or twice as the spinning trickster (but that’s not a pleasant visit)

I hope this helps

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It’s not a link to the experiment, but to one of his talks


Here’s an interview with Bob Monroe


And here’s an interesting interview with Dean Radin


And this is Monroe Institute per the CIA


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Another worrying signal that the vaccines have nothing to do with public health but everything to do with population pruning. On which subject. . . I am surprised and somewhat disappointed that none of my favourite COVID watchers on Substack, including your good self, appear to be interested in covering, let alone supporting, the Herculean efforts of Dr David Martin to expose the great vaccines fraud and bring the perpetrators to justice. Few people seem even aware that in four days’ time Mr Martin will launch a court case in the US against nine organisations and individuals behind “a criminal conspiracy” which he claims could result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Among the listed defendants are Dr Fauci, the CDC, FDA, Pfizer and Moderna.

Is Doc Martin, an eloquent and urbane former adviser to the World Bank who clearly enjoys putting the boot in to those he regards as public enemies, simply too hot for you guys to handle? Or has the concerted media campaign seeking to portray this intelligent, articulate and dedicated investigator as an ego-tripping fantasist succeeded beyond the instigators' wildest dreams?

Whatever one may think of the man's style, the substance of his meticulously-researched evidence is extremely impressive - as is the fact that he is risking his reputation (as well, one assumes, as a considerable amount of money) to throw down the legal gauntlet. Here’s a link to his latest interview, which includes an update on the pending court proceedings.


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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Michael, I agree. I think it very important to pay close attention to what David Martin is saying and doing. His work and message aligns with Catherine Austin-Fitts' warning that we are in the midst of a financial coup d'état.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Lots of sub-stackers do write about Dr. Martin. A Substacker posted a video of him yesterday in an interview. He was discussing his lawsuit there. I can’t remember whose stack it was, though.

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Exemplary but realistically how many of us can take on every factor of this diabolically evil and very complex issue? We have the medical/scientific, the local, national and international political, the corporate, financial and institutional. That’s not everything but it is quite a challenge for each of us to tackle.

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Agree, so much evil and so complex. I often feel completely overwhelmed when I hear the details presented by Dr. Martin. Incredibly grateful I learned about him and his wife, Kim, and their “Butterfly of the Week” videos. Not sure if you’re already aware of his site related to the lawsuits-if not, check out prosecutenow.io His team has created demand letters (on six different topics), which can be sent to state reps with just a few clicks.

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Never fails to amaze how otherwise intelligent seeming people simply cannot or chose not to comprehend. Have noticed a tendency toward narcissism among these folks however.

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"when narcissists are criticized or challenged, they may behave aggressively, trying to achieve some respect by attacking or belittling their critics...persons with narcissistic personality disorder can become at risk for violence following blows to their self-esteem...People with secure and normally healthy levels of self-esteem, however, do not become distressed and aggressive when insulted." (Larson, R., Buss, D., Personality Psychology, 2018, p. 316).

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Yes,thanks. I have written about the degree of toxic narcissism we live with as a culture and also feel it ties in from the standpoint of abusive relationships as well (political and otherwise).

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

so if court proceedings start, by when would you expect the judge to give a decision?

fauci just signed for another 100 million shots, plus 200 million next year with pfizer ... most likely same with moderna and novavaxx ...

dont you think is a bit late for this court proceedings ... whoever is going to get damaged by these shots will be done by the time judges will have a look at it ... just sayin'

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Obviously, a court case of this magnitude will take a long time to resolve, and for many people who have already rolled up their sleeves it will be too late to do more than reinforce any case they may make for recompense in respect of adverse reactions.

This, however, is no reason to let off the hook the perpetrators of the worst-ever medical crime against humanity. Should we have not have had the Nuremburg trials after WW2, which most people at the time seemed to consider worthwhile?

Assuming the mass media doesn't simply ignore the upcoming US proceedings, the damning evidence presented will, hopefully, persuade large numbers of unvaccinated people across the world to stay that way and bring the whole wretched jabfest to an end.

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Yup and 50% price increase per dose...we know inflation is Putin's fault

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

Agree, Dr. Martin is one of the strongest and most inspiring figures in this fight. His patent detective work absolutely nails them. Unfortunately, one of our problems is we don’t have a functioning legal system right now. But it all is adding up and people need to know about his work, which is building the fire and shedding a lot of light on what is going on.

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my friend cuts hair for various private clients. one of them, a DOD subcontractor, was getting a haircut shortly after the vaccine roll out began. she asked him what he thought of them and he warned her not to take them. he said there was a "kill switch" in the shots, that it was a plan to thin the population.

i don't know the guy; he might be crazy paranoid but he does work for the DOD and he was pretty clear.

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If the “vaccines” failed to supply adequate kill switches the medical system certainly provided their own.

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we joke that the vaccines failed to kill enough people fast enough so they needed boosters

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022

he probably is sort of suspicious like many out there ...

pfizer is doubling the dose for coming september shot, though none knows what variant will be ... out in the open ...

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I have alternative explanation for this birth rate decline. What if it's more about the exhaustion of energy and the lockdown of the population? I mean, if you break so precisely the social bonds, lock everyone home and give them Zoom, it's hard to find partner and make child. Also, from my experience as I have been 27 when it started, this lockdown and constant psychological and also physical fight exhausted the lust and libido in many young men. They watch now many more hours of porn, feel depressed and they don't have any reason to go out to danger zone for women or any prospect or real life meeting with opposite sex.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022Author

You are asking a good question.

Just like you, I hope that the reasons are transitory -- not like inflation :-) -- and do not have anything to do with destroyed fertility, lowered sperm counts etc. Maybe porn became much more addictive in 2021. Is it possible? Yes.

This is why I am raising this alarm, so that we can look at it and hopefully my concerns will prove unfounded.

As Ed pointed out, Sweden never locked down. But they swallowed Covid vaxx hook, line and sinker.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sweden didn't "lockdown" like most other countries did.

That graph that Igor posted is very organic, so the cause is more likely to be physiological than it is social.

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You nailed it Ed!

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A good friend of mine is from Sweden and still goes back frequently (we're in SF, so of course she would) and had reported that the Swedes were very pro-jab, which I was surprised by after their anti-lockdown stance. But she wasn't, she says that her fellow countrymen are very compliant & trusting of the government, and that the only reason they stayed away from lockdown was that Andres Tegnell was heroic and well-placed. So, again, in the negative this time, Sweden is a perfectly self-contained scientific experiment.

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I liver in Sweden for three years. Government authority is not questioned there. That‘s also why they didn‘t need lockdowns. If Swedes are asked to reduce social contacts or work from home, they simply do so without the need for codified laws.

However, Sweden still has a quite large population who didn‘t get vaccinated, 25%-30% which was rather surprising to me. Their vaccination rate is lower than most of Western Europe. That said, all of my friends in Sweden got the jab, all of them in their early 30s, two actually got kids this year, so luckily they were not affected by this.

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Do you think this relates to the fact that a large part of the Swedish population was not born in Sweden?

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Yes, I think vaccination rates are much lower among immigrants (~20% of population). Sweden has a large number of immigrants with language barriers (e.g. Somalia, Turkey, Syria) and from countries that have lower vaccination rates like former Yugoslawia or Poland. I actually have a Serbian friend who complained to me in April 2021 how silly it was that Serbians wouldn‘t get vaccinated because they feared that they could become infertile. Unfortunately it seems that wasn‘t so silly after all.

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This is what is great about Igor's stack. He wants to be challenged and contradicted so we all get closer to the truth. Few stackers like that.

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If only stackers. “Few” humans 🤷‍♂️.

Cheers to all in Chudov’s community!!❤️

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

That may be a part of it, but it has been shown that LNPs do accumulate in the reproductive organs.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Reasonable theory, however in the case of Sweden, they did not lockdown and proved lockdowns were totally ineffective, as they had some of the lowest covid rates globally! Ergo they were all still mingling and mating as normal perhaps.

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Jul 2, 2022·edited Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am not so sure, I have one friend from Sweden which I spoke to last year and even though they didn't have official lockdown, the media, politics and doctors made people very scary of the virus - they put horor stories and the propaganda was as strong as elsewhere. I also think the lockdown was recommended by government, not mandated but still it make very scary imprint on psychology and social relationships between people.

If someone is more interested to learn more about Sweden during lockdown, I think there was also interview lead by Dr. Reiner Fullmich with some attorney who testifies what was happening there.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

My family there were scared.

But still, why the sudden and precipitous drop now? Fear reached its peak March/April 2020. We should have seen the decline last year, not this, if pandemic fear were the driver.

Depression with the lunacy of governments and/or fear of forced vaccination may have peaked Spring 2021 though, in fairness. But the Swedish government wasn’t that lunatic.

We know the vaccines have impacted menstruation in women. Even if fertility is unharmed longer term, it certainly suggests it is disrupted for the month of vaccination and maybe for several months after in a not insignificant subset of women. This should not be a surprise. If the rate stays down after 3-4 months though, then there is a much bigger problem.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

what about increased deaths? if not mistaken pick any western country is between 30-60% increase. there have been some interviews from insurance executives in US and germany to that extent ... just sayin' ... not necessary the shots, am sure Trump would have never approved mRNA if it was not Safe and Effective ...

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Ha. Sorry, Trump takes credit for the warp speed jab publicly all the time!

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It sounds like you’re suggesting that excess deaths of people of childbearing age = fewer babies. That makes sense. But then you need to look at why younger people who don’t normally die all of a sudden started dying in large numbers in mid 2021, a full year and a half after Covid hit the scene. Again, the biggest variable change was the shots.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Very worried, but sandwiched in-between is a feeling of peace knowing my two children did not inject themselves with this poison, and will go on to have children, God willing. Tragic for the ones who complied or felt forced to jab.

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My daughter works in an OR at a level 4 trauma center and gobbled up every bit of propaganda, shared it vociferously, and took every jab offered. She had her little 8 year old girl jabbed as well, which breaks my heart. They both got covid last winter after jabs.

She and hubby wanted another baby, got pregnant right away, and at 12 weeks there was no heartbeat, as the baby had died at about 6 weeks gestation, apparently right after they had the pregnancy test done.

I know miscarriages happen, but in my heart I think it has much to do with the jabs she took. She had no problems with the first pregnancy.

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My daughter got jab and booster while nursing. Her child is delayed in development. Started walking at 18 months.

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These stories are heartbreaking. All of my siblings, and their young adult children all took the shots. I fear for my nieces and nephew's fertility. I have no idea what they were thinking; they seemed happy to get them. Boggles my mind.

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My brother that lives on our property has taken 2 jabs and a booster AFTER having had covid in Jan/Feb 2020. I told him to stay away when he gets the jab, but he must have a bit of sick control streak in him, because he comes over and visits, then says he got jabbed. I had it then as well, no one knew why I had the purple and red spots on my abdomen, the ugly rash on my chest, a heart problem, gastro problems, a horrible sinus infection, and couldn't stop coughing. I have autoimmune disorders so it was thought I was having another unraveling event, lol.

Then the doc got a lot of the same symptoms and when the antibody test came out, she got it and called me right away and said to consider the call a confirmation of my having had covid. She, I and another friend that is a doctor will never take the jab and ruin our natural immunity. I was around my friend the doc when she, her husband, 3 kids, 2 SIL all were at the house for a funeral and all had the beginnings of covid. Only the daughter that is in the military has taken the jab.

My oldest son and his wife were convinced by his pharmacist aunt that they had to take the shots. They took the J&J. Kids went to bible camp and they were notified one of the kids had an adult family member that was positive, so they tested the kids. One of them had it, but was asymptomatic. My son, who was jabbed, did get sick and his wife made him quarantine in a bedroom, which was crazy because the kid that brought it home had already exposed everyone.

They have 5 children, and were DONE having kids, so no worries about that, but the oldest girl is 15 and I worried about her being affected by vaccine shedding. I'm not sure how "close" the contact needs to be but the whole family piles onto the big L shaped sofa, laying up against mama and daddy who got the jabs. It's water under the bridge now.

Yes, it's heartbreaking. I don't understand the mindset of fear. There is nothing better than natural immunity, which I can vouch for since I was 4 days with a houseful of sick people, hugging, wiping tears and holding onto while consoling, that was later identified as CCP virus.

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I am so sorry that happened.

My youngest son was vaccine injured, and went from bubbly, chatty toddler to screaming, head banging, tactically defensive within hours, and he developed poor motor skills.

Therapy helps. His best results was when we got him on a horse, which I know isn't possible for everyone. My son went to a children's developmental center, then a year of "special" kindergarten, during which we began the horse riding. He was released from all special services the next year. Not trying to give false hope, just hope.

Being the grandma is hard, in my case, my input isn't always wanted by my daughter

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Very sorry to hear this.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Does anyone remember Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Every time a child was going to do something bad, Gene would say something like "Stop. Wait. Don't," in a droll voice, knowing that no one would listen and he'd have to clean up.

I think that's where I am now. Tried talking to people about the vaxx; it made NO difference. None. Tired of trying to help people who won't listen. If your doctor says "jump off a cliff," well, obviously, you must jump off a cliff. There seems to be absolutely nothing we can do but just side on the sidelines and wait to clean up.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

All critical thinkers were warning about this when the shots started rolling out early last year. Probably some women who were already pregnant decided to forego the shot - there’s nothing like pregnancy to focus the mind on the next generation. But for women who weren’t pregnant at the time and weren’t really planning on getting pregnant, they may not have given their fertility as much thought.

So suffice it to say this might get much worse in the coming months/years as those women and girls who blithely took the shot without thinking suddenly realize they can’t get pregnant. Crazy cat ladies at age 22. 🙁

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People can have very fulfilling lives without children and not become cat ladies. Most that I know at 22 are so busy trying to make a living I’m not sure having kids is even on their radar. Times have changed.

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Also, nothing wrong with being a cat lady, as el gato malo would point out. My cats are major critical thinkers.

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LOL they may get a lifetime of practice.

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Re-upping this for those who haven’t seen it.

Science fiction? Or science fact?


Or if you want to read the synopsis:


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I felt the UK 2013 version was especially creepy, and with genius plot points, like how some convert when they learn the reason.

I gather the 1969 Club of Rome view, of systems feedbacks, was that due to lags, we would overshoot our carrying capacity, so systems have to be deliberately slowed. If one genuinely believes this, and has power, then why wouldn't they?

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I started to watch the UK version but the opening scene was so violent I turned it off immediately.

On the Club of Rome, etc., what I find infuriating is that the Western world has been promoting mass immigration for over 50 years. Native born Americans’ fertility is below replacement. If we had just shut off immigration completely in 1970 or so, our population would’ve naturally peaked and then gradually declined.

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