The unvaxxed will use: - Ivermectin, Quercetin, NAC, Vit D + K, Neem Capsules, Vit C, Garlic oil, Curcumin, HCQ, Selenium, Elderberry Caps, Zinc, Azithromycin.
And H2O2 nebuliser on infection.
We'll be fine, as we continue to strengthen, fine tune, broaden and re-strengthen our immune systems.
Funny thing is I wasn't familiar with most of those things before the pandemic, and now I have a stockpile of nearly all of them. They treated me well during my first (and so far only) COVID infection.
If you live in the 🇺🇸 near the state of Tennessee, ivermectin is now considered an over the counter drug thanks to a new bill passed in April. I think you have to ask the pharmacist for it, but a compounding pharmacy in Johnson City, Tennessee was the first sale...New Hampshire is supposed to have it also.
Well there are several ways. You can go through the frontline doctors or you can try Dr sayed. Don’t know if I spelled his name right. I was able to get it from both online and then the drugs were shipped trough a private pharmacy. It was costly but worth it. I’ll look for the websites.
They WILL create more vaxxines. Bill Gates said so, and as the Oracle of Delphi of our time, whatever Gates says will come to pass, since he's probably financing it one way or another.
That being said, things don't always happen the way we expect. If you looked at some of the original expectations, a lot more people should be dead from the vaxxines. But they are not. A lot more people should be sick. Yet they are not. Those who have opted out of the vaxxine game have figured out solutions that work and stayed out of the medical system; in America, that is a hospital system that will benefit financially from your death.
Get yourself a bunch of pony paste, or better yet, a large bottle of the injectable type; instructions for dosage is here:
I appreciate all the work that Igor is doing and has done, but we have to stop giving in to the fear porn. It's harming all of us psychologically.
And have FAITH and trust in God The Creator. I prayed for guidance…God gave me my answer the day I was sent home after a 23 year career for not sticking a poison swab up my “brain”. It’s wrong. Period
Except that sick Durban in Congress is trying pass a bill now that will make supplements impossible to get. He wants them to be given with a prescription so they can control people being able to save themselves!! WTF. Is there anybody who can help us get out of this freakin nightmare. God? Please God. strike down the evil quickly!!
Where can I get these bumper stickers I see mentioned in comments ~ "Proud Member of the Useless Class" and "Let's Do Middle!" ~ they'd sell, I'm sure. Current favourite: "Make Orwell Fiction Again" ...
The bill still would allow people to take 4000 IU of Vitamin D per day. Stock up on Vitamin D now, and you will have enough to allow 8000 IU per day. Which is what Fauci takes.
My friend w celiac disease doesn’t absorb it well and takes 10k units daily. I’ve been taking 10k daily during winter.
It doesn’t matter that the bill benevolently “allows” the mortal peasants to take 4000 a day. The tyrants need to stay the heck out of our business and mind their own.
They don’t regulate how much booze one (sober) person can purchase at once. Or how many cigarettes. They need to stay out of the rest of our health decisions.
I take almost everything you listed except, Neem, Elderberry, Garlic. I have a nebulizer with food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, sea salt, distilled water. I have Ivermectin and HCQ just in case. I’ve been educating myself 24/7 for about 2 years. I’ve learned A LOT!
I've kept most of those things on hand. It's concerning that the regulatory demons are talking about going after NAC, and I heard recently they're even discussing going after vitamin D, to make them no longer over the counter.
It's disgusting, the lengths to which these miserable cretins will go to ensure the population remains sicker and dies younger.
I'm not sure. It was mentioned in a recent podcast, along with the reason it was initially under fire. But there weren't a lot of details. I just take for granted they never give up, since the devil never sleeps.
I have a box of all that ... but I don't have anything that will help when this arrives where I am ... supply chains will implode ... no fuel no food no electricity at some point ... and lots of angry people (sri lanka has not collapsed -- yet...)
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.
Agreed on Fukushima: but the worst part is the escaped cores of the reactors. Read of the China Syndrome ? That could destroy the world as well as the living.
I have followed several doomsday stories! Harrowing. All of them could have ended the world: but none of them did. IMO there is a Restraining Hand. Has to be. Things should be much worse than they are...I think prepping is more about making peace with God. In rough times those with faith do well. They shine and treat it like adventure. Yet, even in good times many in my neighborhood can loose it even over a dog craping in their yards. For me only framing current issues with eternal meaning and purpose can help me live with the pictures of our times.
There were no escaped cores they never even escaped the Reactor Pressure Vessel except 1 reactor had some molten corium made it to the concrete below the RPV. The heat couldn't even melt through concrete, ya think you can melt through concrete with 200kw per tonne of fuel. 200kw is nothing.
There will be nobody left to manage the 4000 ponds. There will be no power to keep the cooling systems operational. There will be no replacement parts for the machinery and computers required to maintain the ponds.
It does not matter one way or the other because almost all humans will be exterminated by Devil Covid and the Global Holodomor that follows.
Only the remote primitive tribes will be impacted by the ponds. One day they'll eat some berries or a dead animal killed by the toxic fallout - and they will sicken and die.
More fear porn nonsense. These guys are unaware of even basic heat flow concepts. A typical nuclear power plant core will run ~10MW of heat 4 days after shutdown which gradually declines to ~ 1MW @ 1yr to 200kw @ 4yr in a spent fuel pool. You can buy a 200kw electric boiler smaller than a standard office desk cooled with a 2" water pipe and a 2 hp pump. Pretty easy to supply that level of cooling. Even a garden hose would work. And there isn't enough heat to catch fire, that's nonsense. Watch youtube video of someone trying to set zirconium tubing on fire with an oxyacetylene torch, won't burn even @ 2000deg:
Even @ 200degC air cooling would be sufficient. There is no conceivable way a spent fuel pool would release any significant amount of radioisotopes to the environment even if personal just abandoned the site which means total social system collapse, Mad Max scenario in which case there be military weapons, bioweapons, nuclear, chemical, phosphorus and more available. The last thing anyone would worry about is nuclear spent fuel pools, which even a concerned high school student could figure out how to keep cool, easily. What you think little gas, alcohol & diesel pumps or siphon hoses are going to disappear?
Reminds me of how people predicted London would collapse under German bombardment: predictions of millions of deaths, chaos, starvation, ruptured food chains, end of England forever.
Oh .. it reminded me more of civilizations that have collapsed throughout history...
14 Ancient Civilizations That Collapsed. The great civilizations of the Middle East. 1. The Sumerian civilization; 2. The Persian civilization; 3. Civilization of the Canaanites; 4. The marvelous Islamic Civilization and Culture; 5. The Nation of the Hebrews; The Great Ancient Civilization of Asia. 1. Chinese Civilization and Culture; 2. The Hindu Civilization and Culture.....
But of course none of those civilizations were global -- or had 8B people who are fed using industrial farming that is 100% dependent on an infinite supply of fossil fuels.
Hi Jon, I am in Australia and bought mine from - took about 2 weeks to get here. Have since gone back for more as none of my friends or family was as prepared and took all mine! Also bought fluvoxamine, hydroxy... the whole shibang!
Hi Bibi, I've had no troubles... did they not let it in at the border or not shipped from India? These are the guys I ordered from
Let me know if you need any help. I have a couple of mates over there too. x
Hi Dell thank you for the follow up. I was able to order it last night. Will see. I could not help but noticed they are all available in some countries for a fraction of the price. In Australia I can not get ivermectin for covid ..... what a world we live in...
Dear Dell thank you. I used the link you provided, searched for Ivmct & it took me to: I am still waiting for them to get back to me. It did not give me the option to order it ....just to express interest
Did it work? It is a legitimate website. I got my HCQ and Ivermectin from here. It took about a month, but this company was A-1 for me. And I got this site from someone else! Great customer service! I also have the 🐴paste I bought over a year ago-lol!
Hi Jon, this link is from a GAB ad ( Doesn't require a prescription and price is very reasonable. Cannot vouch for veracity of source, but link has been active on GAB for a while so that's a positive; plus, you're protected by credit card payment. Note: USA shipping prevents possible confiscation of foreign delivery by postal service as has been reported.
But why should we have to take more drugs and supplements to remain healthy just because of a bunch of crooks? Yes, sure, those things are enormously helpful. But, how about we stop making new bad viruses that require us to use them?! While I am grateful for these medicines and supplements, my preferred state of health and being is to not need them to begin with!
I think we all want the same thing but personally I want to be prepared. I exercise to stay healthy physically and mentally. I enjoy hard physical labor as much as challenging intellectual labor both of which I think help but I do appreciate a safety net. Many pharmaceuticals are analogs from compounds found in nature that had been used for eons but generally less effective or many side effects. Why not utilize nature? Isn’t that what most of us do with food as well?
I’m not saying to avoid having stuff on hand. What I am saying is that let’s be able to use it for legit, natural viruses, not viruses made in labs or under pressure from non-sterilizing injections.
I too, like many, have a variety of allopathic and homeopathic remedies on hand.
But, at baseline, we should be free to live normal lives without need for recurrent prophylaxis or treatment for whatever the next Bug is.
I have a stockpile of these as well. My fear is that if Igor’s scenario were to come to pass they would no longer be effective. I’ve heard ivermectin doesn’t work as well on omicron as it did on Delta.
Heard it from the mouth of Dr Kory in separate podcasts. Says he now uses both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in tandem. FLCCC I-MASK+ lists hydroxychloroquine as preferred over ivermectin for Omicron. Either is recommended for prophylaxis, though. Hope we don’t lose ivermectin. It served me well as prophylaxis during the Delta wave, but did not seem to help during a very nasty case of Omicron BA.1 in January (fever, night sweats, upper cough, brain fog, exhaustion, dizziness, constipation, lack of hunger) even though I treated at first symptoms. I have added hydroxychloroquine to my medicine chest.
HCQ makes more sense as a prophylactic imo, it has such a long half life. Although I don't know if anyone who's already been infected needs to continue with prophylactics, beyond the basics for good health that is (vitamin D, etc). Immunity should hopefully keep future infections mild, and the kitchen sink can always be thrown at it if needed.
Didn't serve for 12 years to be subjugated by a bunch of domestic terrorists hellbent on killing us. We are not obligated to follow an unlawful order. In fact, it is our duty to resist. Bring it on!
Regarding smallpox elimination by vaccine, you might find this interesting. The gist is that smallpox vaccination was not as effective as we were led to believe. Communities who practiced different policies were told by the experts that they were all going to die; however, they had better outcomes. Forced vaccination was practiced elsewhere and resulted in casualties.
“This is a women who worked on the pro vaccine side until over a period of time she awoke and discovered the truth. This is an amazing book and at the end when she destroys Paul Offit and shows how much of a lying elitist pig he is, it's wonderful.”
It appears to me that most of what this doc reports on is actually drawn directly from the book Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, which I highly recommend. Fascinating read (though filled with typos). I wasn't even remotely an anti-vax type of person before all this insanity started, yet now I'm afraid the label fits. (Wishing my mom hadn't been quite so zealous keeping me on the schedule. Fortunately I am a boomer, and it wasn't so crazy when I was a kid as it is now.) In any case I'm grateful to have had such an intense education on what's really happening (as best as I can tell) in our world at the hands of the pharmaceutical industry. Talk about scales falling from eyes. What a time we are living in.
I always wondered about the anti-vax people. After watching Vaxxed and Vaxxed II, I am officially anti-vax. And I proudly tell everyone that I am.
I live only 30 minutes from Sherry Tenpenny's practice (lucky me!) and have an appointment next week with an MD she just added to her staff. I fired my PCP in January.
I keep thinking I'm going to wake from this nightmare. I've about given up on trying to wake the sheep.
It’s already started. I’ve had it twice May 2020 and then again in April 2022. And there are others. Right now many of the people I know have Omicron; it is spreading like wildfire. One person, an OBGYN, said even though she’s just getting over Omicron now, she’ll get her second booster this summer. I’m wondering when people will say, well that didn’t work, I guess I’ll stop now.
Her infection would have been so much worse without the shots.. so the boosters make total sense to someone like this.
Her next dance with covid is likely to be more severe because she's wrecked her immune system .... as long as she doesn't die she'll be able to moan - it would have been worse - when can I get the next booster?
If you try to tell her it's the boosters that are making it worse... she'll tell you to piss off.
I don't bother telling anyone .... go right ahead --- take as many as you want --- my only beef with this was the forcing of people and the passports - both are mostly lifted now in NZ (I can skate ski and go to the VIP room at the Gents club now) so why would I give any f789s about MOREONS who want to self- poison?
I may put on my spandex cheerleader outfit and grab my pom poms and head down to the chemist shops to cheer people waiting to get their 4th shots. After that I may stand on the road side with a sign urging people to get boosted.
The last thing I will do is try to discourage the boosters....
Oh did I mention... I called the chimney sweep earlier to fix something - he's got a month backlog cuz.... he had a heart attack! The guy is maybe 30 years old... he is fit ... he does not seem to fit the profile of someone who'd have a heart attack...
Oh hang on - we need to change the profile --- high BP --- high stress -- bad diet - no exercise - smokes drinks ---- and now ... INJECTED ... without a doubt he is injected -- which dramatically increases risk.
While I have you ... a high powered barrister/CovIDIOT pings me with - interesting to see what happens in North Korea given they are supposedly not vaxxed ... I respond with ... they'll be ok - it's the high vax countries with all the deaths... low vaxxed have no excess deaths.... have a look at the video that shows the correlation using offical data from all countries
I doubt he opened it as he quickly replied with NK should be fine then!
I said - assuming they are telling the truth about their vaccine rates... they have a Dear Leader who scores 18 on an 18 hole golf course ....
What was that quote I saw recently --- if you show an idiot facts that demonstrate he is wrong the idiot gets angry ..... if you show a non-idiot facts that demonstrate he is wrong - he thanks you.
Are you sure you didn't simply get a bad cold or flu? I hope you didn't think you got COVID because of a positive PCR test (discontinued on January 1, 2022 by the FDA because it 99% infective reliability)? Oh, that why you got them in the mail for free, because they had to unload several million, you really don't think the government was looking out for you, do you?
I had an antigen test at a clinic, and I recognized the headache. It was relatively mild both times. I have had worse in the past. However, I’m thinking of checking my antibodies to see if they’ve increased since the last time I checked.
Yep as the CovIDIOTS get infected (even though they were told they wouldn't if they jabbed) they believe the injections are Safe and Effective --- even the fools who end up in the hospital (cuz of course they'd have died without the jab)....
So what do they do???? They rush out for the next booster!
This is right up there with the Who's first abott and costello skit... (actually I never thought that was very funny -- THIS Covid injection stuff ... is very funny)
Thank you for your in-depth reporting. For some reason I never made the connection "In addition, interestingly, Sars-Cov-2 has an overlooked genetic designer “feature” that did not exist in SARS-Cov-1, which makes spanning new viral variants easier." This alone should help awaken the masses?
I am unvaccinated and as far as I know, not Covid-recovered. My husband had Covid which we discovered via antibody test at CVS and confirmed with TDetect, we remember him feeling unwell on a Fri night but no big deal as he went to work, hockey and Dr visit in the following days. I've helped many friends recover and was close to them but I've never had it. God's grace.
The ending of your article has me concerned. If we healthy unvaccinated become ill and immune-dysregulated then there's no one left to help. But I'll just keep on with my immunity supplements which I've been using since 2018 and trust the Lord Jesus Christ's sovereignty over me and all that's happening. I have no fear.
Is T Detect worth getting, do you think? I had COVID in January, a handful of lateral flow tests and a PCR as proof, but by antibody test came back negative. Was thinking about T Detect just for the sake of curiosity, but I've wondered if the money would be better spent elsewhere.
I opted for a PCR for proof of previous infection since some states are starting to recognize natural immunity in lieu of vaccination. I opted for at-home lateral flow tests because I live with immunocompromised people and wanted to know what I was dealing with (if not for the testing, I wouldn't have entered isolation as early as I did, I would have exited isolation while feeling fine but still contagious, and I probably would have infected people I care about). I opted for antibody testing simply because I thought it'd be fun to track my antibody levels. I also line the pockets of supplement companies. Everyone has an agenda, I'm doing what I think is best for myself and my family.
I understand. But please know, nothing even close to this Twilight Zone, has ever been done in my 58 years-lol! And if you have no symptoms of sickness, you’re not sick. Asymptomatic is a fallacy. And the PCR test (probably made in Chyna) is a scam. I’ve dealt with this personally. Nature knows what to do…get government profits out. And trust your intuition.
Amen Renee. In my 55 years on this orb I have gotten colds twice a year like clockwork. Nov and April usually. Guess what happened the last two years? 4 colds 2 in Nov and 2 in April. I never took a test and I dont care if it was covid or not. There is no covid cure and it will be transmitted no matter what you do.
I think we're on the same side here. I was definitely not asymptomatic, it hit me like a truck, fortunately I'd already started isolating the day before. I kept testing, and even though I felt better at two days, the lateral flow tests were the most positive on day five, so I think the supplements were suppressing the symptoms. It took about a week to finally test negative. If I didn't live with immunocompromised people, I wouldn't have been nearly as fastidious about testing. For them, even a simple cold turns into pneumonia, so I have to be careful for their sake.
We haven't tested in almost a year, but we did have a purpose. At the time we were hoping North America would recognize prior infection so husband could stop testing and also travel to see family in Canada.
Husband's job was mandating jab or tests in July 2021, he was on the fence and I didn't want him to be vaxxed. He agreed to not get the jab if he had prior infection, so hoping for natural immunity we started with antibody test at CVS and the tech and we were shocked to see a positive test, so we wanted further confirmation in case natural immunity would be accepted in USA like in Europe so it was worth it for us to use T Detect as a verification. My husband's T Detect showed buckets of RBD (Sars Cov2 spike protein receptor binding domain), 1796 U/ml when >0.8 is positive. His PCP still pushed a jab, but he subjected himself to testing every 5 days to remain employed. I learned about T Detect here, the Dr goes through his rationale and the test, about the humoral antibody response, etc.:
My friend's PCP runs her blood for Covid antibodies (she's unvaxxed and Covid-recovered from severe infection) and her test shows positive Covid-19 Antibody IGG s/co ratio positive. She shows this to her boss who keeps pestering her to get vaxxed.
Thank you! So T Detect isn't simply a positive or negative result. Makes me think it might be worth it. I had a similar experience to your husband, work mandated I test twice per week because I refused vaccination. I made the best of it, I was getting tested for free, so it'd make me less likely to infect my housemates. Now we're back to no testing, no masks, and a bunch of fully vaccinated and boosted people passing around some nasty respiratory infections. Mostly negative for covid though, which I guess makes it okay to come to work blatantly sick.
The unvaxxed will use: - Ivermectin, Quercetin, NAC, Vit D + K, Neem Capsules, Vit C, Garlic oil, Curcumin, HCQ, Selenium, Elderberry Caps, Zinc, Azithromycin.
And H2O2 nebuliser on infection.
We'll be fine, as we continue to strengthen, fine tune, broaden and re-strengthen our immune systems.
Stay strong, eat well, sleep well.
Live long!
Funny thing is I wasn't familiar with most of those things before the pandemic, and now I have a stockpile of nearly all of them. They treated me well during my first (and so far only) COVID infection.
Been on many of them for years and I’m unvaccinated and covid free as of yet. I also have stock piles of ivermectin and HCQ
Same situation here!
May I ask how you get stockpiles of these??
If you live in the 🇺🇸 near the state of Tennessee, ivermectin is now considered an over the counter drug thanks to a new bill passed in April. I think you have to ask the pharmacist for it, but a compounding pharmacy in Johnson City, Tennessee was the first sale...New Hampshire is supposed to have it also.
From India. If you search “buy ivermectin” in Google …
I sure hope you are on our team after I gave u that info
Well there are several ways. You can go through the frontline doctors or you can try Dr sayed. Don’t know if I spelled his name right. I was able to get it from both online and then the drugs were shipped trough a private pharmacy. It was costly but worth it. I’ll look for the websites.
Guess it’s time for more ivermectin
They WILL create more vaxxines. Bill Gates said so, and as the Oracle of Delphi of our time, whatever Gates says will come to pass, since he's probably financing it one way or another.
That being said, things don't always happen the way we expect. If you looked at some of the original expectations, a lot more people should be dead from the vaxxines. But they are not. A lot more people should be sick. Yet they are not. Those who have opted out of the vaxxine game have figured out solutions that work and stayed out of the medical system; in America, that is a hospital system that will benefit financially from your death.
Get yourself a bunch of pony paste, or better yet, a large bottle of the injectable type; instructions for dosage is here:
I appreciate all the work that Igor is doing and has done, but we have to stop giving in to the fear porn. It's harming all of us psychologically.
And have FAITH and trust in God The Creator. I prayed for guidance…God gave me my answer the day I was sent home after a 23 year career for not sticking a poison swab up my “brain”. It’s wrong. Period
AMEN BACK ATCHA!!!! God is GOODNESS… my sister in God!
I think you’re more optimistic than I am. I don’t think we have begun to see the “end” of vax injuries. I think they’re fixing to explode.
Praying I’m wrong, wrong, wrong.
Except that sick Durban in Congress is trying pass a bill now that will make supplements impossible to get. He wants them to be given with a prescription so they can control people being able to save themselves!! WTF. Is there anybody who can help us get out of this freakin nightmare. God? Please God. strike down the evil quickly!!
Durban is older than dirt and needs to go.
They all need to go! We need to clean house! Get rid of left and right. Let’s do middle!
Where can I get these bumper stickers I see mentioned in comments ~ "Proud Member of the Useless Class" and "Let's Do Middle!" ~ they'd sell, I'm sure. Current favourite: "Make Orwell Fiction Again" ...
The bill still would allow people to take 4000 IU of Vitamin D per day. Stock up on Vitamin D now, and you will have enough to allow 8000 IU per day. Which is what Fauci takes.
My friend w celiac disease doesn’t absorb it well and takes 10k units daily. I’ve been taking 10k daily during winter.
It doesn’t matter that the bill benevolently “allows” the mortal peasants to take 4000 a day. The tyrants need to stay the heck out of our business and mind their own.
They don’t regulate how much booze one (sober) person can purchase at once. Or how many cigarettes. They need to stay out of the rest of our health decisions.
especially since they were allowed to go unvaxxed and given ivermectin and hcq early on, directly from their own Congressional doctors and pharmacy
Also in New Zealand, MP Andrew Little is trying to pass a similar bill here.
Sadly, Mike Braun from Indiana - usually a conservative - is somehow in on this too!!!
I’d love to know how they get to them.
I take almost everything you listed except, Neem, Elderberry, Garlic. I have a nebulizer with food grade Hydrogen Peroxide, sea salt, distilled water. I have Ivermectin and HCQ just in case. I’ve been educating myself 24/7 for about 2 years. I’ve learned A LOT!
Consume lots of onions also.
I LOVE onions and garlic!
Great try onions, garlic, turmeric powder with black pepper, tomatoes as sauce for spaghetti. Your sinuses will start draining almost instantly.
I wish I liked garlic and onions. My only upside seems to be fresher breath.
hocl inhalation is better than food grade hydrogen peroxide per dr dietrich klinghardt. It last longer too.
briotech sells hocl
I've kept most of those things on hand. It's concerning that the regulatory demons are talking about going after NAC, and I heard recently they're even discussing going after vitamin D, to make them no longer over the counter.
It's disgusting, the lengths to which these miserable cretins will go to ensure the population remains sicker and dies younger.
Not to mention their efforts to “cloud” the skies. Grab that free sunshine while you can!
True, they definitely try to cover all the bases.
I understand they gave up on NAC some time ago. Are they reassessing?
I'm not sure. It was mentioned in a recent podcast, along with the reason it was initially under fire. But there weren't a lot of details. I just take for granted they never give up, since the devil never sleeps.
I have a box of all that ... but I don't have anything that will help when this arrives where I am ... supply chains will implode ... no fuel no food no electricity at some point ... and lots of angry people (sri lanka has not collapsed -- yet...)
This is everyone's future...
Eddy you're so optimistic about our futures. I'm moving to the jungle to live off of the land.
I’ve thought about that as well
Been there done that -- then I realized:
4000 Spent Fuel Ponds
If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.
One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.
It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.
Agreed on Fukushima: but the worst part is the escaped cores of the reactors. Read of the China Syndrome ? That could destroy the world as well as the living.
I have followed several doomsday stories! Harrowing. All of them could have ended the world: but none of them did. IMO there is a Restraining Hand. Has to be. Things should be much worse than they are...I think prepping is more about making peace with God. In rough times those with faith do well. They shine and treat it like adventure. Yet, even in good times many in my neighborhood can loose it even over a dog craping in their yards. For me only framing current issues with eternal meaning and purpose can help me live with the pictures of our times.
There were no escaped cores they never even escaped the Reactor Pressure Vessel except 1 reactor had some molten corium made it to the concrete below the RPV. The heat couldn't even melt through concrete, ya think you can melt through concrete with 200kw per tonne of fuel. 200kw is nothing.
This time is different.
There will be nobody left to manage the 4000 ponds. There will be no power to keep the cooling systems operational. There will be no replacement parts for the machinery and computers required to maintain the ponds.
It does not matter one way or the other because almost all humans will be exterminated by Devil Covid and the Global Holodomor that follows.
Only the remote primitive tribes will be impacted by the ponds. One day they'll eat some berries or a dead animal killed by the toxic fallout - and they will sicken and die.
This is -- make no mistake -- an extinction moment. This is UEP
More fear porn nonsense. These guys are unaware of even basic heat flow concepts. A typical nuclear power plant core will run ~10MW of heat 4 days after shutdown which gradually declines to ~ 1MW @ 1yr to 200kw @ 4yr in a spent fuel pool. You can buy a 200kw electric boiler smaller than a standard office desk cooled with a 2" water pipe and a 2 hp pump. Pretty easy to supply that level of cooling. Even a garden hose would work. And there isn't enough heat to catch fire, that's nonsense. Watch youtube video of someone trying to set zirconium tubing on fire with an oxyacetylene torch, won't burn even @ 2000deg:
Even @ 200degC air cooling would be sufficient. There is no conceivable way a spent fuel pool would release any significant amount of radioisotopes to the environment even if personal just abandoned the site which means total social system collapse, Mad Max scenario in which case there be military weapons, bioweapons, nuclear, chemical, phosphorus and more available. The last thing anyone would worry about is nuclear spent fuel pools, which even a concerned high school student could figure out how to keep cool, easily. What you think little gas, alcohol & diesel pumps or siphon hoses are going to disappear?
Absolutely. If you've visited any of our poorer cities you can get a feeling that one of them will burn this year.
Reminds me of how people predicted London would collapse under German bombardment: predictions of millions of deaths, chaos, starvation, ruptured food chains, end of England forever.
Oh .. it reminded me more of civilizations that have collapsed throughout history...
14 Ancient Civilizations That Collapsed. The great civilizations of the Middle East. 1. The Sumerian civilization; 2. The Persian civilization; 3. Civilization of the Canaanites; 4. The marvelous Islamic Civilization and Culture; 5. The Nation of the Hebrews; The Great Ancient Civilization of Asia. 1. Chinese Civilization and Culture; 2. The Hindu Civilization and Culture.....
But of course none of those civilizations were global -- or had 8B people who are fed using industrial farming that is 100% dependent on an infinite supply of fossil fuels.
Sorry to say, but that is what needs to happen here.
Now that IVM is being sold OTC in Tennessee, do you think it can be bought online there and shipped?
Hi Jon, I am in Australia and bought mine from - took about 2 weeks to get here. Have since gone back for more as none of my friends or family was as prepared and took all mine! Also bought fluvoxamine, hydroxy... the whole shibang!
Hi Dell I am in Australia too...when I tried to order ivermectin it said"do not ship to ..." i'll keep trying.
Hi Bibi, I've had no troubles... did they not let it in at the border or not shipped from India? These are the guys I ordered from
Let me know if you need any help. I have a couple of mates over there too. x
Hi Dell thank you for the follow up. I was able to order it last night. Will see. I could not help but noticed they are all available in some countries for a fraction of the price. In Australia I can not get ivermectin for covid ..... what a world we live in...
Dear Dell thank you. I used the link you provided, searched for Ivmct & it took me to: I am still waiting for them to get back to me. It did not give me the option to order it ....just to express interest
Yes I ordered it through indiamart, through them. So they should be able to help you and they got back to me very fast. let me know how you go...
Wow thanks!
They say that, but from what I’ve heard, it’s STILL not available. I got my stash a
Thank you!!
You may have to play around with how it’s put in your search engine.
Me too!
I heard the chain pharmacies will not give it out; perhaps a small local one might, if you're there.
Did it work? It is a legitimate website. I got my HCQ and Ivermectin from here. It took about a month, but this company was A-1 for me. And I got this site from someone else! Great customer service! I also have the 🐴paste I bought over a year ago-lol!
Hi Jon, this link is from a GAB ad ( Doesn't require a prescription and price is very reasonable. Cannot vouch for veracity of source, but link has been active on GAB for a while so that's a positive; plus, you're protected by credit card payment. Note: USA shipping prevents possible confiscation of foreign delivery by postal service as has been reported.
I got mine from a vendor on indiamart.
I got mine from India as well! You GO!!!! Lol!!!!
And because the vax-holes don't believe in the aforementioned, there's plenty of supply for the freethinkers!
But why should we have to take more drugs and supplements to remain healthy just because of a bunch of crooks? Yes, sure, those things are enormously helpful. But, how about we stop making new bad viruses that require us to use them?! While I am grateful for these medicines and supplements, my preferred state of health and being is to not need them to begin with!
I think we all want the same thing but personally I want to be prepared. I exercise to stay healthy physically and mentally. I enjoy hard physical labor as much as challenging intellectual labor both of which I think help but I do appreciate a safety net. Many pharmaceuticals are analogs from compounds found in nature that had been used for eons but generally less effective or many side effects. Why not utilize nature? Isn’t that what most of us do with food as well?
I’m not saying to avoid having stuff on hand. What I am saying is that let’s be able to use it for legit, natural viruses, not viruses made in labs or under pressure from non-sterilizing injections.
I too, like many, have a variety of allopathic and homeopathic remedies on hand.
But, at baseline, we should be free to live normal lives without need for recurrent prophylaxis or treatment for whatever the next Bug is.
‘warp speed’ was cover for Plan years’ in the works... expecting the iterations to get nastier...
in case anyone still thinks the evolution was ‘natural’:
I used that whole protocol and was better within hours. Lost my taste and smell for a week but that was it!
I think you are right. We are going to keep on doing what we gave been doing. Damn these pharmaceutical companies and FDA and NIH
I have a stockpile of these as well. My fear is that if Igor’s scenario were to come to pass they would no longer be effective. I’ve heard ivermectin doesn’t work as well on omicron as it did on Delta.
Heard it from the mouth of Dr Kory in separate podcasts. Says he now uses both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in tandem. FLCCC I-MASK+ lists hydroxychloroquine as preferred over ivermectin for Omicron. Either is recommended for prophylaxis, though. Hope we don’t lose ivermectin. It served me well as prophylaxis during the Delta wave, but did not seem to help during a very nasty case of Omicron BA.1 in January (fever, night sweats, upper cough, brain fog, exhaustion, dizziness, constipation, lack of hunger) even though I treated at first symptoms. I have added hydroxychloroquine to my medicine chest.
HCQ makes more sense as a prophylactic imo, it has such a long half life. Although I don't know if anyone who's already been infected needs to continue with prophylactics, beyond the basics for good health that is (vitamin D, etc). Immunity should hopefully keep future infections mild, and the kitchen sink can always be thrown at it if needed.
Can I ask where you source the HCQ?
India. Made my connection through
I got mine from a courageous local doctor that was prescribing it. You can also order it from
With Marek's... all unvaxxed chickens died.
I suspect it will be just as deadly for everyone... doesn't matter though - billions die - supply chains implode - starvation ...
See how it happens
Trade-Off: Financial System Supply-Chain Cross-Contagion
I drink quarts of organic teas a day such as yerba mate and tulsi. Also take an organic mushroom immune powder I got on Amazon.
Maybe they'll invent a time machine so they can change their decision on Remdesivir.
Didn't serve for 12 years to be subjugated by a bunch of domestic terrorists hellbent on killing us. We are not obligated to follow an unlawful order. In fact, it is our duty to resist. Bring it on!
Regarding smallpox elimination by vaccine, you might find this interesting. The gist is that smallpox vaccination was not as effective as we were led to believe. Communities who practiced different policies were told by the experts that they were all going to die; however, they had better outcomes. Forced vaccination was practiced elsewhere and resulted in casualties.
I will change the wordling slightly to avoid making too far-reaching claims. Thanks. The midwestern doctor is awesome.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries‘ book called “Dissolving Illusions” is a fabulous reality check on the cure of smallpox.
Here’s one reader’s perspective:
“This is a women who worked on the pro vaccine side until over a period of time she awoke and discovered the truth. This is an amazing book and at the end when she destroys Paul Offit and shows how much of a lying elitist pig he is, it's wonderful.”
Thank you for Midwestern doctor's article. I've follow Suzanne Humphries M.D., since her 1st published articles appeared.
I was going to mention this same article. Glad you did. And I’m so glad I’ve taken the time to educate myself on these “dissolving illusions”.
It appears to me that most of what this doc reports on is actually drawn directly from the book Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, which I highly recommend. Fascinating read (though filled with typos). I wasn't even remotely an anti-vax type of person before all this insanity started, yet now I'm afraid the label fits. (Wishing my mom hadn't been quite so zealous keeping me on the schedule. Fortunately I am a boomer, and it wasn't so crazy when I was a kid as it is now.) In any case I'm grateful to have had such an intense education on what's really happening (as best as I can tell) in our world at the hands of the pharmaceutical industry. Talk about scales falling from eyes. What a time we are living in.
I always wondered about the anti-vax people. After watching Vaxxed and Vaxxed II, I am officially anti-vax. And I proudly tell everyone that I am.
I live only 30 minutes from Sherry Tenpenny's practice (lucky me!) and have an appointment next week with an MD she just added to her staff. I fired my PCP in January.
I keep thinking I'm going to wake from this nightmare. I've about given up on trying to wake the sheep.
Thank you for sharing that terrific article
It’s already started. I’ve had it twice May 2020 and then again in April 2022. And there are others. Right now many of the people I know have Omicron; it is spreading like wildfire. One person, an OBGYN, said even though she’s just getting over Omicron now, she’ll get her second booster this summer. I’m wondering when people will say, well that didn’t work, I guess I’ll stop now.
Geert Vanden Bosche's latest discussion with Del Bigtree is worth listening too. The OBGYN should listen!
I started watching this last week. Hopefully, I’ll finish it up this week.
Me too
Don't underestimate the stupidity of a MOREON.
Her infection would have been so much worse without the shots.. so the boosters make total sense to someone like this.
Her next dance with covid is likely to be more severe because she's wrecked her immune system .... as long as she doesn't die she'll be able to moan - it would have been worse - when can I get the next booster?
If you try to tell her it's the boosters that are making it worse... she'll tell you to piss off.
I don't bother telling anyone .... go right ahead --- take as many as you want --- my only beef with this was the forcing of people and the passports - both are mostly lifted now in NZ (I can skate ski and go to the VIP room at the Gents club now) so why would I give any f789s about MOREONS who want to self- poison?
I may put on my spandex cheerleader outfit and grab my pom poms and head down to the chemist shops to cheer people waiting to get their 4th shots. After that I may stand on the road side with a sign urging people to get boosted.
The last thing I will do is try to discourage the boosters....
Oh did I mention... I called the chimney sweep earlier to fix something - he's got a month backlog cuz.... he had a heart attack! The guy is maybe 30 years old... he is fit ... he does not seem to fit the profile of someone who'd have a heart attack...
Oh hang on - we need to change the profile --- high BP --- high stress -- bad diet - no exercise - smokes drinks ---- and now ... INJECTED ... without a doubt he is injected -- which dramatically increases risk.
While I have you ... a high powered barrister/CovIDIOT pings me with - interesting to see what happens in North Korea given they are supposedly not vaxxed ... I respond with ... they'll be ok - it's the high vax countries with all the deaths... low vaxxed have no excess deaths.... have a look at the video that shows the correlation using offical data from all countries
I doubt he opened it as he quickly replied with NK should be fine then!
I said - assuming they are telling the truth about their vaccine rates... they have a Dear Leader who scores 18 on an 18 hole golf course ....
It amazes me that someone would not be fascinated by this - it even has a great sound track
What was that quote I saw recently --- if you show an idiot facts that demonstrate he is wrong the idiot gets angry ..... if you show a non-idiot facts that demonstrate he is wrong - he thanks you.
Are you sure you didn't simply get a bad cold or flu? I hope you didn't think you got COVID because of a positive PCR test (discontinued on January 1, 2022 by the FDA because it 99% infective reliability)? Oh, that why you got them in the mail for free, because they had to unload several million, you really don't think the government was looking out for you, do you?
I had an antigen test at a clinic, and I recognized the headache. It was relatively mild both times. I have had worse in the past. However, I’m thinking of checking my antibodies to see if they’ve increased since the last time I checked.
I had the same experience - tested + took hydroxy -- started to feel better by dinner... done in a couple of days
BTW - Covid deaths are similar to a bad flu
Yep as the CovIDIOTS get infected (even though they were told they wouldn't if they jabbed) they believe the injections are Safe and Effective --- even the fools who end up in the hospital (cuz of course they'd have died without the jab)....
So what do they do???? They rush out for the next booster!
This is right up there with the Who's first abott and costello skit... (actually I never thought that was very funny -- THIS Covid injection stuff ... is very funny)
Thank you for your in-depth reporting. For some reason I never made the connection "In addition, interestingly, Sars-Cov-2 has an overlooked genetic designer “feature” that did not exist in SARS-Cov-1, which makes spanning new viral variants easier." This alone should help awaken the masses?
I am unvaccinated and as far as I know, not Covid-recovered. My husband had Covid which we discovered via antibody test at CVS and confirmed with TDetect, we remember him feeling unwell on a Fri night but no big deal as he went to work, hockey and Dr visit in the following days. I've helped many friends recover and was close to them but I've never had it. God's grace.
The ending of your article has me concerned. If we healthy unvaccinated become ill and immune-dysregulated then there's no one left to help. But I'll just keep on with my immunity supplements which I've been using since 2018 and trust the Lord Jesus Christ's sovereignty over me and all that's happening. I have no fear.
TRUST IN GOD THE FATHER...I have no fear either. God bless you.
Is T Detect worth getting, do you think? I had COVID in January, a handful of lateral flow tests and a PCR as proof, but by antibody test came back negative. Was thinking about T Detect just for the sake of curiosity, but I've wondered if the money would be better spent elsewhere.
I also want to know
see details below
Stop testing. What’s the purpose? The tests do absolutely nothing. Although is does make someone very rich.
I opted for a PCR for proof of previous infection since some states are starting to recognize natural immunity in lieu of vaccination. I opted for at-home lateral flow tests because I live with immunocompromised people and wanted to know what I was dealing with (if not for the testing, I wouldn't have entered isolation as early as I did, I would have exited isolation while feeling fine but still contagious, and I probably would have infected people I care about). I opted for antibody testing simply because I thought it'd be fun to track my antibody levels. I also line the pockets of supplement companies. Everyone has an agenda, I'm doing what I think is best for myself and my family.
I understand. But please know, nothing even close to this Twilight Zone, has ever been done in my 58 years-lol! And if you have no symptoms of sickness, you’re not sick. Asymptomatic is a fallacy. And the PCR test (probably made in Chyna) is a scam. I’ve dealt with this personally. Nature knows what to do…get government profits out. And trust your intuition.
Amen Renee. In my 55 years on this orb I have gotten colds twice a year like clockwork. Nov and April usually. Guess what happened the last two years? 4 colds 2 in Nov and 2 in April. I never took a test and I dont care if it was covid or not. There is no covid cure and it will be transmitted no matter what you do.
We can't stop the world and freakout over colds.
I think we're on the same side here. I was definitely not asymptomatic, it hit me like a truck, fortunately I'd already started isolating the day before. I kept testing, and even though I felt better at two days, the lateral flow tests were the most positive on day five, so I think the supplements were suppressing the symptoms. It took about a week to finally test negative. If I didn't live with immunocompromised people, I wouldn't have been nearly as fastidious about testing. For them, even a simple cold turns into pneumonia, so I have to be careful for their sake.
We haven't tested in almost a year, but we did have a purpose. At the time we were hoping North America would recognize prior infection so husband could stop testing and also travel to see family in Canada.
I understand. ✝️
Husband's job was mandating jab or tests in July 2021, he was on the fence and I didn't want him to be vaxxed. He agreed to not get the jab if he had prior infection, so hoping for natural immunity we started with antibody test at CVS and the tech and we were shocked to see a positive test, so we wanted further confirmation in case natural immunity would be accepted in USA like in Europe so it was worth it for us to use T Detect as a verification. My husband's T Detect showed buckets of RBD (Sars Cov2 spike protein receptor binding domain), 1796 U/ml when >0.8 is positive. His PCP still pushed a jab, but he subjected himself to testing every 5 days to remain employed. I learned about T Detect here, the Dr goes through his rationale and the test, about the humoral antibody response, etc.:
My friend's PCP runs her blood for Covid antibodies (she's unvaxxed and Covid-recovered from severe infection) and her test shows positive Covid-19 Antibody IGG s/co ratio positive. She shows this to her boss who keeps pestering her to get vaxxed.
Thank you! So T Detect isn't simply a positive or negative result. Makes me think it might be worth it. I had a similar experience to your husband, work mandated I test twice per week because I refused vaccination. I made the best of it, I was getting tested for free, so it'd make me less likely to infect my housemates. Now we're back to no testing, no masks, and a bunch of fully vaccinated and boosted people passing around some nasty respiratory infections. Mostly negative for covid though, which I guess makes it okay to come to work blatantly sick.