That's what I've observed is done in politics sometimes -- you push through a negative and turn it into a positive. You demonstrate that you're confident and firm in your views and ideas by owning the slur and proclaiming it. Others see it and are curious. As your ranks grow, the other side has to retreat from the slur. Could be a while with anti-vaxxer but I'm in. I am 100% pro-freedom. No vaccine should be required. An entirely new approach to disease prevention is possible. And anyone who chortles at that should look around. Does American society look healthy to you?

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Great point. A healthy society is a threat though. The self inflicted ill-health allows certain industries to thrive. These industries do NOT us to be well but rather dependent on them; I throw big government into that group.

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Healthy people make no profits for the Medical-Industrial Complex.

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Which is why my dad insisted on the panel discussing and evaluating the character of students applying to the medical school. Perhaps unsurprisingly some found this too 'old fashioned'.

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Apparently FAUCI didn't attend THAT medical school!

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I don't think it is that easy to cheat on a comprehensive evaluation. The examiners are quite cognizant of people trying to "beat the system" and are prepared for such applicants.

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Healthy people are the profits in medicine.


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Absolutely! I’m old enough to remember better times in the USA and Europe as well. In my senior highschool days in 1974 I spent an entire summer visiting the mother of my school buddy who had married a GI and now lived in Glendale, Ca. For a young German those were the best holidays of my life. We traveled up and down the west coast, from San Diego to San Francisco, did river rafting on the Tahoe River and in the Grand Canyon. We visited Las Vegas and Denver. Hollywood and Disneyland were still awesome and not woke. Even L.A. was mostly safe (except some parts like Watts). What I saw looked like peak western civilization to me.

To your point: we spent many days at Venice Beach, sun bathing and swimming. I vividly remember that the overwhelming majority of beach goers looked extremely fit, slim, and healthy. Obesity was a rare exception back then. During the early 60s and 70s there were just three mandatory childhood vaccinations in Germany and I assume it was about the same in the US. In 2017 and 2020 we visited our kids in America and went to the beaches in South Carolina. Nowadays, the fit, slim, and healthy looking people at the beaches are a tiny minority and shopping for groceries at Walmart is like a dystopian movie filled with extreme obese folks driving those little E-scooters (often reminded me of those folks in the flic Wall-E). That’s why we switched to Farmer’s market. The difference (and one of the probable causes) for this significant deterioration in public health: there are now 76 vaccinations on the schedule.

Our grandson is one of the many kids who suffered vaccine damage. One of his early vaccinations turned a well behaved friendly toddler into an uncontrollable kid and then teen with lasting behavioral problems (primarily ADHD). Of course, his child psychiatrist was quick to prescribe Ritalin and other psychotropic substances which made things even worse and added raging ODD to his many ailments. To me it looked like the results of substantial damage to the prefrontal cortex, resulting in severely reduced ability to control impulsive behaviors, affects and almost no capability to think through the consequences of his own behavior. It was a nightmare and it only ended when we got him off the prescription drugs, put him on a special diet, and got him into psychotherapy. He’s mostly back to normal now in his early 20s but this iatrogenic damage made him and the rest of the family go through years of hell.

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My son started showing ADHD symptoms in preschool. He couldn’t sit still, was always jumping on the furniture, had trouble focusing, babbled nonsense words non-stop, etc. His teachers and pediatrician were mentioning the possibility of medication. Having seen what that did to my nephew, I was searching for other options. After reading a friend’s post on FB, I tried eliminating red dye 40 from his diet. It is hard to do because it is in so many things including toothpaste and medicine. At the time, he loved to eat strawberry Nutrigrain cereal bars and had anywhere from 1-3 bars per day. After just two days without those cereal bars or other foods with RD40, he was a totally different kid! I kid you not. The change was shocking. He immediately started reading and had so much more self control and focus. And after that, we could always tell when he’d eaten RD40 because without fail, the old symptoms would return.

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Funny my cancer-researcher dad told me RD40 and some other dyes were 'of concern' back in the 80s and I never looked into it.

Looks like a lot of research has been done since then. Lots of sites discussing it.



Welp. Now i'm also militantly anti-processed foods. That was the last straw.

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Artificial dyes are made from coal, as in the black rock dug from the bowels of the earth. Who thought that should be put in our food?!

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wow! when it’s so easy to dye food with natural plant-based colorants… why?!

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Thanks for that pro tip! Yes, our grandson was exactly like that. When I was on watch duty I sometimes had a hard time keeping him from driving his bike onto the bypassing country road right in front of oncoming traffic. It was a constant struggle just to keep him from getting himself killed.

My wife accompanied him into special needs class for ADHD kids and told me it was like a zoo. The whole class was in constant uproar, running around, jumping on tables, fighting, screaming, etc. Horrible experience. Yet she kept going, tried to help out, became an honorary teacher later on. We as western societies have failed generations of kids and watched them getting sacrificed for the shareholder value of the pharma mafia and probably some godforsaken NWO agenda.

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Kudos to you and your wife for taking such an active role in your grandson’s health. I’ve passed along my experience to other parents with kids showing ADHD symptoms. Changing their diet is such a simple thing to try but doctors never suggest it. And the parents I’ve talked to think it is easier to drug the kid (potentially for life) and keep feeding him colorful, processed crap. I really worry about all the harm being done to these poor kids.

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Shareholder value needs destigmatization just as anti-vaxx.

It’s corruption, whether in politics or business, that needs rooting out.

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We‘re beyond free-market capitalism and shareholder value – we really should’ve tried that one.

But now we have Malthusian stakeholder capitalism à la WEF eugenicists.

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Wow. Very interesting! I never could tolerate it and I would throw up. My body knew!!

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Do you know if your grandson is taking brain-supportive nutrients like PQQ, CoQ10, magnesium, melatonin, Annatto for its tocotrienols, astaxanthan, fish oil, resveritrol, grape seed extract, turmeric, alpha lipoic acid, ETC.? They can help brains to heal. Also, going gluten-free/grain-free helps a lot of people, as does intermittent fasting to trigger autophagy. Even meditation has been shown to increase brain grey matter and helps in healing.

By the way, I grew up right next to Glendale, CA! Small world!

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Thanks! We used some of those nutrients + plus dietary changes tailored to these kids. Since he’s back to a functioning state now and going his own ways as an adult I can’t really say whether he’s still continuing any of that. Heck, we can’t even visit our folks b/c we refuse the quaccines. But I’ll ask him next time he shows up on FaceTime.

Glendale was really great back then, as was most of everything we got to see. When the summer holidays ended they had to drag me out kickin’ and screaming. I came back to L.A. with my future wife in the mid 80s and immediately noticed that things had began to go south (no pun intended to those southerners): when we stepped out of LAX and onto the bus terminal we found ourselves in the middle of a shootout – a warm ‘welcome back’ of sorts.

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I remember how beautiful everyone was in the 70's - especially all the amazing glossy hair. I went to Sweden in 2016, and it reminded me of the US in the 70's, the majority of the people were GLOWING and slim, happy, with beautiful skin and hair. I'll have whatever they are having!

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Compared to the state of most of big city USA today’s Sweden may look good. But compared to the Sweden of the 70s it’s a third world shithole overun by migrant hordes and suffering the usual consequences. Sweden may still be tolerable or even great in flyover country — much like USA — but cities like Malmø, Gothenburg, and Stockholm are lost.

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I was great looking in 70s and even greater looking 5 decades later. It's scary, humbling.

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A lot of the obesity may be caused by antidepressants also.

One of my leftist neighbors blames everything on the processed food industries. He doesn't think people have any ability to control what they put in their faces.

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Processed food is designed to be highly addictive. It is also ubiquitous and more easily accessible (also by design), and quick and convenient. It is very difficult to avoid, and if one is under a time, or access-to-a-kitchen, constraint, is the "path of least resistance ".

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Ultimately we have to take responsibility for what we eat.

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Indeed. A lot of these foods have addictive chemicals in them. It almost makes it impossible to quit. Need the willpower.

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I don't bring the stuff in my house. Ready access to the processed crap is fatal.

A lot of the remedy may be education. Teaching people what the junk is doing to them is only part of it. They need to know how to cook and prepare better stuff. I look at the Central American work crews shopping at Walmart for their groceries and they're not buying cases of Fanta. They're buying meats, cheeses and vegetables. Somehow they have the right idea.

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Cooking is processing. There is nothing faster and more convenient than fruit. You can eat fruit out a hotel room. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bge-OkyN3E

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I totally agree!

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Yes, I ask women at pool to put clothes on.

It's disgusting.

Esp when you throw in tats, nose rings.

You used to have to guard your senses against beautiful women. Now, disgusting women all over.

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Caution! They WANT to provoke people into violence, which will give them the excuse to really crack down, declare Martial law, and strip away our last vestiges of (formerly) Constitutional Rights! Best to NOT play that game, or we will be the loosers. Only after we have exhausted all LEGAL means of reclaiming our country from this illegal coup de tat would such a last-ditch effort be justified, but the results wouldn't be pretty.

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And guess who propagates that logic, Faith? The City of London with its cultivated peacenik, Mohandas Gandhi; or the Rockefeller-owned Martin Luthor King, wherein CIA and FBI agents prevented King from being lynched. And when the puppets had served their purpose, their message of peaceful protest was further validated with their assassinations. All part of the plan to have you sing joyously to your death in the camps.

So now, rethink, Faith. We vastly ourtnumber our enemy. In one single day we could capture them all, try and execute them, and restore genuine democracy. For the first time, I might add. Install what Lincoln spelled out so lyrically.

Oh, and here is another shocker for you. Since March 2017, the first World dictator has been installed, the David Rockefeller-anointed (in 1973) successor, Emperor Rupert the First. Controlling all of the world's media, and thence, politicians, he throws up target bait icons to hate and fear, not particularly desirous of being the first assassinated World Emperor.

We are so easy to manipulate.

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Tony, you might find this posting on my Substack interesting:

The Only Real Solution to The New World Order - by Faith


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Tony, they are running their playback. People on "our side" say we're winning.

I don't see it.

I see them consolidating power

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Poor Charles! Now that he's King, he probably won't be able to spend as much time in Dracula's castle in Transylvania (the real-life model for Dracula, Vlad the Impaler). He must miss the super evil vibes that place undoubtedly has!

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Rosa Kiers UN 21 or something. She got dead. Brilliant woman

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I had never encountered a case of athsma in my life until a senior nurse died of it in 1972. I was 31 at the time. Allergies were limited to some blossoms, bananas, and very little else. And "sugar rush" was unheard-of. I backchecked child-hood illnesses and discovered there were no chronic middle ear infections, or tonsil and adenoid infections, prior to 1934, the commencement of major child vaccination regimes. Also, that was the first year autism was identified. It is way over time to cancell the medical mafia.

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Boys should be bouncing around. If teachers were smart recess would be 45 min, gym 45 min, and sneak in as much physical activity as possible.

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I am wary of anyone urging "a giant lynch mob". Think Ray Epps

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You are 10000% correct!

It’s not industries, it’s corrupt in them.

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Worse yet, if you are in a war and do not know with whom.

It’s like treating against cancer while having a heart attack.

It’s not industries, it’s corrupt in them.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Mobs, lynch or otherwise have no effect on Washington. Washington operatives are all puppets/minions of the Globalists and they couldn't care less about us. They just false-flag any orgenized attempt of The People to be heard. Look at what happend Jan 6th! Over a million peaceful Americans got ignored and demonized, and hundreds arrested on nonsensical charges. Most of the handful of people committing minor violence were FBI or their paid instigators. When an illegitimate criminal, traitorous, rogue, Organized Crime Cartel has commited a coup de tat against a sitting President and country, reversing it or unravelling it through its now corrupt systems, judicial and otherwise, becomes highly problematic. IF a third of the country weren't suffering from Mass Formation Psychosis, and IF there were Attorneys General that would do their jobs (they are probably afraid of being assassinated), and IF the military hadn't already been subverted, and IF there were ANY Federal law enforcement agency that wasn't compromised, and IF there were mainstream media outlets remaining that weren't compromised and could still inform the public of the dire straits we are in, then maybe the system could still right itself, but at this point it's not looking very good. The bad guys have been very thorough in their dismantling of every institution that could counter them.

The good part? Lots and lots of people are wising up, and we outnumber them maybe two million to one!!!!!

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The internal rot of every significant institution of western societies has been systematically seeded and nurtured for many decades. Those of us who started to recognize the patterns of criminal corruption 20, 30, or even 40 years ago were deemed crazy conspiracy theorists by “the good citizens” and order followers who still today think that governments are there to help them. IMHO, there’s not one major western nation that isn’t FUBAR by now, yet most people here in Europe are still in denial. We do live in interesting times …

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Spot on Doc! You rock!

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It’s never been about health, but about taking medicine.

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Not just you, AmeriBros. They’re thinning the global herd of “useless eaters” and we also get to pay for it.

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The average person doesn't want social crediting. Deranged post.

On GETTR I have 550,000 Chinese friends who freaken hate CCP... OPENLY TALK OF overthrowing commie filth.

Dems let in Mexicans... WHO VOTE REPUBLICAN.

Very few like commies

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We’ll all be dead and those Mexican, etc will be slaves of and for the elites, the ones wanting us dead!!!

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In his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" RFK, Jr. makes the same point. Fauci is in charge of "public health." Well, has "public health" really improved in the 38 years he's been in charge of the NIAID?

As you say, just look around. It's far worse and getting worse by the day. Few of the things that could have improved "public health" have been done and a lot of things that have made it worse have been done (a vaccine and pill for every ill).

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That book is sitting on my couch right now. It's huge and I won't read all of it but will pick and choose chapters in the coming weeks.

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Warning: It's definitely not a "feel good" read. If you are like me, you'll only be able to read 10 pages at a time before becoming too pissed off to continue further.

BTW, I actually wrote a book review that even got picked up by The Citizen Free Press.

In my review, I argue this book could end up being the most important book of our times .... that is, if our side prevails and a major reassesment on all kinds of "settled" science occurs.


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EXCELLENT review. I purchased this book a couple of days ago and hope to have Bobby sign it at his next CHD meeting in Knoxville in October.

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Great idea Bill to read 10 pages at a time! Will try that . I agree that it may be the most important book in regard to the entire covid issue!

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man, me too after chapter 1 I bought a torch (not a flashlight, Brits) and a pitchfork looking for DeSantis' 'elf' to throw IN the Potomac.

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Agreed. I read some of the referenced paper as well.

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Excellent review, tho a bit long. Thank you for including it here!

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I found listening to the Audible version alongside really helpful. It is the most densely printed book ever, not a smidgen of space spare. Says a lot. The book is excellent.

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Glad to hear someone else comment on that. I thought it was to keep the cost down.

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I started and got tired pretty early, and I'm pretty good at reading and absorbing information. But that book is so packed with information and references it's on a different level. Even the little I read was quite incredible though.

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I read what I can; time dictating and my tolerance for my own anger. I take it when I travel for intellectual stimulate and to annoy anyone who might disagree. I’m a little annoying : )

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And the best people will love you for that.

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Neil, It's brilliant but hard work. First bit is a lot about Fauci's historical evils, including AIDS. Second half is more recent and covers his business dealings with buddy boy Billy Gates.

It"s horrific and heartbreaking but they can only keep doing it to us if we don't realise and understand it.

Protect Yourself - read the book. Good luck!

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You've just motivated me to open it again and try the second half. Thanks!

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It’s an AMAZING piece of work RFK Jr. did! As another person stated, it’s very emotional seeing the evil of Fauci and company. They should not be walking free. Ever!

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I have it too and haven’t read it yet. Definitely will . Also the Peter and Ginger Breggin book .

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I saw that a documentary of the same name is coming soon.

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Start with Chapter 12, you’ll want to take to your bed and never get up!

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I'll again advocate we reject the concept of 'public health' entirely. Health decisions must be individual - they can not be dictated. They are always about tradeoffs and opportunity costs.

More generally, I also have come to find that whenever the adjective 'public' is prepended to a noun, it is a mental pacifier for a sales pitch for some tyrannical scheme or grift of one form or another.

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I agree. We’d be better off without any ‘public health’ agencies/authorities. I worked for a public health agency for 14 years, by the way.

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You should have a thousand likes for this comment.

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This one might work too: "Public health policy is as stupid an idea as public shoe policy."

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"Public health" is one of the glossary terms in my New Normal dictionary.


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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

I don't think he " is in charge" . The problem is far worse than just being fixable by replacing Fauci. I wouldn't trust RFK jr on 'vaccines'. He is 'pro vaccine' by his own admission. He supported Hillary Clinton who is 'pro-vaccine' and closely tied to Bill Gates:


This interview where he spoke about meeting with Trump about 'vaccines' seems suspect. What did he say to Trump that was so ineffective? What do you make of Rfk's body language?


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RFK is still married to the idea of the technocratic-bureaucratic regulatory state, despite the fact that most of his useful work was done in the court system.

With a decentralized court system and rule-of-law, you don't need bureaucrats. You just sue anyone who damages you.

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I pre-ordered it before release cause I thought they'd disappear it and/or RFK off the planet asap. Seriously well done job by Bobby. I tell all the doubters that if only 1% of the book is true then Fauci should swing. The evidence against him is colossal.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

You are right… Owning it and not being defensive is the strongest stance you can take. Unfortunately I was defensive in the beginning and try to explain why I was not an anti-vaxxer. I wish I had just laughed heartily and said “damn straight! this plan sounds CRAZY!”

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My progression involved reading numerous books about the medical industry and vaccines. What I learned is that, as in economics, there is no free lunch. It's a nuanced subject matter and I would encourage anyone to do the work before taking any opinion, pro or con, on vaccines. The wide majority have never read a single book on vaccines and have no idea how corrupt and deadly our pharmaceutical industry and governmental approval process is. Folks are literally dying due to their ignorance, sadly.

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A much easier progression than listening to your infant screaming inconsolably after being jabbed at a "well baby" visit and watching them become unresponsive and autistic forever by the next day and then having everyone tell you that you are crazy if you think it was from the jabs. Nothing nuanced about that particular progression.

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Leonard Lopate used to talk on public radio about how that happened to his son. I’m sure they wouldn’t let him say that now if his show was still on.

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Candis, I’m incredibly sorry. That is heartbreaking and I cannot imagine the pain and suffering you’ve been through.

In recent months I have read many of the pieces published by A Midwestern Doctor on Substack and his most recent is about why all vaccines are inherently dangerous.

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

I understand the theory of vaccines, and some of them can do what they're supposed-to. But I also understand the reality of poor production quality, contaminants, harmful adjuvants, and a regime pushing ever more less useful jabs. The gene-jabs are just by far the worst ones ever.

In a less state-dominated world, it would be possible for an independent manufacturer to serve this underserved market for quality vaccines.

They would produce just those few vaccines with the best track record, without harmful adjuvants, using new processes, batch testing regimen, and only ship 'fresh' with a short expiration date (to avoid need for so many preservatives).

These vaccinations would cost in the hundreds of dollars each. Manufacturers and doctors would be liable for harms in civil court. And they'd have to screen any potential patients/customers for pre-existing conditions known to put them at risk for each type of jab.

Until then, sorry. I'm an 'anti-vaxxer'.

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That all sounds reasonable. We’re a long way from there but that theoretically sounds reasonable.

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Which of these 'vaccines' does what it is supposed to do?

Were There Ever Any Valid Vaccines – Amandha Vollmer:


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Just read that. AMD has always been worth the time but that piece was outstanding - made sense of a few mysteries.

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I was the same way. I kept coming up with excuses. Finally, I started to say things like "What do you care if I'm not vaxxed? Presumably you're safe". Then "What? I'll kill Grandma? Grandma is on her third shot so she should be safe, right?". "Spread it? I've had Covid so I know I have immunity. Are you that sure about that shot you got? If so why do you need to keep getting boosters?".

Now that the vaxxed are getting Covid multiple times and the side effects are showing up all over, I don't get much grief about it any more. There was one particularly obnoxious acquaintance who shunned me while saying "*******, you are a Ph.D., you should know better (meaning follow the science)". Now her quadruple vaxxed boyfriend is in the hospital with heart issues. When she brings it up, I say "He was quadruple vaxxed, right?" then I look down sadly and slowly shake my head and say "I hope he recovers". I think deep down she knows I'm right because she says nothing for about a minute. I don't want to rub it in as a form of revenge, but I do want them to think about their past actions.

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I never felt compelled to make an issue of labels. So what if we get called Anti-vaxxers? You are right, just laugh at them and stand tall and proud. Or don't even bother. THEY are the ones who very well could be dead within five years. Or three. Or one. And if they survive, by then they will have witnessed so much carnage, I doubt that they will be laughing.

I'm pro science, but not Fauci’s brand. He is NOT a scientist, he is an evil medical doctor who knows nothing about science, and not even medicine because he has done nothing for decades but be a bureaucratic paper-pusher. He certainly is clueless when it comes to patient care. Why does he pretend to be able to make COVID healthcare decisions when he has never taken care of a single COVID patient, and he even flunked completely taking care of himself!

All the valid science says the COVID shots don't work. Remdesivir doesn't work. Paxlovid doesn't work. How long are people going to continue witnessing their failures before they realize they are all lying frauds? And the Anti-vaxxes have been correct on nearly every issue from the beginning.

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Your comments are great ! So agree!

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Fluncked taking care of himself, that's hysterical!

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Me too! "Damn straight "!

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I have pushed through so many smears and vilifications that I just don’t give a rat’s ass anymore. As someone vehemently opposing uncontrollable and unvetted mass immigration (into any nation) I’m officially deemed a raycysst and a Nazi (with a Jewish mom and a black son). Because I oppose the MISC and NATO’s eastward expansionism I’m a Pootin stooge, of course. So being an anti-vaxxer comes almost naturally to me. As a German I therefore define the slur NAZI as “Nicht An Zwangsimpfung Interessiert” (not interested in forced vaccinations).

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That’s amazing. I’m spreading that!!!

Nicht An Zwangsimpfung Interessiert

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Still, letting your opponents pick your name is a bad move. "Pro-life" and "pro-choice" both sound positive. I consider myself pro-vaccine-choice. In my deep-blue neck of the woods, I can ask people if they are pro-choice, and when they say "yes", tell them that I mean pro-choice for vaccination.

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Not a bad move at all. It is an achievement to turn an opprobrium into a badge of honour.

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Well they control the media, so it’s better to embrace it than fight it.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Choice is useful for a small minority of children fortunate enough to have parents wise enough to protect them. It however leaves the vast majority of children in danger. The choice argument was actually made up by lawyer lobbyists for the industry rather than being a opposition argument. It has a long history of failure when abolition and a pro health position are needed: https://www.waronwethepeople.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/the_truth_about_barbara_loe_fischer_and_the_national_vaccine_information_center.mp3

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In my ideal world, medicine would be available without prescription and people could choose wisely or foolishly. Doctors would offer advice and inject what people want. Parents are more likely to do what's best for their kids than the government.

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We shouldn't let self serving political ideologues label us "anti-vaxxers". Most of us have voluntarily received numerous vaccinations in the past. What we are is informed individuals who understand SARS2 poses little to no danger to reasonably healthy people (zero to healthy children) while the injection being pushed employs a radical new technology which has no medium or long term track record or testing and has never been used as a vaccine, even in livestock. We now also know COVID injections have proven dreadfully dangerous in the short term while any efficacy wanes rapidly. No informed person is going to inject that trash into their bodies or their children.

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I used to think I wasn't anti-vaxx because in the military, traveling to far-flung reaches of the world I thought that it was best to take the shots. During the past two years I have learned so much about the vaxx industry, that now I am totally anti-vaxx. Full stop. On an aside. I took my dog in for a rabies booster during the 1st week of May this year. Within two days he developed a seizure disorder and almost died. He now has to take phenobarbital for the rest of his probably shortened life. I am now also totally anti-vaxx for my animals as well and have found that there are homeopathic applications that can be used to achieve immunity to rabies, etc.

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Micro-chipping your pet was the beginning of getting people used to the idea. Where I live rabies shots are required by law.

I agree, animals don't need all the junk they have sold us to believe they need. I'm sorry about your pup, I hope he will improve.

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It's sick and twisted. Where I live I had to get my dog her second rabies shot. I told her that that's the last time. I wish I knew then what I know now! Same for my children who are in their late 30s. Curiously, I asked my vet what happened to her prior rabies shot did it just disappear? No clue!

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I don't have any pets right now, but I've slowly been realizing that dogs and cats have probably been treated as cash cows for the pharma industry. I saw one retired vet on YT who talks about not vaxxing his pets. Sorry that I don't remember his name, but he talks about his experiences online.

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Keep your eye on what’s coming with pets, livestock.

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Me too.

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I just thank God that neither I (70 yrs young) nor my children (born in the 70's) suffered any ill effects from taking any childhood inoculations. It's about time people started realizing that we have been led down the primrose path.

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Both kids, who are now in their mid 40's, grew up very healthy and all grandchildren are non-vaxxed. Regarding your comments on the human trust issues--I agree one hundred percent. I spent the first half of my life trusting people (mostly family members) I shouldn't have trusted. Now that I think about it, that's where this really starts, isn't it? H-m-m. You struck a chord.

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If covid comes up in conversation and it's appropriate I always say why I didn't want the mRNA or aav shots. And I add that now I doubt I'd give kids any shot except maybe dpt because of the 1 in 30 chance of causing autism. I've yet to have anyone roll his eyes... At least in front of me.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

Dpt? There was a huge scandal about that back in the 70s. It is pretty shocking coz all those parents would have heard about this only to ignore the warnings and give there kids 'vaccines' in the 80s and 90s. https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/DPT--Vaccine-Roulette-1982-Documentary:f

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Sound approach, Zade, and it does have its impact.

For seven years, I wrote letters to the local paper contradicting the vaxx promotions of doctors. At first, I was ridiculed and vilified, but gradually, more and more people began taking my side. At the end of 7 years, that region had the highest vaxx non-compliance in Australia; 30%. A tin of paint and a nice wall is an effective alternative to the local paper, most of which have now been taken over by a dozen world media barons; all of whom are invested in Big Pharma.

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That's encouraging, that your persistence paid off like that. Now, almost two years into the shots, most people here in the States know someone injured by them. There's often an uneasy silence when I describe the deaths and injuries I know of personally. And all of us with the exception of a tiny minority, have had covid and know we've had it. We survived it. So why would we want the boosters? Booster uptake has cratered here. But there will always be the few who attribute their health to having had the shots and will go for one after another. I feel bad for them because I think they're shortening their lives but there's no way to reach them.

At a well check about six months ago, my primary care doc saw me, then after she was finished, a nurse came in with a Shingrix shot and a Pneumovax shot all cocked and loaded. I said no thank you. The pushing of these shots is a total racket. But now everyone is terrified of shingles, I suspect because the covid shots have caused a tremendous wave of it. I'll never take another vaccine again, possible exception tetanus if I step on a nail in a barnyard (actually did that 8 years ago and went for the shot). The thing with vaccines is you can't prove they spared you an illness. You might never have caught it anyway, shot or not. You can only say with certainty when they fail. The crazy thing is the covid shots have failed on every score, and they're still pushed.

I used to write letters to the local daily newspaper. They were bought out by Gannett, a conglomerate in the States. They went from serving up true local news and opinion to a pale imitation of "USA Toady". I've been thinking it might be time to bring back the broadsheet printed on home printers.

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You are an unusually thoughtful and empathetic person, Zade, and I think you have summed the situation up well. A warning: there is no Tetnus shot. it is a combo of T, Diptheria, and Pertussis. But if you get a puncture wound again, just make it bleed. The oxyhaemoglobin will kill the tetnus pathogen, being anerobic. If you can't make it bleed, pour hydrogenperoxide into it. Tetnus is rare and the T shot would make no difference anyway.

And just a warning to any predatory doctors out there... I have no medical knowledge whatsoever, but I am a health product consumer and I research products prodidgously before using. Thus I confer with medical scientists and doctors who are world-renown for their integrity and expertise. This statement frustrates Australian doctors who would rather see me dead LOL.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022

I get every side effect known to man from ordinary meds (just one example: anaphylaxis to guaifenesin, the common expectorant). I'm not a medically trained person either but have learned to pay attention to what happens after I take medicines. I do a lot of reading about side effects and pharmacology of drugs, and I'm shocked at how oblivious doctors can be. They do a lot of damage with their ignorance, and I've seen one estimate that iatrogenic death due to meds may be the fifth or sixth leading cause of death in the US, and that's just of patients who've died in hospital. Add those who deteriorate slowly and this is not a minor problem. The bad experiences I've had with ordinary meds made me look hard at the mRNA and AAV shots and decide no way. I tell any doctors I think will listen with an open mind, but so far every single one I know thinks there is nothing to worry about. This has further eroded my faith in doctors. I try to stay away from them and treat myself at home as much as possible.

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I see. Wise too. Beginning in 2007, I did the same and, as a former anti-Vietnam War researcher and freelance journalist, my old contacts recognised my name decades later, they now being in the top of their fields, and they pointed me to the good oil. I collated all their advice, which appears on my website "Australia Fights Back", URL oziz4oziz.com/

You may find a lot of time-saving leads here. It is chock-full of links to amazing sources of information, including the graphs of a century of disease reduction, none of which flows from vaccines, but of public health measures. Hilariously, prior to 1975, this formed the basis of all Public Health Exam curriculum, which I passed twice.

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You are correct! Also wise!

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I agree with everything you said except the Tetnus shots. Thats full of metals! Vids on Odyssey and Bitchute.

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I'll get a vaccine again when the pharmaceutical industry and its regulators have been cleaned up from top to bottom, typhoon-style: until then you never know what they might inject you with.

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That's not going to happen in my lifetime I'm afraid

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It'll take a revolution, certainly. Given the troubled times which await us, who knows when such a revolution may happen. I'll be surprised if none of those Big Pharma CEOs ends in prison, though.

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One of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

We need to start using those rules religiously.

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that what I said to my shy friends: learn to wear the slur with pride and it will lose its power, making those who throw it at you look pathetic and inadequate :)

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In my country a ton of vaccines are mandatory in childhood. It is stomach churning.

Within the first 18 months of any baby:

-9 shots will be given

-for 7 illnesses

Absolutely disgusting.

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Good point, Neil. The two most vaccinated people on this planet are Americans and Australian Aborigines; the two unhealthiest people on this planet.

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Another point, is that you empower people who agree, but feel isolated and don’t want to speak up.

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Neil, non Catholics started calling Catholics "Roman Catholic " as a slur, hooking in Pope issue.

Catholics thought about it, and often say im Roman Catholic instead of Catholic...

Funny thing, we still do, even though Rome has lost the faith, we have no pope...

Rome for us is Eternal Rome... we'll take it back, and get a Pope.

Cliff notes.. we have exactly what you describe.

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Oh, and I told liberal lady , please use my pronoun SILVERBACK.

Shd told me not to insult gorillas.

I gave her Post of Week, but nevertheless, , you must submit to My reality

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Pronouns and attempting to erase gender seem to be the hills that the left will in fact die upon.

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Great article. People who denounce anti-vaxxers overlook the fact that a many if not most "anti-vaxxers" are actually "ex-vaxxers." If they were curious, they might ask them what changed their mind.

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yep and thank you

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Hope you watch. This is Profound. "Aboriginal Elder June Mills seeks help to stop genocide," and Michael Gunner. 5 minute you tube video from 9 months ago, last fall 2021. https://youtu.be/Q1n-vN2Vkgs

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I sent a similar vid to my brother who is very much into indigenous rights but also completely unable to question anything about the covid narrative. He never even mentioned it and I have only spoken to him twice in that time but it is extremely disappointing. I don't know if you saw it but David Cole did a phone interview with a relative of the woman who died at Howard Springs, the family had been trying to get the staff there to check in on her for 12 hours before she died but they couldn't get any response. If this was a death in police custody it would have been all over the mainstream news.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Yes. I declared my status as an anti-vaxxer below, but your term ex-vaxxer is more accurate. Thank you.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Exactly! After a little investigating, you go from one camp to the other. 

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and never come back

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Ditto that!!

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Yup! Didn't take me very long!

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Here's a post I just made at Steve Kirsch's site that goes to your point:

First you question the validity of the effectiveness and safety of the Covid vaccines, then you are questioning all the Covid narratives (lockdowns, social distancing, masks, faulty treatment protocols, etc) and before you know it you are questioning all kinds of “settled” medical science (including the childhood vaccination schedule).

Furthermore, it requires no leap of logic to conclude that the Powers that Be (who benefit from all the dubious narratives) recognize that perhaps every one of their narratives could belatedly come under attack. This possibility has to scare the hell out of them.

The silver lining of the Covid madness is that many more people are now questioning truisms they never questioned before. This is a wonderful development for honest people who care about the truth. On the other hand, we KNOW that our rulers are not going to meekly allow any changes in a Status Quo system that has been so good to them.

I think they get that if one Big Lie is exposed, many more Big Lies could be exposed after that. This poses an existential threat to their power, wealth and prestige. They could even end up in the slammer if this “search for the truth” trend goes viral.

What this means to me is that “they” know they better double down and prevent the first lie from being exposed. Because of this, I think we’ll see even more censorship, more brazen cover-ups, more bullying and intimidation, in the future.

A lot more than Covid vaccination policies are at stake here. All the Establishment’s agendas - which haven’t yet been fully developed - could be in jeopardy. I know this: Their side doesn’t fight fair. They are ruthless and, like a cornered animal with its life at stake, will fight a ferocious fight.

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Yes! And now you are questioning the big one; the evidence for viral causes of diseases in the first place. Way to go! The whole lot is coming down. No more tyranny, no more vaccines. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing


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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

They are ruthless and must be stopped.

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Too late! The cat's out of the bag. It's only a matter of time before it seeps through to the other clueless people. But there will always be a segment of the population that simply can't handle hard ugly truths and will cling to the narrative until they implode or perish from their 10th booster!

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I work with lots of people who are hardcore pro-vaccine. They may be highly educated but they are not curious and are unable to think for themselves. They will change their mind once the official narrative changes.

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Yup. That's exactly what I always say. An ex is "ex" for a reason....and an ex has a serious amount of credibility as opposed to just an "anti" anything. It's all a languaging campaign to manufacture perceptions and....it's now falling apart.

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deletedSep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov
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Long as it's the organic rainbow (red for the root chakra on the bottom, with purple on the top for the crown) rather than the inversion, i am ALL FOR THAT!! It should be noted that the rainbow which forms in nature is correctly double....the first one is the inversion, then the second one is the true alignment with the 12 dna strand human. :)

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That is beautiful

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov


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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am a recovering vaxxer.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Notice they never ask!!

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Ex vaxxers, excellent point.

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Sadly said denouncers are anything but curious.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Most are vacant, but a few still question, more will have regrets for not listening even if they never admit it.

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Sep 10, 2022·edited Sep 10, 2022

It was Del Bugtree who came up with the term ex-vaxxer. There are some problems with it. Most importantly there is no such thing as a vaccine. Calling someone an ex-vaxxer is free advertising for the idea of vaccination which is simply a fraud and fantasy. If there was such a thing as a vaccine there wouldn't be people against them The issue is that these are poisons and not vaccines. If there was such a thing as a vaccine then being anti it would be crazy which is exactly what the term anti-vaxxer is intended to suggest. A crazy person. A luddite who prefers diseases over modern vaccines. I prefer terms like pro health or health advocate.

Another issue is that it is bad english. If someone has their house renovated it does not make them a builder so why would someone be a 'vaxxer' just because they had been 'vaccinated'? Such a term would be more suited to the actual 'doctors' who quit poisoning people although ex-poisoner would be more accurate.

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You are absolutely right of course, however accuracy and correctness do not matter at all in a world where language has been weaponized and the population so dumbed-down that they are incapable of comprehending. I called myself an ex long before Del Bigtree met RFK because of personal harm suffered, but at the time I had no idea of the history of lies and deceit behind the product. The good news is that now, the very term itself has been exposed, and the entire sick industry is going down. It may not completely collapse in our lifetimes, but the mind-lock power of the cult of pharma has been broken in mass consciousness, and it is only a matter of time.

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I agree that the cult of Pharma may be breaking in the general public. The problem is that until it is broken in government and medical circles, we will still be coerced into taking these poorly tested vaccines to be part of society. They'll just add more and more to the childhood vaccination schedule and make it so that your kids can't go to school unless they take all the vaccines.

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Being considered "normal" in a sick society is becoming less and less desirable to more and more people every day. "Normal" means addicted to at least one pharmaceutical drug (and most often two or three) with the anticipation that this will continue for life. "Normal" means a food system that is a living representation of Land of the Lotus Eaters, with chemicals and processing that has put people into a place of chronic nutritional bankruptcy and illness. "Normal" means living to work and focusing on consumerism, and being a debt slave until you die demented in a nursing home. "Normal" means a dumbed--down obedient product of the public indoctrination system calling itself education, ready to step out into the world and join the rest of the slaves. "Normal" means living a life of fear of the "authorities"....fear of the IRS, fear of the police, fear of the government, fear of the DMV, fear of child protective services, fear of the truant officer....asking for permission for every aspect of life, and complying without question. "Normal" means complete abdication of all personal power and responsibility, handing all decisions over to the authorities rather than living authentically in true sovereignty. People are finally starting to see the matrix that has been formed by our consent to "convenience" for generations.....and awareness is the first key needed to open the door to fundamental change. I have hope! Here in Massachusetts, one of the most obedient, trusting populations in America, in 2019 had only 1.4% of eligible children homeschooling. By the end of 2021, that number had risen to 11%. This is huge!

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This is such an accurate description of so many people that surround me. They would be considered highly educated, but are some of the most ignorant and obnoxious people I've ever met.

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1,000% true. By the way everyone should have a Blacks laws dictionary and/or know what it is.

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Correct, the origin story for a lot of anti-vaxxers is started when a child has an adverse reaction and then they experience the complete lack of concern from the medical community because their child isn't supposed to "exist" because by golly vaccines are safe!

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Excellent, thank you.

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I’m an newly 100% fully anti-vax ... all of em

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Hail yep!!!

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I started out as an anti covid vaxer but after reading about vaccines and their history I became a full on anti vaxxer. Then I took it a step further and started questioning everything I had ever been taught.

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Same here. Also nutrition - a real shitshow. For decades they have fed us industrial waste and told us this would cure heart disease (e.g. seed oils). Bullshit. There‘s almost nothing more healthy than beef or deer liver.

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My BIL has a doctor actually tell him to make sure and use margarine instead of butter, you know, for his heart. No wonder we are in the situation we are in where pharma basically owns the planet.

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Same with me. The deeper you dig, the darker it gets.

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And that is why denial is the best drug of all.

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Ditto that!

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YES! I went from ignorance..to shocked...then horrified and finally enraged.

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The four stages of enlightenment

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

To double the fun, I just tell people that I’m pro life.

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Good one Ann!

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To triple the fun, you could also tell people that you are pro death penalty for those who deserve it.

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Too far... hahaha!

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Love this, Igor! It echoes the sentiments I expressed in a post I started ages ago but haven’t had a chance to finish because time-sensitive ones keep pushing it back. If I ever get around to it, I’ll reference yours in there :-)

Meanwhile, I wanted to alert you to this post in case you haven’t seen it yet:

• “50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the)

I know you are a fan of both satire and saving children so thought you and your audience would appreciate it :-)

My tweet (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1566439797622591489) about it has gone viral, and many have been able to successfully share it on social media as the perceived pro-vaxx framing is bypassing the censorship algorithms and (hopefully) the cognitive defenses of Covidians. Not sure if your dog is still unpersoned (undogged?) at Twitter, but feel free to keep the momentum going if you so desire :-)

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This is a great article! Love it and hope to use it some time soon

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Awesome and thanks so much, Igor! Let's save some kiddos 🙌

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Loved the 50 reason article.

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I loved the 50 reasons piece too by the way, great work.

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You should also write a pc titled

"50 ways to leave your vaccine" . ;-)

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So cleverly titled.

Well done Margaret Anna !

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I identify as a vaccine safety advocate.

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Haha, that's good, I may use that.

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There’s a fee 😂

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Brilliant! Can I pay you in rubber bracelet's that say, "END COVID MANDATES" and "SUPPORT MEDICAL FREEDOM"? I have dozens of them.

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022

Nice. I think you are using a really good approach. It's too late and too difficult to redeem the term "anti-vaxxer." The die has been cast.

We'd be better off using the term you use. "Vaccine Safety Advocate" has a good ring to it, and it's more accurate. Many people accept certain vaccines but reject others. Vaccine Safety Advocate describes those people as well as people who just don't want any vaccines. It's what we're all really looking for: safety in the vaccines we get.

Another element here is that of choice. Many people would like more freedom to choose in the area of vaccines. Maybe "Vaccine Choice Advocate" is another useful term.

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There's a pro-vax account on Twitter who said "antivaxxers always say they're for safe vaccines." "Safe vaccines," to vax absolutists, is an antivaxxer slogan.

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I gather that it's also too late for the phrase "safe vaccines." And if it's too late for "safe vaccines" it's certainly too late to save "anti-vaxxer."

Looks like the movement needs some other label.

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Well you can cast about for a different term but that's ceding ground. The power move is for enough people to adopt the slur and use it with positivity.

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Vax-free is me! And our kids even more pure than us (b/c I got the childhood ones and then plenty when I went to work in Africa but zero since)

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Yep that and team reality. 😊

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

It's quite simple, really. I am anti- all poisons!

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

Sticks and stones....

Prior to our current nightmare, I was not an "anti-vaxxer" in the traditional definition of the term (one who opposes all vaccines and vaccine mandates). I am now. There are some that are valuable (post-exposure rabies, tetanus), but most are unnecessary and/or dangerous. Health does not come from a bottle of pills or a syringe.

We are winning the information war because their C19 jabs don't work and are very dangerous. Even so, they are still trying to push/mandate their crap injections on the people of the world. One wonders why, since the multi-jabbed can see the evidence of failure and injury in their own lives.

It would have been much harder to win the information war if their products had been safe and/or effective, which is why we need a medical bill of rights. No person should be required by a government entity (local, state, or federal), a school, or a business to take a vaccine, therapeutic, or medical procedure against their will. No one. Full stop.

And, in the mean time, how 'bout we do a comparison in health outcomes of the small minority of Americans who have never had a vaccine and the rest of us. I'm very curious to know their rates of autism, autoimmune conditions, asthma and allergies.

And I say this as a mother who has had all of her "shots" and who consented to the "shots" for her now young adult children.

No one should be compelled, coerced, or mandated. No one. Full stop.

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Pitching a personal shutout so far. No shots, no boosters, no covid. My neighbor across the street? 2 shots, 2 boosters, followed by 2 months in respiratory ICU. (You guessed it. Covid diagnosis, confirmed.)

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I was always suspicious of the need or safety of some vaccines (oral polio, HPV, Shingles), but the C19 jabs were clearly experimental and not needed. I was shocked that most friends and family members took them early and without question. One of my nephews (a high school senior at the time) went down to get the first jab on his 18th birthday. He had three by last Christmas. I pray they will be okay.

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Same here, except my neighbor had an 11 lb TUMOR removed 2 months after shot 2!! I kid you not.

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

"Anti-vaxxer" and "conspiracy theorist" are phrases used to divide and stigmatize people, and to stop the conversation when one is too close to the truth. It's psychological manipulation and a form of censorship. This is how you know you are close to the truth. They won't spend so much time on you, censoring you, unless you were that close to the truth.

Be proud to be a thinking person who can do their own research.

When they start calling you names, you know they have lost their temper, have no more arguments, and you have logically won.

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Yep, I realized the same thing about "conspiracy theorist" and wrote about it here: https://thefreethinker.substack.com/p/does-questioning-make-you-a-conspiracy.

To me, the way "conspiracy theorist" is now employed in the English language has no functional difference than "critical thinker," or "someone who questions the narrative." So yes, I embrace it.

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I am an example of someone who has indeed progressed in my views on vaccines and as a Christian I cannot help but wonder if this is God's helping hand. We can't understand how God works. What I can say is that there are lot of people who have awakened to the poor state of science and medicine in the West, we've awakened to how far off track we as a civilization are to human health and spirit, we've awakened to how broken our political institutions are, and yes, we've awakened to the fact that vaccines have both benefits and harms but that only the benefits were touted. We have a terrible blind sport to the harms and we foolishly hold most vaccines as an idol. Prior to COVID, I defensively stated that I am not an anti-vaxxer but I don't believe it's pragmatic to take a rushed mRNA vaccine that was not sufficiently tested. Now, it's quite clear that most vaccines are unnecessary and are almost certainly causing great harm. An entirely new paradigm to human health and disease prevention is needed.

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Before the covid me-too freakout hit I prayed to God to show me if I was wrong about my complete distrust of the medical industry. I guess the Lord showed me I wasn't wrong.

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There are good practitioners, good researchers, good medicines, and so on. But, clearly there is a cartel effect between regulators, pharma industry, mainstream media, academia, wall street, and so on. People are greedy but also lazy and cannot be bothered to do real science or speak earnestly to power -- if they do they'd have to fend for themselves rather than continue to benefit from the soft, cushy jobs/appointments/grants system they exist within.

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It’s not by accident they settled on a made up virus and the medical industrial complex as the vehicle by which to drive this evil.

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The military-industrial-foreign-relations cartel is no different and we see there false narratives leading to the deaths, maiming, and destruction of millions of lives. And look at the educational-financial-political cartel promoting expensive academic degrees that are worse than teaching people nothing -- they facilitate and spread the destruction of a healthy achievement based society.

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No argument here. The deceit, corruption and Evil is myriad.

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I don't think it is made up, rather "made" in the lab (unless that's what you meant) a bit like making computer viruses and selling the software to combat them. Ooh, I wonder who could have been up to that little scam in the past....😉

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The vaxx came first, the Rona was created so they could use the vaxx. Sick and evil.

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No. It doesn’t exist. No pathogenic viruses exist. The viraltheory of disease is a bad fairytale.

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I think it's more complicated than one theory (viral vs terrain) being 100% right and the other 100% wrong.

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Well, part of it is simple. Either viruses exist and cause discreet diseases or they do not. Those who claim they do have the burden of proof. That’s how actual science and reason work.

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If no pathogenic viruses exist, what causes smallpox, and what explains the efficacy of smallpox vaccines? (I'm old enough to have had that vaccine myself).

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I’m not sure what caused smallpox. Like most diseases probably environmental contaminants/poisons. As to the smallpox vax, if you’re actually curious, research the decline, resurgence, then vietual disappearance of smallpox. Also look at scarlet fever, a far deadlier disease, that also disappeared. The former’s decline does not track with the vax, the latter is not associated at all with a vax. As to immunity in general, let me ask you a question. If you believe in immunity of any kind, do you not see that is a tacot acceptance that some quality of the terrain, for want of a better word, can alone determine whether one can get sick or not?

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022

Sorcerers are chastised by Yahshua Christ, along with fornicators, whoremongers, thieves and murderers, idolaters and liars, in Revelation chapters 9, 21 and 22. In the Septuagint, as it is in the Revelation, the word for sorcerer is φάρμακος (pharmakos), the same Greek word from which we have English words such as pharmacy.

By that we should know in part what a φάρμακος or sorcerer is, although there were many other aspects of ancient sorcery.

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Great response, thank you.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m an ex vaxxer antivaxxer.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

X-Vax or VaxX… or, AVaxual…

We need a logo…


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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’ve been a proud anti-vaxxer since 1988. My children are healthier because of it. I have my good friend Juliet to thank for steering me in the right direction.

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Same here. I feel guilty that my two oldest got a couple vaccines in the mid 80s as newborns, but no more after that. I just didn't know better and trusted the medical establishment. But there were only a few on the schedule back then and thank God neither had health issues from it. I have a friend with a severely autistic, non-verbal son who swears the vaccines caused it and I believe him. None of my 20 grandchildren have received a single vaccine.

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It would appear that our almost five year old grandson is autistic. Is it the result of childhood vaxxes or something else? IDK. Unfortunately, his parents are in complete denial, and have a new baby on the way who will probably get all the kiddie vaxxes because... it's what's you do.

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I used to work with autistic children. Don't know which country your grandson resides but I hope he will be able to receive adequate support and intervention. (Probably you're aware, the level of understanding and service varies from state to state and country to country. A friend's family moved from Hawai'i to the west coast to receive better support for their autistic and down syndrome children.)

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We're in the US. At this point, we are very lucky because my grandson's uncle (aka my other stepson) is actually trained to work with autistic kids, and has been doing so for several years. I think that will help a lot in the future.

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The Earlier, the better. I had worked with adults on the spectrum. Their behaviour was solid, fixed. Hard to adjust for good. Institutionalisation is another issue.

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I feel for you and I hope things turn out ok. It's tough for my buddy but he loves his son fiercely and I'm sure you will do the same.

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Thank you for your kind words; our grandson is not severely autistic, but is pretty much non-verbal. He's a sweet boy, but it's difficult for everyone.

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Sep 8, 2022·edited Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I’m a judicious vaxxer. Some are useful, some are questionable and others you run for the hills. Guess where Covid fits in? Oh and if they remake all shots based on mRNA, then I become a full throated anti.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I am a happy and healthy anti-Vaxxer. After this debacle of Covid, I am not only against Covid vaccine but very sceptic of all vaccines.

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That happened to me too. Not very skeptical of any vax before this one was rolled out to great fanfare about its safety and effectiveness before any data was available. The mandates were obviously wrong and that put me in the hard core anti-vax camp. But now I wonder if the effects of childhood vaccination deserve further investigation too.

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I think you're absolutely right. I've been a bit on the fence on this for a while, but now, all is revealed. I am confident that Andrew Wakefield was right, and the smear campaign against him is motivated by dark intentions.

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I don't know whether or not Wakefield was right, but I'm no longer willing to automatically assume that he is wrong.

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Well I don’t know enough about Wakefield to agree or not. But one bad researcher, if he was that, does not say anything about the whole field. It’s amazing that discrediting one guy can make the whole topic go away. When you have so many anecdotal reports of harm there is good reason to investigate further.

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See if you can find the discussion between Wakefield and Steve Kirsch, you will see how he got set up. I'm sure you can find via his Substack.

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No need to wonder about it. Del Bigtree's TheHighWire dot com will tell you all you need to know.

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His movie Vaxx'd was an eye opener.

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There is a sequel too!

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That one is good too.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by Igor Chudov

I had a discussion with my friend and neighbor several months ago. The term "conspiracy theorist" came up. I maintained that I wasn't a conspiracy theorist but something about these jabs was sketchy. He softly announced he was a conspiracy theorist. When I asked why he identified as such he said...


Now I'm proud of being a conspiracy theorist...

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