
Sorry for not posting during the last five days - I was working on this article

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family abolition is just a cover for sexual deviants (illustrated as furries in the picture accompanying the cited article) to create a vast, easily accessible and vulnerable pool of children to prey on

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Communism has always been evil.

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Thank you for writing this. This is going around a lot, and not just over the jab. I am in the middle of some serious nastiness. It is good to know that I am not alone, even though I hope for the best for everyone.

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Feb 9Liked by Igor Chudov

I made the mistake of clicking on some of the links in the article and reading the posts - in particular the “announce my pregnancy” post and comments. The estranged adults forum talks about how the unnamed parents / family are narcissists… yet the majority of posts from these maladjusted adults reflect that they, not the others, are the rampant narcissists.

I know people who had truly terrible parents, from whom they are estranged. In those cases: (1) the only concern regarding announcing a pregnancy would be from keeping the parents from finding out, because of a sincere belief that the child to be having contact with the grandparents would pose a threat to the child; and (2) there would be no real discussion about wanting the parents to feel bad about not getting to know the grandchild - either because the adult had, in some way, forgiven or come to terms with the parent and their deficiencies or bad acts, or because “emotional payback” is such a non-concern in relation the overriding concern of keeping self and child safe from the toxicity of the parent.

What I saw there was either people who are downright, for lack of a better word, evil (not necessarily in a villain sort of way, but in a complete amorality and desire to cause others harm if anything gets in the way of their own self interest), or, for the better of the lot, flawed people who deep down know that “they are the baddies” but will never admit it u til they are steps from the grave.

It makes me weep for society.

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Feb 7Liked by Igor Chudov


Fear is the true root of all mishap.

A creator of victims, that starts as a small spark of insecurity.

Igniting our frame with the doubt of ourselves and our abilities to manifest that which is perfect for our growth, it multiplies in our psyche creating images many times their actual size blinding us to the vast possibilities within our grasp.

We become fascinated with fear's expansion feeling fully compelled to feed it.

Suddenly fear becomes larger than ourselves and we are lost within its grasp.

Better to live fearlessly.

Rip it from your heart deliberately.

Experience that eternal moment of freedom often mistaken for emptiness.

Allow love to flow in.

You'll never miss fear once it's gone.

It is only the anticipation of fear leaving that begs it to stay.

Let it go........

Fear will lie to you in its quest for survival.

Fear is necessary only to itself.

See the truth.

Know No fear.

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Feb 7Liked by Igor Chudov

Great article. How can I share / send a pdf to you?

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Feb 7Liked by Igor Chudov

My, how the tables have turned. Wealthy people with private jets only want to hire unvaccinated pilots, unvaxxed people don't want vaxxed blood, many unvaxxed only want to date unvaxxed, vaxxed have turned into asymptomatic superspreaders in many cases and now most unvaxxed don't want to be around them, shedding has become a concern for many unvaxxed people .... the list goes on and on. I always thought it was such a horrible thing to see families split up over personal health decisions but the Propagandists and evil doers that put the pandemic into action knew that roughly 65% of the population can be convinced of anything when you put the fear of death in front of them, regardless of the fact that most people by December 2020 had seen very little death from Covid in their family and social circles (especially amongst the younger cohorts). By then, logic should have prevailed, which is a testament to the strategy of fear no matter how much time passed with empirical evidence to the contrary. I wonder what percentage of these people now understand they were hoodwinked.

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Feb 6Liked by Igor Chudov

Can outside forces really break parent-child-sibling relationships? It seems to me that these relationships were troubled before 2020.

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Feb 6Liked by Igor Chudov

Divide and conquer. If this is the objective then there is no more effective way to achieve it than by dismantling the family unit. This has been going on since the 70’s quite aggressively. Schools, children’s TV, adolescent movies etc.

all Instilling a child’s sense of superiority to their parents, rather than respect.

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Feb 6Liked by Igor Chudov

What I see is euphemisms such as "birthing person", ideas such as nuclear family bad, the state at every turn attempting to wrest control of a child from the parent.

All this stuff is, is the state wanting to raise children the way the state likes them, obedient, ignorant, and disposable. Not the way someone that loves a child would raise them.

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The psychiatry industry seems to be operating under a similar mandate. The number of people I know that started setting a psychiatrist over the past few years is not insignificant. Pretty much all of them have been directed to remove all contact with family relatives that are deemed 'toxic' you their life. None of them were abused, drug users, etc. All purely subjective diagnoses..

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Feb 5Liked by Igor Chudov

This may be a little off topic, but what about the shunning of the vaxed by the unvaxed? What's everyone's views on unvaxed people worried about the spike protein shedding from the vaxed and keeping their distance?

I know some people who refuse to be in contact with anyone who's vaxed (unless it's necessary ie. They need to see a doctor) because of the health risk and they lead a very isolated life as a result but it seems to unfortunately continue to keep family fairly estranged even if they talk online because people need normal in person human contact and interaction.

I feel like it is extreme and very sad to keep families apart over this when there's been forgiveness but I don't think reconciliation will ever really be complete until we can stop excluding loved ones.

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Feb 5Liked by Igor Chudov

It’s all part of the war on the natural human, so often outlined in WEF precepts today.

When I was much younger, the notion of a satanic cult underlying world affairs seemed symbolic at best. With a lot more experience under my belt, it appears to be a literal truth. The war for hearts and minds, now turbo-powered with modern technology, communications, and medical & biological manipulation and interference. It’s like the experience of reading Brave New World and 1984 as cautionary tales way back in school, and now seeing an amalgamation of the two actually shaping our reality. There’s a long rough road ahead, and the outcome is uncertain.

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Myself and my wife and kids were excluded from our family's Thanksgiving dinner in 2021, specifically because we were unvaccinated. This was just a few months after we had lost both my father and stepmother (and my mother and stepfather died years ago). My wife and I rented a mountain cabin and cooked a very nice steak dinner and made the best of it, but for me this was one of the most painful and lonely times in my life.

By that time there was ample evidence that the vaccines didn't even prevent infection or transmission, but most of my family simply could not comprehend any of it, they were completely caught up in the Mass Formation fear and hysteria. My nephew and his wife hosted the Thanksgiving dinner, they were so caught up in fear that they literally did not leave their house for a year, they even ordered groceries online and their poor kids did not even get out for walks or hikes or GOD FORBID playing in the park.

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Feb 5Liked by Igor Chudov

Thank you for this incredibly thoughtful and well researched post. It’s a subject not often enough discussed.

Reasons people are still unwilling to let in unvaxxed family members is because of cognitive dissonance and or maybe embarrassment.

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