Listen to Dr. Mike Yeadon among others. He was open minded enough to dive into this rabbit hole and honest enough to recognize and speak about the underlying problems with standard viral theories.
So while yes, viruses as currently described in standard texts do nicely explain our lived experiences, there is still an underlying flaw, a pretty big one, in viral science.
It is possible that they are a bit different than we think, and that they can be transmitted or "triggered" by other mechanisms than direct contact, and that our cells, under certain circumstances, can actually produce what we call "viruses" themselves.
I think we need to consider Rupert Sheldrake, Nikola Tesla, and Wilhelm Reich in all our studies of Biology.
We perhaps don't understand everything in Nature as well as we assume we do!
The problem I have with the "viruses don't exist" hypothesis is that they (Cowan, etc.) say that there is no such thing as contagion & that diseases are caused by toxins or nutritional deficiencies. As Igor pointed out, most of us have experiences of getting sick from others. Contagion is obvious, maybe viruses don't cause illness, but something does.
How do you explain that someone can be around people who are constantly sick from a purported virus, in direct contact with them for extended periods on a daily basis over the course of two years no less, and that person never gets sick.
So how is that the virus is able to impact every single one of these people, repeatedly in fact, except this one person. We are also talking about the most deadly, transmissible and long-lasting virus in human history.
This has been going on for two and a half years.
Does this one person have superpowers or some insane immune system or is it blind luck?
The quadrivalent "flu" vaccine was rolled out in 2019.
I believe that is an avenue worth exploring.
However the reality is that there would have been no excess deaths whatsoever in March/April 2020 had it not been for policy changes in nursing homes and hospitals that directly caused that spike in deaths.
Vaccines ABSOLUTELY weaken the immune system! And they are full of toxins. When you are walking around with a huge body burden of mercury, aluminum, and other "nasties" your immune system is definitely depressed.
But to see the results in children of immune system harms from vaccination, look at Dr. James Lyons Weiler's peer reviewed study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice, or the Guinea-Bissau study showing little girls that are vaccinated dying at much higher rates than the unvaccinated, or The Control Group Litigation's Survey of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed.
Everywhere you look the unvaccinated are vastly healthier.
And the Lazarus study of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care showed less than 1% of vaccine adverse events make it into VAERS.
We are killing ourselves and our children with this practice which has never been proven either safe or effective!
My kids are the only people I know that have not had Covid. They are not vaccinated with anything, except my son until he was 4 months old (and his reaction to vaccines woke me up). I do think that their untouched immune systems help them repel a lot of viruses that make others sick. I also tried to infect them with chicken pox when they were young (an MD couple I knew invited me over so that my kids could catch it from their very spotty kids). Nothing.
I concur. My dad lived to 99 was sharp. NEVER took any vacc's. Ever that I know of. Ate pretty healthy, but not all that concerned. Mom, on the other hand, died at 83, ate SUPER healthy, gardened all the time, but DID get some flu shots, how many, I'm guessing at least ten in her life.
She suffered "hot flashes" all her post menapausal life, and got breast cancer, and had some pituitary gland growth issue as well. Poor lady. I'm now beginning to be not so puzzled by this. I'm of the mind to agree with many docs and nurses who "know" that the vacc. campaign to stick every person multiple times, is just a means to make people sick and prone to their "care" while bilking the ins. co.s at the same time.
ABSOLUTELY! Vaccines destroy the immune system. Tons of evidence.
Exploding autoimmunity in the children as vaccine schedules ballooned from 5 to 72 . Exploding cancer rates in the vaccinated.
Read Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny. Go to the High Wire and ICAN. Read Children's Health Defense's "Vaccines, Gateway Drugs by Design?" Read Dr. James Lyons Weiler's Study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice----conclusion, "The unvaccinated simply do not get sick!" Finally, spend a little time with the Control Group Litigation's Survey Study. You will never be blind to the truth of vaccines ever again.
YES. Absolutely. VACCINES are made by mad scientists. Just look at the ingredients to some and ask yourself...WHERE DID THEY COME UP WITH THEM FROM? A seer? A card reader? An LSD trip? A dream? The "holy spirit"? The DEVIL? Why are OBVIOUS toxins in them? Isn't PEG a TOXIN? Isn't mercury a TOXIN? The questions that arise in my questioning mind are endless.
Your grandmother has what is sorely lacking in the population today...common sense and a belief in her own health and apparently a skepticism in western medicine. She's living proof of the validity of keeping the balance of body, mind and spirit. God bless her.
Believe it or not many people have a mucosal resistance and the virus never has a chance to replicate. Stopped at the front door. That immunity varies by individual. See UK Challenge Study (
I try to avoid respiratory infections via mouth/nose sanitation like was done eons ago. I use a dilute Betadine solution other do fine with simple salt. So very odd our masters of public health can't be bothered to do a PSA. Doctors, some of them, say it works.
I recently discovered this nasal spray...and have been really impressed. I usually struggle with fall allergies, but have been completely fine since I started using this daily. It is a saline spray with xylitol and grapefruit seed understanding is that it coats the mucosal lining preventing allergens (as well as bacteria and viruses) from causing an issue. I can’t remember where I read that they used it it in the placebo arm of some of the trials for covid and discovered it’s got some efficacy against viral infections...anyway, thought I’d share, I’ve been really impressed.
SARS-Cov-2 is transmissible, but no more dangerous than influenza for 95% + of the population. Kids don't even know they have had it and they have built immunity! Our friends and family died from endless fear porn, dropping immune system function, house arrest in toxic cities, missing standard medical check ups and all human healthy activities, isolation, lack of vitamin D, toxic flu shots, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and influenza, all aggravated to lethal levels by medical nihilism, with the final death blow delivered by Remdesivir and a Ventilator. The last two will kill anyone who is not as strong as a bull elephant, but is guaranteed lethal for a SARS-Cov-2 patient. Pull up "Hello My name is Spartacus, and I have had Enough," using DuckDuckGo as your search engine.
This stellar piece has been vetted by the FLCCC and looks to be completely accurate by all my understandings.
These hospital protocols were the equivalent of the Nazi Trains to the Death Camps for our elderly and frail, and for African Americans, who have chronically low levels of vitamin D, high levels of diabetes, obesity, and other "co-morbidities" for "Covid."
Really hear Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Lee Merritt out. We didn't even need a new, dangerous respiratory virus for the deaths in hospital we experienced. American's underlying ill health plus the "Protocols" were all that was genuinely required.
Now the killer quackzine is dropping the young and healthy, and wreaking havoc worldwide as every nation that forced this experiment on their people are witnessing "unexplained" excess death rates, frequently much higher than those during the "pandemic!" Where this is going no one but the "Perps" really knows, yet universities and medical establishments all over the United States are still forcing them on the young and healthy, with immunity, no less! This is completely criminal and lethal behavior.
Yes they are - how do we stop it? Even De Santis signed something that has embedded in it that they can inject (without permission) a person if there is declared an emergency and it is in the best interest of the state.
"SARS-Cov-2 is transmissible, but no more dangerous than influenza for 95% + of the population."
That sounds like it's straight out of a newspaper article... How exactly do you know this? Everything else I've been seeing you say makes sense, except that. SARS COVII is a Bio-weapon, it's patented! Why/how would/could anyone patent something that a) is already a threat, even if it's not very dangerous, and b) they have clearly tampered with, or why would it be PATENTED at all?
Okay, you want to keep believing in evil, invisible attackers from Hell that fly up your nose, but not when you're SITTING DOWN in a restaurant, that's okay, but ... naw. I think you're smarter than that.
I think so - that's why I introduced the idea of 5G and whatever they are spraying in the environment. MOST of the 5G was deployed after people were sent home the last 2 years. They also stepped up the spraying. I recently read that MOST of the problems are happening in the west because of what they are spraying that dries up water, delays rain, etc. I have seen it happening around us and we've had the hottest, least rainy year that I remember in the 14 that we've lived in our coastal MS home. To me, there is no other explanation. Also, around the time they were spraying here, most of my family living in other states got sick, too. I had the "virus" twice (undiagnosed but all symptoms) but got it again in August - no doubt - same time everyone else came out with it, too. I don't know, I'm not a scientist - but I can think and see what's happening with our environment and it's not good. That people are allowing it all is what astounds me. Again, I knew something was wrong when they made a new "environmental division" to Wall Street right after sending everyone home. THEY DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO MESS WITH OUR ENVIRONMENT - but BIDEN has signed that they may. The Usurper and his administration has said that climate experiments may be allowed.
I think you're definitely in the ballpark... There a lot that we don't "KNOW," but there's also a lot of clear evidence of fuckery that anyone could put together and come up with a theory... And so there are theories, some that seem more reasonable than others, but the more facts we have, the more some of these theories seem sound. Something like a new "environmental division" to Wall Street sure sounds *interesting* to me...
And I absolutely agree: These arrogant people, doing things they HAVE NO RIGHT to do, like messing with the environment... They should be in prison, in my view. But as long as people a) can't figure out what's going on, b) can't believe it when it becomes CLEAR what's going on, and c) can't get themselves in gear to DO something about what's going on when it's shown to be going on, tells me that there is a large percentage of the population that just WON'T LIFE A FINGER to do anything about much of anything until it threatens their life, their stuff, or their kids...
We're still seeing people getting jabs for their kids, so... The tide is turning, but it's a Slow Fricken Turn.
Some people have fewer Ace2 receptors than others and this virus enters the body via Ace2. Certain races have more of these receptors so your ancestry has some influence on this. Certain things block the virus which was not highly publicized, but things like nicotine or taking high blood pressure medicine (Ace2 inhibitors) were actually protective. What really bothered me was I was taking elderberry weekly as a preventative for flu and yet that did not block the new covid virus from getting me down in Dec 2019 before it was known in the US. I later tested positive for antibodies is how I know I had it, plus also the fact that I had Covid Toes and endothelial damage.
How is a 'virus' able to infect same person multiple times (when it supposedly got immunity after the first infection), but another person cannot infect even once?
You are trying to prove your case by using hypotheticals, which is impossible to refute (or prove). Observation suggests that there are many different factors influencing whether a person gets sick or not. The presence of an agent of contagion (perhaps a "virus" or some bacteria) does seem to be a factor.
It is not possible to avoid the pool of toxic sludge that we all live in. So your argument is irrelevant.
You call it that, but not as a result of science. You call it "immunity" because it fits your narrative. Don't be afraid to QUESTION, even your OWN narrative. THAT is science.
300 colds in your lifetime . Why no increased immunity to them . In fact they older you get the worse they get. in most cases a cold / flu takes you out in the end
Because colds and flus are inflammation (because of differences in temperatures, etc) and/or detox processes (because of toxins that built up in the organism).
The more toxins you get, the more severe the detox process it is.
Plus, it seems really weird that a family doctor sees more reality in an invisible virus than in a measurable toxic substance that could be affecting a patient. Low dose toxic poisoning is essentially poopooed; only lethal poisoning seems to get anyone's attention. One has to go outside conventional medicine for the miracles rendered through detox programs.
I recently listened to a Dr. Lee Merritt presentation about the 1918 "Spanish flu" and it was fascinating: That illness might have been blown out of proportion over time for pharma propaganda purposes. And two things might have been making people ill in that general era -- reactions to faulty inoculations given to soldiers during world War I and the proliferation of new electrical/telegraph lines which were only later made to better direct the flow of energy in as safe a manner as possible. That is, EMF illness may have been in the mix of human illnesses as technology was initiated and the human organism struggled to adapt. Information like this indicates that the story of human illness and human ability to adapt may be more interesting, fascinating, complex and mind-blowing than the rut in the science road repeated with the singular virus/contagion/immunity/vaccination mantra ENFORCED on society for decades. I think Science should operate a Big Tent and any system which tries to limit Science to a single paradigm should be questioned vigorously and loudly.
At 72 my worst cold was my first semester living on a college campus when I was 21. Not many since then. The flu? Rare, and often wonder if at times what I thought was the flu was some form of food poisoning. The last time I had an undisputed flu was about 12 years ago when a housemate decided to get a flu vax, got sick immediately, and made the rest of us in the house all sick with it, too. I'd call that an experience of "shedding" for sure.
It hasn't been my experience that growing older equates with increased illness. So, I don't think an older person is a sicker and sicker person.
Shoulda been "DE-toxin." ^_^ Those poor exosomes really got a bad rap! But what's clearly a HUGE CLUE is that exosomes are created BY THE BODY, they are the detoxers, not the CAUSE... Well, there it is. And so easy to pull the wool over everyone's eyes...
I like the word "exosome" because now "virus" has been utterly spoiled, after all these years of bs.
What's also interesting is how so many people study virology and somehow MISS the connection, MISS the nonsensical "virus theory" that is utterly bizarre... But then, look how many people think these masks are efficacious without ANYTHING to back that up. The FEAR that comes into people's eyes when I tell them masks don't work... And they get very condescending about me saying this... Oh, the human psychology is all about being RIGHT, because Oh, My Dog, if I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong about a LOT of things... Now I have to go actually STUDY something!!!!!!!! ;)
Indeed. The argumentation offered for contagion is unfalsifiable. If someone nearby gets sick, it's taken as proof of contagion. If somene nearby doesn't get sick, it's explained as contagion plus immunity. Thie pattern is a sign of a pseudoscience, where the number of postulated entities rises as fast as the number of phenomena.
i find utterly disgusting that there exists a paper on the 2018 spanish flu
which fauchi co authored
and in it they all concluded that majority of deaths werent flu but actually bacterial pnuemonia - and theory is that extended mask wearing was the culprit
I read that study a couple of years ago when it was first drawn to my attention. While it did conclude that many deaths were from bacterial pneumonia, I could find no mention of the pneumonia being related to mask wearing. It also did not conclude that the bacterial pneumonia was not a direct result of the flu.
This almost doesn't matter - I don't think the study matters all that much wrt either figuring out what happened with covid, nor with figuring out Tony Fauci's general character - there is plenty of other evidence for both arguments. Nevertheless - this is a (common) mischaracterization of that particular piece of evidence.
It's worth remembering that studies we have show no significant effect on respiratory diseases from mask wearing. If we are happy to accept those studies as proof that the requirement for masks is/was nonsense, we probably also should accept that they don't seem to cause a statistically significant increase in either infection or severity of respiratory disease either.
One of the things I find fascinating here is how it is accepted at face value (even as that narrative is fundamental to entities that intend harm and profit from that harm) that there is this one "thing", this virus, that is causing disease and death.
Yet these same people who make this claim when confronted with the "healthy person amidst the sick" go into an array of intricate descriptions as to how that person remained healthy.
The example I gave is not a theoretical one. It is a verifiable first hand account.
Another first-hand account is my own. From about 2015 to 2022, I never got sick despite trying. We have two kids. Whenever they were sick, I would increase my usual role of "Daddy vacuum cleaner" and eat up the leftover food on their plates, drink up their water glasses, take my own temperature straight after taking theirs, etc.
In early 2022, I felt terrible for a few days and stayed in bed. I don't know why for sure but attribute it to the complicated, year-long process of emigrating finally being mostly done, so I could relax and heal -- meaning perhaps detox -- from the stress of it.
some theorize the flu (or the condition associated with its symptoms) is a normal bodily function initiated when too much toxins accumulate within the body's cells from day to day life.
this would also explain why the symptoms follow a pattern with everyone. because the body follows a detox pattern of operation. and its the same for everyone almost
Wrong... Good health can also be explained by lack of irritant/agent as well as immunity; you're making the dialogue up as you go, to fit your own biases. What you call pseudoscience uses much better logic and evidence than anything your or your germ-rejecting friends have yet provided.
I had pointed out that, when someone else in a family gets sick, it's "explained" as -- really, just called -- contagion. When someone else in the same family doesn't get sick, it's "explained" as immunity (to explain why the alleged contagion didn't happen despite the same exposure). All bases are covered, which is characteristic of a pseudoscience.
Your post just repeats that base-covering argument. Calling it "better logic" just makes me wonder even more how sound the logic of virology is.
Yes, never mind the fact that any time this has been scientifically scrutinized rather than simply anecdote as Dr John has provided, findings have come up bupkis (Rosenau for example and many more). Contagion exists in the narratives we create, certainly not the scientific literature
Which just happens to make virology utterly non falsifiable on the contagion front. Lucky that. As long as they can find the virus in human hosts though....oh wait.
I see you ran away. At least you're smart enough to know when you've been whipped. If you can progress to not saying stupid things with arrogant assurance you'll be doing even better.
I know I'm about to be pooh-poohed for saying this bc metaphysics has no place in a proper scientific debate, but I say more's the pity. In order for one to maintain proper health, there must be a balance of body, mind and yes, spirit. You must believe in the integrity of your God-given body as well as a trust in a benevolent Universe, that would like nothing more than for you to thrive and become a contributing individual. Therefore you are not at the mercy of all bacteria or viruses that science discovers or puts a name to! We trust too entirely in the manmade, allopathic medical system and given that Rockefeller money funded it and brutally shut down all other schools of medicine, it needs to stop. I am in my 40s and can count on one hand how many times I've been sick enough to stay home from work. Was it bc of a flu virus? Maybe, but the real reason for sickness was more likely an emotional or mental unbalance that resulted in the flu! Stress is always involved. But the sickness is merely a warning to get to the root of the problem. Return to balance and the illness will go away without vaccines or pharmaceuticals.
The Flu will go away, as your body repels it. Yes - boost your immune system, and do your best to stay strong...but every so often you're going to get sick... And there's really nothing in the allopathic pharma or vaccine world that actually works to prevent or treat the flu. Perhaps Ivermectin works on it - studies should be done. But much of the FLCCC and related protocols is things like vitamin D and Zinc + quercetin, NACL etc..
People have been getting the flu for a long time... Much longer than the admittedly pernicious Rockefeller influence has been around.
Yes, sickness predates the Rockefellers, for sure, but the reasons for it will always be an imbalance in the over all individual. Yes, of course people die of diseases, but it only mirrors the individual's unwillingness to correct the emotional, mental and even the physical reason, ie: smoking, junk food, lack of exercise etc.
When I got Mononucleosis, I was doing great, living and surfing on O'ahu. I got it the standard way, by kissing a beautiful girl - who mentioned that she felt like she was catching a cold. It seemed 'worth the risk', at the time...
And no, I was living just as healthy as I did long before and long after. The Mono was pretty extreme, as 'colds' go - but it was limited to a time when I had direct contact with someone infected.
Catholic Church believes in scientific truth. Some Scientists reject that God can suspend laws He made... Like scientific laws.... They reject miracles, such as Fatina, Virgin of Guadalupe miracles etc.
You can't flip that around because not everyone is susceptible to whatever. For instance, if everyone eats from a buffet and 80% end up with the symptoms of food poisoning, you would conclude that the food must be contaminated even if 20% did not get food poisoning but ate the same food as everyone else ie. they didn't avoid the mayo, for instance. T
Howeve,r to the point brought up by Dr. John, if an outside person didn't know food could be contaminated, a situation such as the above could look as if there is a contagion spreading from person to person rather than from the food.
Food poisoning is usually caused by bacteria, unless it is some toxin like poisonous mushrooms, so that would still not be an acceptable analogy for those who believe there is no such thing as bacterial illness.
Every person almost gets sick once or twice a year. It might be ‘I’m a bit under the weather. I’m going to go to bed early tonight’ and it goes away. In BC we have 5 million people. Let’s say one sickness every two years but three other ‘under the weathers’ on average. So 10 million new sicknesses a year. However slight. That’s a lot of new diseases a year. But more so it’s 25-30,000 a day. Random number distribution would say it would not be evenly distributed throughout a year. We would see lots of day to day stuff. But we’d also see clumping. Which we then call ‘something is going around’. But it might be simply random distribution.
That's not random distribution. That can be caused by a number of issues. BO? Adultress wife? Lousy Lover? This is a complex issue that requires a lot of study. It doesn't seem to be contagious....thank goodness.
Right - my 18-year-old never got the Wuhan flu. Sinus? Yes - and much of that was either what was blooming or what they were spraying. Great immune system, thank God, and good habits (although he could use a bit more exercise).
Listen to Dr. Mike Yeadon among others. He was open minded enough to dive into this rabbit hole and honest enough to recognize and speak about the underlying problems with standard viral theories.
So while yes, viruses as currently described in standard texts do nicely explain our lived experiences, there is still an underlying flaw, a pretty big one, in viral science.
It is possible that they are a bit different than we think, and that they can be transmitted or "triggered" by other mechanisms than direct contact, and that our cells, under certain circumstances, can actually produce what we call "viruses" themselves.
I think we need to consider Rupert Sheldrake, Nikola Tesla, and Wilhelm Reich in all our studies of Biology.
We perhaps don't understand everything in Nature as well as we assume we do!
The problem I have with the "viruses don't exist" hypothesis is that they (Cowan, etc.) say that there is no such thing as contagion & that diseases are caused by toxins or nutritional deficiencies. As Igor pointed out, most of us have experiences of getting sick from others. Contagion is obvious, maybe viruses don't cause illness, but something does.
Let's flip that around.
How do you explain that someone can be around people who are constantly sick from a purported virus, in direct contact with them for extended periods on a daily basis over the course of two years no less, and that person never gets sick.
We call it immunity.
So how is that the virus is able to impact every single one of these people, repeatedly in fact, except this one person. We are also talking about the most deadly, transmissible and long-lasting virus in human history.
This has been going on for two and a half years.
Does this one person have superpowers or some insane immune system or is it blind luck?
Is it possible there is something else going on?
My grandmother is 94. Sharp as tack. Very social. Never wore a mask and didn't get the injections.
She also never received any vaccines in her life.
She never had covid.
I wonder if it's other vaccines that perhaps weakened people's immune system?
The quadrivalent "flu" vaccine was rolled out in 2019.
I believe that is an avenue worth exploring.
However the reality is that there would have been no excess deaths whatsoever in March/April 2020 had it not been for policy changes in nursing homes and hospitals that directly caused that spike in deaths.
Vaccines ABSOLUTELY weaken the immune system! And they are full of toxins. When you are walking around with a huge body burden of mercury, aluminum, and other "nasties" your immune system is definitely depressed.
But to see the results in children of immune system harms from vaccination, look at Dr. James Lyons Weiler's peer reviewed study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice, or the Guinea-Bissau study showing little girls that are vaccinated dying at much higher rates than the unvaccinated, or The Control Group Litigation's Survey of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed.
Everywhere you look the unvaccinated are vastly healthier.
And the Lazarus study of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care showed less than 1% of vaccine adverse events make it into VAERS.
We are killing ourselves and our children with this practice which has never been proven either safe or effective!
People's immune systems are being weakened by modern life.. Some people are gifted at birth with powerful immunity and some get it by lifestyle.
My kids are the only people I know that have not had Covid. They are not vaccinated with anything, except my son until he was 4 months old (and his reaction to vaccines woke me up). I do think that their untouched immune systems help them repel a lot of viruses that make others sick. I also tried to infect them with chicken pox when they were young (an MD couple I knew invited me over so that my kids could catch it from their very spotty kids). Nothing.
Possibly the annual flu vaccine may have driven some ADE.
I concur. My dad lived to 99 was sharp. NEVER took any vacc's. Ever that I know of. Ate pretty healthy, but not all that concerned. Mom, on the other hand, died at 83, ate SUPER healthy, gardened all the time, but DID get some flu shots, how many, I'm guessing at least ten in her life.
She suffered "hot flashes" all her post menapausal life, and got breast cancer, and had some pituitary gland growth issue as well. Poor lady. I'm now beginning to be not so puzzled by this. I'm of the mind to agree with many docs and nurses who "know" that the vacc. campaign to stick every person multiple times, is just a means to make people sick and prone to their "care" while bilking the ins. co.s at the same time.
Thanks for your post,
ABSOLUTELY! Vaccines destroy the immune system. Tons of evidence.
Exploding autoimmunity in the children as vaccine schedules ballooned from 5 to 72 . Exploding cancer rates in the vaccinated.
Read Dr. Sherrie Tenpenny. Go to the High Wire and ICAN. Read Children's Health Defense's "Vaccines, Gateway Drugs by Design?" Read Dr. James Lyons Weiler's Study of Dr. Paul Thomas's pediatric practice----conclusion, "The unvaccinated simply do not get sick!" Finally, spend a little time with the Control Group Litigation's Survey Study. You will never be blind to the truth of vaccines ever again.
YES. Absolutely. VACCINES are made by mad scientists. Just look at the ingredients to some and ask yourself...WHERE DID THEY COME UP WITH THEM FROM? A seer? A card reader? An LSD trip? A dream? The "holy spirit"? The DEVIL? Why are OBVIOUS toxins in them? Isn't PEG a TOXIN? Isn't mercury a TOXIN? The questions that arise in my questioning mind are endless.
Your grandmother has what is sorely lacking in the population today...common sense and a belief in her own health and apparently a skepticism in western medicine. She's living proof of the validity of keeping the balance of body, mind and spirit. God bless her.
Yup. Me, too.
Yes. Not so much weakened it, but the other vaccines were TOXIC and the toxin is still in the victims.
How do you know your grandmother had "Covid"? On the basis of a ridiculous PCR test? Or was it just their idiotic supposition?
Believe it or not many people have a mucosal resistance and the virus never has a chance to replicate. Stopped at the front door. That immunity varies by individual. See UK Challenge Study (
I try to avoid respiratory infections via mouth/nose sanitation like was done eons ago. I use a dilute Betadine solution other do fine with simple salt. So very odd our masters of public health can't be bothered to do a PSA. Doctors, some of them, say it works.
Or don't cut all your nose hairs out. I truly believe that helps. It is the first barrier.
And wash your mouth out people.
I recently discovered this nasal spray...and have been really impressed. I usually struggle with fall allergies, but have been completely fine since I started using this daily. It is a saline spray with xylitol and grapefruit seed understanding is that it coats the mucosal lining preventing allergens (as well as bacteria and viruses) from causing an issue. I can’t remember where I read that they used it it in the placebo arm of some of the trials for covid and discovered it’s got some efficacy against viral infections...anyway, thought I’d share, I’ve been really impressed.
I never got covid. Hell, I stopped getting flu ONCE I STOPPED getting flu shot.
Ill send a link in a second
Look at me... I'm an animal. When some alarming news comes in, I just stare at my gorilla pecs for comfort
I offered hugs to people in 2020 to mock covid😎😎😎😎😎 if nobody thinks you're funny but you...
My only illnrss... Bad headaches after arguing with people on internet that have no logic
SARS-Cov-2 is transmissible, but no more dangerous than influenza for 95% + of the population. Kids don't even know they have had it and they have built immunity! Our friends and family died from endless fear porn, dropping immune system function, house arrest in toxic cities, missing standard medical check ups and all human healthy activities, isolation, lack of vitamin D, toxic flu shots, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and influenza, all aggravated to lethal levels by medical nihilism, with the final death blow delivered by Remdesivir and a Ventilator. The last two will kill anyone who is not as strong as a bull elephant, but is guaranteed lethal for a SARS-Cov-2 patient. Pull up "Hello My name is Spartacus, and I have had Enough," using DuckDuckGo as your search engine.
This stellar piece has been vetted by the FLCCC and looks to be completely accurate by all my understandings.
These hospital protocols were the equivalent of the Nazi Trains to the Death Camps for our elderly and frail, and for African Americans, who have chronically low levels of vitamin D, high levels of diabetes, obesity, and other "co-morbidities" for "Covid."
Really hear Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dr. Lee Merritt out. We didn't even need a new, dangerous respiratory virus for the deaths in hospital we experienced. American's underlying ill health plus the "Protocols" were all that was genuinely required.
Now the killer quackzine is dropping the young and healthy, and wreaking havoc worldwide as every nation that forced this experiment on their people are witnessing "unexplained" excess death rates, frequently much higher than those during the "pandemic!" Where this is going no one but the "Perps" really knows, yet universities and medical establishments all over the United States are still forcing them on the young and healthy, with immunity, no less! This is completely criminal and lethal behavior.
The Governments are killing the people.
Yes they are - how do we stop it? Even De Santis signed something that has embedded in it that they can inject (without permission) a person if there is declared an emergency and it is in the best interest of the state.
"SARS-Cov-2 is transmissible, but no more dangerous than influenza for 95% + of the population."
That sounds like it's straight out of a newspaper article... How exactly do you know this? Everything else I've been seeing you say makes sense, except that. SARS COVII is a Bio-weapon, it's patented! Why/how would/could anyone patent something that a) is already a threat, even if it's not very dangerous, and b) they have clearly tampered with, or why would it be PATENTED at all?
Okay, you want to keep believing in evil, invisible attackers from Hell that fly up your nose, but not when you're SITTING DOWN in a restaurant, that's okay, but ... naw. I think you're smarter than that.
I think so - that's why I introduced the idea of 5G and whatever they are spraying in the environment. MOST of the 5G was deployed after people were sent home the last 2 years. They also stepped up the spraying. I recently read that MOST of the problems are happening in the west because of what they are spraying that dries up water, delays rain, etc. I have seen it happening around us and we've had the hottest, least rainy year that I remember in the 14 that we've lived in our coastal MS home. To me, there is no other explanation. Also, around the time they were spraying here, most of my family living in other states got sick, too. I had the "virus" twice (undiagnosed but all symptoms) but got it again in August - no doubt - same time everyone else came out with it, too. I don't know, I'm not a scientist - but I can think and see what's happening with our environment and it's not good. That people are allowing it all is what astounds me. Again, I knew something was wrong when they made a new "environmental division" to Wall Street right after sending everyone home. THEY DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO MESS WITH OUR ENVIRONMENT - but BIDEN has signed that they may. The Usurper and his administration has said that climate experiments may be allowed.
I think you're definitely in the ballpark... There a lot that we don't "KNOW," but there's also a lot of clear evidence of fuckery that anyone could put together and come up with a theory... And so there are theories, some that seem more reasonable than others, but the more facts we have, the more some of these theories seem sound. Something like a new "environmental division" to Wall Street sure sounds *interesting* to me...
And I absolutely agree: These arrogant people, doing things they HAVE NO RIGHT to do, like messing with the environment... They should be in prison, in my view. But as long as people a) can't figure out what's going on, b) can't believe it when it becomes CLEAR what's going on, and c) can't get themselves in gear to DO something about what's going on when it's shown to be going on, tells me that there is a large percentage of the population that just WON'T LIFE A FINGER to do anything about much of anything until it threatens their life, their stuff, or their kids...
We're still seeing people getting jabs for their kids, so... The tide is turning, but it's a Slow Fricken Turn.
That healthy person may be a witch.
1692 was a very good year....
"We are also talking about the most deadly, transmissible and long-lasting virus in human history."
Are you talking about SARS2?
I always use scare quotes or "alleged" before "SARS-CoV-2."
The internet doesn't do nuance in speech.
Some people have fewer Ace2 receptors than others and this virus enters the body via Ace2. Certain races have more of these receptors so your ancestry has some influence on this. Certain things block the virus which was not highly publicized, but things like nicotine or taking high blood pressure medicine (Ace2 inhibitors) were actually protective. What really bothered me was I was taking elderberry weekly as a preventative for flu and yet that did not block the new covid virus from getting me down in Dec 2019 before it was known in the US. I later tested positive for antibodies is how I know I had it, plus also the fact that I had Covid Toes and endothelial damage.
Nicotine blocks Ace2 receptor. But it also upregulates Ace2.
Tested how? The PCR?
Just imagine, for a second: What if "Covid" is actually poisoning from EMF's?
Flu viruses? Been around since the beginning of time, until wuflu came along and totally eradicated the flu.
We went from averaging about 30,000 deaths per year in the last decade to almost 0. Why do you think that is?
Well that's an easy one- I wrote this in April 2020:
what's going on is that this person hasn't damaged his gut and all of the others have.
Those are my thoughts exactly, especially given that many people are ending up with "sepsis."
Aren't you describing contagion in all of these other people?
Yes, If you watch this you will gain some insight. Clue: it has to do with yeast or ecoli in the body.
Because that person has been exposed and has immunity. Pretty simple stuff.
How is a 'virus' able to infect same person multiple times (when it supposedly got immunity after the first infection), but another person cannot infect even once?
Yeah, right ..
VAXX Bio Weapon
"Virus" = bioweapon, too.
IT'S A BIOWEAPON!! I know you understand that or you wouldn't have put it in quotes. People are lab rats right now.
The only bioweapon is the vaxx.
The 'virus' is smoke and mirrors. Only exists inside the TV..
Exactly! Maybe because this one is not "real virus"?
Shock horror!
Oh, it's EVIL, and... determined. ;) It has a MIND, an EVIL mind.
I was breathing hard and sweating there trying to remain polite with Isabel, did you see her remark?
What if you knew that all of those other people had been swimming in a pool of toxic sludge each day but that one person was not doing this.
Would that still be a case of "immunity?"
You are trying to prove your case by using hypotheticals, which is impossible to refute (or prove). Observation suggests that there are many different factors influencing whether a person gets sick or not. The presence of an agent of contagion (perhaps a "virus" or some bacteria) does seem to be a factor.
It is not possible to avoid the pool of toxic sludge that we all live in. So your argument is irrelevant.
You call it that, but not as a result of science. You call it "immunity" because it fits your narrative. Don't be afraid to QUESTION, even your OWN narrative. THAT is science.
300 colds in your lifetime . Why no increased immunity to them . In fact they older you get the worse they get. in most cases a cold / flu takes you out in the end
Because colds and flus are inflammation (because of differences in temperatures, etc) and/or detox processes (because of toxins that built up in the organism).
The more toxins you get, the more severe the detox process it is.
There's no viruses to build immunity against.
There's a clarity in what you say here.
Plus, it seems really weird that a family doctor sees more reality in an invisible virus than in a measurable toxic substance that could be affecting a patient. Low dose toxic poisoning is essentially poopooed; only lethal poisoning seems to get anyone's attention. One has to go outside conventional medicine for the miracles rendered through detox programs.
I recently listened to a Dr. Lee Merritt presentation about the 1918 "Spanish flu" and it was fascinating: That illness might have been blown out of proportion over time for pharma propaganda purposes. And two things might have been making people ill in that general era -- reactions to faulty inoculations given to soldiers during world War I and the proliferation of new electrical/telegraph lines which were only later made to better direct the flow of energy in as safe a manner as possible. That is, EMF illness may have been in the mix of human illnesses as technology was initiated and the human organism struggled to adapt. Information like this indicates that the story of human illness and human ability to adapt may be more interesting, fascinating, complex and mind-blowing than the rut in the science road repeated with the singular virus/contagion/immunity/vaccination mantra ENFORCED on society for decades. I think Science should operate a Big Tent and any system which tries to limit Science to a single paradigm should be questioned vigorously and loudly.
At 72 my worst cold was my first semester living on a college campus when I was 21. Not many since then. The flu? Rare, and often wonder if at times what I thought was the flu was some form of food poisoning. The last time I had an undisputed flu was about 12 years ago when a housemate decided to get a flu vax, got sick immediately, and made the rest of us in the house all sick with it, too. I'd call that an experience of "shedding" for sure.
It hasn't been my experience that growing older equates with increased illness. So, I don't think an older person is a sicker and sicker person.
Hah hahh--!! That's pure bullshit.
Fuck off, troll
I call it a "conclusion" based on conjecture. These threads are so hard to follow! This was to Marius' comment....
Funny thing is, the original meaning of the 'virus' word, was toxin..
Shoulda been "DE-toxin." ^_^ Those poor exosomes really got a bad rap! But what's clearly a HUGE CLUE is that exosomes are created BY THE BODY, they are the detoxers, not the CAUSE... Well, there it is. And so easy to pull the wool over everyone's eyes...
I like the word "exosome" because now "virus" has been utterly spoiled, after all these years of bs.
What's also interesting is how so many people study virology and somehow MISS the connection, MISS the nonsensical "virus theory" that is utterly bizarre... But then, look how many people think these masks are efficacious without ANYTHING to back that up. The FEAR that comes into people's eyes when I tell them masks don't work... And they get very condescending about me saying this... Oh, the human psychology is all about being RIGHT, because Oh, My Dog, if I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong about a LOT of things... Now I have to go actually STUDY something!!!!!!!! ;)
Indeed. The argumentation offered for contagion is unfalsifiable. If someone nearby gets sick, it's taken as proof of contagion. If somene nearby doesn't get sick, it's explained as contagion plus immunity. Thie pattern is a sign of a pseudoscience, where the number of postulated entities rises as fast as the number of phenomena.
How much of the respiratory sickness was caused by all those XXXX masks worn for more than 8 hours at a time?
i find utterly disgusting that there exists a paper on the 2018 spanish flu
which fauchi co authored
and in it they all concluded that majority of deaths werent flu but actually bacterial pnuemonia - and theory is that extended mask wearing was the culprit
clown world indeed
I read that study a couple of years ago when it was first drawn to my attention. While it did conclude that many deaths were from bacterial pneumonia, I could find no mention of the pneumonia being related to mask wearing. It also did not conclude that the bacterial pneumonia was not a direct result of the flu.
This almost doesn't matter - I don't think the study matters all that much wrt either figuring out what happened with covid, nor with figuring out Tony Fauci's general character - there is plenty of other evidence for both arguments. Nevertheless - this is a (common) mischaracterization of that particular piece of evidence.
You would think that would be a pretty obvious question wouldn't you?
Not to mention the bacterial and fungal colonies that come wtih those obscene face coverings.
And how about the toxic fibers that make up those blue masks going into the lungs?
It's worth remembering that studies we have show no significant effect on respiratory diseases from mask wearing. If we are happy to accept those studies as proof that the requirement for masks is/was nonsense, we probably also should accept that they don't seem to cause a statistically significant increase in either infection or severity of respiratory disease either.
One of the things I find fascinating here is how it is accepted at face value (even as that narrative is fundamental to entities that intend harm and profit from that harm) that there is this one "thing", this virus, that is causing disease and death.
Yet these same people who make this claim when confronted with the "healthy person amidst the sick" go into an array of intricate descriptions as to how that person remained healthy.
The example I gave is not a theoretical one. It is a verifiable first hand account.
Another first-hand account is my own. From about 2015 to 2022, I never got sick despite trying. We have two kids. Whenever they were sick, I would increase my usual role of "Daddy vacuum cleaner" and eat up the leftover food on their plates, drink up their water glasses, take my own temperature straight after taking theirs, etc.
In early 2022, I felt terrible for a few days and stayed in bed. I don't know why for sure but attribute it to the complicated, year-long process of emigrating finally being mostly done, so I could relax and heal -- meaning perhaps detox -- from the stress of it.
some theorize the flu (or the condition associated with its symptoms) is a normal bodily function initiated when too much toxins accumulate within the body's cells from day to day life.
this would also explain why the symptoms follow a pattern with everyone. because the body follows a detox pattern of operation. and its the same for everyone almost
I applaud you for not blaming it to a 'virus'.
Many others would have done that..
Wrong... Good health can also be explained by lack of irritant/agent as well as immunity; you're making the dialogue up as you go, to fit your own biases. What you call pseudoscience uses much better logic and evidence than anything your or your germ-rejecting friends have yet provided.
Your post makes my point for me.
I had pointed out that, when someone else in a family gets sick, it's "explained" as -- really, just called -- contagion. When someone else in the same family doesn't get sick, it's "explained" as immunity (to explain why the alleged contagion didn't happen despite the same exposure). All bases are covered, which is characteristic of a pseudoscience.
Your post just repeats that base-covering argument. Calling it "better logic" just makes me wonder even more how sound the logic of virology is.
Don is a typical person who sees himself only in others. He needs us.
people don't always remember being healthy, but they always remember getting sick.
and this little nugget is what they use to fuel the fear that keeps this viral charade going...
Yes, never mind the fact that any time this has been scientifically scrutinized rather than simply anecdote as Dr John has provided, findings have come up bupkis (Rosenau for example and many more). Contagion exists in the narratives we create, certainly not the scientific literature
I agree with you Nick
Terrain ALSO exists meaning that you have a strong enough immune system, and/or are inoculated by previous exposures.
Which just happens to make virology utterly non falsifiable on the contagion front. Lucky that. As long as they can find the virus in human hosts though....oh wait.
More than one factor at play doesn't make this unfalsifiable, lol. Just more difficult to get a grip on than superficially looking at it.
I see, your exposure to remotely complex systems is nil.
I see you ran away. At least you're smart enough to know when you've been whipped. If you can progress to not saying stupid things with arrogant assurance you'll be doing even better.
Because both theories are valid? Or is this highlander and there can only be one?
Lol, good one!
Because all 3 are BS! BS! BS!
The three narratives that I alluded to previously
Well human challenge trials are underway with SARS-CoV-2 and people were readily infected when exposed.
I know I'm about to be pooh-poohed for saying this bc metaphysics has no place in a proper scientific debate, but I say more's the pity. In order for one to maintain proper health, there must be a balance of body, mind and yes, spirit. You must believe in the integrity of your God-given body as well as a trust in a benevolent Universe, that would like nothing more than for you to thrive and become a contributing individual. Therefore you are not at the mercy of all bacteria or viruses that science discovers or puts a name to! We trust too entirely in the manmade, allopathic medical system and given that Rockefeller money funded it and brutally shut down all other schools of medicine, it needs to stop. I am in my 40s and can count on one hand how many times I've been sick enough to stay home from work. Was it bc of a flu virus? Maybe, but the real reason for sickness was more likely an emotional or mental unbalance that resulted in the flu! Stress is always involved. But the sickness is merely a warning to get to the root of the problem. Return to balance and the illness will go away without vaccines or pharmaceuticals.
The Flu will go away, as your body repels it. Yes - boost your immune system, and do your best to stay strong...but every so often you're going to get sick... And there's really nothing in the allopathic pharma or vaccine world that actually works to prevent or treat the flu. Perhaps Ivermectin works on it - studies should be done. But much of the FLCCC and related protocols is things like vitamin D and Zinc + quercetin, NACL etc..
People have been getting the flu for a long time... Much longer than the admittedly pernicious Rockefeller influence has been around.
Exactly so - my question about all of this was, "Since when weren't people supposed to get sick?"
Yes, sickness predates the Rockefellers, for sure, but the reasons for it will always be an imbalance in the over all individual. Yes, of course people die of diseases, but it only mirrors the individual's unwillingness to correct the emotional, mental and even the physical reason, ie: smoking, junk food, lack of exercise etc.
Agree to disagree, then.
When I got Mononucleosis, I was doing great, living and surfing on O'ahu. I got it the standard way, by kissing a beautiful girl - who mentioned that she felt like she was catching a cold. It seemed 'worth the risk', at the time...
And no, I was living just as healthy as I did long before and long after. The Mono was pretty extreme, as 'colds' go - but it was limited to a time when I had direct contact with someone infected.
Catholic Church believes in scientific truth. Some Scientists reject that God can suspend laws He made... Like scientific laws.... They reject miracles, such as Fatina, Virgin of Guadalupe miracles etc.
I believe God suspends laws. Virgin of Guadalupe, Fatima. Oh, The Resurrection
You can't flip that around because not everyone is susceptible to whatever. For instance, if everyone eats from a buffet and 80% end up with the symptoms of food poisoning, you would conclude that the food must be contaminated even if 20% did not get food poisoning but ate the same food as everyone else ie. they didn't avoid the mayo, for instance. T
Howeve,r to the point brought up by Dr. John, if an outside person didn't know food could be contaminated, a situation such as the above could look as if there is a contagion spreading from person to person rather than from the food.
Food poisoning is usually caused by bacteria, unless it is some toxin like poisonous mushrooms, so that would still not be an acceptable analogy for those who believe there is no such thing as bacterial illness.
Innate immunity.
Pre-existing immunity.
General state of health.
General state of GI health.
How about Occam's razor: there's no virus to begin with, disease is caused by environmental factors (toxicity, etc)
There are contagious agents, and there are co-factors.
Please, show me the contagion experiment.
Every person almost gets sick once or twice a year. It might be ‘I’m a bit under the weather. I’m going to go to bed early tonight’ and it goes away. In BC we have 5 million people. Let’s say one sickness every two years but three other ‘under the weathers’ on average. So 10 million new sicknesses a year. However slight. That’s a lot of new diseases a year. But more so it’s 25-30,000 a day. Random number distribution would say it would not be evenly distributed throughout a year. We would see lots of day to day stuff. But we’d also see clumping. Which we then call ‘something is going around’. But it might be simply random distribution.
Why does "Not tonight, I have a headache" affect some husbands more than others?
That's not random distribution. That can be caused by a number of issues. BO? Adultress wife? Lousy Lover? This is a complex issue that requires a lot of study. It doesn't seem to be contagious....thank goodness.
And the number one answer is: Disparity in sex drives.
Right - my 18-year-old never got the Wuhan flu. Sinus? Yes - and much of that was either what was blooming or what they were spraying. Great immune system, thank God, and good habits (although he could use a bit more exercise).
They have a well functioning immune system. Could it be that easy? No leaky gut etc.