A cynic might almost suspect that there is an attempt to eliminate the indigenous middle class population to be replaced by (illegal) immigraants to do the required manual labour.! Outrageous I know but in these days of the WEF and the Globalist Reset, this might be why "you will have nothing and you will be happy"? Perhaps what they meant is that you should feel lucky just to be alive!!

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It wasn't like the authorities didn't try to get BAME people living in economically deprived areas to get jabbed though. They seemed to be genuinely irritated at the time that black people especially were not queueing up to get sterilised, injured and dead. Combine this with the fact that they keep trying to push these 'vaccines' onto the Third World, the fact that Gates and GAVI have previous form in promoting sterilising drugs in the Third World and you'll see that the bigger picture is one of global depopulation, not just wiping out the predominantly white middle classes here in Blighty.


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I think they're just stupid enough to truly believe this vaccine is their savior. Maybe on a subconscious level it's their Freudian death drive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_drive

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Oct 15, 2022Edited
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It was an expensive hour with you but worth every penny.

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The illegal alien invasion of western countries is for the short-term purpose of cultural destabilization and to break the social welfare systems financially and functionally, then to out-breed the indigenous populations of Europe, and the population of the U.S. as a "replacement migration" scheme. The invaders will be much easier to control because of their generally very poor educational status and lower I.Q.s (being mostly from lower classes in impoverished areas where less-than-optimal-nutrition is the norm). Controllable Masses are easily preyed upon and then exterminated when the Ruling Overlords are ready to finish THEM off, too (after having served their purpose of assisting in the extermination of the smarter people they supplanted).

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My impression is that it was the best educated that were most easily fooled and manipulated during the past 21/2 years, and my observation matches today's post assessment by Igor; These immigration waves of people entering the 1st world will behave in unpredictable ways and will act on instinct and the globalists will likely not be able to control them.

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I absolutely agree. It matches my personal experiences and observations:

The higher the level of education, the easier people bought into the narrative.

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Resistance is U shaped. People with PhDs have higher levels of vaccine "hesistancy", although it's not a big difference. My guess is that that hesitancy is hard earned - the children of people with STEM degrees have been HARD hit with autism, and a LOT of the people in the STEM community know the vaccines have been a big cause of it.

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I agree.

Actually, I was not referring to "vaccine hesitancy" in particular, but rather to a - healthy - distrust of what was going on in general from 2020 onwards. The first people I could talk to about my conviction that the measures taken weren't about health were not highly educated friends, but rather, what you would call, "ordinary" people. That was back in March 2020.

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Add, they will be given guns to shoot us. It gets rid of the issue of young men killing their own families.

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I don't know if low IQ people are necessarily any easier to manipulate. Those with middling-high IQs, the "midwits", seem easiest to manipulate. Maybe it's even a plan to drive all these migrants back to the third world, or segregate them out of places where they don't want them to gangrape or run cars over people or set bombs. Passive-aggressive racism, because they're too polite to openly discuss the issue.

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Divide and conquer.

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true, Immigrants don't know the freedoms that the US citizens are granted in the constitution and the legal system. they will vote for anyone and just do what they are told, especially if they are getting a check.

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That’s how Trudeau got in, in Canada.

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It's happening in the US. The millions of illegal southern border crossers were not required to take the poison shot, while I as a citizen was required to take it to keep my job. I did not take it and lost my job. Another middle class person removed from society. Will the illegal immigrants be forced to take the shots for the manual labor jobs? Probably, eventually. But first we had to get them in the country, and the carrot of "no shots" (and other incentives) did just that. The stick comes next - no jab, no job. The illegal immigrants will cower to that demand, much easier than citizens.

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Your assessment makes sense... I lost my job, too. Hanging on by my toenails.

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I'm not exactly sure how it works but illegal immigrants usually have illegal employment. I know a bunch of them who have fake papers.

The employer that they work for and the type of work that they do I can't see them ever being pushed to vaccinate

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Not if they all die.

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IMO, there are Tribes of Psychos seeking power.

The WEF crowd. They talk too much, I wont comment, except the two most important. One, they said Science is no longer about Truth, it is about power. Second, they said the elite are creating an Ark for themselves and the rest of humanity will drown.

The Xi Mafia, they want to kill everyone but are amazingly patient. They actually make the vaccine for Pfizer and the nano lipid particle. If someone wants proof, let me know.

The Fake Biden Administration, he is out to lunch, but the UN and deep state want 100 million starving immigrants by 2024 to create enough chaos to "reimagine" a country that includes all of North and South America. Lara Logan has a UN leaker that says this is what they are doing. The looney no fertilizers is part of it.

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Actually, I understand the vaccine, or ONE of them, at least, was invented by DARPA, which makes perfect sense. As to who manufactured it, does it matter? It comes from the DOD. That should open everyone's eyes, if they wrap their brains around it...

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Makes sense to me. I've been hearing about some future thing called "The Event." WTF do you imagine that might be? JFC. And I think maybe the "ark" is actually underground... Apparently there's a whole network of "living spaces" somewhere, or in various places... I have to say I think these NWO Useless Eaters BELONG underground, but not still breathing...

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Now there's a comment you can swallow hook, line, and sinker, good work Bull Dog!

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This guy was told that the fighting age males flooding our shores are in fact NATO troops! Truly shocking if true. Worth a watch: https://gettr.com/streaming/p1s8oym3573?

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That's a one hour 15 minute interview with an English funeral director. I've seen an interview with him before. He's definitely interesting, but could you point me to the minute mark where the NATO troops are discussed?

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From 46 minutes

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Thanks. I watched the video from that point to the end. I guess it should be obvious from your name, but you (and he) are referring to England. There are comments about a lot of the illegals flooding the US southern border being "military age men", with the implied possibility that they could be military. I haven't heard anything beyond that though.

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When people say "military age men" I think the point they are making is where are the women and children?

Also some people worry that itmay upset the population balance?

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Possibly, but if I wasn't thinking specifically of the military angle, I'd say "younger men" or something similar, and I think most other people would too.

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You're exactly right. The middle class is overwhelmingly white, hence all this anti-white rhetoric. They are being demonized in preparation for something worse than even dispossession, I fear.

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I would call it an "autogenocide", a term coined to describe the genocide in Cambodia. Except I don't think they were committing suicide the way White people are with these vaccines, they were just killing other Cambodians that didn't fit into their ideal for a society. Maybe they're just in a hurry for all these Boomers to die off so they can buy out all their houses.

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You mean, like, GENOCIDE? I'd say that's likely!

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Leading indicators point in that direction. Prepare yourself accordingly.

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Right! I'm preparing to be murdered as we speak... (gallows humor)

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not much prep needed.

guess you can work on your facial expression.

"Freedom!" like William Wallace.

or just:


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Sounds reasonable to me! I think people are still, for the most part, and I'm including us "Truthers," unable to really comprehend the incredible Evil we are facing.

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Yea, this truther can face the incredible evil, Halloween is only 16 days away.

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Those of European ancestry a target of the cult.

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It's a bonus if you're Christian and have an IQ on the side of the Bell Curve.

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And heterosexual... we have seen the lists.

Quite enjoyed the pagans participating in celebration of Catholic hero earlier this week. Bet their hatred of their ancestors would have stopped short of giving up yhe holiday off

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I don't think they anticipated the skills of the lower economic classes. These are not people who got things on a plate, these are people who have no 'safe spaces', people who had to understand behaviour, BS and courage. Think how smart the average market trader is, they don't get fooled easily. Fear has to be more than a TV 'expert' for these guys.

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In the UK they have been trying to kill those in the lower economic classes for years.

You get used to "making do" and what would once have been a struggle becomes secdond nature.

Some of these posh twats panic if their wine is a degree too warm.

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With no population, there is no requirement for manual labour. Rewilding is on the cards.

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I need a good meal cooked. So I need an Italian old man, a Mexican old woman, and a Chinese...


Btw, I grant citizenship to any of these groups, as long as they give me 1,2 meals a week

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America has 11 million open jobs, and as of September 22, 2022 there is only about 6.2 million unemployed? Huh, they only need 5 million additional manual labors, and this year there was 2 million illegal aliens that crossed our border so I don't think that's a good reason to depopulate America, do you?

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They need servants, tho. (smdh)

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They really don’t need us for labour. Artificial intelligence and machine learning is accelerating. The robots out of Boston Dynamics can dance and do parkour. And this is only what they ALLOW us to see. Their technology must be decades more advanced than we thought it was.

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Well, you may be right. But I suspect that, given what we've seen of these people so far, they know how to kill us, scare the shit out of us, and lie to us... They don't seem to really have the kind of knowledge or creativity they THINK they have. They've fucked up a lot of what they're trying to do, and there's really VERY little chance, considering the profound complications of what they're trying to do, that they will be successful in ANY of it, other than killing off a whole lot of people. having robots that can dance and do parkour doesn't mean much to me. Robots can't think, they can't feel things emotionally, they can't make decisions, they can only calculate and be assistance in like, surgery, or manufacturing, say. I just don't see the Star Trek thing happening. Of course, they want us to believe they are waaaaay ahead of the game. I don't think so. So far, most of their claims are just that-- claims. That's my take. And even if they can kill off a lot of us, there will still be waaaaay more of us than of them. They'll never succeed. Tyranny never works. They will cause incredible harm and trouble and chaos, but they won't succeed.

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All high tech needs mass production to be cost effective. They need millions of customers to buy the products to warrant building the computers they need for ai.

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True dat.

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Think of what usually happens in tyranical takeovers. The Bolsheviks will serve as a point.

They get rid of the influencers first. The bourgois. The higher educated and wealthier people are targeted. Whether you do that via brute force or by flattery...is inconsequential. Flattery in fact is a preferred method...as it is voluntary...and does not so quickly arouse suspicion of crime.

Tell the masses...do the smart thing...get jabbed. Do the right thing. Follow the science. Concensus says. Most scientists agree. Doctors highly reccomend.

All of these affect the psyche and play into social compliance of those most needing to feel they belong among the upper class intellectually and monetarily. Tribalism in a sense.

Their egos make them low hanging fruit. I just thought of the music world...how quickly all the former rebels of the status quo are now the most vocal pushers of the same.

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And "history repeats itself", or at least rhymes.

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stil haven't defined the "you" part

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Definition of You:

1: the one or ones being addressed —used as the pronoun of the second person singular or plural in any grammatical relation except that of a possessive you may sit in that chair

—used formerly only as a plural pronoun of the second person in the dative or accusative case as direct or indirect object of a verb or as object of a preposition


2: ONE sense 2a. after a while, it grows on you

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Indigenous would not be word I'd use to describe the middle class, unless your a member of the original inhabitants of the particular place you live, and worldwide there is not much middle class that fit in the category.

Do you really believe governments are trying to replace the population? Do you think that any government could really accomplish that feat when most populations out number there governments?

If that was the case there would have never been a United States of America. Medical depopulation purposely is not even rational or logical or achievable on a world scale.

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The scheme is happening on a scale far above individual governments. This is a worldwide takeover and takedown of humanity.

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"Pleased to meet you, can you guess my name?"

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Do you even leave your house? Just asking?

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...Do you think that any government could really accomplish that feat when most populations out number their governments?...

Not too hot on history are you. It only takes a few to control the many - Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot.

Besides governments are being manipulated by the billionaire psychopaths - Soros, Gates, Schwab etc They determine what happens and have decided that they want what remains of the Earth's resources and if that means culling the Earth's population then that is what they will do. That is what they ARE doing.

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I'm up to date on history now with your lesson. I disagree, but up to date.

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Medical Tyranny has happened before.

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Oh, yea when did they depopulate the world with medical tyranny, I'd love to hear this story? If that was true, how did you survive?

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True, not the world.

Germany was under a health emergency during the entire Nazi regime. The Jews were round up in camps because it was thought they were disease vectors.

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true, but in the end the people beat the government, there are simply too many people for governments to control all of us.

Through out the history of world, people have always prevailed over governments.

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Eventually but Mao, Lenin, Hitler and Mussulini killed millions.

Covid scam probably will beat all of them combined. I dont see how it wouldnt. But the food and energy deaths will overshadow the kills no doubt.

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And the US has certainly had it ever since Rockefeller created Big Pharma.

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If English are not indigenous in England, no one is.

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Europeans have been genetically European for at least 27,000 years. The English have only about 25% Saxon dna. The rest is ancient British.

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Sorry but even "white English" are not indigenous to England.

I say this as a person who is English.

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If you took the time to comprehend my comment instead of engaging your index finger prematurely, you'd find I used the word most middle class? Or words to the effect. Thanks for your comment.

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"English" is a mixture from other European subgroups colonizng the islands: Anglo Saxons, Nordic, Norman, and Germanic, (or so . . . history classes were a VERY long time ago!)

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The true indigenous English (and British) were scattered tribes of 'Celts' who were not of the same race, but shared common cultures and customs and they settled in the British Isles from about 500 BC onwards. There's not much Celtic blood in England now; most English genetic heritage is from the the invasions of the Angles and the Saxons. Cultural heritage is far more important than genetic purity or bloodlines. What they are trying to do is erase British culture and history. That matters. If we lose our cultural identity, we lose our country and we lose ourselves and our national identity.

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In fact there is plenty of Celtic blood - the Anglo Saxons, Vikings etc who entered the coastal areas in particular bred with the Celtic women. The dna is there, especially in the matrilineal lines, but the Celtic languages were wiped out in England, as we can see from the early English language and the village names. A few place names survived - rivers and mountains.

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Ancestry.com say that in England as a whole, the proportion of Irish (Celtic) DNA is around 20%. In Scotland and NI, the proportion is twice as high, where Celtic DNA dominates over that of Anglo-Saxon and West European.


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So the Celts were the original colonizers of Britain. Interesting.

I suppose one could say that the ONLY truly indigenous group is the descendants of the equitoral Africans where humanity originally evolved. Everybody else are later migrants and colonizers!

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Neanderthals were the original inhabitants of the Eurasian continent. Modern humans from Africa invaded much later, but even so, Neanderthals and modern humans share a common ancestor on the African continent. Neanderthals lived long enough in Eurasia to evolve separately from Homo Sapiens and thus became a separate species of human, so the true indigenous Europeans really are Neanderthals and I think it's likely they made it to the British Isles during periods when there was no sea separating us from the continent. Certainly, Neanderthal DNA persists in modern humans from interbreeding during the wave of invasions of 'Out Of Africa' modern humans near the end of the last Ice Age.

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My comment was very carefully worded to avoid Establsihemnt troll pushbak

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That's good news, I despise those "Establsihemnt" (correct spelling - establishment) trolls; maybe you can take a spelling lesson before you engage your index finger on the "post" icon.

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It's called a typo. We all make them, even Establishment trolls like you. Shame your pedantic comments add no substance to the debate which is perhaps why they don't attract many upvotes?

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If you reached this comment and did not get a reply it was because were busy commenting to rational, logical, and responsible commenters, please leave a message and we will get back to you soon!

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Just to "square the circle" as it were, your spelling is awful, it should be "we're" (as in the truncated form of "we are") not "were". I told you that even Establishment Trolls make typos, or perhaps in your case you wouldn't know the difference?

Perfect way to end such a heavenly "conversation" with someone who clearly overestimates his/her/its intellectual capabilities and has nothing to add of any substance, so resorting to pedantic comments on trivia and ad hominems. The typical mark of a Troll.

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Not "replace" the population, DECIMATE it. Too many people to have to try and control... They've been trying to depopulate the world for decades, centuries, maybe, but certainly since the early 1900's, after figuring out that people survive much better with clean food and water, and sanitation generally... Hand washing was a HUGE jump in dealing with health problems. Eugenics has been around for quite a while.

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Nov 10, 2022
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That recent study comparing several thousand vaccinated children to unvaccinated children makes it pretty clear: the UNvaccinated "run circles around" the vaccinated, health-wise, in every metric!

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So, is Covid vaccine a depopulation vaccine?

A military doctor I looked upto once told me this. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

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But CNN says its a swan.

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CNN says whatever goes wrong is Trump's fault and whatever goes right is Bidens doing. If they ever finally do admit what a disaster the vaccine is they'll blame it on Trump

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Instead of voting, people should go and stand in front of the local coroners office for a while.

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Traditionally American elections include many votes from dead people

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Its a whole new demographic: Generation Dead

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Including many Deadheads

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And ask to see the strange white blockages coming out of people's blood vessels when they try to embalm them... !!!

(I know, that's morticians, but... Daaaaaaaaaamn.)

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I have no clue what CNN is saying along with most everybody else because few people ever tune in

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They should have suspected this in the first place. What's going on is literally a TDS BlueAnon's wet dream. Trump unleashing a deadly vaccine on the world and causing more genocide than Hitler... even using the military to control the media and brainwash people into taking it... I see Twitter accounts that predicted this that later threw it down the memory hole.

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CNN has long been known as a mouthpiece of the CIA.

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Maybe both are wrong- it is a vulture, a carrion species. The "crypto" currency mining the decaying microchipped corpse is a rumor that seems plausible based on recognition of greed, and the BlueTooth codes being picked up near fresh graves of jabbed people. I don't have any reference link for that. Saw it a while ago.

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Bloody hell.

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Chinese Nazi news

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Black swan for that matter.

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Or an airplane

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Anyone here studying liver damage? Or have any links to specialists who work in that field?

Looking for stats, trends and or cases.

Cancers, cirrhosis or even strange outbreaks of leptospirosis.

Organ rejection, hepatitis or other infection.

Autoimmune onset, jaundice or whatever.

Interested in spike proteins effect on the liver. Please share.

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My daughter took 2 jabs to attend college. An ultrasound showed signs of fatty liver. She is 20. She is not taking any boosters.

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I’m so sorry for your daughter. Consider looking at a low carb high natural fat way of eating. The Obesity Code book by Dr Jason Fung (yes, applicable even for we who are not obese, don’t let the title put you off). Ivor Cummins out of Ireland - at TheFatEmporer.com or FatEmperor.com (and check my spelling of “Emperor” because I often get it wrong).

Veg oils (canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, cottonseed) are all very bad for us and cause fatty liver. Get rid of them and replace w real butter, avocado oil (but check for reputable brands… many sub veg oil for part), coconut oil, tallow, ghee, etc.

Fatty liver due to insulin resistance is insanely common in younger folks nowadays, even pre-jab. Due to veg oils in our diets, highly processed foods, and probably environmental toxins. I wish your daughter well.

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I agree with all that you just said.

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In the same vein, I'm reading this book now and it's fantastic: "Carnivore Cure: The Ultimate Elimination Diet to Attain Optimal Health and Heal Your Body" by Judy Cho. Very impressive book and it explains everything you might want to know about all aspects of food.

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The body can heal a LOT of things.

The usual Vit's D and C, Zinc and Quercetin, and I've read that taking the skins of a grapefruit and a couple or three lemons, simmer them in water for an hour, cool for an hour, then drink... very cleansing. I don't know if this works for everything we're looking at, but it sure can't hurt.

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It would help against spike. I learned of histamine sensitivity though, and citrus was making that worse for me. I use mango peel with outer rind of pomegranate (inner I use in food), thyme, and a little dandelion in my current mix of pom plus tea.

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I'm making note of this... thanks!

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Same thing happened to my daughter-in-law. She is in the military. The most physically fit girl I know. Two shots. Will not get another. Can the liver get better from this? I've been curious to know.

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See this posting made on 10/13/22. Will blow you away! HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TREATMENT can apparently reverse “various “irreversible” conditions. It is shown to be effective with the vaccine injured.

Watch video & then spread far & wide. There are ways to defeat the bio-weapon. And supposedly this treatment has been known since the 1920’s (maybe earlier?).

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Also.... try the herb milk thistle. It helps the liver as well.

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I like to go with things that require the least amount of “experts”, even holistic, and least cost. I learned BodyTalk, Field Consciousness, the liver cleanse method, but especially breatharianism.

But something simple that takes very little learning and is cheap: food grade hydrogen peroxide, iodine, Epsom salts. All very cheap and powerful for amazing benefits when applied correctly.

With fg h2o2 bathing in it, and using it in combination with epsom salt cleanses (oral) and enemas.

Recovering the colon and then toning and strengthening it along with all of the core and back, is essential to cleansing the liver. Then, the kidneys. The skin is fairly easy. Soaks of h2o2 and Epsom salts with scrubs. Dead skin falls off and if you do a h2o2 oral cleanse which takes a weeks you will soon never “need” body odor control products ever again. Cleaning the body inside and out will allow the body to move toxic load fast and effectively so that it uses the healing methods of fever, inflammation and cancer much less and moves up to higher vibration and more effective healing mechanisms.

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I agree with that approach. I would only say that you can cleanse the colon with coffee, if you can stand to "waste" it that way, ha ha; and also be careful with the hydrogen peroxide, because it can be quite harsh if used very often, hard on the skin and tissues of mouth, etc. Cheers.

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Yes, I've heard of it, I read about it some years ago. Good idea, I'd say.

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Consider looking at a low carb high natural fat way of eating. The Obesity Code book by Dr Jason Fung (yes, applicable even for we who are not obese, don’t let the title put you off). Ivor Cummins out of Ireland - at TheFatEmporer.com or FatEmperor.com (and check my spelling of “Emperor” because I often get it wrong).

Veg oils (canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, cottonseed) are all very bad for us and cause fatty liver. Get rid of them and replace w real butter, avocado oil (but check for reputable brands… many sub veg oil for part), coconut oil, tallow, ghee, etc.

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Very few people will never move in this direction since it is so incompatible with what people think of as normal and possible.


I came up with a logical, left brain lattice to scan intuition years ago. In 2019, March it produced that I should move from Maryland to Montana. Did that two months later.

Pandemic hit only months later. I was in a much better situation to withstand the agenda and fallout.

The next thing that came up was breatharianism. Before even getting a chance to research it my intuitive results for eating and drinking - which was based on Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian approach which is the most sustainable, satisfying, interesting, enjoyable and effective way I’ve come across to this point - along with some Andreas Moritz principles. Anyhow, my morning water was anywhere from 3-5.5 16 oz glasses of water. But that morning after the intuition it came up as 4 oz. The next day the same. And no food came up. By the end of the week I was much thinner but also high energy, joint soreness disappeared in a lot of places and muscles were like steel and my strength up improving.

I drink fluids mostly but eat food here and there when I wish to enjoy it, usually offerings from others at the rare gatherings. But my link to Field has grown deep and wide.

It feels sooooo good to know that what the globalists are about to do in terms of food shortages, famine and pushing fake foods is not going to be a direct threat to me. It’s also great saving hundreds every month.

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Your experience is interesting to say the least.

I’m somewhat surprised to hear you say that too many people see a LCHF way of eating as incompatible with normal.

Yeah, it took us about six months to feel sort of at ease and natural with meal planning this way. But the health benefits were enormous. Now, it seems weird when our kid’s youth group wants to serve pop tarts for breakfast. 🙄

There are growing numbers of people eating this way. It takes will you change, but it is definitely not impossible.

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It would be good to go to a body talk practitioner after reading up on body talk and use it as the center of health and medical approach for integrated holistic medicine. It would probably recommend the liver cleanse method of Andreas Moritz.

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Thank you.

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Yes it can. The best liver restoration book is by Andreas Moritz and amazing gallbladder and liver cleanse or flush.

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She is 26.

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I'm putting her on my Love List... First name?

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