If we accept the toxic spike protein remains in the body for some time*, we can reasonably hypothesise that as people receive each new dose of spike protein producing 'vaccine', whilst also being exposed to spike protein from repeated infection - given the 'vaccines' do nothing to reduce re-infection, other than increase it - then it seems quite plausible to conclude the damage done by the spike protein will likely accumulate over time.
* In fact, we do not need to see accumulating spike protein to encounter this problem. The problem can occur due to an accumulation of the damage resulting from each spike protein dose - even though the spike protein from previous jabs, or infections has faded. For example, accumulative damage to the myocardium, until we finally have sufficient damage to result in a serious adverse event.
Edit: Or, a combination of this, increased virulence, and weakened immune systems. In which case, we can expect this to get uglier exponentially.
It is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE. All this is underexplored and important. It is also my opinion thta we can glean much of what we need to know, from various vaccine, covid and death statistics and death reports, if we make an effort.
Ding ding ding! ... I believe we have a winner, here, when comined with Brendan's hypothesis above.
The shots weaken the immune system through a number of factors. Therefore, exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is more likely to result in clinical illness in those who have received at least the initial series. Those who have not are better able to resist infection to begin with, so even if exposed to a virulent strain, those with a strong natural immune system are at much less risk of contracting the virus.
These shots ALSO work by inducing the body to produce spike protein without even being exposed to SARS-CoV-2.
Therefore, those who have taken the shots are MORE likely to become clinically infected with COVID (which, incidentally, often remains subclinical in these individuals due to immune system attenuation to the spike protein -- thus allowing the virus to remain in the body much, MUCH longer, and do much, MUCH more damage). Those who have taken the shots are ALSO incurring much, MUCH more spike damage than those who have contracted COVID through "natural" infection, because the shots work by promoting the production of spike in vivo.
Quite the effective shot! ... I don't know if I would describe it as "safe," though.
People quit associating deaths with the jabs after a couple months, but it looks like there is a 5 month lag. Some deaths occur within two weeks and 1 in 40 of those end up in a VAERS report.
Walter Chesnut claims the spikes, vaccine or repeat infections, age the organs:
It is the jabbed suffering repeat infections. Death can occur from any organ failure and seem to be random. Proper autopsies would look for covid spikes in the organs especially months after the jabs. Young people have been turned into old frail people and will suffer from seasonal deaths.
Geert describes all of the jabbed to have the same immune response to new variants. If a mutation develops that targets that response, it will run wild in the jabbed population. With the switch to IgG4 antibodies months after the booster it looks glum for the jabbed. Of course it gets worse with Merck's molnupiravir drug causing many more mutations in the perfect hosts, humans.
Big Pharma turned millions of patients into little biolabs, testing millions of mutations.
Indeed, myocarditis can apparently cause a scar to form in the heart even with no initial symptoms. Then many weeks, months, or years later, that scar can lead to ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and sudden cardiac death.
He describes hyperinflammation and calls it by more micro effects. Nrf2 promoters are needed to restore DNA damage repair and promote a healthier balance of microRNA which controls the mRNA which controls which genes are transcribed into proteins.
He and many people need to see the bigger picture - hyperinflammation causes rapid degeneration - aging.
The spike is certainly causing hyperinflammation in many ways but modern life is too and many phytonutrients can help - and more is better than just one.
It was the first thing I looked for in the graph annotated by "explainable"/"not explainable" and I'm not convinced the jabs are not largely responsible.
He describes hyperinflammation and calls it by more micro effects. Nrf2 promoters are needed to restore DNA damage repair and promote a healthier balance of microRNA which controls the mRNA which controls which genes are transcribed into proteins.
He and many people need to see the bigger picture - hyperinflammation causes rapid degeneration - aging.
The spike is certainly causing hyperinflammation in many ways but modern life is too and many phytonutrients can help - and more is better than just one.
Great point! We are mostly focusing on immune response, but there is other damage from the spike.
Currently have multiple friends with unusual illnesses (aggressive cancer, clotting/ swelling that drugs can't resolve, and sudden leg paralysis (for lack of a better description as there is no diagnosis).
I have 61-yo male friend, vaxxed and (I think) boosted, no history of serious prior health issues. He recently became dizzy, fell in his house. Fortunately nothing broken. Several days in hospital, many tests. Nothing could be found "wrong."
All inorganic antiseptic have a safe therapeutic band.
- dissolve blood clots even not crackable by our enzymes due to being knitted by the spike
- eat upon the spike
- soothe the immune system
- of course, killing all pathogens (in covid infection, 1/3 viral load was shown). No wonder, but useful.
- are said to be able to help in fighting cancer. Please find right timing for Vitamin C/Zn intervention, any anti-oxidant is the natural antagonist of any oxidant, and remedy in case of inadvertant overdose (iv Vit.C especially); some do pause CIO2 while doing a C cure. In everyday life, I try to keep some 2hr distance. (For true C cure: 10g/d as infusion, you stop oxidative systemic cures of course). Instead of infusion, one can use truly liposomally solved in 100nm bubbles. (Many fraudsters there just mixing C solution and phospholipides, which is, without bubble formation, quite worthless.)
Other anti-cancer options:
Mistletoe subcutaneously.
Artemisa annua and moringa leaf (prolonging active serum concentration) also are valid cancer, CoV, malaria, …, therapies. See anamed.org
So much more.
Don’t forget the other 2 acis of being: to heal the soul and try to learn information therapy from enegetic healing. TCM, ayurveda or russian information therapy trainings.
But firstly, one has to know why the cancer is necessary. As reduction of CD4/CD8 by LNP of mRNA shots is disabling the ability to fight stalled cancer, the cancer was there before. In the book Prof. Dr. Peter Yoda: Ein medizinischer Insider deckt auf, the author states 1. there are no illnesses (these are names to harvest 100k humans simultaneously), but (sometimes deadly) symptoms: a set of hidden and open symptoms are always the perfect response of our natural system to a state and NECESSARY. Nature is always right.
So help to find interventions for your friends making the symptom Cancer unneccesary.
Dig deeper. Detective’s work is necessary.
Inorganic antiseptics are very universally useable, and can NEVER have any resistances.
But they are just ONE intervention.
Also used in spanish flu military hospitals to disinfect the air, also in bunker ventilation in WW-II on all sides. Meaning: some archives hold valid procedures to use them today. Some companies do. Room dry fog disinfection for hospitals is so safe you can stay insides the room.
Well. Tell the roommdisinfection device it has a 500m² room of a disco, and people walk out healthier than they walk in, and do not spread for the incubation time (all inorganic antiseptics do a least a RESET on incubation time. Thanks Prof. Zastrow for this, DE former StiKo leader. Hygienist.)
The usages are quite endless. Eg. I used ClO2 3000ppm in DMSO 70% as tick bite relief, where it killed lyme in 1 day, healing point 1,5 days. lyme is very stationery in the first days. I even produced it insides the flask (4ml DMSO 1ml water in a 150ml jar glas, and put a 20ml glas with 2ml 25% NaClO2 and 2ml 50% citric acid in it. Close lid of 150ml glass tightly. The freed ClO2 gets in the air and diffuses insides the solution. Give it a few hours until it is a yellow-orange color, tending to 5000ppm.
Rinse away the residual bleach in the 20ml glass.
Strong: But it evaporates on every opening of the 150ml glass. Reduce by storing in fridge. For warts, abcesses (in teeth roots), etc: use a patch of cotton without plastic fibres like wound patch or cotton wool patches from supermarked to apply to skin.
Sorry for editing so much. I just wanted to shy away some typos and got carried away. Next time I do a reply.
Dr Ryan Cole (Mayo clinic trained pathologist) explains in the following video how tissue samples can be stained and analyzed to determine if the spike proteins in the tissue are a result of infection or injection. From this, one can determine the sudden deaths are a result of the INJECTIONS. Injection caused spikes (not virus caused) are overwhelming the tissues in organs.
Conclusions are sketchy. But one can infer something easily enough. Most discoveries are inferred first. Proved second. One can’t wait for proof, which is what the pro vax crowd keeps saying - ‘what proof do you have?’ - because until something is inferred it won’t be looked into and then proved.
Yep. And in the meantime there will be 13 new strains and 3 vaxx mandates forcing the 7th jab on you. In a fast moving situation, truth (data), common sense and educated intiution and inference is all we got.
Well there kind of is, but the ONS GB lied about the number of unvaccinated people in each age group by ca. _factor_ 2 (as in denominator, they made it smaller by 2x) to "bend reality" to the liking of the cabal. And prevent the truth of superior nK / innate trained immunity to become wide-spread. As this would end the pandemic. And that of all-cause mortality sky-rocketing for the jabbed.
Then we have to discuss the correction factor on numbers of unvaccinated in each age group ;)
There was also Data released till May 2022, where I do not know if they lied, and in my view it already showed that vaccinated were suffering from ADE-D as of May, so Omicron BA.4 and following... So depending if you believe Omicron evolved or was thawed you have 1yr or 3mths of "adopting" by up-selcection of variants to bring ADE-D over a group of people being "uniformly" contaminated by B-cell based antibodies, I more and more perceive as the true vulnerability. (Up-select, not evolve, as all variants possible, at least in waves, are existing in parallel. So no surprise it is so fast. The true evolution has to be analyzed as "evolutionary capacity", and is the real thing to monitor.)
No B-cell based antibodies: Could be a short formulation of CoV therapy goal, to avoid the necessity to produce them, (I combine COMUSAV CIO2 in ca. 1mg/kg/day on 1L water, split in 10 dosings on empty stomach, which is 1/3 of NOAEL dosing and some parts of FLCCC I can buy over-the counter, and 4 plant based axis: kitchen herbs or annual mugwort or birch tree bark, all containing amentoflavone, boosted by moringa leaf powder, and add other principles of operation, found cistus rose (rock rose), and walnut leafs, all ground and eating 10-15g/d in sum bound in eg yoghurt or water with grapefruit seed extract (solved in glycerine, prebiotic, good plant oil based, which is enhancing resorption perhaps by 3-5x, measure it, if you can)).
To compensate the risk of having high titers of spike (wuhan) antibodies like me (50k), while having NONE after 3 days CoV with some fever on nucleocapsid, showing the effect of antigenic sin live and in color (printout from lab;).
End pandemic:
A) give "litte cold" a chance, but protect vulnerable
B) on nasty symptoms, cry STOP to all your contacts, shall treat as if having the flu.
B: if you decide a badass variant hit you (flu-like symptoms, bringing you down). This is subjective and works only in average. But it works.
One can discuss that we have to correct by age and nK status. Children sometimes run happily around having a real flu-like illness.
Peru did it. India did this with early treatment packages. But tested too much.
(See how again a "measure" like mass testing PREVENTS herd immunity and endemic state? If you catch away all variants regardless of virulence, you postpone up-selection of harmless variants, thus postpone endemic state. For 3 years now. "No measures" would let people run on intuition, and they'd adopt behavior by reports from friends of friends, wich is 10k people, and this is millions of years old. All ethical interventions must emulate or fortify these old strategies of all mammals living social: the severely ill retreat, and upon coming back, shed broken pathogens the family or herd can train their innate antibodies from. Driving pathogens to endemic state.
Similarly the "hygiene rules" PREVENT endemic state and sterilizing immunity, as the beautiful thought of hygiene is covered by lies:
- Droplets infect, mainly, not aerosols, which rather train without infecting up to a certain point.
- Droplets fly 3m AND hover 40sec while slowly sinking down, whirring and whirling and drifting with the air, and SEEKING slits in masks to face line, as the pressure drop is Lowest there. ONE droplet carries the infectious dose. 10k's of droplets are emitted by sneezing, coughing AND NOSE BLOWING.
- Masks in theory work. But only there. Chased them so long.
- Masks prevent 99% of aerosol "training", but could not show in real life with good statistics they protect at all.
- Masks +70% on severe cases:
If I catch my own viruses in the inner layer(s) of the mask, if I'm infected, and they get re-aerosolised and deeply inhaled into alveoli, solid statistics tell +70% probability of severe cause when wearing a mask. Perhaps this is ameliorated if being able to wear a mask of water-repellent fibre fleece so densely blown it captures dried aerosols (0.1µm) without the need of a water film surrounding the fibre or electrostatic principles (which is how PE masks work)
- NO MENTIONING of topically inactivating viruses by gargling (1/5ths start in saliva glans, 4/5ths in throat ring, 1% elsewhere, for smokers more (distributed) due to cilial filaments paralysis). Especially all inorganic antiseptics are helpful there, as they diffuse into the dead cells and inactivate viral load while still captured in the cell walls. Doing RESET on incubation period.
- NO MENTIONING of possibility to inhale (yes, even inorganic antiseptics. All have a therapeutic band. We use 800ppm NaHCIO produced electrolytically. Shall be Cl2 free.
- NO MENTIONING you can measure mucosal health status by just breathing to a pm2.5 fine dust / air quality sensor: 1 day _before_ infectiousness, yes for CoV, we accidentally measured the base level had risen by factor 7 ca., to 35µg/m³.
- NO MENTIONING of 2-charged metal ions Mg++ Ca++ (stone or Dead Sea salt or add Ca2Cl) preventing aerosol emission for 6hrs.
- FEAR PORN heavily reduces nK, as does the PEG2k.
- Lockdowns heavily reduce nK and rise spread in families and institutions (the more people are out in free air, the better it would be). And burn our wealth.
As in waves ALL variants exist in parallel, it just depends on our immunity AND our behavior, which can also compensate deficits in immunity.
"These shots ALSO work by inducing the body to produce spike protein without even being exposed to SARS-CoV-2." That seems to be the main thing that the shots do - cause people to make spike protein on a continual basis. But from a recent podcast by Dr. Ryan Cole, I understood that the spike protein turns on a gene that causes cancer and also turns off a gene that regulates the immune system. Most of the damage we know about thus far seems to come from the spike protein. Agree it is very "effective" at what it was designed to do, and what it was designed to do is not at all what they said it would do.
I'm going to have to investigate that further. I don't know whether to be grateful or disturbed by the fact that this horror show happens to be about one of my absolute favorite subjects (molecular biology with a focus on genetics).
Concentrate on epigenetic reprogramming, as this is what the PEG2k medical DEVICE is doing.
I did only find hints that re-regulating epigenetic setup is the true art in medicine, and found only TCM energy-build-up cure, Ayurveda Karma cure and many energetic healing approaches like shamanic, Russian information therapy, Hawaiian, etc.. healing system mostly working only for people socialized in them, or open minded enough to adopt the cultural aspect before expecting healing.
The hits on epigenetic mess the mRNA jabs do NOT by the mRNA (was shown with "dummy" load insides PEG2k bubble!):
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs - PubMed Reprograms ..
I have to walk this one through to determine of we can deduce any therapeutic approach:
Targeting epigenetic modifiers to reprogramme macrophages in non-resolving inflammation-driven atherosclerosis | European Heart Journal Open | Oxford Academic
IMHO, repeated/cumulative damage to bodily systems, be it by vax or infection, is a potential culprit, given that most people are not being treated with known therapeutics and supplements.
The study showing DNA changes to the liver. Would it become a perpetual spike giver? Breaching the brain blood barrier with the nanoparticles passing through. Would not Brain cells become spike protein manufacturer too?
The different doses with different amounts, could wave the line. But the testing is deficient we still find. This paper seems more for narrative. No hard evidence for the dire imparrative. Still can't get over the millimeter radiation exposure. 5G is the elephant seemingly given closure.
The brain cells do. see Burkhardt, Cole, and Bhakti, as talked of in this conversation. Not heard more on the in vitro liver cell conversions as yet...
Bhakti warnned of these possibilies now seems a longtime ago. The migration seemed a given using nano.
Liver- Swedish Lund University, gene producing protien 1-line. They saw migration to liver within 6 hrs time. I appologize the period after "liver" above should have been a comma, I wasn't sure. Because I did understand this study inconclusive & called for more. Curious if you knew. But this 5G needs attention too. With the heavy rollout it does coincide. With same damages & same time. Barry Trower has that brain power. If your interested in millimeter wave towers. Decades of studies are in on this tech. I never see it mentioned or any check. My local area tells me wants their built it's national security. Curiously my emails been wrecked since I FOIA-ed the safety. Going on 22 days. Trouble let me count the ways. And nothing yet on cellular water meter....
The whole concept of the mRNA vax is that we will make the spike protein, and then our bodies will learn to make antibodies against spike protein. However, the common belief among average citizens was that the you would only make a little spike protein, and the vax would stay at the injection site. However, it immediately travels to every organ in the body, which was not publicized in advance. The Japanese regulators said they had to see distribution studies in order to consider using the mRNA vaccines, so distribution studies were done in mice. This showed that the vaccine travels everywhere in the body, and it particularly concentrates in the ovaries and testes - the greatest concentreation is in the overies and testes. But, it's also in the bone marrow, in the spleen, etc. - every part of the body. Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former VP at Pfizer, who left them on good terms, who has 30_ years experience with vaccines and with respiratory viruses etc., was warning people about the vax in advance of rollout, as he thought proper research had not been done, After the distribution study was done, he tried to make people aware of it, and also Dr. Byram Bridle was another who publicized this research. From their reports, I didn't pay attention enough to what they said about the brain, I was more worried about it destroying women's fertility - destroying their ability to ever get pregnant, if it was causing inflammation in the ovaries - but then I heard Dr. Sam Sigoloff who I think in this one was being interviewed for an Epoch Times video - Dr. Sigoloff is a military whistleblower, a physician, who pointed out that the lipid nanoparticles were patented by Moderna in 2017 for the stated purpose of getting stuff into the brain - a drug delivery system. And I'm thinking, why do they especially want to get this vax into the brain? The brain is not the place where we make antibodies. But the lipid nanoparticles were designed as a drug delivery system to get stuff into the brain, and put in the vax for some purpose. Why? Well, I had seen past research, maybe from 2015 showing that lipid nanoparticles do help drugs to get inside the cells throughout the body - but as far as the brain, Dr. Sigoloff reported that it has been found that CRSPER (gene editing tool) is also in the vax - so you can get stuff into the brain and then do gene editing in the brain? For what purpose? "We don't know." But as far as how long people keep making the spike protein, what I have been hearing is that ;whenever they check, two weeks later, a month, two months later - whenever they check, people are still making mRNA, and they make a LOT of it. I saw today a report on someone making it 4 months later. Normally mRNA gets broken down and disappears after use, but the uracil from the mRNA strands was replaced with pseudouridine for the vax, which is much more enduring, more long lasting, so it will just keep going and you can make a ton of the spike protein because the mRNA in the vax was seemingly made to hang around forever - they should be checking to see is it there at 1 year? 2 years? But they guys with all the money don't want to do any research that would make their product look bad - they do not want to know. Sigoloff has videos on rumble. His you-tube videos were taken down, and I am not sure about all of it being on rumble. But I am pretty sure the first one I saw was about a 20 min. video on Epoch Times which was very interesting. He said lipid nanoparticles were never approved for veterinary use and never approved for human use either but here everyone who got the shot got some in their bodies.
Thank you! I missed Dr. Bridle but It’s beyond insane. I’ve had to a deep dive into virology to find the “theory” brain. Fortunate to find Dr. Cowan & Andrew Kaufman tearing it down. The grift of bioweapons tech & vaccine with its military gown. Vaccines from the beginning are an immune damaging proposition. But that is what I’ve found so far on my imposition.
Some things you may want to see because you mentioned the brain. “Analysis of inter body network components” nice name. Bill Gates patent for “digital id crypto”. Goes well with “ATT intra body transmission & reception” patents to hook us up the new tower we all know. “Harald Kautz-Vella” Frequency transmission & reception of atomic photon light. “Barry Trower” military frequency weapons expert out of sight. “Mark Steele” being attacked wiki bio conspiracy theorist. Which is funny he is weapons inventor & expert just dismissed. Mark is getting towers taken down in UK. He knows the tech inside making led light standards, & the towers weapons system in play. It is an information war as per usual a lot to sift through. My conclusions reserved open but I see an attempt at depopulation & total control to be true. Bio war & complete commerce redo.
With the geoengineering, amount on nano aluminum in foods, rain, soil, & now snow. We are the IOT internet of things hive mind to grow. AI may have been released. The implications to me are quite a beast. But this is why the confidence of crime is so high. Frequency already can inflict effects of choice to apply. If it has been done by an enemy first. This is catch up but I doubt that is the thirst. "Bell labs photons etc" & "DARPA hydrogel" is basically the nano lipid particles. "Graphene oxide & hydroxide" seek articles. I’m still burrowing in but it’s none good news for we the owners here. But you see the distractions. Meantime every minute further reactions. "Harald Kautz-vella" claims 70% hooked up but the control is limited due to spirit. The nano breaks that bond & I’m seeking it's merit. It also figures B. Gates plays into this scheme. Mining crypto internally with behavior whatever the rules may be.
I saw Dr. Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Judy Mikovits, Sigaloff among others thank God they were there! I’ve sucked up a bit too much to be offhand name aware. Once I prepared a massive case I was burnt & dove into law. Few attorneys will cross the line of this power play. So, going alone is where I’m standing today. Iron clad case like the Brunson denial. The SCOTUS who in dereliction avoided trial. But it’s not quite over yet. From what I hear their appeal is set. If its denied again all federal balances but military code of justice have failed. The Attorney Generals of the states ship hasn’t sailed. But they have a twenty four page claim plus files I sent. So, if you pray or send vibes, please, heavy like cement. Your info much appreciated keep the assent. Hope it will be seen & read post haste. We are losing this battle & no time to waste. Keep pumping the information. Sorry I couldn’t supply more right now but a small foundation. Got to hit the sack. Hope we get back!
Not sure if you're familiar with the work of The Ethical Skeptic on Twitter, but he's got charts galore that seem to say the excess deaths are heart, blood and cancer related. FWIW.
I am on the fence with Ethical Skeptic. He seems smart but doesn't explain himself well (compared to EL Gato Malo for example). Also people have asked him to share his data but he complains that it would take too much time and he couldn't get on with more important stuff, however surely many people working on the same data would provide far more insights.
Have the same sense but thought I was the only one. He often speaks in riddles which I assumed was to escape the twitter ban-hammer. However, now that it has been lifted he has not changed.
There really is no good reason to avoid speaking clearly (like Igor does). Playing games and forcing people to figure out what you really mean is not only annoying to the reader, but bound to cause misunderstandings. It is however, an effective way to avoid hard claims that can later be disproven.
Have you ever heard an interview with Dr. Judy Miskovits? It's kind of the same thing. She is very immersed in her world, and has a hard time dumbing it down. In fact, most of what she says in any interview can go over the normal person's head.
Perhaps it's the same thing for TES. He just can't figure out a way to dumb things down for the rest of us. Maybe he just doesn't have that skill to take it down four steps.
That being said... TES does not necessarily seem wrong.
Alex Berenson speaks clearly, but his conclusions are often easy to shoot down. Ethical Skeptic is too complicated to understand, so you can't necessarily do that. Took me ages to work out what the pull forward effect is - he talks about that a lot.
Interesting comment re: Ethical Skeptic. I'm not a data/math/chart person, and have, at times, had a hard time understanding his charts. I just get the gist of them, aka "deaths going up." I thought it was just me.
Perhaps there is a reason we don't know that he's keeping his data vague. IDK.
I'd agree with this idea, that the excess deaths are full of the fall-out of a compromised immune system, damaged by mRNA vaccines, along with measurable damage to the heart and other organs just like Sucharit Bhakdi said would happen.
Multi organ, including brain tissue, damage confirmed by Arne Burkhardt.... with injection spike protein distinguished from viral spike. Viral spike allegedly rarely getting past the mucosal membrane.
And unlike Burkhardt's investigations, your daily friendly coroners in the UK left to deal with all this mess do not have the tools and circumstances to investigate whether Spike and other immune cells have torn up various tissues in the body. As mentioned in Igor's article, this leads to default, vague, socially acceptable descriptions describing death due to heart-related issue: this is the easiest default to write on the form, which cleanly ties things up for administrative processes and gives 'closure' to the family without having to cart their loved one off to the steel table and start cutting them up to dig around – normally preferable to all parties concerned. Even if a detailed autopsy were done, to detect Spike you need to order specialized markers from biotech labs. This isn't in the back pocket of normal practitioners. So when we see these heart-related causes of death, don't take that label too seriously.
Angie says the spike was still in her body 603 days post vaccination with no incidence of Covid. I hope she is able to share the data, and it would be even better if there are no nucleocapsid antibodies present. That would really put a nail in the coffin on these injections.
Quote TweetReact19@React19org· 13hAccording to the @CDCgov, the mRNA from the vaccine is broken down and discarded from the body within a few days.
Angie's test results showed the spike protein was still present and wreaking havoc in her body 603 days after her vaccine and she never had COVID.
And this is a fun number to consider, because in lab experiments it takes 6 hours for Spike to cause cells to melt together into a Syncytia blob, and about 24 hours before those cells start to die. When you consider that heart cells, brain cells, ovaries and eggs, progenitor cells that are supposed to build our new supply of blood -- all these things are targeted by Spike. 603 days (and counting) is longer than 6 hours.
This makes me really wonder if anyone is testing for spike protein in those reporting to having been affected by vax shedding but no known case of contracting covid....like me.
I have an upcoming checkup with the VA but don't know if they do that kind of testing.
Just wondering what test is used to show she never had it? Does the vax create a different antibody than that of the 'novel' corona? One thing this seems to have brought out is how little is understood about our immune system.
This is why they are repeatedly asking about people's mental health! Doctors, at work in corporations, I even seen an advert on the back of a bus ! They know it will affect the brain...and they're taking count....
In my small town in South Wales I am seeing a lot of behavioural changes in people. The best way to describe it is simply 'people acting odd'. It is hard to put a label on it. However, I am also noticing increasing anger outbursts, above normal, in males. It reminds me of early dementia signs.
I wonder whether people have internal inflammation from the spike with a massive battle going on inside of them. If you have any inflammation due to wheat or sugar or pollen it plays havoc with you physically, with a resulting knock-on effect mentally. I do think spike is doing this to people.
When I quit eating wheat anxiety and joint pain went down. It probably explained my eating disorder (a mental illness) when I was in my 20’s also. I didn’t figure out the wheat thing until my 60’s. I don’t get gastrointestinal problems from the wheat and the gluten, I get joint pain and anxiety. Unvaxxed.
I think the clot shots are the cause of the massive increase in "unruly passengers" on airplanes and actual duels resulting from road rage in the US. There was one uncomfortably close to me here in Kansas, USA a few months ago where the two participants killed each other. Another one "featured" a girl in each car getting shot. We haven't had road rage like THAT before.
As time goes by evidence will emerge but we will need to rely of anecdotal reports, thus Substack will be crucial for information dissemination as the MSM will block it.
The lipid nanoparticles are very relevant to this, without them the spike wouldn't get so far beyond the circulatory system. However, the spike can burst through anyway , when the immune system attacks cells in the vessel linings producing spike.. Then there is homogenicity to other proteins, and ..... I'm expecting waves of death for the rest of the century.
Yes unfortunately...this was the eugenecists plan...sadly they may have been right in estimating / wanting 90% of the population to die eventually....then who is left? The pure blood unvaxed to be enslaved into their smart cities...and maybe permitted to breed stronger slaves so they won't need to spend so much on medical care.
But we must look at it optimistically and fight them however we can- opposing all their tricks, non compliance, information sharing, natural harmless medical treatments for whatever they throw at us. Coming together in communities - but where in the world could it grow large enough to not infiltrate? Brazilian escaped slaves fought the Portuguese off for over a century...maybe we need to all come together in one place so we are strong enough?
Especially in the light of the IgG4 findings. It could be that the double, triple etc vaxxed are having a hard time clearing any covid strain, or even ANY respiratory virus strain. The nightmare scenario would be where they get infected, have a bit of symptoms, nothing severe, but the virus spreads unhindered (because IgG4 tags it as 'safe') deep into their lungs and other organs where it does damage over time.
Your comment gets to the core of Geert's prediction. One one hand we have the immune system "tolerating" strains with non neutralizing antibodies attached to them, on the other we have the strains mutating to a point where they will overcome those antibodies eventually. In Geert's videos he often uses the term "exhaustion" to describe the immune system's constant attempt to deal with viral material that it can't clear from the body due to non neutralizing antibodies. We might see that playing a larger role as pathogens gain an advantage, simply because the opposing army is too tired to put up a fight.
Not quite, imho. He talked of a strain being *more* lethal (using an argument I could not understand) rather than your explanation of the host being unable to clear a sublethal strain.
Was coming to the comments to say the same thing. IgG4 response in the vaxxed could conceivably cause immune system to ignore covid infection, which would cause mild or possibly no symptoms while the virus replicates unchecked eventually leading to death.
1. I don't understand most of what he says, outside of "oh, this sounds super bad"
2. He doesn't differentiate between spike proteins from COVID and spike proteins from the vaxx, which generally makes me super anxious since I did have COVID in '20
So... non-med people be forewarned: Chesnut is NOT for the faint of heart.
There is only a small (and nonsignificant) difference between SARS-CoV2 spike and vax spike.
But take heart. You are not corrupted with mRNA programming you to keep making spike. Your immune system has cleared the spike you had in 2020. (And if you're concerned, take nattokinase or something similar to block spike.)
And let's not forget those who may have avoided the virus but were unable to avoid having a response or sickened by shedding from the vaxxed. That seems even harder to determine what is, or might, remain long term.
That's a few other things I've tried taking for my leg with no yearly for about two months easy successively. Nattokinase, serepterase, the one from earthworms...uhh lumbrokinase. Oh and grapeseed.
I had natural covid too in May or April 2022 so maybe delta or omicron. I was pretty sick for three days straight. so I worry about this also. My body has not quite felt the same. My leg keeps swelling if i do no wear compression socks now and I have varicose veins in my thirties?? I'm otherwise fit and healthy. Not overweight. I've tried herbal teas like pine tea, NAC, querctin, zinc, high doses of vitamin c, d and k2, and more recently tried clo2. 😅 also, I took ivermectin while infected and taken it sometimes since for a week or so at a time at 12mg/day. I'm going to maybe try dmso and clo2 together next and a prolonged seven day water only fast. Hoping that partially heals my leg somehow.
Take serrapeptase capsules to clear any vascular scarring (take in between meals).
Also horsechestnut is a tonic for the veins, will reduce swelling and is anti-inflammatory. Take capsules (enteric if possible because it can cause reflux) or tincture.
I have serrapeptase and just take one tablet a week (1 dose of AZ vax more than 2 years ago, 1 mild covid infection last year). I'm thinking more of my daughters who succumbed to the "vax passport" propaganda and got 2/3 mRNA shots each despite me desperately trying to stop them. Would they benefit from serrapeptase to help clear spike? Would Nattokinase be more effective? Help please x
Don't worry shibumi, if you have made it this far then that tells me your immune system has mastered Covid - nothing to worry about. My wife an I both had Covid in January 2020 (when they didn't know what it was). My wife was very sick for a month, I was less affected with just a bad cough for a month.
My wife is South African and had never been north in her life until we moved back to UK in 2009 to retire. So she had limited exposure to flu which I have been exposed to for much of my life but have never actually had it. Our good doctor friend in Brisbane recommended daily vitamin D & C and zinc (with green tea - an ionophore and anti viral combo) to boost our immune systems.
We have had not even a sniffle since. The Geeks think they know how to manage our magical immune system - they know nothing - this is the province of a power greater than us. Take an entertaining short trip around our amazing immune system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIJK3dwCWCw
Just because they have decoded the 3 billion sets of amino acids in our DNA doesn't mean they understand it, let alone messing with it - this is the province of dark forces.
Another effect predicted when the vaccine was first introduced is ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) infection. Non-sterilizing vaccines are known to cause this. This could make subsequent infections worse than the original.
And then those get blamed on reinfections being worse than the first infection, and/or newer variants being worse than the original. Or just blamed on "climate change".
MRNA does lessen the immune system. It was invented for allergies. It works the same way by suppressing immune symptoms so over stimulation/ inflammation doesn’t kill us. .... that’s why they said it helps with lessening symptoms but will not stop the spread.
from what you presented it looks like the amount of mRNA excreted by the population correlates with deaths so its got to be CV19 as the source, some variant of it...
But how would that explain the excess deaths for the unvaxxed who get covid in highly vaxxed countries - Unless spike protein shedding is a real thing? As your research shows, vax status did not matter when it comes to 'catching' covid and excess deaths.
Maybe it has something to do with immune systems which overproduce certain killer cells or spike proteins - one of the reasons I rejected getting the shots. some of us have immune systems that attack our bodies. (It's thought that much of this problem and big increases in things like asthma, eczema, and other autoimmune overreactions come from exposure to toxins and pollutants in our food, water, air, etc) What do you think?
The inconsistencies in data collection and publication between health authorities has made these numbers difficult to trust. "With" covid vs "From" covid, and then where I live, there is no longer an "unvaccinated" category as this has been replaced with "not fully vaccinated". This new way of categorizing people's status is quite the disservice in my opinion, and makes the "not fully vaccinated" group appear inflated due to the multiple qualifiers that would put someone in it. It's completely possible that the unvaxxed are also experiencing excess deaths, but I'm not sure how to qualify that or determine if the rate exceeds a trend prior to 2020.
Thanks for the response, Dan. I'm uneasy about so much of this that I am reading and watching in videos. My immune system attacks itself. There are a lot of us with these types of autoimmune overblown responses; ie things like Lupus. Even before the plandemic, these autoimmune inflammation responses, most likely from toxins everywhere, were on a dramatic rise. But maybe, after watching Vaxxed 2 - it all came from all these vaccines. Who knows? I just know that after to listening to an Australian immunologist that John Campbell had interviewed, it made me glad I had chosen not to believe the hype or take the jabs because he was describing people like me who have this problem.
Spike protein shedding from the quadruple- vaxxed or boosted... I believe it is a real thing. I have never stopped mixing with people, including the vaxxed - but carefully - and outdoors mostly - but life has to go on and Life is for living. For awhile I did nothing social with them in closed quarters; only mixed in the store or the post office with them. Now I am attending quilt group again. they are all vaxxed. I sit in a far corner, masked (and knowing it does me no good but they are all afraid of unjabbed me, except for a few who treat me like i am not typhoid mary.
I'm nervous; maybe I shouldn't have let my guard down and risked my health like this. I am supposed to attend a quilting camp and most if not ALL of the quilters are vaxxed - a former requirement to attend camp -until this year. I'm thinking of cancelling, much as i would love to see those ladies.
The thought of this and its implications is just too sad to contemplate. First, the vaxxed themselves, believing the hype, rejected all of us unvaxxed and blamed us for the spread while they are the ones who partied together and gave each other covid. Now that we are officially "accepted" back into parts of society (still not work, though!!!!) it seems we may be taken out with spike protein shedding; was that part of the Plan to use these people to also transfect us? I am deeply disturbed and depressed over this. Every death I hear of now, I suspect the jabs and whatever bioweapon has been put into them.
Also, what you said about their mixing partly vaxxed with unvaxxed makes me think the very worst; that this is part of their plan to transfect the unvaxxed with the mRNA. Those with strong and balanced immune systems may be able to fight it off. Those with overreactive immune systems may not. And we still get every bug that comes along anyway. When i avoided them for two years I was the healthiest I had ever been; not one cold. But I was a dumb one who wore the mask out in public. As soon as I took that off I got every OTHER thing. I believe I had covid in early 2020 when I was in bed with exhaustion for a month and a half. Thanks for listening and for responding to my query, which was meant for Igor but I guess he didn't see it. It is good to read intelligent comments from people trying to know the truth.
I just found out that a friend with cancer got a booster and now it’s super aggressive and he is in for the battle of his life. I cant even tell him or his wife that they have to stop the boosters, because they will think I’m crazy. It’s so upsetting. I just cannot wrap my head around the doctors advising them to get it while they are battling cancer!
So cancer will also need to be factored into this, those who unknowingly have cancer or pre-cancerous cells could be converting it to something terminal. Brian Mowrey wrote about Liquid Cancer and Ethical Skeptic is tracking all sorts of cancer increases too.
Sorry to hear that. Two members of my family have contracted cancer after being vaccinated. Both are doing ok after treatment. Can't be sure it is related to the vax, but both were 50 years old and in prior good health.
My 51 year old daughter was diagnosed with Stage 2 invasive breast cancer quite a few months after her 3rd Pfizer. Tried to talk her out of booster to no avail. Has had surgery in December and now facing weeks of radiotherapy. This type of cancer has been so far unheard of in our family. So don't know if vax related but I'm very suspicious.
Have you considered that the shots weaken the recipients immune system, amongst other things, making them more vulnerable to all pathogens?
definitely a possibility
Igor please consider another possibility.
If we accept the toxic spike protein remains in the body for some time*, we can reasonably hypothesise that as people receive each new dose of spike protein producing 'vaccine', whilst also being exposed to spike protein from repeated infection - given the 'vaccines' do nothing to reduce re-infection, other than increase it - then it seems quite plausible to conclude the damage done by the spike protein will likely accumulate over time.
* In fact, we do not need to see accumulating spike protein to encounter this problem. The problem can occur due to an accumulation of the damage resulting from each spike protein dose - even though the spike protein from previous jabs, or infections has faded. For example, accumulative damage to the myocardium, until we finally have sufficient damage to result in a serious adverse event.
Edit: Or, a combination of this, increased virulence, and weakened immune systems. In which case, we can expect this to get uglier exponentially.
Food for thought.
It is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE. All this is underexplored and important. It is also my opinion thta we can glean much of what we need to know, from various vaccine, covid and death statistics and death reports, if we make an effort.
Ding ding ding! ... I believe we have a winner, here, when comined with Brendan's hypothesis above.
The shots weaken the immune system through a number of factors. Therefore, exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is more likely to result in clinical illness in those who have received at least the initial series. Those who have not are better able to resist infection to begin with, so even if exposed to a virulent strain, those with a strong natural immune system are at much less risk of contracting the virus.
These shots ALSO work by inducing the body to produce spike protein without even being exposed to SARS-CoV-2.
Therefore, those who have taken the shots are MORE likely to become clinically infected with COVID (which, incidentally, often remains subclinical in these individuals due to immune system attenuation to the spike protein -- thus allowing the virus to remain in the body much, MUCH longer, and do much, MUCH more damage). Those who have taken the shots are ALSO incurring much, MUCH more spike damage than those who have contracted COVID through "natural" infection, because the shots work by promoting the production of spike in vivo.
Quite the effective shot! ... I don't know if I would describe it as "safe," though.
I have a doubt about the deaths not lining up with jabs as there is a 5 month delay for maximum number of deaths:
People quit associating deaths with the jabs after a couple months, but it looks like there is a 5 month lag. Some deaths occur within two weeks and 1 in 40 of those end up in a VAERS report.
Walter Chesnut claims the spikes, vaccine or repeat infections, age the organs:
It is the jabbed suffering repeat infections. Death can occur from any organ failure and seem to be random. Proper autopsies would look for covid spikes in the organs especially months after the jabs. Young people have been turned into old frail people and will suffer from seasonal deaths.
Geert describes all of the jabbed to have the same immune response to new variants. If a mutation develops that targets that response, it will run wild in the jabbed population. With the switch to IgG4 antibodies months after the booster it looks glum for the jabbed. Of course it gets worse with Merck's molnupiravir drug causing many more mutations in the perfect hosts, humans.
Big Pharma turned millions of patients into little biolabs, testing millions of mutations.
This is some next level sick game they are playing...with all of humanity at risk.
A lot more people need to wake up and see this if we are ever going to be able to stop it.
If not, all I can say is, everyone better get to know Jesus. 😔🙏
or Buddha, or whatever beliefs give you some comfort and inner peace and help you to clean up your own life so you can die with a clean conscience.
Not all of humanity, just the 25-30% which are jabbed. The replacements will be fine for the future serf class :(
Over on El Gato Malo's latest, the comment section was advocating for the hashtag #DelayedOnset
is El Gatp Malo only on twitter, which I don't use? where else might I find him?
Indeed, myocarditis can apparently cause a scar to form in the heart even with no initial symptoms. Then many weeks, months, or years later, that scar can lead to ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and sudden cardiac death.
Scarring of heart muscle eventually causes aberrations in conductivity pathways.
He describes hyperinflammation and calls it by more micro effects. Nrf2 promoters are needed to restore DNA damage repair and promote a healthier balance of microRNA which controls the mRNA which controls which genes are transcribed into proteins.
He and many people need to see the bigger picture - hyperinflammation causes rapid degeneration - aging.
The spike is certainly causing hyperinflammation in many ways but modern life is too and many phytonutrients can help - and more is better than just one.
John Dee confirmed this "5-month" effect from UK data in a long series of posts starting here https://jdee.substack.com/p/vaccines-and-death-part-1
It was the first thing I looked for in the graph annotated by "explainable"/"not explainable" and I'm not convinced the jabs are not largely responsible.
I think Walter Chesnut’s theory is correct. It explains a lot and why there is such diverse causes of all cause mortality.
He describes hyperinflammation and calls it by more micro effects. Nrf2 promoters are needed to restore DNA damage repair and promote a healthier balance of microRNA which controls the mRNA which controls which genes are transcribed into proteins.
He and many people need to see the bigger picture - hyperinflammation causes rapid degeneration - aging.
The spike is certainly causing hyperinflammation in many ways but modern life is too and many phytonutrients can help - and more is better than just one.
Addition - this post has lots of health guidance in the last section - how are the virus and vaccine versions different? https://denutrients.substack.com/p/bioweapons-a-bore-i-dont-think-so
Let's just say the shots weaken the system, period. It's not just the immune system they affect.
Great point! We are mostly focusing on immune response, but there is other damage from the spike.
Currently have multiple friends with unusual illnesses (aggressive cancer, clotting/ swelling that drugs can't resolve, and sudden leg paralysis (for lack of a better description as there is no diagnosis).
I have 61-yo male friend, vaxxed and (I think) boosted, no history of serious prior health issues. He recently became dizzy, fell in his house. Fortunately nothing broken. Several days in hospital, many tests. Nothing could be found "wrong."
All inorganic antiseptic have a safe therapeutic band.
- dissolve blood clots even not crackable by our enzymes due to being knitted by the spike
- eat upon the spike
- soothe the immune system
- of course, killing all pathogens (in covid infection, 1/3 viral load was shown). No wonder, but useful.
- are said to be able to help in fighting cancer. Please find right timing for Vitamin C/Zn intervention, any anti-oxidant is the natural antagonist of any oxidant, and remedy in case of inadvertant overdose (iv Vit.C especially); some do pause CIO2 while doing a C cure. In everyday life, I try to keep some 2hr distance. (For true C cure: 10g/d as infusion, you stop oxidative systemic cures of course). Instead of infusion, one can use truly liposomally solved in 100nm bubbles. (Many fraudsters there just mixing C solution and phospholipides, which is, without bubble formation, quite worthless.)
Other anti-cancer options:
Mistletoe subcutaneously.
Artemisa annua and moringa leaf (prolonging active serum concentration) also are valid cancer, CoV, malaria, …, therapies. See anamed.org
So much more.
Don’t forget the other 2 acis of being: to heal the soul and try to learn information therapy from enegetic healing. TCM, ayurveda or russian information therapy trainings.
But firstly, one has to know why the cancer is necessary. As reduction of CD4/CD8 by LNP of mRNA shots is disabling the ability to fight stalled cancer, the cancer was there before. In the book Prof. Dr. Peter Yoda: Ein medizinischer Insider deckt auf, the author states 1. there are no illnesses (these are names to harvest 100k humans simultaneously), but (sometimes deadly) symptoms: a set of hidden and open symptoms are always the perfect response of our natural system to a state and NECESSARY. Nature is always right.
So help to find interventions for your friends making the symptom Cancer unneccesary.
Dig deeper. Detective’s work is necessary.
Inorganic antiseptics are very universally useable, and can NEVER have any resistances.
But they are just ONE intervention.
Also used in spanish flu military hospitals to disinfect the air, also in bunker ventilation in WW-II on all sides. Meaning: some archives hold valid procedures to use them today. Some companies do. Room dry fog disinfection for hospitals is so safe you can stay insides the room.
Try translating this for history of medicinal use of inorganic antiseptics: https://www.presseportal.ch/de/pm/100076262/100858689
And here is an example of dry fog room disinfection: please use a translator.
Here a paper from 1943 (used for bunker air disinfection?):
Well. Tell the roommdisinfection device it has a 500m² room of a disco, and people walk out healthier than they walk in, and do not spread for the incubation time (all inorganic antiseptics do a least a RESET on incubation time. Thanks Prof. Zastrow for this, DE former StiKo leader. Hygienist.)
The usages are quite endless. Eg. I used ClO2 3000ppm in DMSO 70% as tick bite relief, where it killed lyme in 1 day, healing point 1,5 days. lyme is very stationery in the first days. I even produced it insides the flask (4ml DMSO 1ml water in a 150ml jar glas, and put a 20ml glas with 2ml 25% NaClO2 and 2ml 50% citric acid in it. Close lid of 150ml glass tightly. The freed ClO2 gets in the air and diffuses insides the solution. Give it a few hours until it is a yellow-orange color, tending to 5000ppm.
Rinse away the residual bleach in the 20ml glass.
Strong: But it evaporates on every opening of the 150ml glass. Reduce by storing in fridge. For warts, abcesses (in teeth roots), etc: use a patch of cotton without plastic fibres like wound patch or cotton wool patches from supermarked to apply to skin.
Sorry for editing so much. I just wanted to shy away some typos and got carried away. Next time I do a reply.
There's no breakdown of (excess) deaths by vax status--so conclusions like that are impossible to make.
Dr Ryan Cole (Mayo clinic trained pathologist) explains in the following video how tissue samples can be stained and analyzed to determine if the spike proteins in the tissue are a result of infection or injection. From this, one can determine the sudden deaths are a result of the INJECTIONS. Injection caused spikes (not virus caused) are overwhelming the tissues in organs.
See the 26 minute mark in this video:
Conclusions are sketchy. But one can infer something easily enough. Most discoveries are inferred first. Proved second. One can’t wait for proof, which is what the pro vax crowd keeps saying - ‘what proof do you have?’ - because until something is inferred it won’t be looked into and then proved.
Yep. And in the meantime there will be 13 new strains and 3 vaxx mandates forcing the 7th jab on you. In a fast moving situation, truth (data), common sense and educated intiution and inference is all we got.
Well there kind of is, but the ONS GB lied about the number of unvaccinated people in each age group by ca. _factor_ 2 (as in denominator, they made it smaller by 2x) to "bend reality" to the liking of the cabal. And prevent the truth of superior nK / innate trained immunity to become wide-spread. As this would end the pandemic. And that of all-cause mortality sky-rocketing for the jabbed.
Follow it and download the source data from ONS.
Then we have to discuss the correction factor on numbers of unvaccinated in each age group ;)
There was also Data released till May 2022, where I do not know if they lied, and in my view it already showed that vaccinated were suffering from ADE-D as of May, so Omicron BA.4 and following... So depending if you believe Omicron evolved or was thawed you have 1yr or 3mths of "adopting" by up-selcection of variants to bring ADE-D over a group of people being "uniformly" contaminated by B-cell based antibodies, I more and more perceive as the true vulnerability. (Up-select, not evolve, as all variants possible, at least in waves, are existing in parallel. So no surprise it is so fast. The true evolution has to be analyzed as "evolutionary capacity", and is the real thing to monitor.)
No B-cell based antibodies: Could be a short formulation of CoV therapy goal, to avoid the necessity to produce them, (I combine COMUSAV CIO2 in ca. 1mg/kg/day on 1L water, split in 10 dosings on empty stomach, which is 1/3 of NOAEL dosing and some parts of FLCCC I can buy over-the counter, and 4 plant based axis: kitchen herbs or annual mugwort or birch tree bark, all containing amentoflavone, boosted by moringa leaf powder, and add other principles of operation, found cistus rose (rock rose), and walnut leafs, all ground and eating 10-15g/d in sum bound in eg yoghurt or water with grapefruit seed extract (solved in glycerine, prebiotic, good plant oil based, which is enhancing resorption perhaps by 3-5x, measure it, if you can)).
To compensate the risk of having high titers of spike (wuhan) antibodies like me (50k), while having NONE after 3 days CoV with some fever on nucleocapsid, showing the effect of antigenic sin live and in color (printout from lab;).
End pandemic:
A) give "litte cold" a chance, but protect vulnerable
B) on nasty symptoms, cry STOP to all your contacts, shall treat as if having the flu.
B: if you decide a badass variant hit you (flu-like symptoms, bringing you down). This is subjective and works only in average. But it works.
One can discuss that we have to correct by age and nK status. Children sometimes run happily around having a real flu-like illness.
Peru did it. India did this with early treatment packages. But tested too much.
(See how again a "measure" like mass testing PREVENTS herd immunity and endemic state? If you catch away all variants regardless of virulence, you postpone up-selection of harmless variants, thus postpone endemic state. For 3 years now. "No measures" would let people run on intuition, and they'd adopt behavior by reports from friends of friends, wich is 10k people, and this is millions of years old. All ethical interventions must emulate or fortify these old strategies of all mammals living social: the severely ill retreat, and upon coming back, shed broken pathogens the family or herd can train their innate antibodies from. Driving pathogens to endemic state.
Similarly the "hygiene rules" PREVENT endemic state and sterilizing immunity, as the beautiful thought of hygiene is covered by lies:
- Droplets infect, mainly, not aerosols, which rather train without infecting up to a certain point.
- Droplets fly 3m AND hover 40sec while slowly sinking down, whirring and whirling and drifting with the air, and SEEKING slits in masks to face line, as the pressure drop is Lowest there. ONE droplet carries the infectious dose. 10k's of droplets are emitted by sneezing, coughing AND NOSE BLOWING.
- Masks in theory work. But only there. Chased them so long.
- Masks prevent 99% of aerosol "training", but could not show in real life with good statistics they protect at all.
- Masks +70% on severe cases:
If I catch my own viruses in the inner layer(s) of the mask, if I'm infected, and they get re-aerosolised and deeply inhaled into alveoli, solid statistics tell +70% probability of severe cause when wearing a mask. Perhaps this is ameliorated if being able to wear a mask of water-repellent fibre fleece so densely blown it captures dried aerosols (0.1µm) without the need of a water film surrounding the fibre or electrostatic principles (which is how PE masks work)
- NO MENTIONING of topically inactivating viruses by gargling (1/5ths start in saliva glans, 4/5ths in throat ring, 1% elsewhere, for smokers more (distributed) due to cilial filaments paralysis). Especially all inorganic antiseptics are helpful there, as they diffuse into the dead cells and inactivate viral load while still captured in the cell walls. Doing RESET on incubation period.
- NO MENTIONING of possibility to inhale (yes, even inorganic antiseptics. All have a therapeutic band. We use 800ppm NaHCIO produced electrolytically. Shall be Cl2 free.
- NO MENTIONING you can measure mucosal health status by just breathing to a pm2.5 fine dust / air quality sensor: 1 day _before_ infectiousness, yes for CoV, we accidentally measured the base level had risen by factor 7 ca., to 35µg/m³.
- NO MENTIONING of 2-charged metal ions Mg++ Ca++ (stone or Dead Sea salt or add Ca2Cl) preventing aerosol emission for 6hrs.
- FEAR PORN heavily reduces nK, as does the PEG2k.
- Lockdowns heavily reduce nK and rise spread in families and institutions (the more people are out in free air, the better it would be). And burn our wealth.
As in waves ALL variants exist in parallel, it just depends on our immunity AND our behavior, which can also compensate deficits in immunity.
Everyone has VAIDS!
"These shots ALSO work by inducing the body to produce spike protein without even being exposed to SARS-CoV-2." That seems to be the main thing that the shots do - cause people to make spike protein on a continual basis. But from a recent podcast by Dr. Ryan Cole, I understood that the spike protein turns on a gene that causes cancer and also turns off a gene that regulates the immune system. Most of the damage we know about thus far seems to come from the spike protein. Agree it is very "effective" at what it was designed to do, and what it was designed to do is not at all what they said it would do.
I'm going to have to investigate that further. I don't know whether to be grateful or disturbed by the fact that this horror show happens to be about one of my absolute favorite subjects (molecular biology with a focus on genetics).
Concentrate on epigenetic reprogramming, as this is what the PEG2k medical DEVICE is doing.
I did only find hints that re-regulating epigenetic setup is the true art in medicine, and found only TCM energy-build-up cure, Ayurveda Karma cure and many energetic healing approaches like shamanic, Russian information therapy, Hawaiian, etc.. healing system mostly working only for people socialized in them, or open minded enough to adopt the cultural aspect before expecting healing.
The hits on epigenetic mess the mRNA jabs do NOT by the mRNA (was shown with "dummy" load insides PEG2k bubble!):
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs - PubMed Reprograms ..
Pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP inhibits adaptive immune responses and alters innate immune fitness in an inheritable fashion | bioRxiv reprograms innate:
The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses | medRxiv
discussed here
I have to walk this one through to determine of we can deduce any therapeutic approach:
Targeting epigenetic modifiers to reprogramme macrophages in non-resolving inflammation-driven atherosclerosis | European Heart Journal Open | Oxford Academic
You have it one: https://cmnnews.org/
IMHO, repeated/cumulative damage to bodily systems, be it by vax or infection, is a potential culprit, given that most people are not being treated with known therapeutics and supplements.
The study showing DNA changes to the liver. Would it become a perpetual spike giver? Breaching the brain blood barrier with the nanoparticles passing through. Would not Brain cells become spike protein manufacturer too?
The different doses with different amounts, could wave the line. But the testing is deficient we still find. This paper seems more for narrative. No hard evidence for the dire imparrative. Still can't get over the millimeter radiation exposure. 5G is the elephant seemingly given closure.
The brain cells do. see Burkhardt, Cole, and Bhakti, as talked of in this conversation. Not heard more on the in vitro liver cell conversions as yet...
Bhakti warnned of these possibilies now seems a longtime ago. The migration seemed a given using nano.
Liver- Swedish Lund University, gene producing protien 1-line. They saw migration to liver within 6 hrs time. I appologize the period after "liver" above should have been a comma, I wasn't sure. Because I did understand this study inconclusive & called for more. Curious if you knew. But this 5G needs attention too. With the heavy rollout it does coincide. With same damages & same time. Barry Trower has that brain power. If your interested in millimeter wave towers. Decades of studies are in on this tech. I never see it mentioned or any check. My local area tells me wants their built it's national security. Curiously my emails been wrecked since I FOIA-ed the safety. Going on 22 days. Trouble let me count the ways. And nothing yet on cellular water meter....
Thank you for the response Peter !!
Dr McCullough reported a coroborative study a while back, on the liver cell story.
The whole concept of the mRNA vax is that we will make the spike protein, and then our bodies will learn to make antibodies against spike protein. However, the common belief among average citizens was that the you would only make a little spike protein, and the vax would stay at the injection site. However, it immediately travels to every organ in the body, which was not publicized in advance. The Japanese regulators said they had to see distribution studies in order to consider using the mRNA vaccines, so distribution studies were done in mice. This showed that the vaccine travels everywhere in the body, and it particularly concentrates in the ovaries and testes - the greatest concentreation is in the overies and testes. But, it's also in the bone marrow, in the spleen, etc. - every part of the body. Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former VP at Pfizer, who left them on good terms, who has 30_ years experience with vaccines and with respiratory viruses etc., was warning people about the vax in advance of rollout, as he thought proper research had not been done, After the distribution study was done, he tried to make people aware of it, and also Dr. Byram Bridle was another who publicized this research. From their reports, I didn't pay attention enough to what they said about the brain, I was more worried about it destroying women's fertility - destroying their ability to ever get pregnant, if it was causing inflammation in the ovaries - but then I heard Dr. Sam Sigoloff who I think in this one was being interviewed for an Epoch Times video - Dr. Sigoloff is a military whistleblower, a physician, who pointed out that the lipid nanoparticles were patented by Moderna in 2017 for the stated purpose of getting stuff into the brain - a drug delivery system. And I'm thinking, why do they especially want to get this vax into the brain? The brain is not the place where we make antibodies. But the lipid nanoparticles were designed as a drug delivery system to get stuff into the brain, and put in the vax for some purpose. Why? Well, I had seen past research, maybe from 2015 showing that lipid nanoparticles do help drugs to get inside the cells throughout the body - but as far as the brain, Dr. Sigoloff reported that it has been found that CRSPER (gene editing tool) is also in the vax - so you can get stuff into the brain and then do gene editing in the brain? For what purpose? "We don't know." But as far as how long people keep making the spike protein, what I have been hearing is that ;whenever they check, two weeks later, a month, two months later - whenever they check, people are still making mRNA, and they make a LOT of it. I saw today a report on someone making it 4 months later. Normally mRNA gets broken down and disappears after use, but the uracil from the mRNA strands was replaced with pseudouridine for the vax, which is much more enduring, more long lasting, so it will just keep going and you can make a ton of the spike protein because the mRNA in the vax was seemingly made to hang around forever - they should be checking to see is it there at 1 year? 2 years? But they guys with all the money don't want to do any research that would make their product look bad - they do not want to know. Sigoloff has videos on rumble. His you-tube videos were taken down, and I am not sure about all of it being on rumble. But I am pretty sure the first one I saw was about a 20 min. video on Epoch Times which was very interesting. He said lipid nanoparticles were never approved for veterinary use and never approved for human use either but here everyone who got the shot got some in their bodies.
Thank you! I missed Dr. Bridle but It’s beyond insane. I’ve had to a deep dive into virology to find the “theory” brain. Fortunate to find Dr. Cowan & Andrew Kaufman tearing it down. The grift of bioweapons tech & vaccine with its military gown. Vaccines from the beginning are an immune damaging proposition. But that is what I’ve found so far on my imposition.
Some things you may want to see because you mentioned the brain. “Analysis of inter body network components” nice name. Bill Gates patent for “digital id crypto”. Goes well with “ATT intra body transmission & reception” patents to hook us up the new tower we all know. “Harald Kautz-Vella” Frequency transmission & reception of atomic photon light. “Barry Trower” military frequency weapons expert out of sight. “Mark Steele” being attacked wiki bio conspiracy theorist. Which is funny he is weapons inventor & expert just dismissed. Mark is getting towers taken down in UK. He knows the tech inside making led light standards, & the towers weapons system in play. It is an information war as per usual a lot to sift through. My conclusions reserved open but I see an attempt at depopulation & total control to be true. Bio war & complete commerce redo.
With the geoengineering, amount on nano aluminum in foods, rain, soil, & now snow. We are the IOT internet of things hive mind to grow. AI may have been released. The implications to me are quite a beast. But this is why the confidence of crime is so high. Frequency already can inflict effects of choice to apply. If it has been done by an enemy first. This is catch up but I doubt that is the thirst. "Bell labs photons etc" & "DARPA hydrogel" is basically the nano lipid particles. "Graphene oxide & hydroxide" seek articles. I’m still burrowing in but it’s none good news for we the owners here. But you see the distractions. Meantime every minute further reactions. "Harald Kautz-vella" claims 70% hooked up but the control is limited due to spirit. The nano breaks that bond & I’m seeking it's merit. It also figures B. Gates plays into this scheme. Mining crypto internally with behavior whatever the rules may be.
I saw Dr. Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Judy Mikovits, Sigaloff among others thank God they were there! I’ve sucked up a bit too much to be offhand name aware. Once I prepared a massive case I was burnt & dove into law. Few attorneys will cross the line of this power play. So, going alone is where I’m standing today. Iron clad case like the Brunson denial. The SCOTUS who in dereliction avoided trial. But it’s not quite over yet. From what I hear their appeal is set. If its denied again all federal balances but military code of justice have failed. The Attorney Generals of the states ship hasn’t sailed. But they have a twenty four page claim plus files I sent. So, if you pray or send vibes, please, heavy like cement. Your info much appreciated keep the assent. Hope it will be seen & read post haste. We are losing this battle & no time to waste. Keep pumping the information. Sorry I couldn’t supply more right now but a small foundation. Got to hit the sack. Hope we get back!
that said by pr Bakhdi if I remember
And spike stay and some produce many or no
Not sure if you're familiar with the work of The Ethical Skeptic on Twitter, but he's got charts galore that seem to say the excess deaths are heart, blood and cancer related. FWIW.
I am on the fence with Ethical Skeptic. He seems smart but doesn't explain himself well (compared to EL Gato Malo for example). Also people have asked him to share his data but he complains that it would take too much time and he couldn't get on with more important stuff, however surely many people working on the same data would provide far more insights.
Here's some data - have you seen it?
Have the same sense but thought I was the only one. He often speaks in riddles which I assumed was to escape the twitter ban-hammer. However, now that it has been lifted he has not changed.
There really is no good reason to avoid speaking clearly (like Igor does). Playing games and forcing people to figure out what you really mean is not only annoying to the reader, but bound to cause misunderstandings. It is however, an effective way to avoid hard claims that can later be disproven.
Have you ever heard an interview with Dr. Judy Miskovits? It's kind of the same thing. She is very immersed in her world, and has a hard time dumbing it down. In fact, most of what she says in any interview can go over the normal person's head.
Perhaps it's the same thing for TES. He just can't figure out a way to dumb things down for the rest of us. Maybe he just doesn't have that skill to take it down four steps.
That being said... TES does not necessarily seem wrong.
Alex Berenson speaks clearly, but his conclusions are often easy to shoot down. Ethical Skeptic is too complicated to understand, so you can't necessarily do that. Took me ages to work out what the pull forward effect is - he talks about that a lot.
planly speaking is not dumbing things down; quite the opposite. :)
Interesting comment re: Ethical Skeptic. I'm not a data/math/chart person, and have, at times, had a hard time understanding his charts. I just get the gist of them, aka "deaths going up." I thought it was just me.
Perhaps there is a reason we don't know that he's keeping his data vague. IDK.
So far.
Wait a little longer for the prion diseases.
I'd agree with this idea, that the excess deaths are full of the fall-out of a compromised immune system, damaged by mRNA vaccines, along with measurable damage to the heart and other organs just like Sucharit Bhakdi said would happen.
Multi organ, including brain tissue, damage confirmed by Arne Burkhardt.... with injection spike protein distinguished from viral spike. Viral spike allegedly rarely getting past the mucosal membrane.
And unlike Burkhardt's investigations, your daily friendly coroners in the UK left to deal with all this mess do not have the tools and circumstances to investigate whether Spike and other immune cells have torn up various tissues in the body. As mentioned in Igor's article, this leads to default, vague, socially acceptable descriptions describing death due to heart-related issue: this is the easiest default to write on the form, which cleanly ties things up for administrative processes and gives 'closure' to the family without having to cart their loved one off to the steel table and start cutting them up to dig around – normally preferable to all parties concerned. Even if a detailed autopsy were done, to detect Spike you need to order specialized markers from biotech labs. This isn't in the back pocket of normal practitioners. So when we see these heart-related causes of death, don't take that label too seriously.
Hi Bird! I found the following intriguing...
Tyler Hagen on Twitter:
Angie says the spike was still in her body 603 days post vaccination with no incidence of Covid. I hope she is able to share the data, and it would be even better if there are no nucleocapsid antibodies present. That would really put a nail in the coffin on these injections.
Quote TweetReact19@React19org· 13hAccording to the @CDCgov, the mRNA from the vaccine is broken down and discarded from the body within a few days.
Angie's test results showed the spike protein was still present and wreaking havoc in her body 603 days after her vaccine and she never had COVID.
And this is a fun number to consider, because in lab experiments it takes 6 hours for Spike to cause cells to melt together into a Syncytia blob, and about 24 hours before those cells start to die. When you consider that heart cells, brain cells, ovaries and eggs, progenitor cells that are supposed to build our new supply of blood -- all these things are targeted by Spike. 603 days (and counting) is longer than 6 hours.
This makes me really wonder if anyone is testing for spike protein in those reporting to having been affected by vax shedding but no known case of contracting covid....like me.
I have an upcoming checkup with the VA but don't know if they do that kind of testing.
Just wondering what test is used to show she never had it? Does the vax create a different antibody than that of the 'novel' corona? One thing this seems to have brought out is how little is understood about our immune system.
My good doctor friend says the same thing about autopsies - you need specialised tests, thus limited data which suits the perps. https://cmnnews.org/
True enough.
Congo red is not expensive, though, and that will at least document whether amyloid is present.
Nice idea.
This is why they are repeatedly asking about people's mental health! Doctors, at work in corporations, I even seen an advert on the back of a bus ! They know it will affect the brain...and they're taking count....
In my small town in South Wales I am seeing a lot of behavioural changes in people. The best way to describe it is simply 'people acting odd'. It is hard to put a label on it. However, I am also noticing increasing anger outbursts, above normal, in males. It reminds me of early dementia signs.
I wonder whether people have internal inflammation from the spike with a massive battle going on inside of them. If you have any inflammation due to wheat or sugar or pollen it plays havoc with you physically, with a resulting knock-on effect mentally. I do think spike is doing this to people.
Watch this video. Be prepared to be shocked and possibly depressed. Yes your observations are correct. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEp62UaWXB0x/
When I quit eating wheat anxiety and joint pain went down. It probably explained my eating disorder (a mental illness) when I was in my 20’s also. I didn’t figure out the wheat thing until my 60’s. I don’t get gastrointestinal problems from the wheat and the gluten, I get joint pain and anxiety. Unvaxxed.
I think the clot shots are the cause of the massive increase in "unruly passengers" on airplanes and actual duels resulting from road rage in the US. There was one uncomfortably close to me here in Kansas, USA a few months ago where the two participants killed each other. Another one "featured" a girl in each car getting shot. We haven't had road rage like THAT before.
Cue the zombie apocalypse everyone knew was coming! 😯
As time goes by evidence will emerge but we will need to rely of anecdotal reports, thus Substack will be crucial for information dissemination as the MSM will block it.
Not noticed by me in Blaenavon
Uh oh. Read comments here about Mad Cow/Prion fears:
Liver damage => anger outbursts; to be expected due to the poison death shot biodistribution. So much for internal inflammation.
My family comes from Kidwelly.
The lipid nanoparticles are very relevant to this, without them the spike wouldn't get so far beyond the circulatory system. However, the spike can burst through anyway , when the immune system attacks cells in the vessel linings producing spike.. Then there is homogenicity to other proteins, and ..... I'm expecting waves of death for the rest of the century.
Yes unfortunately...this was the eugenecists plan...sadly they may have been right in estimating / wanting 90% of the population to die eventually....then who is left? The pure blood unvaxed to be enslaved into their smart cities...and maybe permitted to breed stronger slaves so they won't need to spend so much on medical care.
But we must look at it optimistically and fight them however we can- opposing all their tricks, non compliance, information sharing, natural harmless medical treatments for whatever they throw at us. Coming together in communities - but where in the world could it grow large enough to not infiltrate? Brazilian escaped slaves fought the Portuguese off for over a century...maybe we need to all come together in one place so we are strong enough?
Cationic nanoparticles
Fun times
Especially in the light of the IgG4 findings. It could be that the double, triple etc vaxxed are having a hard time clearing any covid strain, or even ANY respiratory virus strain. The nightmare scenario would be where they get infected, have a bit of symptoms, nothing severe, but the virus spreads unhindered (because IgG4 tags it as 'safe') deep into their lungs and other organs where it does damage over time.
Your comment gets to the core of Geert's prediction. One one hand we have the immune system "tolerating" strains with non neutralizing antibodies attached to them, on the other we have the strains mutating to a point where they will overcome those antibodies eventually. In Geert's videos he often uses the term "exhaustion" to describe the immune system's constant attempt to deal with viral material that it can't clear from the body due to non neutralizing antibodies. We might see that playing a larger role as pathogens gain an advantage, simply because the opposing army is too tired to put up a fight.
Not quite, imho. He talked of a strain being *more* lethal (using an argument I could not understand) rather than your explanation of the host being unable to clear a sublethal strain.
Was coming to the comments to say the same thing. IgG4 response in the vaxxed could conceivably cause immune system to ignore covid infection, which would cause mild or possibly no symptoms while the virus replicates unchecked eventually leading to death.
Igor are you watching the work of Walter Chesnut? Substack.
Yes, I am watching his work indeed
What do you make of his stuff? I did follow him but he comes across as a bit over the top.
I would just say that some of his ideas need additional confirmation before I can accept them.
Loves a bit of drama, me thinks.
THIS IS MY BIGGEST FINDING YET!!! starts to wear off after about the twentieth post.
Way to go Igor Chudov! I think Walter is consistently on the cutting edge.
Check Walter out. He seems to have it all figure it out if everyone else I’ve been following.
Kevin McCairn and Charles Rixey have a lot to offer the debate too.
He's on Twitter as well.
1. I don't understand most of what he says, outside of "oh, this sounds super bad"
2. He doesn't differentiate between spike proteins from COVID and spike proteins from the vaxx, which generally makes me super anxious since I did have COVID in '20
So... non-med people be forewarned: Chesnut is NOT for the faint of heart.
There is only a small (and nonsignificant) difference between SARS-CoV2 spike and vax spike.
But take heart. You are not corrupted with mRNA programming you to keep making spike. Your immune system has cleared the spike you had in 2020. (And if you're concerned, take nattokinase or something similar to block spike.)
That's what I figured.... and thank you for the reassurances. I've also taken Vitamin I, and regularly take NAC. So whatever was there is gone.
You've said exactly what my husband has said. :)
And let's not forget those who may have avoided the virus but were unable to avoid having a response or sickened by shedding from the vaxxed. That seems even harder to determine what is, or might, remain long term.
That's a few other things I've tried taking for my leg with no yearly for about two months easy successively. Nattokinase, serepterase, the one from earthworms...uhh lumbrokinase. Oh and grapeseed.
I had natural covid too in May or April 2022 so maybe delta or omicron. I was pretty sick for three days straight. so I worry about this also. My body has not quite felt the same. My leg keeps swelling if i do no wear compression socks now and I have varicose veins in my thirties?? I'm otherwise fit and healthy. Not overweight. I've tried herbal teas like pine tea, NAC, querctin, zinc, high doses of vitamin c, d and k2, and more recently tried clo2. 😅 also, I took ivermectin while infected and taken it sometimes since for a week or so at a time at 12mg/day. I'm going to maybe try dmso and clo2 together next and a prolonged seven day water only fast. Hoping that partially heals my leg somehow.
For clarification, completely unvaccinated.
Take serrapeptase capsules to clear any vascular scarring (take in between meals).
Also horsechestnut is a tonic for the veins, will reduce swelling and is anti-inflammatory. Take capsules (enteric if possible because it can cause reflux) or tincture.
Signed A Herbalist.
I have serrapeptase and just take one tablet a week (1 dose of AZ vax more than 2 years ago, 1 mild covid infection last year). I'm thinking more of my daughters who succumbed to the "vax passport" propaganda and got 2/3 mRNA shots each despite me desperately trying to stop them. Would they benefit from serrapeptase to help clear spike? Would Nattokinase be more effective? Help please x
Don't worry shibumi, if you have made it this far then that tells me your immune system has mastered Covid - nothing to worry about. My wife an I both had Covid in January 2020 (when they didn't know what it was). My wife was very sick for a month, I was less affected with just a bad cough for a month.
My wife is South African and had never been north in her life until we moved back to UK in 2009 to retire. So she had limited exposure to flu which I have been exposed to for much of my life but have never actually had it. Our good doctor friend in Brisbane recommended daily vitamin D & C and zinc (with green tea - an ionophore and anti viral combo) to boost our immune systems.
We have had not even a sniffle since. The Geeks think they know how to manage our magical immune system - they know nothing - this is the province of a power greater than us. Take an entertaining short trip around our amazing immune system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIJK3dwCWCw
Just because they have decoded the 3 billion sets of amino acids in our DNA doesn't mean they understand it, let alone messing with it - this is the province of dark forces.
Could you provide a link to his substack?
Yes Igor do
You don’t have to like his style. The fact is, he’s reporting his findings as soon as he can. If you want a jump on the data, he’s the best.
Another effect predicted when the vaccine was first introduced is ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) infection. Non-sterilizing vaccines are known to cause this. This could make subsequent infections worse than the original.
And then those get blamed on reinfections being worse than the first infection, and/or newer variants being worse than the original. Or just blamed on "climate change".
MRNA does lessen the immune system. It was invented for allergies. It works the same way by suppressing immune symptoms so over stimulation/ inflammation doesn’t kill us. .... that’s why they said it helps with lessening symptoms but will not stop the spread.
from what you presented it looks like the amount of mRNA excreted by the population correlates with deaths so its got to be CV19 as the source, some variant of it...
But how would that explain the excess deaths for the unvaxxed who get covid in highly vaxxed countries - Unless spike protein shedding is a real thing? As your research shows, vax status did not matter when it comes to 'catching' covid and excess deaths.
Maybe it has something to do with immune systems which overproduce certain killer cells or spike proteins - one of the reasons I rejected getting the shots. some of us have immune systems that attack our bodies. (It's thought that much of this problem and big increases in things like asthma, eczema, and other autoimmune overreactions come from exposure to toxins and pollutants in our food, water, air, etc) What do you think?
The inconsistencies in data collection and publication between health authorities has made these numbers difficult to trust. "With" covid vs "From" covid, and then where I live, there is no longer an "unvaccinated" category as this has been replaced with "not fully vaccinated". This new way of categorizing people's status is quite the disservice in my opinion, and makes the "not fully vaccinated" group appear inflated due to the multiple qualifiers that would put someone in it. It's completely possible that the unvaxxed are also experiencing excess deaths, but I'm not sure how to qualify that or determine if the rate exceeds a trend prior to 2020.
Thanks for the response, Dan. I'm uneasy about so much of this that I am reading and watching in videos. My immune system attacks itself. There are a lot of us with these types of autoimmune overblown responses; ie things like Lupus. Even before the plandemic, these autoimmune inflammation responses, most likely from toxins everywhere, were on a dramatic rise. But maybe, after watching Vaxxed 2 - it all came from all these vaccines. Who knows? I just know that after to listening to an Australian immunologist that John Campbell had interviewed, it made me glad I had chosen not to believe the hype or take the jabs because he was describing people like me who have this problem.
Spike protein shedding from the quadruple- vaxxed or boosted... I believe it is a real thing. I have never stopped mixing with people, including the vaxxed - but carefully - and outdoors mostly - but life has to go on and Life is for living. For awhile I did nothing social with them in closed quarters; only mixed in the store or the post office with them. Now I am attending quilt group again. they are all vaxxed. I sit in a far corner, masked (and knowing it does me no good but they are all afraid of unjabbed me, except for a few who treat me like i am not typhoid mary.
I'm nervous; maybe I shouldn't have let my guard down and risked my health like this. I am supposed to attend a quilting camp and most if not ALL of the quilters are vaxxed - a former requirement to attend camp -until this year. I'm thinking of cancelling, much as i would love to see those ladies.
The thought of this and its implications is just too sad to contemplate. First, the vaxxed themselves, believing the hype, rejected all of us unvaxxed and blamed us for the spread while they are the ones who partied together and gave each other covid. Now that we are officially "accepted" back into parts of society (still not work, though!!!!) it seems we may be taken out with spike protein shedding; was that part of the Plan to use these people to also transfect us? I am deeply disturbed and depressed over this. Every death I hear of now, I suspect the jabs and whatever bioweapon has been put into them.
Also, what you said about their mixing partly vaxxed with unvaxxed makes me think the very worst; that this is part of their plan to transfect the unvaxxed with the mRNA. Those with strong and balanced immune systems may be able to fight it off. Those with overreactive immune systems may not. And we still get every bug that comes along anyway. When i avoided them for two years I was the healthiest I had ever been; not one cold. But I was a dumb one who wore the mask out in public. As soon as I took that off I got every OTHER thing. I believe I had covid in early 2020 when I was in bed with exhaustion for a month and a half. Thanks for listening and for responding to my query, which was meant for Igor but I guess he didn't see it. It is good to read intelligent comments from people trying to know the truth.
I just found out that a friend with cancer got a booster and now it’s super aggressive and he is in for the battle of his life. I cant even tell him or his wife that they have to stop the boosters, because they will think I’m crazy. It’s so upsetting. I just cannot wrap my head around the doctors advising them to get it while they are battling cancer!
So cancer will also need to be factored into this, those who unknowingly have cancer or pre-cancerous cells could be converting it to something terminal. Brian Mowrey wrote about Liquid Cancer and Ethical Skeptic is tracking all sorts of cancer increases too.
It's called Turbo Cancer. Used to be they caught cancer at stage 1. Now cancer appears at stage 4 and you die very quickly.
Three members of my family have died of turbo cancer since the vaccination begun.
Sorry God , seriously 🙏 for your losses
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Sorry to hear that. Two members of my family have contracted cancer after being vaccinated. Both are doing ok after treatment. Can't be sure it is related to the vax, but both were 50 years old and in prior good health.
My 51 year old daughter was diagnosed with Stage 2 invasive breast cancer quite a few months after her 3rd Pfizer. Tried to talk her out of booster to no avail. Has had surgery in December and now facing weeks of radiotherapy. This type of cancer has been so far unheard of in our family. So don't know if vax related but I'm very suspicious.
I hope she makes a full recovery. Thanks for sharing your story.
I hope that both of your family members make a full recovery.
Thanks. So far, so good.
Good Lord! 💔 So sorry