Sitemap - 2024 - Igor’s Newsletter

Joe Biden Considers Pardoning Dr. Fauci for COVID-related Crimes

Trump Picks Covid Vaccine Supporter, Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, To Become US Surgeon General

"Harris for President" Requires COVID Vaccination

Google's Election Interference?

A Brave German Soldier Imprisoned in 2024 for Refusing Covid Vaccinations

A Huge Financial Bet Against Donald Trump's Company Was Made Before the Assassination Attempt

Trump Questioned Vaccines on June 7th; Assassination Attempt Came Five Weeks Later

Authoritarian Personalities, Politics, and Family Discord

Leader of Slovakia Shot After Demanding Investigation Into COVID Vaccines

Drunken Student Stole Madonna Statue's Head, Later Killed 6 Million People with a Deadly Virus He Designed

Pandemic Officials are "Disappointed in Themselves", per the New York Times

Whites Twice as Likely to Die of COVID in California Than Non-Whites

Religious Faith Can Be "Turned Off" by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Scientists Find

Monkeypox Boosters Discussed as Vaccine Antibodies Drop to Zero In Just a Year

"Excessive Free Speech" Threatens Our Democracy, The Globe and Mail Explains

Another "Conspiracy Theory" is Now "Good for You"

Excess Mortality Still Correlated With COVID Vaccination Rate - Dec 2023 data

Is Obesity a New Phenomenon?

Trump Makes a Statement on COVID Vaccines, Brags About Nine Month Approval Time

White Rural Voters, Supreme Court, Humor and Elections Threaten Our Democracy!

Can Population Declines Be Beneficial?

Chicago Sues Big Oil for Climate Change As Its Weather has been Nice and Unremarkable for Years

Failings of the Young Generations, Documented Since the 4th Century B.C.

First-trimester COVID Vaccination is 28% More Dangerous than Third-trimester, Another Study Shows

I am traveling - open thread

COVID Vaccines Are Most Dangerous in the First Trimester of Pregnancy, Study Suggests

"Family Abolition" and the COVID Pandemic

2023 Excess Mortality Positively Associated With COVID Vaccination Rates

Male Infants and Male Rat Pups Disproportionally Affected by mRNA COVID Vaccines Given to Pregnant Mothers

mRNA Technology Is the Culprit Behind Faulty Immune Response That Prolonged the Pandemic, IgG4 Study Shows

Freedom is a 'Threat to Our Democracy'

COVID Vaccines Cause Autism in Lab Rats, Study Finds

UK Covid Vaccine Investigation 'Unexpectedly' Postponed

Did COVID Vaccine Advocates Commit Plagiarism?

mRNA Covid Vaccines Worsen Diabetes, Study Finds

Plagiarist Harvard President Resigns. Her Scientific Wrongdoing Was Fine Until a Month Ago

Happy New Year! How Did Past Year's Predictions Work Out?